#might as well be trilingual
peach-22 · 16 days
When I’m at my wit’s end, I stop switching from one accent to the other. I’m pretty sure it’s not just me.
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waitineedaname · 10 months
im experiencing scar induced madness again. I feel like people do not give him enough credit for being extremely poetic when he wants to be. sure he might seem stoic, but the dude busts out lines like this like it's nothing
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Hi there! Thanks for your blog, I love it ^_^ I was wondering if you have any advice for learning very similar languages at the same time? I have to return to my studies of Spanish soon, but I'm also learning Italian (~B2). I remember when I first came to Italy and started learning Italian my rudementary knowledge of Spanish was useful in some aspects and harmful others. I'm afraid that returning to it will result in me mixing them up constantly :(( Any words of wisdom? 🙏
Thank you so much! You don’t know how much this message meant to me, especially knowing I haven’t been that active with university and projects and finals!! ❤
And thank you for waiting until I could answer this too!
I don’t know how much wisdom i can actually impart, but i can always try to help out a fellow language learner. What i will share are a few tips i discovered during my 14 years of learning languages (god that almost makes me sound old and experienced lmao), and in my 10 years of learning more than one language at a time. They are not rules and are very much shaped by my experience, so feel free to spice them up at will:
First of all, when possible: Avoid languages of the same family that are way too similar!: The more similar they are, the more difficult to keep them separated, as you might have noticed. But we all know how tempting it is to learn them all, and at the same time, even if we know that if we learn that one language we will be able to understand the others as well because of their similarities. I know you will ignore this one. That’s ok, I did too. There’s some fun to it. Also sometimes we just can’t choose the languages we learn, so let’s go to the “real” advice
Only start a new language once you’re advanced and comfortable enough in the other language you speak: For this I would say around a B1 level is ok, even tho I always started mines when I was at a A2 level, but I must say it was without me realizing it. From my own experience, I would say a B1 level is better. This is so you can concentrate on practicing using and improving one language you already know quite well, while learning new basic vocab and grammar exercises in a new language. if you start another language while you are still in the middle of bulking vocab and grammar exercises and memorizing rules and words, you might confuse the two or get overwhelmed
Consider using different methods for each language: With this I mean, for example, improving your Italian via immersion (watching tv, reading, talking to friends, etc), and studying Spanish the “traditional” way, with exercises and vocab cards, etc 
Consider learning one skill at a time: That is, concentrating on studying only writing in Spanish, and only speaking in Italian. This makes learning a language seem longer, and maybe a little boring for some, but it’s a good way to keep the languages separated in your mind, since you will be focusing on different aspects of the languages at a time 
Designate days and times for each language: Learning each language whenever you feel like it will create more trouble for you than needed, and make you feel overwhelmed and frustrated. A way to counter this is via a good structural learning routine. You can designate specific days to languages even if you don’t take language classes and even if you use all the languages each day.
What designating a day to a language means is just basically that, in that day, you will focus more on that language. Mondays and Sundays are for studying French, and Tuesdays and Thursdays are for learning English, etc, for example. You can even adapt this given your routine: for example, in my case, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday are Uruguayan Sign Language days, because my sign language classes are Mondays and Wed, and most Deaf events are on Saturdays. I find it is easier to include them in a routine you already have, and not making a new one around the languages you want to learn
Assign times to them: An alternative, or addition to assigning days. It works the same, but might be more helpful if you have problems keeping or following a routine, too. Instead of assigning whole days, you make it a time of the day. So, instead of learning or using a language during the entire day, you do it only in the morning, and in the afternoon you can switch to another language. All you have to do is keep that order as much as you can without switching them up. This, as well as the day one, will help keep the languages more separated in your mind and help you not mix their grammar and rules and pronunciation, etc
On a similar note, use different notebooks and colors for each language (in ink, highlighters, notebooks, etc). You can also designate different parts of your house to study, or different places around town if you use the language in a certain place (classroom, work, friend’s house, etc). Make the distinction physical, palpable as much as you can
If you forget your routine… well, then now is the best time to start again: If for some reason you forget yo go to a class or sit down and study on your own when you were supposed to do it, PLEASE don’t give yourself shit for it. Do the studying right there when you remembered. Or the next time you are supposed to, if you have/want to keep the routine, 
Concentrate on one more than the other: I know I know, no one of us wants this! But it will help I promise! It doesn’t mean you have to forget one or leave it aside. Just put more time, effort, or a more conscious studying in one of them (I normally do it with the language I'm just picking up, since I already know of the other, and so I can do a more “passive learning” on the one I know the most, and center in the other one)
Learning more than one language at a time is possible, even if they are very similar! You just gotta be more organized than usual, I've found out
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tarotbydelilah444 · 6 months
describing the type of baddie you are
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pile one • 🎀
𐙚 first and foremost, you are absolutely and drop-dead gorgeous. You have unique features, or you could be from a different country, specifically Africa, or Europe (the UK… maybe). Some of you could be of mixed heritage, or you have a beautiful accent that people absolutely adore.
𐙚 you have a great and toned physique to match that face card of yours. Some of you could be or could have been an athlete, or you spend a lot of time working out and maintaining your figure to stay snatched to the gods.
𐙚 some of you could be an influencer or you are very popular in your community. Many people are inspired by you, yet there are some people that are envious and see you as competition. You could attract a lot of evil eye and jealously from haters and people that want to imitate and obtain what you’ve been able to achieve (followers, beauty, and/or success), but aren’t successful, so they stay watching and big mad at you. Muahhh… no access 💋.
𐙚 you are a natural seducer and a flirt. You have this sultriness and confidence that many people respect and find attractive. You have the ability to lure people in with your beauty and charm to get what you want, then become detached and cold when you get what you desire, which is why many people are stuck on you, even when you have disappeared from their lives.
