dionte-goethe · 2 years
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it’s been another four days of the Kiss Art February Challenge. All the sketches are done. Colors are done up to day 14. I’m very excited for some of the ones coming up, fufufu. Day 5- Stolen Kiss Day 6- Almost Kiss Day 7- Ravenous Kiss Day 8- Shy Kiss
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bloody-bee-tea · 2 years
Kissuary 2023 Day 14 + 28 ~ Anything - Anywhere
It's the last day of the Kissuary Month! There weren't any prompts for Day 14 and 28 so you get all the kisses, all the times, in all the moments. I hope you enjoyed this little ride with me and thank you for still being here for my Mingcheng content <3 💜💚
Jiang Cheng is so concentrated on his phone that he doesn’t hear Wei Wuxian running up to him and he pays dearly for it when Wei Wuxian slams into his back, making Jiang Cheng drop his phone.
“Wei Wuxian!” he yells out, even as he elbows him to retrieve his device.
A quick inspection reveals that there’s a new crack in the protection glass and Jiang Cheng sighs. This is why he doesn’t buy a new one until the old one is completely shattered. With Wei Wuxian he would go broke before the end of the month.
“Haha, upps,” Wei Wuxian laughs out as if it’s the funniest thing in the world that Jiang Cheng’s back is aching with pain now and his phone is more broken than before.
Jiang Cheng spots the exact moment Wei Wuxian moves to punch his shoulder and neatly side-steps the action, even though it makes Wei Wuxian pout.
“Aww, come on, Chengcheng, no need to frown like that, nothing happened, right?”
“You hurt me,” Jiang Cheng gives back, even though it’s useless. They had this conversation often enough for him to know that Wei Wuxian is not even truly listening to anything he’s saying at the moment.
“Yeah, sure, whatever you say,” Wei Wuxian mumbles, already distracted by something else when Jiang Yanli steps into the room.
“Oh, A-Cheng, why are you frowning like that again?” she immediately asks and Jiang Cheng briefly lifts his phone.
“Wei Wuxian made me drop it again, now there are more cracks than before,” he tells her, though he just knows what’s going to happen.
And just like he expected she reaches out for him to pat him on the hand.
“Don’t be like that, it’s not that bad anyway, right? It was cracked before, wasn’t it?” she asks and Jiang Cheng bites his tongue.
Arguing with his sister never gets them anywhere even though he would love to tell her that all the cracks in his phone are due to Wei Wuxian.
He only ever drops it because of Wei Wuxian’s roughness but Jiang Cheng can do nothing but sigh. His sister is not going to listen to him when it comes to anything that even vaguely sounds like a complaint about Wei Wuxian and he doesn’t actually want her to pet him again.
It always feels so condescending when she does it.
“Whatever,” he mumbles and pockets his phone, and just in time too because Wei Wuxian slings his arm around his shoulder, hanging his entire weight off Jiang Cheng’s side who can barely keep them standing.
He doesn’t mention that something in his spine just audibly popped from that because it’s not as if anyone would care at all.
Instead, he pushes Wei Wuxian off of him and then takes a big step to the side. It’s the last time that evening he lets any of his siblings touch him.
The first time Nie Mingjue reaches out for Jiang Cheng in public, Jiang Cheng flinches away. He doesn’t even think about it, it’s just habit at this point but he does notice the confused frown on Nie Mingjue’s face.
Jiang Cheng tries to soften his action by immediately reaching out for Nie Mingjue’s hand in turn and it seems as if Nie Mingjue is appeased when he threads their fingers together.
The second time it happens catches even Jiang Cheng off guard, because Nie Mingjue comes up behind him and puts a hand to his shoulder. It’s just a light touch, nothing at all like Wei Wuxian’s, but Jiang Cheng’s body reacts before his mind can catch up and he moves away from Nie Mingjue.
“Wanyin?” Nie Mingjue asks, concern clear in his voice and Jiang Cheng winces before he gives Nie Mingjue a strained smile.
“I hurt my shoulder during training yesterday, sorry,” he lies and immediately feels bad about it. This is not something he should lie to his boyfriend about but he doesn’t even know where to begin explaining what’s going on.
“is it serious?” Nie Mingjue very predictably asks, clearly concerned about Jiang Cheng and that only makes him feel worse.
“No, just a little strain. It will be better tomorrow, I’m sure about it.”
“If you say so,” Nie Mingjue gives back, clearly not completely convinced but he doesn’t try to reach out for Jiang Cheng again either.
It’s what Jiang Cheng wanted, but somehow it makes him feel worse.
The third time is when Nie Mingjue finally seems to catch on that something else is going on here. They have a dinner date and when Jiang Cheng arrives at the restaurant Nie Mingjue leans in to kiss him.
Jiang Cheng is acting on instinct again, and his hand is in Nie Mingjue’s face, pushing him away before he can think better of it.
And now Nie Mingjue doesn’t just look worried and confused, he also seems hurt and that is something Jiang Cheng can’t actually stand.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers which clearly adds to Nie Mingjue’s concern.
“I think we should get take-out today,” he decides and doesn’t actually give Jiang Cheng the chance to answer before he steps into the restaurant.
Jiang Cheng knows that a serious talk is waiting for him at home and he can’t even blame Nie Mingjue for this. He has to admit that his behaviour is strange and it’s not fair to not explain anything to Nie Mingjue.
It’s just—Jiang Cheng doesn’t even know where to start with explaining any of this because he never had to try for an outsider so to speak. And the few times he did try with Wei Wuxian and Jiang Yanli they told him not to be such a baby and called him too sensitive and Jiang Cheng doesn’t actually want to hear the same thing from Nie Mingjue.
But it’s not as if he has a choice anymore, and if he’s being honest then Nie Mingjue deserves that he at least tries.
They don’t really talk on the way back and Jiang Cheng has no hope that they are going to eat while the food is actually still hot. They’ll have to reheat it later.
“What is going on?” Nie Mingjue asks without preamble when the door is finally closed behind them and Jiang Cheng immediately steps close and hugs him.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers and feels more than he hears how Nie Mingjue lets out a huge sigh before he oh so carefully rests his hand on Jiang Cheng’s back.
And that—this forced carefulness from Nie Mingjue—is not something Jiang Cheng ever wanted.
“Don’t be sorry.” Nie Mingjue drops a quick kiss to Jiang Cheng’s head. “Just explain what’s going on.”
Jiang Cheng worries his lower lip, not actually sure how he is supposed to go about this an it seems as if he’s taking too long for Nie Mingjue’s liking because he moves his hand up and down his back before he speaks again.
“This seems to be okay. Is t only certain touches?” he asks, clearly intent on figuring out what’s happening and Jiang Cheng presses even closer, almost trying to hide completely in Nie Mingjue’s embrace.
“I will need some words here, Wanyin,” Nie Mingjue states when Jiang Cheng yet again fails to answer and he sounds hurt in a way Jiang Cheng never wanted, so he forces himself to talk.
Even though he still doesn’t know what he wants to say, how he should explain this.
“This is okay,” he agrees and squeezes Nie Mingjue.
“Then what? Do you need to be in charge of the way we touch?” Nie Mingjue wants to know and Jiang Cheng’s heart aches at that.
He knows how touchy Nie Mingjue is, he sees it regularly with Nie Huaisang and to even think that he would have to hold back with Jiang Cheng would surely be hard on him and go against his very nature. And it’s not actually what Jiang Cheng wants at all. It’s just—
“Usually it hurts,” Jiang Cheng mumbles, his face still mostly pressed to Nie Mingjue’s shoulder but he must have heard him because Nie Mingjue freezes.
“I hurt you?” he asks, the shock so very audible in his voice and Jiang Cheng is quick to shake his head.
He doesn’t want to make Nie Mingjue worried even more.
“No, it’s—gods, why is this so goddamn hard,” Jiang Cheng groans out, finally letting go of Nie Mingjue so he can pace around the room better.
“For the longest time it’s only been my siblings and me,” he eventually says, and going by the frown on Nie Mingjue’s face it’s only confusing Nie Mingjue further. “There weren’t actually that many people who touched me because it was just my siblings and me. You know my parents, and until Huaisang, I didn’t really have friends,” Jiang Cheng admits, even though Nie Mingjue very well knows that.
“I don’t see the relation,” Nie Mingjue says, and he’s so careful to not make it a rebuke that Jiang Cheng just has to smile at him.
“Wei Wuxian is very—excited,” Jiang Cheng settles on. “Always. 24/7.” At that Nie Mingjue snorts, because they all know that. “And—he’s not very careful. Not with me.” Jiang Cheng rubs his shoulder where Wei Wuxian had punched him just yesterday; he had hit the bone awkwardly and the bruise was already a deep purple.
Jiang Cheng hadn’t even bothered to complain because there was no use to that.
“He tackles me, he punches me, he yells into my ear,” Jiang Cheng tells Nie Mingjue, who finally seems to understand. “And it just—it made me wary when people reach out for me.”
“And your sister?” Nie Mingjue asks and Jiang Cheng snorts bitterly.
“The only time she ever touches me is to pat my head or my hand while telling me to not be so sensitive and that A-Xian didn’t mean it. It’s—not something that’s very pleasant, either.”
“So it’s not because of me,” Nie Mingjue breathes out and immediately Jiang Cheng walks over to him to take his hand.
He never meant to make Nie Mingjue worry like that.
“Of course it’s not because of you, my soul. I love you. It’s just—I had years to learn these behaviours. I might need a bit of time to unlearn them, too.”
“You should have said,” Nie Mingjue says but he softens his words with a kiss to Jiang Cheng’s knuckles.
