#cᴀɴ i ɢᴏ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇᴅ ɴᴏᴡ? (qᴜᴇᴜᴇ)
dxfiedfxte · 1 year
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Random Dialogue Sentence Meme || No Longer Accepting
@chibitantei sent: “How can you stand this place?”
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Now this was a place he never imagined he'd be staring at again, never in a million years did he think he would find himself back here in the Yamanashi Prefecture, a part of Japan that was home to one of the most haunted outdoor locations -- a location that he was all too familiar with. Aokigahara Forest, otherwise known as the Suicide Forest, it was a dark location that was full of Paranormal Activity as well as unexplainable phenomena. Minato was originally here to do an interview on his experience inside there for a local magazine company that talked about things involving the Paranormal. The interview lasted just over an hour before he finished.
Minato was about to leave, when he received a call, checking his phone he saw it had been none other than Naoto who heard Minato was nearby. Apparently, there was a little girl who went chasing after her red ball that had bounced into the forest, this little girl hadn't been seen in about twenty-four hours, and because it was the forest that she had gone into, many others were skeptical on going in there to search besides a few local police officers who never came back out. Someone had apparently contacted her in hopes she would be able to find the girl, because of Minato's experience navigating the forest, she was asking for his assistance in going in the forest with her trusting that he knew the correct paths, and he did.
Understanding the dire situation, Minato agreed and postponed the next thing he had planned, a podcast appearance in Hokkaido, and they didn't mind once he had relayed to them what his reason was for postponing. With everything taken care of, Minato went to meet up with the detective at the entrance of the forest. With a wave, he approached her.
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[{ 🦋 }} - "Hey Shirogane, been a while, a shame we're not meeting under better circumstances, but I came as soon as I got your call."
Minato planned to return here one day to investigate again, as for right now, he'd put his main focus on trying to locate this girl, even with his familiarity with this dark and dreary place, finding the girl wouldn't be an easy task, but with the two of them working together, he had a feeling they'd be able to find her and bring her back safe.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "So, we're looking for thirteen-year-old Haruka Seiko right?, went reported missing yesterday around five-forty-seven pm." He read the report just to confirm, once that she confirmed it with him, he nodded.
[{ 🦋 }] - "Okay, one thing you should know about the forest, is that it has a very unnatural and eerie atmosphere. With its dark history, we're bound to encounter some of the spirits inhabiting this forest, and they will try and confuse us, and throw us off our path, so if you think we're going around in a circle, we'll need to stop an asses our directions, anyway, are you ready?"
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dxfiedfxte-a · 2 years
Ibuki puts down her newspaper with eyeholes cut into it.
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"You having fangirl problems too?"
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Cautiously, he exits some shrubs between two buildings, looking both ways to check and make sure the area around this vicinity was clear of any sign of Minato fangirls, and thankfully, much his gratitude, he was able to confirm that the coast was clear, and what a relief that was. The blueberry fool did not expect the fangirls to start the hunt so early, November wasn’t far, but it was still October, they were getting more and more clever, he’d have to make sure that he was fully prepared when November would actually come around.
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Letting out a relieved sigh, the Paranormal Investigator fully emerged from the safety of the shrub bushes, he relaxes himself and joins the ultimate musician at her side. Minato had though he’d been the only one who had to deal with crazy over obsessive fans, although, he probably shouldn’t have been too surprised, Ibuki was a famous musician after all, even formerly in a band that she had left to pursue her own endeavors, which was an understandable cause, so Mioda having an eccentric fanbase of her own, was something he probably should have expected, especially given her popularity -- fame didn’t stop shining it’s spotlight on her, even after the band, and her hiding here, was proof of that. 
With his natural demeaner of being calm and cool returned, he stuffed his hands into his side skinny jean pocket, he exhaled again one final sigh, he was in the clear for the moment, but the question was -- for how long exactly?
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[{ 🦋 }] - “Yeah, every November, the fangirls go on this weird hunt just to try and find me. I love my fans, but I swear, sometimes, they can be worse than paparazzi’s..” 
He didn’t like to admit it, but there were some moments, where they took their love and admiration for him a bit too far, he had plenty of past fan interactions that would become awkward -- some memories, were so awkward, that he’d just decide to completely wipe them from his memory of them.
[{ 🦋 }] - “It’s like they’re a horde of zombies starved for flesh, only they don’t wanna bite me.. at least, not like a zombie does..”
