#mike defenders i need you to back me up on this
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Mike Wheeler is important and there's nothing wrong with analyzing him
Since y'all wanna be insufferable bitches about it I'm gonna explain to you why he's important, why Will loves him, why his struggles should be acknowledged, and why his character depth is pivotal to byler endgame being a satisfying conclusion for both Mike AND Will. Deal with it!
We are not seeing smoke where there isn't a flame. We are seeing smoke where there is a literal fucking forest fire.
Starting off with something a lot of people aren't ready for but I've seen more people talking about: Mike is the main character of s1 at the very least. He is the character that brings us into the world of stranger things. He is the character that the writers chose for this. Mike is the main character of s1 and it was an instant hit. The writers love Mike. Contrary to popular belief, giving a character an arc where they are struggling and their behavior changes from what is normal for the character we know and love does NOT mean the writers hate that character. It means they deliberately chose to give that character complexity and depth. Your inability to like characters that do anything wrong ever is not the fault of the writers. Your decision to act as if a character is not important is not reflective of the actual narrative because it in fact is in direct opposition to the narrative. So just to be clear, if you genuinely believe that Mike isn't important, or that the writers hate him, or don't care about him, or that his story "takes away" from any other character's - ESPECIALLY WILL'S - you are simply wrong.
In s1 and s2 Mike is established as an extremely caring person. He's loving, loyal, brave, intelligent, and trying his best. He is also established to be hot headed, someone who speaks without thinking quite often, someone who is capable of hurting his friends despite that being the last thing he wants to do. He is all of these things and more. He is a human. He is a kid. So in s3, when suddenly he is entirely different, it is completely logical to assume that there is a reason for that. He did not just wake up one day and decide he wanted to be an asshole, push Will away, make his friends feel abandoned, and echo the same sentiments their bullies held. Something is happening with him. He has so much going on in his head and it is painfully obvious. He's holding something in, he's hiding from everyone and from himself. We see glimpses of what he's trying to hide after Will calls him out on his behavior. Will gets through to him. Mike is usually unresponsive to tough love, except for when it's coming from Will. After their fight, it is obvious that he's trying to be better. But he still doesn't wanna face certain things, and he doesn't know how to navigate that. Because he's 13 years old.
There is a reason for all of that internal conflict. There is a reason it comes pouring out of him at certain times. He's crumbling. He is quite literally falling apart because he's holding on to too much. It's not a stretch to assume that, it just takes basic media literacy. Why would the writers have Mike act this way if he was just supposed to be a one dimensional character? Why would Finn be directed to portray Mike the way he does if there was nothing more going on? There are times where Mike looks like he's in physical pain because of his internal conflict. There is a reason for that. And acknowledging that DOES NOT mean people are taking away from Will. That's the most idiotic thing I have ever heard. Do y'all seriously not understand that more than one character can have emotionally complex storylines? Genuinely asking, is this a new concept for you?
Will's love for Mike
Will is head over heels in love with Mike. That is very much established. So when you're dismissing the emotional depth of Mike's individual arc because you think acknowledging it "takes away from Will" you are actually diminishing the significance of a huge aspect of Will's emotional arc. By taking away the significance of Mike, you take away from the significance of Will.
Let's do a quick recap of the very significant role Mike has played in Will's entire life:
Mike is Will's first friend.
They have grown up together and it can be assumed that they've reached important milestones together.
Mike has always been a safe person for Will. He's been a constant in Will's very chaotic and unfair life. Until the summer of '85, Mike had always been something good in Will's life. (That's not to say he is no longer something good, but it can be assumed that the summer of '85 is the first time Mike has been a causal factor in Will's unhappiness)
When Will went missing, Mike did not hesitate to search for him. It wasn't even a question of if. The moment he knew Will was missing he knew exactly what he'd be doing that night. He spearheaded the search amongst the party. He was the leader.
When Will came back, Mike was the only person that didn't treat him like he was gonna break. He cared for him, and he was there for him, but he didn't treat him differently; Will tells us as much. Which means we can infer that the way Mike was with Will in s2 - how gentle and loving he was - was nothing new. He had just always been like that.
When Will was possessed, Mike stayed by his side. Even when it was scary, even when it could've gotten him killed, he stayed. Because once again, for him, it wasn't even a question. That's just where he knew he needed to be. He was in the shed when they were trying to get through to Will. He was set apart from Lucas and Dustin, but he also wasn't equated to family. And his retelling of the story of the day they first met was the final push Will needed to find a way to communicate.
After a year of things being "weird" between them, Mike tells Will that he didn't deserve to be treated the way he had been. Mike tells him that he wants them to be okay again, and for the rest of the season he puts in the work.
Things get rough in s3, and at the beginning of s4, and despite all of that, Will confesses his love (albeit veiled). In a moment where Mike is feeling awful about himself, he tells him that he loves him and needs him, and he tells him why. And to him it doesn't matter that he's breaking his own heart to do it, because it's Mike. Mike, who makes him feel like he's not a mistake at all, and that he's better for being different. For Will, there was no other option. The person he loves was hurting and he knew how to help, and so he did.
Mike is the first person Will tells about Vecna still being alive. Because they're back to being a team. He knows he can trust Mike, and Mike seems to be very determined to prove him right.
These are all real and canon aspects of Mike's presence in Will's life. Will falling in love with Mike isn't something that just happened for no reason. Will fell in love with Mike because of who Mike is. When you acknowledge that, and when you acknowledge the reasons they've set out for why Will loves him - the reasons Will literally told us - you can better understand Will. But when you dismiss all of these things about Mike, you are dismissing a large portion of Will's emotional and romantic arc. You aren't being a Will Warrior. You are erasing so much of him and his feelings and his lived experience. That is not the hill you wanna die on.
Will loves a person. Not a feeling. Yes, he says that Mike makes him feel like he's not a mistake and that he's better for being different. But that's not why he loves him. He feels that way because he loves him.
Mike is a fully fleshed out character with his own feelings and struggles and fears and traumas and motivations. He's not a plot device. He's not just an accessory to Will's arc. He's not a character that was written only to be Will's love interest. He's Will's love interest because he's Mike.
If Mike didn't matter, and if Mike didn't play a significant role in byler, then they would be able to write in a love interest for Will in s5 and have it be somewhat satisfying. But they can't do that. Will's love for Mike has so much depth because Mike has so much depth. It is genuinely crazy that this has to be stated and that I have to back up this claim because it is simply a canon fact.
So yes, the rain fight affects Mike's character development and his involvement in it is important. Yes, the van scene literally could not exist without Mike and therefore his involvement in it is incredibly important. Yes, every single byler moment has an impact on Mike, and Mike has an impact on it because they are BYLER moments. Yes, Mike will have a lot of significant moments - with Will AND on his own - in s5 because his arc deserves and needs as much attention as Will's in order to execute byler endgame in a satisfying way.
No, none of these facts negate Will's importance or take away from his story. If anything, they add to it because Mike and Will's arcs are corresponding and intertwined.
Mike's struggles
To name a few
Dysfunctional family
Has been bullied his entire life
Extreme self worth issues
Inferiority complex
Hero complex
Lack of self preservation
Suicidal ideation (has been on display since SEASON ONE)
Internalized homophobia
To get this out of the way: Mike's internalized homophobia is allowed to be discussed. Discussion of it is not the dismissal of Will's internalized homophobia. Surprise surprise, two queer kids in the 80s have internalized homophobia! Who'd'a thunk it?! Their internalized homophobia presents in different ways but it is there for both of them. I personally relate to the way Mike's is portrayed way more than I relate to Will's. So why is it that we can't discuss it without being accused of erasing Will's experience? Or without people saying that we're "copy and pasting" Will's story? Because quite frankly, that feels dismissive of my - and likely many others' - real and lived experience. So please for the love of all things that are good just stop with this talking point because it will never hold up.
Moving on
I'm not gonna do a full breakdown of all of Mike's issues. Because contrary to popular belief, there are a lot. And that would be exhausting and I'd get carried away and it's not the point of this post. The point of this post is to defend the acknowledgement and mere existence of them.
If you're a byler that for some reason thinks Mike only exists to be Will's love interest and his trophy as compensation for his trauma, let me ask you this: Have you considered how awful it would be to have a queer character's individuality and emotional depth completely ignored for the sake of focusing on the queer character that "really matters"?
If Mike's own issues, with his queer identity and otherwise, aren't thoroughly explored... What's the point of all this? If Mike really is insignificant in this storyline and his individuality has no effect on it.. where's the emotional payoff? If his perspective doesn't matter... Why have the writers gone to such great lengths to ensure we don't have that piece of the puzzle yet?
Analyzing Mike and understanding Mike is very important to understanding byler. Once again, I think it's crazy that this needs to be said.
I also think it's important to note that characters can have similar struggles. There's no rule against that. Just like real life. Characters having similar struggles is not a bad thing, and acknowledging that their struggles are similar is not dismissive of either character. We're talking about STRANGER THINGS. Jonathan and Nancy's thing is "we've got shared trauma". They have literal matching scars. Shared experiences are some of the main building blocks for this show's romances. Byler has a TON of shared experience, basically their entire lives. We already know that. So wouldn't it be so beautiful for them to learn that they've been struggling with the same thing this whole time? That the entire time they felt alone in what they were going through when really they had each other and they never even knew it? Wouldn't it be so beautiful for Mike's acceptance of Will and Will's love for him was also a step toward accepting himself? Wouldn't it be beautiful for Will to learn that his love makes Mike feel like he's not a mistake? None of that would be in the realm of possibility if Mike didn't have emotional depth and if his individuality wasn't important.
And that leads me to my concluding point...
A satisfying execution of byler endgame hinges on Mike's individual emotional arc being handled well
God I hope this isn't controversial to say. I sincerely hope most people haven't forgotten that.
Here's a hypothetical:
Imagine season five has been released. You're watching it, and you notice that Mike has been relegated to just a supporting character for Will. We don't get any of his perspective. We don't get any explanation for his s3 and early s4 behavior. His breakup with El doesn't have any real tangible effect on him, it's really just used for El's character development. We never see him pining for Will like we saw Will pining for him. And then suddenly Mike is learning about the painting and then suddenly he's confessing his love and then suddenly byler is canon and official.
Now wouldn't that just be awful? Wouldn't that be unfair to the audience, to Mike, and to Will? For us to never learn just how much Mike had to go through to even be able to say it out loud? For Mike to never get the chance to prove to himself through word and action that he is the heart? For Will to never get an explanation for why things did get so "weird" between them? It would leave us with one big, nagging question: What was the point of everything Mike has said and done throughout the entire show if his conclusion is that lackluster?
Disregarding Mike for a moment (I know that's incredibly ironic given what the entire point of this is but just bear with me) - how would that be a satisfying conclusion for Will? I mean, Will's s4 arc was basically dedicated to showcasing his struggle with his sexuality and with his love for Mike. We were shown just how deep that love is. We were shown how patient, unselfish, unwavering, and beautiful that love is. So how would it be satisfying for Mike's love for him to not be shown with just as much depth? How would it be satisfying for Mike to just be a one dimensional character whose s5 arc is essentially "break up with girlfriend, wait to find out best friend is in love with him, say he loves him back, then they live happily ever after"? I think Will deserves for his love to be returned with the same intensity at which he gives it. And I think it should be clear to the audience and to Will himself.
Back to Mike!
Mike has been through so much shit. I don't think anyone that is denying that actually believes he hasn't been through shit. Because you'd actually have to watch the show on mute and with your eyes closed to think this kid hasn't had just the worst time. It's so ignorant to act as if this stuff hasn't affected him. There's stuff we've seen but there's stuff we also haven't seen. There are issues he has that date back to his childhood pre-canon. Just like Will, Mike has been a queer kid growing up in 80s smalltown conservative america. Acknowledging the pain he 100% carries because of that is so important. His perspective has been withheld from us, not because it's unimportant, but because it's the final puzzle piece. If we had Mike's perspective in s4, byler wouldn't be a "will they won't they" (even though we all know they will). If we got his perspective in s4, byler would be a "100% certain without a doubt they will". But the thing about his perspective is that it's so much more than just loving Will. It's fear. It's pain. It's insecurity. It's doubt. It's the belief that his happiness just doesn't matter all that much. All of that has to be explored. All of that has to be laid out in the open for us in order for byler endgame to feel earned. Mike's emotional payoff will lead to byler's emotional payoff.
Mike has known he loves Will. In s5 we will see him make a deliberate and active effort to overcome the things keeping him from doing something about it. And then he will do something about it.
And so when it finally happens. When both Mike and Will finally know that their feelings are requited, and when their arcs end with us knowing that they will face whatever life has in store for them together, that will feel earned. That will feel like the logical conclusion for both of them. Not just for Mike. Not just for Will. For both.
And Mike is just as important to that conclusion as Will is.
And one last thing...
Some people are going to talk about Mike more. Some people are going to talk about Will more. Because newsflash, people have preferences. Some people just relate to Mike more, or they find his emotional arc extremely compelling, or they just like him. It isn't an attack on Will or any other character. No one is saying Mike is more important than any other character (I'm sure there are people that say that but they are a vocal minority and they are simply wrong). We are just saying that he is important. If you wanna engage in media analysis, please understand that "main character" or "central character" does not mean "only important character" and "only character that should be analyzed". If you wanna talk about Will and only Will, that's fine. But you don't get to act like people that talk about other characters are doing a disservice to your fave, because that's not how any of this works.
#mike defenders i need you to back me up on this#i hope my points come across well#anyway#the way people have been talking about mike lately is so infuriating#its called BYLER analysis because its the analysis of BYLER the ship involving will AND mike#st fandom consistently proving that they have absolutely no idea how fandom works#its almost like people wanna talk about things they care about and you dont get to tell them to shut up#if you dont wanna see people talking about mike you can just mute tags about him#but if you dont wanna talk about mike youre missing a huge part of the byler puzzle and thats your loss#please just let people discuss whatever they want to discuss as long as its not ACTUALLY harmful#sometimes i think y'all are allergic to fun#byler#mike wheeler#mike wheeler analysis#will byers#< this is about him too#byler analysis#byler endgame#stranger things
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Routines In The Night [Nicholas Alexander Chavez x reader]
Warnings: alcohol consumption, vague-ish descriptions of clubbing, raw sex (don't do that), completely self-indulgent
A/n: i am just a girl and i cannot help the things my mind comes up with. also this is my first actual smut in years so lmk how I did hehehe
Word count: 2273
Copying or translating my writing is not allowed. If you see my work on another site it is stolen. Reblogs are appreciated and encouraged.
It's been quite a long time since you went out with your friends. Life gets in the way sometimes! But tonight, the stars have aligned, and all of your schedules lined up perfectly. You don’t remember being this excited to see your friends, but now you all were in your apartment getting ready for your night out.
"So I don’t know when the boys are gonna get here-“ your best friend; Violet sits on your bedroom floor, curling her hair. “But I think Evan said something about bringing a new friend?”
“Violet you can't just let strangers hang with us! What if he's a weirdo?!" You’re mostly joking. You knew your friends. Realistically you had nothing to worry about.
“What if he’s ugly?” your other Friend interjects.
“Oh my god! Hayley!” Violet chokes out a surprised laugh.
“What it’s a valid question!” She defends.
"I'm sure he will be completely normal." You try to expel the chaos beginning to build throughout your small apartment while the three of you continue to get ready.
An excessive amount of knocks on your door makes you jump.
You grumble obscenities on the way to open your door. "You know Evan- You don't have to—“ you stop in your tracks. Sure, there was Evan and your other friend Mike, but there was also a new guy—a beautiful guy. Was it suddenly getting hot in here??
"Oh okay drool much?" Evan jokes and you snap out of your man-induced trance.
“Hi, I'm Nick" he offers his hand for you to shake.
Your hand is quite small compared to his, but unlike most guys you’ve met, his hand is gentle. He certainly isn't trying to crush your hand (why do guys do that?). As the other guys walk into your apartment, Nicholas stays in your doorway with you as you introduce yourself,
“Come in! You have to meet the others!" You take his hand and lead him into your living room.
The music was loud, the air was hot, and the lights pulsed and changed erratically. You danced along to whatever generic set the DJ played, you honestly were too drunk to care. This is what you needed. While you and your girls danced carelessly with each other, the guys stayed back at your table.
All of them seemed pretty caught up in their drunken conversations. Not Nicholas though, no. His eyes had been on you the second you clambered onto the dance floor. You loved it.
You felt Violet's arm wrap around your waist, "are you gonna deal with that? " She borderline shouts in your ear to combat the loud music. "Who? Pretty boy over there?" You lock eyes with Nick across the room, he quickly looks away—taking a sip of his drink. "Maybe... you think you can get Hayley distracted so I can lure him ?"
She giggles and pulls away; you don't care how Violet was planning on making distance-- but you trusted her. With a sensual sway of your hips, you walk over to Nicholas. None of your other friends seem to notice your presence, not that you mind though.
"So, you gonna keep on staring or are you gonna dance with me?"
The man before you smirks, he takes you in quickly, "How about both?" He offers his hand to you. You take it gratuitously, even in your heels he had height over you. It was hot. Maybe it was the lights or the alcohol in your system-- or maybe both, but you had to have him.
To say the two of you were dancing was a stretch, to say the least… You wrap your arms around his neck, you were so not remembering this tomorrow at the rate you were going.
“How long were you going to sit there staring at me for?” Your question was light-hearted at best.
"Until I was blackout probably," He laughs shyly.
You laugh along with him, grinding along to the beat of the music, you could live this moment forever. "Usually everyone comes back to mine and sleeps over after clubbing. You down?”
He smiles, "Sure, why not.”
Somehow you managed to get all of your drunk friends back to your home safely. Now all you had to do was (try to) relax, you sneak away from all of your friends and into your bedroom.
It took you longer than usual to remove your makeup and change into your pajamas due to the drinks you had tonight, but you managed.
What time was it? You didn't know, your phone was dead!
Back in your living room, your friends lay sleeping (?) scattered around Violet and Hayley both still in their makeup and heels. You didn't dare wake them, they knew where your makeup wipes and extra clothes were. All you needed was your bed.
4 am. It was 4 am and you were wide awake. Wide awake with a raging headache, that is. You groan before tugging off your oh-so-comfortable blanket. The hardwood floors were cold against your bare feet-but you didn't care.
Stumbling to the kitchen through the darkness of your home was a situation you found yourself often, but now you had the added addition of staying quiet. The last thing you needed was more hungover zombies.
The moonlight from your open windows lit up your kitchen counter just enough for you to grab the nearest pain relief medicine and a drink in peace. Now here came the hard part-- walking back in the dark. Why didn't you bring your phone?!
The door of the bathroom swings open-- you gasp dramatically. "Jesus Nick! You fucking scared me,” you whisper yell at the taller man.
"Sorry! I had to— uh I didn't think anyone was awake." He flicks off the light and steps closer to you.
The moonlight paints across Nicholas’ face in a way that has you speechless. "Well, uhm-are you -" You stumble over your words. "Do you need anything? A blanket? Water? I can see if there are sweatpants you can wear."
For a moment you think he's going to decline your offer-- “Actually, a blanket and sweats would be awesome… If you don't mind."
"I don't mind at all-- Here follow me.” You continue your path to your bedroom, only this time with the hottest man you've ever seen trailing behind you.
Inviting him into your room! What if he gets the wrong idea? (Is it the wrong idea if you really do wanna fuck?) "Sorry for the mess... You can sit on my bed while I look." You awkwardly point at your bed as if its location wasn't obvious. "It's cute in here, very cozy." Nicholas takes in his surroundings— trying and failing to distract himself from your extremely short pajama shorts. "Thanks, here." You hand him some clothes leftover from friends, "Hope they fit." You hear him mutter a thanks before you go back to searching for a blanket. Why is he being so quiet? When you look over at him, he's staring: again. You bite back a laugh.
”You have quite the staring problem, you know?” You tease. He smiles something wicked, his dark brown eyes dark with want. Why stare when you can just shoot your shot?”
He throws his hands up in defense, "I mean hey, I made it this far!”
“Oh yeah- "You remark sarcastically, "Remind me what base ‘sitting on a hot girl's bed and staring at her ass’ is again?"
"Oh, so that's how we're playing it?" He stands up and takes one big step towards you
“That's how we're playing it.” You tease, standing up on your tippy toes to drape your arms over his shoulders.
His large hands wrap around your waist, pulling you into him. He hums in acknowledgment of your teasing. He was hard, you could feel him through his jeans.
How did you get into this situation? Were you complaining though?
No, not at alt. Nicholas' large hand cups your face sensually.
The Kiss was electric, not rough, but dominant. You didn't have the energy to fight for control, you just wanted him. Dazed, you pull back from the kiss. "I can't focus with you pressed against me like that." Your hands shoot from his neck to his belt buckle. “Bed, now." You demand, he quickly clambered onto your bed.
You pull his pants down to his ankles, and Nicholas kicks them the rest of the way down. Your heart racing as you follow him onto the bed, straddling his lap. His hands found their way to your hips, gripping them firmly as you leaned in for another heated kiss.
"Are you sure about this?" Nicholas whispered against your lips.
"Absolutely," you run your hands down his chest.
As things heated up between you two, a sudden noise from the living room made you both freeze. You remembered your friends sleeping just outside your bedroom door.
"We should keep it down," you giggled softly, pressing a finger to Nicholas' lips.
He nodded— a mischievous glint in his eyes. He presses a quick kiss into your lip and flips you onto your back. You find your eyes drifting down his torso, his cock tented in his boxers. You snap your eyes back up to his, the air thick with tension.
“Kiss me,” you beg, and he listens immediately. you tug on his bottom lip and he groans lowly. the position you were in made it impossible for you to not cross your ankles behind his back, pushing him against your throbbing core. You whimper, almost pathetic, but you couldn't care less about that right now.
You whine again, this time a desperate plea for more. “Mmm… Nick—please~” You beg against his lips.
“Tell me,” he commands. You whine again as his lip trail kisses along your neck, leaving marks at the base.
“More~” you manage to joke out.
“What do you want, beautiful? All you need to do is say it and I'll give it to you.” His voice is sultry against your ear, his breath leaving goosebumps in his wake.
“Clothes. off,” you demand.
You hear him chuckle sensually, as he leans back on his haunches. You swear all time freezes as you watch Nicholas take off his shirt. He was already the most attractive person on the planet with his pants off, and now here he was. Towering over you in his underwear, while you still had all of your clothes on. That had to change, sit up briefly as Nicholas helps you take off your sleep shirt.
Nicholas kisses you again, pushing you back down onto your plush pillows. In the heat of your kiss, Nicholas takes off your sleep shorts and leans back— he groans at the sight before him.
“look at you~” he tuts, “all fucked out and I haven't even touched you yet.”
“Nick, please-” you whine, bucking your hips in the air, desperate for any kind of friction. “Don't tease!”
finally, Nicholas stands up from your bed. Pulling his boxers down his boxers, revealing his throbbing cock. The tip is red and angry— leaking with precum. your mouth watered just at the sight.
he climbs back over you and back in between your thighs. his hungry eyes, fixed on your core as he runs his tip over your clothed clit. you whimper again— just as you're about to open your mouth to complain, he pulls your panties to the side and pushes into you in one motion.
You bite down on your lip to try to conceal your moan but the noise that you make is still extremely loud. the stretch burned, but god it felt heavenly. Nicholas clashes his mouth back onto yours at an attempt to hush your sounds— not that he wanted to. He wanted the whole city to hear you, but all of your friends were in the next room and that was not a conversation he wanted to have.
The steady rock of his hips has you barreling quickly towards your orgasm. The kiss is sloppy and rough— you couldn't think of a better thing to be doing at 5 am. He trails wet kisses to the sweet spot below your ear, then to your neck and collarbone.
With one hand tightly gripped on your hip, he was close. You knew because his thrusts were getting sloppier and rougher. With one final bite of the base of your neck, he sits up— free hand rubbing circles on your clit as the new angle had him hitting right you needed him.
Your back arches off of your bed in a dramatic display as your orgasm takes over you— you swear you blacked out for a moment. Nick pulls out of you in a hurry, white ropes of cum paint your torso and face and he groans gutturally.
the once cold air in your bedroom was now hot. the only sound was the combined sounds of you and Nicholas trying to catch your breath. sleep takes over you as you feel Nick wiping the cum off you with whatever was nearby.
"So," Nicholas whispered, running his fingers through your hair, "does this mean I get stay here tonight?" he brought a clean blanket over your naked bodies.
You laughed softly, pressing a kiss to his jaw. "If that's not what that means I have no idea what does."

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Wouldn't have it any other way
rye with salami, ranch, and mikes way please and thank you! (idk if i did that right, i've never done this before)
jack hughes x reporter!reader
she isn’t you
Working as a reporter covering the NHL was a childhood dream of yours that came true. You worked your ass off in college, having internships each summer which led to an opportunity at ESPN that turned full-time after you graduated. You were ecstatic when they moved you to New Jersey to cover the Devils. It had been six months and so far you had gotten along well with all the players…well except one.
