#minne try’s
minnesota-fats · 2 months
I just realized how effectively you showed Ellie's obsession being exploring by having her go explore the Moment she's able to (maybe explore isn't the right word but you get it). Same with danny throughout. I could kiss you on the lips 💙💙
Omg thanks!
I love that people like the way I write them! They are my blorbos and I need people to understand that they are both feral in their own right and and a perfect daddy daughter duo!
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mrcutz · 9 months
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messin around with some PD Mickey
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pepsinister · 4 months
two ahead 🥹🥹🥹
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bsaka7 · 1 year
does anyone here know much about the leagues cup...
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daisy-mooon · 11 months
Behind the jokes and badassness, Captain Marvel is a fascinating character to me, because of how death follows her.
She causes an explosion. That explosion, which gives her powers and her immortality, canonically kills her. The Kree Empire resurrects her and makes her as Kree as they can. She shares Yon-Rogg's blood and his life, she's his creation, she's his victim, she's the one who causes his downfall, she's the one that destroys the system, the society, the planet that allowed her to be abused.
It's the Kree that see her as a killer and Annihilator. She's a monster of their own making, but it influences every species and planet she touches. Her victories cause death and her mistakes cause more death. Carol's triumph, the death of the Supreme Intelligence, results in the death of probably millions of Kree, and by consequence, almost causes the death of Hala's star.
"I'm only human" Carol says, before killing the Empire that is the reason that she can't ever be human again.
"We'll be back for the weapon," Ronan says, but that weapon will kill everything he stands for.
"Your life began the day it nearly ended," The Supreme Intelligence says, coldly, calculatingly. It's an AI. It doesn't have a good concept of death. It doesn't fully grasp that Carol had genuinely been killed that day, because she's still in front of it. Carol kills it.
"Death seems to follow you," Dar-Benn says, before she causes an explosion with the bangles, trying to defeat Carol. The explosion kills Dar-Benn.
Death follows Carol. Death follows Carol! Mar-Vell is dead. Maria is dead. Talos is dead. Soren is dead. Ronan is dead. Minn-Erva is dead. Korath is dead. Dar-Benn is dead. Yon-Rogg is, probably, dead. The Supreme Intelligence is dead. Natasha is dead. Tony is dead.
The only people in Carol's life who aren't dead are Kamala, Monica, Yan, Valkyrie, and Fury.
She watches helplessly as Dar-Benn almost murders Kamala after Kamala tries to save Dar-Benn's life, tries to find a way to solve the violence without death.
She watches helplessly as Monica gets torn into another reality, which for all she knows, she could die in. The tear in reality that was caused by Dar-Benn's death.
She tries to hide Yan's existence from her friends and tries to warn him and his people. The Kree soldiers aren't fighting to maim, they're fighting to kill. He escapes death by his own fighting skills and the fact that the Kree would rather focus on killing Carol than him.
Valkyrie and Carol interact once, and she only calls when she needs help after a fight, not during. Think about it. Valkyrie and the Bifrost could have helped the trio enormously. But Carol doesn't call until the fights are over. It would be very easy for a regular Asgardian warrior to die compared to superhumans.
And Fury... have you seen how often Fury comes close to dying? He's alive from skill and luck. He is lucky that he isn't dead.
Captain Marvel is so, so fascinating. Her story begins with her own death, and the more it goes on, the more death happens around her. Nobody is safe. She causes almost all of them, even the ones of her friends - not directly, but through the consequences of her actions. The consequences of her victories and mistakes. The consequences of her anger and revenge, her power and powerlessness. It is caused by both the Human and Kree sides of her, by both Carol and Vers, Captain Marvel and the Annihilator.
Carol is immortal. She can't die. And death follows her anyway.
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wonwoosthetic · 5 months
when will we get a new chapter for minnie 🫶🏼
a/n: now! ˙ᵕ˙ this was a request sent to me through my Google form, so thank you to whoever wrote it🤗 I hope you guys like the quick little chapter!
series masterlist
warnings – pregnancy scare, short mention and implications of infertility, jokes and mentions about sex
word count – 4.6k
summary – minnie gets a little scare and there’s only one member she can think of to call
pairing – minnie & vernon (mentions of wonwoo x minnie x mingyu)
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Better Safe Than Sorry 🌷 Minnie
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Minne was in a panic. For the past two hours, the girl hadn't found a second of rest, pacing around the apartment, trying to keep herself busy before the thoughts running through her brain could catch up with her. Vernon was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago, only adding to her anxious state. Wonwoo and Mingyu were at the gym, thank God, she thought to herself.
The past few days, or more so even two weeks, had been... interesting. It started with a headache spanning over multiple days, only for it to turn into a migraine. Or so she thought. Throwing up, going to bed as early as possible, and sleeping in for as long as she could. Something was not right. Add the random heat flashes she had experienced the week before and Minnie started speculating. The moment she realised that her period had been a few days late made her shut down.
It was so secret that women in the industry encountered irregularities with their cycles as stress and diets dominated their lives. But Minnie and the entirety of Seventeen were in a good place. None of them was totally overworked at that point, thanks to their new contract. Diets were, thanks to the need to fit into the impossible beauty standards, still a topic of discussion but they were doing fine. Right?
It was one night out that made her mind spiral. Rapidly.
Minnie was enjoying a dinner with her closest friends from school, having made a reservation in one of their favourite restaurants a week ahead to make sure they'd get a private room. Food and drinks were passed around the table, discussions and conversations were flowing and laughter filled the room. Everyone was having a good time. When it hit that point of the night where people were slowly starting to leave, say their goodbyes and make promises to meet up again soon, the female singer was left with her two closest friends from that group. 
Léon, once a boy too afraid to show his true colours, is now a proud man with a husband waiting for him back in their new hometown in Spain. And Hana, the legend of a best friend who had gifted Minnie her first vibrator, and now the owner of one of the most-visited clubs in the nightlife of Hongdae.
The two were well tipsy while Minnie had held herself back a bit. They were still giggling at one of their friends who had stumbled through the door as he exited, the multiple shots of liquor clearly taking over his body.
"You look a little paler than usual," Léon suddenly commented, glancing at the idol with a slight frown, "Are you okay?"
"She probably just got a new IV infusion for extra light skin," the other girl joked, getting a chuckle out of the singer. Hana had never been a fan of the idol life.
Minnie shrugged, her finger circling the rim of her glass, "I've been feeling kinda off."
Her friend downed the last shot on the table before turning to her in confusion, "How off?"
Minnie sighed, "I've had a headache for like... a week now. And two days ago I was throwing up all day. Even yesterday and today when I woke up I felt like I had to puke..." The two friends were eyeing her carefully, letting her speak freely. "And then I had some random, like... heat flashes?" She glanced up to meet their eyes, "I don't know what the hell that was, but... yeah... something's going on, I don't know. But I don't want to provoke it with alcohol."
"That," the guy of the group leaned back, eyes now wide, "does not sound good."
"Yeah, but it must be something with my immune system. My period's also God knows where."
"You missed your period?!" Hana gasped, covering her mouth with her hand.
"Girl-" Léon eyed her with a surprised expression, but Minnie was quick to stop them.
