#might write more tomorrow after work but we'll see. hopefully i can finish the first draft by friday
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supercasey · 3 months ago
10,750 words, I am absolutely fucking insane, wtf
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lumine-no-hikari · 7 months ago
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #215
Today is National Ice Cream Day at a place called Moxie's. Ever since the death of J's brother, Daniel, we've been making it a point to go every year. Why? Because ice cream and National Ice Cream Day were some of Daniel's favorite things. And doing this is a good way to remember him.
But first!!! Before I get into all that stuff!!! I wanted to tell you!!! Your new locket is ready. I finished it today. And I've put so much beautiful stuff in it, just for you. I can't wait for you to see it! I just hope that I'll get an opportunity to give it to someone who can give it to you. Hopefully that opportunity will arrive in a little over a week. We'll see. I'll do my best.
Anyhoot. So, while we were out and about, I took a bunch of pictures for you!
Here were the available flavors at Moxie's today:
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...As you can see, it's A LOT of flavors. And usually, they have a very weird flavor at another part of the place, where you're supposed to taste it and guess what it is. This year's flavor felt familiar, but I couldn't place it. It was some kind of herby sort of thing, and it was delightful. Last year's flavor was garlic, and it was also VERY delightful, oh my goodness!
Yes, I imagine you might be thinking that garlic-flavored ice cream shouldn't work. But somehow they managed to find a way to make it work. I don't know how they did it, but it was amazing, and I'm a little sad that I can't get it anymore, ahahaha~!
...It is known that I am the cheese goblin. But I am also the garlic goblin!! Rarghablargablaarg! 🤪🤣
The flavors I got were butter pecan, Irish creme, and white wine sangria. And all of them were absolutely delectable!
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Hey, Sephiroth? Which ice cream flavors would you have chosen? I wonder... Will you tell me someday, maybe?
Of course, since it's National Ice Cream Day, Moxie's had all kinds of other activities, too! They were mostly aimed for children, but still, I took some pictures...
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...Hey, Sephiroth? Have you ever played with bubbles before? Wanna try it with me sometime? In my Early Childhood Education classes, they taught us how to make a soap and glycerin solution that lends itself well to particularly sturdy bubbles; it's a lot of fun!
There was a bouncy house, too! J and I are a little too big for this one, though. It's angled up because I didn't wanna accidentally get pictures of children; it's important to avoid that because in my world, it's dangerous for pictures of children to be on the internet for a variety of very sad reasons. But here:
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There was also the folks with all the reptiles!! I got all kinds of pictures of them for you!!
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J took a few pictures, too, ahahaha~!
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I also took some more pictures of the sky; it was especially nice today:
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Br can't eat ice cream at ice cream places because of cross contamination. So after this, J and I went to the grocery to try to get some ice cream for her! But she already had ice cream. So we got whipped cream instead, because she was running out. We chilled there for a short while:
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And then we went home and I cooked some steak and mushrooms:
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I wish I could give a bowl of what I made to you. It was really delicious.
Tomorrow, I'm going to try to get the music box notes arranged in Audacity. I want this song to be done before the first of August if at all possible. I don't know how far I'll get, but today I got some good news that I'm not gonna share just yet, and I'm feeling pretty pumped to get it done.
So I'm gonna go to bed. First because it's late, and second, because I wanna get my nightly period of semi-consciousness so that from my perspective, it seems like tomorrow will get here faster.
I love you. Please try hard to see the beauty in all the things I showed you. And please stay safe; you'll wanna hear this song when it's done!
I'll write again tomorrow. Count on it.
Your friend, Lumine
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tuiccim · 4 years ago
The Partner Trap
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader     Word Count: 1438
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, sass
Prompt 31. Pranksters trap Person A and Person B together.
Summary: You and Bucky have an abrasive relationship at best until your teammates decide to trap you together.
A/N: This is for @adorkably​ 100 followers writing challenge! Congratulations, Angelcake! ILYSM!
