#miscommunication is human
creepycoffins · 10 months
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I said he was unpleasant, he said I was a louse, and then we took to quarreling round the house
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merakiui · 3 months
OOoooh Lost in translation with Azul or Jade would work so well!!! Going on vacation to the Coral sea because youve never been and these two merman keep following you everywhere you go unable to understand their clicks and high pitch sounds they make 👀
Omg yes!!! At first, you thought they were just curious because they don't look like the mers you've encountered in the waters where sunlight reaches. Perhaps humans are a rare sight where they're from. They have far more fish-like qualities to them, and they're speaking to you in such a musical language. Unfortunately, you can't parse what they're saying and so you can only smile awkwardly.
But then they're offering you gifts: pretty shells and shiny stones, strings of pearls and old, sea-worn coins. There's so much that you're slightly overwhelmed, but they're clicking at you so eagerly. He appears somewhat shy when he offers you the pearls. You point at yourself, wondering if these gifts are for you, and he presses them into your hands, drapes them over your shoulders and neck. You're flattered and accept all of their goodwill with a happy smile. Despite everything, this mer is really sweet.
Little do you know you've just agreed to his marriage proposal. <3
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #144
Peter Parker sounds just like Spider-Man. This is something that the students of Midtown find hilarious
Soon, Peter's getting comments in the halls like, "Hey are you that kid who sounds like Spider-Man?" "Uhhh I mean -" "Holy shit it's truuue" and, "Hey Parker, say, 'Hiya Mister Criminal'' "(sigh) Hiya Mister criminal-"
It becomes a daily bit on the school news: they put Peter in the cheapest, most ridiculous Spider-Man mask imaginable and get him to say wild stuff, whatever Midtown students can think of. Like that bit at the end of Honest Trailers.
(Peter may or may not go slightly viral saying some Stuff about the Rogue Avengers in his "Spider-Man voice." Tony may or may not nearly piss himself laughing about it when he finds out.
Spider-Man himself has yet to comment.)
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Okay, so I was thinking - I am sure everyone remembers the scene from s1 in which sister Mary and sister Theresa (the fact that Nina Sosanya and Maggie Service came back in s2 to tell Crowley to finally talk with Aziraphale is just something else in this context ngk) try communicating by winking and totally miss the mark. The scene that shows how often communication can be flawed and misleading and how it could lead to serious consequences. Especially when the other side doesn't have the full picture or understand our perspective.
I just cannot get it out of my head how the confession scene, even though words are very much used there, shows the same scheme, like:
When Aziraphale says: "I could appoint you to be an angel" he means: "You are the most deserving of being in Heaven - you falling was a mistake, but I can fix it. I can bring back your smile, make you as happy as you were creating the stars" but Crowley reads it as: "I can finally fix you, because I cannot love a demon. I can bring back the version of you that's easier for me to love"
When Aziraphale says: "Oh Crowley, nothing lasts forever" he means: "I am willing to give up this bookshop and everything I love on Earth just to be able to have a happy and safe existence with you. You are the only thing I need" but Crowley reads it as: "Nothing lasts forever - not even us"
When Aziraphale says: "I don't think you understand what I'm offering you" he means: "I can finally make Heaven a place that deserves you" but Crowley reads it as: "I can finally make you deserve Heaven"
It's so devastating to see how they both confess in this scene. They both communicate their love, but they do so differently and end up pushing the other away. Their confession gets lost in translation. The things they try to communicate get all tangled up in the lack of understanding of the other's needs, desires and traumas and end up with totally different meanings attributed to them. How can they care so deeply about each other and still not be able to communicate it properly - I think it hurts even more than the scenario in which one of them rejects the other. There is no rejection there - just misunderstanding and miscommunication, which leads to them falling apart.
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ksbbb · 8 months
I think we need to talk about teen wolf season 5 again. The lack of communication throughout season 5a is insane. It was done on purpose and it drives me crazy because if someone stopped and had an actual conversation to explain what was going on in their head, I don’t think Theo would have been able to manipulate the pack the way he did.
I love the season and it has its flaws, and it’s not perfect by any means, but it also makes me think about how people can become so caught up in their own world. They become lost in their own thoughts that they fail to realize they’re not seeing things from a clear perspective or vision.
It’s wonderful to use in writing because it’s something we all experience, but when it comes down to it, Theo wasn’t the only cause of the pack’s shift to being broken. The cracks that were being made in the McCall pack all throughout season 5 was complex and it was a multitude of factors that caused the pack to become disconnected from each other.
The miscommunication and lack of understanding caused a ripple effect that led to everyone’s inability to make clear and informed decisions.
That’s why you have the Stiles and Scott feud, Liam almost killing Scott, the Malia and Stiles break up, and Theo’s fight with Scott by himself in the library.
I love this show. That’s all.
