#mind and body books
substition · 1 year
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opens-up-4-nobody · 3 months
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pineapple-frenzy · 2 months
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Book 2 au: and there was only one bed!! :00
Because of course I just had to do this trope
This is the first and last time they decide to sleep in an inn and they have an unspoken agreement to pretend this never happened
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biglisbonnews · 2 years
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The big idea: your personality is not set in stone Think you’re stuck being scatty, or an introvert? The latest research suggests otherwiseHave you ever wished you could be better organised or more sociable? Or more inventive and original? Perhaps you’re a constant worrier, and you’d prefer to be a little more carefree?If any of these thoughts ring true, you are far from alone. A number of surveys show that at least two-thirds of people would like to change some element of their personality. In the past, such desires appeared to be futile. Our personalities were thought to be formed in childhood and to remain fixed throughout lives. Like the proverbial leopard that could never change its spots, our virtues and flaws were believed to be woven into the fabric of our psyche. Continue reading... https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/feb/13/the-big-idea-your-personality-is-not-set-in-stone
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musubiki · 6 months
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danmarch 🐉💎
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mejkosmos · 1 month
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my every waking hour nowadays:
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f-imaginings · 22 days
I'm really enjoying seeing concepts repeat now that new fans are finding billford.
Seeing new takes on themes that OG billford fans from before the book of bill enjoyed like:
🔺 Ford joins Bill AUs
🔺 University AUs
🔺 Jekyll and Hyde parallels for Bord
🔺 Bill reincarnating to be a human pest in the shack as part of his redemption dues
🔺 Ford building a puppet body for Bill rehashing Pygmalion
🔺 Lots and lots of Ford traps Bill early on ideas
🔺 And lots of "what if Bill wasn't evil and actually was nice and circumstances contrive so they stay together in a healthy way" AUs that stretch realism (which Bill is all for so go off I guess)
The one new thing I've seen with the new wave of Billford fans is Bill and Ford meeting as children and that panning out. That's a new fun one.
It's really nice to see patterns repeating and all this new content for ideas that folks have been churning out. Billford fans, we are being fed well!
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omaano · 1 year
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Without warning, the creature bites down hard onto his index finger, and Boba grinds his molars together to keep from reacting. “I leave you for two minutes,” Fennec sighs from across the room. “Thirty-two,” Boba replies evenly through gritted teeth. “Same difference.” “We’re bonding.” “I can see that. Going well, is it?”
OR: What's a Daimyo to do, when presented an Eevee?
I am so so happy that @saltsprite commissioned me to do this pair of drawings for their fic curiouser and curiouser - which is an absolute delight and I cannot recommend it enough! Boba getting fierce little Baya to love on, and be lovingly bullied by to take better care of himself is the most precious thing ever and you definitely need it in your life too!
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camellia-thea · 3 months
okay. just rambling here, but, i think armand took more than just the end of the interview away from daniel.
we got that little moment about that night, saying 'you asked me to' to louis. 'you asked me to take this from you, you could not live with it,' leading into, 'i look after you when you cannot look after yourself, i make those choices for you.'
we know that during the chase and devil's minion era, daniel was an addict, who was, by his own admission, slowly killing himself. he was also addicted to blood.
it's really not too far to make the jump, if devil's minion occurred, that armand made the choice to step in, in his own mind, for daniel's best interests. i know this isn't a unique jump to make, but; again with armand's "i look after him when he cannot look after himself" continual reiteration, i think it's a fair assumption.
he can also replace and blur memories, which makes the discussion of alice and paris -- why the dessert from that night? -- and how immediate and sincere his answer of "she wanted to say yes, but she didn't trust you. you hadn't given her a reason to." this could be the night he took them away, replaced himself with alice, planted something similar for her to start the relationship, then step back and watch it fall. and i think the thing that stands out there is just how tender he is while saying it. there's an undercurrent of something else entirely underneath, it isn't a dig at daniel in the moment, despite the pushing earlier in the scene.
and then in s1, when louis say to daniel, "i'd give it to you now." and the cut to armand, still in disguise, and his micro-expression of horror, the way he stiffens and looks away... and the little moment of what i read as conflict when daniel says no. his jump to "may i be excused?" i can't tell in the moment, if he's horrified about the offer itself, the fact that it is louis offering to turn daniel rather than himself, or the fact that daniel denies it. because i don't think armand could actually let daniel die if this was the case.
