#miraculous georgie
miraculous-pyxie · 2 years
i like to headcanon that Placide (Adrien’s bodyguard or The Gorilla) is 100% aware of all the antics going on in the mansion. Gabriel being Monarch, Natalie was Mayura but then she started getting sick like Madam Agreste, and Adrien being Chat Noir but he just sits back and watches all the chaos unfold.
Something purely self-indulgent that i tack onto that is he more than once pretended that Adrien was home to cover for when he was out being Chat Noir and gets worried when Adrien isn’t feeling great. Obviously he had to cover his tracks and make it believable but he just sits back and watches the show
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viola-islami17 · 2 years
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Miraculous Speededit {Viola Islami}💜
Miraculous Halloween's edit🎃
it (2017)🩸⛵
Adrien as It/Pennywise {Bill Skarsgård}🤡
Marinette as Georgie 🐤🌧️
Time ⏱️: 7h 29m
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echolett · 10 months
I think I'm gonna work on my Miraculous Tma au I miss them but also like grrrr pulling at my hair yknow
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annabelle--cane · 4 months
just put together another thing about georgie's decision making process in mag 121 / mag 122. she had presumably been regularly visiting jon, their last interaction had been her urging him to reach out to more people in his life and telling him he didn't have to distance himself from her, and when oliver leaves she goes to say something reassuring to his sleeping form, so I doubt she had been deliberately waiting for him to regain consciousness so she could formally end their friendship. what makes her change her mind is that she sees this man whom she can feel is associated with Death and who calls himself jon's friend and cryptically says "make your choice" before leaving room, and then jon wakes up, miraculously healed of any complications. it's not just that oliver's presence set her on edge, it's that she can tell that jon took some kind of deal from a representative of the force that nearly destroyed her life. it wasn't arbitrary, she knew that waking up like that represented a choice and a big turning point.
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george-weasleys-girl · 9 months
So I was wondering if you could do one where y/n is George's girlfriend and she shows up at The Burrow in the mornig and nobody knew she would come cause she wanted to be a surprise and only Mrs. Weasley is awake when she arrives and then the other Weasleys greet her at breakfast
As soon as I saw your request, the idea for it popped into my head fully formed. I wrote it in about 20 minutes. I hope you enjoy it!
Early Morning Surprise
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George x fem!reader
Y/N tiptoed into the Burrow. She was supposed to be out of town for another week visiting family, but she'd managed to get away early.
"Y/N dear! Such a wonderful surprise!" Molly bustled suddenly around the corner, causing Y/N to jump. "I didn't scare you, did I?" She asked, pulling Y/N into an all-encompassing embrace.
"Only a little," she smiled, returning Mrs. Weasley's hug.
"Oh, I'm sorry, my dear!" Molly said, letting go of Y/N to put the kettle on. "Well, it's nothing a cup of tea won't cure."
"Thanks, Molly," Y/N grinned and took a seat at the table.
George stumbled into the kitchen about an hour later, rubbing the sleep from eyes, when he caught sight of his girlfriend. "Y/N!" He sprinted toward her, his arms wide, when something nearly knocked him over.
"Y/N! You're back early!" Ginny raced past him to engulf her in a bear hug. "We weren't expecting you until next week!"
"I snuck away," Y/N grinned, giving Ginny a wink.
George tried for a second time to embrace Y/N, who he hadn't seen for almost a month, but was foiled by Arthur, who unceremoniously stepped in front of his son. "Welcome back!" He gave her a hearty hug. "We've missed you, haven't we George?"
"Yes, very much so," George said, stepping around his father, only to be pushed to the side by Percy. "Sorry, George," he apologized, pulling Y/N into a brief hug. "Running late this morning. Good to see you, Y/N. Catch up tonight?"
"Of course, Perce," Y/N smiled, stepping around him to George.
Only to be absconded for a third time.
"Y/N! How are you?" Bill exclaimed, coming at her from the side and capturing her a warm embrace. "Fleur will be here for dinner. She'll be so excited to see you!"
"And I her," Y/N replied, giggling at her inability to reach her boyfriend, who was standing with his arms folded as he watched Fred bounce down the stairs, jumping in front of him to give Y/N a welcoming hug.
"Look who's back early!" He turned back to George. "Did you see Y/N's back early?"
"No, I had no idea," George deadpanned. "Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to give my girlfriend a hug," he said, stepping forward, then stopped abruptly.
"Everything ok?" Y/N paused, her eyebrows scrunching together.
George looked around the room. "Just waiting for Charlie to miraculously appear from Romania."
Y/N laughed. "Oh, come here, you!" She said, pulling him close. "I've missed you so much!"
"I missed you too," George mummered in her ear before leaning back a little to give her kiss that turned her legs to jello.
"Ew! Get a room!" Fred teased, making gagging noises.
"Oh, leave them alone," Molly chastised, bopping Fred in the back of the head.
Then, turning to George and Y/N, she smiled. "Why don't you two have some breakfast and then maybe take a stroll down to the lake? Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day for it. I'll pack you a picnic."
George turned to Y/N. "What do you say? A day at the lake? Just the two of us?"
"I couldn't think of a better way to spend my first day back," she smiled, pulling him in for another kiss.
If your name is crossed out, I'm unable to tag you.
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @xmjthewitchx @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @samberriejams @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @mrsgweasley @hufflepuffie @morally-grey-obsessed @fredweasleyyyyy @anvaaryn @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1lellykins @junerprsh
@sierraluvz @wolfkill16 @kaysau2510 @qmylovexoxo @planetkt @costheticbabe @drama-queen-fromthevault @smallsweetvanillabean @hanne-montana @greenapplegrass @el-de-phi @lizzytrees @scooby-doo1995 @spididerman @yoursarahg @marvelgirlstories @theimpossible-girl-whowaited @ceehance @Havenater1920 @jelloangela @charmedfandomgal @loca4moony @whotfskai @netflix-addict @lunacurlclaw @moonatician @sierraluvzz @min-aaa @now-that-we-dontalk @LilliSummers
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rollingsins · 2 years
three's a crowd, part two
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | part eight | part nine | part ten (epilogue)
summary: you hadn’t expected this. to fall in love. with not one girl, but two. you hadn’t expected to ruin their friendship. love triangle au. 
pairing: emma myers x reader, jenna ortega x reader
warnings: language.
word count: 2.1k
a/n: team emma or team jenna?? let me know :)))))
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The morning after that night at the pool when the hangover sets in, you freak out. 
The pool. The flickering lights. Jenna’s crush on Georgie. Emma’s lips on yours. 
You should feel elated. Emma had kissed you. Instead, you feel... flat. Uncertain. 
You stare down at your phone as you read Emma’s text. 
had an amazing time last night.. Excited to see you again today 🙂 🙂
You bite your lip. Fingers hover over the keyboard, trying to think of a response. When it doesn’t come, you set your phone down. Groan. Let your mind wonder why you’re not as excited as you should be. 
She’s gorgeous and she likes you. The kiss she’d given you had left you with butterflies. But there’s a tiny gnawing feeling at the pit of your stomach. You wished it had been Jenna. 
Stop it, you scold yourself. She isn’t interested. She likes Georgie. 
Georgie, god. Georgie with his stupid handsome face and his stupid attractive accent. They’d be a pretty couple. He’d like her back, of course he would. And then they’d get together and be stupidly in love. It’s only a matter of time. Crestfallen, you stare back at the text. Then you’re replying. 
Excited to see you too ☺️☺️ had a great time last night. 
Set that day is rough on everyone. 
You’re filming with Hunter and Joy. Joy, miraculously, isn’t one ounce hungover, ever the professional. Hunter spends his time off camera with his head in a bucket, trying not to puke. You’re not far off, laying your head in your hands trying to quell your raging headache. 
You barely notice as Emma sidles up to you, small smile on her lips. 
“Hey.” She says, a little shy, “How are you feeling?” 
“Better than him.” You jerk your head over to Hunter. He’s sitting in one of the cast chairs, looking a little green. Emma giggles. 