“Ya we got whacked two games in a row, so the last thing you want to do is stand and talk in front of you guys,” Jack Hughes told the small group of reporters crowding his locker, you included. You rolled your eyes which didn’t go unnoticed.
“Something to say, sweetheart?,” he said, eyes honing in on you.
You felt your cheeks flush with anger at his condescending tone. "It's our job to ask questions, Hughes. If you can't handle that, maybe you should find a new career."
The locker room fell silent, all eyes darting between you and Jack. His jaw clenched, eyes narrowing as he stepped closer.
"And maybe you should find a new team to cover if you can't handle a little attitude," he shot back.
The tension was palpable. You'd butted heads with Jack since day one, his arrogance rubbing you the wrong way. But this felt different, more charged.
"I can handle you," you replied, holding his gaze. "Question is, can you handle the heat when you're not performing on the ice?"
A collective intake of breath from the other reporters. Jack's eyes flashed dangerously.
"That's enough," the Devils’ PR manager said, ushering the reporters out of the locker room. You shot Jack one last glare as you followed the rest of the pool out. You knew you were going to get your ass chewed by your boss but you couldn’t help it. Jack was infuriating.
Unfortunately, your phone rang the second you were out of the arena and you listened to your boss rant at you. The moment was apparently already blowing up on social media and it was not a good look for you or Jack really. Half of the internet said you were too young to be in your job and wildly unprofessional while the other half defended you, calling Jack a dick who needs to respect women. There was another weird fan side of hockey twitter that were now actively shipping the two of you together, claiming it could be a perfect enemies-to-lovers story.
Headphones in, you watched workers out the window as they loaded luggage onto your plane. New Jersey to Vancouver was a long flight so you had splurged, upgrading yourself to first class to try maybe and get some actual sleep. The seat next to you was still empty and as the time ticked by you grew more hopeful that it would remain that way but nothing good lasts forever.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” a voice called out next to you and you looked up to meet the eyes of none other than Jack Hughes.
Your heart sank as Jack glared down at you, his tall frame looming over your seat. Of all the people to be stuck next to for a cross-country flight, it had to be him.
“Why aren’t you flying with the team?” You questioned.
“I overslept and missed the flight,” he muttered and you snorted.
Jack huffed as he stowed his carry-on and slid into the seat beside you. The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. You both sat rigidly, avoiding eye contact as the rest of the passengers boarded.
As the plane began to move, you couldn't help but sneak a glance at Jack. His jaw was clenched, hands gripping the armrests tightly. Was he... nervous?
"You okay there, Hughes? Not scared of flying, are you?" you teased, unable to resist.
He shot you a withering look. "I'm fine.”
But as the plane started to take off his breathing grew more rapid and you started to get concerned. You hit a bit of turbulence trying to level out, and Jack’s hand moved towards yours, gripping it tightly.
“Sorry,” he rasped, but you kept your hand in his, caressing his skin softly with your thumb.
“It’s okay,” you murmured. “Just try and breathe.”
“I’m trying,” he snapped and you rolled his eyes. “I need you to distract me.”
“Just tell me something about you I don’t know,” he asked looking over at you pleadingly.
“Hockey isn’t my favorite sport,” you said instantly. It felt like your dirty secret being a hockey reporter, but it was the truth.
Jack let out a strained chuckle, “oh yeah, what is?”
“Football,” you replied and he nodded at you to keep going. “I fell in love with it when I was just a kid watching Brett Farve. Him leaving the Packers was my first real heartbreak in life. I like college football more now and while I love the atmosphere of hockey, there is nothing like a Saturday night home game in the palace. The lights illuminating the fields, the smell of popocorn and hotdogs, the fight song playing in the background, and everyone knows that $20 beer tastes better watching your favorite team. What’s more romantic than that?”
If Jack didn’t have the history he had with you, he thought he might have fell in love with you right then and there. His grip on your hand loosened slightly as he listened to you speak, his breathing becoming more even. He found himself captivated by the passion in your voice as you described your love for football.
"I never would have guessed," he said softly, a hint of a smile on his face. "You always seemed so... intense about hockey."
You shrugged, feeling a bit vulnerable having shared something so personal. "It's my job. I take it seriously."
"Maybe too seriously sometimes," Jack muttered, but there was no real bite to his words.
The plane leveled out and you both realized you were still holding hands. You quickly pulled away, clearing your throat awkwardly.
"Thanks," Jack said, avoiding your gaze. "For, you know... helping me through that."
You nodded, unsure how to respond. This was the most civil conversation you'd ever had with Jack Hughes, and it felt weird. The rest of the flight went by without a spectacle; you were happy to catch some shut-eye, and woke up as you were about to land, Jack nudging you awake. He grabbed your bag for you, and you followed him off the plane, stopping when he turned to face you.
“Back to our regularly scheduled business of hating each other,” he said with a smirk, and you laughed.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way Hughes,” you shot back before heading off.
After a long call with your boss the next day, you were very irritated. Since the Devils were playing the Canucks, he wanted a short fluff piece about the Hughes brothers reuniting.
“It won’t be that bad,” Luke said after you tracked him down to tell him about the assignment. “You love me, and Quinn will love you.”
“I’m not worried about you two,” you told him with a look. “I’m worried about your other brother, who makes me want to jump off a cliff.”
“You’re dramatic,” he said, crossing his arms and you huffed. “We are all getting dinner tonight; just come with us. It’ll be a good chance to see us all off the ice.”
Later that night, you find yourself in the lobby with Luke, waiting on his brothers. Dressed down and out of your business wear, you felt more like yourself in a cute white sweater and jeans. Jack stepped out of the elevator and you immediately crossed your arms, already not in a good mood seeing him.
“Why is she here?” He asked Luke, completely ignoring you.
“She is writing a piece on the three of us, so I thought it would be nice to let her see the non-hockey side of things,” Luke explained and Jack groaned. Quinn stuck out his hand to introduce himself, and you smiled warmly at the oldest brother.
“So you’re the one who has little Jack by the balls?” He teased and Jack shoved him while you laughed.
You and Jack didn’t say a word to each other on the way to the restaurant and you luckily ended up being diagonal from him. It was a steakhouse but you weren’t that into steak so you opted for a grilled chicken salad with no tomatoes of course. Remembering that you were here for work, you kept quiet just observing the brothers.
"Remember when Jack tried to dye his hair blonde and it turned orange instead?" Quinn chuckled, earning a glare from Jack.
"Hey, at least I didn't cry when mom cut my mullet," Jack shot back, causing Luke to nearly spit out his drink.
You couldn't help but smile, seeing this different side of Jack. He was more relaxed, his guard down as he joked with his brothers. You caught yourself staring at him a few times, noticing how his eyes crinkled when he laughed.
The waiter soon returned with your food and you sighed as you watched your salad be placed in front of you with the tomatoes you had asked to be left out. You were never one to send something back, so you accepted your fate and unrolled your silverware.
“Everything look good?” The waiter asked. You nodded absentmindedly as Jack opened his mouth.
“She asked for no tomatoes,” he said, pointing to your salad. Your head snapped up and the waiter began to apologize.
“Oh it’s okay,” you said, trying to wave him off but Jack gave you a stern look that made you sit back.
“Don’t like tomatoes?” He mused. “Kind of childish, don’t you think?”
“You literally ordered a lemonade,” you shot back and his eyes narrowed at you.
“What’s wrong with that?”
“It’s every kid’s favorite drink,” you retorted.
Jack scoffed, leaning back in his chair with a smirk. “Oh, I’m sorry, Miss Sophisticated Palette. Let me guess, you’re a black coffee type, right? So edgy.”
You rolled your eyes, taking a sip of your soda. “At least I don’t need a sugar rush to get through lunch.”
“And yet, here you are, drowning in soda. Classy.”
You gestured to his plate with a smug smile. “Says the guy who’s been avoiding the broccoli on his plate like it owes him money.”
Jack’s smirk faltered, and he glanced down at the offending vegetable. “It’s not avoidance. I’m saving the best for last.”
“Sure you are. Must be why it’s still untouched and getting cold.”
“You know, you’re a lot braver with your words when I don’t have a hockey stick in my hands.”
You shot him a fake, sweet smile. “And you’re a lot more tolerable when you keep your mouth shut.”
Quinn and Luke were thoroughly entertained as they observed the back-and-forth banter between you.
“You see what I have to deal with?” Luke said, looking at Quinn once you and Jack had finally stopped.
“Jack finally met his match,” he commented, prompting an eye roll from the mentioned brother.
The rest of the dinner passed with a mix of tension and grudging amusement between you and Jack, while Quinn and Luke kept the conversation flowing. As you all left the restaurant, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret at how quickly you and Jack fell back into your antagonistic pattern.
"So, got enough material for your fluff piece?" Jack asked sarcastically as you walked back to the hotel.
You sighed, "Probably. Though I'm not sure how to write about the Hughes brothers' dynamic without mentioning how insufferable one of them is."
Jack chuckled, surprising you. "Just make sure to mention how charming and handsome that one is too."
You rolled your eyes but couldn't suppress a small smile. "In your dreams, Hughes."
As you reached the hotel, Luke and Quinn said their goodbyes, leaving you and Jack alone in the lobby. An awkward silence lingering in the air between you.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” He asked and you gave him a weird look, trying to figure out his angle.
“Where else would I be? I’m always front row waiting for you to mess up,” you joked and he gave you a playful frown.
“Very funny,” he said before bidding you goodbye and going up to his room. Things felt different between the two of you tonight, and you weren’t sure how you felt about it.
The Devils beat the Canucks handily and you found yourself with a couple of other reporters waiting for Jack, who had scored, and a new girl that you didn’t recognize.
“Hi Jack,” the girl called out as he got settled and he looked at her amused. She looked like a puck bunny who had snuck in; beach blonde hair, fake spray tan, low cut top, you knew the type. Jesus, what had gotten into you, you thought, trying to shake off your cattiness.
“Hey, haven’t seen you around before,” he commented and she giggled. Literally giggled in response. The other reporters were amused but you kept your lips in a firm line.
“You were so great out there; it’s so impressive how hard you work,” she said and he smiled awkwardly thanking her. “Do you ever get scared when the puck comes at you?"
You couldn’t help but snort out loud when she asked that and Jack looked amused at you.
Jack’s gaze lingered on you for a moment, his smirk growing wider before he turned back to the blonde with a practiced ease.
"So," he said, leaning casually against the bench, "you’re new to the media scrum, huh? They usually send someone more…" He glanced at you briefly, the corner of his mouth twitching. "Experienced."
The girl giggled again, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Oh, well, I’m just filling in today. I guess I got lucky getting to talk to you."
"Guess I got lucky too," he said smoothly, his tone playful. "Usually, I’m stuck with—" He cut himself off, letting his eyes flick to you with mock innocence. "Well, people who don’t seem to enjoy the job as much as you do."
Your jaw tightened, but you kept your face neutral, scribbling something completely irrelevant in your notebook to avoid giving him the satisfaction of a reaction.
"So," the blonde continued, practically glowing under his attention, "what’s it like to be so focused all the time? You’re just so… intense on the ice."
Jack chuckled, shaking his head. "Takes a lot of practice. But I don’t think I’m half as intense as you just now."
Her eyes widened, and she laughed, her cheeks turning a shade pinker. "Oh my God, stop! I’m just trying to do my job."
"And you’re doing it very well," he replied, his voice low and charming.
You shut your notebook loudly, drawing Jack’s attention as you stormed out of the locker room, your cheeks flushed with anger and... something else you didn't want to acknowledge. You made it halfway down the hall before you heard footsteps behind you.
"Hey!" Jack's voice called out. "Where are you going?"
You spun around, glaring at him. "Away from that circus. I have actual work to do."
He jogged up to you, a mix of confusion and amusement on his face. "What's your problem? Jealous?"
"Jealous?" You scoffed, crossing your arms. "Of what? Your ability to charm airheads?"
Jack's eyebrows shot up. "Wow, that's pretty harsh. What happened to journalistic integrity?"
"What happened to professionalism?" You shot back. "Or do you always flirt with reporters during interviews?"
His expression shifted, a knowing smirk appearing on his face.
“You are jealous,” he said confidently and you were about to argue back but he grabbed a door handle behind you, yanking the door open and pulling you in it. It was a smaller equipment closet, but you didn’t have much time to look around before Jack had you tight against his body.
“She isn’t you sweetheart,” he said as your body flushed against his.
Your breath caught in your throat as Jack's words sank in. The closet suddenly felt much smaller, the air thick with tension. You could feel the heat radiating off his body, his chest rising and falling against yours.
"What are you doing, Hughes?" you managed to whisper, your voice betraying your conflicted emotions.
His eyes searched yours, intense and unreadable. "Something I've wanted to do for a long time," he murmured before closing the distance between you.
His lips crashed against yours, hungry and insistent. For a moment, you were too shocked to respond. But then, as if a switch had been flipped, you found yourself kissing him back with equal fervor. Your hands tangled in his hair as his arms tightened around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer.
The kiss was everything you never knew you wanted - passionate, electrifying, and months of frustration bubbling over. His hands moved under your shirt and up your back as his touch burned your skin. Resting your head back against the wall, he took advantage, latching on to your neck, sucking harshly.
“More,” you gasped. “I need more.”
He pulled your shirt over your head and you unclasped your bra, letting it fall to the floor. His eyes glazed over, looking at your chest and you smirked before tugging at his shirt. He lifted it off and you admired his toned body, tracing your finger down his abs. His breath hitched as he watched you and you smirked seeing the bulge against his sweats get bigger.
Jack's eyes darkened as he watched your finger trail down his abs. In one swift motion, he lifted you up, pressing you against the wall as your legs wrapped around his waist. His lips found yours again in a searing kiss as his hips ground against you, eliciting a soft moan from your throat.
"God, you drive me crazy," he breathed against your neck, nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin.
Your hands roamed his broad shoulders and back, relishing the feeling of his muscles flexing under your touch. Jack's mouth moved lower, trailing hot kisses down your collarbone to your breasts. You arched into him as he took a nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the sensitive bud.
"Jack," you gasped, your fingers tangling in his hair. He looked up at you, a mix of lust and something softer. “I need you in me.”
“Let me savor this sweetheart,” he pouted and you shook your head.
“Not the time or place,” you argued back and he sighed. Pulling down his pants, you spit into your hand before bringing it to his cock, pumping a few times, causing him to hiss. Shimmying out of your pants, you let him lift you against the wall, angling himself at your entrance.
“Are you sure about this?” He asked.
“Just this once,” you said and he rolled his eyes.
“We’ll see,” he replied and you started to argue back but he pushed in and your head fell forward onto his shoulder.
Jack began to move, thrusting into you with a steady rhythm. You clung to his shoulders, biting back moans as he hit just the right spot with each stroke. The closet filled with the sounds of your heavy breathing and the slap of skin on skin.
"God, you feel amazing," Jack groaned, his pace increasing. You wrapped your legs tighter around him, urging him deeper.
"Harder," you demanded, nails digging into his back. He complied, slamming into you with renewed vigor.
The tension that had been building between you for months was finally finding release. Every thrust, every touch was electric. You couldn't get enough of him.
"I'm close," you panted, feeling the familiar tightening in your core. Jack slipped a hand between your bodies, his thumb finding your clit.
"Come for me, sweetheart," he urged and you cried out, his hand coming up to muffle the noise. Riding out your orgasm, you were clenching hard around him and he grunted as he kept up the pace, pounding into you.
As your walls continued to contract around him, Jack couldn't hold back any longer. He buried his face in your neck, groaning out your name as he spilled into you.
For a few moments, all that could be heard was your heavy breathing as you both came down from the intense high. Jack leaned his forehead against yours, his breath hot against your skin. You both took a few minutes to catch your breath before Jack slowly pulled out of you. You winced slightly and Jack gave you a concerned look. He handed you your clothes and you quickly put them back on, refusing to look at him.
“Y/n,” he said softly and you finally looked over at him. His face was flushed, hair all over the place, but the look he was giving you made you want to take your clothes right back off.
“This was just two people blowing off steam, nothing more,” you said and he grinned widely.
“Oh, so you won’t mind if I hook up with that other girl next time instead?” He asked and you frowned before quickly morphing into a neutral expression but Jack had already caught it.
“Ugh,” you exclaimed before opening the door slowly, peeking out before you walked out. Jack was right behind you and you thought the coast was clear until you walked right into Quinn and Luke. You froze and felt Jack still behind you as he saw his brothers.
“What were you two doing?” Luke asked, a knowing smirk on his face.
“We were just talking,” you defended, not meeting his eyes.
“Oh yeah? In the supply closet?” Quinn teased.
“It was quieter than the locker room,” Jack said.
“Didn’t sound that quiet,” Quinn shot back.
Your face burned with embarrassment as Quinn's words sank in. You couldn't bring yourself to look at Jack or his brothers, wishing the ground would open up and swallow you whole.
"I... I have to go," you mumbled, pushing past Luke and Quinn without meeting their eyes. You practically ran down the hallway, desperate to distance yourself and the Hughes brothers as much as possible.
Once safely in your hotel room, you collapsed onto the bed, burying your face in your hands. What had you done? Hooking up with Jack Hughes in a supply closet was bad enough, but getting caught by his brothers? Your career could be over if word got out.
Your phone buzzed with a text. Hesitantly, you checked it, half-expecting it to be Jack. Instead, it was from Luke:
"Don't worry, your secret's safe with us. But you might want to figure your shit out with Jack ;)”
You groaned, turning over, trying not to think about what happened in the closet or what it meant for you and Jack.
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Y'all what if FNaF and DC were in the same universe can you imagine the chaos
Part Two, Part Three
Michael: *applies for a security job at WE because go big or go home amirite)
Tim, doing the interview because everyone else was freaked out by Michael: so, uh. What's your work experience
Michael: oh! I was a security officer for a bunch of places. Only for like a week at a time though cause I was only working there to set them on fire
Tim, now deeply concerned: um. So uh. That's a crime
Michael, realizing he made a Mistake™ and attempting to defend himself: hey, with the last gig it was literally in my contract that I had to burn the place down
Tim, contemplating insurance fraud:
Michael: also I'm great with lawsuits
Michael: *is living in Crime Alley because of course he is*
Michael: *gets shot while interrupting a gang war*
Michael, staring at the bullet in his chest: oh cool! My first souvenir from the east coast!
Red Hood, trying to get the obvious civilian out of the way: uhh hey buddy, are you good?
Michael "Allergic To Dying" Afton: yeah I'm good! Check out this bullet!
Red Hood, deeply concerned: what the [REDACTED]
Michael, remembering most people die when they're shot: oh don't worry, ever since I got scooped I can't die!
Red Hood, deeply concerned and regretting this conversation: uh. Scooped?
Michael, excited to talk about his trauma: yeah! My dead sister tricked me into getting my insides scooped out so she and her friends could wear my skin as a disguise to escape their prison
Red Hood:
Michael, working at WE and high on fear gas thanks to Scarecrow: oh, the nightmares are back!
Michael: *ignores them and keeps flipping through the cameras to see where Scarecrow went*
Red Robin, trying to help his employees: sir, you need to evacuate the building. Also, here's an antidote to the fear toxin-
Michael, annoyed: hey can you get out of my face? You're blocking the bestest boi
Red Robin: you're on fear toxin, whatever you're seeing isn't real
Michael: yeah and it wasn't real the first four years either but nightmare foxy is back and I'm never letting him go, he's the only one I like
Red Robin: sir please
Tim: *checks in on Michael and sees a little robotic bear reading an official-looking paper*
Tim, incredibly confused and praying that's not confidential WE info: hey Mike, whatcha got there
Michael, scooping up Helpy to present him like it's his favorite child: this is Helpy! He's the best and is so helpful. He also cuddles really nicely!
Michael, getting flashbacks: unlike SOME animatronics
Tim: what's he. What's he holding
Michael, with the energy of a parent excited to show off his kid's latest project: oh it's a lawsuit!
Michael, having a Conversation™ with Red Hood: wait you're dead too!
Red Hood: uhh yeah?
Michael: but why aren't you purple? Are you an animatronic?
Red Hood, incredibly confused: ...why would I be an animatronic?
Michael: cause you aren't decaying like me???
Red Hood: ok cool new question
Red Hood: HOW would I be an animatronic?
Michael: what, like it's difficult?
Michael: I mean, my little brother got rebuilt into an animatronic when he died so it's not that much of a stretch
Red Hood, realizing this is karma for every joke he made about his own death:
Michael: and there was that time a pile of robot spaghetti wore my skin so they could be a real person
Red Hood: would you pLEASE stop talking about that
Michael, ignoring him: didn't stop me from decaying though. Hm
WE: *gets shut out of their systems by an unknown hacker with a robot fox face*
Michael: don't worry guys I got this!
Tim, severely concerned that Batfam stuff is going to get leaked: but you're a security guard?? How-
Michael, typing in LOL: yeah don't worry it's just Lolbit! They like to cause problems on purpose from time to time
Tim: Lol...bit? Causes problems on purpose?
Michael: it's like enrichment
*Batfam realizes they have to start investigating Michael*
Red Hood: I mean, we could just ask him
Red Hood: the first time we met he told me exactly how he died in great detail
Red Hood, reminiscing (read: war flashbacks): he had a twenty-four slide powerpoint
Red Robin, realizing Michael's purple and smells bad for a reason other than "classic Gotham chemicals": he's dead???
Red Hood, desensitized: yeah, he didn't tell you?
Red Robin: *approaches Michael outside of work*
Michael, no longer high on fear toxin: oh hiya boss!
Red Robin, panicking: uhh what
Michael "FoxyBro" Afton: is there a reason you're talking to me outside of business hours? Am I in trouble?
Red Robin, wondering how he was going to explain this to Batman: uhhhhhh
Batman: please explain your previous jobs. For the investigation
Michael: oh! Well it all began when I tried to play a prank on my brother, shoved him into Fredbear's mouth, and got him killed-
Michael: then the nightmares started, which I later found out was partially due to my dad running experiments on me every night-
Michael: eventually he died but not really,
Michael: oh! And my sister got eaten by Baby-
Batman, lost at "shoved him into Fredbear's mouth":
*Batfam arrives at the Pizzaplex to try and figure out what the heck is going on*
Michael, there because he's visiting his siblings, standing next to Baby, Golden Freddy, and Gregory (on Glamrock Freddy's shoulders): oh hi guys!
Red Robin, who read the Funtime schematics: Michael what the [404 SWEAR NOT FOUND]
Red Hood: there's a child?? Why is there a child???
Michael: didn't I tell you about him? Anyways this is Gregory, he's the robot version of my dead brother!
Michael, gesturing to Golden Freddy: and this is my dead brother
Michael: though technically that's also another kid who lowkey kinda scares me
Michael, moving on: and this is my sister!
Michael: y'know, the one who tricked me into getting my insides scooped so she and her friends could wear my skin as a disguise?
Red Hood: can you PLEASE stop talking about that
Baby: I told you you wouldn't die!
Michael, looking at the Batfam like they're cameras from The Office: and she wonders why she's not my favorite sibling
Nightwing, having a moment but still trying to get information: who's. Who's the other bot
Michael, patting Glamrock Freddy: oh that's me!
Michael: a piece of me anyways
Nightwing: I have so many more questions
Signal, who can see the ghosts: please do not ask for answers.
Michael, showing the Batfam around the Pizzaplex: do you want to see my favorite ride?
Red Hood: ...sure
Michael: it's Foxy's log ride! Foxy is my favorite, I'm so upset he got replaced with Roxy but at least he's still around! Y'know when I was a kid I used to wear a Foxy mask, which is coincidentally the mask I wore when I got my brother killed-
Michael: *goes on a whole rant of the evolutions of Foxy and why OG Foxy is his favorite*
Red Hood: *starts taking notes*
Roxy, storming through the Pizzaplex: Gregory, you lawless RAT, how DARE you replace my HAIRBRUSH with a pORCUPINE-
Gregory: *running to hide behind Spoiler because he associates purple with Michael*
Spoiler: *as Roxy runs up* oh uhh hi there. Roxy right?
Roxy: you're not Gregory
Spoiler: haha nope! No Gregory here!
Roxy: oh. Sorry
Roxy: love your outfit though!
Spoiler: thanks, love your makeup!
Roxy: I know, right? I'm gorgeous!
Roxy: ...wanna have a girl's night with me and Glamrock Chica where we get dressed up and make Sun swear in binary?
Spoiler: did you even need to ask?
Robin, in a corner vibing with Mangle: *petting Mangle*
Mangle, also vibing: ._.(^w^)
Red Hood, realizing this is a staring contest: *goes halfway across the Pizzaplex to get popcorn and comes back to them in the exact same positions* ooh. Getting interesting
Nightwing: *argues with Circus Baby about clown etiquette*
Signal, overwhelmed by all the ghosts: man sure wish I had my lofi beats to study and relax to right now
DJ Music Man: *climbs out of the wall*
Signal: *unholy screeching* HOLY M- wait you're chill aren't you
DJ: *starts playing his version of lofi beats to study and relax to*
Signal: ...huh
Black Bat: *disappeared, found Ballora, and is now dancing with her* (^ ^)
Red Robin, recognizing the fox face from the WE hack: yOU
Funtime Foxy: I appreciate the enthusiasm for performing arts, but you must be thinking of my sibling!
