#mikan especially would not be casual about it
aparticularbandit · 3 months
I think the scene I'm going to add to Monday's chapter - not the one I kept thinking about over my trip because I cannot remember what it was, but one I've been thinking about for far, far longer - is the Kyoko Kirigiri Is Ace And So Is Virgin Junko Enoshima But They Are Different Flavors conversation.
So that will be. fun.
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kaika7 · 9 months
You're Not Alone
Despair Disease Nagito Komaeda x Shy/Awkward and GN! Reader
Summary: You visit Nagito Komaeda when he's ill with the Despair Disease and make sure he feels loved and not alone.
Warnings: Discussions of dying (no one actually dies!)
A/N: This is my first fic, so it's likely far from ideal. I hope you still get something out of this though!
You anxiously made your way to the hospital with Hajime and Fuyuhiko. Ever since Akane, Nagito, and Ibuki fell ill with the despair disease, you all decided to split into two groups to prevent it from spreading to everyone. Originally, just Hajime, Fuyuhiko, and Mikan were going to stay at the hospital with them, but you insisted on joining their group. Everyone was a little surprised by your insistence, but they went along with it. 
In truth, you were really worried about Nagito. Sure, he was a little scary before- especially during the first class trial. But, you couldn’t help but sense there was more to him beneath the surface. 
As you had tried to talk to him, he seemed quite delighted that you wanted to spend time with him. His face would light up every time you came by.
“Wow, I can’t believe someone like you wants to talk with trash like me!” He beamed with a cheery face.
Over time, he began to open up to you about his past, and you learned about his luck cycle. He had a beloved pet dog that got hit by a truck and passed away, but the dog allowed him to experience the joy of love and companionship. His parents died in a plane hijacking, but he survived, gained his independence, and a large inheritance. He was kidnapped by a serial killer and thrown in a dumpster, but he won millions of yen in a lottery ticket he found inside. He was diagnosed with stage three lymphoma and frontotemporal dementia, but he was accepted into Hope’s Peak academy. This caused Nagito to believe that if a horrific event happens, something amazing of equal magnitude will happen and vice versa. That’s where his belief in hope came from.
Despite his easygoing outward composure, you couldn’t help but sense a deep anxiety constantly brooding within him. Wherever he went with you, he would constantly be analyzing the terrain and the activities you’d be engaging in to make sure you’d be safe. He wouldn’t even go swimming with you because he casually said you could be taken away by a rip tide and stuck at the bottom of the ocean…. And then be eaten by a shark.
After learning all of this and seeing the way he treated you, you couldn’t help but sympathize with him…. and start to develop feelings for him. You were beginning to understand him more; he was not the malicious person others labeled him as. He did some questionable things for sure, but he did them with good intentions. Plus, his frontotemporal dementia was clouding his judgement, making him take things further than he normally would have. 
Yesterday, you went for a walk on the beach with him. His eyes constantly scanned the sand and occasionally darted to the water, as if he was looking for any sharp objects or crustacean that could injure you. When you sat down under the palm trees, he checked the trunk and branches to make sure it was sturdy and not going to break and fall. He also checked for any loose coconuts. Once he felt it was safe, he took a seat next to you.
“…I…” He stuttered, not looking at you. He just stared out into the ocean. “I’ve always been alone… never had anyone’s love. Not that I deserve it, but…I’m just so scared to die alone.” He stayed silent for a bit, and you were just speechless. You wanted to tell him so badly that he’ll never be alone. That you love him. You’ll stay by his side, but you just froze in the moment. The words in your mind could not make their way to your lips.
Sensing the silence, he quickly retracted his previous statement. “Ah, that was just a quote I read in a book somewhere! Speeches such as those can surely evoke sympathy in others, right?” His lips curved to form a plastic smile.
You could see right through his excuse, but before you could say anything, he apologized for “wasting your precious time” and left.
And now, you are going to visit him in the hospital with Hajime and Fuyuhiko. His lymphoma already made him so weak to begin with, but this despair disease really put his body over the edge. You really wondered if this would be the end for him.
“How’s everyone doing?” Fuyuhiko asked Mikan. 
“Akane and Ibuki are still ill, but they are stable. Nagito, on the other hand, is in quite a precarious state.” Mikan explained solemnly. “His pulse is so weak, and I’ve been tending to him nearly non-stop for the past day.”
“May we see him?” Hajime asked Mikan.
“Of course, but he’s not awake.” Mikan guided them to Nagito’s room and let them in. Nagito lay motionless in the bed in his hospital gown. His face was even paler than normal and he had a mildly pained expression on his face. Beads of sweat were formed on his forehead, and his chest rose and fell shallowly.
Your heart sank seeing him like this. Your anxieties only grew seeing just how badly he was doing. “Mikan, do you think he’ll make it through the night?” You solemnly asked.
“I-I will make sure I take care of him properly all night, so he will be okay!” Mikan squeaked out. “But…” Her voice grew more slow and serious. “It is possible that he won’t pull through, despite my best efforts. So… you may want to take a few minutes with him now.”
Fuyuhiko and Hajime stepped by Nagito’s bedside.
Fuyuhiko crossed his arms and looked down. “Goddammit, man. I know you are a pain in the ass, but we can’t have anymore people dying, ya hear me? We’re all getting off this damn island, and that includes you.” After he finished speaking, he abruptly turned around and walked out still looking down.
Hajime watched Fuyuhiko leave with a pained expression and took a deep breath before facing Nagito. “Nagito, I know things have been weird, but you gotta pull through, okay? Like Fuyuhiko said, we’re getting out of here together. And once you feel better, I-I want to try to understand you better.” Hajime let out a soft chuckle and a genuine smile. “Maybe we could even become friends.” 
Hajime started to slowly walk out, but he noticed your eyes welling with tears. “Hey… do you need a moment alone with him? I know you guys seem sorta close.”
You silently nodded your head. You definitely couldn’t talk with everyone around.
“Hey, Mikan. Do you think we can give Y/N a few minutes alone with Nagito?”
“Let me see…” Mikan quickly checks his vital signs and dabs the sweat off his forehead with a towel. “His fever is still high, and his pulse is still very low, but I suppose he doesn’t need me to tend to him for a few moments.” She looked up at you. “I can give you a few minutes, but if anything strange happens, please call me in, okay?”
You nod and Hajime and Mikan walk out of the room, closing the door behind them and leaving you alone with Nagito.
You stepped closer to his bedside and pulled over a chair so you could sit beside him. He looked worse close up. His hair even more disheveled than normal, and several strains of it stuck to the dried up sweat on his forehead. His eyebrows were furrowed with discomfort, and his lips were slightly parted as small gasps of air struggled to rhythmically flow between them.
You gently held his hand and looked at his shut eyes. “Nagito… I don’t think you can really hear or understand me right now… but I want you to know that I’m here.” You pause and nervously laugh to yourself. “I’m sorry I don’t always know what to say. It’s hard for words to come out sometimes. But, I hope you can at least feel the warmth of my hand and recognize my presence.” You took a shaky breath. “Please, please know that you will never be alone. I-I really love you, Nagito.”
You gave his hand a light squeeze, and put it over your heart. “I have to leave soon. But, please know that even if I’m not physically beside you, you will always be right here with me.”
Nagito remained unresponsive throughout this conversation, but fortunately his breaths remained constant. You sighed and rested his hand back along his side. Then, you began to get up. “I… I won’t say good bye tonight… You will make it through this! I’ll come visit you in the morning. I promise. I’ll see you soon…” 
You turned around and left the room, and Mikan immediately went back in to tend to Nagito. You, Hajime, and Fuyuhiko went back to your cottages with heavy hearts- hoping for the best.
You could barely sleep a wink all night, but you did manage to dose off for a little bit. You woke up to the sound of knocking on your cottage door. Groggily making your way to the door, you unlocked it and opened it a crack. Seeing it was Hajime, you opened it more and instantly woke up. With desperation in your tone, you quickly stammered, “H-Hi! Did you hear anything about Nagito?”
Hajime reassuringly smiled. “Yes, I came by to let you know Nagito’s condition has improved! Well, a little bit, anyway. He’s still not in good shape, but he can sit up in bed and talk now- though he says quite bizarre things…” He forced a chuckle and shrugged his shoulders. “You could try visiting him if you’d like, but I just saw him and he told me to hurry up and go away. He even said that he didn’t want to see my face anymore.” Hajime exasperatedly sighs.
You stood there dumbfounded for a minute, but adrenaline quickly rushed through your veins. “Hajime, you LEFT him after he said that?! I-I have to go now!!!”
You sprinted out the door, still in your pajamas, towards the hospital as Hajime turned around and watched you run with a confused look. Geez, this guy sure has a serious case of the clueless protagonist syndrome! Nagito has the liar form of the despair disease, which means he means the opposite of everything he says. The poor thing must be so scared of dying alone.
Finally making it to the hospital, you opened the door to his room with a wheeze. “N-Nagito. H-how are you? May I come in?”
Nagito did indeed look better than last night. His he was drooling a bit and still sweaty, but he was now propped up in bed with a glazed look in his eyes. He turned his head in response to your voice and said weakly, “I’m feeling quite excellent today! And I really need you to get as far away from me as possible. I want to be alone.”
You felt a pit form in your stomach. He certainly had improved, but he was not out of the woods yet. You walked closer to his bedside and looked compassionately at him. “I’m here, Nagito. I’m right here with you.” 
Upon looking at him more closely, your eyes drifted unconsciously to where his hospital gown loosely was wrapped around him, leaving his collar bones and upper chest exposed. Seeing his bare chest slowly rise and fall in synchronization with his breaths made your cheeks flush and your mind freeze. You were pretty inexperienced with love to say the least, so these feelings are hard for you to process.
Nagito began speaking again which made you snap out of your frozen state. “Y/N, I didn’t hear what you said to me yesterday. You’re a nasty person for not thinking about someone like me, Y/N.”
Holy crap, he actually HEARD YOU? He heard your love confession?! That has got to be the worst way to be confessed to. Ugh way to go, Y/N.
With a shaky voice, you began, “Oh, I- er… I’m sorry you had to hear it like that… But I really meant everything I said. I-I’ll never leave you alone, and-” You paused to take a nervous breath. “I love you…”
An ounce of focus and shock came through Nagito’s dazed eyes. “Really? I thought you were telling me the truth just to be mean to me?”
With a slightly more confident tone, you said, “No, I wasn’t just saying it to make you feel better… I really do love you. I’m so sorry about the other day. I was just so shocked, and I didn’t know what to say right away.”
Nagito sat there stunned for a moment, and his eyes slowly started to well with tears. “I-I hate you too, Y/N. You’re the most despicable and malicious person I’ve ever met. I have zero gratitude for the love you’ve shown me, and you’re so awful for letting me die alone. I truly deserve it.”
Your eyes grew wide in surprise as a gentle blush spread across your face. After a few moments, tears formed in your own eyes. You could barely believe that he reciprocated your feelings, but you pushed your own insecurities aside to focus on supporting him. “Nagito… may I hold your hand?”
He shook his head ‘No’, so you gently squeezed his hand. “You will get better. You won’t die here today. There’s always hope, remember?” You gave him a little smirk, which made a smile crack on his face. “But even if the worst does come, you won’t be alone. I’ll repeat myself a thousand times: I’ll always be with you. You’re not alone.”
At this point, the tears were already profusely streaming down Nagito’s face, so you grabbed a tissue to dab them away for him. “Y/N?”
“I know this is truly a selfless request- I’m so wonderful for even thinking to ask this- but c-could you not hold me?”
You blinked in disbelief. “You want me to cuddle you, right now?”
“No, that’s the last thing I’d ever want to do in the world. But I’m truly considerate for even asking you this. I’m so not sorry for taking advantage of you like this, I-“
Mustering up all the confidence you could, you cut Nagito off by pulling his blanket down, and then climbing into the bed with him. You laid down next to him and gestured for him to lie down. With a shocked look, he quickly complied. You gently held him close to you, letting his head rest over your heart. You stroked his soft and fluffy white hair comfortingly, hoping to ease him of any discomfort.
“Y/N…” Nagito said with a blush forming on his face. The sound of your heart beat and the warmth of your embrace was so soothing to him. He was so touched starved, he didn’t even remember the last time he was hugged. He never had experienced anything like this before.
“I’m here, and I always will be. You’re not alone, Nagito.”
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animekpopsimp · 2 years
Danganronpa 2 Characters with a reader who's similar to Hu Tao
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When you first find yourself in a mysterious classroom, he's the first person you talk to.
He finds your personality somewhat offputting
When you tell him that you're the ultimate funeral director, he's honestly caught off guard
He doesn't really respond when you talk to him, choosing to let you speak until you get bored
He's especially thrown off when you offer him a coupon for his funeral
He definitely wasn't expecting that
He continues avoiding you, even after you all find yourselves on the island
He doesn't hate you, he just isn't sure what to think of you
Mahiru is also a bit put off by you
She's the one to approach you, wanting to make friends
What she isn't expecting is for you to introduce yourself as the ultimate funeral director
She didn't think that would be a talent
She does her best not to judge you
Even when you offer her a coupon for a coffin
Despite your odd personality, she doesn't mind you all that much
You're the one who approaches her, as she's not a very social person
She doesn't really say much to you or react to your odd remarks
She doesn't really think much of your talent either
Despite finding it off-putting
She's also kind of impressed by how calm you are with the concept of death
She doesn't know many people who are so willing to confront such a thing
Ibuki finds your personality rather entertaining
Both of you are rather energetic, so you get along
She doesn't even find you offering her a coupon for a coffin odd
She admires your bravery when it comes to the topic of death
You both end up becoming good friends
The two of you start off on the wrong foot
You start speaking before she can insult you and she's immediately caught off guard
She gets really angry when you ask her about her health, taking it as some sort of threat
As soon as you start speaking, she's insulting you
However, you don't even react. There's still a smile on your face
She hates that you don't react to any of her insults
Needless to say, she doesn't really like you
Being a nurse, Mikan knows a lot about death
But the moment you offer a coupon for her funeral, she's unnerved
She doesn't dislike you, but her timid personality, she's shy around you
She tries to befriend you, but she finds herself avoiding you sometimes
Despite that, you befriend her
He does appreciate how much energy you have
Though he's caught off-guard when you talk about death so casually
He finds your sense of humor morbid, he just doesn't get it
Aside from that, he knows you're a friendly person and he does talk to you on occasion
Both you and Gundham are considered odd
He doesn't say much when you approach him
He admires you though
He does question how you can be so calm when talking about death
Though, he doesn't get your sense of humor
Nagito is rather amused by your personality
Though he's rather put off by your morbid sense of humor and willingness to talk about death
Despite your odd talent, he doesn't judge
He considers it better than his own
He actually likes having you around quite a lot
Chiaki doesn't really pay much attention to her
You're the one who approaches her
She barely looks up from her game, even when you offer her discounts for her funeral
She does find you odd, but doesn't comment on it
She looks past your odd personality, and finds that you're rather fun to be around
He isn't very friendly in general, so he isn't keen on talking to you
But you're adamant about talking to him
He just stands there while you ramble on
When you ask if he wants a coupon for a coffin, he gets pissed
Needless to say, the two of you don't speak often
When she approaches you, she's surprised by your personality
While your morbid sense of humor catches her off guard at first, she gets used to it
She even entertains your offer of a coupon
The two of you are very different from one another, but you become good friends
Sonia remains polite when she first talks to you
Though she's definitely a little confused by your sense of humor and bluntness when you bring up death
Despite all that, she does befriend you
Kazuichi thinks you're cute, so he approaches you first
But he wasn't expecting you to have such a morbid sense of humor and odd personality
He's even more surprised when you tell him your talent
He tries not to judge you too harshly, but he's just not sure what to think of you
Hajime is told about your talent by Nagito, and he's not sure what to think
He doesn't like to judge someone before getting to know them, but you're morbid personality is something that catches him off-guard
He's still friendly to you though
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plaindangan · 7 months
What would happen if the SDR2 girls were caught twerking?