“You know what they say about hangovers.” Emma says, biting her lip, “Best way to get through them is to keep drinking.” 
You tilt your head up. 
“Oh?” You say, “Why, you got some vodka on you?” 
“No,” She says with a laugh, “But I was wondering if you wanted to go out dancing tonight. With me.” 
She thinks for a moment, “Well, not just me. Jenna’s coming too. And Joy, maybe Georgie too. Hunter if he can stand.” 
Your stomach coils and the thought of watching Georgie and Jenna dancing together. 
“I don’t know…” 
“Come on.” She presses, squeezes your hand. Your stomach flutters, “It’ll be fun. I’ll show you my moves.” 
She’s staring at you, a little pleading. You swallow, ignore the lump in your throat. 
“Fine.” You agree, “But just so you know I’m a terrible dancer.” 
“Me too.” She affirms, “But that’s what makes it fun.” 
The club is tiny. Packed to the brim with Romanian party-goers. Jenna sorts you all a small area in the corner, veers off with Georgie to buy the group drinks. You watch them at the bar, stare at the back of Georgie’s head as she touches his arm.
White hot jealousy coils through you. You take a long sip of your drink, try to shake it. 
Emma’s beside you, looking so pretty in a tiny black dress. You try to focus on her. 
“Should we dance?” She’s asking. 
“Sure.” You say, a little half-hearted. 
“We don’t have to.” She says, a little disappointment flickering behind her eyes. 
“No, let’s dance.” You stand, hold out your hand. 
You lead her to the dance floor, a pool of sweaty, writhing bodies. Dance for a bit, try to focus on the beat of the music and her warm hand in yours. Joy joins after a bit, and you find your gaze lingering back to the spot you’d left. Jenna’s sitting there all alone. You bite your lip. 
“I’ll be right back.” You tell Emma. She nods, wraps her arms around Joy. 
Then you fight your way back to where Jenna’s sitting. 
“Hey.” You say as you sink down into the seat next to her, “Want to come dance?” 
She shakes her head. 
“I’m good.” 
You shrug, take a sip of your Vodka Soda. 
You look back into the crowd, scanning for Emma. She’s disappeared into the mesh of people. Instead, you spot Georgie. 
He’s dancing with someone. Someone skinny and blonde and definitely not Jenna. She giggles as he wraps his arms around her waist. They dance a little more. 
Idiot. You can’t help but think. 
Then you realize Jenna’s looking too. 
“I’m sorry.” You say. You sidle close to her, until your thighs are pressed together. “I know you liked him.” 
Jenna stares at you, bemusement across her face. 
“I don’t like Georgie.” She says. 
Your eyebrows draw tight in confusion. 
“What? But you said-“ 
You trail off, trying to think of exactly when Jenna had confirmed her crush on Georgie. She didn’t, you realize all at once. 
“Oh. So who is it then? This person you like so much?” 
Jenna says nothing. Watching, like she always does. You rack your brain, trying to think of the boys on set. 
“It’s not- Hunter is it?” You say, sounding scandalized, “Because I think you’re barking up the wrong tree if you-“ 
“It’s not a boy.” She interjects. 
That stops you in your tracks. You stare at her for a moment. Oh. And then there’s only one person it could be. Your heart sinks.
“It’s Emma. You like Emma.” Jealousy twists hot and fast in the pit of your stomach. The thought makes you want to throw up. It explains everything. Why Jenna had been so weird over the last week, so distant. Why she hadn’t wanted to tell you. 
But then Jenna is shaking her head. 
“It’s not Emma.” 
Relief floods through you. Thank god. 
“Then who-“ Your eyes go wide. You look over to her, grip her forearm. 
“Oh.” You say, “It’s Joy!” 
Jenna shakes her head. 
“It’s not Joy.” She says, sounding a little exasperated. 
Now you’re really confused. You tilt your head, trying to think. 
“Christina Ricci?” Is your final, terrible guess. 
Jenna sighs. The music is pumping so loud your ears are starting to ring. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Georgie lean in to kiss the girl he’s dancing with. A pang of guilt flashes through you at your unconscious vitriol to him. 
“It doesn’t matter anymore.” She says. Her voice is so soft you barely hear her over the music. 
“Why not?” 
“She doesn’t feel the same.” 
You make a face. Roll your eyes. 
“Impossible.” You tell her. “Have you told her?“ 
She’s doing that thing again. Staring, Speaking without words, like she wants you to tell what she’s thinking from her expression. She shakes her head. 
“Then you need to tell her, dumbass.” You say. It’s your turn to look exasperated. You down the rest of your drink. 
“You could get any girl in this room, you know that. Without even trying.” 
“You think?” Voice dry. She’s humoring you. You can tell by her tone. 
“You could, even if you don’t believe it.” You brush a rogue strand of hair out of her eyes. “You’re beautiful. Like the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.” 
She looks down at you. Her eyes lock on yours. 
“Tell me who it is.” You press. “One word in her ear and I’ll have her falling into your arms.”
“Why do you want to know so bad?” She asks. She’s avoiding the question. You whine. 
“Because I want you to be happy.” You say, “Because I care about you.” 
She doesn’t say anything. Sips at her drink. You sigh. Drop your head to her shoulder. 
“Fine.” You grumble. “Don’t tell me. You’re no fun.” 
You entwine your fingers with hers. You can feel her pulse hammering gently against your palm. Your integration has made her nervous. You smooth your thumb over the back of her hand. The weight of her hand feels nice in your own. Your hands lock together perfectly. 
“It’s you.” 
She says it over the swell of the music. You blink, not sure you heard her correctly. 
“It’s you.” 
You look over to her. She’s staring, brown eyes locked on yours. Gone is her guard, she’s open. Vulnerable. 
You’re silent a second too long. You can feel her gaze shift. The wall comes back up, as quick as it had come down. Her guard back up, protecting herself. 
“I shouldn’t have said anything. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. Besides, god, you like Emma.” 
She draws her hand back from yours. Immediately, you miss the warmth of her fingers entwined with your own. Your heart in your throat. She likes you. 
“I- I like you too.” You say before you can stop yourself. 
She pauses. Looks at you. 
“Too? So you like her as well?” 
“We’re just friends.” You say. It’s a lie, even you know that. Friends don’t have the kind of tension you have with Emma. You rephrase, “We’re just- hanging out.” 
She looks at you, a little dubious. 
You swallow. 
“You could have told me. All this time and you never said anything.” 
Jenna stares down at you. Her lip twitches. 
“You had a thing going with Emma-“ 
“God, Jenna. We kissed once. We’re not married-” 
She flinches at that. 
“You kissed her?” 
You stare back at her. “Yes, I kissed her. What do you think we’ve been doing this entire time, holding hands?” 
“This is so fucked up.” Jenna mumbles. She downs the rest of her drink, drops it down on the table. “I can’t believe I just told you I liked you. You’re my friends girlfriend-” 
“I’m not her girlfriend.” You interject. 
“Forget I said anything.” She says, voice pleading, “Please. Let’s just go back to being friends. Let’s blame it on the tequila-”
“No.” You say, “Don’t do that.”
You're grasping at her hand, trying to pull her back down. 
“YN.” She says. You can see the conflict in her eyes. “Emma really likes you.” 
“More than you like me?” You’re holding your breath now. Heart hammering louder than the beat of the music. 
“It doesn’t matter.” Jenna says, “She was there first-“ 
“I’m not some sort of prized cattle that’s been sold off to the highest bidder. Doesn’t it matter what I want?” 
Jenna blinks. “And what do you want?” 
It stops you in your tracks. Emma’s cute and sweet and so so pretty. But Jenna is Jenna. Your mouth opens, then closes. 
“I don’t know.”
Jenna’s face is even, measured. 
“Do you want to be with Emma?” 
“I don’t know.” 
A storm brews in her eyes. It was the wrong thing to say, you realize it immediately. 
She shakes off your hand. 
“Forget I said anything. Please.” 
And she’s off. You don’t bother trying to follow her. What on earth were you supposed to say? Your head runs a mile a minute, overcrowded, thoughts of Jenna and Emma both. Who did you like more? You couldn’t possibly say. 
