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africangirlhot · 4 years ago
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Chatroom with honey girls - Find girlfriends dating online
Source : womendateroom.co
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marriagemyth · 4 years ago
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gryphhic · 2 years ago
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Tumblr Post by user ‘missmentelle’
“Health insurance is a mental health issue. I can't help a client who can't afford to see me.
Housing is a mental health issue. I can't use therapy to help a client whose depression and anxiety come directly from sleeping in the streets.
Food insecurity is a mental health issue. I can't help a client who isn't taking their medication because their pills say "take with food" and they have nothing to eat.
Healthcare is a mental health issue. I can't help a client whose "depression" is actually a thyroid condition they can't afford to get treated.
Wages are a mental health issue. I can't help a client whose anxiety comes from the fact that they are one missed shift away from not being able to make rent.
Child care is a mental health issue. I can't help a client who works 80 hours per week to afford daycare, and doesn't have the time or energy left to come see me.
Drug policing is a mental health issue. I can't help a client who ended up in prison because they got caught self-medicating with illegal substances.
Police brutality is a mental health issue. I can't help a client whose 'anxiety' is a very real and justified fear of ending up as a hashtag.
If you're going to make a stand for improving mental health, you have to understand that addressing mental health goes way beyond hiring more therapists and talking about mental health on social media. If we're really serious about tackling this mental health problem as a country, it means rolling up our sleeves and taking down the barriers that prevent people from getting the help they need - even if those people are different than us, lead different lives, and make choices we don't agree with.
We aren't "fixing" mental health unless we're fixing it for everybody.”
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lily-orchard-gossip-blog · 3 years ago
missmentelle's "What abusers believe" post is rather uncanny in how many of the points fit Lily.
It's actually frighteningly close to how Lily behaves.
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weltenwellen · 5 years ago
for the earlier anon - many mentally ill people go on to become amazing psychologists. marsha linehan, who created DBT, herself has BPD. on tumblr there's people like missmentelle and star-anise who practice social work/psychology while being mentally ill. there's a dearth of mentally ill psychologists that causes a lot of ableism in the field like the kind anon faced, and their perspective would be valuable in the field
thank you for being so kind to add that :)
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missmentelle · 4 years ago
Let’s talk about something called the “sunk cost fallacy”.
Say that you’ve bought a concert ticket for $50 for a band that you don’t know that well. Half an hour into the show, you realize that you don’t actually enjoy the music and you aren’t having a good time - instead of leaving the concert to go do something else, however, you sit through the remaining hours of the concert because you don’t want to “waste” the cost of the ticket. 
Congratulations, you’ve just fallen victim to the sunk cost fallacy.
The “sunk cost fallacy” is something that all humans are prone to when we make decisions. Simply put, it’s the human tendency to consider past costs when we make choices, even when those costs are no longer relevant. When you’re deciding whether or not to stay at that concert you aren’t enjoying, you will likely consider the cost of the ticket when you’re making your decision - for instance, you’d probably be a lot more willing to leave a $5 concert that you aren’t enjoying than a $50 concert that you aren’t enjoying. But taking the cost of the ticket into account at all is a mistake. 
When you’re making a rational decision, the only thing that matters is the future. Time, effort and money that you’re spent up until that point no longer matter - it doesn’t make sense to consider them, because no matter what you decide, you can’t actually get them back. They are “sunk” costs. If you decide to stay at that concert, you are out $50 and you’ll have a mediocre evening. If you decide to go leave and do something more fun, you are out $50 and you'll have a better evening. No matter what you choose, you have lost $50 - but choosing to leave the concert means that you haven’t also spent an evening doing something you don’t like.
The sunk cost fallacy is sometimes also described as “throwing good money after bad” - people will waste additional time, resources and effort simply to justify the fact that they’ve already wasted time, resources and effort, even if it leaves them worse off overall. 
Common examples of sunk cost fallacy in everyday life include:
refusing to get rid of clothes that don’t fit or that you never wear because they were expensive
going to an event that you no longer want to go to because you already bought the ticket 
spending more and more money on repairing a car or computer (or something else that depreciates in value over time) instead of buying a new one because you don’t want to waste the money you put into earlier repairs
continuing to watch a movie or TV show you aren’t enjoying anymore because you’ve already watched part of it 
finishing a plate of food that you’re not enjoying or are too full to enjoy, because you don’t want to waste it
refusing to get rid of unused, unwanted or broken items in your home because the items were expensive
Perhaps the most damaging example of sunk cost fallacy in everyday life, however, is relationships. 