"No, no, no," she waved her hands, "It's not like that. I've missed it before, but it... it's a weird coincidence."
"What do you mean 'not like that'? That sounds a lot like being pregnant to me!" The tattooed girl hissed at her.
That was the first time she had heard the word out loud. Of course, it had crossed her mind. Just like every other woman. The moment her period was late, the first thought to come to her was 'shit, what if I'm pregnant', only to dismiss it a second later at how ridiculous it sounded.
"No, I-... we have the tour and we're preparing for a new album, and it's just... stress or something."
"But you've been stressed before. Way more stressed," the guy in front of her commented. "I don't want to scare you, but... you know..."
"If there's anyone that could be pregnant, it's you, Min," Hana casually told her, leaning back against the cushioned seats.
Minnie frowned as she glanced at her. "What the fuck do you mean?"
"No one's getting laid like you," she laughed, making the other two at the table chuckle and Léon threw his head back in glee.
"Oh, shut up!" The idol exclaimed, "You've got a line of men waiting for you to call them back after leaving their apartment in the middle of the night. And that's just from last week."
"That's not true!" Hana pointed her finger at the girl. "You get two dicks on a regular! Every day, I bet!"
"It's not every day!"
"Every other day then," the only guy quickly commented before their discussion could get any louder.
Minnie shrugged, "Yeah... so what?"
"My God," he chuckled with a shake of his head, "I'm jealous. Honestly." Making the girl laugh out loud.
"No, but seriously," Hana stopped the two, letting silence wash over the table once again. "Have you thought of it?"
"No! Because..." Minnie went quiet.
"They're not using condoms. Don't lie to us," Léon glared at her, his arms crossed in front of his chest.
Hana faked a gasp, "You slut."
"You're not even using them on strangers!" Minnie pointed out, only for her friend to slap her hand away.
"This isn't about me!"
"Whatever..." the singer mumbled, her eyes back on the glass. It was still half filled with the mix of Soju and beer she decided not to finish.
"Okay, but seriously," Léon started again, "Could there... be a possibility?"
"For one, I'm on the pill," she explained, noticing her friends opening their mouths to argue, so she continued, "I know! I know that's not 100% safe, but it's... very safe-"
"I don't know about very safe, to be honest," Hana went back to nursing a glass of water. "My mom was on the pill and look at me now," pointed at herself with a proud grin.
"Don't make me scared," Minnie mumbled as she fell back onto her chair with a sigh.
"We don't want to scare you," her guyfriend explained, letting the other girl continue,
"But take a test, just in case," Hana shrugged. "You know how many pregnancy scares I've had? Still, better safe than sorry." She ended her speech by finishing her water.
Minnie's gaze had landed on her lap, where her thumbs had already started fidgeting with each other. "I...," she started with a sigh but stopped herself again right away.
"What?" Léon wondered, keeping a close eye on the singer, but she just shook her head and brought the glass of alcohol up to her lips.
"Nothing." And downed the last bit.
Four days later Minnie was still fighting her stomach each day, going out of her way to try and get as little food and water into her system as possible, knowing it would only trigger her and make her run to the toilet. On the other hand, the lack of nutrition was most definitely also adding to the nausea. There seemed to be no way out for the female singer.
On the verge of tears, overwhelmed with emotions, she had texted Hana in the morning, begging her to go to the store to buy her a pregnancy test. She was still very much in denial of the possibility of her being knocked up, but there were too many signs... But then again, she remembered the conversation she had with her gynaecologist two years ago. The doctor had only let a few words fall from her mouth before Minnie realised what she was trying to tell her.
At the sound of the front door's bell, the idol's head perked up, a second before she was rushing to the door. Once she pressed the camera button, she came to face with the young rapper she had called and pressed to open the door downstairs.
"Thanks!" Came through the speakers as Vernon disappeared into the building.
For the next minutes it would take him to come up, Minnie tried to pretend to have to do something, just praying the time would pass by quicker. The tests, yes multiple, were already placed on the counter of the main bathroom's sink. Hana had arrived with two in her bag, along with chocolate and prosecco to celebrate in case they'd be negative. The alcohol was chilling in the fridge while the sweet treat was waiting for her in the cabinet, with her definitely enjoying it either way of how the tests would come out.
Another doorbell sound rang through the apartment, notifying the female member of his arrival. With a few big steps, she stopped in front of the door, pulling it open in a swift motion. A wide-eyed Vernon standing right in front of her.
"Are you okay?"
"I don't know," she mumbled, catching him off-guard as she pulled him in.
With a frown, the younger member stood right in front of her, shuffling his feet out of his shoes before he followed her down the hall.
"What's going on?"
She continued to walk in silence, only coming to a halt in the middle of the living room. Vernon stopped at the corner into the hallway, leaning against the wall.
"Alright," Minnie sighed, bringing her hands up in front of her, "Look..."
"Oh," the '98 Liner nodded, understanding this was going to be even more serious than he had expected. As if her call, asking him 'Can you come over? Like now? Just for a bit?' with zero explanation didn't alert him enough already, her stance certainly brought his heartbeat up.
"Are you okay?" He repeated his question, taking a seat on the edge of the couch, not daring to lean back in comfort.
The girl pressed her lips together, nodding as she avoided his gaze. "I-... I think so, yeah."
"That's not a yes, so that's alarming."
"No, wait-" she stopped him, "Just-... listen, okay?" Making him nod, so she could continue. "I called you because I know- or, at least I hope, you... won't judge me," his frown made her rush her words out even quicker. "And you won't overreact, because I- I don't even know if I really should be concerned, and honestly, I don't think I should be and if you ask me, I think it's impossible, and I'm overreacting, but some other people have made me think otherwise."
"Oh...kay?" Pure confusion was still written across his face. A beat of silence washed over the two as Minnie thought about what to say next. She was looking around the room, knowing there was no way out and she had brought herself into this situation.
She took one deep breath before blurting out, "I need to take a pregnancy test," pressing her lips tightly together again as she waited for a reaction.
Vernon's eyebrows shot up the moment the words tumbled from her lips. He closed his eyes for a split second, trying to take in what she had just said to him.
"Ehm... for... what?"
Minnie looked at him perplexed, "What do you think people take pregnancy tests for?" She knew sex ED in South Korea wasn't good, but she had hoped it wasn't that horrible.
"Well, I hope you're not gonna take it for the reason I think you might be taking it," he glanced up at her. 
He called himself lucky to get to have her as an older sister despite only being born two months apart. Vernon and Minnie had been close ever since he became a trainee under Pledis, the older girl taking him in as a little brother in an instant. Over the years, she had realised that the lack of an age gap was starting to show as she found herself looking up at him more and more, mentally and literally physically as he had shot up in height. She had found herself looking for comfort in him, asking him for advice or even just listening to him. While some members were more physical when it came to showing their appreciation and love, Vernon kept himself in the background, choosing quiet acts of kindness as his love language, which she sometimes appreciated even more than anything else. But even with all the love the two had for each other, their sibling-like relationship was no secret and not kept behind closed doors.
"And what is the reason you're not hoping for?" She had crossed her arms in front of her chest, her eyes still unsure of whether or not to lock with his.
