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patron-saints · 1 year ago
Happy Birthday! I made you Legolas x Gimli art! :D Btw if these two were muppets which muppets would they be :)
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oh my god thank you so much i LOVE this!!!! ahh!!!!!! the cheekbones are killing me
and um. i um. i don't know. i'm being tortured by my lack of muppet knowledge today i need to hire a muppets consultant
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saikkunen · 1 year ago
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And that is how the magic happened.
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wof-headshots-daily · 24 days ago
Beryl is a dragon of unknown age/tribe/gender who Scarlet had on a list of dragons she wanted dead. Tui says they'll be in Arc 4 so that probably means they're important.
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Day 220- Beryl
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soundleer · 5 hours ago
Hold up-
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I think his main got deleted because people reported him-
Maybe that's why he's back and even angrier. I've had to deal with a toxic idiot too and after getting their main blog deleted they came back even angrier too. If you want the story for that it's my pinned
hmm their main is still there as ive looked through my blocklist, although either way its less than desirable that they're getting more and more spiteful like damn-
oh yea and also, im starting to see the pattern of those types of people you and i both have dealt with. can't pinpoint what the common theme is but all i can sense from them are stupidity and stubbornness lol
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arolesbianism · 6 months ago
Earlier I encountered another fun isat glitch while fighting the king but this time instead of Odile crashing my game she decided to just stop taking damage and tbh that's how it should be all the time. About to take damage? Don't.
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lordsardine · 9 months ago
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miscellaneousjay · 1 year ago
I also finally watched “The Devil Wears Prada” from start to finish yesterday as well. Andrea Sachs (played by the always wonderful Anne Hathaway) is a whole mood and inspiration, okay?! Andy might’ve been low on confidence and style, but do you know the sheer amount of AUDACITY (I think/objectively looking from the outside in) you have to have to walk in to a business that specializes in fashion looking like a soggy, overgrown second-grader and trying to convince IRL Cruella De Vil why she should give you a job?! PURE PUSSY (very strong and flexible muscle) I TELL YOU! Me? I wouldn’t have even dared. However, if my apartment was on the line, soggy second-grader reporting for duty.🫡 Then Miranda was a HORRIBLE BOSS!! She had Emily so scared of failure that that lady stopped eating and came to work with the FLU! Just NASTY!😷 Then, she had Andy doing her kids’ HOMEWORK!!!!😤 That shit woulda blew me, I woulda walked out, and I woulda had Blonde Dude use his connects to get me out of being Miranda Priestley’s lackey. That lady is the definition of being a Boss and a Bitch. Like, two things can be true at once: 1) She is an icon and the moment and 2) She’s cruel and couldn’t give less than half of a fuck about any of her employees; not even the tried and true like Nigel. He worked for her for 18 years and hadn’t seen a promotion ever! And how she used that to positively GAG Andy about how she did the same thing to Emily when it came to the Paris Fashion Week trip?! Damn!😬 While I like how Andy left the world of fashion and faux camaraderie (except for Nigel, he was her only real friend there) behind, I like that she took confidence and no-nonsense with her. As a writer still breaking into my field, I have never related to a character harder than I have to Andrea Sachs at the moment! I wonder if Essence is hiring…🤔😏🤓😝
P. S. Andy’s boyfriend could’ve been a lil more supportive of her considering her daddy had to lend them rent money and, when she started working for Miranda, most of their income was coming from Andy being on call for “The Dragon Lady” damn-near 24/7 (not being paid enough if you ask me, but def more than he was before he got a better-paying job at the END OF THE MOVIE).
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candidateofloyalty · 11 months ago
fic writers' self rec
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love 💞
I'm blatantly stealing this from @waveridden because I wanted the excuse to talk about some fic that I like. In no particular order:
Rise With The Fall (Persona 5) was my first stab at writing from Akechi's perspective and I had a lot of fun with that. This little guy has so many issues (affectionate). Also, and I know I talk about this constantly, I love any take on the Persona protagonists where they're aware of the limitations placed on them as a result of their role in the narrative. (What can I say, my first Persona game was 3.) The fact that Persona Q has regular dialogue from whichever protagonist you're not playing as haunts me. All of this is to say that Akira may be able to break Maruki's grip on his reality but he can't break mine.
Dazzling Blue Sky on the Window (Persona 3) is maybe a little bit cheating, since I wrote it as a birthday present for myself, but I love Metis, I love Minako, and I want to see what happens when you make the girl who refuses to let anyone see her emotions timeshare her soul with the girl who is literally incapable of suppressing hers. (I think the answer is that they kiss but that's not in the fic itself.)
devil he dragged me down (We Know the Devil) was an experiment in matching style and tone and I'm so pleased with how it came out. The world of the game is simultaneously emotionally specific and light on details, so working in the empty spaces there was a lot of fun.
