#missing cat esque post lol
nope2733 · 19 days
Noooooo I can't believe I've done this to myself 😭😭😭😭 too tired for this. Murdermumrrrmrm
I am following SOMEONE
Who has rain world ocs nicknamed "the angst gang"
And they r REALLY COOL
But I forgot who they are 😔
If you find the angst gang or are the owners of the angst gang pleeeease tell me!!!!!!!!!
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tragedy-peanut-gallery · 10 months
My cats as fire and blood dragons because I want to use my platform to talk about my cats
Tiger: Vermithor. Old ass man, very lazy but aggressive when he plays. He’s kinda the most social of our cats, but because of that he’s unfortunately the favourite of every mildly sexist family member that comes to visit, which is very Vermithorcoded to me. Sorry Tiger :(
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Archie: Sunfyre. Pretty boy, a bully to other cats but kinda pathetic and scared around anything slightly bigger than him. Has probably significantly impacted the mouse and bird population for the worse but gets away with it because he’s pretty and blonde-ish and is very Sunfyre-esque for that
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Beau: Drogon. Look, I would say he’s the Cannibal if he were an all black cat, but he’s a tuxie and that I think gives more ‘spoiled angry baby’ to his overall personality. He’s mean, he hisses and growls a lot but he’s nice and protective of me specifically and I would trust him enough to bring in a haunted house that’s trying to eat me, so he’s gets Drogoncore <3
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Rocky: Sheepstealer. I know- I know the fur colour kinda throws it off but trust me. This man used to be a stray that was so afraid of being around people, but when we gave him treats he immediately started acting like an affectionate housecat. He’s the smallest and skinniest of the boys, he’s a little scraggly but he’s a loyal lil guy and he reminds me sosososo much of Sheepstealer so yah :)
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Nala: Meleys. She was a bad bitch and absolutely knew it. She was super agile and fierce, and kinda liked women and girls more than men. Wasn’t afraid to put the other cats in their place which is pretty Meleyscoded to me, and honestly she was an overall badass. She’s been dead for a bit, but I wanted to put her in anyways cause she was super cool and I love and miss her sosososososo much
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This isn’t a definitive ranking by any means, seeing as I am just making this post to talk about my pets lol. My cats aren’t dragons, I was just feeling a lil silly today <3
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bi-lullaby · 2 years
For that meme you just posted: Meredith Grey, #1. Jo Wilson, #15. Jackson Avery, #18. Dean Winchester, #9. Sam Winchester, #4. Have fun!!!
Meredith Grey and #1 - A fun headcanon
- She’s kind of awful with most overly modern technology outside of surgery. Learning how to operate a complicated surgical robot? Doesn’t even need the tech rep to show her. But Zola has to show her how to search on her notes app in her phone at least once a week.
Jo Wilson and #15 - A secret
- She had a big crush on Derek and she hated it because he was married and older and her attending and she was terrified of his wife and he is so not her type but she could not help it.
Jackson Avery and #18 Favorite should have been canon relationship
- Don’t judge me but I always thought they were going to head for at least a fwb situation with Mer and I think that could have been cool? Also him and Callie in a friendship would have been precious.
Dean Winchester and #9 A missing Scene that definitely happened
- Sometime after DSOTM Dean getting hammered and saying something about how he couldn’t put the amulet back on because after heaven it felt more like a leash than a memento.
Sam Winchester and #4 A headcanon to spite canon, specifically
- I mean everything about the finale goes straight into a trash can for me but as far as Sam’s concerned his ending to me looks like: Getting with Eileen not Blurry wife, settling into a Bobby-esque/MoL role that he admittedly loves and is fit for instead of trying the good ol suburbian apple pie picket fence thing he is not cut out for deep down for the tenth time, finding a way to save Dean from that rebar instead of spending the rest of his life with a grief-heavy hole in his chest. And a silly one but I hc that he’s terrified of cats (not clown level but not nothing either lol).
Ty for sending this in, dear! I had fun, indeed! Also loved your choices of questions XD
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100dayproductivity · 11 months
Do you also get frustrated by having to do stuff like eat? Ugh. I was eating breakfast this morning and annoyed with myself for taking so goddamn long to chew. I think the annoyance actually stemmed from the state of my kitchen. The cereal boxes that are normally on top of the fridge were crowded onto the kitchen table by my elbow. The kitchen table itself was shoved a foot or so farther from the fridge than usual, in order to make room for the fridge to get pulled away from the wall. The vacuum cleaner was sitting on the floor in front of the sink and I kept having to step around it while making breakfast. The reason for this disarray was because I finally picked up some of that putty stuff from the hardware store yesterday to patch up the wall behind my fridge. In order to get to the wall, I have to pull out the fridge. In order to pull out the fridge, I had to remove the cereal boxes from the top of the fridge and shove the table out of the way. I also needed to move the carpet from in front of the door that's next to the fridge. Moving the carpet revealed the accumulation of sandy grit underneath the carpet. I swept that up, then vacuumed. But I'll still need the vacuum to clean up behind the fridge once I pull it away from the wall. Hence why it's still sitting in the middle of everyone's way in front of the sink (by "everyone" I mean "me". And I guess the cat.)
So while I'm sitting there eating breakfast, annoyed with the cereal boxes at my elbow and the vacuum cleaner in front of the sink, I was thinking about how annoying it is to start a project and then have to stop to do things like eat and sleep and eat again. And then I started thinking about the other things I have to also do, like respond to work-related messages, get more cat food, oh and I'm almost out of salt and have started a grocery list of pantry items so I'll have to get those too. And then there's dishes to deal with again. And this is why I have a hard time starting "projects". You take stuff apart and move stuff around in order to do the project, but can't get it done all in one go because of all the other stupid stuff you have to stop and do (like eating!!!) Then you're just annoyed with all the stupid stuff because you just want to get the "project" done. But it seems like you'll never get it done because there's always more pressing priorities! 😮‍💨
Also, I think I messed up my anxiety meds schedule yesterday (I think I took two half-pill doses before noon instead of one half-pill in the morning and another in the evening). My next dose is not scheduled until later this afternoon. The anxiety meds are also used to treat depression and OCD. I don't have OCD but I definitely notice more obsessive-like thought patterns when I miss a dose (not obsessive like weird Fatal Attraction-esque stalker behaviour but just like mildly getting stuck in a mental loop about stupid little things. Like chewing.) So the missed dose is probably contributing to my inability to cope with cereal boxes at my elbow and vacuum cleaner in front of the sink.
Sooo... back to my main point: do you also get this way? Lol. I bet a lot of you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Right. Let's get this party started.
First priority is to shower. (See what I mean about stupid little stuff getting in the way of projects? Ugh 😮‍💨)
Then, my to-do list. Here's where we're at:
Pick up polyfill and light bulbs at hardware store. ✓ I finally did this! After that little talk I had with myself yesterday. Patting myself on the back for this small accomplishment 🥇
Look up "best hamstring stretches". ✓ - Proud of myself for following through with this right away! Here's a link to the first site I found that had instructions for exercises to do: https://www.sports-injury-physio.com/post/top-5-stretches-plantar-fasciitis
Wash cat puke off of floor. ✓ Omg, finally got this cleaned up.
Patch up holes in wall behind fridge.
🤬 dishes again 🙄.
Order cat food.
Order groceries.
Homescan. (This requires more explanation but I'll elaborate some other time. Basically it's one of those survey things you can do to earn a little extra cash on the side.)
Fill out mortgage paperwork.
Alternate heat and ice on foot.
Do hamstring stretches.
Roll out knots in leg muscle.
Do Sun Salutation x5
Take inhaler
I actually did all of this yesterday! 🏆 My plantar fasciitis is still flaring up though, so I need to keep at it.
What stupid little daily to-dos are annoying you today??
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cats-of-eden-valley · 3 years
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but yeah this is!! the setting!! the city surrounding the valley is supposed to be in ruins, think post-apocalypse-esque ruination, where the building have long begun to crumble, now hosting greener life trying to reclaim what was once taken from it
In the valley itself is where the valley cats live, while the upper Town is the home of humans, strays, loners, and pets. Humans typically stay out of the valley because there are wild, terrible beasts and mysterious magics, and they do keep the cats as "pets" (they like to be called companions, though, and the relationship between them and humans is a bit more cooperative in nature because they're all just trying to get by)
Valley cats tho stay out of the cities because it's away from the horrible humans and the terrible conditions of the Town, which is lacking in food, clean water, and safe shelter and is just littered with humanmade obstacles and disasters just waiting to happen
It's a bit harder to see, but the river that leads from the base of the (dormant) volcano leads to a waterfall, behind which is the Sacred Holy Place Where Trade, Religious Meetings, and Court all happen and you're not allowed to kill each other.