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Tony had bought out the entire fair for Stark Industries and the Avengers. The fairgrounds was alight with music, laughter, and squeals of delight. The Avengers team laughed as Bucky and Clint competed at water guns. Clint proudly carried his prize around and needled Bucky as much as possible. You and Natasha danced around to the band playing. Steve told stories about Coney Island. Sam dragged everyone to the wildest rides. The entire team had a blast as you went from ride to ride together. 
The only sour note was the bickering between you and Bucky. Today, it had started when the two of you were forced to sit together on one of the rides and Bucky purposefully took the seat you wanted. It got to the point that Tony threatened to duct tape both your mouth's shut. Natasha and Clint were sent in to separate the two of you. 
As the day was coming to a close Nat dragged you to the Mirror Maze. The two of you giggle as you got lost and confused by the maze. You hear someone coming around the corner and turn with a grin expecting Natasha. However, you run into Bucky.
"Ow." You say as you slam into his broad chest. 
"Such a whiner." Bucky grouses.
"Such a jerk." You brush past him.
Suddenly, the lights in the maze turn out and you hear doors slamming. 
"What the fuck?" You say.
"Hey, you two still in the Mirror Maze." Tony's voice comes over the loud speaker. "You didn't make it out in time, so now you get to stay here until tomorrow morning. Why don't you figure out why the hell you have such a problem with each other. Good night, losers." Half the lights come back on as Tony finishes.
"Tony!" You yell. 
"I'm gonna kill you, Tony. Clint, too!" Bucky yells. 
"Why Clint?" You ask.
"He's the one that drug me in here." Bucky says.
"Nat made me come in. Those three assholes planned this." You look around at the predicament you find yourself in. Stuck in a disorienting maze with the biggest jerk on the team. "Payback's a bitch!" You yell.
"They're gone. Why are you still yelling?" Bucky snarks. 
"Because I fucking want to!" You shout.
"Why are you so annoying?" Bucky yells.
"Why are you such a jerk?" You holler back. 
"Whatever." Bucky walks away from you. 
"Yeah, go! Go find a way out." You say.
"If I do, I'm not bringing you." Bucky throws over his shoulder.
"Ditto, asshat." You wander through the maze and make your way back to the beginning. There's no way out you can find and the doors are padlocked from the outside. Turning back, you wander until you get to the end where you find Bucky. 
"It's padlocked from the outside." He says.
"Same at the front." You say, deciding to try to be civil. 
"I could try to punch through it. Metal doesn't seem too thick."
"Oh, yeah, that'll work. I mean we'll be cut to ribbons as the mirrors around us shatter, but go for it." You snark.
"Well, what do you suggest, princess?"
"Don't call me princess, geezer." You lean on one of the mirrors and cross your arms.
"You're the one that started the name calling."
"I believe you called me whiner first." You shoot back.
"Not what I meant, genius." Bucky throws out. 
"Oh my God! When are you going to get over that! I called you Mister instead of Sargeant when I met you. It was a slip of the tongue! I wasn't calling you a name." You exclaim.
"It was disrespectful." Bucky growls as he stares into you. 
"So was refusing to shake my hand." You spit.
"Well, after the looney bin comment you really expected me to?" Bucky comes toe to toe with you. 
"Is that what made you so mad?" You say in disbelief. "I didn't know you had such great love for Senator Nichols. I'm so sorry I offended you." You roll your eyes. Being a supporter of the senator gave you another reason to dislike Barnes. Senator Nichols was an egomaniac with delusions of grandeur. 
"What are you talking about?" Bucky looks at you and you see some of his snark melt into real confusion.
"Senator Nichols. I said he needed to be in the looney bin, not joining us for a party. That's why you hate me so much? Because I made a stupid comment about a senator I don't like?" You look at Bucky and watch his face move through an array of emotions. "Barnes?" You try to snap him out of his thoughts when the realization hits you and your mouth drops open. "You thought I was talking about you. You thought I meant you?"
"I, uh, yeah." Bucky says contritely.
