#mind you with nothing preventing him from dropping a quick hey i need this for a sec brb i'll explain when I get back
valley-of-the-lost · 1 year
its been months and I'm still not over what a shitshow episode 16 is.
how do you mess up a classic betrayal/miscommunication plot so badly the male lead comes out the other side looking like a worse person.
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the-laughing-lunatic · 5 months
OH MY GOD TF2 WRITER!!! You are my savior.
ANYWAYS I WAS THINKING ABOUT THE MERCS (more specifically Scout, Spy, Sniper & Engineer if you don’t wanna do them all) WITH A MALE S/O WHO IS CONSTANTLY DYING OR GETTING INJURED DUE TO BADLUCK?
(Of course! Hope you enjoy, thx for reqesting!)
Scout, Spy, Sniper & Engineer x a m!s/o with bad luck (ROMANTIC)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 
Holy cow is it hard for him to get used to
You die at least once a day but he still cries like a baby whenever it happens
Denies it every time though
“Oh god, it never takes this long, what if my baby’s gone for good? That ain’t gonna happen, you’re bein’ stupid Jeremy. But what if it does? *sniffle* I mean, I- I dunno what I’d do, an just—”
“Hey babe! I grabbed some sodas for us on the way back from respawn, the vending machine was being a pain though. …you alright?
He’d immediately hug you and wipe away his tears. “ ‘m fine. Just glad you’re back, doll. Missed ya.”
Though this guy knows nothing about first aid, he’ll do what his ma always did when he got injured:
“Prince, stop freakin’ out and let me kiss your boo-boo better, kay?”
“Jeremy, I’m not ten, I can handle a tiny bullet wound.”
“Don’t care, c'mere sweetheart. You need some kisses from your hot-ass boyfriend to feel better.”
“What I need is a Medic.”
“C’mon, please?”
Like Scout he’s also dramatic as fuck when you die
Falls to his knees and cries silently over your dead body kind of dramatic
He’s lost one of his lovers before, and it kills him to see it happen in front of him everyday
He’s absolutely terrified that one day you won’t respawn
Doesn’t like to talk about how he feels though, he wants to be strong for his lover
He will require a lot of quality time after you get respawned to calm his mind down that you’re okay
Cuddling, holding your hand in his smoking room, he just needs to be close to you
Helps you when you’re injured, though he does chastise you
(cue homoerotic fixing injuries scene)
“Mon amour, it was simply irresponsible of you to go into the sewers with your luck, it was reckless,” he’d say as he patched you up.
“But you dropped your watch down there, I had to get it back for you.”
“You are insufferably eager, my beau…but it is sweet. Never do anything like that again, though, I worry about you enough as is.”
“Awww, you worry about me?”
“Of course I do, je t'aime. Now shut up and let me help you.”
We all know this guy is hella protective, so of course he’ll protect you even more with how much you get injured.
He’d want nothing more than to keep you in a locked room with nothing to hurt yourself with all day so no harm could ever come to you, but unfortunately that’s “weird” and “illegal”
He constantly wants to be around you to at least try to prevent the inevitable
Even during battles, he tends to double-check where you are on the map to make sure you’re okay, and if you’re not, see who hurt you so he could kill them
He may not have the most traditional sense of first aid training, he mostly knows natural tricks when you’re injured to help you. 
“Love, love, calm down, I got some razor strop for your cut there, ‘s like a bandaid. Fix you up real quick, spunk.”
He wants to take you camping but he knows he’d just be anxious about his boyfriend the entire time
“Mick, c’mon, I can handle one tiny camping trip.”
“You burnt yourself on the coffee kettle twice today. It was unplugged.”
“No coffee kettles in the forest though.”
“Can we just stay here where I know you’ll be okay, love?”
“But you wante—”
“I know, but anytime I spend with you makes me happy, okay? If you’re safe and with me, I’m grand.”
This poor man
He’s worried sick about you all the time
You’re not allowed into his workshop anymore after a few too many incidents with the machinery
During battle he’ll constantly do what you want if it’ll keep you safer
You need a dispenser by you even if the rest of the team needs it somewhere else? He’s putting it by you
He makes you wear a spare hardhat of his in case an anvil falls on you or some shit (with your luck it probably would happen) 
Since you’re not allowed in his workshop it kind of forces him to be less of a workaholic so he can hang out with his boyfriend
Will stay by your side when you’re injured
“Dell, it’s sweet of you to stay while I have a broken leg, but wouldn’t you rather hang out with the rest of the team instead of here? I mean, it’s gonna be really boring.”
“Darling, I’m staying. I’d rather be here with you than at the snazziest rodeo out there.”
“Ach, young love. Now my patient, here is your paste you must eat. It is good for you, it has plenty of nutrients in it, and definitely not drugs you need to take. And your straw, now tschüss!”
“.....are you still sure you wanna stay?”
“Wouldn’t dream of being anywhere else, sugar.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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mystwrites · 9 months
Ask 1: Giyu accidently discovers just how ticklish Tanjio is and uses it to "train" him.
Ask 2: Tengen learns not to tickle Tanjiro in front of Giyu.
i decided to choose the first one. i hope you don’t mind! giyuu and tanjiro share such a special friendship and i can’t wait to see their friendship grow in the next seasons🥰
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Knowing Rengoku was busy out on a mission with a few others, Tanjiro had decided to ask Giyuu to train him. This was something Giyuu couldn’t refuse since he rarely got the chance to be around the kid he saved a mere two years ago. Aside from Shinobu, Tanjiro was the only slayer who would say hi to him with such eagerness. Plus, they barely saw each other throughout the day other than a five minute passing.
The two had been using the wooden katanas for a quick sparring session. Giyuu genuinely was impressed by Tanjiro’s speed and accuracy as well as sharper battle intellect. After they finished and took a break, Tanjiro needed to do abs and endurance training. Knowing Tanjiro could do endurance well, Giyuu focused on abdominal workouts, finding it amusing how Tanjiro got worn out after five minutes.
“Come on, Tanjiro. You did your sit ups. Now hold the plank.” Giyuu said, amazed at how his dwindling energy caused his form to suddenly become so sloppy.
“I’m trying, Giyuu san! I’m tired…” Tanjiro said, shaking his arms out.
“I know but you gotta push through.” Giyuu replied, walking around to the side to see Tanjiro’s positioning. “You’re not even engaging your abs.”
“What..? I’m not?” Tanjiro asked. “I swear I am!”
Giyuu shook his head. “Nope. See how your dropping your hips? Lazy form.”
Tanjiro tried fixing his posture but it still was incorrect. To correct him, Giyuu poked his lower back, signaling to lower the hips. When Tanjiro lowered it too much, he poked Tanjiro’s tummy to signal to lift the hips up. That didn’t work out and Giyuu watched Tanjiro collapse to the floor in a fit of giggles, realizing that tickled him.
“Ooh…” Giyuu squeaked, knowing he didn’t mean to tickle him. “Sorry.”
“Ihihi’m so sorry, Gihihiyuu sahahahan!! Thahat tihihickled!” Tanjiro giggled, screeching as Giyuu suddenly grabbed the center of his stomach and squeezed. “OH NOHOHO GIHIHIYUU SAHAHAN NOOOHOHO AHAHAHAAA!!!”
“This is interesting.” Giyuu hummed, a small smile forming on his face. “Alright, change of plans. Laughing is a good abdominal workout so you’re going to have a minute of tickling before we move on to endurance training. Hey! Where are you going?”
“IHIHI’M TRYING TO GEHEHET AWAY FROHOM YOU AHAHAHAHA!!!” Tanjiro squealed, kicking his feet out as Giyuu trapped his in his arms.
“But I told you this is now your ab workout! Come on, you have about forty five more seconds!~” Giyuu chuckled, squeezing with a little more force. “Nice! You’re engaging these abs!”
Attempting to roll away did nothing and Tanjiro was trapped in Giyuu’s clutches, his hand still clawing at his belly while the other held him tightly, preventing a sudden escape. All Tanjiro could do was kick his feet out and scream. Tanjiro didn’t mind however. Giyuu was less ruthless than Rengoku is so Tanjiro could tolerate it. When the tickle attack finally came to an end, Tanjiro rolled off of his friend’s lap, gasping for air.
“That’s using your abs.” Giyuu said, patting Tanjiro’s head. “Are you okay?”
“Y-yehehes!” Tanjiro wheezed, pushing himself up. “Ihihi’m okay!”
Giyuu ruffled his hair playfully and smiled. “Good. Cuz now it’s time for endurance training. I’m going to chase you and you can’t be caught…”
“W-whahat happens if I get caught??” Tanjiro giggled, squeaking as Giyuu poked his sides.
“I’ll tickle you again!~” Giyuu replied, wiggling his fingers. “You seemed to enjoy that and Rengoku told me that tickling is a good training method for you!~”
“Rehehengoku sahahan is lying to you!!” Tanjiro said, scrambling to his feet.
“Oh?” Giyuu raised his eyebrow. “Well then, if he’s lying, I’ll find out for myself exactly where you are ticklish! C’mere Tanjiro!”
Without another word, Tanjiro took off, Giyuu in hot pursuit.
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siennafrxst · 1 year
↳ a drunken night 𖤐𓈒࣪₊˚
(part 2; version 2)
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if you haven’t read chapter 1, click here.
if you haven’t read the other version of chapter 2, click here.
word count: 0.7k words
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Knock. Knock. Knock.
As Y/N was drying her hair with a towel, she turns to the sudden disturbance coming from behind the door.
“Come in,” she announces loudly for the other person to be able to hear.
The door immediately swings open, revealing the person hiding behind it.
“Seb, hey,” Y/N greeted, a hint of slight surpise in her tone.
It seemed as though he had just gotten out of bed and put on a quick attire, due to his messy brown curls and groggy features. Goddamnit, why did he have to look so cute like this?
“Hey,” he greeted back, closing the door behind him.
Snapping herself out of her absurd thoughts before being managed to get caught for staring, she connects her eyes with his. The two shared an intimate moment of staring, both seeming to be hesitating to say the same desired words.
Do you remember last night?
“Uhm, how’s your hangover? Are you feeling okay?” she quickly asked to fill in the awkward silence.
Sebastian sighs heavily in exhaust. “S’okay. I mean, better than it was when I woke up, at least.”
She nodded in agreement, offering a soft smile at the man.
Sebastian brought a hand behind his neck before speaking up once more. “Uhm, about last night…”
Y/N gulped nervously as she heard those words. What if he still remembered..?
“Thank you for taking care of me, I’m sure that I was a load to deal with.”
She chuckled in an attempt to hide her sigh of relief. “Of course. I’m here for you, Seb.”
He returned a sheepish smile at his best friend as a sign of gratitude.
And then it was silent yet again. The atmosphere was filled with hope for something more to happen and fear of losing something they already have. Both were just wishing that the hope was more dominant than the fear. Yet neither of them spoke up. This went on for a few more precious seconds before Sebastian made a move. But not what you would expect.
“Well, I just wanted to check up on you. Thanks again, Y/N.”
Her heart dropped in absolute disappointment. She didn’t know that she would feel this much pain upon never talking about last night. It was more than just curiosity, it was also regret but... why? And that was when it hit her.
She loves him.
"Seb, wait! Wait."
Upon hearing her call for him, Sebastian turns around to spot Y/N’s agitated expressions.
"Yeah?" he questioned, despite knowing what she was about to say. They both knew what was bound to happen.
"I... do you remember what you said last night?" she breathed softly, almost cracking her voice.
Sebastian opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out. He closed it again and paused for a while before giving in to the temptation. "I do," he replies gently.
Those words might have hurt more than what she felt just a few seconds ago. "Then why didn't you say anything?"
Sebastian scoffed. "You hesitated too."
"But at least I spoke up, it's not as easy as you-" She pauses for a moment to recollect herself, preventing from lashing out. "Look, I just needed to know if that was the drunk you talking or if that was... you know, you."
Seeming to hesitate, he sharply inhales before his eyes trailed towards Y/N’s e/c ones. Time seemed to have stopped, but in reality, this moment of eye contact only lasted for mere seconds. But for them, it was as though everything surrounding them seemed to have faded into view, blurring itself out of the picture. Their gazes were fixated on one another, not letting go of this dangerously precious moment.
Y/N has never felt this way for her best friend—it had conflicted her inner thoughts more than she’d like to admit. But in that singular moment, all of her worries and doubts seemed to have washed away from her mind so easily. It was all she needed to confirm the question that had been plaguing her thoughts like a disease.
Was this love?
But now, all she could do was await his response, her mind dreading the possible outcomes of this seemingly forever lasting moment.
Then finally, Sebastian spoke.
“It was me. I said those things. And I meant it.”
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ratquesadilla · 2 years
just tell me you love me, cause that’s all i need to hear (prologue)
pairing: rhett abbott x oc
word count: 1633
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42427557/chapters/106551282
girl meets boy, girl falls for boy. boy falls for girl?
chapter 1 - series masterlist - full masterlist
wabang, wyoming. my father had grown up here, met my mother here, and now i was being shipped off to the asshole of america against my will. i deserved it, i could at least admit that. breaking traci stafford’s nose, which she deserved, was the nail in the coffin for my father. being a single parent was hard, but a single parent to a daughter that had been acting out near daily for the last month was like a death sentence. my vacation, if you could even call it that, was his solution to my growing instability. my godfather had a ranch and my father had a daughter that desperately needed discipline, so here i was. 
dry, smelly, and beige were the first things that came to mind when i exited the small airport. the bright sun hit my eyes, a shocking change from the fluorescents i’d been under for the last couple of hours, and i was immediately hit with disappointment; the abbott’s were late. starting off with a bang, i thought, dropping my bags on the bench closest to the doors and sitting down, pulling my headphones over my ears and pressing play on the first album that popped up on my screen. 
my angsty bullshit was interrupted by someone calling my name. 
“hazel dawson, as i live and breathe.”
“royal.” i replied, “nice to see you.”
“cut the crap, last time i saw you you were still a baby. you don’t need to flatter me.”
“yeah well i’m stuck with you for god knows how long so i might as well stay on your good side.” 
“get in the car.” he said, suppressing a smile, “we’ve got a long drive ahead and you need to start on the ranch as soon as possible.” i picked up my bags and began hauling them into the back of royal’s truck. my father had told me stories of him and royal’s hijinks over the years, but this was the first time i was actually meeting my dads best friend. if i wasn’t so pissed off i’d probably be in shock. this was the man responsible for matchmaking my parents. he was indirectly responsible for my entire existence. 
royal wasn’t joking, the drive was long. we’d left the airport around midday and arrived at the abbott ranch well after sundown. there was no welcome party, or a crowd of people waiting to greet me at the door, but there was dinner in the kitchen and a room ready for me. i wasn’t picky, at this point i was glad to have anything that wasn’t an uncomfortable, poorly cushioned, seat to sit in. cecilia began reheating leftovers, and i left to bring my things upstairs. i dragged the duffel bags up the staircase, trying my best to make as little noise as possible. the last thing i wanted to be was a nuisance, waking everyone up in the middle of the night. 
there was a boy standing in the doorway on the second floor landing, parallel to the stairs. a very, very, handsome boy. his sweatpants sat inches below his navel, a trail of hair leading to his belly button, and his hair was damp- but not damp enough to prevent a couple of drops from sliding off the strand of hair that hovered in front of his forehead. there was a fresh bruise on the left side of chest. it was slightly crescent shaped; almost like he’d been struck by a piece of the moon. 
“hey.” he said, crossing his arms and leaning on the doorframe.
“hey yourself.” i said.
“thought you were getting in later.”
“yeah well if i hit every expectation on the head i wouldn’t be here in the first place.” i joked. “i’m hazel by the way.”
“rhett.” he said, waving his hand in a quick hello.
“what happened to your tits, rhett.” i questioned, nudging my nose towards his bruise.
“bull riding.” he replied. “nothing i can’t handle.” we stared at each other for a moment, neither of us saying anything. he looked at me like i was an alien, and i looked at him like he was a god in his human form. 
“i’ll see you later.” i said, breaking the silence and beginning towards my room at the end of the hall. my cheeks were burning red, and my heart was beating out of my chest. there was something about rhett that none of the boys i was used to had.
i woke up to royal standing above me. the clock on my bedside table reading 7:00. “get up, we’ve got a long day ahead of us.” he said, “be downstairs in 10.” sliding out of bed and into my jeans, i looked out the window. the sun was right above the mountain, she’d been awake far longer than me; her presence almost mocking my reluctancy to get out of bed. everyone was around the table when i got downstairs, trying their best not to stare but i saw through it. my eyes were drawn to rhett almost immediately but i quickly turned my attention towards the blonde women across from him. she stood from her chair and began walking towards me.
“i’m rebecca.” she said, pulling me into a hug. “it’s nice to have another girl around here.”
“hazel.” i replied, breaking the hug and sitting in the empty chair across from the only man who’s name i didn’t know.
“this is my husband perry.” rebecca said, point to the man sitting next to her. “you’ll have to excuse him he’s a little shy.” i extended my arm across the table, he reciprocated and shook my hand. 
“we can get the introductions over with later.” royal stated, passing me a box of cereal. “no more dilly-dallying we have work to do.”
the conversation around the table stayed brief, my presence had obviously disrupted business around here, and i stayed silent. i stared at the edge of the table, afraid to look up and seeing everyone staring at me again and wishing i could melt into a puddle on the floor. i fidgeted with my fingers, and tapped the tip of my converse against the bottom of my other shoe. i picked at my cuticles and shook my leg until it went numb. everyone else was wearing boots, had cowboy hats. they looked like they belonged. i stuck out like a sore thumb, and i hated it. i wanted to disappear. 
“hazel.” a voice behind me said. “get up were going to the barn.” i turned around and saw royal rinsing his bowl in the sink, diverting my anxious attention to my arms. beginning to scratch at one spot, slowly wearing the skin down, and walking towards the door. 
royal stopped me before we entered the barn. “before we go in there i need you to know something.” he said, grabbing my shoulders and turning me towards him. “since you ain’t one of my boys i’ve only got one rule for you, tell me the truth no matter what. you do that for me and swear on my momma that i will never keep a secret from you. i will tell you the truth, always. but only if you do the same. you understand?”
“yeah.” i nodded, “i promise, swear on my momma.”
the stables smelled like shit. the suffocating summer heat didn’t help. 
“this here’s your horse.” royal said, point to the black animal beside him. she shook her head, letting her ink black mane jump off her neck. i stared at her dark eyes, reminding me of a black hole, trying to understand her more. she had hay stuck in her tail, and dirt staining the white on her legs. it was like she was wearing socks, and her hooves were the shoes. i let go of my arm, ceasing the obsessive skin picking, and brought my hand to her face. carefully cupping her cheek and bring my face closer to hers. 
“you’re beautiful.” i whispered, maintaining eye contact with her, and she blinked her eyes. almost like she was letting me know that she could understand what i was saying. “is she really mine?” i asked, turning to face royal.
“sure is.” he said. “you know how to ride?”
“i’ve got a vague understanding of how it works.” i replied. “the only thing i can’t do is saddle her myself.”
