#minutemen fallout 4
nukacoola · 10 days
I wish there was more functionality with disrupting the different factions in Fallout 4. It would be so cool if you could stealth kill someone important and it would effect all of the factions they contribute to without you necessarily become enemies with the faction if you do it right. (Spoilers ahead)
Kill Liam Benêt? No more synths are able to escape the Institute. You have to claim innocence when the Railroad realizes something’s wrong and when the Institute realizes the kid’s dead frame someone else, reveal Liam was betraying them, or have great difficulty trying to appear uninvolved with the killing entirely.
Kill Prof Scara or Doctor Li? The Liberty Prime project is dead or stalled. Maybe this means you can no longer end the game with the Brotherhood (like what happens when you blow your undercover mission with the Railroad).
Finally shut that asshole Doctor Ayo up for good? Someone else becomes the acting head of the SRB possibly even making the program less reactionary or prioritized by Father as a new acting head may not steal extra energy or find it necessary to hunt down every single escaped synth.
There are so many interesting possibilities, I could go on forever. Imagine if you could somehow stealth kill Desdemona and the Railroad suffers or becomes less concerned with casualties or empathy towards humans under their new leader Dr. Carrington.
In another life maybe…
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jellys-compendium · 5 months
I choose the Minutemen every time for one reason and one reason only.
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sacreblugh · 6 months
preston garvey is such an og bro, and yes for all the reasons you're thinking of but also because like, he literally led a whole group of people from Quincy to Jamaica Plain!! AND THEN ACROSS THE CHARLES RIVER TO LEXINGTON AND THEEN EVEN FURTHER UP NORTH TO CONCORD.
he was watching out for this group of people who had just been run out of their homes. he stayed with these refugees throughout every disastrous place they thought they'd be safe, every death, and just all that grieving; all while struggling with his own sense of purpose ("Everything I believed in had turned out to be a lie.") and feelings of being a failure, that led him to thinking he'd be better off dead :( plus, these people from Quincy were strangers to him at first. he didn't have to do all that, yet he took it upon himself to do so. because he's just built that way. he's too good for the damn wasteland. </3
and like even after all of that, he doesn't hang the Minuteman hat up. he keeps on going, pushing the boulder up the hill in hope of making the Commonwealth a better and safer place.
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m-u-n-c-h-y · 5 months
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I postponed watching the last episode to make this...
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nooklingposting · 6 months
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Minuteman X6-88!
(He won’t wear the hat. He refuses to wear the hat. He thinks the hat is stupid.)
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clonebrainrot · 4 months
Redoing this poll as I goofed by not including the followers of the apocalypse.
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harrowedknight · 3 months
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Always a romantic.
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punkcakestrike · 3 months
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lynettethemadscientist · 11 months
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mushroommans-cache · 5 months
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I think they’d get along
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ezekiel13 · 2 months
I love how Sturges is like one of the smartest guys in Fallout 4.
He’s one Mechanic.
He builds a teleporter. He hacks the Institute. He figures out how to blow up the Prydwen.
He’s insanely cracked.
Preston is just like “oh yeah Sturges can do this” and I’m like “IS HE MAGIC?”
The Institute missed a trick not hiring him
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lordsammichsilas · 2 months
One thing I wished FO4 had taken more time to point out (assuming it occurred to them) that Arthur Maxson and Shaun are basically the same kind of person.
They weren't raised by parents or individual parental figures. They were raised by an organization specifically to eventually be in charge of that organization. Owen Lyons is kind of a parental figure for Maxson but it was still on behalf of an organization. They weren't taken in by a parent who loved and wanted them for the sake of them. They were taken in to serve a function.
Because of this, they have a very warped moral compass and untapped egos. They're both narcissistic and feel entitled to the Commonwealth and are willing to kill whoever stands in the way of their vision (which is everyone). Shaun actively wants to wipe
There's also a certain level of tragedy around them. This wasn't something that they chose. It was done to them at a very young age before they could speak for themselves. There was no way they were ever going to become decent people.
They both remind me of Anakin Skywalker: they're both tragic figures but they're still both villains.
I think the irony of Maxson's line about Danse: "it wasn't born from the womb of a loving mother like you and me, it was created in a lab" really should be pointed out more.
Danse is my favorite companion because, yes he has a lot of flaws, but is basically exactly the kind of leader Maxson wishes he was and it's because Danse has a way larger capacity for empathy than Maxson does. (Also I don't think Danse necessarily wants to be in a leadership position. It just came naturally.)