Red Robin, who didn't find Lolbit's blueprints: your what
Lolbit, appearing out of nowhere: he means me!
Red Robin, with newly energized fury: YOU!
Lolbit: ...LOL!
#can someone write this#pretty please#fnaf x dc#dc stands for disregard canon#fnaf stands for disregard canon#michael afton#it's mostly michael#batfamily#incorrect batfamily quotes#gregory#roxanne wolf#glamrock freddy#glamrock chica#scooped michael#zombie michael#red hood#red robin#batman#nightwing#spoiler#black bat#robin#golden freddy#lolbit#lolbit appreciation#funtime foxy#ballora#mangle#fnaf marionette
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"We're gonna get out of here, I promise"

pairing : mike munroe x (fem) reader
cw : mike has a gun, talk of death, and blood, and maybe like one swear I don't know. reader is referred to as mike’s girlfriend, but other than that i don’t believe any female pronouns are used.
a/n : i know this is kind of late since the until dawn remake has been out for a while but i kept procrastinating this after I started it. anyways #needthat.

The wind pulls at you from every angle, hair clinging to your sweaty, frostbitten cheeks. Adrenaline kept your body moving through the never-ending maze of trees and snow; you didn’t think it would last much longer. You were sure if you continued in this direction, eventually, you would reach the sanatorium.
It was marked on the map in the cable car station, the same map you had seen before you made your way up to the lodge with Sam and Chris. That was hours ago, and you wish you could go back and warn yourself to go back down the mountain. Or even better, ignore Josh’s email altogether and stay home. Play sick. You’d say anything not to be where you are, right now.
But that’s not possible, is it?
Your clothes are sticky with blood. Not your own, you think. You hope. This night was not turning out the way you had expected it to. And the choices you had made leading up to this point were beginning to make your stomach turn the longer you thought about them.
Why did you leave the lodge? You could’ve stayed on the kitchen floor after that psycho knocked you out; you could’ve pretended not to hear Chris’s attempts to wake you up. You could’ve looked for a phone instead of rushing into the snow to find Ashley. Speaking of them, why had you left Chris and Ashley? You could’ve returned to the lodge with them to find Sam after witnessing your friend be sawed in half, but no. You needed to know that Mike was okay considering you hadn’t seen him since you both arrived.
Why did you start that argument with Mike before the two of you had left for the lodge?

“C’mon, don’t be like that.”
“Like what?”
“You're getting jealous over nothing. We’ve talked about this, there is nothing between me and Em. I’m with you. I’m in love with you. Why does this keep being brought up?”
“Maybe because she texts your phone like you're still close? ‘Text when you and the new gf get here, can’t wait to see you, winky face’,” you push his phone towards him. “She knows who I am, why does she feel the need to refer to me as the ‘new girlfriend’ as if we’ve never met? And why is she sending you winky faces? Why exactly is Em so excited to see you, Mike?” You make a point of emphasizing her nickname which seems to flow off his tongue so easily.
“You’re looking into this way too much. This is crazy, I mean come on, that’s how she texts everyone, baby.” He gently takes his phone from you, throwing it onto the bed and reaching back for your hand which hovers in the air. You let him, but you make no effort to hold his hand back, fingers only resting in his hold. A soft sigh leaves your lips.
“Yeah well, I’m not loving that she texts you that way and I’m also not loving the fact that you’ve said nothing to her about how weird it is. You have no problem defending her when you talk to me, so why can’t you say something to her about how I feel?”
“If I said something it would just cause a fight between me and her, or you and her, and the last thing that anyone needs up there, especially Josh, is for all of us to be fighting. Can you pretend to like her, only for the weekend, and then you never have to again.”
“You say that every time she’s involved, ‘just pretend to like her for tonight, and then you never have to ever again.’ But I will, because for some reason she is always around. I figured when Matt and she started dating we would see her less but I guess I was wrong.”
“Please, let’s just go and get it over with. We’re doing this for Josh, remember?”
“I don’t know, Michael, something about spending an entire weekend with your ex-girlfriend isn’t really appealing to me anymore. Call me crazy.” His eyebrows soften as you use his full name, especially in that tone. He is enjoying this conversation less than you are.
“Don’t be this way, we’re already packed and ready to go. Just come downstairs and get in the truck. She won’t bother us, baby, I promise. Come on..” He attempts to pull you, gently bringing your hand closer to him. But your fingers slip from his hand, dropping to your side. From the bed, his phone buzzes, the screen lights up, and you don’t have to look to know who’s messaging him.
“Sam told me she's taking the bus up there, I think,” you look back to him, “I’ll just head up with her so she doesn't have to go alone.”
“But then I have to go alone. And the bus leaves in like an hour, that's barely enough time to get ready and get to the stop. You're being ridiculous, just come with me. And if you want to, we can talk about this on the way up.”
You look away from him, missing the way his face falls as you turn your back to him. “I’ll see you up there, Mike.”

If you had just let it go, believed him, and gone with him instead of taking the bus with Sam, you would’ve never been angry with each other at the lodge. Or rather, you wouldn’t have been so furious with him because you would’ve talked things out in the truck, kissed, and made up instead of stewing in your thoughts on the bus. You wouldn’t be worrying about whether or not he was alive right now. But you were stubborn and foolish, and now you are trudging through the snow, improperly dressed, and praying the person you love is still breathing on this stupid mountain.
You cross your arms over your chest, preserving what little warmth you have left, and with every step you lose another piece of hope. All you can think of is him. And how, if he is dead, he would’ve died thinking that you were mad at him. You weren’t even angry, annoyed for sure but not angry, you were just being stubborn and taking your frustration out on him. Now you might never get to apologize. The thought makes your stomach churn and your steps falter as a wave of nausea overtakes you.
But, finally, in the distance you see the outline of a large building surrounded by a brick fence that appears to be falling apart. You allow yourself to be comforted, just for a moment, by the sanatorium's existence. The nausea in your stomach ceases as your steps quicken, arms uncrossing to move through the air. You reach the gate, blocked by the large pile of snow blocking both sides, not that you think you could’ve pushed it open in your current state; blocked from snow or not.
You let your hand trace across the gate's bars as you walk towards the side of the fence. The pads of your fingers sting from the cold metal but you keep them where they are. As you move, they follow, moving from metal to brick. The only way into the sanatorium courtyard, you realize, is to climb over the stone fencing.
A tired sigh leaves your body. You place your hands on the wall, palms stinging from the snow-covered surface. You lift your body, throwing your leg over simultaneously, climbing on top to straddle the snowy stone. The action uses more energy than you realistically have left so instead of gracefully landing on the other side of the wall you fall, directly onto your back. At least the pile of snow beneath you cushions your fall a tiny bit, but it still takes you a few minutes to recover your breath.
Using the wall, you find your footing again. The snow falls from your clothes as you stumble towards the sanatorium. You don’t even know what you were expecting to discover here. You figured there might be people here. Maybe a construction crew, getting ready to tear the old building down. A custodian, forced to stay and take care of an abandoned building. Or on the slimmer side of chance, a large group of stable nurses and doctors that would offer you and your friends shelter and much-needed medical attention. However, the closer you get, the more you realize how fucked you are. Nobody is out here. And it was stupid to believe there would be.
But you’ve come this far, and the chill that runs through your body borders on hypothermic potential. You reach the front doors, using your body to push the door open, shoulder first. It opens far easier than expected, and you fall to your hands and knees as it flies inwards. “Fuck.. me.”
You don’t move from the floor, the opposite actually, you get closer to it, falling onto your back. You don’t even want to get up. No one is here. All your friends are probably dead back down by the lodge. What’s the point? At least this way you’ll have time to think over every choice that led you here, it’ll take a while for the cold to kill you since your feet are the only part of you still lying outside the building. From farther within the entry hall you hear a door open, the sound of steps echoing through the empty building. And though your heart rate picks up speed, you don’t move. Instead, you pray that whatever it is, will kill you quickly so you can be with your friends again. So you can be with Mike.
“Who’s there? Whoever it is, just know I am armed and I am not afraid to shoot you. I have had one hell of a night and I am so not in the mood for.. whatever it is that you want.” Even with your heartbeat drumming against your ear canals, you still pick up the voice. A man's voice. Almost recognizable. You let your eyes close, murmuring the only thing you can think of like a mantra. Mike. Mike. Mike. Mike.
“Holy shit. Y/n?” Mike? You turn your neck enough to see the man approaching. A sudden second surge of energy fills you, and you lift yourself into a sitting position to fully face the figure walking towards you.
“Holy- Oh my god, how are you- Are you okay?” He falls to his knees in front of you, dropping the gun and the lantern in his hands on the floor. His hands hover around you, scared to touch you. You notice that two of the fingers on his left hand are missing, replaced by a bandage soaked in blood. Your hands are the first to make contact, landing on both sides of his dirty face.
“Are you real?” He nods, pulling you into a too-tight embrace. A stark contrast to his previous concern and reluctance to touch you.
“Yes. Yes, I’m real. I’m so glad to see you. You’re alive.. holy shit I can’t believe you’re alive.”
“You look terrible” You wipe away some dirt from his face. Eyes wide as you try to convince yourself that he is actually in front of you. You had convinced yourself that he was dead, and now to see him in front of you alive and well - okay maybe not well but he’s not dead - it has your brain moving a mile a minute. There is so much you have to say. So much you have to explain to him. How do you explain to someone that his friend was sawed in half on the anniversary of his sister's death? Or how do you explain that the rest of his friends might ALSO be dead? And without sounding insane, how do you explain that you truly believe something is up on the mountain with you and that it might’ve followed you the entire way to the sanatorium? You can’t.
“Well, I’m happy to see you too, baby.” He laughs breathily, unsteady. A laugh of disbelief. His way of coping has always been humor, even at the most inappropriate of times. Your features are probably the exact opposite of his uncertain smile. You pull him close again, practically pushing him to the ground, but his arms wrap around you and he straightens his back to keep the two of you upright. “Woah, I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here.”
You push your face into his shoulder, saturating the filthy, green jacket that he wears with tears. It stinks like cigar smoke, years of sweat buildup, and dirt.
“Mike- Oh Mike,” your voice is muffled in his skin, pausing in between sobs to catch your breath. His arm wraps tighter around your waist, the other arm reaching up so his hand can rest in your tangled hair. “I’m so- I am so so sorry Micheal. I thought you were dead, I thought- I thought you died thinking I was angry. I’m so sorry, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. It’s okay. Don’t apologize. I’m just- I’m so glad you’re alive.” He kisses your temple, and as you raise your red face to look him in the eyes, he moves your hair out of your face. “We’re gonna get out of here, okay? Can you walk? God, you must be freezing. Did you come all the way from the lodge like this? Fuck, y/n, how are you even alive.” You shake your head, a silent confirmation that you don’t know how you’re alive either.
He helps you to your feet, taking off the unfamiliar jacket and helping you into it. He then retrieves the lantern and the gun from the floor, “Here, can you hold this up?” You nod, and take the lantern from his hand. In the hand opposite of you, he holds the gun, and with the other, he intertwines his fingers with yours. “We're gonna get out of here. I am going to get you out of here, I promise.” He’s so certain, and your fear almost dissipates completely as he leads you farther into the sanatorium with a tight grip on your hand.
#mike munroe x reader#mike munroe#until dawn x reader#until dawn#mike until dawn#x reader#oneshot#drabble#until dawn remake#michael munroe
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Grow Up, Would You? [Josh Washington]
“I don’t know if you’ve changed any since middle school but I really hope you’ve learned the difference between pranking somebody and just being a fucking bully.”
You can also find this story on Ao3!
Chapter Four / Chapter Five / Chapter Six
"Chris, you are... not good at this," Josh says, holding a 4 of diamonds in his hand. "This is, like, the third time you've gotten my card wrong."
"I'd be better if I wasn't drunk off my ass," Chris defends, smacking the deck of cards on the counter. I say nothing, too busy trying to calm my laughter and holding on to Matt for balance. Laughing, himself, he holds my forearms to keep me steady.
Although they'd left us for a while, Matt and Mike eventually migrated back into the kitchen at the sound of the laughter. I was shocked that Emily wasn't wrapped around Mike like she usually was, but no one would ever hear me complain or even acknowledge her absence.
"I don't think we've ever actually spent much time together," Matt says, straightening up as he wiped a tear from his eye. "You're cool. I'm sorry for maybe seeing kind of, standoffish, earlier...?" He rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment.
"Oh, no," I giggle. "It's awkward meeting new people, I get it. Thank you, though." I knew Matt was more meek than the others, but I didn't realize he was a sweetheart. Mike pats me on the back.
"She's maaad cool," he confirms. By the way his words merge together I can tell he's drunk. "I've never gotten to talk to her thoughhh, Emily think she wants me or whatever."
"Emily thinks everyone wants you," Josh snorts. Mike gasps, placing his hands over his torso dramatically.
"Don't they?" I cringe. Josh taps the counter loudly, drawing our attention to the lineup of shots.
"What are the, uh," Chris starts, looking into his shot as he tries to find the words he needs. "The girls! Sam, Jess, and Emily, the twins, what're they doing?" he asks.
"Some skin routine, or something. Jess brought an entire kit," Mike sighs. "I'm pretty bummed out that she said girls only, that stuff is fire." We all clink our glasses together and take the shots, Matt shaking his head violently after he swallowed.
"Goddamn, shit is nasty," he hissed, scrunching up his face. Everyone else can't help but laugh, though I can feel my face starting to burn. It could be nothing or anything, but in the past I've learned that sometimes it means I just need some air.
"I'm gonna go get some air," I say, hiking my thumb behind me towards the back balcony.
"Gonna hurl?" Josh asks, that stupid grin on his stupid face.
"No, just need some air." I walk out the door and outside. Shit. I forgot my coat. I decide against going inside - it would be embarrassing if they realized. The night was going so well, I didn't want them to watch me take the walk of shame to grab my winter garments.
I clear off a part of the railing and lean against it, shivering and holding myself. The icy air did it's job quickly in cooling my skin and opening my lungs. Despite my shivering, I took slow, deep breaths until I hear the door opening and closing behind me.
"Hey," I greet, not turning around.
"Cold?" I chew on my cheek as Josh leans next to me, holding one of his thick coats in his hands.
"Freezing," I admit, laughing. Josh says nothing, instead gently placing his coat over my shoulders. Holy fuck it was warm. Despite my reservations I quickly put it on and zip it closed, letting out a heavy sigh of relief. "Oh, wow, thank you. It's so warm." Josh laughs loudly and leans again on the railing next to me, our shoulders a hair apart.
"I have it hanging next to the fireplace," he explains. I look up at him through my lashes, and he looks down at me. "So, always nice and toasty... like a Hot Pocket." I look back out across the snowy forest in a failed attempt to hide the smile from my face. I don't know why I thought it was funny - because it wasn't.
I've always hated that Josh was able to make me smile, even when he was at his worst bullying me. If he was making jokes nearby, I was the one nearly bursting a blood vessel trying not to laugh. I know he sees me, though, because he had a twinkle in his eye and a gentle grin of his own.
"Are you feeling okay?" he asks me, tilting his head in an attempt to be on my level.
"Yeah, I'm fine," I reply, surprised he was asking. "I just need a break sometimes." I pause. "Thanks for checking."
"Alright, girl, well," he starts, leaning against me for a second. He's so warm I almost ask him to stay there. I knew at that thought that I should start drinking less vodka and more water. "I'll give you your... your alone time."
"Thank you, Josh." I say. He pauses, and suddenly there's much more hesitance to leave. I wonder why. Is it that I said his name? "Are you okay?" he takes a deep inhale.
"Yeah," he starts, though I'm immediately not convinced. "I just need a little space, sometimes, too." There's another pause. He's still leaning against me, our shoulders pressed together. For a millisecond I can feel my head move to lean on his shoulder and I freeze. Josh opens his mouth again, hesitating to speak. "I don't know how I'm feeling about Mike, lately."
"Mike?" I repeat. He nods, taking another deep breath.
"Hannah's got a thing for him," Josh states. He's looking across the forest with his eyebrows furrowed. "And he keeps playing with her feelings, I think."
"You think?" He nods again.
"He hasn't - he won't reject her. He knows how she feels about him and he just let's her. I think he digs the attention or something, but it's pissing me off. I tried to tell Hannah he wasn't into her, but -" he cuts himself off and shakes his head. I can tell he's getting angry at just the thought of the subject. "But she just won't listen. How can a girl so smart not see what he's doing?"
"I don't know," I murmur. I wasn't sure what to say, or how to comfort him. "She asked me about him, earlier." Josh looks at me as he waits for me to continue. "Asked what I thought about him. I just said he wasn't my type, he's got a girlfriend, whatever."
"Oh, well, what is your type?" He smirks. I roll my eyes and lean hard against him as he laughs at me.
"I think she knows Mike doesn't feel the same," I say. "She just doesn't care."
"The land of delusion," Josh huffs before looking at me. "Wanting somebody you can't have, well... I guess that sort of runs in the family." I side eye him and my heart rate picks up.
"Sam?" I gulp. Josh bursts out in laughter.
"Oh, Jordan," he starts, rubbing his eyes. "You kill me."
"I'm funny, I know," I grin. We make eye contact again and the pressure of his shoulder against mine increases as he leans further into me before, finally, pulling away. The absence of his warmth is immediate and I frown.
"I'm just worried about Hannah, is all," he clarifies, suddenly. "I'll see you back inside."
"See you." I smile, softly, and listen as the door opens. Instead of closing, though, I hear gentle conversation and a 'she wants some alone time right now, man.' I turn around to see Mike trying to go to the balcony with me, Joshua blocking his way. They continue to bicker, but I can't hear anything else until Mike notices me watching.
"Hey, Jordan, just thought we could get to know each other better without Emily bitching you out!" He calls. I frown and look at Josh, who is staring at the back of Mike's head so intensely I half expected to see smoke start rising from his dark hair.
"You talk about your girlfriend weird," I blurt out. I look around me as if Emily would descend upon us at any moment and exact her wrath. "Don't you like her or something?" Mike laughs and shakes his head, finally pushing past Josh, who stumbles a few feet back.
"Of course I do," he says, placing both hands on my shoulders. I tense up immediately and make an attempt to gently shrug him off, but he just tightens his grip slightly. "But sometimes she tries to keep me from making new friends, or trying to strengthen already existing relationships. You understand, right? Jealous girlfriend things."
"I'm about to go inside," I gulp. I want his hands off of me now. I don't hate Mike, but the discomfort was incredible. "Just go on in and wait for me."
"Oh, come on, let's -"
"She said she's going inside." Josh butts in. I furrow my eyebrows and Mike finally lets me go. My feelings are complicated, both appreciation and annoyance swirling in my chest. Appreciation for the defense, and annoyance for not letting me handle it myself.
The appreciation wins over.
I pull the coat up over my cold nose and look between Josh and Mike. It's now, as Mike holds his hands up in defeat and he and Josh bicker, that I realize Josh's coat smelled so good. Did he smell this good? My drunken mind considers getting really close to Josh to find out.
It smells like pine, firewood, and cologne. I was almost sure though that the pine and firewood was from the cologne itself. I close my eyes. The scent was comforting and made me feel warmer.
My serenity is interrupted by Mike slamming the lodge door behind him as he finally relented and went inside. I jump, startled, and slip, falling flat on my back. There was enough snow that it didn't hurt, but I wasn't happy. I can hear Josh laughing.
"I'm going to try to help you up," he says through giggles. I start to sit up, slowly, and he offers is hand. I take it, and smile mischievously. "What're you-" I pull him down into the snow with me, doing my best evil laugh as I stand up. Josh rolls around, trying to get a grip on his surroundings, and he grabs my leg and pulls me back down on top of him.
I land on his chest and he lets out a huff, the air from his lungs being knocked out of him. As I try to get up, he wraps his arms around me and doesn't let go.
"Hey, hey! Release me, wench!" I yell. I try to sound serious, but I'm giggling and beaming.
"No can do, lady. Feel the wrath of Mr. Winter!" He rolls over so that I'm sunken into the pile of snow that had accumulated at the edge of the balcony. It reaches just over my ears.
And he's on top of me, his hands now on my hips and holding me down, his knee resting between mine. I'm shaking, but not from the cold anymore.
"Comfy?" He asks, moving his hands from me to hold himself up.
"Five stars," I sigh, rolling my eyes. I wish I wasn't smiling. I wish my heart wasn't pounding. "Can I get up now?"
"I don't know, all this alcohol and being wasted shit has made me tired," he yawns. His breath smells like booze and breath mints he'd been popping all night. He moves slowly, as if giving me an opportunity to stop him, and lays fully on top of me. "I'm going to sleep." Instead of shoving him off and screaming, like a part of me tells me to, I let him. His breath is warm on my neck as he fake-snores loudly. I shudder.
"Okay pal, get off me before somebody comes out here and sees this."
"Embarrassed?" Josh laughs breathily, his warm breath continuing to send chills through my body.
"I make you nervous?" He sits himself back up again, that dumb smile back on his face. I try to think about the terrible things he'd done to me in our elementary and middle school times, but I can't seem to be upset at him no matter how much I try. I'm feeling something different for him. Not disdain or annoyance or the usual hatred.
It's something different.
"Yes." I relent. "And you do smell good."
"What?" I laugh out loud in embarrassment and disbelief at myself.
"I've had too much to drink," I sigh. I smile at Josh, and he smiles back, but he appears nervous and his eyes can't reach mine. He chews his lip as he starts to get up. I almost frown as he does, the warmth and weight of his body was comforting. He reached out his hand, again, and this time I take it.
"Let's go back inside," he mumbles, brushing the snow off of me. I smile as he does. "Okay?
I sit at the counter of the bar, resting my chin on the palm of my right hand. On the other side stood Josh. He has a cocktail shaker in his hands, shaking it like a professional bartender would.
"Another water for the fair young lady?" He asks, taking my glass and filling it with the clear liquid, adding as much dramatic flair as he could.
"Oh, yes, m'dear, thank you," I hum. Chris and everyone else had headed to bed long ago, leaving Josh and I alone in the kitchen, the both of us deciding to be mostly sober before even going to bed. Josh slides the water to me and winks. I laugh, then snap my mouth shut.
"What is it?" He asks, tilting his head and leaning over the counter.
"I..." I start to laugh, moving my arm to hide my face. "I sound so, so drunk." Josh laughs at me before pushing the glass of water to me again.
"Drink up, madam," he says. I grab the glass, slowly sliding it towards me as Josh and I lock eyes. I raise an eyebrow and bring the water to my lips, downing it quickly like a massive shot.
"I'd like another, please. And make that a double."
"As you wish," he laughs. He gives me water in a much bigger glass, not bothering with the theatrics this time as he gets himself a drink as well. Instead of walking around the bar to sit, he stays opposite of me and leaning over the counter. I take a sip from the cup. I can feel myself growing more sober as time passes, but not by much. "How're you feeling?" I tilt my head in thought. I wondered for just a moment if I should be honest with him.
"I'm feeling good," I admit, smiling to myself. I can feel him watching me. "I'm..." I swallow, a bit nervous. "I'm glad I came. Thank you for tolerating me." My eyes move to his. The kitchen was completely dark save for a single light above the stove. For a moment I think he almost looks handsome in this lighting.
I must be wasted.
"I should say the same," Josh sighs, looking away from me. He's staring at the counter now. "I know I'm not... Your favorite." He starts, inhaling deeply. "But you've been showing up, anyways, for Chris and... And my sisters. I love Chris, and I love my sisters, more than anything, y'know? So... If they call you friend, you..." His eyes meet mine for not even a second, seemingly too nervous to meet my eyes. "You let me know if you need anything and I'll try to help you out, alright?" My eyes are watering. Why are my eyes watering? Why is he saying this to me.
"...okay," I croak. I can barely get the words out of my throat. "Thank you." I gulp down the rest of my water in an attempt to snuff out the fire burning in my chest. The air becomes heavy and thick with awkward tension. I wonder if he can hear my heart pounding.
"Do you want to put on a movie?" Josh asks, snapping me out of my fog.
"Uhm, sure. What are you thinking?"
"I've got Scream," he grins. "Do you like scary movies?" I roll my eyes, but I can't hide the smile growing on my face. "Ahh, there it is," Josh says gently, his voice low. My face feels like its set on fire.
"Is the couch fine?!" I gasp, standing up quickly and stumbling backwards. Josh laughs and asks if I'm okay, but I ignore him and scurry to the couch. Above the fireplace was a massive television. Josh turns it on and flips through channels to his own recording of Scream. I can't help but laugh.
"You recorded Scream?"
"Hey, man, don't be a hater," Josh sighs. As the movie starts he takes his seat. I'm at one end of the couch, and he's at the other. As we watch the movie, I take suspicious glances every now and then at Josh. Sometimes, I look at him and he's fully turned to look at me.
