#might as well act like my sun sign right
incognit0slut · 3 months
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Much Ado About Nothing (Act III, Scene I: The Fake Dating)
It doesn’t occur to you how serious the situation has become until you're forced to sign your fake relationship on paper.
Part warning: none, this might be the slowest burn I have ever written Words: 2.4k A/n: The original plan was to update this series twice a week, but I overestimated myself, so I will be posting each Thursday around this time. I hope you understand <3
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Spencer wasn’t sure how he would go through with this. The idea seemed simple enough on the surface—pretend to date, fool everyone, and finally find peace. Yet, the more he thought about it, the more complex it became, and the more complicated it was, the more crazy it seemed.
This was not what he had signed up for when he joined the BAU. Chasing criminals? Sure. Analyzing behavioral patterns? Absolutely. But pretending to date you to avoid the relentless meddling from his friends? Insane wasn't a strong enough word for it. It was ludicrous.
And even that word wasn’t enough. It was downright preposterous. How had rational, analytical work turned into this bizarre social experiment? Yet, here he was, ready to play his part even when he couldn’t ignore the absurdity of it all.
“Well, well, well.” Spencer looked up to see you walking from the opposite direction, both of you stopping right at the entrance of the bureau’s expansive building. “If it isn’t my new boyfriend.”
He narrowed his eyes. Why did you seem… so normal about this? Weren’t you the one who hated his guts? Weren’t you the one who avoided him every time you had the chance? Were you really that desperate to get the team off your back?
“What? You’re not going to greet your girlfriend?”
He forced a smile, trying to hide his irritation. “Good morning,” he replied curtly, opening the door for you.
You walked past him, and Spencer tried not to stare at you, but it was impossible to ignore the way your hair shone under the morning sun or how your perfume subtly filled the air as you brushed by him. He cleared his throat and followed you inside, wondering how long he could keep up this act without losing his sanity.
“We need some ground rules,” he muttered, nodding towards security as you both passed through the entrance.
You raised an eyebrow. “Ground rules? You mean besides pretending to be madly in love?”
“We are not in love. We just started dating,” Spencer said, pressing the elevator button. “So no spontaneous public displays of affection. We don’t want to overdo it.”
“What’s your definition of overdoing it?”
Spencer waited until the elevator doors slid shut, giving you a little privacy. "No touching. Especially no hand-holding," he stated firmly.
You scoffed. "Who on earth wouldn't want to hold their girlfriend's hand?"
He replied without missing a beat. "Do you know how many germs are transferred when you hold hands? An average of 3,000 bacteria from 150 different species, not to mention the potential viruses.”
“Wow, remind me to never shake hands with you during flu season.”
He shrugged. “I’m just stating the facts.”
“Okay, germaphobe,” you deadpanned, leaning back against the elevator wall. “What’s acceptable then? A nod from across the room? Morse code blinking?”
He considered for a moment, then offered a compromise, “How about an arm around your shoulder when we’re sitting? Or a quick side hug?”
“Side hug,” you echoed, mockingly horrified. “How romantic. Our friends will believe we’re madly in love for sure.”
“We are not in love.”
“So you’ve mentioned,” you replied dryly, standing straight again and turning toward him. “Can we at least try to look like a couple who actually like each other?”
That was the problem. You both didn’t like each other. “Fine,” he sighed. “What do you suggest?”
You paused, considering the best way to make this look believable. “How about you hold onto my waist from behind as we walk? It’s a common gesture, and it looks natural.”
Spencer blinked, taken aback by the suggestion. “Hold your waist? As in, really close?”
“Yes, Reid, that’s generally where the waist is located.”
He frowned at you. “That sounds a bit too… personal, don’t you think?”
“Isn’t that the whole point? To convince them we’re a couple?”
He hesitated, the image of his hands on your waist flashing through his mind. He suddenly imagined the warmth of your body against his, the subtle, pleasant scent of your perfume enveloping him. He could almost feel the way you’d be tucked right to his side, your height fitting perfectly against him, your head nestled just below his chin.
His heart unexpectedly started to race. The idea of holding you that close, feeling the rise and fall of your breath, the slight brush of your hair against his cheek—it was almost too intimate, too real. And he didn’t want to acknowledge that. He wasn’t sure if he could trust himself to play the role convincingly without his emotions betraying him.
Spencer snapped out of his thoughts, realizing he had been silent for too long. You were watching him impatiently.
“You know what? Do whatever you want.” You turned away, facing the elevator door, clearly frustrated by his hesitation. “Just stand there like a statue for all I care.”
His eyes slowly fell to your waist, considering his options... Maybe it wasn’t that bad. The idea of his hand resting there, guiding you, didn’t seem as unbearable as he initially imagined. The gesture seemed innocent enough. Not too much, not too little. What could possibly go wrong?
Everything, apparently. Because it happened all at once.
One, he reached his hand toward you.
Two, the elevator door swung open.
And three, as you started to move forward, his hand managed to slip before it landed onto your ass.
You shrieked at the top of your lungs.
Spencer's face turned red as he quickly retrieved his hand, stammering, "I-I'm sorry! That wasn't—"
But he wasn’t fast enough, because standing on the other side of the elevator door was Derek, witnessing the whole thing. His eyebrows shot up, and a slow grin spread across his face.
"What do we have here?” Derek drawled, crossing his arms. "Spencer Reid, getting a little too friendly?"
Spencer's mortification deepened as he tried to explain, "It's not what it looks like, I swear!"
Derek chuckled, shaking his head. "Sure, pretty boy. Whatever you say." He stepped to the side. “Well, aren’t you two lovebirds going to get to work?”
Trying to recover from the embarrassment, Spencer nodded quickly, his face still burning. He guided you out of the elevator with a brief, cautious touch on your back that stayed strictly in the safe zone.
You both hurried toward the glass doors, leaving Derek laughing behind you. You slightly leaned closer to him. “I could sue you for sexual harassment, you know.”
“It was an accident! You moved too quickly.”
“Sure, blame it on me,” you retorted, your voice dripping with sarcasm as you pushed through the glass doors ahead of him.
Spencer quickened his pace to keep up, matching your brisk walk. “I am blaming it on you. This wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t suddenly decided to move forward.”
“Right, because clearly, I should have anticipated your clumsiness.”
He shot you a sideways glance. “My clumsiness? You’re the one who—”
“There you are!”
You both turned to see JJ walking toward you, a knowing smile playing on her lips. “Hotch is looking for you.”
You started to walk away. “Sure, I’ll go see him—”
JJ shook her head, her smile widening. “No, you don’t understand. He’s looking for you,” she pointed a finger at Spencer, then swung it back to you, “And you. Both of you, together.”
Spencer raised an eyebrow, clearly confused. “Both of us? Why?"
“Something about filling in paperwork?”
He frowned, but as the implication of Hotch calling you both at the same time for paperwork sank in, he snapped his head toward you, his eyes wide with realization. You turned toward him at the same moment, and the gravity of your seemingly innocent lie spiraled down on him, making the whole situation feel alarmingly real. 
The weight of it pressed on Spencer’s chest. How could he possibly forget about the most important thing in all of this? He had an eidetic memory, he was good at recalling even the smallest details, but how could he not remember the need to officially disclose workplace relationships?
The reality of potentially signing official documents to confirm this fake relationship made his palms sweat.
“This is stupid,” you whispered when JJ finally left the two of you. “Maybe we should think this through.”
Spencer looked down at you. You were right, this was stupid. It was getting out of hand. But as he noticed the way you stared up at him, with your wide, doe-like eyes sparkling under the light, something shifted. This whole lie had started as a means to an end, a way to fend off the relentless teasing. But now, standing there with you, it felt like more than just a plan. Maybe it was the thrill of the unknown, or the strange comfort of the lie. Maybe it wasn’t just about fooling the team.
Maybe he was starting to fool himself too.
Spencer took a deep breath. “No,” he said softly, more to himself than to you. “We started this, we should go through with it.”
Before you could respond, he placed his hand on your lower back, feeling the warmth of your body through the thin fabric of your blouse before his palm slid over to your waist. Your eyes widened in surprise at the sudden gesture, but you didn't pull away.
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What have you done?
You couldn’t believe you had actually signed the papers. The weight of the pen felt so heavy in your hand, the ink seeming to dry slower than usual as you scrawled your name on the dotted line. This was supposed to be a simple, harmless plan, but now it was documented. Official.
How did it come to this?
You watched as Spencer took the pen from you, his hand brushing yours momentarily. He glanced at you before turning his attention back to the document. The hesitation was brief, but you saw it—the flicker of doubt before he pressed the pen on to the paper and signed his name next to yours.
What the hell are we doing?
“Alright,” Hotch said, taking the papers and giving you both a nod. “This is a bit formal, but it’s necessary under bureau policy. If there are any changes in your relationship status, you should report immediately.”
You nodded, barely hearing his words over the pounding of your heart.
“Again, congratulations.”
Your stomach churned. You were going to be sick.
“Thank you,” Spencer responded. Hotch then dismissed you both, and as you turned to leave, Spencer's hand gently touched your back. You were the one who urged him to act his part, but it felt too intimate, too real at that moment. You quickly increased your pace, putting some distance between you as you walked down into the bullpen.
Penelope was sitting on your chair, chatting animatedly with the rest of the team in the open space. She looked up when you both arrived. “Well, look who’s back!” Penelope called out. “How did it go?"
You weren't surprised everyone understood what being called in, together at that, by Hotch implied.
“It went… as expected,” you replied, forcing a smile. Spencer stood a bit awkwardly beside you, his usual composure slightly ruffled.
"This is amazing,” Penelope sighed. "Oh! you know what we should do?"
You eyed her warily. "What?"
"This totally calls for a celebration!"
Your eyes widened. "Let's not—"
"Are you guys free this weekend?" Penelope turned toward the rest of the team.
Derek leaned back in his chair with a wide grin. "You know I'm always up for a party."
Spencer looked between you and the rest of the team, clearly uncomfortable. "I don't think that’s necessary—"
"He's right, Spencer isn't much of a party freak," JJ chimed in, joining in the conversation from her desk. "We should do something more relaxing."