People often use the length of a relationship to justify staying in it. You’ve probably heard this logic - you may even have used it yourself: “I can’t break up with him or the two years we spent together will be for nothing.”
“If I leave her, it will mean I wasted the five years I spent with her.”
The reality, though, is that staying in a mediocre relationship doesn’t “give you back” the time you’ve already invested in that relationship. It just makes the relationship longer. If you stay in a bad relationship for five more years to avoid “wasting” the first two, you haven’t actually made those first two years worthwhile - you’ve simply spent seven years of your life in a bad relationship. There’s nothing we can do to recover time and effort (and in most cases, money) that we’ve already spent. But we can forgive ourselves, and we can stop letting our past mistakes continue to define our futures. 
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africangirlhot · 4 years ago
Tips on Enjoying Successful Dating Experience Online
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Have you decided to date online? If yes, then you can effortlessly find out lots of dating websites as well as dating apps to go with. Whether you are going to sign up for a dating site or download a dating app, you would always like to meet a real woman or man.
Have you decided to date online? If yes, then you can effortlessly find out lots of dating websites as well as dating apps to go with. Since there are lots of dating platforms like coffee meets bagel review available online, you will surely love dating online. However, it is true that the internet has made dating easy and fast, but still, you need to be very conscious while sharing your details online with someone you meet. There could be fake profiles on various dating sites, thus, it is suggested to keep a few points in mind while dating online. Let’s check out stated below trending online dating tips that can help you enjoy a successful dating experience online.
What Exactly You Want Out of Online Dating?
Whether it is about choosing a service or product, you will always like to choose the right one that can blend with your specific requirements. The same rule can also be applied when it comes to dating on the internet. You aren’t supposed to choose a dating platform online that may not help you meet desired women or men. Instead, you would always like to visit at a dating portal that can help you browse through profiles of desired types of girls or women online for dating.
Keeping your specific requirements in mind can help you make your dating experience an unforgettable moment of your life. For instance, if you want to date with a Slavic girl, you need to sign up for a dating site like coffee meets bagel review that can help you exploring profiles of Slavic women online for dating. So, it can be concluded that if you want to make online dating journey a great experience of your life, you need to first evaluate your dating requirements. Without knowing your dating requirements and budget, you may not be able to make the right dating decision.
How to Recognize Fake Profiles on Dating Sites or Dating Apps
Whether you are going to sign up for a dating site or download a dating app, you would always like to meet a real woman or man. You aren’t supposed to date with a fake profile. But the problem is that most of the dating sites come incorporated with endless fake or flashy profiles of women. Obviously, you will never like to date a man hiding with fake details of a girl. Instead, you would like to visit at a dating app or dating site that can help you exploring profiles of real women online for dating. For this, you need to learn how to recognize fake profiles of women on dating sites.
There could be various ways to recognize a fake profile of a girl on a dating website, but the most important point is to choose the right dating site. For instance, if you go with a free flashy dating site for dating online, you aren’t supposed to find out genuine profiles of real women online for dating. Thus, you are suggested to first choose the right dating website such as Victoria secrets. Choosing the right dating site like coffee meets bagel review can help you unveiling a big collection of profiles of real women for dating on the internet.
Know the Importance of Completing Profiles on a Dating Site or Dating App
It is often seen that most of the individuals don’t take profiles on dating sites seriously. Thus, the profile incomplete information about their profiles. If you are also among those individuals, you need to stop practicing it. Instead, you should accept the fact that an incomplete profile on a dating site simply smells a fraud. Obviously, you will never like to make your profile looks flashy or fake. Thus, you are suggested to provide complete information about your profile online.
Apart from that providing complete details about your personality can help potential women send you request. If you don’t provide adequate information on your dating profile, you aren’t supposed to receive a positive response from women or men. Thus, if you are leaving your profile incomplete on dating websites or dating apps, you need to change this habit. You should start filling the required information on your dating profile.
Behave Decently
However, it is true that most of the individuals whether men or women sign up for a dating site to enjoy casual meet up or hook up, but it doesn’t mean that you should forget decency. You aren’t supposed to send vulgar messages to anyone on the dating site. Instead, you should be very polite while sending interests to your female counterparts. It is usually observed that most of the men simply get out of control. They start behaving on dating sites as though they are on an escort website. Obviously, this tendency should be changed if you want to enjoy trending online dating successfully.
