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southpark sideblog
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stripetucker-tweak · 1 month ago
I beat the game! On to fractured but whole!
Playing stick of truth for the first time
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stripetucker-tweak · 1 month ago
This is actually so much fun!
Playing stick of truth for the first time
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stripetucker-tweak · 1 month ago
Playing stick of truth for the first time
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stripetucker-tweak · 1 month ago
The mischaracteization of Kenny McCormick is my roman empire. I know it is mainly because he is the most complicated of the main four to describe.
Of course you often see him characterized as a drug addict whore who will sleep with anyone man or women which while it does not come out of nowhere is complete flanderization. Kenny's sexual knowledge and desires I think come from the place of a child, he is that one kid who is obsessed with sex before all his friends but he has also no more expirence than anyone else and while I see him expirmenting sexually earlier than most I don't think that would translate into him being a slut as a teenager, at most a boob obsessed teen age boy. His desire comes from a welth of knowledge with a lack of experience. He is fundamentally a loser in most people's eyes, the weird poor kid, he would most likely strike out most of the time.
The next big mistake that people make in characterizing kenny is assuming that Mysterion is his base personality. This is obviously because it is the only form where we can hear him talk. Rather Mysterion is who Kenny wishes he could be. His fake voice is not just to hide his identity or the play alnog but rather to separate himself from Kenny. For example he uses Mysterion to look after Karen because Kenny himself can't. Kenny is just as much so a scared kid as she is, but through Mysterion he can separate himself from his family life to be who he wishes he could be for his siblings. He is able to threaten his parents to treat him and Kevin better brcause he separates himself from being their son. He is Kenny's guardian angel too. Mysterion also has a moral compass that kenny notability lacks. He is second to cartman is the main group when it comes to moral depravity. He would willing join the side of evil for a dollar or a chance to be noticed. He is typically cartman's sidekick and while he'll antagonize him as much as anyone else, he tends to go along with his plans whether it be joining the confederate army or not giving a fuck about whales until he can have his 15 minutes of fame. We see this with princess kenny joining the nazi zombies in tsot. However he does care deeply about his friends and where this comes through is self-sacrifce. The most genuine kenny moment in all of south park to me is at the end of bigger longer and uncut when he wishes for everything to go back to normal and takes his hood down, kenny making it to heaven shows that he is a good person deep down. His opertunism comes from that fact that he frequently sees the worst in world and his youth.
While Mysterion represents Kenny's heroistic desires, Princess Kenny represents a more selfish desire to be doted on. The two are near opposites Mysterion cares for Karen without Kenny's own needs but the Princess has everyone to care for her. Kenny, as I previously mentioned, is a loser. He is south park's punching bag and yet no one not even his closest friends seem to care. This is where Mysterion's righteous anger comes from, but when he is Princess Kenny everyone cares about him. All the boys who laugh at him are now enchanted by his cuteness. He is gaurded and doted on by his friends as if he is the most important person of all. It is a fantasy, an escape. He doesn't desire to have the responsibility of a king or prince or even a queen, but rather the effortless power of a magical girl. Kenny is a no one but while they are in Zaron he is the Princess, that is why he was so hurt when cartman would let him be royal and I think why he played as a girl in the first place, the lone damsel for all the boys to fight over.
He is defined by his poorness, although in the way that is the thing the cartman has chosen to rip into him about like kyle being jewish or stan being gay for being in love with wendy. Outside of his friends and butters he is seen as the weird dirty poor kid which he is a little self conscious of, often trying to deny it. Because he is so poor, he is very relient on his friends for things like food, videogames, and activities he can not afford himself. It also allows him to be easily minupulated for money or food. This has also made him a hardworker as he has expirence doing manual labor for cartman and employers such as lu kim. He is also willing to entertain or humiliate himself for money including prostitution.
The last important piece of Kenny is, of course, his many deaths. This is what makes him fundamentally different from every other character. He is constantly trying to avoid these extremely painful and gruesome deaths and lives in fear of the pain but does not take death even remotely seriously, not just his own temporary ones but other people dying as well. He is resentful of his friends for forgeting his deaths and this comes out especially as Mysterion as they acknowledge his immortallly as a made power akin to their own made up heroes This causes Kenny to be severely jaded at the worle. However, despite this, he is still able to find joy in little things, remaining generally happy. This also leads him to escapism such as getting high through 'cheesing' and his eagerness to try auto-erotic asphyxiation. Considering he can survive an overdose and therefore avoid typical addiction issues, I can see him abusing this as he gets older. There is also a part of him that hopes it is permanent every time he dies and a part of him that is relieved every time he wakes back up.
Kenny McCormick is multifaceted. He is selfish and self-less, brave and a coward, mature and childish, mean and kind-hearted. He would die for his friends, and he would sell them out for a dollar. He is a great brother, and he is sexually perverse. It just hurts to see people get him so wrong.
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stripetucker-tweak · 2 months ago
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stripetucker-tweak · 2 months ago
I found a little Stan pin at the thrift store
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stripetucker-tweak · 3 months ago
I need someone to draw Stan and Kyle as Robin and Kid Flash so badly!
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stripetucker-tweak · 4 months ago
One weird minor thing that I've always found odd in South Park is that they are constantly mixing up Ms. and Mrs. They are ALWAYS going, oh MS. Mccormick, oh MS. Broflovski, then it's always MRS. Cartman, and it was MRS. Garrison. Sharon gets called both, but it's Mrs. Marsh most of the time, so that's good. Then many side characters are called by the wrong one. Does this matter at all? No, but I just wonder why?
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stripetucker-tweak · 5 months ago
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stripetucker-tweak · 5 months ago
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stripetucker-tweak · 5 months ago
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stripetucker-tweak · 5 months ago
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stripetucker-tweak · 5 months ago
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stripetucker-tweak · 5 months ago
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stripetucker-tweak · 5 months ago
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stripetucker-tweak · 5 months ago
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stripetucker-tweak · 5 months ago
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