“i’ll get rhett in here to teach you, he’s always been the best at that.” royal stated, walking towards the barn doors. “hang tight i’ll only be a minute.”
the youngest abbott entered the barn and lead me to the back room. pointing me towards which saddle was mine, and where i could fine any horse care tools i could possibly need. he showed me how to attach every strap, and how tight to make everything so the horse would be comfortable but it’s rider would be safe. he wrapped his arms around me and maneuvered my hands as if they were his. “muscle memory.” he said, “you’ll be a natural in no time.”
in that moment we were the only people on earth, existing only for each other. the grudge i held against my father for sending me to this ranch crumbled, and my distaste for this state faded away. the wyoming summer heat was replaced by the warmth radiating off of him, and the eye watering smell that radiated from every corner of the barn was no longer there. in it’s place was the overwhelming smell of grass after a rainstorm. it was fresh and dirty at the same time. like he’d just taken a shower and stood next to a pile of soil so long that the smell stuck to his skin. 
and in that moment i fell in love.
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paleparearchive · 11 months
Extremely Unlucky Birthday
Courbet's Birthday 4★ story (1/3) ( 1 - 2 - 3 )
Location: city (sunset) ; park (rain) ; museum hallway (evening) ; Courbet & Millet's room ; bathroom ; dormitory hallway (evening) | Characters: Courbet, Rembrandt
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Client: Thank you very much for the beautiful painting. It made the room more colorful.
Courbet: That's good to know. Well, I'll just… Ah!
Client: A-Are you okay?
Courbet: I was just a little dazzled. No problem.
(I've been painting these days without much sleep, so I must have overworked my eyes, I'll take some medicine later.)
Client: Why don't you go get some rest…?
Courbet: There's nothing to worry about, the clouds are starting to look doubtful, so I'll leave before it starts to rain.
Client: Ah… Then, if you don't mind, please take this umbrella.
Courbet: (This looks like a very expensive umbrella…)
It hasn't started raining yet and it's not that far away, so it's ok.
Client: –I see. Well, take care.
Courbet: … It was so sunny in the morning, but it's not my lucky day that it's raining so much.
Maybe I should have borrowed that umbrella... But it was a fancy-looking umbrella. If I brought it back to the museum, it might have been caught in someone else's carelessness. If that happened, I would feel sorry for the umbrella, its owner, and anyone else.
Rembrandt: Is Courbet-kun back yeeet? Ah! He's back! Courbet-kun, welcome baaack~
Happy b– Uh!? Woaaah! W-What happened? You're soaking wet!?
Courbet: It started raining suddenly. I rushed back, but I couldn't make it.
Rembrandt: Hurry up and change or you'll catch a coold!~ Take a bath! C'mon, quick, quick.
Courbet: H-Hey. You know, there are things you should have ready before taking a bath. A change of clothes, a towel, and so on.
Rembrandt: Hmm-hmm. Got it! I'll take it all. I'll do it!
Courbet: Oi, don't push. Just relax. You have to wipe up a little before you go, otherwise the floor will get wet…
Rembrandt: Woaah!
*Rembrandt falling noises*
Rembrandt: Owowow… The floor is soaking wet and slipperyy~
Courbet: (Haah… I knew it was a good thing not to borrow that umbrella.)
Rembrandt: I need to grab a change of clothes and a towel while Courbet-kun takes a bath. Courbet-kun always takes care of me, so today I'll take care of him. I'll do my beeest!~
Is this okay for a change of clothes? And some towels... Oh! This towel… Courbet-kun lent me this when I fell into the pond and got soaking wet. Courbet-kun helped me a lot at that time toooo~ But today I'm going to return the favor. I'll do my best, so watch me, Courbet-kun.
C'mon, let's bring them to him quickly!
Rembrandt: Uwaah!?
Owowow. I fell again. Ah! The change of clothes…
Thank goodneeess. I didn't drop the change of clothes or the towel! I can deliver them cleaaan~
Rembrandt: Courbet-kun. I'll leave your change of clothes and the towel hereee. Ah! I didn't wet it. Don't worry, it's dry.
Courbet: Good. You were able to bring it without accidentally dropping it.
Rembrandt: Yup!
Rembrandt: He might catch a cold because he got wet from the rain, so let's find out how to prevent a cold.
... Oh, woah. Oh, yeah, the floor was wet, wasn't it? I have to wipe the floor first. Alright!
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milkiane · 3 years
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family portrait; rafe cameron
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father figure masterlist
summary: tommy gave rafe a heart-warming gift as soon as he got back home from his first day of school.
warnings: profanities, angst kinda, gif credits to @madelyn-cline
word count: 1670
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“are you ready, tommy?”
tommy hesitantly looked over at the entrance of the school, watching as kids his age and older parted their ways with their parents. “uhm, yes- no. i’m scared.”
you purse your lips, looking up at the sky to prevent the tears from falling. why does he have to grow up so fast?
rafe crouched down beside him and fixed his hair. “hey, it’s okay. you’ll do amazing, alright?”
“oh, come here, you.” you sniffed, crouching down to give him a tight hug. “god, you’re going to school. you’re leaving me already.”
“mom,” he whined, but letting you hug him anyway. your hugs never failed to make him feel better, they were warm and everything he needed for a pick me up.
“you’re gonna do great there, you hear me, thomas?” you looked at him, a firm tone on your words. “you will walk in there, greet everyone with your cute and charming smile, and kick some ass, yeah?”
“well, maybe don’t actually kick some ass,” rafe butted in nervously.
you ignored him and ran your hand across tommy’s slightly wrinkled shirt. “what will you do, thomas?”
“kick ass.” he answered with uncertainty, his voice soft and meek.
“i can’t hear you, what will you do?”
“kick ass!”
“yeah, you will!” you laughed, not giving any mind to the people who stared at the both of you as you pulled him in for another hug. “that’s my boy.”
tommy pulled away as you stood back up and looked over at rafe.
“good luck, bud,” rafe smiled, planting a kiss on his forehead. “i’ll be here to pick you up after school.”
“you promise?” tommy asked, raising his pinky finger to hook it with rafe’s.
he nodded, intertwining his pinky with his to seal the promise. “i promise.”
tommy puffed out a breath, a habit he’s gotten from you, rafe noticed. “i can do this.”
“yes, you can!” you and rafe cheered as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
he put a foot forward, then the other, entering the school’s gate with the other kids. he looked back at the both of you one last time, before offering a small wave.
you let out a soft cry as you watched him disappear into the crowd. “i hate this, he’s not a baby anymore.”
rafe chuckled, hugging you close to him. “nah, he’s still our baby.”
after dropping tommy off at school, you had to go to work and rafe had to go home because his father needed him for something.
rafe dreaded going back home, after his father expressed his displeasure towards him dating you, he avoided going back.
but he knew he couldn’t ignore him forever.
“dad, can you please make this quick? i’d hate to be here just as much as you do.” he sighed as he entered his father’s office.
you’ve been working for the past few hours, and you won’t be out until two more because customers kept filing in, leaving you no time to take a breather.
“y/n,” your manager called you, pointing at the telephone. “it’s for you.”
“thanks,” you nodded, taking over the call. “hello?”
“hello, is this mrs. l/n?” a woman’s voice asked.
“miss.” you corrected. “and yes, this is her.”
“right, miss l/n. this is principal smith from kildare preschool,” she introduced. “are you coming to pick up tommy soon? they’ve been dismissed for about thirty minutes now.”
you cursed, you would’ve thought rafe had already picked him up as he promised. “yes, i’m sorry. i’ll be there in ten minutes tops, thank you.”
rafe was still sitting in his father’s office, listening to him drone on and on about his future and possible distractions to prevent him from doing his work.
“you don’t know what you’re doing, rafe.” ward shook his head. “if this is, i don’t know, some sort of rebellion against me for being too hard on you, you can cut it out, alright? that girl and her son is nothing but an interference with your future.”
“dad, can you just-“ rafe groaned frustratedly. “have you ever asked me what i want? has- did it ever come to your mind that maybe i never wanted to take over your company, or that i love y/n and tommy with all my heart? no?”
they both got interrupted by the sound of rafe’s phone ringing. he reached out for it from his pocket, but before he could even get a word out, your voice interrupted him. and you were not happy.
“rafe, where are you?”
“i- i’m still at my house, why?” he gulped, looking over at his irritated father.
“do you know what time it is?”
he looked over at the huge clock at the corner of the room and answered, “it’s 1:36 p.m., why— fuck.”
“yeah, fuck. the school had to dial me at work and say that you left tommy waiting for you for thirty minutes.” you seethed, looking over at tommy through your rearview mirror. his lips were quivering and his eyes glassy. “rafe, you promised him.”
“i know, i’m sorry.” rafe ran a hand through his hair, leaving his father’s office and ignored his calls as he grabbed his keys.
he arrived back at your house earlier than the both of you, and he couldn’t help but pace around the room as he waited for the two of you to arrive.
when he heard the doorknob jingle, his head snapped towards the front door.
“tommy-“ he tried, but the boy just walked past him and went straight to his room.
you slowly closed the door shut and pursed your lips. you were mad at rafe, but you knew that he was already letting the guilt eat him alive.
rafe sat back down the couch with a sigh, and you approached him carefully. “did something happen with your dad?”
“i- i don’t care about my dad right now, y/n.” he pinched the bridge of his nose. “tommy is upset with me, and it’s all my fault. i don’t- i can’t-“
“hey, it’s okay. just give him some time, he’ll come around.”
tommy was sitting on the edge of his bed as he looked at the paper in his hands. a knock on his door and the familiar voice of rafe made him snap out of his thoughts as he carefully shoved the paper back in his bag.
“hey, buddy,” rafe smiled uneasily as he watched the boy crawl back in his bed with a frown.
“can i… sit with you?” he asked.
tommy folded his arms across his chest but nodded nonetheless, still refusing to talk to him.
rafe jutted his bottom lip out, it was a start.
“are you leaving me?” tommy asked, his voice small and hurt.
rafe looked at him in shock, feeling his heart grow heavy at the question. “what?”
“please don’t leave me, rafe.” tommy sniffed, trying not to let his tears fall no matter how hurt he’s feeling.
“what? no, no.” he shook his head, inching a bit towards him. “what are you talking about? i’ll never leave you, tommy.”
“but you weren’t there with the other dads and moms when they picked up my classmates,” his bottom lip quivered as he fidgeted with his t-shirt. “you pinky promised that you’ll be there and you weren’t.”
rafe swallowed the lump in his throat and let tommy crawl into his embrace. “i know, i’m sorry about that.”
“i- i thought that you left me and mommy like my real daddy did.” he cried, clutching rafe’s shirt as he soaked it with his tears. “i love you, rafe. don’t leave us ever.”
rafe felt like he couldn’t breathe at the sudden revelation of what tommy felt. he felt his chest tighten as tommy’s body shook with sobs.
“i’ll never leave you and mommy, okay?” he shut his eyes closed, hugging him tightly. “i love the both of you so much.”
“do you pinky promise and cross your heart that you’ll never leave us?” tommy looked up at him through his tears.
rafe hooked his pinky with tommy’s. “i pinky promise,”
then marked an imaginary x over his chest where his heart was supposed to be. “and i cross my heart that i’ll never leave you and mommy.”
tommy sniffed as he nodded his head. he slowly got up from rafe’s lap and walked towards his backpack. he grabbed the paper and stared at it for a few minutes before handing it to rafe. “this is for you.”
rafe let his eyes scan over his face, he felt a slight tug on his heart as he noticed that tommy was avoiding eye contact, before dropping his gaze towards the paper.
it was a drawing of you, tommy, and rafe. each stick figure had their corresponding names; mommy, tommy, and daddy.
my family, was written on the very top.
rafe felt the tears blur his vision, a lump in his throat that prevented him from letting out a choked sob.
he didn’t know what made the emotions wash over him. was it because of breaking his promise with tommy? was it because he thought that he would leave him? was it because of the drawing?
maybe it was all three.
“i- tommy, this is amazing.” he let out a teary laugh.
tommy looked at him in confusion. he placed his hands on both sides of rafe’s face and forced him to look at him. “don’t cry, daddy.”
he wiped the tears from his eyes, just like how rafe would usually do whenever he cried.
rafe wrapped his arms around tommy. “i love you, tommy, okay? never forget that.”
he always loved tommy, but rafe thinks that his love for the little boy grew beyond words could ever describe.
as he let tommy fall into his embrace, he looked at the drawing one more time, taking in every detail and color as he let a sweet smile tug his lips.
his first family portrait.
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hispipsqueak · 3 years
Sweet Little Sister
Tenya Iida x F!Reader x Tensei Iida NSFW
TW: STEPCEST. I cannot stress this enough. If you do not like stepcest, skip this fic my friend. Reader is the Iida brother’s new stepsister and things get wild. All characters are 18+.
Other TW: unprotected sex, threesome, a lot of little sister/big brother type stuff, slight yandere Iida brothers, oral F and M receiving.
WC: 4k
A/N: Y’all have no idea how long I have been putting off writing the ending because it was HARD and I have like one brain cell. This fic has been the bane of my existence and I’m exhausted. I really hope you guys enjoy this. Please send me love....and snacks. I’m gonna go to bed now.
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You fixed your skirt for the millionth time. You were going to finally meet your future stepbrothers for dinner tonight and you were a bundle of nerves.
Your mom had been dating a new man recently who she was head over heels for. They had been spending so much time together and he spoiled her, flying her abroad on weekend getaways all the time. Apparently, he had popped the question when they were in Greece last week and the two of them were flying in tonight to celebrate with both families. All you knew was he had two sons, both a little older than you. However, since the romance had been so quick, you hadn’t met them yet.
You were the last to arrive for dinner, and as you pulled up to the house, the house that you soon would all share, your jaw dropped. It was MASSIVE, nothing short of an estate. You knew your future stepdad was rich, but this was certainly a step up from your measly 2 bedroom apartment you shared with your mother.
You rang the doorbell, patting down your outfit one more time before the door swung open. A tall man opened the door and your eyes widened. His white button up stretched over his broad chest and you quickly pulled your eyes up to his face. He had navy hair, neatly combed back and a bright beaming smile.
“You must be Y/N! I’m Tensei!”. He pulled you into a tight hug and you were pressed into his chest. He smelled like pine and clean laundry and you felt your heart race. He let go of you and smiled, his blue eyes sparkling. 
“Sorry! I just figured, since we are going to be brother and sister, we better get close!” 
Right. Brother. This was your big brother and you could NOT think of him any other way. You forced a smile on your face, and nodded.
“You’re right! It’s great to finally meet you.”
“There you are – oh hello. I apologize for my interruption! I’m Tenya Iida.” Tensei’s brother, a literal carbon copy of him, just with square glasses perched in front of his blue eyes, walked into the room. You looked up at both of them, and felt very small.
“Tenya, no need to be so formal. Y/N is our new little sister, and we should be bonding!” Tensei teased, poking Tenya in the ribs. A bright blush crept on his cheeks and the two of them argued.
“I’m glad the three of you seem to be getting along well!” A man who resembled the two, only older with a grey streak in his hair smiled. Your mother stood next to him, the sparkly diamond standing out on her hand.
“Let’s get to dinner.”
Somehow you ended up sitting between Tensei and Tenya at the long table. Your parents were too busy being lovestruck teenagers to really pay the three of you any mind, and you ate your dinner in awkward silence until Tensei began speaking.
“Y/N, I hope you like your bedroom here! It’s on the top floor but it’s between both mine and Tenya’s so if you ever need your big brothers, we are right next door!”
You giggled, “Thank you. I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.”
Tenya nodded solemnly, “It’s our duty as older brothers to protect you! We will take this responsibility seriously!” 
You bit back a laugh. “Thank you Tenya. I already feel very welcome and safe.”
The three of you continued talking and soon, dinner was over. Both of the brothers insisted you head up to your room as they cleaned up, and your parents headed to their room which was thankfully, in another wing of the house.
You made your way up the stairs and opened the door that Tensei had directed you to and it was very...pink. There were pink lilies on the nightstand and a huge baby pink comforter on the bed surrounded by fluffy pastel pillows. A white vanity sat in the corner with a matching chair and white and pink dressers stood against the wall.
You supposed they were really glad to have a little sister and you smiled at the card that your new older brothers signed. You pulled your overnight bag open and searched for clothes to sleep in. The rest of your stuff would be arriving tomorrow, so you were stuck wearing shorts a little too small and a tank top that left very little to the imagination. You looked in the mirror. Maybe you could ask Tensei for a shirt to cover up, As if reading your mind, a knock at the door interrupted your thoughts.
“I just came by to…say goodnight!” Tensei’s eyes trailed down, before he blinked and looked back at your face. You could see his ears reddening and crossed your arms in an attempt to hide your cleavage.
“Um, actually I was wondering if I could borrow a shirt, Tensei? I’m so sorry, it seems that I haven’t worn this in a lot longer than I thought.” You laughed nervously.
Tensei straightened up.
“Of course! I’ll uh, be right back!” He sped off and returned with a large grey t-shirt that you immediately threw on over yourself. As you pulled it over yourself, you didn’t see Tensei’s eyes roam down your exposed legs. You turned to him. “Thank you so much Tensei. Sweet dreams!” You said, giving him a tight hug. He nodded and headed back to his room, passing Tenya in the hallway. Tenya gave him a curious look and Tensei just returned a tight-lipped smile before locking his door and collapsing on his bed, his cock straining against his boxers. 
The next morning you woke up refreshed and wanting to thank your new brothers for their hospitality. You headed out to the hall to see if they were awake. You opened the door to see Tenya standing there.
"Hey! I was just looking for you! Good morning Tenya." You smiled at him. 
"Good morning." He said looking at you curiously. "Is that Tensei's shirt?" 
You looked down and gave a sheepish grin. 
"Oh! Yes, I had another shirt on but it was a little too small so he let me borrow this last night."  
Tenya had an unreadable look on his face. You cocked your head to the side.
"Um...so anyway, I was wondering if you wanted breakfast? I wanted to show my appreciation for the warm welcome to my new brothers and I love to cook so it's my pleasure." You smiled at him. He opened his mouth, as if to say something, then just nodded.
"Uh...thank you, Y/N that would be wonderful. I'll show you around the kitchen." He said, placing a hand on your shoulder. He pulled back. "Apologies!"
You laughed.
"Tenya, please. We live together. I want you to feel comfortable around me!" You pulled him into a hug, your face in his chest.
Tenya's heart raced and he prayed you couldn't feel his growing erection. You were so soft and smelled so good and fuck you looked incredible in those tiny shorts, though he felt a strange pang of jealousy over you wearing his brother's shirt.
She's your sister. Your little sister. That's disgusting and disgraceful.  
His head raced with thoughts and he felt so ashamed but the taboo aspect fueled the fire burning inside him. 
You pulled away, looking up at him with those beautiful bright eyes. His heart thumped in his ears.
"Oh, good morning!" 
Tensei's door swung open. He stood shirtless in a pair of red flannel pajama pants and neither of the brothers missed how your eyes were drawn to his muscular chest before you composed yourself.
Tenya glared at Tensei, who gave an easygoing smile in return.
"I hope you slept well, little sister." Tensei asked you. You nodded and thanked him again for the shirt.
"I hope you're hungry. I'm making breakfast." You grinned as the three of you headed to the kitchen. Tensei chuckled.
"That sounds wonderful Y/N. Do you need any help?" 
You shook your head. "Nope! Let me treat you both as a thank you. I've always wanted older brothers to make food for and dote on." You giggled. "Maybe I watch too much anime but I always loved that idea."
Both brothers sat at the island in the kitchen watching you as you flitted about grabbing ingredients and utensils to use. You reached for a box of flour on a high shelf and your shorts ran up even higher, giving them an eyeful of the curve of your ass. Tensei bit his lip, and Tenya cleared his throat. "Allow me!"