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dxfiedfxte · 1 year
☎️ :3
Phone Contact Info Meme || No longer accepting
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What My Muse Has For Your Muse's Contact Info: Contact name: Vivi-Vivs👻💙❤️
What Their Ringtone Is: Spooky Action at a Spooky Distance - Family Men
The Last Text They Sent Your Muse: txt to Vivi-Vivs👻💙❤️: Hey babe, hope you're having a great night. So I've been thinking, It's been a while since we did an investigation together? If you're free this Saturday, how about we do that? Camera's off, no crew. Just you, me, and the spirits. Give me a call later. I love you Vivs, ttyl 💙 || :Sent at 3:53 am: ||
What Image My Muse Has For Your Muse In Their Phone:
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dxfiedfxte · 1 year
☎️ (Liz please : ) )
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Phone Contact Info Meme || Still Accepting (5 Hours left)
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What My Muse Has For Your Muse's Contact Info: Contact name: Elizabeth📖🌙❤️
What Their Ringtone Is:
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - By Ra
The Last Text They Sent Your Muse:
txt to: Elizabeth📖🌙❤️: Wow, last night was fun. Since we stayed in this time, on my next weekend off, let's go out. I know a great place that has a perfect, mixed menu of Western and Japanese food. And when we finish eating, we can relax in a hot spring under the night sky? If that sounds good, then I'll send you a follow-up text within the week with a date I'm free. I'm really looking forward to spending time with you again Lizzie//❤️
What Image My Muse Has For Your Muse In Their Phone:
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dxfiedfxte · 2 years
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Unprompted Asks || Always Accepting
@mysticallities sent: "'There will be a next time,'" Liber casually echoes the words said to her from him, a bygone interaction, endly swiftly and restarted equally as fast. The Arbitrator stands behind him, magical energy strong enough to render those nearby on their knees by the power. "I suppose now would be a good time to get to know each other, am I wrong?" She asks, still... throwing that magical energy around like it was nothing.
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Ever since the encounter with Liber, Minato knew she would show up again without warning just like she did during his time with Ayumi spent that day, what exactly was her problem? Did she have some sort of issue with letting people get close to Ayumi? Or was she just the type of person who enjoyed shaking things up and causing trouble? Whatever the case, Minato was not a fan of her, and it wasn't just from the extremely poor first impression she had given him upon her sudden appearance.
About a week after the encounter, this next week, would be his final one in the city, he still had other locations to investigate, and even though the special documentary on Heavenly Host was finished and now he just had to edit out all the dead silence, and cut out any retakes they had to do for moments where it took a few takes to explain, and with how traumatic the experience was for her, Minato may never have experienced it himself, but from how many times they had to retake, it showed him just how much of a toll it took on her mentally, he could feel the emotions clear in her tone as she mustered up the courage to talk about it, he could see how hard to was for her to even speak about it.
To top it all off, Minato wasn't planning to take any of the royalties earned from the documentary and instead would put it all together for a charity he was creating specifically meant to help the mental health of all the survivors of Heavenly Host, and that's what he was on his way to do now, the papers were already done, he just needed to get it signed from the charity board of this city and then it would be official, but before he could do that, a magical presence appeared behind him, the energy seemed to affect gravity itself as it tried to push him down to his knee's, but to counter it, his Persona Thanatos gave him a burst of his energy allowing him to withstand the pressure, and keep him up on his feet.
Clearly not happy with the sudden appearance, Minato turns to face her, and just like he thought, it was her again, the woman that called herself Liber.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Yeah, well it's kind of hard to do that when you show up flaunting your power like this. Not really the best way to say you come in peace."
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dxfiedfxte · 11 months
🍋 - Does your muse complain about things to you? If so, what?
🍒 - How many friends do you have on here?
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Munday Symbol Questions || Accepting for 10 hours ||
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🍋 - Does your muse complain about things to you? If so, what?
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Oh yeah, Minato complains to me about a lot of things to me. Sometimes he talks to me about he about food, especially if I'm cooking, he'll always say "Hey, Chase, you should add this to your recipe"
And some of the things he tells me are weird so I think he just says those to troll me lol. Other times, he'll critique the horror movies I watch, always putting in his two cents when he sees an opportunity. He can be a bit of a dork with horror and food sometimes, but I love that about the guy
The number one thing he complains to me about a lot tho, is my poor consistency with being active sometimes. He's always going on about how I need to be here to progress things, especially all the bonds he's forming with people in his life.
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🍒 - How many friends do you have on here?
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Oh man. Well, honestly. If we've chatted ooc at least twice or three times I already consider you an rp friend. To answer the question tho, it's hard to give an exact number. I know a lot of people, since I been on this platform for quite a few years now.