There are three different prides, with a fourth that's sort of forced its way into the hierarchy. The names are still up in the air, but Sunspring are the stalkers and pursuit hunter who live in the south of the valley and follow the herds back and forth from the plains to the woods depending on the season
Coldbank lives by the river and gets into pissing contests with Sunspring, especially over Black Serpent Rocks who they both believed Hiverne let them have after he mightily killed a nasty giant snake that was eating the cats
Bogden lives more in the north, sometimes hunting in the swamp, sometimes in the pine trees, and if food is tough, even in the Town itself when times are tough and they're willing to risk disease
and then there's the final pride, Windswept, who is really just a small family that broke off from Bogden a couple of generations back and Bogden are still sore about it. They kinda vacillate between hunting on the plains when Sunspring are in the forest (they've got the biggest territory, they won't miss it if they snatch a little bit) and in the open pine forests of Bogden (at least when they aren't being extra pissy about them, which the latest council of matriarchs have been much more chill in recent years)
aaaaand those are the basics? feel free to ask questions or tell me if anything is unclear :P
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authorjoydragon · 3 years
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I’ve seen this floating around so I’m stealing it. (Even though I should be doing like anything else rn.)
How many works do you have on AO3?
41, but that’s across five different fandoms.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
214,041 and I’ve got more on FF but too lazy to try to figure that number out lol
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Fairy Tail, Voltron Legendary Defenders, Miraculous Ladybug, Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra. I’m thinking about writing for My Hero Academia, just haven’t had any good ideas yet. (I have the inklings of a kacchako fic started in my head)
I have written Harry Potter and How to Train Your Dragon fanfic.... I just never posted those and I have no plans to lol.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Interruptions (ATLA) at 486 kudos
Accidental Rendezvous (ATLA) at 463 kudos
The Cat’s Out of the Bag (MLB) at 396 kudos
Happily Ever After? (ATLA) at 291 kudos
Tumblr Requests (ATLA/LOK) at 261 kudos
I think my stuff on FF has more likes but I’m too lazy to look.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Uhh I sometimes do? Sometimes I don’t have anything to say back LOL if someone has a really excited or detailed comment I’m more likely to respond.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oh definitely any of the prompts from Taangst Week. That shit hurted.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I’ll be honest, most of my fics have happy endings bc I’m a sucker for fluff. The one that sticks out to me most is On The Precipice, that whole fic was just the sweetest thing I have ever written.
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Crossovers are really not my thing. I’ve had many people ask me to do crossovers, and I just... don’t want to, I’m sorry. They’re fun to think and talk about but actually writing it would be a lot of work and time. And I’m just not really that into it, ya know? Maybe if I collabed, I would do it. But eh.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Lol, yep. Wish people would keep some thoughts to themselves. It’s v easy to go read something else!
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh yeah, I think I’m mostly known for my smut writing actually. As for the type? Um, sexy and funny is my niche I guess? People have told me it’s hot as hell and I mix in fluff, realism, and comedy really well. I’ll take it lol.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes. It sucks.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think so. I’ve had a few people ask if they can at least, and I told them to credit/link me. I’m not sure if they did but I hope so!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
@gimmezutara and I talked about collabing on a FRIENDS-esque ATLA fic, if we ever get around to it LMAO
And I’m always down to give people ideas and suggestions! 
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
What a hard question wah! Currently I’d say Taang.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oh you mean all of them?
Sksksk uhhh probably the first thing I posted for ATLA. A fic titled Almost Lovers. It’s a lot of conflict and angst and I’m not great at writing those so... Not sure if I’ll ever write it the way I want it written.
What are your writing strengths?
I am great at dialogue and actions. And I think I’m pretty good at making people feel what the characters feel.
What are you writing weaknesses?
Hands down any kind of scene setting/world building. Just not my forte.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
If it’s called for I think it’s fine. I’ve done it before for a bilingual character, and I make sure to translate correctly. (Of course if it’s not, feel free to let me know so I can fix it!) I don’t do complex sentences in hopes it’s not translated wrong.
I’ve read lots of fics with other languages too, and I like it when the author includes the translations at the bottom :)
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Fairy Tail! I miss it sometimes.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Ooooh, tough one. I enjoy my writing, I like to go back and read it myself. I’d say my faves are On The Precipice and Happily Ever After. They’re fluffy and sweet and slow burn. I’m really proud of them!
Tagging: @gimmezutara @thesavagedaughter0627 @evergreenonthehorizon
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shadowdianne · 3 years
Alright, so @delirious-comfort tagged me in something about wips and SHAME. That's what I got. Sure there was something else thrown in there but bottom line: shame! xD She, brilliantly, went for WIPS in the sense of works that have never seen the light and who knows if they ever will -please, I want to know what half of them are about, you evil- Since that's basically impossible on my end of things I'm just gonna go for unfinished stories and call it a day since they are -technically- works in progress
Painted Voices -SQ- Oh boy, 2015. I don't even remember what I wanted to do with this one. It was at the time there were a bunch of stories with either one of them being blind or deaf and I tried to jump into that. I'm ashamed of it and certainly will delete this because I'm sure it sucks and I was an idiot about the whole thing.
The recognizable stranger -SQ- 2015 as well... I remember this one. I have mixed feelings about this but I will simply state that I don't remember what I wanted to do with this one. I was the: What if these two met prior to the events of S1 that existed back in the day.
Words unsaid -SQ- Technically I wouldn't count this as a wip but A03 is marking it as such so I'm going to stick with it xD FixitFic. I used to do a bunch of those with every new episode or so. Eventually, however, I stopped writing them in a single series. I remember having someone telling me that it bothered them that I did it like that and so I started posting them as separate one-shots and I guess I forgot to close the thread of this one.
The missing page -SQ- 2015 againnn, honestly, I don't remember what I wanted to do here. I believe it was about Regina going back into the book or in time and just seeing things from an outside perspective. It was also the time when writing Daniel and Emma as the same person -sometimes Emma having Daniel's soul within her some other times in a more convoluted way- was a thing. So if I remember correctly this was my take to that.
A forgotten promise -SQ- The witcher au before the witcher turned mainstream xD Ah, I'd have loved to finish this one. It required a lot of work and I was in the middle of my uni years and the feedback was... uh. Let's go with uh, so I started to have second thoughts, think it was rubbish and halted it altogether. [For context sake the small amount of ego I DO have tells me to point out I was churning 4 to 7 prompts per day at the same time] I would probably erase it entirely if I tried to do anything with it now so I'll just leave it there.
It feels like magic -SQ- Ohhh, remember when we all did magic realism? I loved that. On this one Regina was transformed into a cat because things and the story revolved around Emma buying her as her familiar. It has 13k posted but I think I wrote like 30k beyond what I ended up posting. Same story: I started to think it was shit; cornered myself into a panic attack and never finished it xD Tag yourself: Dianne doesn't end up their wips edition
Sateen memories -SQ- No fucking clue what that one was about
I'm not afraid of the dark -Princess Rover- It was going to be a rewrite of a bunch of lore back in the Shannara Chronicles all the while shitting on canon and the books but didn't happen.
What you want -SQ- Emma is the Dark One, Hypersexualization of the character. If you have heard me rant loud enough you know I prefer teasing. I got bored.
Nothing is true, everything's permitted.-SQ- The AC au! I also have mixed feelings about this one due to THINGS. It involved lots of studying because I wanted to make an accurate enough portrait of the historical momentum I was writing about. This was in 2017 so whilst I don't remember exactly I know I was working two jobs plus uni so yeah, nah, I didn't have the mind to write more than the prompts I was doing at the time xD
There is no hex or spell I could unlearn with you by my side -SQ- The HP AU. I basically stopped due to -points at JKR- and that it was a series of drabbles so it was linked to the amount of prompts. I remember it was the time Tumblr did an inbox purge, lots like half the prompts, most of them for ever so... it just sits there.
Of magic and prowess -SQ- Steampunk! It was supposed to be the second part of And the cogs are ticking if I'm remembering correctly. Very short and sweet, 5 chapters. I got 11 eleven kudos, 2 comments, about 15 asks stating that they rather wanted me to keep writing prompts than whatever I was doing with this and I said fuck it. Yeah, yeah, the vitriol I have inside is not lost to me.