"No, that's not what I meant—"
"You know what we haven't done in a while?" Emily asked, walking closer with a thoughtful look before she settled onto your desk, leaning slightly against it. "We haven't gone to the pool lately."
Penelope perked up at the idea. "Rossi's villa?"
Emily confirmed her with a nod. "Rossi's villa. He’s always saying we should use it more anyway.”
At any given chance, you would jump at the idea. You loved relaxing by the pool. You loved basking under the sun with a cool drink in your hand, the smell of chlorine in the air, and the refreshing splash of water on your skin. And Rossi’s pool was the perfect place for that.
It was a villa located an hour’s drive away that seemed more suited to a resort than a private residence. It was far from the city, mostly unoccupied, but always welcoming. You had been there before, stayed overnight there too, and all those fun memories were still vivid in your mind. You even recalled the time Emily was caught skinny dipping at night. Or the time Derek kicked Spencer out of the pool after realizing he had been hustling him at basketball the week before.
It had been fun then, but the more you reflected on those memories, the deeper your frown became. They had happened way before everything fell apart, before the tension had strained your friendship. It was a time when everything felt simpler, when Spencer was one of your closest friends. And now, ironically, he was your boyfriend.
Fake boyfriend.
"So it's settled, then?" Penelope’s voice broke through your thoughts, snapping you back to the present.
Honestly, you didn’t want to go. How were you even going to pull this off? A weekend by the pool, while usually the perfect highlight for your summer, now felt like walking into a scripted play where your every gesture would be scrutinized. Not just by anyone, but by skilled profilers who could sniff out a lie like a shark smells blood in the water.
The fear of being exposed, of embarrassing yourself—or worse, damaging your career—was gnawing at you. It made you increasingly anxious. Yet backing out wasn’t an option either. It would raise too many questions and invite too much speculation.
So you closed the distance between you and Spencer and linked your arm through his, ignoring the slight panic in his eyes. “Sure,” you said, turning to Penelope as you mustered a smile. “Sounds fun.”
Penelope beamed at you. Spencer, on the other hand, felt the exact opposite. The idea of spending an entire weekend pretending to be in a relationship filled him with dread.
And he couldn’t shake the feeling that everything was bound to go wrong.
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nymphia-tarot · 10 months
Who is your future spouse?
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pile 1 ----> pile 2
pile 3 ----> pile 4
hello!! this reading will be all about your fs and your future relationship. this might contain slight nsfw in some of the piles! i keep my readings completely gender-neutral! meditate on the pics and choose whichever one calls to you. if you feel drawn to more than one pile you might have messages in them for you! if you don't feel particularly drawn to anyone, this reading might not be for you perhaps. since this is a general reading, take what resonates! 🩷
🐇 ‧˚₊꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦︶︶︶︶︶꒦꒷‧₊˚⊹ 🐇
1. Pile 1
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Wow pile 1, right off the bat I'm getting that your future spouse is someone who is very abundant-- both in terms of material wealth and emotionally. They're someone who likes to give and may do a lot of charity work too. They might be used to being a provider for their family, or being like the role model. They have a lot of expectations on them and they're the kind who's used to supporting others and they're proud of it. They have a lot to give and they know it themselves. They have a very magnetic presence, very charming, and they have this ability to make people feel like they're special. They're also very passionate when it comes to you! I'm getting Leo and/or Pisces vibes. I'm also getting like, your FS is very good-looking (getting brown or darker shades of colour for hair) and they might have a lot of suitors after them or they might be really experienced when it comes to romance.
They have a lot of passionate feelings towards you 😳 I feel like they're the one who takes the lead in this relationship (mostly in the bedroom). You're like a wish-fulfillment to your FS or vice versa. I feel like you guys will meet at a time where one of you guys is going through a hard time, where it feels like there's no way out and the other is going to be a gentle guiding light. This pile also has a bit of sexual energy but that's probably because your FS is just... really full of feelings lol. Also getting they might have a slight jealous/competitive streak where they want to be the best you've ever had. Not getting anything toxic though so dw! They really love pleasing you though and their love language might be acts of service/gift giving + physical touch. They might be the one to take the initiative when it comes to wooing you and might try a lot to impress you. They like buying you nice stuff a lot and would probably spend a lot on you. I'm getting they just really like pampering people they love.
2. Pile 2
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Pile 2's FS feels like someone with a lot of emotional baggage, or like their past is haunting them in a way (maybe a bad past breakup?). Still, they're someone who's more on the logical side and it feels as if they might try to rationalize their feelings a lot. They also come across as an introvert or others view them as a bit detached or loners. They might be an air sign (Aquarius or Libra?) or have air placements even if it's not their sun sign. They feel very sharp, intellectual and cuts through bullshit easily. Very to the point, direct and blunt as well. Their sharp tongue might get them in a bit of trouble in social settings. They might have a super intense-looking face/vibes or like, high cheekbones. I'm getting tall too, or even if not really tall they have "tall vibes" in the sense that they might come across as a bit intense-- just something about them feels very imposing and authoritative. I'm also getting they might be from a foreign country, different state or just a different culture from you guys. Traveling is def involved somehow.
You two might meet at the workplace or at some formal setting. I'm getting this is someone who's into more traditional conventions and relationships and they might even be super loyal and committed. I'm getting earth Venus sign. They might not be overtly romantic because they're bad at expressing themselves since they keep such a tight hold on their feelings. However, I'm getting they might be very reliable during times of need, like a strong guiding force that pushes you onto the right path. They're very mentally strong people as they might have had to deal with a lot of hardships in life. They have a lot of love for you though, and when you get into a relationship, they might want to solidify it through marriage. They're the type who believes in practicality and actions, so marriage might be a way for them to really be sure of your love. Honestly, this relationship might not be the most smooth-sailing but there will be a lot of valuable life lessons involved. I feel like you guys will come out more mature and wise from this. This def feels like a karmic/fated connection in a way.
3. Pile 3
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Pile 3 your FS feels like someone who is on the more materialistic side of life. They might be a party animal and they seem super free-spirited and independent. They might have a lot of wealth but they're also kinda possessive over their belongings. They're actually quite emotional and intense too. They're very strong-willed, like hardships and what society thinks rarely phases them. Very unconventional people overall. They might be the type who doesn't like being chained by norms and expectations. I'm getting for some of you, they might be a sex worker too. And for some, they might just have a really successful business which got them a lot of wealth. They might have a tendency to overspend though so there's warnings regarding finances. Overall, they come across as a bit hedonistic and maybe even a bit immature at times.
I feel like you two really balance each other out in this relationship. You guys might even be a bit opposite of each other. For looks, they might have somewhat soft features or look really gentle and elegant. I'm getting that for some of you, your FS might've been in an abusive situation before you guys got together or they might've been the victim of some sort of exploitation. They might also have a very soothing voice. I feel like a big theme or overall lesson in this connection is regarding balance and harmony, and letting go of what doesn't serve you anymore. Your FS will go through or has gone through a major change in life which will make them grow stronger and more abundant (I'm getting cutting ties with a male authority figure?). I'm also getting that they're someone who will sacrifice a lot for the sake of you guys' relationship and they will try their hardest to protect the happiness and balance in it. It's something they really want to fight for and preserve at all costs.
4. Pile 4
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Pile 4 might be dealing with a Gemini or Libra (maybe both in charts). I'm getting they might be a bit younger than you in age or even if not younger, less experienced in life. They come across as someone who's very harmonious and agreeable. Overall, they have a very flighty energy about them. They might be someone who daydreams a lot or has difficulty in keeping themselves grounded. They tend to have a lot of ideas but get bored quickly, it's like the mundane and simplicity bores them. They might not be very materialistic though and I'm getting they might find dealing with practical matters a bit difficult due to their tendency to keep their head in the clouds. They might also be a bit reckless. Also probably kinda bad with directions lol and they might get lost a lot. Kinda clumsy?
I'm getting your relationship might be a bit unconventional. Sugar daddy/mommy vibes? For a small percentage of yall at least but it's like you'll be the one who pampers them. For others, it feels like a fling or rebound initially. I'm getting you might actually be the first person they get with or they're a bit inexperienced. One of you might get a bit possessive/obsessed or too attached here (I'm mostly getting it's them). I'm also getting that at one point in this relationship, you might have to make a choice. What that choice is will be revealed to you in time. Your person might view you as someone impactful, or someone who brought a major change in their life.
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kimingyuslover · 3 months
Missed Connections
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Synopsis : You swear you can tolerate anything because this is an unwanted marriage to him, but why's this one hurts so much?
Word count : 2,716 and some change
pairing : Choi seungcheol x fem!reader
Genre : arranged marriage!au, contract marriage!au, strangers to *** ***** ***** to exes, angst, slight fluff.
Warnings : angst, tears, italic means person on the other side of the phone & message, chaebol!reader, chaebol!seungcheol, ceo!reader, ceo!seungcheol (not mentioned), like 1 curse word, implied cheating? (Seungcheol goes on a date because his toxic friends say so), Seungcheol is a jerk boo 🍅🍅, mentions of pregnancy (reader is pregnant), mom!reader, slight Joshua x reader, this fic does not represent his character in real life!
a.n : yes, i cried while writing this, Seungcheol's sucks
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The sun peeked through the window of his bedroom, which once was shared with you. He opens his eyes groggily, his eyes adjusting the sunlight that goes to his eyes.
Surprise, it's a word that will describe his expression right now, seeing a divorce file on his nightstand with a pen on top of the paper, lying peacefully waiting to be used by him.
“What the fuck?” he mumbles with his raspy and sleepy voice.
He thinks he might be dreaming, that when he sleeps again and opens his eyes, you're on his side while he's hugging you tightly, his morning will start with your kisses and this all was just in his head.
But it's not. When he slaps his cheek, it hurts. It feels so real.
And then, when he realised that the divorce file was real, he hurriedly searched for his phone, wanting to call the person he knew so well but also didn't.
“The divorce paper, you've already signed it? i'll pick up my stuff and take the paper with my lawyer” you said on the other side, voice sounding so enchanting but so cold, like he never heard before.
Your voice usually sounds like it's coated with warmth and sweetness, but now it's just filled with coldness.
he forgot when he first saw you, you were given the cliche title ‘ice queen’ by the employees.
