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yogadaily · 2 years ago
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(via M E L A N I E 🌻 on Instagram: "Hello ! Voici 6 petits conseils pour booster ton immunité pendant ce changement de saison : 1) faire du sport (du yoga par exemp… nel 2023  || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
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charlstone · 2 months ago
Lithothérapie : L’Art d’Équilibrer Énergies et Bien-Être 🌿✨
La lithothérapie, c’est bien plus que de simples pierres – c’est une connexion profonde avec la Terre et ses énergies. Depuis des millénaires, les pierres naturelles sont utilisées pour harmoniser l’esprit, le corps et l’âme. Si vous êtes curieux de découvrir comment ces trésors minéraux peuvent transformer votre quotidien, laissez-moi vous guider dans cet univers fascinant. 💎
🌈 Qu’est-ce que la lithothérapie ?
La lithothérapie, ou « thérapie par les pierres », repose sur l’idée que les pierres émettent des vibrations spécifiques capables d’influencer notre état énergétique. Chaque pierre possède des propriétés uniques qui agissent sur nos émotions, nos pensées ou même notre santé.
✨ 5 pierres incontournables en lithothérapie
Améthyste : Apaise l’esprit, réduit le stress et favorise un sommeil profond. 🌙💜
Quartz rose : La pierre de l’amour et de la compassion. Idéale pour soigner les blessures émotionnelles. 💕
Œil de tigre : Protège contre les énergies négatives et renforce la confiance en soi. 🐅✨
Citrine : Booste l’énergie positive, attire la prospérité et stimule la créativité. 🌟
Tourmaline noire : Absorbe les ondes négatives et protège votre aura. ⚡🖤
🌸 Comment intégrer les pierres dans votre vie ?
Porter des bijoux : Un bracelet en quartz rose ou une bague en labradorite, par exemple, permet de garder leurs énergies près de vous.
Décorer votre espace : Placez une géode d’améthyste ou un bloc de calcite dans votre salon pour harmoniser les énergies de votre maison.
Méditer avec elles : Tenez une pierre dans votre main ou posez-la sur un chakra pour amplifier vos séances de méditation. 🧘‍♀️
🌀 Les bases de l’entretien des pierres
Pour préserver leur énergie, n’oubliez pas de purifier et de recharger vos pierres régulièrement. Utilisez :
La lumière de la lune 🌙 pour les pierres délicates comme l’améthyste.
L’eau claire pour nettoyer les pierres comme le quartz (attention à celles sensibles à l’eau !).
La fumée de sauge pour purifier en douceur. 🌿
🌍 Pourquoi choisir la lithothérapie ?
Dans un monde où tout va trop vite, les pierres naturelles nous rappellent notre lien avec la Terre. Elles nous aident à ralentir, à respirer et à nous recentrer. 🌌
Prêts à explorer le pouvoir des pierres ? Dites-moi quelle est votre pierre préférée en commentaire ! 💬👇
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supernova-mnrls · 4 months ago
#gem #singapore #fashion #love #art #design #travelgram #diamond #pink #pen #instagood #jewellery #gold #blue #travel #sapphire #asia #happy #ink #jewelry #beautiful #taiwan #instagram #ootd #covers #hotelroom #penteltouch #makeup #expat #natural
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lestresorsdubresil · 1 year ago
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michel05132 · 2 years ago
Divers minéraux dans Coprates Chasma
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Cette image montre le mur sud de Coprates Chasma, dans le système de canyons équatoriaux de Valles Marineris. Alors qu'une grande partie des pentes inférieures sont recouvertes de sable, le substratum rocheux exposé est clairement visible dans les parois supérieures du canyon.
Dans une image couleur améliorée , les différentes couleurs - nuances de blanc, cyan et violet - suggèrent la présence de plusieurs minéraux dans le substratum rocheux, indiquant une histoire géologique compliquée, impliquant éventuellement une altération par l'eau. (Dans cette découpe, le nord est en bas.)
Écrit par : Joel Davis (narration : Tre Gibbs) (17 août 2023) NASA/JPL/UArizona
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jeanmarcfraiche · 10 months ago
Des complexes multi-vitamines pour toute la famille !
