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xenvitavt · 16 days ago
❮ Cyberpunk AU ❯ WIP Update: Testing on Day, Noon & Night.
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chiricat · 11 months ago
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assorted wips again
1. anchan space buns!!
2. emo arisato twins + ryomina and akiham
3. mzen x p3
4. suzalulu sketch dump
5. suzalulu + souyo (eng voice actor joke)
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aurorangen · 24 days ago
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Knowing Leif Pollock, the famous artist, was here, Nancy could not miss the opportunity to serve her esteemed guest. "Hello hello!!! It's an honour to have you dine with us again Leif and Daphne! And your wonderful guests today," Nancy beamed at everyone and then made introductions with her new visitors.
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Soon after, the table was making amiable chatter with the head chef, with Bryce in particular, relishing his surrounding atmosphere. "This place is beautiful chef! How long have you been running the restaurant?"
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"Thank you so much! Oh not long actually, it's only been a month," Nancy recalled. "My fiancé's parents recently retired and have passed down the restaurant to us. We had plans to locate in Tartosa and start a business there, but we decided to stay here. To continue our legacy."
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Nancy looked around the dining area, enthralled by yet another magical evening due to her supervision. Castillons was where she embarked on her journey as a professional chef after graduating from culinary school. And now she is its proud owner along with her love, Hugo. "It's my dream come true to own a restaurant…and this place, it's quite special to me."
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After recommending some specialties for dessert, Nancy wished the party a pleasant night and returned to the kitchen.
Note: IT'S NANCY'S RESTAURANT!! 🤭 Did you see this coming? I thought it would be a clue to say Bistro here, which you could link to Hugo as he is French. The lore is that Castillons is a bistro (first opened by Hugo's grandfather) turned restaurant by his parents! But this post was the first thing I thought of once completing the backstory (we got there in the end). I was like I need to introduce Nancy's restaurant in some way and what better opportunity than this ☺️ It was Nancy's dream to open/run a restaurant, so I wanted to make this a special place by building it myself. It took a while because I hadn't done the interior and lately, I keep on having a lack of motivation. I have so many ideas, just no mood or inspo to play. (I kept forcing myself to make the post or scroll simblr but it always tired me out, making me unproductive. But I gave it time and inspo came itself.)
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hoofpeet · 9 months ago
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Call this the "I'm hyper-alert for any fracture in my mental health because a good portion of my extended family is either senile or insane"
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heathcliffgirl1847 · 2 years ago
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okay REAL funny guys
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crows-king · 2 months ago
I've been thinking a bit about how Galinda and Fiyero work as foils(?), and the contrast between their goals, personality, and their relationship to social influence individually change how they navigate their specific social situations.
And why it puzzles me when people judgmentally compare them and what they'd do in "What-If" scenarios as a gotcha to make one seem better/worst. Because in my mind they are similar but not comparable, because they fundamentally have very different personal stakes.
Primarily because of the difference in how they act in an Active (Galinda) vs Passive (Fiyero) approach to social engineering. And also, because one of them in writing is more developed as an individual than the other.
Galinda is inherently Active. She has wants and desires that she's driven to achieve, and so actively plays the part of the good socialite because it will help her become more popular and to eventually become "Galinda the GoodSorceress". "It's not about aptitude, it's about the way you're viewed", and so on. It’s the one thing she knows she’s good at.
Of course, she also likes the attention and validation, but her charms doesn't come as naturally as she wants others, and probably herself, to believe. (I love that quote Ariana said somewhere about how "Galinda sees herself as a graceful swan, when she's actually a very stiff, but still beautiful swan", or something of that sort). She's insecure that she’ll lose people's favour and thus her most important asset, so she continually appeals to them. It's an act that she simultaneously enjoys doing for the most part, but also traps her from ever being truly close to anybody for fear of being known and not meeting expectations and losing that adoration. Until Elphaba that is.
Because of her drive to fulfill her dreams and to keep her best asset, and personal desperate need for validation, she has a much more obvious internal conflicts when she has to choose between Elphaba/the moral good vs keeping with the good graces of authority and/or the public. She's more prone to being influenced by others, and many of her choices become a calculated risk. She’s often times selfish and chooses her own desires, but it’s what makes her such an interesting and very human character. The struggle she balances when she’s forced to choose for better or worse.