Tiny nothings -SQ- Same thing as some fics above this one. I started doing lost moments but I ended up migrating it to single oneshots. This one is set in S6 so added to the previous explanation I would also add the: S6 was a pain, one.
Hidden truths -Rizzles- It was a prompt(?) but I was never too sure about my ability to write Maura and my brain shortcircuited.
Deipnon -SQ- Actually this one is co-written. Life happened. Nothing more. -I hope you are doing good Eva, love you lots-
Lost words -SQ- One word prompts. Same story than before really: I wrote them solely on tumblr, someone told me to re-post them on a03, I did, I then got anons telling me that it bothered them, stopped altogether.
The miller's daughter -SQ- Ohhh, I used to love this one. Rewriting of... something I guess xD Enchanted Forest based, total AU but trying to give a Grimm-esque perspective. 2016... who knows what I did xD Again, overworked is the answer.
But I know this night you will come -SQ- Well, actually this one was a trio if I'm remembering correctly... yeah, Regina, Red, Emma. Dunno, is this time to state that I've discovered I'm demi? lol. I'm not sex-repulsed but it bores me to tears writing about it. Give me teasing and I will write a full novella out of it. But sex is *yawn* for me when writing about it.
Ghost of you -SQ- Ohhh Emma!ParanormalInvestigator! I have a bunch of those. There was a mirror, a very angry Queen and far too much worldbuilding to fit into a tiny story. Yeah, I also see that pattern xD
Arcadia -SQ- The only fic I will ever be ashamed that I didn't finish to the point of self-destruction. I actually wrote it, I then lost the files, corrupted, gone, puff. But then I didn't rewrite it and then I felt self-conscious and then... shame.
Beyond -SQ- 2019 Probably one of the last de facto prompts I accepted. I wasn't feeling all that good about my writing. I think I was basically trying to jump start something that had died. I would have loved to finish it. Honestly.
Annnd, that's it! Tagging @rubikanon for this one <3
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sage-nebula · 3 years
Neo: The World Ends With You - Thoughts So Far
I’m on Day 6 of Week 1 and I want to compile my thoughts so far — not in a formal post, but at least all in one place, especially since I feel that jotting down what I think / feel as I go through will help me write my review when I’m done. Spoilers under the cut, obviously — and while it should go without saying, do NOT comment on this post with spoilers from later in the game, so help me. Even if I pose a question that gets answered later on — hell, especially if I do — don’t tell me. I don’t want to know. I will find out in my own time.
With that said . . .
So obviously, I’m really enjoying it so far. You can tell that the writers / devs haven’t lost their touch despite it being thirteen years since the first game was made. You can also tell that a lot of love went into this; this isn’t something they churned out just to make money (if they thought this was a moneymaker we wouldn’t have had to wait 13 freaking years for the sequel), but rather something they really, really wanted to make. Not a total passion project, because those aren’t allowed in the world of capitalism, but there is still a lot of love there. 
That said, more specific thoughts:
THE MUSIC. It doesn’t really come as a surprise given that TWEWY’s soundtrack was phenomenal, but god, they brought it right back for this game. The remixes (“Someday”, “Three Minutes Clapping”, “Transformation”, “The One Star” etc) are all excellent, but the new tracks are phenomenal too. Tbh I’m not sure how any of the Players get any fighting done when the music makes you want to just bust a move right there in the scramble. It’s so good.
Most of the characters are great too. Of the Wicked Twisters, I think Fret is my favorite; he is pure of heart, dumb of ass, and I love that for him. I do like Rindo too, of course, and his habit of overthinking everything (since Fret has zero brain cells, Rindo has to make up for it), but him being standoffish / socially anxious and snarky makes him feel a bit like a toned down Neku, so he doesn’t catch my interest quite as much. And while I do like Nagi, the way she speaks in like . . . medieval-esque language is a bit off-putting. In particular it’s weird that Rindo didn’t tell her to knock it off with the “Lord Rindo” stuff since using such an honorific would be considered awkward / embarrassing in Japanese. I guess he’s just too socially anxious / awkward to tell her to stop, but it’s still a bit distracting.  Other than that, I’m really not a fan of Kubo (one of the Reapers) or . . . Susukichi, I think his name is? The leader of the Ruinbringers. I find them both to be pretty annoying, haha. But I love Shoka, as well as Kanon, and Motoi is a good bean, too. As for the Deep River Society . . . those nerds have issues lmao. Especially their leader. Although I can’t fault him for breaking down sobbing when he realizes that he now stands a very good chance of getting erased, which reminds me . . .
HOW ARE WE ON DAY SIX AND THE WICKED TWISTERS STILL HAVE NO IDEA WHAT BEING ERASED IS?? We have kind of an inverse situation where where Neku knew right away that he would get erased if he failed the missions / didn’t win the Game, but didn’t find out until later that he was dead. Here, the Wicked Twisters learn that they’re dead fairly quickly (and Fret has some realistic denial going on about it at first, though he gets over it pretty quickly), but they’re still completely in the dark about the fact that their souls will get wiped from existence if they lose despite erasure being mentioned at least a handful of times. Like I guess it was never spelled out for them, but especially as someone who played the first game about a million times, it’s a bit maddening to see them be like, “Why is he crying like his life is on the line? lol whatevs no big deal la di da!” Since the Wicked Twisters aren’t aware of the stakes, a new player wouldn’t be either, and so it rather tones down the urgency that was felt in the original game where everyone was very much aware that they were fighting for their right to exist.
Since I brought up Motoi, I want to say that I just played past the part where he reveals that he was An0ther, who is apparently Rindo’s favorite blogger / poet. I feel like this is meant to be similar to how Hanekoma was CAT, Neku’s favorite artist, but it doesn’t carry the same impact because a.) as far as we know An0ther didn’t have anything to do with how Rindo died; b.) we haven’t seen Rindo bring An0ther or his poetry up that much, much less have anything An0ther said be his entire life’s mantra; c.) we haven’t gotten to know Motoi that well either. Like we met him once before this revelation. That said I’m not sure it was supposed to have the same impact as the Hanekoma = CAT reveal, but if it was then it did fall short. (Also I saw it coming the second Motoi quoted An0ther lmao.)
Speaking of Hanekoma, WHERE IS MY MANS??? I know he has to show up at some point because if I’m not mistaken we saw him in the trailers. And if I am mistaken then he still has to show up at some point because he played a central role in the “A New Day” epilogue chapter of Final Remix, what with Coco being unable to control him and him knowing what was going on, plus he was testing Neku for something in “Another Day” and that has to be whatever is going on in this game. I’m sure he’ll come in for some big reveal later, but like, we have a new street artist in this game (MKN) with no mention of CAT as of yet, and I’m just like . . . where is he. Where is my mans. What is he doing. Bring him to me.
That said, we already got to see my #2 mans (Kariya♥) so I am happy about that at least. 
Back to my mans for a hot second: I actually erased my demo save data and started fresh to remind myself of everything when I got the game, and idk if it was in the demo or not, but regardless—at the end of the demo portion there’s this shot of the sky and then this nameless voice is like, “It’s finally starting. I hope you wake up soon. I don’t want you to miss all the action.” My current guess is that the speaker was Hanekoma, speaking to Joshua. Joshua being “asleep” would explain why the Game is as screwed up as it is right now, what with it having been going on for a year and people able to choose to play again and again and again while the rest of the Players—who tbh should also be counted as winners if they survive the week!—are trapped in limbo.
Because that’s the thing: I know that it was partially a lie to cover for the fact that Joshua’s game with Megumi was set to last three weeks, but at the end of the third week Megumi told Neku that a new rule was being put in place that wouldn’t allow repeats of the Game anymore. But even setting that aside, in the original Shibuya UG rules, anyone who survived the Game could get a wish at the end, whether that was to be brought back to life or made into a Reaper. This is why at the end of Week 1, the three winners were Neku, Shiki, and Beat. However, here the Ruinbringers are able to keep everyone trapped and they have been trapped for at least a year, given what Motoi said. It’s completely different rules and I’m sure that this has something to do with the fact that the majority of the Reapers we’ve seen so far are from Shinjuku (at least going by the spoilery trailer, and iirc it was confirmed in “A New Day” that Coco was from Shinjuku actually, but it’s been a while so I could be wrong about that).
Speaking of, has anyone noticed that the possibly-Shinjuku Reapers don’t have wings? No?