Vernon sighed and shook his head before glancing back up at her, now finding her gaze. "Do you seriously think you're pregnant?"
"No," she was quick to answer.
The '98 Liner rose from his seat. "Then why take the test?"
"Because!" Minnie started pacing around the room again, fixing her hair along the way.
"Because?" He nagged her.
The girl to a stop. "Better safe than sorry."
Vernon couldn't help but sigh again, "Minnie..."
"There's a 0.01 per cent chance-"
"Don't say 0.01 because if it really was 0.01 you wouldn't even think of taking one!" He pointed a finger at her, quickly realising the rude gesture and putting his hand down again. "Sorry," he mumbled.
"Okay, then maybe a slightly bigger chance... I don't know..." the female member bit down on her lip as her voice quieted down. Her gaze was back on the floor. "I'm scared."
Her confession made the rapper look back at her. He understood the seriousness of the situation, yet he had never seen the girl that way before. On a night out with the group, they had found out about the first pregnancy scare she had had years before, but she acted differently about it then. Took it with a lot more humour. But now, the woman in front of him just confessed to being scared. And he was the one she had trusted to confront about it.
Vernon glanced around the room. He couldn't freak out. He was supposed to help her here.
"Don't be scared," he tried to assure her, getting up from the sofa to take a step closer to her. "Are you serious though?"
Fallen silent, the girl just nodded. After not getting a verbal response back, she spoke up to explain, "I just... I've been feeling kinda... off. It's weird," she brushed it off, "and I really- I don't think I am, but... what if I am?"
Vernon accepted her answer, taking a second to himself. "Okay," he took a deep breath in and out. "It's okay. You have a test?" He asked her.
Minnie nodded.
"You went out and bought one?" Not even trying to conceal the concern in his voice.
"No," she told him, passing him as she made her way to the bathroom. "Hana got two for me."
"Where's she?" The younger member was hot on her feet.
"At work," Minnie explained. "She bought them on her lunch break." She stopped in front of the door, turning around to come to face with the rapper.
Vernon lowered his voice. "Why did you call me?"
The female idol shrugged.
He was desperate at this point. It felt like the wrong situation to be in for him. "Why not... Minghao... or... Shua, or Coups-"
"Coups would have me on a leash and drag me to get me castrated the moment he heard the words 'pregnancy test'!" She defended herself, getting a slight chuckle from him in return.
"Don't know how that would work but you're probably right. He'd do it at the word 'pregnancy' already," he mumbled.
"And... Shua would be way too emotional and... I don't know... Hao too. They'd be so... careful around me and try to comfort me-"
"You don't want to be comforted?"
"Not right now," she shook her head and gulped as he met his eyes. "I called you because you're the only person I know who can just sit there and be there for someone. Without overreacting... or... freaking out. And I'm kinda freaking out, so I need someone with a cool head right now."
"Not gonna lie," Vernon confessed, "I'm freaking out a little though."
"But you're hiding it well."
"Ditto," he nodded at the female member.
Another moment of silence washed over the apartment. Minnie took a quick look into the bathroom, her eyes immediately on the two pink packages by the sink.
"It's basically impossible that I'm pregnant," she admitted. The wheels in Vernon's head started turning, thinking that it was never truly impossible, unless... but he decided not to question her further.
"But I had weird... signs, I guess. And Hana and Léon made me scared. I just wanna make sure."
The '98 Liner nodded along to her words, shaking his head even harder the moment she looked back at him. "Do that. Take the test. Or tests," he dramatically pronounced the plural form.
Minnie nudged her head after a second to take a breath. "Can you come with me?"
Vernon immediately frowned. "Wh- Into the bathroom?"
The girl nodded.
"Ew, no! I'm not gonna watch you piss, bro."
She rolled her eyes, "Don't watch me pee. Just sit next to me," pointing to a stool they had in the bathroom for whatever reason. "Hold my hand?" She batted her eyes at him, mostly to lighten up the situation, while holding a bit of seriousness behind her ask.
"Absolutely fucking not," he shook his head. "Go. I'll be right here."
She eyed him up and down, scrunching up her face. "You're not a real one."
Vernon's eyebrows shot up. "If that's the requirement, I'm good," brushing her off and pushing her to finally get into the bathroom. "Weirdo," he mumbled, getting a last glare. At least she hasn't completely lost her spark, he thought to himself.
The moment she disappeared into the room, Vernon was met with the silence of being by himself. It was only then he realised that he hadn't even asked her about Wonwoo and/or Mingyu. Thinking, if anyone should be there, it would be the two men in question. He passed the thought after a moment of debating, coming to the conclusion that she'd have her reasons. Even after her explanation, he was still slightly confused as to why she'd rather have him than them here with her. He decided he'd rather stay in the unknown rather than pester her with more questions. Right now, she needed a friend, not an interrogator, by her side.
Vernon cleared his throat awkwardly.
The duo had found their way onto the couch with the two tests placed neatly on the coffee table ahead of them, facing down so neither one of them could even dare to get a glimpse of the results before the timer went off.
"And... ehm...," he tried to pass the time, hoping to somehow soothe the nerves rushing between both of them. "So... if you were though, like... pregnant," he carefully wondered, seeing her almost flinch at his words. He turned to look fully at her, finding her already staring at him. "Would you... w-would you... you know...," Vernon let out a chunk of air, "know whose it is?"
The time he had to himself let his mind wander to places he didn't even want it to go, but he couldn't help it.
Minnie stayed quiet for a few seconds, the words hitting her clearly hard as her eyes drifted off him.
"Ehm...," she took a deep breath. "I... I- eh... I... no?" Lowering her head, her gaze was back on her hands intertwined in her lap. She gulped, "I don't- I don't think so, n-no..." The confession appeared in the form of a big lump in her throat. 
While she was able to have her fun with the two men in her life, it was only now that she came across an obstacle like this. Of course, they had had conversations about protection, being careful instead of mindless, and consent. Yet, the topic of a possible pregnancy while still taking precautions seemed to have passed them.
Vernon nodded, his lips tightly pressed together. "Alright... damn...," he raised his eyebrows. "That- that's... wow, impressive... I mean- g-good for you. That's... good for you. And I- I mean not good good for you if you're pregnant, but, you know... good as in good for-"
"Yeah, I'm shutting up."
Not the time or place for a conversation like that, nor did she want to go into more detail about the couple's constellation in the bedroom with one of her closest friends, whom she considered her little brother. Neither did Vernon. But the silence had become dreadful.
Any other day, the duo would have no issue sitting next to each other in complete silence, yet, at that very moment, both wanted anything but to stay quiet. And finding a topic of conversation seemed more challenging than ever before.
The '98 Liner could see her shaking leg in the corner of his eye, unsure of how to comfort her well enough since it was the first time in a situation like that for him too. In an attempt to help her, he reached out and placed his hand on her knee, hoping it would calm her.
"It's okay," he quietly told her, turning his head to meet her clearly frightened gaze.
"Is it though?" She kept the conversation going.
He retrieved his hand again to turn the rest of his body to face her more clearly.
"You said it's... very unlikely." He continued to choose his words carefully, not trying to overstep and drag her into a hole she might not get out of.
Minnie nodded. "Yeah...," she whispered, hugging herself as if she was freezing. "Very unlikely, but... never impossible, right?"