“I didn’t know how. I didn’t even know now. It’s a wonder you even understand me at all.”
“Your phone is cracked because of him, right?” Nie Mingjue asks, clearly mulling things over in his mind and Jiang Cheng nods. “And the bruise on your shoulder?”
“Like I said, he’s very excitable.”
“No wonder you would flinch away,” Nie Mingjue mutters. “I know this is not going to help much for now, but I’m not him. I’m not going to do that to you. When I reach out for you it’s just because I want to touch you, or kiss you.”
“I know,” Jiang Cheng sighs and burrows into Nie Mingjue’s arms again. “I just might need time to unlearn all of that with you.”
“But you’re not against that? I mean it would be a bit of PDA, though not quite as sickening as Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian are.”
“I wouldn’t mind at all,” Jiang Cheng admits.
He never really thought about it before, but the thought that Nie Mingjue might kiss him where everyone can see only makes Jiang Cheng happy.
“Slowly then, okay?” Nie Mingjue asks and Jiang Cheng nods.
If they go slow, he’s sure he can get used to Nie Mingjue touching him.
Nie Mingjue doesn’t only go slow, he also wordlessly asks for permission every time before he moves in to touch or kiss Jiang Cheng.
It’s usually just with a look or sometimes he will move, only to stop for a brief moment for Jiang Cheng to get his instincts under control but then he lavishes Jiang Cheng with kisses everywhere. It seems as if no place is safe, because Nie Mingjue drops kisses on his hands, his arms, his shoulders and all over Jiang Cheng’s head and face.
Jiang Cheng is flourishing under Nie Mingjue’s attention and he has to admit that it is incredibly nice.
“My heart,” Nie Mingjue says and just as Jiang Cheng is about to answer, Nie Mingjue has already stolen a kiss.
“My soul,” Jiang Cheng half-heartedly complaints because he was mid-conversation with Wei Wuxian, but Nie Mingjue is completely unrepentant and simply leans in to kiss Jiang Cheng again.
“That’s so gross,” Wei Wuxian whispers before he speaks up at a louder volume. “Hey, how come he can touch you whenever and I don’t? You always shove me off.”
“Maybe because you’re being too rough and hurting me,” Jiang Cheng says with a roll of his eyes, knowing damn well that his words will fall on deaf ears.
“Aw, Chengcheng,” Wei Wuxian whines out, moving forward as if to hang off Jiang Cheng again, and just as Jiang Cheng is about to take a step back, Nie Mingjue’s arm moves between them.
“I don’t think so,” Nie Mingjue says, firmly keeping Wei Wuxian out of reach of Jiang Cheng. “He just said you’re being too rough. Maybe listen for once in a while and don’t act like a spoiled, ignorant child.”
“Hey,” Wei Wuxian exclaims, turning betrayed eyes on Jiang Cheng, clearly waiting for him to tell Nie Mingjue that it is okay.
But if he thinks Jiang Cheng will do that, then he’s very wrong.
“Thank you,” he says to Nie Mingjue and takes the opportunity to lean up to kiss Nie Mingjue.
They are both breathing a bit faster when they part, but Jiang Cheng doesn’t feel too bad about it. Nie Mingjue protecting him from Wei Wuxian is incredibly hot after all.
“Ew,” Wei Wuxian complaints and turns away, clearly more grossed out than hurt and Jiang Cheng moves so he can hug Nie Mingjue from the side.
“Seriously, thank you,” he whispers and squeezes his middle.
“You should have said something sooner, I could have protected you even before,” Nie Mingjue mutters, making Jiang Cheng laugh.
“But you can protect me now. And I get all the kisses, right?” Jiang Cheng cheekily asks and blinks up at Nie Mingjue who immediately leans down to drop a kiss on the tip of Jiang Cheng’s nose.
“All of them,” he promises and Jiang Cheng knows that he will keep his promise.
Which is just as well, because Jiang Cheng can never get too many kisses from him.
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theuntamedaus · 2 years
Hi hello I am once again back on my bullshit™.
I have had an idea for what I will call Music Band AU. I do not have a plot (yet), my brain isyelling "Scott Pilgrim" likeits life depended on it, but I do NOT want that, I have something a bit different in mind.
I have, as clear as day, the Lans as being classical musicians/traditional musicians and also composers. They play traditional chinese instruments like the xiao, the erhu, the qin, etc along with some western musical instruments like the clarinet, the piano, the strings. I do not have any idea who plays what, I will figure it out later.
Nie Mingjue is the owner of an indie music studio and he publishes mostly metal kind of genre.
He is also the owner of a Nightwish-like Metal band whose vocalist Meng Yao abandoned everything to follow his father Jin Guangshan's Big Brands Studio.
Something he will eventually regret, but ATM we are not there yet.
Enter the Jiangs - beloved and beloathed. JFM and YZY are one of those who are like "yeahmy child is so gifted and talented, let's ruin their life forever by forcing them in the music industry". You know. Like Michael Jackson's parents, or Britney Spears' parents, that turned out oh-so-well.
In fact.
Yanli is a beloved pop idol à la Blackpink and Jiang Cheng is trying but his voice is not made for pop - he does try pop-punk but yet again, too rough, or high, or low, and he's never good enough, for JFM's standards.
And also there is "adopted son" Wei Ying who is doing just GREAT and BRILLIANT job at being the pop idol whom Lan Wangji, dragged out of his shell by Nie Huaisang, bc LXC and NMJ are besties, is absolutely head over heels, so what use is JC in JFM's eyes?
Needless to say, there is a lot bickering, fighting, yelling.
*uh, I have just had a flashback to my experience, no I will not elaborate*
Anyway. And it's after the last sunday lunch gone wrong that JC just leaves before even touching his food and goes in the city. He is thinking a lot, maybe he is thinking of leaving the family, the business, or maybe he wants to start his own label, how much it would cost anyway?
And he finds himself looking at some microphones in a music shop - unaffiliated with the Lans, the owner is probably Mr. Yao or Mr. Ouyang.
THe owner is like, I can see you are pointing big puppy eyes at those mics, do you want to try them?
And JC, full of the whole "you are a failure,you will never be enough" says "Sure, I can try..."
And he sings like a rock kind of song, and y'all know that I am a Jiang "Angel Voice" Cheng truther.
NMJ happens to be in the shop because he needs a new amplificator or something and hears JC.
And he is in awe.
Who is this amazing singer and why has he not heard about him ever. That's the one I want for my band, he is perfect. And he introduces himself and JC is like "you liked that?!"
"Why yes it was perfect, come to my studio, meet my band give it a try".
And it takes a bit of convincing, Huaisang chips in, but JC discovers that his voice is perfect for Metal and joins NMJ's band.
Are his parents happy? Nope and they voice their disappointment, which just prompts JC to just pack his things and go.
Yanli and Wei Ying try their best to mellow things, they don't want JC to go, but JC is fed up.
He goes to NMJ's studio, explains the situation and NMJ and NMJ is like "New Family Member Acquired".
You can read this as MingCheng if you wish, I kind of like the paiting, but only if it's @felinesomnambulist or @bloody-bee-tea (sorry for the tags, you both do write amazing MingCheng fics).
I will probably come back on this because I am enjoying the idea, but I will elaborate once I have kicked my brain around a little.
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heavymetalchemist · 3 years
From this @mingcheng-prompts prompt.
“Wei-xiong,” Nie Huaisang said earnestly, leaning forward with his closed fan clutched tightly in his hands. “Our brothers… are together.”
Wei Wuxian blinked back at him, then poured himself another cup of wine. “Yeah, Jiang Cheng told me they were going to the hockey game tonight. That’s why he’s not here with us. But we don’t need him, Nie-xiong! Let me tell you what my Lan Zhan did the other day, he actually spent five hours on the broth for—“
“Wei Wuxian!” The closed fan hit the table. “I don’t mean they’re together right now, I mean they’re together romantically! Our brothers are dating!”
Wei Wuxian burst into bright, cheerful laughter. “Those two? No way! They’ve never so much as held hands! Besides they’re both so, y’know, grr,” Wei Wuxian made a frowny face. “They’re too alike, it would never work. And don’t you remember? I’ve told you about Jiang Cheng’s little list. Nie Mingjue? Gentle and obedient? Please!”
Huffing in irritation, Nie Huaisang tried again. “You know as well as I do that a list someone makes when they’re thirteen is bullshit. I live with my brother, you think I don’t know?”
“Ah, Nie-xiong, you always say you don’t know anything! Here, have some more wine and pass me those peanuts.”
“I’ll prove it,” Nie Huaisang said, but he passed the peanuts over and let it drop.
He’d just have to get evidence.
— —
The plan was simple. Jiang Cheng and Nie Mingjue spent plenty of time together. All Nie Huaisang had to do was get someone — Wei Wuxian ideally, but Lan Wangji or Jin Zixuan would do in a pinch — to witness them holding hands or something. Even Lan Xichen or Jin Guangyao, after all, they were friends of his Da-ge, right? Although they were still in that very early stage of the relationship where they only thought about dating each other.
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji were disgustingly wrapped up in each other all of the time, but their relationship had at least progressed to remembering other people existed.
It was with a heavy heart that Nie Huaisang put his plan into action. Sacrifices had to be made. But he knew his brother.
“Huaisang!” Nie Mingjue yelled from the kitchen.
“Yes, Da-ge?” he replied innocently, not moving from his slump on the couch.
