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Emmie by fiore wardrobe Via Flickr: CF
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FFxivWrite2019 -- Prompt #6: First Steps
Memories for the Future: Chapter Six
To my children,
The days that I can spend with you all are my favorite ones.
I’m lucky that our lives are in a comfortable position, enough of one and most of the time anyway, that I can be with you as much as possible. Even when that means bringing you with me to the inn because work gets in the way. The luxury that we can do such a thing…
We are all very, very fortunate my loves, and I hope that being surrounded with your family helps you grow to be happy.
I lost that opportunity with you my eldest girls, I missed out on so many of the milestones in your lives as you grew up. I saw you, of course, but I will admit and I am sure you remember it was not often and the visits were not as warm as they could have been. I regret this, so much my wonderful girls, but I’m trying to make up for that being here for you now.
I promise to both of you that I will never leave you again.
“Honey, you don’t need to get on the floor too.” The Midlander laughed even as he helped his wife move from her position seated on the couch at his side and down to the floor in front of him.
The Keeper, head turned to make a face at him, didn’t bother to listen as she lowered onto the floor to ease herself comfortably on her knees. One hand holding onto her husband’s arm for support while the other hand lowered to settle over the swelling in her abdomen that had started to become more pronounced. She wasn’t so big yet that she couldn’t get onto the floor despite the hyur’s chiding. Some things were worth the momentary discomfort after all.
The ‘too’ he had been referring to were the four children already grouped up on the floor playing together.
Mihmi, with her curled hair tied back out of the way of tiny grabby hands, giggling a little and standing half hunched over the white haired toddler in front of her. Leon, clinging onto his sister’s hands with his own tinier ones as she helped to balance his wobbly legs standing there, staring out with his large golden eyes. Mihda, on her stomach with elbows planted in front of her and hands raised to keep slowly covering and uncovering her face to the delight of the black haired toddler seated in front of her. Fawn, smiling and squealing out and raising her hands to grab at her sister’s when they covered the girl’s face.
The Keeper joining them wasn’t even noticed at first as all four children played together. Not until there was suddenly a familiar, excited sounding grunting from her son who began to bounce a little where his sister helped him stand. That was more than enough to make her smile widely at the toddler and take the hand from her stomach. Instead she sat up, both hands held out in front of her towards the boy, her fingers curling in short motions in her son’s direction.
“You can let him go sweetie, I have him.” A nod to her daughter, the girl then slowly prying her hands free from the toddler’s grip.
Leon was ready to go as soon as his sister freed her hands from his tiny fingers. Wobbly as he was on his feet without further assistance he was left standing there awkwardly and trying to reach for the hands that were offered to him. The older Keeper laughing gently as she slowly drew her hands back from her son’s reach. The toddler eventually forced to take two short, awkward steps closer to close off the distance and finally grab at his mother’s hands.
Steps which seemed to surprise most of them in the room.
Panha and Mihmi both made a short gasping noise in surprise, their eyes going wide as the toddler’s whose own steps were a surprise as well. Even Mihda paused in her game of peek-a-boo with her sister to look at her baby brother taking his first steps. All three miqo’te staring at Leon who stared back with his large eyes and mouth dropping open in the shape of an ‘o’.
What all three of the older miqo’te seemed to miss was the Midlander seated on the couch still. An amused smirk on his lips as his own hands rose up and he made gestures that caught the attention of his youngest daughter. Fawn, eyes going wide raised her hands up in the air and made opened and closed them with a sharp squeal. When her father continued to motion for her the giggling toddler fell forward to get onto her hands and knees, rocking back and forth like she was motoring herself up fueled by the motions and her happy squealing.
Which was exactly what she was doing.
Fawn kicked herself off with another loud squeal and quickly zoom-crawled herself across the floor. The toddler’s tiny head lowered down in such a way that she was almost like some sort of miniature battering ram that ended up in the back of her brother’s wobbling legs. Down went Leon, landing on the floor with a thud and his face even more surprised and almost in disbelief that he suddenly now sat on the floor. “Oh!” Exclaimed Leon with a small bounce and his hands brought up to clap together once while his family erupted into laughter.
What I missed with you girls I’m sorry to have been so selfish to ignore when I had the chance.
I don’t want to be that selfish again and now I’m ecstatic to be able to try again. I was so worried when I first found out that I was going to have you, my little lion and my tiny spitfire, I had so many concerns about everything. About how the news would be taken. About how I would be able to handle the changes to myself. About how I would even be able to be a mother.
I was scared, but I was excited too.
I wanted to try being a mother again from the start.
I wanted to be your mother.
