escapes velocity
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escapesvelocity · 1 year ago
"Mike!!!!!" Udyati is already running, intending to hug him fiercely and, hopefully, for a long time. "You're back!!!! How'd it go? Did you have fun?"
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udyati's enthusiasm brings a huge smile to mike's face. he catches her in his arms. back bent, he wraps his arms around her and presses a kiss on top of her head. a deep inhale follows. he's really missed her!
"the internship at nasa was amazing! i learnt so much and i met so many new people. i have to show you everything - look, i've got all the readers and everything."
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sure enough, he's pulling them out of his backpack already. with the files in hand, he's beaming. then he pulls something else out of his backpack. a tiny package.
"sorry... i didn't think of gift wrapping it. er... i got you this pin. it's from the artemis missions, which intend to land the first woman and first person of colour on the moon. i figured you'd like that. i've got the sweater to match it-" then he pulls a neatly folded sweater out of his bag and hands it to her. his cheeks rise to meet the colour of it. "i hope you like them. i got them from the gift shop..."
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escapesvelocity · 1 year ago
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escapesvelocity · 1 year ago
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Ruth Awad, from “Let me be a lamb in a world that wants my lion”
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escapesvelocity · 1 year ago
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A hummingbird's got nothing on the way Mike's heart was pounding in his chest. His cheeks flushed red with effort and for a moment, the young polymath wondered whether he would survive this ordeal: his heart may give out or he may end up murdered in some dark back alley where no one would ever find him. With the way the man was running and dragging him along, he could at least hold out a little longer: the other practically propelled him forward, easing some of the strain on his body.
Mike's concern of death was not lessened when the stranger pulled him into an abandoned building. "Hey, I don't wanna - mmph!" Protests were shut down by a hand on his lips. Blue eyes widened with panic before rationality took over. If this man had wanted him dead, he would have killed him already instead of saving his life, no?
The younger male visibly relaxed, shoulders no longer meeting his ears. He remained quiet for a moment. There were plenty of footsteps to be heard but none of them were heading in their direction. Gently, Mike reached up to peel the hand from his mouth so he can breathe properly again. The subdued panic spiked once he saw the dealer reaching into his jacket.
"Please tell me you're reaching for a tissue or something," Mike whimpered quietly. By no means did he have the strength or skills to fight. "I shouldn't have come here. I won't say anything, I promise," he pleaded. His hands trembled: adrenaline? He recalled a similar feeling before, and strange occurences after. Gravity no longer adhering to its own rules. For now, however, nothing happened.
"Is she gone? Is that guy gone too? Are we safe? Am I safe? Does this happen often?" His back is against the wall. Although he is not much shorter than his new-found companion, he sure felt like a mouse trapped underneath a cat's paw.
⚔️  for  an  action  starter [[ for that plot we had discussed on Discord with Mike & AR? -eyes- || I know I still owe you both out threads, but I thought we could get something started with these blogs too! Ofc, feel free to get mine done last x'D I have a lot of drafts myself ^^" ]]
starter call meme
The black market is not exactly a spot where Mike would have thought he'd ever end up, but here he is. Just being here felt illegal: the way he'd found out about the market online can't exactly be considered adhering to the law either. The entir situation made him uncomfortable. With his sunglasses and hat, he attempted to hide inbetween the crowd but he still stood out. He looked the most out of place after all.
His eyes scanned every stand for what he was looking for: an authentic part of a comet that was supposedly for sale here. So far, he'd spotted the oddest and most unimaginable things here. From illegal home-made weapons to supposedly cursed objects, the market had it all.
Loud voices drew his attention. He glanced up to see a young female shouting at a tall elder male. Clearly, she was upset about a sale gone wrong. "You told me this was legit! I should've known you're an asshole!" she shouted. That was exactly what Mike was afraid of as well; being swindled. Then the woman pulled out a knife of sorts. Mike gasped, and drew in another sharp breath when the cheating salesman dashed toward him.
Still shocked, his reflexes were not fast enough to step out of the way in time and the man stumbled into him. Mike nearly fell but managed to stabilize himself on a nearby stand. "Hey, don't touch my goods!" yelled the owner of said stand. "I wasn't-" started Mike. "Oh, you're one of his! Get out of here, Sticky Paws!" interrupted the owner. And that was how Mike got involved in this situation.
