#mike gets vecna'd
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kissboybyler · 13 days ago
okay but what if- what if for some reason lonnie has to come back to hawkins and he’s got to meet will at like the wheeler’s house or wherever, and the house is empty and will is anxious waiting for his father with mike by his side, who’s trying to reassure him that if anything bad happens he’ll just kick lonnie’s ass and will chuckles softly? And then there’s a knock at the door and will looks back at mike with terrified eyes and heads for the door? And then like he opens it and there he is, lonnie, and he’s got that smug expression about him and will reluctantly invites him inside and then goes to sit by mike’s side? And lonnie looks between the two of them, only bare inches away from each other, hands and knees almost touching and his face just falls?
And what if he slowly starts saying things like “i knew it… i knew there was something going on here” and his eyes lock with mike’s? And lonnie just starts shouting abruptly and insulting will, calling him slurs, making his eyes brim with teachers and then accusing him of being too sensitive? And then he stands up and will fears he’s gonna punch him but then mike gets in the way, shielding will with his body, rage and hatred and pure adrenaline along with something-something rushing through him?
And then as lonnie gets closer and closer his eyes start to bleed into whites and his lips tug at the edges and then something is off, something is off and they need to leave NOW. But as mike turns to look at will to make sure he’s okay, get his hand and leave immediately, he sees that will’s…gone. Just gone. And then he turns to look back at lonnie but lonnie’s not there either , and neither is his house. Actually, it is his house, but not really. And something is wrong, something is wrong. As mike runs around the house to find will, to find anyone, his mind and the air around him is thick with voices, voices he’d tried to suppress and feelings he’d tried to drown. Until eventually he really starts to drown under the weight of his own heavily guarded subconsciousness. And then he’s in the upside down and everything is wrong, it’s all wrong and will isn’t there and what if something happened to him, what if he is in danger. So Mike’s starts shouting will’s name till his throat dries up and he’s melting into himself and sobbing and screaming and calling for will and hating himself and hating the voices and hating his feelings, but not will, never will.
But how can something so right feel so wrong, or something so wrong feel so right? And then he’s lets out a visceral scream and he knows vecna can hear him, see him, he can feel his presence and hear the echoes of his words in-between the lines of the voices. The voices only get louder and louder and he’s drowning he’s drowning, but then there’s something else. There’s something else out there, he can feel it and it’s calling to him, inviting and warm and he wants that thing to wrap around him and never let him go. He’s searching for the feeling, or the voice, or the something there, but he gets interrupted by vecna and the repetition of the voices, of the feelings he shouldn’t be having, his failures and his lost hopes and his fears and everything wrong wrong wrong in the world. But the thing is still there and he can’t stop chasing it and it seems to be leading him somewhere, somewhere where hidden memories live, guilty in a way that makes him feel warm even if he hates himself for it.
And then there’s will’s voice and it’s so nice to hear him but no, no he sounds panicked so he needs to leave, he needs to back to him so he shouts at vecna to leave will alone, to keep him, but not hurt will. But then it’s will next to him, pained and alone, and then there’s little will in his coffin covered in flowers, and there’s will on the field, and will with tears in his eyes, and an older, far-away will taken away from the brink of happiness only to be taken by death and leaving the world empty and cold. And mike needs to go back to him he needs to go back. And then he hears it again, will’s voice, warm and urgent and panicked but there, present and somehow somehow he’s back in the basement of his house and will is there, will is there, clutching mike’s body and holding him close with tears smearing his face and panic drawn on that beautiful face. And how can this be wrong how can this be wrong when he’s there and he’s alive and mike would gladly go to hell and back just to end up by this boy’s side.
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thefirstlioveyou · 10 days ago
his ass is looking to the right again...
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coniangray · 9 months ago
In honor of one and a half year of rooting for that fic and working on it for 9 months:
Here's the fanart that inspired me to write some scenes in "a footnote will do" in July 2022- December 2023.