Vernon shrugged his shoulder, "I think only you'd know that. If it's possible or not."
Whether they were talking about the act of conception or possibly rather the chances of her fertility would stay between the two.
The girl gulped. "It's unlikely. Very, very unlikely." 
A quiet pat on her back gave her the validation and comfort she craved and asked for.
"That's why I called you," Minnie confessed after a short few seconds of quietness.
"Hm?" Vernon glanced back at her after his eyes had been fixed on his phone.
"You can just sit here. Accept it, without a big reaction. And I still feel comforted. You... your presence is very comforting."
The question as to why him and not the men that lived with her was still burning his tongue, yet he didn't even dare to let it fall from his lips. Maybe another time.
"I still don't think I'm the right person for something like this-"
"You are," she quickly reassured him. "I didn't even think of anyone else."
The truth was, were the first people to pop into her head her lovers? Yes, of course. But in a moment of panic, in a situation that could affect either one of their lives immensely, she didn't want to confront them. Not with 100% certainty of a result. She wanted to avoid the unnecessary anxiety and hysteria spreading to other people involved in this. Not if there's nothing to be worried about in the first place, she kept on convincing herself.
In addition, as they had talked about before, knowing the rest of her members, there was a group of them that would try to be as emotionally available as they possibly could, their arms around her during the entire process, trying to console her while she just needed someone next to her. The other part of them would turn it into the headline of their tabloid, running around frantically, trying to make sense of the situation, while freaking out, scaring her even more.
And then there was Cheol, the oldest of them all, she shook her head as she didn't even want to think of a possible reaction of his. Yes, he'd support her no matter what, but the image of disappointment on his face was something she couldn't stomach.
Silently, Vernon leaned back, a tight smile on his lips. He appreciated her honesty.
Their sweet moment of companionship was interrupted by the sound of the teeth-shattering, chill-sending sound of his alarm. Vernon didn't even think of changing the ringtone, just opting to go with the standard iPhone one, making the girl shudder as he turned it off.
"Alright," he sighed. "You ready?"
Minnie nodded, pushing herself up to sit further on the edge, her knees close to hitting the coffee table.
"I do one, you do one?"
"Dude, you peed on that, I'm not touching it!" His exclaim made her look at him dumbfounded.
"I peed on that part," she pointed at the end covered by a plastic cap. "You won't even touch it."
But Vernon just shook his head. "You do it."
"Real supportive," she mumbled at him with an amused glare and nudge of her head.
Rushing down the number from three to one in her head, with a deep breath, she turned one test around, wanting to rip the bandaid off quickly and get it over with. Carefully, she looked at the small electronic display, ready for the worst to hit her.
"Not pregnant," she read out loud with a big breath of air. With a quick move, she turned around the second one, a content smile on her lips as she found the same result.
"Not pregnant," Vernon nodded, looking at the coffee table ahead of him before turning towards the female member. "You okay?"
Minnie pressed her lips together tightly, looking at him with a somewhat smile on her face as she nodded. "Yeah..."
Her gaze fell back on the white and blue plastic, her hands still cramped up in her lap as the younger rapper let himself fall further back into the blue couch. He let a moment pass, giving her the silence to herself.
"You know," he patted her back, gaining her attention, "If you were though...," she met his eye. "I'd drive you. Check-up... or...," with a motion of his hand, he pretended to cut his neck, getting a chuckle from her in return.
"I know," she whispered, not trusting her voice to become any louder. Too many emotions were rushing through the short moment, too many for at that time after coming close to what she'd describe as a heart attack.
In the blink of an eye, she had her arms wrapped around his torso, making the younger member smile softly as he returned the embrace. A comforting hand ran up and down her arm. It wasn't often he reciprocated the show of affection from her, but he'd let her for now, knowing she most definitely needed it.
With her cheek against his shoulder, he felt her tightening her arms in a pulse as she spoke up again.
"That's why I called you."
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Taglist: @waosobii @chaebb @lunarxsun @hoe4wonwoo @kimhyejin3108 @soobzao @billboard-singer @cosmicwintr @zwiehe @alixnsuperstxr @angie-x3 @smooore @allthings-fandoms @lllucere
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laismoura-art · 5 days
Ladies and gentlemen:
The Sisterhood of Shadows! 🎸🎶
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I cannot be the only one who thought they would make a sickass band while watching MK Legends: Cage Match!
I hate that they are just jobbers there, but I LOVE their rockstar desings!
🎹 Sareena definitely has my favourite design! Her outfit is so pretty and messy curls fit her so well and they were so much fun to make!
🎸 And y'all know I'm a curly Jataaka believer so I brought the queen's crown back! Her outfit fits the vibes I usually give her so I dig it!
🥁 Kia's hair was pretty fun so I kept it, and her outfit though simple was so stylish, I really like it!
And I know Cage Match set up Sareena to be the the main lead, and that's cool and she was pretty badass, buuuuuuut, I think even Sareena herself will agree Jataaka is the true main lead of this band! 👑
I wanted to try a different style, I hope y'all like it!
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And reference:
Let's be real, the are MK's Hex Girls! 🖤
@mikka-minns @thedragonholder @madamealtruist @orbitinytheworld @rasta-bot
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miss-starlet · 10 months
♡ Pet Play W/ Minnie ♡
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18+ MDNI
Word Count: 500+
Warnings: Punishments, Bondage, titles such as master & owner, mentions of spanking and degradation.
Kitty Minne (Receiving):
♡ I know everyone loves a good bratty Minho (Guilty ✋️), however I want to say it's not often the case. On a scale I probably would say 70% good boy and 30% a brat.
♡ He just wants to be loved and spoiled. Which might lead into bratty kitty territory when he doesn't get his way.
♡ Licks and nibbles at your hand and fingers. All the love bites from him.
♡ When he is good, he is your prize kitten who want to be pampered. Pls help him put on his collar w/ a little bell and ears. Brush his hair, give him tons of pets, and kisses. An absolute cutie when he is all dolled up!
♡ He is a big fan of bondage, especially loves when you bind his legs and elbows so that they are forced to stay bent and have to crawl around.
♡ One of Minhos favorite things is to cum. When he starts to get bratty and misbehave, taking away his orgasms is a good way to get him back to acting like your good kitty.
Minho was seated by your feet on the floor. Dawning his fluffy kitty ears and baby blue collar. All day he has been naughty, but you knew just what to do to make him behave again.
You gently patted your thighs to catch Minho's attention, making soft "psk" noises to get him to join you on your lap.
He gazed up at you with those honey-brown eyes, scrowling at you; clearly annoyed.
"Does Minnie need help getting up?" You asked teasingly, putting your hands under his armpits and lifting him up into your lap. "I didn't need help."
"Don't get all grumpy with me mister. Doesn't my kitty want to feel good? " You asked. Your hand wraps around his dick, starting of with slow tugs before jerking him off merciless. Minho's moans starts to get louder and louder as your speed increases.
"Y/Nnie p-please" Minho's body squirms between your legs as your other hand comes around his waist to still him.
"So loud baby and so needy too." Your hand stops and he whined loudly. His hips started to thrust up against the air, trying to feel some type of sensation.
