#mirdan lore
ladymirdan · 6 months
I'm thinking about what my next big army project is going to be and im leaning more and more towards a mix of Black Templars and Sisters in matching colours.
Looking over the Sororitas range for a bit when it finally clicks why I love their silly little helmets so much.
My old helmet from when I larped a paladin. My favourite character ever.
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mirdans-100challenge · 2 months
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Proof that I have always been a great painter. I call it “The Lions of Macragge”.
(I feel like this picture dates how old I actually am too, this was the hottest fashion back then, my mother cares about those things 😂)
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I am unable to sleep due to cold/flu and chill of winter, so have some lore.
The Thirteen did exist in this, though not as demigods. I've already briefly mentioned Alpha Trion, but let me go into a little more detail about what happens to them.
Spoilers ahead, though, obviously subject to some change since this is a WIP.
Lets start with Rung.
Rung was the only one who remembered Primus and was the one in charge of raising and carrying for all of them. He remained in charge of rearing them alone and Cybertronian/Transformers society was in its infancy.
During this early stage, the somewhat lonely Rung, the others, weren't yet ready to harvest, so he was alone, met someone who had crashed on the planet. This person was Mirdane, an early Quintesson explorer who was absolutely fascinated with Rung as he was the closest he had yet found to his species, mostly mechanical, biology. Rung was overwhelmed, at least partially because they didn't speak the same language.
Mirdane spoke verbally in a double layered vocal dialect and by moving his tentacles for tone indicators. Rung meanwhile communicated mainly through EM field and a clicking and beeping he'd created to mimic the noises Primus's body made for emphasis when communicating via their bond.
They learned each others methods, and it blended into what would have been Ancient Cybertronian in another universe. The better they learned to communicate, the more they shared, and Rung, trusting and happy with his first friend, told him everything.
About how his species was made, his role in creation, their growth cycle. Mirdane soaked it up eagerly and shared stories of his own people and how they were struggling. Then, when the first emerged, Mirdane helped Rung unearth them and name them.
Unbeknownst to Rung, Mirdane had been sending reports back while he repaired his ship. Reports about the fledgling species he'd discovered, the coordinates, and the resources on the planet and notes on what he'd seen in the surrounding star system. These were all sent back per protocol and with the hope help would be sent.
Mirdane had no ill intent.
But then he mentioned that Energon that occurred naturally on the planet worked as a fuel substitute for himself and his vehicle. The Quintessons saw an opportunity, and General Jolup and Lord Kledji dispatched to Cybertron. They wind up setting themselves up as the leaders of Cybertron to the young race. Eventually even convincing the newer generation that they are their Creators, after observing for a long time. Rung is the only problem and he can be locked up. The Quintessons setup to be worshiped and experiment to try and make "Transformers" of their own but through trial and error realize Rung is absolutely needed.
They take from him as soon as they can but the earliest generation, that will eventually be the Thirteen know who he is and the Truth. They build up a rebellion and with Alpha Trion and the others leading the way go to war against the Quintessons. This uprising comes close to succeeding but fails ultimately when Liege Maximo is not convinced they can win when the Quintesson Army arrives and betrays them to Quintessa.
They all meet different fates as Quintessa enjoys keeping trophies of her enemies. Defeating them was her first major victory though a rival stole the credit for the death of Prima and she didn't correct as the escape of Alpha Trion and Onyx also fell on them.
I've got quite a few settled and they'll show up as the story goes on. Everyone not on the list is still being decided on.
Prima is killed outright and made an example of as the face of teh rebellion. Quintessa kills him personally.
Megatronus is domesticated and locked into his Predacon mode. He is a dragon kept in Quintessa's zoo.
Solus is the Hammer wielded by Quintessa and eventually "Ultra Magnus".
Alpha Trion escapes and remains a long standing and permenant thorn in the Quintessons' sides trying to free his people, siblings, and father.
Micronus is Wheelie and forced to be a jester but can only speak in rhyme and has words forbidden to speak. This is an early attempt at what would become mnemosurgery.
Vector is the Quintesson Clock at the center of the Quintesson Capital that all of the Empire is set to the time of.
Onyx is Sky Lynx. He initially escaped with Alpha Trion but was caught in a later rebellion after the invention of mnemosurgery and was locked in one mode with his T-Cog removed and memories wiped.
Liege does go back with Quintessa. Mode locked and processor wiped as her personal ship.