ALSO speaking of Coco, at least tangentially: Coco was the one who revived Minamimoto at the end of “A New Day”. However, he’s definitely not how I would have expected. Like despite Coco using the Taboo Noise sigil to bring him back, he’s clearly not in his Taboo form. He’s using psychs as a Player would, rather than a Reaper. And while it’s clear he’s up to some form of nonsense, it’s unclear exactly what form of nonsense he’s up to. I know that he’s here for fanservice and that him looking like Nagi’s bias from Elegant Strategy is a tongue-in-cheek nod to that, but I have too much faith in this series to think that’s all this is. I’m wondering if being revived for a second time fixed whatever screws were loose in his head before? Or if he was revived as a human Player by like, Joshua or something? (Although why Joshua would do that I have no idea. Maybe Hanekoma instead?) Hmmm . . .
Small aside, but we all know that Nagi has put herself into hundreds of thousands of yen in debt for Tomonami merch lolol RIP Nagi. (I’m also interpreting that she’s not actually older than Rindo or Fret, but she just skipped a bunch of grades. Like I feel like this might have been lost in translation a bit, and that she’s a senpai to them because she’s in uni but she’s not actually older than them. I could be wrong but that’s how I’m interpreting it right now. She just doesn’t look or act older than them.)
Oh another minor annoyance, but whether it’s due to the partial 3D environment or something else, I’m SO ANNOYED that some of the streets aren’t connecting as they should now. Like, how going in the direction of Molco spits you out at Spain Hill or 104 or whatever? I don’t remember exactly what area it was, but it wasn’t Molco!! I’m sure if I hadn’t played the original a million times like a loser this wouldn’t be such a big deal to me, but I have and it is lmao. Also, they’ve had the Shibuya Underpass / Cat Street blocked off this whole time and I’m like :( let me go to Cat Street :( let me see my mans
I’m relieved that Ken Doi is still making delicious food and I look forward to his ramen curry fusion. I was really upset about RamenDon being gone at first but as long as Ken Doi is still around I am happy.
My dinner just arrived so this is all I have to say for now, but I will update more as I play more. I love this game and I’m so happy to be back in Shibuya, even if the characters pronounce it wrong sometimes (saying “ShiBOOya” like pls . . . you are supposed to be Japanese . . . get it right . . .)
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youarejesting · 4 years
My fics in 2020
I am proud of this year. I worked hard until the end. 2020 was my year of finishing my stories. I have done so much and next year I want to do more. So keep an eye out Jester will take over.
Fandom(s): BTS, mentions of NCT, BLACKPINK, MONSTA X.
Networks:@btscreatorscorner @castlebangtan
Total Fics: 34
Total chapters: 404
Total Words: 565,587 Total vids and fake subs: 13 
Best and Worst Title?
Best: ‘Music is the spark that sets my soul on fire’ and its sequel ‘Dance is the celebration of the flame’
Worst: The Check Up
Best and Worst first line?
Best: Yoongi never understood why people would say one's blood is important. (Mania)
Worst: It all started in Mykonos. (Steal my sunshine)
Best and Worst ending line?
Best: “I got you this pretty dress” Seokjin grinned showing you the dress before hugging you and giving your forehead a kiss, “Let’s go burn it” (Me & the ghost in number 23)
Worst: But all you got was a sharp-toothed smile. (Pandemonium)
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than, or about what was expected?
I think I wrote what I expected, but I think I could have definitely finished more. Which is a bit upsetting.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year? 
I don’t have limitations to my writing so nothing is deemed unpredictable.
I am however generally surprised by my love of throwing in twists and also gore, I love gore.
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.
Wild space: it is strange because I am not particularly a fan of space and scifi, but I am really into writing world building things and having the ability to create a whole planet was amazing.
Most popular story? 
Love Listening
Story most underappreciated by the universe? 
Tiny Tan: Limited Edition
Story that could have been better? 
Sexiest story?
 Love Listening
Saddest story? 
 Me & the ghost in number 23
Fluffiest story? 
Mall Santa
Most fun story? 
BTS Among Us 
Hardest story to write? 
Daylight (i'm still writing it haha)
Easiest/most fun story to write? 
Light it up
What story took the longest?
365 lol took all year
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? 
The biggest risk I took all year was posting my work. Living life on the edge.
What are your fic writing goals for next year? 
To double my writing
Fics that you wrote in 2020:
BTS365: 365 mini stories ✓ fluff, comedy, angst, romance, mature, action, adventure, smut. This has it all. Find your birthday and read your story. I wanted to give something unique to people.
Quarantine: 100 Chapters ✓ Something to accompany you while you are alone during quarantine and the pandemic. I was lonely and I figured so was everyone else. So, I decided to have BTS help us all go on an adventure that didn’t focus on the covid virus but on some other aspects around it.
Femme: 50 Chapters ✓ A futuristic world where women are rare. This was an indulgement fic that gave circumstances for the reader to be in a polyamorous relationship with the boys and live a glamorous life. Ending was a bit rushed.
Seoulmates: 29 (ongoing) Each member of BTS has a unique soulmate bond. I love the idea of this, another indulgent fic but you aren’t alone with the boys you have friends and you can play different parts.
Witching: 11 Chapter ✓ When your brother goes missing trying to find them gets you in a turf war between two covens. This fic was actually a way for me to vent for a project I wanted to complete but the project is so big that I wrote this instead.
Herb: 2 Parts ✓ mature, smut. Jimin claims he has everything you need, he doesn’t disappoint. I came across this idea within the 365’s and extended it because I liked the idea so much. Jimin has everything from casseroles to scarfes, cat food to cell phone chargers and the reader just wants to be loved and relieve stress.
Limited Edition: 10 Chapters ✓ BTS boys are sold as limited edition figurines. This was originally me venting about not having any merch and then became a daydream that what if the merch came alive. And the story was born.
BTS Among Us: 7 Chapters ✓ gore, action, adventure, scifi, angst, death of main characters. This one was so funny for me, I had my friend pick a colour and that was the imposter from the start. I was amazed that no one figured it out in the end. I want to play again soon.
Light it up: 13 Chapters ✓ fluff, comedy, angst, romance, mature, action, adventure. This was inspired by the dynamite trailer, I loved it so much that I began writing, I had no clear direction but as I wrote it started to shape and someone said it was like stranger things and I credited Stranger things cause it did indeed have a similar premise and I don’t want to pretend I came up with something that has already been done.
Love listening: 2 Parts ✓ SMUT, comedy, fluff, angst, romance, mature. This was inspired by a strange video that came up on the internet, I was searching for BTS misheard lyrics and the video I clicked had some funny ones but after that the next suggested video was bts moans and auto play was on and well this fic was born.
Me & the ghost in Number 23: 11 ✓ fluff, comedy, scifi, supernatural, romance, angst, mature, smut, death of main character. This was inspired by many of the ghost text au’s I had read but many of them were like the show oh my ghost where the main ghost character isn’t actually dead just in a coma and I thought the opposite way instead of them waking up, I wanted things to shape the other way. This one was so difficult to write and I cried a lot due to the loneliness Jimin was facing and the mourning from Yoongi.
Hope in the sheets: 4 chapters (so far) fluff, comedy, smut, adventure, slice of life, romance, angst, mature, growing up. This one is a fic that targets my childish desires. I have grown up so much and this fic is a visual representation of that. 
Asks: 77 (ongoing) where the bts boys answer the readers questions and concerns.
Reactions: 15 (ongoing) 
Prompts: 18 (ongoing)
One shots:
Kisaeng: This was a reverse fic project, the idea that instead of Mulan pretending to be a man and going off to war, it was BTS dressing as women to stay home from war. I loved writing about fictional history. 
Steal my Sunshine: This was a summer project. I wanted to write something that felt like a very bad spy movie, like Mellissa Mccarthy and Mr Bean-esque. I formed this one and it made me laugh the whole time writing it.
Blue Side: This was talking to myself about being sad and admitting that I could be sad but I should learn to split the happy and sad into two worlds and limit my time in them both, it was about equal balance and finding the good in the sad and the sad in the good. I don’t know how hard to explain.
Temptation: I had fun writing but it is pure SMUT. not even good SMUT.
Pandemonium: This was really fun. The premise is dark and the ending is left ambiguous, in the original, Namjoon kills the reader but I left it open so you can imagine them continuing their relationship or not.
Mall santa: A fluffy christmas piece. A secret santa I wrote that I felt needed to be soft and quirky and have just all the hallmark moments.
Mad: This one is finished, but I have it published privately at the moment waiting to unveil it as it is well SMUTTY. I don’t know what it is about Taehyung but he is always so dark and I guess that's what people find appealing. I had this idea from a 365prompt and well I had to write it.