You stare into your drink like it’s a crystal ball, trying to find the right answers. Emma finds you like this, nudges her shoulder against yours. 
“Hey, you. Thought you were coming right back?” She’s teasing, a small smile playing on her lips. You blink back at her, confused, and the smile slips from her face. 
“What’s wrong?” 
You contemplate not saying anything. Taking her right back out to the dance floor. Her blue eyes are wide, concerned and you just can’t lie to her. 
“Jenna-” You hesitate a moment. You don’t want to upset her, you don’t want to upset anyone. It’s an awful, horrible conundrum. But it’s gnawing at you: you need to be honest. 
“Jenna told me she likes me.” 
Emma just stares. Then she sighs. 
“I know.” She admits quietly.
“You know?” You say, a little confused. 
“That she liked you. It was kind of obvious.” 
You stare. 
She’s looking up at you, blue eyes vulnerable. “Do you- do you like her too?” 
Your heart is in your throat. 
Lie, your mind screams, lie you moron. 
But you can’t. As much as you don’t want to see the disappointment flood her pretty blue eyes. 
“Yes.” You admit. 
“Oh.” She looks hurt and you hate it. You want to crawl into her lap, smooth the creases from her brow and tell her she’s all you want. But it isn’t true. Your heart twists, painfully. 
“I like you too.” You say, “I’m- really confused.” 
She just stares for a moment. For a second you think she might throw her drink in your face. Then she’s standing. 
“Well, I guess you should figure that out then.” Her voice is a little shaky. You reach for her hand but she jerks away. 
“I’m going to go.” 
“No, Emma, wait-” 
But she’s gone. You curse, down the rest of your drink. This place suddenly feels overwhelming. The swell of the music, the blare of the lights. You close your eyes, drop your head in your hands. 
What the fuck are you going to do?
next part
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princess-glassred · 3 months
IT 2017 Role/Personality Swap AU
An au where everybody gets switched <3
Henry Bowers
Growing up with an abusive monster like butch Bowers is hard, but if you're strong enough you can overcome anything. That's what Henry always says anyways, he's only 12 years old and has been through hell and back, so the fact he's remained a kind, brave, sweet kid is quite miraculous. He's determined to help others and be a hero so nobody will ever have to go through what he did ever again. He feels immense guilt for what happened between his father and Connor and how he wasn't around to protect him, but that just makes him fight harder.
He suffers from awful nervous tics and anxiety due to his abusive upbringing, and people have bullied him for it for a long long time, but once again, something like that doesn't stop Henry, it just makes him fight back harder.
When fighting the evil comsic entity known as Maturin, Henry seeks guidance from the kindly creator of worlds, pennywise, via the moon. He urges Henry to save everyone and never stop fighting, even when he gets scared or feels like he can't go on.
He grows up to be a wonderfully successful artist, holding galleries and making paintings based off his complicated childhood.
Upon reuniting with his old friends Maturin tries to conjure up hallucinations of his father to scare him, but even that won't stop him.
Bill Denbrough
Bill Debrough is a 15 year old boy with a lot of issues. He's violent, abusive, cruel, and the sad part is he wasn't always like this.
Before his brother died Bill was a very happy kid, but after his funeral his parents became horrifically neglectful, until Bill felt he could only ever get attention by acting in the worst ways possible.
He's walking a tight rope of sanity, and unfortunately he loses his mind quite early on. On day, Maturin sends him a paper boat through after his parents yell at him that when unfolded, simply reads "kill them." over and over again. After killing his parents he attempts to kill the losers club and is promptly arrested by Butch Bowers and his partner, where he is then sent to juniper hills to rot for the next 27 years. Even inside of Juniper Hills Bill isn't safe, s Maturin gives him visions and makes Georgie's corpse visit him sometimes. The only solace Bill has anymore is writing, but to anyone else they look like the chicken scratches of a mad man. Just pages and pages and pages of "The turtle can't get us." over and over. Maturin eventually breaks Bill out via the rotting corpse of his old bestie, Ben Hanscom, and tells him to go kill the losers. He very nearly succeeds but is thankfully killed before he seriously hurts anyone.
Greta Keene
Greta Keene seems like she'd have it all, she's pretty, her dad's a rich pharmacist, and she lives up on the nicer side of town with all the other rich kids in Derry. Greta is hiding a secret though, a dirty dirty little secret. She likes girls. And ONLY girls. To overcompensate for this she often acts hypersexually and makes jokes about boys alot, which most people find annoying and gets alot of slut accusations thrown her way. She's bullied alot because of this, and the fact her dad is a known creep doesn't help with her reputation at all. When she's with her friends she's very sarcastic and quite sharp, often making jokingly mean girl esque comments to annoy them for fun. She does care about one of her friends though, especially one that she's been in love woth for the past 27 years.
She grows up to be a sucessful model with a relatively happy life, but her feelings for her friend and internalized homophobia prevent her from being truly happy. When she gets back to Derry she winds up having to confront her own painful queer upbringing, including a terrible incident at the mall that involved a misunderstsnding with Beverly Marsh, Bill Debrough, and a giant hyperfeminine mannequin chas her through the parking garage.
She eventually learns to accept these feelings as they are, but unfortunately her one true love is killed by maturin in the final battle. Before she leaves Derry for the last time though, she makes sure to stop by the kissing bridge and carve in a quick G+M to remember her by...
Richie Tozier
Richie Tozier is the kind of guy who just never grows up, son of the rich dentist Wentworth Tozier, Richie seems to have a real chip on his shoulder for no reason. It's pretty clear thst underneath all his petulant, bratty behavior, is a kid who hates his glasses and crooked teeth so much he lashes out at innocent people to make himself feel better about it. He makes a lot of cruel jokes at other people's expense, and particularly likes targeting Connor Bowers because he's queer. He's done all sorts of awful things to him, most notabley when he found him hiding in the boys bathroom stall, called him a fairy, and dumped a bag of trash over him. He never grows up or matures at all, staying in Derry forever and ever, working as his dad's receptionist, reading MAD magazines to pass the time away, and just generally being a loser who peaked in middle school.
Myra Kaspbrak
Poor Myra Kaspbrak was never taught how to be a kid. Her father took to adultifying her after her mother left, and that lead to a miriad of issues for Myra as she was expected to constantly worry about her younger siblings and fathers needs, but never her own.
She's picked on at school for being a fat, nervous wreck, and often called "mama" by Bill Denbrough and Richie Tozier. She just wants to be a kid, but that's impossible for her when she's never allowed to be free from her father's constant begging for attentioin and care. Her biggest fear takes the shape of a homeless leper that begs to be taken care of by her forever and ever, and the worst part is she never really gets to escape this life style.
She kinda gets coerced into marrying a man who acts and looks just like her father, some one who's problems with his own parent has turned him into a whining man baby who "needs" Myra to watch over him all the time.
When she goes back to Derry she has to stop by old Wentworth Toziers dentist office to retrieve a bracelet she lost there when she dropped her sister off for a check up. She's extra nervous about it because Richie's gonna be there ofc, and the last time they ever talked was when he scribble "LOSER" on a cast she got.
The check up with Wentworth takes a terrifying turn when he brings up the prospect of her having mouth cancer and it being an awful thing to go through because "You can't do anything with cancer. Can't eat, can't drink, can't take care of the people you love.".
She gets attacked by the leper again, but manages to make it out and back to her friends, but poor Myra ends up dying later on anyways.
All the losers are badly shaken up by this, but none more so than Greta, who actually confesses she was deeply in love with her but just never got the chance to admit it. It's all deeply sad, but at least she doesn't have to take care of anyone anymore...
Eddie Kaspbrak
Eddie Kaspbrak practicslly forced Myra to marry him, and he doesn't really care how it's affected her. He looks eerily similar to Myra's father, and acts eerily like him too, using things like weaponized incompetence and guilt tripping to make Myra stay with him and act like his mother.