There are definitely some people that talk to me regularly. Reaching out to chat sometimes is tough for people. Either because or a busy life schedule or other irl stuff. Which is totally cool, but there are definitely people I'd like to talk to a lot more. Namely my shipping partners.
I'm not in regular contact with as much of my shipping partners as much as I'd like to be.
So I'd really love to try and talk to people more. It's just hard because I'm busy myself, plus I tend to disassociate when things on my end become too much. So if people can get past that, I'm always up to talk.
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dxfiedfxte · 1 year
Thread move to new editor || Continued from here: X || @shootingxstardust
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🌙 - Noctis Morte
Marion had destroyed the equipment without much thought in it. She was so focused in keeping the guise of being evil and spooky that she didn’t even stop to think “Hey maybe this device is actually expensive, and these three had to spend their hard earned money on it.” She continued to gaze at the three, mainly studying them, but there was one thing she couldn’t ignore right now. Zero’s fear. It was delicious. Noctis Morte wasn’t necessarily a malicious  being, but being a nightmare goddess, she was bound to freak a few people out, and if she could feed off their negative energy, that was merely a bonus.
The fear she fed off of Zero, just caused her eyes to shine even brighter in the dark room, though she did notice that besides the one person that seemed to be a scaredy cat, the other two didn’t seem overly frightened.  The oldest one seemed to be inconvenienced by the fact that Zero dropped the camera, and the other seemed quizzical and was just talking. That was strange.
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Her gaze softened and she simply shrugged. She could have used nightmares to really scare these three, but they also hadn’t done anything to warrant that. Not yet. “Aren’t you going to leave now Arisato san? Your friend seems scared.”  Morte questioned, not really answering Minato’s question about her wanting to show herself.
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Zero stepped back, his fear still very much heightened, whole two older men continued to study and analyze her as if they were trying to debunk this entire thing as nonsense. The trio had done this a lot, they basically lived and breathed this career every single day of their lives, and with that knowledge and experience, everything just wasn't hitting the mark that would normally mean there was Paranormal Activity, nothing was adding up. Unfortunately, with Zero being the youngest of the group, despite also having this knowledge, the young man had completely forgotten it all just by this one encounter, clearly Zero still had some things to learn about this job, but for now, the two would leave him be.
Minato looked down at the camera and wasn't too pleased to see it in pieces, but instead of getting mad, Minato just remained calm like he usually did in most situations. It wasn't going to be fun trying to find this exact same model of the camera again, the only positive thing about this entire moment, the day before, Minato had taken the film from that camera, so there could at least take solace in the fact that they didn't need to worry about losing yesterdays footage of their previous investigation, this would have been a lot worse if Minato had decided to do it the next day like he originally planned to, so at least there was that.
Remaining silent, Minato and Takashi turn their heads to look at each other giving each other puzzled expressions as Zero cowards in the corner, Zero would probably need a break after this, the poor young man was traumatized. Minato and Takashi could handle some investigations alone, besides, if they ever needed help, Minato could contact one of his friends in the Paranormal community and appear as a guest co-investigator, which was something they would sometimes do.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "....Takashi. You thinking what I'm thinking?" Asks the bluenette Paranormal Investigator. After carefully studying and observing the situation in front of them, it appeared that Minato had finally come to a conclusion, and he was sure that Takashi was on the exact same page.
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[{ 👻 }] - "You know I am Minato." The older man simply responds. It was time to end this little game, it was pretty sad that Zero couldn't put two and two together, he honestly expected better from Zero, though he was still young, still a bit naive, so he'd let it slide this once.
Giving a nod in return, the fool turns to face the figure before the trio. Casually, Minato took a few steps toward her with Takashi following behind him, both not even showing a sliver of fear. This charade was pretty much a waste of time now that he thought about it -- he made a mental note to erase the footage recorded here today later when they were back at their hotels, there was no need for something that clearly wasn't Paranormal, they had a reputation to keep after all, and showing fake footage would essentially be career suicide, and the trio loved this job too much to let that happen -- Minato especially since he had put his life's work into building up the reputation and credibility the had spent years creating.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Takashi, can you go turn on the lights, we don't need them off anymore." To that, Takashi nods and flicks on the lights in the building, the light snapping Zero out of his fear as he realized that the investigation was over.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Alright Noctis, you can stop pretending to be a ghost now, charade's over."
Hearing his lead investigator say that immediately brought a look of utter confusion on Zero's face, he was floored by the revelation. So Noctis, wasn't a ghost? This didn't make sense.
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[{ 👻 }] - "....Wait, what?" Zero comments, the confusion on his face only increasing the more he tries to process what exactly had just happened.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "....I think you need to put your training wheels back on Zero...."