"Is there something on my face?" I ask when I catch him again. He shakes his head.
"No, I just want to see your reactions to the movie," he admitted. He's sounding less sober and more tired. As I look back towards the TV I can feel the sofa move as he moves towards me.
"I've seen this before," I whisper.
"Say what?" Josh scoots closer again so he can hear me. When I look at him again the movie starts to disappear. I don't know what I'm thinking.
I scoot closer to him.
"I said I've seen this movie before," I repeat, slightly louder. Josh is staring at me now without hesitation. I can tell he's tired, yet he has no issue with keeping his eyes on me. He looks like a puppy dog, pleading for any sort of attention.
"Oh, have you?" He says. This time, he's whispering, yet he's close enough that I can hear him just fine. I only realize, now, that our knees our touching, exactly as they did at the pizza bar. My heart rate picks up as Josh scans every detail of my face.
"Mhm," I hum. I look at his lips. They look soft. My hand twitches as I resist the urge to reach up and brush my thumb across his lip. How much have I had to drink?
"Jordan..." He starts, leaning in.
"Josh?" I gulp, looking back into his eyes.
Green eyes.
His hand slowly moves itself to my forearm.
"I am..." He laughs softly. "I think I have to be wasted." His hand slowly moves up my arm and to my shoulder but he doesn't stop. He brushes his thumb across my collarbone before he gently settles his hand gently at the side of my neck.
"Me, too," I whisper. Josh parts his lips and slowly moves closer to me, his thumb brushing my jawline. Is he going to kiss me? Holy shit. Is Joshua Washington going to kiss me? My heart pounds and I worry for a moment that I'm about to die. My chest is going to burst open at any second now.
"So we should stop," I say breathlessly, my hands quickly moving to his chest. It was surprisingly solid. My heart is twisted harshly, my chest so tight it felt as if my ribs would shatter at any moment. I half expect him to call me ugly, to scoff and roll his eyes, tell me it was just a joke.
But he doesn't.
Instead, he closes his eyes and rests his forehead against my own.
"I'm sorry, Jordan, I don't know what came over me," he spoke softly, just above a whisper. His hand doesn't leave it's place on my skin, and for some unspeakable reason I don't mind it. "Can I just... I'm... I don't know. Things feel fine with you," he admits, whispering as if I'll break if he speaks too loud. "Can we just stay like this for a while?" I nod, closing my own eyes as he rests his head on my shoulder. My hands move to his head as if on instinct, one hand brushing his hair softly and the other tracing circles on his back. He slowly wraps his arms around me in a loose hug, his weight pushing me backwards as he fell deeper into sleep.
Instead of laying back, myself, I slowly guided his head to my lap, where I continued to run my fingers through his hair.
"Chris would go insane if he saw this," I chuckle, a small smile on my face.
"You drive me insane," Josh mumbles something I can barely catch.
"Says you, Mr. Locker-Rats," I scoff. He smiles at the nickname.
"That's such a stupid name," he laughs. He takes a deep breath and his smile falters. Thank you, Jordan," he sighs, turning over into his side. "I really needed this."
"I need this..." Josh says as he drifts off to sleep.
I'm sober now.
I know I'll remember this. I'll remember this for the rest of my life. The fragile body of my worst enemy left open and vulnerable to me like no one else had ever been, his head in my lap, with what felt like his soul held in my very hands. I felt as if one wrong move would break him.
Would he remember? Will he still be so kind, so gentle when everyone else can see him be kind to me?
I didn't think so. I sucked my bottom lip between my teeth. Despite my reservations I continue to slowly pet his thick, soft hair. It's now, as I look down at him sleeping, that I start to realize that maybe I don't hate him anymore.
Maybe we could be some sort of friends.
I smile to myself and sigh, leaning back against the couch. I swear right then that I wouldn't fall asleep. Once the movie was over, I would go to my own room to spare Josh and I the embarrassment of being found in such a comfortable position with each other.
"You've changed," I murmur. "I think I like it." He says nothing. As the movie goes on, I watch his body rise and fall with his steady breathing. He'd been good to me today.
As the credits roll, I gently slide out from under him and replace my lap with a pillow under Josh's head. He doesn't move, and I lay a nearby throw blanket over him. I contemplate removing his boots, but decide against it to avoid waking him up. As I crouch down to his level, I take a moment to examine his face.
I hate to admit it, I do, but he looked serene. I thought to myself that maybe it was time to admit that he was physically appealing. I felt a safety and comfort around Josh, now, that I'd never felt before. Why? Is he really that different? Does he really care about me?
Or are we both drunk?
I chew on my lip as I stare at him. I don't know what's happening to me, I don't know what's come over me, but I run my fingers through his hair one more time as I place a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose. He shifts, and for a split second I think I see him trying to hold back a smile. I squint, but he doesn't move again. I sigh.
"Goodnight, Joshua."
Hey y'all! Thank you so much for your patience. This chapter did not want to work with me and kept not saving progress made and I kept having to re write it. I believe this chapter is a bit longer than normal, so I hope that makes up for it! The next one will be longer, too. I love talking to everybody, so thank you all so much for the kind comments, they make me so happy. Much love!!
Also: Accidentally posted this early, so some may be seeing this a second time. If that's you, this is the FINISHED chapter! Thank you.
Taglist: @sc4rrc @mattymxmo @cellyx33 @jenepleurepasbaby @kalynnjonas @spinback-kiva @frankcastlesvest @barnxsromanxff
#josh washington#josh washington x reader#josh washington x you#joshua washington#until dawn#until dawn x reader#x reader#fanfiction
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Can’t believe what I’m finding out from the bird app but hey I think Henry stans need to shut up about the Byers family and stick to talking about their ugly incel serial killer that enjoys bullying children.
The gall to claim Lonnie is not an abusive father is insane. When all points to the fact he absolutely was abusive to Jonathan and Will. But I guess some idiots need everything completely spelled out to them!
I’m sure Lonnie is so mindful he was just gossiping to Joyce behind Will’s back and never called him slurs or said anything homophobic to his face.
Lonnie commenting on Jonathan getting stronger was about what? Jonathan’s baseball skills? And not a reference to Lonnie probably physically abusing him?
Why did Jonathan suspect a simple non-abusive deadbeat would hurt his son and hide him in a trunk? Huh? How in any way is that normal if Lonnie was not abusive? Can you imagine, idk, Nancy suspecting Ted of murdering Mike?
And treating Will not being completely against spending time with Lonnie as proof he couldn’t have been that bad. Are you kidding me? Do you know anything about how complicated the relationships can be between an abusive parent and their child? That’s his father. He just wants to be loved. He just wants his acceptance because he keeps trying to mold him into someone he’s not. How media illiterate you have to be to not get such a simple thing.
He’s abusive. Verbally, emotionally, hinted to even physically. Abuser, plain and simple. Not tossing the word around, just saying it how it is.
Fuck anyone that tries to whitewash Lonnie. Fucking Lonnie of all people. That’s the guy you wanna defend? I suggest getting a lobotomy.
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Playing Hard To Get Pt 2

Summary: The aftermath of the club left you bruised, agitated and with a little more pocket change. Although you didn't get exempt from completing your report......you're not exactly by yourself when everyone excepts you and Armando leaves to go home.
Warnings: Guns | Rated R Words | N-word used | Suggestive language and actions
Previous Part: Pt 1
Thanks for the Armando pictures @yeahnohoneybye 💓💓

Watching multiple women walk out the back had everyone on their toes as they didn’t see you among them, but hearing one of the dancers say something along the lines of how BP was about to go crazy had Armando alarmed.
Beckoning one of the women over he sees her glance at her friend with a smirk before walking towards him with a sway.
Acting as if he was interested, he lets her dance a bit before questioning her about all the girls coming from the back.
“You see that pretty thang from earlier perform.”
Humming he waits for her next reply, hands practically itching to push her off of him.
“BP likes to get a taste from newcomers but don't worry about that baby we can have our own fun as well."
Before he had time to even react to her words, gunshots go off causing the whole club to erupt in chaos. Pushing the girl away he quickly pulls out his gun from underneath his shirt and head towards the dressing room.
“What the hell was that!” Rafe yells over the still loud music and screams of the once vibrant club patrons.
"Sounds like it came from the back room!" Armando responded.
Shooting a few bodyguards, he hops onto the stage and runs towards the direction that you exited through a few moments earlier.
Gun drawn he walks through the short hallway, senses heightened from the adrenaline pumping through his veins.
"You one brave Bitch to think you could just pull a gun on me!" Big Papa shouts, keeping a tight hold on your bruising wrist as he fights against you.
Turning the corner, Armando entered the room just as the suspects manages to backhand and disarm you. Falling back into the wall vanity, you groan at the stinging sensation from the impact.
"Don't you make a fucking move!" Armando ordered, shifting his gaze between you and the suspect.
"OH, I see now your ass five-o!" he growled, keeping your gun trained on you as the other entrance opens to reveal the squad entering with their guns aimed at the man.
"Put the gun down, you don't want to add more to your charges or worse leave out of here in a damn body bag!" Mike insisted, moving forward a few steps.
Reaching out a hand behind your back, you pat the hard surface in search of a weapon to defend yourself.
"Nah y'all pigs done came in and fuck up my joint and you think a nigga leaving here in handcuffs......fuck that shit!" Raged BP as he tightens his grip on the weapon.
"Shit! This nigga finna crash out, we need to do something now!" Marcus yelled keeping his gun on the suspect.
Making eye contact with Armando, you see him widen his eyes and mouth no as you grab your discarded purse.
"I'LL SHOW YOU A FUCKING CRASH OU-" before he could finish you hit his wrist hard with your purse and slam your heels into his groin area.
Dropping the gun, he falls to his knees clutching his private, while cursing you out with a high pitch voice.
Lunging forward you grab your gun and press it against his sweating forehead, "WHO'S THE MOTHERFUCKING BITCH NOW HUH!"
Shifting your agitated eyes up you see all the men staring with a pain-stricken expression.
"Damn Y/N I ain't think you was gonna do all that!" Armando gulped, slipping handcuffs around the groaning suspects wrists.
"What I have to work with what I got and plus he fucked up my weave!" you explained, removing your gun from BPs head to put on your silk robe.

Arriving at the precinct, you sit down in your chair and place your sparkling heeled feet on top of your desk. While setting your small tote in your lap to double check that no money didn’t fall out after using it as a weapon.
"Y/N I can't let you keep that." Rita stated walking over to you to collect the money for evidence.
"Come on Rita, the man messed up my hair and I'll consider this as compensation y'all know my beautician isn't cheap!"
Laughing Kelly steps in,“Hey! Y/N put that work in on that pole, she deserves every penny!"
Muttering thank you; you continue to count your money while smacking Rafe's hand away as he tries to steal a bill and pointing your heeled feet at Dorn's approaching form.
"Aye I'm just coming to collect that twenty you owe me.”
Smacking your lips you remove your feet from the desk and scoot forward to hand him his change, "Y'all bet not start that 'You owe' me mess, at least wait till I get my hair done."
"Only thing I want is you, baby."
Turning your chair in Armandos direction you give him a small glare as you watch him cross his arms while leaning against his desk with a smirk.
"Like I said tell that to your little work girlfriend."
"And Like I told you......I just did."
Moving away from his desk, he walks over to stand in front of your sitting form causing you to peer up at him with raised brows. Placing his hand on your arm rest he cages you in and leans his lips towards your left ear.
"Second warning, princess."
Shifting away from his warm looming figure, you gaze into his brown eyes and briefly peer down at his dangling chain.
"Those warnings don't mean nothing to me." you commented, leaning back some more to catch his reaction.
Blinking down at you Armando traces his eyes down your face, "You’ll learn after you receive your third one." he replied in a low tone, before standing back upright and walking back to his desk.
Shivering from his words , you glanced around to see the team gazing between you and Armando awkwardly.
"I thought we was still at the strip club for a second." Marcus mutters as he and Mike heads to the breakroom.
Right when you turn to your desk to start your report, you feel a bill being snatched from the stack in your hand and seeing a familiar tattooed form dash by had you growling out their name.
"Rafe! You luck my feet hurt to damn much to chase after you!" You shouted, quickly sticking your money into your bag and placing it into your drawer.

As time passes by you continue to fill out the information from tonight's case with tired eyes, everyone had already finished theirs and left......well except for Armando who was currently typing away on his computer.
Yawning you get up to walk towards the breakroom, bare aching feet being soothed by the cold tiles of the precinct floors.
Entering the room, you make a beeline straight towards the coffee machine and after pressing a few buttons you hop onto the counter beside it as the machine works it magic.
Closing your eyes you release a content sigh from the smell of the beverage beginning to waft through the air but while you take in this peaceful moment you failed to notice Armando's approaching figure.
Feeling hands brush against your thighs had you jumping and shooting your eyes open, only to relax a bit when you see Armando standing in front of you.
Running his hands down your exposed shimmering legs, he pushes them apart to stand in between them.
"Why you keep fighting against this?"
"Against what?" you asked stopping the movement of his tan hands, already feeling yourself becoming hot just from his simple touch.
“The possibility of us.” Armando answered, dragging you closer to the edge of the counter while keeping a soft grip on the back of your knees.
"I already told you before I'm not interested."
"You're saying one thing, but your body says another, mami." he remarked, moving his hand under your robe, and playful pulling at your thong strap.
Rolling your eyes, you try to scoot away from his overwhelming figure but his grip on your hips keeps you in place.
"What are yo-"
"Tell me if you want me to stop." he stated, cutting you off while pressing his front against yours.
"Arma-" before you could utter his name, your mouth drops open as he begins to press firm hot kisses down your exposed neck.
Mind becoming scattered you don't know whether to keep him close or push him away.
"Use your words baby.... let me know if you want me to stop." he muttered pressing his warm lips against your soft ones.
Digging your nails into his firm shoulders,he wraps your thick brown legs around his waist causing you to moan into the kiss.
However, the sensation of his hard covered member grinding against your thin thong had you pushing at his firm chest, "W -wait, Armando!"
Freezing his movements he sucks in a deep breath, staring you down hungrily while waiting for you to speak.
The nerves in your belly were going crazy from the way his intense dilated eyes trail down to your partially opened robe.
Looking back up he sees the dazed look on your face making him gently grab your right hand.
"Don't go quiet on me Y/N," he breathed bringing his lips to your bruised wrist.
"Tell me what's on your mind, baby."
Shaking away the lustful thoughts clouding your brain, you use your other manicured hand to move him back.
"You really wanna know what's on my mind?" you smirked, hopping off the counter and turning your attention to the coffee machine.
"Wouldn't have asked if I didn't." he taunted, rolling his lower half against your ass,resulting in you gripping the counter to prevent yourself from meeting his movements.
Wrapping his arms around your waist,he gives your flushed brown cheek a kiss and reaches a hand down to play with the strap keeping your robe together.
"Just thinking about how you went all day ignoring me and trying to make me jealous but the minute you seen me twirling on that pole you went back to begging." you commented, fixing you and him a cup of much needed coffee.
"Ain’t nobody was begging sweetheart,I was just simply returning the same energy you been giving to me." he growled ,extending his hand to grab the cup you prepared for him while releasing you from his hold.
"Oh yeah and what was that."
"Teasing me as if you want to take this to the next level but then acting like I'm just a 'colleague'. " Armando explained, keeping his eyes on you while taking a sip of the hot beverage.
"Oh, you're so cute to think that's how I tease." you added, heading back to your desk,no longer interested in drinking your coffee.
Following after you amused, he watches you log out your computer and gather your things.
Causing him to turn his attention to his own desk to complete the same motions.
Missing the sight of you sliding a certain piece of clothing down your glittering legs.
"If what you been showing me this whole time wasn’t your form of teasing then I can’t even imagi-”
Before he could finish, a soft material hits the side of his head making him freeze on the spot as his eyes land on your thong.
" See ya on Monday!" you purred, walking fast to the front of the precinct.
Snatching up the discarded thong and stuffing it into his pocket; he grabs his few belongings and quickly chase after your retreating figure with newfound desire.
"Your gonna learn to stop running from things you start, Y/N!"


Author’s Note🎙️:Hope you guys enjoyed I had to dig deep on Pinterest for that visual of Y/N stripper outfit😭 and I got carried away with typing a Mike Lowrey x reader one-shot😁.
Let me know if I should do one more part to this ⬆️.
Tag-list: @poppetbaby02 @livirosa@dyttomori @cibresworld @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @theclownmimi @blackgirlmagicforever @3amvaiya @thesizzler @bitchyglittersuit @leahnicole1219 @babywinter @housewifewithnohusband22 @undevidedattentionsblog @delusionalbutterfly @ky44 @thatwassofetch @pandorafrost @yeahnohoneybye
#jacob scipio#armando aretas#armando aretas x black reader#bad boys#bad boys ride or die#armando#armando armas#new writers on tumblr#x black fem reader#x reader#black fanfiction#black tumblr#bad boys for life#x black y/n#black women#x black fanfic#x black reader#black female writers
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Regarding the Duffers' "hate" of Jonathan...
(Warnings: this post is an absolute maelstrom of emotions. It contains mild "anti Stancy," "anti Jancy," and "anti Nancy." Keep in mind that these are my personal opinions on the matter. Don't bother trying to make me change my mind, you'll just be losing your time. Haters will be blocked. Also, it's super long, like, Avengers: Edgame movie length long.)
I don’t think they hate him. How can you hate a character YOU created? Nah, it's ridiculous, even for their own ridiculous standards.
If they truly hated Jonathan, the Dumbers would have gotten rid of him in Season 3 or Season 2, giving some lame excuse like, "Oh, he graduated early and went to college," or they would have just killed him off. Jonathan's not a popular character, so the majority of people wouldn't care if he just disappeared.
No, they don't hate him. It's something else. Namely, fan service and bad writing.
I think fame went to their heads after Season 1 (remember, people didn't have faith that Stranger Things would be a hit back in 2016. David Harbour even said he thought the show would flop horribly), so I believe the Dumbers are trying really hard to appease the fans and keep their show popular. Now more than ever, considering they apparently want to create a Stranger Things Cinematic Universe with God knows how many spin-offs.
Looking back, some events from the series do seem like fan service, with the Dumbers wanting to appease the louder groups of the fandom. Billy's "redemption arc" seemed like an attempt to satisfy his fans—remember, the character of Billy was what Steve was supposed to be: a violent, abusive, and irredeemable jock who would be killed by the Monster. Irredeemable. And yet, they tried to redeem him. Steve's feelings for Nancy apparently returning in S4 also seem to be fan service to me, given that the fandom loves him over Jonathan, and Stancy shippers are more vocal than Jancy shippers.
Another contributing factor is bad writing. The Dumbers aren't great writers. They really aren't.
No one is perfect, I know, and we all have different opinions about everything, BUT they did Jonathan wrong ever since S1. That scene—yep, that one you're thinking about—permanently ruined his reputation in the fandom. It's the one thing his haters always bring up, and it's all the Dumbers' fault. How do you make the series protagonist, the supposed hero, do such a shitty thing?! It's bad writing, and it's something the Jonathan haters, the extremist Stancy defenders, and extremist Steve defenders always use against him. Funny, because they apparently forgave the "Nancy the Slut Wheeler" graffiti thing so quickly... 🤔 (or forgot? Or just act like it never happened?). Like, yeah, the girl's boyfriend and his friends called a teenage girl a slut, painted it on a wall for the whole town to see, but hey, everyone makes mistakes, right?
Two wrongs don't make a right, but Steve's actions fit his then-S1 persona, a.k.a. the season's teenage antagonist. Jonathan's actions don’t fit his role as the protagonist, the good guy, the supposed hero. The Dumbers just needed to move the plot, and the only thing they could come up with was to make Jonathan take those pictures. They made the protagonist (Jonathan) look bad and the antagonist (Steve) look good.
By doing so, Jonathan's popularity was doomed to decline, and when Steve became the good guy in Season 2, the fandom found their "Big Brother character," the kind, caring, and protective guy who always takes care of the kids—something the Dumbers seem to have taken a liking to, given how often they provide "Babysitter Steve" content to the fandom. While Jonathan, the actual kind, caring, and protective big brother, gets sidelined constantly. Painfully and criminally sidelined.
(Keep in mind that Jonathan has known those kids for years! He has known Mike, Lucas, and Dustin for years because they are his little brother's friends. Steve has known them for what? Two years?)
In this fandom, Steve's fans are more vocal, since they outnumber Jonathan's fans, and the Dumbers know that. They know how loved Steve is, which is why Steve's screen time increased in each season (S1: 23 minutes, S2: 33 minutes, S3: 45 minutes, S4: 78 minutes), while Jonathan's screen time DECREASED SEVERELY (S1: 57 minutes, S2: 32 minutes, S3: 27 minutes, S4: 59 minutes), and is doomed to continue that way in S5, apparently.
Fanon!Steve is Canon!Jonathan - or what Canon!Jonathan used to be.
Seeing Jonathan's popularity decrease, the Dumbers decided it wouldn't be worth focusing on him anymore since the majority of the fandom doesn't care about him. They decided to focus on other characters instead, which contributed even more to Jonathan's downfall.
Season 3 did him dirty. I don't like how he was treated there, how they made him seem to be in the wrong in his argument with his girlfriend, despite having valid points, how he was reduced into being Nancy's sidekick, having to put up with her shit while his own concerns (his need for money to help his family pay the bills) were invalidated. But Season 4 was his all-time low. Pretty much everything that defines Jonathan as a character vanished completely—his passion for photography, his love for music, his protectiveness of his family, his childhood dream of going to NYU, and even his car. Everything, gone. Yes, he and Will have a nice heart-to-heart talk that maybe made me sob, but keep in mind Jonathan still ignored Will for a while, something his past self would never do.
(Remember, every time something happened to Will, Jonathan always blamed himself for "not being there for him.")
Jonathan had everything to be a fan favorite: the kind heart and soul, the care for others, the love for his family, the selflessness, but he had the misfortune of having the Duffer Brothers as writers, who threw him under the bus and never bothered to call 911 after that.
They erased him almost entirely from the show, reducing him, a main character who's been around since Season 1, to a side character.
People say Jonathan's not interesting, that his plot line is boring, that he's not important, some even go as far as to offend his appearence, with offenses ranging from "he's ugly af" to "he looks like a crack addict". There's a human behind that character, and his name is Charles Ross Heaton. When you call Jonathan those things, you're not offending Jonathan Byers, the Stranger Things character, you're offending Charlie Heaton, the actor of Stranger Things behind the character of Jonathan Byers.
You have every right in the universe to find someone attractive or not—everyone has their preferences. I personally think Charlie is a handsome and good-looking fella (if only he quit the 🚬. Sorry, but I am concerned parent sometimes and I also have a natural aversion to that, because my respiratory system is super sensible to strong smells, especially of smoke, and even seeing one makes me uneasy). You don't find Jonathan (actually, Charlie) good-looking? It's your opinion and you're entitled to it 👍🏻. You don't find Jonathan (actually, Charlie) good-looking and called him a "crack looking addict," "a druggie," "someone who's clearly high on something all the time," or "an Elon Musk lookalike"? There's a line, buddy, and you just crossed it. You're being offensive, disrespectful, a jerk, and, above all, a motherfucking piece of shit and a waste of precious oxygen 🖕🏻.
Jonathan had so much potential.
He and Steve could have been friends (yes, I am making this about Stonathan; deal with it), since it was Jonathan who gave Steve the "wake-up call" (when Steve bad-mouthed his mom and brother, and Jonathan gave him a beating). It was Steve who bought him his new camera. And yet, these things are never properly acknowledged by the characters. Jonathan could have been such a good big brother to El when they were living in Cali, but the Dumbers thought "nah, weed is better for him." Their time in Cali could have strengthened the Byers siblings relationship, since now they're all going to the same school and are all teens. They could open up to each other, let out their frustrations, and ask for advice. Imagine a scene where Jonathan, Will, and El are all sitting in his room and are just talking about life, school, the future, goofing off like siblings. but nooooooooooo. Let's throw Jonathan into a dark corner and leave him there!
I fear for Jonathan's life in S5? Yes. Will he actually die? Hardly (IMO). A character's death is meant to impact both the other characters and the fandom, and while Jonathan's death would destroy the Byers completely, the fandom wouldn't care (some would even cheer and say "yay, now Steve can go back to his ex-girlfriend who was terrible to him and he was terrible to her and they can revive their terrible relationship and live terribly ever after!").
Jonathan is a character I relate to a lot; the loner freak with no friends who has to help his family stay afloat. I see Jonathan struggling with life and I think, "Fuck, this sounds familiar... Oh, wait." I see Jonathan being bashed and bullied by the fandom and I think how much these people would actually bully him IRL.
Stranger Things is a story where the freaks, the nerds, the geeks, and the losers win, and yet Jonathan doesn't seem to be having many wins for himself (and yes, I'm writing these final paragraphs while some tears threaten to spill). He's constantly sidelined and forgotten. Forgotten by the writers, by other characters, by Netflix, and even by the fandom.