Since women have to face such a situation usually, the bumble dating app has come with a unique feature that enables only women to send interest. This way, women can easily protect their profile from unwanted men. It is certainly a great feature that helps women prohibiting unwanted messages. So, if you want to make your dating journey an outstanding experience, you need to be very decent while sending interest to women for dating online.
Keep Trying  
It is a fact that most of the individuals simply leave dating sites because they don’t grab the desired success. Obviously, you aren’t going to find out a date instantly. Thus, you need to keep trying when it comes to dating online. However, there are various dating websites like coffee meets bagel review or dating apps that can help you browse through genuine profiles of women, but still, you may not be able to end up with a right date. Thus, you should keep trying for dating. You should not leave the job in midway.
When you keep trying to learn how to date online, you will soon be able to understand the language of dating online. Obviously, online dating is the difference from offline dating. On the internet, people can’t see each other before a perfect match. ThusBusiness Management Articles, it is your way of sending messages or profile information that can attract potential daters towards it.
Other Dating Tips
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marriagemyth · 4 years ago
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theartidote · 7 years ago
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How to Tell Your Friend That You Need a Break From Supporting Them: • "When I worked at a mental health crisis centre, I couldn’t believe how many people came to us, not because of their own problems, but because they were so lost in a friend’s pain that they couldn’t take it anymore. I saw a lot of people who were so worn down from helping someone else that they couldn’t sleep, eat, socialize or focus at work or school. They were consumed with guilt every time they put down their phones, went to sleep, or dared to enjoy themselves and have a good time. All because they had no idea how to set boundaries. • Helping your friends through a tough situation is a wonderful and noble thing to do, but it only works if you’re mentally in a place to do so. If you’re dealing with issues or mental illness of your own, you’re not always capable of being someone else’s shoulder to cry on 24/7. And that’s okay. Sometimes, you have to put yourself first. You can’t help someone else if you’re a mess yourself. You can’t save a drowning person with a sinking ship. • Telling a friend that you’re overwhelmed and you need a break is one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to do. Honesty is the best policy - don’t go radio silent on them, or avoid answering their messages. Be honest about how you’re feeling, and what you need from them. If you’re stuck on what to say and how to start the conversation, here are a few suggestions. Feel free to copy them exactly: • 'It’s really hard for me to admit this, but I’ve been feeling like I’m on the verge of a breakdown lately. I love you and I care about you, but I need to take some time to take care of myself for a while. I’m really concerned about you, but I honestly don’t know how to deal with this and I’m worried I’ll say the wrong thing. I really think that you should talk to a professional about this. • This is hard for me to admit, but I have a lot going on in my life right now, and it’s getting to be too much for me. Would it be okay if we talked about lighter stuff for the next little while?... “ -missmentelle / artwork by James Chia Han Lee ••• Instagram has limits - for the full version of this text visit facebook.com/theartidot
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yournewapartment · 6 years ago
Any adult/advice blogs you would recommend following or who you follow?
I am def gonna forget somebody but my recs for Adulting/advice blogs are:
Other blogs that aren’t “adulting” or strictly advice related, but I find myself reblogging them on the regular:
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transienturl · 5 years ago
I can’t reblog this whole tag without getting unfollowed but like
these are all unreal and I totally would
also more art here https://lizardshuffle.tumblr.com/
if I had to show people 5 blogs to demonstrate the quality of original content available on tumblr dot com, I think I’d have to pick iguanamouth, charminglyantiquated, prokopetz, missmentelle... maybe stutterhug, lewisandquark, mikedawwwson? I can’t cut that down to 5, why did I pick 5 anyways
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askjennie · 8 years ago
Are there any other good Tumblr advice blogs you would recommend? Not that I don't like your advice. Sometimes a different outlook is just nice to consider.
Sure, here are a few that I’ve noticed:
If anyone else knows of other blogs that give good advice, feel free to add them to the list!
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africangirlhot · 4 years ago
All About Teen Dating
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Dating becomes very popular activity among teens. Dating is begun as a simply class room interaction or an introduction by friends. Teen dating is of course for friendship, which may develop into romance and love. Teen dating sites provide good matchmaking on Internet. Read on some aspects of online teen dating in this articl.