He doesn't really care about Myra at all, and is just using her to fill the hole left by his abusive controlling mother that smothered him til he could hardly take care of himself. He likes to invent new illnesses and pretend to have them just to make her worry more, and when she tries to go back to Derry he cries that if she leaves he won't be able to remember to take his pills or use his inhaler or do pretty much anything.
The very last time Myra ever talks to him is when he obsessively calls her from his car and DEMANDS she stay on the phone and reassure him that he won't get in a car wreck.
Connor Bowers
Connor was forced to move in with his cousin and uncle butch sometime after his mom died, and sadly this was not a very happy or kind place to be.
Butch began to sexually abuse Connor after only about a year of living there, making sure to do it only when Henry wasn't around to see it.
The details of this abuse are too gorey to mention, but it deeply affected Connor and made an already isolated child feel even more isolated.
After one incident where Butch commented on how much he loved Connors cute curly hair though, Connor just kind of snapped and buzzed it all off in a fit of rage.
In addition to the sexual abuse, at school he would be picked on for being visibly queer and in the closet.
Many people just loved to call him slurs and beat the crap out of him, especially Richie Tozier, who actually seemed to be projecting his own closeted feelings onto him more than anything.
Henry probably would have helped Connor had he asked, but Butch often threatened to hit Henry more if Connor ever told him about what he was doing, so he just kept quiet about all of it.
He did find the strength to fight back on his own, stabbing butch in the neck and running off to the sewers with his cousin and friends, but child protective services ended splitting Henry and him up after they defeated Maturin.
As an adult Connor becomes a very famous game developer, having turned his coping mechanism of arcade games into a lucrative career. Unfortunately he winds up in a very similar situation to Myra though, where he hastily marries the first gay guy who will accept him, only to find out he's an abusive creep just like Butch.
After they were split up Henry and Connor kind of forgot the other existed, but they manage to reconnect through their fight with Maturin.
Connor does actually get a happy though, he manages to put his past behind him, get a much needed divorce, and runs off to go live with his cousin on a big yacht somewhere. Hooray!
Beverly Marsh
Nobody really knows what happened to Beverly Marsh, and frankly nobody wants to. She never left much of an impact on anyone, but the impact she left on Greta Keene fucked with her for basically her whole life.
They only met once, when Bev was visiting from portland to see her old friends, and she and the rest of the Denbrough gang decided it'd be fun to stop by the mall.
While Bill and his other friends were off at the food court, Bev stopped in a store to take a look around.
Greta was shopping there too, and once she noticed how lost Bev seemed to be in the make up aisle, Greta offered her some help.
They talked for a bit, Bev mentioning how she's not used to make up or being super feminine and Greta telling her which shades would match her skintone.
Looking back on it now, she was definitely crushing on Bev, but only because she reminded her a little bit of Myra.
After they were finished with the make up, Greta awkwardly asked if she'd like to look at the clothing racks with her, even offering to buy her something if she wants.
Before Bev could even respond though, Bill and the rest of the gang come looking for her and see them in a pretty compromising position.
In panic, she calls Greta a dyke and tells her to fuck off, catching her off gaurd and hurting Greta quite a bit.
Bill's reaction is even worse, not only because bill's homophobic, but he's had a crush on Bev for a WHILE.
Bill calls her some slurs and poor Greta runs as fast as she can until she finds herself in the parking garage.
She sits down snd cries alone for a while, until she hears some one call her name and noticed a massive, feminine, faceless manniquin bolting right for her.
Patrick Hockstetter
Patrick Hockstetter was never quite the same after his brothers death. Maturin took Avery Hockstetter right out of his crib and devoured him with out even a second thought.
Patrick had only caught a glimpse of the act, but that glimpse was enough to leave Patrick traumatized and emotionally stunted.
He didn't really show any emotions after avery died, or even much concern for his own well being either.
His development was either halted or started to regress, because he went from drawing fully fledged haoly pictures to just meaningless black and brown scribbles soon after.
Because of his lack of emotion, many people made a game out of messing with him, with even Bill Denbrough cornering him after school and carving his name into his stomache to see if he'd scream about it.
Patrick just kind of accepted he probably wouldn't be able to love anyone or anything properly due to his trauma, but then he met Henry and everything changed.
Something about Henry just made Patrick feel weird, but in the best way. He grew even more in love with Henry the more they hung out, and even wrote him an anonymous poem at one point to express how he felt.
He grows up to be a typical business man, and througy his fight with Maturin he's able to confess his feelings to Henry after 27 years of waiting.
In the end, he manages to actually marry Henry and have a wonderfully healthy relationship with him, in spite of his emotional issues.
Ben Hanscom
Due to the overwhelming isolation of constantly moving towns, Ben Hanscom developed solipsism at a pretty early age.
He's onlt fifteen, but he's utterly convinced he's god and the only real person in the entire universe.
Their constant moving also enables Ben to think none of his actions will really ever have consequences, since everytime they move it's like he starts with a new clean slate.
He does basically anything everything he wants, wether it he creeping in Bev and Bill, killing animals in a fridge, or just being a general weirdo, Ben doesn't care who he hurts.
There have been times when people try to mess withe Ben, crack jokes about his weight or threaten to beat him up, but Ben's quiteness and lack of caring quickly makes people leave him alone.
He views every situation analytically, studying everything he can about the places he moves to to see what chaos he can bring.
He help Bill attack Patrick outside the library at one point, and meets his end in the sewers when the corpse of a headless boy chases him through the tunnels and Maturin finds him.
He goes missing after that, only reemerging 27 years later when his corpse visits Bill Denbrough to help him escape.
Belch Huggins
Belch was picked on for his weight all the time growing up, in fact, that's where the nick name Belch came from, Stanley uris picking on him for how much he ate.
He took the nickname though and wore it like a badge of honor just to stick it to them, and it was a fighting spirit like that that made Belch the one who decided to stay behind in Derry of his own volition.
He never had any friends before the losers club, but their willingness to stick up for him made Belch feel like he was part of something important and meaningful for once in his life.
When everyone went their seperate way, Belch was devastated, especially because he knew in his heart Maturin wasn't dead for good.
So, he made the sacrifice to stay and research as much as he could on Derry.
He was woefully out of his element against a cosmic horror, considering he was just a white trash hick nobody, but he was determined to be prepared for the inevitable return.
He makes the calls to reuinite everyone, and to say he missed them all would be the understatment of the century.
They needed each other, and Belch is just so damn happy to have them back, even if Vic wasn't there to see it.
Mike Hanlon
Mike never meant to do more than have a little fun, he didn't expect getting wrapped up with Bill's friends would lead to his own death or cutting a kids stomache open, but it did, and there was little Mike could to stop it.
Homeschooled and raised on the outside, Mike just wanted to mess around with the other kids for a bit of a laugh, since it wasn't like he was gonna see them anytime except for summer.
There was no way for him to know just how fucking crazy Bill was gonna get though, and by then it was already too late.
He tried to get through to him and offer Bill a bit of support, but Bill was too far gone by then.
He tried to leave the group after that but Bill caught him and killed him along with Stan before he could ever even make it back home.
Vic Criss
Growing up in Derry, Vic's gender identity and sexuality was often called into question. He wasn't really gay or trans, but his love for fashion, hair and confidence in his appearance painted a big target on his back for bullies.
Vic never wanted to be a girl like some people thought, but sometimes he wished he was so he could enjoy his more feminine interests with out people insultiing him all the time.
Treatment like that made Vic a very worrisome kid, to the point some even found him prissy or a downright scaredy cat, which really only lead to more teasing.
He was by far the most reasonable member of the losers club back in the day, always thinking of the future and wether or not they even stood a chance against that turtle.
He never quite believed in the same way his friends did, and that lack of faith was what pushed him over the edge as an adult.
He found a lot of success later in life, becoming a magazine editor for the number one fashion magazine in the whole world, and even finding a wonderful lady to make his wife, but the fears from his childhood still had a hold on him.
Even though he promised to come back just like everyone else, Vic's insecurities about himself diminished all hope he had in defeating the turtle.
So... he took himself off the board.
Stanley Uris
There's not much to say about Stanley Uris, by far the least remarkable member of the Denbrough gang, but just because he's boring doesn't make him any less of a jerk than the others.