"My bratty little baby just doesn't deserve to cum, does he?" You ask as your fingers grabbed his chin, shaking his head no.
Owner Minho (Giving):
♡ A very strict, but loving owner. Will spoil you rotten by letting you have whatever you want as long as you are good for him. Buys you a new collar and toys almost every week because he loves how excited you get when he gives them to you.
♡ He doesn't mind whatever animal you want to be, but it will change how soft or rough he plays with you. If you are his kitty, he will treat you just like his own cats. If you are his little puppy, he will be a lot more rougher with you.
♡ Minho has many rules he expects you to follow, and he isn't very lenient with them. Some of his rules include not speaking unless asked, always calling him by his title (master or owner), and respecting him.
♡ He doesn't like to be disrespected, and he doesn't mind training that brat attitude right out of his pet.
♡ Will spray you with a water bottle.
♡ When you misbehave, he turns into a big meanie. He does give you a chance to correct yourself depending on what rule you broke, however, if you keep on he will punish you. He is mean and vile with what he says when degrading you. Spanking is his favorite punishment to give you, especially when he is able to use his belt or get out his favorite paddle.
Minho had came home and surprised you with a new tail plug that had a vibrator setting. He made sure to get his little pet ready by helping you put on your collar and new tail.
You were kneeling in between his feet trying to be good and not squirm. He set it to the lowest setting, and to say you were desperate was an understatement. You rubbed your head against the fabric of his jeans, whining softly.
"Aw, my poor kitten. Don't worry, your master will take care of you."
"P-please" You whine out, Minho hand find their way into your hair, pulling your head back.
"Kittens don't talk." Minho said as he unbuttons his pants, following the action by unzipping his fly and pulling his cock free from his underwear.
"Does my kitty want a taste?" You nod, while letting him move you head close to the tip by your hair.
"You been so good for me, how about you enjoy your reward?"
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kzlove · 1 year
syn -> armin constantly has trouble sleeping. tonight, he decides to drag his girlfriend into it.
(ooc insomniac!armin)
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[3:04am] my min : hey you up ? [3:07am] my min : listen I know you have stuff to-do in the morning [3:07am] my min: but I just really wanna hear from you
[3:10am] love : min bb… [3:11am] love : you can’t sleep again?
[3:11am] my min : I’m really sorry
[3:13am] love : no it’s okay , you can’t control it [3:13am] love : what’s up?
[3:14am] my min : uhm it’s nothing really [3:14am] my min : just wanted to hear from you
[3:14am] love: oo okay
[3:15am] my min : yeah sorry
[3:16am] love : hush [3:17am] love : did you take a warm bath?
[3:17am] my min : yeah
[3:18am] love : drank some water?
{3:18am] my min : two cups
[3:19am] love : turning on the diffuser?
[3:19am] my min : I even replaced the oil [3:21am] my min : maybe i just need to come see you yk ?
[3:21am] love : thats too dangerous min. why would you even suggest that??
[3:22am] my min : …babe it’s not that far
[3:22am] love : do you see the time?
[3:22am] my min : I still don’t see the point
[3:24am] love : wtv,, is ren awake??
[3:25am] my min : I don’t think so . haven’t heard him
[3:25am] love : why don’t you check? ask him to help you out or smth?
[3:26am] my min : no I can’t do that [3:26am] my min : that’s so embarrassing
[3:27am] love : you two took a bath together
[3:27am] my min : when we were kids??
[3:28am] love : may I also add in the fact that he said to wake up him if you need him?
[3:29am] my min : I don’t need him?
[3:29am] love : you need someone to help you
[3:30am] my min: yeah and that person said 'it's too dangerous' [3:31am] my min : besides [3:31am] my min : what can he even do for me ? rub my tummy ???
[3:31am] love : will that help?
[3:32am] my min : ^^^sarcasm .
[3:32am] love ^^^srs
[3:33am] my min : you think he'll say 'aww poor minne :( ofc i'll rub your wittle tummy to help you sweep'
[3:33am] love : maybe not exactly that but [3:33am] love : similar?
[3:34am] my min : love are you attempting to be funny?
[3:34am] love : ^^^^^^^^^srs.
[3:35am] my min : omfg- ok [3:35am] my min : i'll try to rub my own tummy [3:35am] my min : if not then i'll try something else
[3:35am] love : like ask eren for help?
[3:36am] my min : i didn't say that
[3:36am] love : *cough* ask eren now *cough*
[3:37am] my min : ihy
[3:37am] love : <3
[3:37am] my min : also , open the door
[3:37am] love : you did not. [3:38am] love : armin i told you to stay home
[3:39am] my min : god fucking dammit just open the door .
you dragged yourself up out of the bed and opened your front door, frowning at the sight of armin arlert.
"what are you doing here?" you sighed quietly, raising your eyebrow at your boyfriend.
armin smiled big with tired eyes, flashing his smiley piercing at you.
"i told you. maybe i need to see you." armin replied smoothly, venturing into your home after moving you aside.
you rolled your eyes and shut the door, locking it and watching him make his way into your kitchen.
he picked up a bottle of water and unscrewed the cap, taking a long sip while still smiling at you.
armin let out a (overly) dramatic sigh of relief and screwed the cap back on.
"come on. let's go to sleep." armin said, not waiting for you and making his way into your bedroom.
you followed after him and watched as he rid himself of his clothes, climbing into your bed and tossing a stuffed animal at you.
it slapped you dead in the face and landed on the floor, making you laugh quietly and climb in next to him.
armin quickly pulled you into his chest, laying on his back and sighing in content.
you placed a hand over his chest and began falling asleep once more, finding comfort in your boyfriend's warmth.
a couple minutes have passed, and your room stayed silent.
until armin let out a loud sigh.
"what now min?" you asked, peeking an eye open and looking at the blond haired man.
"still can't sleep." armin complained, looking at you.
you rolled your eyes and sat up, licking your tongue in slight annoyance.
armin was always like this, so you honestly couldn't get mad at him for it.
you were happy he was comfortable enough to come to you with these problems late at night.
you stood up from your bed and walked over to your desk, clicking on the machine that sat on it.
purple mist began to flow from the machine, letting you know that it was on and working.
you climbed back into bed and yawned, stretching and pressing soft kisses on his cheek.
"m'sorry." armin mumbled, lips tugging down into a frown.
you pressed a soft kiss onto his lips. "s'okay. don't worry." you reassured quietly.
armin continued to lay on his back, slowly pulling you into his side once more.
you pushed your hand into his hair and played a bit, feeling him hum in content.
armin leaned into your touch, squeezing your hip playfully.
"wanna try something?" you whispered, resting your head on his shoulder.
armin looked down at you and chuckled. "i'm not. having sex with you." armin said jokingly.
you chuckled along with him and ignored him, placing a hand on his lower stomach.
"aye." armin teased, slapping at your hip playfully.
you laughed quietly, and began to move your hand in a slow circle on his stomach.
"i'm telling you this isn't gonna work." armin said, rubbing your hip at the same pace you were rubbing his stomach at.
