ducksxcks · 2 years
Enid x werewolf!reader
Summary: being a werewolf doesn't always make you tall and strong, r happnes to be the runt of their siblings, being only 5ft compared to Enid 5'7 figure.
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Nevermore was a busy school, of course it would be, the amount of outcasts of different shapes and sizes. You being small, always had people knocking you over and walking into you. People laughed at you, when you told them you were a werewolf, not expecting you to be so... small and weak, although you found it annoying, your girlfriend found your small
Huffing as you straighten yourself up after being pushed to the floor for the fifth time today, all you were trying to do was grab lunch before meeting Enid. After finally making it to lunch, you sat by Enid and sighed, loudly. "Aww, whats up?" She asked kissing your cheek gently, you responded by leaning into her side, eating some of your fries. "mh, don't feel like talking?" You just nodded while eating some more of your food.
Once you felt like talking and finished sulking about your day, you sighed and straightened up. "I'm sick of being pushed around, I mean I'm not that small!" Your head is now in your arms, resting on the table. Feeling an arm pull you closer makes you relax.
"I think it's cute, you're like a puppy!" Enid voice beams, if she had a tail, right now it would be wagging so quick, she'd may as well take off. You whine at the comment. "Maybe that's what I should call you from now on, puppy" She laughs, kissing the top of your head. All you can do just blush at the statement and hide your face from your girlfriends prying eyes. "Don't go all shy on me puppy"
"You're so annoying!" You whine into your arms eliciting a giggle from your girlfriend
The nickname had stuck, along with Enid escorting you too and from lessons to ensure you weren't being pushed around through the busy halls. "Enid. I am perfect capable of walking through the halls by myself, " you mutter while also pulling her closer to you when the crowds started gaining more people, the blonde merely hummed, her grip on your hand tightening slightly.
"Sure, you're definitely not just a little puppy who gets knocked over just walking to lesson," She teased, pulling you even closer to herself, humming when you grabbed onto her blazer when you clocked the crowd heading towards you.
"Shut up" you muttered, blush creeping up, covering the entirety of you face.
"You know you love being my puppy." She kissed the top of your head, laughing at you, mumbling profanities into the fabric of her chest
Not proof read, I hope you enjoyed :)
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