Nie Mingjue clomped into the living room. “Do you know why the coffee maker isn’t working?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“It’s not?” Nie Huaisang said, all wide-eyed surprise. “I just had tea this morning, Da-ge. I don’t know why it wouldn’t be working.” He gestured towards his teacup, artfully placed so it would be obvious there were no other beverages.
Nie Mingjue scowled. “Don’t you usually have coffee in the morning?”
“Usually isn’t always. I really didn’t know it was broken!”
“It was working fine yesterday.”
“Da-geeee,” Nie Huaisang whined. “Do you really think I wouldn’t complain right away if it wasn’t working? How is it even broken?”
Nie Mingjue narrowed his eyes. “I’m not sure. It’s plugged in and everything looks okay, but it’s not turning on.”
That’s because last night I took it apart and cut the wires, Nie Huaisang thought. “If you don’t know, then how would I know?” he said.
Clenching his jaw in irritation, Nie Mingjue finally admitted defeat. “Okay, fine. But if it’s not working then I guess we have to get a new one. Let’s go this afternoon.”
“Oh, I’m busy today, Da-ge. Why don’t you go with Jiang Cheng? He has coffee here a lot too, after all,” Nie Huaisang said airily, deftly maneuvering Nie Mingjue into his trap.
“Hmph. Fine,” Nie Mingjue grunted, then stalked off. He was always extra-grumpy before he had his coffee.
Once his brother was out of sight, Nie Huaisang allowed himself a smug smile. Everything was going according to plan.
— —
Of course Nie Huaisang already knew which store that they would go to for a new coffee maker, because Jiang Cheng only bought kitchen items from a certain specialty kitchen store. So there was no need to worry about them deciding to go to a department store — once Nie Mingjue asked Jiang Cheng to help him buy the coffee maker, their fate was sealed.
And of course Nie Huaisang had already made plans to meet Wei Wuxian (and by extension, Lan Wangji) at the clothing store right next to the kitchen store for a fun afternoon of shopping.
How would he know when Nie Mingjue and Jiang Cheng arrived at the kitchen store? Simple! Nie Huaisang had already asked his Da-ge if they could pick him up a new set of wine cups, since they were going to the fancy store anyway. And since he obviously didn’t know what the store had in stock, Nie Mingjue could just text him some pictures! Nie Mingjue had grumbled, but agreed — after Nie Huaisang had assured him he’d pay him back.
Wei Wuxian was posing in a slinky red silk blouse with far too many buttons undone, looking coyly over his shoulder at a red-eared Lan Wangji, when Nie Huaisang’s phone finally chimed.
“Yes, yes, Wei-xiong, I think it looks great. And Lan Wangji agrees, don’t you?” Nie Huaisang said, trying to keep his tone even.
“Mn,” Lan Wangji said, moving forward to grab Wei Wuxian by the waist. “It looks great,” he said lowly, before burying his face in the crook of Wei Wuxian’s neck where the shoulder was exposed.
Wei Wuxian squealed in delight. “Oh my! Lan Zhan!”
Closing his eyes, Nie Huaisang took a breath, held it a second, then let it out. “Guys. Listen to me. Let’s buy the shirt, I just remembered that I have something I need to get next door.” There was another squeal of delight. Nie Huaisang keenly felt the pain of being in public with Wangxian and bravely throttled down his desire to just leave them there next to the changing rooms and quickly distance himself so that he wouldn’t also be banned from the clothing store. “Wei-xiong, come on, you promised you’d shop with me!” he tried desperately.
“Ahaha, oh, right, yes,” Wei Wuxian managed. “Come on Lan Zhan, we can go home and, you know…”
Lan Wangji finally lifted his head away from Wei Wuxian’s neck, eyes bright. “Mn. I will buy the shirt for you.”
It seemed to take forever for them to get Wei Wuxian back into his own clothes and make their purchases — of course Huaisang also had to buy his own beautiful hand-painted silk shirt, it would have been suspicious if he didn’t! — but by forcing Nie Mingjue to send him pictures of every possible option he managed to stall long enough to get them out of the store while Nie Mingjue and Jiang Cheng were still in the kitchen store.
“Okay, listen,” Nie Huaisang said, once they were outside. “My Da-ge and Jiang Cheng are in there.”
“What? Chengcheng is here?” Wei Wuxian said, delighted.
“Yes, they are shopping for a new coffee maker. Together. Because they’re dating!” Nie Huaisang said. “And I’ll prove it to you now! Be quiet when we go in and you’ll see!”
Both of them looked skeptical, but Wei Wuxian shrugged and nodded in agreement. Lan Wangji, of course, would have been quiet either way.
Nie Huaisang cautiously led them inside. They snuck around the shelves until they could found Nie Mingjue and Jiang Cheng.
“That’s all of them, he just has to pick one now,” Jiang Cheng said with a scowl.
Crap! Nie Huaisang thought, fumbling his phone out. He scrolled through the pictures and sent back a request for the ones he actually really liked, a set of porcelain cups painted with small birds.
Nie Mingjue looked down at his phone and huffed. “I knew it was going to be the birds. It’s always the birds. All right, let’s look at the coffee makers.”
Nie Huaisang frowned — he wasn’t that predictable! — but waved Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji to follow them anyway.
However, no matter how closely they watched (and Nie Huaisang had to keep reminding Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji to watch because they kept trying to grope each other) Nie Mingjue and Jiang Cheng never touched. They discussed the pros and cons of the coffee makers with no mention whatsoever of the time that Nie Huaisang came home after a night out and Jiang Cheng was somehow already in their apartment with suspiciously rumpled clothes, drinking coffee at the table with Nie Mingjue as if it were perfectly normal. No flirting about what Jiang Cheng would like best first thing in the morning. Just a boring conversation about how much the different models cost and their features.
Jiang Cheng and Nie Mingjue made their purchases and left. Wei Wuxian looked at Nie Huaisang with that mildly condescending look he got. “Ah, Nie-xiong. It looks like your Da-ge just wanted Jiang Cheng’s advice. I don’t think it’s that deep. After all, look at me and Lan Zhan! They’re nothing like that. And neither of them was all flustered and trying too hard like how that stupid peacock gets. I think you’re overthinking it. There was nothing between them at all!”
“But, Wei-xiong, they hang out all the time and Jiang Cheng comes over when I’m not there and—!”
“Nie-xiong, people can have friends! Besides, for some reason Jiang Cheng doesn’t want to hang out with me when Lan Zhan is there. It’s good that he’s branched out and gotten new friends!”
Nie Huaisang glared at him. “He doesn’t want to hang out with you two because you’re shameless. Lan Wangji’s hands are in your back pockets right now.”
Wei Wuxian just laughed.
— —
“Are they still watching?” Nie Mingjue asked once they were outside.
Jiang Cheng casually glanced over his shoulder. “Nope. Huaisang is hitting Wei Wuxian with his fan and Lan Wangji is glaring at him.”
“Good,” Nie Mingjue said, and led Jiang Cheng around the side of the building to a sheltered corner. Once out of sight, he cupped Jiang Cheng’s cheek in his hand and tilted his face up for a kiss.
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mingcheng-prompts · 3 years
Transmigrator AU
Nie Mingjue never thought that being a secret fan of web novels would actually land him in one, but when he wakes up and finds himself as the great Chifeng-zun, what is he going to do? Not search out his favorite character and propose on the spot? Ridiculous. 
Nie Mingjue is a man of action and Sandu Shengshou is about to be courted so hard. 
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vassar177 · 3 years
Jiang Cheng, a tired veterinarian; Nie Mingjue, a worried pet parent. 
*interpretations may vary. 
This prompt was given to me by the lovely @PyrriaWrites on twitter. I hope you all enjoy it!
It’s on Ao3 too!
Jiang Cheng glances down at the GPS one last time just to make sure he’s pulled into the right driveway, and after checking the numbers one, one, zero, five- Yup. This is it.
He could almost laugh.
After the day from Hell, with clients constantly trying to tell him how to do his job, several fresh cuts from a few less than polite patients, and the makings of a migraine quickly creeping in, he had been so eager to clock out. To just call it a day.
But of course the head veterinarian had to come out and say there’s been a last minute emergency call.
And of course it was Jiang Cheng’s responsibility to drive over an hour and a half out into bumfuck nowhere to see this patient.  
Of course.
Jiang Cheng takes a deep breath, centering himself to put on his customer-service voice once more, and quickly glances at the clock before removing his keys and stepping out into night-chilled air.
The first thing that hits him is the smell of damp earth, already much more pleasant than the stale, recycled air he breathes in at the animal hospital. If it weren’t so late, Jiang Cheng would be able to take some time to look about the grounds. It’s a shame, really. But he’s here for work.
He begins making his way towards the entrance, appreciating the sound of insects humming and gravel crunching under his feet.
By the time he makes it to the front door barely even a minute later, some of the stress has melted away (some, just some) and he allows himself to relax a bit.
And of course what greets him has got to be one of the most frustrating sights of his (professional) life.
The door opens and out comes Mr. Adonis- a god come to life as the light shines behind him to perfectly reflect off of bronzed skin.  
A moment or so passes where he and the man that looks like all of his fantasies combined just stare at one another. Jiang Cheng was never one for art but he thinks he’s finally coming to understand why people admire those western statues- this man’s jawline could probably carve itself out of marble.
It feels both too long and too short when the silence is finally broken.  
“Hello,” Mr. Statue says- and goddammit even his voice sounds amazing. It’s deep and rough and warm and if Jiang Cheng weren’t a professional he would have swooned where he stood.
But he is.
A professional, that is. So he promptly reminds himself that this is the person that called him out here thirty minutes before he was supposed to clock out and musters up his best Vet™ voice.