"how would you know?" you questioned, shooting him a teasing look.
armin scoffed, looking back at your ceiling. "because i know my body and i tried this when i was home." armin responded smoothly.
you mocked him quietly, earning an eyeroll from him.
it became silent once more, save the for light sounds of the machine giving off a lavender scent.
you continued to rub his stomach slowly for five minutes, before looking up at him.
armin was fucking knocked out, despite having the most shit to talk not too long ago.
you smiled, kissing his cheek softly and beginning to doze off along with your boyfrined.
before god could grant you with sleep once more, your phone buzzed a few times.
you groaned quietly, reaching over blindly and grabbing it.
eren !! : tell min if he's gonna leave @ 3 in the night , lock the fuckin door back eren !! : or @ least lmk eren !! : scared the dog shit outta me smh.
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laneynoir · 1 year
Heyyy :)
I was wondering if you could do “How long has it been since someone hugged you?” From the writing prompts, but with Y/n asking Legolas that? Cuz I thought that would be fitting ig.
I love youuu <33
I adore this idea! And of course, I've never tried to write a wedding scene before, so please don't shoot me (or do, that's your choice.)
"A month!" The cry of Gimli is met with an amused expression from the king. "Near an entire month yet you've kept us here, under no clear pretense! Only now to tell us that this elven lass is to be your bride?" Here does Gimli pause, looking to Arwen. "You are a lass? I thought Legolas was for the first week of our journy, your braids are so odd."
Laughter as soft and glowing as the stars flows from the Lady Undómiel. "Yes Lord Gimli, I seem to remember your father, Gloin, making the same mistake. Worry not though, you have not insulted me any more than you did my grandmother when you asked her favour."
"Well I for one," You break in before Gimli can start another speech on the grace of Galadriel. "Would like to be the first to offer you both congratulations. My heart sings that you should finaly be wed, I can think of no better a reward in peacetime for what you hace done for our world."
Legolas echoes your words. "Indeed, I can think of none more deserving of this union, prehaps Lord Elrond has finally decided you worthy of the sceptre of Annúminnas?" The jest is taken goodnaturedly by Aragorn, who responds with a false groan. However the comment perplexes the residant Hobbits, and it is Pippin who asks what on earth 'and you minnes' is.
A lovely smirk on her face, Arwen supplies. "When he was young, and first come to Imladrís, Aragorn was given the heirlooms of his house, save the Sceptre of Annúminnas which my father withheld until Aragorn should earn it. This supplied my brothers with a bet: for which could Aragorn earn first? Arwen or The 'shiney stick'? My father learned of this bet before, and with some vindictive pleasure enssured that Aragorn should gain both at once."
The laughter of the fellowship causes no embarrassment for the Man, he has eyes only for his beloved. "All true words, though I am afraid still that I will never truly earn your love, but I will spend the rest of my days trying."
After the others who are there offer their congradulations, Sam asks a question which has obviously been bothering him. "Begging you pardon, but who do you have making the cake? Strider hasn't introduced us to any of his family, and I was curious."
Aragorn frowns. "The... Cake? I suppose one of the cooks will provide a cake." Four gasps of horror, and one of laughter (from you) resound at the statement. "I beg your pardon, it seems we've reached a cultural differance yet again. Samwise, would you tell us of this tradition?"
Despite the faint blush on his cheeks, Sam agrees. "Cakes are very important at wedding sir! Why the very though of not having one is horrible. When a couple is joined in matrimony, the youger parent of the younger partner bakes the cake. At the wedding, the couple slices the cake which is colored on the inside, and if a bit of the blue is on the spoon, the first child will be a girl, if it's red, then the babe will be a boy."
Aragorn smiles kindly at the hobbit. "It would surly be a shame to skip such a delightful tradition, though my blood family no longer lives. If it is I would ask you to fill the task?"
Sam's face lights up in pride and delight. "It would be an honour, I promise that no pastry will ever rival the wedding cake of the first restored rulers of Gondor!"
The entire city seems to have accepted invitations for the wedding; people of all ages crowd around the the palace gardens (which, true to his word, Legolas has assisted in whiping into shape).Vines of deep greens creep down contrasting white stone arches, life on cold rock, hope in an empty place.
Aragorn stands under one such arch, dressed in royal garb that has caused at least two of his new subjects to swoon. His face shows nothing but calm content- at least on the surface. However to the eye of one who has traveled for high on a year with the man, and lived for his youth in Imladrís, you can see the stress in his eye.
Standing on the side of Aragorns honour guests, you send him what you hope is a comforting and encouraging smile. He inclines his head just the slightest amount, acknowledging you. His attention shifts rapidly however as a string of clear music flows from the hands of the twin elven minstrels.
As one, the congregation of men, elves, hobbits, a wizard, and dwarves alike turn to the opening in the garden wall that separates the high garden feom the battlements.
Framed against the ivy, the light of early dusk adds an ethereal effect to the Evenstar; Arwen. The dress she wears is simple at first glance, a simple white gown with green trimmings. The waves of fabric seem to float around her; her steps are so light they seem nonexistent, she takes Aragorn's hand after steping onto the slightly raised platform.
The ceremony is short, but breathtakingly beautiful. A satin cloth so pure it glows is wrapped around the Royal couple's hands. Eyes locked on the other, they resite there vows, words so heartfelt that very few eye stay dry, and when they seal the union with a passionate kiss that has a watery-eyed Elrond grimacing, the applause is deafening.
Your hands sting with how hard you clap, and you pause, eyes drawn to Legolas beside you. He wears his soft smile, the one that just barely turns the corners of his lips up, yet still makes your heart shudder. Still though, there seems to be an indescribable light in his eye, that hints at somthing hidden behind the facade of content grace and joy he usually keeps.
Curious, you stick close to your elven friend throughout the reception, and as the toasts pass, and the dancing has moved away from the consistent expectation of nobles asking gor a dance, you withdraw to a more secluded area of the brightly lit room. Your eyes wander over the sea of elegantly dressed people, searching as always for the light presance that holds your heart.
"Do you look for someone, Y/n?"
You jolt at the voice, turning happily to Legolas. "Indeed, my prince, though ive found him now." He smiles, but it looks almost... Strained. Sipping on the rosehip wine in your hand you look over the elf. He meets your gaze with the same calm as usual- at least on the surface.
Looking closer you notice the delicate crease in his brow, faint and noticeable as a small ripple on a clear, calm lake. His fingertips tap together, one after the other, each touching once, before he appears to catch himself, and the movement stops, leaving the hands tense.
His actions, and lack thereof, remind you of those before a battle, however legolas even usually did not exhibit such, not even before the throes of Mordor were washed upon you all.
"Legolas," you ask, hesitantly, "what bothers you?"
His eyes widen a moment, before his expression softens. "Nothing of any great importance. Only... I find the sounds and smells of such a large gathering almost suffocating." He says this as if it were a crime, and he were addmiting to such before a council. "Especially after so long of traveling, I have become unacustomed to life in court, and thus the stress which acompanys."
The knowledge that Legolas has been in discomfort for some time, as it draws near midnight, sets a feeling of dismay in your stomach. Straightening yourself resolutely, your snatch up his hand and weave yourself among the outskirts of the crowd.
Through an ornate door you pull Legolas into a small garden, and while the sound of sparse minsterals can be heard, the sound of talking fades into the background. "Better?" You ask, peering at Legolas.