0 notes
dxfiedfxte · 1 year
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Random Dialogue Starters || No Longer Accepting
@epitomees: “You gonna eat that?” (From Chie)
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It had been a little while since Minato had last visited the quiet town of Yasoinaba, about a year or two to be exact, his last visit was when he stopped by to drop off gifts for Yu Narukami and his group of friends for Christmas, even then it was a quick visit, only this time, Minato actually had free time upon his arrival here. Currently, he was on a bit of vacation as he and his co-investigators had just recently wrapped up their final episode for this season of his show, Minato had two months of freedom before they would start figuring out new locations to explore for the next season, the first process in preparing for another successful season, this one, in particular, being his sixth season.
The paranormal investigator had been a couple train stops over after finishing the only thing he had to do one day before his vacation started, there was a radio station that had asked him to be a guest on their show for about two hours, it was different from a podcast but similar in a way, so it had been an interesting and fun experience. Upon realizing he was near Inaba, he just had to visit, besides, it had also been a while since he last got to enjoy the food from Aiya, and this was as good an excuse as ever to do just that.
It was an early afternoon, after arriving at the restaurant, there was about a twenty-five-minute wait before his food finally arrived. The moment he got his food, he began to dig in. Minato had ordered twelve extra large beef bowls. The bluenette had been sitting there for about fifteen minutes now. Instead of eating his food all at once like he normally did, because of how busy it was here, he wanted to savor it, with how many people were here, if he were to make another order, it would be a bit of a longer wait. He didn't want to overwhelm them, especially with how large his orders usually were.
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He had only finished about four of his twelve bowls when he heard a familiar voice ask him a question, it wasn't that hard to recognize who exactly it was as the question itself was a dead giveaway. Turning his head to the right, he saw Chie Satonaka, one of Narkami's friends whom he had gifted. Running into her here wasn't too surprising considering how much she loved food, meat dishes especially. True to her nature, she posed the question instead of a typical greeting. Anyone else would probably be offended and would take that as rude, but Minato didn't mind it, he knew how Chie was from knowing her, so this was pretty normal coming from the young woman.
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[{ 🦋 }] - "Oh, hey Satonaka! It's been a little while."
Assuming she had just ordered, he took a moment to take a look at the line from his seat and there were people as far as the eye could so if she ordered, the wait time for her order was more than likely a very long one, so while he did have plans to eat his other bowls, he opted to share. Besides, lunch was better with the company anyway.
[{ 🦋 }] - "I was, but since your order is probably gonna take a while, you're welcome to join me, I don't mind sharing, go ahead and help yourself."
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dxfiedfxte · 1 year
Barring a haunted location or a restaurant, where does Minato like to relax and spend his free time? Does he have a favorite area of Tokyo that he likes to explore, or does he prefer to get out of town? What does he like to do when he's not working or eating?
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Unprompted Asks || Always Accepting
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When it comes to things that don't involve work or sampling food at various different restaurants, there is indeed a small list of a few things that Minato likes to do in his free time that don't involve anything paranormal or his insatiable appetite:
Video game arcades. When Minato was a teenager, he would often hit the arcade with his best friend Junpei and some of his other school friends, Kazuchi and Kenji. Even after all these years, Minato was still a gamer at heart, so whenever he had free time, video game arcades would be one of the places he would spend his time at. Unfortunately, these days, it's a bit of a problem when he tries to go to them. Being a well-known celebrity, Minato was often recognized in public, which in return he would be signing autographs, and posing for pictures for his fans. While he didn't mind, it was at least bit of an inconvenience since his goal is to enjoy his free time, but Minato is just too kind to say no to his supportive fans. To combat this though, he tries to go around an hour or two before closing, at least around those times, there wasn't much of a crowd on those later hours.
Shopping for cursed objects. Minato has always had a strong love for the things related to the paranormal, so on days off, if he's not craving a certain place to eat at, he's looking around online for objects that are cursed or have a dark energy to them for the sole purpose of collecting them. One day, Minato hopes to own his own museum full of paranormal objects, just like his mentors, the Warrens, the worlds most infamous couple of paranormal investigators did. At his home, he currently owns about ten cursed objects, all of them kept behind the protective barrier of charms to prevent some of the more worse objects from affecting him. Most of his small handful of collectables had the possibility of either luring in malevolent forces into his home, or causing a string of horrific nightmares.