Des complexes multi-vitamines pour toute la famille ! Comme vous le savez, les besoins en vitamines et en minéraux varient selon que vous soyez une femme, un homme ou un enfant. C’est pourquoi LiveGood a élaboré trois formules spécifiques de complexes multi-vitamines pour répondre aux besoins particuliers de chacun. Nos complexes Multi-Vitamines Bio-Actif LiveGood pour homme ou pour…
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ahedalshaer · 7 months ago
Very important, stop, we need help, This is not a campaign that we can afford to wait for weeks to complete
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My family wants you, wants your help, don't leave us alone, please.We live in tents in the worst place in the world. Everything here is difficult. We find it difficult in everything to obtain food, drink and water. The temperature of the tent cannot be described, it is like hell.
Ihope you don't ignore my story. You can make a big, big difference. I am in a very difficult situation. I'm so tired. I'm very tired. But despite everything that's happening, I'm fighting. All I have left is my beautiful family. I have no one but them after I lost many of my friends and relatives, our home, my future, my university, everything. I am fighting for my family. I hope you don't stop reading my post. I really need you so incredibly much. I want you to be by my side and support my story. support me. I want you next to me. This is not just a request. This is my call. I hope my words and message reach you.
Please don’t read this as a tragedy story ,, I’m here to ask you to prevent it from getting more tragedy and to help us start our life all over again. I’m here to ask for your help not your sympathy , to ask you to take action whether by donating or by sharing this to everyone you know who can help, please read this with your heart and take action as if it’s your family, your mom, your siblings who are under these conditions
Asking for your help is the only way I have to rescue my family’s life and future, your help may become our hope when hope is far away from us under these conditions, every dollar you can help with may save a life, bring hope to a tired heart and save a future of a youth one
3.845€ -> 80000€
@el-shab-hussein @commissions4aid-international @nabulsi @90-ghost @appsa @orbleglorb
@palestinecharitycommissionsassoc @palestinegenocide @apollos-olives @queerstudiesnatural @buttercuparry @brutaliakhoa
@helppeople @neshamama @baguetttee @sar-soor @divinefeline28 @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @sata-cable @mohameddd @gaywrites @victoriassecretangelsss @aces-and-angels @turian @difty-dift @gamer-guff
@gamergoodwin-blog @blackfem @black-and-white @omegaversereloaded @omegomagnit @heritageposts @feluka @feluart @drangues @bijoux-et-mineraux @afro-elf
@journalsforpalestine @elierlick @artezui
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lonniemachin · 7 months ago
At €29,798, my friend Ahmed and his wife Maram only need €202 to reach their short-term goal of €30k by AUGUST 31ST, 2024. This milestone is the amount of their initial goal before it was raised to €40,000 and signifies 3/4ths of their campaign's completion -- all the more closer to securing the funds to evacuate Gaza when the border opens. For these two loving parents and their three children, this fundraiser is a lifeline. With your help, it provides hope that they'll see peace and security sooner rather than later, respite from this genocide that has torn their lives apart.
Please give what you can using the link below. You can also enter my jewelry raffle to benefit them and 2 other Palestinian families in need.
This family -- including Ahmed, Maram, and their three little children Habiba, Kareem, and Muhammad -- has been vetted by @/el-shab-hussein, as well as featured in a video by YouTuber Ro Ramdin. I have been talking to Ahmed near daily for months and Maram when she is able to access her phone. They've sent me multiple pictures, videos, and recordings of their situation, and I helped set them up with their beneficiary, who updates us in a group chat regarding the movement of all funds. Needless to say, they are 100% legitimate, and in need of urgent aid.
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If 10 generous people gave JUST 20 EURO, we could have this goal achieved well before time runs out.
Tagging for reach under the cut
@el-shab-hussein @commissions4aid-international @nabulsi @90-ghost @appsa @turian @journalsforpalestine
@palestinecharitycommissionsassoc @palestinegenocide @apollos-olives @queerstudiesnatural
@palistani @buttercuparry @burtlebabe @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @neshamama @baguetttee @sar-soor @divinefeline28 @brutaliakhoa
@riding-with-the-wild-hunt @moayesh @schoolhater @gayorc @aces-and-angels @neptunerings @gamergoodwin-blog @blackfem @black-and-white
@omegaversereloaded @omegomagnit @heritageposts @feluka @feluart @drangues @bijoux-et-mineraux @afro-elf @transmutationisms
@imjustheretotrytohelp @mansbutchery @horrorhorizon @fatickono @jeynees
@jupiterisonline @jezior0 @gizdathemxel
@salmoniid @stuckinapril @wellwaterhysteria
@dykesbat @neechees @chilewithcarnage @batmanego
@watermotif @turian
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hearts-of-palestinian · 5 months ago
Very Important Update 😭💔
I hope that one of you will take over my campaign and lead me to my goal. I cannot find anyone to take over my campaign. Please contact me if you want questions or pictures. I hope that I will not be ignored, as is the case every time. One of you will take over my campaign and help me save my family.