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
Chiaki is honestly, probably, not going to realize you are there if you happen to barge in on her. She usually twerks as means of concentration when playing a super hard game. The harder the game, the faster and harder her twerks.
She's pretty casual about people seeing her twerking and doesn't mind letting you watch her too. Considering that Akane is also the type to twerk naked, you probably wouldn't want to say decline such an offer.
She is absolutely going to be super embarrassed if someone catches the dear Novoselic princess doing something so lewd~ She'd beg, then order you into utter silence, and likely seal the deal with at least finishing her 'new dance routine' up close to you.
On one hand, Peko is not going to kill you. On the other hand, she is very much the type to 'remind' you that if you ever tell anyone you saw her pale, black thong wearing, booty shaking about - and it reaches Fuyuhiko ears - you might end up missing a limb...or all.
She is very much telling you off about how you should have knocked before entering someone's room, especially if they weren't even fully dressed like her. After you try to inch out of the room, and she's sure you've learn your lesson, she will stop you. If just to take a few pictures of her 'a-a-as reference material, of course!'
After a loud screech over someone just waltzing in her room with her like that, expect her to start chucking pretty much anything she can find at you, and if she has nothing to throw, expect her to start shaking you wildly, and threatening to end you in anyway shape or form. Probably is going to smother you into silence.
She's the type to to welcome anyone to her show and not miss a beat in shaking her tushy out. If anything, once she sees there's an audience she'll do anything possibly to keep you there, even twerking on you, just to get you to stay~
Expect loads of panic and apologizing over the fact she someone walk in on her doing something so 'lewd'...and expect her to make it up to you by stripping off her clothes and twerking harder. Though it's to be noted that she is the sort that'll capitalize on someone clearly being into it, and likely have you stuck in her bed...doing other things soon after her strangely oiled up booty twerking is done.
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d4y-0f-judg3m3nt · 1 year
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Lust: Mikan Tsumiki.
Reason: It's implied she fakes all of her weird ecchi poses and suggestive "accidents" for attention, something Hiyoko calls her out for. She believes it's better to have negative attention than no attention at all.
Chastity: Gonta Gokuhara.
Reason: Gonta is best gentleman. Also, when you play as Kaede, he'll mention casually that he sleeps naked and then vow never to do it again when she says it's not something a gentleman would do, then proceeds to ask what else he shouldn't do.
Gluttony: Kokichi Ouma.
Reason: You'd think this would go to a food-lover, but gluttony is just "overindulgence", which he does a lot. He overcompensates for everything he lacks with lies, and he goes very over-the-top with a lot of his "scary" expressions. Plus, he's got one of the loudest and most obnoxious personalities because he never shuts up, and he loves to tease.
Temperance: Rantaro Amami.
Reason: He dies early, but he's overall the most "tame" Danganronpa character, a bit "boring" by nature, but he also seems like the type to advise moderation with things like alcohol.
Pride: Hiyoko Saionji.
Reason: Heiress of the Saionji clan, she is a bully who tears down others to assert herself as capable and deserving of respect.
Humility: Shuichi Saihara.
Reason: This role almost went to Nagito, however, unlike all the other true protagonists, Shuichi is the only one with an actual talent and doesn't *show* it with his demeanor. He's quiet, timid, and meek, unlike Nagito's fervent display of snobbism toward non-Ultimates.
Sloth: Himiko Yumeno.
Reason: Himiko is just... generally a lazy person. This role would've gone to Sakakura for shirking his responsibility, but I'm gonna go with a game character, and Himiko fits it the best.
Diligence: Kirumi Tojo.
Reason: Kirumi, being the Ultimate Maid, is expected to complete her work thoroughly, and she's often taken advantage of for that fact and forced to do things like massaging Tenko and being Kokichi's "mother". Even her dislikes have "Taking Days Off" written in it.
Envy: Tsumugi Shirogane.
Reason: She spends the whole game talking about how plain she is. Unlike humility, however, she says it in a tone that suggests she wants to be better than she is and like everyone else. Also could've been Nagito, but he already feels above non-Ultimates, so it doesn't work here. Tsumugi also envies others so much that she'd rather be them than herself, especially Junko.
Kindness: Sayaka Maizono.
Reason: She's a pop star with a sad home life. She'd have every reason to become a stuck-up snob, but she still goes out of her way to be polite to non-Ultimate characters like Makoto or characters who are generally "beneath" her, like Celestia, considering she's a criminal (gambling is illegal in Japan). You'd have to assume this was genuine, because this was before the Killing Game was introduced, and plus, she even spent her final moments trying to clear her framee's name, before she even know failing to convict the killer would result in execution (she never found out the consequences).
Greed: Celestia Ludenberg.
Reason: She's the only killer to kill for a genuine "selfish" reason (although I suppose it depends on what you'd consider selfish), that reason being money. She's a true sociopath who only cares for herself and those close to her (like her cat).
Charity: Komaru Naegi.
Reason: She has every reason to want to *kill* the Warriors Of Hope, but instead, she decides to put a stop to their antics and believes they can be reformed and are just hurt children, and she welcomes Kotoko with open arms when she joins the team.
Wrath: Maki Harukawa.
Reason: Maki not only forced a man into a position where he'd have to choose between either poison or crushing, but also tried to get everyone else killed to kill him on the off-chance he *did* survive and kill her love interest (who she also forced into the same position by mistake).
Patience: Chiaki Nanami.
Reason: She's incredibly kind and gentle toward almost everyone, even Nagito. She spends the entire game dishing out advice, and her patience seems to be limitless, only slapping Akane Owari for the purpose of calming her down.
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usagirln12003 · 1 month
Mahiru Koizumi: Hogwarts AU
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Mahiru Koizumi is a Half-Blood witch that was born on the 24th of April 1970 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1981, being sorted into Gryffindor House.
She has a Maple wand with a Unicorn Hair core.
Her Patronus is Non-Corporeal.
Her favorite subject is Transfiguration and her least favorite subject is Defense Against the Dark Arts.
Mahiru is a sensible and optimistic girl who is generally rather calm and unafraid to speak her mind. She initially comes off as confident but is later revealed to have self-esteem issues. It is evidenced by Mahiru's constant comparing of her photographs to those of her mother, a famous photographer for the Daily Prophet whose career led her to be absent from home for much of Mahiru's life. However, she finds it frustrating since others too always compare her style to her mother's, and that despite her love for photography, she isn't her mother. Meanwhile, unlike her successful mother, her father was a very poor parent, leaving the responsibility of the housework entirely to her. When Hajime was being scolded by Mahiru, he likened it to being yelled at by his mom.
Mahiru has high expectations of men and is quick to be abrasive towards them. She is much more tolerant and friendly to girls. She refers the girls in her class with their first name and "-chan" honorifics, while she refers the guys casually with their last name only. The subjects of her photos are usually of girls and explains that she easily gets bored of photographing guys. She loves taking photos of people's smiles, and Hajime once finds out while hanging out with her that she recorded everything at Hogwarts so that they won't forget, except for the guys which she only recorded once every three days.
Mahiru is also known for being protective, loving, and incredibly tolerant, especially towards girls, which is demonstrated by her friendship with Hiyoko, Mikan, and Ibuki. With Hiyoko, although they are the same age, Mahiru treats Hiyoko like a younger sister and becomes very close to her, even assisting her with her clothes. Mahiru shows much patience and kindness with Hiyoko, despite Hiyoko's clinginess and frequent immature behavior. As a result, Mahiru became Hiyoko's favorite and one of the few people she genuinely loves and respects and vice versa; she even started calling her "Big Sis." Since Mahiru is so tolerant, she becomes close friends with Hiyoko despite the fact that Hiyoko has terrible manners most of the time. However, Mahiru does scold Hiyoko occasionally for making disrespectful comments. Mahiru, unlike Hiyoko, is extremely kind to Mikan since she knows how shy she is. Mahiru expresses more concern for Mikan than anyone else, although she is also surprised by everyone else's clumsiness. Mahiru says Mikan takes "skill" to tumble into awkward poses. When Mikan fell into a compromising position, Mahiru would try to cheer her up by telling her to be careful next time; she would also be furious at anyone who made fun of her or threatened her. She also gets along well with Ibuki who does have contrasting personalities with her.
Mahiru wants to help as many people as she can, but it'd be a mistake to call her a pushover. She doesn't hesitate to scold those who are rude to her and is also really good at taking care of people although never failing to complain about it. She's also a highly empathetic person even caring about those who treated her poorly as shown by her utter regret over Natsumi's murder and trying to make amends with Fuyuhiko despite both of them mistreating her. Even though she was upset with Nagito for what occurred to Teruteru and the Metamorphmagi cousin of Byakuya Togami, she was the first to bring him food and worry about him being chained in the Room of Requirements, demonstrating her empathic personality.
When confronted with injustice, Mahiru's sympathetic girl, raw emotions, and unwavering sense of justice are on full display. This is demonstrated when she finds the body of Togami and allows her grief to drive her resolve to uncover who murdered them. Another example is when, despite Fuyuhiko's reputation for aggression and violence, Mahiru confronts him about Sato's death and tells him that vengeance is wrong for whatever reason. This is all the more striking when one considers that by that time, Mahiru still had her school memories of Sato erased and relied solely on the information presented to them by Junko.
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vrisrezis · 2 years
Can I request your favorite v3 and dr1 characters with a reader that is like mikan please? :D
Love stuff like this !! I had a lot of fun so these are very very long lmao! Feel free to rq more stuff like this (ex s/o that’s like ibuki, etc) I love this stuff smmm it’s fun!!
Mondo is so goddamn protective like holy shit. With an s/o he’s normally protective but if you’re like mikan holy shit 10x worse, to the max. The day you met, he thought you were scared of him due to his reputation. He just thought you were maybe a bit more timid than most and he felt bad when he told you his name and you asked him if you were allowed to remember it. “H-hey.. of course you can remember my name..” The first time he greeted you good morning you were shocked, and again he thought it was because of his reputation, though it still strikes him as odd. “W-what did I do? Why are you so damn surprised?” “I-I’m sorry! I just didn’t expect you to greet me back!” However he would eventually realize something was very wrong when you thought he was mad at you, and offered to take off your clothes to make him happy. “I-I’m sorry for making you u-upset! Should I take off m-my c-clothes?!” “W-what!! No!!? Don’t do that!!” He knows how he can be, especially around somebody he likes, but Jesus man that should never be a solution to make somebody no longer mad at you. Ever since he became so much more protective, but would be sure to tell you calmly (for once?) that you shouldn’t give yourself up so casually like that. “Listen, I don’t know why the hell you did that but for the love of Christ, don’t do that for anyone else. Your body shouldn’t be thrown away that easily unless it’s something you want.” Whenever you tell him stories about the bullying you received growing up, it makes his blood boil. The more the two of you talk, the more he realizes that you’re just shocked anyone would talk to you, greet you in the morning, etc. but he’s glad when you finally start getting more comfortable and opening up. When you mention how grateful you are for him, because he’s the only one that forgave you for your existence he feels horrible. “Hey, enough with the forgiving bullshit. I like your existence dammit.” He’s quick to shut down any negative talk about yourself, and tells you not to apologize over shit you shouldn’t apologize for. “Quit apologizing, I told you it was fine.” “I-I’m sorry! I-I mean!” “Heh, it’s whatever” When it comes to your … tripping .. he’s quick to either cover you up or help you up, with a big blush on his face. “You just fell babe, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” + defends you against anyone that’s mean towards you, yells at them so loud and scary bro nobody is fuckin with you. “Quit your babbling, nobody can understand you.” “I-I’m sorry! P-please forgive me!!” “HEY DOUCHE WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY TO S/O?!” you worry for him a lot, but he has to constantly tell you he’s a tough guy and he doesn’t need you crying over every little cut he gets. He tries not to get too on your ass about it, since you immediately start to feel bad.
Ishimaru is noticeably a lot more gentle and soft around you? He yelled at you for being late for the first time, but you immediately apologized and started to cry and beg for his forgiveness, offering to take off your clothes, or sound like a pig. “I-I’m so sorry! Please forgive me! I c-can take off my clothes o-or.. imitate a pig! O-or-” “N-no!! w-where’s all of this coming from! Don’t do any of those things!” He of course rejected this idea! But for somebody he thought was just timid and shy, he was getting more worried about your well-being and didn’t want you to get hurt in the long run. “S/o! You should not offer your body just like that! You can get seriously hurt and taken advantage of!” He started paying more attention to you, greeting you specifically, every morning. He felt his heart shatter when you were genuinely surprised by him greeting you. “S/o?! Is something the matter?!” “I-I’m sorry! I-it’s just that.. it’s the first time a-anyones ever greeted me back!” However, as time went on and the two of you got closer he’d get used to your behavior and he’d be more pleased the more you got used to him treating you with human decency. He feels horrible that you went through so much harassment and abuse growing up. He still had to remind you to have some self respect for yourself though. When you mention that nobody other than him forgave you for your existence, and that you’re grateful for him he feels horrible! You seem to always find a new way for him to feel bad for you. “Hey! I love that you exist! If other people aren’t happy for your existence that’s too bad for them! You’re amazing!” He is constantly telling you how good you are as well, he doesn’t want you to talk negatively about yourself at all. Whenever you trip his entire face goes red but he’s very quick about covering you up and yelling at everyone else to look away. “I-I’m sorry!! I-I didn’t mean to make you see me like t-that! P-please forgive me!!” “It’s okay s/o! You just tripped! You didn’t mean to!!” And he will always defend you against anyone that’s mean to you, but people usually back off since they don’t want a lecture and detention for life. “Take back what you said to s/o and accept your due punishment!” he appreciates when you worry for him, if he were to ever get hurt. He is the same with you.