the disguise itself-- why pretend to be rashid? i think part of it is to try and hide behind a human persona to keep those memories at bay; especially given the little moments of flashback that got triggered by little mannerisms. i can't decide whether they're intentional pushes or not, whether armand wanted/wants daniel to remember on his own, or wants to keep it under wraps. i think, even if he believes he doesn't want it to come forward, he truly does deep down.
and once he's revealed himself as armand, the way he gazes at daniel, his beautiful boy. the continued "our boy", from both he and louis, the "he's still in there, somewhere..."
and i think "our boy" is also really interesting, because why would daniel be armand's boy, based solely on the moments that louis initially remembered? armand didn't really have any emotional connection to daniel that night, sure, he saved him, but that doesn't really mean anything; he saved daniel for louis, not for daniel's sake.
and, jumping back "our boy,[...] he's still in there somewhere"... there's implication that louis might know about it? again, i don't think this is related to the original interview, or at least, limited to it? i don't have anything concrete here, just vibes, but again, why is armand's boy still in there somewhere?
and sure, some of these are reaches and i don't think i'm necessarily right, but god it would be deliciously awful if i was.
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Bill Cipher and the Mind/Body Problem
I have been thinking about this for a while lol. Most of my information here is from my Psychology lectures (I'm an Art Therapy major, which is a type of therapy, so I have to do a lot of psychology work :D)
The Mind/Body Problem is a debate in psychology and philosophy about what is the mind. One view, the Mentalist view, suggests that the mind is a separate entity from the brain itself, something that could possibly be outside of the body itself, the more philosophical idea. The other view, known as Materialism, suggests that the mind IS the brain, and that everything is a result of physical functions, the more psychological view.
I wanted to explore how Bill Cipher's possession would fit into this.
Mentalist point -> Since the mind is something supernatural and non-physical, Bill Cipher would possess someone by accessing this space and then using this space to connect to the person's brain. Basically, he would attack the mind first (the personality, the memories, ect), then go after the physical functions through the brain (sight, motor controls, speech, ect). This view would make more sense in-lore with us seeing Dipper float out of his body when Bill possesses him, as well as him being able to communicate with Mabel, and Stan's memories only being purged from his mind when he kills Bill. Furthermore, his mind is more or less under his control and looks like he wants it to (the Mystery Shack living room). Furthermore, this would fit with the idea of the memory gun, as it would be easier to target memories via the mind rather than memories via the brain, without messing up things like personality and motor functions. Materialist point -> In this viewpoint, Bill would possess someone just by entering their brain and take everything over at once. This seems to fit closer to his possession style, as we saw when he possessed Dipper, in which he had almost immediate control of both Dipper's memories and his physical functions. Dipper floating out of his body could also be explained in this theory, as people who have near-death experiences often describe seeing themselves float above their body during this experience, so it could explain Dipper floating after Bill's possession: he is still there, it's just his body making sense of what is happening. Of course, this doesn't explain Dipper being able to communicate with Mabel through a sock puppet, which is purely supernatural and more aligns with the Mentalist point. The memory gun is easier to explain than the possession with this point - I'll use Fiddleford as an example for this one. While the memory gun targets memories specifically, it still could work with the brain being the mind, if it targets, say the Hippocampus (the main point of memory encoding and retrieval), therefore, it will mainly affect memories. With Fiddleford, it wasn't only his memories that were damaged, but his personality, and even his motor functions (like his eyes). This would fit more in the Materialist point, as it makes more sense that the memory gun would interfere with things that would cause these changes, whilst trying to remove his memories. The brain is a finicky thing after all. We could also explain Stan's experience before he kills Bill with a combination of the previous theories. He is having a near death experience; therefore, we can assume his is experiencing a near death experience hallucination, which is why we would see "his mind." Also, since he has less exposure to the memory gun than Fiddleford (even being able to get his memories back), we can assume that the memory gun targeted specific memories in the hippocampus and blocked them from being encoded/retrieved. As he was able to retrieve his memories (thanks to Mabel), the memory gun in this case, gave him temporary amnesia and didn't affect the rest of his brain noticeably.