You spun around, "No way! I told you. I can handle making my brother's breakfast!" You turned back to the cabinet, jumping up to reach. 
Even though you had Tensei's shirt on, your breasts jiggled and bounced with each jump, and you made soft panting noises as you attempted to pull the box down. Both of them were grateful for the island that prevented you from seeing their cocks fully aroused now.
You, having finally gotten everything you needed, turned away from them again as you began to cook on the stovetop. Tensei had finally had enough. As you talked about whatever it was you were talking about, he slipped his cock over the waistband of his pants, palming it slowly. You just looked so fucking nice, and for a moment Tensei could see you as his cute little housewife and not his innocent little sister.
Or maybe it turned him on more to think of you as both...fuck what was the matter with him? He couldn’t think about it too long as he had more pressing matters at hand, literally.
Neither you nor Tenya seemed to notice he was preoccupied and you continued joking and laughing. Suddenly you whipped around to face him. His hand froze on his cock and he coughed to cover his discomfort. 
“Tensei, how do you like your eggs?”, You asked innocently, completely oblivious to the death grip he had on his cock underneath the island.
“Uh...erm, anyway is fine! I’m sure they’ll be delicious if you cooked them.” He stammered out, praying you didn’t continue the conversation. You smiled, and turned to ask Tenya his preferences. Once Tensei was sure you were distracted, he slowly pumped his hand up and down his cock again. Precum leaked from the tip and knowing you could catch him, knowing you were less than 5 feet from him, only fueled his arousal. What would you do if you caught him? Would you be disgusted and upset? Or would you offer to help, offer to take care of your big brother?
God he was so close, so close imagining your hands wrapped around him, your beautiful face looking up at him, so sweetly, so innocently –
“NHGG!” he groaned, shoving his cock in his pants as his cum spilled over his hand. He could feel the fabric spreading his seed all over his cock and he felt uncomfortably sticky.
“Are you okay, big brother?” Your eyes were wide with worry. He turned to face both you and Tenya. 
“Y-yes! Sorry, muscle cramp in my leg. Happens sometimes, Sorry!” He smiled reassuringly as the cold fabric stuck to his softening cock. You still looked worried and he flashed you a bright grin. “I promise, I’m fine.”
You nodded and turned back to the food. Tensei met Tenya’s stare, the younger man’s eyes narrowed to slits. 
Oblivious, you plated the food. 
“Let’s eat!”
The three of you navigated your new sibling relationship as well as possible. You loved your new older brothers and fussed over them daily, cooking for them and doting over them any time they were home. Your mom and stepdad, seeing how well the three of you got along, often left the three of you home while they jetted to far off countries on lavish vacations.
The boys loved the attention from you. Their packed lunches, your soft hands rubbing their shoulders or playing with their hair as they laid on the couch after a long day. You were so sweet and beautiful as you flitted around the house, cooking dinner or doing chores. And those days where they would come home to find you lounging by the pool outside? Your tiny swimsuit leaving little to the imagination? Well those were just bonuses.
Those nights, as you slept soundly in your bed, on the other side of the wall, Tenya gripped his cock tightly. Your curves ran through his mind and he spat on his throbbing cock as he thought about you. Your soft touches and giggles replayed in his head. Thoughts of when the two of you were alone and you’d curl up against him on the couch as you watched a movie, or fell asleep on his chest. You trusted him so much to protect you and love you like an older brother should and here he was, fantasizing about stretching your sweet little pussy on his cock, about making you cry out his name. 
Fuck, or when your cute little voice rang out each morning, “Good morning big brother!”. He wanted to hear you scream for him, beg your big brother to fuck you harder. He wanted to ruin you and make you his. He panted as he picked up speed, fucking his hand. His hips jerked and he was so close. 
A noise came from your room, a soft mewl. Tenya pressed his ear to the wall. He could hear movement and another soft sigh. Were you touching yourself too? Were you imagining his cock filling you up? He strained to hear and made out your cute little breaths and another low moan. His eyes rolled back and he groaned as his cum shot over his abs and chest. He listened to hear if you were awake and heard nothing more from your room. Sighing, he reached to his nightstand to clean himself.
Days passed and you had been in an exceptionally good mood. At first, Tensei and Tenya both thought you were just in a good mood. But they started to notice you looking at your phone more, giggling and blushing at the screen. When they would ask, you would mumble “nothing” as you typed a response. You also spent more days out of the house than usual, saying you were spending time with friends or running errands. Finally one night, as the three of you sat at the table, you spoke up.
“I met a guy.”
Tenya’s fork clattered to his plate and Tensei gritted his teeth.
“His name is Kaito. He’s really sweet and really cute. He wants to take me out to dinner this week but I wanted him to meet you two first.” You smiled, looking up at your older brothers who were glaring daggers at their food.
Tenya spoke first.
“Where did you meet this man?”, he asked, his eyes burning a whole into the tablecloth.
“At the store as I was getting some groceries. He helped carry my bags to the car.” Your eyes flickered to both your brothers, confused at the tension in the air.
“So this man just picks up women at the grocery store?”, Tensei asked, his tone cold.
Your skin prickled.
“What? No, of course not. He saw I was struggling and offered to help me. Then we got to talking and…”
Tenya looked at you, his eyebrows furrowed.
“If you are having difficulty getting groceries, Tensei or I will join you so these men don’t prey on you. What if he had followed you home? Or attacked you in the car?”
You squeezed your eyes shut. How was this the conclusion they were reaching?
“Nothing happened! And clearly he is a nice man, as he wants to meet you and take me out.” Your voice wavered as 2 pairs of navy eyes stared you down.
“Is this who you’ve been texting?”, Tensei interrupted you.
You looked at him questioningly,
“Why does it matter who I’m–”
“ANSWER THE QUESTION.” Tenya’s hand slammed on the table.
Your lip trembled. Fighting back tears, you whispered. “Yes.”
Tensei looked exasperated. Closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose, he reached out to you and you flinched.
“We are just worried about you. You’re our sweet little sister and we want to make sure no one hurts you ever.”
Tenya reached out to your other arm.
“I apologize, dear sister. I just want you to be safe and unharmed.”
You stared blankly at the table, before turning from both of them and walking to your room, slamming the door.
As your phone buzzed on the couch that night, it wasn’t too difficult for your older brothers to figure out your password. And it was even easier to find this Kaito guy online and threaten him until he agreed to cut contact with you.
After all, your big brothers would always protect you.
The next day, as you read and re-read the messages from Kaito, your heart broke. You curled up against your older brothers on the couch. 
“You were right.” You sobbed into Tensei’s shoulder, Tenya’s chest pressed against your back. “I should have never argued with you two.”
The boys held you close between them. 
“Shh, it’s okay. We’ll take care of you. Your big brothers are here for you.” Tenya pressed his lips to your hair as Tensei pulled you into his chest. You could hear his heartbeat through his thin shirt. You felt Tenya rub soft soothing circles on your back and you sniffled, turning so you could face both of them.
“I’m..*hic* sorry for being *hic* so emotional.” You choked out, rubbing your eyes. You blinked and both boys looked at you. They both had such adoration in their eyes and looked at you like you hung the moon. You knew they would always be there for you.
You kissed Tensei on the cheek and turned, kissing Tenya on the cheek. Both boys blushed furiously and your breath caught in your throat as they each pressed a kiss to your cheeks, slightly closer to your lips. 
Maybe it was the overwhelming emotions that filled you right now, or maybe it was always there, lying dormant inside of you. But you felt a tingle in your core and pressed another soft kiss to Tenya’s face, this time ghosting the edge of his lips before placing an identical one to Tensei.
Your body stilled as you waited to see what they would do. Tensei looked in your eyes before pressing his lips to yours. Your hand clutched at his shirt as he licked your lip. You opened your mouth to him and he hungrily tasted you. You broke apart, and Tenya took this opportunity to pull you towards him.
He slammed his lips to yours as Tensei kissed down your neck and collarbone. Where Tensei was confident in his kisses, Tenya was desperate. You moaned into Tenya’s mouth as Tensei bit a particularly sensitive spot on your neck. Your bodies were so close and you could feel Tenya’s erection through his pants, pressing against your thigh.
You pulled back. 
“We shouldn’t...I’m so sorry, this is…” You stammered,
Tensei kissed your temple and Tenya pressed his hand to your cheek.
“Let us take care of you, little sister. Let your big brothers make it all better.” 
Flustered you gave in to your body and continued reaching down, palming Tenya through his slacks. You felt his body shiver as you ran your fingers up and down the shaft. Pulling away from both of them you pulled off your sweater, revealing your body to them. Their cocks ached so much for you, and seeing you like this, in a way they had only imagined, turned them feral.
Tensei tugged at your legs, pushing you onto your back. You looked up at your big brothers and your eyes widened.
“You’re so beautiful.” Tensei whispered, his fingers tracing your belly. Tenya nodded, his eyes trained on your breasts in the lacy white bra you wore. He slid the strap down your shoulder and when you didn’t protest, unhooked the clasp in the front. Your breasts spilled out and he ran his fingers over your hardening nipples.
Tensei tugged down your legging and panties and you were naked before them, looking like a sweet lamb between two hungry wolves. He pressed a kiss to your lower belly, and you whimpered. His cerulean eyes met yours and you gave a soft nod for him to keep going. His lips met your folds and he lapped at your slit hungrily. Your hips bucked involuntarily and you could feel his grin against you.
“Easy now sweetheart, your big brother is going to take care of you.” His hands pressed your hips down firmly as he continued to devour your cunt.
Your eyes rolled back and you met Tenya’s eager eyes. His erection was pressing painfully through his pants and you tugged at the fabric, silently begging for him. He threw off his slacks and you could see the wet mark on the front of his boxers. Running your fingers over it, you opened your mouth and looked at him expectantly.
That was all it took. Tenya slid his boxers off, pressing the head of his dick against your soft lips. You gave kitten licks, staring into his eyes as best you could as you were still being tantalized by Tensei’s tongue. Tenya let out a grunt as you continued to tease his cock, slowly taking it deeper into your mouth. Tensei plunged his tongue deep inside you and you let out a loud moan around Tenya.
“F-fuck...so good, princess.” Tenya choked out, pulling you closer onto his cock. You felt yourself getting closer to climax as Tensei flicked his tongue over your clit. You gasped around Tenya’s thick member and he used this opportunity to push himself deeper down your throat. Stars danced in your eyes and your thighs strained under Tensei’s grip.
“That’s it baby girl, cum all over your big brother’s face.”
His lewd words, the taboo nature of it all, and the helplessness you felt as you choked on Tenya’s cock and were being held down by Tensei...you cried out as you gushed all over Tensei’s face. 
“Mmm….that’s it sweetheart.” Tensei murmured as he guzzled down your arousal. Your eyes fluttered and you whimpered as you Tenya lazily fucked your face.
Tensei looked at Tenya and wordlessly, the brothers switched places and you were flipped onto your knees. Tenya’s thick cock was pressed against your entrance and you gulped at how big it felt. He ran his hands over your hips.
“Shh...be a sweet little sister for your brothers.” 
Tensei’s cock was in front of your mouth and he tapped it on your mouth. You parted your lips and both brothers slid inside you. You gasped at the stretch and tried to turn your head towards Tenya, but Tensei gripped your face, and you swirled your tongue around his cock. 
“So tight...god...such a perfect little girl.” Tenya groaned, his fingertips digging into your skin. Tensei tugged your hair as he plunged deeper into your mouth. You bounced between the brother’s cocks as they worshipped your body, praising you for being their good girl.
“So beautiful, Y/N. You’re so good to us.” Tensei whispered.
You could feel Tenya’s thrusts getting sloppier as he pounded into you faster and faster. He pulled your arms behind your back, so you were at their mercy. Tensei’s cock was slamming the back of your throat, and Tenya was fucking you so deep you felt like you were going to pass out. Your limbs felt like jelly and the only thing holding you upright was the sheer force of them fucking you from each end.
“Fuck fuck fuck fuck...gonna cum.” Tenya breathed out, his grip on you was almost painful and your arms were sore from how hard he tugged on them. Tensei seemed to be reaching his peak too, as his breaths were becoming ragged. You swallowed around his cock and he let out a deep groan, spilling his seed down your throat. You clenched around Tenya and he swore as he shot ropes of hot cum deep inside you. The twitching of his cock set you off and your muscles clenched as you whimpered out. You felt like sparks were fluttering from your nerves and the boys held you as you came down from your high. 
Your eyes closed and you could only faintly feel them cleaning you up and someone carrying you to your bed. Your hands reached out and you felt the bed shift as each man climbed into your pink bed on either side of you.
Content, you fell asleep between your big brothers.
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moonbeam-writing · 3 years
Hi, could you make a Karma x Reader (she/her) Soulmate Au, in which Karma is in denial that the reader is his soulmate but gets heavily jealous and clingy when she shows any liking to anyone other then him but the reader is completely oblivious to all of this because she doesn’t even know that they’re soulmates. (P.s. love your stuff. If this is too much you can ignore it)
— Denial
๑ Requested by a lovely Anon!
๑ Characters: Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom)
๑ Quick Note: Thank you so much for the request, dear! And I promise, it wasn’t too much, like, at all. Honestly, more descriptive requests are super helpful, so thank you!
๑ Warnings: None!
๑ Word Count: 1,063
Karma fought the urge to frown at seeing his soulmate with another person. It would be one thing if she knew how Karma felt, but she didn’t, making his current situation worse. Karma had never been able to handle things that bothered him that he could have prevented. Especially not after being teased by Koro-Sensei after he let his ego get the best of him, but he wasn’t about to dwell on that of all things right now.
When Karma discovered that he and (Y/N) were soulmates, Karma couldn’t believe it. The tiny, mindless doodles that appeared on his arm almost put him into a state of shock, especially after realizing why they had looked so familiar. He had been seeing her mindlessly scribble on most available and safe spaces for years; there was no way he wouldn’t recognize them. That being said, there was no way he could believe or accept that (Y/N) (L/N) was his soulmate; there was no way.
His denial was rather deep rooted. On one hand, Karma just couldn’t believe she was his soulmate, let alone that he had a soulmate at all. They were just opposites enough to be good friends, but not a pair that anyone could see working romantically. On the other hand, however, some little part in his mind figured that everyone needed someone. The more he thought about it, the more of a headache it gave him, much like the current situation the Akabane boy found himself in.
Karma hated feeling jealous when it came to (Y/N); despite being soulmates, she wasn’t “his” and even then, (Y/N) was her own person and she made sure that everyone knew it. Granted, the two had only acknowledged the fact that they were soulmates on a surface level basis; they knew and that was pretty much that. (Y/N) had admitted her feelings to him, sure, but she also said that they could take things at his speed. (Y/N) was just glad that she had Karma in her life; soulmates weren’t always romantic, anyway. She made sure that Karma kept that in mind.
It was enough to make Karma swoon. Not that he would, but it definitely made him feel like he could. (Y/N) just cared so much about him and it made him feel so special. Karma couldn’t fathom how on Earth he got lucky enough to have (Y/N) as his soulmate. He just couldn’t bring himself to believe it.
He watched as a classmate occupied (Y/N)’s attention with who knows what and grabbed a fine tip marker from his pocket. He desperately wanted the girl’s attention, but it felt weird to him considering their current position. He hated feeling like things had changed between them, especially since the logical part of his brain was very aware that nothing had really changed at all.
Karma saw the little wiggle her wrist did when she felt the words pop up and held back a laugh. She wasn’t as used to it as he was by this point. He had written a small note that told her he had important news and from the moment he started writing, his stomach felt like it dropped. Karma watched (Y/N) politely excuse herself from the conversation she was stuck in and start walking his way.
“Hey, Karma.” Though Karma loved her smile, it seemed to just make him a bit more nervous. “Should I be scared about this news? Because I can never be too sure with you, haha.” Her slight teasing only added to his swarming thoughts.
“No, not this time.” Karma forced a small wink. “Any chance that guy asked you out, because that would totally screw this up.” Asking that question messed up Karma’s original plan of just jumping into what he wanted to say, but he knew it was too late to take back what he said.
(Y/N) raised a confused eyebrow. “He didn’t, no. Even if he did, I would have turned him down. Are you doing okay?”
“Of course I am!” Karma’s natural confidence, or rather cockiness, came back in what felt like full force. He had no idea what was going on. “Anyway, I know I said that this was important, so I’ll try to make it quick.” Everyone was starting to clear out of the classroom and Karma was almost positive that (Y/N) had something to do.
“Okay, shoot.”
It was now or never, and Karma was starting to wish that it was never. “So, the soulmate thing,” he started. “I’ve been thinking a lot about it lately, and seeing you with other people finally knocked some sense into me. I, uh, our feelings towards each other are mutual. Assuming you still like me romantically, that is. After a few months of watching people actively try to grab your attention, I totally get it if you want our bond to stay platonic.” Karma felt like he needed to hide due to embarrassment. He’d never hated himself more and he couldn’t bring himself to even meet her eyes.
(Y/N)’s soft laughter reached Karma’s ears and only then did he look at her. Her laugh was free from any kind of malice and he couldn’t help but feel relieved. 
“Any chance you might have been a bit jealous, Karma?” This was probably the most smug Karma had ever seen her and he wasn’t sure how to feel about it. 
“Never.” He immediately answered. His tone may have been confident, but the red at the tips of his ears gave him away. “I never get jealous.” He saw (Y/N) roll her eyes, but ignored it. “That being said, I love you and still want you in my life, no matter which way you’re stuck with me.”
“You’re right; I would be stuck with you, but I love you too. Figured you would have figured that out by the ‘I would have turned him down’ statement, but I’ll take what I can get.” (Y/N)’s tone was teasing once again as she reached for his hand like she had done hundreds of times before.
“I may not have been jealous like you think I was,” Karma teased back, “but I can admit that I was nervous.” He paused for a moment. “And maybe kind of in denial for a bit.”
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chuckbass-love · 3 years
hii! I have a request for prompt 71 with Andy or ransom ☺️
Hey lovely, thank you so much for waiting this long for me to post this and i really hope you enjoy reading it just as much as i enjoyed writing it.
Prompt #71: "I'm gonna fuck you in front of the mirror, i want you to see how pretty you look when you're spreading your legs for me"
Disclaimer: My work is not to be translated or to be posted anywhere else other than MY Tumblr, Wattpad and Ao3 without my permission. However, reblogs are welcome.
Pairing: Andy Barber x Fem!Reader
Warning: Swearing, unprotected sex, rough sex, ass spanking, vagina spanking, oral (f receiving), orgasm denial, daddy kink, breeding kink and angst.
Word Count: 3,486
GIF NOT MINE!!! Credit to @sergeantbuckybarnes go check them out💜
In The Mirror
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Standing in the middle of the master bedroom, you start to fold the freshly washed clothes before putting them away neatly in the closet. You start off by putting shirts away, Andy’s and then yours before moving on to jeans. Sometimes you wonder how he even has the room for his own clothes since you take up the majority of the space. But you just put that down to shopping trips he's so insistent on treating you to.
As you’re just finishing up, you hear the front door open before it slams shut so hard that the anger fuelling the slam of it can be felt even upstairs where you are.
Looks like Andy is finally home...
You decide to finish up with what you’re currently doing, taking your time before approaching your husband with caution. It was probably another run in with Neil, something you’ve grown accustom to dealing with ever since you met him. Doesn’t mean you don’t run out of ways to handle it occasionally though, your best option is to just allow him to vent before you distract him. Usually distracting him requires an old movie and takeout but other times it requires rough and needy sex.