Jonathan is my comfort character. I see a lot of myself in him and I wish the writers would have treated him better so that I could have looked at him and thought, "Fuck... We actually won." But alas, I fear this won't happen.
I fear Jonathan's story will continue to be the way it is and end with him being a sidelined guy people will quickly forget once the show ends. But I won't.
I will never forget Jonathan Byers.
I wish I could be alive for when Stranger Things fall into public domain, so that I could correct the mistakes they made to Jonathan and give the Dumber Brothers a big "FUCK YOU!"
Jonathan Byers deserves better. And so does Charlie Heaton, who also falls victim to constant sidelining.
And now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go cry in the shower for a day or two.
#justice for jonathan byers ✊🏻#justice for Charlie Heaton ✊🏻#jonathan byers#stonathan#charlie heaton#anti duffer bros (kinda...)#anti stancy#anti jancy#anti nancy wheeler#pro jonathan byers
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something that I never stop thinking about is how lucas questioned and criticized mike for just listening to hopper and doing what hopper wanted him to do aka spending less time with el like lucas straight up questions him on this and is just so incredulous to why mike would listen to him, and that’s when mike goes on about he is crazy, etc
and then mike telling el that hopper told him to stop spending as much time with el… and el literally not caring at all about that, saying “maybe he was right” like it literally does not matter at all to her that he told mike that because it is such a STUPID reason to lie to el/spend less time with her which both lucas and el KNOW
and it also really brings me back to 3x1 when el says (over the walkie), “i wish you were still here right now” and mike says he agrees, but like… that’s not true? because if he felt that way, really felt that way, he could have just… stayed with her? instead he left to go see a movie with will, lucas, and max. a movie that, by the way, will and mike sat together at, separate from lucas and max…
and just will ( and lucas ) being at mikes house for 2 days after the the fight with el. it makes sense that mike contacted lucas for “advice” but he also invited will over, but not …. dustin? make that make sense? and will even says that mike doesn’t know or care where dustin is so it appears that he didn’t try to invite dustin over after his fight with el?? why, why was will with him and lucas. lucas was offering support and advice to him because he also has a gf. it makes sense that he was there but will really was offering nothing. he was literally just there setting up d&d, asking to play, etc. like it makes no sense to have will be there and invited even if he is contributing NOTHING to what mike “cares” about but not dustin is not. the fact that will is there but dustin is not infers that will was there for a REASON. lucas was there for a reason. what was mike’s reason for having will there? no, i need to know!
and then to further this point, remember when hopper told them all to stay put in season 1 when will was missing? what did mike do? did he listen to hopper? NO! does mike EVER listen to any authority figure, ever? NO! does he always just do whatever he wants to do because that’s who he is? YEAH!
that’s why lucas is so confused when mike tells him hopper threatened him to stay away from el. mike has never been the one to just follow orders. to el, it’s clearly not an excuse to lie to her. both of these characters are pointing out that mike shouldn’t have adhered to hopper’s demand. it’s pointed out TWICE!!!!!!
so why did he do it?
because he took it as an OUT!!!!! he took it as more time to spend with WILL. will who he spends 24/7 with after he lies to el. and because mike has to convince himself this is about el, that he cares about el, he invites lucas over too, to get advice/support from, but where is dustin? oh yeah, he is not there because he is just using lucas to convince himself that he DOES want to be with el but he just can’t, but it’s funny. because lucas questions him for listening to hopper. and mike has to defend his actions by calling hopper insane and stuff but. like no. mike. no!
like this is the same mike that was instigating shit with him with a shit eating grin the day of/before…… right. sure I totally believe he was actually scared of hopper. no way.
but yeah, he cannot have will all the way. he still needs to put on this front that he wants to be with el, and is super upset about their fight, and blah blah blah!!! (also I believe he is doing this all while in denial about it)
but it’s also just so obvious that he is CRAVING to be comforted by will. especially when he says “they’re conspiring against me!” like he wants will love and support as if he he is sick and wants will to take care of him, like he keeps pushing it even when will is blatantly telling him “SHE BROKE UP WITH YOU!” 📣 like mike is desperate for will to just be all lovey with him but due to his internalized homophobia and ergo denial he feels the only way to get that from Will is using the distress of his ex-girlfriend to ween it out, but it DOESNT WORK, and even though it doesn’t, he just keeps trying, all while being NOT AT ALL upset or angry or bothered by will repeatedly dismissing his mike’s distress about el. literally saying “who cares!” and “this is what you’re worried about right now?” and rolling his eyes a million times. mike doesn’t care that will is acting like this. literally has no reaction. literally keeps trying to get sympathy. wouldn’t you think, if mike was soooo upset about eleven, that he’d be offended that Will was brushing him off like this? yet he isn’t. he keeps it going because it’s not that he is actually all that upset. he literally just wants will’s attention and concern. that is literally what it is about.
which takes me further into season 4 because will approaches mike differently regarding his distress about el. will actually provides the comfort and mike literally throws away el’s letter and says that he is right and is all smiles afterward. i don’t even think mike was doing it on purpose really but it definitely feels like it reinforces mike to open up about el again and again and again in season 4 because will makes him feel better about it. which i know yeah, support from friends helps, but it’s deeper than that. especially taking season 3 into account. especially in how many times that mike brings up el to will throughout season 4.
in season 4, I do overall think that what mike is saying, in all these scenes to will when he is talking about el, is true to some extent. but i also think that it is like before. he wants to be comforted by will. he wants will to make him feel better. he is reinforced in talking about el = will being super nice and sweet and comforting to him. he cannot just want these things in themselves from will. that’s not allowed. so he hides behind el (using her as a proxy just like Will did) to get comfort/attention/support from will. to the point that Will literally ends up using eleven as a proxy as well.
and then. guess what? that’s the last time that mike brings up el to will! after will brings eleven into it. until will goes on about how ELEVEN thinks of mike as the heart and yadda yadda. which idk. it just is interesting from a writing and media standpoint that that’s the last time mike brings it up to will.
then WILL is the one to bring it up from that point on… “Mike, don’t stop, you’re the heart” and then asking him about El at Hopper’s cabin.
Which is … interesting. It’s almost as it doesn’t serve him anymore the more Will centers his method of comforting Mike around Mike’s relationship with El, and around El. It is almost like he doesn’t like it as much.
One final word that doesn’t have much to do with this. But it is absolutely nuts that the only way that Mike could tell his GF he loved him is when his BF, I mean Best Friend, of course, nudged and pushed him to “don’t stop, you’re the heart,” basically TELLING mike to express his feelings to her, and yeah. what is mike supposed to do here? didn’t he just spend the last couple of days non-stop yapping about el to will? doesn’t mike love her? if he didn’t then why’d he keep bringing her up to will.
like it’s just crazy. absolutely crazy. that will basically pushes mike to confess and because it’s will… he does it. but couldn’t… when el was literally sobbing in front of him asking… he couldn’t even say “I do” when she said “what you don’t love me any more?” or even just “no that’s not true” like instead he said “who says I didn’t?” and just gaslights the absolute fuck out of her.
like truly, it’s crazy, and deep down, mike knows it is crazy, but that moment where will is pushing him to say I love you to el, it doesn’t even like matter any more to mike? because thw person he loves is basically pushing him to say it to another person, and whose fault is it really but Mike’s? (at least in his perspective) for using eleven to be comforted and loved by will. using that to obtain will’s warmth.
like it’s such beautiful, dramatic irony, especially with will also having used el as a proxy but just in a different way, but also THAT WAY, shutting down mike using el as a proxy, and it all just blowing up in his face in the moment that Will is saying “keep going, you’re the heart,” like you can truly see it in Mike’s face — it all just blowing up.
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steve harrington blurbo
gn!reader (i believe), friends to lovers, snowstorm happenings, steve the serial dater (...)
unedited, dialogue heavy. just needed to write something and get it out to bring me back into the groove. (IVE NEVER WRITTEN A KISS SCENE GOODBYE) i do apo;logize if the ending is rushed! ~1.3k
the crackle and warmth of the fire relax your muscles, allowing you to sink further into mrs harrington's plush carpet. you hear steve’s gentle footsteps down the stairs. you stare up at the popcorn ceiling, shadows of the fire entertaining you with a dance. mussed chestnut hair makes its way into your peripheral, steve tilts his head in question, “don’t tell me you caught a cold too.”
you close your eyes as you shake your head, “nah, i wore my jacket and scarf the whole day. she doing okay?”
the ‘she’ in question being robin, fast asleep in steve’s bed. a thermos of chicken noodle soup and ibuprofen on his bedside table. steve nods, and sits next to you, knees pulled up to his chest. he rests his forearms on them, “yeah, out like a light as soon as her head his the pillow. i was lucky enough to be able to put a blanket over her body,” he scoffs, not so much annoyed as he is amused, “like fuckin’ dead weight, i swear.”
you laugh softly in response, nudging his foot with your elbow, “y’check her pulse?”
steve rolls his eyes, teasingly poking the dip of your waist. touch gentle and playful, never harsh or rough. a beat passes as you both relish in the comforting heat coming from the hearth. crackles of firewood fill the living room. the glow of moonlight against snow brings the memories of the day back to you. sprinting out of family video to close shop early due to the weather. sledding with the party, making snowmen with el and will, robin sacrificing her scarf and toque for them. defending said snowmen from max and lucas, competing in an ‘all-out snowball war’ as declared by mike. eddie running away from hopper, who was bringing joyce’s infamous apple cider.
a smile rests on your face, genuine content filling up your heart. steve pokes you with his socked foot, “whatcha smilin’ about?”
“the snowstorm, gave us a chance to goof around with the party again.”
“oh, yeah. best day ever. finally scored a date with michelle too.”
you open your eyes, “oh right.”
the fire crackles and steve continues, “i mean, her taste in movies is kinda meh. but that’s just a little bump in the road, yanno? if she’s the one.”
you sigh and sit up to face steve, and you really get to see him now. face half-illuminated by the orange glow of the fire, cozied up in a random wool sweater. honey-coloured eyes viridescent in the moonlight. “you know, you really don't need to be concerned with finding ‘the one’ so fast.” his brows furrow in response— you continue, “its just that, you’re so hyper-focused on finding love that you aren’t able to see it's all around you.”
steve sighs softly in frustration, “you know that’s not—”
“no, i know. but i mean, in general. you keep looking for the type of love that’ll complete you, or make you feel complete. you’re draining yourself.”
the golden glow against his face flickers, the fire crackles as if it’s telling you to feed it. steve blinks, he diverts his gaze from you. gently, you grasp his forearm, “i love you steve.” his head raises, his eyes lock onto yours. mossy brown shines in golden light, filled with hope. his breath hitches, you clear your throat, “uh, we love you. robin, the kids, hopper and joyce… everyone.”
steve’s eyes stay locked onto yours, “by ‘here’ you mean…”
you run your hands through your hair, bringing a knee up to rest your forearm against it. you sigh, slightly annoyed, “no, steve. not nancy.’
“wha— no, no. not nancy, definitely not.”
you grasp onto his arms once again, “listen, steve. one day, you’re gonna meet someone. not now, maybe tomorrow, but definitely in the future. you’re not gonna expect it. maybe it’ll be long past the time of family video, where the water has taken us to different paths. but you will, “you gulp down the knot in your throat, “find someone. and they’re going to be so, so lucky to have you as their life long partner.”
steve shakes his head, a loose spitcurl falling in front of his forehead, “no, no…” he breathes out your name in amusement, like he’s been searching for sunglasses that were on top of his head, “i don’t mean nancy.”
you quirk your head to the side, unnoticeably so, but steve sees you and continues, “you’re right. i’ve been putting my all into trying to find something that’ll fill the… i-don’t-know, hole in my heart, or whatever. but i— i think i know now.”
you furrow your brows in confusion, looking off to the side before meeting steve’s eyes once again, “what?”
the boy in front of you takes a deep breath, “there’s always been this person, in the back of my mind, that i’ve always told myself is untouchable.”
immediately, you shake your head. you know where he’s going with this, “no. no, steve i’m not going to be—”
as you stand up, steve follows you. breathing out your name in exasperation, he grasps your hand, “they’ve always been out of reach, someone i knew i could never have.” you stop, but don’t meet his gaze. he tilts his head to try to catch yours, “earlier, do you mean that?”
you look everywhere but his eyes, stammering, “i- i don’t know what you mean. i mean, you know what i mean. what i meant….”
steve smiles, his nose scrunches, “you love me, right?”
you miss it, eyes glued to the floor. you shrug, “yeah, uh, that’s what i said…”
the fire glows onto your face now. it flickers and it crackles, the boy in front of you holds onto both of your hands. “in the same way robin does?”
you shrug, turning away to hide the tears that well in your eyes. immediately, steve is concerned, gently cupping your cheek to meet your eyes.
“heyheyhey, its fine if you do. i’m sorry, i read this whole thing wrong.”
finally, you look up at him, eyebrows furrowed and eyes widened in complete confusion, “wait, what?”
it’s steve’s turn to be confused, his eyes flicker to the side and back to you. “you’re the person i’m talking about.”
your eyebrows shoot up in realization, your mouth drops in a silent ‘oh’. he continues, “sorry, sorry— i made this so awk—”
“i do! love you, i mean. in that way.”
steve’s expression softens, he cups both of your cheeks. the fire glows against his back, encapsulating the two of you in your own bubble. it crackles and you smile, grasping onto his wrists. he leans closer to you, “like, love-love me?” you nod, steve grins. he asks, “can i kiss you?”
you feel blood rush into your cheeks, your heart beats out of your chest. “yeah.” you whisper.
he leans in, you close your eyes. his lips slot perfectly against yours, you don’t care that they’re slightly chapped because it’s steve. the steve you went to high school with, who got roped into your babysitting gig. the steve you’ve always admired from afar. its awkward at first, but you find your rhythm. you move your hands to the nape of his neck and gently grasp at his hair. he cradles your cheek with the utmost softness, as if you would shatter. the warmth of his palm engulfs your neck. he breaks away hesitantly, leaning his forehead against yours, “i’ve always wanted to do that. i… i knew that if i ever had you that i’d screw it all up again.”
you shake your head, “no, never. you are scored on my heart, harrington. you’ve had me since day 1.”
he laughs, and his nose scrunches in that particular way that you love. “no way. asshole and all?”
you peck his lips, “unfortunately.”
he leans in and kisses you silly.
its 12am and i have school tomorrow pls like and reblog if u enjoyed tho! and comment im always looking to grow and improve!
do not repost my work at all! i do not condone putting it into ai either! this is my work!
#steve harrington#steve harrington fluff#steve harrington x reader#steve harrington angst#pomme writing#steve harrington fanfic#stranger things
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Say that again
Peeta Mellark x Stripper F. reader
warnings: name calling, smut, dom mike, hard dom, insulting, doggy style, unprotected sex, creampie


Nights usually were not as tense as tonight was, when Peeta had gotten home from his job he got no sleep and of course had to get snotty with you, just because he was tired.
Arguing back and forth to the point of almost screaming just to get their point across, but that wasn’t even the worse part.
Peeta was too tired to argue that he had forgotten what you guys were arguing about making you even more mad, at this point he just kept going to hear his own voice.
But before we get into the arguing currently, the reason the whole argument started was because he insulted your job which of course isn’t that bad but he kept going till he started arguing about the things that you always do wrong.
“Peeta you really should start at least taking a nap before work so that way you dont come home tired.”
“I don’t need your help, Y/n.”
“Oh ok, I was just trying to help, sorry.”
“You should be and I don't want your help just stop being clingy and leave me alone.”
“What is wrong with you, I was just looking out for you.”
“Well don’t it’s not your job, oh speaking of jobs you do yours?”
“Exactly what I thought so dont talk to me till you get your priorities straight.”
“You act like I don't have a job.” You said laughing at him
This made him even more pissed, “Oh sorry forgot you get praised by other men by dancing in their face while they put money in your pocket like some filthy piggy bank.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me.” He said inches away from your face then walked away.
“Atleast they fuck better than you.”
“What did you just say.”
“You heard me.” You said mimicking his tone.
Now both of you guys were just arguing about how you started doing your job, defending yourself he just kept coming at you.
When you both first started dating he knew about your job and he was okay with it, because you were helping out the both of you out with the money.
The part that got him riled up was when you said that they fucked better than he does.
You made a deal with him that you wouldn’t have sex with any of the customers.
That’s why he was screaming at you now.
“So do you just go around whoring which every guy you meet or just your customers.”
“I just was saying that to rile you up.”
“No you weren’t, you know what my ex has better pussy than you.”
“Oh for real.”
With that you grabbed your jacket and keys then started walking to the door.
“Where you going?”
“Not like you care or anything but i’m going to my job to find a guy that can dick me down, cause you don’t do shit for me.”
“Bull shit, i always make you cum.”
“Oh but apparently you also make your ex cum too, so go fuck her.”
“No Y/n I didn’t mean it.”
“Nah you good, i’m pretty sure there are gonna be cute guys there too. I mean there always is and guess who always gets them, ME.”
Grabbing the door knob you started to put your jacket on and leave to go to your car, you knew that you weren’t going to do any of the things you were taking about.
But you just wanted to see if he actually cared.
He grabbed you hand before you left and threatened you saying.
“If you go fuck some guy i’m fucking my ex and sending a video to you.”
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck you too.”
He held the sides of your face and placed a hard and passionate kiss, he kept kissing you and occasionally biting your lip in the process.
“Ow, Peeta what the fuck.”
“Just shut up and enjoy.”
“How can I you can’t even make me cum.”
“Wanna test that out.”
You laughed in his face riling him up even more than he already is, he pins you against the door and humps his hard on, on your thigh.
“This is what is going to be making you beg that you never said that.”
“Yeah… Okay.” You said laughing again
He continued kissing you roughly and biting your lips and sneaking his tongue into your mouth.
Humping his hard cock on your thigh feeling it twitching, you try your hardest not to give in to his needs.
He grabbed your hand and pulled you into your shared bedroom and pushed you onto the bed.
“What’s wrong I thought you liked being treated like a slut?”
You just rolled your eyes, he stripped your pants off your legs and kissed from your thigh up to your clothed heat, noticing how wet you are.
“See you like it, fucking slut.”
He pulled your underwear to the side and stick his finger into you then going to suck on your clit.
He adds his middle finger as he fingers you and eats you out at the same time, not wanting to give in to him you didn’t encourage him nor play with his hair.
You just brought your nails up to your face and started looking along with picking at them acting like he wasn’t even doing anything.
This pissed him off, he yanked your underwear off and unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants.
Still looking at your nails you tried to ignore what he was doing but your thoughts were interrupted by him entering you.
You softly moaned trying to have him not hear, his breathing was shaking.
“You like being fucked like this?”
He started to slam his cock in you at a vigorous pace, then he pulled out making you clench around nothing.
He put you on your stomach and told you to put your ass up.
Doing so you grabbed your phone and started playing a coloring game, he then started fucking you again.
“I know your just fucking with me, i know you like this dick by the way you clenching around me.” He grunted
“This pussy is mine, not some random customers.”
He then started going as fast and hard as he could at this point you couldn’t hold it in anymore and gave in to him.
He was a groaning and moaning mess behind you.
“I’m gonna cum soon.”
“Fuck, me too.”
He was still going in you he usually has pulled out by now.
“What are you doing?”
“Cumming in you.”
“What? Why?”
“So every time you think of us fucking think of my cum still in you and to remind you of what happens when you pull that shit with me.”
With that he moans in your ear and cums in you.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything I said earlier.”
“I know, i’m sorry too.”

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Eddie had heard plenty of stories about Steve losing fights.
He had the concussions to prove it.
But what Eddie saw with his own two eyes was far more impressive than whatever version of Steve had let Jonathan Byers and Billy Hargrove win.
He’d seen how quick he was to defend the kids, defend Nancy and Robin, even defend Eddie when he barely knew him. He’d thrown himself head first into the mix, nail bat in hand or not.
So when Eddie asked about it, Steve shrugged it off.
“Everyone loses fights.”
Sure, everyone does. But he’s seen Steve win against literal alternate dimension monsters.
No way a human teenage boy or two could be harder to beat.
But he let it go. If Steve insisted on it being a couple of genuine losses, so be it.
But Eddie doesn’t let things go. Especially not when it comes to Steve.
“I guess I just don’t understand how you lost to Jonathan. I mean had he ever even been in a fight before?”
“No. But neither had I.”
“But you should’ve won that fight with no effort. No offense to Jonathan, but he’s scrawny and doesn’t even punch right.”
“I don’t know. Why are you so hung up on this?”
Well, because this wasn’t simple. Eddie could tell Steve was hiding something, he just didn’t know what.
“I guess because no one else ever asked you.”
Steve stared at him, probably trying to figure out how to avoid answering.
“No one seems to ever ask you about you.”
Steve looked down at the floor.
“They don’t need to.”
“You deserve to have people care. So I’m gonna care for now and then I’m gonna have a chat with your idiot kids about relational reciprocity.”
“They have to show they care about you as much as you care about them. That’s kind of the deal with friendship.”
Oh? Did Steve genuinely not know that?
Jesus Christ.
“I think I just wasn’t good at fighting.”
“Nah. That’s not it.”
Eddie could see Steve thinking.
When he finally spoke, he wasn’t making eye contact. Eddie reached his hand out towards his face, cupping his chin and lifting his face so he had to look at him.
“Try again, Stevie.”
Steve took in a shaky breath.
“I wasn’t good at fighting for me.”
Eddie nodded. “Why’s that?”
“Just didn’t seem like I deserved to win. I deserved the hits I got.”
“Because I was awful. I said shitty things or did shitty things. Or with Billy, I knew I had to let him take it out on me and I guess I thought I deserved it. I dunno.”
He released Steve’s chin, watching as his head dropped back down and he seemed to curl in on himself.
Eddie couldn’t allow that to happen.
So he pulled Steve into his lap, smirking to himself just a little when he let out a yelp of surprise at the manhandling.
“So all this time, you’ve put your body and mind and future on the line for everyone else without a second thought, but when you had to protect yourself and only yourself, it’s not worth the effort? Am I understanding correctly?”
Steve didn’t respond, but then again, Eddie hadn’t really expected him to. He was too busy hiding his face in Eddie’s chest.
“That’s what I thought. So who taught you that you’re not worth fighting for? Who told you that anything you’ve done wrong should be considered a debt owed to whoever wanted to raise their fists? Who made you believe that your mistakes could only be absolved if you let them get punched out of you?”
Steve was crying; He could feel the cold wetness seeping through his shirt.
“You tell me who it was and I’ll make sure they know how it feels to lose a fight.”
“Just me.”
“I don’t think that’s true.”
He let Steve sit with the words for a few minutes before speaking again.
“You did some not great things as a teenager, as many teenagers tend to do. Have you seen the way Mike talks to people? He’s a shithead. But do you think he deserves to get concussed from a punch to the temple?”
Steve shook his head.
“Dustin gets an attitude anytime we don’t immediately bend to his will and calls us names all the time. Do you think he deserves to get a plate smashed over his head?”
“Of course not.”
Steve’s voice was quiet.
“You have more than made up for any mistakes you may have made in the past, even without the punches being thrown at you. If I have to tell you that you deserve to be treated with kindness and respect every day, then I fucking will. Hear me?”
“Hear you.”
Steve was staring at Eddie, tears still silently and rapidly falling down his cheeks.
Eddie wiped them away and gave him a small smile.
“You have no idea how special you are. But that’s gonna change.”
Eddie placed a kiss on his forehead before he wrangled him against his chest again, moving his legs so he could relax completely.
“Just relax, okay? I got you. You’re worth protecting.” Eddie sighed softly. “You’re worth everything.”
#steddie#steve harrington#eddie munson#this was literally typed on my phone in the 15 minutes it took Liam to change out of his hockey gear#so it’s not substantial and may have mistakes#just thought a little brain worm needed an escape#headcanon#stranger things
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Gin and juice (orange Gatorade) in a tall glass. Ft. Jealous orange Gatorade if you catch my drift 😉
joe burrow x bsf!reader
watch your fucking mouth
"Cheers to another Bengals win led by our guy Joey B!" your friend Mike called out, raising his shot glass as everyone joined in. You tapped the table and downed the tequila, wincing as the burn settled in your throat. Joe took your empty glass from you and set it back on the bar.
"Want another drink? Vodka water?" he asked knowingly. You pretended to think about it before nodding in agreement.
"You know me so well," you exclaimed dramatically, and he chuckled.
"Considering it's the only thing I’ve ever seen you order in the four years we've known each other, it's pretty easy to remember," he shot back, a playful smile on his face. You accepted the drink he held out to you, feeling grateful for his presence.
You had been one of Joe's academic tutors back when he was at Ohio State, and you’d managed to stay in touch after he transferred to LSU. When you landed a job in Cincinnati, you brought him into your friend group, ensuring he had a life outside of football—though Jamar, who always seemed to be around, was the only exception since he had a thing for your friend Jaelen.
