#milennium falcon
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
I just came up with a hc that makes the sequel trilogy 200x funnier.
What if Rey and Finn are both students at Luke's academy and the whole sequel trilogy is just Rey, age 8, making up a crazy wild fantastic adventure story to tell to her bestie Finn, age 9, while they're being watched by Poe, age 12, (who is visiting the Jedi academy because his mom is friends with Leia) and Ben, age 11?
Hear me out.
ST!Rey is a desert orphan because lil Rey WAS a desert orphan before Luke found her. The reason Rey learns to be a Jedi so quickly in the ST is because lil Rey is telling a cool story about herself!
Finn is a stormtrooper, because once he met Captain Rex and thought he was really cool and he wants to have white armor too, so Rey makes him a Stormtrooper who turns good and rescues Poe.
Poe jumps in on Rey's story at the beginning to wax poetic about himself being the best pilot in the galaxy, and Rey tries to one-up him by making her story-self fly the Milennium Falcon through a star destroyer.
Ben keeps hijaking her story to try to kill off everyone so he can leave, so he's obviously the villain. Rey keeps trying to make him have a redemption arc to no avail. At the very end he just gives up, says "okay FINE i turn GOOD and help you save the day BUT THEN I DIE", and he leaves.
Luke is a grumpy island hermit in the ST because lil Rey is annoyed with him because he wouldn't teach her to try to float an X-wing (something totally out of her skill level) and so she's like "and then i went to the ISLAND and met LUKE and he wouldn't teach me AAAAANYTHING!"
Poe makes up the scene where Han gets stabbed because when Ben was 2 he accidentally stabbed his dad with a fork and Poe thinks it's hilarious to keep bringing it up.
Rose is a friend of theirs who visits for just long enough to get Rey to throw a gratuitous space-horse subplot into the plot of TLJ cause Rose is a space-horse-girl, but then she has to leave so Rey writes her out of the plot of TRoS.
Anything else that doesn't make sense about the ST is just because it's a story told by an 8 year old girl who's here for a good time and doesn't really care if it's realistic, because it's fun and that's more important.
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readerleedigest · 2 years
Camping in Naboo Pt.1
I finally had some inspiration. There’s not a lot of tickling in this one because I’m trying to set that up for the next part, which I don’t have time to write right now. Hope you like it!
You knew that Luke had told Leia about his... revelation after your lightsaber instruction. How?
Well, it had maybe been a day since Luke had absolutely tickled you into oblivion. You’d been relaxed in the lounge of the Milennium Falcon again, laying across the padded bench with your eyes closed, when you’d felt a weight settle on your waist. 
The mischevious glint in Leia’s eyes and the indignant scowl told you her purpose before she’d even said it.
“How have I never known you were ticklish?!”
Leia made up for it with the kind of dedication you knew was typical of her. By the time she was done with you, she knew every ticklish bone in your body and promised to never let you forget it. 
The next few weeks weren’t as fun, preparing for the trip to Naboo to deal with the unrest following the disbanding of the Empire. You, Han, Chewie, Luke and Leia were choosing to deal with it yourselves, rather than send another squad of Republic fighters. The first had been greatly unprepared for the numbers they’d faced, and your group was used to the odds being against them.
The perk to this trip? Camping in Naboo. The nature there was gorgeous, and it brought you back to fond memories of climbing trees with Leia on Alderaan, hoping to catch a glimpse of the ships coming in to port. 
“So were you just hoping to hide and get out of helping set up the tents?” Luke called up to you and Leia, who’d climbed a tree just minutes after your arriving at the campsite. Chewie let out what you’d come to recognize as a Wookie grunt of complaint, and you watched as he and Han struggled to get the tents upright.
“Kinda?” You shrugged back at Luke, Leia already swinging her legs around to descend back down the tree. 
“We know you boys are incapable of anything without us, but really Han? Defeated by a tent?” Leia teased, lowering herself back onto the grass.
“Yeah, you can make the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs, but a tent-”
You felt your stomach drop before you did, the branch you were using to lower yourself snapping and giving way before you could grab another. 
“Y/N!” you heard Luke exclaim as Leia knelt beside you. You’d missed her in your fall and landed flat on your back, knocking the wind out of your lungs.
“Breathe,” Leia coaxed, bringing your arms up above your head to help you get in some air. 
“I’ll be... fine.. in a second,” you whispered.