“Andy” you call out as you pad down the stairs and into the kitchen, only to find him practically chugging a beer way to quickly. It must be bad if he couldn’t even wait until dinner to drink alcohol.
“You know sometimes i think why do i even bother going to work. I mean, Lynn sure seems to enjoy screwing me over for that fucking prick Neil and i’ve had just about enough of it”
Okay, now he’s really angry. You have no idea what to do or even what to say to him, you’re rendered speechless by his cursing and boiling temper.
“I was just about to make dinner, uh, lasagne perhaps. Or maybe we could order takeout again and rent that movie you were telling me about. It’s up to y-“
“Did you not listen to a goddam word i said? I don’t give a shit about dinner, do whatever. I’m going to take a shower” his decibels rise, his tone scolding as he storms past you and up the stairs taking two at a time until he reaches the top. You hear his heavy footsteps stomping to the bedroom and then suddenly it all turns quiet until the shower water starts to run.
Rather than leaving him to cool off, you decide to head up to check on him.
In a way, he was right. You practically ignored his annoyed state and changed the subject, in fact you couldn’t have changed it fast enough. But that’s only because you didn’t know what to say. When he gets like that, there’s not a lot you can say.
“Andy, i’m sorry” you squeak, stepping into the master bedroom to find him stood with his back to you as he removes his dress shirt and tie. His back muscles tense as he stands still for a second before turning around and tossing his clothes to the floor before starting on his belt.
“Andy” you mumble, desperate for him to acknowledge you.
“What?” he snaps, slipping out of all clothes until he’s in nothing but his birthday suit, his impressive size dangling between his legs.
“I’m sor-“
“I heard you”
You gently step closer to him, examining his face for any tell tale signs of discomfort before you rest your hand on his right forearm, “please, just talk to me. What happened today?”
“Like you care, all you seemed to give a shit about was dinner, so how about you go focus on that like a good little house wife and leave me to deal with the tough shit... does that sound like a deal?”
“That’s not fair, Andy. I didn’t know what to say to you, that’s all. You’ve had that many run ins with Neil lately that i lose sight of how to help you. But i’m here now, just talk to me. Tell me what i can do to make it better”
His hand pulls from your touch, but before you can even understand what’s going on you’re back is already touching his toned tatted chest. His arms rest on your shoulders, keeping you pressed against him.
“Well, there is one thing...” he starts, moving your hair to the other side of your neck, freeing up some skin for him to feast on. His mouth nears closer, his hot breath fanning you torturously as his nose nudges at you. That’s when you feel his hands fiddle with the hem of your shirt teasingly, slowly lifting it up your torso with ease. You lift your arms in the air, allowing him to remove it before he discards it behind him without a care.
“Such a beautiful body, honey. Be a shame to waste it fretting away about dinner in that kitchen” you gulp in response, feeling his lips barely grazing the nape of your neck, the action causes a shiver to dance down your spine as his beard scratches you.
“Andy” your voice is nothing but a breathless whimper as you turn to face him, his hands instantly rest on your waist at the band of your booty shorts. Of course when he tugs at them, you know what he’s after now and you also know that no matter what you do or say, he’ll take it regardless.
He drops down to his knees, surrendering to your body and dragging your shorts down your legs as he sinks to the floor. You step out of them for him, even going as far as to kick them to one side before he pushes you back to the wall.
The palm of his hand gives your calf a soft squeeze as the other lifts your leg up to drape over his shoulder, your aching sex on show for his lustful orbs to focus on. The insatiable hunger is starting to drown out his mind, body and soul, he’s incapable of thinking of anything else but you, craving anything else but you.
He’s starving, desperate to taste you.
A couple more minutes pass with him peppering kisses along your ankle at first before moving up to your calf and then your thigh. You try to push him away due to the sensitivity there but he only forces you off him, he’s so much stronger than you could ever be and you know now that you’ve lost.
He presses another chaste kiss to your bundle of nerves before pausing and feeling your body react to his touch. Your shaking body begs to be worshipped and devoured whilst he begs to drink and breathe you in like you’re his only lifeline.
“Smell so good” he coos, poking his tongue out to give your clit a kitten lick as his nose nudges at your mound, the action causes you to roll your eyes to the back of your head. Whatever you did to deserve this agonising torture, you will make sure to never do it again. This is teasing at its peak.
“Please, Andy. I need you”
“Oh you’ll have me, alright” his response is quick yet snappy as he dives into you. His mouth latches onto your sex aggressively, sucking, slurping and biting. His beard scratching your inner thighs and it's sure to leave a burn there.
The tip of his tongue points all the more as he winds it around your clit rapidly and even with one hand gripping your hips roughly whilst the other strokes your leg up and down before settling on your ass, you still feel unsteady as if the smallest wave of pleasure could knock you to the floor.
His mouth right where you want him comes and goes as he takes breaks in between to come up for air, but right when you feel yourself getting lost in the feeling, it comes to a complete halt.
You glance down at him, eyelids heavy, chest rising and falling, only to find him rising to his feet.
“What the hell, Andy?” you ask, your entire body heating up.
“You sound angry” he cocks his head to the side as he grazes his hand across your hardened nipple.
“I am”
“Now, that’s exactly how i felt when i came home. Yet instead of comforting me like a good little wife should do, you made me feel worse. So therefore, you don’t deserve to cum”
What the hell is wrong with him tonight?
He shoots you a wink before padding into the bathroom, the shower water still running and steaming up all of the mirrors in your eye-line until he closes the door, locking it to prevent you from entering and leaving you standing there perplexed at his actions.
He did all of that on purpose. He built you up to the edge of ecstasy before leaving you to come crashing down all alone, all in the name of proving a point.
You reach for your robe off the hook on the bedroom door before storming out, brimming with frustration as you make a start on the dinner. Lasagne will do for tonight.
You prep it as fast as you can whilst the oven preheats to the correct temperature before putting it in and setting the timer. Now you can relax.
As soon as you throw yourself down onto the couch and flick the tv on, you hear the bathroom door open. You’re almost certain that he expected you to wait for him like a lost puppy dog but you refuse to play into his petty games of revenge. All because you didn’t comfort him. It was silly and unnecessary.
So for now, you’ll indulge in some reality television whilst you wait for dinner to cook and if there’s one thing that’s for certain, it’s that you are most definitely not putting out for him tonight. No matter what he says or how much he sweet talks you. It’s not good enough for him to treat you like that.
Whatever Neil did or said, that’s a work problem.
Andy can’t believe his eyes when he comes back into the bedroom only to find it empty. He wraps his white towel around his waist, covering up his modesty before heading out into the hallway and down the stairs. As he reaches the bottom of them, he spots you watching tv in the lounge, giggling away at whatever The Kardashian family are doing now, but whatever it is, he doesn’t care.
Instead of leaving you be, he stomps over “what do you think you’re doing?” he inquires, voice bellowing more than he intended “i’m waiting for the lasagne to cook, it’s in the oven. Enjoy your shower, honey?” you probe sarcastically, a rhetorical question. However your sarcasm infuriates him further as he picks you up with ease.
“Andy, put me down. NOW” you shout, kicking your legs and slapping his upper back as he drapes you over like you weigh nothing.
“Dinner is in the oven” you remind him, desperate to avoid burning it. But that’s when he puts you down before walking over to the kitchen and turning the oven off.
Your eyes widen as he approaches you once again, picking you up and carrying you up the stairs, taking them two at a time as he always does.
“Andy” you groan until he places you back onto your own two feet, his hands practically rip your robe off to expose your naked body before he does the same to the towel covering his manhood up.
“I’ll tell you what’s about to happen, honey and you’re going to listen” he informs you, stepping closer and moving you to stand in front of the mirror. You correct your abysmal posture as you look back at him in the mirror. A sinister glint in his eyes becomes crystal clear as a wicked grin graces his handsome face. His beard full, his hair still wet from the shower as droplets of water drip down his chest.
“I’m gonna fuck you in front of the mirror, i want you to see how pretty you look when you’re spreading your legs for me” the pure filth has you holding your breath in shock before exhaling dramatically.
He’s always been kinky but sometimes he still manages to leave you shocked. Although it’s times like these that you love him the most, the whines and whimpers he draws from you so effortlessly, the way he causes your body to tremble raggedly and most of all the way your entire world stops turning as he brings you to that cliff edge, pushing you off of it with his two large menacing hands.
He kicks your legs apart further before pulling your arms to the back of you. He hooks his arm inside of them to prevent you from moving away from him whilst his other hand massages your puffy petal like folds before circling your dripping entrance.
Once his tip is resting directly at the tight hole, he proceeds to move forward, the skin around your entrance catching onto him as your walls welcome him inside.
“Oh, fuckkk” he draws out the word, groaning and gasping for air as he drives home, the feeling overwhelming you to the limit.
How can one man have such a firm and tight grip on you like this?
How did you end up here, unable to utter out a single word as his pace picks up before he’s fucking into you so violently, snapping his hips with no signs of slowing down.
“Keep your eyes on yourself, honey, do as i say” he warns, and the moment you look up at him, you see the darkness and it causes you to look away, focusing back on yourself just like he instructed you to do.
The feeling of his cock dragging along your walls so fast is enough to cause the knot in your stomach to tighten painfully. The pleasure is almost too intense to bare, too much for your fragile body to handle. Yet you continue to take it, allowing him to fuck away his anger, channeling it into this moment.
His arm and hand tightens around your arms, holding you in place as he keeps his sights on you, watching as your mouth hangs open in the perfect O shape. Fuck, you look perfect like this with him bending you to his will, using you for the sole purpose of his pleasure and his pleasure only.
How did he get so lucky to be graced with you’re beauty?
The harder he snaps his hips into you, the more the coil tightens and the all too familiar feeling builds all the more inside of you. An ongoing reminder of your impending orgasm.
“Andy, i-i’m gonna c-cum” you tell him, begging for him to allow you the privilege of releasing, the privilege of creaming all over his rock hard cock.
A dark chuckle erupts from his throat, mocking your pleas for a release before tutting at you, the torment continuing.
“Please” you beg once again, only to be reprimanded with the harsh sting of his hand landing on your ass cheek “keep your eyes on the mirror, honey. You’ll come when i tell you to, quit being a brat”
The need to release is almost unbearable, tears of pleasure welling in your eyes and drowning out your vision before you blink, allowing them to stream down your innocent looking face for him to see. It only spurs him on more as he moves his free hand in from of you, kicking your legs further apart before smacking down on your sex brutally. Your body jerks in response before somewhat relaxing at the feel of him rubbing briskly at your pulsating clit.
“That’s it, honey. Taking that cock so fucking well”
“I need to c-cum, A-Andy” your voice trembles frantically in hopes of him taking pity upon you.
“Shhh, baby. Just let daddy fuck the frustration away, gotta fuck it all away” his words are pure filth but his tone is gentle and needy. He just wants to take his anger out on your body, channel it into something.
You can imagine that with the field of work he’s in that he finds it hard to keep his cool with Neil every day. Which is a shame because they used to be close.
Granted that was back when Neil first started and Andy mentored him, whipped him into shape and taught him everything he knows. And Neil is a better lawyer because of it. However, it also means that he’s just rude, obnoxious and cocky towards Andy, pushing him to the edge and taunting him a little more every day.
“Hold yourself back for daddy, you’ll cum when i give you permission to. Is that clear, honey?”
“Yes” you mumble, barely audible.
“What was that?”
“I mean, yes daddy” you correct, watching his eyes intently, searching for any sign of him letting up his tight hold and hard thrusts.
“Good girl, being so perfect for daddy and taking this fucking like a pro, huh?”
“Yes daddy”
Your eyes glaze over as you struggle to keep yourself in tact, the hold you have on your orgasm is slipping from your control slowly but surely and you know that if he doesn’t give you the go ahead soon then you’ll end up breaking the rules.
Something that will surely earn you a painful punishment.
“God, fuck. I’m gonna cum, you gonna cum with me, honey?” he asks, gasping. You throw your head back onto his chest, arching your back into him further. You nod your head as quickly as you can as you feel your knees turning weak.
“Count down with me”
“10’ you say in unison, his fingers rubbing furiously at your sex.
“9” the sound of your skin slapping together bounces off of the walls.
“8” the feel of his mouth latching onto the sweet spot on your neck, pearly white teeth sinking in to mark you up.
“7” the moans he’s eliciting are now flowing out of your mouth uncontrollably.
“6” deep grunts escape him as he pushes you against the mirror, causing your cheek to push up against it.
“5” the feel of him fucking into you tightens the coil for the final time, the feeling agonising.
“4” you scrunch your eyes closed, seeing stars as you arrive at the cliff edge.
“3” you say in unison as his thrusts turn from fast and rough to slow and hard.
“2” his cock twitches inside of you, your walls flutter around him over and over.
“That’s it, baby, cream all over that cock for me”
You let go, body shuttering as you stand up onto your tip toes. His grip on your arms lets up, causing you to fall forward, hands resting on the wall either side of the mirror.
“Oh god” he growls, hands splaying across the soft globes of your ass before he fills you with hot ropes of cum, breeding you unofficially.
He remains seated deep inside of you for a minute or two whilst the two of you struggle to regain control of your breathing, both of your hearts beating so fast that it feels as though they are on the cusp of exploding out of your chest.
“How are you feeling now?” you ask as he pulls out, turning to face him.
“Hungry for Chinese takeout and a night filled with fucking that tight cunt”
“Was that not enough?”
“I’ll never get my fill of you” he says, pulling your naked body flush against his “i want you all of the time and besides, that was just to channel my anger into something. The next time will be to make a baby”
“W-what?” your voice shaky as you raise your eyebrows at him.
“You heard me, i’m gonna spend all night breeding you, honey. Gonna make you all nice and round with my child. Gives me a chance to take my mind of that cunt Neil”
You nod your head, humming your agreement before pressing your lips to his.
Sure, you’ve had chats about kids before but this is the first time he’s openly suggested trying and even after his outburst, your love for him remains.
You can’t wait to spend the night tangled up in the crisp white sheets of your bed, filled with his cum.
General Tags: @deadlymistress24 @coffeebooksandfandom @chris-butt @holtzkinnon @mychemicalimagines @llamadelreyx @haus-of-bitch-talk @buckstaybucky @thewinchestergirl1208 @chrissquares @patzammit @dummiesshort @cevans-fics @americasass91 @toni9 @aaliferous @bradfordmyworld @thereisa8ella @candlefics @yassspose @randomsevans @fanficforfun
Just Chris & Characters Tags: @onetwo3000 @sheofthegarden @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @mrsbbarnesrogers @princess-evans-addict @stxvercgersslut @chris-evanslover @bval-1 @thejemersoninferno @denisemarieangelina @janeyboo @evansphnx12 @dwights-new-plague @whxre4cevans @cherry-gemz
LMK if you want to be added to my tag lists...
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hqbbg · 4 years
pairing: miya osamu x fem!reader
prompt: “I told you to stay still.”
genre: smut
word count: 5.3K (I got carried away, oops)
warnings: 18+, masturbation, some degradation, oral (f!receiving), fingering, some spanking, vaginal & unprotected s3x (make sure you wrap your presents, kids), like 2 seconds of cockwarming, uhm I think that’s it oop
author’s note: I'm back with another Haikyuu!! Headquarters collab piece! check out the master list of everyone else’s works here ✨ I hope y’all enjoy this!
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The air in your room feels thick as you pant helplessly, feeling the familiar ache in your fingers as they begin to cramp up while plunging in and out of your sopping cunt. You feel so close to your own undoing, unable to control your thoughts as they drift to the man whose room is on the other side of your bedroom wall. You can’t help but think that it’s his fingers squelching within your warmth, though you’re sure they would reach much further than yours ever could.
You don’t do this often, touching yourself to the thought of your roommate while he’s out at work or running errands, but lately you’ve been frustrated.
When you had put out an ad for a roommate, you were hesitant. You didn’t have much of a choice, as your last roommate decided to move out in favor of moving in with her boyfriend, leaving you to scramble for a solution in order to continue to afford rent. As a full-time student with a part time job, it would’ve been inconvenient to move out in the middle of the semester, and it seemed reasonable to quickly search for a roommate to help with the bills until your lease was up.
Miya Osamu was hot, to say the least, though it wasn’t the main reason why you ended up choosing him to be your new roommate. On top of having manners and being financially stable, he knew how to cook and respected your space in the apartment. Unfortunately, you’ve been unable to say the same recently. The number of times his room door was cracked open as he changed almost made you consider that he was doing it on purpose, as if encouraging you to take a peek.
As you recall the way his back muscles flexed as he pulled his shirt over his head all those times you’d told yourself that you were just walking by, you let another moan slip past your lips. Your fingers begin to move quicker, toes curling, and you can feel your arm beginning to tire out. Your back arches as your other hand quickly moves to massage your neglected clit, rubbing harsh circles until your vision flashes white.
You fail to hear the front door open and close as your moans continue to fill the room. The memory of seeing Osamu stepping out of the bathroom in a simple pair of grey sweatpants with a towel around his neck is still fresh on your mind. You feel yourself clench around your own fingers as you recall your eyes briefly catching sight of the outline of his cock, the image practically ingrained within you. Too many times have you thought about how it would feel inside of you.
Another moan resonates on the walls and you bite your lip, though it does little to stop you from moaning Osamu’s name. Before you know it, you’re overwhelmed by pleasure and your whole body tenses before it relaxes. Your chest heaves as you lay there, trying to recover from your intense orgasm and you want nothing more than to sleep now. You hardly notice that your door is open.
Over the next few days, you can’t help but feel that something is off with Osamu. Though you aren’t particularly close, you’d like to think that you two have developed some sort of friendship with all the shared meals and evenings spent in the living room just chatting about life.
Did he hear you the other night? There was no way; you made sure to give yourself enough time before he was supposed to come home. Then again, you didn’t hear him come in…
Your cheeks begin to burn at the idea that he’d heard you. You let out a groan as you bury your face in your hands, leaning onto your desk. The little motivation you had to study has effectively disappeared and an unsettling mix of nervousness and shame begins to stir in the pit of your stomach.
Taking a deep breath, you try to push the dreadful thought out of your head and sit upright. An idea suddenly pops into your head and you abruptly stand up. You walk over to your door and poke your head out, scanning the area to locate your roommate. He’s conveniently in the kitchen, snacking on some leftovers he’d brought back from his restaurant the previous night.
“Hey,” you say awkwardly as you step out. He looks over at you and hums in acknowledgement, his mouth full. You decide to go ahead and speak, though your fingers fidget with the hem of your oversized shirt. “You’re not working tomorrow night, right?”
Osamu shakes his head, swallowing his food. “What’s up?”
“Well,” you hesitate, trying to find a way to come off as casually as you can, “I saw this recipe online for some salmon and vegetables, do you wanna be my guinea pig?”
“Sure,” he nods as he shrugs. “What time?”
“Dinner time,” you say, a little too eagerly. “How about seven?”
His lips quirk upwards into a small smile. “Sounds good to me.”
You watch as he takes another bite of his food before you realize you’re staring, clearing your throat.
“Okay, well, have a good night,” you say and quickly scurry back towards your room. Once you shut the door, you release a breath you hadn’t even realized you were holding in. You swiftly move back to your desk, your forgotten notes pushed even further aside as you begin to look for that recipe you’d seen all those weeks ago.
