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animeboyswhump · 1 year ago
Buddy Daddies - E10
Kurusu Kazuki
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bunnies-and-blues · 5 months ago
Hi~ your post on study session headcanons was so relatable for me, because I’m preparing for exams right now! Wish Kogure-sempai could keep me company while I revise… Sigh
Would you do headcanons for Mitsui, Rukawa, Kogure, and how they’d make up with their s/o after an fight?
Thank you so much! Keep up the good work!
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─꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱─ slam dunk : kiss & make up ☆
⸝⸝ tl;dr : fights are always the worst thing to have with your partner. work features mitsui, rukawa, kogure, and you !
⸝⸝ note : not really hurt/comfort, but more so just the comfort after talking it out with the sd boys ! and thank u sm, peach, wishing you the best on exams ! (even though its vv late) =DD
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you don't even remember what you fought about . was it a conflict on schedules ? were you being too clingy ? or lack thereof ? whatever it was, it felt awful .
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mitsui hisashi . . .
look, i love the guy, but he's not the best at communication
chances are, he'll be giving you the cold shoulder for a couple of days, even though his heart yearns for your presence and his eyes automatically search for your name whenever his phone lights up with a notification
i feel like he'd be a bit prideful, not replying for hours on end and giving you terse replies whenever you speak — like i said, awful communication skills !!
secretly though, he'd be asking his friends for advice — kogure, specifically. and to some extent akagi as well; he knows that both of them are level-headed enough to hear both yours and his side of the story.
eventually, he breaks ; he misses being around you : (
mitsui stops you just as you were about to leave the room. it was late afternoon, the sun's rays slanting through the classroom windows. dust motes swirl lazily in the light as mitsui steps towards you once, twice, three times, until eventually you two are facing each other. his eyes are downcast, his feet shuffling on the worn wooden floors. "look, i - uh -" he starts, and he curses. why the hell can't he talk ? even when you're not doing anything, you can still render him speechless. he stops, takes a deep breath, starts again. "i just wanted to say that i'm sorry, for you know, not answering your messages and not calling you back. ignoring you. i - i have no excuse for that; and i'm not proud of it, either. but i just wanna say that, whatever we fought about, we- we can talk it out, if you're okay with that. i wanna make this right. i don't like being in fights with you, and it feels weird, not talking to you. and the thing is, i-" he sighs again, his gaze finally coming up to meet yours. his words come out in a whisper, his statement meant for you and you only. "- i missed you."
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kogure kiminobu . . .
easily the best communicator out of the three !!
he's the type of person that strives to end any miscommunication before it could even begin, so fights and arguments with him are infrequent, if not completely rare
the only scenario i can see wherein you'd get in a fight with him is about how maybe you're working too hard -- studying from the time you get home to the early hours of morning with no breaks in-between
kogure hates seeing you suffer, so often times he tries to offer advice, even if you don't want or need it
eitherway, an argument would happen ; maybe some hurtful words were thrown around, words that neither of you meant
regardless of who instigated, kogure would always be the one to first make amends
all around you, the world goes on -- students chatting excitedly over lunch, footsteps echoing all across the campus, birds and cars and people all just trying to move forward. but in this corner of the school, the one with the flowering cherry tree behind the cafeteria, the world only consisted of you and him. you fidget with the water bottle in your hands, the condensation making your palms wet. the sweltering noontime heat makes you dizzy. (or was it from your lack of sleep?) you raise your handkerchief to swipe at your sweat, but kogure beats you to it -- gently, he dabs his at your forehead, then your cheeks, then your neck. his hands are cool despite the heat. "i'm sorry for what i said the other day," he says as he cools you down. "i ... i just don't want to see you having a hard time. i know that your deadlines were near and you have so much to do but i just really don't like seeing you so ... tired. you haven't been talking much lately and i haven't seen you smile all week so i - i just --" "kiminobu." you cut him off, leaning your cheek into his palm. kogure's heart pounds in his chest ; you say his name so sweetly, so softly. "it's okay." "are you sure?" he stammers, leaning forward to caress your face better. "it's just that i know i said some things that i shouldn't have said and it's --" "kiminobu," you repeat again, your tone firm but gentle at the same time. you rest the weight of your head on his palms (along with the weight you've been feeling all week) and you smile at him. "it's okay." kogure stares at you for a moment, then he smiles back, his eyes crinkling and a laugh spilling from his lips. "okay," he repeats, nodding his head. "okay." he laughs, and it feels like he's weightless, floating on cloud nine.