I see you now growing up so fast right before my eyes. I know that even missing a day or two means missing out on so much. It both warms and breaks my heart that I could have been so selfish. But maybe it’s more selfish for myself, my own feelings that come up whenever I think about the time that we didn’t spend together. Maybe I’m still being selfish.
I know that I am here though. That I don’t plan or want to be anywhere that would keep me from any of you. I will be fighting to stay here with you no matter what. I will see you grow into yourselves and your lives. I will always be here for all of you, until my last breath. Even then I know that I will be here watching over you still.
-- Your loving Mother
[ i’ll be nice and tag this time. >_>; @uwabami-san ]
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Mounts for Mihmi Sticks. Acrylic base with recess for feet. Brass armature plastic sleeved. #mountmaking #displaystand #arthandling #aboriginalart #australianart #museumworker #objectmount https://www.instagram.com/p/CfJFdMNIrF6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Second thoughts, splits, short minis (pure rambling)
Somehow one’s personal blog is still the comfiest place to ramble about inconsequential dolly things, isn’t it? And since I currently have zero off-line doll-friends :’-( (I’m ashamed to say that I’ve lost touch with them), the blog it is.
So the length of time Fairyland is taking to re-open has given me ample opportunity to start worrying over my potential split for a Niella head. On one level, I’m wondering if I should really have my first doll purchase in 10 years be of a doll which I know for a fact has illegal copies in circulation? My existing crew of 7 were all purchased before illegal copies were widespread or for that matter even passable in quality, so I never had to worry before. It’s complicated by the fact that I’ve never owned a CP/ Fairyland doll or had the opportunity to play with one extensively, so I really wouldn’t know the difference just from handling the head.
I’m concerned to the point where I’m wondering if I should just buy the full doll direct from Fairyland before attempting to dispose of the body myself, to be absolutely sure that I’m not getting a product of copyright theft. Which leads me to the second point of concern, which is finding a suitable body for this potential doll.
So, in Small Wonder world, being MSD-sized makes you a Real Character. XD;; And there are limited spaces for Real Characters, because I just can’t handle that many (I have the greatest respect for collectors with doll armies). Besides the existing crew, one is reserved for a Hewitt girl, who perhaps by now is more real in my imagination than she’ll ever be in real life, and there are two “maybe” slots for a Mihmi repaint and a certain someone with a nebulous connection to Shiina’s past. Against that backdrop, I’m able to justify each Yo-SD because they are not truly Real Characters, but Highly Collectible Adorable Bit Parts, if you like.
So! There is no Real Character slot for Niella, but I decided I would bring him/her (henceforth, them, because I haven’t chosen their gender) into the crew as an Highly Collectible Adorable Bit Part. In my mind, they are younger than my MSD’s but older than the Yo-SD’s. Accordingly, they need to be shorter than my MSD’s, the shortest of which is about 41cm barefoot - so, somewhere between 34-39cm.
The Fairyland Motion Line body is actually quite a good shape overall, but it’s just too tall at 41cm, and I don’t think I want to attempt shortening those legs (if it’s even possible to do so). I do know that there’s a 39cm Fairyland girl body, but it’s far too svelte and stylised for my pre-teen crew.
I’ve been looking at other possibilities, such as the Narsha body, Iplehouse KID and Bunny Bunny body, but I haven’t found anything that strikes me as perfect. Maybe I’ll have to make them a stuffed cloth body with wiring for poses and spare resin hands sewn on? D: XD
If you read this post through.... @_@ I’m amazed. I’m happy to hear your thoughts if you have any!
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White by istriazel
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Pink Glasses by istriazel Via Flickr: I see you. Mireille (or Milly for short) finally has a pair of glasses! She is also wearing a beautiful necklace made by a friend. <3 Hat: A Little Wing Wig: Lullabypoem Faceup: Volks Glasses: Dollmore Eyes: Lils Dress and cardigan: Regne de L'Art (me) Necklace: gift Socks: Dollmore Shoes: Volks
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Face-up Volks Mihmi por Danny-Vanilla
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Kisa by Misaki✿ Via Flickr: I love the cardigan for this set >u< I still need to work on expanding my MSD outfits and accessories... I pamper the SD girls too much xD
Wig: Monique Gold - Ginger in Light Peach Blond and Ginger Brown 7-8"
Eyes: Pengin Workshop 16mm Universe
Outfit: Volks MDD Milky White Knit Set
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Emmie by fiore wardrobe Via Flickr: CF
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FFxivWrite2019 -- Prompt #3: Lost
( @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast )
Memories for the Future: Chapter Three —————————————————————— [ adding on a brief, NSFW-ish trigger warning for some mention of blood/death. ]
To my daughters Mihmi and Mihda,
This is not an easy entry to write to you my beautiful girls.