"No wonder you hated me. I wouldn't be too keen on me either." You say, reining in a smile. 
“So, that comment really wasn’t about me?” Bucky asks. 
“I’d never met you. Why would I say something like that about you?” You ask incredulously. 
“Because I was a brainwashed Hydra assassin?” Bucky says.
“Well, I guess that’s true. Some asshat might make that comment because of that.”
“Why did you hate me so much then?” Bucky asks.
“Uh, let’s see. You refused to shake my hand, reprimanded me for calling you mister instead of sergeant, and proceeded to treat me with disdain every time I was anywhere near you. Didn't make you very likeable."
"Guilty. I, uh, I'm sorry." Bucky says while rubbing the back of his neck. 
"Thanks." You look at him for a second. "Want to start over?" He asks. 
"I don't know. I'm pretty good at hating you now. I mean I could do a dissertation on your faults." You grin at him. 
"Come on, Doll, give me a chance to prove I'm not a total jerk." Bucky holds out his hand.
You stare at it for a second before putting your hand in his and shaking. "Okay." You smile. 
Eventually, the two of you end up sitting across from each other and talking. A few hours go by as you talk, laugh, and learn about each other. You find Bucky sweet and funny. You can tell Bucky's opinion of you shifts as well. 
"You're shivering, Doll." Bucky notices.
"It's a little cold." You flash a smile.
"Come sit with me. I'll keep you warm." Bucky grins. You move next to him and cuddle into his side as he wraps an arm around you. "That's better, right?"
"Yeah, thanks." You look into Bucky's eyes. He stares at you and then his gaze drops down to your lips for just a second. You lift your chin and his lips brush against yours lightly. 
"Is this okay?" Bucky asks after he pulls back.
"No." You say and reach up to cup his jaw. "I want more." You smile as his lips descend on yours more firmly and his tongue finds its way into your mouth. 
Abruptly, the rest of the lights come up and Tony's voice comes over the speaker again. "Okay, you two, that's enough. Break it up. Time to go. You didn't really think I was going to keep you here all night?"
"Still gonna kill you, Tony!" You say as the exit door opens revealing a grinning Natasha and Clint.
"Hey guys. Have fun?" Clint laughs.
Bucky smiles at Clint and then takes off in a chase.
"Won't take Bucky long to catch Clint. Hopefully, he doesn't actually kill-OW!" Nat cuts off when you punch her in the arm. 
"Really? You lock us in together?" You seeth.
"Yeah. Did you finally figure out why he hates you?" Nat asks.
"Yeah. He overheard the looney bin comment I made at the party." 
"Oh, crap. Did you apologize?"
"For what? I was referring to Senator Nichols with that comment." You smirk.
"No, you weren't. You… you lied to Bucky?" Nat furrows her brow. 
"Better than grovelling." You shrug.
"You have to tell him the truth. Apologize." Nat says.
"No. We're in a good place now. He and I can finally be friends. And more." You grin devilishly. "And you won't tell him either."
"What's to stop me?" Nat says.
You simply raise an eyebrow at her. 
Nat's eyes widen, "Fine." She says as she stalks away. 
A few minutes later, Bucky reappears, "Clint will think twice before pulling a stunt like that again."
"So will Nat." You laugh. "Ready to head home and maybe we can continue our discussion there?"
"Sounds good, Doll." Bucky says as he wraps an arm around your waist.
Part 2?
Permanent: @bubbabarnes @badassbaker @thefridgeismybestie @strangersstranger @cherthegoddess @buckyluvrs @sherlocksmanwatson @cap-n-stuff @finleyjayne @caplanreads @connie326 @daydreamerinadazedworld
Divider by @whimsicalrogers
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blueberryrock · 5 years ago
Here is the Prologue to my newest story! It's not a fanfic, it is an original story im writing! I hope y'all like it!
(Also I might change the name in the future)
"Momma" a small five-year-old girl with long brown hair tugs on the bottom of her tired mom's pants "when will daddy come home?" Her big bright brown eyes meet her mom's dull brown eyes.
