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misskohane · 4 months ago
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"At peace"
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tabbertbellingsworth · 1 month ago
#18 Eastern Quoll
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cali · 4 months ago
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Your mama’s crying
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x daughter reader
Warning: death, angst, Ian Doyle, depression, Ian calling reader by her “name”
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It had been seven months…
Seven months since your mother had passed, your best friend had died at the hands of your father Ian Doyle. Seven months of losing yourself and recreating a new version of who you once were, everything had changed once she left, even me.
I couldn't bare looking into the mirror to stare at the dark eyes, raven hair that I mourned the loss of so I dyed it. Pink. Purple. Blue. Green. Red. Before settling on a beautiful Blonde that she would've loved. I swapped my glasses for coloured contacts, it hurt to see the ghost of my mother in myself.
Seven months and yet it felt like seven years..
The first day had begun a month after mum had passed, I was curled in her bed my face smothered in her blankets that were slowly loosing her scent. Morgan had burst into the room throwing my gym clothes at me telling me to get ready, we ran ten kilometres that day only stopping at the lookout on the hill to yell out our frustrations at the world.
It became a routine of sorts and sometimes Penelope would join us although she couldn’t keep up with us as often. It was okay. We would be okay, Sergio clung to me more as the months grew almost as if he just knew.
I sat with Derek on the roof, his arm wrapped securely around my shoulders as we spoke "I miss her" I whispered curling myself into him more. "Me too, miniP' he kissed my head before resting his cheek on it"me too he repeated sadly "she'd be proud of you, you know that right?" | nodded biting my lip.
I hope she would be
Although I wanted revenge
I had graduated university top of my class with the team cheering me on in the crowd, how was I to see those two guilty faces. It hurt my mother not being in the front row like she was meant to but I imagined she had been.
My father loved me in a strange way
The team thought it best to use me as the bait to catch him, I called him to a cafe just a quiet one that I had visited him before at. Staring at him I felt nothing, his face was blank “whats the softest way to say you took away my friend, my buddy?. Whats the kindest way to say you took away my friend?”.
“You wouldn’t understand Alora” he whispered “so help me understand father” hopefully the team should walk in any moment. “It was simply fate my dear, we have a past” fate? Fate took my mother? My heart had shattering once more.
I wanted to scream and cry, throw anything available at him but I was just so numb and maybe he knew that as he leaned over. Placing a gentle kiss on my forehead before the team burst in “Je t'aime Y/n” he whispered I love you Y/n “Adieu père” I whispered. Goodbye father
How dare he simply call it fate
“Elle m'a enlevé ma fille”
She took my daughter away
I was bound to him, mum was bound to him
I was his daughter
It was all a blur as he was arrested, I had become numb but I knew I hated France it would never be the same I’m not sure Virginia could be the same anymore.
I never went home that day, finding myself at Penelope’s front doorstep tears streaming down my face. Her arms had become home I wondered if my mother would be disappointed in me- of who I had become.
“Oh my sweetheart”
I wished I could’ve told her sooner about my adoration for women of my harboured feelings for an older blonde that I had no chance with. I had an internship with the bau while I found a job that I actually wanted, I had plans just as my mother once had.
We had been called into the conference room, I stood near the back “everyone take a seat” Hotch sighed as JJ stood beside him. "7 months ago I made a decision that affected this Team." he said, and I knew immediatly that this was about mum.
"As you know, Emily had lost a lot of blood after her fight with Doyle. The doctors were able to stabilize her and she was airlifted from Boston to Bethesda under a covert exfilitration. Her identity was strictly need-to-know." he said and I felt sick to my stomach.
"She stayed there until she was well enough to travel, she was reassigned to Paris where she was given several different identities which we had no access to for her security." He goes on.
"She's alive?" Penelope asked.
"But we buried her..." Reid says hurt.
I had buried my mother
I had buried my mother
Yet she had walked into the room with a smile on her face as if these seven months had never existed, I had buried my mother for nothing. These seven months had been a lie, all the words JJ and Aaron said had been lies all those tender hugs and kisses were full of guilt.
I couldn’t help but leave quickly as mum made her way around the team giving out hugs unaware she had watched me go. I couldn’t be there, I couldn’t be in that room not with everyone so happy to have her back, I grieved my mother.