There is one place Minato does like to go in Tokyo on days where he just wants a moment of peace to himself, and that location is the Tokyo Skytree. One of the most prominent locations to visit whenever in Tokyo. It offered a truly extravagant view of the whole city, it was especially beautiful to see at night, Tokyo was a place at night, and all the lights looked like little stars down below, there's even a program for Yoga on one of the higher floors, and Yoga paired with a breathtaking view, was a very good combo.
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dxfiedfxte · 2 years
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Tag dump final part Just ignore Also enjoy Minato eating WAY too many burgers But yeah ignore
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dxfiedfxte-a · 2 years
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Fall/Autumn starters. || Still Accepting
@bluescarfvivi​ sent:  🔥 - Our muses hang out by the bonfire
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It was the first day of October on a perfect fall day, and with cold weather, came the perfect time for a backyard bonfire, and who better to enjoy it with, than his girlfriend, fellow paranormal investigator Vivi Kimoto who was the leader of her own group Mystery Skull Investigation Team, or MSI for short. This was their second October together, which meant that it would also the second Halloween since they’d been together. Despite their respective companies keeping them busy, the couple had managed to work through their busy schedules, and October was always a busy month in the realm of the Paranormal, so he wanted to enjoy as much time as he could with her before the month’s work would begin to pick up for the both of them.
Earlier, Minato had texted her inviting her over to join him for the bonfire, whenever she’d respond, he let her to know that he’ll send a follow up text when he’s ready for her to head over. With the texts sent, the fool got in his car and went shopping to stock up on items for the planned bonfire. In total, he spent about three hours shopping for items as well as getting some general groceries on the side, he was already out, so he figured he may as well kill two birds with one stone and take care of all of his shopping at the same time, it would save him the trouble of doing shopping later in the week, giving him more time to relax and prepare for another busy October.
When evening came around, Minato got home just as the sun began to set good timing. Taking a few minutes to put away all his other groceries away that weren’t related to tonight’s event. Now that the groceries were put away, Minato started to set up the bonfire. Unlocking his storage basement, Minato went downstairs to carefully pick up his firepit, lugging it upstairs and bringing it outside. Setting it down in the yard just past the walkway on some gravel, he opens the cage and returns downstairs to grab a bag of fire wood bringing it up and outside to his yard to begin loading up the pit with a couple pieces of fire wood to start it off, before putting in some newspaper and igniting it with a barbeque lighter. 
Grey eyes watch the flame begin to travel up the piece of paper and all the way towards the wood sparking the logs as the bonfire officially began, the crackle of wood beginning to burn, and the smell of burning logs began to permeate the yard, all that was left now, was to set up chairs, taking a couple minutes to do that, he brings out the bag of marshmallows along with the pokers to hold them. Just as he came out with the marshmallows, Minato was greeted by the sound of his backyard gate opening, she was here.
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Turning his head to face her, he rises up from his seat and walks over greet her. [{ 🦋 }] - “Hey Viv-Viv! Glad you could make it.”
Minato goes in for a hug, planting a kiss on her lips welcoming her to the bonfire, their first one of the season. Taking her hand gently in his own, he leads her to the bonfire so they could sit down close beside each other.
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[{ 🦋 }] - “I invited some of the others, they said they’d be here a little later, so it’s just you and me for now. So, how about we start roasting some stuff? I got marshmallows and mini-sausages to start us off, a bunch of s’mores kits too. There’s plenty, so feel free to help yourself babe~”
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dxfiedfxte-a · 3 years
Continued Thread:
♕ - Sonia || @more-than-a-princess​
Suddenly, the space began to feel very small. Despite it being built for at least four riders, if not six, the fragments of Minato’s tumultuous past more than easily filled it. Sonia breathed deeply: comfort and guidance were the skills of a princess but here, in Cape May with his hand in hers, Sonia didn’t feel regal at all. She didn’t quite feel like a friend either, with how close they sat and how easily he’d taken her hand in his and she’d interlaced their fingers, keeping him there. Keeping him steady. She wasn’t sure what it was she felt, beyond a great care to say and do only the most suitable things, the right things, at the moment.
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“Minato-san, I…” Sonia began before trailing off. If it had been a memorial she was attending on behalf of the Royal Family, she would’ve thanked those left behind for the service of their loved one. That she was sorry for their loss and that those who had died had been an asset to Novoselic. But none of that seemed appropriate now: not for Minato, who was still hurting. Still so haunted by ghosts, far removed, Sonia thought, from the ones he contacted as part of his career. “That’s horrible, what happened to your parents. It is no wonder why you haven’t been to a place like this since.”