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rukawa kaede . . .
not much to say for rukawa tbh
but in all seriousness, the aftermath of your fights with rukawa would be silent and cold. much like mitsui, he tends to prioritize his pride and sore heart over actually making amends with you.
but that doesn't mean he doesn't care !
more often than not, he ends up with his fingers hovering over his phone's keyboard, trying desperately to think of a way to apologize to you, before sighing and just turning his phone off
he plays basketball to let off the steam, and also to occupy his mind from the lack of your presence : (
the sounds of rukawa's basketball hitting the floor echoes throughout the empty gym, mixing in with the sounds of cicadas chirping in the trees. moths gather under lamplights, their wings silvery in the night. bam-bam-bam goes the ball, before his pace stuttersto a halt. he wipes the sweat off his forehead and checks the time -- 7 pm. that's enough practice for one day. the cold night air greets him as he walks out the gym. as he swings his leg over his bike, he sees a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye. "you're still here," he states, deadpan. he still hasn't figured out how to apologize to you, and his stiffness shows in his voice. "yeah," you reply, clutching your bag tighter. you had been in the library with your classmates up until that point, working hard to finish a group project before tomorrow's deadline. silence between the two of you. you walk on, and so does he, the click-click-click of his bike wheels the only sound disrupting the quiet turmoil of each other's thoughts. the two of you exit the school campus, and for a moment you both falter on the concrete sidewalk, shoes scuffling the grit underfoot. "i'll- i'll go this way, then," you mutter. what the hell, he hates this! everything feels so ... stilted. before rukawa could reply, you turn on your heel and start walking in the direction of the train station. you barely manage three steps before rukawa cycles by, blocking you with his bike. he takes your bag and puts it in the front basket. pats the passenger seat of his bike with a determined gaze. "i'll take you home," he says. his voice is softer now. there wasn't much else to do except to sit on the backseat of his bike and let him pedal you home, the night air causing goosebumps to erupt on your skin. "wrap your arms around me," rukawa instructs. the wind carries his words, lifts it to your ear. you swear his breath hitches just the tinest bit when you do what he says, adding in a small nuzzle to his side for good measure. "i'm sorry," you whisper after a while, voice half-muffled by the fabric of his coat. your fingers toy with the zipper of his jacket. rukawa is silent for a bit, then he takes one hand off the handlebar and puts it atop yours. he intertwines your fingers with his, squeezing. his pulse vaguely thumps through his skin, sending beats vibrating through your palm. "i'm sorry, too."
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please-read-the-manga · 2 months ago
Head's up: this post is me looking way too deeply into this random card game they introduced in Boruto (it's been forever since I've caught up with it and I'm starting from the beginning, RIP my sanity) and in general there's a bit of serious and a lot of silly going on in the analysis here... I find this concept so strange lmao so this is a little forewarning that's all.
Sorry, just been busy thinking about how dystopian it is that by the Boruto timeline there is a popular ninja trading card game all the kids are obsessed with that treats shinobi (many of whom were abused, traumatized child soldiers who have experienced incomprehensible trauma) as fun little collectibles.
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For our world that's one thing (referring to the merchandizing we see of the manga/show itself); Naruto is obviously a story, it's a highly marketable IP, etc... but the implications of this being acceptable and even celebrated in their world is just so wild to me.
Also, it raises so many questions.
Do ninja get paid for the use of their likeness? How are they compensated?
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Like did Hinata pose for this 'unique' card that obviously falls outside of the norm for collectability purposes? Or are the likenesses/names of the shinobi in the 'Extreme Ninja Scrolls' (ENS) TCG being used without permission? Who profits from this? The Daimyo? Jiraiya and Minato are also shown having cards... so who approved those since they're both deceased? Is there a Namikaze estate (for example) that had to legally allow Minato's image to be profited off of?
They even have cards of the OGs as 12-year-old genin. So is the Konoha government approving these since everyone pictured here was as an employee of the state and these appear to be regulation photos?
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And you know what? We KNOW they didn't have this shit in the OG era because, back in the day, the whole team was impressed as hell at Kabuto's legendary ninja info cards! Who could forget these bad boys?
Now I guess we have to ask, though, is this not a massive security risk?