I think my old account has been restricted and does not follow people or send notifications to anyone. So I did not give up and created a new account so that my voice could reach the free people of the world so that I and my family could be saved from genocide.
So for those who do not know me, I will write a simple introduction about myself and tag my old account
✨( @ahedalshaer )✨
my name is Ahed. I am a Dentist from Gaza, from Rafah Governorate specifically. I created this campaign to help my family during this war and get out of Gaza. We are a family consisting of 7 members, a father (naji), a mother(kawther), a sister (samah), and 3 brothers(jamal ,hamdan,and hamada). My father is diabetic and is very old, and you know that there is no treatment or medicine in Gaza due to the closure of the crossings. We were displaced to Mawasi Khan Yunis because of the threats on the city of Rafah, because my area where I live was considered a danger zone, and the Israeli army demolished our house. We were displaced and now we live in a tent, and the situation is very tragic. There is no water, electricity, or food there. In fact, our lives resemble the barren desert until there is no one there. Privacy at all. The bathroom is shared by everyone in the camp, and pollution and diseases are widespread.
‏We want to leave Gaza, my family and I, so that we can be safe, but there is a problem that travel costs are very high, such as a visa to travel to European countries. In order for a person to leave the Gaza Strip, he needs 5,000 dollars, which means that in order for my family and I to leave, we need approximately 35 thousand dollars, so I created a GoFound Me campaign. To help my family get out of Gaza. I hope that you will donate and help me, even if it is a small amount, so that I and my family can move to safety and help my father complete his treatment. I wish you happiness.
✨My Compaighn is vetted by:✨
-( @gaza-evacuation-funds as family #1 ) here
-Butterfly effect project line No 407 here👇👇
Please donate and share to your followers, encourage them to help and spread this on other social media. I cannot achieve this goal without you, please continue to advocate for me
@commissions4aid-international @ibtisams @appsa @turian @palestinegenocide @alivehealthy @queerstudiesnatural @palistani
@buttercuparry @burtlebabe @helppeople @neshamama @baguetttee @sar-soor @divinefeline28 @brutaliakhoa @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @komsomolka
@neptunerings @omegaversereloaded @omegomagnit @heritageposts @feluka @feluart @drangues @bijoux-et-mineraux @afro-elf
@dinodamage @yurischolar @lune-tic @lipid @witticaster @dvxm @captainstoneybaloney @jihyolegend
@scarletlich @rongzhi @marxistcomedy @goldenspirits @gabestricks @brambeag @yuumei-art @transmutationisms @velvetys @imjustheretotrytohelp @jezior0 @mansbutchery .
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shewhoworshipscarlin · 2 years ago
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"Mineraux" scarf by Hermes, 1959.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 10 months ago
Some illustrations that inspired the drabble about different breeds of unicorn:
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Pierre Pomet, Histoire générale des Drogues, traitant des plantes, des animaux et des mineraux. Paris; 1694.
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Piero della Francesca, Reverse of the Trionfo di Federico da Montefeltro e di Battista Sforza, c.1465 – 1472. Florence.
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Flag of the former Friesian munincipality of Menameradiel.
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Royal Coat of Arms of Scotland prior to 1603.
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The Unicorn Purifies Water (from the Unicorn Tapestries) designed in France, woven in Flanders (1495–1505).