𐙚 it’s hard to impress you and you lose interest pretty fast, if you aren’t constantly stimulated. It’s gives… okay, so what’s next? People tend to have to put in a lot of effort to get your attention and maintain it, or you are very quick to ghost and find something new and more exciting.
𐙚 finally, you are a forced to be reckoned with. You are someone that is well-respected and level headed for the most part, but you are just as quick to go 0-100 real quick, if someone disrespects or slight you in anyway and will not give two f*cks afterwards then continue to protect your peace, like nothing ever happened.
channeled song
pile two • 💗
𐙚 you are hardworking and an overachiever. You are someone that goes after their dreams and doesn’t stop until they reach their goals. You tend to be successful in whatever you choose to go after because you always stay focus on the end goal, without getting distracted. Even when things seem uncertain or challenges arise, you have an unwavering faith to keep going until you get what you desire. 
𐙚 you are a very intelligent and articulate individual, and always open and ready to learn something new, whether if your learning something new through someone else, or learning and teaching yourself. For some, you could be bilingual or trilingual, so you could be fluent Italian, French, and/ or Arabic.
𐙚 for some, you are a wonderful and creative writer, or you are very good with words. You also have a beautiful voice. 
𐙚 your resilience is very admirable. You have the ability to overcome any challenges and obstacles that may come in your path and come up with a solution how to solve any problem that your may encounter. For some, you could want to pursue a career in the medical field, and your resilient and determined spirit will benefit you in the end, so keep up the good work. 
𐙚 you are very mysterious and likely an introverted person. You are perfectly okay with being alone and in your own space. This could be because you might be a little shy and insecure. Your vibe/energy favors Bubbles 🫧 from the PowerPuff Girls, or you have a shy cute nerdy vibe to you, yet underneath that reserved exterior, you are an absolute sweet heart, kind, and loving to those who know you which makes you extremely likable and appealing to others. You have a special way of making people feel invited, heard, and seen with your sweet and caring demeanor. You likely wear your heart on your sleeve and often rely on your heart and emotions to guide you, but you need to be better at not always leading with your feelings and emotions and try learning when to be logical and emotional. I think you don’t know how much you are loved by others. You are being encouraged to step out of your shell and allow yourself to show up and make your mark on the world. You are encouraged to speak up more and put yourself out there. The world is your oyster.
channeled song
pile 3 • 💅🏾
𐙚 this is my rich b*tch energy pile. Your energy /vibe reminds me of the rapper, Saweetie. You are very extroverted and have a very contagious and lively personality that lights up a room and immediately draws people to you. You are very funny and are always cracking jokes, you don’t take yourself or life too seriously and you always have a smile on your face. You are extremely outgoing and pretty much the life of the party.
𐙚 for some, you are a socialite or very influential and well-known in the world or in your line of work. You are always open to meeting and befriending people any chance you get. Some of you could be an entrepreneur, or you have aspirations to create something of your own. You are independent and self-sufficient, you don’t rely on no one to provide for you. You are very passionate and driven when it comes to your goals, dreams, and desires and wont stop until you get everything you want and deserve. Literally self-made and meant to be a boss.
𐙚 you are very outspoken and intelligent. You are not afraid to speak your mind and stand up for yourself and others, if necessary. People tend to underestimate you and what you are capable of because they think you are just a stereotypical “pretty girl” yet, little do they know that you have beauty and brains and you aren’t afraid to show what you know.
𐙚 bougie queens 👑 you prefer the more finer and refined things in life. You look and smell rich and expensive. For some you are actually wealthy and privileged. You take especially good care of yourself any chance that you get. Not the type of woman to accept any thing less than what you deserve because you know and understand your worth and value, then you add tax. You are poised, well-mannered, confident, and unattainable to those that instantly fall head over heels for you.
𐙚 you likely attract a lot of unnecessary hate from people, specifically people that are jealous of yo. You could have people that have tried to do black magic (hexes, curses, evil eye) or send negativity your way to throw you off course and to see fall from grace, but they always fail and their attempts backfire in the worse way. The divine and your spiritual team do not play about you and will be quick to slide, if anyone dares to harm you. People may mess with you a lot because you come off very peaceful and you have a youthful spirit or appearance, so they perceive you as gullible and an easy target. Your presence and essence also intimidates lots of triggered and unhealed people as well.
channeled song
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redrage71890 · 8 months
HEY NANBAKA FANS!!! Has anyone ever thought about the linguistic skills everyone has? Concerning the fact that the cast is largely international with the inmates primarily besides the guards since majority of them are Japanese (except for Building 5 that's mainly Chinese).
Big Note: I'm not fully caught up in the manga and just basically started it, so this is all coming from an anime watcher. If its somehow explained in the manga then someone tell me please...
Though staying with the primary cast of Building 13, 3/4 of cell 13 are foreigners from specifically English speaking countries being America and Britain. So are the three of them fluent in Japanese? I guess they would because Nanba Prison is in Japanese waters with majority of everyone being Japanese. I understand that the foreign guards would have to know Japanese for obvious reasons.
So here are my personal headcanons/thoughts for the each of the primary characters in the anime (because I haven't finished the manga):
I think it depends on the pasts and learning abilities of the inmates for them to have a better understandings of learning another language and retaining that.
Jyugo: I find it hard to believe he would be able to learn another language easily or even moderately. He probably tries to copy how someone pronounces something but he struggles with reading and writing. From all the prisons he's been to internationally, he probably has basic English that was kind of refined from Uno helping.
Uno: Out of everyone in cell 13, Uno would most likely be bilingual with English and Japanese. I don't think he would be completely fluent however, he might struggle with more complex sentences or words he's unfamiliar with. (Also who doesn't think Uno might slip into some angry British English or something...)