To have your nation's shinobi and their backgrounds, techniques, etc. shared so freely on cards you can pick up at any ninja 7/Eleven?
Anyone can purchase one of these card packs. We know it's not exclusive to Konoha too - while most of the cards have the Leaf Village symbol stamped in the corner, Orochimaru's represents the Sound Village.
Actually, hol' up. Orochimaru's inclusion is WILD.
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"The legendary three ninja" (ie. a nod to him being one of the Legendary Sannin), but this man killed hundreds of thousands (we don't even know the totals) in untold unethical science experiments. He enslaved and tortured children, ruined countless lives and imprisoned them in hideouts that seemingly existed everywhere, and he packed up the Third Hokage (ngl that was a hero move).
And you're going to tell me that guy gets his own 'super rare' trading card? There are survivors of Orochimaru's cruelty still walking around in this timeline and they have to look at his face plastered and advertised everywhere as a rare card pull in a children's game?
So, if we can safely assume that (with Orochimaru's inclusion) internationally wanted criminals are not off the table for this game, does that mean the Akatsuki have their own cards as well? Like little kids are really out there trying to see which terrorist they can add to their collection? By Boruto-era, the truth of the Uchiha Clan Massacre is still swept under the rug by state leaders like Kakashi and Naruto (+the Elders), so Itachi's card could be in circulation under his Akatsuki identity. How does this shift/color the views of generations of children who come across all these cards potentially bearing the 'Uchiha' last name, especially since they're only ever taught a white-washed, sanitized, state-approved history?
This is pure speculation, but I wonder who gets left out of this game too. Is there an Obito card? A Madara one? They were the enemy faces of the 'last' great war, but one was also a founder of the Leaf Village (and it's implied all the Hokage all have cards - so historical figures are fair game), the other was a student of Minato's (which could, theoretically be included on the background summary of the card, we don't really know what's included there).
The kids in Boruto joke about Shino's card being viewed as a 'trash' pull (and tbf to the manga I did laugh when I saw the comic they made of that concept)... but really, how disrespectful is that? Imagine devoting your life to practicing shinobi techniques so you can serve/protect the state (as many of them tell themselves) only for little kids to joke about how undervalued and lame your card is? Imagine seeing the card of a beloved comrade you lost in a desperate battle, now being sold for pennies online as 'useless' since no one cares or remembers their name like you do.
Also, Sasuke apparently has a card and I can't for the life of me see him granting approval for his likeness to be used so callously, which lends further credence to my idea that these are either utilized by the state without the permission of their soldiers to add more prestige to the shinobi lifestyle (and potentially net more revenue for the state from children who will grow up to revere these figures/hope to cultivate new ones that will aid their financial interests/goals) or serve as a complete corporate cash-grab designed by some trashy company not even involved in the real business of shinobi but smelling a profit-to-be-made.
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Yeah, idk, I really, really dislike Boruto as a concept and story... but I cannot deny it is giving me so much to think about lol.
How would it feel to suffer both physically and emotionally your entire life as you serve as a weapon of the state, just for kids to now argue over your card's value (or lack thereof)? How would it feel to see a shinobi who slew your partner or child in battle during one of the ninja wars (Minato, Jiraiya, Kakashi - they've all got blood from different villages on their hands) now lauded as these ultimate, pure heroes that kids everywhere can and should idolize?
Imagine Madara being handed a holographic card of Izuna and learning that it is valued low for whatever arbitrary reason? Or Kurenai seeing kids trade Asuma's card away for a better one? Does the game gloss over figures like Fugaku, a victim of state-sanctioned genocide, or Rin, a child soldier who died a child? Like these are real people (in-universe), with real and painful stories.
Side note: That's why I think the Zabuza arc is so critical to Naruto because it disrupts the initial 'fun' of this world (one that from the outside boasts cool magic powers and talking animals) and reminds the reader that these are children who are taught and expected to kill or be killed.
The shinobi included in this game have been indoctrinated to build their prestige off of being 'good' little contract killers, violent war-machines, and empty vessels that can line the pockets of feudal investors... and now they're being commodified again and sold to children as aspirational figures.
Something, something... late-stage capitalism Konoha and the further commodification of child soldiers/truly using and viewing shinobi as monetized tools in not just the previously understood sense of arbiters of state violence, but as literal objects of entertainment for children in a way that promotes the status quo of glorifying war-mongering and violent espionage all to support the business interests of corrupt feudal lords?