The tired mom glances at her watch, which reads nine pm. She pulls a curtain back from the window in front of her and sighs "any minute".
She turns her head to look at the little girl "Why don't you go put your jammies on, grab your sister, and we'll play a little game" she warmly smiles. The little girl squeals and runs to her room.
The mom smiles as she runs down the long hallway, she glances back outside to the empty street. "C'mon Rick, where are you" she mutters. She fiddles with her gold wedding ring that has a single, gorgeous, red jewel on it. A "blood-red diamond" as her gemologist cousin calls it.
"Mom, please tell Karlene that I don't want to play some stupid game" The five-year-old, Karlene's, older sister complains. She tucks a strand of her long dirty blonde hair behind her ear.
"Now Sierra, you promised to play a game with her earlier, and as soon as your dad returns from work. You can go back to your room" Sierra's mom finally turns away from the window.
"Ugh, fine, but just one round" Sierra huffs "what game are we playing anyway."
"Cops and robbers!" Shrieks Karlene.
"No. No way am I going to play that stupid game" Sierra angrily crosses her arms.
"How bout a card game?" Their mom suggests.
"Ooh let's play gold fish!" Karlene happily said.
"Sounds good to me" Sierra finally agrees "and it's Go Fish."
"I'll grab a deck of cards, you two clear off the coffee table" their mom dashes out of the room to look for a deck.
"Where do you think dad's at," Sierra asked her little sister as she moves a stack of paper to the ground.
"Maybe he's fighting super villains!" Karlene enthusiastically hits a remote on the ground "oops" she mutters to herself.
Sierra can't help but giggle at her little sister's sheer happiness. "He could be" Sierra puts the last object onto the lower level of the coffee table.
"Really?" Karlene squeals.
Sierra smiles and messes with Karlene's crazy brown hair, she looks around and gets ear level with her sister. "You know dad does have superpowers" Sierra whispers and smirks.
Karlene's blue eyes go wide and her jaw drops "No. Way." Sierra only grins "umm, yes way, he told me"
And as soon as Sierra said that, the girl's mom walks into the large living room, hold a bowl of pretzels, and a deck of black cards.
Before she can set anything down, Karlene leaps to her feet and runs at her mom. "Does daddy really have powers?" She asks excitedly, bouncing up and down.
"Ah, well, I wanted to wait till you were older" their mom sends an upset glare at Sierra, which she ducks behind the glass coffee table.
Their mom walks around the bouncing Karlene and sets the bowl and deck on the table. "But yes, your father has...er..powers"
And at that Karlene lets out the loudest squeal on the planet. "Do you think he can show me his?" Karlene runs up to Sierra.
Sierra only shrugs "don't ask me," she says
Karlene then turns to her tired mom "do you think I'll have powers?" She jumps up and down on the carpet.
"Well, there is about a fifty-fifty chance of you two to get them, but let's play our card game" she pulls Karlene by the hand to sit "please? And once your father comes home, you can berate him with any and all questions"
Karlene grins again. "So six cards?" Their mom asks as she deals out five cards to everyone.
"I'm pretty sure it's seven" Sierra corrects her. They continue to play round after round until the big, old, grandfather clock strikes twelve.
Karlene is passed out in her room while Sierra is reading and her mom is currently pacing back and forth in front of the door.
"Mom" Sierra puts her large book down, "I'm sure dad's fine, he's probably just held up somewhere" her mom stops pacing and shoots her a worried glance.
"Oh, umm, I meant in...like...traffic or something" Sierra quickly corrects herself. But her mom continues to pace.
"But he's never been this late" Sierra's mom throws herself on the nearest piece of furniture, which was a very comfortable armchair.
"I'm sure he's fi–" Sierra cuts herself off with a big yawn "ine" she rubs her eyes.
"You should go to bed, he'll (hopefully) be back here tomorrow" Sierra's mom gets up to plant a kiss on her daughter's forehead.
"R-right" Sierra picks up her book and walks down the hallway to her room. As soon as her door closes, Sierra's mom pulls out her phone to dial her husband's phone.