He ran, from both the owner and the woman. He shouldn't run but he was, panting hard. In the corner of his eyes, he spotted the white-haired male that had caused such a ruckus before. "How do we get out of here?" Mike shouted at him desperately. He partly blamed said man for getting him into this mess.
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escapesvelocity · 1 year ago
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her smile has a sharp edge to it, one of wit and gall. it's not too different from the way udyati smiles sometimes. mike definitely understands why udyati would call this little one a sister. a look of curiosity crosses his features when her marks light up. he wants to ask her about it. he wants to know everything.
"it's nice to meet you, jami." and it is. genuinely. "there's a protein in our blood, hemoglobin. it contains a red compound which is essential for transporting oxygen through our bloodstream. that's why." he pauses, realising it was most likely a rhetorical question. "er... scratch that." cheeks flush with mild embarrassment. "you probably don't need a biology lesson? i'm sorry. i shouldn't have asked." what was a normal thing to ask a stranger? "what's your favourite colour?" he then prompts.
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his energy signature is familiar - always a little intertwined with udyati's it's easy to recognize it now that he's actually standing in front of her. big, brown eyes look up at him and then scan him over a couple of times. she can feel his nervousness - even if she wasn't an empath, she would have easily noticed it. there's no bad energy radiating off him though and she can see why udyati has chosen him of all the humans.
" hi. " she returns his slightly forced smile with a small, cheeky grin of her own. if ud finds it's time to meet, she is probably right. the girl glances at his hand and reaches out. her own body temperature being higher than those of humans, her warm hand comes to shake his cold one. marks glow up briefly and a shiver runs down her spine at the temperature difference. " i'm jami but you know that. " at his question, head tilts to the side and brows furrow together. " i don't know, dude. why's your blood red ? "
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escapesvelocity · 1 year ago
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Mike shakes his head and offers a reassuring smile, as well as he can manage. It's not his strong suit to comfort others. "It's... you've got nothing to apologise for. It's alright. No worries." His words are equally clumsy but well-intended too.
"Hm... Nothing weird has happened to you? I dunno, exposure to something? Have you ever been tested for luciferin? That's needed for bioluminescence. Though I've recently read all humans glow, our eyes are just too weak to pick it up. Maybe you've been enhanced somehow?"
Every thought, every idea, is spat out without consideration of its effect. There's a deep frown between his dark brows as he thinks, and adjusts his thoughts on the go.
Bell swallows, immediately regretful of his outburst. It was so embarrassing, how he felt like he had no control over his emotions anymore. Though he doesn't know for sure, he's pretty sure he used to be at least slightly more well adjusted. He shakes his head at Mike's apology.
"don't... apologize, no, i'm sorry." He says, trying to sound comforting and failing miserably.
A small shake of his head. "no, not really. just the headaches sometimes. and of course the thing with the lights..."
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escapesvelocity · 1 year ago
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"ah... fair enough." he grins sheepishly at her comment. "i like the films. haven't read the comics. guess i'm more of a classic science nerd." more of a nerd than a geek, supposedly. "er... i like reed richards - mr fantastic, y'know? i've always wanted to be as smart and well-versed in all varieties of science like him. i'll skip the radiation exposure though." a chuckle follows. "seems super risky!"
"a favorite? i'm not really sure. superheroes were more my brother's thing than mine." and okay, she did have a favorite, but saying the human torch out loud felt so stupid. even if he wouldn't understand the real reason why. "have you got one? or you like... a different brand of nerd." she says this with the utmost affection.
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escapesvelocity · 2 years ago
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Never Have I Ever Said Goodbye (4x10): wedding-tent chemistry
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escapesvelocity · 2 years ago
apologies for my absence. bg3 has taken over my life.
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escapesvelocity · 2 years ago
tag 10 people you want to know better
favorite color: purple, pink and orange song stuck in your head: (it goes like) nananana by peggy gou last song you listened to: dead to the world by nightwish 3 favorite foods: macarons, burritos and raspberries dream trip: would love to visit the smithsonian! anything I want rn: some water, i'm thirsty lol
tagged by:@goldshadows tagging: @lcngdays @countlessrealities & you
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escapesvelocity · 2 years ago
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HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL: THE MUSICAL: THE SERIES 4.01 | High School Musical 4 (requested by anon)
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escapesvelocity · 2 years ago
I really appreciate that you took the time to send things in, anon. But it makes it really hard to reply to if there's not a character tied to a generic phrase without any context whatsoever...
