chernobog13 · 1 year
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The approximate size difference between the Constitution-class (refit) U.S.S. Enterprise and the Millennium Falcon.
This reminds me of a friendly argument I had with a buddy in high school. He was super-hyped after seeing Star Wars and had written a fan fiction crossover between the two Star Wars and Star Trek (The Original Series; this was long before even Star Trek: The Motion Picture was released. Lawdy, I'm old....).
The story wasn't too bad, except that he had the Falcon dwarfing the Enterprise. It took me awhile, but I finally convinced him of his error.
He went on to have a very long career as a professional entertainment journalist, and has written several books about each franchise.
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The Lord is My Shepherd
1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters. 3 He restoreth my soul; He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me 5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; Thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. — Psalm 23 | Third Millennium Bible (TMB) Third Millennium Bible, New Authorized Version, Copyright 1998 by Deuel Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. Cross References: Deuteronomy 20:1; 2 Samuel 22:19; Psalm 5:8; Psalm 16:5; Psalm 19:7; Psalm 25:7; Psalm 25:10; Psalm 36:8; Luke 7:46; John 10:11; Philippians 4:19; Revelation 7:17
Psalm 23 Meaning: Analysis of This Powerful Scripture
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tozettastone · 11 months
Fenris and Astarion?? The only way Fenris is losing that fight is if Astarion complains so extravagantly that Fenris forfeits so he can leave early.
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Hi! I was wondering if you'd ever heard of Eaglemoss? It's a company that used to make a lot of little ship minis, including a little baby Vengeance, which I think you'd like for obvious reasons.
(also I love your art it's sooo cute)
I‘m getting one rn!!!!
(Thank you <3)
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sinkthoseshipspoll · 1 year
Ship Poll: Round Two
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Millennium Falcon from Star Wars VS. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)[Enterprise-D] from Star Trek
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tybarious-ii · 1 year
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USS Falconprise
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supernightboy08 · 1 year
My favorite Spaceships:
1. Millennium Falcon
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2. X-Wing
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3. TIE Fighter
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4. NCC-1701 USS Enterprise
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5. NCC-1701-D USS Enterprise
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6. NCC-1701-E USS Enterprise
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7. Imperial Star Destroyer
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8. Naboo Fighter
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Let's see who we can piss off this morning...
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spotsandsocks · 1 year
I’ve probably forgotten some very important ones but these are the ones you get to choose from.
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DPXDC prompt #33
As a apology/birthday/deathday present to Danny, Maddie and Jack decide to make authentic space tech from his favorites movies... Star Wars and Star Trek.
Now the Justice League was dumbstruck chasing a, honest to god, real Millennium Falcon YT-1300 light freighter mixed with Enterprise NCC-1701?!
Did they forget to mention the transporter? Or the other brought to life fictional tech from star wars and star trek? Or the fact the this spacecraft was being driven by a blue-eyed and black-haired teenager?
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bitterkarella · 6 months
Midnight Pals: Usher
Mike Flanagan: Submitted for the approval of the Midnight Society, i call this the tale of Edgar Allan Poe's Greatest Hits…Updated for the New Millennium! Flanagan: what if roderick usher was a pharmaceutical bro? Flanagan: what if Hopfrog had a fidget spinner? Flanagan: what if the rue morgue orangutan vaped?
Poe: oh i don't know about this Poe: i've been burned on this sort of thing before Flanagan: no it'll be great Flanagan: roderick usher's gonna talk just like the big lebowsky cowboy, it'll be great
Flanagan: see, we take everyone's favorite bits from your stories Flanagan: but then Flanagan: we give them a nutty little twist Flanagan: to appeal to today's modern a-go-go kids
Flanagan: see, my fall of the house of usher is about this pharmaceutical dynasty crumbling King: i thought the story was about the actual house falling down Flanagan: haha of course not nothing so literal Poe: actually it is about a house falling down Flanagan:
Flanagan: haha no for real Poe: no i mean it. the house falls down Flanagan: Flanagan: wait, like, literally? Poe: yeah Flanagan: Flanagan: ok then
Flanagan: ok so Roderick and Madeleine Usher have a bunch of kids Flanagan: Prospero, Tamerline, Victorine, Brevet Brigadier General John A. B. C. Smith Flanagan: and Adolphus Montressor Nu-Nu Metzengerstein Valdemar
Flanagan: which by the way are all references to poe stories Flanagan: you might not have picked up on that, it's kinda subtle Poe: oh hey this is pretty good Poe: i'm kinda digging this
Flanagan: now the ushers run Fortunato Pharmaceuticals Poe: oh! i get it! Poe: this is great Poe: [nudging barker] like the cask of amontillado Poe: see, fortunato is a character- Barker: oh my god edgar I KNOW
Flanagan: so prospero is going to have this big rave Flanagan: you might even call it Flanagan: the rave of the red death! Poe: oh! Poe: oh! oh! oh! Poe: [nudging Barker] like the masque of the red death Barker: Poe: [nudging harder] you know, the masque of the- Barker: I KNOW
Flanagan: but Roderick Usher Enterprises Flanagan: or RUE Poe: Flanagan: where they do experiments on apes Poe: oh! Flanagan: yeah you know where i'm going Poe: [nudging Barker] like Barker: CHRIST, SHUT UP
Flanagan: but before the usher twins can take over Fortunato pharmaceuticals Flanagan: the CEO Rufus Griswold stands in their way Poe: boo! boo! i hate that guy! Poe: i don't know why i just instinctively hate this character Poe: i hope he gets his!