In contrast
Fiyero is Passive. Dancing Through Life is literally him telling others that being lazy and not thinking is the best way to cope and enjoy life by ignoring problems. He is discontent with his life, but doesn't really acknowledge it until Elphaba reads him. Much like Galinda he is also playing a part, but it's not as tightly controlled as Galinda because he doesn't have an end goal for it.
Of course, while he probably doesn't want to lose his princely privileges. His passive "brainless" approach doesn't really put him in risky situations that would put him in conflict leading to losing things he cares about, because he really doesn't have a lot to lose. (Which is a byproduct of the fact he is primarily written as a love interest side character without much of an arc or motives outside his love triangle relationship to Elphaba and Galinda).
What confounds me is when people compare them and judge what their choices would be in if they were placed in pivotal moments, because we never really see them in situations with similar stakes.
For example, the Lion Cub scene. Most people interpret this scene as an act of braverism and heroics by Fiyero. And in some part it is, he's spurred on to save the cub, and he and Elphaba do. But it's telling that he only does this after everyone is asleep and there are virtually no risks. Any present social or physical conflicts that could arise? POOF! Gone. The worst that could probably be done to them is being punished, or even kicked out, if they’re discovered afterwards. Which Fiyero is not new to and doesn't really care about, and while maybe uncertain for Elphaba, is also unlikely because she's Morrible's irreplaceable pupil.
Some people use this scene as evidence that under his facade, Fiyero is secretly valiant like Elphaba thinks so. But I think in actuality tells the opposite. It reveals that Fiyero does care about the Animals, yes. But, the fact he only acts when prompted and there are no longer any present risks initially makes him seem less brave than Elphaba, and even Galinda. Because it contrasts with the Ozdust dance scene between the girls. Where Galinda had to make an active choice to do the risky and brave thing as an apology for hurting Elphaba, and offer to truly connect with her in front of everyone with the possibility of social out casting. She has an obvious internal conflict and risk assessment where she ends up picking the moral good over her personal comfort and social appeal. I'm genuinely curious on what kind of choices Elphaba, Galinda, and Fiyero might have done in that situation if they weren't given the perfect out by the magic poppies.
Would Galinda have helped in with the lion cub if she were awake? Probably, but who knows? Because in the narrative, Galinda isn't really put in a situation where she could choose good without being watched or without someone breathing down her neck. The prospect of being punished and kicked out from Shiz would also be most plausible and ruinous for Galinda. Morrible would definitely use it as an excuse to kick her out, or at the very least punish her, if she could, and it could throw away her only chance of achieving her dream of becoming a sorceress. She would have probably joined them in the end, though. If only to make sure they were safe. Compared to Fiyero, she has more conflicts of interests because she has personal aspirations and influence based on her reputation, and thus have more fears and consequences to consider in losing it.
Would Fiyero have joined Elphaba on the broom? Maybe, mostly likely. Because narratively, he’s never given a reason why he shouldn’t. He doesn’t see his worth and his skills intrinsically tied to public influence and opinion. He doesn’t have any wants or wishes he would have to abandon. He’ll have to leave his friends and family, but it’s not shown how close they really are to him outside Feldspar, his Horse friend, and he’s probably joining them anyway. He’s definitely more equipped to survive on the run compared to Glinda. Unlike Glinda, who is proven right in the end to being most useful when she can wield her powerful social influence For Good, Fiyero would probably be most useful as a sidekick to Elphaba. He was always written to be Elphaba’s follower, it’s no surprise. It’s also easier to take risks when you don’t have much to lose. But I think most people would agree that would make a less interesting story.
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daydreamerwonderkid · 5 months ago
Some of y'all are actually out here calling the Venom films "queer bait" and I genuinely have no idea how to talk to any of you.
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bloobydabloob · 8 months ago
When you answered the ask asking about your art style (which is a post I keep looking back on bc what you have to say is very interesting) in one of your screenshots of you talking you mention something about how most if not all of your symbolism is self referent and I was wondering what you meant by that!
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Hellloooo. I’m glad you found my ranting interesting. Here is some Dirk art I’m probably never going to finish for your troubles.