Nico: I think Nico would be able to speak more Japanese than English because of watching anime. He can't read so he's going off hearing, so he might have picked up on words from how they're used in phrases and puts them in his everyday. Along with all the guards and Jyugo probably teaching him in some way.
Rock: Honestly, I see Rock using more English than the other three. Using it more emotively especially when he's angry or frustrated, mainly to himself. His Japanese I'd say is decent but not as fluent.
Tsukumo: Definitely bilingual and possibly trilingual. Japanese and English and I'll say Chinese that his 'mum' encouraged him to learn because of possible roles. Probably maintains them by trying them with English and Chinese speaking inmates.
Liang: Japanese and Chinese straight up. Doesn't know English well at all because of the environment and situation he grew up in, but he probably doesn't care about learning another language and just keeps Japanese and Chinese. Too busy training anyway.
Upa: Same thing with Liang. Don't really care and too busy training. English? I think he'd be really competitive against like Liang to see who's better at English.
Qi: Trilingual. Qi is pretty smart so I'm not surprised he would know three languages or so. He might've had foreign clients before he went to prison so he'd have to know English at least. Its Japanese, Chinese and English he knows to spell it out.
Musashi: Most likely the most knowledgeable out of the inmates, considering Musashi went to college so I'm saying trilingual. For all I know he might not be fluent in Japanese but he’s certainly fluent in German and English for obvious reasons (he’s German if anyone forgot).
Honey: Bilingual. He’s half Japanese and American but we don’t know anything about his family so who knows if he was actually taught Japanese at a young age. But Honey is quite smart with his bullets and the thread so I’d say he knows English and Japanese well to near fluency.
Trois: Most likely also bilingual but possibly trilingual. Trois is very intelligent considering his somewhat sadistic self with machinery, in my mind he probably has enough brain space for two at least languages. French is one and the other is Japanese, I said trilingual because I'm not sure if he would know English somehow.
They gotta be smart in a way and physically strong enough to keep these inmates from escaping. Not to mention the foreign guards having to learn another language to work at Nanba.
Hajime: Strikes me as a man that at least knows decent English but not fluent. I think he's very knowledgeable in other languages but he's too busy to study them or learn them.
Yamato: I don't think Yamato knows a lot of English or any other language besides Japanese. I'm not sure how he met his wife since she's Russian but I think she's bilingual while he isn't really.
Seitarou: Shy English speaker and isn't that confident in his skills, but he knows it decently. Though he doesn't give a vibe that he knows anything other than Japanese or English.
Samon: For obvious reasons he's bilingual with Japanese and Chinese. I like to think that the Chinese inmates and guards talk to each other in Chinese as a way of retaining the language. I see Samon helping some inmates retain their Chinese if some happen to forget like writing.
Inori: Again, bilingual. Highly doubt he would try to learn another language. Would he speak it at Nanba with anyone else? Honestly, he might but probably not often at all yet he somehow still remembers his Chinese.
Kenshirou: I'll be honest here, Kenshirou most likely knows the basics for a bunch of languages from his years in the police and he might of had to pick up basics for other languages for situations or so. Currently, I see his linguistics being a bit broken from not using it and or he forgets because of his work.
Hitoshi: Probably really knowledgeable on linguistics and other cultures but might have trouble speaking. Is very curious about other cultures and actually wouldn't mind learning from the people and feeling a great amount of appreciation for them. Considering the fact that he remembers that Hajime told him that Germans like beer a lot so I think Hitoshi wouldn't mind learning about other languages.
Kiji: This is hard. But I don't think Kiji would be extremely good with learning another language but I think he would know a few words. Like random words he can use and say in the correct times, though he probably would be too busy with his duties
Mitsuru: Ironically, probably knows many languages and surprisingly doesn't butcher any of them. Most likely favours English the most and is most likely fluent. Reason I'd say is from music he listens to or just saying shit for the jokes and memes.
Momoko: Relatively knowledgeable on other languages but isn't fluent in those languages. I'd say as the warden she'd have to encounter many foreigners so she'd know other languages for conversation and what's necessary.
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 3 months
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On the left is the Redcap, murderous little fey born of bloodlust! 3 - 4 ft (0.9‒1.2 m), these are fey serial killers. They die if they go more than 3 days without soaking thier cap in blood, so it's mainly just a "might as well have fun with it" situation. They specialize in knocking people over and have IMMENSE strength, as strong as that of a grizzly bear. They are fine working with other creatures, so long as thier cap stays bloody and it's an odd numbered group (they're very superstitious). The one in the back is one that soaked its hat in demon blood, called a "madcap." They're wild and explode when they die.
On the right, the Yeth Hound! 5 foot (1.5 m) at the shoulder, this flying fey canine is telepathic, trilingual, and can cause supernatural fear with its howl! Really potent fear too, usually fear effects let you try to resist doing anything that harms you but this is just blind panic. Unwaveringly obedient to thier master, they're sadists who value nothing more than causing terror. They won't go into sunlight though, it's their one fear, as it banishes them to the depths of the ethereal plane and makes them mortal for a while.
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avelera · 6 months
So I’ve gone back and I’ve been reading some Old Guard fic (as I try to get motivated to write the last damn chapter of my one damn TOG WIP finished so I can finally moved on), and I must admit, one silly and very minor pet peeve I have in some Nicky/Joe fics for the Old Guard that explore their Crusader days is the trope of having them go a really long time without being able to understand each other. Because based on Nicky’s path as a Crusader even getting to the Holy Land, and the various hints we have that Joe has a pretty worldly background, I would suggest they should have had a baseline to communicate already when they met and that bridging the gap would have gone very quickly for one or both of them once they committed to learning.