Luke offered you a hand after a moment, pulling you into a sitting position as Leia worked on pulling a few stray leaves out of your hair. 
“Did you take the whole tree with you?” she joked, moving on to plucking some out of the knitted top you wore for warmth. She plucked one off your side, and you jolted away from the touch, a slight smile on your face.
Leia hummed, a knowing look gracing her features as she looked at the faint blush on your cheeks.
“Stop it,” you whined, hiding your face in your hands.
“Here, let me help you Leia,” Luke chuckled. You swatted at him as he moved his hands quickly to evade yours, sneaking in pokes and pinches to your sides as Leia removed other leaves from your top. 
“You’re bohohoth the worst,” you giggled as they helped you up, looking over to where Han and Chewie were unabashedly watching.
“So you both knew about Y/N’s only apparent weakness, and didn’t want to share with Chewie and me?” Han quipped, letting go of the tent, only for the fabric to fall the other way and engulf Chewie.
“Ooo, you’re in for it now,” Luke pretended to whisper. “Wookies are practically tickle monsters, Y/N.”
Chewie grumbled something from under the tent.
“What’d he say, Han?” you asked. 
Han smiled. “He just agreed with Luke.”
You were in for a long trip. 
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biganimal92 · 5 days
i was about to say that i can't remember the last time i've been able to enjoy a ship that people other than me and like 2 other people actually make content for re: lalo/nacho vs My Very Very Very Bad No Good Rotten Lies of P ships but then i remembered that i used to be a popular star wars artist for a very popular ship and also i literally dreamt about that star wars ship last night. AND NO I DON'T MEAN THE MILENNIUM FALCON I MEAN OBIKIN -____________-
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fanonical · 1 year
the milennium falcon being named that isn't actually a continuity error - while falcons aren't a bird in-universe, it's actually the hutt word for asshole
jabba told han it was a compliment
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gollancz · 2 years
hello official gollancz tumblr!
i love science fiction, especially when it involves robots. what is your favourite robot sci-fi novel? and do you have any other recommendations?
also, i hope you're having a great day! :D
I LOVE ROBOTS. I actually ran a robot world cup last summer over on our SF Gateway twitter... probably due another one actually.
While this is probably not an unexpected answer, from our lists I think my very favourite will always be Marvin The Paranoid Android from HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXY. Everything about him delights me intensely in every iteration 10/10 excellent plastic pal who's fun to be with (although Hi I'm Eddie Your Shipboard Computer is a close second).
Other fun ones, Rice Fish in THE RED SCHOLAR'S WAKE is actually a sentient spaceship; Neuromancer from NEUROMANCER is probably one of the most sinister AIs I've encountered in fiction (GLaD0S is a baby girl and poor little meow meow and I will hear nothing against her). EVERSION by Alastair Reynolds has a hidden robot in it.
SEA OF RUST by C. Robert Cargill is such a great book too, a robot scavenger on a post-apocalyptic Earth is trying to resist becoming part of a centralised network intelligence. It's a thriller, a noir, and what would happen if Wall-E went really dark. You might recognise the author name too - he's also a screenwriter, and one of his latest pieces was The Black Phone.
I will admit to also being a fan of small squeaky robots, but those are trickier to portray in text than in other mediums. The Scutters and the DRDs will have my heart forever, because the Star Wars ones get all the attention (although I did build myself a Chaos Sphere at the Droid Depot when I went to Disney last year... then did an accidental New Baby photoshoot with it and my husband in front of the Milennium Falcon. My mother-in-law thought this was less funny than I did.)
For upcoming books, we have the @victoriocity novel in the works and I can't wait to share it because it has one of my very favourite things in the world - Really Rubbish Robots. There are some great ones in that.
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transpidergwen · 2 years
The Shrek fandom vs Reylo shippers is definitely not discourse I ever expected to see but it's also the most tumblr thing I can imagine and I am being thoroughly entertained. It's the dumbest most insane combination of things it’s like if the Scooby Gang showed up in the Mystery Machine on the Fury Road and Scooby screamed "Wuh-wuh-witness ME SHAGGY!" and proceeded to jump onto the War Rig and pull off Immortan Joe's head to reveal he'd been Joseph Gordon-Levitt the whole time and then Rian Johnson flew in on the Milennium Falcon and dropped a nuke on everything screaming "SUBVERT THAT MOTHERFUCKER" and then it cuts to black to reveal it was in fact Taratino's long awaited sequel to Kill Bill but then those credits were fake and there's still an hour left of Everything Everywhere All At Once.