He nods, but you have no time to admire the light in his bearing before he is bowed over your hand. "May I have this dance?"
The question startled you, but you quickly affirm your acceptance, allowing him to pull you closer, and the soft instrumental tune provides a leisurely beat to step with. You meet his eyes, and a mist covers them, so doing the natural thing you remove your hands from Legolas' own, you wrap him in an embrace.
When he stiffens, you make to pull back, but instead he tightens his grip in a way that you can feel the muckes beneath his tunic, his head nestles into the crook of your neck.
Running a hand along his spine in what you hope is an appropriately comforting motion, you feel the damp of his eyes drip onto your skin. "Oh Legolas," You trail off a deapseated sorrow filling your very soul at the inability to know what brings such display to the usually strong and lighthearted elf. "How long has it been since someone hugged you?”
"I- don't..."
At the words you gently pull him to the ground, a movement which is slightly hindered by his unwillingness to release you. When you reach a half sitting, half kneeling position, he draws back slightly. "I apologize, I-" you cut him off with a fingertip to the lips.
"Please do not let such words nor guilt fill you," you trace the line of his brow, and see the pink hue in his eye from tears long withheld. "I love you, and any service I may do, or condolence I can offer... All that I have is yours, please do not try to take the privilege of heloing you away."
A choked "Meleth" is all Legolas can reply to the declaration, but the intent is visable, so you pull him closer, and run the silk soft hairs of his head through your fingers.
For you meant it, anything for him is well worth doing, and you would be colder than the stone in a creek before you could even think about galting your care.
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tauforged · 9 months
i still haven’t unlocked all of the grimoire lore pages because RNG hates me but i’ve read them (or rather. vik read them to me over call while i was doing tank maintenance. hehe) and ohhhh the implications are all so compelling but what gets me the most off the top of my head:
- tales of duviri was based on stories albrecht used to make up for euleria as a young child, complete with goofy character voices. he also somehow considers himself a complete failure of a father, despite all evidence pointing to the contrary.
- loid was not only fully aware of exactly what albrecht was trying to accomplish the whole time, but very much an active participant. he was the one who gave al the idea for the vessels. he knows exactly what was happening and was in fact an active enabler in most of his crazy science shenanigans
- albrecht came FRUSTRATINGLY CLOSE to actually finding the ‘correct’ answer to beating back the indifference when he was in duviri but basically ‘this sign won’t stop me because i can’t read’-ed right back out of it and decided that he alone was uniquely irredeemable and deserved to suffer for his mistakes and needed to continue digging this hole even deeper
- the reason bird 3 doesn’t have a proper name like fibonacci tagfer and minn is because he was literally just picked at random as an ‘expendable’ animal to balance out the diversity of the test subjects. he also considered kalymos a viable test animal, but couldn’t bring himself to potentially cause her any harm. he somehow finds a way to feel just as guilty about not potentially killing an animal as he is about killing countless other animals. this guy has ISSUES
- the vessels are made in part from tissue samples from arthur and aoi that he brought back to deimos
- he has been to 1999 and back several times before and interacted with arthur and aoi seemingly fairly extensively. they believe him to be a doctor trying to protect people from the technocyte plague, and he used this as a front to secretly start turning them into partial warframes.
- he basically became so consumed by the guilt of his cavia experiment being a failure that he decided his only option to redeem himself was to graduate to unwilling/unknowing human test subjects instead. 10/10 no notes keep up the good work 👍 this will only go well
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minnesota-fats · 1 year
Pokémon is literally just the Pokémon government encouraging people to do self pest control so the city doesn’t have to.
Like you can step outside and see a rat eating your garbage, rather than calling pest control you throw a ball at it. Now you got a creature for the animal fighting ring down the street!
And Pokémon Go really goes hard cuz you have to catch multiple to evolve one!
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opertabry · 1 year
lost & found ✧ 0.1 finders keepers
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synopsis ✧ minjeong, the resident assistant on your floor of the university dorm, works at the campus lost and found, always seen sorting through misplaced belongings with an air of judgment and skepticism. you, a perpetual partygoer known for your wild antics, seem to constantly lose items during parties and they somehow always end up at the lost and found department. and in the hands of minjeong. 
profile 1 ✧ finders keepers
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kim minjeong ✧ @/jeongiekim , @/imwinter : 01, the ra of the third floor at ucla’s olympic hall, works at the lost and found department and is the president of the chess club. she is an undergraduate in her third year of her double degree in medical studies and fine arts. despite her introverted nature, students may find it surprising how welcoming and caring she is to those that seek her help. most consider her to be a ‘party pooper’.
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yu jimin ✧ @/yujimie , @/katarinabluu : 00, co-president of the dance club and works at the lost and found department. she lives on the fourth floor, and is an undergraduate in her third year of her double degree in business and international commerce. she’s well known for her dancing around campus, although still holding a reputation of being a ‘loser’, because she hangs around minjeong.
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uchinaga aeri ✧ @/aerichan , @/gigidesu : 00, the ra of the second floor at ucla’s olympic hall and works at the lost and found department. she is an undergraduate in her third year of her double degree in sociology and psychology. having a couple friends that runs in the ‘wrong crowd’ at campus, she gets occasional invitations to parties from the third floor kids.
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kim minju ✧ @/kimjuu , @/minn._.ju : 01, the ra of the fourth floor at ucla’s olympic hall and works at the lost and found department. through all the years she has been at ucla, she has been trying to start a guitar club to no avail. she is an undergraduate in her third year of her double degree in ecology and environmental health sciences. students know her to be a sweetheart, but still someone that doesn’t know how to have fun.
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jeon somi ✧ @/jeoonsoomi , @/somisomi03 : 01, works at the lost and found department and co-president of the dance club. she lives on the second floor and she is an undergraduate in her second year of her double degree in media and film and television. in her earlier years, she was a party animal, but to the confusion of almost everyone at ucla, she settled down and opted to focus on her studies.
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⦑ masterlist , next ⦒
taglist ✧ [closed] @flolio @rinapomu @imahallucination11 @thefckghost @limbforalimb @1luvkarina @khaepriv @uzumakioden @jeindall777 @petruchiosstuff @rd0265667 @ivers01 @runawaymazola @yerisdumbass @winieter @pandafuriosa60 @manooffline @rosiehrs @yawnzshit
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arachnidcakery · 7 months
YAYY more Sparklecare & Cometcare xenogenders! :D ♡♡ (Btw, I'll be starting w/ stuff like requests first, and then moving down to the other ones I've made!)
The first one is:
. ⋆ Carrunigender! 😺🦄♡ | A xenogender connected to the ship Carruni (In canon, and/or in any AUs) ! | (I think coined by me, but lmk if I'm wrong on that!♡) ⋆ . ꒰ Requested by Anon! <3 ꒱
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. ⋆ Melcyngender 🔥💜♡ | A xenogender connected to the ship Melcyn (in canon, and/or in any AUs) ! | (Coined by me ♡) ⋆ . ꒰ Not requested, but sort of inspired by @melcyn ! He said he liked my flags, so I made this one bcuz of her :3 /gen ꒱
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Now onto flags not request, and such related! ♡:
. ⋆ Pinchlinecharic! 🎈♡ | A xenogender connected to Pinch Line from Cometcare! | (Coined by me <3) ⋆ .