One wish: This was a birthday fic that I wrote for a friend. I wanted people to read it on their birthdays or imagine their birthdays and themselves in this position if they made the same wish.
The Check Up: I wrote for this for a friend going through a personal procedure, they were nervous so I took their bias and made something I hoped they could think about while in the procedure and I even explained the steps and what might happen over the next few days hoping the whole thing wouldn’t seem as scary because technically her mind had already been through it when reading the story.
Sparks of the heart: Robots developing human feeling. It was a cute universe and Yoongi’s story will be a series within 2021.
Dance machine 3000
Digital Art
Electronic Tonic
Circuit chef
Random Access Memory
Kookies Trojans and Malware
Feel Better: Another fic written for a author who was sick, I wanted them to endulge in some escapism whilst they were sick.
Music is the spark that sets my soul on fire & Dance is the celebration of the flame: These two were requests that I loved dearly.
Horror movies: Cheesy damsel in distress meets boys will be boys.
I will wait (somesay): This song wouldn’t get out of my head so I had to write it.
Wild Space: When I wanted to write a hybrid AU but I already have a hybrid AU being edited. So hybrid werewolves meets space.
The Bomb: This one is compete and ready to post I had to talk myself out of writing this as a series but I love the story line. I love the end.
Lost Boys: This has been stuck in my head since i had a dream about it and I finally wrote it into the new year. I hope you like it.
Mania: Not my favourite work, love ABO universe I just haven’t got an actually story line so it is on hold.
Incaceration: The story that never was, I really need to get around to this one.
Tagging: @moccahobi I know you wanted to tag me... but I am finished so I am tagging you.
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musicalisht · 4 years
i have this weird idea for Cats
So I’ve been thinking a lot about movies and movie musicals (mostly because I have to write an essay for class) and while maybe I’ll share my thoughts someday on what makes for a good screen adaptation, I have this weird idea for a Cats adaptation (after...the tragedy of December 2019) so here’s my idea.
also i haven’t put that much thought into this so feel free to fully disagree lol
It’s not going to make sense, but here me out:
Cats as a Youtuber style webseries
Does it make perfect sense? No. Will I explain it anyway? Yes.
Nearly all the characters in Cats have songs about what type of cat they are and why they should win. In these songs, they talk directly to the audience for most, if not all, of the show, and that doesn’t really work in movies, hence why the movie version has a main character who they need to explain everything to. So I just thought, well Youtubers tend to talk directly to the camera/to their audience, so this works well here. It’s a way more natural fourth wall break that’s not as uncomfortable as having a cat speak to you on the big screen.
Also, the different types of “Youtubers sharing the channel” (aka jellicle cats fighting for the spotlight) could have varying styles of how they present themselves. Like Victoria (who dances, I think? Can’t remember) vs. Rum Tum Tugger. Their videos would have totally different vibes.
Grizabella’s big number: still highly dramatic and stylized but much simpler. Like the other cats’ videos would have lots of things happening to keep the viewer engaged and to show off their glamorous internet celebrity-esque lifestyles. 
Another good thing about having it be a “Youtube channel” type thing is that there doesn’t have to be a linear plot, which I would say the show doesn’t really have. Again, it’s showcasing the cats until Grizabella sings Memory and everyone agrees that’s the best. So having different “videos” is better than a movie where there almost has to be a clear enough plot otherwise it’s considered bad. 
If you wanted to be very forward about integrating it into the Youtube format too, you could say something like instead of the prize of being reborn, they’re like fighting over control over the direction of the channel (if that makes sense)? Like, all the cats are pretty much defined by one thing and and that becomes their whole persona. The competition is just trying to be truly themselves, free of the expectations of their internet personality. The “rebirth” is just leaving the influencer space, then I guess?
This also works for Grizabella who is kind of tired and sick of her persona, pushed out of the space. She just wants to live a normal life and her song is raw and full of emotion, not about being glamorous. It feels real because it is real unlike everyone else’s. And then maybe after her song and that she won, the channel ceases to exist because everyone is just so moved and then that would justify the end of the videos posted to that channel.
Would they still dress up as Cats? I hope so.
Biggest thing this is missing is the dancing probably. Like, because there is no plot, the show is mainly praised for being a spectacle and the dancing is really good. The only ways I could think to fix this would be to have all the cats in their videos dance, which wouldn’t necessarily make sense, or just go hard on all the editing and effects. Again, the dancing is part of the spectacle, and so just make the video fun to watch. Make use of quick cuts and zooms and animation and all that.
I know I said I didn’t put much thought into this and then proceded to talk about Cats for a long time but I swear I came up with this on the spot.
Also, I didn’t actually know all that much about Cats until I watched this video and honestly, great video go watch.
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darqx · 5 years
It ain’t no big thing
(just show them a little swing). In which there’s a Lady Rire cosplay 101 and how to pronounce Lucien.
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ
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I pronounce it as “loo-shyen” with a soft “sh”, though “loo-syen” is also acceptable.
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(❁´▽`❁)*✲゚* Ah i’m so happy to hear that! And it would be really cool to see that cosplayed if you could manage it (she’s...a bit more difficult lol)! I can’t draw a 101 currently but here’s a photoset of what basic elements her design is made up of:
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Lady Rire actually has medium/long hair, it’s just in an updo
Black sunglasses
Dark grey shoulderless long sleeve top (the sleeve cuffs are same as original demon Rire design) with subtle lace patterning at neck area
Yellow brooch from original design, but with added thin chains
Black and gold damask underbust corset (pattern is same as Rire’s vest)
Black and gold bustle skirt - the inner layer/skirt is gold, outer is black
Black sheer knee high socks/stockings with damask pattern
Black ankle boots, high heel
You might also want some black lipstick and eyeliner
Oh ye tumblr in their infinite wisdom decided that you cant see ANY extra pages of a “”sensitive”” blog because you can’t open those pages in dashboard. So, unfortunately that affects the music credit page on EP’s tumblr :/ I have however rebuilt the credit page on mine: https://darqx.tumblr.com/btdmusic
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If Cain isn’t all out with the wings and halo, Rire would still feel from the onset that Cain is “off” (he wouldn’t give a vibe of being a Royal or a demon, nor a human) and so would be subtly sizing him up and calculating odds through any interactions being had.
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-squints at-
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Drink up friend :>
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1) Rire doesn’t gulp tea down willy nilly like a savage (lol) so he’d be able to tell if tea was made from holy water :d He can sense these kind of things - and even if he did somehow manage to miss it he’d definitely know once the tea touches his lips. Most likely would commend person for creativity, leave them sweating in uncertainty as he mildly directs them to make a second untampered cup under close supervision, and then torture them as soon as they finish or let their guard down (whichever comes last)
2) Oh he’d be annoyed! He’d make an educated guess that was no accident and wow, rude, human! Would stab person “accidentally”, maybe after some very pointed “oh little human you are so uniquely clumsy it’s ok i know you didnt mean it” if he’d been feeling “”genial”” beforehand.
3) Rire can bite, not every bite is a special marking bite haha.
4) This would actually surprise him a bit and would initially take him aback until his mind thinks up a way to use this to his advantage (either for his own entertainment purposes or for a deal)
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There isnt going to be a BTD3 as everyone is working on their own projects at the moment! Gato and EP are both in the process of making their own separate games that are in a similar vein to BTD though - i’m p sure they’ve both got Patreons which detail them so you can go and check those out for updates and stuff :)
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Usually several months - though less if his prior entertainment victim was disappointing. I say entertainment victim because there’s like different categories of victim and entertainment ones generally get 1:1 time and he doesn’t tend to have more than one of those at the same time.
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I do it to torment all of you
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He doesn’t because i figured i’d leave that as more of a Cain thing! I’ve entertained the idea that Angel!Rire’s feathers can turn really sharp, so he could either envelope someone in his wings like some horrifying living iron maiden-esque thing or pluck and throw them at people like daggers to “stigmata” them (they grow back really quickly). If you notice the doodles i’ve done too you’ll see blackness dripping from the bottoms of his feathers and halo, so there’s a possibility that underneath all the feathers there’s something ichor-esque.
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Haha summoning Rire is not canon mind you, but in the case of that headcanon he would pretty much put the second person “on hold”. So it would seem like the summoning would fail/be fake, and then at some random time when least expected Rire just appears in their house or something lol.
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I did! It’s on a post on Tumblr somewhere but i’ll just put it here too
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He MIGHT if a victim has one (like a handgun, not like an assault rifle or something ridic) but that’s more because he enjoys using peoples own things against them rather than him actually liking guns (he doesn’t really see the use of them personally).