“Hello, I’m Dr. Jiang. Someone at this address called the office due to an emergency with their pet?”
Recognition flashes in Mr. Statue’s eyes, widening just the slightest, and he moves a bit to let Jiang Cheng enter the house. “Yes, that’s right. I’m Nie Mingjue, I called earlier. Just follow me for a bit.”
With Nie Mingjue leading the way, Jiang Cheng lets himself take one of the small pleasures that come with house visits. Judging others’ decor choices.
It’s not rude if he only ever discusses it with his colleagues. And to be honest, there’s not much to criticize once he’s fully inside.
Silently impressed, Jiang Cheng’s eyes roam over the sleek but inviting furniture matched with just enough color to keep things interesting. He’s always preferred cool tones himself, but when coordinated properly, it seems earth tones are also nice.
Jiang Cheng is suddenly brought out of his thoughts when Nie Mingjue stops in front of a door. A door that is very much still inside the house.
“Mr. Nie-”
“Nie Mingjue is fine.”
“Okay,” Jiang Cheng says quickly, “Nie Mingjue. Why have we stopped?”
Nie Mingjue takes a moment to look at him curiously, before gesturing to the door behind him. “I thought I’d explain a bit before letting you see her.”
Jiang Cheng lets that statement absorb in his already frazzled brain, lets it marinate in there for a good few seconds- and nope!
He looks around Nie Mingjue, he looks back behind him, he looks to the side, looks down to the first floor- because apparently that happened while he had immersed himself in admiring the engravings on the molding as a way to avoid accidentally admiring something else- but still, it’s not making sense.
“Nie Mingjue” Jiang Cheng begins cautiously. “Your pet is in the room behind you?”
Said man tilts his head to the side, eyes showing that he’s clearly not understanding Jiang Cheng’s surmounting distress.
“Yeah, why? Is that-”
“Sir, you can’t keep a horse inside your house.” Jiang Cheng can’t help but interrupt.
He’s dealt with a lot of cases, been to a lot of houses, but this isn’t something he’s ever experienced. He didn’t even think it was possible to get a horse to go up standard house stairs.
With all he’s had to deal with today, Jiang Cheng feels like he might have just finally lost his mind.
They’re fucking with him. That has to be it. His boss, the customers, Nie Mingjue, the gods- they’re all fucking with him.
His brain is still processing all of the animal rights abuses being committed just by keeping a horse inside a single room when a voice cuts through his thoughts like a foghorn.
“What horse?”
What… horse? The horse he was fucking called out here to examine, that fucking horse- he wants to say, irrational anger beginning to build once more in his core as his eyebrow twitches. But he stops himself (he’s a fucking professional, okay?) and tells himself there must be a mistake. Nie Mingjue will explain.
Nie Mingjue will certainly explain.
Nie Mingjue does not show any signs of explaining. A twitch and Jiang Cheng has to take another deep breath.
“Sir. You are aware that I was called here to deal with an emergency regarding a horse, correct?”
“No,” Nie Mingjue responds immediately, “I called because there was an issue with my dog.”
He says it with so much confidence there's little option but to believe him. But that can’t be right. Jiang Cheng pulls out his tablet to check the details of the appointment. He finds the appropriate last name within seconds and begins reciting, “Nie Mingjue; lives at xx address; called at 3:33PM with concerns about his pet ingesting something; the animal is a medium to large sized pony-”
Jiang Cheng looks up at the interjection and raises an eyebrow. Nie Mingjue avoids his eyes. A hand comes up to rub the bridge of his nose, which is flushed enticingly-- due embarrassment? Shame? Jiang Cheng doesn’t know but there are more important things to focus on.
Like why he was called out here for a dog.
Nie Mingjue clears his throat lightly before speaking haltingly. “Her name.”
Jiang Cheng’s waits for him to elaborate, his left hand coming up to further prompt.  
“That’s her name.”
Jiang Cheng’s nose scrunches just the slightest, waiting for the punchline, but the red only continues to spread.
“My dog- her name is ‘Pony.’”
“Pony,” Jiang Cheng feels himself repeating.
In a flurry of words, Nie Mingjue begins trying to explain that he had mentioned it over the phone and that he really didn’t need someone to come out this late since it didn’t seem too urgent and he could drive but the Head Veterinarian had insisted so who was he to refuse when someone was offering to make things more convenient, you know-
Jiang Cheng feels tension begin to build behind his eyes as he realizes that he might have to commit homicide when he sees his boss tomorrow. He can’t even muster the energy to sigh anymore.
He holds up a hand to cut Nie Mingjue off from his ramblings before bringing it to the bridge of his nose. He steadies himself for the nth time today and starts again.
“Sir, could you tell me what the problem is with Pony, your dog.”
When Nie Mingjue doesn’t immediately answer, Jiang Cheng lets his hand drop and opens his eyes.
Nie Mingjue looks hesitant. “It might be better if you just hear for yourself.”
And with that said, Jiang Cheng prepares himself. If this is about ingestion, it can get pretty messy and if Nie Mingjue doesn’t actually know what happened, his guesses wouldn’t help any.
Nie Mingjue opens the door to reveal one of the largest dogs he's ever seen sleeping in the center of a pink, frilled doggy bed. Jiang Cheng immediately wants to faceplant into her floof, but he reminds himself that this dog could be ill and he needs to stay alert.
Nie MIngjue lightly calls out to her and the reaction is immediate. Piercing blue eyes shoot open and the large dog hops up to run to her owner.
A few thuds are made before Pony jumps up onto Nie Mingjue, lifting up onto her back paws and coming nearly face to face with the man.
She opens her mouth and there it is.
That unmistakable sound.
A sound that Jiang Cheng hears so frequently it sometimes follows him into his dreams.
A wheezing squeak rings throughout the small room, causing the man beside him to flinch at the pitch.
Jiang Cheng wastes no time. He tells Nie Mingjue how to position Pony and lets her sniff him so he can get closer.
He’s lucky that she seems relatively calm, allowing him to feel around her stomach and open her mouth. After examining her mouth, Jiang Cheng comes to the conclusion that Nie Mingjue was right, she’s not in any immediate danger and he can quickly remove the squeak component without hurting Pony.
He reaches into his bag as Nie Mingjue intensely watches from the side, softly petting Pony and whispering into her fur.
If Jiang Cheng were not trying to remove a squeak toy from a dog’s esophagus, he’d probably have to take a moment to process how cute the two were. But Jiang Cheng is a professional.
He continues to gather his tools silently and efficiently, letting muscle memory take over.
Once set up, it’s less than a minute or so later before Jiang Cheng is proudly handing over a slightly crushed squeaker to a much relieved pet parent.
The rest is business as usual.
He checks over Pony once more before indulging in giving her the petting she deserves because she’s such a good girl, isn't she? He’s caught telling her just as much, cooing in his very specific dog voice when Nie Mingjue returns from retrieving his wallet.
It’s Nie Mingjue’s turn to raise an eyebrow in question, not even bothering to hide his amusement, and Jiang Cheng ignores the sudden raise in temperature he's experiencing.
Coughing slightly into his fist, Jiang Cheng goes over what to watch out for, and the number to call should any other symptoms pop up. After a short pause, he can’t help himself from adding, “And maybe be a bit more careful with her toys.”
Nie Mingjue, for his part, takes his advice seriously. Good, Jiang Cheng thinks as he begins gathering his stuff. Unfortunately, Pony has decided that she’s found a new friend and has made it her mission to stop him from getting up.
If Jiang Cheng were a stronger man he’d refuse her and leave. But he is not. And Jiang Cheng did not become a veterinarian to just ignore affection that is so freely being given to him.
Squishing and pulling on her cheeks, scratching just behind the ears, Jiang Cheng allows himself this moment of true peace.
After several blissful moments, Nie Mingjue’s voice pipes up from somewhere behind and to the left of Jiang Cheng. “Once again, I apologize for the mix-up. You shouldn’t have had to come, but thank you.” He sounds sincere, which is nice.
And to be fair, Jiang Cheng’s face is currently pressed against one of the fluffiest dogs he’s ever had the pleasure of working with, so he can’t even say he’s too mad about the situation anymore.
Yet Nie Mingjue keeps going.
“I don’t know if you have work after this-”
“I don’t,” Jiang Cheng says, forgetting all formalities because Pony has now plastered him to the floor and he couldn’t be happier.
Jiang Cheng hears a few soft footsteps before he sees Nie Mingjue crouching down in his peripheral vision.
“Well. Then would you be willing to stay for dinner?” Nie Mingjue says offhand, like it’s a normal course of conversation. “Pony would really appreciate it,” he tacks on.
Jiang Cheng can feel himself snort as he makes proper eye-contact with Nie Mingjue. “Sure,” he says, “wait until I’m pinned down by the dog to ask.”
“I plan these things properly,” Nie Mingjue nods in complete seriousness, patting Pony on the head with pride.
Jiang Cheng takes a moment, considers.
And you know what? After the day he had, he decides to say fuck it. He’s not even on the clock anymore (or at least he won’t be once he shoots a text over to Dr. Liu).
He deserves this.
“What’s for dinner?”
It’s been a while, huh? It’s nice to start writing again, although it’s been a bit rough lol 
Chat with me here or visit me on twitter! 
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scarletjedi · 3 years
So, I’ve been stuck on this Mingcheng dynamic for a while now- I started to get to it with my mingcheng time travel not-fic, but it’s not quite what has my attention.
this got long and kinda half-ficced?, so cut for length
Imagine this: post-canon Jiang Cheng rekindling a friendship with Nie Huaisang, and a night of drinking/reminiscing turns into accidental(?) slipping into the past. But not transmigration! No- their adult selves end up in the past.