You watched the two of them now, Jamar animatedly telling Jaelen something as you sipped your drink.
"When are they finally going to get together?" Joe mused, pulling your attention back to him.
"Hopefully soon," you replied, and he nodded in agreement.
As the night progressed, the crowd began moving to the dance floor, and you happily joined in. Your hips swayed to the music, and you felt hands on your waist from behind you. You turned to find a guy you had noticed at the bar earlier, his dark shaggy hair framing a handsome smile. Oblivious to Joe's growing tension, you began dancing with him, fully caught up in the moment.
"You alright, man?" Jamar asked Joe, who was glaring out at the dance floor. Following his gaze, Jamar snorted. "Ahh, I see."
Joe didn’t respond, seething quietly as he watched the guy’s hands roam lower and lower. He gripped his beer tightly, trying to keep his cool.
You had turned around with your hands around the guy's neck, accepting it when his lips met yours.
"Come home with me," he whispered in your ear. You looked up at him, surprised.
"I want to stay a little longer, though. I can't ditch my friends yet," you replied.
"I don’t care about your friends," he said, his tone making you squirm. "Let’s go."
Not liking this sudden switch from charming to demanding, you pulled back.
"No, I don’t think I want to," you said, crossing your arms defiantly.
"Don’t be such a cunt," he shot back. "You've been throwing yourself at me all night like a little whore."
"Watch your fucking mouth."
You didn’t even know where Joe had come from, but he was suddenly in the guy's face, shaking with rage. You reached for his bicep, trying to pull him back, but he shook you off.
"Who are you, tough guy?" the guy sneered at Joe. "She’s not going to suck you off for defending her. She’s just a tease."
Something snapped in Joe that you had never seen before. With a fierce shove, he sent the guy stumbling back before his fist flew, connecting with the guy's face. He didn’t stop until Jamar pulled him off, the guy now bloodied on the ground. Jamar dragged Joe outside while you explained the situation to security, assuring them that police involvement wasn’t necessary.
As you stepped outside, you saw Jamar looking panicked, watching Joe walk away from him.
"I've never seen him snap like that," Jamar said, his voice full of disbelief. "Not even in college; he’s always Mr. Cool. I need to find Jaelen. Can you deal with him?"
You nodded and pulled out your keys, the alcohol having worn off hours ago. As you drove up beside Joe, he climbed into the passenger seat, silent and brooding.
His hands were bloodied, and he cradled them in his lap to avoid staining your car. Once home, he followed you through the garage into the kitchen. You turned on the faucet, running his hands under the water to clean off the blood before bandaging him up.
"You scared me," you said softly, avoiding his gaze as you fiddled with your hands. "I've never seen you like that."
"I'm sorry," he said gently, his eyes reflecting genuine remorse. "I don't know what came over me."
You looked up and met his gaze, sensing his nervousness as he fidgeted.
"Why, then?" you whispered.
"He was hurting you," he replied, his voice steady. "I couldn't just stand by and do nothing."
"I don’t understand how you could get angry so fast like that," you said, thinking it over. "I thought you were in a good mood."
"I was, until I saw you dancing with him," he admitted, and your heart raced. "I didn’t like his hands on you like that."
"Joe, I’m 25 years old," you said firmly. "I’m allowed to dance with people at a bar."
"I’m not saying you can’t," he countered, his gaze intense. "But..."
"But what?" you urged him to continue.
"But it should only be with me," he finished, and your breath caught in your throat. "I want to be the only one you dance with like that."
"You know you could have just told me this instead of... well, committing assault," you teased, trying to lighten the mood.
"It wasn’t assault," he grumbled, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips.
"I like you too, Joe," you confessed, lifting your chin to press your lips against his. "But no more fights, okay?"
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Comeuppance - Part 1
Part 2 AO3
It was getting beyond ridiculous now. And if no one else wanted to help, then Dustin would take it upon himself.
Steve had helped him get his first girlfriend. He’d put his body between Dustin and the demodogs in the tunnels, even though he was half conscious and fully concussed. He’d helped them escape from torture and taken the blows in their place. He’d kept silent about his bites while they strategized in Max’s trailer.
He’d been with them through almost everything.
The only thing he’d missed was that first year but even then he was defending Nancy and Jonathan.
Dustin just wanted his brother to be happy.
And if no one else was going to do it, he’d do it himself.
He’d looked at his mother, how much brighter she used to be before his dad had died all those years ago.
He looked at Lucas and Max who always had secret smiles for each other.
He looked at Hopper and Joyce who’d found each other again after years apart, there to support their partner in everything.
He wanted that for Steve.
Steve deserved it.
To be happy with someone.
Maybe Dustin had… breezed through one or two of his mothers romance novels for inspiration, trying to figure out who the perfect candidate for Steve would be. How he could make it happen. What the method might look like.
With that in mind, he pulled in the rest of the Party who seemed to go along with him more begrudgingly than anything. Maybe they’d just gotten tired of arguing with him.
He’d have to examine later if that was something he needed to work on.
How could he become a world renowned scientist or engineer if he didn’t have anyone who would push back against him?
“Eddie!” Dustin called up towards the roof of the trailer, where he could just about make out the small plumes of smoke curling up against the bright blue sky. “Stop sunbathing, we need your help.”
The sounds of Eddie’s chains and jewellery rattled against the roof, telling Dustin he’d just rolled onto his stomach, allowing his arms to dangle down over the edge as he continued to puff away.
Eddie exhaled the smoke in his lungs and took a haughty tone when he said “A man such as myself would never be caught sunbathing, Henderson. That’s jock shit.”
Something caught Eddie’s attention behind him. He glanced back and when he turned towards the Party again he had a self-satisfied smirk on his face.
“Did you hear me?” Dustin crossed his arms over his chest like he’d seen Steve do on numerous occasions before, trying to exude the same authority. “I said we need your help.”
“Alright.” Eddie let out a loud exasperated sigh. Dustin could tell he was playing up his irritation, though. “I’ll bite. What do you need my help with?”
Dustin grinned wide, delighted to be able to expound on his plan. “Steve’s love life.”
Something thudded against the roof of the trailer but Eddie didn’t flinch, didn’t turn to see what it was, just continued staring down at them, blank faced.
“What was that noise?” Mike asked, staring up at him.
Eddie shrugged. “Kicked something. Pray tell, why are you coming to little old me for help with Steve’s love life?”
“You two are friends now, right?”
Eddie snorted into his elbow. “I suppose that’s one word for it.” He muttered, barely audible from all the way up there.
“And you’re a guy his own age.” Dustin had to shield his eyes from the sun as he stepped closer. “He’ll listen to you.”
That got a loud laugh from him. “The hell gives you that idea?”
“He’ll listen to you more than he’ll listen to us.”
“You’d be better off asking Robin.” Eddie propped his chin up on his hand. “They’ve got that weird mind meld thing going on.”
Dustin huffed.
Robin would never hear them out.
“We can’t ask Robin.”
“Well maybe you should stop meddling, you ever think of that?”
Meddling? What was he, a child? Some evil villain? No. He wouldn’t call what he had planned meddling. He was aiding. He was helping.
Meddling implied he didn't know what he was doing, which he did.
He'd researched.
“I’m not meddling. I’m helping. We’re just trying to make the guy happy so what’s the issue? He’s clearly lonely.”
Eddie’s expression hardened. “Clearly lonely, is he? That’s a real charming thing to say about your babysitter, Henderson. Not everyone needs romantic connections in life. He has me, he has Robin. He has Nancy and Jonathan and Argyle. And up until a few seconds ago I would have said he had you all too. But apparently you’re not enough. Because he’s lonely.” He spat out the last word like it had personally offended him.
“He’s been single for so long-”
“Have you considered that maybe he’s happy that way? Or that he already has someone and just hasn’t told you?”
Dustin scoffed, crossing his arms again.
Eddie just wasn’t getting it.
“He’d tell me if he had someone.”
“Oh, you think so, do you?”
“Why wouldn’t he?”
Eddie let his voice drop low. “Because you meddle, Dustin Henderson.”
“Dude, why are you being so defensive right now?” Couldn’t he see that what Dustin was doing was for the best? For everyone? Why did no one seem to want the same things for Steve that he did? “We’re asking for your help to make our friend happy!”
“Why can’t you ask Robin?”
Robin also wouldn’t get it.
“She’s too close to the issue. She won’t be objective. She’ll side with him no matter what.”
“And I won’t?”
“No. Because I know what I’m doing? I’ve researched this? It’s not fucking rocket science. If the idiots in movies and tv can make it happen surely we’ll be able to do it easily.”
The Party was practically a protégé mix of brains. There was no way this could fail.
“Movies and tv.” Eddie muttered to himself like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Jesus Christ.” He tilted his head back behind him for a few moments, listening for something before turning to face them again. “Alright, listen. I’m not agreeing to anything yet but tell me who’s the other person wrapped up in this?”
Dustin finally allowed himself to smile, proud of the clincher he was just about to reveal.
“Nancy.” He said, puffing out his chest and cocking his eyebrow.
He’d definitely just won this argument.
Except Eddie didn’t smile back at him and immediately agree, like Dustin had been expecting.
Instead Eddie moved his whole head with an eye roll and groaned. “You can’t be serious. He’s over Nancy. He’s told us all many, many, many times. He doesn’t want a relationship with her.”
Fuck sake. What wasn’t Eddie getting about this?
That’s just what people said when they were trying to save their hearts or there was some kind of contrived misunderstanding.
Dustin had seen the way Steve looked at Nancy from the car at the Snow Ball.
He’d heard the things he said to her in the Winnebago.
“Well, I don’t believe it. There has to be a reason he’s not dating Robin and we all heard the Winnebago talk. They’re meant to be. They’re perfect for each other.”
Eddie pursed his lips but stayed silent for a few seconds, considering. “Okay. And what about Nancy?”
Dustin blinked up at him confused. “What about her?”
“What does she say about this whole thing?”
“We can’t tell her, Eddie. We can’t tell either of them. Obviously.”
“Uh-huh. So Steve’s pining after Nancy, then?”
“Is Nancy pining after Steve?”
Dustin opened and closed his mouth, trying to formulate his comeback. He hadn’t really… thought too hard about that. But like… why wouldn’t she want him?
He was handsome, he was strong, he had money, he wanted kids, he wanted marriage, he was respected around town.
He was the perfect package!
And actually, if Dustin remembered correctly, she’d smiled at Steve during the Winnebago talk so she was receptive at the very least.
But he didn’t have a chance to articulate his argument because Eddie was barrelling ahead again.
“Oh right, I get it. Nancy doesn’t have any agency in this because the guy should always get the girl no matter her opinion right?”
“No!” That wasn’t what he meant. “It’s not like that-”
“You’re telling me that Nancy Wheeler,” Eddie interrupted, “gun toting, government fighting Nancy Wheeler. The same Nancy Wheeler who is currently working on her exposé of the sexism she experienced at the Hawkins Post, which is due to publish the second she goes to college at Emerson, where she already has an internship lined up, is going to just go along with this? And also, did I forget to mention, she leaves in six weeks? If you do get the two together what’s Steve supposed to do then?”
That was all semantics.
Once they were together they could work that out between themselves! But Dustin knew Eddie wasn’t going to like that answer so he came up with something else quickly because it wasn’t that hard, because this made sense.
“He could go with her!”
“Oh, so fuck any desires he had, then? He’s just gonna drop everything here and go? Follow her like a lost puppy?”
Dustin rolled his eyes again. “C’mon Eddie, now you’re just being combative for the sake of it.” He placed his hands back on his hips, again trying to exude parental authority. “It’ll be good for him to experience things. What does he even have here to drop? I mean, it’s about time he moved on from this town, right?”
“Henderson.” Eddie snapped in warning.
There was a moment of pause where they both stared at each other before Eddie rolled back around to face the back of the trailer. He muttered something in low tones that Dustin couldn’t hear and the next second was clambering down off the roof.
He landed far more gracefully than Dustin would have thought he was capable of before stomping over. “Do not let him hear you say that. He’ll think you don’t care whether he’s here or not.”
Dustin threw his arms out at either side of him. How could Steve possibly think that? He was just stating plain facts! “Of course I care!”
“Then act like it!” Eddie threw his own arms out in a similar fashion. “You’re making these decisions without him. What you’re trying to pull is peer pressure, all of you, you understand that right? It’s barely a step away from bullying.”
“Eddie, c’mon.” Mike crossed his arms, unable to meet his eye. “You’re looking at this all wrong. That’s not-”
“Yes it is. You’re all trying to get him to conform to what you think he should do, regardless of how he feels about it.”
Dustin shook his head, looking up at Eddie and imploring him to understand. What they were doing wasn’t malicious. “I just want him to be happy.”
But Eddie wasn’t relenting so Dustin would have to compromise somewhere to make this work.
“I understand that.” Eddie started. “But this isn’t-”
“Listen okay, FINE.” Dustin huffed. He did not stomp his foot. “I swear if you help us I’ll… I’ll stop if it doesn’t work. I swear, I promise if this doesn’t work and we don’t get Steve and Nancy back together I’ll never meddle in his affairs again. Please, I swear.”
Eddie loomed over him, dark eyes, dark hair, dark clothes, intense presence and Dustin was suddenly reminded of why he was intimidated by him when they first met at school. “On your mother?”
He nodded eagerly, hope starting to rise in his chest. “On my mother.”
“Okay.” Eddie sighed. “If it doesn’t work you are to never stick your nose in his business again, you understand me?”
“Yeah, I get it.” Dustin agreed, his mind already planning far ahead. “But you don’t need to worry about it, it’ll work.”
“You’re so sure of that are you?”
“I know him best out of all of us, I know him.” He tried not to let his smugness through, he really did try. But he couldn’t help it. “This’ll work.”
“I think you’re looking at this through little kid lenses and can’t see past the end of your own nose.”
Dustin opened his mouth in offence. “I’m smarter than you, you know.”
“I know but that doesn’t mean you’re a grown up. You're sure you have all the relevant information? You know everything there is to know and there's no way this could go wrong?” Eddie was acting like he knew something Dustin didn't, which just couldn’t be true. He’d planned for all the eventualities.
“Of course I do.”
“Alright.” Eddie nodded, turning back to his trailer and pulling himself back up onto the roof. “If you’re sure. Now scram, kiddos. I gotta get back to my sunbathing.”
It was all going terribly.
If Dustin didn’t know any better he’d think that Steve was totally checked out from the romance sphere. And he was acting a little weird. During one of their usual rides to the arcade, he’d told Dustin he was happy, which was great but it had come out of nowhere.
“Okay? I’m glad you’re happy?”
“I mean it though.” Steve drummed his fingers against the wheel. “Where I am in life right now, my friendships, my relationships, I’m happy. I don’t need anything to change. I’m good with how things are.”
Dustin had to think back on what they’d just talked about.
They’d been speaking about Steve’s most recent trip to Indy. He’d been a little cagey on what he, Eddie and Robin had been doing up there, but that was probably because it was some weird grown-up thing they were doing that they didn’t want Dustin to know about. Like he couldn’t handle it, whatever it was.
There was nothing they’d talked about that might have led to this.
“Right… well thanks for letting me know?”
Steve just nodded at him like it was a job well done and the whole thing was just plain weird.
Things got even weirder when he saw Nancy. She was dropping off some of her old study notes to him and she mentioned that it was a good thing that she was single right now. She’d be going away to college soon and she couldn’t stand the idea of dragging someone away from their home just for her sake.
Dustin stared at her a little bewildered but tried to get her to see reason anyway. “Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone there with you, though?”
“No,” she answered lightly, “it would probably add more pressure to be honest.”
Dustin didn’t think there was any way that was true. Surely it would be easier to acclimate with someone from home to keep her company.
But despite his numerous attempts to get Nancy and Steve alone together in situations that could easily turn into dates, with soft touches or glittering eyes or whatever else the fucking books talked about, nothing had happened.
No progress had been made and it was fucking frustrating.
He’d gotten the two of them to sit together, away from the rest of the group at the cinema and they just… watched the movie?
Not once did Steve try to put his arm across the back of Nancy’s seat or take her hand or even whisper to her, getting their faces close together except to nudge her playfully for the popcorn. It was a perfect set up and he was doing nothing with it.
How was Steve so bad at this?
Didn’t he have a reputation in school?
And Eddie was less than helpful.
Every time Dustin leaned forward in anticipation of something happening between the two of them, Eddie would throw a kernel of popcorn at his head with a childish giggle, watching the scene unfold like it was the funniest thing in the world.
Dustin’s next attempt had fallen flat as well.
He’d told Nancy that all the older teens were meeting at the diner for dinner together and had gotten Eddie to pass the message onto Steve. Nancy seemed wary initially but relented surprisingly easily, without much of a fight and Dustin was convinced he was getting better at this.
But the Party watched from the bookshop across the street as the two of them chatted amicably and even laughed together a few times but that was it. They didn’t share any food between them, they didn’t feed each other, they didn’t even get the single milkshake with two straws.
That was a beginner level move!
Dustin was losing his fucking mind, just trying to get those two to do something so he had to go big.
Again he recruited Eddie to help, out of complete necessity this time.
Because there was no way Dustin could sneak into The Hideout to see how this plan was shaping up but he was confident that something would happen this time around.
He told Eddie to do everything within his power to keep the two of them together.
Alcohol is a social lubricant, it shouldn’t be that hard.
Eddie had just scrunched his nose in disgust, mouthing 'social lubricant' to himself.
But even that was a lost cause because when Eddie walkied to update him on their progress a little breathless, probably from playing, he said he’d shredded so hard on stage, Steve spent the whole time watching the performance which was the exact opposite of what they were trying to do.
Dustin was nearly ready to lock the two of them in a closet until they got to it, but he wasn’t there.
He had another option up his sleeve.
Which is why he was shocked when Max announced she was pulling out of the whole thing.
“Listen, dipshit. It’s not working.” She’d said, frowning at him.
“It will work! You can’t pull out now!”
“I can and I will. When you come from where I come from you learn pretty quickly to mind your own fucking business if you don’t want a punch in the face and it’s getting there.”
Dustin could do nothing but throw his hands into the air as she stormed off.
It gave him the final push to start ramping things up.
“Eddie, we need you to flirt with Nancy.”
The man in question turned his head slowly and methodically until he was facing Dustin completely, his hand still hovering over the battle map he was prepping.
“Excuse me?”
“If you make Steve jealous, that might be the kick he needs to finally do something.”
“You’re playing with fire here, Henderson. You can’t toy with people’s feelings like that.”
“Who’s toying with feelings? There’ll be no feelings involved.”
“What about Steve’s feelings? What about Nancy’s?”
“You're overthinking this.” These kinds of miscommunications always worked out in the end, come on.
Eddie’s mouth was set in a firm, grim line.
He looked beyond irritated.
“And there’s no way this could possibly blow up in your face, right?”
Dustin looked at him like he had six heads.
Why was he the only one who was seeing sense here? This was how things were done.
He was saved from having to answer by the arrival of Nancy and Mike into the Harrington basement.
Steve barely glanced up at their arrival, just sending a short smile their way, too deep in conversation with Robin about the news or interior design or whatever the fuck grown ups talked about.
Dustin sent a very pointed look Eddie's way who heaved the most put upon sigh, rising from his seat and giving him, the middle finger which he sarcastically reciprocated.
“Hey Nance.” Eddie said, sildling up beside her and oozing charm and charisma. “I'm glad you decided to come today. Don't know what I would've done if I had to go without seeing your pretty face for much longer."
Steve and Robin’s conversation abruptly cut off.
Robin was blinking up at Eddie from her position on the couch with nothing short of bewilderment and Steve just raised an eyebrow looking almost amused.
God damn it, why was he amused?
Nancy herself looked incredibly confused, flitting her eyes in between Steve and Eddie for just a second before Eddie made some kind of hand gesture that Dustin couldn’t see.
Nancy smiled.
“Just a pretty face?” She asked, batting her eyelashes at him which on its own was weird. Dustin didn’t think he’d ever seen Nancy do that before.
“Oh of course not, Lady Wheeler. Everyone knows you’re more than just a pretty face.”
She reached a hand out, grasping his upper arm in a little squeeze. “Dunno if I could say the same thing about you.”
Eddie clutched at his heart, stumbling back a few steps. “Oh! The Lady Wheeler has wounded me most grievously!”
“Oh, stop it, you.” She swatted at his arm. “You’re still pretty.”
Which… this wasn’t how things were supposed to go. Nancy wasn’t supposed to flirt back!
“Would you care to join us?” Eddie asked, sweeping his arm out towards the table where the rest of the Party had finished setting up.
Dustin stared open-mouthed.
Eddie never asked anyone to join unprepared.
“I’ve heard this arena of play isn’t unfamiliar to you.” He continued, lowering his voice and leaning in close to Nancy but he wasn’t quiet enough to stop Dustin hearing him. “I’ve even heard you used to get into costume for the kiddies. You into a bit of roleplay, Nancy?”
Steve widened his eyes at Eddie and twisted his wrist.
Steve hadn’t won most human on human fights but he could probably take Eddie to the cleaners pretty easily.
Steve wouldn’t though, right? He wasn’t that kind of guy?
Dustin was, thankfully, proven right when both Steve and Eddie went back to ignoring each other in favour of watching Nancy.
Eddie straightened up and Dustin could see a slight scowl and a glare on Nancy’s face but it was filled with more fond exasperation than outright anger.
Eddie broke away from her with one last wink and took his seat behind the DM screen while Nancy lowered herself down next to Steve and Robin.
“I’m going to pay for that later.” Eddie muttered to himself.
“I think I’m going to be sick.” Mike grumbled, thudding his forehead into the table.
“Chill the fuck out, Romeo.” Dustin hissed. “You’re supposed to be making Steve jealous not getting Nancy to actually like you.”
Eddie just shrugged. “I can’t help it if I’m irresistible.”
Time flew by as they all got sucked into the game and Dustin felt his spirits lifting. Steve kept glancing in Eddie’s direction and it gave him hope that their plan had worked. Maybe he was getting jealous if he couldn’t keep his eyes off him over the top of the magazine he was pretending to read.
Dustin’s suspicions were all but confirmed in the next few days as Steve started to slowly mope around every time Eddie shot a wink in Nancy’s direction or made her giggle.
It was honestly a bit over dramatic the way he’d sigh wistfully towards them or get an honest to god pout on his face.
“This is your chance, dude!” Dustin jumpscared Steve in his kitchen, nearly causing him to spill the popcorn he’d just poured into a large bowl.
“Jesus H. Christ, where the fuck did you come from?” Steve set the bowl down a little louder than he needed to before reaching up to rifle through his cabinets for more snacks.
“Har har, very funny.”
“I’m serious about this, Steve. Aren’t you jealous seeing Eddie flirting with Nancy all the time? Don’t you want to do something about it?”
"Dunno if I'd call it jealousy." He muttered.
"Come on, you need to like…" Dustin wanted to say 'mark your territory' or something but he was pretty sure if that ever got back to Nancy he'd be six feet deep before he could even blink, so he just mimed a shoving motion.
“You’re not seriously suggesting I punch Eddie for Nancy’s favour are you?”
“No! That’s not what I’m getting at at all, fucking hell. I meant for you to turn on your Harrington Charm I’ve heard so much about! Steal her away from him!”
“I don’t think anyone can ‘steal’ Nancy Wheeler, Henderson.” His tone abruptly shifted from exasperation to something sadder, like he’d flipped a switch. “Besides, what’s the point?" He sighed, like a wistful maiden. "She’s clearly more interested in Eddie than in me.”
“That’s a very defeatist attitude. You haven’t even tried anything yet.”
Steve looked down on him, turning something over in his head before nodding. “Okay. I’ll try. Now help me carry these back inside.”
Dustin happily filled his arms with snacks and followed Steve back out to the living room where the rest of their friends were waiting.
Eddie and Nancy were sitting side by side on the couch, pressed up against each other. Dustin took his seat on the floor along with the rest of the Party, spreading the snacks out in front of him and keeping an eye out as Steve flipped the lights off before making his way over to the two.
“Excuse me there while I just-” Steve lowered himself down, directly in the middle of Eddie and Nancy, practically on their laps until they squirmed away to avoid their legs being crushed under the weight of one muscular jock.
Eddie was biting his lip in the way he usually did when he was trying not to laugh and Nancy had her hand covering her mouth, maybe in shock. Probably in shock.
Robin sat next to all of them in an armchair with her hands covering her face, shaking her head and Dustin had to try very hard not to facepalm into the next century.
God this guy was hopeless.
Steve wiggled a little in place, getting comfortable and placing the popcorn bowl on his lap with a goofy grin. “Are we ready to start?” He asked, plucking the remote from Eddie’s hand and pressing play.
It was only a couple of days later when Dustin’s walkie crackled to life in the dark evening hours.
“Operation White Picket Fence, sound off.” Mike's voice came through.
One by one each member of the Party confirmed they were there, ending with Dustin. “This is Dart the Bard, checking in. Over.”
“This is a Code Orange, I repeat this is a Code Orange. Over.” Mike called.