Sakura is extremely protective, as you may guess. She is naturally protective of people she deems needing protection, but it grows the closer you become. She pitied you, and often observed how you interacted with those around her. It’s easy for you to grow more comfortable, but it took time. She had overheard you offering to take off your clothes for another individual because they were angry, and it upset her, wondering how this was a conclusion you came to whenever somebody was upset with you. She would stop it right there, and excuse the both of you. “My dear, please don’t offer yourself so easily. Your body is something to be treasured, and shouldn’t be given up so quickly.” she would feel awful about finding out everything that happened to you, the torture and abuse you dealt with. She would not only feel somehow more protective but she would want to deal with said bullies/abusers. When you mention how grateful you are for her forgiving her existence, or when you thank you for treating you like a decent human being, she is quick to shut it down. “I do not tolerate your existence my love, I love your existence, I live for your existence. I want to give you the world and more.” She does not let you apologize for things you shouldn’t apologize for. “Do not apologize. You’re safe around me.” She is also quick to catch you whenever you fall, so no incidents will happen with her around. And nobody has the balls to be mean to you, especially in front of Sakura. But everyone has to learn their lesson, I suppose! And she will show them what for. However if you insist on no violence she will threaten. “You say anything like that to them again, and I will make sure you cannot use your limbs anymore.” she also takes note of how you worry for not only her but others when they get hurt, she loves seeing your rare stern side. She finds it cute :3
Toko can be a bit… much.. at times. She definitely made fun of you at first, but she eventually started to get annoyed when you just took it and did nothing of it other than whine and cry, in her own words. She eventually started to see herself in you, and tried not to target you so much. She in fact saw it as an opportunity to befriend you, since god knows you don’t have any friends either. Perhaps you can bond off of that. When she overhears you offering to take off your clothes for her cause she was angry, she’s quick to say “h-hey! Don’t do that s-so suddenly! Don’t take off your clothes just cause you p-pissed me off! Take them off cause you l-like me! Or a-something normal like that!” She’d listen intently to the horrible life you were dealt, and she’d open up about her life as well. She kinda figured you had a bad life as well, she just didn’t know how bad it was. It hurt knowing how much you had gone through. When you start to thank her for things like saying good morning, or thanking her for forgiving your existence she’s very quick to yell at you to shut the hell up. “W-would you stop! I don’t hate your e-existence or anything okay! S-so cut it out!” “Q-quit thanking me for stupid shit” and when you apologize for things you shouldn’t, “quit apologizing for stupid shit” most people couldn’t be bothered to be mean to you due to your relationship with toko, she can be quite the earful when it comes to people bothering you. But people must learn the hard way. “S-shut the hell up! What do you know a-anyway! You’re s-so ugly! I-I bet t-that’s why you gang up on a/o!” She at times gets annoyed by you worrying for her but in the end she appreciates it since it shows you care for her, in fact she actually fangirls about it. “W-would you stop worrying about me! I-I’m f-fine!! I-it is sweet though… y-you’re so thoughtful and c-caring..” cue her being a weirdo. She gets embarrassed whenever you trip, so she lets you get up but yells at anyone for looking at you in such a vulnerable state. “I-it’s fine s/o.. don’t be e-embarrassed”
Rantaro feels protective of you almost automatically, it’s at first glance and he feels like he needs to protect you. Like it’s a natural instinct of his, and at first he’s not sure why, but as he talks to you he quickly understands it. The first time he had spoken to you, it was honestly to ask for your name to get to know you, he automatically wanted to form a close relationship with you. He’d quickly know you as a rather timid individual and he’d go out his way to greet you every day, talk to you about things and hoped he could form a close bond. His heart broke upon seeing how shocked you were by him interacting with you. He knew you probably didn’t have people talk to you much, maybe that’s why you’re so shy?? But he’d learn there was much more to you, how you’d offer to take off your clothes when somebody was angry. He’d be quick to shut that down though. “Hey, s/o. You shouldn’t offer yourself all Willy nilly like that, yknow? Your body is a treasure, it shouldn’t be shown just like that.” he sympathizes with you, when you tell him about the bullying you received he tries to discretely ask you their names. You clearly appreciate how nice he is to you, thanking him for talking to you and forgiving your existence but he tries his best to brush it off. “Hey, I like having you around babe. You’re great.” He often wonders if his protectiveness of you comes from the guilt of being a shitty older brother. Maybe that’s why he tries to be kind to a sweetheart like you. Aside from loving you of course. He’s chill, but when it comes to you feeling bad about yourself and apologizing for things you shouldn’t, or being picked on, he’s kinda snappy, but he’d never snap at you. “Hey, don’t apologize for that. It’s okay.” “Don’t say that to s/o ever again. You will regret it yknow.” However he finds that rare stern side of yours when others are hurt really sweet and cute, it shows how kind you are. He’s quick to help you up when you fall in rather suggestive positions, and he tries to move on with his day. “Hey it’s okay, you just fell. No worries.”
Kaede is a friendly person, she tries to interact with everyone. However she is quick to notice your surprise at her interacting with you at all, which makes her notice you rather quickly. You were so happy whenever she greeted you in the morning or asked to spend some time with you, she thought it was cute how happy you got, but it made her feel bad that nobody hung out with you before. “A-ahhh?!” “W-what’s wrong?!” “I-it’s just! N-nobody’s ever wanted to spend time with m-me before! Are you being p-punished for something?” she definitely starts to hang out a lot more often with you, and is happy the more comfortable you grow around her, enough to tell her the bullies you’ve dealt with and the torture you had to deal with your whole life. She’s convinced you’re a perfect Angel that could do no wrong. When you offer your body up to people, given what you told her, she knows why. It only angers her more. “Hey! You don’t have to do all that for anyone just to make them happy! Do it because it makes you happy! Yknow?!” she tries to brush off you thanking her for talking to you, and forgiving your awful existence. “Hey.. your existence isn’t awful. I like talking to you and I like you!” She’s always reassuring you you’re fine, like when you apologize or when you trip in suggestive situations, she’s quick to help you up and is a bit embarrassed but that’s all. “Hey it’s okay! Don’t cry! You just fell! No biggie, right?” She’s very defensive when it comes to you, so even though she’s kind towards others she will not let people talk badly to you. “Knock it off right now! S/o didn’t do anything wrong!” she adores when you take care of others, she thinks it’s sweet. It’s a rare side of you.
Miu has probably made fun of you a bit, to be fair. When she sees an easy target she takes it, plain and simple. She thought, you’re totally the kinda person bullies love to pick on, this should be funny! She constantly made gross pervy comments, but she never actually went through with wanting to see you naked. She honestly thought you only offered her that because of her vulgar attitude, but when she heard you offer it to others, she knew something was wrong with you. She started to feel.. bad. So she’d talk to you more, and slowly over time became less of a bully and a genuine friend. “Hey!! Would you stop offerin to take off your fuckin clothes already! Do you want a dick in you that bad?!” she has her own ways of trying to make you have more self respect, even if it’s only a little. She’s happy you trust her, when you tell her about the bullying you dealt with. She has a hard time trusting others herself, but she finds you’re easy to trust due to how you are. She’s totally showing those bullies what for one day, that’s what she tells you. “Your amazing genius girlfriend will deal with those nasty bitches one day! Doncha worry! Hah-ha-ha!” when you apologize for things, when you thank her for actually learning to forgive you for your pathetic existence she gets annoyed. “Jeez would ya quit with that shit! Stop apologizin!” but she’s honestly quite shy about her feelings for you, with a blush she tells you “I-it’s not like I just tolerate you… it’s more than that…” she used to laugh when you’d trip and land in certain positions, she honestly thought you did it for the attention. Nowadays she helps you up, with a little blush, she still tries to laugh it off though. “If ya wanted to fuck so damn badly you didn’t have to trip all lewdly! Ya coulda just fuckin asked me! Ha!” She’s quick to defend you as well, your girlfriend does her best! “Fuck off flat chest! Go sit in the corner and play with yourself! You’re just jealous s/o is packing more than you!” She acts annoyed when you worry for her, she has a tendency to get hurt when investing. “I’m fucking fine! Stop worryin about me!” but she does secretly enjoy you worrying and the only time she sees you so stern, she likes it!
Gonta tries to befriend everyone, including you. He would wonder why you were so shocked he was even talking to you, so you often had to clarify it was because not many people went out their way to actually talk to you. Gonta tried to understand that, and he felt.. well.. bad! You seem very nice! Why wouldn’t people talk to you? Because of this he makes a constant effort to talk to you in hopes it’ll make you be less shocked when he talks to you, and puts you in good spirits. He’s glad when you feel more comfortable around him and open up to him as well, he feels horrible you had to go through so many awful things! How could people be so cruel to you?! He’ll never understand it. When you offer to take off your clothes, he’s quick to tell you not to. Not only is this flustering him but that doesn’t solve anything in his mind, he’s a little too innocent to understand. “Gonta not understand how this would make miu feel better. Gonta think that showing off your body like this is not good. Gonta not smart, but gonta understand that much.” Whenever you apologize for things you definitely shouldn’t apologize for, he feels terrible. “Gonta is sorry for making you apologize!” he enjoys talking to you, so when he hears you thank him for doing so, and forgiving you for your existence he feels troubled. “Gonta like talking to you. But gonta not sure what gonta is forgiving s/o for.” He’ll eventually understand what you mean, but would insist he isn’t forgiving anything? You have good existence, what’s there to forgive? He also always catches you before you trip, so no lewd positions happen on his watch, not that he’d know that kinda thing would happen though. Probably for the best. It’s rare to see gonta so upset and angry, but he absolutely will be when it comes to people being mean to you. Given how he is he doesn’t always notice but when it’s blatant he is quick to jump in and say “that not nice! Be nice to s/o! They did nothing wrong!” gonta always comments on how kind you are, how nice it is to see you care for the injured and how worried you get!
Kokichi thought you’d be an easy target for his teasing, at the end of the day though he found that you getting upset like that was not preferable. It wasn’t fun to tease somebody who didn’t defend themselves at all and didn’t even get angry with him. So he stopped bothering so much. Eventually though, he grew to care for you more upon hearing you offering to take off your clothes for somebody because they were angry, he was quick to jump in and distract both you and said person, and make them angry at him instead. He’d tell you, “hey dork! You really are asking for trouble, offerin your body like that. What’s your deal?” he does make the effort to get to know you a little more and befriend you in his own roundabout way, but he learns to not tease you so much since he doesn’t get anywhere doing that with you. It’s fine though, he doesn’t mind it much. He does wonder, and asks you why, you’re so surprised everytime he comes to talk to you. “I-it’s just that.. n-nobody talks to m-me. A-and I figured I was t-too boring for somebody l-like you anyways.. d-don’t get me wrong though! I-I’m very happy you w-want to talk to me! P-please dont change your mind!” he definitely felt bad about that, you seemed lonely. He could relate to that. It felt easy, trusting you. You were kind and.. easy to trust. It scared him, actually. Anytime he wanted to push you away he felt bad about it, knowing that not many others would talk to you and take an interest the way he has. When he disturbances himself and you apologize, he just tells you it’s nothing. “S/oooooo! We talked about this! Don’t apologize for dumb things, kay?” but eventually he gives in, and allows closeness with you. When he hears you say how grateful you are he talks to you, how he forgave you for your terrible existence, it sealed the deal for him. You trust him implicitly despite how he is, the least he can do is do the same for you, the timid sweetheart he’s come to know. He doesn’t know how to tell you he doesn’t tolerate your existence though. Or forgive you or whatever. “There’s nothing to forgive you for hun! Jeez, what are you even on about?!” when you trip, there’s not much he can do other than distract the others, by fake crying and being obnoxious until you get back up. He doesn’t comment on it or mention it, he wouldn’t tease you for that. He also deals with anyone that’s mean to you accordingly, he finds these people extremely pathetic and he has no tolerance for them so he vocally roasts them. “Maybe you bother somebody as cute as s/o cause your jealous, maybe? I mean I don’t see any other reason why a trashy pigfucker like you would even bother with them.” You’ll also find he really loves that stern side of you, it’s a rare side and it’s shows you’re being stern because you care for the injured. He purposefully gets himself hurt just to see you worried, because it’s sweet. “D’aww! Doting all over little ol’ me! You’re so sweet hunnn!”
Keebo goes out his way to talk to you, since you seem easy to talk to. At first glance, but he finds conversations with you to be rather difficult at first, however he quickly learns what gets you talking and what interests you the most. Whenever you feel bad about rambling he’s quick to tell you “it’s fine, I’m the one that asked. Do not worry about upsetting me, you were just talking about something you were interested in.” this robot isn’t off put by your personality, but he does wonder why you’re so timid. He comes to the conclusion you may have been abused, only after you offer to take off your clothes for somebody you potentially upset. He would be quick to get you out of that situation. “S/o! Please do not offer yourself so easily! Your body is something to be treasured, not given up like it’s nothing!” he at this point suspected you were bullied, and you’d confirm his suspicions in detail. It saddened him to hear all that you had to say about what those bullies had done to you. But he wanted you to know that didn’t have to be your life anymore now that he’s around. He tries his best to read you, whenever you apologize for something that isn’t something he hears many people apologize for he genuinely wonders if people have gotten mad at you for minor things like that. “You don’t need to apologize for that, it’s fine. Do not worry.” and boy does he get sad when you thank him for talking to you and forgiving you for your existence. He’ll tell you to the end of time that you matter to him if he has to. Your clumsiness worries him though, what if you die or something?! He never says it out loud, but because of this he’s always making sure no incidents happened. It happened a couple times before he started being more aware and making sure you didn’t trip, but at the same it didn’t happen he thought he was going to overheat. You’ll find he often tries to defend you if anyones terrible to you, “hey! Leave s/o alone! They did nothing wrong!” And probably proceeds to threaten to take a voice recording of them at some point. Kiibo likes your more stern side, it to him shows you have some confidence in what you’re doing, for once. You know what you’re doing, he hopes to see that side from you more.
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cassahina · 3 years
hi hi! could i possibly get headcanons of tenko, mahiru, mikan and celestia with an s/o who really likes physical affection? like hugging, holding hands, etc. maybe gender neutral too if that’s possible? if not, it’s okay! thank you :D i do hope you have a lovely day!
Headcanons for Tenko, Mahiru, Mikan and Celestia with a s/o who really likes physical affection for Anon!
Tenko is the type of person who gets really shy when she first gets intimate with others, especially her partners. So when s/o and her first hold hands, she is a babbling, blush, nervous mess who blurts out how she promises to protect them forever. It takes her a few weeks to get used to the hand holding, but after a bit she is able to initiate it with them and is super happy to be close with them.
Tenko is a huge cheer leader, and after her s/o tells her they like physical affection, she always congratulated them with a big hug. Thanks to her strength, she is able to lift them up and spin around a little bit, cheering about her “badass, amazing, gorgeous s/o”.