In order used of appearance in the fic:
From @kidovna:
Mike ending on a busy line while will was away in lenora:
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Will's vision under vecna's curse:
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Kidovna's flickergate:
Byler on halloween 1987:
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From @taeiris :
Meeting with the party to arrange the plan for the ud entrance and their final movements:
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Vined Will byers, vision of Mike:
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Mike's vision of possesed/ intoxicated Will:
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From @meowza315:
Mike getting cursed by Vecna:
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Thats it! I was supposed to post this about half a year ago, but legit just noticed it in my drafts and found it as an opportunity to thank everyone for inspiring me to write this 121k word long fic.
It really travelled with me through hell but im fr happy to have ended it and not just abbadoned it in the middle of nowhere lol.
Hope u enjoy it if you havent read it already <33
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henrysglock · 1 year ago
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mike vecna vision...mike vecna vision come home to me...
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brionysea · 2 years ago
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he's literally getting vecna'd idk what to tell you
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taleya15 · 2 months ago
“I love you.”
The party is waiting anxiously at the popular “Wheeler House” for Will and Jonathan to return with supplies. On a normal circumstance, there would be three members getting supplies. But the rest of the party was locating all the possible gates they could use for their next battle against Vecna. In total there’s 4 they’re going to use, including water-gate.
They figured coming at him from multiple angles would be the best option this time. Mike is the most anxious one out of the party, he hates being away from Will. El is trying her best to comfort him, as well as Nancy. But nothing is helping his nerves, he keeps anxiously glancing at the door praying that that Will would walk in. The rest of party is waiting outside preparing to make their weapons. When El and Nancy walked away, just for a moment to get Mike water. That’s when Vecna got Mike!
All Mike suddenly sees is a the van, the suffer boy van. The rest of his setting, is all black just like El used to describe it. He walks up to the van anxiously, he knows exactly what’s happening. And he plans to do the same thing he’s done his entire life. Hide. Hide and wait for everyone else to save him. He slides the van open and sits in “his” spot in the van. Anxiety is the only emotion he can feel, his leg is bouncing up and down fiercely, while he’s clutching his chest trying desperately to breathe.
He knows he should calm down. “Cmon Mike man up. Man up. Man up!” Mike repeats to himself loudly. A sudden voice sounds from right next to him, Will’s voice. “Yeah Mike. Man up.” Mike looks over at the voice and immediately regretted it. Will’s eyes are clouded like he’s blind, and there’s blood coming from his eyes. Mike for a moment is frozen in fear, then “Will’s” jaw cracks. Mike screams and instantly runs out the van, then his setting changes. He’s in an airport, the airport in Lenora. Mike glances around anxiously, and El runs up to him. She hugs him tightly and for a moment he hugs back, right until he remembers where he was.
He pulls back instantly, and just like “Wills” El’s jaw cracks instantly. Mike screams again, and tries to run again he’s trying desperately to remember what Max told him to do. “Happy places, happy places! Cmon Mike!” He’s screaming to himself trying desperately to think. Suddenly he’s at his middle school, and he’s immediately running into the AV room. He locks the door behind him, and sits with his head on his knees. He hears a voice then, El’s voice its not loud it’s actually very soft. He knows then what’s happening, she’s trying to talk him out of it. Too calm him down.
“Mike! Come on baby! Your ok! Happy thoughts remember!” Her voice does nothing but make Mike sob even harder onto his knees. It was a second. Only a second, and his setting changed again. This time he didn’t move far, only outside in the football field. At first he couldn’t understand why he was there, he looks around for Vecna. But what he saw was even worse. He sees Will again, but he’s younger than he was now. He’s wearing the same blue plaid shirt as he did that day. Will’s frozen in place, with the shadow monster going into his body. He hears Will scream out for a moment and he runs up to him on instinct.
“Will! Will! Come on Will!” His voice is wrecked from the sobbing. Then suddenly he’s falling down through the grass and he comes face to face with Vecna himself. He’s even more terrifying than Mike imagined. They’re right in front of the Hawkins high school, AKA one of Mikes least favorite places. “Michael. I’ve been wondering when we’d meet.” His voice is cold and calculated. Mike tries desperately to run again, he runs in the school and runs to the only place there he likes. The drama room. It’s the place that held the best DND games ever.