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I have nothing to add here, this panel was just from the same chapters and the absurdity of it made me laugh so I wanted to include it lol. WTF is this?
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mechahero · 8 months ago
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//messing around with this again
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melodraca · 17 days ago
It's Tu BiShvat!
Since today is all about trees (although I'm... kind of late to post this), allow me to ramble for a few minutes about some of my favourites!
Arbutus menziesii
(Other names include qaanlhp (Hul’q’umi’num), dis-tā'-tsi or kou-wät′-chu (Konkow), ḰEḰEIȽĆ (SENĆOŦEN), arbutus, madrone, madrona, and bearberry.)
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Arbutus menziesii is a broadleaf evergreen tree native to the Pacific northwest. It's distinctive for it's flaky reddish bark, which peels away in thin strips as the tree matures to reveal a smooth greenish layer beneath. Arbutus menziesii is also an invaluable nesting site for many birds, and its berries provide food for a variety of bird and mammal species!
Thuja plicata
(Other names include xhpey'ulhp (Hul’q’umi’num), western red-cedar, giant arborvitae, western arborvitae, giant cedar, shinglewood, and the 'tree of life' in Kwakwaka'wakw culture.)
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Thuja plicata is a coniferous evergreen tree native to the Pacific northwest. These trees are long-lived, with lifespans of about 1000 years - and in that time, they can grow upwards of 70 metres (230 ft) tall, and 7 metres (23 ft) in diameter. The Cheewhat Giant specifically, located in Pacific Rim National Park Reserve, is one of the largest known trees in the world!
Tsuga heterophylla
(Other names include western hemlock, and western hemlock-spruce. Note: I couldn't find literally any Indigenous language names for these trees, but if anyone knows any (for any of these trees, for that matter) I'd be more than happy to hear them!)
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Tsuga heterophylla is a confierous evergreen tree native across the Pacific northwest between California and Alaska (they're not all going to be from the PNW I promise, I just live here). It's one of the most common species in the region, distinguished by it's scaly bark and it's droopy lead shoot. Tsuga heterophylla can notably live for over 1200 years! I love these guys so much.
Ginkgo biloba
(Other names include ginkgo or gingko, yínguǒ or bái guǒ (Mandarin), Ngan-gwo or yínxìng (Cantonese), ichou or ginnan (Japanese), eunhaeng (Korean), and maidenhair.)
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Easily one of the most unique trees on this list, Ginkgo biloba is a gymnosperm tree native to East Asia. Fossils of very similar plants belonging to the same genus have been found dating all the way back to the Mid-Jurassic Ginkgo biloba itself is the last living member of its order. On the topic of longevity, these trees can potentially live for more than 2500 years!
Pinus halepensis
(Other names include Aleppo pine, Jerusalem pine, oran yerushlim (Hebrew), Sanawbar el halab (Arabic), and halepensis pine.)
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Pinus halepensis is a pine native to the Mediterranean region, distinguished by its thin, wispy needles, reddish bark, and narrow cones, which may open and disperse seeds in the event of a forest fire. The species excels at preventing soil erosion, and thrives in dry, hot climates. The tree's resin and pine nuts also have culinary applications, which I'd love to try someday!
Populus tremuloides
(Other names include A’kíítoyi (Nitsitapiisinni), quaking aspen, trembling aspen, American aspen, mountain aspen, golden aspen, trembling poplar, white poplar, and popple.)
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Last, but certainly not least, Populus tremuloides is a deciduous tree with a native range that extends across most of North America, especially throughout Canada, Alaska, and the Great Lakes region. Clonal colonies of these trees are common, each colony essentially being its own clone, and thus all a part of the same organism. A colony known as Pando is the oldest and heaviest organism in the world, at a potential maximum age of 12,000 years, and with a mass of 6 million kilograms!
Chag sameach! Feel free to add your own favourite trees onto this post!
(Images sourced from Wikimedia commons)
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remaking my sonas ref sheet rn
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dravidious · 2 months ago
I really do appreciate the idea behind DeArrow but I really wish it had a block button because some of these people should not be writing titles. Like,
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Is it really that bad to phrase a title as a question?
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Putting more details in the title doesn't actually improve it
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Jesus fucking christ your hyper-descriptive title doesn't even FIT!!