Insert time-travel Sunshot fixit shenanigans. Maybe Lotus Pier burns, maybe it doesn’t. Maybe young JC becomes sect leader young- maybe it’s because his father dies, maybe it isn’t. But they change *something* and Yunmeng Jiang does not fall as far, his people are not so completely wiped out.
His younger self doesn’t need to sacrifice himself to the Wen for Wei Wuxian. Wei Wuxian doesn’t sacrifice his core for Jiang Cheng. Wei Wuxian still plays with fire, still gets burned, still has Lan Wangji to bandage his wounds.
Wen Ruohan falls, and Nie Hauisang, the headshaker, gets to work. They need to keep Jin Guangshan from simply stepping in and taking over. They need to keep Meng Yao from becoming the Jin Guangyao against whom Huaisang waged quiet war for over a decade.
This is where we narrow in: Nie Huaisang was accepted readily into Qinghe Nie, slotting into place as another Nie Brother, still Mingjue’s didi even though held older, but trying to be a good older brother to his younger self. It is…complicated. His younger self has still only the potential for the type of double speak and subtle control that he himself has had to grown adept at, and he often finds himself frustrated at himself.
Jiang Cheng, The senior Sandu Shengshu, laughs at him when Huaisang confesses over tea in Qinghe when Jiang Cheng comes to visit.
Lotus Pier was less prepared to accept the elder Jiang Cheng. With his parents, and his younger self, still alive, tensions run high in relation to hierarchy and succession. Despite his very presence proof that Jiang Cheng achieved the impossible and rebuilt these piers himself, bringing the Jiang sect to the forefront of the cultivation world— he is still not his father’s son, and while his younger self has grown more into his confidence, he’s not there yet. (Wei Wuxian is, though, and it helps and hurts thay this Jiang Cheng has the dream of the twin heroes realized while his own— it doesn’t matter. He just hoped it’s enough. Wei Wuxian’s eyes follow Lan Wangji, and Lan Wangji follows back). Jiang Cheng offers his expertise, his talent at training new recruits, and his labor at rebuilding— but they’re not *his* piers. They’re not even the piers he remembers. It’s something new. Something for his younger self. As it should be.
Once again, Jiang Cheng has no home.
So— he visits Nie Huaisang (sr) in Qinghe.
And, in Qinghe, there is also Nie Mingjue.
Jiang Cheng remembers Nie Mingjue- they fought together, leas in the aftermath together, but he was already on the decline, already trapped in the spiral that would end in his murder, and Jiang Cheng doesn’t remember much that isn’t replaced by the image of his fierce corpse.
So, the elder Huaisang and the elder Jiang Cheng are drinking in Qinghe, reminiscing over their misspent youth at Gusu, when Mingjue walks in.
He stops, clearly not expecting to find them, when Huaisang waves him over with a “Da-ge! Drink with us!”
Mingjue looks st Jiang Cheng, as if confirming his welcome, and whatever he sees has him walking over to join them.
It’s a good night- Mingjue is funny, when he lets himself relax. And he smiles when Jiang Cheng is cutting, all dimples when Huaisang is a fluttering fan. It’s not a very long night, but it is a fun one, and Jiang Cheng finds himself looking forward to the next one. And the next. And the next.
Eventually, Huaisang is delayed and Jiang Cheng finds himself alone with Mingjue. It’s not awkward, like it could be. Jiang Cheng isn’t old, it he’s old enough to not bother with awkwardness, and with Mingjue it seems to be much the same- they’ve seen too much, been through too much. It’s a very pleasant evening, especially when Mingjue flashes those dimples, laughing at the jokes Jiang Cheng cracks that never seem to land with anyone else. It’s not the last time.
And that’s what I have! This is the set up! The dynamic between post-canon Jiang Cheng and post-Sunshot Nie Mingjue. I am *obsessed* - what *is* the dynamic?! Does Jiang Cheng jiujiu Mingjue? Does Mingjue da-ge Jiang Cheng? Do they switch? Does Mingjue like having an older man submit to him? Does service-top Jiang Cheng take care of Mingjue? How does Huaisang (either of them) react to their relationship? How does younger Jiang Cheng? How does this relationship save Mingjue’s life?
(Also, I see a lot more conversations on Twitter these days- should I cross post this?)
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she-sails-below · 3 years
Sometimes I just want a MingCheng “Ten Things I Hate About You” AU wherein Wei Wuxian, desperate to date Lan Wangji but unable to until Jiang Cheng loses the stick up his butt and accepts a date of his own, concocts an elaborate scheme with Nie Huaisang to set him up with Nie Mingjue.
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pangzi · 3 years
22 prompts but they’re titles from videos on AsianCrush’s YouTube Channel p.2
Obnoxious nobleman next door is actually the art hoe of my dreams
Saved from humiliating prank by the lips of a philanthropic hottie
Exposing my trash date for bullying my ex I'm still in love with
My CEO grandpa is trying to break up my relationship with my broke BF
Here comes the boy...but the boy is a whole-a$$ MAN
Time traveler thinks passionate kiss is a v. casual greeting between friends
Bad at romance? Punch your crush
Coming out as NOT the baby daddy to my parents
Am I gay? Gotta kiss my guy crush to figure it out
New swim team roommates have nothing in common but their abs
They tried to deny their attraction to each other--but now they've got a hotel room
Proving that hoe-ing it up is beneficial to finding a relationship--w/ SCIENCE
Jealousy over his girlfriend drove him into the arms of his bro
Horny ghost offers to seduce my crush for me...by possessing my body
First date with my hot boss derailed by shaman trying to exorcise me
Trying to get my hot boss to bone me so I can move on to the afterlife
Water nymph wants to seduce my cru--I mean the Prince I have ZERO interest in
Hot new neighbor wants to raise a stray kitten together
His boss wants to promote him to boyfriend, but he's in love with...
My new roommate is very hot, extremely rude, and always naked
When you realize your rude af best guy friend might actually be The One for you
Being shackled to my hot nemesis was actually...not so bad
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anxious-witch · 4 years
For the sentence starter thingy! “Can I pet your dog?” “Do I know you?” JC/NMJ, shippy or platonic is fine, please and thank you :3
All in all, Jiang Cheng really should have thought a bit before approaching a stranger with enormous dog. But the thing was, Jiang Cheng was really weak for dogs. Especially since he couldn't get one himself, if he wanted Wei Wuxian to visit again.
“Can I pet your dog?”
"Do I know you?” 
Jiang Cheng snapped his head up, taking a look at the man in front of him for the first time. He was tall, extremly tall, and basically looked like a wall of solid muscle. And he was hot. And extremly Jiang Cheng 's type. Fuck.
"Um, no, sorry I. I just really love dogs?"
Stranger chuckled, his face relaxing from a frown.
"I can understand that. And you can try. She won't bite, but she growls at people she doesn't like. And she doesn't like quite a lot of them."
Jiang Cheng swallowed. Took a deep breath and slowly extended his hand. He was nervous, but more in a way if the dog won't like him than if she will hurt him. She sniffed his hand and he slowly petted her on the head first. And she let him. Jiang Cheng smiled.
"What's her name?"
The man sighed, and for a moment, Jiang Cheng thought he did something to annoy him. 
"Her name is Choco Mocha. My brother named her and I call her Choco, but it doesn't make it less complicated to explain to strangers."
Jiang Cheng couldn't help himself-he burst out laughing.  He laughed until his stomach hurt, and after a moment, the other man joined him. It was a strange thing-laughing with someone you didn't even know. And yet, he felt so familiar. There was even something in his features Jiang Cheng could swear he saw before.
And the dog's name...
"You know, that actually reminds me. I think I have a friend that-"
"Da-ge! You forgot your keys again!"
They both turned to see the owner of the voice. And that was no other than Nie Huaisang. 
"Huaisang?" Jiang Cheng asked, before he could stop himself.
As soon as he saw him, Huaisang smiled and waved.
"Jiang Cheng! I was starting to worry. You are never usually late! And then, here you are, with da-ge!"
Jiang Cheng stared. Processing that information took longer than it should have, as he looked from Huaisang,  to Mingjue and then back. 
He was aware Huaisang had an older brother but...he didn't imagine him to be so...attractive. 
"That's your brother?"
Huaisang raised his eyebrows, studying Jiang Cheng's face, and his obvious confusion. And then his eyes widened.
"Oh! Um...yes it is! Actually,  it's tragic that you two didn't meet before," He quickly winked to Jiang Cheng before turning to Mingjue, "Da-ge, would you mind if he accompanied you? I am sure Jiang Cheng will love Choco."
Jiang Cheng was going to kill him. He was absolutely going to strange him. If he ended up looking like the fool in front of Mingjue, who he just met five minutes ago-
"Of course not. And Choco seems to love him, too. He has my approval."
Jiang Cheng blushed to his hairline, he knew. But the warm smile Mingjue gave him was just...too much. If he survive this, he was definitely going to kill Huaisang.  