Even before you were born your lives were thrown into so much chaos. There has been so much taken from you without you. Your grandmother, your first home, the beginning of your lives together with me. So much of what was taken from you permanent and nothing that I can offer to you again. Much of this you wouldn’t likely even question, hear or understand anyway and saying it here maybe is more for my own peace of mind than your own.
For that selfishness I apologize, but as I write again this isn’t an easy topic for me to share. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Lily, “ a voice hissed at the Keeper’s side, “we need to go now.”
Silent, she stood as still as a statue. She heard the voice snapping out at her, of course she did, but it seemed so much further away than right at her side. The static of noise in her head was just so strong, like a storm building that threatened to knock her off of her feet. Noise that she began to physically try to shake from her head finally to try and break from her trance.
Behind the blank expression of the wooden mask covering her face she could feel her own start to grow cold. Shock, she likely thought was when she looked back on this moment later. In the moment itself however she wasn’t sure how to even begin reacting. All she could do was stand there with her head lowered staring down at her bloodstained hands.
Everything had gone so quickly.
This wasn’t what she meant to happen.
This wasn’t why she came into the room.
They were only meant to talk, the evidence wasn’t going to be there.
The matron was right again as much as she didn’t want her to be.
Shaking her head again the Keeper stared at the gruesome scene that remained. A far worse view than that of her bloody hands. Side by side the pair in the bed were barely left recognizable beneath all of the deeps cuts into their skin and the layer of their own blood smeared over them and into their hair let alone the bed beneath them. The previously white sheets, now soaked a dark red, left half-exposing their naked bodies as it haphazardly covered them. The elezen woman with her face plastered with her own hair and body contorted in such a peculiar position from where she had tried to pull herself from the bed. The miqo’te male next to her side in much the same away, his body contorted and dangling half off the edge of the shared bed.
‘Sweetblossom, wait!’
The voice rang out in her mind. His voice. The voice she would never hear again after that.
“Lily, now!” Again the voice came, this time along with a hand clamped hard onto her forearm and a messenger’s bag shoved into her arms to hold onto. The papers she had been told about before coming, of course the matron would want them back. The hand on her arm squeezing tighter again before it began forcefully tugging her out of place and throwing off her balance. Bringing her back a second time before the all consuming wave she could feel threatening to crash fell over her.
This time she followed along to the command of her handler. Forcing herself to turn away from the scene rather than keep staring over her shoulder as she was tugged towards the door and out of the room. Leaving behind this disaster for somebody else’s hands to clean up.
‘Lolo, you fucking liar.’
I can never give you back your biological father.
You will never be able to meet him and all of the questions I know you would have for him will go left unanswered. It’s my fault for this and I take all of the blame, even after all of the time I denied what happened. Selfish again, it was for my own protection, and if I had even thought for just a second back then I know things would have been so different.
I was hurt and I was foolish.
I let that hurt fester inside of me for so long that it blinded me to even myself.
Because of my mistakes I think a part of you both will always feel like something is missing.
I won’t tell you about him, not until you’re older. I won’t go into more detail than necessary in order to explain to you what happened. That night I went to your father there were records that were found and taken back with us. Mihmi, I know it’s painful for you to remember when it happened, but your aunt Sora returned with a collection of documents and a record written by your grandmother. I’m going to put these in a box to go with this letter, please take your time reading through it all and making sense of it for yourselves. What happened was a tragedy that none of us deserved.
I want you both to know that I did love your father. He was the first love of my life and he was the kindest, gentlest soul. You remind me of him so much Mihda and seeing him come through in you as you grow up is hard for me sometimes. He would have loved both of you so much. I think if everything had gone differently, if I had known or believed more what I know now, the four of us would have been happy together.
I think I could have been a better person. He made me better.
I want both of you to know how much I love your father now though, Viper, the only father you will ever really know or even think of. I see him with both of you, with all of you, and seeing how he has accepted you like you really were his own flesh and blood brings me so much joy.
You are his true daughters as far as I am concerned, remember that.
With all of my love and multiplying apologies, Your Mother
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MSD Fullset Outfit - Olive Mori par Squishdellia
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Dear Milly by Ribbonfiend on Flickr.
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lazy afternoon Dim-jullis Volks-mihmi
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DSC_6678 by 土曜日Driver on Flickr.
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volks msd mihmi by Cyristine on Flickr.
volks MSD Mihmi
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หนูมิโดริกับน้องเน่าของเธอ <3 Midori with her beloved doll <3 by Ekkapong Fusuwankaya Via Flickr:
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