Related, We Know Exolution (Friends at the Table) is the most ambitious project I've finished in at least five years and I think the final product is totally worth it. It's kind of the opposite of dhdmd in that now I was trying to match the tone and imagery of Twilight Mirage while still keeping the gameplay and theme of WKTD, and also now it's a twine game instead of a visual novel because my art skills are nonexistent. A fun fact is that the cover on itch is a photo I took from the train to my summer internship that was where I first got into fatt. I think it does a decent enough job of conveying the concept of instability masked by a pretty facade that's important to both the inspirations for WKE while also being a fun easter egg for me personally.
every stumble and each misfire (Ace Attorney) is a love letter to Sebastian Debeste and I have reread it multiple times in the last week. (I may be replaying AAI2.) I love when characters have to realize how bad things are in stages, and there is so much for Sebastian to unpack at the end of that game. I am definitely coming back to this topic but for now we have this and it's good.
I'm going to tag @randomidiocyncrazies and anyone else who sees this and is interested! I would love to see you brag about your fics.
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rainworldbloodsport · 2 years ago
Submissions are now CLOSED! Two slots were left, which we've filled with our own OCs, giving a final cast number of 36! Now, all that's left to do is finish off portraits for the cast, then run the sim! Updates to come, but in all liklihood you'll just be seeing us posting miscellanous scugs to our art blog 'til we're done. Call it the preparation time - you know who the tributes are, now it's time to get familiar with them before their horrific and untimely deaths!
If you want to see our current log of finished portraits, we'll reblog them to here - or you can check character profiles if you want to see them early, though that may require using desktop or a browser app, since mobile Tumblr still doesn't support custom pages, despite desktop Tumblr having supported them for more than ten years. You will want to look at the tributes list, and then click on the name of the character whose profile you wish to view.
Alternatively, you will want to go to https://rainworldbloodsport.tumblr.com/1 and swap out the number until you find your desired tribute, since we're drawing characters by numerical order on when they were added. Sliver of Straw and Saint should turn up later today, if all goes well, and we'll try and keep a pace of at least two per day. May be more or less - there will also be dead portraits done, you just won't get to see 'em until actual death occurs.
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patron-saints · 10 months ago
Greed for character opinion bingo?
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did NOT expect to bingo for greed!! i was mostly thinking about OG greed while i was doing it but greedling applies to most of these too !
@waitineedaname is the greed guy To Me and @arlwiss is also a big greed fan!! he's my blorbo-in-law for sure
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sendmebacktonowhere · 2 years ago
catch every manager in retail or food service walking around w one of those babeys the second they drop
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fdragon-art · 4 months ago
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Day 362 - Sunset Blasting
"It's no wonder the vast amount of poetry written about the colours of this world~"
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miscellaneousjay · 2 years ago
This is so disappointing! All these bajillion-dollar companies and corporations gotta do is PAY THEIR PEOPLE!!! It literally shouldn’t be that difficult!!! Honestly, who was allowed to put a price tag on morals? Common sense? Empathy? DO BETTER!!! Because it’s really looking and steadily getting hopeless out here in these streets and the people SITTING ON LITERAL BILLIONS don’t want to do SHIT but ask the folks with shallow(er) pockets to attempt to save the day. ALL YOU CLOWNS CAN LITERALLY POOL YOUR MONEY AND SAVE THE WORLD WITH IT AND STILL (possibly) BE (considerably) WEALTHY!!!!
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on the announcement that Disney+ is removing a plethora of shows and films from its service, please read these tweets from Willow writer John Bickerstaff. this is not a tax writeoff like Batgirl, because these projects have already been released. this is a move designed to cut off financial support in the form of residuals, and break the spirit of the strike. here is the deadline article that lists the films/shows that will be removed.
as always, donate to the entertainment community fund, vocally support the WGA online and irl, or join a picket in a major US city if you can. let them know they can't keep getting away with things like this.
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randall-lloyd · 6 months ago
I wanna draw
but no can draw.
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miscellaneousjay · 1 year ago
Watched “Cruel Intentions” for the first time yesterday…yeah, I never wanna watch it again!🙈🙊 However, while the wicked schemes were a bit much for me, I will say that Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ryan Phillipe, and Reese Witherspoon did what needed to be done in order to carry this story’s scandalous ass plot, okay?! That’s all ima say on that!🤐
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