The following day, you make a quick trip to the store to buy ingredients and find yourself nervously counting down the hours and minutes until it’s a reasonable time to start making dinner. You step out of your room to see Osamu already perched on a stool at the small island in the kitchen. He’s slouched over, scrolling through his phone when you walk up. He glances up and greets you with a small smile as you place your phone down near the center of the island countertop.
“Okay, so before I start, I just need to say that I’m definitely not a professional chef in any way,” you say as you move to wash your hands. You can feel his eyes on you as you move around the kitchen, pulling the vegetables from the fridge. You grab the apron hanging on the pantry door and sling it over your head, tying it behind your back.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen ya wear that,” Osamu muses as he leans his cheek on his palm. His elbows are both propped up on the counter and you resist the urge to playfully roll your eyes.
“I have to make sure my shirt doesn’t get dirty,” you say, “it’s one of my favorites.”
He says nothing in response, opting for a light chuckle as you begin to wash the vegetables. Once you finish, you pull out the cutting board in front of him on the other side of the island, placing a carrot in the middle.
You open a cabinet and pull out a knife, giving it a quick rinse before positioning the blade to cut through the vegetable. Placing your fingers on the edge, you lift the knife just slightly.
“Hey, be sure to cats paw,” Osamu pipes up, pointing to the hand that’s on the carrot, “If yer not careful, you’ll knick yourself.”
“Huh?” You blink your eyes at him, trying to prevent yourself from sounding like an idiot.
“Like this,” he says, lifting his hand up and curling his fingers inward into a loose fist. You try not to focus on the veins lining his hands, tearing your eyes away and mimicking his motions. You see him drop his hand from your peripherals and finally attempt to cut into the carrot.
Before you know it, the knife slips from your grasp, making a shallow but clean cut across your index knuckle. You let out a curse and hiss as you drop the knife.
“Whoa, are ya okay?” Osamu stands as you begin to make your way to the sink, blocking your path.
“It hurts, but I’m fine,” you reply, looking at him curiously before glancing at your finger. You examine it for a moment, seeing the familiar crimson begin to bead.
“Let me take a look,” says Osamu, gently grabbing a hold of your wrist. He lifts your hand up closer to his face, his eyebrows slightly creasing as you do your best to resist the blush creeping up to your cheeks. “You should be careful.”
“Well, it’s not like this was intentional,” you grumble, unable to meet his eyes. He sighs softly and you glance at him, opening your mouth to say something. However, your train of thought is  completely derailed when his lips wrap around the small incision.
You feel his warm tongue gently lick around it and you can’t help but stare at the way his lips look around your finger. He catches your eyes and pulls away.
“I used to do this to my brother whenever he’d get hurt or something when we were little,” he says, letting go of your wrist. Your face is burning as you drop your hand back down to your side. “Wait here, I’ll go grab a bandage.”
You nod wordlessly, mind still reeling as you try to figure out and process what exactly had just happened. You watch his retreating figure head towards the bathroom, disappearing for only a moment before resurfacing with a familiar pink wrapper with Hello Kitty’s face scattered across the outside cover, a gift he had received from his brother. He makes his way back over to you, pulling the tabs apart and plucking out the bandaid.
Without prompting, you lift your hand up towards him and watch as he moves your hand towards him with his pinky, wrapping it around your finger.
“There, all patched up. Is that too tight?” He asks, picking up the trash and crumpling it in his fist. You lift your hand up and examine his handiwork, nodding in approval.
“It’s perfect,” you say, feeling your stomach flutter at the self-satisfied smirk that’s found its way onto his face. “I still have to cut the vegetables, though.”
“Hand it over; I’ll do it.” He motions towards the knife.
You pout, making no indication to hand the utensil over to him. “I kind of wanted to cut the vegetables though.”
He raises a brow at you. “Are ya sure? Ya already butchered yer first chance; I don’t want blood all over my kitchen.”
“Your kitchen, huh?”
Osamu shrugs. “I hardly see ya in here, so it might as well be.”
“So are you gonna help me or not?” You raise a brow and choose to ignore his statement as you cross the kitchen to grab your phone, pulling up the recipe to skim through the instructions before placing it back down. “I’m supposed to Juliette these vegetables.”
Osamu stays quiet for a moment. “Do ya mean julienne?”
“Yeah, same thing,” you wave your hand dismissively, walking back over to the cutting board. You pick up the discarded knife, giving it a quick rinse. Upon returning to your original spot at the island, your hands position themselves once again, curling your fingers like Osamu had previously shown you.
“Wait, yer gonna end up hurting yourself again,” he says as he walks up behind you. “How thin are ya trying to cut this?”
“About this much,” you reply, positioning the knife towards the edge of the carrot.
“Okay, first things first,” he says as he wraps his arms around you. Your eyes widen as you feel his chest press against your back, his hands moving to hold yours. “Ya have to cut it in half and get a flat surface.”
He grabs your hand holding the knife and moves it to the middle of the carrot, wrapping his thick and long fingers around the handle, completely swallowing yours. He ensures that his grip is stable before pressing down, the blade making a sharp cut.
“Okay, so now that ya have this, ya said ya want to make them look like noodles, right?”
You can only nod your head, afraid that your voice will crack if you choose to speak. Your head feels fuzzy, your senses overwhelmed by the scent of his musky cologne hitting your nose and the way his strong arms continue to guide you. The heat radiating off his chest envelops you in an oddly comforting embrace and something about it feels very domestic. You try hard to keep your knees from buckling under you, shifting your weight between your feet. You immediately tense when you accidentally press your backside against his hips.
Briefly scanning the island countertop, you see that his phone is on the other side where he’d originally left it when you began cooking and try to ignore the sinful thoughts threatening to infiltrate your mind.
“Makes sense?” Osamu says, his lips dangerously close to your ear.
“I-I think so,” you stammer, though you bite your lip and mentally scold yourself for your faltering voice.
“Alright,” he says, taking a step back. You exhale slowly, trying not to think of the loss of warmth. “While ya keep doing that, I’ll prepare the salmon. Where’s the recipe?”
“It’s on my phone.” You nod towards it, setting the knife down. He walks over to the side of the counter you’d left your phone at and brings it over to you. “What’s yer passcode?”
“That’s classified information, sir.” You see his eyes darken for a moment as you pluck your phone from his hand, typing in the digits before placing it in his open palm.
“Never thought you’d be callin’ me that so soon,” he says offhandedly, locating the recipe in your browser. You feel your lips part to say something, but no words come out.
You simply resume cutting the carrot and grab more vegetables, shaking your head to clear your wandering thoughts. You see Osamu grab the salmon from the fridge, pulling it out and getting some seasonings you’d bought earlier.
“Hey, can ya grab a pan from that cabinet there?” Osamu asks as he points to one of the bottom cabinets in front of your legs.
“Sure,” you nod and take a step back, opening the cabinet door and bending over at the hips. You rummage around for a decent-sized pan, feeling Osamu’s eyes on you before you straighten up. He’s quick to avert his eyes as he holds his hand out to you. You place the handle in his open palm and he takes it, setting it on top of the stove.
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence as you prepare your own things, with you seasoning and cooking the vegetables while Osamu prepares the fish, searing it on the pan. As you both finish your portions, you decide to bring out your nicer plates for the occasion.
Opening one of the top cabinets, you stand on your toes to reach for the plates, wondering how they ended up so high to begin with.
“Need help?”
You jump slightly, startled when you feel his body pressed flush against yours with a hand on the dip of your waist as the other reaches above your head to grab two plates, placing them down onto the counter. You turn your head to look at him and realize just how close he is, his face merely centimeters away. His eyes are on your lips as you tongue pokes out to wet them before they flicker upwards to meet your eyes. You look up at him, anticipating his next move with bated breath, and feel his hand that had been holding the plates move to gently hold your jaw. He leans forward just slightly and your eyes flutter shut as your lips meet.
His lips move slowly against yours, though it’s nothing short of passionate. You feel his hand on your waist pull you closer to him and you lean into the warmth. His tongue swipes across your bottom lip and you open your mouth to welcome the warm muscle inside, letting him explore freely.
The both of you seem to run out of air at the same time, pulling away breathlessly. Before you can say anything, he kisses down your jaw to your neck as you crane your head just slightly so he can have better access and you’re not straining your muscles. He nips gently at the skin before dragging his tongue along, finding a particularly tender spot to pay special attention to. A hiss slips past your lips and you’re reminded of how close he is to you when you begin to feel something hardening against your backside.
“If ya wanna stop, ya have to tell me now,” he mutters against your neck as both of his hands settle on your waist, thumbs playing with the hem of your shirt.
“I’d rather not,” you admit rather shamelessly. You can feel Osamu’s lips curve upwards against your skin as his hands give you a slight squeeze.
“If ya say so,” he says before one of his hands reaches between the two of you to untie your apron. “If ya ever need me to stop, let me know.”
You nod your head absentmindedly, slightly dizzy from the reality of what’s happening right now. One of his hands begins to slide upwards from your waist, cupping your clothed breast and giving it a squeeze, while the other slips downwards under your apron and pushes past the waistband of your shorts, hovering over your panties. Suddenly very aware of the wetness between your legs, you move to close them a little.
“That won’t do ya any good,” Osamu mutters against the back of your neck. As if to prove his point, he presses his middle finger against your clothed slit and swipes upward, humming to himself. “Yer practically dripping and I haven’t even started yet.”
A moan slips past your lips and you can only bite your lip in embarrassment at your own shamelessness.
“It’s just the two of us; you don’t have to be quiet,” he says, as if encouraging you to be as loud as you want and disturb your neighbors. When you still refuse to make another noise, he nudges your legs open with his knees, almost forcing you to lean over the counter for support. As if to further prove his point, he pushes your panties aside and slips his middle finger in between your folds, causing you to let out a gasp of surprise at the sudden intrusion.
“Osamu,” you whimper as you feel him kiss his way towards the back of your ear.
“What is it, baby?” His finger is still and unmoving inside of you as you try to gain any sort of friction, attempting to grind your hips against him. His hand doesn’t move as you feel his tongue trace the outer shell of your ear.
“Stop teasing me,” you practically whimper as you ball your hands into fists on the surface in front of you.
“What do ya want me to do?” He sounds smug and you can almost visualize his teasing smirk behind your closed lids.
“Just fuck me,” you say. You fight the embarrassment heating your cheeks, too aroused to focus on anything else.
“I know we’ve been living together for awhile now, but let’s not forget our manners,” he says, beginning to slide his finger out.
“M’Samu, please fuck me!” It comes out too eagerly, too desperately, but you want him to just do something to you.
“That’s all you needed to say,” he lets out a soft chuckle before he slides his finger back in. You find yourself leaning completely on the countertop so you don’t buckle under him and moan when he slides another finger inside, stretching you.
You were right; his fingers reach so much further than yours ever could.
His calloused fingers continue to thrust in and out of you at a steady pace as his other hand that had been on your breast moves down to slip under your shirt. You bite your lip as you feel him expertly unclip the bra before sliding around to cup the flesh, nudging your loose bra aside. His fingers pinch your hardening nipple and you breathe out his name.
“Careful there, sweetheart,” he practically grunts, “if ya keep soundin’ like that, I won’t be goin’ easy on ya.”
Part of you has half the mind to take him up on the offer while the other is failing to form coherent words and thoughts.
A familiar tension begins to pull at your lower abdomen as you feel yourself getting closer to your orgasm. It seems that Osamu’s also aware, quickly slipping his hands out from your dripping cunt.
“Why’d you stop?” You whine as you turn back to look at him. He offers a smirk before removing his hands completely from your pants and lifting his fingers to his mouth to lick them clean. The way his half-lidded eyes are locked on yours as he swirls his tongue around makes you clench helplessly around nothing.
“Don’t worry, yer gonna thank me later,” he says, dropping his hand. He begins to lower himself so he’s on his knees on the ground before he pulls your shorts and panties down in one clean tug. The cool air hits your wet heat and you bite your lip at the sensation.
You watch him with anticipation as he leans forward, using both hands to massage your ass a couple times before spreading the cheeks apart. He nudges your feet so you can spread a little wider for him, which you wordlessly oblige, and inhale shakily as he leans forward and licks a fat stripe up your slit.
“Fuck, Osamu,” you hiss as you turn back to look at him. You use one hand to reach around and weave your fingers through his hair, fisting it as he begins to sloppily lap at your cunt.
His tongue dives in and out, the wet squelch echoing around the apartment. You feel your legs tremble as he angles his head to reach a bit further before opting to have his fingers rejoin the fun. Your moans sound nearly pornographic as you attempt to grip at anything, unable to get yourself to properly stand as Osamu wags his head a couple times, swirling his tongue in the process.
A sharp gasp leaves you when you feel his fingers angle themselves and hit a spot you didn’t even know existed, your walls beginning to clench and flutter around him.
“I’m gonna cum,” you moan, pushing his head deeper against you. You feel him hum against you as if to encourage you to release onto his face, so you do.
A strangled cry erupts from your throat as you feel every nerve ending spark up and you come undone above him. He lets you grind your hips against him a couple more times before he pulls away, breathing heavily as he stands up. He turns you around by your hips and you see your slick coating his lips and chin.
“Look at this mess,” he taunts you, wiping his chin with the back of his hand. You don’t say anything and wrap your fingers around the back of his neck, pulling his lips down to taste yourself. As you do so, he makes quick work to get rid of his sweatpants and pulls away to lift his shirt over his head. You go ahead and do the same with your apron, tossing it onto the island behind him and removing your shirt and bra to leave the both of you stark naked in the kitchen.
You take a brief moment to unabashedly check him out, admiring how toned and built he is. Chewing on your bottom lip, you let your fingers trace along the hardened and defined lines of his abdomen, trailing your fingers down to palm him through his boxers. You see the fabric straining and recognize the heat rising to your cheeks as you feel how hard he is, creating a slightly darkened and damp spot where the head of his cock is located. You glance up at him and meet eyes as you hook your thumbs on his waistband, pulling them down. His length practically springs to life, standing proud and tall before you and your mouth practically waters at the sight.
Wrapping your fingers around the base, you bite your lip as you drag your hand upwards to the tip and collect his beading precum, spreading it around generously with the pad of your thumb before using it as lubricant to continue stroking him.
“Fuck,” he moans softly as you lick your lips, getting ready to get on your knees to return the favor that he so generously had given you moments ago. He grabs your wrist to stop you and you look at him curiously. “As much as I’d love to see you suck my cock, I just want to be inside of that pussy of yours right now.”
The hungry look in his eyes is all you need before you kiss him again, this time much sloppier than the previous ones. He maneuvers you around the kitchen for a moment and before you know it, you’re bent over the island countertop with a leg propped up on the cool surface. You hear Osamu spit into his hand and look back to see him give his thick cock a couple generous strokes before positioning himself with one hand while the other holds your hip.
You feel the bulbous head nudge your lower set of lips apart before slowly easing in, your back arching at the pressure already building inside of you. A soft hiss escapes your throat as you try to take all of him, grateful when he pauses once he’s bottomed out within you. You take a deep breath for a moment and feel your muscles relax slightly as you adjust accordingly.
“Are ya ready?” Osamu’s voice comes out surprisingly soft as he leans over you, placing a kiss between your shoulder blades. You nod quietly before feeling both hands on your hips as he slowly begins to pull out. You realize just how thick he is when you feel empty, though it doesn’t last for long when he slams right back into you. A strangled mewl bubbles from your throat as he begins to thrust in and out of you. You lower yourself onto your elbows on the counter and ball your hands into fists, no longer caring how you sound; you’re too lost in your own wave of pleasure.
As Osamu continues his ministrations, you feel the counter buzz slightly and hazily look around with half a mind to simply ignore it. You see Osamu’s phone shaking across the surface next to your discarded apron, the screen lit up with an unfamiliar name.
“’Samu, your phone,” you say between moans, “your phone is ringing.”
His hips slow, though his thrusts continue to hit deep inside of you. He doesn’t have to reach far to grab it and glances at the screen.
“Shit,” he hisses under his breath. “Stay still for me, will ya?”
You halfheartedly nod your head, though you can’t help but whine at the loss of friction as he stills inside of you.
“Hello?” His voice is even as he answers quickly. “This is Osamu, yes.”
It’s hard to ignore the slight frustration bubbling in your chest as he uses one hand to keep your hips still while the other holds his phone. He continues to speak formally, so you assume it’s probably someone important or has something to do with work. You know better than to tease him in the event that this call is actually important, but you can’t resist the urge to just roll your hips a little.
There’s a slight hitch in Osamu’s voice before he clears his throat, though it sounds more like a warning to you than anything. However, that doesn’t stop you as you grow more bold, deciding to create your own rhythm of shallow thrusts. His grip on your hip tightens, though it’s not enough to hurt you just yet.
“Something just came up, so I’m gonna have to call ya back,” you hear Osamu say, his voice becoming more strained as each second ticks by. When he finally hangs up, the phone smacks onto the table, startling you to a halt.
“Sorry, I couldn’t w-”
“Ya think yer so cute, dontcha? I told ya to stay still.” His voice is dangerously low as he hunches over, practically growling in your ear. You whimper softly in response, feeling the heat radiating off his skin. You’re not sure if you should be as turned on as you are right now, feeling your walls clench around him.
He stands upright and reaches around to grab one of your arms, practically yanking you back so you’re also standing up. His other hand reaches around to grab your other arm, pinning your wrists behind your back.
“If yer gonna act like a slut, I’m gonna fuck ya like one,” he snarls lowly and you resist the urge to moan. He manages to reach for your apron and rolls it up, looping it around your elbows.
As one hand holds your newly bound arms behind your back, the other holds your hips before he begins to pull out of you. You feel his whole length leave you empty with the exception of the tip and you’re about to complain again when you feel him slam back in roughly.
“Is this what ya thought of when ya were touchin’ yerself?”
You hardly contain the cry of mixed pain and pleasure as your back arches, his hips snapping against yours at a relentless pace. You can barely process his words, though you know the embarrassment will hit you later; you simply can’t form coherent enough thoughts to care. The hand that was on your hip leaves but only momentarily before his palm claps against your ass. You yelp in surprise as he releases your arms.
“What, did ya never get spanked as a kid?” Osamu taunts as he rubs the reddening skin. You lean back over, supporting yourself on your elbows. His comment barely processes in your head as he does it again.
Coherent words fail to form as you feel your legs begin to tremble. You’re practically running towards another orgasm and you can tell Osamu is too, based on his unstable rhythm and sloppier movements. You feel one of his hands reach around you to play with your nipples while you let your own hand rub your clit, the sensations overwhelming you in a crashing wave of pure bliss.
As your walls tighten and flutter, Osamu pulls out and fists his cock a couple times before you feel hot ropes of cum paint your back and ass, a guttural groan leaving him.
“Holy fuck,” he pants once he recovers from his orgasm. You’re still shaking, bent over the island, breathing heavily.
A dull ringing can be heard in your ears from the intensity of your climax, but you faintly hear the sink running for a moment. Not long after, you feel a warm and damp towel wipe across the mess on your backside and Osamu’s gentle arm pulls you up.
“Hey, was I too rough on ya?” His voice is soft and you shake your head. He presses a kiss to your forehead as he hands you your clothes from the ground. “Do ya wanna eat now and shower later?”
“Yeah, I’m starving,” you sigh as your head begins to clear up. You look over to your forgotten food, your mouth curving downwards into a frown. “Wait, did you not turn off the stove?”
“I was a little preoccupied.”
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Secret’s Out
Father of Mine – Part 1 and Part 2
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Bruce was looking at his emails when Y/N arrived at the table.
She was breathing heavily and her hair was a bit messy, just further proving she had rushed to get there.