“Why’s there a divorce paper on my nightstand? Why are you not here? In the bed, with me” Seungcheol said, hurt evident in his voice.
“What do you think seungcheol? you're finally free, you can go out as much as you want with your so-called friends, you don't have to worry that head more, our company will still be concerted, and the best part, you can go freely with that woman of yours” Seungcheol furrowed his eyebrows with confusion.
you cut him off before he even speaks, “i call off our arranged marriage, Seungcheol. you said it yourself, that you, Mr. Choi, does not want this marriage from the first you saw me, and that was proven when I saw you with a woman, in a fancy restaurant, just both of you, not with anyone else and I learned the fact that your friends told you to do that.
Our arguments will lead to one of us leaving the house that once you promised we'll build together with love, and I just have to be patient. When I saw you with her, I realised that was the beginning of our marriage's downfall, so I made the decision that would not leave negative comments from everybody else, so your company will not have a backlash from the stockholders even if it's hurting me in the process.
You promised me, Choi Seungcheol. to take care of me, try to love me, and even have the audacity to tell me to be patient with your heart. I've done all of that, but what you have given me is just aching in my heart over and over again.
My friends already told me that this marriage was bad for me and will hurt me in the end, but I'm blinded by your love bombing act, and I was so naive that I thought you will ever love me back, that we will have a happy family, with 4 children, 3 boys and 1 girl. we'll live anywhere i want, you said back then.
Do you know how much I cried that night? when I saw you with her, and when I knew that you and me would never have the happy family we once planned?
That day, I was going to tell you about me getting pregnant, but I guess fate doesn't want us to be together because they know it’s better for me to hurt now than later.
Tomorrow will be the last time i'm going to go there, and the final court will be the last time I saw you” after finishing the words that you've planned to give him right when he calls you, you hung up the phone, not giving him any chance to replied because you know, when you heard his voice your heart will hurt more.
Seungcheol drops his phone onto his bed sheet. He tries to recall the memory, and when he does, there's a hard pang in his heart.
regret started to fill up his figure, and he rushed towards the bathroom to take a shower.
He's planning to meet you today to talk about your marriage, hopefully not for the last time.
“Is Mrs. Choi here?” Seungcheol said to the receptionist at your company.
She hesitates at first, then starts to speak, “i'm sorry, but it's Ms. Hong and she does not want anybody, especially you, Mr. Choi to go to her” she says.
Seungcheol has tried to call you again and again and again, determined to fix the marriage he ruined.
and his heart hurts even more when he reads your chatroom. It's him who sent the last message, and you left him on read.
You know what? you're too naive, too invested in our relationship, and that's why it's not working. Can't you be more patient? i have my own things to do
He knew he was being a jerk when he sent that to you, but back then, he's heating up because of your arguments that are constantly happening.
Tears start to fall from his eyes, all you need is love, to which he promised will give you his, he should be grateful that you still give chance after chance even though you know that he will still be like that.
he drives to your penthouse, your summer house, your cabin, and even your house, but you're not there.
as he went to his car with disappointment on his face, someone called his name.
“What are you doing here, Seungcheol?” He freezes and it hurts. You usually call him with terms of endearment, but now you just call him by his name, which he hates so much if it's coming from your mouth.
Seungcheol runs to you. Wanted to hug you, but he halted his plan when he saw you looking at him like you used to before he was introduced by your parents as your soon-to-be husband, so cold with no emotion behind that oculus of yours.
He explains everything, telling you that his friend makes him go on lunch with the woman you saw. He even goes as far as kneeling in front of you.
“But you still go on a date with her? Even when you don't want to? i've said it to you countless times. i can tolerate anything because this is an arranged marriage, but cheating is an exception” you said while looking down at him because of his position. You don't even bother to usher him to get up from his knees. Seungcheol frowns at your words, but you're right. When his friend told him, he could refuse it, but he didn't.
His words caught up on his throat. He can't say anything anymore, because at the end of the day, he knew that his action was so sinful because for god damn sake, he's married to you!
“You're funny, Choi Seungcheol” You left him kneeling on the ground while going back to your car. You managed to hold your tears in front of him because you're not willing to let your tears fall for a boy who's not even a man.
When you're already gone with your car, Seungcheol gets up to his knees, and he realises that he hasn't even asked about the baby.
“Don't worry, my love, mommy will protect you, no matter what” you said while caressing your baby bump.
It's been approximately 4 months of your pregnancy, and 4 months since you're not on the same roof with Seungcheol.
You know you'll stress out yourself if you stay in that house, and you can't risk that.
You've been staying in a hotel for the past months, but luckily for you, your sister-in-law has a 5 star hotel, so you won't have to search for it.
[ఇ ◝‿◜ ఇ]
The first court is today, and you're going there with your lawyer and your sister-in-law (Soo-jung) because she says she wants to help you, and you thanked her for that.
You show up with a white dress, black blazer, your Jimmy choo pumps, and white birkin as the cherry on top.
Seungcheol saw you with adoration in his eyes, thinking, Why can't he see you like this when your marriage is still there?
He doesn't want to make eye contact with anyone with you and yourself, but when he does make an eye contact with Soo-jung or you he will divert his eyes to look somewhere that isn't you or her.
He's scared, what even your family will think about his family, about him? after he hurt you and you being pregnant was not helping.
Now it's your final court. This time, you dress differently, you're wearing white shorts, a brown thin belt, soft-pink Ralph Lauren button-up, a white lady dior, and a white slingback kitten heels with your baby bump that's already showing.
He feels guilt start building up in his body when the judge knocks his hammer three times, and he's trying his best not to spill his tears every second now.
he hears several footsteps going to him when he looks at you with his tear filled eyes.
you open your mouth while crossing your hands in front of your chest, then you speak, “Take care of your health, don't eat junk food like you liked to, this baby will get a new father soon, but i will still introduce you to them”
As soon as you finish your sentence, you start to walk away with your lawyer, brother, and sister-in-law (who gives him a disappointed and angry look).
[ఇ ◝‿◜ ఇ]
It's been years since your divorce, but Seungcheol is still a mess. He can't blame anyone but himself for this one.
After the divorce, he cut all of his friends who told him to go on a date that day. He’s in denial for years, even when he knows that they're giving a bad influence to him.
He goes on a lot of interviews, and he never fails to mention you in his interview, hoping you will see him on tv shows and better yet, with his child.
You, on the other hand, are already living your best life with your son, you’ve given birth to him 4 and a half years ago, and now he's your most favorite person in this universe.
You decide to move to Switzerland when Minjun– your son (Hong Minjun, Edward Hong) turns 1 year old.
There you met Minjun's dad, who happens to have the same surname as yours, Joshua Hong or Hong Jisoo because that's his Korean name.
You hesitate at first to be in a commitment because of your past, but Joshua makes it clear that you can trust him, and everything will be fine.
Joshua is a gentleman, a man who you dreamed off everytime you doze off, a man of words and action, and you really want Minjun to be like him when he's older.
Minjun characteristics start showing up lately, and just as you expected, he's already being a mini gentleman to you, and the manner that you and Joshua taught him is prominent with his actions and words.
You're proud of him, and you finally get your highest dream.
Having a happy family has been your dream for as long as you can remember, even when Joshua's not Minjun's biological father, but he acts like one and Minjun, too, acts like Joshua's biological son.
[ఇ ◝‿◜ ఇ]
Joshua decided that this month he and you will go back to Korea for the Christmas holiday, because for the last 3 years it's always been your family to come to Switzerland.
You can't forget how happy your parents and your brother's family look when they see you coming home with Minjun and Joshua.
“I miss my daughter so much. How have you been, sweetheart?” your mother said while hugging you, which you replied with a ‘i'm fine, mother’ and a wide smile on your face.
The next day, you're going to have a visit to your company in Seoul, and so you bring Minjun with you because Joshua is having a meeting and probably will be back at dawn.
“Minjun, are you excited to see mommy's office?” you ask Minjun when the light goes red, which Minjun replies with an excited nod and wide grins, “yes! I am so excited!” Minjun said with Korean and an accent.
The security, receptionist and your workers still remember you, they even try to get in a conversation with Minjun which brings a smile to your face.
“Minjun, will you wait here in Mommy's office while Mommy is getting our lunch?” you said while crothed to his height and holding both of his tiny hands.
Minjun nodded at your words, “can i play with secretary Jeon Mommy?” he asked, and this time it's your turn to nod your head, “yes, you can”
You already told your secretary to watch Minjun, so you don't need to worry.
You walk to the café near your company building, it's been your favorite place since you moved to this branch of your company.
When you get your order, you take a seat on the side of the road.
Not so long after, there's someone who sat in front of you, and when you saw him you furrowed your eyebrows.
“What are you doing here, Seungcheol?” The same question from those years threw Seungcheol off guard, the bad memories he never wants to remember.
“This used to be, or is it still your favorite place to go for lunch, and i miss you so i came here, what i didn't expect is you're going to be here” Seungcheol said, there's defeated plastered on his face.
“How's your life?” You begin, so the tension can be lowered a bit.
“Messed up, after our divorce. How's yours?” he replied with simplicity.
“Amazing. He's 4 and a half now, his name is Hong Minjun and since i'm not living in Korea he uses his foreign name too, Edward Hong” you said referring to the baby you carried when you're getting a divorce with him.
“Where is he?”
“Playing with secretary Jeon”
“I think i can't do this anymore, I'm sorry, i was an asshole back then. I swear I changed! just give me a chance, please” Desperate sounds so clear, and you look at him in disapproval.
“I have given you chances, over and over, but you throw it away like it meant nothing”
Even after you replied to him with that, he still begged you to come back to him, tears in his eyes mirroring how desperate he is.
He is still doing it until someone calls your name and a little boy runs to you, calling you mommy.
That's when he realised in front of him is his son, that he failed to protect.
And when he gets up when he sees you do the same, he turns his head to the man who calls your name.
There's when his heart drops to his stomach, thoughts running a hundred miles per hour, thinking of the worst scenario in his head, that the man in front of him is your—
“Y/n's husband, Joshua Hong”
Your husband, and that means he never got the chance to make you his anymore.
The tension can be seen by anyone passing by, an ex-husband who hurt his ex-wife deeply, and the current husband who treats his wife like a princess.