There’s a few reasons I find them going a really long time without speaking each other’s language (most likely Nicky picking up Arabic) somewhat implausible:
- First, just based on my own personal experience: I went through a full language immersion experience myself and yes it was painful and yes, having textbooks and classes certainly helped, but all told it was 3-4 months from almost zero before I could start doing normal things for my age group like read simple books and do homework. However, the most effective language learning program in the country, Middlebury, does a full immersion program that gets people to baseline functionality in 6 weeks. Yes, learning a language is hard and I will be the first to say that mastery takes years and mastery without immersion is nearly impossible, but if you’re completely immersed there, without options, it goes much faster. You won’t be fluent of course but you will be conversational. Also, by all accounts, being illiterate or otherwise not bothering to learn how to read and write at the same time and ONLY going for verbal communication actually makes things go even faster.
- People who pick up by speaking (rather than reading and writing) and people who speak multiple languages already tend to pick up other languages even more quickly. Once you learn one or two, a lot of polyglots don’t stop there. There is that old joke: the word for speaking three languages is trilingual, two languages is bilingual, and speaking only one language is American. Which is to say I think native English speaking writers might be the ones underestimating how quickly a language can be learned (at least to a conversational level).
- Now throw in the fact that both Nicky and Joe have been recently in multilingual societies or organizations as a requirement of their meeting during the First Crusade, no matter how you slice it. Either as both coming from a merchant trading backgrounds traveling across international (so to speak) lands, or Nicky being part of the pan-European Christian army where multiple languages would be spoken across the camp, to him possibly having a priest background which would mean Latin as well. Not to mention Greek if Nicky picked up anything while in Constantinople (if he came over land). Nicky also would have been on the road to the Holy Land, if he went overland, for as long as 3 years and in Antioch before Jerusalem.
- Now, as an admitted caveat to all of this, I’ve lived overseas and it is absolutely common for expats to live in a country for years without bothering to pick up the local language at all. There were cultural and societal reasons that European Crusaders and the Egyptian Fatimids who lost Jerusalem wouldn’t bother to learn each other’s languages or any of the common merchants tongue or other common languages like Greek to bother to talk to each other. That’s absolutely fair to invoke for why they wouldn’t have a single word of any language in common.
- However, I will say, once both or either of them decided to try, I think some writers don’t give enough credit for how quickly one or the other would pick a language up, especially if it’s the language of the country they’re in (basically, I think once he tried, Nicky would pick up Arabic very quickly if he’s still in the Holy Land by the time he and Joe start trying to communicate). Effort plus full immersion is probably the single fastest way to learn a language, you’d be able to have rudimentary conversations within a few months at most. Really from there it’s just a question of whose country are they in once they start talking and stop trying to kill each other.
TL;DR I will be the first to say an author should go with what makes their story work best BUT there’s plenty of historically backed reasons why Nicky and Joe should have been able to carry on a basic conversation with each other from when they first met, and not be completely stymied in communicating with each other because of a language barrier.
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latibvles · 6 days
Last Line Tag
Special thanks to @mercurygray , @softspeirs , @upontherisers , & @hesbuckcompton-baby for the tags! I actually haven’t written much this week, as I’ve been adjusting to having a full work & school schedule, but I did start a June & Demarco thing on Friday. But first, friendly bickering:
“And you all better be on your feet,” Fern declares from her spot by the mirror, near the door. “Or I’ll never forgive you for it.” She’s dappling rouge onto her cheeks, soft and subtle enough to get past uniform regulation. “Yes ma’am,” Missy Campbell, one of Rivera’s girls, affirms from her spot on Jo’s bed, where she’d been showing Jo a letter she’d gotten from her husband down in… Australia? Something like that. “Oh I know you got me, Soup,” Fern hums, June can practically hear the wink that accompanies the affirmation. “I’m talking to that little rain cloud in the corner over there.” June lifts her hand, and gives Fern the bird from her spot laid out on her bed, staring up at the curved ceiling. Fern giggles still, and June feels her cheeks burning. “Come on, Juney,” she pleads in that sing-song tone that she so often uses to get whatever she wants, whenever she wants. June’s resolved to not give in this time. Instead she scoffs, rolling her eyes from her spot and letting her hand fall unceremoniously onto her stomach. “Hm. No. I could say it in Polish if you want.” “Nie, right?” “Well somebody better call the General, Sergeant Carmine’s trilingual!” June announces sarcastically, raising her hand once more in a faux-triumphant fist before letting it fall once more. That garners a laugh, although it might just be because of the ridiculousness of their current bickering.
a special thanks to @flipfloplogic for giving me Missy, who is one of quite a few girls-made-by-friends who make up Rivera’s crew.
Mostly because I am certain most people I tag have been tagged fairly recently for this, if you see this consider yourself tagged if you’d like to participate :)
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raptorfae53 · 10 days
Monster High Reimagined: Heath Burns Character Bio/redesign.
Heath Burns (He/Him)
Boitata child of the burns family.
To the average eye,Heath is not the…sharpest tool in the shed,an overly excitable would-be casanova whose desire to impress often leads to him making a fool of himself,exactly the last person you'd think to give the flammable powers and responsibilities of the Boitata. But although an exuberant literal wild child, there's more than a few dimensions to him, most more apparent out in the wilds and nature than in the classroom…
Likes: Being in nature,wildlife,flame print,girls (particularly girls taller than him) and s’mores and other such campfire foods.
Dislikes: Environmental damage and destruction,colder weather, boring or tedious activities,being ignored when chatting,and people being two-faced.
Killer style: nothing but the coolest fashion for this fire spirit! We're talking bowling shirts,chain jewellery, and flame patterns on everything! (For the uninitiated reader, he dresses like Guy Fieri, and nobody has the heart to tell him, heath wouldn't mind regardless)
Familiar: none, besides the whole fire thing heath has no desire to keep animals as pets,he prefers nature wild,free and chaotic,like himself.
