#mim's cat
luminarai · 4 months
Most people will tell you that giving your pets any kind of medication in pill form is an absolute nightmare, meanwhile I have the exact opposite problem.
A friend of mine was watching my cat Mim while I was travelling this weekend and when he went to split her weekly allergy pill (made to split into 4 small pills when you press down on it with a finger) to give her the usual 1/4, he fumbled it and sent it skittering across the floor where my ridiculous pill-loving menace of cat immediately gobbled down the whole thing, leading to me receiving a panicked phone call at 11 pm from said friend who was understandably freaking out (everyone’s fine, a single high dose won’t cause any problems as long as it’s just this once).
Behold: the villain herself, basking in the success of her crime (she’d be planning her next pill-related heist but, as you can see if you look closely, there’s there’s nothing but elevator music behind those eyes)
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cheekylittlepupp · 9 months
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the prettiest vampire rogue
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radicalfemimist · 6 months
I don’t think we as a society talk nearly enough about how intricately connected cats and women are. cats are associated with women so heavily, not just in English but in other languages as well. the stereotype of the ‘crazy cat lady’, the fact words to refer to cats are often also used to refer to female genitalia, ‘cat fight’, ‘catty’, etc.
Cats have suffered alongside women, too, which is not something I have seen brought up. Cats were targeted during the Witch Hunts as well, and suffered similar fates as the women they hunted. During this time, cats were nearly driven to extinction, and the mice and rat population go out of control— which is believed to have heavily contributed if not outright caused one of the most famous plagues.
To this day, I think we need to analyze if it’s truly a coincidence that cats are often portrayed as mean or uncaring because they do not behave the same way as dogs— “man’s best friend”— that their boundaries are violated for fun and then people criticize the cat for reacting, for self-defense. They will mutilate a cat so it cannot defend itself, and then abandon it when it is understandably upset, when it can no longer feel safe.
If you look at the statistics, more cats enter animal shelters than dogs, and tend to stay for longer. Personally, my local humane societies seem to have almost exclusively cats. In part, this is because cats are more effective at reproducing than dogs, and there are very little if any resources dedicated to to TNR. This is also because people will not spay/neuter their cats, and then will abandon the cat and/or just the kittens.
I do not think it is entirely coincidental that cats are so heavily associated with women, and they are villainized for not being dogs. That dogs are called “man’s best friend”, but somehow that does not mean cats are called “women’s best friend”— instead diamonds are, for whatever reason, despite women’s shared history with cats, and shared experience of being villainized for having boundaries. They are made the villain for being cats instead of dogs, they are called uncaring and “assholes” because the way they show love is not identical to the way a dog does.
I feel like there is no way it is entirely coincidental, the way cats are hated and the way they are so heavily associated with women, with females.
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mimsillustrations · 5 months
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Mim enjoys a tasty treat while she relaxes with some music 🎶
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genocat · 1 year
The Mimic
a 6 legged shapeshifting slugcat :] they were due for redesign.
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stargazerlillian · 8 months
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Close-ups of a pair of designs from the new "Madly Mischievous" collection by Disney artist Lewis Whitman.
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toxictoxicities · 1 year
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I made a scug for shits n giggles, bc, why not?
I'm thinking for Mim that they could probably go through other creatures shelters and their little passages though -shrugs- I just did it to have my own scug bb
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gydima · 12 days
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Look at my dumb kitten looking so dumb with her body twisted all wrong. 🤪
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liminally-charged · 2 months
If anything in a household would be a mimic, it would be one of those cat trees. Never trusted these fuckers. You're telling me that you bought this rickety-ass whackhouse for like 500 bucks and your cat doesn't wanna stay on it? Yeah, I'm not convinced. Your cat knows what's up. Your cat still has its ancient predator instincts, can smell the mimic from miles away. It's you who has to be afraid. Stupid dumbass, inviting the chameleon tree devil straight into your home. Stick your head into one of those little houses, see what happens. I dare you.
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khalliys · 2 years
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Something different! I was in a mood to draw my dnd character Tanaveen Illium (she/they). They're a very wolf-themed (because of course) Firbolg and Circle of the Moon Druid, 7'10 ft tall and in their 220's.
Tanaveen and her family were the guardians of an ancient forest for generations, but a couple of years ago the government of the nearby nation claimed the land by force and burned it down. In the ensuing fight and struggle, Tanaveen lost family members who remained in the forest to death and capture. A fate she herself only escaped because a friend managed to drag her out of it when she was badly hurt.