“Hold on Paladin. We need to wait for Kas. Over.”
“That’s a negative, Dart. We need to talk without him. Over.”
But Eddie was a part of Operation White Picket Fence, even if his participation was working a little too well. Maybe that’s what this was about.
He huffed, endlessly glad they'd decided to stick to codenames, he couldn't deal with his mother overhearing any of this.
“Okay,” Dustin replied, “let’s switch to our backup channel just in case he checks in. Over.”
The Party sounded off their agreement and he turned the dial on his walkie, settling on the right numbers and waiting to find out exactly what was going on.
“The plan is backfiring. It’s going wrong. I overheard Emerson on the phone talking about Kas and Babysitter. She was going on about how she’s really started to like Kas. Like like. She has a full blown crush on him now and apparently it’s helping her move on from Babysitter. Over.”
“Shit. Shit, shit, shitshitshitshit! This is not what was supposed to happen! Over!”
“I know! What the hell are we supposed to do now? Over.”
"We'll tell Kas to stop. Maybe get him to start talking up Babysitter instead. Over."
"I don't want to see my s-Emerson get hurt over this, Bard. Besides, Kas is way better than Babysitter anyway. Over."
"But they're not meant to be! And Kas doesn’t even like her like that! Babysitter and Emerson are meant to be! We'll just have to regroup. Start pushing them harder or something. Over!"
"Yeah, because that's been working out so well so far." Lucas grumbled. "Over."
Dustin nearly jumped at the sound of the phone ringing elsewhere in the house. He sat, waiting for his mom to pick up. At least if she was on the phone he could be sure she wasn’t listening in.
When the ringing stopped and he could hear the muffled sounds of his mother talking to someone, he continued.
“Babysitter hasn’t been on a date in months and the only person he’s been hanging around with other than Red Bird is Kas! He’s not trying anymore so this has to happen before Emerson leaves for-”
“Dusty? Phone for you.” His mother’s voice came through his closed bedroom door, accompanied by her knock.
“Shit. Hold on, guys. Phone. Over.”
Dustin pushed himself to his feet and opened the door, following his mother down the hallway. “Who is it?”
“Eddie.” She replied with a soft smile.
Speak of the devil. He thought. Well, no time like the present to sort this out.
“Hey Dusty-Buns.” Eddie’s infuriating smile was audible.
“I told you not to call me that.”
“But it’s so fun! Listen, I need to talk to you about this whole Nancy and Steve thing-”
“Good, because I need to talk to you about it too. You gotta dial it back, man.”
Eddie paused. “What do you mean?”
“You’re getting in too deep with her, you’re starting to pull her attention away from Steve and that was not a part of the plan.”
“Yeah.” He sighed. “I’m not sure if I can really do that…”
“Wha- why? Why, Eddie, why?!”
“I dunno, man.” Dustin could hear him shrug. “I kinda like her.”
“No! Nonononono! You can’t like her! You’re not allowed to like her, why do you like her?!”
“What do you mean I’m not allowed? And as for why, have you met her? You used to have a crush on her!”
“Yeah, when I was a child, you can’t be serious about this, Eddie.”
“I’m super serious about this, Dustin. I like her. I want to ask her out.”
“Jesus Christ this was not part of the plan!”
“And I didn’t want to be a part of the plan from the start! You forced me into it! I told you it wouldn’t work.”
“It will work. It still can work! We're still doing this whether you like it or not. I’ll see you at Steve’s tomorrow. Don’t do anything stupid in the meantime!”
Dustin slammed the phone back down onto the cradle, stomping back off to his room, ignoring his mother’s calls after him.
“Guys,” he said, snatching his walkie up from the floor. “Things just got so much worse. We need to come up with a new plan before tomorrow.”
Steve didn't seem too suspicious when Dustin called him to let him know the Party didn’t need a ride to his house for the get together, they’d bike. They needed time to get their plan straight anyway.
All of that was thrown out of the window, however when they pulled up to the Harrington home and heard shouting coming from inside. They all shared a nervous glance with each other, easily recognising the voices as coming from Steve and Eddie.
"-can't believe you would do this to me!" Steve yelled, standing on the opposite side of the living room to Eddie who had his arm draped over Nancy's shoulders. Robin was sitting on the couch between them, unusually subdued with a lollipop in her mouth, her eyes ping ponging between them like she was watching a tennis match.
"Steve, please! I thought you'd be happy for me!" Eddie shouted back, waving his free arm around.
"Happy for you? How could I be happy for you when you're stealing Nancy away from me!"
Nancy gave a little frown but didn’t speak.
“I’m sorry Steve but-”
“You’re supposed to be my friend Eddie!” Steve's voice pitched high like a whining dog and he sniffled… loudly.
“I am your friend! But you can’t expect me to ignore the pull of true love!”
Nancy turned her head to look at him. “True love?” She asked, her tone flat.
“That’s right. True love, shnookums, my precious little rainbow cupcake.” Eddie booped her on the nose and she looked like she was fighting hard not to punch him.
Dustin was horrified. How could everything have gone so wrong?
“This is a complete betrayal! I don’t know if I can ever look at you the same way again, either of you! In fact, I don’t think I can look at you anymore at all!” Steve’s voice was wavering as turned his back on them, facing Robin with his arms crossed who stared at him wide eyed, biting into her lollipop.
“I don’t think there’s anything more I can say to you two. I never want to speak to you again! I never want to see you again!” Steve cried, throwing one hand over his eyes and holding the other out as if to push them away. “Go on, run away together and leave me behind! I wash my hands of you two.”
“That’s too bad Steve, I’m sorry this is goodbye forever, never to see each other again, never to interact or even ask the kids about one another in passing. This is truly a terrible, irreparable breaking of the Fellowship, never to be fixed!”
Jesus they were both laying it on thick, rubbing as much salt in the wound as possible, probably hurting each other terribly in the process. How had it come to this? Was their found family really going to be so broken forever? Dustin didn’t know if he could stomach it.
“Eddie.” Dustin breathed as he and Nancy turned to face them, apparently completely unsurprised to find the Party standing in the doorway. “What have you done?”
“What have I done? I did nothing but follow my heart, struck down by Cupid's arrow! What have you done, Dustin? You started this.”
“This wasn’t the plan, Eddie! This wasn’t the plan!”
Steve turned back around, his face suspiciously dry but Dustin was too far gone to notice.
“You were only supposed to make Steve jealous!” His voice was rising into a shout. “Not fall in love! You were never supposed to seriously flirt with Nancy and I told you not to ask her out! This whole thing was to get Steve and Nancy back together!”
“What plan? What whole thing?” Steve had walked over from his far corner of the room, planting himself down right next to Eddie with his hands on his hips and a stern look in his eye.
Dustin floundered, opening and closing his mouth. “The- we- there was a plan…” he took a deep breath. Well it was all completely fucked anyway, what was the point in keeping it quiet? “The plan was to get you and Nancy back together.”
"Behind our backs?" Steve prompted, not moving. He kept his hands on his hips and kept that hard look in his eyes, waiting for Dustin to continue.
“You haven’t gone on a date in ages, Steve! And you and Nancy were so good together-”
“No we weren’t.” Steve and Nancy cut him off in unison.
“But- it’s- you two are meant to be together! Do the whole white picket fence and babies thing! You just needed a push so I said I’d give you that push!”
"You certainly 'pushed' enough, Dustin." Nancy said, unwinding Eddie's arm from around her shoulders. They were barely even touching now as if some kind of act had been dropped. As if-
"Personally, I think I pulled off 'straight' rather well." Eddie grinned, the picture of smug pride.
"Wait. But this… this was all an act?! But you…” He pointed between Steve and Nancy.
“Listen to me very carefully, Henderson.” Steve raised his hands and began using sign language exaggeratedly along with his speech as though to really punctuate his statement. “I. Don’t want to. Be with. Nancy. Nancy. Does not want to. Be with. Me. Your plan would have never worked-”
But Dustin just couldn’t let this go. He’d been so sure.
“It would have! It would have worked! There were just some,” he gestured in Eddie’s direction, “variables we didn’t think to factor in.”
“There were a lot of variables you didn’t think to factor in. Some of the biggest being how I would feel about this whole thing!" Steve said, jabbing himself in the chest. "Or Nancy! Or Eddie! You just ploughed through without any consideration for our own emotional investments. Did you ever once stop to think why? Did you ever think there was a reason why I’ve refused every time you’ve been bugging me about pursuing Nancy again? Or Robin? Or anyone else? No, you didn’t. You just assumed I wouldn’t know what was best for me or that I wasn’t smart enough to be making my own decisions. That I don’t know my own mind as well as you do.”
Dustin winced. He knew it was a sensitive topic for Steve, people always assuming he was stupid because he couldn’t read quickly or had difficulty hearing. But that’s not what he’d done! That’s not how he’d intended it!
“That’s not-”
“Yes it is. That’s exactly what it is. I’m very familiar with it, I’ve been listening to it my whole life. People making decisions for me about school or sports or whatever because I couldn’t possibly be able to figure it out on my own? I used to see it all the time, I know what it looks like. You ignored every sign, every way this thing could have and would have gone wrong. And because you refused to consider any of these factors you could have blown up some of my most cherished friendships forever! No coming back from it. Permanently damaged. Do you have any idea what that would do to me? To us? We are not your fucking playthings to mess around with, Dustin!"
Panic was starting to settle deep in Dustin’s chest now. He needed backup, he needed something, someone, it wasn’t malicious it was just… he was just trying to help!
“Don’t look at me, I am not on your side here, Henderson. I told you how this would end when you first approached me and you wouldn’t listen.”
“But you were bluffing! There’s no way you could have known he wouldn’t want this! You don’t know Steve that well.”
“What happened to 'you're a friend his own age', huh? You’re still assuming you know everything without a complete picture. There’s a glaring puzzle piece you’re missing out on because, and I’m sorry I have to say this, you don’t look at things objectively like a scientist should. You let your emotions run you and again refuse to see past the end of your own nose.”
Dustin crossed his arms, unable to look any of them in the eye. If he had missed something it couldn’t have been something that obvious. He just needed to find out what it was.
“What could I possibly be missing?” He grumbled.
“Oh no, you don’t get to bully that information out of us." Eddie said. "If you were meant to know, then you’d know. But you don’t get to decide what secrets people do or don’t tell you. Part of being a grown up is understanding that.”
“But why… why wouldn’t you tell me something like that?”
“This. This is why, Dustin." Steve answered, running a hand through his hair. "Because you meddle. For months we’ve been telling you not to, but you don’t listen. You’ve made us feel like we have to keep things secret from you because what if you decided this secret thing is a bad thing, even though it makes the people involved happy? If you decide it’s bad or not the best course of action, you might have decided again that you know best and try to break it. Don’t even try to deny it, Dustin, you know it’s the truth.”
“But… but if you’d just told me it makes you happy-”
“You mean like how I told you I was happy where I was now and didn’t need Nancy back in my life romantically? That I was happy with how all my relationships are now?" Steve sighed, shaking his head. "You still tried to fuck with it, Dustin. You still tried to fuck with a good thing because you think you know better.”
“The both of us went to you separately and made it crystal clear that we were happy with things the way they were." Nancy said. "We’d agreed that if you backed off, we’d back off too. But you didn’t. You could’ve destroyed our friendships, destroyed our relationships, destroyed each of us mentally and emotionally. You just kept pushing. You want to be treated like a grownup? Well congrats, you got what you wished for. Consequences. No sugar coating. Grown up consequences. Just like you wanted.”
“But what about the others? They were involved too!”
“And they’ll get their punishment. But we all know you were the ringleader.” Eddie crossed his arms over his chest, unmoving.
“So that’s it? You’re happy being single? Really?” Dustin knew he was pushing. He knew he should have really kept that last comment inside, he really should have.
Because Steve had been irritated, pissed off and upset. But now he was angry. Honestly and truly angry and Dustin didn’t think until this moment that it had ever been directed at him before.
It was a soft anger, simmering and cold and disappointed.
“You still don’t get it.”
Steve was looking at him and underneath the anger and disappointment there was also a streak of heartbreak that Dustin didn’t know what the fuck to do with.
Everyone else was looking at him now, Eddie and Robin were like marble pillars, bracketing Steve at either side with a stern look on their face, Nancy was glaring down at him and all of his friends behind him had wilted.
He was the only one left standing proud and a horrible, terrible part of his brain was saying to him that if everyone in a room was telling him he was wrong, maybe… maybe he hadn’t been as right as he was sure he had been.
“But I-” Dustin stuttered. He… he hadn’t set out to hurt Steve. He would never… “It wasn’t supposed to go like this.”
“Dustin.” That was Nancy, circling around him now until she came to a stop in front of him. “I think it’s time for you to go. All of you.”
“If you refuse to leave, it will become trespassing.”
Trespassing? What, was Steve going to call the fucking police on him or something? But a glance back at Steve’s face, resigned and hurt and angry told him that maybe he couldn’t exactly hash everything out right now.
He’d just have to wait for everyone to calm down and then they could work this out.
They could work this all out, right?
“I mean, how could it all have gone so wrong?”
They were all sitting in Will's room, the whole Party in a circle on the floor. Dustin was… confused.
He was angry. He was hurt. He was… so upset. And all with himself because… well because he had hurt Steve. Had been hurting Steve for long enough that Steve felt like he had to hide things from him.
He made Steve feel like he couldn’t talk to him, tell him about this good thing in his life because he thought Dustin might fuck with it?
And yeah, Steve hid shit from them all the time.
His rocky recovery after the Upside-Down, both mentally and physically. The amount of times he had to fight off infection from the road-rash on his back and arms. The nightmares. The panic attacks. The concussions. The hearing loss.
But all those things Steve hid from them because he didn’t want them to worry, he didn’t want to burden them with their problems.
He’d never hidden something from them, from Dustin because he was happy.
Whatever this thing was, it apparently made Steve really, really happy and Dustin never knew. Because Steve had been afraid that if he told Dustin and Dustin didn’t like it for whatever reason, he’d try to take it away, try to meddle.
God, he was starting to hate that word.
It felt so fucking childish.
"It was never gonna go right." Max muttered from in between Lucas and El.
And Dustin didn’t know why it was that that did it, that quiet and slightly accusatory comment from Max who rarely pulled her verbal punches that caused the first tear to spill free.
And they just kept coming. His vision was blurring and there was a terrible lump in his throat, forcing its way out.
The first sob that broke through sent a ripple throughout the group, plunging them into silence and Dustin could feel them all staring.
The next second he was set upon, everyone coming close to get their arms around him or hands on him, to comfort him even though he didn’t feel like he deserved any of it.
“What did I do?” He blubbered. He wasn’t even sure who’s shirt he was crying into. “What do I do? Steve didn’t tell me, he won’t tell me b- because he thinks I’ll try to take it away. Wh- what do I do?”
“Dustin.” Oh, that was Lucas. He was destroying Lucas’ shirt. “Do you understand why what you did was so fucked up? I’m not asking to punish you more, but you can’t fix it until you understand what was broken. It’s science.”
Yeah, okay. He could understand that.
Can’t just smash pieces back together. You gotta examine them.
“I- I ignored all the times they told me to leave it alone?”
Lucas nodded. “Yeah. Anything else?”
Someone was running a hand up and down his back and someone else had both his hands in a firm grip.
“I… I kept pushing. After they told me to stop. Af- after they told me they were happy. Because I thought… I thought, how could they be happy? I wouldn’t be happy in their position, so they must not be happy. And everything with Steve… trying to push Robin or Nancy towards him because… because he’s supposed to be with someone, right? And they’re his friends so why wouldn’t he want one of them?”
“Same reason you wouldn’t want me.” Max said. “Or El.”
“I did want you once.” Dustin mumbled. There was no point trying to deny the past. Not at this stage.
“And Steve wanted Robin once. But they’ve always been just friends.” One of the hands in his squeezed, and that was probably Max. “Could you imagine someone trying to force the two of us together now? After everything we’ve figured out between us?”
“B-but that’s different. You’re with Lucas.”
“So? What if I wasn’t and someone was still trying to push us together? Or what if we had to hide our relationship because of small minded idiots and we couldn’t say why you and I wouldn’t work out, we just had to hope someone would take our word for it. And then what if they didn’t and just kept pushing?”
Dustin hummed, a weak and shaky thing but he could see her point. It would be fucking torture to try to deal with all of that and to not be able to say anything about it.
What a terrible hypothetical.
“I…” He sniffled, trying not to wipe his nose off on Lucas’ shirt. “I need to apologise. I need… I need to talk to him.”
There was a tap on his shoulder and he glanced up to see Will holding out some tissues.
He took it with a watery smile.
“We’ll help you figure it out.”
Part 2 AO3
Big thanks as always to @hbyrde36 for her magnificent beta work and to the STWG for their motivation and @hairstevington for her help with the ASL section. 😘
#steddie#steve x eddie#stranger things#eddie x steve#steddie fic#stranger things fic#fanfic#penny00dreadful#steddie fanfic#wip#ao3#dustin henderson#the party#comeuppance#pennys anniversary event
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This is Babysitting Club, not Hellfire Club
Eddie Munson x Original Female Character
Summary: Eddie volunteers the services of Babysitting Cl- Uh, Hellfire Club when a friend needs someone to watch their child for an hour. Eddie tries to run a campaign while taking care of a 4 year old and is relentlessly bullied by said child as a result.
Tags: Fluff, Joking, Banter, Eddie gets bullied by a 4yo, Comedy (I hope), pregnancy, friendship, Hellfire Club, References to spice, Unhinged DM!Eddie loses the plot.
Words: 6.7k
A/N: This story sits somewhere between Anticipation and Fuck You Maureen but should be able to be read as a standalone!
“You’re sadistic.” Mike Wheeler said flatly. A pinched expression on his face as he glared at his Dungeon Master from under thick brows.
“I’m fun.” Eddie corrected, not looking up from tracing his finger down the columns of numbers on his side of the DM screen blocking him from the other players.
“He’s self-indulgent.” Jeff corrected again, sharing a knowing look with Grant and Gareth as the two of them nodded in agreement.
“Hey!” Eddie shouted suddenly, eyes stern as he looked up at them over the top of the screen. Their outlines were illuminated by the afternoon light that filtered through the dining room window behind them. Their faces obscured by the shadows cast on them. “I’ve been through a lot this year.” He defended weakly, eyes softening as he turned them back to his notes and the boys around the table muttered about ‘letting him have this one.’
Silence descended on the room once more as Eddie honed in on his notes. Not noticing as a lone figure crept up beside him and began staring at them as well.
“What’s that?” A voice asked suddenly from right beside his head.
Eddie jumped involuntarily. Easily startled these days.
He was grateful for once that his natural fright reflex was flight and not fight so he had not lashed out as he looked down into the wide, innocent eyes of his 4 year old neighbor, Jack.
“Jesus Christ!” He let slip, breathing hard as the kid giggled at the fact that he had apparently frightened the adult in front of him.
“That!” He repeated when Eddie didn’t answer, little finger pointing to the numbers Eddie had been studying.
“Sorry!” Jack’s Father John called as he entered through the open front door and closed it quickly behind him. “He got away from me.” He explained sheepishly as he tugged on the kid’s arm. “Come on, leave Eddie alone.” John chided gently, giving a wave to the table before heading off.
Eddie watched them walk towards the back of the house where his girlfriend Karmen was trying to work in her office. Turning back to his friends and noticing all eyes in his direction, waiting for an explanation.
“Karmen babysits.” He said with a shrug. “A lot.” He added under his breath as he picked up his pen and tried to figure out where they’d left off.
“The door is locked.” Eddie smiled smugly as a collective groan rolled around the table at his words. A satisfied chuckle falling from his grinning lips as he watched his club come to terms with the plot twist.
“Why are they always locked?” Gareth growled, placing his head in his hands.
“Because it would be a pretty boring game if you could just go wherever you wanted.” Eddie said with a shrug. “So the way I see it, you have two choices.” He began. “You can–”
“No!” Karmen shouted angrily, interrupting his words and making his head snap around in time to see her rounding the corner into the kitchen. Frustrated hands grasping at the air as bare feet stomped on the hollow flooring.
“It’s just for an hour, please!” John begged, practically on his knees as he followed at her heels. “Forty-five minutes, tops.” He lied, making Karmen bark out a laugh as she turned on him.
“I’ve lived your forty-five minutes Marston and I’m not keen to live it again!” She countered, turning away from him.
“It’ll be different this time, I promise.” He assured her, slumping heavily on the counter as she opened the fridge and fished around inside it.
Eddie watched on silently, eyes raking over her back as she grasped at nothing in the cold shelves. Trying to look busy so she could put distance between herself and whatever John was requesting.
She settled on a bottle of cold water. Taking it out even though she hadn’t really wanted it and setting her eyes on her friend again.
Eddie rolled his entire head with his eyes, turning back to the guys and shaking it as he held up a finger. Letting them know he would be waiting for the argument behind them to resolve before he continued. He held up his calculator, letting them know that he was going to figure out his equations for the next part of the campaign now and if they had anything to work out themselves, now was the time.
“Look John, even if I wanted to, I have too much work to do. I haven’t finished settling the accounts.” Karmen argued from behind his back, slamming the fridge shut and twisting at the cap of her bottle.
“But you work for me…” John argued meekly. “I don’t care if it’s not done.” He lied again through gritted teeth.
“You told me you needed it done by tomorrow.” She snipped, pressing the bottle to her lips and pausing before taking a drink. “Unless that was a lie?” She added, watching the color drain from his face as she took a sip of the beverage.
“No…” He answered bashfully, looking away from her. “It wasn’t.”
“Right.” She nodded, smiling sarcastically as she wiped at her wet lips with the back of her hand. “So it’s gonna’ look bad on you when it’s not done.”
“This is more important than–”
“Don’t lie to me again. It’s not worth it for you.” Karmen warned, cutting him off with a scowl as John shut his mouth tight and took a calming breath. A grimace-like smile on his face as he pressed his hands together and pointed them at her as if he was in prayer.
“One hour.” He promised, tilting his head towards his son who had followed them back into the kitchen and was sitting just shy of the counter. His little hands moved a ceramic duck around in the air. Making little quacking noises for it as he played with the breakable object he’d taken from the shelf in Karmen’s office.
She huffed at the sight. Wanting nothing more than to take it back and remind him for the thousandth time that not everything was a toy.
She looked to John with a frown, waiting for him to say something and shaking her head when he didn’t.
She thought to herself. Ready to open her mouth and rant about how she had to do everything for everyone when Eddie piped up, surprising her.
“I could do it.” He said from his place at the table. Not looking up from his notebook as he continued to punch equations into his calculator and pen down the answers.
The couple in the kitchen stopped bickering at his offer. Both turned to him with incredulous looks on their faces as they waited for the other shoe to drop.
The punchline.
Eddie placed down his pen, swiveling so he was sitting sideways. One arm leaning on the table and the other on the back of his chair. He looked at them both, frowning at their skeptical expressions.
“What?” He asked after a long moment. John’s eyes flicked to Karmen’s before he shrugged lightly and turned back to Eddie.
“You wanna’ watch my kid?” He asked. “You know that’s what we’re arguing about.” He added with a scoff. Convinced that Eddie had misread the situation.
“Sure.” Eddie answered with a shrug. “If you need someone.” He added nonchalantly, turning back to the table and realizing the whole club had raised their heads like gophers in the dirt. He narrowed his eyes at them all, watching as they went back to their character sheets one by one.
“What do you think?” John asked Karmen. Mocking the way she scrunched up her face at his question by imitating her. “What?” He asked with a laugh. “You have an opinion on everythin’ but not this?” He asked, gesturing towards the dining table.
“Offer’s expiring.” Eddie sing-songed. Wanting to snatch it back immediately with the way John had sniped at Karmen.
But he wasn’t offering to help him. He was offering for her.
“I think you don’t have a choice.” Karmen replied finally, placing down her bottle of water and leaning her hip against the bench. “Unless you don’t want to go.” She said scandalously. A mocking pout on her lips.
“Ugh.” John grumbled as he turned back to Eddie who was busy ignoring them for his own sanity. “Fine!” He said loudly, catching the younger man’s attention. “But if Karmen goes out, Jack goes with her.”
“Cute you think you have control over that.” Eddie murmured, placing his pen down for the second time and turning back to them. “Whatever. Bring him over here.” He said flatly, gesturing to the space beside him and looking up to see Karmen smiling at him from the kitchen.
He knew she’d cave into the begging and pleading soon enough and he wanted to offer an alternative. Knowing that once she had agreed, there was no chance in hell that John would choose Eddie instead. He’d had to offer before she did.
“He’s a child.” John said frankly as he scooped up Jack and ripped the duck from his hands. The kid protested loudly at the absence of his 'toy'.
“You can’t just put him down and expect him not to move. He’s not gonna just sit there while you do your thing.” He said, holding up the ceramic as an example of Jack not doing what he’d been told.
“Are you trying to talk me out of it?” Eddie asked, irritated.
The other man didn’t answer. Instead plopping Jack down in the space between Eddie at the head of the table and Dustin on the other corner.