Dating is a worldwide activity among teen, though much much more popular in developed countries as changing lifestyle have reduced parental assistance in searching of a life partner or soul mate. Dating referred to as adult dating is for discovering relationship for love and romance and the eventually marriage. Recently with the coming of online dating sites, dating has become a tool for seeking sex partners by singles and couples as well as gay, lesbian bisexual. Here relationship may not be given much weight but a casual sex encounter is what adult are looking for with a sex partner.
Teen dating is of course for friendship, which may develop into love and romance and may culminate into marriage depending upon the extant of relationship. Teen dating is the first experience that a male has of female and vice a versa. It is much talked about affair as the first interaction is exciting and at times nerve wrecking.
The thrill of being alone in a company of opposite sex is not very hard to imagine even for singles who have been bereft of such exciting circumstances. The age at which teens start dating is not fixed but usually it is more popular among teens aged fifteen years and over.
Free dating among teen is initiated as a simply class room interaction or an introduction by friends, relatives or parents. Teens go to online dating service for finding mates as well. Hence, you have teen dating option in matchmaking services on Internet. Some teens look for sexual partners as well but then it is legal only if you are at or above the specified age for sexual encounter, which is usually eighteen years in most countries. Such teens are referred to as hot teens or hot teen in dating terminology.
Dating among teens is a meeting of innocent minds and body as designed by human biology. Here sex takes a backseat as it is not welcomed in human society until a person is adult or mature, which is logical and correct.
The first interaction, usually in a restaurant or a movie hall is a very nervous affair for both the boy and the girl especially if they are shy. Bold teens usually get of straight away. Any way it is an exciting for both the boy and girl to be in each other’s company and if the relationship gels then affection develops which may lead to a long-term friendship among the two. At such level of immaturity, it is better to keep sexual indulgence out of the dating sphere. It is here where parental guidance is required.
Teens discuss lot of things that affect them and treat is associated with it where in it is the boy who spends as per custom. It also leads to exploring the environment they live in and learning about life as whole. Holding hands, a light kiss, a gentle pat or even little bit of petting is okay. The most important is the thrill of sharing and the feeling of possessiveness, which in turn leads to maturity among the young individuals.    
Although teen dating is an introduction to the eventual goal of finding a life partner or a soul mate or even a friend, this does not usually happen. The reason is at such tender age and immaturity, handling relationship could be difficult and the boy or girl may not be very clear of one’s like and dislike. Nonetheless, it is a learning process and if the experience is satisfying it is rewarding for both of them.  
The split is fast and often, among dating teens due the reasons specified above. Nevertheless, the process is never ending and the outcome is a good friend or a promising life partner. Whatever the case may be, the meeting of mind and body is a biological phenomena guided by reproductive instinct which manifests from sexual urge. HenceFind Article, later when maturity is attained sex is welcome and not a taboo as most conservative minds project it as so.  
Join the biggest dating site in the world
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wakewithgiggli · 6 years ago
You could try asking @missmentelle​, who gives great answers.
Looking for an answer from someone in the mental health field.
Is it normal to not be able to remember specifics of emotional abuse and toxic behavior?
Like, I know that when I was a teenager, I cried almost every night because I was miserable, and I know my mother and I had screaming fights on a weekly basis, but I literally do not remember specifics of what we were fighting about, or why, except in a general sense, I was so upset. I'm just like "....I didn't want to go to school, I guess? Mom didn't like my boyfriend?" And I know that what I was upset about was super legit because I had verification from both my boyfriend and several other adults that it was a bad situation indeed, and it was some heinous shit I was being put through. But I literally cannot remember specifics, and I'm having a hard time with that fact now.
I wish I could remember, I really do. It feels like I was making it up or overreacting or something.
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marriagemyth · 4 years ago
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yournewapartment · 6 years ago
Download YNA the Podcast
Your New Apartment the podcast is available on all of your favorite streaming platforms. For those of you old school cats who would prefer a downloadable version, simply click the link to download! 
“She Likes Music!”: Mac and her friend Neato discuss farms, the cinematic masterpiece Big Fish, and plants.
“College, Pompeii, and Self-Advocacy“: Mac and Jennifer from @collegecoward discuss College, Pompeii, and Self-Advocacy. 
“Jessica Presents: Domestic Violence“: Mac speaks with special guest Jessica, a court advocate for Grace Smith House in Poughkeepsie, NY. Grace Smith House is a non-for-profit domestic violence agency. Trigger warning: On this episode we discuss heavy subjects such as domestic violence, abuse, sexual assault, and suicide. 