“Guys guys look at y/n! They are soooo amazing, I just want to hug them and never let go! I can’t believe they are my significant other, they are so gorgeous and cuddly and the most amazing person in the world!” “Tenko, you’ve been hugging them ever since it was announced they won.” “So?” “That was ten minutes ago…” “Let me shower them in cuddles!”
Tenko is on cloud nine every time her and her s/o kiss. After she is comfortable with the kiss, she is super affection, which is great for her s/o. She’ll playfully just pepper them in quick little kisses after a long day of not seeing each other.
Speaking of long days, after a day when Tenko is sore from working out, she’ll come home and call her s/o out. When she sees them, she’ll hug them from the behind and then fall onto the couch, nuzzling into their back and whispering “I’m home” into their ears. She just loves the warmth she feels when she does this, and she knows her s/o doesn’t mind.
She is really, really good at massages (like girl had to learn how to handle soreness after rigorous training). Because of this, she’ll give her s/o a back massage after a long day. In between the massage, she’ll sprinkle some kisses on their neck playfully. When she finishes she’ll give them a kiss on a cheek and ask them if they are feeling any better.
Mahiru, albeit not being a complete disaster, isn’t the best with handling affection. Not that she minds, but its more so her poor bisexual heart makes her panic whenever a cute person is affectionate to her in any way. It’s safe to say she had the biggest goofy smile on her face the first time her and her s/o were holding hands or cuddling. She absolutely adores it but 100% could not play it cool even if her life depended on it.
Mahiru loves to give her s/o head pats. Doesn’t matter if they are taller than her, the second she sees them sitting down all cutely, she’ll sneakily walk over and give them head pats. When they turn around, she’ll push any hair out of their face and press a small kiss to their forehead. She then is usually giggling and just giddily says hi.
She also loves to play with her s/o’s hair. She just finds it relaxing and “their hair is so pretty, they could be the subject of every photo I take and I would never stop thinking they were the most captivating thing in the world”. At least, that’s what she thinks, she is a bit too shy to say that. Once though her s/o overheard her tell Ibuki this when they were sneaking up to hug her from behind, and Mahiru was a blushing disaster when she realized this and hid her face in their chest while hugging them.
She is most definitely a touch starved tsundere who is a bit too stubborn to admit it, so the second her s/o confessed they adore affection, she was really happy. Mahiru uses their comfort with affection to motivate herself to do small acts like casually wrap her arm around them and smile, relaxed knowing it was a mutual desire. She will still stubbornly try to dance around the request for affection herself at times though.
“Hey, it’s not a big deal or anything, but this blanket was on sale and I figured we could share it during our movie nights. Not that I was thinking too much about it, it’s not like I need you to cuddle me more, but it was on sale and I figured it was cute and might be nice to share…. Please cuddle me tonight when we are watching How to Train Your Dragon.”
Mahiru was never big on selfies, that was at least until she realized how addicting it is to take a million selfies with her s/o where they are booping each other’s noses, kissing each other’s cheeks and just hugging and smiling. She has a whole photo album just for them and made it as a surprise gift for them.
Albeit What was said about Tenko and Mahiru, Mikan is definitely the biggest disaster when it comes to affection. Poor baby was touch starved and never really was in a healthy and loving relationship, so when she starts going out with s/o and they ask if she is comfortable holding hands, she starts crying out of joy. That moment kinda set the stage for a very loving but also soft, wholesome, and gentle relationship.
Due to awful past experiences for Mikan, she is actually triggered by surprise affection and gets really anxious and panics when someone tries to hug her from the behind, cover her eyes and asks her to guess who, plays with her hair out of nowhere, lay their head on her shoulder, etc. Because of this, her and her s/o came up with a little signal they can use whenever they initiate any sort of surprise affection, they just lightly draw a little cursive “L” with their finger on one of her shoulders. It actually works pretty well, and Mikan has come to find comfort in the action and the affection following it, really appreciative for her s/o.
First attempt at a kiss was a mess, Mikan accidentally banged her nose against theirs and they both fell back for a bit and laughed. She was a bit embarrassed, but when she saw her s/o rubbing their nose to ease the pain she felt a wave of confidence wash over her. She gently held their hand and moved it down, then leaned forward and gave them a soft kiss on the nose. Ever since then, nose boops and kisses became a regular act of affection for the two.
Mikan definitely is the type to be a blushing mess when she tries to flirt. She’ll be like, “s-sorry I couldn’t stop you from tripping y/n, w-would you… mayb-maybe… uhhh…. Because I’m a n-nurse, after all… well… um… wouldyoulikemetokissyousoyoufeelbetter!” She is a disaster but she is trying.
Mikan loves to hug them whenever she is scared or has a nightmare. She’ll just fall asleep on their chest, nuzzling them as she feels safe in their arms. So whenever her s/o can’t sleep or is staying up too late, she’ll drag them to bed and just fall asleep in their arms so they are forced to fall asleep too. She will apologize if they try to argue that they don’t want to sleep, but then she uses the “as a nurse I can’t overlook how this will affect your health” excuse and just happily flops into bed with them, ready for the night filled with cuddles.
Wow, someone on this list who isn’t a disaster and actually knows how to handle their composure when being affectionate. Who would have thought? /lh. In all seriousness though, because Celestia is used to masking her emotions, she is pretty good with not being super sappy or blushy whenever her and her s/o are intimate.
Celestia doesn’t like hand holding. Not so much that she hates the act itself, but she much rather walk with her arms hugging one her s/o’s arm and leaning her head on them a bit while happily humming. Yeah, she is the go big or go home type of lover.
Celestia will wear two types of lipstick, either black or a bloody red. She gets the type that is a bit cheap and smudges easily. This is not because she likes cheap make up, but rather she loves seeing her lipstick on her s/o’s face after she peppers them in kisses.
She will cuddle Grand Bois Cheri when she is playfully mad at them for little things, like maybe calling her princess teasingly. However, the second she gets up and the cat moves to cuddle her s/o, she’ll get extremely jealous and move to sit on her s/o’s lap and snuggle into them. She is a bit childish after she lets her barriers down a bit to be intimate, but she doesn’t care as much around her s/o as long as she gets some cuddles.
Celestia loves being carried bridal style and her s/o flopping down onto the couch or bed with her in their arms. She will jokingly say that only a “buffoon would do something like this”, but they both know she absolutely adores it.
She loves it when her and her s/o feed each other chocolate strawberries. She is very adamant about it being their thing. “There is just something elegant about the act, like you have adapted to love and are ready to share it with the world with all its wonders and pleasures.” “So does that mean you are not sharing your strawberries?” “No, these are for y/n and no one else you little bitch.” Hey, at least she is happy, and when she is happy they get extra kisses.
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owo-shenanigans · 3 years
Hey, hey, can I ask for a scenario with a flirty S/O (not like Hanamura, please), and whenever people ask why they do it, or if they do it with everyone etc. They respond that not everyone can appreciate the art of flirting and someday they tell their S/O that they do that because they're insecure about their personality.
That for Mikan, Mukuro, and Angie please
Yeah, sure <3 this took me a while to write but i still had fun with it haha. If it was like Teruteru I would have rejected the request I really hate him jsjfjwjswj
Mikan, Mukuro and Angie with a flirty S/O
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She faints. A lot.
“Hey Mikan! I need to rest up, because I keep getting short of breath whenever I think about you.” You wink and lean in… And catch her before she bangs her head on the floor.
After you beat up Teruteru for the third time, Kazuichi asks why you flirt with everyone so much.
“Well, handsome, not everyone can understand the art of flirting, especially when cretins such as this-” you gesture to Teruteru, “exist.”
It takes months after you start dating for her to (timidly) bring it up.
“Uh-uhm…. Dearest…. Why do- do you always flirt with me?” She hides her face but doesn't flinch and immediately start apologizing, which is a major step up.
You take a few minutes to respond, but you take her hands and rub circles on them slowly as you do.
“My natural personality… My dear, is not as wonderful as the one I put on. I hate it. I just… Don’t want everyone else to hate it, too.”
Mikan grabs you in her arms into a tight hug, sniffling. “I could never hate you! I-I care for you deeply, S/O.”
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Chief she takes minutes to understand your flirts.
Ten minutes after class started when you had been flirting with her up until it began, her face turns red and she hides behind her book.
Junko starts crying from laughter at how oblivious her sister is, but everyone is used to her random outbursts.
She’s actually the one to ask you why you flirt with everyone so much. “So, squirt,” she says in her foot high platforms, “how come you flirt with the class so much? We all know you aren’t serious.”
“I’m practicing an art, I’ll have you know. Flirting makes people feel good about themselves if you’re good at it.” Is your casual response.
A few months after you start dating, you’re hanging out at the weapons range, Mukuro practicing her knife throwing.
“I’m not mad or anything. But yesterday was the third time someone assumed you were asking them out. Can you stop flirting with people who aren’t me?”
“Ah, uh… I’m sorry.” You shift uncomfortably on the bench. “I just… It’s instinct, at this point. My real personality is garbage, so I taught myself to flirt instinctually.”
Her next knife almost missed the target as she turned to you in disbelief.
“I would date you no matter what. I want to know your real personality, not whatever facade you put on.” Mukuro set her knife holders carefully on the ground before walking over to you, giving you a chaste kiss on the lips.
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She’s a naturally friendly person who is very physical, so her words are taken as flirtatious often. So she usually takes your words in a friendly tone!
Whenever you two talk to the same person, they overheat from two pretty people in their face.
Kokichi is the one who asks why you act the way you do. “Cmon cmon, Y/N! Why do you act that way? I mean, you aren’t as much of a slut as Miu is, but it’s preeeeetty provocative!”
“Don’t be an ass, Kokichi. Miu isn’t a slut, and neither am I. I’m just an expert at the art of flirting- not that you’ll be on the receiving end of it. And I figure, since I’m good at it, I may as well make others feel good too.”
“Yep yep! They’re just using their Atua-given blessings to make others happy! Which isn’t something I see you doing, Kokichi.” Angie popped up behind you, hands on your shoulders and a terrifying smile to the boy.
“I’veeeee got something to do! Overrrr there!” He blabbered, and ran off.
A few weeks into your relationship, as her head was in your lap, she asked the question of why you flirt so much.
“My former personality… People made fun of me a lot. When I started flirting with people, they… actually liked me. I loved it. So I got better and better so people would be nice to me.”
“Well, Atua says that they’re stupid. My muse, I will love you come rain or shine, storm or drought. I would never abandon you over this. I want to know the real you.”
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dxfiedfxte-a · 2 years
@hxpelessnurse || Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair AU Call
Ever since he had been fortunate enough to be included in the selection of talents that would be attending Hope’s Peak Academy, he had actually been looking forward to his future, he had heard lots of great things about the school, the fact that everyone who graduated from there became very successful individuals, was enough to motivate him to give it his best shot, ever since that tragic day where he lost his parents, nothing in life seemed bright anymore. There were goals and aspirations, but little to no motivation or inspiration, life had color, but it was very dim, it was like he lost the joy of doing pretty much anything. He was living, but he wasn’t alive, that was how he felt, it wasn’t a great feeling, but it had been one that he’d been used too for so long, maybe after Hope’s Peak, he’d have his eyes fully set on the future, that was what he thought anyway. One moment, he was sitting at his desk meeting their teacher, who for some reason, was a magical-talking-stuffed-rabbit,(Which already told him something was off) and the next moment, he was on some tropical island with everyone else who was supposed to be in his class.
How did Monami just expect everyone to willingly go along with the idea of living with each other on some uncharted island in the middle of nowhere? It wouldn’t be that simple, especially since there were a few people here who seemed like they preferred to keep their distance from everyone, something Minato could relate to, but unlike those people, at least he was actually trying to socialize, despite how difficult it could be, there wasn’t really any choice but to, it would be kind of tough to get along with everyone and peacefully coexist if not one even bothered to talk to each other, he was stuck with these people for probably the rest of his life, so he may as well attempt to be social, even if he wasn’t used to it.
After spending most of the beginning of the day walking around the island to get used to the place he’d be living in for who knows when, Minato was surprised to see that this place had quite a lot to offer for a mere island. Aside from the beach they all awoke on, they were each given their own individual cottage to stay in located near the hotel, there was also restaurant right by them, and outside the gate to their living quarters, within walking distance, was an airport, a ranch, an even a grocery store called the Rocketpunch Mart, while at the airport, Minato had realized they were on Jabberwock Island, inside its hotel, was an old infirmary, one that was rumored to be very haunted, and being the Ultimate Paranormal Investigator, there was no way he wouldn’t check it out.
Inside of the aforementioned room, Minato was investigating, using and EMF Detector too see if he could pick up any unnatural spikes in the electro magnetic field, he’d been here for twenty minutes already, and sadly, picked up nothing. Moments later, he heard the sound of the door open with a creak, it was the Ultimate Nurse, Mikan Tsumiki, considering her talent, he should have expected her to check this place out. He greets her with a casual wave.
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[{ 🦋 }] - “Oh, hey Tsumiki-San. Did you come to check out if the rumors about the ghost in this room were true too?” 