He runs instantly to the stage, only to see it empty. “Right. No DND club yet.” He thinks to himself, then suddenly Vecna’s behind him. “You know. You’re very easy for me to figure out Michael.” Instantly Mike stiffens up, but not from fear this time. This time it’s anger.
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” He answers sarcastically, and Vecna for a moment seemed surprised. He’s probably not used to that emotion coming at him.
“Because I’ve been able to see you Michael. Every look you give Eleven. Or more importantly the looks you give William.” Mikes rage is something that he’s never been able to control. Especially when people think they know him but don’t.
“You know absolutely NOTHING ABOUT ME!” In a flash of movements he’s facing Vecna. Straight in his ugly upside down face. For a moment Vecna chuckles before going back to his cold demeanor.
“No? Don’t think I haven’t seen the eyes you give little Eleven. Or the eyes that you want to give William. I know what you’ve been desperately trying to hide Michael.” For a moment panic settles over him, only a moment then suddenly Vecna was gone and all he saw was his dad.
“Michael. I am so disappointed in you. You are a disgrace to this families name!” Michael on instinct started running again. He only barely heard the words of Vecna following him.
“Michael. Your running will do you nothing. You can’t run from me like you run away from yourself.” Mike ignores him and runs into the gymnasium. He expects to see Vecna at first but who he sees is Lucas.
“Mike. I can’t believe you chose a game over me.”
“What? No- I would never!” Lucas faced him suddenly, his eyes are cold and harsh.
“Then why did you miss my game? I thought you liked me more than DND, Mike. But clearly I was wrong.” Lucas runs away suddenly and for a second Mike tries to follow him. Then in the crowd he sees something else. He sees Will, and he stands and walks to him slowly.
“I can’t believe you Mike. You actually thought I’d like you like that? You’re disgusting!”
“No. Will. Please- I can control it. I can control it i promise!” Mike falls to the floor, he starts sobbing into his hands then. He doesn’t notice when his leg broke, the emotional pain he’s experiencing is so much worse than any physical pain he could ever deal. He suddenly heard Will again. But this time it’s louder, he’s yelling but he can’t see him anywhere. He knows then, it’s the real Will.
“Mike! You- you’re ok! Picture something for me, please! Picture all of us together in your basement! Ya know like old times, for me please! You- you can win! I know you can! You’re so much stronger than you think ok!” For a moment Mike thinks it’s a trick, he almost doesn’t listen. But he figures if he’s going to die, then he’ll at least die in the place where he first fell in love at. He thinks to himself and pictures his basement at first it doesn’t work, but suddenly he falls on the couch.
He signed when he landed, but he felt nothing. He was completely numb now that his heart is broken. He can only repeat the fake Will and Lucas’s words in his head. At that point Vecna wasn’t even doing it, it was him. Then he heard it again the real Will’s voice.
“Mike! Come on please! Fight! I- I love you! You know that right? You mean everything to me, and I can’t lose you again please!” Will’s words got Mike to stand up, he’s running on pure adrenaline then. He doesn’t know what he was doing for a moment he only saw a rip in the wall it was his living room. He was as quiet but also as fast as possible when he enters it. Then in a flash of moments, he was on the living room floor.
At first the only sound from him was a groan, then a scream of pain. That’s when Mike realized the pain in his leg. He couldn’t stop screaming for a minute straight before passing out. He couldn’t hear any words, that the party had said and he certainly didn’t hear how Will repeated the words. “I love you.”
I think for now I’m planning on just using tumblr for my writings. Just for convenience and it gets to you guys faster. So! Of course I’m still going to continue my Wattpad story on the side, but I’m thinking of transitioning this account to my main account. I’d love to hear your thoughts and opinions on this matter. BUT of course, I hope you guys enjoyed this one shot. Love ya! <3
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mikewheelersfanfic · 4 months ago
what if it's actually mike that gets vecna'd and his vision starts with will seeming to get vecna'd instead what then huh
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apocalyptic-byler · 11 months ago
those mike gets vecna’d theories are looking mighty good rn
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sky-neverending · 1 year ago
Vecna: I know what you are, Micheal.
Mike: Gay?