“But,” She continued, her hand squeezing his a little bit tighter. For his reassurance that she was still there. For her own, that she had the courage to be frank and honest with him. “Please don’t blame yourself, ever. For what happened. For still being here. I don’t believe your parents, people who loved you until the very end, would wish for you to suffer the same fate. Even if they are no longer here, you aren’t alone in the world. You have your friends, you have your career, you have-”
She stopped herself then. The phrase didn’t make sense: she’d almost said “you have me” but she fit into the first point. Didn’t she? Sonia shivered some: the breeze from being that high in the air, even in summer, made her sundress rather inadequate for the evening. At least where keeping warm was concerned. At least, that’s what the blonde would attribute it to: a change in weather. Not mood. Not anything else. She was here to listen and to comfort him, nothing more.
His worries of the mood change easily faded, Sonia didn’t seem to mind it, he honestly was glad, and very relieved. The last thing he wanted to do, was spoil all the fun they had today, even in this moment, despite the painful memories, he was still enjoying his time here with her. If Sonia wasn’t here holding his hand like this, he probably wouldn’t have been able to keep his cool as well as he was managing to do right now. Minato, always had a track record for nothing being able to phase him, but right now, Sonia was witnessing a side of Minato that no one has ever seen, at least not in recent years. Minato had been carrying this pain, this trauma hidden for so long, three whole years to be exact, which was the entire extent of his Paranormal Career, but was still growing with his new season starting later in the months to come.
Always so fearless, so stoic and cool, but right now, he was being so vulnerable, but Sonia gracing him with her presence, comfort and support, but not just that, he was just happy to have Sonia here next to him when he truly needed someone, even revisiting painful trauma’s could be difficult, but Sonia’s being here right beside him, seemed to make all that pain go away completely. Silence, but he listens to her closely as she begins to speak, sounding understandingly shocked, he’d never told her about his parents traumatic passing, until now. The one reason he never came to amusement parks much anymore, because the boardwalk amusement park was one of the major attractions of Cape May, something that at first had him a bit hesitant on coming here for the investigation. Ultimately, his career and curiosity of the many locations and spirits had won over his hesitance and thus he agreed.
It had taken a long time for him to finally open up to her, which was a common issue he had even when he was in high school. Minato always had problems opening up to others, especially when someone got close to him. It usually took him a bit to calm himself when mentioning his parents, but Sonia’s presence, was doing a lot more for him that he thought, this pain, wasn’t so overbearing with her holding his hand, giving him soft gentle words of reaffirmation that he never thought he’d needed to hear more than now, especially from Sonia, the one person whom he’d spent so much time getting to know over the past months, she had been right by his side all this time, the gentle squeezing of his hand, clearly reminding him about that.
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You aren’t alone in the world
She was right, he had so many wonderful people still in his life, when looking back on hard times, sometimes he got so lost in his thought, it was almost like he’d become trapped there, stuck in that memory inside of his head, replaying on a continuous cycle not letting him push it out of his mind.
Until she comforted him
Sonia, really was someone truly special.
No one else could make him feel better like she could.
It took a while, but he finally knew, just how much she meant to him.
Her gentle touch and reassurance, was all he needed to help pull him through these horrible memories. He had no regrets finally telling her about them. He was already expecting some kind of supportive response, and she had done that, plus more. She showed him just how much she really cared about him, a warmth he had recalled feeling before a few other moments they were together, before this trip. It all finally made sense to him, now he could see it, Takashi and Zero were always telling him that, ever since he’d met Sonia, he seemed happier than he usually was, and it showed with how extra outgoing he had been, it started exactly after him and Sonia started spending time together.
[{ 🦋 }] - “...You’re right... I’m not alone in this world, I never was..”
[{ 🦋 }] - “Thanks Sonia..” A smile returns to his lips.
He was feeling better, so much better now. His dark expression fades, once again brightening, as if the moment never even happened, but it did, it had been a meaningful one, it helped him realize just how he really felt about Sonia, he only hoped she felt the same, his life, had gotten so much brighter ever since he met her, and he wanted to go through life, with Sonia by his side, but this time, on a more personal level, she was so much more than a friend to him.
His head raises up, and he turns to face her, grey eyes looking deeply into her blues. He’d be just fine without his parents, and he’d be fine while his friends were busy, he had Sonia here with him. Lost in the moment, he wanted to take this chance to show how he truly felt, the moment, just felt appropriate, it was like he could feel it in the air around them. She had just displayed how much she cared about him, gave him the push he needed,  she said the words he needed to hear all along, and he was feeling really good, great even. Now was his best chance. He could already hear Takashi’s words to him that day they met for coffee a week before the trip.
“Your heart can’t speak Minato, you have to speak for it. so do it.”