“Centralia, Burgers, and Poetry“: Mac and Nova from Positively-Lgbtq discuss Centralia, burgers, and poetry. 
“LGBTQA+ Part 2″:  Mac, from @ukesonfire​, Yo-Tran and Nova from @positively-lgbtq discuss LGBTQA+ related topics. This is part two of a two part episode. If you haven't heard part one, start there!
“Success, Spicy Nacho Doritos, and Snails“: Mac and Gabi from @howtomusicmajor discuss success, spicy nacho doritos, and snails. A curse word is said twice at around 11:45. 
“LGBTQA+ Part 1″: Mac, @mimi-eats-carbs, Hawklady from @ukesonfire​, Yo-Tran and @positively-lgbtq discuss LGBTQA+ related topics. This is part one of a two part episode.
“Miss Mentelle Presents: Mental Health“: Mac and @missmentelle discuss all things mental health. Trigger warning for suicide, depression, and anxiety.
“Hawklady Presents: Relationships“: Mac and Hawklady from @ukesonfire discuss relationships, snails, and myths about romance.
“Snow, Rotel, and Riverdale“:  Mac and Maddie from @adulttalk discuss snow, Rotel canned tomatoes, and the television show Riverdale. Trigger warning for suicide, depression, and drug addiction.
“LDR, Sexist Tortoises, and Second-Hand Dish Sets”: Mac focuses on sex and relationship-related questions, rambles on about animals, and discusses setting up PO Boxes.
“Glow Up, Bliss, and Marie Kondo“: Mac and Azrielle from @creatingbliss discuss the art of "glow-up", bliss, and Marie Kondo.
“Glo-Up 2019 - Part 2“: Mac talks with Annalee from @herhighnessthequeen and Marya from @growup-gloup. The ladies discuss zodiac signs, crocs, and bowel movements. This part 2 of a 2 part episode.
“Crawfish, Life Hacks, and the National Treasure Soundtrack“: Mac and Star from @anticolonialvibes discuss crawfish, life hacks, and the National Treasure Soundtrack.
“Glo-Up 2019 - Part 1″: Mac talks with Annalee from @herhighnessthequeen, Azrielle from @creatingbliss, and Marya @growup-gloup The ladies discuss their spirit animals and their experiences being Tumblr bloggers. This part 1 of a 2 part episode.
“Macaroni and Cheese, Budgies, and the Law of Attraction“: Mac and Marya from @growup-gloup discuss their undying love of macaroni and cheese, budgies, and the Law of Attraction.
“Mason, Time Management, and Banyan Trees“: Mac discusses her cats, time management, and has an entirely conservation-based news segment. 
“Mr. Cocoron Presents: Government Assistance“: Mr. Cocoron schools Mac on all things government assistance.
“Andy Samberg, Messy Roommates, and Spices”: Mac discusses why her feelings for Andy Samberg in no way affect her relationship with Uncle Bob, deals with messy roommates, and offers simple cooking advice.
“Relationships, Positivity, and Accident-Prone Koalas“:  Mac and @herhighnessthequeen discuss relationships, positivity, and one very accident-prone koala. 
“Food Hacks, Social Anxiety, and Dad Bods“: Mac discusses food hacks, social anxiety, and gets excited for the new Dad Bods and Dogs 2019 calendar.
“Living Alone, Plant Care, and Betsy the Rogue Rodeo Cow”: Mac and @mimi-eats-carbs discuss living alone, plant care, and Betsy the Rogue Rodeo Cow.
“Episode 1“: Your New Apartment host Mac does an interview, answers asks regarding finding employment, and discusses saving money. The audio quality is not fabulous! 
“Intro”: Your New Apartment host Mac explains the blog, the podcast, her name, and what the concept of "adulting" is. The audio quality is not fabulous! 
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Become a patron for $5 or $10 today, and you’ll get 2 YNA podcast stickers as part of a promotion I’m running! 
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$5/month gets you access to two long form blog posts on Patreon about Adulting-related subjects. These posts will be super in-depth and will be ONLY available on Patreon! You will also get access to vote about what the content of these blog posts will be, as well as all previous benefits.
$10/month gets you access to two special YNA podcast episodes that can be found only on the Patreon. These episodes can be anything from unreleased bonus content from episodes where I hosted a guest, free form episodes that are not advice-based, and episodes that are too risque to release to the general public. $10/month gets you access to all previous benefits!
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