I mourned someone who wasn’t dead
Maybe it was selfish of me but I left the team that day, finally moved my things out of my mothers apartment now that she was back. I ignored her calls so angry she could do such a thing the same went with Aaron and JJ, how could they? my mother?.
The team had called me often saying how my mother had been crying, her sobs begging for me and maybe in some sick way she knew just how I had felt.
I laid with my head in Penelopes lap as I sobbed, her soothing hands running through my hair “I know it’s hard right now Y/n but maybe it would be a good thing if you started talking to her again”.
“I’m just so scared Pen”
“And thats okay baby cakes”
It wouldn’t be another two weeks before I worked up the courage to talk to her, Rossi was hosting a part while I had arrived with the blonde. Mum made her way beside me “I’m proud of you Y/n” she slowly placed a hand on my shoulder.
She took a deep breath in tears already staining her waterline “and I’m sorry, if I could’ve taken you with me I would’ve but Aaron had said no. I asked them everyday about you and I’m sorry I couldn’t be here I’m sorry, I put my little girl through all this pain”
She moved her hands to cup my face “my baby girl, and when you graduated Uni. I made sure Aaron got me a clip of you. I never once stopped thinking about you, Mon cher I love you”
“And I am so so proud of you” the warmth of her lips pressed against my forehead cemented she was real “I’m sorry mama” I cried. “I was just so angry, I didn’t mean to make you cry” she pulled me into her chest rocking us gently side by side.
After a while she chuckle causing me to look up confused “you and Garcia?” She smirked with a raised brow
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malk-with-tea · 8 months ago
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Hi!!! I'm opening up commissions on here :) Dm me if you're interested either on here or on discord (@/malkon_) :D
If you're looking for something w/a quick turnaround time, i get back with the minipals, character linework, and sketches the quickest :}
Thank you!
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lucretiaslitthenetherland · 2 years ago
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Neopets Green Acara Minipal
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byothe-fr · 3 months ago
MiniPic, compresser des images en ligne sans perte de qualité La question de la compression des image...
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r-cienciadedados · 9 months ago
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Você vai querer marcar todos eles!
1. TwosApp
Divida qualquer tarefa em etapas e tarefas menores com uma lista de verificação.
🦾 Https://t.ly/twosapp
2. Upstract
Leia toda a internet em uma página.
🦾 https://t.ly/upstract
3. Recast
Transforme os artigos que você quer ler em resumos de áudio conversacionais.
🦾 Https://t.ly/recast
4. GPTExcel
Crie equações complexas sem precisar de amplo conhecimento das funções do Excel.
🦾 https://t.ly/gptexcel
5. SaveDay
Armazene e acesse seu conteúdo da web ou do Telegram com IA.
🦾 https://t.ly/saveday
6. Job Hunt Mode
Arranje o emprego dos seus sonhos usando o poder da IA.
Esse só funcionará para quem reside nos Estados Unidos. 
🦾 https://t.ly/jobhuntmode
7. DrawIO
Crie diagramas e fluxogramas online.
🦾 https://t.ly/drawio
8. FollowFox
Traduza seus pensamentos em visuais atraentes.
🦾 https://t.ly/followfox
9. Minipic
Comprima imagens em questão de segundos.
🦾 https://t.ly/minipic
10. Pika Labs
Transforme o texto escrito em vídeos envolventes e dinâmicos; expanda os vídeos facilmente.
🦾 http://t.ly/pikalabs
Fonte: https://fabianorodrigues.substack.com/p/10-sites-com-ia-que-vao-te-surpreender
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pelihomppaa · 11 months ago
Kilpailua ja pitsakestit
Kakkosjaksossa tavattiin pelin "pahis" aka Jason, kilpailevassa firmassa työskentelevä heppuli. Käy ilmi, että asiakas pyytää molemmilta tapahtuma-tuottaja-yrityksiltä tarjousta, ja kilpailuasetelma on valmis. Tässä jaksossa oli hyviä rebel-reploja ja Devon ja Roy oli ylpeitä ku lauoin näitä kommentteja Jasonille. xD
Hahmo ei päässyt osallistumaan suunnitteluun vaan hänet pistettiin pelkäksi kirjuriksi, möhh. >.-c Lopuksi sain valita seuralaisen luonnosraportin tekoa varten ja jäätiin sit Devonin kanssa toimistolle kaksisteen iltaan asti.