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ladymirdan · 5 months
What's your earliest memory of 40k? First model, first release you remember, first bit of media?
My first memory of 40k is being over at a friend's house and my friend's big brother is painting up orks. I thing I was about 8 years old.
I have no idea what is going on, but everything looked so cool, and he and his friends pretended to voice the characters and everything. I have a core memory of licking brushes and those black GW transport bags, and I just knew I wanted all of it.
Then years go by, im 14 and finally have my own allowance. Im visiting my local games store who is going out of sale and everything in the store is 10sek (about 1$)
I see this wall of blisterpacks and I just grab everything I liked. So many pretty little minis. The guy at the counter tells me about the offial GW store who has more stuff, its just down the street.
I go there and show my haul and buy a codex and some core troops.
This wasnt for 40k tho, but warhammer fantasy. Turns out that almost every single model I picked on random was a dark elf (and two beastmen), so yes, I got Malekith on a fucking dragon for 1$.
I find out some friends play it at my school and I play a bit with them, but lets face it. Dark Elves was a hard army to ply back in 6th edition. Absolute glass cannons, and for the moat part I lost and got mad 😂
I start hanging out a lot at a FLGS and play there a lot. It is here I become obsessed with lore stuff. There werent that many books back then but I devoured them. And I got a ton of codices, new and old, just to read the fluff. And I buy a bunch of second hand White dwarf.
In one of the magazines I see the Drukhari (dark eldar back then) and I'm in love. The old minis were so spooky and beautiful and I want them.
But the guy in the store goes, “Don't buy dark Eldar. They suck. Buy Eldar instead, you love Khaine, and so do they. Eldar in 40k is basically if the dark elves won back Ulthuan”
I promptly become so offended over the fact I'm being offered “High elves”, and in my eternal hatred swear to disavow 40k forever. And I do. Until 2020. Covid has just locked down everything (exept for my job because im essential), but all I have to do in my spare time is to watch youtube and rot.
And youtube is spamming me with Warhammer stuff, and I have a sudden burst of nostalgia after all these years and I start looking at models. It was extremely easy to get into the lore because WHFB and 40k had such a huge overlap int themes and tropes, and I already knew what authors I would like and such.
And that is how I got a Night Lord army for 30k. The minis are so spooky and cool, and I wanted to learn more about them. I started reading about space marines and how the imperium is so whacky and fun, so I bought some Imperial Fists, but there is so little lore about them, so I headed back to my Nightlords.
But then, I pick up and read Unremembered Empire, because I got told Curze is an absolute beast in that book.
And now I play Ultramarines.
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ladymirdan · 6 months
I often think about a thing that happened when I was still a kid and pretty new to Warhammer.
There were this FLGS located pretty much exactly inbetween my school and my home. I didnt do very well in school, my grades were okish but I skipped class A LOT. Oh the joy of being a girl with comically autistic traits in the 90’s, my baby brother got a diagnosis, I got a “why are you so weird, stop it”.
But I spent a lot of time in this store, and im genuinely surprised they let me do that. I was a kid, I couldnt buy very much. I just sat there and painted or played a few games. And sometimes I got to build stuff for the store (very exciting). They even convinced me to send in a contribution to Golden Daemon (I did not win, not even close 😂)
Even back then I was obsessed with oldhammer stuff. And the store owner who had been into nerd stuff for decades thought that was really fun and says something along the line of “hey I have a few first edition WHFB armies in a box in the basement, if you want tou can cone down with me and look at them.
So there I go, 14 year old girl, with this 40+ year old man into a shady ass basement to look at minis.
And the minis were soo awesome, he was a very good painter. He also found a “how to paint minis”- pamphlet from like the 80’s and gave it to me (boy do I wish I still had it)
But like, what was I thinking. If he had been any kind of shady guy, things could have ended so badly. I cringe just thinking about it. And I wasnt a naive kid either, ever since I hit puberty at like 11 ive had grown ass men grope me on the street before. I knew all about “bad men”.
But shoutout to that store for being one of the first places in my life where I felt appreciateed and not not a burden. Where people would greet me excitedly whenever I showed up. My guess is they saw a lot of themselves in that lonely and weird kid.
I would link to it, but it closed down over a decade ago, and I heard the owner passed away. And that is such a damn shame because the world needs more people like him. That creates safe spaces for the weird and the lost.
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