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Hullo i’m doing well thanks! ^^
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I’ve only ever drawn him with pointy sharp teeth so “realistically” i’d say that his dentition is more like a carnivore’s and so his back teeth which we don’t usually see would be molars but in a specific pointy shape as well (kinda like carnassial teeth).
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I think that pets would react to him really depending on their personality. So, say if someone has a cat that always seems to stare at nothing (or something supernatural) that’s what they’d do to Rire. Or for pets that have had intuition before that someone’s partner was bad for them they would react accordingly and like growl/hiss/try and bite him. Or if a pet is like my aunty’s dog who is a friendly absolute dumbass and would likely roll over and let an intruder pet him...same thing haha.
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This is what his hairstyle looked like when he was younger:
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But only if he’s dominating otherwise he’d heavily critique the characterisations happening.
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(I havent seen that webseries to answer this lol. I do like how bouncy and fluid the trailer song was though)
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koopakidspoink · 5 years
@forever-a-goat-kid I don’t have 5 people to tag but thank you for tagging me. Also not reblog cause the OG post is too long lol.
5 fun facts about me, feel free to do so as well if you like~
1) When I was little I didn’t understand the concept that two people of the same sex could date, so I was convinced I was a girl trapped in a male body, so I occasionally dressed in feminine clothes with my sister before discovering I was just a cis gay male
2) I want to work with youth in a school setting (probably) and help kids with issues they may face such as understanding sexuality, dealing with abuse of any kind, and with that helping understand underlying causes a student is not doing well academically. I also want to help set up programs and events to help kids have a good time and to feel safe at school.
3) In the second grade I always wanted a pet penguin. I think this is probably because how obsessed I was with club penguin, and this was around the time I first laid my eyes on Piplup 💜
4) I’m currently working on a game called Nightmare of Falicias! It’s been in works for like 6 months and I’ve taken quite a few breaks but I’m making all the sprites and all the script and gameplay. It’s a Fire Emblem esque game and I hope to have it done sometime before I graduate college. It’s about halfway there~
5) Warrior Cats wasy favorite book series as a kid. I used to RP in a forum with some other people in a clan called Flurryclan. This was in like the 7th grade, and sometimes I look back and miss the people I RPd with.
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sxpiosexualx · 7 years
why do you ship jonsa? my best friend is a hard core jonerys shipper but lately ive been really critical of daenerys, so i cant really hop on that train. i dont really have a preference for jon either way so i wanted to know why you ship them
Oh hello! What a lovely question to ask, though I must warn you this could most likely get draggy and long because I’m so passionate about these two and this ship, they’re my OTP. Actually I only started reading the books last year, before then I was a casual watcher until up to Feb 2016 before season 7 aired. Jon and Sansa had just reunited on the show and I came across this Jonsa instagram on my explore page and I thought, what the fuck is this? It was such an absurd ship to consider - and this is coming from someone who was crack shipping Tommen and Sansa! But I kept scrolling through, the captions in the post came from posts on Tumblr(with credit) explaining the parallels and the ways in which Jonsa could go down and it was sort of like… this strange theory that I subscribed to and was soon convinced of. I tried bringing it up to my friend but she was a casual watcher and didn’t really pay much attention to it so I was craved of my need to discuss this. So come season 7, I rejoined Tumblr and the Jonsa tag was SO rich in content and meta, detailing all the parallels, how it could happen, why it makes sense and how it would wrap up up the narrative in the most satisfying manner. I’ve never shipped something so hard and wanted it to be canon more than with Jonsa(though canon or not I’m not fussy lol).
I’m gonna outline to you some of the main reasons why I think Jonsa has a strong chance of happening in canon, because they’re really why I ship them so hard, they complement each other perfectly though it’s very easy to miss this. I’m keeping this under a ‘Keep Reading’ tab because I know this will get lengthy. Also, any of my followers/people seeing this, do add on in the comments why you ship jonsa or perhaps leave some links to some of your fav meta’s in the comments for OP to screen through if they feel like it!
This will be lengthy but remember I am trying my best to be brief, hopefully the other Jonsa’s will link some metas/parallel series to give you a better idea - I’m only outlining the backbone of the ship!
The Ashford Tourney Pattern
So it actually began when I came across this theory: The Tourney at Ashford was held in-universe, and I wont go much into detail except to mention that all of the 5 champions in that tourney coincide with the houses of the men Sansa is betrothed/married to (i.e. Sansa’s suitors). It goes
Lyonel Baratheon
Leo Tyrell
Tybolt Lannister
Humfrey Hardyng, and,
Valarr Targaryen.
Now, granted the show’s made some changes but ultimately they’re coming to the same conclusion, and as for book!Sansa(i.e. canon) she’s first betrothed to Joffrey Baratheon, then is promised to Willas Tyrell(changed to Loras on the show), marries Tyrion Lannister, is currently in the works of being betrothed to Harry Hardyng(in the Vale - the Ramsay plot is not hers), and so the logical conclusion would be to complete the pattern by marrying her final suitor, the endgame - a Targaryen. That makes Jon the only candidate viable to her, and yes that sounds ‘out there’ but if you take a look at the narrative, it could make complete sense, so let’s go into how this could logically happen.
Given the story began with the Starks being the heart of the series, you can only anticipate that the final installation, initially named A Time For Wolves would promise a continuation of the Stark line, and that could come about through Jon and Sansa. They are the only Starks left who’s storyline touches on ideas of fatherhood and motherhood - the only Starks left to ever consider having future children(and weirdly enough where Sansa wants to name her children Bran and Rickon and thinks of a girl who looks like Arya in her dreams of children, Jon wants to name his son Robb - even their dreams complement each other, they’d be rebuilding the Stark family with themselves), the only Starks left to think of restoring Winterfell(and they already go on to do this on the show) etc. When you think of Sansa and how she’s had to fight hard to retain her Stark identity and reclaim it, I cannot imagine GRRM marrying her off to some random lord at the end of the series, when she’s just made it back home. For Jon too, he’s wanted Winterfell, and dreamed of that domestic life as Lord of Winterfell, as a Stark, and Sansa, the Key to the North, could give him that - the same way her marrying Jon who’s actually a prince would be fulfilling her childhood dream as well. They both get what they want in the way they least expect it, something very GRRM-esque. There’s the narrative convenience of R+L=J that would allow for some catharsis once Jon realises he’s not her half-brother, and the convenience of them being the only Starks to not have an established relationship beforehand. But despite that, whenever they do think of the other in the books, it’s never with any resentment, contrary to popular belief, they don’t hate each other(they think of each other fondly, even). It’s something that could work politically in show!verse just as well, say word gets out that Jon’s a Targaryen, the Northern lords would never accept him unless Sansa brokers a political marriage to tame them.
History would also be repeating itself in a poetic way, but done right this time. Jon and Sansa marrying would parallel Ned x Cat, they each parallel them so much and S7 has hammered those visual parallels more than ever. A Stark would be wedding a Tully. And if you embraced Jon as a Targaryen, then they would parallel Rhaegar and Lyanna in a sense too by having a Targaryen prince wed a Stark lady. It also nicely twists what happened to Cersei, where she was supposed to marry a Targaryen prince(Rhaegar) but ends up marrying a Baratheon(Robert) - Sansa was betrothed to Joffrey Baratheon, but would be marrying a Targaryen prince in Jon, which only adds another layer to her being the YMBQ from Cersei’s prophecy if you subscribe to that!
Complementary Storylines
If you take a closer look at Jon and Sansa’s arcs, they tend to echo off of each other, always linking the two through themes, yet the author does a great deal to ensure they’re the last two Starks we ever associate with each other which honestly, would be something he’d do if he meant to pull them marrying as a huge plot twist no one would expect. But thematically, both Jon and Sansa:
 start their arcs as naive,
are the Starks most interested in leaving WF - Jon goes to the Wall where he assumes the men are ideal knights, and Sansa journeys South with romanticised ideas of court, and both characters are quickly disappointed. 
Jon gets dubbed “crow” for most of his arc, the same way Sansa gets dubbed “little bird/dove”. 
Both characters at the same time, have to pretend to be something they’re not around their enemies - Jon going undercover as a Wildling, while Sansa had to blend in with the Lannisters. 
They both get dubbed traitor around the same time too, Jon’s seen as a traitor for leaving the Wildlilngs while Sansa gets dubbed traitor/murderer once they thought she poisoned Joffrey as she leaves KL. 