Being one of the very few jews in town, Stanley realized at a young age it was either whip or be whipped in a place like Derry, and quite frankly, Stan was a little too cowardly to accept the former.
So he started picking on people, it didn't matter who, gay kids, fat kids, poor kids, even some of the other jewish kids if it made his bestie Bill happy.
All in all his life was fairly normal for your average shitty bully, but then Bill went nuts and Stanley began to have some regrets about encouraging him so much.
All his regrets ended up being pretty useless though, becaude Bill killed him and Mike shortly after killing his parents.
The natural predator of Maturin, Pennywise is an objective force for good who loves every child in their own special way. He is the creator of worlds and takes on the guise of a friendly circus clown to appeal to kids, he tries to offer the losers as much guidance as possible with out interfering too much, and typically communicates with Henry through the moon. He tells the losers that deep down Maturin is terrified of them, and that they must hold no fear when confronting him. He sadly dies when Maturin manages to snuff out his dead lights, but his kind words to Henry stick with him til the final battle where they defeat the turtle.
Maturin is a being of pure evil that feasts off fear, it takes the form of a massive godzilla esque turtle that lives in the sewers, but can shape shift into anything else it wants to scare you. It's only interests is feeding itself and has reigned over Derry for years.
He has many attempts to kill the losers, even sending Bill Denbrough to do it for him, but none of them end up working in the end.
Through the power of friendship the losers club make him shrivel down until he's nothing but a pathetic wrinkly reptillian mess, thus ending his reign of terror and setting Derry free.
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rodiasaxe · 2 months
Making of the 1970 Crime and Punishment Film
Part 1: The Miracle
Before his career in film, Georgy Taratorkin was a dedicated actor at the Leningrad TUZ theater. One evening, during a performance, he felt a sharp pain in his leg that persisted throughout the entire show but despite the pain and discomfort, Taratorkin’s commitment to his craft kept him on stage until the very end of the show. However, when the show ended, his leg had swollen so severely that the theater staff had to tear his pants at the seams just to remove them. That same night, an ambulance rushed him to the hospital, where he would spend the next three months in a hospital bed.
At just 23 years old, Taratorkin faced a dire prognosis, with doctors giving him almost no chance of survival. Initially diagnosed with gangrene—a serious condition where blood flow to tissue is cut off, leading to tissue death—amputation of his leg was considered as the only option. Fortunately for Taratorkin, the doctors, uncertain of the exact cause of his pain and symptoms, chose to investigate further, treating him through a process of elimination. Eventually, he was diagnosed with infectious polyarthritis, a severe condition in which an infection spreads to the joints, causing intense inflammation and pain.
While Taratorkin was bedridden in the hospital, director Lev Kulidzhanov was searching for an actor to portray Rodion Romanovich in his upcoming film. A colleague of Taratorkin learned of this and visited the young actor in his hospital room, where they took a photo of him on his bed and sent it to Kulidzhanov. In the image, Taratorkin appeared gaunt from weight loss, with facial hair, and an overall exhausted, unwell appearance. Upon seeing the photo, Kulidzhanov instantly saw Raskolnikov in the young actor and immediately decided that he will be the one to fulfill that role.
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The images that were sent to Kulidzhanov and ultimately got him the role of Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov
Kulidzhanov visited Georgy in the hospital and handed him the book to begin preparing for the role as he will be Raskolnikov in his film as soon as he gets better. The doctors, however, warned Taratorkin that he’d need to forget about any work in the near future since a full recovery would take much longer. After all, how could he act when he couldn’t even sit up in bed without being in agony? Yet, just days after his conversation with Kulidzhanov, and after three long months confined to a hospital bed, Taratorkin astonished everyone by standing up and walking out of the hospital on his own. Doctors were baffled, with some even saying, “That doesn’t just happen.”
This incredible turn of events not only marked a miraculous recovery but also set the stage for Taratorkin to bring one of literature's most complex characters to life, proving that sometimes, sheer determination and a passion for one's craft can defy even the most dire of circumstances.
Tags: @prvi-i-poslednji-vrana
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Next up is the Canon Side Ships Tournament.
Submit a Canon Side Ship, along with where they come from and (if you want) propaganda through ask or submit a post. Make sure to include the names of both characters and a ship name if they have one.
Submissions will be closing on the 28th of June. The tournament itself will be starting the same day, a first for this blog.
Top 4 submissions are the ones I submitted myself.
@tournament-announcer also tagging @web-novel-polls, @danmei-in-polls
Submissions in bold have propaganda, submissions not in bold do not have propaganda. Whether they do or do not have some already, you are still free to submit some.
Qihua (Hua Xiangyi and Qi Zhuyin): Qiang Jin Jiu
Yuchi (Yuki Sohma and Machi Kuragi): Fruits Basket
Garlan Belrott and Jurien Valiente: Cinderella Phenomenon
Dalinie (Dalia and Genie): Aladdin 2019
Longli (Shangque and Jieli): Love between Fairy and Devil
Buntoine (Bunnie and Antoine): Archie Sonic Comic
Girimeia/Meiaris (Meia and Giris): Inazuma Eleven!
Nishikimi (Nishio Nishiki and Nishino Kimi): Tokyo Ghoul
Huntlow (Hunter and Willow Park): The Owl House
Aisha and Alec: Worm
Julerose (Juleka Couffaine and Rose Lavillant): Miraculous Ladybug
Harumichi (Haruka Tenoh and Michiru Kaioh): Sailor Moon
Royai (Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye): Fullmetal Alchemist
Nicky Hemmick and Erik Klose: All For The Game
Nerevar and Almalexia: Morrowind
Bryling (Grayling and Bryony): Wings of Fire
Morchid (Orchid and Mangrove): Wings of Fire
Tauhopper (Tau and Treehopper): Wings of Fire
Burnetspot (Silverspot and Burnet): Wings of Fire
Six-claws and Kindle: Wings of Fire
Katydid and Malachite: Wings of Fire
Whiteout and Thoughtful: Wings of Fire
Bess Marvin and Addy Soctomah: Nancy Drew 2019
Shellfur and Fernstripe: Warrior Cats
Spinnerella and Netossa: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Brightheart and Cloudtail: Warrior Cats
AlanJeff (Alan and Jeff): Pit Babe
Ink and Pa: Bad Buddy
Vegas and Pete: Kinnporsche
Aylin and Luna: 23.5
Sound and Win: My School President
Manta and Reef: Wings of Fire
Caoxiang (Gu Xiang and Cao Weining): Faraway Wanderers/Word of Honor
Jack and Zhao Zi: HIStory 3: Trapped
Amy and Rory: Doctor Who
Alexis and Rosalina: Scarlet Hollow
What the Girlfriends (Georgie Barker and Melanie King): The Magnus Archives
Dr Delbert Doppler and Captain Amelia: Treasure Planet
The Drs Possible (James and Ann): Kim Possible
Felix and Calhoun: Wreck it Ralph
Plague Knight and Mona: Shovel Knight
Crystal and Gharial: Wings of Fire
Pepa and Félix: Encanto
Gruniper (Grover and Juniper): Percy Jackson
Oyeicher (Oyei and Cher): Wandee Goodday
Xuanli (Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan): The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
Rupphire (Ruby and Sapphire): Steven Universe
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wilbur-e-184 · 4 months
(Also maybe some for tma if you haven't finished it)
Here we go again.
Celia almost gets hit by a train? Apparently again? Was late for a date with Sam I think, he was alright with it, it's okay.
Uhh.. statement(?) wise? One guy has like a brother apparently same name, just richer? And their dad left them both and like his brother keeps their dad in a basement? Darrien(1) accidentally(?) kills(?) Darrien(2) and closes the door, basically just leaving him down there to rot.
Don't remember if Celia said anything after the statement besides like "Christ" or something, which they always do
Alice's computer shuts down, the woman NEEDS to stop eating at her computer, crumbs in her keyboard like there's no tomorrow. Gwen fixes it, miraculously, and.. Colin is mentioned?