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sheriffslop · 3 years
✨ Lop’s Sexuality Headcannons for Danganronpa ; Goodbye Despair ✨
( Reminder that these are just my opinions, some might be unpopular, and y’all don’t have to agree, but, hey, here they are. ✨ )
Hajime Hinata ; To be honest, I don’t think he’s put much thought into it. Yeah, girls are pretty, he can definitely say that, but he hasn’t thought about guys in another sense. Probably identifies as straight, but is definitely open to new experiences. Who knows ? He might actually be bi, pan, omni, etc. !! ✨
Nagito Komaeda ; I feel like Nagito might have a complex relationship with relationships, he’s probably somewhere on the arospec and is also far too busy to think about other romantic stuff ( 🌶 ), but I don’t think he’s on the ace spectrum. Probably aroqueer ?? 👀
Teruteru Hanamura ; This dude is panromantic / pansexual, he doesn’t really mind the gender or sex of his partner and can appreciate the appeal of almost everyone, pretty unapologetic about it too, obviously. It took him awhile to figure it out, but hey, here he is. 💅🏻
Nekomaru Nidai ; Straight but a huge ally, protector of the lesbians. He seems like the kind of guy that you’d want to come out to first, he’d be encouraging and supportive, definitely a safe space for any of the queers. 💕
Kazuichi Soda ; That man is a raging bisexual ( with a femme lean ) that hasn’t put the pieces together yet. He knows he’s attracted to women, it probably takes up a good chunk of his mind besides mechanical work and hyping his friends up, but like yeah, he’s definitely seen men that make him go ‘Awooga’, but he thinks it’s because “I wanna be them, right ?? Right ??” ✨
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu ; Straight, hopelessly in love with Peko, probably hasn’t thought of any other girls, she has his heart, but listen, I also see him, as rat bastard - y as he might seem, he definitely would be a super devoted boyfriend / husband, a true ride or die. 💕
Imposter / Twogami ; Nobody truly knows what they are, I feel like it fluctuates, given whoever they’re impersonating - but if we want to be specific, that would make them panromantic / pansexual in my book. 👀
Chiaki Nanami ; She was probably straight irl, but when her AI was formed through Chihiro, not much thought was put into the romance aspect. She’s a computer system, and while she is so capable of giving love and affection, she’s probably AroAce. She knows her purpose, and it’s not romance or relationships. 🥂
Akane Owari ; Straight, but probably scares weaker men off. Literally doesn’t know why, but she is definitely intense. It would take a strong dude to put up with her. ✨
Ibuki Mioda ; Probably also panromantic / pansexual, she doesn’t think gender or sex really matters in a relationship. If anything, she just wants someone that’s willing to have as much fun as she wants to, but she probably doesn’t put a lot of importance in romantic relationships, and might not even find monogamy appealing. 💅🏻
Mahiru Koizumi ; She definitely thinks she’s straight, but listen, what she’s looking for in a relationship could easily be found in a strong, independent girl. If anything, guys play with her feelings too much, she just has to have that biromantic / bisexual epiphany, and needs to let go of that mindset of “Boys do this, and girls do that”. 🥂
Peko Pekoyama ; Definitely Demiromantic / Demisexual. I see her putting her work first, not realizing how fulfilled she’d be emotionally if she ever let her guard down and just realized that she could have those kinds of relations, especially since Fuyuhiko is kind of just lurking around her. 💕
Mikan Tsumiki ; Probably Demiromantic / Homosexual !! It takes awhile for Mikan to open up to people and she wants to know that she can trust her girlfriend before entering a relationship with her, she’s normally okay with casual hookups, and leaves quickly after, but she is a super loving and attentive girlfriend when in a serious relationship !! 💕
Hiyoko Saionji ; Homophobic Homoromantic / Homosexual. I see her as the girl that really projects her internalized homophobia onto others, and grew up hearing homophobic stuff, so it’s kind of instilled in her mind that “gay = bad”, but seriously, she does like girls, she just feels like she’s not supposed to and really hates it, since she is a girl herself. 👀
Sonia Nevermind ; She probably identifies as pan / bi, but won’t admit that she’s a raging lesbian for a super long time. She’s probably always known that she liked girls, but she has always seen princesses and princes getting married, so she feels like that’s what’s expected of her. Would definitely date guys, but probably doesn’t feel fulfilled unless she’s dating a woman. 💅🏻
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Amongst the trees
So. I’ve been having horrible writers block, the worst I’ve ever had, but then I saw b00giewara’s art on twitter. It’s so soft and pretty that finally, my mind and fingers ran. (Also, just the thought of post time skip Sanji in Water 7 outfit has me foaming at the mouth).
This sits in the same universe as Potato Peeling, for no reason other than I want it to.
Summary: On a lazy afternoon, there was nothing Sanji would rather be doing than helping Nami with her trees. Rating: T. Slightly suggestive. 
This can also be found on AO3 and FFN. 
Sanji had been in the kitchen for a few hours already. Everyone had been fed for breakfast and lunch (Luffy a few more times since between then) and he’d used the lulls in-between to do his weekly inventory. He’d made more progress after lunch, only pausing to serve drinks.
The pantry was done, which took the most amount of time, and he was just about to wrap up with the fridge. As much as he didn’t mind doing the inventory, sometimes it was a nice quiet task, today he felt a bit restless. It was a beautiful day, sunny with the occasional soft breeze that took the edge off from the heat and he’d much rather be out there for once than in the kitchen counting supplies. It was his own fault really; he’d decided to do this.
However he quickly found a good reason to leave when he noticed the mikans were starting to look a bit low.
And thinking about mikans, naturally his mind drifted over to Nami. Which then lead to him thinking about how he hadn’t seen or heard Nami for a few hours either. It wasn’t overly unusual, during the day they both had things that had to be done but considering the lull- it was strange.
Poking his head out of the kitchen door and looking out onto the deck, there was no sign of her. Luffy, Chopper and Usopp were fishing, Franky was tinkering with something, Brook was down for his afternoon nap, he could hear Mosshead’s obnoxiously loud weights from the crow’s nest and Robin was sunbathing. But the sun lounger next to her was empty.
Nami’d mentioned in the morning that she’d wanted to catch up on her maps. Perhaps she was using the quiet afternoon to do that. He’d give her a tiny bit longer so that he didn’t distract her from her maps, but if she hadn’t appeared by the time he was finished, he would take a drink to her and coax her into a break.
With that in mind, he grabbed an empty wicker basket from the pantry and climbed up the ladder to the upper deck.
It was peaceful up there, only the soft wind and distant sound of the crew from the lawn deck could be heard. At first, he’d thought the humming sound was from the crew, it sounded far away, but the closer he got to the mikan trees, the louder it got, and he was starting to piece together where Nami actually was.
It was confirmed when he reached the trees and turned to see Nami bent over and doing something with the soil on the furthest tree from him. She hadn’t seen him yet, too engrossed, and angled away from him. He may have used the opportunity to gawk at her a bit. He may have also taken a few quiet steps to the side so he could get a good view of her behind. But they were together now, so it was acceptable.
“Taking in the view?” She asked, glancing over her shoulder at him and belatedly he realised the humming had stopped. Of course he couldn’t sneak up on the cat thief herself.
“It’d be rude not to.” And even though he’d been caught red handed, he still tilted his head like he hadn’t.
She shook her head at his antics, and his view was cruelly taken away from him as she stood to walk over to him. He could hardly sulk when it was replaced with her sunny smile.
“What brings you into my neck of the woods then?” She asked, taking off a gardening glove to brush a piece of hair out of the way. He wasn’t quite sure why she ever bothered with gloves, she always ended up covered in soil, something that was proven now with the stains on her dungarees.
“We’re getting low on mikans, so I thought I’d take advantage of the good weather to come pick some.” He caught her bare hand in his to press a kiss on the back in greeting, lingering for a second being letting her hand go.
Her cheeks pinked. “Great minds think alike. The weather’s perfect for taking a bit of time out for the trees,” she explained fondly. It was no secret amongst any of them how much they meant to her or how much she enjoyed doing this.
“What are you doing right now?”
“Well, Usopp gave me some compost for the soil, so with that done I’m moving onto pruning.” She’d turned to face the trees, already pinpointing branches and leaves that needed to be taken off. “Want to help? I think I saw Usopp’s shears somewhere around here.”
That was the last thing he’d expected her to ask him, and he was a bit stunned by it, so all he could muster up was a nod as he went in search for the shears.
It wasn’t entirely new territory. He’d helped her with her tress countless times. Held the basket, pointed out fruit she may have missed or perhaps a bad twig that needed to go; it was always assistant work.
Having his own set of shears was a whole new playing field.  
As far as he was aware, no one helped with cutting her trees, not even Usopp or Robin and they were the other green thumbs on board. He’d never been bitter or offended by it, it was no secret how much these trees meant to her and he’d respected that.
But this. This new ground made him a bit giddy, how far they’d come since knowing each other and especially since they’d got together. How much she was trusting him. He was more than aware of how big this was.
He quickly found the extra set of shears from where she’d said they’d be and joined her back at the trees, his basket long forgotten.
“Show me what to do, I don’t want to mess this up.” Whilst he was still giddy, he was gradually getting more and more nervous. This was important and he didn’t want to screw it up. He felt like he was keeping his cool on the outside though as he stood next to her, even if he felt like he was about to have a meltdown internally.
Perhaps he wasn’t being that smooth with the knowing look Nami gave him, but she soon eyed his jacket instead. “Firstly, I think you need to look more the part. Let’s lose the jacket, you don’t want to mess that up.”
He followed her command, taking off his jacket and draping it across the railing. It was a pleasant enough day that he wasn’t worried about it being lost to the sea.
“Let’s leave the waistcoat on,” she said, trying to look innocent but he saw straight through it, although he was more than happy to let her have her way. “And the tie, it might come in handy later. But we could roll up the sleeves.”
Before he could do that himself, her hands were at his wrists, nimbly undoing the button and rolling the fabric up to his elbows. Despite the warm weather, goosebumps erupted along his forearms as her fingers grazed along the skin. They’d been together for a few months now, so touch was nothing new between them, but he wasn’t sure he’d ever get used to the casual touches he shared with her now. Don’t get him wrong, everything about their relationship was exciting to him, but it was the simplest touches and how comfortable she was around him that pleased him the most.
“That’s better.” She nodded to herself, hands lingering on his arms before pulling away and taking the shears out from one of her pockets.
“Thank you.” He smiled down at her tenderly and the flush she’d just managed to get rid of bloomed across her cheeks again. He found it adorable how the softest gestures flustered her the most.
“Right,” Nami said, clearing her throat and focusing back on the trees, “it’s quite simple actually. Cut any branches that are damaged, unhealthy or crossing over one another.”
“Like this one?” He pointed out a withered branch.
“Yes!” She confirmed brightly. “If in doubt, it probably needs to go, otherwise you wouldn’t have noticed it.”
He nodded in understanding and with that, they both started pruning. Nami had left him to have a tree all to himself as she worked on the one beside his. She moved confidently, barely batting an eyelid as she snipped away. He, on the other hand, moved more cautiously, considering each branch before cutting it off. She said not to overthink it, but he couldn’t not. He wanted to do a good job; he’d been entrusted with a whole tree.  
A few branches in and his free hand was becoming full of branches he’d cut off. He glanced to the side, wondering where Nami was putting hers. She must have read his mind, because she met his curious gaze, smiled, and moved a basket between the trees they were both working on.
“Throw anything you chop off into the basket. Usopp likes them so he can add it to the compost he makes,” she informed him.  
Sanji snorted at that, of course Usopp did. He wondered if the three green thumbs on board traded tips.
“Which, by the way, I’m pretty sure he’s sneaking coffee out of the pantry to use for his plants and to add to the compost,” she breezily informed him, already knowing what reaction she’d get from him.
“I knew it!” He said, outraged. His inventory checks had been off for ages and he’d been trying to figure out where the extra coffee had been going. “Now I have to fight Luffy off from the fridge and Usopp from the pantry. The one place I thought was safe.”
Nami laughed at his turmoil. “I’ll adjust the budget.”
He smiled at her gratefully for that.
They descended back into silence after that, and it was nice. It was just as relaxing as some of his tasks in the kitchen, but with the added bonus of fresh air and the sun warming his skin. He’d also say the company, but she spent a fair amount of time in there with him now anyway. But it was a nice change of pace to partake in one of her activities together for a change.
Nami’s hands didn’t falter as she softly broke the silence, “The first few weeks after leaving Cocoyasi village, I thought I was going to lose the trees, the constant change in weather made it hard to look after them.”
Sanji was silent as he let the information wash over him, it’d never crossed him mind before, but now he thought about it, it made perfect sense. “I never thought of that,” he said in awe.  
Nami hummed in agreement and shook her head. “Me either! Normally in the winter they need more care and, in the summer, less, but with the fluctuating weather they were all over the place.”
He cut away another branch, throwing it into the basket before moving around the tree. He tilted his head to indicate he was still listening.
Nami continued, “It took a bit of figuring out and by the time I could get a book on it, I’d already figured it out. They’re like temperamental children, I just had to keep my eye on them a bit more than normal.”
Of course she’d figured it out, she was one of the smartest people he knew. “I’m glad you worked it out, the ship would look empty without them.”
“Me too, I don’t think I would’ve dealt with it very well back then if I’d lost them. Everything’d changed so suddenly back then but they were a constant for me, it helped having them.”
He frowned at that; he could only imagine how stressful that must’ve been, but she’d never said anything.
“Not to worry though, it resolved itself and now look at us,” she said, trying to ease the look of concern on his face and changed the topic swiftly, “You’ve done a good job.” She looked at the tree critically but nodded to herself.
She stepped forward and cut off a few additional branches that he’d hesitated over. “Maybe a bit overly cautious, but I knew you would be, that’s why I let you have the shears.”
He beamed at her praise and they moved onto the final tree, working on opposite sides until whatever they could reach was done. They both stepped back, proudly taking in the much neater trees, until they looked up.
“Any chance you’re tall enough to reach the top?”
He wanted to say yes so badly but as he eyed the height, he knew he wouldn’t be able to without actually scaling the tree. “Sorry Nami-san, I don’t think so.”
“Don’t worry, I knew it was a stretch.” She put her hand on his arm in understanding and looked up at the trees. “Bell-mère used to stand us on her shoulders to reach the higher branches she wanted to prune or pick off the fruit. She said it was good for us to learn, but I’m convinced she just didn’t want to haul the stool around with her.”
He laughed with her at that and briefly imagined how adorable the sight would have been until an idea came to mind. He crouched down in front of her and when all she did was blink at him, confusion written all over her face, he elaborated, “I can’t offer to stand you on my shoulders, but I can do this.” He patted a shoulder, trying to encourage her.
She was silent for a moment, stunned at the offer. “As much as I trust you and don’t doubt your strength whatsoever, are you sure you’re up for this?” She asked cautiously.
“Huh?” He blinked at her.
“My thighs are about to be either side of your head. I don’t want to brain myself on the deck when you go down like a sack of potatoes,” she deadpanned, eyebrow raised as she looked down at him.
“It wouldn’t be the first time my head’s been there,” he quipped, leering up at her, eyebrows wiggling suggestively.
She barked a laugh, hand slapping his shoulder half-heartedly in retribution but overall, she was too amused to be angry.
It took a bit of more reassurance to convince her, but as soon as he’d convinced her, he positioned himself and helped her get onto his shoulders. He smoothly rose to his feet, barely wobbling.
Hands down it was the best decision he’d never made. If he could assure Nami’s safety, he could die happily right now. There was so much of her everywhere. Her thighs snuggly sat either side of his head, he could feel the slightest brush of her breasts against the top of his head and her hands were in his hair whilst she adjusted to the new position.
“You okay down there?” She asked, half amused and half cautious, testing the waters to make sure he was okay.
“More than okay,” he replied happily, tilting his head to the side to pillow into her thigh. She was so soft; he was in heaven.
Nami snorted above him, shaking her head and tentatively removed her hands from his hair. When he stood solid, she reclaimed the shears from her pocket and started to snip again.
Before they could dip into silence, he asked, “How often did you tend to the trees together when you were younger?” He loved hearing about her childhood with Bell-mère and took any opportunity to ask about it.
Nami was more than happy to share. “We had a big orchard, so it was almost daily. It could be pruning, picking fruit, or tending to the soil. Although, me and Nojiko spent more time running through it playing games, not so much helping.”
His hand stroked up and down her calf absently, encouraging her to continue whilst he listened. He moved to the side after noticing she’d finished with a section before she had to ask.
“We definitely over pruned when we did help, but she never scolded us,” she continued, throwing a branch down into the basket at Sanji’s feet. “After that she just kept a sharper eye on us.