Putting his other hand over top of hers, his expression is serious, but there’s a gentle glimmer in his eyes, he could feel it, his heart talking just by the way it pounded against his chest as the realization of his feelings hit him like a brick wall, and now, it was time to finally say it all out loud. The words he had waited for so long to say to her, if only she knew how long he had waited to find the courage to say this all to her, well, better late, than ever.
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[{ 🦋 }] - “Hey uh, Sonia-San... there’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you.”
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dxfiedfxte-a · 2 years
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Since I missed April 1st because of work
Consider this an April Fools call Give this a like if you want you’re muse to be pranked by a blueberry boi Capping at 8 because I still have drafts a LOT of drafts to do
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dxfiedfxte-a · 2 years
@hxpelessnurse || Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair AU Call
Ever since he had been fortunate enough to be included in the selection of talents that would be attending Hope’s Peak Academy, he had actually been looking forward to his future, he had heard lots of great things about the school, the fact that everyone who graduated from there became very successful individuals, was enough to motivate him to give it his best shot, ever since that tragic day where he lost his parents, nothing in life seemed bright anymore. There were goals and aspirations, but little to no motivation or inspiration, life had color, but it was very dim, it was like he lost the joy of doing pretty much anything. He was living, but he wasn’t alive, that was how he felt, it wasn’t a great feeling, but it had been one that he’d been used too for so long, maybe after Hope’s Peak, he’d have his eyes fully set on the future, that was what he thought anyway. One moment, he was sitting at his desk meeting their teacher, who for some reason, was a magical-talking-stuffed-rabbit,(Which already told him something was off) and the next moment, he was on some tropical island with everyone else who was supposed to be in his class.
How did Monami just expect everyone to willingly go along with the idea of living with each other on some uncharted island in the middle of nowhere? It wouldn’t be that simple, especially since there were a few people here who seemed like they preferred to keep their distance from everyone, something Minato could relate to, but unlike those people, at least he was actually trying to socialize, despite how difficult it could be, there wasn’t really any choice but to, it would be kind of tough to get along with everyone and peacefully coexist if not one even bothered to talk to each other, he was stuck with these people for probably the rest of his life, so he may as well attempt to be social, even if he wasn’t used to it.
After spending most of the beginning of the day walking around the island to get used to the place he’d be living in for who knows when, Minato was surprised to see that this place had quite a lot to offer for a mere island. Aside from the beach they all awoke on, they were each given their own individual cottage to stay in located near the hotel, there was also restaurant right by them, and outside the gate to their living quarters, within walking distance, was an airport, a ranch, an even a grocery store called the Rocketpunch Mart, while at the airport, Minato had realized they were on Jabberwock Island, inside its hotel, was an old infirmary, one that was rumored to be very haunted, and being the Ultimate Paranormal Investigator, there was no way he wouldn’t check it out.
Inside of the aforementioned room, Minato was investigating, using and EMF Detector too see if he could pick up any unnatural spikes in the electro magnetic field, he’d been here for twenty minutes already, and sadly, picked up nothing. Moments later, he heard the sound of the door open with a creak, it was the Ultimate Nurse, Mikan Tsumiki, considering her talent, he should have expected her to check this place out. He greets her with a casual wave.
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[{ 🦋 }] - “Oh, hey Tsumiki-San. Did you come to check out if the rumors about the ghost in this room were true too?” 
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dxfiedfxte-a · 3 years
@siilkyhearts​ (Chiaki) || Pre-Plotted
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This was all so weird, he thought this was going to be a brand new school year, at least that was what it seemed, only for this pink bear to appear claiming to be their teacher suddenly, the walls dropped and she took them to a place known as Jabberwock Island, and told them they’d be staying there from now on and they’d have to get to know each other in the name of hope? Just what kind of school year was this? Did this even count as school if there was no class? Nothing made sense anymore. Much to his dismay, Minato and the others were pretty much stuck here, as far as he knew, there was no way to get back to Hope’s Peak from here, so he like everyone else here with him, he didn’t really have a choice. While it seemed unnecessary at first, at least it was a relatively peaceful island with a simple task. 
They just had to get to know each other and become friends, though that did sound like an awful or of work, he never really planned on making friends, socializing was rather tough for him, Minato wasn’t the best at it, mostly due to his life, losing his family at a young age and being passed along to relative’s who pretended to care for a bit, before passing him onto the next person, and vice versa. Life, didn’t really seem all that bright to him, all he really had left, was the Paranormal, that was all he had to cling onto after his parents tragic deaths. But that day he managed to contact his parents, had been the same day he knew what he wanted to do in life, become a Paranormal Investigator, something that came naturally to him. It didn’t take him long to learn about different types of ghost hunting equipment, soon after, he knew everything to do with video editing and picture capturing, as well as various other skillsets in that area of expertise.