Pet Peeve: Seemingly always ending up a laughing stock in his frequent attempts to prove himself as cool,suave or funny as he'd like,Heath laughs it off with the rest of them but it stings nonetheless…
Freaky Flaw: Impatience,at least in man-made settings. Heath…has never done particularly well in a classroom setting and is usually desperate to get anything paperwork related done in a flash to get back to more interesting affairs, his attempts to remedy that being not as well thought out as he likes and usually getting him into more trouble than they were ever worth in the first place!
Spooky Secret: heath can tell his peers are saying stuff behind his back and don't respect him as much as he wishes, and far from his seeming obliviousness to it all it irritates him greatly, that goes for those gossiping about that cute Yeti girl too, she's not scary she's just trying to be friendly!
Dream job: Wildlife ranger,wildlife photographer or anything that gets him out in nature and not cooped up indoors, going to cool places and learning and helping all sorts of cool animals,plants and other such forms of life!
Five Fearsome facts:
Like the rest of his species, Heath's actual form resembles an anaconda made out of living fire. As cool as he and his friends do think this form is, heath takes a humanoid form (albeit one with golden skin and flames for hair) to better navigate society and/or not scare the living daylights out of regular humans.
In turn, heath is capable of controlling said fire with pyrokinesis, or at least he's training to,getting too overexcited tends to end with anyone nearby getting their hair singed as he's come to learn.
Befitting his species original role and bewildering his colleagues used to his airheaded personality,heath is a staunch environmentalist ,striking up a friendship with Venus over their shared interest and collaborating often with the plant monster on various efforts as part of monster high's environment and gardening clubs.
Heath is trilingual in English, Spanish and Guarani, having grown up in a household fluently speaking all three. Recently a pastime of his has been practising the fundamentals of a fourth language to properly chat to a girl in his year,as she's clearly more confident talking in her mother tongue instead of English and Heath would love to get to know her better…
Whilst being made out of fire might seem like a surefire reason to stay away from swimming pools ,heath is an adept and seasoned swimmer, if only his exuberant nature didn't turn every pool he's ever been in into a simmering,steaming hot tub!
Hello again to the second profile of seven this spooky season (I know its still September but personally summer doesn't quite agree with me yknow,bring on Halloween!)
Compared to Abbey, (whose inspiration is well known by most people in the mh fandom) what exactly Heaths monster type and inspo is a little less well-known, so there's some explanation down below regarding exactly that!
Anyways,hope you enjoyed this profile, and see you next week for the next one. (It's going to be one I should've done a while ago tbh,if that's any clue...)
Anyways,regardless of all that, you probably have one primary question on your mind.
What's a Boitata, and why is Heath one?
In regards to the first question, a boitata is an Amazonian nature spirit that takes the form of a giant flaming snake and which protects the animals and plants of the forest from harm. The Boitata is from Guarani mythology, who live primarily in Paraguay and the surrounding countries, hence why Heath is from a trilingual Paraguayan family.
And to answer the second question, like toralei before him, I dont like the whole fire elemental thing, and him being a demon/hellborn goes against one of the fundamental rules I set myself regarding what monsters the monster high characters are based on. No Abrahamic Demons,Angels,direct children of Gods ,Aliens (bar one,but we'll get to them later) and no bigfoot because I thought it'd be funny if that were where i drew the line.
So I had a look at some of the other fire based monsters, and the boitata, in particular, simply caught my eye. (+ the environmental protector thing I thought fit Heaths g3 personality, as all things considered my version of him is a mix of g1 and g3 in terms of design and personality instead of purely one or the other...)
Also for better reference here's a collection of different renditions of the creature to give a better picture:
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rainesol · 2 months
(For the TWST OC asks)
What are some mannerisms your OC has picked up from the people around them? (be it other (people's) OCs or Canon Characters)
Have they ever gotten collared by Riddle? For what? How long?
How often does it happen?
How do they feel about Jamil? His workload? Do they think what he did to Kalim was just/did they agree that change was needed in the dorm?
What's a scent you associate with your OC?
What's a hidden talent they have?
What's something they'll never leave home without?
What are their minor fears?
What's their guilty pleasure?
If they could fight anyone with a guaranteed win against them, who would it be?
(FOR: Harriet, Kshoshurankha and Apollyon)
Thank you for the ask!! \o/
Putting these under a
Harriet has lost a lot of her accent over time. As a kid she had a Glaswegian accent, but over time it’s faded. She’s also picked up some English dialects from her friends.
Apollyon has picked up more and more older and more polite language from his dorm mates. It’s a little strange hearing him say stuff like ‘Undoubtably so’ in his SE London accent. He’s also got a habit of mimicking body language and movements and repeating phrases.
Ksho is trilingual. He speaks Serpentine, Hindi and Common. He often uses serpentine idioms, which don’t always make sense translated. He also sometimes mixes Hindi into his speech (not as common as, say, Rook, but still enough to be noticeable) for example, ending sentences in na. Another thing he does is try to mimic human actions. At one point, he (jokingly) did the ‘grinding ball of foot into ground coyly’ thing. He doesn’t have feet and ended up swaying instead.
Harriet has been collared. Many times. Ranges from being a nuisance on purpose to almost sending the dorm into pandemonium. She does get away with a lot though, because if she’s collared she can’t leave. [During her intro fic, Riddle says he should forget the collar and put her on a harness. She gets very offended.]
Polly’s worst year of misbehaviour was his first, before Riddle enrolled. I can’t imagine them meeting enough for it to happen. I’m sure it’s been threatened before, though.
Is there any point in collaring Ksho? He weighs like, an actual ton. That’s not gonna stop him. I think that’s another thing that’s been threatened, but not done yet.
Harriet doesn’t know Kalim or Jamil. When Cater sends her the gossip she thumbs-up reacts it and changes the subject.