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” she huffed embarrassingly. “My shoot ran over and every one was moving so slowly.”
Bruce smiled. “Y/N. Relax.”
Then he stood up to greet her with a kiss on the cheek.
The two of them hadn’t seen each other in over a month. Y/N had been traveling for work constantly. And between the vigilante life and Wayne Enterprises, Bruce was running on 2 hours of sleep on the daily.
“I need a drink,” Y/N finally sighed after she got situated.
As if on cue, their waitress dropped Y/N’s favorite drink in front of her.
Y/N eyed Bruce with surprise.
He just shrugged.
Sometimes Y/N forgot how much her father noticed literally everything.
“Thank you,” she told the waitress.
“You’re overworking yourself,” Bruce said with a disapproving look.
She rolled her eyes. “Really? You’re not one to talk, Bruce.”
“You deserve a vacation. I’ll pay for it. Pick wherever you want. Bring Jason. Or some friends.”
She narrowed her eyes. “Bruce…”
It was a warning.
From the very start of their unconventional father-daughter relationship, Y/N had made it clear that she could not be bought. And Bruce spoiling her made her extremely uncomfortable. Even now, she still tried to at least split restaurant checks with him. Bruce always won those battles though.
“I’ll take a vacation when you do,” she finally countered.
That sure shut him up.
“Hey, I actually brought you something,” Y/N changed the subject as she reached for her bag.
A moment later, she lightly placed a manila folder onto the table.
Bruce’s brow furrowed as he reached for it.
As soon as he opened it, he froze.
“I had to clean out some stuff and put things into storage,” Y/N explained. “I found all my mom’s photos. I figured I could make copies of some childhood photos for you.”
Bruce’s silence made Y/N nervous.
“If you don’t want them, that’s totally fine.” She started to reach for the folder out of Bruce’s grip with awkward embarrassment. “It was stupid–”
But Bruce quickly pulled the folder closer to him and stopped her from taking the photos from him.
“Thank you,” he announced.
It made Y/N quickly sit back in her chair, caught off guard by his sincere reaction and how he’d immediately become protective of the photos.
Bruce awkwardly cleared his throat. “Thank you, Y/N.”
He repeated to make sure she understood how thankful he truly was. And Y/N suspected the throat clearing was to hide his emotions.
Now she watched as Bruce slowly went through every picture. He took in every detail with a soft smile.
These weren’t just photos. These were all of Y/N’s memories that Bruce missed, that he could never get back. And he was savoring all of them.
Then Bruce paused and was fully smiling now.
“What?” Y/N asked.
She didn’t know why all of this made her so nervous.
Bruce didn’t say anything as he lifted a photo and flipped it to show her.
It wasn’t from her childhood.
It was a black and white photo of Jason. A candid from when he had escorted her around the slums of Gotham for her most recent gallery show.
After months of thinking about it, Y/N finally had decided she wanted to frame it and hang it somewhere in her apartment. 
Y/N’s jaw dropped with embarrassment and she ripped it from his hands.
“I was developing some photos at the same time as I was making the copies. Must’ve gotten mixed up in those,” Y/N explained too quickly, unable to meet Bruce’s gaze.
It made Bruce happy to know that Y/N didn’t have the same inability to love someone and let people in like he did. It was a relief that she didn’t isolate herself from it like he had. If her mother was still alive, Bruce would thank her for it. But if Y/N’s mother were alive, he would’ve never known about Y/N in the first place.
Their entire dinner was spent with Bruce looking at the old photos. He had at least two questions for each one. Some of them Y/N didn’t remember being taken. But most of them came with stories or a loving memory.
Y/N talked for most of the meal. But that’s exactly what Bruce wanted.
Furthermore, Bruce had nothing of value to update her on. Batman business had consumed his life as of lately, and he had made a promise to never involve Y/N in any of it. And Jason seemed to be on the same page when it came to his other life as Red Hood. 
Both men seemed determined to keep her safe and away from it all. 
Two hours later, Bruce was paying the check and helping Y/N into her coat.
“I’ll give you a ride home,” he muttered as they started walking out.
Y/N had learned by now to give up on those small battles. Jason was the same way when it came to making sure she got home safely.
As they made their way to the exit, Y/N caught a few stares from other patrons who were still eating.
“Do you ever get used to it?” She asked her father in a low voice.
“Get used to what?” He asked, genuinely unaware of what she was getting at.
“People gawking at you.”
Bruce glanced around and unintentionally glared at anyone who was staring at Y/N.
“It’s good that I’m seen in public…for obvious reason,” he hinted in a quiet voice, obviously talking about needing the cover to continue his life as a masked vigilante.
Once they were outside, Alfred was already waiting at the curb with the Rolls-Royce. He greeted Y/N with a hug and a kiss to her cheek before opening the door for her and Bruce.
When they got to Y/N’s apartment building, she said her goodbyes to Alfred. And Bruce walked Y/N all the way up to her door.
Even though Y/N insisted it was overkill and she could get up the stairs on her own just fine, Bruce had seen too many terrible things in this forsaken city. He could think of thousands of things that could happen to Y/N between the car and her front door.
Once Y/N realized that Bruce’s paranoia came from experience, she stopped trying to stop his chivalry and overprotective ways. She finally understood that Bruce had seen things that would prevent her from ever sleeping again. So if walking Y/N to her door gave him a little peace of mind, she wasn’t going to take that away from him.
Y/N turned to Bruce when they reached her door. “Thanks again for dinner.”
“Of course. I’m glad we could spend some time together. Thank you again for the photos.”
Y/N didn’t realize that Bruce was about to hang every single one around Wayne Manor. 
She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and a hug. “Get home safe.”
Y/N woke up wrapped strong arms, her body overheating slightly.
When she had come home from dinner last night, Jason had already left for patrol.
He hadn’t woken her up when he got back home, just proving how exhausted Y/N had been these past few weeks.
But it was the continuous buzzing vibrations of her phone that woke her up. When she brightened the screen, she saw that she had dozens of text messages and three missed called from Bruce.
“What the fuck,” Y/N whispered as she started opening them.
But they were all about the same thing.
Everyone had sent her similar articles from various gossip websites or news outlets.
All of the headlines were joined with photos of Bruce and Y/N having dinner last night. Apparently other customers at the restaurant had snuck photos of Bruce greeting her with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Y/N could see how it would be misinterpreted as romantic and not familial or platonic. But it still made her sick to see the photos twisted in such a way.
Then there were paparazzi photos of them getting in a car together. Of course there were none of Bruce dropping her off and them going their separate ways. That would be just too convenient for the two of them. 
Y/N’s stomach dropped with panic.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” she gasped without realizing it.
Jason immediately woke up. “What is it?”
Y/N ignored him and called Bruce.
“I’m handling it,” was how Bruce answered her call.
“Handling it? How exactly?” She challenged. “We can deny the rumors all we want. But everyone is going to keep tabs on us now, and they’re going to see us together again.”
Jason grabbed his own phone.
One of his brothers must’ve sent him a similar article because he rubbed his face in annoyance, finally understanding the situation. 
Nothing like your girlfriend being rumored to have a relationship with her father, who was also your mentor and adoptive father. 
“Y/N, it will blow over. It always does,” Bruce tried to calm her down.
“So what happens when I get photographed with Jason? Huh? They’re going to just say I’m cheating on both of you with each other or some fucked up shit like that.”
Bruce was silent, because they both knew she was right.
Y/N glanced at Jason, who was already waiting for her gaze.
She took in a deep breath and pinched the bridge of her nose. “Maybe we should…Maybe we should just tell the truth.”
“You’ve never wanted that, Y/N.” Bruce tried to argue.
And he was right.
Y/N was terrified of being associated with the Wayne family. People would start believing she secretly built her career off of nepotism that no one was aware of. She also didn’t want that type of attention from the media and the upperclass of Gotham.
“I don’t think we have any other choice,” Y/N finally answered.
Jason reached for thigh and gripped it, trying to offer her some sort of comfort.
“Y/N, are you sure about this?” Bruce asked slowly.
“No. Not at all. But I’d rather not have the public think I’m dating my biological father.”
“OK,” Bruce sighed. “I’ll talk to my publicist today.”
“OK.” She bit her lip before adding. “Just…tell them the whole story.”
“Y/N, if you’re worried how it will make me look, don’t.”
“But I am worried about it, Bruce. They’re going to drag you for being an absent father. And none of that is true. They’re not gonna understand.”
“I’ll call you later with an update,” he told her softly before hanging up.
Y/N tossed her phone to the foot of the bed in frustration.
Jason watched as she buried her face in her hands.
“You OK?” He asked as he rubbed her back.
“No,” she answered honestly.
“Come here.” Jason pulled her into his chest.
There was no fight from her as he cuddled her tightly.
“This is a fucking nightmare,” she groaned into his shoulder.
“I know. But maybe it’s for the best,” he tried to reason with her.
“And what happens when they catch wind that I’m dating my father’s adoptive son? Huh?”
“We’re not actually related, Y/N.”
She pulled her face back so she could glare at him. “Yeah! We know that! But you do understand that people are going to see it that way, right? Like we’re gonna look like some fucked up incestual couple to them.”
“I don’t really care,” Jason finally told her.
“You don’t care?” She scoffed.
“No,” his answer and confidence didn’t waver. “I don’t give a fuck what people say about us, Y/N. If exposing the truth means we don’t have to think twice about going to events or even just going out to dinner, then I’m all for it. I’m sick of hiding our relationship.”
Y/N blinked. She never considered that their subtle relationship bothered him in any way. She was always a strangely private person, so it felt normal to her. But clearly Jason had been wanting to be a bit more public with their relationship.
“What if this changes everything?” Y/N whispered, not meeting his eyes.
Jason smirked at that and gripped her chin, lifting it up so she would look at him. “Some paparazzi and trash tabloids aren’t going to change how I feel about you, Y/N.”
Y/N laughed lightly at that.
“Maybe we should leave Gotham for a bit,” she offered. “Bruce won’t shut up about paying for a vacation for us.”
Jason nodded. “I think that sounds like a good idea. You’ve needed a break for awhile now.”
“Well…where do you wanna go?” Y/N asked.
“Doesn’t matter to me. As long as you’re there.”
She rolled her eyes and hit Jason in the face with a pillow. “God, you really are a sap.”
Y/N appreciated Jason always being able to make her feel better and feel supported. 
But even he couldn’t stop her from wondering...
What would life be like as a Wayne?
Father of Mine – Bonus Content
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peace-for-levi · 3 years
Isabel [Levi Ackerman x GN!Reader]
N.B: heya! if you're scrolling through the tags and thinking, "hey, i have read this before..." chances are you probably have! don't worry, this is not plagiarism. you read that on a - now - deleted blog (i had to restart for reasons i won't go into.) so i am reposting everything now!
synopsis: when levi's wife goes into labour, he has to drop the crude, cold façade he normally holds and be there in their time of need.
tw: possible inaccuracies as i have never been pregnant before LOL, reader is labouring, occasional use of she/her throughout, levi being soft ASF (self-indulgent all the way.)
You turned your head at the sound of the door and almost immediately, you felt the wintery gust flood through the narrow hallway of your house. You sucked in a breath, but you quickly smiled. After all, your husband had returned to your cosy cottage.
He shut the door behind him, and you saw him lean his head against it, heaving a great sigh. You frowned at how he almost always needed those few seconds to just process everything in his head before turning to face you. You instinctively brought a hand down to your swollen tummy - was this a good decision after all? Having a baby in these troubling, turbulent times?
But then he turned around again to face you and his face was illuminated by the amber-coloured light of the oil lamp. He saw you stirring the steaming pot of stew and his steely gaze softened immediately.
He smiled.
Don’t be silly, you chastised yourself for such thoughts, he’s happy with us.
Of course he was. He could calm down instantly looking at you. He walked over and shrugged off his forest green cloak and placed it on the counter next to you. War-torn hands reaching out and cupping your cheeks, he pressed his lips to your forehead. You felt his calloused thumbs rub against your temples and you leaned into his touch. Immediately his hands fell to your tummy and rubbed in circles.
“Dinner smells good,” he whispers softly against your lips, “how was your day?”
Dinner did smell good; nothing could beat some beef stew after a long day with your cast iron kettle hanging over the fire, right? He couldn’t wait until your bellies were filled and he could cosy up with you in front of the fire with a cup of black tea in his hand.
Your smile grew wider when he sank to his knees and nuzzled against your tummy. You were probably going to give birth in the next week or two. You lowered your right hand and allowed it to tread through his raven locks, your other hand still stirring to prevent any sticking to your pot.
“Eh…” you huffed out.
Levi pulled back for a bit. “Had an ‘eh’ day myself… What’s troubling you?”
“Just very crampy today and my back is killing me. Why did you have an ‘eh’ day?”
You almost laughed when you heard Levi’s heavy sigh, and it was a long sigh too. He closed his eyes as he recounted the disaster at HQ but… what with the amount of grief Levi had been through, there was very little that could faze him now.
Still, when he recounted to you that Hange accidentally launched one of their new projects - a thunder spear - into HQ and close to his office at that - while he was drinking his tea! - obviously he would be pretty livid. All that was destroyed in the fires of the aftermath were two bedrooms and a storage room, and thankfully no lives were lost, but he wasn’t going to forgive Hange for a while after this. You had to give him credit for his composure.
“I miss Hange, even in spite of these incidents.” You spoke.
You hadn’t seen Hange since you were discharged by Erwin at three months. Well, you had waved at her in the streets when you did your shopping for you and Levi and you might converse briefly, but she was always too busy to stop by for a chat. She did, however, say she’d be present for the birth.
“I bet he’d get along with Hange.”
“Still sure we’re having a boy?” your husband asked.
You yawned as exhaustion began to consume you more and more. “Yeah, he is giving me a lot of trouble like how his father used to.” You teased.
Levi only muttered something under his breath, and you weren’t quite sure what it was. He leaned back a bit and extended his index finger. “Oi, stop giving your mother a hard time. She’s tired.”
Another yawn. “I am, actually. I might pass on dinner tonight and just head to bed.”
Levi stood up again and eyed you curiously; wasn’t like you to skip dinner but he thought nothing of it. He mentioned he’d save some for you and with a chaste kiss to your lips, you made your way upstairs.
You opened the creaky, wooden door to your shared bedroom and when you disrobed, you rooted around for a clean nightgown in your drawers. You groaned as another sharp pain radiated around your lower back and pelvic area. You held onto the edge of the drawers with a white-knuckle grip. You had gotten cramps here and there before throughout your pregnancy, but these were just all-consuming. A few more whimpers and a few deep breaths though, and they subsided.
Hmm, weird, there’s no way it’s time already? I’m still a week or two early, you said to yourself. If he wants to come now, what will happen… would he be healthy?
You shook your head and made your way over to the bed, propping yourself up with a few pillows. It wasn’t long before Levi came into the room too with a candle in his hand before placing it down on his desk. As he removed his shirt, the dull light illuminated and highlighted his defined body. You smiled dozily at him and you were fast asleep before he could even climb into bed.
Awaking in the middle of the night with your husband’s arms wrapped around you was always a treat. He didn’t always sleep, and when he did, it was poor. But whenever his arms snaked around your chest with one hand resting on your tummy, you knew he was sleeping well. It gave you a chance to look at his unguarded and peaceful countenance.
You woke up with a feeling of heartburn that was hard to ignore so you decided a drink of water might be a good idea. You made your way downstairs, careful not to wake your sleeping husband. Leaning against the countertop once you reached the kitchen, you fetched yourself a glass of water and began to sip slowly.
Gulping the last bit down, you placed the glass in a sink and walked towards the stairs again… until you felt a gush of warm liquid flow down your legs.
Oh, crap!
You peered down at the pool of fluid between your legs that was now pooling in your hallway. Your mind froze and all you could do was stare for a few seconds.
“U-uh… Levi?!” you shrieked.
You heard a large thud from upstairs when he landed less than gracefully - unceremoniously, even - after jumping from your bed and he was quick to scurry down the stairs at the yell.
“What the hell?! Are you ok--?”
He stopped when his bare feet splashed against the pool of fluids between you both.
“Oh, my?” he questioned and peered down. “Is it that time already?”
You only blinked at his calmness at the situation. How was he not freaking out?! Your fingers moved to clench your soaking gown. He reached for your hands and walked you towards the front door. He stopped for a few seconds as he scratched his head in thought.
“Levi?!” you screeched at his silence.
He had to stay as calm as possible. It was something he was well used to, being a good captain and all. But it was so different in this situation. Seeing you panic like this and the gravity of the situation made him almost lose his composure. He was able to keep everything well hidden beneath his steely exterior and this was all because he was good at analysing typically abnormal situations.
This wasn’t a situation like this. All he had to do was be a supportive husband for you.
As he hurried down the stairs again, the realization dawned on him again.
Was this actually happening? Were you two going to be parents? Could you two do this?
Well, it was not like you had a choice now.
“Come, let’s get moving.” He said, holding you with one hand by the small of your back.
He assisted you back up the stairs as fast as your body would allow, but once you got to the bathroom just a few metres shy of your bedroom, that’s when you felt everything tighten and your breath became lodged in your throat. Your legs buckled as your hands gripped onto the architrave. Levi was quick to descend with you and hold your hand. A pained groan escaped your lips and you heard deep breaths beside you.
“Deep breaths, you can do it, [F/n]...” he said as he rubbed your back in circles. He tried to do deep breathing with you, taking long, exaggerated breaths. All to feel you a little less alone or too lost in your own pain.
It wasn’t the worst pain you had experienced - you were a former veteran of the Scouts after all - but that didn’t make the feeling pleasant either.
He propped up all the pillows to give you ample support and he placed a hand on your shin, gesturing you to keep your legs open. It seemed that the next contraction seemed to be taking its time, so he made the decision to alert the neighbours. This was a plan Levi had made with them a few months ago, that he’d call next door and ask them to go rush to the nurses and for Hange. Luckily for you two, HQ was no more than a five-minute walk away.
After slipping into a dress shirt and black slacks, he ran down the stairs and hopped over the wall to your neighbour. It was close to midnight now, but hopefully they’d be awake… If not, he’d have to leave you alone by yourself and that was not an option.
He rapped on the door and even called out to them, before knocking again. Thankfully, the middle-aged man and his wife seemed to be up and were quick to open the door.
Perhaps Levi looked a bit more flustered than he thought he did. Then again, as someone so composed all the time, any change in composure screamed out.
“Captain Levi? Is everything alright?” the wife asked.
Levi inhaled sharply. Damn, he was getting stressed already. If they were to shine the oil lamp up to his face, they would be able to see the sweat beading at his brows and how his pupils had narrowed from the intensity of the situation. “[F/n] has gone into labour, earlier than we expected. She needs the nurses a-and Hange--” Fuck, was he stuttering from it all? “I can’t leave her alone to get them and-”
The wife who was probably a good three inches shorter than him looked up at him and passed him a soft smile; a reassuring smile. She had been through all this before. She knew the chaos involved but knew the best thing he could be was a pillar of support for you. She placed her hands on his shoulders and got her to look at him. Normally he’d shrug off any physical contact from anyone that wasn’t you, but his mind was spiralling, and he was doing his best to hide it.
“Levi, it’s okay. Dear, you go get the nursing staff and Hange, okay?” she called out to her husband who had already saddled up in the meantime and taken off. “My husband will be back soon. Let me get you a few things.”
Levi tapped his foot impatiently as she pattered around the house for a bit. She came back with a bag of rags, towels and some knitted clothes.