But on the second to last ring, a sobbing woman picks up. "R-Rose," she sobbing woman says "h-he's go-o-one"
"What! Tina calm down, who's gone?" Rose calmly asks. "R-ri-ick" Tina barely finishes.
The phone nearly slips out of her hand, Rose slides into one of the chairs and readjusts the phone. "M-my Rick?" Is all that she can muster.
Rose slides from the chair to the hardwood floor. "N-no!" She sobs "i-it ca-a-an't be t-r-r-rue." Rose drops her phone and continues to sob hysterically.
After maybe a few minutes or a few hours, Rose's sobs turn into loud whimpers. She shakily picks up her phone, Tina has hung up ages ago.
She tiredly wipes her eyes and looks at the time, one and a half hours have passed. That means she spent one and a half hours sobbing when she wanted to be with her husband.
She shakily pushes herself to her feet. Waves of nausea washes over her as she sits back into the armchair. She decides that she is too tired to walk down the same hallway her girls went.
She instead pulls her knees as close as she can into her chest and wraps her arms around them. She lays her head on them and looks around them empty room.
Memories of her family come flooding in, she glances at the coffee table she and the girls were at, and a memory of them with their dad play a board game makes her smile as more tears form.
She continues to softly cry as she remembers the last time she spoke to her husband. It was before he had to leave for his job.
They were talking about his they were planning on taking their girls out of the country for a vacation. But that idea is now long gone.
Rose continues to softly cry until she falls asleep. She dreams about talking to her husband in a little cafe.
She is rudely awakened by her youngest daughter. "Mommy" she happily says. Rose's bloodshot eyes meet her daughter's beautiful brown eyes.
"Yes, sweetheart?" She croaks, her throat begging for any water.
"Where is daddy?" Karlene asks with a small grin. Tears form in Rose's eyes as the thoughts of last night come flooding back. Perhaps it was a dream?
No. Rose couldn't remember a dream to save her life. "Y-your d-dad's g" she stops herself as her oldest daughter tiredly walks into the room.
She yawns "Karlene, let mom wake up first" Sierra rubs her tired eyes and unceremoniously throws herself onto the couch next to them.
Rose wipes her eyes and sits up straight. "G-girls" she announces "I have something very important to tell you about your father." Both girls sit down and pay attention.
"Your father...he's..." Rose sighs, she takes a deep breath in "he's gone"
"W-what do you mean gone?" Sierra asks.
"I mean your dad is gone, dead, he was...I believe that he was murdered" tears form in her and Sierra's eyes.
Rose looks down at Karlene, half expecting her to be full-on crying and half expecting her to be confused.
But she is the later one. "Daddy isn't coming here?" She furrows her brows as she tries to think "did he leave us?" She looks up at her now crying mom.
"Yes, he left us" she tries to explain, but Karlene starts sobbing "d-di-d he n-not l-o-ove u-s" she cries.
"Oh no baby" her mom says, she gently scoops her up and sits onto the couch next to the sobbing Sierra. "He love-ed us w-with all h-h-is heart" Rose tries not to cry, but she's failing miserably.
"W-will I-I get t-to see h-hi-m aga-ain?" Karlene wails. "Of c-course" Rose reassures her wailing daughter " y-you'll s-see hi-m aga-ain" Rose chokes on a sob.
BANG. BANG. BANG. Rose unwraps her arms that are around Karlene and sets her gently where she was sitting. She quickly walks towards the large dark oak front door. Rose takes a deep breath in, wipes her tears away, and opens the door.
"Hello, Ms. Winster." A tall police officer says in his deep voice. He nervously shifts on his feet. "My name is Dean Sanchez" he holds up his police badge, "and this" he points to his partner. His partner is slightly smaller, with blonde hair and brown eyes. "Is my partner."
"James Riddle" he introduces himself. He politely holds out his hand and shakes Rose's cold hand.