Polly thinks that the situation got way out of hand, but Jamil was justified in getting upset. He’s mostly just relieved that he wasn’t there for this one.
Ksho also thinks that Jamil was completely justified in getting upset, but went about it in the wrong way. Snakes gotta stick together 💪
(Grahhhh I was hoping to get this one 💥💥) Harriet smells like vanilla cake batter and various tea. The tea scent comes from her constant tea drinking, but she chooses a lot of soaps and scents that smell like sweets (as well as baking). Shimmer either loves or hates it depending on if she’s eaten recently or not. Fae metabolism, unfortunately. It’s hard being hungry when your friend uses sugary perfumes.
Polly isn’t particularly interesting. Very normal teenage-young adult sitch. Deodorant, whatever detergent he had. Nothing exciting. When he’s back in Briar Valley, he uses more locally made soaps and has a more forest-y smell? He also used to be a smoker.
Ksho does not have sweat glands! Reptile issue. He dislikes most human perfumery (Pomefiore just smells like harsh chemicals to him), and therefore uses unscented soap. He smells like earth, rain, and grass/foliage. If his dad’s just done his hair, he might smell like coconut oil or whatever other conditioner he may have used.
Hattie is good at baking! In a homemade kind of way, rather than Trey’s bakery way. She’s also good at physics and thinking ahead at times.
Polly is good at various art forms. He draws and sketches in realism, and has dabbled in whittling. This also comes from Diablo being petrified lol. On top of that, Apollyon is scarily flexible. He can do the Ring levels of gymnastics.
Ksho is cpr certified for humans. He doesn’t tell anyone because he’s scared of actually having to do it.
Harriet’s bag has a little bit of everything in it. She obviously always has her magical pen, but also always keeps a little sewing kit on her.
Polly has his magical pen as a given, and a set of cheap headphones.
Ksho has his magical pen on him at all times. When at home, he also has a hunting knife on him.
Harriet is frightened of things she deems ‘too big or small’. Whatever she means by that. She also has a habit of panicking and reasoning with people who mean zero harm at all. Both AiW references.
Polly is scared of heights because I like being mean to him. He’s also iffy with mirrors and photos.
Ksho is scared of fire.
I can’t think of anything for Harriet :0 If she enjoys something, she’s just going to enjoy it shamelessly.
Remember how the other changelings haven’t grasped the polygon’s age? He lets them baby him sometimes. As a treat.
Plastic. Fuck, it’s convenient. Thank the seven for recycling, I guess.
Harriet should be allowed to fight one (1) doctor of her choice.
Polly would fight Crewel if he could. Free him from the science club and get that fucking came out of his face. Also leave his underclassman alone.
Ksho would kick the shit out of the illegal poachers and loggers in his hometown. Probably has.
@tixdixl @cyanide-latte @the-trinket-witch @thehollowwriter @elenauaurs
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So if Luz doesn't learn about her own glyphs until after the squad are trapped, will she be able to form them without needing to draw them? Will they have thier own look? And will the combos work the same or will it be completely her own unique language? Heh, if a titans glyphs are considered a language unique to the individual that'd make Luz in the future pentalingual. English, Spanish and three titans.
Small disclaimer, some of this might be changed by the time it's relevant in the fic, but a good enough portion of it is settled that I'm comfortable in spilling
Luz will be able to magically produce glyphs eventually, but that seems to be a skill that needs more practice, since King needed to draw his light glyph in the dirt in the timeskip.
I've been heavily debating on whether Luz is going to have her own unique glyphs, or if she's going to sort-of 'inherit' Papa Titan's glyphs, since she's just half-Titan. I've settled on combining the two ideas.
Luz is gonna have a mostly unchanged light glyph, two base glyphs that have different elements than Papa Titans, and the last one will match one of Papa Titan's but have a unique design.
The way I'm making Luz's glyph combo system work vs Papa Titans since it's partially inherited from him is...difficult to explain in words only. I'm working on a visual guide.
And, small spoiler for next chapter: something I've added to the world-building of the Boiling Isles is a language I'm calling Beast-tongue. It's the Empire standard language for all sapient demons whos mouth, throat, and/or vocal chord structure make it impossible to speak Common (English, also Empire standard), and is what demons like Barcus and Eberwolf speak.
It's common practice on the Isles for kids to be taught to understand both languages, and something Eda definitely felt was an essential skill, and thanks to being half-Titan, Luz can sort of speak Beast-tongue as well as being able to understand it (King can actually speak it). So she's already trilingual!
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superconductivebean · 4 months
End of May is marked by a melancholic tide; it drags me to somewhere I prefer not to set my foot.
But alas, unfortunately, I must.
My poetic way of speaking, is it cringe? do peapol look at it and think, ew, a foreigner, tries so hard?
I've met language purists in this fandom, if you wonder from where this grows its ugly stems.
I have also met and befriended many awesome ESL/EFLs, many natives and bi-, trilinguals, to have a true reality check; their opinion is infinitely more valuable to me. I appreciate it. I really do.
Yet sometimes, I'm nibbling at my own certainty in if I am able to be sound; have I reached that point of achieving capability to be a syntactical intention; am I there if I hate everything I write.
Where am I even if I still make rookie mistakes of forgetting articles, misusing prepositions, going Russian syntax in liue of English, barely think of adding an adage or an idiom to fancy up the text, never being verbose and always sounding like the most simple third grader on the planet; if my syntax is never that of books, how am I not this?
And what can it be if not a pathetic attempt at the critic of self; self that perhaps shoud be -- must be -- proud of themselves for dedication, time and effort invested in the language anyone barely speaks around these parts; self who has the rigid perfectionist mindset, of a constructive nature, but desiring to perfect nonetheless; self with a wistful inclination to formulate and mosaic in the language patterns it has never heard in its life.