“It’s important you stay calm, okay? What do you think you’ll have?”
Levi shrugged as he nodded his thanks. “I don’t know, of course, but [F/n] reckons we’ll have a boy.”
“Hmm… I think you’ll have a daughter!” she beamed.
Levi began to head out the door again. “Look, thank you so much for everything.”
“Best of luck, Levi,” she wished with a gleeful smile, “and congratulations.”
Levi nodded with the bag and headed back up the stairs of his home. He burst through the door of your bedroom and was immediately at your side again. He dropped the bag down at your bedside and reached for your hand. He caught you just in time for another contraction. You tried to steady yourself, but you cried out once more and gripped onto the blankets as another contraction overwhelmed you. You hastily grabbed a pillow and cried into it, trying to muffle your cries. Okay, it was official, this was the worst pain you had felt thus far, and all Levi could do was stare helplessly.
It’s not like he could do much. He couldn’t take away the pain from you, but by god, he wished he could. He’d deliver the child if biologically possible, anything to not see you in so much agony. But every time a contraction died away, you would re-emerge and tackle this again with an ungodly amount of strength.
And he couldn’t be prouder of you in these agonizing yet awe-inspiring moments.
You lowered your pillow when you vaguely heard the crowd of nurses patter into the room and everything kicked off. The lead nurse stated she’d be the main overseer to everything. At times, Levi’s mind flitted in and out of the conversation at hand from the nurses. His stare glossed over occasionally, and you couldn’t exactly decipher what it was he was feeling. Whatever it was he was feeling, he hid it well. He absent-mindedly rubbed the small of your back hoping you’d relax as the nurse checked your cervix. His ears perked up once he heard the number ‘three.’
“Three centimetres, seven to go, I reckon.”
“OOH, SEVEN?! HOW EXCITING!” a voice from outside screeched and Levi’s face fell flat. The bespectacled brunette burst through the door. “THAT’S SO FEW!”
“Hange.” Levi barked. He said nothing but his gaze said, be quiet now. “If you’re not gonna be helpful to [F/n], you can leave out the door you came in.”
“Sorry, sorry,” she aired as she rushed over to the other side of your bed and sat on top. “How are you doing, [f/n]? Anything I can do?” she asked. At first you shook your head, but when she mentioned that she brought a few scented candles to help soothe you - or at the very least, keep a gentle ambiance going - you perked up. “Okay, I’ll go light them. Levi, do you have any matches?”
“In the high cupboard left to the sink.” He said and she scurried down.
“Fuck… Levi, it’s happening again…” you groaned as you tossed your head back.
“I have you.” He reminded. He loosened his hand so you could squeeze it. With each contraction came a pain that dominated your entire being. In those moments, for those seconds that stretched into infinity, there was nothing else. Every contraction seemed to hurt more than before, and you would be left panting and almost delirious for a few seconds. Everything melted into the background when a contraction came; the nurses melted to nothing as did their encouraging cries.
But you remained grounded to Levi. He held your hand with every contraction and his lips were pressed to your sweaty temple. While you could only vaguely hear his encouraging words, he was still there and encouraging you to breathe deeply through it all, even if it hardly did anything to alleviate the pain.
“How much longer will this take?”
“She progressed quickly enough to get to the three so it may not take too long. Though it could just as easily be another few hours, or even well into tomorrow. I’m sorry, there’s no way of knowing.” The nurse replied.
Levi only nodded. He just wanted you to be okay and to make this as pain-free as possible. Hange came back in with the matches and began to light a few candles.
As time passed, your head fell. The contractions kept coming but you weren’t progressing as fast as you thought. By the time the second hour rolled by, you had only made it to four centimetres. You were reminded that you’d know when to push.
Levi couldn’t stand to see you in so much pain.
“Is there anything we can do?” he asked, now getting slightly panicked.
The nurse smiled sadly, knowing there was only so much they could do. “[F/n], how about a walk out in the fresh air?” she offered.
Levi peered over at you. Within the past two hours, he had acquired a basin and wet cloth, and was dabbing it occasionally on your forehead. “How about it?” he asked, repeating the motion of it as you lifted your head up again to receive his touch.
“If I walk down those stairs, I don’t think I’ll make it back up…” you huffed.
Hange had taken to holding your other hand too. Levi’s initial glare at her excitement seemed to do the trick and she was very helpful. Perhaps more proactive than the nurses. Then again, she was your best friend; she probably wanted to do everything under the sun.
“A bath may help?” Hange perked up. “Warm water and all?” to which you nodded.
Levi stood and pulled you up. Before you may have walked upright and with your back straight, but now you walked totally hunched over. He ordered for someone - anyone who could get there fastest - to draw a bath. A few stayed behind in the bedroom, taking turns supervising you.
Levi walked you towards the bathroom and unbuttoned your nightgown. With an ‘arms up’ command, he had it off you quickly and you were left in just your bra. He lowered you into the bath and you sat in the middle of the tub. He questioned why you weren’t going to lean back and that was when you asked him to come into the bath with you. He wasn’t going to fight you in the moment and rushed back to the bedroom and put on a pair of (swimming) shorts… or shorts he had no issue getting wet. Within mere seconds, he lowered himself into the bath and wrapped his legs loosely around your waist, his chest firm against your back. He began to rub your arms up and down and leaned over to press a kiss to your cheek.
“You’re doing so well.” He said. His tone lowered to a whisper when he heard you begin to weep. “Hey, hey, hey… What’s wrong? Ah-- Hange, can you go get us a basin?” he asked. Your face paled a little and he shouted for the Titan scientist to hurry as another contraction washed over you.
“L-Levi, I don’t feel right…”
“Hange!” he barked for the third time.
You brought a hand up to your mouth and expelled whatever food had been inside you from before. The pain of this contraction was so intense you had thrown up. Levi swept a thumb across your chin and Hange came in with a basin, and you spilled the rest into it. In fact, you threw up twice more. The bitter taste in your mouth left you feeling all disgusting and ‘icky’, and you let out a choked sob of frustration. Your body had you rocking back and forth on its own accord, trying to move with the pain so to speak, letting out pained groans through gnashed teeth.
Levi leaned you forward and began to rub your lower back. “Breathe. You gotta breathe, [f/n], come on.”
You shook your head as you wailed, almost sounding like you were giving in. “I can’t! It’s too much, Levi!”
“Hey,” he called gently. “Sniff the flowers,” he commanded and paused to breathe in, “and blow out the candles” and he exhaled. “You can do that for me?”
You weren’t sure about how the silly visual cue helped you at all, but you also knew Levi wasn’t going to quit saying it until you did what he told you to do. After a few deep breaths, you calmed down and your contraction died away. Levi continued to rub your lower back, offering whispered words of encouragement.
“Gosh, Shorty, aren’t you such a sweetie?” Hange jeered.
“Go away, Four Eyes.”
The contractions came and went, growing more and more intense. Levi sometimes opted to swish the water down and forth or turn on the tap, to give you something else to focus on. You weren’t sure how long you two stayed in the bath, but Levi helped lift you out once the water had gotten cold. Hange went to relight the candles, pillows were propped back up and you were moved back to your bedroom, to do the whole thing all over again.
And frankly, you weren’t sure how long you could hold on for. It was unbearable. As the hours ticked by until the wee morning, you were losing your strength.
“I’m sorry.” Levi mumbled as he kissed your matted hair.
“It hurts so much. I’m so tired.” You whispered, your voice dry and hoarse.
Levi looked up at the nurse and then over at the small clock on your bedside lock. Seven in the morning, so you had been labouring for seven hours, if not more if you were experiencing smaller contractions before your water broke.
How he ached to take all your pain away from you; to shoulder it all and save you from this agony. You both knew it would be worth it at the end, but the process of getting there was no doubt painful.
“You’re doing well. It’ll all be over soon, won’t it?” he asked and looked at the nurse.
“I’ll go see how far you are,” she said, softly. You let your legs widen as she did another cervical exam. You flinched a bit as you felt her gloved fingers inside. She gasped. “My, you’re almost there. Easily nine centimetres!”
For the first time in a couple hours, you felt genuine relief amidst all the chaos and pain.
Levi had sent the nurses and Hange downstairs an hour later, telling them they were free to help themselves to food stored in your cupboards. They had been crowding around you both for over eight hours now, they deserved a break too. You were fine with your husband sitting through your contractions with you, especially when you only had a centimetre or two left.
That was when you felt an excruciating pain down below, unlike anything you had felt all evening. Levi was at your side in seconds.
“What is it?”
“Hnnn!” you groaned out. This was it. This had to be it, the feeling the nurses told you about. An overwhelming amount of pressure was building between your legs and you let out a guttural noise. “Get Hange and the nurses.”
“Wait, is time? Now-”
“Get the fucking nurse, Levi!” you yelled, and he ran down to fetch them.
The pressure had your hips swaying into position, it was almost unbearable to refrain from pushing. The pain had your whole body trembling. Levi arrived back in with the nurses and you opened your legs at the lead nurse’s command. Your husband was sitting by your side once more, lacing his fingers with yours.
“I see a head! And plenty of hair too! The baby has moved into the birth canal. I need you to push on the next contraction.” She explained.
You heaved in massive strokes, starting to lose your breath. You were completely worn out now, body and mind. You all waited with bated breaths for the next contraction to hit. You took in a massive breath when you felt that familiar pain come back again. Your stomach tightened - everything tightened - as a scream ripped out from your throat.
“You have got to push harder, [f/n].” The nurse urged. Hange came in, sitting on the bed and shuffled onto the bed to hold your other hand.
You shook your head. There was no way you could, you were so depleted of energy.
“You can do this.” Your husband said.
“I can’t! You have to do it for me!” you wept into his arms.
“I would if I could.” He assured you.
The nurse called for your attention. “The next time you push, tuck your chin into your chest and push as though you got to do a number two. But push very hard.”
You blinked frantically. “Wait, what if I do poop?”
“That means you’re pushing right!” Hange cheered.
This entire conversation made Levi grimace, and it took every ounce of self-control to not cringe.
The final contraction hit and with whatever strength you could muster, you pushed through with a shrill cry. The baby began to crown, the hot stretching of flesh almost making you want to stop but you had to keep pushing through. You felt the head leave your body and you pushed through the rest of your contraction. You held onto Levi’s hand with such force he was pretty sure you could have broken it. And he would have taken it.
And then the pain left your body finally.
Tiny cries pierced the air.
Levi tilted your head back and his lips crashed against yours in a kiss that carried so many emotions with it; love, adoration, pride, elation and gratitude. He kissed you again and once more while your baby was being wrapped up. One of the extra nurses moved to clean you up and help deliver the placenta.
“A girl, congratulations.” The nurse whispered. Hange cracked a toothy grin, but she knew to step back and leave you two to have your moment.
You looked down at your wrapped-up little miracle, falling in-love instantly. Had her father’s hair and gunmetal eyes, but your eye shape and complexion. She also had your chin too. Your index finger rubbed against her plump cheeks and almost began to whimper again but with a few gentle hushes from you, she settled down once more. She was probably hungry too.
“She looks so much like you…” you whispered, looking up at your husband. The nurses and Hange took this as their cue to leave. Levi’s eyes had completely glossed over with a newfound vulnerable expression that you had never seen before. You could tell he was just itching to hold her, so as gently as you could, you shuffled over to the side to allow Levi to relax into the headrest. “Here, Levi.”
Your little girl was placed into his arms and a calloused thumb immediately went to trace under her eyes and around her cheeks, her forehead; everywhere. A swell of emotions overcame him like a tsunami crashing against the shoreline and he shut his eyes, tears flowing down his pallid cheeks and he made no effort to stop them. His lower lips trembled, and minute whimpers escaped his lips, but he was desperately clawing at whatever composure he had left to try to piece himself back together.
But he could cry, his daughter was here. He was a father now; he could be as emotional as he liked, and no one would care.
“Isabel.” You said, gently, and Levi nodded at the suggestion.
Levi’s thumb moved to his daughter’s fist and her fingers latched around it instantly, bringing his thumb to her mouth and began to suck. He let out a soft chuckle. “I think she’s hungry.”
“I bet she is.” You said, reaching out and taking a hold of her once more. The baby began to wriggle, and her arms broke free from the blanket, beginning to fuss. You lowered one side of your nightgown and held your daughter against your breast. She latched after a few seconds and by god was it uncomfortable. The feeling had you biting your lower lip in discomfort, but you just had to grin and bear it.
The three of you sat in silence for another half hour or so as you nursed your baby when you heard a knock on the door. Hange peeked her head around and smiled widely at you both.
“Shhh.” Levi was quick to say.
Hange tiptoed in. “I may have bought a few visitors…”
The raven-haired man’s face fell flat. “How many?”
And in came all of Levi’s newest squad and Erwin. He face-palmed at the noise and shrugged off his blazer to cover you and your daughter.
“Is this a bad time, Levi?”
“Yes, it’s a bad time. She’s barely been born a half hour and--”
“I KNEW IT WOULD BE A GIRL! TAKE THAT, MISTER DEATH WISH!” you heard come from outside the room. You only sighed softly.
“I tried to keep those two out of this,” Erwin mentioned as he walked over to the two of you. You removed your baby from your breast and buttoned up your nightgown again. The blonde smiled in pure adoration. “She’s so precious. Congratulations, Levi, [F/n].”
“Thank you, Erwin.” He replied and you nodded your thanks.
In your half-asleep state, you began to nurse again in front of everyone, not bothering to cover up. Levi sighed heavily and moved to cover you up again before you came through.
“Sir, we can call back later if you want.” Eren piped up, walking over to stand by his superior.
“It’s okay, Eren, this is natural. I don’t mind, provided you don’t stare too much.”
“I mind?!” Levi cried. With your free hand, you rested it on his hand. He took a deep breath and sighed. “Fine. You can stay, Jaeger. All of you can.”
Sasha and Connie were next to try to squeeze onto your too small bed for nine extra people.
“I brought her some potatoes!” she chimed and handed one to you. You had to politely explain that babies probably won’t eat until four months at the earliest. And even then, it would only be baby gloop and mushy foods. Not steamed potatoes.
Connie peaked over Levi’s shoulder. “Do you mind?” Levi asked him rhetorically.
“Nope,” he answered swiftly and saluted. On the wrong side. “Sir, why does it look squishy and ugly?”
And then ensued a fiery debate from everyone in the room (apart from Erwin) on why you shouldn’t call babies squishy and ugly, especially in front of their parents. Especially if one of those parents was one Levi Ackerman. But amidst all the commotion, both you and your baby were tuckered out. Levi was surprised that he saw you dozing off in spite of all the ruckus and that your baby was suckling away on nothing.
The short man may have had his doubts before Isabel was born but looking at everyone around here right now - being so chaotic and noisy, but so full of happiness and pride for you both - made all those negative thoughts wash away.
It took a bit of shuffling and squeaking of military boots, but eventually everyone was kicked out by Levi. He looked back fondly at you two, both of you sound asleep.
He would promise you both a normal, peaceful, family life one day. Even if he had to lay down his life doing it.
Because every doubt, struggle, emotional outburst, hormonal-fuelled argument led you both to this, and he would not trade it for the world.
This was his purpose; protect his beautiful wife and precious daughter.
And maybe one day, in the distant future, he would be able to spend more time with you two. In a world without Titans. In a world that was peaceful.
But for now, he had a small serving - a slice - of peace at home and he couldn’t wait to navigate this new chapter of his life with you.
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imkylotrash · 3 years
Lover Of Mine
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x reader
Requests: Maybe he was kidnapped by pekka rollins and she turned ketterdam upside down looking for him? and can it have a happy ending? Anonymous And Reader’s not a member of the crows but she goes to their club a few times and Kaz and her start a secret relationship. And he asks her not to come anymore since he’s afraid she’ll get hurt. Happy ending. Anonymous
TW: Panic attack, death.
Tagging: @bitchwhytho @music-of-melody @shadowhuntyi @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @sanktaesperanza @alice-the-nerd @glowingatdawn
A/N This is very much inspired by "Lover Of Mine" by 5SOS.
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Don't come back.
The words are etched into your brain. The moment of heartbreak forever replaying in your mind. You'd been coming there for months now and all of sudden, he decided you weren't welcome anymore.
Don't come back.
You close your eyes seeing his face in your head. He had looked nothing like your Kaz that day. There was no joy in his eyes as he sent you away. And you had too much pride to beg him to let you stay. You'd gone and vowed to never return. That is until Jesper sent word for you. Despite Kaz's previous actions, you dropped everything and came running.
"What happened?"
"Pekka Rollins." His name is all you need.
"I'll find him." You're out the door in seconds. You know Ketterdam better than anyone. You've worked these streets since you were five and your dad trained you to be the most efficient pocket thief Ketterdam had ever seen. Finding Kaz wouldn't be a problem. Finding him before Pekka did any damage would be the real challenge.
"Hey Fink, I need a favor." You hand him some change that he's quick to stow away. For three years you'd worked with Fink on the streets but while you had moved up the ladder, he'd remained where he felt most comfortable. Working the shadows of Ketterdam and taking money to keep secrets.
"Anything for my sweet pea," he smiles but his eyes keep darting from left to right. He doesn't want to be seen with you now that you're associated with the crows. This is Pekka's territory and no one wants to cross him.
"Kaz Brekker. Where is he?"
"You know that little place he's got right outside of Ketterdam?" You're off before he has a chance to elaborate. Pekka should've known better. Even if he didn't know about you and Kaz, he knew you were hanging out with the crows. And he knows what you're capable of.
"Night night," you whisper as you take out the first guard. It's almost too easy as you secure a safe entry into the house. It's more like a tiny shed but it houses surprisingly many guards. In your rush to reach Kaz, you don't even stop to think about why this is so easy. You don't consider the possibility that this might be a trap.
"I'm impressed." You spin around to find Pekka standing there with a knife to Kaz's throat. You see red. His hands are touching Kaz's skin.
"Let him go." You don't plan on asking nicely twice.
"Do I look like a fool to you? I've seen you kill a man with nothing but two coins. Brekker is my only defense." Ten guards are lying dead on the floor to prove his point - Kaz is the only thing that's keeping you from ripping his heart out.
"So, what do you want?" You clench your hands into fists to prevent yourself from reaching for your gun. Twelve guards total killed in five minutes and you haven't even reached for your gun yet.
"I want you on my side. I know you never break your word."
"I'm not on anyone's side. I don't need to be." It's just a tiny second but Pekka is distracted by Kaz struggling against the knife and it's all you need. The shot is clean - straight through his forehead. Within seconds Pekka Rollins is dead.
"You came after me." Kaz is struggling to breathe. It's one of his worst panic attacks having been pressed up against Pekka for so long.
"Of course I came for you. I'll always find you." 15 minutes pass before he's able to calm down which is 15 minutes where you struggle to keep tears from falling. You hate that you can't do anything to help him. All you can do is lead him outside in hopes that the fresh air will do what you can't.
"I'm sorry," he finally says and your heart breaks a little at the sight of him. He looks so tiny.
"You have nothing to apologize for," you start but he cuts you off.
"Yes, I do. I'm sorry for telling you to leave. I heard the whispers in the streets too and I wanted to avoid you getting hurt... turns out I should've been worried about the others instead."
"You were right though. The streets are talking and if I'm at your club, they'll keep coming same as Pekka." You start tearing at the grass to distract yourself from the pain in your chest. Pekka isn't the only one who'll try this. Your reputation as an assassin has spread as your kill count went up.