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lotusjwy · 4 years
💥 jiang cheng and whoever u wish -@gremlinmetawin
hello hello!!! i’m gonna pick nie mingjue if that’s okay!!! ive been very mingcheng brained this week, plus they’re both angery boys who yell before anything
jiang cheng/nie mingjue - 💥 First Fight/Making Up HC
their first fight probably starts with something that’s super small and incredibly stupid (e.g. “you know there’s an easier way to do that, right?” “oh? why don’t you tell me more about how nothing i ever do is fucking right?”) but it escalates to the point of jiang cheng yelling his insecurities at mingjue and mingjue yelling back at him how stupid he sounds 
jiang cheng has probably been waiting for the other shoe to drop since he first got with mingjue, so he’s always just a little on edge, and he’s a very insecure man, he’s never understood WHY mingjue would pick him over all other men 
mingjue on the other hand, does not understand why jiang cheng is as insecure as he is, and he’s just very sick of jiang cheng putting himself down, and this man never learnt how to properly channel his emotions, so he yells that, instead of voicing it calmly 
basically they’re both hotheads who yell before thinking, and they both say things they don’t mean to each other, and end up having to walk away from each other that day, whether it’s because they both had somewhere else to be, or if Huaisang or Wuxian (or maybe even a Lan) came in and pulled them away from each other, knowing that if they let the two continue to fight, it would only get worse 
they don’t talk to each other for a few days, within which their brothers tell them that they’re both being dumb, and need to stop thinking with their anger and “this relationship is one of the best things in your life right now, do not fuck this up for yourself” 
i think mingjue would reach out first, being more mature and also he’s more communicative than jiang cheng is, so mingjue would defs be the one to start amending things
they’d probably meet up somewhere neutral but private, like a park or something, and talk out their feelings where jiang cheng voices his insecurities about his position in the relationship, and mingjue voices how he needs jiang cheng to communicate more on those (e.g. tell mingjue when mingjue has done something that he’s insecure about, so they can talk about it), and how he’d try to not be thoughtless in the things he says 
and then they just have a cute park walks date, and maybe they cuddle and kiss a little afterwards
the end
send me an emoji and a character for hc’s
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robininthelabyrinth · 4 years
Asdfghjkl I love your MingCheng fic!!! I feel like since both Nmj and Jc are infamous for their short tempers, everyone is just blind-sided by how functional and mutually supportive of a couple they are. Like, people ask them how they settle disagreements and MingCheng just stare at them blankly and say, "We...just don't have them." I love relationships like that
I mean, they’ll have plenty of disagreements! even yelling and hand-waving and angry growling type disagreements! But they won’t think of them as fighting  and because they’re not necessarily really upset when they react like that, it’s just how they communicate things, and moreover they’ve both seen much worse. 
It helps that they’re both short-tempered types, actually. I would imagine that Jiang Cheng is far more comfortable with someone who you can immediately identify is upset, and who will probably calm down after an hour or so of saber training than with someone who hides their feelings away beneath the surface - someone who reacts to the other side’s anger by disengaging and walking away and leaving things broken without ever fixing them. Sometimes things need a good fight; if both sides know that the underlying relationship is solid, disagreements can be a good way to air out differences and resolve things that could become resentments later.
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bloody-bee-tea · 2 years
24 Days of Mingcheng 2022 Day 16 - Dinner
Today's fic is being sponsored by Roal on Twitter and the prompt was: Mingcheng at the beginning of their relationship and when JC goes to introduce NMJ to the family he receives the shovel talk from the Jiang. JFM wakes up and for some time refuses to accept that his youngest son is being taken by what he considers: the brute Nie. 
Jiang Cheng cannot believe how incredibly sappy Nie Mingjue looks when he opens the door for him.
“What has you all smiling like that?” is what Jiang Cheng greets him with, which is not very nice or polite, but Nie Mingjue doesn’t seem to mind because his smile gets incredibly bigger.
Those dimples have always been Jiang Cheng’s undoing.
“Hi,” he finally says, much softer and Nie Mingjue matches him immediately, dialling back down on the dimples at least a little bit.
“Hello,” he greets Jiang Cheng before he leans in for a lingering kiss. “It’s good to see you.”
“You saw me not even two hours ago,” Jiang Cheng huffs out though he can’t help but to dart in for one more kiss and when Nie Mingjue laughs against his lips he feels it in his entire body.
“But that was two hours too long,” Nie Mingjue declares when he finally straightens up and Jiang Cheng steps aside to let him inside.
It’s technically a bit too cold for them to be staying outside like that.
“I’ll be done in a moment,” Jiang Cheng tells him and hurries back inside instead of admitting that he felt the same, getting his phone and his wallet before he comes back to Nie Mingjue, who is still smiling as if he’s high.
“No, seriously, what in all the gods’ names has you smiling like this? You’re about to meet my parents, you should be terrified. You’re scaring me.”
“I’m just happy,” Nie Mingjue tells him and reaches for his hand, entangling their fingers when Jiang Cheng readily offers it up. “Aren’t I allowed to smile when I’m happy?”
“Of course you are allowed to smile,” Jiang Cheng huffs out because that is so not the point. “I just want to understand what exactly has made you this incredibly happy. You weren’t like this just two hours ago.”
“Maybe not but two hours ago I didn’t realize just how incredibly lucky I am,” Nie Mingjue tells him and it makes Jiang Cheng blush despite how hard he tries to keep a frown on his face.
“You make absolutely no sense,” he finally tells Nie Mingjue who laughs at that.
Jiang Cheng is never going to admit it but that sound alone makes butterflies erupt in his belly.
“Huaisang said something earlier, about how we’ll be four people this Christmas.”
“So?” Jiang Cheng asks with a frown because he still doesn’t see how that would turn Nie Mingjue into an unbelievable sap.
“And it’s just something I always wanted,” Nie Mingjue admits. “I barely remember Christmas with my parents, and then with Huaisang we tried so hard to make it nice for him when his mother died. And then a-die died and it was just me and him and I only celebrated Christmas for him. For me it was only stress but I wanted him to have the best possible Christmas he could have. And then he grew up and when he went to college he barely even spent Christmas with me and I didn’t see a point.”
Nie Mingjue sounds solemn and Jiang Cheng steps close to hug Nie Mingjue, hiding his face in Nie Mingjue’s neck.
“But now everything is different,” Nie Mingjue whispers and slings an arm around Jiang Cheng’s middle. “He’s back, full time, and our relationship is better than ever. Plus he has Xuanyu now, who will be joining us for Christmas. I have him back and I also have you.” Here Nie Mingjue presses a kiss to Jiang Cheng’s head. “I always wondered what it would be like to spend Christmas with someone I love, with someone who loves me back and wants to spend that holiday with me, you know.”
“I love you so much,” Jiang Cheng whispers out, squeezing Nie Mingjue tightly. “But never let Huaisang hear you say that, he’s going to have your head.”
It makes Nie Mingjue laugh, just like Jiang Cheng wanted and feeling it all along his body is just something Jiang Cheng will never tire of.
He really needs to make Nie Mingjue laugh more often.
“You know what I mean, my heart. I meant that in a romantic sense. Huaisang is hardly fitting for that.”
“I know,” Jiang Cheng says with a sigh and finally untangles himself from Nie Mingjue. “I’m—kind of the same, actually,” he then admits, even though his face burns with the admission. “Christmas at home was always—bad,” he finally settles on even though that is wholly inadequate. He trusts Nie Mingjue to understand though. “I always dreamed of a harmonious Christmas, with someone who was there for me and not because they had to. I just—wanted someone by my side who was glad to be there.”
“And now you have me,” Nie Mingjue says, kissing Jiang Cheng softly with a hand under his chin.
“And you have me now,” Jiang Cheng says because this clearly goes both ways.
It might have taken them a while to actually get to this part but now that they are here, Jiang Cheng believes they are both committed enough to make it work. And so far it had been frighteningly easy to make it work, to integrate Nie Mingjue into his daily routine and his life in general.
Jiang Cheng would just be waiting for the other shoe to drop if he wasn’t so sure that no matter what happens, Nie Mingjue is going to be there, right by his side where he belongs.
“Which is exactly the reason why I’m a goddamn sap today,” Nie Mingjue says, nipping at Jiang Cheng’s lower lip. “And not even the threat of meeting your parents can ruin this for me. Because no matter what happens today, or what they say, you’ll still be there with me.”
“No matter what?” Jiang Cheng asks because he knows his parents. They are going to say some pretty wild and hurtful stuff. Maybe they’ll just limit themselves to Jiang Cheng but it’s much more likely that they’ll swing at Nie Mingjue too.
“No matter what,” Nie Mingjue promises him and just a few months ago Jiang Cheng wouldn’t have believed him, wouldn’t have believed anyone if they said something like this, but now he does.
He knows Nie Mingjue means it, and he knows that he is truly and firmly on his side. Jiang Cheng doesn’t think there is anything except Jiang Cheng himself that could turn Nie Mingjue away from him.
“Alright,” Jiang Cheng says, smiling at Nie Mingjue. “Are you ready to face them then?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess,” Nie Mingjue gives back, because he clearly understands that there is simply no way anyone could ever hope to prepare for Jiang Cheng’s parents.
“Then let’s go, so we can be home early and cuddle on the couch,” Jiang Cheng urges him on, almost pushing him out of the door because he wants this to be over as quickly as possible.
Especially now that he thought about cuddling with Nie Mingjue. Jiang Cheng is always weak to that.
The drive to Jiang Cheng’s parent’s house is quiet even though they hold hands during the entire drive. Jiang Cheng is wondering what bullshit his parents will throw at him today and Nie Mingjue is probably trying to imagine how tonight will go over even though it’s futile.
Jiang Cheng’s parents are unpredictable.
“Here we go,” Jiang Cheng mutters when Nie Mingjue stops the car in the driveway and quickly presses a kiss to the back of Nie Mingjue’s hand.
“We can do this,” Nie Mingjue tells him with a smile and Jiang Cheng is almost inclined to believe it when it’s Nie Mingjue who says it.
They get out of the car and walk up to the door but before Jiang Cheng can even knock his mother yanks it open.