I now hear my inner critic talking, saying there isn't another way of learning a language, it must be so. Cringy. Overbearing. Fatigue-inducing. He is right, he is well-trained and gives me pointers, so to speak about his constructive -- constructed -- nature; before starting on myself, I had to teach him what do we like, what do we want, and so on.
But on a steppe on the noon, in an ocean with no light, on a flat road with no signs, it's a dauntingly harsh environ to navigate at times. No goals. No souls. No words. Just me and what I can do with free neurons ready to be woven into something sophisticated -- or utterly abysmal, whatever will help to seek the silver lining to follow it up to a great and opened environment with lands to explore, mountains to conquire and places to be.
I might remain cringe to others, still. But at least, I will calm the part of me that cringes. I am in no mood for fiendship with myself; friendship will do.
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rarepears · 2 years
Green hell. Question, what does Aizawa know about his family's occupations? Because, obviously, SY and LBH can't tell him they're demons. Sooo we got Mobei jun covered, he is a "CEO", but what about SY, LBH, and SQH? I imagine that SQH might be the head of R&D slash security (cause of his talismans). Also, it fits Aizawa's narrative about a cliche love story of a CEO and his employee. And we have Shang Hualing popping up randomly like the random fun and eccentric aunt that she is.
Shen Qingqiu obviously was a teacher. Aizawa knows very clearly about how his parents were teacher-student before they became lovers and then husbands.
And when they fell in love, the school had to let go of Shen Qingqiu from the scandal and fallout, hence his parents' move from China to Japan to escape the gossip.
(Yes, Aizawa is trilingual. He speaks fluent Japanese and Chinese and some butchered English as is required by his school.)
Clearly Shen Qingqiu made big bucks teaching which is how Aizawa's parents were able to retire early. Well, mostly retire early. Aizawa knows that Shen Qingqiu has occasionally sold a few pieces of calligraphy and done a few art commissions.
Luo Binghe is a househusband, constantly working to improve the house, doing chores, and cooking all day long to make fancy culinary feasts.
And when Luo Binghe isn't home and isn't doing errands, Aizawa can expect his dad to be hanging out with his uncles - Mobei Jun, Shang Qinghua, etc. - or wine aunt Sha Hualing gossiping about the ongoing of this or that situation of some people back in China. Aizawa wishes he didn't know just how much gossip his parents did with their friends, but sheesh. It's even worse than when some of Shen Qingqiu's former students pop in for a meal and share about the ongoings of some rival private school called something something gold palace??
Aizawa finds it all very tedious.
[More in the #shen yuan and luo binghe are aizawa's adoptive parents au]
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starfayy · 6 months
Writeblr Intro (cuz i forgot about this)
Tumblr media
AYUP everyone my name's Fleur, i'm a 19 years old woman, im cishet and painfully neurodivergent (AuDHD and MADD). Im also brazilian and christian so there's that! (Trilingual beast coming at ya!)
I've been a writer since who knows when, started to write fanfiction in the worst fandom i could've started (...the beatles), went to an amazing fandom -that turned out to not be that amazing but my writing and storytelling evolved exponentially so im grateful- to now being more focused in original works
I'm currently writing a book with my friend (@serenity-of-waffles)*, and i might probably work in scripts for comics, animations and maybe games????? Let's see-
yeah im an artist too hehehe
Genres i enjoy reading/writing: Fantasy, Scifi, Romance, Thriller/Suspense, Horror, Slice of Life, Supernatural
Here comes the lists of things i like to see in a book and that i tend to write it in my own stuff:
A good well written romance sometimes doesn't kill ^.^ (im a cliché beast, careful)
Tragic Backstory? Sign me in
Supernatural ocurrences and creatures. Analog Horror, Psychological Horror as well
Super heroes? Yes
Mythological metaphores
I write for both Youth and Adult (im a sucker for children's books they can get so dark suddenly and is amazing)
Mystery elements yesyesyes a good suspense
Deep relationships
Consequences. I love consequences.
Historical plots and period inspired fiction
Super powers, creatures, magic, a whole well made worldbuilding (Tolkien wannabe)
SOOOO what am i looking for??
FRIENDS! People to rant about my silly stories and worlds!
More writers to follow and engage and and- ykwim
Current WIPS? hmmmmm
• Eden Fables: The Inkweaver's Diary - (*NOT WRITING ALONE) So this one i won't give much detail, just know that me and my friends we're going absolutely insane over this book and the entire possible series and is our child, you're not fucking ready. The best fantasy book i ever written in my life TRUST ME. Blame Tolkien and C.S Lewis for inspiring us so much- (sorry for the vague synopsis muahahahah) A story of a boy displaced in time and space as he finds his heart and returns to his throne, finding a family along the way while dealing with the craziest adventures.
• Boreal City (future comic :O) - A retrofuturistic cyberpunk super-hero universe about many different points ot view and adventures that are actually connected (like the Marvel Comics universe or DC comics). Its being one of my favorites so far im having so much fun doing it hehe
Its very inspired by many superhero and retro-cyberpunk media, i cant count here how many hehe Synopsis (for at least one of the stories): From a family of superheroes, turned into a villain by his own demise, and disappearing for 5 years, GlitchWave makes his stupendous comeback in an unexpected redemption arc, and it all starts when he meets his brother again.....
• Gritia's Great Mystery - An amazing story about a corrupt kingdom trying to hide all evidence that god exists, aside from other...cruel crimes against certain groups of people. The aesthetic is a mix of enlightnment era, renassaice and victorian age, all together mixed with elements of thriller, romance, mystery and BIG drama. Maybe one of my most serious stories, since i wont hold back in the critics n shit
The Crown Family of Gritia, for centuries, tries to make the existence of the Mighty King, aka god, a tabboo, or even erase him from all existence, alongside his followers. Anything that goes astray the status quo is suscetible of punishment (or worse....)