Celia told Alice she saw Colin.
Celia's acting all weird. If she actually saw Colin, why? If she didn't, why would she lie to Alice about it?
Why was she in Oxford? Why was it bad? Why is Celia so invested in the institute? Because yes, while she might be Celia from Georgie and Melanie's cult, but I doubt the two told everyone about the institute? Or maybe they did, or maybe Celia just knows. But why? Celia?
Why is Colin on such a long mental leave? It's been like weeks, literally. All he did was attack Sam, was he really that like- unstable?
Also, I looked at the wiki, Darrien(1) accidentally traveled forward(?) in time and I think Darrien(2) is actually just Darrien(1) but neither know because Darrien(1) doesn't know what the hell he did.
Does Darrien(1) have something to do with the Magnus institute? Chester mentioned the Magnus institute at the very beginning, I think it's just a log thing, or like from emails if they get emailed stuff. Last episode, it had videos, I think it might be like emails or maybe the OIAR has its own site?
Also Dyhard is... I feel like it's slowly developing. Gwen is just stubborn.
"What's the deal with the Magnus institute?"
I don't know, Sam. Why don't you ask Celia, she seems to know a lot about it.
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quietwings-fics · 4 months
The Bar at the End of the World
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: N/A Fandom: The Magnus Archives Ship: Gen (With sides of Jon/Martin & Georgie/Melanie) Additional Tags: Drinking, Episode: e198 Precipice (The Magnus Archives), Angst and Humor, Established Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Minor Georgie Barker/Melanie King, Sad Ending, Friendship, End of the World, Everything is Beautiful and Everything Hurts, The Magnus Archives Season 5, Autistic Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Drunk Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, its my story and i say that a drunk jon is a stimmy jon, Cuddling & Snuggling, this is going to be jossed as soon as the next epi comes out but for now Enjoy, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Dialogue Heavy Wordcount: 2264 Summary:
Post-Episode 198, Or: What is left of the crew gets drunk together.
It is the end of the world. In a way, it has always been the end of the world. When time and space saw that things were about to get apocalyptic, they looked at each other for a long moment, shrugged, and packed their bags for a vacation they didn’t plan to come back from. For some people, it has been the end of the world for a few months. For some, 2 years. And for a privileged few, always. Whatever the case, it’s a very good excuse for getting drunk.
Somewhere, a tape recorder whirrs to life, and one woman gives it a dirty look.
“You can destroy them,” says former podcast host, cat-owner, and cult leader Georgie Barker. Currently, her occupation is: Alcohol.
“Will it help?” Basira asks in a voice so thick with irritation that it’s a wonder she doesn’t choke on it. Georgie considers, waves a hand vaguely in the air, and drinks.
“It won’t stop it, but, I don’t know, it’s cathartic?” Basira nods, stands, walks over to the tape recorder, and picks it up. She turns it over in her hands, and it hums cheerfully as it feeds on the misery of the room. She taps her nails against the side. With sudden violence, she throws it at the ground, and it shatters, plastic and tape running away from the impact point in confusion. Basira steps on the corpse of it to see if that might make her feel like she’s accomplished something.
Somewhere, a tape recorder whirrs to life. This time, it’s nestled itself on the back of the ratty couch that used to hold The Archivist as he silently tried to find the bottom of his bottle. In the minutes since, his boyfriend, miraculously not filled with spiders, has joined him. The couch now holds Martin Blackwood and Jonathan Sims, and when the tape recorder joins them, Martin raises a hand to push it off. Then sighs, shakes his head, and drops it to pet Jon’s hair.
Jon, throughly intoxicated, makes a whirring noise that is suspiciously similar to the tape.
A note about finding drinks during the Apocalypse: It’s harder than you’d think. Not because it isn’t there, but because most of it isn’t alcohol proper and it’s rather unpleasant to open up a bottle only to be greeted by a wisp of fog symbolizing someone’s inability to be emotionally vulnerable. When it is to be found, (on a far back shelf of an empty grocery store where the announcement sound rings every seven minutes on the dot but is never followed by any announcements) the wine will be sour and the whiskey will be more poison than drink, but they’ll do the job just as well.
“It doesn’t actually make you feel better,” says Melanie King, who is on the same side of sober as Basira but for different reasons. She is having a hard time staying there. “It connects your anger with aggression. Next time, you’ll just want to destroy something again.” These are not her words, but they were good advice when she heard them.
“You didn’t stop me,” Basira points out. Melanie grimaces. It doesn’t seem like good advice anymore.
“I’ll wait until we know you have a next time to be worried about,” Melanie says.
“Which we will,” Martin says, “so, no more smashing things.” Melanie snorts but doesn’t argue. She thinks that if she were drunk, she would have. That’s part of the reason she hasn’t picked up a glass.
“Do you think everyone will remember? When it all shuts off,” Georgie asks, contemplative, “or will things go back to normal and we’ll be the only ones? We will remember, right?” Without meaning to, all eyes turn to Jon, seeking answers. He doesn’t respond to the sudden attention, not until Martin pokes him in the cheek.
“I’m not sure what you asked, but whatever it is... I don’t know. Not here, anyway,” Jon says. He starts rubbing his hands together and sits up before he gets a crick in his neck from using Martin’s leg as a pillow. Sober Jon might have been embarrassed, but then again, sober Jon had been through more than one literal hell, so perhaps not. Georgie lets out a sigh of relief.
“That’s probably a good thing.” She leans back against Melanie’s chair. “You don’t want any?”
“You’ve asked me that already, hon. Twice.” Georgie blinks and gives her a weak smile.
“We know it’s working, then.” It’s a smile Melanie does her very best to return, with little success. A few domains over and uncountable miles away, the face she makes is adopted by an Avatar of the Spiral and used to send a woman into a fit of hysteria. Melanie will never know about this. She’ll still feel a lingering sense of guilt for it, but it’s a book that will fit right in on her extensive shelf of self-condemnation.
"Do you want to remember this? It hasn't exactly been..." Basira trails off. For a moment, she almost- This assignment's turning out to be a real hoot, Daisy would say, with sarcasm as sharp as fangs. "Fun." Basira finishes.
"Someone should. Might as well be us," Georgie says. Basira nods. In a selfish part of her heart, she would like to forget the monster Daisy became. In another part, one that's only gotten louder the longer she's had to walk the domains, she knows it wouldn't erase the monster she always was. (Basira is still only human, and sometimes the selfish part wins. Some days, she needs to remember Daisy's smile like she needs air.)
"I won't," Jon puts in. He's had enough time to figure out exactly what it is they're talking about now. "If I live." He adds, because he is impossible.
"Jon..." Martin warns. Jon lets his head drop to his boyfriend's shoulder, rubbing a hand along the scratchy couch cushions. Staying (mostly) upright is harder than he remembers, even sitting down.
"You don't get to die on us now, bastard." There's frustration in her voice, yes, but no real anger. "We dragged you this far. You're coming with us over the finish line." Against Martin's shoulder, Jon mouth turns up at the corners. It's not a smile, but it is happy. He thinks that getting drunk was a fantastic idea. It's giving him other fantastic ideas, too, like-
"Jon, where-" He stumbles to his feet, using Martin to lever himself despite an affronted squawk. He bats his boyfriend's worried hands away. He's fine; He remembers how to walk. Mostly. The only table they have is a small, dinky coffee table that is holding the remainder of the night's alcohol. Jon deems it sufficient for his purposes. Purposes being climbing atop it. It wobbles dangerously.
"I need to tell everyone-" He begins and wobbles again. Martin sucks in a sharp breath.
"Jon, get off the table before you hurt yourself." Basira says, but pointedly, neither she nor anyone else makes him do so. It's not like he can be hurt.
Although, it would just be their luck if The Archivist died during a drunken ramble by falling off a coffee table.
On second thought, Basira tenses and prepares to grabs Jon if he should fall.