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chernobog13 · 5 months
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A few new guys arrive to lend a hand, by Alex Ross.
May the Fourth, and all that!
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Be Humble
For I say to every man that is among you, through the grace given unto me, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. — Romans 12:3 | Third Millennium Bible (TMB) Third Millennium Bible, New Authorized Version, Copyright 1998 by Deuel Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved. Cross References: Ecclesiastes 7:16; Romans 1:5; Romans 11:20; Romans 12:6; Romans 12:16; Romans 15:15; 1 Corinthians 3:10
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What is a measure of faith (Romans 12:3)?
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knightotoc · 1 year
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alastorswarlock · 8 months
Star trek/star wars crossover ideas are always like "enterprise and millennium falcon have a dog fight" whereas I know my fav space nerds would be getting to the bottom of jedi/sith divide and reason for endless war and getting sith to give up fascism through impassioned speeches.
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poppitron360 · 2 months
One thing I felt like HoO really dropped on is the characterisation of the Argo II itself.
Where a lot of shows like Star Wars, Firefly, Doctor Who, and Star Trek really shine is where the ship itself becomes it’s own character.
I’m gonna use firefly as an example here, because I started re-watching it today, and this is something that’s a VERY key theme.
I think Joss Wheadon (the creator of the show) talked a lot about Serenity (the ship) actually being the “ninth cast member”. “Serenity” is the name of both the pilot episode and the follow-up movie, it’s name-dropped in the theme song, and the show is called firefly because it is a “Class-3 Firefly Spaceship”. And we as an audience really connect with the ship- despite the show being only fourteen episodes long (If I was only able to throttle 20th Century Fox… I answer to no god)- and I think the reason we do so is because every single character has their own personal connection with the vessel. Wash being the pilot (Also, if I remember it correctly, it being the place he met Zoë), Kaylee being the engineer, for Simon, it being a safe space to hide his sister from the totalitarian government trying to do experiments on her brain, and Mal and Zoë starting the ship together- Mal naming it “Serenity” after the battle of Serenity Valley which he fought in with Zoë (I could lore-dump about this show ‘til the gorram cows come home). And the whole premise of the show being about surviving with your rag-tag crew on this piece of shit that you love dearly, and just… keeping flying. Ugh, there’s something so magical in the writing that makes you adore the ship itself.
Other examples, like the Millennium Falcon, the TARDIS, and the USS Enterprise, are also good for this.
Now, onto how the Argo II itself:
The only person who really has a personal connection with the Argo II is Leo. The rest of the Seven just feel like they’re… on Leo’s boat. All the food is provided by the magic plates from Camp Half-Blood. Most of the piloting/engineering is done by Leo, and a little bit by Annabeth and sometimes Percy when they’re on the water. You never get the sense that any of the others really love the boat, or have any connection with it at all.
I think that’s the reason why the Seven never felt that close in my opinion. There was never a sense of community. Of people united by a common location.
I think, just love for a place in fiction is something really powerful to me. That’s where Harry Potter most thrived, not necessarily the plot, but wanting to be in the world, go to Hogwarts.
Camp Half-Blood had that charm and homeliness. So did the Waystation in TOA. Camp Jupiter didn’t for me, but I think that was kinda the point. But I never really got that from the Argo II, because of the way it was set up so that Leo was the only one who could really bond with it. And this is what makes Leo so compelling to me, is that he actually connects with his flying ship. I just feel like the Argo as its own character, similar to Serenity from firefly, could’ve been so good if it had been written right and was such wasted potential. It would’ve strengthened that bond between the Seven, and made that “familial” dynamic feel a lot more natural.
In conclusion? Everyone should go watch Firefly on Disney plus. It’s just fourteen, forty-five minute episodes, plus the movie. But man, is it worth it. You will cry at the deaths (why do all the good ones get impaled?). You will laugh at the jokes. You will probably say, “Wait- is that a young Zac Effron?” When a young Zac Effron has a cameo. You will wish you were as badass as River.
Idk, it’s 3:03am and this is basically a good idea of what the inside of my brain looks like most of the time. I’ve mentioned at least six obsessions of mine in this post.
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