“Sounds nice.”
“It was,” Nami agreed, “I always ended up covered in dust and dirt. Kind of like now actually, not a lot has changed it seems.”
“It suits you.” And it was the truth. Whether she was in skimpy bikinis or dirtied dungarees, she was the most attractive person he’d ever laid eyes on.
They moved onto the last tree and by now the bucket was almost overflowing with branches and leaves. Usopp would be thrilled, no doubt.
“She sounded like an amazing woman,” he said after a moment, letting the stories Nami had told him of her Mum play in a loop in his head. In a different world, he wished he could’ve met her, to see how similar they both were and see that part of her life.
She didn’t need any prompting to understand what he was talking about. “She was,” Nami agreed, voice filled with warmth. “She’d have loved you -little to the left-” and he took a step to the left, “-she would’ve seen your smooth talk coming a mile away, mind you, but she’d have found it amusing.”
“Like Mother like daughter,” he quipped, squeezing her calf teasingly. Nami gave a snort above him and muttered something he didn’t catch, but continued, “I’d have loved to cook with her.”
“She never would’ve let you leave.”
“I have no complaints about that.” Her home sounded like it held so much warmth, Sanji thought to himself.  
“What about you?” She asked, trying to sound confident but there was a waver in her voice. Sanji found it sweet, after all this time she didn’t want to bring up that part of his life. He didn’t mind, especially with her.
“Well, Zeff you’ll win over easily. He tries to deny it, but he has a soft spot for women too. He’ll just spend his time trying to embarrass me instead.” The day would come, he knew it, but for now he was safe. “I don’t remember a great deal of my Mum; I was too young. But I have no doubt that she would’ve loved you too. She was kind like you.”
“See, it’s that smooth talk that would’ve won you brownie points.”
“Even with you?”
“How do you think we got here?”
He couldn’t see her, but he knew she had that smart look on her face that he adored, and he rested his head back on her stomach. If she hadn’t been on his shoulders right now, he definitely would’ve pulled her into a hug.
“Okay, I’m done.” Her hands were back in his hair, shears stowed away in her pocket.
In a similar fashion to convincing her to get on his shoulders, it also took some persuasion on how to get her back down. They went back and forth, until Nami finally agreed (“If you drop me” “Never, Nami-san”) and then she was sliding over his one shoulder, wrapping her arms around his neck, and falling into his outstretched arms. To his credit, he stood solid.
“Reminds you of old times, huh?” He cheeked, beaming down at her in his arms.
“At least I didn’t have to fall through the air this time.”
He let her down onto her feet and he expected her to move away, onto the next task but she didn’t move. Instead, her hands dusted over his shoulders, trying to take off any soil that had transferred from her dungarees.
“It’s been a while since you’ve worn this shirt. I like it.” Her hands smoothed across his shoulders, feeling the texture of his orange pinstripe shirt and the way it fit him snugly. He’d filled out in the crew’s two-year gap, so where it used to fit loosely, it sat tighter across his shoulders. He would throw it away, because really, he knew he was pushing his luck getting into it, but when she reacted like that, he was more tempted to never take it off.
“I like your dungarees,” he said softly, his hand fingered the denim straps as hers rested at his waist. There were dirt stains littered across them, but there was something quite charming about that. Although that might just be because of the person wearing them more than anything.
His hand moved from the strap of her dungaree and swept an errant lock away from her neck, his hand filling the empty space, thumb soothing across her pale skin. The quiet, the rustling of the trees and their afternoon spent together all added to the atmosphere until it had them leaning in closer.
They’d done this so many times before that they read each other like a well-oiled machine. Her hands tightened on his waistcoat and he was going left as she went right until their lips met in the middle. It was slow, unhurried, like they had all the time in the world and really, they did. It felt like they did anyway as they embraced, with only the gentle breeze accompanying them on the upper deck.
They parted slowly, and in his case reluctantly, but the feeling soon passed when he opened his eyes to the sight before him. Nami looked truly relaxed, face nothing but content, half lidded eyes looking back at him and wind playing with her orange hair.
That soon changed when he leaned back into kiss her and was promptly denied. Gone was the serene expression, in its place were alluring, teasing eyes. The sudden shift would give anyone else whiplash, but Sanji knew what that look meant- it would only end well for him.
Her hand was on his tie, taking a step out of his embrace and promptly turning on her heel. She pulled him after her, which she didn’t really need to do because he was glued to her back in an instead, but he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t a turn on.
They didn’t go very far, only walking around the trees to occupy the gap between the trees and the main mast. In all honestly, Sanji had never really taken notice of it before, but he was glad for its existence when she pressed him up against the mast and heavily leaned into him. His body pinned between it and hers.
It was intimate and if anybody wondered up there, they’d be hard to spot. She positioned herself between his legs, something he more than encouraged as he made more space for her there.
If Sanji thought she looked breath-taking before, it was nothing compared to the angelic beauty before him now. The sun filtering through the trees casted her in a golden halo and her hair looked like molten gold, oozing around her, and making her look otherworldly. She was surrounded by orange blossoms and it was the perfect backdrop to encapsulate her, she belonged there.
Sanji wanted to burn the moment into his brain but Nami had other ideas.
Their next kiss was anything but slow, it was full of purpose. It was the kind of kiss they usually shared in private, not for someone to stumble upon by accident, but he definitely wasn’t going to complain. He matched her enthusiasm, lips sliding against each other’s and his hands found themselves in the back pocket of her dungarees as hers burrowed themselves into his hair.
“Good spot, right?” She murmured, not waiting for a response before reconnecting their lips.
If he’d had the chance the response, he wasn’t sure he’d have been able to actually verbalize his agreement. He was dazed, head spinning, trying to keep up, and although they’d done this a million times before and more, he didn’t think he’d ever be over it.
Although they couldn’t start anything out here, his body didn’t seem to know that as he shifted, ready to roll his hips into hers and hopefully progress to the bedroom if they could make it there undetected, until he felt something press into thigh.
“Is that shears in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”
It was a stupid joke, and it ruined the mood, but it was worth is when Nami broke into peeling laughter. Instead of throwing her head back, she burrowed into the crease of his neck, smothering her laughter so they didn’t attract attention. His arms left her back pockets, winding around her waist, pulling her into a hug instead. It wasn’t what he wanted, but they wind this down.  
“That was such a stupid joke,” she said as she started to calm down.
“Yeah, it was,” he said fondly, still soaking in the warmth of her laugh.
“Although I suppose we should stop, otherwise you’ll be in a similar predicament and I still have things to do.”
“Me too.” He looked up at the sky and from the way it was starting to descend, he knew he should really start thinking about dinner. Except neither of them moved, but Nami did rest her hands more causally around his shoulders, matching his hold on her.  
“Didn’t pick much fruit in the end, huh?” She joked, looking off to the side at the empty, abandoned basket.
He’d completely forgotten why he’d gone up there in the first place. “This is much better than what I’d expected.”
“Because you had your head between my legs?”
His eyes lit up and his grip tightened on her hips. “One of the perks, of course.”
“Maybe we could do something similar in my room later,” she suggested, in a provocative whisper, leaning closer.  
This woman. She was everything he ever wanted. He didn’t give a verbal answer, he was pretty sure he couldn’t without wheezing a few times, but his enthusiastic nodding got the point across well enough, and it made her grin.
She rewarded him for his candour with a slow kiss that was over far too quickly for his liking.
“You free tomorrow? I can probably pencil you in for some fruit picking.”
“You’re too kind, Nami-san. Making time for lowly me in your busy schedule.”
“I’m nothing if not kind, Sanju-kun,” she agreed, winking at him. “Right, I really do have to go, see you after dinner?”
She was out of his arms and walking away before he could reply, grabbing the basket full of branches to sit at her hip as she went.
She knew the answer anyway- it was potato peeling night after all.
Urrrrrrrrrgh. I am so soft for these two, they’re so much fun to write being all soft and in love. This was so self-indulgent, and the story doubled in length because of it.
Usopp, Robin and Nami definitely get together to talk about plants/flowers.
I based my research on orange trees, so if there’s some differences, don’t come at me.
For some reason, my writers block has really exaggerated my imposters syndrome, so if this wasn’t your cup of tea, please keep it to yourself. Not sure I could handle it right now.
Also, just to tease because I’m definitely going to finish them, I had two other pieces planned for SaNami week before the writer’s block, they’ll be on the way.
As always, please excuse any errors.
Thanks for reading.
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cobaltusami · 3 years
That's what Friends are for
Hello! This Is my first Danganronpa tickle story, It's very long I'm sorry! I got a little carried away eh heh heh... It sits at 3521 words, And that's AFTER trimming It down, For future fics I will try not to ramble on as much! Anyways hope you enjoy!
Main characters: Kazuichi, Gundham, Sonia
It had been unusually peaceful that day, Everyone seemed to be getting along well... Much to Usami’s delight.
But Hajime knew that wasn’t going to last much longer. Normally when something was going well, Something chaotic would happen and today was no different.
It was the middle of the day, And Usami had thought It to be a good Idea for everyone to hang out at the beach. The students decided to make It a party, And that’s when the chaos started.
A group of students had gone to the supermarket to get decorations and everything they would need for the party, While another group waited at the beach to decorate.
Mostly the boys had been lumped Into bringing the stuff back, Mahiru mentioned something about them being stronger. Once that had been done they were free to relax.
Hajime was sitting by the ocean waves next to Nagito In near silence, He tried to relax but he couldn’t shake the feeling of unease. He tried to distract himself by turning and looking at all his classmates having fun.
Nekomaru and Akane were “Play fighting” as they claimed, Though with how intense their spar could get, He wasn’t sure It counted as play fighting.
Kazuichi was rigging up some kind of Firework display per the request of literally all the girls.
Ibuki was setting up a sound system for music with the help of Chiaki.
Peko and Fuyuhiko were stringing up lights and Mahiru, Hiyoko and Mikan were making floral decorations and Lei’s.
Sonia was tying ribbons to the tables and placing other decorations along the beach.
And Gundham was well.. Being Gundham. He was In a spot further away from everyone else, and also further from the water. He seemed to have taken to playing In the sand, His hamsters gathered around the sand sculpture he was crafting.
Sonia decided to take a small break from decorating to approach the isolated student, Wanting to make sure he was included In the group rather than avoiding them.
“Gundham, What are you making?” Sonia asked as she sat down across from him.
The self proclaimed ‘Dark Prince’ glanced up at the Princess, Meeting her curious gaze. “I am recreating my Four Dark Devas of Destructions’ home, The Imperial Hell Palace!”
Sonia blinked as she processed what he said. “Oh, You are making a sand castle?” She smiled. “It looks wonderful so far, It will be a nice additional decoration for the party!”
“I-It Is not a mere decoration! It Is to serve as a nightmarish reminder of--”
He was cut off by a soft giggle, And stopped talking when he saw the Four dark devas of destruction crawling Into Sonia’s lap. She picked them up In her hands carefully and snuggled them affectionately. “They are so sweet and friendly! You have raised them well.” She smiled kindly at the Ultimate Breeder.
His face went red as he looked away, Pulling his scarf up to hide his blush. “You… You truly think so…?” He asked quietly. “Th-Thank you, Princess…”
“Hey hey hey, What the hell’s going on over there?!” Kazuichi asked suddenly, Startling Hajime.
“Uh, By the looks of It, I’m guessing Sonia complimented his hamsters again?” Hajime suggested, Recalling his reaction the first time she complimented them.
“He better not be making any moves on Miss Sonia! I called dibs!” He complained childishly.
“I don’t think you can call dibs on a Person, Kazuichi.” Nagito spoke up, Smiling in vexation.
“Yeah, Especially when that person doesn’t like you back.” Hiyoko chimed In, Snickering at the glare sent her way.
“If It bothers you so bad to be left out, Why don’t you just go join In?” Mahiru suggested. “Go build sandcastles with them.”
Kazuichi looked at her, Exasperated. “You aren’t possibly suggesting I go be friendly with my rival, Are you!?”
Mahiru shrugged. “Why not?”
“W-Why not!?”
“L-L-Look at I-It this way…” Mikan stammered. “I-If Sonia were t-to s-s-see you ge-getting along with him… Sh-Sh-She might like you m-m-more!”
“That’s a stupid Idea, Don’t listen to this pig barf!”
“Actually, It makes sense If you think about It.” Mahiru agreed with Mikan’s sentiment. “If you make an effort to be friends with Gundham, Sonia might be impressed.”
Hajime exchanged glances with Nagito, Who sighed quietly. Both silently saying the same thing; That’s not going to work.
“Y-You really think so?” Kazuichi asked warily, Glancing back over the two. Sonia was now helping Gundham make his ‘sand palace’. They seemed to be having fun, The Blonde giggling happily as she worked on making a mote.
“I’m sure of It.”
“Or, You could be a man and tell him to back off.” Hiyoko suggested. “If that doesn’t work, Maybe you could embarrass him and make him look like a total loser In front of her. You should know what those look like.”
“H-Hiyoko! Don’t give him any ideas!” Hajime cut In, But his words fell upon deaf ears.
“How do I even get her away from him so I can try to ‘befriend’ him?”
Mahiru hummed In thought for a moment. “I got It!” She walked back over to where the flowers were and picked up some of the decorations carefully In her hands. “Hey Sonia? I’ve got some of the decorations done!” She called out.
Sonia jumped a bit. “O-Oh my! I forgot entirely about the decorations!” She gasped out In surprise, Giving Gundham an apologetic look. “I am so sorry, I will be back!”
“It Is alright, Princess. Go tend to your Embellishing duties, The Imperial Hell Palace will be here once you return.” He played It cool and acted as though he wasn’t disappointed- Though he definitely was.
Sonia carefully put the hamsters down and stood up, Giving a small bow and stride gracefully over to Mahiru to discuss the decorations.
Kazuichi made his move, Casually walking over to the Ultimate Breeder, who seemed a bit more downcast than usual. “Hey Gundham, Whatcha making?” He asked while feigning interest, Crouching down next to the solemn student.
The Supreme Ice Overlord was taken aback at first, Why would he all of a sudden approach him? Kazuichi doesn’t seem too fond of him… Oh… Ohh. His face had initially seemed to perk up a bit at the prospect of someone joining In, But he immediately became annoyed once he connected the dots.
“Foolish mortal,” He grumbled. “Do you take me for a fool? I know what you are up to.” He narrowed his eyes at the Pinkette.
Kazuichi flinched. “W-What are you talking about man? I just wanted to see what you were doing.”
“You are merely over here to assert to me that you have claimed Sonia, Are you not?”
“N-No! Of course not! I thought It looked like you guys were having fun so I wanted to ask If i could join in.”
Gundham gave one more piercing glare before turning back to his sandcastle. “Why must you constantly chase after her, Fiend? You seem to have dedicated your existence to fawning over her.” He asked In annoyance, Unable to even look at him.