Alkaa valjeta mihin noita gemmejä tarvii, nimittäin kuvaan johtavien spesial-scenejen lunastukseen… Menin sitte ostamaan kyseisen spessun Devonille ja se oli ihan mukava, meditoitiin ja syötiin pitsaa. .-D En saanu kuvaa ku asuvalinta oli väärä höh.
Jakson loppu etenikin pikakelauksella ja lopussa asiakastapahtuma oli jo järjestetty. Me voitettiin, mutta selvisi että asiakas olisi oikeasti tykännyt enemmän Jasonin ideoista, mut me oltiin halvempi ni saatiin keissi vaan sen takia..
Jakson jälkeen tuli taas yhteenveto:
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…ja sen jälkeen peli tarjosi jakson uusintaan niin edullisen setin että menin sen lunastamaan, eli ny täytyis jaksaa pelata jakso uudestaan muutaman päivän sisällä et saa hyödynnettyä nuo jokerikortit… Toivottavasti ei ollu virhehankinta, gemmejä tienaa niin hitaasti…
Ainii, ja kakkosjakson läpäisyn myötä aukesi myös eka minipeli. Eldaryamaisesti hahmolla on käytössä päivittäiset energiat, ja työskentelemällä työpisteellä eri tehtävien parissa on mahdollista "löytää" vaatteita yms. muita palkintoja.
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Mun mielestä hahmon työpöytäkin pitäisi olla sisustettavissa makkarin tapaan..
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444names · 1 year ago
"Names" generated from currently available weapons in PUBG
7mmun 7mmuns 7mmy 40mmo 40mmun 40mmuns 40mmy 56mmoke 56mmun 56mmunited 56mmy 60mmo 62mmo 62mmun 1895 1897 1911 Achesight Acheted Achetenate Achiew Achin Achinches Achine Achiner Achint Aliberyl Alisce Alisceld Alisted Alistion Allaner Allar Alliber Alsous Ammoke Ammun Ammuns Ammy AMRs Arabin Arabine Arabini Arag Aragantems Arener Arez Arksmagnum Arksman Artail Artainer Artaragnum Artarener Assauge Assbow Assbows
Baliber Balistems Balistione Ballan Ballated Balliber Bals Balso Balsourz Bizons Bizont Bizontems Boloto Bolotov Bols Bolso Bolsource Bomm Bommun Bowabin Bowabinted Bowbar Bowbarez Calistems Calliber Cals Cockle Cocklee Cocktaint Cocky Cone Coneourz Coneous Coner Cons Content Crosint Crossault Crossbows Crow Crowabint Crowabints Crowable Crowablee Crows Croza Damaches Damachield Damachiew Damagants Damagnade Daman Damants Deag Deage Deagle Deagnum Deal Dealisce Deallated Dealliber Deals Dealso Deapon Deapont Deaponts Decto Dectols Dector Dectore Dectortic Dectov Dele Desight Desine Destenater Desticles Enadeapon Enatentolt Enemiew Eneourz Eneoused Ented Ents Flan Flanems Flant Flar Flarented Flarentov Flarez Flarksmane Flatemene Flatenated Flater Frabin Frabinems Frabiner Frable Frablee Frables Fragane Frage Fragle Fraglesine Fragnum Gault Grent Grenteryl Grents Grez Grosight Grossauge Grossault Grossbows Grow Growabints Guni Gunite Gunitic Ited Itement Iteneous Iter Itic Iticklee Iticky Iticles Iticroza Ition Itioner Itions Itionts Karabine Kare Karez Karksman Karksmant Kartan Kartar Karticklee Karticky Kurce Kurcel Kurceld Lignade Lignadeld Lignate Lignum M416A4 M762mm M762mmuns M762mmy Maches Macheted Machetems Machiel Machievems Machiew Machin Machinems Machiner Machinited Machints Magan Magant Mage Magle Maglee Magles Mail Maine Mainems Mainer Maint Mare Marene Marez Marticky Melater Meld Mele Mellater MG36C Micktane Micky Miclee Microsine Microws Microza Minches Minchiew Mine Mineourz Miner Miniper Mint Misce Misceld Miste Misted Misticroza Mistion Mistor Mistore Mistov Mk12K Mmun Mode Modeage Modeapon Modeld Molotgun Moloto Mols Molsoused Molt More Morenade Morene Morpion Mortain Mortare Morticky Mosight Mosine Mosineous Mossauge Mossault Mossbow MP45 