milkiane · 3 years
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butterfly clips; rafe cameron
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summary: rafe would do anything to make you happy, which also means he has to let you use your butterfly clips.
warnings: none! just pure fluff
word count: 588
a/n: dedicated to @starkey-babie and our love for s1 rafe (his hair, mostly) gif credits to her, too!!
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one of the things you love most about rafe was that he was always up for your spontaneous hobbies. no matter how comical it is.
from painting, barista classes, baking, crocheting (which he’s surprisingly very good at), you name it. he’s done it all with you.
your current hyperfixation was clay pottery.
you and rafe were out in his backyard. the sun was hiding behind the fluff of clouds, the breeze was cool and crisp, creating the perfect setting for your afternoon.
you were on your third ceramic by the time an hour passed, and you’ve successfully made a cute mushroom for your jewelry set and a frog bowl.
rafe was… hanging in there.
he couldn’t help but let out annoyed groans as a few hair strands kept falling to his eyes. he can’t push it back like he normally does because his hands were smeared with wet clay.
you looked up from your work to see rafe shaking his head a bit as he tried to get the hair away from his face.
you bit your lip as you tried to hide the amused smile growing on your lips, but it was no use, because as soon as rafe noticed that you stopped working, he snapped his attention towards you.
“oh, you think that’s funny?” he asked you, eyes squinting into a mocking glare.
you scrunch your nose up, pinching your thumb and index finger together. “a bit, yeah.”
he huffed, going back to his art when he gave up trying to avoid the hair in his eyes.
“i’ll be right back,” you abruptly stood up from your chair and went back into the house, wiping the wet clay on your hands.
when you came back, rafe had a bad feeling as he eyed your closed fists and the big grin on your face.
you opened your hands as you stepped in front of him, showing him the myriad of colorful butterfly clips on the palm of your hands.
“no, nope!” he shook his head feverously.
“oh, c’mon, rafe!” you pleaded, dragging your chair beside his, preparing to style his hair. “it would keep your hair away from your face.”
“no.” he deadpanned, ignoring the difficulty to look through the hair that curtained his eyes.
you pouted, playing with the clips on your hands as you tried to catch his gaze. “…you’ll look pretty.”
rafe groaned, looking at you for a moment before reluctantly agreeing.
you did a small cheer and a victory dance before settling yourself in front of him, resting your knee against his thigh as you started working on his hair.
you ignored the grumpy look on his face as you pushed back the strands of hair blocking his face, securing them with one of your many butterfly clips.
rafe couldn’t stay mad at you for so long.
the frown that was etched on his face was immediately wiped away just as soon as it was there and was replaced with a soft smile that made your heart flutter.
you had a concentrated look on your face, your tongue slightly poking out of your lips as you continued to work your magic on his hair. there was a shimmer in your eyes that made him feel all warm and soft inside.
rafe loves to see you happy. your smile was his most favorite thing in the world, and he’d do anything to make you happy.
even if it meant pulling his hair a little bit too hard and decorating his hair with butterfly clips.
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milkiane · 3 years
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BANANA SPLIT; jj maybank
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summary: jj comes to your rescue as you handle a very busy ice cream parlor by yourself. idea by anon.
warnings: overwhelmed!reader || gif credits to @television
word count: 923
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“what do you mean i’ll be the only one who’s gonna be working today?” you asked, pausing in your steps as you looked up at the early morning sky.
your manager sighed at the other side of the phone as you continued your walk towards the ice cream shop. “y/n, honey, we’re short on staff. mel called in sick today. claire, jason, and george are on some sort of family vacation shit. you know i would come in and help you if i can but my doctor said that i needed some bed rest.”
“you can just take this day off, it won’t affect your check.”
“no, i can’t,” you refused. “it’s touron season and we can’t let the money go to waste, wanda.”
“you’re right,” she agreed hesitantly. “this is why you’re my favorite.”
“i’m expecting a raise then, mama wanda.” you teased, tucking your phone between your ear and your shoulder as you unlocked the doors, preparing yourself for a busy day ahead.
jj turned the engine to the twinkie off as he eyed the overflowing customers surrounding the waffle cone, the ice cream parlor. he was the one who volunteered to get everyone’s ice cream orders as he scored a pretty huge check yesterday.
he expected to hear the usual cheerful greeting from the crew but all he heard was the peeved complaints of the tourons and the slight cluttering from the counter as he entered the shop.
he inched his neck up to see why there were so many people when he caught the sight of you alone, frantic and nearly in tears at the pressure of doing everything by yourself and the buzzing of customers.
jj recognized you almost immediately. you were a fellow pogue that had everyone’s hearts in the palm of your hand, and you didn’t even know it. it was your reclusive nature that intrigued both kooks and pogues because you were the most compassionate and charming person they ever laid eyes on.
you didn’t look like the type to appreciate being approached, so they always chose to admire you from afar.
but they did say that nobody should judge a book by its cover.
so jj immediately sauntered past the crowd and jumped behind the counter, shooting you a glance before grabbing an extra hat and apron by the hook.
you opened your mouth to say something but shook your head as you went back to work. you did need the help after all.
you noticed how jj stuttered a bit by the counter as he wrote down the orders and worked by the cash register, faltering a bit when he realized that he didn’t know how to work by the counter.
“i can work here,” you offered, making him breathe out in relief. “do you know how to work by the display?”
he peeked at the freezer display beside you, looking at the arrays of ice cream and toppings. “i think i can make it work.”
slowly but surely, you got to work through the endless number of customers with the help of the blonde, occasionally admiring each other when the other wasn't looking.
your smile matched jj’s as he took a second to appreciate the perfect stack of ice cream he managed to scoop, proud of his fine work.
jj got lost in the reverie as his gaze drifted to you, your sunshine energy radiating off of you, infecting the people around you. it wasn’t when the impatient kid knocked harshly at the glass window of the display when he snapped out of his daze, scowling at the kid as he handed him the ice cream.
jj plopped down at one of the many leather couches of the parlor as he watched you flip the open sign to close with a content sigh.
“i’ll be right back,” you said, disappearing behind the counter as you shrugged your hair from the hold of your tight hair tie.
when you came back from the staff room, jj turned off his phone, ignoring the buzz of the text notifications. the pogues were spamming his phone, wondering where he ever went with their ice creams, but he ignored them as soon as you walked towards him with a bowl of banana split and two spoons.
“hey, thanks so much for your help.” you gushed, offering him the other spoon as you placed the bowl in the middle of the table. “if i knew how many customers would come in here, i would’ve taken that day off my manager gave me.”
“why were you working by yourself?” jj asked, taking a scoop of ice cream.
“everyone took their leave, unbelievably.” you sighed, letting yourself relax in the presence of the blonde.
“that’s such a-” he got cut off by the sound of his phone ringing. he peeked at the caller id and saw the pogue group chat trying to get a hold of him. he rolled his eyes, ended the call, and tucked it back in his pocket.
“aren’t you gonna take that?” you questioned, taking another bite of the sundae.
“nah,” he shook his head. “s’just my friends calling me. i went here to buy them some ice cream, but that could wait.”
“awe,” you cooed, feeling your cheeks heat up at his concealed sentiment. “well, we could head up to them and bring their orders. my treat.”
“uh yeah, sure,” jj agreed. “do you maybe wanna stay behind, too? hang out with me-- i mean, us, for a few hours?”
“i’d love that, jj.”
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