#millennial problems
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thepeacefulgarden · 3 months ago
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lafamilledelioncourt · 10 days ago
i was giving the SAT to my older kiddos today (we have a program for young adults trying to get into college and allow them to take it for free), and two girls were talking as i was handing out scratch paper.
one of them said, "oh no! ao3 is blocked by the school's internet!"
me, an active ao3 user who has a VPN on her computer to get around that problem while taking my lunch, actively trying to walk faster bc oh no. oh nonononono. not here.
later on they admitted to eachother they're reading dramione fanfictions, and i did recognize some of the names from tiktoks where it's very clear it's porn.
children, let me warn you, your teachers now were around for the mass boom of fanfiction in the early 00's into the 10's. i know what slash is, i know what every rule # means, and, yes, we do judge you for your ship choices.
"it's giving puppy play but like in a good way" out of a 17 year olds mouth makes me want to wash my brain out with bleach.
however, i admit, i was reading far worse far younger. so, to each their own i guess.
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jesus-was-a-witch · 18 days ago
It's really weird being a grown ass adult in my thirties and recognizing that I have a crush on somebody?
Like, what do I do with this?
How do I flirt? Will she flirt back? What the fuck am I even doing?
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millennialsargueback · 2 years ago
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somewhatstacey · 2 years ago
It finally happened - I had to Google gen Z slang after a very high young man told me my Barbie backpack was “straight bussin’, fo’ real fo’ real”.
I’ll put my affairs in order soon and step my one foot in the grave as is custom.
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clipsie · 30 days ago
It's very confusing watching 2gether because every time I see the title I want to sing you + me = calculus.
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rhys-ravenfeather · 5 months ago
Me, clutching my knuckles so tightly they turn white: The reason so many women were able to have kids and start families in their twenties before in the past is because they had to get married in order to have financial stability. The very fact that you're able to hold a job and earn your money, and don't have to rely on a man for your livelihood proves that you're doing just fine...
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gilbert-dauterive · 26 days ago
Forgive me please if my tumblr etiquette is strange. I am old and still in the habit of using this site the way we did during the Obama administration
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mbrainspaz · 1 year ago
I used to be the starry eyed 21 year old millennial who bragged about having a 50's work ethic and a strict moral code and loving my job and working unpaid overtime and skipping lunch and surviving on pickle sandwiches because I couldn't afford meat that week.
I've become the 31 year old jaded manager (making the same pay as I did when I was 21) who tells the high schooler employees to "go ahead and leave work an hour early, who cares? Yeah I'll clock you out at 8pm don't worry about it. Have fun at the house party. Don't drink and drive. I'm gonna quit early too and go have a pickle sandwich."
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barecontact · 5 months ago
I know my depression is heavy when I start listening to Death Cab For Cutie again.
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bidotorg · 2 months ago
This January, we’re ringing in the New Year with all things 90s and Millennial! #MillennialMayhem
🕶️ Read & Subscribe 🛼
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eccentricphilosoph · 5 months ago
Millennials were pushed to be academically educated so far that many weren’t taught proper socialization, how to exercise common sense, how to reason, how to think critically, how to do chores and cooking, how to have a good work ethic, etc. Are they actually intelligent?
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Millennials were put in front of educational TV, games, and books. They were pushed to make good grades and go to college.
However, they weren’t taught the most important basic life skills!
So now, many of them are handicapped in life on top of a crappy housing market and economy and have very low emotional intelligence, low common sense, hate people, don’t know how to cook, and don’t understand the true meaning and value behind work ethic (even when it comes to their own dream jobs).
All they have is memorizing things they were taught in school or in books.
That’s not true intellect at all. True intellect is the ability to reason, think critically, and do real world problem-solving in a way that is mostly from their own minds and not just parroting what they’ve learned or read!
I’m watching as my own generation is falling apart at the seams. I dislike working with them and I dislike interacting with them in a more deep way because of the above issues. While I completely empathize, I also am done with the maltreatment I receive due to their lack of emotional intelligence, lack of work ethic, lack of common sense and reason, and lack of good social skills.
Wisdom cannot be learned or taught. It can only be obtained when you have the ability to reason and have common sense and emotional intelligence and understanding of the world. Something I fear many Millennials lack, even in the upper echelons of our institutions of education, government, medicine, science, etc.
At the end of the day, are Boomers to blame or, being adults now, are we to blame for choosing to not learn from others by refusing to see past our own noses while we hide in our childhoods?
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miss-mollys-ballet-blog · 1 year ago
As a millennial, it is my overwhelming desire to be a burden to absolutely no one and never be in anyone’s way and never even slightly inconvenience them or ask them to do something for me even if it’s their literal job. I will say please, thank you, and I’m sorry as though my life depends on it and if I don’t wave to a driver for letting me go (either walking or driving) I will die on the inside for at least the rest of the day.
Why are we like this???
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whatsupwalnut · 10 months ago
* extremely watching girls5eva voice * i wanna fuck Sara Bareilles so bad
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whtnxt · 11 months ago
I just wanna get paid to do a bunch of creative shit and travel
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draftmare · 1 year ago
Sometimes I think about making super edgy posts using song lyrics to drop hints to people I’m annoyed at, and then I remember this isn’t the early-2000s and we aren’t on MySpace any more. 🤣
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