Anyway it's a great day on this website.
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mcbitchtits · 1 year
and now it’s time for silly songs with larry minnesota cuke, the part of your dash where i keep talking about indiana jones, forever.
current state of the view count:
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here be spoilers. i might say i’d stop tagging after we cross the month threshold but tbh the way i keep writing novel-length nonsense it will probably just stay under a cut regardless
i know we got the wilhelm and the milennium falcon/plane engine noise (can’t remember where, on the latter) but i avidly watched the credits last time and ben burtt was not involved in this one. dunno how much of this is lucasfilm restructuring under disney or them handing it over to a mostly fully new team (like new costumers being mostly disconnected from the old ones), but it’s a little sad to see. it’s not like he’s retired. (I mean, maybe he was overbooked or didn’t want to work on it, but still!) (i may be the singular person out here regularly making raiders foley art jokes around the internet, so, you know, forgive me on my frustration with this point.)
what do you think happened to that poor italian pilot after everything? are they long-distance friends now, a la sallah or presumably renaldo, etc? (which, by the way, I can’t remember if I ever speculated about it on here, but I was hoping we’d meet up with one of Young Indy’s FFL friends in Morocco. I was clearly wrong about that.) or do you just go back to your italian pilot life trying not to think about how you went 2200 years into the past? i mean, shit gets weird with pilots. so it’s not like he’d be an odd man out just ranting paranoically about watching out for dangerous cloud formations at altitude. (and when i say “shit gets weird with pilots”, i also mean, like, it’s a personality thing. SO.) (i mean...)
been trying to pay more attention to the score on subsequent viewings because it hits so differently for me. I think, other than Helena’s Theme, that it just uses older cues a lot more? which, arguaby, it’s not like the past sequels haven’t done that, but much like my script complaints it feels like it’s Oops! All References. which I did notice— pretty sure when the bomb drops in the intro, it’s the ants swarming cue from Crystal Skull. (which is kind of an interesting comparison, musically, thematically!)
on the flip side, I was dinking around with Helena’s Theme on the keyboard— I’m fairly but not 100% certain it’s just the Raiders March notes rearranged. which is sweet, and I like that it went someplace different musically, but also it’s interesting to note how that’s such a musical diversion from John Williams’ other work. Star Wars intertwines themes a lot, but so has Indiana Jones; notably with Mutt’s theme in Crystal Skull but iirc also with Henry Sr in Last Crusade? now i’m second guessing myself. ANYWAY. Williams does it a lot, frequently in little ways that are just a bar or two or four, so it’s notable to me that Helena’s doesn’t.
which is fine; it’s a good theme. on the other hand, I feel like that reinforces again my structural complaints with Dial of Destiny, in that things just seem tacked on together in a pile and don’t really mesh; and moreover, that we frequently are given Helena’s Theme when we want to hear the Raiders March. intertwining them as countermelodies or harmonized or whatever would have given us both. and 1) it’s interesting that they chose only to give us Helena and not Indy, musically, and 2) this echoes the structure of not actually actively resolving (or, uh, even really addressing forthrightly) their character arcs/conflict!
on my last viewing i went to see it in this theater that used to be an indie/art theater and got bankrupted by covid and resold, and it was very nice internally but i spent the whole movie wondering what the fuck kind of weird vignetting was going on with the film/lenses. finally made it to the underwater scenes and it was just dark as shit, so I suspect, looking back, it was just that the projector had bulb issues, which is frustrating on its own but even moreso as a purportedly indie/art theater. (also i got a trailer for that theater camp movie this time, which is a hilarious pre-roll choice? lol)
i cannot stop thinking about the whole Science But Also We’re Going To Nod Vaguely To Athena And Put Moons On Shit design premise. i get the moons if you’re trying to make everyone remember that the dial is a celestial body calendar calculator (which it was!) but WHY JUST THE MOON. WHY EVEN BOTHER PUTTING ATHENA IN THERE. if it’s SCIENCE then put THE MOON AND THE STARS AND THE PLANETS. if it’s MYTHOLOGY then PUT IN ARTEMIS AND APOLLO/ETC. AND IF IT’S ABOUT TIME THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE GIVEN ME KRONOS AND THE TITANS GOD DAMNIT
anyway. lazy production design (and/or writing/plot choice if it was them) in my opinion.