Joshua breaks the awkward silence after Seungcheol introduces himself with, “Let’s go, my love, your mother sends a location to the restaurant we're going to eat for lunch” with a smile that Seungcheol swears he wants to rip from Joshua’s kind face.
You replied to Joshua with a smile, and you three excuses yourself from Seungcheol and went to Joshua’s car.
Seungcheol had his heart broken again, and the reason is still the same.
Oh, there's addition for the cause of his broken heart.
You and Minjun.
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estellan0vella · 3 months
Never So Severe ❀ SatoSugu (Requested) Masterlist HFBU
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Living with epilepsy is a constant balancing act, but your partners, Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto, make it easier. They have been your rocks, always vigilant and caring, understanding your condition better than anyone else. But today, something feels different. The air in the room is thick with a strange tension, one that even you can sense.
Satoru, with his Six Eyes, is particularly attuned to the changes in your brain activity. He's been on edge since morning, his usually mischievous blue eyes flickering with concern every time he glances your way. Suguru is no different, his calm demeanor hiding a well of worry that you can feel in the way he lingers close, as if ready to catch you at any moment.
The three of you are in your shared living room, the afternoon sun casting a warm glow through the large windows. Shoko, your best friend and the school's medic, is visiting. Her presence is a comfort, but even she seems more alert than usual. You're all discussing the recent uptick in your seizures, trying to figure out if there's a common trigger you've overlooked.
"I've been noticing these changes for a few days now," Satoru says, his voice unusually serious. "It's like your brain activity is more chaotic, more unpredictable."
Shoko nods, her brows furrowed in concentration. "It could be your medication. We might need to adjust the dosage or change the medication entirely."
Suguru's hand rests gently on your shoulder. "Do you think it's stress? You've been dealing with a lot lately."
You shake your head, feeling a twinge of frustration. "I don't know. It feels like it's out of my control."
Before you can respond further, a familiar sensation washes over you. It's a strange, almost surreal feeling like your body is no longer your own. Your vision blurs, and you can hear Satoru's sharp intake of breath as he realizes what's happening.
"Suguru," Satoru says urgently, his voice tight with urgency, "it's starting."
Suguru is at your side in an instant, his arms wrapping around you gently. "We've got you," he murmurs, his voice a soothing balm to the rising panic inside you.
The seizure hits harder than usual, your body convulsing violently. You're dimly aware of Shoko barking orders, her voice a mix of professional calm and personal concern. Even though Shoko knows that the pair know what to do, they know it's her own way of coping.
"Hold her steady," Shoko instructs, her tone commanding. "Don't let her hit her head."
Satoru and Suguru hold you steady, preventing you from hurting yourself as your body rebels against you. Suguru's grip is firm but gentle, his face etched with worry.
"It's okay, love," Suguru whispers, his breath warm against your ear. "We're right here. Just breathe."
But this time, it doesn't stop. The seconds drag into minutes, and the seizure shows no sign of abating. You can feel the panic rising in the room, a stark contrast to the practised calm your partners usually maintain.
"Gojo," Shoko's voice is sharp, her eyes wide with alarm when she notices the staggering in your chest, "she's not breathing!"
Time seems to freeze. You can't see their faces, but you can imagine the terror in Satoru's eyes, the fear in Suguru's normally composed expression. They've seen you have seizures before, but never like this. Never so severe.
"Shoko, what do we do?" Satoru's voice cracks, a rare moment of vulnerability.
"We need to get her to the infirmary," Shoko says, her tone leaving no room for argument. "Now!"
Everything is a blur after that. You feel yourself being lifted, cradled in Suguru's strong arms while Satoru clears the way with his limitless abilities, ensuring you reach the infirmary in record time. Shoko is a constant presence, her hands moving expertly as she prepares to stabilize you.
"We're almost there," Suguru whispers, his voice a strained mix of fear and determination. "Hang on, love."
By the time you arrive, your seizure has left you utterly drained, consciousness slipping away. The last thing you hear before the darkness takes you is the frantic yet familiar voices of your partners, their fear a tangible weight in the air.
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When you wake, the world is a haze of soft beeping and the antiseptic scent of the infirmary. It takes a moment for you to realize where you are, your body feeling heavy and foreign. There's a slight pressure in your nose, and you realize there's a cannula delivering oxygen, easing your breathing.
"Satoru, Suguru," you whisper, your voice barely audible.
"We're here," Satoru says immediately, his hand gently squeezing yours. His face hovers into view, blue eyes filled with relief and lingering worry. Suguru is right beside him, his usual calm mask shattered, revealing the depth of his concern.
Shoko appears next, her expression softening when she sees you're awake. "How are you feeling?" she asks, her voice gentle.
"Tired," you admit. "What happened?"
"You had a severe seizure," Shoko explains, her tone professional but warm. "It didn't stop on its own, and you stopped breathing. We had to bring you here and give you oxygen."
You nod slowly, the memory of the event still a blur. "Is it...is it my medication?"
Shoko sighs, her eyes meeting yours with a mix of sympathy and determination. "Yes. Your current dosage isn't working as well as it should. We need to adjust it. I'll run some tests and find the right balance for you."
Satoru and Suguru exchange a glance, their worry not entirely alleviated. "Will she be okay?" Suguru asks, his voice uncharacteristically shaky.
"She will be," Shoko assures them. "But we need to be more vigilant. Until we get her medication right, there's a higher risk of these severe seizures."
Your partners nod, their grip on your hands tightening. The relief in their eyes is palpable, but so is the residual fear. This experience has shaken them, the thought of losing you too much to bear.
For now, you focus on their presence, the steady rhythm of their breaths, the warmth of their hands. Together, you'll face whatever comes, just as you always have.
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The next few days are a whirlwind of tests and adjustments. Shoko works tirelessly, her dedication evident in the way she monitors your progress, tweaking your medication until she finds the right balance. Satoru and Suguru rarely leave your side, their support unwavering.
Despite the seriousness of the situation, there are moments of light. Satoru's playful banter, Suguru's quiet reassurances, and Shoko's sarcastic humour all serve to lift your spirits. It's in these moments you find strength, a reminder that you're not alone in this fight.
One afternoon, as you're resting in the infirmary, Satoru leans over, his usual confident smirk back in place. "You know," he says, "you really gave us a scare."
Suguru nods, his expression more sombre. "We've been through a lot together, but seeing you like that...it was terrifying."
"I'm sorry," you whisper, guilt gnawing at you.
"Hey," Satoru says, cupping your face gently. "None of this is your fault. We're just glad you're okay."
Suguru's hand rests on your shoulder, his touch grounding. "And we're not going anywhere. We'll get through this, just like we always do."
Shoko enters the room then, a clipboard in hand and a rare smile on her face. "Good news," she announces. "We've found a new dosage that should work. With a bit of monitoring, you should be back to your usual self in no time."
The relief in the room is palpable. You feel a weight lift off your shoulders, the future suddenly seeming a little less daunting. With your medication adjusted and your loved ones by your side, you know you can handle whatever comes next.
As the days pass, you gradually regain your strength. The seizures become less frequent, their intensity diminishing. Shoko's meticulous care, combined with the unwavering support of Satoru and Suguru, makes all the difference.
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One evening, as the sun sets, casting a golden glow over the room, you find yourself surrounded by your makeshift family. Satoru is lounging beside you, his arm draped casually over your shoulders. Suguru sits nearby, reading a book but glancing up frequently to check on you. Shoko is there too, her presence a reassuring constant.
"We should celebrate," Satoru declares suddenly, his usual exuberance returning. "A toast to our warrior."
You laugh, the sound feeling good after days of tension. "I'm hardly a warrior."
"Are you kidding?" Suguru counters, setting his book aside. "You've faced everything head-on, with more strength than I've ever seen."
Shoko nods, her eyes warm. "They're right. You've been incredible."
Tears prick at your eyes, not from sadness but from the overwhelming love and support surrounding you. "I couldn't have done it without all of you."
"And you'll never have to," Satoru promises, his voice uncharacteristically soft. "We're in this together."
Together. The word feels like a lifeline, anchoring you to the present, to the people who mean the world to you. As you sit there, surrounded by love and warmth, you know that no matter what the future holds, you'll face it with them by your side.
The ordeal has been a stark reminder of the unpredictability of your condition, but it's also shown you the depth of the bond you share with Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko. With them, you feel invincible, ready to take on whatever comes next.
As the days turn into weeks, you settle into a new routine. The new medication works wonders, your seizures becoming rare and manageable. Shoko continues to monitor you closely, her friendship a constant source of comfort. Satoru and Suguru, ever vigilant, strike a balance between their protective instincts and giving you the space to regain your independence.
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One afternoon, as you're lounging in the infirmary, Satoru appears with a mischievous grin. "Guess what I found?"
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued. "What?"
He reveals a small, intricately carved box. "A surprise."
Suguru, entering behind him, chuckles. "Is it another one of your pranks, Satoru? You know she'll kill you if there's a bug in there"
"Trust me," Satoru says, handing you the box. "Open it."
You carefully lift the lid, revealing a delicate diamond encrusted bracelet, its charm a small, intricately designed phoenix. "It's beautiful," you breathe, touched by the gesture.
"A phoenix," Satoru explains, his tone uncharacteristically serious. "Symbolizing rebirth, strength, and renewal. Just like you."
Tears well in your eyes as you fasten the bracelet around your wrist. "Thank you," you whisper, looking at each of them in turn. "For everything."
Suguru steps forward, his hand resting over yours. "We'll always be here for you. Through every trial, every challenge."
Shoko, who has been watching with a soft smile, adds, "And we'll face them together."
Together. The word echoes in your mind, a promise and a comfort. No matter what happens, you know you'll never be alone. With Satoru, Suguru, and Shoko by your side, you can face anything. And as you sit there, surrounded by your chosen family, you feel a renewed sense of hope and strength, ready to embrace whatever the future holds.
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yan-lorkai · 23 days
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: This was actually requested on my discord, by my beloved 🌸 anon. I sure had fun writing this, from an ace to another, I hope u enjoy this (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Yandere content, sexuality talk, coming out (as asexual), gn!reader
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Vil watched you pace nervously, his eyes following your every movement. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t even notice he had been speaking to you mere moments ago, his questions and jokes promptly ignored by you.