That makes Spencer's life a bit complicated, even if he doesnt know abt the Mighty King's existence, he's part of a secret society...lets see where this goes right?
OOF DAMMT I SPOKE A LOT HUH SORRY IM A TALKER! Hope to find more writer friends along the way ^.^
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wrongcaitlyn · 6 months
I'm sure you've mentioned this before in previous chapters, and I just don't remember, but Will doesn't speak Greek, right?? So does that mean that Apollo never taught him, or was his greek just not good enough to teach him? 😭😭 (ignoring the fact that Apollo had neither the mentality nor the will to teach his son a foreign language at the time)
Orrr, I feel like it's very possible that Apollo just isn't very fluent in Greek anymore bc he doesn't have anyone to talk to. Also, bc he hasn't actually been in Greece in years but like idk
This is probably such a stupid question, but I was just thinking about how Nico's first language is Italian and how overtime he might lose one of the little things that connect him to Bianca 😭😭
Then ofc, my mind drifted to Apollo and about him being fluent in Greek- IDK MAN ANYWAYS I THINK I RAMBLED ENOUGH HAVE A GOOD DAY‼️🫶🫶
ahshhd omg i love this question!! i don’t think ive ever talked about it so the short answer is that no, will doesn’t know greek, he only knows a high school level spanish in this au😭
i actually imagine that apollo didn’t grow up in greece, but in the us (specifically la/hollywood)
his mom probably tried to teach it to him (bc leto is the literal best) but with everything else that he had going on, he just didn’t have the time to ever learn it - his dad always focused more on all of his other hobbies/jobs and his schedule was overloaded enough as it was
but i do imagine that in those years when raising will, he tried to learn it again, just to get in touch with his roots. this is also probably when he first read like the iliad and the odyssey bc i doubt that he read it when he was younger (once again, schedule overload) and generally just tried to learn more abt his heritage and stuff, bc his dad never really brought it up to him
he had been to greece a few times, once for the olympics and a few times for concerts, but he was never really around much to sight see (which, if you noticed, is why i had him going to tourist attractions with nico in athens, when most of the time he tends to stay in the venue or the hotel or tour bus to avoid attention/paparazzi)
but back to the main question - apollo didn’t try to teach will greek bc he was just barely learning it himself, but im sure he’d definitely want will to learn it one day - especially when he would see leo fluent in spanish and nico fluent in italian and thinking how it would be nice to connect will to his culture as well
as for nico, i promise he definitely holds on to italian as a connection to bianca - the last remaining one, too. i think that sometimes he gets scared that he’s abt to forget it, or sometimes his mind will blank on a word and he’ll be terrified (which, tbf, happens in all languages, im bilingual (or trilingual if u count my ap french class which i don’t😭) and forgetting words happens no matter how much u practice) - and so he’ll just talk to himself in italian a bit
i ALSO imagine that whenever he’s talking solely to chiara, they speak in italian. he probably was very excited to hire her for the tour when finding out she was also from italy, and they’re able to sort of keep that going even when traveling the world!
i think by this point, apollo is nearly fluent in greek, but like, the textbook sort of knowing a language. like, he’s memorized all the vocab and grammar and stuff but he’d be a bit clueless in an actual conversation. him attempting to practice his greek in athens would def be hilarious and now i’m sort of upset i didn’t write that💀💀
thank u for the askshkdjs i absolutely love rambling abt apollo and nico likeee ahdksj. so many things i hadn’t even thought abt!!
oh ALSO. ONE OF MY FAV HC’S ABT NICO is that he absolutely loves studying languages. despite being dyslexic, he picks the speaking and understanding part of languages up super easily
so i’m just imagining nico and apollo on the tour bus learning new languages together and nico picking up greek as well so they’ll sometimes try to have conversations in that as well just to practice
they both definitely have duolingo downloaded and are constantly trying to beat each other on the leaderboards
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terresdebrume · 6 months
10 first lines
@lorata said we were free to consider ourselves tagged, so here I am!
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern.
He could take or leave pie, honestly. — The Pie (Band of Brothers)
It’s seven thirty, and Mrs. Obradovic called David to the phone half an hour ago. —The things we have (Band of Brothers)
There's something wrong with Babe. —A summer evening in Philly (Band of Brothers)
It’s a gloomy mid-afternoon in January, and the angle of the sun makes the hairy cock and balls crudely engraved on the bus stop shelter glow almost orange. —Blessings of the children (Band of Brothers)
Jean-Claude: Oh putain—t'as trouvé ça où? —Trilingualism in dangerous times (The Old Guard)
The clock in the kitchen strikes seven, its light chime almost lost under the soft whisper of rain over the windows. —Bedtime Story (Band of Brothers)
Roy swears under his breath as he tries to go over the brightly coloured flower beds without doing too much damage to the fucking daisies. —Parents that weren't, parents that were, parents that might be (Ted Lasso)
The Monday after they beat West Ham finds Roy on Jamie’s doorstep at five in the morning, using every last resource he has to stop himself from fidgeting. —Stains (Ted Lasso)
Five fucking days pass before they get to stop running, and by then Geralt is positively exhausted. —The White Wolf (The Witcher)
Alec takes a long pull from his flask, the smell as foul and the taste as bitter as ever, but at least it makes the pain of his headache recede. —The girl who saw. (The Mortal Instruments)
I'd say overall it's interesting to see I've moved away from starting with dialogue and my first lines are more for setting the scene now (well, number 1 was from an ask game so it's a bit of an outlier). I've found in recent years that I enjoy a bit of an exposition shot, so to speak, and that means starting with narration rather than dialogue m. Y'all will have to tell me if it works^^
I'll tag @almost-a-class-act , @talysalankil and @somedrunkpirate
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