"We've umm...come here to inform you that your husband has be-" Sanchez tries to say but Riddle jabs him in the side.
Rose raises one of her eyebrows "has been what?" She asks, already knowing the answer.
"He's dead," Riddle says bluntly. "James! Be sensitive" Sanchez says. After hours of crying, more tears stream down Rose's face.
"H-how d-id it hap-pen" she sobs.
"We don't really know, it could've been an accident or a murder. We're still looking into it" Riddle explains "but we'll update you on any new information we get."
"O-okay" she sputters out. Sanchez pulls out a tissue from his vest and hands it to Rose. She says a quiet thank you and blows her nose.
The policemen bow their heads and start to walk away. Rose slowly closes the door, leaving a crack to watch them, making sure they left.
Something was off about them, but Rose didn't care enough to question them. She crumbles up the used tissue and places it on the coffee table.
She looks at her two still crying daughters. "How 'bout we get some ice cream?" She offers.
Sierra sneezes and weakly says "okay". Karlene only nods, she does her red and wet face on her soft PJ shirt.
"Go get dressed then we'll leave" Rose calmly says. Both girls get up and head for their bedrooms "and brush your hair Karlene" she calls after the youngest.
Rose looks down at her owns clothes. Pj pants and a hoodie. She sighs and rubs her tired face, she heads for her own room to change.
After five minutes of staring at her husband's clothes, she finally meets the girls in the living room.
"You ready?" She sadly smiles at the girls. Sierra lets out a hiccup and puts her flip flops on. Rose looks at her youngest daughter "did you brush your hair?"
Karlene only nods. Rose sighs and grabs her black leather purse "alright lets go."
Well thanks for reading, I hope y'all like what I do with it annnnd yeah...Oh! Also, I won't be updating this every week as I did with my other fic, the updates will be random
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undeservedfavor · 5 years ago
Update Varies
Links to follow, like, heart, share, subscribe and bookmark for more updates:
The Bucketlist
Mini-Series of Short Stories
St. Valentines Day [EN]: FINALE
Dorian stood and went out of the room.
He prayed at the hospital's chapel and went home to grab some of Gisela's things to bring to the hospital...
He found the list again and saw that number 10 is still unchecked.
He just thought of an idea.
He contacted their friends, workmates and including Gisela's old classmates to bring the idea to life.
"We will have some sort of reunion. This is for Gisela. All the cast and staff will be there. I'll tell you all the details when we get there. See you tomorrow night guys." He hung up the phone and sighed.
He knows that it's all wrong to throw a party and all while his woman suffers on the hospital bed but he did it for his own reasons.
Reasons that will make a big change whether she wakes up soon or...
Dorian doesn't wanna entertain the thought and the negativity.
He just wanted this to be a great event.
Dorian stepped on a stage looking at the murmuring people, wondering why they're here.
"I r-really appreciate that you all came. We're here to give praises to Ms. Gisela Valentine, she's-..." He was cut off.
"Why are we here for Gisela? Is it her birthday?" One said.
"No. The woman's still asleep." Dorian said.
"We spent all our efforts for a sleeping woman. Hell. Who can wake her up?" The other man said.
"I wish I knew. The woman I love is not waking up for weeks now in her comfy hospital bed." They all stopped talking when Dorian caught their attention stating Gisela's actual state.
"I just wanted to record what you all think of her. It's her wish. First, we have her cousin Merian to speak in front of us..." Dorian introduced.
"Thank you Mr. Handsome Celeb, Dorian West... Gisela... Was a very thoughtful person. She will always think about others before herself. There's one time that I got pregnant without a father but she helped me confront the guy. But the woman my 'Ex' was living with, dragged Gisela by the hair, out of their condo unit. You know what? It did not stop Gisela. She continued to sacrifice herself and her shame, even though I told her not to, just to convince this guy to support me. She's willing to be a shield and a comforter when you need her to. This woman is one of a kind and I love her for that." Merian said.
The speech of the people continued to the very last person...
The most important one.
Dorian stated his rights...