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breakandbuildfiction · 5 months
Long Distance Relationship (Heaven)
After learning that there was a new Ghost King, Sera sent Emily and a few other angels to go meet him and see if he was an improvement over the old one. When the younger seraphim returns she happily reports that the new Ghost King was named Danny, that he is a much nicer guy than Pariah Dark ever was, and that she needs something called a ‘cell phone’ to make use of a series of numbers Danny gave her.
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Hey! So I just read a Tumblr post about a costumer always going to this one coffee shop and asking for the most disgusting thing ever and NEVER drinking it (and one time they took a sip, they said yuck). And it got me thinking. Do you have any fics here about A or C doing something once as a joke or whatever and then it scaling and they can't back out now, but like, humorous? Could be this sort of setting, could be any other setting. The only tags I can come up with for similar things is the fake dating/married, but I'm pretty sure I've already read most of what's there and I want something different to that anyway. Hell, it doesn't even need to be A and/or Z who are stuck in that situation. I just really wanna read more stuff like this.
Hi! There isn't a specific tag for this kind of fic, really. But you might find similar fics to enjoy on our #misunderstandings tags. And here are some fics I think fit the idea you're describing...
Would you like to get a drink? by AppleSeeds (G)
Crowley has been drooling over the handsome checkout operator in his local supermarket for months and finally summons the courage to approach him. Unfortunately, it doesn't take long for Crowley's brain to shut down completely.
Calling All Catchers by Quefish (E)
Crowley is horny and puts out a personal ad, Aziraphale knocks on the door.
Ways to Make You Smile by WickedWriter (M)
Crowley has always been awkward around anyone who he develops feelings for. While Aziraphale is always nice to him, he can't help but screw things up when trying to flirt. But when he starts making latte art to impress his angel, it was only a matter of time before he found a way to cock things up again. Rated M for adult themed jokes and puns
Sansevieria by KissMyAsthma & leukozyna (M)
Crowley is on the prowl for a rare plant. Unwilling to pay such a high price, he takes a stroll to the plant shop to look for an alternative... then meeting a handsome stranger who happens to own the plant of his dreams. How far will Crowley go to seize a cutting of this botanical masterpiece? Or: when you want to get a cutting of a rare, expensive plant, what do you do? You slither your way into the pants of its owner (too bad if you fall in love on the way)
Thrown for a Loop by MickyRC (T)
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a man in possession of a large amount of yarn will be assumed to be a knitter. It is a truth universally acknowledged among crocheters that this is annoying as hell. In his many years crocheting, Aziraphale has never been one to let that assumption stand. But faced with an opportunity to join a knitting group run by a very sweet new shop owner, he decides to play along. Even if it means he has to pretend he wants to learn how to knit. Even if it means he has to hide his skill with a crochet hook. It’ll be worth it to get to know Crowley better. Probably. Hopefully. (It will.)
Waking Up Slow by the_moonmoth (E)
“Then you’ll just have to come back with me," Aziraphale said. “You what?” “You’ll have to come and isolate with me, at my cottage.” The thing about messing with people, Crowley thought, was that sometimes, they genuinely surprised you. After both being exposed to coronavirus, total strangers Crowley and Aziraphale are forced to wait out their isolation together. A tale of soft winter romance by the sea.
- Mod D
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atrophiedemotion · 2 months
The interviews got me curios about Unsha's wife now. I wonder if she was fond of Ivan and if she was sad when he died. She probably was since he was speficially given to her but I wonder if she cared about him as his own being and not just because he was hers. Maybe when his adoption day comes around we can get a comic about Ivan being given to Unsha's wife?
ahh hello, thank you for the ask!! im sorry this took so long but rest assured i have been Thinking about this (i wrote little notes for my response while at work pondering over it lmao)
i think a gifting comic would be very interesting! the way unsha talks about picking ivan out as a gift definitely feels like unsha was thinking more about what their wife would like than anything else. it feels like, from that, that she probably was fond of ivan- but probably more like. a very pretty fish you have in your fish tank, if that makes sense. someone else pointed out that it's likely she was the alien with the flowers in the background of the frame in black sorrow where child ivan has a singing trophy, and i really like that theory. if it is her, it'd show that she does admire him and his abilities.
some of the segyein seem to see humans in a very similar way to the pets we as people have but with even less understanding of them. i think it'd make sense for unsha's wife to 'adore' ivan in the way someone would somewhat shallowly love a pampered poodle? id love to believe she cared about him as his own being but i honestly just don't think most aliens have that capacity simply because of how different they are biologically. (not to mention the fact that ivan was certainly never himself around any of the aliens. hard to deeply care about a fabrication, even if you're not aware of it- but that's another topic regarding ivan's relationship with unsha that ive been thinking about)
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outstanding-quotes · 7 months
To be misunderstood is the fate of our kind.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, The Sorrows of Young Werther
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #139
NWH AU where Tony's been in a coma this whole time. He still is. But the world thinks he's dead.