It seemed everyone else here had talents of some kind, and there were as assortment of different talents that he’d seen from everyone, people from all walks of life with their own unique skills, it was interesting to say the least. While he wasn’t too great talking, he’d at least try, that’s what he was supposed to do right? It was a drag, but pretty much the whole reason they were all here. After being given their keys to their cottages, everyone scattered. Probably to look around and see just exactly where they’d be presumable spending the rest of their lives here, which was still something he still didn’t truly understand, but if they were being forced to make friends, the least he could do was try. 
Exiting his cottage, Minato out of boredom, decides to see if there were any spirits here. Pulling out his EMF Detector, he powered it on, and it began to beep, the bluenette completely focused on his investigation attempt, he passes by the poolside, his eyes fixed on the device in his hands, following the direction of each spike he picked up in the meter, when suddenly.
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He isn’t looking where he’s going and someone who also wasn’t paying attention, crashed into his chest, the sudden collision pushing Minato’s duffel bag down, out spills some of his things. A bag of rice cakes along with several other tasty snacks, along with his PSP and a bunch of his games fell out onto the tiled floor next to the pool. That was close, he was grateful none of his things fell into the water, quickly picking up his stuff and bagging them, he stands back up to his feet and turns to the girl whom he had accidentally bumped into.
[{ 🦋 }] - “Sorry about that. I wasn’t looking where I was going.” With the apology, he bows and turns his back to check his bag to make sure he had regathered everything that had fallen out. The moment he realizes his PSP is missing, at that same moment, he feels a light poke on his back causing him to turn back to face her with a hum. The first thing he sees, is that same girl handing him back his PSP, she had a excitable look on her face as she was returning his portable console to him.
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[{ 🦋 }] - “Hm? Oh! My PSP! Thanks. I was starting to think it fell in the water.”
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dxfiedfxte-a · 3 years
@mysticallities​​ (Ayumi Shinozaki) Pre-Plotted Thread
It had been a couple months since he had been contacted by Aiko Niwa. Immediately after their meeting she had inquired about a cursed doll Minato had bought to slowly build up his collection of items for a future business venture he was putting together behind the scenes. He told no one about the doll besides his two friends and co-investigators so he immediately wondered how she got this information. Over the times she had met up with him, she was always asking about other items he was secretly collecting. To her, she probably thought her tricks were working on him, when really he had just been playing along this whole time. On their few meetings, it didn’t take much for Minato to see the game she was trying to play.
He could tell she was just putting on an act, she was just like the others, only thinking the money and profits she can gain, he didn’t think she cared about clients at all. She did a good job at pretending to be kind, but because he had met others like her, he was easy to see through her deception. Associating with her would just be a waste of time and would also be very bad for his reputation should anyone find out. Despite everything else, there was one good thing that came from meeting with Aiko a few times. She had told him about the Heavenly Host incident and even managed to tell him about the whereabouts of one of the sole survivors from Heavenly Host. This Paranormal case Minato had previously been heavily interested in. It was one of the rare Paranormal cases where the spirits actually killed the living instead of just possessing them.
Never had he heard of a case where ghosts were capable of murdering the living, but maybe that was all a part of the place, he only knew a bit about it from what Aiko had said and the very few things he had learned himself. Not long after that, Minato disassociated himself with her. He didn’t like these kinds of people, the ones who care more about profit than actually caring about others. 
No longer meeting up with Aiko, Minato set out on his own to find the survivor Ayumi Shinozaki. The Heavenly Host case would be a great way to spread awareness about the dangers of the occult, he was hoping he could put out a small documentary about her experiences there to help express the many risks when diving into the occult. Most people these days seemed to take it for granted, so this was a perfect time to do spread awareness. Minato managed to get in touch with her via email and she sounded like she was willing to speak.
He suggested they meet at a local café to discuss everything and so they have a proper meeting before anything. She seemed to agree and the time and date was set. Like always, Minato arrived first and sat down at a table waiting for her. He ordered a coffee and played on his phone until the sound of approaching footsteps caught his attention. Stuffing his phone in his pocket, he greeted her with a friendly smile as he watched her take her seat.
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[{ 🦋 }] - “I really appreciate you taking the time to meet me. I’m Arisato, Minato Arisato. It’s truly a pleasure to meet you. And thank you for taking the time to meet with me here today.”
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