'What had happened? Had someone upset you? Were you troubled and in need of help?' He thought so many things, his heart beating faster with each negative thought crossing his mind.
Finally, after what seemed like years, you sat down on the edge of the bed, your heart pounding as you stared at your hands. The room was bathed in the soft, fading light of the evening, shadows dancing on the walls as the last rays of the sun slipped through the curtains. Vil could sense the tension in you, the way you seemed to be rehearsing your words, overthinking every syllable - you were like a newbie at acting, trying to conceal your face behind a mask, yet you didn't realize that he could see you behind your mask.
He knew he could ease your worries, he could make everything better with just a few words and snaps of his fingers. You were his most cherished person, and of course, he wanted to take care of you, to see your beauty shine alongside his, to nourish you into a better version of yourself. But first, you needed to open up to him. It pained him to see you so distant, trapped in your own world - fearing.
He could recognize the signs; the way you bit your nails, the shallow breaths, how you looked at him as if you had committed the worst crime possible, which was funny considering that he had done far worser than you ever could. Well, not that you know about all the things he did.
You glanced up at him through your eyelashes, your gaze shy and uncertain. His presence was both a comfort and a source of intimidation, though you weren’t sure why. Vil noticed this, and with a subtle shift in his posture, he softened his expression, hoping you would see him as someone to confide in rather than fear.
"Mein Liebling," Vil spoke gently, breaking the silence, nickname making you shudder visibly. He needed to be the first to reach out, to show you that he was there for you, ready to listen and understand. He took your hand in his, his touch gentle as he guided your chin up so you would meet his eyes. "You've been so quiet and distant today. What’s on your mind?"
It was a simple question but it carried the weight of his concern. You bit your lower lip, leaning into his touch, resting your head on his shoulder as you searched for the right words.
"There’s something I need to tell you," You finally said, your voice barely above a whisper.
Vil’s gaze softened further, a hint of concern flickering in his eyes. "Of course, darling. You can tell me anything."
It's now or never, You thought. Now or never!
Your fingers twisted nervously in the hem of your shirt as you took a deep breath. "I’m… asexual. It means I don’t experience sexual attraction, or at least not in the way most people do. I, uh, wanted to tell you this since we're... Interested in each other? In love? I don't know how to call it to be honest."
He couldn’t stand the thought that you might have feared coming to him, that you worried about his judgment. Vil tightened his hold on your hands, his touch warm and reassuring, as he let a soft chuckle leave his beautiful lips.
You close your eyes, afraid to face the expression that adorned your his face. Silence filled the room for a moment, the seconds stretched on, each one feeling longer than the last, your heart beating loudly in your chest. But Vil's relief was almost palpable as he realized that nobody harmed you. You were just afraid - afraid of his reaction, which he hated because he could never judge you or other aces for that matter.
"Thank you for sharing this with me," Vil said, his voice gentle and sincere. "I can see how much this means to you, and how scared you are."
A wave of relief washed over you, though a small knot of anxiety still remained. "I was afraid you might not understand or that it would change things between us."
Vil’s lips curved into a soft smile, though he felt a twinge of hurt that you’d ever doubt him. "My feelings for you aren’t based on physical attraction. What matters to me is your heart, your mind, and the incredible person you are. If anything, I admire you even more for your courage in telling me this."
Your eyes filled with tears and you leaned into Vil’s embrace, feeling the steady rhythm of his heart against your cheek sounding as comforting as a lullaby. "Thank you, Vil. You don’t know how much that means to me."
"Thank you, Vil," You whispered, a sense of peace settling over you. "I like you... I like you a lot."
Vil stroked your hair, his touch tender and comforting. "We’ll navigate this together. Your sexuality is a part of who you are, and I love you for all of it. Always remember that."
You looked up at Vil, meeting his gaze. In that moment, you realized how profound the bond you two had that could transcend even words or physicality.
"I like you too," Vil replied, his voice filled with warmth. "Just as you are."
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candeathbereal · 6 months
Astro observations
Sister signs are the funniest to look at sometimes, because much like sisters there will be the similarites. For instance, Leo and Aquarius are both cocky asf but you know what the difference is between them? Idk if it's just the leos I've met or what but they will say they don't care what others think of them and yet when you say something about them all of the sudden they in their feelings. I can say this as a leo rising too cause bitch, no puedo mentir....if you talk about my looks I might feel some kind of way lowkey. Mostly because it is one of those things that I take seriously about myself so it feels really odd when someone who (in my opinon) doesn't look as good as me and disses me on the way I look...I'm going to be acting (with a lack of better words) like a bitch. I think this is why I get along with libra placements so well because I swear if a libra calls you ugly, you know they can say that shit with no worry of pushback. Like have you see libra placements...motherfuckers rule Venus for a reason (taurus are also pretty but it is definitely different if you know what I mean, I jsut wanted to point that out since Taurus also rule Venus and I didn't want any confusion). Moving on what I wanted to point out is that Aquarius (at least from the ones I've met) honestly don't seem to care. Like I think depending on the placements of the person it could change some stuff up but overall most Aquarius I have met in certain things say they don't care and they won't. Like if you say shit about something they don't care about...they simply won't really react as opposed to thier sister sign leos (fire signs can't help it, it is me I am the fire sign).
Literally Leos it's okay to care about shit...like own up to it. It's better than contradicting yourself. And yes ranting a whole bunch about something does count as caring about it. I'm sorry to break the news to you (i know breaking news people care about things). I do wanna repeat that this is based off my own personal experience as a leo rising with my sun in aries (17 degree) and my venus in the fifth degree (if you don't know those are leo degrees), so I am calling myself out a bit when I wrote this.
Moving on, I might write more about the sister signs in another post
Is it just me or are a lot of Pisces suns I've met happen to be left handed? Like I assume being left handed and a Pisces is one of the biggest coincidences I have experienced in my life. It's even funnier cause I remember meeting a person who was ambidextrous and they had a Gemini sun, libra moon, and a Pisces mars. I asked them if they were left handed and just had to learn how to write with their right hand (apparently left handed is connected to Satan or something like that) , but actually they just decided to write with their left hand as well because it felt more balanced to them. I find it funny because of the whole thing of doubles in these three signs. Gemini= Twins, Libra= Scales, and Pisces = two fish.
Alright final thing, mercury in the fifth house in synastry is definitely a moment to experience. It is one of my favorite house overlays in synastry from usually being one of the most fun conversations I have had with someone with this overlay. Generally speaking air house overlays with mercury is great but something about the fifth house really goes for me. I want to assume it's because my fifth house is in sag and I already have a ninth house stellium natally plus a sag mars. Plus my Aries mercury is helpful in this as well but ehh.
Anyways I would love to hear you guy's thoughts, or even any suggestions on what I should talk about next.
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-> Pairing: Kim Seungmin x GF!Reader
-> Request: This is a repost from my old account
-> Synopsis: Y/N knows her boyfriend well enough to know what his smile means.
-> Warnings: Felix getting pushed in the pool. Clowning around beside a pool. Please be safe around pools.
-> Word Count: 259
-> Requests: Closed. I will make a post when they're open again.
A/N: Am I the only one who thinks there is something healing about Kim Seungmin's smile?
Kim Seungmin Masterlist
©️ 2024 dancinglikebutterflywings - do not copy/modify/repost anywhere. Likes, comments & reblogs are welcomed and appreciated, thank you. 
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"I think I know what that smile means,” Y/N says as she sits down on the sun lounger next to him. It was hard not to notice the cheeky smile on his lips as he watches Felix and Changbin standing by the edge of the pool chatting away to each other. As if she was reading his mind, she shakes her head “Don't even try it. Felix might let you get away with it but Changbin will kill you.”  
“I don't know what you're talking about,” he scoffs. “I was just watching them to make sure they don't accidentally fall in.”  
“Accidentally?” She questions, a brow raised, silently letting him know she isn't falling for it.   
“Accidentally,” he nods, moving to stand up from the lounger, letting his intrusive thoughts get the better of him.  
“Kim Seungmin!" she warns. 
Seungmin chuckles before acting like he's going to walk right past them without trying anything, until he reaches Felix and pushes him into the pool. He makes an attempt to also push Changbin into the pool but flees instead with Changbin running after him with a "Yah! Kim Seungmin!" when it fails. 
Y/N tries to hold back her laughter at the chaos unfolding in front of her. It eventually ends when Changbin catches Seungmin and throws them both into the pool. 
As they resurface, sputtering, laughing, and yelling at each other, Y/N no longer holds back her laughter. There wasn’t a dull moment with these men and she couldn’t be more grateful for the joy and laughter that they bring. 
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azulock · 11 months
I love this slut of a man, so have a continuation for my first post in this blog, just in time for the 100 followers milestone!!
summary. now emboldened by how you seemed to be enjoying his habit of sending you nudes, Oliver tries somethin riskier: sending you a video jerking off. what's that between friends, right?
pairing. Oliver Aiku x F!reader
wordcount. 3,3k
warnings. nsfw (minors back off), male masturbation, cumshot, just oliver being an exhibitionist
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over the passing weeks you'd grown used to Oliver's complete shamelessness - and that's just what he wanted. when you never showed any sign of rejection towards his taste for sending you nudes, he just never stopped. and overtime it became like a habit - and he ventured to say he was getting better with a camera.
how often he'd send the pictures to you was anyone's guess. Oliver liked to maintain the surprise factor, but it also depended on how busy his schedule was. tho, you were guaranteed to never go much beyond a week without seeing him in all his glory - and oh, it was all glory.
although you liked to act aloof - something Oliver was used to already - sometimes you'd let it slip that you thought the sight was glorious as well. knowing you liked what you saw only emboldened him, making him feel like he could do more. and fuck, he definitely wanted to do more.
he'd been thinking of sending you something... riskier since this whole thing had started. from the first moment Oliver felt fully comfortable with this game - free to feed his exhibitionist tendencies - he'd wanted to inch towards something dirtier.
Oliver had been wanting for a while now to send you a video of himself jerking off. if you liked the goods in display on the pictures, might as well enjoy seeing them in movement, right? he just hadn't gotten around to it yet. fuck, he'd have to wing it this time around, wouldn't him?