One day, Rhodey is in some science place (maybe SI, maybe a community college where he was giving a speech?) and he sees this kid tinkering who looks exactly like Tony Stark. The teen Tony Stark from when he first met him at MIT. Even down to the mannerisms. He goes up and has a brief conversation with this stranger, just curious. Then he leaves.
Unbeknownst to the kid, Peter, Rhodey managed to grab something for a DNA test. The kid just looked too much like his best friend. Like seeing a ghost
When they analyze the DNA, they learn that this kid is in fact Tony's biological son
Rhodey goes back to find the kid, this time bringing Happy. Peter gets to have the super fun conversation where two people who should know him but don't tell him that the person he saw as a father was his actual father, only it's too late
They convince Peter to come with them eventually. And Peter gets the shock of his entire life
Over the next little while, at Tony's bedside, Peter gets to know Morgan (who he would've seen as a sister anyway but this is insane). He also gets reacquainted with Rhodey, Happy, and Pepper, who all admittedly find him a bit sus with how much he seems to know.
But...this is Tony's kid. His son. So they let him be there, let him talk to Tony and hold his hand. 
Finally, finally, Tony wakes up.
And it turns out, being in a coma and thought dead by the entire world, including wizards, makes one exempt from certain magic
As he sits by Tony's bedside, Peter has to grapple with a lot of emotions. One of them is the realization that he was never actually related to Uncle Ben, which makes him feel like his uncle and aunt died for nothing
Pepper helps him through it. Even not knowing him the way she once did, she knows plenty about guilt complexes and chosen family. She assures Peter that he's still a Parker, no matter what, and that his aunt and uncle wouldn't have given him up for the world
Another thing Peter deals with is the fear of Tony waking up and not knowing him. It breaks his heart just thinking about it.
Cue THE most relieving hurt/comfort reunion ever imagined
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softgothbabe · 7 days
As it turns out, some people are just committed to misunderstanding/misinterpreting you. No matter how much you care. No matter how much you try.
And it's NOT your fault.
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leatherbookmark · 4 months
anyone else's got a family who treats them both like a tiny little child who needs everything done for them AND a big scary abusive monster adult you leave alone and tiptoe around lest they Are Mean to you? anyone else's going fucking insaaaaane
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lobotomylad · 2 months
i started unnecessary beef and i feel it's gonna bite me in the ass
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shesmore-shoebill · 6 months
*whoops just realized i should actually link the post by @ifearimlosingtheroom this is talking about:
GOD THANK U IM GLAD. Ur post is ONTO something okay. (I also am saying this as someone who clearly is a sucker for pining Amangela/Amangela angst in many/ all forms).
But the specific dynamic in the two songs + 2T1L dynamic. Makes me go more feral the longer I think about it!!!!! They're so close. they like each other so much. BUT.
Amanda taking it as kind of a personal failure/like she's not trying hard enough because Angela knows her so well, and she knows Angela well but it feels like maybe there's something still she's missing. OR Amanda feeling kind of hurt that maybe it feels like Angela still needs to be guarded around her.
Meanwhile Angela. Maybe as a consistently guarded person. Maybe specifically bc of Amanda and her feekings. Maybe both. Such a good friend but also walls up, cards close to her chest. because. Once she doesn't. Its game over. (So she thinks).
But once Amanda is aware that Angela is still being guarded about personal things she can't unsee it. And she keeps trying, and trying, and Angela is maybe losing her mind a bit because oh god/vulnerability is already pretty terrifying when you're a private person/one of the things she's trying SO HARD to keep tamped down is her overwhelming feelings towards Amanda.
So then like. Amanda trying and (feeling like she's) failing, like Angela gives so much love and attention and she's not quite matching it or something is-off. So she tries harder. Angela feeling the mounting pressure and like everything is at risk of crumbling if she can't hold it together. But now also if she keeps holding her walls up, Amanda's reaction...
Communication overall: Not great.
JUST. Delicious scenario of so much care and good intent blending into understandable insecurity to create ~angst potential~. Maybe Angela pulls away! Maybe Amanda blames herself! Then it comes to a head- Maybe Amanda gets briefly upset with Angela for keeping her walls up! Maybe Angela briefly snaps a little at Amanda for 'prying'! etc etc. aaaaaaaah.
(Then it resolves? Still thinking about how that would look...)
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americankimchi · 2 years
obsessed with the idea that in another world shen jiu would just be the cang qiong sect’s extremely bitchy second in command who acts like a royal pain in the ass to everyone but closes ranks SO fast once someone else is rude to anybody from the sect like FUCK you those are HIS annoying little brat disciples/peak lords and only HE’S allowed to be mean to them
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