"Sorry for all your precious time. Hopefully, she would like this speech that I have for her... We gathered here in this Eulogy... Yes. This is a Eulogy. And this is her wish. The reason why is to talk about her in this beautiful day. The one and only Gisela of our lives. The one with the beautiful smile behind those sad eyes. The ever so hard working for she won't let the day pass not accomplishing what she needs to do like she's chasing time. A one extra-ordinarily optimistic woman. She might have been secretive and enduring but she thought me how tough a person can be facing her own demons after pushing it away in the shadows for years now. How brave she can be after all the trauma. Or how courageous she is opening up to someone like me. As she saw me at my worse and my weakest, she have known that I'm not perfect. Like her, I don't have any parents anymore. I grew up without any full-time guidance. In fact, not most people knew that I'm a wrecked soul before I met her. We're both lost and both fallen angels that time. She made me who I am right now. She built my broken interior. She's the one behind my success. My motivation to get my life back on track. I thought I was the one protecting her, but she's the one giving me hope to go on. This life is a mess without her. You had me coming undone. I accepted her in my life and I will continue to do so, not as a difficult challenge but as a person who I respect and love the most. I actually did not expect to say these things in this set-up. This was supposed to be for my marriage proposal or for my wedding vow but it's best to do it now than never, right? Gisela... I love how strong you are to fend off the inner demons. I'll go through all of it with you... If you can hear me wherever you are... I'm still waiting for you to wake up. 'Cause if you do, I will do what I have to... And I will-..." Dorian was cut-off and was astonished as the door of the venue opened revealing a bare-footed woman wearing a white gown.
She weakly walked toward the stage smiling.
The people all looked at where Dorian's eyes landed and are currently locked.
They we're all shocked.
Whether they're scared or joyful...
Never did they know that this would happen today.
She never minded the people as if she's only seeing one person and continued to walk toward the stage.
As Dorian's focus is also not faltering, his eyes began to water.
His eyes are still glued to her...
"Dorian..." She spoke as she went up the stage and she touched his cheek streaking on his own tears.
"Go get him!" Merian screamed.
And she immediately covered her mouth in embarassment when the people looked at her smiling with her giddy comment.
"H-how did you-...?" Dorian was not able to finish the sentence when Gisela used her finger to stop his lips from speaking.
"The Doctors told me what you're planning when I was back in my consciousness. They're actually outside. They were too nice to let me go out of confinement, more so, to accompany me here and to even let me walk. I begged them to let me see you. To go here and touch you because the moment I woke up, you're the first one that I have looked for. I have realized the fact that I have searched for nothing more since the very beginning. It was a wake up call for me to go back. Not the hit on the head, not the coma, but I was shaken to the soul by even thinking about leaving this world. Leaving you behind. I don't wanna lose you. I don't want you to get tired and suffer because of me. I was touched. I have heard every word you said, when I was waiting for the right moment outside. I'm sorry, I didn't let you finish speaking. Don't get me wrong, you're a very good Necrological Service speaker but... I just couldn't stand it and I just couldn't stay away. What can I say? I missed you, though that you're in my dreams the whole, entire time I was asleep." She said.
"You never fail to surprise me." Dorian told her.
"Let's party!" As Merian shouted the words, she turned up the speaker.
She now took over and hosted the event.
She even invited the doctors to join them.
Then all the people celebrated with joy.
She then turned her head to the both of Gisela and Dorian to plan their escape.
"Let's go." Dorian said as he assisted Gisela to walk away with him.
A month has passed and Gisela recovered faster with Dorian's help.
She was preparing for her flight.
She joined a writing contest that will be held in London.
"Do you really wanted to leave the country?" Dorian murmured against Gisela's bare skin as they snuggle together.
Dorian embraced Gisela more tightly from the back...
Though they are still lying on their bed...
She shifted her position and turned to him to caress his cheeks.
He doesn't say it, but his eyes were pleading for her to stay.
"I shouldn't keep you waiting for a long time. Knowing how impatient you are... You might follow me there." She answered.