(attachment: 1 image) good morning, guess who left the fucking blinds open again
the notification was the first thing you saw when you picked up your phone in the morning, right after waking up. Oliver started his day early, so this wasn't an uncommon occurrence. and you weren't about to complain, sometimes it was good to start the day with a little self love - and you were thankful when he'd provide the fuel for that.
when you opened the image, your eyes were graced with the vast expanse of a very soft looking bed, Oliver sprawled in the middle of the white sheets. the whole bed was lit by the gentle warm glow of the morning sun, his usual grin was replaced by a lazy smile, half lidded eyes framed by messy black hair looked at the camera from under heavy lashes.
Oliver had one arm thrown over the top of his head, the other laid alongside his torso, a massive hand "casually" scratching at his lower abs - exactly at the start of his trimmed happy trail. he had one leg straight and one bent to the side, covers bunched around his knees, giving you full view of his massive thighs and equally massive cock, laying heavy over the side of his hip.
not a Pulitzer level photo yet, but you had to give it to Oliver, he was getting pretty good with a camera. also, nobody should be allowed to wake up looking this good. the most surprising thing tho, this one message barely ten minutes back - guess even athletes are allowed a Saturday.
you giving the neighbors a show this morning, Oli?
when you noticed it, you had already sent the message. generally, you didn't dignify him with such a fast response - least you allow his ego to grow too big. guess you were just too sleepy to remember that today, or too distracted. the moment you hit send, you went straight back to the picture.
god, it was criminal of him to look like that in the morning, fucking bastard. quickly, you found your eyes tracing down the expanse of Oliver's abs to his cock, where it laid heavy on his hip. shit, even when posed near the massive girth of his thigh, the damn thing still looked impressive - veiny, long and extra thick.
nah, forgot this is the 15th floor, doll? nobody around to see shit
his answer came not even two full minutes after your text, Oliver really had no shame. dragging your eyes away from the picture - much to the dismay of your already clenching pussy - you dignified him with a response. you guessed you didn't have much shame either for entertaining him like this.
good thing, I guess. and you waking up late today, what disaster happened for that? hey, I deserve a break, wanted to sleep in more but as you can see... no luck oh, poor thing, was it the sun that woke you up? or that thing between your legs? cause that morning wood looking downright painful it is a bit bothersome, yeah :'(
immediately following the text, Oliver sent you a photo. if god picked favorites, today he was one, 'cause this timing was sent from the heavens. the moment your message popped in, he was just about to jack off to get rid of the damn morning wood. good thing he'd been too lazy to just straight up do it right after he took that last picture. well, he was gonna take the chance.
you looked at the notification with a smirk. he was feeling bold today, you'd never really gotten two pictures in the same day, let alone within minutes of each other. opening it, there was no surprise - but it didn't mean you didn't enjoy what you saw.
this time Oliver was sat up on the bed, laying against the back rest, plush covers pulled up to his mid thigh. the phone camera looked down at him, that sly smirk back on his face, although there was still some clear sleepiness in his eyes - tho, if anything, looking kinda groggy made him more handsome.
once more, your eyes follow the path from his broad chest, past his abs and down that devious happy trail. he has his large cock held in one strong hand, fist wrapping it snugly, but his fingers not able to fully meet around the thick shaft. you lick your lips, unconsciously clenching your thighs together at the sight. his dick was straining, veins prodding from under the velvety skin, swollen head looking reddish and angry. fuck, you felt ashamed of how much you found yourself wanting to taste it.
poor Oli, is it too sensitive?
you'd taken a couple minutes to answer, and Oliver was already biting his lip in anticipation, fingers flexing around the base of his cock instinctively. but the moment your message pops up on the screen, he relaxes again, fist lazily sliding up his shaft. you were teasing him, that was good, and in his book, it sounded like an invitation. you were playing into the game and all he needed to do now was bridge that gap, then he'd get what he wanted.
yeah, a bit, not gonna lie what you think I should do about it?
oh, yeah, he was definitely feeling bold today. you wondered for a second if you should play into it - the setup was obvious, but Oliver had never been one for much subtlety. you thought for a few moments if you should join into his scheme. you could imagine that devious smirk in his face, the one that was at the same time beautiful and rage inducing.
a part of you considered shooting him off right here, right now, but another hesitated. on one hand, there was allure to taking him down a peg, so his ego doesn't get too big. on the other... well, there was no denying that your body really wanted to see more of him. would it be so bad? maybe, you just wanted to see this through to the end.
hmmm yeah, you earned a break, you've been working so hard for the team, you deserve getting yourself some release put those big hands to good use I guess
hook, line and fucking sinker. you never disappoint, playing right along with him. Oliver should remember to thank his lucky stars, 'cause you were giving him all the leeway he could ask for. now to push the envelope, and deal the deal.
ah, some recognition is nice, thank you. I deserve a little fun tho, maybe I think you could watch~ if you think that'd be enjoyable ;)
there is a pause before you answer, one that feels too long for Oliver as he watches his phone laying on the soft covers. not that it's enough to dampen his spirits though, it just generates anticipation as his fist lazily glides over his thick cock, sending a shudder down his spine. shit, even if you shot him down now he was already too horny, that hard on wasn't going anywhere unless he made it.
when Oliver doesn't answer straight away, you feel weird. on one side, it's good he isn't trying to make a video call, you don't think you'd be on the vibe for that - not yet. on the other, would he really do it? hell, what were you thinking, he obviously would. that bastard fed on showing off, much like a plant in the sun. so you decide it's for the best to leave him be now, dropping your phone on the bed and leaving for the shower.
you spend a good while under the running water - part of the time wondering how the fuck did you get in this situation. when you come back to your bedroom, almost half an hour after sending Oliver that text, you are met with a notification. and while it doesn't shock you at all, it still has you biting your lip in excitement.
(attachment: 1 video)
no text, just the video. throwing yourself in bed you open it, Oliver's voice filling your ears before you can even register the image on the screen. you watch as he adjusts the camera, chuckling and muttering an "oops" when he almost drops the phone.
you watch the image shift and move as he props his arm on one leg and readjust the phone so the camera angle catches from the top of his thighs to his head. dominating the foreground of the image, though, is his massive cock, encircled by a large fist lazily pumping up and down as he blows a kiss to the camera.
cocky bastard, nobody should look good from this weird downwards angle, and yet Oliver does. it's unfair, really. he tightens the grip around his shaft, grunting in the background of the shot when his thumb runs over the sensitive head, and you shudder, clenching your thighs unconsciously in response. shit, his hand was huge, and it still covered just a bit over half of his length. you can't believe your bad luck that you'd lost the timing to get ravaged by that monster of a cock.
Oliver starts off slow and lazy, shifting between tightening his grip around his cock to fist himself and letting his fingers glide over his length, tracing that sensitive vein on the underside of his shaft all the way from the base to the head. his tip is already glistening, precum gathering around it as he works himself without a rush - almost as if he doesn't have the most raging boner.
alongside the immaculate visuals, Oliver gives you the most sinful noises, grunting and groaning low and deep as his fist starts to slowly speed up. his voice sends shivers down your spine, electricity running straight down your pussy. you can hear his heavy breathing, sucking up air through his teeth when his fist squeezes hard around that gorgeous cock, the muscles in his abs tightening in response.
you don't even notice your parted lips until they start to feel dry, too engrossed on the sight of Oliver pumping his massive shaft to pay attention to anything else. you can see the precum leaking greedily from his engorged head now. every time his fingers squeeze near the top, more of the transparent pearly beads leak down from his tip to his thick fingers. the light from the sun catches on his skin, and it glistens from the liquid.
he takes in a sharp breath as his hand speeds up, the pooling precum making his movements easier. the image shakes for a moment before Oliver remembers to readjust his grip on the phone, darkened eyes meeting with the camera as he curses under his breath - his cocky exterior crumbling under the pressure of the building pleasure.
god, just from watching you can almost feel it, almost taste the salty precum on your tongue, sense the heat seeping from his heavy cock. it's like you could touch his tense muscles, tracing the bulging veins that travel down his strong forearms and into his large hands, straining painfully under the skin. fuck, it was unfair how enticing he looked, just downright sinful.
in the quiet of his room, all you could hear was a mix of his heavy breathing and the sound of his legs shuffling around the covers, out of view from the camera. your eyes could catch only a glimpse of his powerful thigh flexing as Oliver palmed the leaking head of his cock, smearing his rough palm with precum before wrapping his hand around his fat length again. he was moving faster now, aided by the copious amounts of liquid smeared around his heavy shaft.
Oliver was groaning as he pumped and tugged at his hard length in long strokes. his eyelids fluttered, hiding those beautiful dual colored irises that always made you swoon - though, you fought hard to never let him know. in the background you could pick the sound of his voice low and strained as he muttered something in Japanese, and although you didn't understand it, you could imagine what it was.
you watched intently as Oliver's chest trembled with a deep and animalistic growl, his hips bucking into his hand. your body shuddered, muscles tensing and reacting on instinct - that's when you noticed your lips were parted again, almost drooling this time. honestly, the view was hypnotic, you weren't even sure how long you had been watching, time had just come to a standstill. not that you minded.
you heard Oliver grunt, loud and needy, and your attention returned to the video. his fist tightened around his veiny cock, moving up and down faster and faster. the angle of the video had changed slightly, his face coming out of view, he was probably too gone to pay close attention to the camera anyway. his hips bucked again, and you could see his dick twitch in his hand at the same time a moan left his lips. he was clearly getting close.
deft fingers gripped his erection thigh, Oliver's large fist moving up and down at a voracious speed, his cock looking heavy and slick in his hand. his breath was ragged, tense panting, punctuated by loud grunts and deep, hoarse whispers in a language completely alien to you. fuck, it looked so hot, your intense gaze following his fist as it pumped faster and harder, working his throbbing shaft with desperation.
with a silent gasp Oliver thrust his hips into his fist hard, the image shaking for a moment before he fell back on the bed. he bucked into his hand again as a loud grunt left his lips, holding still for just a moment as his heavy cock twitched wildly, the first rope of creamy, white cum shooting from his tip.