I think they melted it... digitally? The fire looks digital, and the melted wax looks digital, and there’s a notable texture difference from the shot of the disc in the melted wax vs. the subsequent shot of Indy pulling the disc out. So I’m very curious to know if it was actually digital or practical. Generally, yes, safer for fire. My preference obviously as a Raiders/etc fan specifically is that it should have been practical to the extent they could have. And of course we can argue maybe the shot difference is just waiting for the wax to cool enough to pick it out the disc safely, but, eh. idk. it didn’t feel tactile, you know? That’s part of what these movies are about.
(I mean, likely, lighting some 151 or whatever on a Wide Candle would probably not burn sufficiently long to melt it? But COME ON, THE POWER OF EDITING, I BELIEVE IN YOU) (also perhaps i will try lighting one of my junk candles on fire later with the power of rum. just for experimental purposes. SCIENCE, YAKNOW)
side note, historically, i want to say a wax tablet like that would have had a wood frame? also, i don’t know what kind of wax they would have made it out of. i could easily go research this, so i guess that’s going on my list next.
So the big thing I keep chewing on is the contrast-not-contrast of Voller and Indy, and what the fuck the plot was actually trying to say. (and, frankly, as I have mentioned, I keep coming up with ????? because I think they didn’t have a good thesis and thus the structure floundered and the point is kind of lost, aside from the broad strokes of what we already “know” about Indy, both the person and the character.) Voller’s Mediterranean look is interesting to be because it seems like a pallette-swap of Indy. Light toned fedora, light toned jacket, slacks and a shoulder bag, all still in natural, earth tones, but not dark browns. To me this is a more interesting contrast than is happening almost anywhere else, because it’s reminiscent of Belloq’s pallette (usually whites and creams, both with pith helmet and later a fedora) and also Panama Hat’s (love those serial flick names). Belloq and Indy are explicitly very close to the same, “rational” archaeologists in pursuit of some academic fame or notoriety, and also a little bit in the realms of questionable ethics. (Until it turns out, of course, that Belloq would sell his soul to the Nazis, and Indy wouldn’t, though let’s not get into the depths of that examination here.) Voller also consistently sees Indy as a comrade-in-arms, the rational scientists whose pure pursuit of truth (and their own goals) is above all else.
And, of course, in the end, we see how that plays out more explicitly, Voller in the plane says “I can’t stay here,” while moments later Indy begs to be allowed to; “let me stay.”
Of course Indy would never be a Nazi so it’s necessary both structurally (and, uh, because otherwise this would be a literal disaster of a movie) for them to be counterpoints. But while this holds in the production design and the general basic structure, again, I think they really lost the plot in the nuances.
Indy is a man of science. Even all the while he’s come to appreciate (in past adventures) the existence of some mysticism. This movie, so much thematically, is about Science (Archimedes and the antikythera) and Indy being a scientist and also Voller being a scientist. It’s also as much about belief; Indy in Science AND ALSO His Marriage, and Voller in Science. But, structurally, it keeps trying to pit Science against everything else; this in part is why the “dial” is the least interesting macguffin we’ve seen so far— it’s not really resonant to the story. (Mostly this failure belongs, as I’ve said, to the lack of character arc that should be underlying everything.)
Indy insists on being a scientist, despite the fact that he’s also willing to write off everything he’s seen as “how hard you believe in it”. Is that not worth examining, as a central thesis of the series?! Why does it get such a cop-out line?! (Again, because I think they didn’t know what they wanted to say, so they waffled on everything, and instead you get a hemming and hawing script without resolution.)
As a scientist, at the very least, I think he would be more intrigued by everything that has happened to him. Scientists love when things yield unexpected results, because that’s something new to explore.
Which, in that same vein, I can’t buy that he wouldn’t think the moon landing or space exploration was interesting. I can’t buy that he’d feel “replaced”— obviously, this is very much an angle on heroism and culture that is used by nazis and other cultural supremacists— but Indy is a guy who wants to learn, to teach, to engage with the world, to go on adventures. (If he’s jealous, show us that?)
And again, again, again, one can certainly argue that this is all specifically not him, not himself, because of the depression of losing Mutt and his marriage; that’s fine, but I think the script does a shit job of establishing that or doing anything with it.