Jon who starts off as a bastard, rises to the title of Lord Commander at the Nights Watch the same time Sansa, who starts off as a Lady, gets forced to pose as Littlefinger’s bastard daughter. 
It’s the same case on the show, and there’s reason enough to believe Jon and Sansa will be the first Starks to reunite in the books and reclaim Winterfell as well(though the circumstances may be different, it’s heavily foreshadowed in Sansa’s final ASOS chapter).
Complementary Dreams
GRRM has a weird way of connecting these two through their shared dreams. Where Sansa’s final chapter in ASOS heavily foreshadows that she’ll come to rebuild Winterfell with Jon(and she already goes onto do this on the show with Jon), Jon is also the only other Stark to think of reclaiming and rebuilding it, and this occurs in the same book. They’re both weirdly also the only Stark kids to be referred to as the Blood of Winterfell. ASOS(the 3rd book in the series) is also where both these characters start to undergo a sexual awakening(Ygritte’s attempts with Jon, and Sansa coming into her own body and developing). 
It’s the same book where Jon considers having a son of his own, thinking he could name him after Robb, and Sansa thinks of giving her betrothed children, noting that in her dreams her children looked like the brothers she had lost and that she wants to name them Eddard and Brandon and Rickon(after the brothers she’s lost). So yes, while that sounds very odd, these two coming together would actually be giving each other what they long for in a family, children who look like named after their pack. Once you remember that book wise, Jon looks like a carbon copy of Ned and Sansa looks like a more beautiful version of Catelyn then you could only assume their children would look very much like the siblings they grew up with too.
It’s actually strange how alike they are and how their arcs tend to echo off of each other but it even comes down to the same romanticised idea of courtship. Sansa remembers the rose Loras gave to her during the Hand’s Tourney, and when met with the prospect of marrying Willas, starts fantasising of sitting with her lord husband in a garden. Lo and behold, a couple chapters later Jon thinks of showing Ygritte Winterfell, and plucking a flower for her from Winterfell’s glass garden. In other words… they would be perfect together.
Their first loves are stand-ins for each other
Ygritte could actually be seen as a foreshadowing for Sansa, namely because so many of her traits are things we’ve come to associate with the latter but GRRM makes a point to keep this out of Jon’s subconscious in his POV chapters. First in the choice of words in her description, her red hair, her blue-grey eyes(sansa’s eyes are blue), but people tend to stop right there and use it as an excuse to mock the idea of Jon x Sansa immediately which honestly, is lazy. It goes deeper than that. Ygritte weeps when she sings and hears the song of the last of giants, and she’s known to favour songs and tales - things we again associate with Sansa. There’s also the instance of her telling Jon Snow that she’s “half a fish” which seems to nod at the fact that Sansa’s basically half a fish too(Half Tully). Strangely, right after Ygritte words out her famous line “You know nothing, Jon Snow,” in Sansa’s chapter, Sansa sees Margaery’s cousins and comments that “they know nothing,” on their naivety. When Jon gets stabbed, the line is again associated with Sansa in his final thoughts:
“Of Sansa, brushing out Lady’s coat and singing to herself. You know nothing, Jon Snow. ”
In Sansa’s case, her first love(crush, really) was a man of the Night’s watch named Waymar Royce(“She had fallen wildly in love with Ser Waymar,”) - who is described as grey-eyed, graceful and slender the same way Jon is first described in AGOT as having grey eyes, being graceful and being slender. The connection between Waymar Royce and Jon Snow is further strengthened in the fact that Waymar(who appears in the very first prologue of the first book) death foreshadows Jon’s death.
Other parallels and easter eggs
There are other ways GRRM’s linked the two in his novels through easter eggs too, for e.g. Sansa calls out for the heroes she knows, calling for Prince Aemon the Dragonknight(from the songs), and then we get a flashback of Jon remembering how he’d play with Robb in the field and pretend to be Prince Aemon the Dragonknight. Sansa also wishes someone would behead Janos Slynt, and Jon goes onto do this in ADWD, unknowingly being the literal hero she asked for. 
They both have a strong connection to the pomegranate symbolism, tying them both to the greek mythology of Persephone. And in terms of actual history, Jon and Sansa share heavy parallels with Henry Tudor and Elizabeth of York(who ended up joining their houses through marriage after the War of the Roses of which one of the main conflicts of GoT was based on). 
There are plenty of other parallels throughout their chapters, one off instances of both characters put in the same environment or situation, more than I could count really. But what I personally find most odd is how some of their chapters completely mirror each other’s in terms of environment, theme and situation. Look to Jon and Sansa’s first and second ASOS chapters(that come right after the other’s) and you’ll find it’s almost like reading the same chapter twice. GRRM’s a man with words, it’s strange how similarly he words and crafts the environment he puts them in, unless he meant for their chapters to echo each other.
It’s not beyond GRRM
We know from his original outline that he intended for Jon and Arya to be the first Starks to reunite at the wall and struggle for non-platonic and very inappropriate feelings for each other which would torment them until Jon’s parentage is revealed in the final book - sounds not that far from what’s happened with Sansa tbh. Again, you have to remember that yes things have changed from the outline, Sansa was meant to choose Joffrey over her family, bore him children, then die, and none of that happened. Arya was also supposed to do a heck lot more in her storyline but what seems to happened is that GRRM knew he could never have Arya accomplish that much plot in so little time and so he might’ve split initial Arya into a fully fleshed version of Sansa, thus why Sansa and Arya are two sides of the same coin. It would also explain why while Arya looks like Lyanna, both sisters possess her traits and parallel her in their respective ways.
With Jonerys… listen… it’s just a doomed pairing. I was open to the idea but there are one too many kinks in it to have it be endgame not to mention Jonerys on the throne would completely go against the anti-war message ASOIAF has established. Not that doomed pairings have ever stopped me from shipping but they’re just so fundamentally different at this point that the idea of them just doesn’t work anymore(season 7′s rushed tryst was problematic and didn’t sell it to me either).
Additional Thoughts
I could drag on but these I think are some of the main points for me. There are a plethora of other reasons backing this up but yeah I think they have a solid chance. Points aside, I guess I also ship them because there is literally no man who’s a viable suitor for Sansa and her status, that could treat her how she deserves - show!Jon has proved himself worthy, and Sansa has fed him with the well deserved validation he’s needed and craved, acknowledgement of him being a Stark. They work so well together. 
Jon is the only man in her arc who canonly has acknowledged that “Winterfell belongs to […] Sansa.” i.e. the only man who wouldn’t marry her for her claim. For a girl who came to the realisation that “No one will ever marry me for love.”(which was followed by Jon’s chapter right after btw), that’s a huge deal. A JonSa endgame would be done so out of political reasons but love would no doubt follow. He is the only man to respect her boundaries and treat her as a human being, to see her for more than just her beauty. You can comment a suitor in her arc she was involved with and I will be able to point out how it’s problematic and wouldn’t work for endgame, how Sansa deserves better. JonSa is my OTP because they genuinely and effortlessly are perfect for each other :)
Trust me I could point out more and more, but hopefully people who see this post link some of their metas/own reasons in the comments in case you want to learn more! Thanks for the ask, this was lovely x
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taetwin-moved · 7 years
11 q’s
Tagged by: @rowoons​ thanks so much babe!!💕 💕 💕
Rule 1: Post the rules Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, then make 11 new ones Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post
i tag: @baekhyuh @eunoiaschaos @taechy @eggcoups @nu4bo @castleoblivions @seafeel @arthmis @amorluzymelodia @kimmingyu @subaek (as always only do if u want to!!)
what song got you into kpop?  shinee’s classic, ringdingdong
what is your favorite non-kpop song? oh gosh i love a lot of music my favs are always changing. rn i really love lifetimes by oh wonder and the other side from the get down 
do you sleep with any stuffed animals? i do!! i have so many stuffed animals but the only ones on my bed rn are a teddybear my grandma got me when i was younger and a stuffed pig i bought at wizards chest recently
your favorite breakfast food? i don’t really eat breakfast that often because i can never find the time but i really love chocolate chip pancakes ^^
what is something that makes you happy? kim taehyung’s smile my 2 cats betty boop and dylan (but they hate each other lolol)
what’s your favorite kpop mv? uhhhhh a lot haha i really love the original ver. of i need u, the story aspect was really cool and i’m always a slut for aesthetic/story mvs
opinion on f(x)’s ‘4 walls’???? beautiful, amazing, groundbreaking, when will f(x) return from the war?? i miss them
what is your current lockscreen on your phone? a very bf-esque photo of namjoon lol it’s this one 
do you enjoy exercising? i feel like if i got into it i would but at the moment, no haha i was in an aerobics class in hs and i enjoyed it but that was about it
if you could meet anyone, who would you meet? i’m not gonna lie, it’s kim taehyung
what is an interesting fact about yourself?! i can play the winnie the pooh theme song by heart on the piano
my questions: 
what is your comfort movie? the one that always makes you feel better when you watch it?
ideally, where do you see yourself in 5 years?
if you could instantly master any language, which one would it be? 
favorite midnight snack? 
any instruments you know, or want to learn? 
describe your aesthetic
what is your theme song and why? 
what is the last song you sang aloud to?
is there someone who whenever you see their face, your mood instantly improves? who? 
if you could choose one season (spring, fall, summer, winter) for it to be for the rest of your life, which one would it be and why? 
top 3 places you want to travel/live?