Mutail Mutain Mutan Mutane Mutaner Mutants Mutar Mutarabin Mutare Nagan Nagante Nage Nagle Naglee Nagnate Nagnum P1894 P1895 P1897 Pane Panemented Panems Paneourz Pant Pante Panted Panter Pantorpion Pants Pisce Pisceld Pisceles Pisted Pisticklee Pistion Pistov R18C R1894 R1897 Relan Reld Relesight Relliber Rifle Riflee S18C S1894 S1895 Shiele Shies Shiesints Shiestion Shiew Shin Shinchine Shine Shini Shotgun Shotguni Shotor Shotore Shotorpion Shotortar Sickles Sicky Sicle Sicrows Skor Skore Skorene Skorent Skorpions Skortan Skorticky Skorticles Sniperyl Snite Sniticky Sniticles Sourz Sous Soused Stic Stickle Stickles Sticktan Sticktar Sticle Stion Stions Stuni Stunitions Stuns Submachete Submachies Submag Submagan Submage Subman Submant Submanto Submants Thro Throssauge Throw Throwable Throza Tolotgun Tomb Tomm Tommo Tommoke Tommun Tore Torene Torent Torpion UMP5K Vecoy Vecto Vectortan Viel Viele Vies Vievemene Vievemies Vievems Vinchete Vincheted Vinchints Vine Viner Viniper Viniticro Vints Weagane Weagnum Weal Wealiber Weapon Weapone Weaponts Wine Wineourz Winer Winto Wints Zonemenade Zoneous Zons Zont Zontols
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ninjakitty6252 · 7 months ago
The correct answer was Pixal and the MiniPix
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lockdowncomicsbooks · 2 years ago
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Ancient space invaders. 6" x 4" photo size minipic from a while ago. #scifiart #steviebakerart #lockdowncomicbookcompany #lockdowncomics #art #artist #artistsoninstagram #artwork #artofinstagram #surrealism #surrealart #wierdart #wierdartist #ancientaliens (at Th3 LocKdOwn ComIC BoOk CoMPany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpvkitFjHhL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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natiola-studio · 4 years ago
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My darling Jamie wishes you a great day off 🌞🍀🎈🍏🍩🍭🎈 She is so cute that the gray wolf promised to take her to her grandmother's house and protect her from all misfortunes. 🎈 All the photos with the red cap can be seen on my blog. Link in Bio . 🍎🍎🍎 . Моя любимица джейми желает вам отличного выходного дня Она такая милая что серый волк обещал проводить ее  до домика бабушки и оберегать от всех напастей Все фото с красной шапочкой можно увидеть на моем блоге. Ссылка в Био . 🍎🍎? . #jamieminipal #jamiemaruandfriends #Maruminipal  #marudoll #maruandfriends #diannaeffnerdoll #diannaeffner #Maruminipal #muñecasdecoleccion #minipal  #14inchdollclothes #13inchdollclothing  #13inchdoll #muñeca #poupée #boneca #americangirldoll #agdoll #agig #agdolls #joy2everygirl #agforallgirls #americangirlinstagram #sewingfordolls #etsylove  #agdollcollector  #adultdollcollector #dollclothes #etsyseller (at дремучий лес) https://www.instagram.com/p/CM9O0LxJoMW/?igshid=hpjwencl8z7g
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silly-noisette · 2 years ago
*oh that's pouitty minipou memes poun my very poul page
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ok chat i think im back to normal what happened
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jemmaqueenofspace · 6 years ago
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vijolcenne · 4 years ago
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#minipics #compose #postidelcuore #momentiditrascurabilefelicità #goodvibes https://www.instagram.com/p/CLEDErDAX54/?igshid=gmz0lpgl6w2d
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