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. ⋆ Marthaminncharic 🦇♡ | A xenogender connected to Martha Minn! | (Coined by me ♡) ⋆ .
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And lastly:
. ⋆ Jerrybeanscharic! 🐾♡ | A xenogender connected to Jerry Beans from Cometcare! | (Coined by me! ♡) ⋆ .
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(I also did want to add Crayola Loud, but (aside from the 10 picture limit,) Please Believe Me when I say that I couldn't figure out how to make his flag- (╥ ╥) /gen /lh. I couldn't find an order of his colors that looked right, but I'll try my best to have his flag done by the time I make another Sparklecare/Cometcare xenogender post! <3)
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thedragonholder · 2 months
Since chaos reign has released here is most of the things I want to see.
#10 Hanzo to finally be playable or atleast have a few scenes: since we have cyax and sektor have made an appearance I kind of now expect we will see kid hanzo. Even if he is playable I expect to see Hanzo atleast make a few scenes.
#9 Jade atleast get an appearance: Jade has been mentioned in mk-1 intros and I actually want to see more mention or atleast an appearance of Jade with kitana. I miss their friendship!!
#8 Cyrax joining the good guys: like the previous games it won't be a surprise once Cyrax learns why kuai left the lin kuei. It will be expected of cyrax to leave sektor and join the Shirai Ryu in hopes to redeem herself.
#7 Harumi, suchin: I hope that we atleast see appearances or them fighting for their loved once together and even a showcase of their skills. NRS have already jobbered suchin and harumi a lot. I hope they will get justice.
#6 one of the brothers is going to die and it can be either kuai liang or it can be bi-han: let's face it Bi-ham and kuai liangs relationship has always ended badly because of Fucking NRS!! So it's either they make one of them die. If kuai liang dies it will make way for hanzo to be Scorpion and gets on the path of revenge to kill bi-han. If bi-han dies it will not be at the hands of kuai but by someone else. Kuai liang will go on revenge to kill the person who killed bi-han.
#5 the order of light: I really want to see the order of light and more of sareena and ashrah. Hell I want to see more of sareena helping them out in the war against titan havik.
#4 outworld under mileenas rule: I am hoping to see the outworld under milleenas rule. I can see it would be a world where everyone is being treated equally including the tarkatans and the saurians being treated equally .
#3 Kuairumi: want to see more of this relationship in the future. I want to see how much of a badass warrior harumi is and her influence on kuai. I also want to see how kuai influenced harumi as well both are good for each other.
#2 Mileena might turn evil: I have a feeling NRS might try to make mileena evil and strain her relationship from kitana after all NRS hates good sibling relationships or any relationship in general.
This is why I want Jeremy to be the writer. He knows what the fans want and he gives.
Now here is my number 1 expectation
#1 Shinnok is definitely going to come back:
We have heard Many names in intros during mk-1 but there is one name that has not been mentioned at all. The name is Shinnok. Don't come at me saying Catrion wasn't also mentioned. Liu Kang clarified that the elder gods still existed but unlike Raiden , Liu Kang doesn't consult with them. You always know what NRS does. If a hero kills a threat like they killed off titan Shang taung to make room for titan havik. So they always kill a villain to leave room for a bigger villain. So what has shinnok been doing all this time in the netherrealm. Because netherrealm has been mentioned by ashrah and instead of Shinnok it was Quan chi. What if Shinnok is like a secret boss behind Quan chi pulling the strings of everyone and everything this whole time and will make an appearance sooner or later in the mk-1 universe. He is waiting for the perfect time to strike back and get his revenge on the elder gods and titan Liu Kang in order for the hour glass to be his and mend time to his favour.
Or maybe I have been exaggerating because I haven't gotten thar much sleep and haven't had coffee so. @laismoura-art , @mikka-minns , @theelderhazelnut , @charlotte-family-apologist , @angelbroad , @bloody-arty-myths tell me your theories.
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minnie-shifts · 4 months
i’ve never posted on here before (and honestly probably never will again) but i kinda need to rant to someone, so why not send it off to the black hole of tumblr?
so i’m a reality shifter, but like… very inexperienced. i have minishifted once, to the maze runner but that was back in 2020/21… anyways i started to make more serious attempts probably around november 2023.
i have been extremely close to shifting before hearing sounds, seeing light etc. but never actually shifted (besides tmr).
where im getting to is… i think i shifted here? before, i couldn’t really understand why someone might come to my reality (my … or ig? it’s basically the same as here), but i get it now. I shifted here on accident.
i saw a post on here last night, i can’t really remember what was said but someone shifted a few times under the premise of “there’s a 50% chance that i’ll go to *insert place* and there’s a 50% that i’ll go to a reality similar to this”. (i forgot what post i saw, but i was really inspired by it lol).
i ended up giving it ago, affirming that there’s a 50% chance i’ll end up in one of my drs but there’s also a 50% that i’ll shift to a reality similar to my own (i was also motivated because i have assessments i don’t wanna do lol)
i didn’t really do a method, i only focused on my breathing and that affirmation then rolled over and went to bed. (which is strange, i’m an awake method girly yk?)
anywho, morning comes around and i go about my day as normal. though, i found that i look.. bigger? like i have gained a bit of weight and my voice is slightly deeper. i also just have this underlying feeling in my gut that something has changed.
like normally when i have a ‘failed’ attempt i try to convince myself i actually shifted to a reality exactly the same but not this time. i’m actually trying to convince myself i didn’t shift, which just.. seems so impossible. my gut is telling me i shifted. my whole body feels out of place.
NOTE: i also seem more.. confident? i randomly cut my own bangs (never wanted to do that), and im posting on here?? (i have severe online anxiety 😭)
i doubt that anyone is reading BUT if there is someone, i’ll try to shorten this up :)
so, fast forward about… almost three hours ago? i went to my sister’s room and told her about how i might of shifted here. for context, my sister is also a shifter (she’s probably shifted maybe 4-5 times?) and the person i tell everything too.
we start to ask each other questions. everything is starting to add up until we started talking about shifting. i mentioned that she has a ZB1 dr (a kpop group) where her s/o is Jungwon and i swear by this. she like leans back confusedly and goes “minn, i’ve never even thought about a ZB1 dr.. or Jungwon being my s/o, Heeseung’s my bias”.
I sit there in shock, this was the first indicator that something is up. I ask her about SVT (my fav kpop group), she says her bias is Jeonghan and my bias is Vernon (wrong btw, my bias is Woozi and her bias is china line like???).
My sister and i are really close, especially around shifting. so i started asking her about her shifting experience. THENN i started talking about an inside joke we have from a dr she has… she had no clue what i was talking about. Which is fucking crazy because we mention it ALL THE TIME!!! even out of shifting or non-kpop related stuff like???
i dunno what the purpose of this is. if you read this, thank you :) i’m feeling kind of weird, coming to terms that i actually left my original reality. i think i might try to shift to my main dr after i post this.
i guess i’m kinda missing my sister even though she’s in a different room lol or technically across the multiverse?? i dunno
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