The way I describe the different breeds of unicorn is definitely not fully supported by folklore and artistic depiction. I have very much cherry picked these images and as you can see pretty much all of these unicorns have cloven hooves instead of horse's hooves. (There are old engravings that do show them with smooth hooves but they are definitely in the minority.) I just like the idea of different countries having different unicorns and this was a fun place to start~
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basharfamily · 1 day ago
Urgent Relief ... 🚨
I am Bashar Osama Al-Habil, I am 19 years old
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My fatherOsama Muhammad Al-Habil
He was martyred on 11/7/2006
He was 29 years old
My mother is Marwa Marwan Al-Habil, she is 43 years old
After my father was martyred, my mother married
My uncle, Musa Muhammad Al-Habil, on April 4, 2010. He is 49 years old
I have 4 sisters and 2 brothers
They are Baraa Osama Al-Habil, 21 years old
She is studying English in the third stage at the Faculty of Law
Amir Musa Al-Habil, 19 years old
Jumana Musa Al-Habil is 13 years old
Jude Musa Al-Habil is 13 years old
Faten Musa Al-Habil, 10 years old
Osama Musa Al-Habil, 5 years old
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Urgent message from a bereaved family in Gaza Standing by my family
Bashar Osasma Alhabeel
🍉👇Save Me
@el-shab-hussein @commissions4aid-international @nabulsi27 @90-s-kid @appsappsapps @officialspec2 @turian @journalsforpalestine @perks-of-being-chinese @apollos-boyfriend @queerstudiesnatural @burtlebabe @helppeople @neshamama @baguetttee @sar-soor @divinefeline28 @brutalia @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @schoolhater98 @gayorc @neptuneringzz @gamer-guff @gamergoodwin-blog @blackfem @black-and-white @omegaversereloaded @omegomagnit @heritageposts @feluka @feluart @drangues @bijoux-et-mineraux @afro-elf @transmutationdice
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supernova-mnrls · 9 months ago
#mineraux #bienetre #pierre #vitamines #petitdejeuner #reveiletharmoniedessens #amberieuenbugey #pertedepoids #herbalifenutrition #lithotherapie #zen #coaching #herbalife24 #fitness #amethyste #smoothie #training #pyrenneesorientales #perpignan #fitnesspark #boy #suivi #saintemarielamer #protéine #musculation #vitaforme #soutient #rivesaltes #prisedemassemusculaire #herbalifeperpignan
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#mineraux #bienetre #pierre #vitamines #petitdejeuner #reveiletharmoniedessens #amberieuenbugey #pertedepoids #herbalifenutrition #lithotherapie #zen #coaching #herbalife24 #fitness #amethyste #smoothie #training #pyrenneesorientales #perpignan #fitnesspark #boy #suivi #saintemarielamer #protéine #musculation #vitaforme #soutient #rivesaltes #prisedemassemusculaire #herbalifeperpignan
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lestresorsdubresil · 1 year ago
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Nos meilleurs voeux aux heureux/heureuses !!!! Joyeux anniversaire. Equipe Les trésors du Brésil
Les Trésors du Brésil à Manosque
157 Avenue Jean Giono, Espace Mirabeau
04100 Manosque
Ouvert du lundi au jeudi : 10h à 12h30 – 15h à 19h
Vendredi et samedi : 10h à 19h sans interruption
Boutique en ligne Les Trésors du Brésil
Bijouterie, Minéraux, pierres, cristaux, objets de décoration en pierres, encens, objets Feng-shui, bols tibétains, tout pour le bienêtre, lithothérapie, pour se faire plaisir:
Choisissez le bien-être pour vous, votre famille et amis.
: https://mineraux-pierres.fr
Conseils et commandes par téléphone, email ou en ligne
Frais de port gratuits à partir de 90 euros de commande
Commande expédiée en 24h après paiement
Paiements sécurisés par Paypal, carte bancaire ou chèque
Pour en savoir plus
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/lestresorsdubresil
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/lestresorsdubresil/?hl=fr
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hosnyfamily · 6 months ago
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Ambition and hope, despite the wounds and pain, the photo of my child in the educational tent
Please help me to provide a decent life for our children
@el-shab-hussein @commissions4aid-international @nabulsi @90-ghost @appsa @officialspec @turian @journalsforpalestine @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc @palestinegenocide @apollos-olives @queerstudiesnatural @palistani @burtlebabe @helppeople @neshamama @baguetttee @sar-soor @divinefeline28 @brutaliakhoa @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @schoolhater @gayorc @aces-and-angels @neptunerings @gamer-guff @gamergoodwin-blog @blackfem @black-and-white @omegaversereloaded @omegomagnit @heritageposts @feluka @feluart @drangues @bijoux-et-mineraux @afro-elf @transmutationisms#gaza. #free gaza. #el shab hussein
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othmeralia · 2 years ago
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I'm assuming this was the fun illusion photo-op before one could pretend to hold up the lean tower of Pisa.
Histoire generale des drogues, traitant des plantes, des animaux, et des mineraux, 1694
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