"I let you go once. I'm not making that mistake again." He reaches out his hand and places it on the ground just inches from your thigh. You can almost imagine the feeling of his hand touching you.
"When I take a look at my life and all of my crimes. You're the only thing that I think I got right." You stay quiet taking in the moment. With Pekka gone, Ketterdam will change. The rest will fight to take his territory and it might get ugly.
"They'll be coming for blood. You realize that, right?"
"As long as I've got you, I don't care." He can't hide the smile on his face as he looks at you. "Besides after what you just did in there, I'm not too worried."
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saphirered · 3 years
Hey! You asked for individual character requests, so how about Vex x Reader (I thought I’d give you a break from EXU as well), where the reader has a massive crush on Vex, but is unfortunately really scared of Trinket? And maybe something about Vex helping them to relax and bond? Thanks regardless! I love your writing x
Thanks for requesting! This was definitely a fun one to write so I hope you enjoy! 😘
You may or may not like Vex. Okay, maybe a but more than just like, closer to a major crush but how could you not? Vex’s intelligent, quick-witted, drop dead gorgeous and don’t even get started on the woman’s charm or you might just swoon. Gods above, you’ve fallen for the half-elf hard. The worst part; you know she likes you too. She’s stated so several times, flirting with you more than anyone else and not just to get something from you. She’s not shy about it and takes every opportunity she can get to make you blush. It’s great, or would be great were it not for your very reasonable fear for big hulking bears and Vex just happens to call one such bear her closest of buddies if not closer to a fur baby.
You’re not sure what to do. Trinket, you know, is nothing short of lovely but you cannot get over your fears no matter how much you may like Vex. You’ve kept your distance and retreated within your shell every time the big grizzly is around. Bears are scary. Sharp claws and teeth, super strong. They can climb, swim and run. They’re great trackers too so there’s really no getting away from them.
“Darling, do you have a moment?” You’re seated at the table scribbling away on some paperwork you needed to take care of. Someone has to assure there’s any food and drink left after Grog has one of his solo exclusive parties again. They’re not really parties and only consist of him inviting Scanlan and Vax for a night of binging food and ale until the sun comes up but you’re always out of groceries right after.
Vex peaks around the corner leaning on the doorpost arms crossed. You put down your pen and nod. Vex nods her own head to the hallways behind her and you get the message getting up and following her to wherever she’s leading you. There’s a determination in her step but she tries to cover everything else which leaves you worried just a bit. What’s she up to?
“Vex, where are we going?” You fall in line next to her as you begin to ascend the stairs.
“Don’t worry, darling. I’ve found the perfect sight I think you might enjoy and simply wouldn’t want you to miss out before the weather changes. I’d like to discuss some things with you too so, two birds one stone?” Okay that does sound like a reasonable explanation. Maybe almost a little too reasonable now you think of it. You continue walking until you’re stopped in front of a door, Vex opens it and allows you to step in.
Immediately you see the late afternoon sun shine through the clouds, casting rays of golden light upon the landscape contrasting with the darkened grey of the rain ahead. It’s an absolutely beautiful sight. You enter the room walking up to the window as Vex steps in and closes the door behind her. You hear a grumble and a soft but forceful ‘shh’ behind you.
“Just my stomach. I’m afraid I haven’t had lunch yet. Would you like to enjoy some with me?” You turn around at the offer, seeing the table to the side set with lunch for two and a huge plate of fresh fish. A brown grizzly tries to nibble on the tail of one fish in an attempt to pull it off the plates without his momma noticing and is quickly scolded.
“Trinket! What did I say! Stay hidden!” Vex scolds the bear as you squeal making a break for the door but Vex is quicker and grabs you by the arms stroking your shoulders in a calming motion as Trinket growls in shame, for disappointing Vex and being tempted by the delicious fish.
“Let me go, Vex.” You almost beg and Vex offers you a sad smile.
“I’m afraid I can’t just yet. I wanted to ease you into this but as we’re a bit short on time, we’ll have to take this route. Now calm down, just breathe, in and out. That’s it.” You do as she says, Vex guiding you and preventing a mental breakdown of being face to face with your fear in an enclosed space. Her presence makes it a little better knowing she at least is able to control Trinket to an extend and you know he won’t attack you outright but doesn’t get rid of the fear.
“Now, are you alright to sit down or am I going to have to tie you up to prevent you from running? I’m not opposed to the latter but I think we’d both prefer better circumstances.” Vex jokes, or half jokes. You know her well enough for that. You nod and she guides you over to the table, sitting you down on one chair while taking the other next to you, rubbing circles in your back to keep some nerves at bay as trinket makes himself comfortable, laying down, eyes closed but occasionally peaking, pretending to be asleep, much akin to a young child having been told to go to bed.
“Shall we eat?” Vex gestures to the set table and you have to admit the food does look divine, maybe minus the plate of fish though. You look between her and Trinket. You can do this. You’ve been in the same space as Trinket plenty of times before. Granted, those times the spaces were much bigger and there were several people between you and the bear at all times.
“Yeah. Yeah, I think I could do with some food.” Your voice shakes but Vex smiles anyway. Small steps are better than none at all. She half expected you to have made a break for the window. She took all the precautions and ‘fear-proofed’ the room just in case. Awkwardly you’re eating and if Vex has learned one thing from animals is they don’t eat when they really mistrust the company, so people can’t be much different right? Vex attempts small talk asking you about your day and such and while you replied you always keep an eye on Trinket not so successfully pretending to be a sleep even mustering a fake snore.
Halfway through Vex keeps staring at you absentmindedly playing with her food leaning her chin upon her enclosed fist. She’s got plenty of ideas running through her head but all are circumstantial. Maybe she’ll go for a hail Mary.
“Darling, do you trust me?” The question makes you look at her confused. Have you done anything to show that you don’t? You don’t think so.
“Of course I do. You’ve saved my life more than I can count. I trust you more than anyone.” You admit a bit wary of where this is going but it’s Vex and what you said is true.
“Could you close your eyes for me?” You look between her and Trinket biting your lip. You do trust Vex but within your own head a battle between that love and trust for her and your fear for the big fuzzy animal rages on. What are you supposed to do?
Vex sees your struggle and gets up from her seat. She gracefully walks around the table making sure your eyes stay focussed on her and kneels down in front of you. Taking both of your hands in hers she squeezes them softly and gives you a gentle comforting smile.
“I want you to know your trust is not misplaced so I’ll give you this.” Vex takes the necklace from her neck and puts it around yours.
“Now I want this back when we leave this room but for now you’re in control of it. Will you close your eyes for me?” She asks once more. Her expression says enough to let you know if you don’t want this you don’t have to and literally anything but closing your eyes will show her you’re not ready yet and that would be okay. There’s no shame in taking small steps or finding a different approach. She’d come to terms with that too but she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t relieved and happy when you nodded and closed your eyes.
Darkness. That’s all you see, and the occasional movement of light outside bleeding through distorting that darkness from time to time. You’re hyper focused on your other senses and you’re unsure wether that be because of closing one sense off or because you’re practically shaking with fear awaiting for that fight or flight reaction to kick in. You smell the sweet fruit from your plate, the gentle kick of the fermented grape juice, and of course the slight saltiness of fresh fish. You hear a grumbled moan and the sound of paws-no sharp nails hitting the fine stone floor step by step almost drowned out by the soft whispers of encouragement of Vex.
Trinket, as quietly and carefully as he can makes his way over to you. Vex shushes him a couple of times and the bear loyalty obeys the commands, laying down at your side. Vex takes one of your hands and you jump a little when she does so she turns to rubbing circles in the back of it as she guides your hand away from your lap towards Trinket.
“You’re doing great.” Vex can feel the gentle shake of your hand but you don’t resist so very slowly she guides you towards Trinket until your fingers touch his fur. You breathe in sharply holding your breath upon contact and freeze up, waiting for something to happen, be that a sharp claw slashing out at you, teeth munching down on you, a roar in your face but none of these come. Even Trinket awaits in suspense for your responses, his bear senses giving him enough insight in your discomfort.
Once you’ve gotten a moment to adjust Vex takes her hand off yours watching both you and Trinket. You don’t dare open your eyes yet but in the back of your mind you hear words of encouragement. You’re doing great. You got this and before you know it your fingers glide, all be it a little rigid and awkwardly, through Trinket’s fur.
“Perfect, darling. You’re doing absolutely wonderful.” You nod afraid to speak and break the spell you definitely must be under with this newfound courage.
Vex couldn’t be more proud of you. When you walked in here she wasn’t even sure she could have you be in the same room as Trinket for more than ten minutes and now you’re petting the bear. She watches as you slowly peak through one eye and when you deem the coast clear open the other too watching in amazement.
“He’s so soft…” You breathe barely audible and Vex laughs. Trinket grumbles at the compliment making you pull away your hand and jump a little but when no repercussion comes you put it back and continue petting the bear, who begins purring softly almost akin to an oversized cat. You can still feel your heartbeat in your throat but this is going relatively okay until you begin seeing spots and you start feeling dizzy. Vex notices and pulls your hand away from Trinket offering you your glass.
“Maybe that’s enough for now? We’ll take it easy.” You nod and feel the nerves subside as Trinket returns to his comfy spot by the window. It may be best not to push your luck and drive yourself into a panic attack.
“Don’t worry, darling. Before you know it we’ll have you riding into battle on Trinket’s back. Won’t you like that Trinket?” She shouts over her shoulder to the bear who replies in a happy moan. Vex pours you another glass of wine after she watches the colour drain from your face. Let’s stick to small steps. But for now, the first ones have been taken. Besides, she can’t deny you’ll look absolutely marvellous riding into battle on her favourite Trinket.
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cinnamonrusts · 4 years
sparda twins -- reactions
The Sparda twins reactions that you're pregnant with not just one, but two of their children.
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You paced the bathroom several times as you gnawed on your thumbnail. Your eyes did not leave the plastic stick that was sitting on the edge of the sink near the toilet. The packaging read that results would be ready in five minutes, but the wait had it feeling like five hours.
Dante had left on a run for some take out and you knew that it was all the way across town, so it left you some free time to figure out your "little" situation. You hadn't told him anything. How could you? The two of you were not in an exactly "family friendly" business. Last thing Dante would need to worry about was a mini Sparda.
You had enough of waiting and snatched the test from the counter. Your eyes narrowed as they fixated on the single horizontal pink line, but widened when it turned into a plus. The blood in your body ran cold and your throat grew dry. It was as if the + sign mocked you and your stomach felt sick. You knew it would happen, Dante called himself the pull out king. Yeah - fucking - right, and this proved him to be very wrong.
The evidence needed to be disposed of, so you wrapped it several times in some toilet paper and shoved it in the trash can. Dante hardly took the trash out and it would be unlikely that he would decide to scour the garbage, so you felt safe. Now all you would have to do is just keep it a secret until you decided how to approach it.
It didn't last long and soon Nico was on the other end of the phone. She let out a happy, "'Eller!" but was greeted by a loud sob along with unintelligible babble. "Woah! Woah! [Y/N], you gotta repeat yourself. I couldn't make out a damn thing! You okay?" the brunette asked, concerned. "I'M PREGNANT!" your sobs now made sense. "Oh, shit," she replied. "Yeah, oh shit is right."
"Did you tell Dante yet?"
You scoffed, "No. I don't think I can," as you spoke on the phone in the kitchen, your eyes fixed on a photo on the fridge of you and your devil hunter boyfriend. The two of you looked so happy and Dante's smile was so bright, the vibes that radiated from the picture kind of gave you some assurance. Maybe Dante would react well to the news and maybe he'd give the same smile of glee at the idea of being a father.
"But you're going to have to at some point. How you goin' to explain a giant belly here in a few months?" Nico was right, there was no way around it. You pinched the bridge of your nose and closed your eyes tight, "Could you maybe -- I dunno, take me to the doctor?" Nico replied, "I'll be there in a jiff!"
Just as you hung up, Dante walked in with two large bags that smelled of Chinese food. "Food is here and beer is in the fridge!" he waddled into the kitchen and his happy expression turned to one of concern when he noticed you looked upset. "Hey, darlin', you alright?" he set the bags down on the floor and slid to your side, his arms around your waist. His musk along with the heavy smell of greasy Chinese food almost threw you over the edge and caused you to gag. You placed your hand on his chest to prevent him from getting closer. His brows furrowed as he tried to understand what was wrong but the loud horn of Nico's van interrupted. "I'm going out with Nico. I'll be back," you brushed past him, grabbed your coat, and dashed out the door.
You were able to take a breath once you jumped into the passenger seat and slammed the door shut. Your head rested on the back of the seat and your eyes closed, "Thanks for the ride." Nico placed a hand on your thigh and nodded, "No problem, girlfriend."
Several hours passed and you weren't home yet. Dante's mind raced with different things he could've done to make you so upset. Was it because he hadn't taken the trash out? He would do that soon. Was it because he hadn't shown his appreciation for you relationship lately? He would go tonight to get you some flowers. So, the man did just that. Dante took the overflowed trash out. Then he made sure to hurry, so, that he would be home before you. Dante chose a bouquet of white roses and a goofy card. The card had two hot dogs on the front who held hands with smiles on their faces. It read, "Hot dog! You make me happy!" Dante got a kick out of it and figured you would too. The devil hunter wrote a quick, cheesy blurb in a scribbled mess and signed with his name plus a heart.
He opened the door and was surprised to see you in a chair near the entrance. You seemed to be in a trance and were startled by Dante’s sudden appearance. “I got you these!” he handed his gifts over but his happiness was dropped when you didn’t seem very happy to receive them.
“Dante, I have something I need to tell you.” you found it hard to keep your eyes on his. “Well, here it goes---,” your nose inhaled, then exhaled deeply, “I’m pregnant.”
Dante’s face was void of emotion before he burst into laughter. You grew angry and your facial expressions matched it. “That’s a good one, babe. Whew!,” he clapped his hands and winced a bit with his hand on his side, “Ow! That laugh made me pull a muscle.”
“I’m serious, Dante. I’m pregnant.” you reiterated. “With --- emotion?” he asked as his eyes shifted side to side.
“What? No! With a baby!”
Once Dante heard it for the third time, he realized it all. He was going to be a father and you were going to be the one who would usher in another lineage of the Sparda bloodline. Dante rushed to your side and took a knee as he kneeled beside you. His palm immediately made its way to your stomach as he pictured the life that was within. “Hey there, little buddy.” You cleared your throat into a closed fist which drew his attention to your face. Your right hand raised slowly and you twiddled your two first fingers in the air with a small smile.
That same grin that shined in the photo on your fridge grew across his lips. Both of his hands grabbed either side of your lower torso and he stared at your stomach. “You mean, there’s two of me in there?!” His expressions were warm and overjoyed, relief crashed over you as this situation turned out better than you thought. 
“I’m gonna really need to get outta debt.”
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Your body spoke to you and told you that something was going on. Every morning you felt ill and you could devour anything in sight until nausea overtook you. Lady asked if there was any possibility that you could be pregnant. A snort left your nostrils, “Impossible. Vergil and I don’t have sex enough for that to happen.” your mate was normally not home, you often slept in an empty bed more than one occupied by his strong body. But anytime he was, the act of intimacy could tear the walls down of his brother’s building. He was a focused and controlled man, he knew what he needed to do to prevent another child in his life. You were okay with that, your job was not one that was prime for being a parent. So, there was no doubt in your mind that this was nothing but a simple stomach bug.
“I don’t know, all your symptoms point to it, [Y/N]. Maybe you should take a test,” she attempted to reason with you and you eventually gave in.
The entire time you played it off as just something you did for Lady so that she would get off your back about it. You sat on the closed toilet lid and held the test loosely in between your fingers. The box read that it would take about ten minutes for a result, so you avoided looking at it until roughly around that. But your heart dropped into your stomach when the test did not read negative, but positive. “Shit --- Lady was right.” your cursed and your head dropped between your knees as your mind raced.
Vergil just found out that he had a son, Nero, and now you would throw him the information that he would have now an infant on the way. It was a conversation that you did not want to have. Vergil was a reserved man who did not show you his emotions often or expressed them publicly. You knew he loved you but it took quite sometime for him to open up to you about the fact. He put back his one track set mind toward power and made you a priority in his life. However, he had issues with being around his brother, son, and the other’s -- so he often went off on his own. You learned that this was something he wanted and you did not want to force yourself to go with him always. 
So, this news would not be easy to break to him when he would return in about a week. With the test clenched in your hand, you opened the door to leave the bathroom to only be greeted by Lady who was leaned against the walls with arms crossed. “So, what’s the prognosis?” she pushed herself from the wall and followed you as you pushed past her. You tossed the test into the air with your fingers and she caught it, “What do you think?” you answered before she was able to see for herself. The female was shocked to see that she was correct but didn’t want to say that she told you so.
You were about to slam your room door shut but her boot stopped it, “What’re you going to tell Vergil?” Your back was turned toward her and you faced the window as you observed the rain that pattered against the window. “Fuck if I know. How do you tell someone like him that he’s going to be a father... again.” Lady was silent, you turned on your heels to face her, “Exactly.”
Lady took your hand in hers and gave you a comforting smile, “Hey, he won’t be home for like what-- another week? Let’s get you to the doctor, we’ll figure something out.” You smiled faintly in return, “You’re a hell of a lady, Lady,” she batted her eyelashes, “Oh, I know.~”
A Week Later --
Lady was in your room with you and the door was closed, the two of you spoke of your plan of how you would drop the bomb on your half demon boyfriend.
“Do you really think Vergil will accept it?” you asked just as the white haired man opened the door, “Accept what?” he asked coolly. Lady closed her mouth and first looked at Vergil, then to you, “I’ll just let you guys have some alone time,” she slinked past the Sparda man and closed the door behind her. His gaze never left you and his strong features were unmoved.
You attempted to embrace him as you wrapped your arms around his neck but he gave you a slight push away before you could place a kiss on his cheek. “Will you tell me what you were talking about?” You bit your lower lip and hesitated to confess to him. Vergil took hold of your chin with his fingertips, “Speak.”
You swallowed hard, his blue eyes did not waver and they were just so beautiful that you couldn’t hold it in any longer. “I’m --- pregnant,” you whispered. It was like time moved to slow motion, Vergil observed each syllable that came from your lips. Pregnant? Pregnant. Pregnant.
 A twitch in Vergil’s furrowed brows caught your attention, it proceeded to twitch several times before he closed his eyes and released his grip on your chin. “How?” You shrugged, “I thought we were careful every time, even with our more adventurous hookups.” He didn’t speak and just listened, “Why?”
“Why?” you repeated, “That’s what happens, Vergil. I can’t really make it anymore clear.” As per usual, you couldn’t read him and his thoughts were a mystery to you.
“So, I’ll be a father once again. At least I’m currently aware of this one.” he sighed.
“Two,” you interjected. It was as if you could see his ears perk up when you mentioned a number higher than he assumed.��“Two? Another set of Sparda twins...” he was quiet before you could see a small smile on his lips. Vergil called for you to come to him, which you obeyed.
He wrapped his right arm around your upper half. His left hand rested on your stomach with a loved filled touch. His chin rested on top of your head as he imagined what they looked like and what life would be like in several months.
He thought to himself, maybe -- just maybe -- he truly deserved a happy life, despite all the things he had done. He now felt a stronger urge to want to be around you, the babies, and even Dante more. 
“Do I deserve this happiness, [Y/N]?” 
Your hand rested on his that was still on your stomach, “Of course. You always have.”
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