"To. Tell everyone. That-" Jon continues, trying to keep his footing. He looks a bit like someone surfing, if the surfboard has been chewed at the edges by sharks and the person is more of a snorkeler by trade. "That I wouldn't be here without you. Not here, the end of the world, that's- That's always been my fault. But here. Under the institute. In Jurgen's rat tunnels. With you." He flaps his hands. Should you have asked him in the moment, Jon would have told you it was possibly the best speech he'd ever given in his life. If you'd have asked Georgie, she would have told you that he used to do this back at Uni, too. "And I love you. I love all of you. You're here, and... Thank you." He finishes, eloquent as ever. He looks down at the floor, which seems millions of miles away. This is not because space no longer works at the end of the world, nor is it because the Vast is planning an imminent assassination of Jonathan Sims. It's because he's a lot more drunk than he realized and whatever coordination he had to get up on this table has fled in a panic. "Uh."
"Alright, alright. Let's get you down." Georgie chuckles. Jon doesn't so much take her hand and let her guide him off as he does flop down into her arms. It's easier than it was at Uni. Jon hasn't gotten any bigger, but Georgie's gotten stronger. "Better?"
"Yes. Thank you." He steadies himself, puts his hands on her shoulders. "Georgie?"
"I'm going to save our son." Melanie coughs. Loudly. Georgie makes a confused face, and then her light chuckle becomes a full laugh. "He's a good cat. The best cat."
"Worry about yourself, Jon. Not The Admiral." She pats his cheek. "Although, yes, we're going to save him." Jon nods.
"He didn't want to hurt anyone. He didn't mean to." Her smile wavers at the edges. "And he's sorry. The Admiral. He's sorry for getting so many people-" Georgie hugs him.
"I know." Jon hugs her back, and it's only partially because he's not sure how much his legs work anymore. After a minute, Martin comes over to retrieve him, and Jon goes without a fuss. Georgie kisses him on the forehead. "Good night, Jon." He mumbles something that's probably an answer.
"Night, all." Martin says for him. Basira waves. Melanie turns her head in their direction, lips pulled into a thin line.
It's not difficult to guide Jon back to their cot. Martin's glad he's never been one to start losing motor control when he's drunk. Jon seems to have enough of that for both of them. He goes where Martin leads him though, and he stares. Martin's more than used to that by now. Jon doesn't blink unless he's making a conscious effort to. It's nice, in a way, because Jon already knows his face, every freckle and stress line and the way he scrunches up his nose when he's frustrated, and he still wants to keep looking at it. It's not new knowledge to feed the Eye. It's looking for Jon's sake alone,  and that makes it... okay. Good. Cute. When they get to the bed and he lets go of Jon, his boyfriend follows the natural course of gravity and hits it with a thump.
"Make room." Martin whines at him, and Jon mimics the sound, smushed against the bed. Martin shoves him, a little ungraciously, but Jon just rolls with it. Nearly off the bed, but Martin catches him with a sigh. Martin counts the seconds down as he settles next to Jon. Four. Three. Two. And- There is suddenly an Jon-shaped octopus clinging to him with every available limb. Exactly as Martin planned. The perfect crime. Jon squirms until he's comfortable.
It's really hard to tell if he's asleep, Martin realizes five minutes later, because he's still staring at him.
"I wanted to cook for you," Jon murmurs. Not asleep, then.
"Didn't you? Before all of this. I specifically remember-" Martin says.
"No. No. Not that. We were going to have an adversary-"
"Shut up, Martin," Jon hides his face, and Martin grins. "I wanted to make you dinner. With candles. And romance."
"That's really sweet of you." It would require more coordination than Jon has and more energy than Martin can spare to properly kiss like this. Instead, Martin lifts his hand, kisses his index and middle finger, and then presses them against Jon's cheek. "Also, I'm really glad you had a plan. I think I was panicking a little. I had no idea if you'd even want to celebrate it, or how, or what to do... How did we spend our anniversary?"
"Time doesn't work here."
"Humor me."
"Hm." It's hard to see his face in the dark, but Jon looks up and frowns, trying to remember. "I think... That place where all the doors were mouths. One of them tried to eat you." Martin makes a face.
"Yes. Not particularly romantic."
"Guess we'll just have to have a do-over, when this is done," Martin says. Jon doesn't answer.
"Our world is ending," he says, finally, very quiet.
"The world's always ending."
"Our world." Jon finds Martin's hand by running his fingers down his arm. "Everything else is ending, but we were beginning." Jon's voice is a tremulous thing, hiding in the dark. "I wanted to cook for you," he repeats, "and repaint the bedroom. You never liked the color. You deserved to go home somewhere and know that it was where love lived." Martin breathes in, one long breath, and he holds it until the lump in his throat retreats. Jon is tracing nonsense patterns over his palm, and his voice is getting softer.
"We still could, you know."
"I'd like that." Jon finds an extra centimeter of space between them and snuggles closer. "I love you, Martin."
"I love you, too, Jon." He waits until Jon falls asleep. Makes sure this time, both that he is and that he'll stay asleep. Martin can't move without disturbing him, but he's always been a quiet crier. If anyone notices his eyes are still red tomorrow, he'll have the alcohol to blame, and the end of the world.
(Enjoyed it? Any interaction is welcomed. You can even support me on Ko-Fi <3)
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I think the whole love triangle stuff and Jamie’s reunion with Tartt sr left such a bitter taste in my mouth since this show taught us, especially regarding Jamie, that accountability matters.
Good people backslide and fuck up, yep, but they show accountability for their mistakes — but in these instances we didn’t see it.
Roy and Jamie didn’t apologize to Keeley for being dickheads. We are just left hanging. Instead of having them go out on a good note as friends who love and respect each other, we can have some lingering disrespect and conflict, that hopefully (like so many things) was addressed off screen.
The whole thing would have landed so differently for me if it had a follow up—e.g. Roy and Jamie bringing coffee the next morning and apologizing—or had taken place earlier in the season. This way it felt like “Oops, righty, the love triangle has to be resolved by the end of the series and we have only the finale left.”
(In addition, it doesn’t sit well with me, that we spent time on how the boys felt about Keeley, showed how Keeley kicked them out, but never had her articulate HER feelings and what SHE wants. Yeah, women shouldn’t be the ones having to do all the emotional labor, but this took away some of her agency and made it seem like her feelings and what she wanted actually didn’t matter enough to be actually heard. Like, we have to assume she wants to focus on herself and her business instead of her love life, or maybe she really is done with both of them, even though there were signs she wasn’t, but we never actually see her get to any conclusion, which is so unfair to her arc.)
While I had hoped for OT3, I had expected the trio to end up single and that stuff would be left ambiguous. But I’m not happy with the way they did it, not after we saw in Mom City how it could have ended with them.
And we have a similar issue with Tartt sr, who gets to reconcile with Jamie without ever showing accountability on screen.
(Regardless of it being a dream sequence or not, they presented it as a happy ending)
The show did nothing to humanize James before showing him suddenly and miraculously in rehab—they did a better job of humanizing Rupert, ffs.
The way they did it, his stint in rehab came completely out of the left field as if adding it was an afterthought, since this is a feel-good show and, god forbid, a child cutting out his abusive father!
Even though they had the perfect opportunity with Georgie to give him a backstory and positive traits in the same episode he is shown as a reformed man™️
Or, you know, making the reconciliation a whole arc for Jamie and Tartt sr, spanning several episodes and giving it some room. After spending so much time on showing him being an abusive asshole and the effects the abuse had on Jamie, that was the least they should have done if they wanted to go down that road.
But on the contrary, they made him an even worse dad with the whole Amsterdam trip story (that they probably forgot about).
(And similar to Keeley above, we never really get Jamie’s thought process on this, we don’t have him reflecting about his reasons to reconnect beyond the whole “forgiveness is for yourself” speech. It would have given perspective if we’d known WHY he wants to reconnect. Once again we have to fill the gaps on our own.)
And to me that were very disappointing moves for a series finale of a show that teaches how important reformation, forgiveness and accountability are.