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escapesvelocity · 2 years ago
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mike grins sheepishly. "i.. think so? maybe? do you mean spiderman?" he's seen the films but he doesn't know much about the comics, admittedly. they're not quite his jam. "if he does, i love him too." a soft laugh follows. "i don't know how he does it then. when i start spewing random physics facts, people either run away or get this blank stare and zone out." that would work in combat. "do you have a favourite superhero?"
this makes her laugh a little. she's kind of jealous, though. rain couldn't list a fact about physics if she was held at gun point, so doing so for fun in a fight? yeah, that would be cool. "that's what uh... that's what the spider dude does, right? in the comics?" she's trying to reference spider-man. she tries not to read superhero comics too much.
(they hit too close to home).
"everyone loves that guy, right?"
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escapesvelocity · 2 years ago
11. how comfortable is your muse with their appearance and their body
romance & relationship headcanons!
On a level of 1 to 10, probably a 3. He doesn't mind his facial features. He's more worried about his body, however. Although he trains regularly to stay fit, he's not particularly muscular: he's more on the slender side. Plus, he's got scars on his wrists and arms, and a thin line on his chest from his operation. Add to that that he's quite pale as he usually wears long sleeves and pants due to being cold often, and it makes up for a whole lot of insecurities.
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escapesvelocity · 2 years ago
5. what is your muse's ideal first date?
17. what are some of the signs that your muse shows their care/love without saying they love/care about their partner?
32. does your muse have an ideal "type"?
romance & relationship headcanons!
5. what is your muse's ideal first date?
An ideal first date would likely include going to a museum of sorts, or maybe a zoo. Something that offers plenty of opportunity to talk about things you see, something a little active but not too much. He might take his date to the Witte museum or the Texas Air museum. An outdoor music festival would also be a great option for a first date.
17. what are some of the signs that your muse shows their care/love without saying they love/care about their partner?
He'll constantly share things he knows his partner likes by sending little videos or pictures of things he sees around him that remind him of that person. Plus, he'd share things he really enjoys too. He'll bake or cook the partner food when they're around. The partner would also get to know him better than most people because he'd open up more and laugh more easily.
32. does your muse have an ideal "type"?
does padmé amidala count? his ideal type would be someone who is passionate, caring, kind and eager to grow and learn. physically, it's likely to be someone with gentle features and an easy smile.
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escapesvelocity · 2 years ago
2. has your muse been mainly attracted to masculinity, femininity, androgyny, or an even split (between two, many, or all of the options specified)?
4. does your muse find any specific features particularly attractive?
14. what traits does your muse want to avoid when it comes to choosing a romantic partner?
romance & relationship headcanons!
2. has your muse been mainly attracted to masculinity, femininity, androgyny, or an even split (between two, many, or all of the options specified)?
Although he feels little sexual attraction, he particularly feels romantically attracted to femininity. He is drawn to nurturing and caring energy, soft and fluid and powerful in its own elegance if we're going by classic descriptions of feminine energy. What he enjoys in classic masculine energy is stability and security.
4. does your muse find any specific features particularly attractive?
Soft features are definitely something he's drawn to, facial & body. He also likes long and soft hair because he can run his hands through it over and over again. As for personality, he is drawn toward more gentle people, who have a kind heart. People that are passionate about something is also he really likes.
14. what traits does your muse want to avoid when it comes to choosing a romantic partner?
He couldn't handle someone who is very judgemental or close-minded, considering his diverse friend group. He's also not likely to feel drawn toward someone without ambition or eagerness to learn.
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escapesvelocity · 2 years ago
19. how many serious relationships has your muse been in? are they experienced or inexperienced when it comes to dating?
romance & relationship headcanons!
Mike hasn't been in any relationship. He's been on one date in his life with his friend Odesa, but they mutually decided they're just friends and love each other platonically. There's no other attraction whatsoever. He's mostly been too preoccupied with his ambition to become an astronaut and later his recovery.
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