“You’re late,” she simply says even though they are most definitely not, looking Jiang Cheng up and down. “At least you’re dressed properly,” she then decides and turns her gaze towards Nie Mingjue.
“Who are you?” she demands to know and Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes.
She has known Nie Mingjue’s dad. She damn well knows who he is.
“This is Nie Mingjue, mother. My boyfriend. I told you I would bring him today?”
She makes a noise that could be an acknowledgement or a curse and then turns around, clearly expecting them to follow her when she walks deeper into the house.
“That was—something,” Nie Mingjue mutters and Jiang Cheng snorts.
“It will only get better, I promise you that,” he says and kisses the corner of Nie Mingjue’s mouth.
“Oh, fun,” he deadpans and then takes Jiang Cheng’s hand as they follow Yu Ziyuan into the dining room.
Everyone is still seated at the table and Jiang Cheng throws a betrayed look at Wei Wuxian, because how dare he be on time for once in his life.
“Chengcheng,” Wei Wuxian yells out, even though he immediately gets reprimanded by Yu Ziyuan for it.
“A-Cheng,” Jiang Yanli greets him much calmer and Jiang Cheng manages a smile for her.
He then nods at his father, who only has eyes for Nie Mingjue, it seems.
“Father, this is Nie Mingjue, my boyfriend,” Jiang Cheng introduces him and definitely doesn’t squirm because his father’s gaze isn’t even on him.
“Jiang Fengmian,” Nie Mingjue greets him before he takes a seat next to Jiang Cheng.
“Is this some kind of joke?” Jiang Fengmian asks, his eyes never leaving Nie Mingjue and Jiang Cheng sighs.
Here they go.
“No, it’s not, father. I told you I would bring my boyfriend, and I did.”
“Absolutely not,” Jiang Fengmian decides and finally turns towards Jiang Cheng.
He expects to tell him just how far out of his league Nie Mingjue is, that he really shouldn’t be dragging him down with him—it’s what Jiang Cheng prepared for.
What he did not prepare for was for his father to say: “He’s not good enough for you.”
Jiang Cheng blinks once, twice before he turns a questioning look towards his mother, who is staring at Jiang Fengmian.
Clearly she didn’t expect that either.
“I’m sorry—what?” Wei Wuxian asks now as well and it seems as if confusion is all around the table.
“The Nies have a reputation,” Jiang Fengmian says, his voice as hard as Jiang Cheng has ever heard it. “And he is not fit for my sweet A-Cheng.”
At that Jiang Cheng does a double take.
He sees Jiang Yanli mouth ‘sweet A-Cheng’ to herself and Wei Wuxian looks as if his head is going to explode. Yu Ziyuan is completely frozen.
“Father?” Jiang Cheng carefully asks because what if his father is having an episode right now, or maybe a stroke. “Are you feeling okay?”
“I am perfectly fine, I am more worried about you,” he says, adopting the same sweet tone he always uses when he speaks to Wei Wuxian.
Jiang Cheng has never heard it directed at him and he is unsure how to handle this.
“Surely being in a relationship with a—brute like that must be hard. Are you unharmed?”
Jiang Cheng notices how Nie Mingjue shakes at his side and concern for him sets in only to almost immediately evaporate when he notices that Nie Mingjue is trying not to laugh out loud.
“Father, Mingjue hasn’t hurt me. He wouldn’t. We are very happy,” Jiang Cheng carefully says, because he really has no clue how to deal with this at all.
In all the things he imagined for tonight, this didn’t even cross his mind in passing.
“I doubt that,” Jiang Fengmian sneers and now that is more like Jiang Cheng knows him, even though it still isn’t directed at Jiang Cheng. “Someone like him is hardly made for softness, and that is what you deserve.”
Now it feels as if Jiang Cheng is having a stroke and he throws a glance at Wei Wuxian, begging him for help.
“Dad, we have known the Nies for a long time,” Jiang Yanli jumps in when Wei Wuxian is just as speechless as Jiang Cheng himself is. “Surely you know that Nie Mingjue is a very sweet young man?”
She sounds as if she’s forty, but Jiang Cheng doesn’t care. He nods at her words.
“Seriously father, you have seen him with Huaisang and even with A-Yuan.”
“A-Cheng, you should call me dad, like your sister too,” Jiang Fengmian says and it feels like a punch to the gut.
The last time Jiang Cheng had tried to call him that Jiang Fengmian had sneered at him before he ordered him to never call him that again.
Nothing makes sense anymore.
“Fengmian, what has gotten into you?” Yu Ziyuan now chimes in as well, tapping her perfectly manicured nail on the table.
“My lady, clearly you must see how A-Cheng could only suffer under someone as brute and wild as Nie Mingjue,” Jiang Fengmian says and Jiang Cheng briefly wonders if there was something in the whiskey.
Maybe his father has been poisoned.
“They seem perfectly happy to me,” Yu Ziyuan says with a side-glance at them and Jiang Cheng allows himself a small smile because he knows that is as much approval as he will ever get from her.
It’s enough for him, though.
“We are,” he says, elbowing Nie Mingjue into the side when he continues to stay silent but Nie Mingjue presses his lips together and briefly shakes his head.
So he fears he’s still going to burst out in laughter should he open his mouth.
“A-Cheng, I know you have to say that because you’re sitting right next to him but you don’t have to be afraid anymore. We’re here and we will support you no matter what, I can promise you that.”
It’s a promise that rings bitter between them because they sure as hell haven’t supported him when Jiang Cheng actually needed it before.
“Right,” he slowly says with a frown. “Because you think Nie Mingjue is what? Violent and too angry? I thought those were things I am.”
Jiang Fengmian blinks at him as if he never uttered those words before and now don’t know where they are coming from. It’s a level of hypocrisy Jiang Cheng didn’t know could be achieved.
“You are nothing like that,” Jiang Fengmian says and doesn’t seem to notice how surprised everyone at the table is at hearing his words. “He on the other hand is dangerous and you really should move away from him now. Come over here, A-Xian will swap places with you.”
“Mother, I think we should call an ambulance now, it almost sounds as if father is having a stroke,” Jiang Cheng tonelessly says to his mother who seems to be near a stroke herself.
“What is happening?” Wei Wuxian asks, his voice in a whisper but of course it’s still loud enough that everyone can hear it.
“I’m not sure,” Jiang Yanli whispers right back and Jiang Fengmian looks between them as if they are the ones out of their minds.
“What do you mean what is happening? Can’t you see that your brother is being abused? Clearly he was forced into that relationship, how else would a brute like Nie Mingjue manage to get someone as sweet and helpless as A-Cheng?”
“Wanyin, I think it would be best if you leave for now,” Yu Ziyuan says and Jiang Cheng is quick to nod.
This whole situation is freaking him out and he doesn’t actually want to spend a second longer in his father’s company.
“I think that would be for the best,” Nie Mingjue agrees, keeping himself in control for just long enough to not burst out laughing it seems and he immediately gets up.
“No, my lady, don’t let our A-Cheng leave with him, who knows what will happen to him!” Jiang Fengmian calls out but he is quickly intercepted by Wei Wuxian.
“Uncle Fengmian, you wanted to tell me about that lunch you had with Old Man Yao, right?” he asks and Jiang Cheng will forever be grateful for that when Jiang Fengmian turns his attention towards Wei Wuxian.
It’s the first time that evening and even that realisation feels wrong. Jiang Cheng sends a quick prayer for Wei Wuxian, because no one wants to hear about Old Man Yao, ever, and then he drags Nie Mingjue away from the table, followed by his mother.
“I have no clue what’s gotten into him,” she mutters. “Though I do suppose it’s kind of nice, isn’t it?” she then wryly asks with an apologetic smile at Nie Mingjue. “Except for you. Please note that his opinion doesn’t reflect the family’s opinion.”
Of course Yu Ziyuan would never say that she likes or even approves of Nie Mingjue but this is an admission in itself and Jiang Cheng beams at her.
“I am really happy with him,” he tells her, clearly making her uncomfortable and even that is something Jiang Cheng is going to cherish.
“And I am with him,” Nie Mingjue adds, pressing a sweet kiss to Jiang Cheng’s cheek, much to his mother’s despair it seems.
“Get out of here now. The next time you come for dinner he will behave himself.”
Jiang Cheng glows with the fact that his mother wants to see Nie Mingjue at dinner again as well, because that is high praise indeed. Lan Wangji is barely allowed to come because his mother hates the display he and Wei Wuxian put on and even Jin Zixuan is only allowed to be there every once in a while.
“Have a good evening, mother,” Jiang Cheng says when they are ready to leave and then he drags Nie Mingjue out of the house.
“You were certainly right about one thing,” Nie Mingjue says thoughtfully on the way to the car.
“And what is that?” Jiang Cheng wants to know because nothing about this evening has gone like he expected it to.
“I am really looking forward to cuddling you on the couch right now,” Nie Mingjue then says with a smile and Jiang Cheng laughs. “Not gonna lie, that was pretty strange as far as things go, though.”
“It was the weirdest thing,” Jiang Cheng agrees, leaning up for a kiss before he walks around the car to get in. “I don’t know what has gotten into him.”
“Maybe it’s the Christmas spirit,” Nie Mingjue muses and Jiang Cheng snorts.
“Right, because that changed his opinion before. Anyway, it doesn’t matter. And you know that you are none of the things he said, right?”
“Well, I do get kind of angry a lot,” Nie Mingjue says and Jiang Cheng slaps his arm.
“Stop that, we are both working on that, so he doesn’t get to say anything about that at all. I love you.”