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ao3feed-jonmartin · 3 months
till death do us part please keep breaking my heart
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/wXm2iTP by Oswaldepic Martin knew that there was no hope for them. The moment that he woke up only to be greeted with the empty space where Jon had been lying, he just knew that this was it. But god damn it, he’s going to try. --- After they miraculously survive the collapse of the Panopticon, Martin tries to cope while Jon recovers. Words: 1718, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Martin Blackwood, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Georgie Barker, Melanie King, Basira Hussain Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Georgie Barker/Melanie King, Martin Blackwood & Basira Hussain, Georgie Barker & Martin Blackwood, Martin Blackwood & Melanie King Additional Tags: Episode: e200 Last Words (The Magnus Archives), Spoilers for Episode: e200 Last Words (The Magnus Archives), Post-Episode: e200 Last Words (The Magnus Archives), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Hurt Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood Needs a Hug, seriously this man is not okay, Injury Recovery, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon Dialogue, i tried to break it up but there's a lot of it in ch1, POV Martin Blackwood, tags are really hard sorry read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/wXm2iTP
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darlinggeorgiedear · 1 year
from the george v or duke of kent anon, i've been reading about georgie on wikipedia (i know it's not the most accurate) it's stated that his physician injected a huge amount of morphine and cocaine into him, what's the story behind it? was that considered as m*rder? did the BRF know or at least plan this? and how the next generation of family reacted after learning from dawson's diary?
Yes, I would say Dawson's lethal injection was the oddest episode of George's life.
Basically, George V health fluctuated a lot at the end of his life and the winter of 1936 was no different. He had been at death's door a few times at that point, but would miraculously pull through (thanks to Dawson). Dawson's many risky successes with the King's health made it where the family trusted him exclusively, which also gave him a superiority over the other court doctors. (Apparently it is common with a patient as important as the monarch to have many doctors, so they can all consult each other to result in the best possible treatment)
What struck me about the situation is how differently Dawson's immediate attitude was about the King's last illness compared to previous ones. As I said before, George V had similar serious health issues before and Dawson would passionately try to save the King's life even if that meant doing risky procedures. When Dawson arrived at Sandringham in 1936, he treated the King immediately like he was in hospice (trying to make sure the King was comfortable by giving him pain killers). Since the King had a cough, this treatment made it certain he would not recover. Basically I think Dawson's control over the situation started days before he decided to give the King a lethal injection.
(Of course, as everyone probably knows the reason he decided to hurry on George's death with the lethal injection was to make sure the news was broke via the more decent morning papers.)
Dawson's account of what happened, the night that George V died, plays out like a murder mystery. He originally instructed the nurse (Blackie) to give the injection. She refused understandably. This resulted in Dawson giving the King the injection. After, the King, went into a sleep state and Dawson went to contact the media (and talk to his wife I think). When Dawson returned he was shocked to see the Queen (and I think Pss Mary) in the room with the King, who was still in a sleep state. He also said that Blackie was standing in the corner. (On a side note-could you imagine being that nurse, and you just witnessed the trusted court doctor give a lethal injection to the King, and then the doctor leaves you in the room, only for Queen Mary to walk in a few minutes later.)
I think Dawson's account, of being uncomfortable with the Queen and her daughter's presence in the George's sick room, proves that they didn't know. Not to mention, Queen Mary loved her husband, and I would make the assumption confidently, that she would not agree to OD him. Apparently, Mary and David both told Dawson that they didn't want him to suffer, which gave him the green light to act in the way he did. Wishing for a love one not to suffer is a common phrase to say to a doctor and is not suspicious or mean they want the doctor to just kill their family member. David is easier to exonerate though because he 100000% did not want his dad to die in that moment, and would have been very supportive of him staying alive as long as possible. This is because he was scrambling to figure out how he could marry Wallis and had the plan of removing himself from the line of succession before his dad died.
I sadly have no idea how the Royal Family reacted. I think the realization of what happened comes from Dawson's diaries which were published in the 80s. Anyone who was directly affected by this, was dead at that point, so I am sure the Royal Family just think the situation was crazy but I doubt they find it upsetting as I'm sure Queen Mary and his children would have. King George V was most likely going to die anyway, which doesn't exonerate Dawson, but makes the situation more bizarre then sad.
Also, it was illegal to euthanize back then (and still is in England, I think).
I think the two key parts of the story are Dawson's high standing in court and the trust of the royal family (both in credit to his miraculous success with the King's health in the past). Both things, led to Dawson having complete control of the King's life. Dawson's take charge character (that bordered into narcissism) was the reason for his success with the King but was also his undoing.
Also I want to add, I do think King George V family were supportive of Dawson’s hospice care for George, since his livelihood would have been gone (from the oxygenation of his brain) even if Dawson was able to save him. I just wanted to add the part that Dawson immediately accepted that the King was dying without a second opinion because it shows how confident he was.
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lovegal · 11 months
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meet our ✨Ladybug Queen✨ it's Bridget
Full name: Bridget Megan Elizabeth
age: 4-5
Sexuality: none
Zodiac sign: ♑
B-day: January 3rd
Personality: sweet outgoing kind sensitive mature
Fav insects: 🐞
Least fav insects: 🐝
Gender: 🏳️‍⚧️
Alignment: good
Best friends: huggy wuggy (Bridget is not a poppy playtime oc istg)
Friends: Wendy testaburger Stan Marsh Judy hopps Cinderella Eric Cartman (frienemy) Stella Meg Griffin Barbie June Max Kissy missy Yellow mini Huggy etc
Favorite app: Minecraft, Garten of banban, rainbow friends.
Favorite movies: MLP Equestria girls, Miraculous ladybug the movie, Minions, Minions The Rise of gru, FNAF the movie, Big Hero 6, Turning Red, Elemental.
Favorite shows: Miraculous ladybug, MLP, Jessie, South Park, Ginny and Georgie, The Cleveland Show, Bob Burgers, 2012 TMNT, 9-1-1: Lone Star, Glitter Force:Doki Doki.
Country: Pennsylvania, GoAnimate City (moved)
Favorite characters: twilight, Marinette, Bob, Belle Bottom, Bonnie and Freddy, aunt Cass and Baymax, Abby and Mei Mei, Ember and Wade, Chloe, Fluttershy, Jessie, Bebe Stevens, Georgia, Roberta, Louise and Bob, Mikey and Raph, Grace and Abby, Maya Rachel and Clara.
New Appearance: Melanie:Wild Kingdom
Favorite YouTuber: Watch it with Bae, Utterly Chloe, SSSniperWolf (not anymore), Augusttheduck, MrBeast, *sips tea* ☕, Dhar Mann, Shaneplays, etc.
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weasleyandweasley · 2 years
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Asked : “please don’t scare me like that again.  i can take a lot of things,  but not losing you.  ” — to Fred bc y'know he totally got just injured during the war, he didn't die at all,,, and wow feelings
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☆゚. * ・ 。゚, The inevitable battle commenced, the spectacle everyone anticipated. Despite all of their training, all of their preparation, the fear that dwelled beneath the surface emerged. The reality that this was real and that their lives were being gambled made his breath hitch. Lives would be lost and it terrified him to wonder which ones they would be. This was the problem with building relationships, you cared about someone else. And it was worse when you were separated from them with no knowledge of their well being. But he played his part in the grand scheme and even decided to forgive their elder brother Percy. If only the chain of events could remain so smooth.
The explosion happened sending chunks and bit of debris from the castle around them. It should have crushed crushed him like rubble, but miraculously this weight never came. The intensity of it a force that blew him away, leaving him unconscious for some time. When he finally awoke, he noticed his family around him and the first to catch his attention was Hermione. He seemed rather perplexed at first. His mind was slowly unveiling prior events. ❝ blimey, I nearly died! ❞ He scoffed, but felt a bit of pain in his left ear, a ringing that made his hand instantly touch the surface. ❝Reckon the universe wants as completely identical, eh, Georgie? ❞ He said, trying to calm him down. He didn't have to look at him to know his worry, he could sense it, feel it even.
❝ You weren't crying over me, were you 'Mione? Starting to think you fancy me. ❞ He didn't like the idea of anyone crying over him, let alone worrying about him. He struggled to stand and, after a moment, just gave up. ❝ You alright? Did they hurt you? ❞
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