Speaking of comparing and contrasting personalities, I think Danse and Preston are a lot more alike than is obvious at first glance. They're both idealists. They don't seek out positions of power, but when shit hits the fan they're the ones who step up and take lead. In Danse's case, it just happens to have a more official title than Preston does. They're both loyal and altruistic. While they both have their shortcomings, overall they both have all the qualities you want in a leader.
Danse even respects the Minutemen on some level. His main critique is that they're too disorganized. Preston doesn't mind sharing the Commonwealth with the Brotherhood provided they play nice. Danse is fine letting the Minute Men do their thing so long as they don't get in the Brotherhood's way.
"Commonwealth belongs to everyone, Danse". That's a line that could be interpreted in a lot of ways. The initial way is as a word of caution, which is how Danse took it. A "you stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours" mentality. Preston, being the kind of person he is, probably also meant it as "you're welcome here, too, if you'll just chill out". It's like there's a mutual respect, but they don't quite see eye to eye. (which would probably be an easy problem to solve if they spent enough time around each other).
Food supply is a constant issue on the Brotherhood. Teagan gives out radiant quests for you to basically steal crops from settlements. Preston would probably happily just give the BoS their surplus if they just asked.
Danse respects the Minutemen but thinks they're disorganized. Imagine if he had the Brotherhood help the Minutemen set up security and logistics and let the people sort things out themselves.
Danse has been out in the field. He'd just had a horrific mission where he lost four men. He's a seasoned veteran. He'd probably exercise a great deal of caution with what he sent his soldiers out to do. Why put them in unnecessary danger? He'd probably be happy to just focus on helping with the feral ghouls, super mutants, and raiders while the settlers focused on farming, (which would create surplus crops that would benefit the Brotherhood.)
I get the feeling that if things were swapped and both were in charge of their respective organizations, it would be a much more cooperative and mutually beneficial arrangement. It might have even been the best-case scenario for the Commonwealth.
The flipside to that is it would only work because the both of them have the personality types to make it work. The moment you get another leader in their position that's motivated by their own self interest, that arrangement would fall apart. There would have to be a lot of work done to ensure checks and balances.
I think there's a lot more to be said about the themes of cooperation and leadership in FO4.
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obsidianraven · 3 months
The Minutemen's strength is not in pure firepower but in support.
Something I see often is that people dislike how weak the Minutemen are as a fighting force. The point I'm here to make is that it doesn't have be their strength, and the Minutemen's true strength is the power of the people united.
I've played survival mode with the Minutemen and one thing stuck out to me is that the Minutemen are only ever helpful to you if you decide to put in the time and effort to raising them as a solid faction. Here you are assigning farmers, building shelters, scavengers and shops. What do you get out of it? Trade centres, free shelter, free food and free junk to help with construction. All the tools necessary for survival are within your reach because you put in the time and effort to build up your own place.
By the end game the ideal Commonwealth would have 30 heavily defended settlements all supplying one another with supply lines. By endgame you'll have flare and artillery support that ranges the whole Commonwealth. Now see the thing with this? None of that is accomplished alone. As the General of the Minutemen, you have a lot more power than people give it credit for. Assigning people to defence, to artillery, to shops and gathering are all part of what a leader does.
The Minutemen NPCs are relatively weak all things considered, but something I don't really see mentioned are the level 50 Minutemen that spawn in the lower ends of the Commonwealth. From experience, I've seen these guys tank multiple Hits from Mythic Deathclaws. They don't last that long without intervention, but it's a Mythic Deathclaw guys... C'mon. I've seen even Brotherhood Soldiers fold to high level Deathclaws.
And it's not even that Minutemen as an idea is weak. The point of the Minutemen is that they're the power of the people unified. What happens when you invade a country? You'll have to contend with their army. But with the Minutemen they're not just an army, they're EVERYONE. If an army attacked you could reasonably think of a solution to handle it. Now instead of an army try a whole country instead. Now that's a terrifying thought.
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thebowlcut · 10 months
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You can’t convince me that they weren’t doing sailor tats in Fallout.
Oc by me, please credit if reposted. Based on Sailor Jerry flash.
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hancocksbestgirl · 1 month
this sucks so bad i need to [remembers suicide jokes only worsen my mental health] blow up the prydwen
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vault81 · 6 months
The Brotherhood of Steel when the Minutemen rediscover artillery:
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