Taking into account that Gravity Falls is a supernatural show, both theories could fit it! The Mentalist theory is a metaphysical theory; thus, it fits the show stronger in some respects. However, the Materialist theory is a physical theory, and can have some interesting implications, while still fitting the show when taking into account the supernatural elements.
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average-hua-cheng-fan · 10 months
xie lian took 2 days to heal after his stab wound on beizi hill
he tooks several months to recover after the temple scene with white no-face
he took a year+ to heal after being trampled in banyue
the quick pace of healing after the temple scene makes me headcanon that he didn't give himself enough time to do it properly, meaning he was in a lot of physical as well as mental pain during the no-face arc.
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Nanami frantically digging through Shoko’s pamphlets and googling “how to give the ward you just met a sex talk” after the last chapter, this poor man needs a Xanax and a 12 hour nap SO badly right now 😂😂
fantastic chapter btw!! I love love love maki and am fully prepared to be terrorized by her plan—terror for her having to deal with the Zenin and terrorized because that girl is batshit insane and can do anything she sets her mind to ❤️
(I have a sneaking suspicion that her plan involves that mysterious “Okkotsu Yuuta as the world’s most unenthusiastic honeypot” tag, and OH BOY OH BOY am I on tenterhooks to see what insanity (positive) Maki comes up with)
Hope you have a great day!!
Nanami, frantically rushing to r/Parenting for this fucking hurdle of fatherhood:
I (27M) may have discovered my newly adopted son (16M) is in a relationship of indeterminate and possibly intimate nature with his three (15F, 15M, 15M) friends. I need emergency advice.
I only met/took in my eldest a few days ago. Those days have been extremely trying, and have unfortunately placed a very stressful burden on my son. I have tried to support him in any way I can; however, the young character of our relationship makes me fear overstepping his boundaries. I do not want to rush anything which may damage any trust he may form in me in the long run.
As a result, I do not believe having “The Talk” with him would be appropriate at this juncture. However, I fear it may be necessary.
I recently approached him while he was visiting with his close friends in a private room. I knocked (from what I believed to be a respectful distance designed to preserve his privacy) and heard a series of… disconcerting noises. His friend (15M) then proceeded to claim that he could not open the door because they were indecent. The door was quickly opened, and all parties were clothed, but this and other behaviors between the group make me wonder if they have something deeper than friendship between them.
His previous parents were neglectful, and the main influence he has had in recent months is… a rather sorry role model. I believe the assumption that he has not yet learned of safe sexual practices is appropriate. I want him to be comfortable with me before we speak of such matters, but I also want him to be safe in the present.
A complicating factor is that one of his friends (15M) rather frequently wears a hyper realistic panda costume. I bear absolutely no judgment or prejudice against any of his potential partners and support him in his relationship. However, I do not actually know the specifics that should be covered in a talk given the particularities of these partners.
Another complicating factor is that one of his friends (15F) would have been better off being raised by wolves than the sorry excuses of humanity that raised her. While I fear that I may overstep boundaries by speaking with my new ward about such topics so soon, I would most certainly overstep boundaries by broaching the matter with her. At the same time, I cannot deny my suspicions that such a conversation would be desperately needed. How should I proceed?
The fucking comments:
what is wrong with you and your life
there is no way you are a real person
ThatOneGuyinthePandaCostumeTokyo.com is this them
your kid is a furry
Nothing in Nanami’s years of teen parenting prepared him for that moment. The man discovered types of panic he did not know existed. POV you’ve known this boy for three days max and you’re the person Responsible For His Wellbeing and mid crisis you have to figure out 1) if it’s too soon in your relationship to give him the safe sex talk 2) if you can even avoid the safe sex talk if what seems to be happening is happening 3) would it even be appropriate to give the safe sex talk to the people he would be potentially having sex with and 4) is he a furry.
Nanami was not prepared to be confronted with this particular challenge of parenting. Especially because Megumi gave Tsumiki the puberty talk, no one’s been brave enough to give her the sex talk, and the entire teen parenting group has Megumi as too Baby in their minds to have even contemplated giving him any talks.
You have NO IDEA how excited I am for that tag.
Thank you for your kind words! I’m glad you liked it!