They've travelled together since then, mostly aimless and avoiding society until weeks ago, when daring to step foot (and hoove) into a city just got them roped into a weird adventure - as these things go in dnd.
After all that tragedy, the adventure now was finding the lost hoard of a dragon...
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luminarai · 5 months
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Attempting to get the beast used to a dental hygiene routine is… well, it’s going.
(She stayed that way for a solid 8 seconds despite hating being held belly up so I think it’s safe to say that Mim is not beating the ‘tiny speaker playing elevator music instead of a brain’ allegations any time soon.)
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radicalfemimist · 5 months
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I really can’t fathom getting so worked up over a post about cats and their correlation with women that it warrants a reblog, a vaguepost, and a post with a screenshot of my post, while also managing to completely miss the point.
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mimsillustrations · 4 months
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Mim enjoys a yummy cup of coffee ☕
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beeguillotine · 2 years
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Happy Miriam Monday!!!
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nordictwin · 7 months
hello! 🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them, for the ask game?
Hello, you have given me an excuse to show off my little baby!
This is the Magnificent Mims! The third red tabby to rule my parents' house.
This little darling is a soon-to-be 2 year old domestic short hair. Weighing in at 5kgs, she's the perfect size for showering in love.
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She likes to inspect boxes...
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And bags...
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And the food at every meal. She is convinced that all food must be for Mims, despite constantly being told otherwise. I think, she thinks, the stupid humans just never want to share.
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She's a big lover of watching birds and people! In this image, she's discovered that a couple of pigeons are building a nest in a tree in the yard.
(On that note, she also likes being in tall places.)
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She has sharp little teeth with which to chomp cardboard! This baby loooves to imitate a shredder.
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She has an enclosed yard and shed to explore to her heart's content, with plenty of spots to play hide and seek or just enjoy a nice sunbeam. (And don't worry, she's chipped and spayed, in case she ever escapes).
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She's very intelligent! She can fetch, loves to play hide and seek and can communicate, when she wants to play it. Really, she's got the braincell 90% of the time.
And then the other 10%, well...
Then she's exactly as dumb as her color would suggest.
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We've had her since she was a tiny kitten with big ol' ears and the cutest little pink beans! She was the absolute cutest little kitten, who's grown into the cutest little lady ❤️
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I love her 😘😘😘😘
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shield-o-futuro · 1 year
Cat você assistiu Invasão Secreta? O que achou?
Sim, eu assisti ! E sendo bem sincera, foi uma série que me decepcionou muito :/
Eu tinha altas expectativas pra ela, tava muito ansiosa pra poder assistir, porque na teoria tinha tudo o que eu mais gosto no MCU: uma história mais contida, no chão, com a parte mais de agentes secretos e sem muitos heróis muito poderosos envolvidos. Eu adoro o Fury e tava com saudades dele e achei que a gente ia ver muito mais da Hill ( eu tava louca pra ver ela ter mais tempo de tela, mais desenvolvimento, fui trouxa 🤡) , sem contar que o Talos também é bem legal então eu tava animada demais. Pensei que teriamos muitas respostas pra perguntas que vinham desde far from home entre outras coisas. E o primeiro episódio foi até que muito bom ( tirando aquele final de merda que eu ignorei completamente ), mas depois....... a série foi decaindo, até ser uma decepção completa shuashuashuas
Sei lá, tiveram momentos bons e personagens legais, mas no fim, senti que a série em si não serviu pra muita coisa. Na minha opinião, o ultimo episódio foi uma bagunça completa, não explicou nada e ainda abriu ainda mais perguntas. Eu amei a G'iah ( tanto que adotei ela aqui ), mas achei que ela quase não apareceu, e agora tá super OP, o que foi bem péssimo, até porque eu sei que eles nunca mais vão voltar nisso. Vão dar um jeito de sumir com ela, porque não vão saber trabalhar com uma personagem tão forte assim.
Eu podia ficar aqui o dia todo falando sobre isso, mas vou ser breve porque senão já viu ashuashuasuas então minha opinião geral é que era série que tinha tudo pra ser perfeita e dar certo, mas acabou sendo só mais do mesmo e isso tá me deixando triste, porque é basicamente o estado do MCU nesse momento.
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