his chest was rising and falling fast as Oliver pumped himself through his orgasm - it seemed long, even to you, his hips trembling breath coming in low groans. you watched mesmerized as rope after rope of cum spilled from his throbbing cock, shooting upwards before landing thick and sticky on his chest and abs, some of it streaming down his hand. fuck, that was a lot of cum, an obscene amount painting long streams of white all over his torso.
his hand milked his cock to the last drop, a long white string connecting the tip to his hip before Oliver rubbed his thumb over it, smearing his thick cum all over his swollen head. he was still panting, muscles still twitching from the intensity of his orgasm. fuck, this was downright pornographic - you were even breathing hard yourself.
you watched as Oliver's cum stained fingers let go of his cock with a satisfied hum. he stopped to breath for just a moment before adjusting the camera with a chuckle - his cock coming out of view as his face came into frame again. darkened eyes looked at you from under heavy lashes once more, the last thing you saw was Oliver blowing a kiss to the camera before the video shut off. shit, how the fuck do you even respond to that?
woah you were really pent up today, huh?
when Oliver saw your message, he had just come out of the shower, hair still dripping on his face and neck as he chuckled at the words in the screen. if he wasn't already used to your playful aloof behavior, he would have felt his ego slightly attacked. but by now he knew that if you really didn't like the video, you would have said way worse - you could be pretty merciless, he knew as much.
either way, this was the foot in the door, he'd get you to crack at some point. he had patience - and after, you were still in the other side of Europe, so this was the most fun your interactions could bring. with a shake of his head, Oliver slid his thumb over the screen, typing a quick reply to you before he pulled up a photo and sent it to you.
happy to see you enjoy~ and yeah, guess I really needed that (attachment: 1 image)
you opened the photo without even thinking, and your eyes were met with Oliver's face, a large smile lighting his features as he struck a peace sign. it could almost be sweet, were it not for how he was naked, muscular chest and abs stained by the white ropes of his thick seed. you can't help but chuckle at how cheeky the picture was - but he does still look hot.
there you go, teasing him again - not to say he disliked it, tho. but he could tease you too, and by this point he was still too high on his own actions, too emboldened to think too much through his words. well, after all you let him get this far, might as well step a little bit further.
you think? bet you wish you could clear that off of me
oh, he was feeling pretty daring today - a part of you wanted to make a mean joke about him being desperate, but you liked what you saw, and you didn't want to discourage him. besides, it's not like he was wrong, but he didn't need to see you say that, his ego didn't need any more growing.
oh I bet you'd love if I did that, huh? too bad you are still almost 2000km away from me, big guy oh doll, why do you torture me like this? but you are right, it's too bad, if you were here I bet I wouldn't have to use my hands
it was true, if Oliver could have a choice, he'd be giving you a far more hands on experience - but alas, you were on the other side of the continent. he would complain about it, but he wasn't just about to question his luck right now, least he lost it. besides, he was having too much fun for that. he'd take what he could have, and he'd milk it to the very end. but still, a guy could wish for more.
ooooh go betting, fuckboy, maybe some day you could just get this lucky don't tempt me with a good time, one day I might just show up over there ;)
shout out to: @wishiknewwhatiwasdoingwithmylife
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roguetonorth · 2 years
Fix you
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summary: you've been having a hard time dealing with your own thoughts, but your mandalorian lover never fails to kiss it better.
warnings: hurt/comfort, reader and their bad thoughts, fluff, din being a lovey dovey and lots of kissing
pairing: din djarin x reader
word count: 2534k
a/n: this had been sitting on my notes app for a decade and i decided i might as well drop it here idk what it is i was just depressed and yearning
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When your mandalorian noticed it, he had been fully dressed, armor and all. His weapons had been tied up to his holster and he had a flashing puck in his gloved hand, ready for his next hunt. 
you had been sitting on the edge of the little bunk din called a bed, dangling your feet and staring at your hands in your lap in the barely dim light of the hull that crept inside. It was too early for you to be awake, which meant you hadn’t had sleep at all. 
The thought of it is enough to make din’s heart clench and he abandons his helmet on a cargo box and walks over to where you were, kneeling between your knees and looking up to study your face. Still, you don't acknowledge him at all, so he places a hand on your calf.  
“cyar’ika,” he calls you softly, pressing a gentle kiss to the inside of your thigh. “It’s too early yet.” din tells you, pure concern evident in his voice. you quietly hum in response, gaze avoidant of his pleading one.  
Din drops his head to rest against your thigh and he stays there with you for a few moments, waiting for you to say something. When you don’t, you hear his defeated sigh as he gets up and leaves you with a little kiss to your hairline, ascending to the cockpit. 
When your mandalorian comes back, he sees the door of the bunk shut and no sign of you nearby. The only tell that you’re still in the ship is the small sniffle he hears coming from inside. That’s when he decided he wasn’t going to leave you today. 
but still, as the day went by it’s like he had. 
You’d swallow hard, hands fumbling meaninglessly by the pages of your little journal or with your belongings— literally anything that kept you busy and distracted from your own mind.
You didn't snap, you didn't stomp feet around, you didn't do anything at all. But din knew. He knew the way your eyes locked on inanimate things but didn't actually see it, the same fog that blurred your mind seeming to creep into your sight as you busied yourself with mild tasks on autopilot. 
The silence on the ship is ever too loud without your jokes and giggles and your mandalorian is way too helpless without your stolen glances and little touches. He hated seeing you like this, wandering around and avoiding his gaze constantly yet just out of instinct, locking yourself in your mind and hiding your watery eyes from him.  But you were aware that he knew, aware of his confused glances dancing over your figure all day. 
the sun had been down for a few hours now, and you caught din’s ever so expressive eyes on you again through the fresher’s small mirror. But this time, you don't draw your eyes away from him or from the small sweet smile he held for you and for you only.
You were almost caught off guard when he actually acted on his thoughts, his arms coming to cross over your torso and pulling your back flush against his chest. 
He doesn't say anything, just holds you close in his firm grasp with so much tenderness like he knew he was the only thing that held the pieces of you together. 
You don't dare to meet his eyes again in the mirror in front of you, your gaze falling to watch his arms folded over your stomach in a protective and comforting manner. 
It takes everything to let your eyes truly meet his chocolate gaze, because you know he'll read right through them just as you can see through his. But all you find in them is worry, care draped with love, the softness he holds you with dripping from them and bleeding comfort  onto your skin. 
The notch on his brow disappears the slightest as he welcomes your gaze on his. 
"Hey,," Din says softly. 
So softly that it would have ripped the pent up pain you trapped in your chest for so long now. Your heart aches as you let yourself weigh on him, his stubble tickling softly your shoulder when you reply in a cracked voice that doesn't even sound like yourself, "Hi." 
He keeps your eyes in the mirror, squeezing your waist even tighter. There's a questioning flick in his gaze, you notice, the same one he sustained all day, he wants to know what's happening. But more than that there is understanding as he just stays there, his breath fanning over your cold skin as you bask in his warmth despite the forming lump in your throat the longer you look in his eyes. You tear your gaze away from his, your vision blurring with tears you refuse to set free. 
Din lets out a sigh, not one of annoyance but one of uttermost care, the pain you drown yourself in drowning him too. And that only added to said pain, because you didn't  want to drag din to the dark pit you were in, specially because you didn't even know what caused this. You hardly thought there was a reason to. 
But din didn't care, your din didn't care even if that meant you needed distance from him. All he cared about was that you were okay. 
He watches you in the mirror, ever the most beautiful thing he'd seen even as a stray tear rolls down to stain your shirt, letting his hold on you loose a bit as he presses a quick and tender kiss to the nape of your neck. 
"Do you want me to leave?" He asks with a soft whisper. 
You suck in a breath, hands desperately pressing his arms back into place as a hurried "No." leaves your lips. You knew there was no point on pushing him away
Din smiles a little, tightening his grasp on you again and making you feel safe in the way only he could, "Okay." 
He lets his eyes flutter closed as he sees you do the same, nudging his nose in your hair and breathing you in as if you were the first oxygen molecule he'd had in days. He never lets go of you, not even as your breaths even out and you try to reach for his face over your shoulder, he'd never let go of you until you told him to. He looks over at you as he drops his face to yours, the crevice of his nose dovetailed with yours, a cracked smile of yours stealing his heart despite your heavy eyelids and set jaw. 
"Do you want to talk?" He asks unsurely, not wanting to push you but extremely eager to help you feel better.
You only shake your head no, your heart sinking upon denying his tender offer. And he waits again, his forehead resting on your shoulder as he waits for you to open up in your own time. 
"I just," you sigh loudly, tired of your own bullshit and asking yourself how wasn't he, how and why the hell was he still with you here, "I just need to stop thinking." 
"It's okay," he murmurs right below your ear, his eyes meeting yours with the same warm, welcome and home-like gaze, "I've got you." Din holds you a little tighter, almost swaying with you in his arms in a comforting motion. 
You let yourself sink on him. drown in his scent and in his soft hold, ignoring the fact that you don't deserve this, that you don't deserve him and actually allowing yourself to accept the care it pained him not to give it to you. 
"I want to help you, cyare." He says, the concern still as present in his voice and eyes as you turn around to face him, his hands rubbing soothingly on your back. 
You close your eyes shut, nodding with your face buried in his neck. He smells like musk, spice and something sweet impossibly and uniquely like him. the haze his strong adoration and love inflicts upon you is like a sedative, working so easily into your chaotic mind that you feel like you’re asleep in his arms.
You barely acknowledge him bringing you to the cot and laying you down gently on your shared bed, complying eagerly on holding onto you once again as you make grabby hands motion to him. 
he lays down on you, his weight like a rock pining you in place under his care and his love. His arms are on your back, under your shirt warming your skin. His nose tracing your jawline, his brow furrowed like he'd break his own heart to fix yours. Maker knows he would do it without giving it a thought.
You just let him drown on you, your hand cradling his hair and toying with his curls and you can't help but to smile softly like he always caused you to. 
Din's heart skips a beat as he sees your smile for the first time today, and it only spurs him on as he starts pressing soft butterfly kisses on your neck. 
You release a soft breath, almost like a giggle when he sticks to a little spot below your jaw, softly kissing tenderly one more of his promises onto your skin, one that he'd always care for you in every way he could. 