“I-I don’t!”
Gundham didn’t have many friends, In fact, Growing up he didn’t have any. Most people write him off as weird or scary and avoid him. Having someone try to pretend to be friendly with him, Was only reminding him of how few people actually care about him, thus making him irritable.
“Why?” He mumbled under his scarf. “Why must you try to chase her off? Is It really that intolerable to you for her to wish to speak to someone such as me?”
Kazuichi stammered, Taken aback by this unexpected response from the Dark Prince. He was actually starting to feel bad about his actions until…
“Foolish Mortal! I shall not let you take her away!” Gundham declared, Locking eyes with the Ultimate Mechanic.
Sonia was one of the only people not put off by the way he acts and speaks, And seemed to genuinely care about him as evident by trying to include him every chance she got. Of course, He didn’t have romantic feelings for her, Per se, He just longed for a sense of belonging.
He just wanted someone to call a friend.
Kazuichi’s face got red with anger. “I knew It! You really do like her!”
“Of course I do, Fiend! How can one not?” He shot back, Oblivious to what Soda actually meant by ‘like'.
“L-Listen here! You better stay away from her! She’s mine dammit!” He threw any attempts at getting along out the window and instead took Hiyoko’s advice.
Much to Hajime’s dismay. He watched on in silent horror.
“Fool! You cannot lay claim to someone who does not return your affections!” The Ultimate Breeder fired back. “You cannot control one such as her!”
“But I can control you… Stay away from her- Or else!”
“Fuahahaha!” Gundham burst out laughing bitterly at this threat. “That truly Is amusing, You think you can order me around!? You pathetic human! I am the great GUNDHAM TANAKA! What could you possibly do to stop me?”
That was the boiling point, Kazuichi lunged at Gundham and the two went rolling around on the beach. Soda had some decent muscle built up from all the work he does on machinery, So he expected to have an easy upper hand against Tanaka.
However, The Great Gundham Tanaka was also much stronger than he looked, Of course he’d have to be with the wide variety of animals he cares for.
Neither one of them were giving up without a fight, And both struggled to obtain the upper hand as they wrestled around.
The commotion they made had garnered the attention of the other beach goers, Most were taken aback, But someone was egging it on.
“God, Kazuichi! How are you struggling this much? Even I could win this fight.” Hyoko called out, Encouraging the Mechanic with her insults… Somehow.
“S-Soda! Tanaka! What the hell are you two doing?!” Nekomaru stammered, Shocked by the sudden fight amongst classmates.
“Should we intervene, Coach Nekomaru?” Akane asked, Both of them were unsure so they waited.
Gundham tried to pin him down to put an end to this ridiculous fight, But Kazuichi grabbed for his shirt to throw him off. In the process of doing said action, His fingers came into contact with Gundham’s sides, Drawing a sharp gasp from him as he went tumbling down beside Soda.
His arms instinctively wrapped around his midsection, Causing Kazuichi to pause. Tanaka slowly scooted away from him, Watching him cautiously as though he were a wild animal.
“What the…” Soda slowly sat up, Watching him with intense interest.
“F-Foolish mortal… Do not give me that look!” He tried to regain his previous composure.
A sharp, Toothy grin plastered Itself onto the Ultimate Mechanic’s face as he dangerously pursued the Dark Prince. “Whatsa matter? You look a little flustered there, Gundham~” His words were laced with Mischievous intent.
“Stay back!” He intended It to come out as a command, Or a threat, But It came out as panicked. Gundham could recognize the almost predatory look In Kazuichi’s eyes, And unlike with Animals, He had no way to diffuse the situation.
Before Tanaka could scramble to his feet and retreat like he intended, Soda grabbed his ankle and pulled him back towards him. “Ohhh no you don’t.” He grinned, settling himself on his hips. “It’s not like you to get scared… Could It be because you’re… Ticklish?”
Gundham, Who had previously been struggling, went eerily still. Almost as If hoping that If he didn’t move, Kazuichi wouldn’t do anything. For a moment Kazuichi could see the panic in his eyes.
Gundham glanced over to the rest of the beach, So many people were staring at them. Most likely trying to figure out If they should intervene and pull Kazuichi off or not.
All those eyes on him was making him even more uncomfortable, He had to do something to gain back a semblance of control.
He looked back up at Kazuichi, His coldness returning to him. “Mortal, If you do not get off of me In the next-- ACK!”
Or not.
Kazuichi grinned as he dug his fingers into his sides. “I’m sorry, What was that?”
Gundham tried not to react, But due to being touch starved and having no resistance to something like tickling, He was giggling within seconds. He pulled his scarf over his face to hide his reactions and muffle any embarrassing sounds he might make.
“Looks like you’re not so tough when you’re a giggling mess.” Soda teased, He noticed that his shirt rode up a bit during the last struggle and opted to dance his fingertips all across the exposed skin of his stomach.
This drew laughter from the normally stoic Ultimate, His laughter- What Soda could hear of it- Sounded different from his usual laughter. It was still deep but not quite as deep. It was also breathy and rich, The gasps between laughs he took indicated that Gundham wasn’t used to laughing.
"What’s the matter? Does the Great Gundham Tanaka really have nothing to say?” Yes, Kazuichi was quite enjoying himself right now. He liked how big bad Gundham Tanaka was reduced to a quivering pile of laughter by a simple touch. It was amusing. “Looks like I finally found your weakness.” He chuckled.
“St-Stohohop this at once!” He managed a feeble command between laughs.
What Is this feeling? He was utterly embarrassed being tickled In front of his entire class, but yet… It wasn’t unbearable. Even the feeling of his calloused fingertips slowly spidering up and down his sides right now, It tickled like hell but It still wasn’t… Unpleasant?
Gundham’s laughter shot up In volume once Kazuichi reached his ribs, He took advantage of this sensitive spot and honed in on it. “Aww, Does the Supreme overlord of... whatever, have ticklish ribs?” He cooed teasingly, Discovering that lighter touches seemed to be more effective.
The Ultimate Breeder found he was having more trouble breathing now with his scarf In his face, But he didn’t want people to see his face.
Kazuichi, Noticing how frequent the gasps for air had become, Slowed down significantly. “You might wanna move that scarf, You might suffocate yourself.” He laughed a little, But this was a genuine fear of his.
Gundham shook his head defiantly, Giggles still pouring past his lips. He’d rather suffocate than have everyone see him blushing and laughing like a fool.
The Mechanic reached with one hand for the offending article, But The black and gray haired student held on tightly to it. “Fine, I guess we’ll do this the hard way.”
He brought the hand that was still tickling him up, His fingers snaking their way into his underarm and began tickling him without mercy.
This drew a scream from the pale student, His back arching as if revolting against the sensations. He immediately brought his arm down In an attempt to protect the sensitive area.
This allowed Kazuichi to grab hold of the purple scarf and rip it away from the gasping and laughing ultimate beneath him. “Aha! Got It!” He gloated, Tossing the piece of clothing out of Gundham’s reach.
Now Kazuichi was free to tickle as much as he wanted without fear of Tanaka smothering himself.
Although now he needed to worry about making him pass out from laughing too hard. “What do you say, Gundham? Are you going to admit defeat?” He asked teasingly as he danced his fingers up and down his ribcage.
He shook his head defiantly, Bringing his hands up to cover his face. “N-NEVER FIEHEHEHEND! AHAHAHAHAHA!”
“Yeah, It’s just as I thought. You’re just having toooo much fun to give up.” He cooed as he slowed down to give Gundham a chance to breathe a little. “You’re lucky I don’t know how to undo your boots, You’d really be In for It!”
“When Ihihihihi get freehehehe you’re dehehehead!” He giggled hysterically behind his hands, His face reddening even more-- If that was even possible.
He knew that Kazuichi was just trying to fluster him with his words but… Huh. Was he having fun? Wh-- NO! Don’t be ridiculous! Why did that thought even cross his mind?! He’s GUNDHAM TANAKA, He doesn’t find joy In such childish things!
“Oh yeah? Well good luck.” Soda scoffed. “Because all I have to do to stop you Is tickle you… HERE!”
He suddenly shoved his wiggling fingers back under his arms, drawing another scream from Gundham. This one wasn’t muffled because he shot his arms down the instant he felt the ticklish sensation.
“NOO! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Gundham threw his head back with loud laughter, His back arched as he kicked his legs In a feeble attempt to get free. He grabbed for Kazuichi’s wrists but he couldn’t muster enough strength to throw him off.
“You’re like, MEGA ticklish here!” Kazuichi laughed along with him, Finding his laughter to be somewhat contagious.
Sonia, Who hadn’t heard the previous commotion, Was startled by the sound of Gundham’s scream, She set down the floral arrangement she held in her hands and whipped around looking for the source of the sound. “G-Gundham?” Her eyes scanned the beach until… She saw It.
She gasped softly, Covering her mouth in surprise. “Oh my! Is he okay??” She was worriedly making her way over to the two but then she realized, He was… Laughing. Sonia took a closer look at them. “Is he… Tickling him?” She asked curiously.
“Yeah, Definitely looks that way.” Nagito sighed, Shaking his head. Though he couldn’t help but smile at the two’s antics.
Sonia giggled in delight. “That Is adorable! I never knew Gundham was ticklish.”
“I don’t think Kazuichi knew either.” Hajime whispered, Receiving an elbow to the ribs from Nagito. He recoiled quickly drawing an interested gaze from the Ultimate Lucky student.
“What? Don’t have any more threats for me?” The pink haired student grinned as he watched the pale man shake his head In response as loud laughter continued to flow freely from his mouth.
“Kazuichi, He needs to breathe!” The Mechanic quickly looked up to see Sonia approaching them. He withdrew his hands, Relenting his attack.
“M-Miss Sonia!” Soda stammered In surprise, Moving off of his winded classmate sheepishly.
Sonia knelt down next to Gundham and put her hands on his shoulders, Gently helping him sit up. Her blue eyes looked to Soda.
He was expecting her to be angry with him, But she looked amused. “It makes me happy to see you two getting along.” She beamed. “You guys looked like you were having so much fun.”
Kazuichi untensed as he realized she wasn’t angry. He and Gundham both exchanged glances. “Yeah, I guess we did have fun.” He laughed happily, Blushing and Folding his arms behind his head.
Gundham’s face flushed again as he looked away from both of them. “Hmph, Speak for yourself, Mortal! No part of that was--”
He was interrupted by Sonia lightly wiggling her fingers against his neck, Drawing a very uncharacteristic squeal from the Supreme overlord of ice. “P-Princess!” He gasped out, Quickly bringing his hands up to shoo hers away.
Sonia giggled as he fixed her with a look of betrayal. “Come on now, Gundham. Surely you cannot deny you were having fun.” She smiled.
“Yeah, You probably could’ve shoved me off If you really wanted to.” Kazuichi smirked.
“I-I did not enjoy any of that cursed activity.” He blushed, Looking down as he folded his arms stubbornly.
“Hey Sonia, Maybe we should tickle him until he admits It?”
For the second time today, He froze up. He quickly looked to the Ultimate Princess to gauge her reaction. Of course, She had a similar predatory glimmer to her eyes as Soda had earlier.
“Hmm.” She hummed thoughtfully. “Maybe~”
“NAGITO STAHAHAP!” Hajime’s sudden laughter drew attention away from the panicking Gundham, Who took this opportunity to grab his scarf and sneak back over to the Sand castle to reclaim his four dark devas of destruction.
It was quite an amusing sight though to be fair, Nagito was currently wrecking Hajime with tickles much to everyone’s amusement.
Gundham hesitantly returned to the two, Though on high alert for any sudden movements. He felt better now that he had his scarf back on and his Devas with him.
He did have fun, Somehow, Of course he wasn’t about to admit this.
“Oh hey, Your sand castle fell apart.” Kazuichi pointed out.
“It Is alright. We’ll help him make a new one!” Sonia smiled.
“I crafted It once, I can craft It again. I do not need assistance.” Gundham’s attempt at pushing her away however, Didn’t work. Not for the reason he was half expecting though.
“Nonsense! If we help you, You’ll be done In time for the party to start.” Kazuichi intervened.
Sonia nodded with a delighted smile. “He Is right. After all, That Is what friends are for, Is it not?”
“Yeah, What she said.” Soda agreed.
“Friends?” Gundham closed his eyes and smirked a little. “That’s a nice line.”
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inumaki-roll · 3 years
hi!! could i please have a danganronpa romantic matchup? sorry this is long i think!!
i’m a bi (asexual?) girl with an intp and 5w4 personality type. My sun is scorpio, my rising is libra and my moon is capricorn. I like lolita, especially sweet and gothic lolita but i usually dress casually but cutely e.g white lolita peaterpan collar shirt, pastel pink heart hair clips, black cardigan, pastel pink pleated skirt and creepers (shoes) with frilly socks ^^. physically i have pastel pink hair a bit below my ears, have green/grey eyes and put lots of effort into making my eyelashes look big and curly with mascara, eyelash curlers, and oils. i’m 5 foot tall and generally prefer short boys from like 5 foot to 5’8… maybe less? and i don’t care abt girls heights. i have ocd and depression and recently got diagnosis with autism but i’m still in a bit of denial/kinda feel like i’m lying/am an imposter. according to a quiz my love language is quality time but i think that they’re all important. i would describe myself as stoic, quiet and somewhat shy, loyal and i try to be sweet and funny ^^. i’m good at english and kinda good at statistics but am an airhead in like all other areas. i don’t really take things seriously, usually because of a lack of understanding, am a bit mischievous and think i’m kinda annoying accidentally. i often also kinda offended my friends when trying to make jokes (i.e the time i said my friends boyfriends mustache looked like pubes. but worse:/). my highest kins are: sonia, chiaki, peko, gundam and i also kinda relate to ibuki, mikan, himiko and even though i love him i hate to admit it but kokichi. outside of danganronpa i kin: L, ryuk, the cat from ghost stories, rei from evangelion, kenma, annie and pieck, greg from over the garden wall, himiko toga, ririka momobami, and relate a bit to catra, spinel and menma. i love to play video games, sleep, daydream while cuddling my plushies, go shopping for clothes, collectables (like dinosaur and anime figures). i like plushies, iced coffee, pizza, the smell of vanilla and strawberries, lucky bags, claw machines, am interested natural disasters (specifically tsunamis and earthquakes), air conditioning, running, cute metal music like lady baby, baby metal and candye syrup but i also like soundtracks (especially for my daydreams), pop, indie pop, metal, rock, vocaloid and idk how to describe it but somewhat repetitive/robot/machine like music. i also like tiny spoons, airports, rain when it’s not an inconvenience, pastel pink, strawberries, thunder storms, early spring, fire, ocean storms (i want to go on a ship to be in one), cute things, video games, sugarbunnies (sanrio), heart shaped things, dinosaurs (especially from the cretaceous period), sitting on countertops and walking and running at night.