What I meant by that when talking about any symbolism in my art is that it doesn’t reference outside sources - e.g. where some art might use something like religious concepts, animals, real life events to represent ideas, I tend to use things more like colors, contrasting objects, composition. That sort of thing. So things that are inherently a part of the work itself rather than connections to the real world. If I ever do use symbolism otherwise, it’s usually comic related even still. Although I have done pieces with religious symbolism before too, haha.
I don’t know how to describe it other than “self referential” because I’m not really sure what else to classify that sort of symbolism as. Just… artistic maybe? Non literal? I couldn’t say. I think it all basically just goes along with the majority of my art nowadays being more figurative than literal. Sorry if this doesn’t explain it very well. It’s also funny to think that anyone is “Looking back” on any of my texts posts though, haha. To me I feel like I am just dumping my words on my poor followers. Surprising. Thank you for reading.
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exhaustedborderline · 10 months ago
3 years ago I stopped posting to this blog. This will be the last post, only writing this because I still get messages sometimes asking if I’m alive.(which I did try to respond to when I saw them) I understand why as I was just gone suddenly. So this is for the few people left that might remember my blog. This blog helped me cope through some of the hardest years of my life. But I am glad to say I am doing ok now. Ups and downs but mostly stable. It’s funny because I’ve seen my posts randomly when scrolling Pinterest sometimes and get reminded of 18 year old me writing those things. Anyways that is all 👋🩷
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alltheprongsdudes · 6 days ago
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newwavesylviaplath · 2 months ago
hiii okay i got ONE person commenting on that character post thing i reblogged so here i am doing it (send me more please please please)
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ty @ryaworld ur the best ever ☺️☺️☺️
fave thing about them:
least fave thing about them:
three things we have in common: uhh 1) were both canadian 2) we both don't fw scott summers 3) we uhhh im running out um wear tank tops?
three things we don't have in common: 1) im not 200 years old 2) im not totally jacked 3) i dont have any sort of metal bones
favourite line: when he told erik and charles to fuck off that one time
brOTP: him and wade obvi???
otp: born to shout HIM AND I!!!! forced to say stormverine
nOTP: idk if this is controversial but i am TIRED of him and jean in any media movies, comics, etc
random headcanon: hmm i'm not a writer i don't do headcanons but i do wholeheartedly believe he is an alanis morrisette fan but will not admit it (like most old men from canada)
unpopular opinion: he should've interacted with quicksilver more in dofp (this is an UNPOPULAR opinion not necessarily a controversial one)
song i associate with them: embarassing but like any sir mix a lot song cuz like tiktok edits LMFAOO
fave picture: trick question. all of them.
please for the love of god u guys send more in idgaf which characters i just want to be entertained
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keejot-arts · 5 months ago
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2014 -> 2024 redraw
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wickmitz · 8 months ago
big believer in rocky being an extremely angry person actually! so much of it is internalized and he very much channels it into specific things ( like wick, or more recently, marigold ) but this doesn’t negate the fact that he is angry and resentful. sometimes being mad is more than just punching people and threats of violence! sometimes it’s quiet seething and forced joy. sometimes awful things happen to you and you letting them happen doesn’t mean you won’t become angry about it. sometimes your anger is fear, and sometimes it’s another thing, and actually maybe it’s always coming from some other emotion but it feels like anger and that’s what sticks. and i’ll also just say that his head trauma won’t be helping him with any of these problems in the future either <3
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cozycottagetarot · 11 days ago
an awkward ask... but has anyone lurking on tarot Tumblr ever met their future spouse or their 'person'?
I've always been curious about this and reflecting on the past year of my life I feel like it's time I finally try to have this conversation!
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gumm1defloor · 1 year ago
If vox actually does gets something akin to a character arc in season 2 ( I don't think it's going to happen but idk at this point) I want it to be that he eventually faces a situation where he's forced let go of his feud with Alastor ( yknow the physical manifestation of all his insecurities and inferiority complex that he's been clutching on to for the past eternity) , in exchange for the people he actually wants to have around in his life, and genuinely care about him in return
and then they can all die horribly ever after
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userunknown02 · 6 days ago
💗🔪 | Yuno Gasai | 💗 🔪
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