#I have unilaterally decided that Megumi explained to his own sister the miracle of her changing body#in my mind Tsumiki had no real parental influence prior to Gojo#her mom sure as hell didn’t explain periods to her#both Gojo and Nanami assumed Shoko would explain puberty to her#Shoko did not do that#she also had spent years lying to Gojo about what a woman’s time of the month meant#he believed it had something to do with the full moon#it sounded much like lycanthropy#he did not know blood would be involved#tsumiki in my mind had been slightly isolated from her peers growing up because of what was happening at home#she also did not know that blood would be involved#megumi knew#Megumi had read a book on it just in case#and then Tsumiki got her period. she thought she was bleeding internally. Gojo thought she was bleeding internally. there was hysteria.#they both thought she needed the hospital because she was dying#megumi sat them both down. told them if anyone made eye contact with him he would kill everyone in the room and then himself. if they ever#talked about this again he would kill everyone in this room and then himself. he was on a hairpin trigger.#there would be no follow up questions or discussion after. he will kill them all.#anyone it’s one of Tsumikis favorite memories even though it was mortifying#the fact that her little brother silently learned about puberty so he could explain it to her if he had to sort of was a big confirmation#that he loved her. and Megumi loved so quietly. it was just nice to hear.#sea glass gardens
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nectorbruise · 11 days
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“If lost, return to Bill.”
This was supposed to be an older Ford that lost during the fight and rebellion in the pyramid but it turned into a version of Ford that never reached out to Stanley for help, and brought about the end of the world long before that fateful summer of 2012. After the end of the world, he remains as bill ciphers puppet, walking the grounds with one bloody, bruised eye and a smile that never leaves his face. If only he’d found the courage to push his stubborn resolve aside and call up the brother that would have saved him. He doesn’t see Stanley for a very long time. He sees nothing at all.
I drew this in class instead of paying attention. I will scurry back into my cave and return again with more art, maybe of Stanley, maybe not. Is he alive in this au? Unclear.
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plutorine · 11 months
and if i speak????
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ultfan · 4 months
me when tumblr recommends me someone defending dr3 in the tags and i read through the entire thing and get mad bc they don't understand what brainwashing really is.
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#'brainwashing has been a staple of the series for a long time' they say (mostly talking about mind control)#mind control in the fictional sense not the real world sense btw#magical/technological means of instantly controlling ones thoughts#the video in dr0? yeah. brainwashing. they were watching it ON FUCKING LOOP over and over to the point of desensitizing themselves#they were already vulnerable to start with as well. it was fucking conditioning them. not controlling them directly – brainwashing them#the monokuma kids? DIRECT MIND CONTROL#THEY ARE WEARING FUCKING HELMETS ON THEIR HEADS AND HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THEMSELVES OR THEIR AUTONOMY#THAT IS NOT BRAINWASHING!! THAT IS FUCKING!! PUPPETEERING THEM#they brought up smthn in the togami book. never read that but apparently there's a book that spreads despair disease#(info gotten from unreliable source in the book)#tbh it's probably propaganda to help despair spread better#it doesn't have to be fucking literal#also despair disease... if it is anything like dr2... IS NOT BRAINWASHING#IT JUST FUCKIN TAKES OVER THEIR BODY/OVERRIDES THEIR PERSONALITY AUTOMATICALLY#IT'S A MIND ALTERING ILLNESS???#NOT!! BRAINWASHING!!#and then of course saying brainwashing in dr3 is the natural conclusion and that it doesn't retcon anything#AND I AGREE BRAINWASHING IS THE NATURAL CONCLUSION. BUT DR3 DIDN'T DO THAT#it just fucking... made them flip a switch out of nowhere?#MIKAN SAID SHE BECAME THE WAY SHE DID DUE TO HER RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHERS#NOT BC SHE WATCHED SILLY DESPAIR VIDEO#to use magic subliminal messaging to INSTANTLY change the way someone thinks isn't brainwashing in your typical sense. that's mind control#let's define brainwashing shall we?#a method for systematically changing attitudes or altering beliefs#originated in totalitarian countries#especially through the use of torture— drugs— or psychological-stress techniques#or perhaps this one:#any method of controlled systematic indoctrination especially one based on repetition and confusion#REPEATED TORTURE. REPEATED WATCHING OF THINGS#**REPETITION IS KEY**
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dylanlila · 14 days
it's cool that you think l'amica geniale isn't actually about friendship. you can go fuck yourself
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