Venca: No
Mike: In love with my best friend?
Mike: THEN WHAT?!?!
Vecna: Someone who wears socks with sandals
Mike: Oh.
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darkesttimelinesblog · 4 months ago
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Friendly reminder that Joyce, Johnathan, will and Mike are possibly going to get near death experiences/ get venca’d in season 5.
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justghostly-things · 5 months ago
I have been having Stranger Things thoughts and I honestly think I might explode if I don't talk about it just a little.
So uh potential spoilers for season 5 after the break
(it's potential because I have no proof of any of this It was just a thing that popped into my head T_T)
So in season 1; we have Will getting kidnapped/gets stuck in the upsidedown.
In season 2; Will gets possessed. (And we get introduced to dart but idk if that could come up again. )
In season 3; yes we get a possessed Billy but we also get the flesh monster thing (and I guess the whole russian plot but I am gonna be honest I don't really understand what is going on there so I am ignoring it)
And finally in season 4: We have the whole Vecna curse.
I think it would be fun if in season 5 if the party has to face all of these at the same time. I think it would be a good full circle moment. Also they kinda like to bring back old concepts in the Stranger Things all the time so it makes sense that they might do it.
For example, we have been seeing a bunch of Holly pictures, so we know she is going to be at least more important than she has been. Which got me thinking that maybe she gets taken to the upsidedown like Will did in season 1. Which I am more on board with than her just getting killed
I am not completely convinced about the whole; Will is gonna get possessed again theory, that has been talked about. I do think that it is very plausible if this is what they plan on doing for season 5. But it could just as easily be any party members being possessed.
We might get more flesh monster, (yay..) but the mind flare could also just be its shadowy self and I think it would work just as well. I would of course add the clump of mushed together meet just so the connection to it is obvious but we also have more obvious examples before this I don't think it's strictly necessary.
Then of course, the Vecna's curse. I know this might be a bit of a hot topic, I do have thoughts on who (Mike wheeler) Vecna will target but I will leave that for a different post. I do think that it would be a waste to introduce Vecna's curse and then not utilise it in the final season, but I have heard the argument about how it might feel like repetitive story telling (which I don't think Stranger things avoids doing) but I can agree that this could be the case. I think it is likely that it won't be exactly the same. Because we have seen the whole main character Trauma reflected back at them plot. But if Stranger things Season 5 main conflict is a combination of all of the previous conflicts than I think it is fine. And again I think it's a very powerful tool and they shouldn't shy away from using it just because we have seen it before. Idk
I was talking about all of these with my siblings and they pointed out how there are the og four (Mike, Lucas, Dustin, Will), the four gate ways, the four seasons and then the four main conflicts.(There is probably more I am just not smart enough to think of it.) but maybe that is evidence in my favour for this. Idk.
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a-strangers-thoughtss · 8 months ago
Wip Wednesday 💪
(Sorry I’ve been so bad at consistently updating lmao)
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My dogs are actually making me so mad rn bc they won’t shut up, so that’s fun too
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thefirstlioveyou · 16 days ago
this is the version of smalltown boy they'll use if mike gets vecna'd. starting from 3:00 to the end is the more intense bit - it's very good
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byler-alarmist · 2 years ago
I know it's petty of me, but I would love to see a moment in S5 that makes it clear to the GA that Mike isn't interested in El.
Perhaps in a Vecna vision a flashback to them kissing and Mike just looking extremely bored, repulsed, or uncomfortable in a shot that we didn't see previously
Like that scene in But I'm a Cheerleader when Megan is still dating a boy:
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I mean, I know we (Byler Nation) saw this play out, but I think the GA needs it to be even more in your face for them to get it.
So that by the time Byler kiss happens, the difference will be so, so obvious.
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sapphic-bats · 1 year ago
I need Mike to be screaming crying, giving an award-winning performance of sobbing in true pain, telling Will that he’ll “be okay” and that “he’s gonna get [him] out of here”,
then a voice interrupting Will’s death in Mike’s arms and revealing it to be the work of Vecna.
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brionysea · 2 years ago
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quick! how many hints can we drop that mike's being targeted by vecna before they catch on?
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