And if Indy feels “replaced” (which, again, this thing they kept telling us in the promo material I don’t think was borne out well in the actual text!), and he’s longing for some lost era of himself (except, again, that he pushes everyone away and continues to claim “this isn’t an adventure”), what the fuck is the actual text of the movie structurally trying to say by bringing him “back” at the end? If he’s not actually a relic of the past (uh, literally and figuratively), and we still need heroes of his type today, why do we not spend more time and finesse with that character arc??????? You cannot posit this as your central thesis and then nearly forget about it until the last five minutes. I mean, you can, I guess. They maybe did. And it sucks all the more for it.
If Voller’s obsession with science is what gets him stuck as a literal and figural relic, and Indy gets to look to the future to continue to be a hero and be needed in the world around him, why do we spend so much time valorizing the antikythera as a scientific object instead of a more mystic one, if Indy needs Belief and Awe and The Power of Friendship and The Power of Punching Nazis and so do we?! Again, and I know I’ve said this a billion times already, but WHY DO HELENA AND INDY NEVER HAVE THAT MOMENT OF RESOLUTION??? Helena needs to realize it too! Indy needs to stop being so cynical and see what he already knows!
I just. urgh. like I said. it’s hard to write about with clarity because I think they lost it themselves. And, more objectively, the script is narratively fighting itself on these themes in part because “making the antikythera scientific and not very mystic” is a reaction to Crystal Skull more than it is a reflection on the rest of the series or letting it stand on its own merits. And, again, I think that not only creates a story that is at odds with itself constantly and messy as a result, but it also does no service to Raiders as a story nor the other entries in the series, nor to Indiana Jones as a concept or a franchise. (And, most notably, it makes a bad “finale” entry!)
I’ll probably have more to say on this later, and, you know, eternally, because every time I sit down to write out what I’m trying to say I end up saying something completely else so I’m just over here piling up disjointed comments on top of disjointed comments.
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escapesvelocity · 1 year
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
details about ocs!
He cracks his knucles and neck regularly.
He can often be heard humming a tune or quietly singing something when he's focussing.
Speaking of focus: he clenches his jaw a lot.
He used to bite his nails but he doesn't do that anymore; only when he's extremely stressed.
He lives for to do lists and planners.
He unapologetically loves pop music most of all.
He is left-handed.
He can't tell lies. Even white lies are a struggle.
He has learned the most random of things out of interest. It may surprise you to know that he can pick a (simple) lock, knows a few card shuffle tricks, knows how to drive a car (despite never having done it), and can hold his breath underwater for four minutes.
He used to be a boy scout and has quite extensive survival knowledge (& he is a big fan of B.ear Grylls).
He speaks conversational Russian (because astronauts need to know Russian).
He can't do public speaking. At all. It terrifies him.
He's an Apple fan. As in, iPhones/Macbooks, not the fruit.
He's a huge Star Wars fan. Fun facts: he's got a TIE fighter and a Milennium Falcon model, and an adorable Baby Yoda stuffed toy that Sierra gave to him as a joke - but he loves it.
He's likely to stay up late but wake up early as well so he has a bit of a sleep deficiency problem. His doctor isn't happy about that.
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wtstsgalor · 1 year
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New Glitches from Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker
Finn could try blasting Kylo Ren while he's locked in a battle of wills with Rey. They are so evenly matched that it probably wouldn't take much to tip the scales in Rey's favor.
Rey exits the hangar bay through the force field, passes through airless space, and enters the Milennium Falcon through its open door.
It's a good thing the part of the Death Star that matched the dagger remained intact; if that piece had broken, the map would've been useless.
Find more Star Wars glitches.
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spockvarietyhour · 3 years
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Star Wars and that one circular garage on Tatooine
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lukewholey-blog · 2 years
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Thought I might show of some Lego Star Wars sets I got including a Mini version of the Milennium Falcon with Han,Chewie & Luke drinking Blue Milk (That I got from pre-ordering the DX version of the Skywalker Saga), Luke on a Tauntaun with an Imperial Probe Droid and an Imperial AT-ST Walker that I got for my Birthday. Tried to recreate that part in ‘Return of the Jedi’ where Chewie hijacks one. 
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viaov · 3 years
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Matt Rhodes, Han, Lando, Chewie, Leia
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solosabers · 4 years
hey there! so i’ve nearly finished writing my very first fanfic, and was wondering if anyone would mind proof reading it/telling me where it needs improving etc? it would really mean a lot to me as it’s far from perfect! thanks
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star-wars-is-life · 6 years
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knithacker · 5 years
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Crochet Millennium Falcon Pattern: 👉 https://buff.ly/2M25bPB
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