“And I love you,” Nie Mingjue immediately gives back, the same sappy smile on his face he had before this dinner and Jiang Cheng melts in his seat.
There really is no way he could be happier, not when Nie Mingjue is right by his side.
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heavymetalchemist · 3 years
MXTX rarepair exchange letter:
Overall Do Not Wants: A/B/O, mpreg, bathroom kinks, mutilation, character death for the main pairing, golden core crushing, fluff without plot, hurt no comfort, graphic torture, pining for characters outside main pairing, infidelity.
Adaptation preference: MDZS - cql or novel, donghua. TGCF - I’ve actually only seen the donghua but if you have novel knowledge go for it, I fear not spoilers.
Jiang Cheng/Nie Mingjue
Likes: I like fluffy Mingcheng and especially like them being protective of each other. To me the dynamic is having someone who really understands them. If this comes out as D/s or daddy kink I prefer NMJ to be dom/daddy. If mature/explicit, bondage is good, inappropriate use of zidian is good, but if JC is topping it should be as service top. I enjoy both protective siblings Wei Wuxian/Jiang Yanli and kind of shitty siblings WWX/JYL that NMJ defends JC against. Jiang Fengmian, if included, should not be friendly and NMJ may punch him. It’s fine if it gets dark as long as it ends happy for Mingcheng.
Do not wants: Unsupportive Nie Huaisang, good Jiang parents
Prompts: 1) Jiang Cheng is the one who finds Nie Mingjue and Meng Yao after Wen Ruohan is killed instead of Lan Xichen, so Meng Yao is killed. This leads to Jiang Cheng and Nie Mingjue becoming sworn brothers… and more. 2) In an attempt to save his shixiong, Jiang Cheng tries to get Chifeng-zun on his side to have a proper inquiry into the Wen remnants. This can go a few ways but - hilariously bad seduction attempt that somehow works? Chifeng-zun having noticed how pretty JC is and using this as an opportunity to know him better? 3) Established relationship Mingcheng where NMJ is trying to get parental/family approval to marry JC. Canon divergence or modern AU is fine, but ideally dig into that hurt/comfort and potential JFM punching. 4) art prompt: protecting each other - from family? from Wens? from Jin Guangyao? others? small artfully placed blood splatters encouraged.
Jiang Cheng/Wen Ruohan
Likes: Daddy issues. Wen Ruohan starting off cold and calculating then reevaluating as he gets to know Jiang Cheng. If mature/explicit please only top!WRH. Praise kink - WRH inadvertently earning JC’s loyalty by praising him. It’s fine if WRH is still evil or if he’s just sort of morally gray but he should be on the darker side and there should be a power dynamic of older, more experienced WRH vs more innocent JC. Dubcon, manipulation, etc are fine, but ultimately JC should feel happy with his new daddy (even if his new daddy is maybe using him a little bit). WRH may start out very mercenary but by the end should value JC, even if it’s in a “he’s my favorite toy now” way. Light torture that WRH can oh so considerately heal JC of later with his spiritual energy (e.g. flogging, whipping not with a discipline whip, caning). Threatening with knives or swords.
Do not wants: Graphic torture, mutilation, golden core melting, noncon. Any ending where WRH doesn’t learn to appreciate/respect JC. Good Jiang parents. Interference from Wen Chao/Wen Xu. Underage - age difference is totally fine but JC should be an adult.
Prompts: 1) In an attempt to preemptively save Lotus Pier, JC goes to bargain with WRH and WRH demands he submit his body. WRH is planning to shame Jiang Fengmian with this, only to realize that JFM doesn’t really value JC at all - but WRH sees his value now. (this can go modern AU if desired but should retain the Wen sect threat somehow). 2) WRH sees a chink in the armor at a discussion conference when JFM dismisses JC, and plans to try for some leverage over Lotus Pier via the Jiang heir. He is unprepared for how JC blushes with just a little bit of flattery, and finds he wants to see more of it. 3) JC accompanies his father to a meeting and is ignored in favor of WWX. Upset, he goes to sulk, only to run into older, sophisticated WRH - who actually pays attention to him. 4) art prompt - WRH has JC in bondage, but they are both enjoying it. (or if a scene from any writing prompt strikes you!)
Nie Mingjue/Wen Ruohan
Likes: Enemies to lovers. Extremely conflicted NMJ. Obsessive/possessive WRH. Potentially dual cultivation to help with NMJ’s qi problems. A general “this is a terrible idea but fuck he’s hot” vibe. NHS scheming is fine but if there is a rescue attempt it should be “too late” (i.e. NMJ already has learned to want WRH). If you want to go dark, drugging is fine but no noncon/somnophilia. Knife/blood play is great especially if NMJ is trying to threaten WRH but WRH’s cultivation is high enough that he just heals up any cuts straight away, or like that scene in the donghua where he catches Baxia in two fingers.
Do not wants: golden core crushing, mutilation, heavy torture, noncon - however reluctantly, NMJ should agree. NMJ betraying his principles - if anything WRH should reluctantly become righteous to get into NMJ’s pants. Underage. WRH being good - at best he’s morally gray. “Rescue” from NHS (or anyone else). Interference from Wen Chao/Wen Xu.
Prompts: 1) WRH breaks sect leader Nie’s saber and doesn’t think much of it, not even when he hears that the man died - until the next discussion conference. He sees the new sect leader Nie (NMJ) and wants him - but now he has to convince him that killing his father was (mostly) an accident. 2) NMJ tries to assassinate WRH and fails, but WRH discovers the issue with NMJ’s qi and the saber spirits and offers to help. Sure that WRH can’t help, NMJ makes a deal that if he can actually help then NMJ will stop trying to kill him and the Nie and Wen sects will be allies, but if WRH fails his life is forfeit. WRH, of course, agrees. 3) Modern AU or no Sunshot AU, WRH didn’t murder NMJ’s father but he is arrogant and shady as fuck. NMJ is deeply ashamed to find that he’s very into that. 4) art prompt: any scene from the fic prompts, or NMJ holding a completely unruffled, smirking WRH at saber-point.
Nie Mingjue/Pei Ming
Likes: NMJ doesn’t realize Pei Ming is a god until they’ve already become intimate (whether emotionally or physically). Pei Ming attempting to flirt as NMJ’s subordinate and becoming frustrated when NMJ insists on being professional. Pei Ming convinced he doesn’t have any deep feelings and yet unable to stay away from NMJ. Flirting via sparring. NMJ amazed that this “rogue cultivator” can match him. NHS 100% seeing what Pei Ming is up to and giving him a shovel talk.
Do not wants: Pei Ming being cold/indifferent, NMJ being clingy or sacrificing his ideals/military goals for the relationship.
Prompts: 1) NMJ burns incense to the gods for blessings in the Sunshot campaign. Pei Ming decides to answer personally, quickly becoming NMJ’s right hand man. 2) Pei Ming admires NMJ’s righteousness, tenacity, and strength, so much that he has taken note of the man. When the fatal qi deviation is about to hit, Pei Ming decides to intervene. 3) art prompt: blushing but flattered NMJ being hit on by Pei Ming
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mingcheng-prompts · 3 years
Secret Dating AU
Only it’s not a secret. In a world where Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji run about openly in love, Jin Zixuan publicly humiliates himself in front of Jiang Yanli every other day, and even Lan Xichen and Jin Guangyao are very obviously courting, Nie Mingjue and Jiang Cheng haven’t been found out yet simply because they aren’t shameless. 
Also, Nie Huaisang keeps trying to expose them, but nobody believes him
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vassar177 · 3 years
Jiang Cheng doesn’t believe in ghosts. 
That being said, there is something seriously fucked up about the sword that recently came in for the visiting exhibit. 
Jiang Cheng has only been working at the museum for six months, but it’s long enough to know that the creepy shit only started once that sword entered through their doors. Which begs the question:
What influence was he under when he agreed to take on the overnight shift?
Nothing’s happened yet in the week since he started, but he can’t help but feel off. There’s a weird sense of anticipation, like he’s-- waiting. 
And either Jiang Cheng’s going crazy, or the sword has actually gained an unearthly glow that intensifies every time he goes near it. 
But that can’t be, right?
Jiang Cheng came in for his regular shift and the sword did its regular weird glow-y shit, but now it’s fucking humming? Are you serious?? Ridiculous. He isn’t getting paid enough to deal with this. 
It becomes so constant- deep and rumbling and pained- that when it finally stops, Jiang Cheng feels a pit open in his stomach. He looks up from the book he was reading, tells himself that he’s really not so stupid to go and check on something potentially supernatural. 
He gets up to check anyway, grabbing his flashlight as he passes by the welcome desk.
Walking slowly towards the exhibit, his footsteps echoing along the halls as he passes artifact after artifact after artifact. When his flashlight finally lifts to shine on the sword’s case, what becomes illuminated is not the clear case that’s always covered in fingerprints despite numerous signs. 
No, the light reveals one of the biggest men he has ever laid eyes on, holding the sword that should be safely secured in it’s little glass box and not firmly in the hands of an intruder that looks like he’s just stepped out one of their exhibits. 
Said intruder lifts his eyes from the sword and turns his head towards him, and Jiang Cheng feels like he’s been punched in the chest, sucking in air to rectify his sudden breathlessness. 
Yet for some reason, the man before him is the one that seems as if he’s seen a ghost. Eyes widening as the hand holding the sword falls to the wayside, allowing its tip to hit the floor in a sharp clank. The man moves his mouth, whispering what could be a name but sounds like a prayer. 
And yeah, he thinks, he doesn’t get paid enough to deal with this. 
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