“Be good for Eddie please?” He asked Jack quietly as he placed the duck on the table in front of Eddie’s DM screen.
The toddler ignored him completely as wide eyes looked over all the small exciting things on the table in front of him.
John stood back, crossing his arms as he watched for a minute as if waiting for Eddie to launch himself at Jack and tackle him to the ground or pull some drugs out of his pocket and give them to the toddler to play with.
When that obviously didn’t happen he took another few steps back. Eddie watched with an annoyed expression the entire time before finally, John waved goodbye to them all and left out the front door.
“Alright.” Karmen said loudly, walking up behind the boys and petting Jack on the head as he looked up at her with a little grin. “Come on Jack.” She coaxed, jerking her head back towards her office.
Eddie watched them, confused before realising suddenly that she didn’t think he was serious. That he knew she’d cave and he was just fucking with John for his own amusement.
“Kam…” he said hastily, placing a hand on her arm to stop her from walking away and catching her attention. “I was serious.” He assured her, stifling a laugh at the look she gave him.
“What?” She asked candidly, making the guys around the table chuckle.
“Yeah, what?” Mike repeated, leaning around Dustin to look Eddie in the eye as he raised his brows in question. “You’re in the middle of a session.” He said, waving his hands over the table as if Eddie had forgotten what they were doing.
“So?” Eddie asked, feeling defensive of their questions.
“So….” Dustin began slowly, trying to be as gentle as possible. “I think maybe Mike’s concern is that you won’t be able to run the campaign as efficiently as you’d like while taking care of a kid…” He said, rolling his hands as he spoke.
“Yeah and what do you know about taking care of kids anyway?” Garreth piped up, a nod of agreement murmured around the table.
“Oh my God you guys.” Eddie griped, once again rolling his entire head with his eyes dramatically. “Will you stop?” He asked with a smile as he shook his head sarcastically in their direction. “You have bigger problems right now than my concentration. If you don’t figure out what you’re gonna do about this door and that Undead Goldhoarder chasing you then none of this is gonna’ matter.” He said frankly, pushing himself up from the table and swooping Jack up with arms around his middle.
Jack didn’t protest, instead swinging his legs excitedly at being picked up as Eddie turned to Karmen.
“Go.” He said softly, flicking his head back towards the hallway as he turned around. “Please.” He added, softer. Sitting himself down and placing Jack on his lap. One arm slung around the toddler’s stomach to keep him in place as he picked up his pen. He knew she wouldn’t walk away until she saw them all sitting harmoniously.
“Okay…” She agreed, reluctant. “But come and get me if he gets too much.” She said, sighing as Eddie waved his pen at her without looking up.
“Alright.” He announced as he heard the door to her office close. “What’s the plan?” He asked, looking around the table with a wicked smile.
“No! No Jack!” Eddie chastised gently. “Choking hazard.” He explained firmly as he pulled one of his dice from sticky fingers. “Nothing on this table is for eating, kid.”
“But this is where we eat food?” Jack replied incredulously.
“Well, it’s also where we play games sometimes.” The Dungeon Master said as he dragged the kid back, closer to his torso. His right hand scribbled on the page of his notebook. His body tilted sideways to try and keep Jack’s stubby arms from being able to grab anything else on the table.
“Why do you play games?” The toddler asked, sounding bored as he gave up trying to reach for the table and slumped bonelessly against Eddie’s arm. Somehow making him even harder to hold.
“Because it’s fun.” Eddie sighed, rubbing at his eyes as he restarted the equation he was trying to do for the sixth time.
“You’re a dad-ult.” Jack said pointedly as Eddie stifled a laugh.
“Ad-ult.” He corrected. “And adults like to play games too.”
“Adult.” Jack repeated. “Did you know I’m bored?” He asked immediately afterwards, one of the guys chuckling at this candidness. Eddie couldn’t see who it was from the angle he had to sit to keep the kid on his lap and write at the same time.
“Oh yeah?” He asked, not surprised. “Well I’m getting bored of holding you so– Stop licking me!” He exclaimed suddenly, pulling his arm away from the kid’s mouth and gagging as Jack’s wet lips cackled at the reaction.
“Alright.” Eddie groaned, slipping his hands under the kid’s armpits and holding him up above his head with surprising strength. “Does anyone else wanna’ hold this thing?” He asked, jiggling the kid around and watching as five pairs of eyes looked away quicker than he could finish his sentence.
“He can sit with me for a bit.” Dustin offered from the next chair over, catching Eddie’s eyes and realizing he was the only one still watching.
“Right Jackie, go sit with Dustin please.” Eddie instructed, placing the child on the floor next to him and shooting out an arm to grab the back of his shirt and stop him from sprinting off.
Jack lurched back as Eddie’s hand fisted in the fabric. Catching himself on unsteady little feet and turning back to Eddie with large glaring eyes as he grumbled about wanting Aunty Karmen because Eddie was boring.
“With Dustin please.” Eddie said flatly, ignoring the insult and steering the kid towards Dustin’s waiting arms.
“Hey there little guy.” He said cheerily as Jack let himself be lifted onto someone else’s boney knees.
“You talk funny.” He said bluntly.
“Jack!” Eddie hissed angrily as the little one looked up at him with a confused expression.
“What?” He asked obliviously. Not sure what he did to deserve the dad-ult’s ire.
“Kid you can’t just… Just point stuff like that out, it’s rude.” Eddie explained, teeth ground together as a flush rose on his cheeks. Angry eyes daring the toddler to try it again as Dustin chuckled, jostling Jack on his lap.
“It’s fine dude, honestly.” He waved it off but Eddie still felt compelled to apologize on the kid’s behalf and reiterate to Jack that it was rude to point out things that people couldn’t change about themselves.
“Is ‘annoying’ something that people can’t change?” Jack asked in response as Eddie blinked at him in stunned silence.
“Yes.” He answered simply, tone quiet and dangerous as the kid seemed to heed his unspoken warning. Either that or he had decided that Eddie was right and it would have been rude to point out how annoying he was. “Alright.” Eddie said after a moment of silence. Finally finished his equation and ready to move on. “Are you guys opening the door or not?” He asked tiredly, giving them a moment to make a decision.
“I think we all agree we want to open it.” Jeff answered for them, a murmur of agreement moving around the table as Eddie nodded, taking a breath and readying himself to speak.
“Okay.” He began holding up his hands to articulate his words. “The weary travelers are given a choice. When faced with such a bold decision, it would be wise to take a little longer to make up one's mind as you never know what kind of dangers are lur–”
“Eddie, now you sound funny.” Jack exclaimed, his pudgy finger an inch from Eddie’s nose as he giggled at the man’s expression. The group around the table bursting into fits of laughter.
The Dungeon Master looked up at them all exasperatedly before turning back to Jack.
“I… Yes I’m..” He started to explain, giving up as Jack turned his attention on something else mid sentence and the laughter from the club began to die down. Eddie sighed to himself, holding up his hands once more and trying again. “-dangers are lurking behind the–“ He stopped, dropping his arms to his sides and huffing indignantly as the cackling reared up again.
“Really? That’s all it took?” He deadpanned. “I DM for you guys for a fucking year but a toddler points out I’m using a ‘funny voice’ and it’s hysterical?”
“Sorry dude it’s just… Like he’s right. I don’t know, his comedic timing was on point.” Gareth laughed out, the others agreeing with the sentiment as Jack looked around excitedly at the group he had made laugh. Slapping his palm eagerly against Jeff’s as the man held it up for him to high five across the table.
“I like Aunty Kam’s friends!” Jack said with a grin as Eddie turned to him in exasperation.
“They’re my friends.” He argued, tone a little more wounded than he’d intended.
“Oh?” Jack balked, looking up at Eddie sceptically as the guys around the table broke into roaring laughter once more at the statement. “Are you sure?” He asked frankly, bending forward as Dustin’s chest pressed against his back. The teen, not able to help physically doubling over, he was laughing so hard.
“No.” Eddie answered tersely, narrowed eyes stopping on each of them pointedly as he waited for them to stop having a good time at his expense.
Eddie had been bullied quite a bit in his young life but he was quickly learning the hard way that no scornful words from someone that disliked him could ever feel quite as brutal as the honesty of a small child that didn’t realize they were hurting feelings.
“How long has it been?” He asked suddenly, pulling up his arm to check his watch and realizing he hadn’t looked at the time when John left. He only had a guess to go by based on what time his friends arrived and how far into the session they had been.
“About ten minutes.” Karmen answered from behind him, a sly smile on her face as Eddie turned to look at her with guilty eyes. “Are you done yet?” She asked with a laugh. “He’s a handful when you’re trying to concentrate isn’t he?”
Eddie turned back to Jack, watching as the kid bounced up and down on Dustin’s knee, picking up everything he could find within his grasp and asking questions about each item before discarding them anywhere but where he’d picked it up from. Seemingly oblivious to the battle Eddie was fighting between his brain and his heart.
Doing what he wanted to versus what he knew was right.
He sighed aloud, plastering a fake smile on his lips before turning back to Karmen.
“Nope, not done.” He answered cheerily. “We’re fine here, thank you.”
She raised a brow at him skeptically, watching with folded arms as Jack lunged for Eddie’s calculator. Misjudging the distance and launching not only the ceramic duck off the table but the calculator too, sending it hurdling with lighting speed.
Karmen winced as the duck hit the ground, smashing into three pieces at Eddie’s feet. While the electronic device continued to sail in the air for about a foot before being stopped by the object in its path.
The person… In its path.
Silence descended on the room as Eddie doubled over. Hands fisted together in front of his crotch where the calculator had just connected. The device fell from his pelvis to the floor beside the broken duck with a large clunk. The sound of broken plastic as the back of the battery pack popped off, didn’t do much to stifle the long wheezing groan of pain Eddie let forth.
Both of the batteries flew out of the compartment in different directions. One of them hitting against the leg of the table and rolling under Dustin’s chair while the other landed in front of Karmen’s feet. Rolling slowly to a stop as it hit against the side of her bare foot.
She stared down at it for a second, eyes flicking up to watch as Eddie decided his pride wasn’t worth saving and he took a knee, gasping in pain as he shuffled over, pulling a piece of duck from the denim and resting a forearm heavily on the edge of the table.
He pressed his face into it and huffed out a long shaky breath.
His shoulders were shaking and Karmen couldn’t tell if he was actually crying or just pantomiming as he recovered from the blows to his dick, his knee and his ego.
“Oops.” Jack said loudly after a moment of collective silence. All eyes in the room bar Eddie’s turning to the boy as he shrugged in an exaggerated manner. “Sowwy.”
A sniffing sound from behind them had the boy turning. Locking eyes with Karmen along with everyone else in the room as she pressed her lips together harshly, eyes watering as her shoulders shook, breath erratic as she tried her darndest not to laugh.
Losing the battle abruptly and barking out a strangled sound that snowballed quickly into hearty laughter at Eddie’s expense.
The rest of the table followed suit and doubled over against the wooden top in hysterics. Rambunctious laughter that shook the game board and threatened to topple all the little characters in the middle as they hollered heartily in response to Eddie’s pain.
The shaking table rattled the Dungeon Master’s teeth. He pulled his face away. Bracing his forearm on it and pushing himself back up onto his feet now that the pain in his crotch had begun to subside.
He slid backward into his chair. Resting his elbows on his knees and placing his face into his palms as he waited for everyone to calm down. He stared down at the broken duck under his feet. Feeling about the same as even Kam laughed at his expense.
He jumped at the feel of a hand on his back. Looking up and expecting to see her standing there but the space beside him was empty. He looked down instead, locking eyes with Jack who had slipped off Dustin’s lap in the chaos and was staring into Eddie’s dejected brown orbs with his bright blue ones, wide and full of wonder.
“Sowwy Eddie.” He said again, sure this time that the man could hear him. “Can I still play?” He asked softly, large eyes suddenly bashful as the laughter around the table died down and Eddie levelled him with a tired stare.
Eddie held a sigh deep inside his lungs as he forced himself to fix his face. A grin splitting across it from ear to ear as he winked at the kid and nodded with feigned excitement.
“Don’t worry about it Jackie.” He said softly, sitting back and motioning for the kid to jump up on his lap again. “Of course you can.” He added, turning to Karmen as she walked up beside him. An apologetic smile on her face as she handed him one of the batteries and bent down to pick up the calculator and the pieces of duck from the floor.
She handed him the device. A legitimate warm smile on her features. He took it from her, noting the way her eyes sparkled as she raked them up and down his figure before swiping his bangs out of the way and placing a wet kiss on his forehead.
She didn’t care about the duck and she was thankful.
Jack held up grabby hands at her as she pulled away, making her chuckle as she did the same for him. The kid giggled and squirmed as she held him in place for longer than she had Eddie. Making a show of the kiss being extra sloppy just so he would exclaim disgust and wipe it away after she pulled back.
Jack did just that. Looking up at her annoyed as she ruffled his hair and retreated to the back of the house. Leaving the group sitting in silence as they all eyed Eddie warily and waited to see what would happen next.
“Alright.” Eddie sighed, one arm wrapped around Jack’s middle as the other grabbed hold of the bottom of his chair and scooched it forward. The grating sound of wood scraping on wood reverberated around the room as he looked up at them with the same fake smile he’d given Jack. Although this one was somehow a little more unnerving. “Roll.” He said simply. Picking up his pen and going back to his equations. This time manually as he was still missing a battery somewhere.
The guys looked around the table, catching gazes, shaking heads and shrugging until Dustin cleared his throat, piping up for all of them and asking:
“Whoever is opening the door.” Eddie answered, not looking up from his notepad.
“I’ll do it.” Mike volunteered, pushing himself up from his chair and reaching for the dice he needed. He looked around at the others hesitantly, pausing for a moment before jiggling the piece of plastic in between his palms and letting it go over top of the board. All eyes around the table watching as it halted on a number and Eddie looked up from his math. A small huff through his nose as he flicked his eyes to Mike and smiled widely.
“What?” Mike yelped, making Jack laugh against Eddie’s forearm as the man smiled up at the teen. Nodding once before looking away and addressing the rest of the table.
“Who’s up?” He asked as Mike began to protest.
“What do you mean dea–”
“Oh sorry.” Eddie interjected quickly. “You’re dead.” He clarified. “Your character is dead. Who’s next?” He asked again, the collective silent horror of the club around the table making Jack’s giggling at Eddie’s candidness seem a lot louder than he actually was.
“But… But we don’t…” Jeff began.
“Know what dangers lurk behind the door?” Eddie asked, staring at him pointedly. “No, I wouldn’t imagine you do because you didn’t let me finish.”
“That’s not fair!” The young Wheeler shouted, thrusting a hand towards Jack. “He cut you off, not us!”
Eddie hummed softly in agreement, tilting his head and leaning over slightly to look down at Jack who turned to look up at him at the same time. Eddie frowned at the kid for a second, his lips quirking into a smile as he winked at him once more.
“You did interrupt.” Eddie agreed with a sigh. “So what do you think, my little assistant DM?” He asked, bouncing his thigh to drive home that he meant Jack.. “Do you think Mike should get another turn at opening the door?” He asked, raising his brows and waiting for him to reply.
Jack stared at him with awe-filled eyes, mouth falling open as he gasped in excitement. Twisting abruptly away from Eddie and making strong eye contact with Mike as he threw his hands up and shouted:
“Atta’ boy.” Eddie laughed, nodding to himself as he grinned for real this time. Pushing himself up onto his feet and holding Jack around the middle. The toddler screamed in glee as Eddie held him parallel to the table. Describing Mike’s character piece and instructing the kid to remove it from the table however he saw fit.
A little hand swiped against the plastic, the character flying across the room as the calculator had and pinging off the glass of the dining room window as Eddie laughed maniacally and Mike screeched about following the rules.
“There are no rules here anymore Wheeler.” Eddie laughed, voice boarding on unhinged as he flopped back down into his chair and replaced Jack on his knee. “The first rule of my campaigns is to respect the DM.” He said snarkily, sitting back against the chair like an entitled King and smirking as the group rolled their eyes in his direction. “Which all of you, break consistently.” He added, tone commanding. “So let’s try it your way then.” He added. “Rules are out the window. Like Mike’s Paladin.” He smiled sarcastically, a chuckle rounding the table at the joke as Eddie set dark eyes on Dustin next. The kid snapped his mouth shut in an instant and tried to pretend as though he hadn’t been snickering.
John pulled the squeaking handbrake on in his work truck and removed the keys from the ignition. Opening the door he jumped from the step and slammed it behind him in one swift motion. Sighing to himself as he turned towards the road that divided his and Karmen’s houses.
His errand had taken a little more than two hours. Which wasn’t too bad. But he had promised Karmen an hour. So he knew she would have something to say about being right.
He twirled his keys around his finger, looking up at the feel of moisture falling from the sky and frowning at the clouds as he realized it was spitting. He sighed again, placing his keys in his back jeans pocket and pulling his jacket closer to himself. He rested his gaze in front of him again, checking for traffic as he reached the sidewalk.
He crossed the road, starting to walk across the grass towards the front steps when movement caught his eyes from the driveway. He turned to look for the source, tilting his head in confusion as he spied Karmen sitting in the driver's seat of her car with her head in her hands.
He stopped walking, watching her for a second before his gaze was pulled towards the house. A chorus of frenzied yelling and maniacal laughter made him raise his brows as he watched what he could see of The Hellfire Club around the table through the dining room window.
Eddie was on his feet, pointing at one of them with a deranged expression only egged on by Jack on his shoulders. Fistfuls of wild curls holding him in place as he moved his own little mouth in tune with Eddie’s. Both of them yelled at the table as the guys seemed to shout back, protesting something and quickly losing a battle they weren’t prepared for.
John blinked at the scene in front of him. Taking a step towards the house and changing his mind as he turned back to Karmen. Veering off the grass and onto the path towards the car.
He knocked against the glass, startling her and making her jump as she looked up at him with anger in her eyes and jerked her head towards the passenger seat.
He nodded, rounding the car and opening the door, intending to slip into the seat out of the rain and grumbling as he instead used moist hands to gently remove her paperwork from his path, placing it on the dash as he sat inside before closing the door with a thud and turning to her with pursed lips and expectant eyes.
“Sounds like everyone is having fun.” He said carefully after a moment of silence. Her own worn out eyes eating him alive as she stared at him with a wry expression.
“Mm.” She hummed, turning back to the paper in her lap. “They’re loud.” She explained simply, knowing he didn’t actually ask but also that the next question out of his mouth would be why.
She ignored the way she could feel his eyes boring into her cheek as he waited for her to say more.
“I’ll pay you back, you know?” John said softly when he realized she really wasn’t going to say anything else.
“I do the payroll, you will definitely be paying me for this.” She said with a laugh, leaning towards the pile of papers he had stacked on the dash and flicking fingers through them as she searched for something.
“Yes.” He chuckled, watching as she began to lose her grip on the paper and pushing them closer to her. “But I meant all the babysitting.” He clarified, sitting back in the chair and studying the hands in his lap as he saw her head whip around in his peripherals.
He could feel her staring as he had been at her. Not daring to look up until he saw her look away and knew she was sitting back in her own seat, staring out of the windscreen as the small droplets of water raced one another down the glass to the bonnet.
“Eddie will be a good Dad.” He said as he lifted his head, turning to look at her and watching as she scrunched her nose at his words, eyes watering as they flicked towards him and they finally caught each.
“I told you not to lie to me again.” She whispered, shaking her head as he scoffed at her.
“You don’t think he will be a good Dad?” He asked incredulously as she leaned closer and slapped her hand against his arm.
“Of course I do!” She snapped playfully. “He will be a wonderful Dad.” She added angrily. “Don’t lie to me that you think he will be a good one.” She explained, making him balk.
“I’m not!” He justified, shrugging at her with an open mouth as she shook her head disappointedly. “He will be a good Dad!” He said again, damn near shouting it.
“Okay John.” She said sarcastically, making a face as she imitated his accent. “Father of the Year.” She said with a dragged out Southern drawl. Swinging her forearm wildly as if she was a caricature of a redneck in a cartoon.
“Fuck you.” John laughed, pointing a finger at her face before lowering it to point at her belly. “Not you.” He clarified. “Just you.” He nodded, raising it back up to point at Karmen again as she tried to slap it away with a handful of papers and they both laughed at the absurdity of her fanning him with them in an effort to get him to move.
“Seriously though.” She said as she lowered the papers to her lap. “I appreciate it.” She said softly as John smiled at her earnestly. “But I will never let you watch my child.” She added, grimacing as the words came out and opening her door before he could react. Slipping from the car and stopping outside the window to point down at the papers she’d left on her seat on the way out.
“They need to be done by the morning.” She said, raising her voice through the glass as John stared up at her in horror. The click of the doors locking made him swivel in his seat as he pulled at the handle and nothing happened.
He turned back, mouth falling open as he watched Karmen already ascending the front steps hastily to get herself out of the rain. Her keys jingling in her hand as she went.
John’s eyes snapped open at the sound, sitting up abruptly and knocking the makeshift blanket of paperwork from his body as he turned to look out the window, ready to yell at Karmen for locking him in but instead making strong eye contact with Eddie who smiled at him amusedly.
“She forgot about me, didn’t she?” John asked flatly as Eddie took a step back so he could open the door and let himself out.
“No comment.” Eddie replied, as the other man shook his head. Leaning back into the car and gathering his work before stepping out of the way of the door and watching as Eddie closed it and relocked it with a set of keys that were definitely not his. A fluffy blue heart dangled from them as he jiggled them in lock and clicked it over.
“I could have suffocated in there.” John griped.
“Pfft.” Eddie scoffed as he stepped back again, leaning against his own car as he made room for John to move past him. “You would have been fine until morning.”
“Speaking of morning.” John grumbled. “What time is it?” He asked, taking in the fact that it was dark along with Eddie’s half dressed state.
No shirt, boxer shorts and an open robe that showed off the scars down his chest and neck. A pair of pink slippers that were several sizes too small just barely protecting his feet from the wet ground.
“Like… Ten?” Eddie guessed, bringing his hand up to look at his watch and sighing as he remembered he had taken it off to shower after Jack fell asleep and never actually made it to the shower before Karmen had ambushed him with thanks for being such a good babysitter.
He smiled to himself at the memory as John gaped in response.
“What?” He exclaimed. “Ten?” He asked. “Where’s Jack?”
“Asleep in our bed.” Eddie answered quickly. “Which is why I was asleep on the couch.” He explained, as if John had that information already. “Until Kam scared the shit out of me by shaking me awake and telling me you were stuck in there and I had to let you out because you’d kill her.”
“I hate you both.” John replied with a nod. Eddie nodded back in understanding as the other man huffed in exasperation “But thanks for the nap.” He added, holding up the stack of papers and handing them to Eddie with a smile. “Tell Kam these need to be done by the morning.”
“Will do.” Eddie replied, oblivious to what he had just agreed to. John sniggered to himself and started on the short journey back to his own home. “Tell her to bring Jack over when she drops off the paperwork.” He added over his shoulder, watching as Eddie gave him a sarcastic salute before heading back towards the steps and inside the house.
He stared at the paperwork for a long minute. Shaking his head as he realized it had been written on quite a bit and he flicked through it briefly to see that John had actually completed it for her.
He sniffed out a laugh. Sitting it on the counter as he walked into the kitchen. Hanging up her keys on the fridge next to a small black and white picture dated one week earlier.
Eddie smiled at it. Pressing a kiss to the tips of his fingers before placing them gingerly on top of the sonogram.
“I hope you have as much fun playing DnD with me as Jack did.” He whispered to the baby in the picture. “But I don’t think the guys are gonna’ like that the Assistant DM slot is going to be permanently filled.” He chuckled, taking his hand back. “Eh, they still have six months to get used to the idea.” He said with a shrug.
He turned away, heading down the hall towards the bedroom to let Karmen know he had completed her side quest and was ready to go back to the main storyline now.
More Notes: Karmen did not intend to leave John in there for more than 10 minutes. Just FYI. But pregnancy brain is a bitch. 😂
I started writing this one 2 years ago just so I could use the title because I thought that was fun. It took a long ass time but it's finally here and I really hope you liked it.
Read the rest of the series here :)
This series is so personal to me, so it means the world to me when someone let’s me know they enjoy a work from this series. If you guys liked this please pleaseee consider letting me know via comment, reblog, message, anon ask etc.
Tags: @3ddi3-daydreamer @micheledawn1975 @munson-blurbs @wheels-of-despair @browneyes528 @stevemunsons
#eddie munson#stranger things#eddie stranger things#eddie munson stranger things#stranger things 4#eddie munson x oc#eddie munson x karmen jones#eddie munson/oc#the karmenverse#angst#autistic!eddie munson#autistic eddie munson#eddie munson fan fic#eddie munson fanfic#eddie munson fan fiction#eddie munson fanfiction#eddie munson fic#fanfic#fan fic#fan fiction#fanfiction#fic#eddie munson fluff#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson x female reader#eddie munson x fem reader#babysitter eddie munson#eddie munson babysitter#hellfire club#dustin henderson
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