#original#dearrow#not sure which is worse#when the title is perfectly fine but some dickwad is like “hmm but i would prefer to phrase it like this instead”#or when the title DOES need replacing but some dickwad decides it needs to be a whole fucking paragraph that doesn't even fit#these people think videos should be titled like scientific papers#my philosophy is that 1) there needs to be something actually wrong with the title (important info missing or misleading title)#2) the original title should be maintained as much as is reasonable (the “author likes math” example actually did a good job of this)#and 3) limited maximum length (“author likes math” example did a HORRIBLE job of this)#related: that dickwad that keeps setting the thumbnail on gamechamp's vg myths videos#they keep setting it to a screenshot of “Mission Complete” which shows you absolutely nothing about what the actual video will look like#it's like all they care about is the end result of the challenge#also the classic “this title must NOT be phrased as a question!!”#like fuck off it's fine#they even take “VG Myths” out of the titles like dude wtf? what's wrong with a series having a title?#thinking about turning off user-submitted titles because these idiots can't behave#this extension is supposed to fix unclear/misleading titles not for you to personally adjust every title to your preferences#phrasing a title as a question does not count as clickbait#and personality isn't clickbait either! sometimes these people just decide to suck the soul out of a perfectly fine title#no emotion no personality no cleverness it must be a bland description of the events of the video#events which we could have ALREADY INFERRED FROM THE ORIGINAL TITLE#some titles withhold information to get you to click#some titles are substanceless emotion or jokes that tell you nothing#some titles are actively misleading#THOSE are the titles that DeArrow is for#“this guy didn't tell me how many throws it took him to beat pikmin 1” is not withholding information#you know exactly what the video is about
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collarful-clover · 11 months ago
whag if you draw gakupo in pjsk units,, like outfits for him or card redraws over kaito or something i jus think thatd be neat, fellow gakupo enjoyer -🦇
I actually do !!! They’re incredibly dusty and I really need to draw them again but I designed them about 2 years ago, I used them a lot for tiktok videos on my second account (back when I was active. Rip)
In fact, the little guy I posted a while ago from a wip is his Niigo variant bc the main drawing was Niigo Kaito :D
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I have fully fleshed lore and interactions and what roles he plays in each sekai. For example in MMJ he’s a newbie idol just like Minori and is thrilled to be there no matter what is happening, he’s MMJ’s (and the VS) biggest fan. In Niigo he’s incredibly introverted and spends a lot of his time crying, he desperately wants to get closer with Kaito but since Kaito is so rude it’s hard for him to stay near him. There’s more lore and has individual relationships with the human members but this post would be too long
As for art, there’s a handful of things I’ve posted to here of him in his sekai outfits! I’ll link some below. There’s more if you go through my art tag ofc
WxS GakuKai L/n GakuKai + doodles WxS, VBS and more VBS GakuKai wearing the same outfit
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transannabeth · 3 months ago
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my preview for this year's edition of @windowtoworlds!! it's always such an honor and joy to help run this project, and it's totally free! so make sure to check out everyone's amazing ocs when it comes out on december 15th~
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riddlerosehearts · 1 year ago
the emperor's new groove and the little mermaid being some of the only walt disney animation studios films released in the last 35 years to never get an art/making of book, even though fucking chicken little has one, is going to be my villain origin story tbh
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noirapocalypto · 1 year ago
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byanyan · 1 year ago
okayyyyy finally finished up some updates to byan's google site again. it's a lot of minor stuff, as usual — a note about being single ship (which i meant to add like. forever ago now :x), some minor updates to the bio (mostly just updated tattoos and scars i think??), added links to significant headcanons, updated some verse descriptions slightly, fixed up without fully updating the mains page bc some blogs were moved/archived/deleted, andddd... added an npcs page!! which is probably the biggest addition but also still not that significant lmao
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robotslenderman · 1 year ago
Me: not diagnosed with ADHD until 23, knows what it's like to go with no meds and fuck up everything she touches Also me: please dear god can the woman who's on on weekends get diagnosed and get on meds already so she can stop fucking up everything she touches
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tobaiblog · 1 year ago
wow tobai you may want to check out that bloody shirt and the blood on the floor
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primordialchoice · 1 year ago
Gonna be working on icons for the rest the night!
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neverendingford · 2 years ago
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