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a/n: omg u are so cool pls,,, thank u sm for participating in my matchup event!! and ty for the lengthy desc!! it really helped me get a good matchup with more detail!! i hope you like your matchup<33 also you’re a pieck and rei kinnie hey lol😏😏ALSO WE BOTH KIN RYUK AND THATS SO FUNNY TO ME
matchup status: OPEN
more info in my pinned post!!!
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i match u up with...!
mikan tsumiki!! (runner(s) up: korekiyo shinguuji & tenko chabashira)
i feel like she’d be a little intimidated to talk to you at first but as soon as she sees how sweet of a person you are, she’d start to feel more comfortable and less frantic like she normally is. you seem to have tons of interests and mikan knows a bunch of conversation topics. she would gladly learn about dinosaurs just to talk about them with you! she’d probably be nervous to talk to you and learn so many little facts about the things you like the night before so that she knew she would have something to talk about with you.
and she probably thinks your style is so cute!! the first thing she would say to you would probably be complimenting the way you dress or look just because she thinks it’s so cool!! like and it wouldn’t be some superficial compliment, it would be a genuine one like complimenting your eyes or how cute she thinks your shoes are. and even though she’s not very tall herself, she thinks how your short is so cute!
i also feel like her love language would be quality time as well!! sometimes she feels like she’s too awkward for conversations so just being there with your partner is nice for her. and she’d be so happy if you invited her to go shopping with you!! (she’d also be ecstatic if you let her try on one of your outfits but that’s another conversation) she’d love seeing what clothes you recommend for her and the ones you pick out for yourself!! honestly, she just really likes hanging out with you and spending time with you & she’d be happy for any date ideas you’d have for the two of you. walks during night!!!! she’d absolutely love that, even though she’d be concerned and worried at first for it being dangerous and not getting enough sleep at night is bad for your health, but as soon as you both start walking around at night she’d stop worrying about it and start enjoying the nightscape, the way it’s quieter at night, and how pretty the stars are. (if you do start running while on these walks and you trip and scrape your knee you know she’d be walking you back to the house, politely scolding you saying that you shouldn’t have been running and wrapping your knee in bandage)
ALSO back to store dates, she’d always bring extra quarters with her just to do the claw machines!!! and if it’s ones that you have to use the claw to grab the thing inside, and you asked her to ‘win’ the thing inside for you she’d be so nervous about messing up and not getting it, so she’d frantically wave her hands in front of herself, quickly talking about how she’ll mess it up somehow. spoiler alert: she actually would win the thing inside, despite being a nervous wreck.
i think mikan would have so many ideas for what to do on rainy days. like so many. she’d suggest so many things. baking together, board games, puzzles, painting, reading, making jewelry together, movie marathons, watching the rain, dancing in the kitchen, etc. but she’s completely fine with just relaxing and staying in bed for the day!!! (rainy days are my fave so i love writing abt rainy days)
arcade dates as well!! she knows you like games & pizza so that seems like a cute idea to her!! she would love watching u play the video games and would love it if you taught her how to play a game and would feel extra special if you let her know some of the little tips to the games.
i also think she’d be really giggly around you just because she’s so like,,, happy yk?
if you do make jokes around her and they offend someone, even if they don’t mean to, she’d say she thinks they’re funny anyways and laugh. she’s used to being bullied, she can tell the difference between being straight up mean and just joking around with friends. and she never thinks you’re annoying!! she’s always thought of herself to be a pest and to annoy others so she’d never want you to think of yourself that way!!
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Why i like Hinamiki
Hinamiki is by a wide margin my favorite ship in the danganronpa series. That comes as no surprise to anyone who knows me closely. It’s practically what i’ve shaped my identity in this fanbase and DR related friend groups around. Unabated gushing about the things I like and love is practically my modus operandi. Shipping especially is something I’ve always loved doing. It comes naturally to me, for one reason or another. I see characters I like acting cute together, and my brain releases the good chemicals and says “That’s good, give me that. More.” It’s even why I started writing. I wanted what games didn’t give me, which was more, or in some cases, anything at all. Danganronpa 2 gave me Hajime and Mikan, two characters that, admittedly, have limited interactions comparably. Hajime speaks more often with more vocal characters, like Kazuichi, Fuyuhiko, the ever looming Nagito, and, of course, Chiaki, while Mikan’s interactions are usually limited to Hiyoko’s awful treatment and whoever else is around during it. Thankfully, the game has supplementary content in the form of Free Time Events, casual pieces of dialogue that gives you extra insight to chosen characters. However, this benefit is far from a unique attribute to the pair.
In that regard, protagonist ships could be seen as “easy.” You could make the argument that the FTEs gives equal leverage to all protagonist ships across all games, regardless of what character it is. Everyone is on equal footing, so the relationships that develop between the protagonist and the character feels less genuine, and more-so tailored after the player’s personal preferences, made more apparent by FTEs disappointingly not making an impact on the static story. With all that being said, what the FTEs does provide is an insight to character relation. How the protagonist and the other character talk, relate, interact, and perhaps most importantly, how they react.
Hence we arrive at Hajime and Mikan.
I have a huge appreciation for Hajime and Mikan's FTEs, because I honestly think it's where Mikan is handled best. It allows the game to focus entirely on her, which gives Mikan enough room to properly convey the nuances of her character. How an incredibly troubled past has left her deeply afraid of abandonment, hyper-observant, socially stunted, pessimistic and internally vitriolic, all caught up in a downwards spiral that gets worse when one problem bleeds into the next, with no band-aid solution. And when you’re spiraling out of control, it’s always nice to have someone to take a hold of you and pull you down to earth again.
Not only does Hajime actually hear her out, but he's able to make her calm down and have a regular conversation without enabling her worst attributes. And I think this is especially important, because there's rarely another instance where that happens. Mikan is so used to going on autopilot and be willing to give away everything she has, that she's actually taken aback when Hajime tells her she doesn't need to do any of that to make him talk with her, because he realizes how harmful it is of her to be like that, even if he doesn’t understands the depths of her scars, because he doesn’t need to. Him giving her genuine attention, and not expecting her to show off her bra, do a weird trick or tell Cool Nurse Fact #2364, is a completely new experience to her, because that’s usually how she’s survived in her shitty life.
And because of that, she actually feels comfortable opening up about her inner pain to him. She, at least partially, confides in him with what she's been through when telling others would probably drive people away. She employs a false sense of physical vulnerability so much to other people to keep them interested in her that it's a completely rare thing for her to open up and be genuinely emotionally vulnerable with him. It's a bit of a gamble to her when she's usually 200% deadset on not doing or saying anything weird, because that might make people disturbed with her and leave her alone. But regardless of what happens, Hajime doesn't leave her. And that's special to her, because to her knowledge, that's a first for her.
Of course, Hajime is not a therapist. But the first step towards improvement is trusting someone with your issues and identifying them. Having a shoulder to cry on is not a necessary step, but it’s a step that goes a long way. Then you take the next step, seeking help. And when it comes to that, it's always nice to have someone that holds your hand and leads you the right way. But in the end It's still up to you to walk forward.
Aesthetically, Hinamiki is a pair I’d describe as a “soft-looking” ship. Their height difference is adorable and they’re typically depicted as being very cuddly in fanart. Very Cool and Good. I also love how the purple and pink stands next to the green and white, the colors are noticeably different, but compliment each other in a soft way nonetheless.
I also really love the different dichotomies between the two. They both seek to be recognized, (one out of a desire for the inherent prestige of talent in a talent-obsessed society, the other out of love) both get taken in by a personal devil that promise them what they want, only to coax them into becoming monsters of hope and despair respectively. I love that one is a hyper nervous wreck of a medical genius while another is a tempered, but gentle heart that struggles to remember what a fucking elevator is. And I love how they just get each other. It’s heartwarming to see two people understand the other’s insecurities and how they affect them.
Ultimately, I think a ship that’s all about the respite and quiet intimacy between two who understand and love each other is a nice break from how bombastic and forward Danganronpa usually is, both for how they go through everything, but also for the viewer. You could say that I love Hinamiki for being what danganronpa usually isn’t then lol, just two characters taking their time to care for each other and getting a bit of respite. Because that's love.
Thank u for ur time ❤️
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Give us the list of gifts!! I’m curious to know what they would give,,
You got it chief!
(Sorry this is a tad late, life has been kicking my butt lately-)
• Chiaki- probably a game or something like that. Most likely a multiplayer, and a promise for the two of them to play it together sometime. She might bring his switch or smth if she knows he'll be there a long time and get bored.
• Hajime- his underwear unlike everyone else, a relatively normal gift, like chocolates or something. they're orange flavoured He'd probably also be the one bringing him general stuff, like a change of clothes and all that.
• Nagito- also his underwear honestly, Nagito is one rich hoe so you know whatever he brings is going to be extremely high quality (especially for his beloved symbol of hope!). It's mentioned in UDG that Makoto likes trendy things, so maybe something he knows Makoto's had his eye on for a while now, but couldn't quite afford.
• Peko- honestly, Peko has zero experience in gift-giving, and probably turns to Fuyuhiko for help. Little does she know, he also has no fucking clue-
• Fuyuhiko- the guy has no idea how to give casual gifts. Makoto just wakes up one day and there's a newly crafted authentic sword embellished with the Kuzuryu clan name lying in the corner wrapped in silk, and he's just like... 'thanks... ig-'
• Jokes aside, he'd probably give him a nice watch or suit- guy's gotta look good when he confronts his rivals attends school.
• Nekomaru- hmm. He's a pretty sporty person, so maybe a tracksuit or gym clothes? Or no- maybe a nice planner/to do list to scribble in. (To Makoto's surprise, it's actually very pretty, and even handmade!)
• Akane- we all know the way to Akane's heart, and it's food- she'd probably bring him a lot of snacks and stuff, especially whatever's his favourite (maybe a bit too much... well, it's not like he minds sharing. Although, maybe that was her plan all along...)
• Ibuki- she'd bring along some CDs and music he likes/she thinks he'd like. It's the perfect opportunity to get him to listen to some of her reccomendations! Also, here's a cute idea- she brings her guitar and sings to/with him in his room.
• Mikan- Mikan is most likely the one actually looking after Makoto, but I guess if she'd had to gift something, it might be some cute stationary? (*looks at Mr stapler-*). I feel like she'd want to give something handmade, like cookies, but she's a bit clumsy and wouldn't be able to make it.
• Teruteru- ok teruteru would DEFINITELY give homemade snacks and stuff. He'd for sure insist on making Makoto's meals (in exchange for helping him with uh... changing his bandages-)
• Sonia- she might realise that Makoto is likely to get bored, and leave him some of her favourite reading material (unfortunately for him, said material is occult magazines, the current issue of which is centred upon a haunting at a hospital... he doesn't sleep well that night-)
• Gundham- isn't it sweet to imagine Gundham might actually leave one of his animal friends to keep Makoto company (even moreso if it's one of the Dark Devas- ahhh that level of trust)- or as he'd say, to "keep watch over him".
• Hiyoko- knowing Hiyoko, she'd probably leave a LOT of sweets. Most likely the traditional japanese kind too, though, there's a fair share of gummies and chewy sweets too.
• Mahiru- she has quite an eye for pretty things, so I think she'd leave some rather nice flowers, maybe in resin, like a bookmark or table decoration. Or, maybe she'd leave some polaroids to remind him of how much they all appreciate him.
• Kazuichi- a television. But not the hospital kind, oh no, this one he built specially for his bud. And maybe some other little gadgets here and there. (Also some coconut water, cause, he just likes it man-)
• Twogami- he'd.. probably copy Byakuya tbh *wheeze*
• Ryouta- a copy of a particular anime that he knows Makoto will like/cheer him up (I'm looking at you, *insert your favourite comfort anime series/movie here*)
Class 78
• Byakuya- knowing this guy, he'll buy whatever's expensive- he might even leave some of that pricey coffee because he "cant stand to see Makoto drinking that commoner crap anymore-" (insert that scene from ouran high school host club here-). Although... i cant remember but i think it was mentioned that he likes flowers? He might leave those.
• Kyoko- she actually likes some pretty feminine things, like perfume and cherry blossoms. I can see her leaving one of those really nice pens/journals. Or a set of some nice lotions/stuff like that.
• Aoi- donuts, duh. (She really likes cute stuff too, so maybe some adorable erasers!)
• Sakura- don't let her appearance as a wannabe jojo character fool you! she likes some delicate things. She might leave a rather beautiful charm, as a token of her friendship. Due to her practicality, I can also see her leaving vitamins and health supplements to make sure Makoto recovers quick!
• Yasuhiro- he's pretty superstitious, so alongside some nice scented candles (pine tree and summer berries, to be specific, to match Makoto's 'vibes') to clear the air, he'd leave some good luck charms to keep away any um- 'ill-intentioned spirits'.
• Toko- she definitely likes receiving very girly gifts, but I don't know if she'd feel very secure about giving them? Maybe she'd give him a signed copy of one of her books- maybe even a personal one she wasn't really planning on publishing...
• Genocide Jill (or however you call her idk)- JILL PUT DOWN THE SCISSORS- JILL- N O-
• she gave him a coupon for a haircut. That's... considerate (he'll let his hair grow to his feet before he lets her scissors anywhere near his neck-)
• Hifumi- 'please,,, please let this be a normal, completely safe for work piece of storytelling', Makoto thinks, as he opens the doujinshi, already perturbed by the... *ahem* somewhat suggestive cover.
(It is not safe for work)
• Celeste- a rather aesthetic pair of red and black glittery dice, and playing cards. (He finds that the dice are loaded and the cards are slightly uneven). I also like to think she might leave him some high quality tea and a set- (as a tea lover myself I'd definitely appreciate that as a gift hehe)
• Chihiro- they also like cute things! They'd definitely leave a totally adorable set of charms or something (I'm thinking of those ones that you'd hang from your phone), or pretty flower stickers for a laptop. Maybe a handmade gift too!
• Kiyotaka- he's that guy who brings the homework most likely something practical, like a scarf or coasters, y'know, that kind of stuff?
• Mondo- an entire motorcycle maybe- maybe just a leather jacket for now...
• Sayaka- he likes pop music, and I'd imagine he likes hers too (maybe not as much as his sister tho adjajsaisb-). She'd give him an album of covers she'd made, since she knows he likes her voice- all his favourite songs.
• Leon- a signed baseball. Makoto's the only one he's confided in about wanting to go back to baseball about, so he gives him a signed one as a token of appreciation.
• Mukuro- a confession letter. Mukuro has no idea what to give. Her love language is bullets and weapons and oh wait a minute.
• "Is... is this an actual gun-?"
• Junko- chocolates. Yup. That's it. They're just chocolates. Promise. 100% dairy-filled, ethically produced, got-em-on-sale chocolates.
• (And they may or may not be lined with Carolina reaper pepper extract-)
• Izuru- literally all of these but handmade and 200 times better because he's an actual god-
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