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thelioninmybed · 8 years
Tagged by @gurthang, @edgeoflight, @avoliot, @emilyenrose and fuck it I’m consolidating so here’s more than anyone could ever want to know about me.
name: Megan
nicknames: Meg, Megatron, Sweet Megs
zodiac sign: Scorpio
height: 5′...4″? shortish. 
orientation: Bi but really lazy
ethnicity: white british - autocorrect wants to change that to ‘brutish’ which...not inaccurate. 
favourite fruit: Russet apples maybe? You know, the ones that look like potatoes and are impossible to get most of the year. 
favourite season: Autumn. It’s when all the good holidays are - Halloween, Bonfire Night, my birthday, my brother’s birthday (why do I care about that? Listen, when you’re six, cake and a party is cake and a party, idgaf whose cake it was). Also the leaves are lovely and my fav. fruit is available (see above). 
favourite flower: Forget-me-not
favourite scent: Something that was uniquely him/her. 
favourite colour: Maroon
favourite animal: Tawny Frogmouth
average sleep hours: 6-7? I’m trying to answer these questions all funny-like but this is not giving me much to work with. 
cat or dog person: I love both but cats suit my lazy lifestyle better. 
favourite fictional character: If you are on my blog reading this then you really don’t need me to tell you. 
the number of blankets you sleep with: Why do you want to know this? What could you possibly do with this information?
dream trip: I want to visit @imindhowwelayinjune‘s mysterious Elf Room, canopy bath and kitchen hot tub. Luckily my wish is gonna be fulfilled in like, five months.
blog created: When? 2014. Why? An uncomfortable need for internet validation. 
number of followers: ~400, get in on this guys, ground floor. 
Last Thing You Googled: “Why is Shoreditch High Street closed?” Turns out it’s because there is an unexploded German bomb like a street down from my office, ahahaha. 
Favourite music artist: Fuck, I dunno, I haven’t stopped liking the Decemberists since last time I did this. 
Song stuck in my head: Honestly there isn’t one and I’m trying not to think too hard about this lest my brain decide to remedy that. 
Last Movie you watched: I saw A Cure For Wellness on Saturday. Starts out pretentious, goes generic, and the last act is balls to the wall Resident Evil-esque insanity. My flatmate walked out of the cinema and went home half way through. Which is a shame cause she missed Dane Dehaan flipping off Wall Street and escaping on a bike with a bellyful of eels and an immortal incest Baroness with possible psychic eel control powers. 
What are you wearing right now: My jacket, while sitting at my desk, because someone left the window open over the weekend and it is freezing. 
What do you post: Shit. It is in my blog description. 
Why did you choose your URL: It’s catchy and a lil’ bit weird, and I liked Game of Thrones at the time. 
Do you have any other blogs: Nah.
What Did Your Past Relationship Teach You: Not to bother
Religious Or Spiritual: What’s the distinction? Not that it matters, I’m not either. 
Lucky Number: 22                
Dream Job:  An author so successful I can just blog about idiot shit all day and everyone’s like ‘Lion when the fuck are you gonna finish the Winds of Winter’ and I’m like ‘lol’
How old are you? 27
Current Job? It has ‘Manager’ in the title and I’m as surprised/horrified as everyone else. 
What are you talented at? I can touch my nose with my tongue. 
What is a big goal you are working towards (or have already achieved)? I’m just gonna steal from Em and say TWO FOOT SPIN (actually one foot spin according to our coach). This Wednesday, it’s happening
What’s your aesthetic? Hot people angsting and swordfighting and then suddenly sex happens. 
Do you collect anything? I just got a smartphone and thus Pokemon Go like 6 months after everyone else got bored of it. My office is a pokestop and I just found a voltorb in my PC! I’ve never been happier!
A topic you always talk about? I feel like this is another question that can be answered just by being on my blog. 
Pet peeve? I have mentioned this before, but people moving too slowly on public transport. Even when I’m not in a hurry it drives me mad. 
Good advice? Always read the manuals for your appliances cause I found out yesterday that I’ve been scrubbing my oven like a chump for a year and a half when it has a self-cleaning function. 
Recommend 3 songs
Bartholomew by the Silent Comedy. For those of you who’ve been reading Small Sacrifices, that’s the theme. 
We Both Go Down Together by the Decemberists (swap the genders and this is A Gleam of White in the Dim Land)
Wolf by First Aid Kit. I know everyone’s heard this but it is the song that was stuck in my head while I wrote Every Man Is A Wolf To Other Men
I’m not gonna tag anyone cause this is a hideous conflation of like, three separate memes and I think just about everyone has already done at least one of these. 
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spiffysixxsense · 8 years
1-51 go!
51 questions1. Zodiac sign?Taurus 2. Sexual orientation
Heterosexual3. Relationship status
Taken4. Someone you miss
My former self (oh damn getting deep)5. Person who’s arms you’d like to be in
I’m currently in his already6. What you find attractive in Men/Women?
Humor7. How tall are you?
5'7"8. What you love about yourself?
I like my lips, so I wear a lot of lipstick9. What you’re doing tomorrow?
Sleeping in10. What are your future plans?
*induces panic attack*11. Your last night out in detail
After adventures in downtown Detroit, I came home with a very swollen & bruised ankle that I iced until I fell asleep. Lol12. Your favourite book
I liked Mrs. Peregrines home for peculiar children13. All of pets you’ve ever had
I’ve had a total of 2 cats, 5 lizards, & 2 snakes. (1 cat & 1 snake currently) 14. Something that changed your life
Meeting him15. Do you remember your last dream?
Doesn’t come to mind16. What your last text message says?
 “I’ll text you when I’m home”17. Do you respect your government and the way your country is run?
IS THIS A JOKE QUESTION I LIVE IN THE US OF COURSE I DON’T. 18. Where you would like to live?
a parallel universe19. Your favourite flavour of ice cream
Blue moon20. Last thing you ate
 I made chicken quesadillas21. Which swear word do you use the most?Fuck
22. Your plans for summer
Sleep and see Alex a lot 23. Any upcoming concerts?
Not already, but I know there will be24. Something that you’re proud of
My mom25. Do you still talk to your first crush?Well I never really talked to Chad Kroeger.
26. What language do you want to learn?Spanish (enough to be fluent, I know a tiny bit)
27. Where you have lived before?I’m from Huntington Beach, California
28. Eye color
Light brown/hazel 29. Favourite style of clothing
Punk-esque30. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
For a date/event, an hour. For class, 10 minutes31. Where did you go today?
Literally nowhere and it was wonderful 32. Where are you right now?Bed
33. How many countries have you visited? None outside my home country
34. Something oldBetty white?
35. Something new
The system in my phone CAN YOU NOT. 36 something inherited
Traits… I can’t think of anything 37. Is death more scary than life?
No. (Dying itself is slightly, death though, no)38. Experience you’ll never forgetClearly I forgot them all because nothing comes to mind 
39. What’s your favorite part about today so far?
Sleeping in and Alex coming back over40. Who is your hero?
No idea41. Are you happy with where you live?I don’t know anything else, so it’s fine
42. Do you like your handwriting?No I wish I had cute loopy handwriting
43. What do you wear to bed?Camisole & pajama bottoms
44. Tea or coffee?
Tea 45. Chocolate or Vanilla?
Vanilla46. Are you excited for anything?
Nothing comes to mind47. How late did you stay up last night and why?5 am, because that’s my normal bedtime
48. What’s your ringtone?
The Google hangouts sound49. Did you have a dream last night?Not that i remember
50. What keeps you going each day?Him
51. Picture of yourselfSee previous post (edit- lol it was 10 posts ago whoops)
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