"Hell! You got that right my dear Piggy. We'll tackle everything together. I'll follow you everywhere. Even in hell, if I have to. But... I'm not really gonna stop you from reaching your dreams. If that will make you happy, well... I'm down with it." Dorian snorted first before giving his serious opinion of letting his girlfriend leave.
"Don't worry. It won't take long. I need you to keep me grounded. I'll be back soon." Gisela stated.
Dorian kissed Gisela on the lips and they smiled at each other as they both stood and had their breakfast.
The man wanted to stop time as he looks at her features carefully while she's eating.
"What are you looking at?" She asked him smiling.
"My future." Dorian said holding Gisela's hand.
He knows how cheesy this is getting but he doesn't care.
"Dorian... Please, stop.  I can't contain the butterflies..." They both chuckled.
"Sorry for my cheesiness..." He smiled apologetically.
"Cheese is good. Especially Mozzarella in Pizza." Dorian stifled a laugh on what Gisela said.
After they have prepared themselves for this day, Dorian accompanied his woman to the Airport.
"I'll miss you. And I'll think of you everyday. I love you my dearest Piggy..." Dorian said.
He's trying to hold off his tears even though he already expected this to happen.
"Don't you dare cry Dorian. You're Godzilla. Dinosaurs doesn't cry. Plus, it doesn't suit you. I'll miss you and I love you too." Gisela warned him and gently reminded him of her love.
"I'm not gonna. Just promise me you'll take care of yourself and that you'll be back." He told his girlfriend.
She nodded and kissed the  man goodbye.
The kiss was lingering...
Like they do not want it to end...
And like they don't wanna let go of each other.
After they parted, Dorian waived goodbye to her.
Then, Gisela threw her last flying kiss to Dorian as she waived back smiling to him.
Later, Gisela was gone, she disappeared, even her traces.
Neither a silhouette, nor a shadow of her can be found.
But Dorian knew that he has to let her find her happiness first, 'cause when she does, she will go back to her love and they won't be dancing on their own and they won't be alone anymore.
With someone to come home to.
With someone to lean on.
With someone who has so much love to give.
Another year has passed but...
Gisela did not come back to Dorian.
Without any communication, like it was cut off, just like that.
However, he did not let that ruin him.
He realized that you will meet someone in your life that you couldn't forget.
Someone who will leave a mark...
The one that got away.
He always knew from the start, that not all of them will stay.
But sometimes, they go into your life, either to just pass-by, teach a lesson or just to be a part of a memory, like nothing ever happened, like it was just a dream, illusion, or a nightmare, well, whatever you may consider it.
He believes from the very beginning, that if it's bound to happen, it will happen...
Like how they first met.
Dorian was now able to focus on his career...
It was booming...
More commercials, TV Shows, movies and albums.
Because of his on-demand TV appearances, he was invited for an interview on one of his favorite pre-noon-time show...
The topics and the flow of the conversation was very light until the interviewer brought up and touched a subject that he tried so hard to avoid and answer for a long time.
"We heard that you had old flames in your life but one has been remarkable in this industry since she's the only one that you have confirmed as you're relationship and because of the trials that you've been through with her. We have sources and they said that she's now a famous writer in UK. So that maybe the reason why we're not seeing you together anymore for quite some time now. Is your fiance going home?" The host asked.
It took a while for him to answer.
The people are dying in anticipation for his response, since Dorian has been respecting his own relationship's privacy for a long time now.
The people are also lost why he's not been talking about HER a lot lately too.
They all think he's blanked off and doesn't know where to get his answer since he's taking his sweet time.
Suddenly, his phone beeped and he received a text message.
A message he's longing and waiting for such a long time.
A tear almost fell from his eyes.
"She will find her way back..." Dorian whispered.
"What was that Dorian? You were saying something? Oh, sorry, you can answer on your pace. Any time now..." The interviewer said.
Dorian was then shaken but...
His lips parted to give his answer.
"Yes, she's coming back." He confirmed to the people with a smile.
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