It tugs your heart lighter and a small smile crosses your lips, "what are you doing?" 
din smiles too, parting from the crook of your neck to look at your eyes, "i miss your smile cyar'ika," 
Though you do hold a smile for him right now, you feel bad for the way you pushed yourself away from him, building an emotional barrier between the two of you for practically the whole day. 
"I'm sorry," you begin, drawing your eyes away from his, "i shouldn't have shut you out like that, I— I'm, I'm sorry, i—" 
"Hey," he cuts you off gently, his call barely a whisper, "it's okay, we're okay." din reassures you, shifting from your side to hover over you, the broad expanse of his shoulders blocking part of the light coming from the little panel by the door. "I understand that you need space, I'm not upset," the sound of his voice caresses your heart and soothes your mind, especially when he leans in to press a kiss to your temple, then to your cheek, "just want you to be okay.” 
You heart warms up in your chest because you know every word din says is whole heartdly meant.
"I know." The tone of your voice is still a little dull from spending so much time without saying anything and it does nothing to convey the immense gratitude you feel for din.
Din, the man who would go across the galaxy out of his way to buy you mundane little things you liked or wanted  without you even asking. Din, the mandalorian bounty hunter who'd slaughter anywone who dared to look at you the wrong way but still would turn himself to a puddle just from seeing you smile or hearing your voice. Din, who gave you everything he had and everything he is, yet would never ask for anything in return.
The metal door you stare at turns blurry and you reach your arms out around dins neck, squeezing him closer as if you wanted him to merge into your form more than humanly possible. He basks in your action, letting out a content sigh and sneaking a hand up your back, fingers grazing up your spine to slip into the back of your neck and into your hair.
You lean onto his touch, unable to focus on anything else but din and the soft scratch of his stubble on your skin as he kisses the corner of your mouth.
The smile you hold for him grows a bit wider as his lips ghost a gentle peck over yours, sweet and soft like a silky warm blanket that could keep you warm even in the coldest planet in the galaxy. Din kisses you again, but this time his lips move against yours tenderly and achingly slow. It brings back the butterflies that dance in your stomach and wander over to heat your cheeks like it happens everytime din kisses you like this.
You reach a hand to touch his cheek, encouraging him to deepen the kiss as you do part your lips for him as well. You sigh into his mouth as you feel his tongue slide against yours and his limbs tangled with yours weigh on your more heavily. You kiss him deeply and passionately, moving your hands to splay over his soft curls and over his back.
The only second you and din part from each other is when he moves you, pulling your waist flush against his and sliding his hand over the length of your leg to urge your to wrap it around him.
And then he's back on you, kissing you like both of your lives depend on it. And he does it so tenderly, you almost believe if you part from him ever again even for a second you'll die. 
Din's movements grow hungrier but he stays soft and slow, lips nothing but gentle bliss against yours breathing in your small sighs and hums along with his own. You release a giggle between kisses, which causes din to stop and look at you with wide, warm brown eyes.
"What?" He asks, mirroring your own smile as some of his mussed curls fall over his forehead to make him look even cuter and you giggle again.
"You make me happy," you tell him, not bothered at all by the simplicity of the confession since the feeling is genuine as it can be, "Especially when you start doing this."
din's eyes lit up and his small smile grows smug, "doing what?" you can hear the teasing in his voice he drapes with innocence and you can even feel it as his mouth meets your again, tongue licking into yours like he needed you more than he needed oxygen, "this?"
the last word comes muffled by your kiss, and you don't stop him even as you smile into it, only giving in for a little while longer to feel his careful haze to be enveloped in the love of the man the galaxy gifted you with.
As the both of you comply into your need to breathe, Din's forehead falls to rest against yours and his heavy breaths fall over your lips and you know he's in tune with you and always will be.
You hum contently against his lips as he presses a final, slow and soft kiss to yours, sealing the promise that despite it all he'll be there to fix you.
And even if he's not able to, he'll still want you, broken pieces and all.
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Taglist: @girlofchaos @darklordofthesimp @jbbuckybbarnes @dontletyourchildrenwatchthis @mauliebear @starstruck-loner
Please let me know if you'd like to be added, or removed from my tag list, ty <3
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marieshyperf1xations · 2 months
Oh wow, I had this idea in, like, April this year and it's been sitting in my drafts ever since. I figured the crossover between former One Direction fans to now F1 fangirls is so big, that I might as well share my thoughts on which 1D song I associate with each driver, with a little explanation. So here we go
F1 x 1D - Drivers as 1D songs
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Max - Drag Me Down ("All these lights, they can't blind me // With your love, Nobody can drag me down -> he's basically been unbeatable the past few years and the love between him and his orange army is something else)
Checo - What A Feeling (“What a feeling to be a king beside you, somehow” -> next to Max kings of the top team) I made this post a while ago, so apologies for it not aging too well
Charles - You And I ("no nothing can come between you and I // not even the gods above can separate the two of us" -> his love for Ferrari) and Stockholm Syndrome (he gets two because goddamnit the relationship that boy has with his team is a tale of two hearts)
Carlos - Tell Me A Lie ("If he's the reason that you're leaving me tonight // Spare me what you think and tell me a lie" -> the entire painful divorce between him and Ferrari and them basically ditching him for Lewis, need I say more?)
Lando - Midnight Memories ("Now I'm at zhr age when I know what I need" -> it really feels like he's in the best place in his career (in and outside of the car) so far. Also DJ Lando anyone?)
Oscar - Ready To Run ("This time I'm ready to run // Escape from the city and follow the sun" -> he ran away from Alpine and towards his place in the sunshine at McLaren)
Fernando - Act My Age (this connection inspired this entire post, do I need to give any more context?)
Lance - I Want (sorry for the dig, but c'mon)
George - Diana (both are painfully English)
Lewis - Never Enough (the man has 7 WDCs, is 39 years old, still going, just signed with Ferrari for at least a few more years and keeps breaking his own records of which he has a shit ton, no more notes)
Daniel - Night Changes (all the teams he's been with over the years and the rollercoaster of results he's had)
Valtteri - Walking in the Wind (“We had some good times didn’t we?” -> his time as teammates with Lewis back in the days)
Zhou - Once in a Lifetime ("Once in a lifetime, it's just right [...] // Not even a landslide or riptide // Could take it all away" -> his moment as the first Chinese driver to race at his home race, no one can take that away from him no matter what)
Pierre - Spaces ("Who's gonna be the first to say goodbye?" -> leaving Yuki behind at AlphaTauri; yeah I kinda broke my own heart with that)
Yuki - Half a Heart (the Yukierre breakup again)
Esteban - Love You Goodbye (“It's inevitable, everything that's good comes to an end // It's impossible to know if after this we can still be friends, yeah”) -> the falling out with Pierre
Kevin - No Control (because at times this season it felt like Haas just let him loose on the track and he was a bit of an uncontrollable missile)
Nico - One Thing (his thing being a podium, finally)
Alex - End Of The Day (“All I know at the end of the day is you want what you want and you say what you say // And you follow your heart even though it’ll break sometimes”) -> he wants his seat in F1, he got heartbroken when he was dropped by Red Bull etc.
Logan - I Would (Galex and Landoscar, he's basically caught between two considerably popular ships)
Also shoutout to @blueberry-obsessed for encouraging me to actually post this, ilyyyy 🫶
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astroismypassion · 2 years
Astrology observations 🧡🧡🧡
Credit goes to my blog @astroismypassion
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🧡🧡 If you’re a woman, your partner doesn’t really see you as Venus sign in THEIR natal chart. They see you as your Venus sign in your OWN natal chart. So your partner could have Libra Venus in their natal chart right? But you have natal Virgo Venus, resulting in your partner complimenting how good you just naturally look, how humble, grounded, down to earth you are. Your partners compliment you based on traits of your OWN natal Venus, not their this is my main point.
🧡🧡 The amount of Cancer over the 8th house and Moon in the 8th house people who almost prefer just laying next to their partner, resting their head on their chest, lap along with cuddling over sex is really quite something. They really crave the comfortable intimacy of laying next to someone.
🧡🧡 Meanwhile, Scorpio Moon can really love physical act of passionate, more aggressive sex, but could also switch and just prefer caressing, kissing and cuddling in bed as well. So I think they can go either/or.
🧡🧡 If you have Solar Return Aries Moon that year, it’s best to start a project that you only will have FULL control over it. This is also what helps Aries Moon stay MOTIVATED (because this is what they mostly struggle with), that of they won’t do it, no one else is there to save them or do it for them.
🧡🧡 Often that person who a lot of people get a bit intimidated by or always feel like this friend will go on and do great things in life that could be significant have Leo Rising or Rising at a Leo degree (5, 17, 29).
🧡🧡 Often in family relations, there runs a Sun conjunct Rising connection. You could be Scorpio Rising and your sister for example could be Aries Sun, have Sun aspect Mars or Sun aspect Pluto or Sun in the 8th house.
🧡🧡 I noticed also that in marriage people could not only go for Sun sign of their Jupiter sign, but also the OPPOSITE sign as well. For example: Virgo Jupiter could end up marrying Virgo Sun, but also Pisces Sun as well.
🧡🧡 I’m really starting to think that Aries MC, Aries over the 10th house, Mars in the 10th house and Mars Saturn aspect even can make you seem a bit like a “mean girl”. These people are often so compromising in their family relations and with their partner, but the public can too often “demonize” them or they make them see like the bad guy. This was well apparent in the media by the treatment of Meghan Markle.
🧡🧡 In Solar Return when you are unemployed or just starting your new job, there is often Saturn in the 6th house in that year’s Solar Return chart. But if you are employed, it indicates great duties and responsibilities that you are met with in the workplace, such as becoming a team leader or manager, supervisor. Not necessarily becoming boss though, since it’s located in the 6th house (subordinate position).
🧡🧡 Aries Moon people are so good at impersonating others, they get everything down to the smallest gestures or voice. But when they do it, people often get riled up because they do it confidently as well, so others often end up feeling like the Aries Moon person is mocking them.
🧡🧡 For creating more wealth and generating money in a particular year, don’t just look at Venus position and 2nd house. Check your Part of Fortune sign and house, degree. If you have Part of Fortune in the 1st house, start a lot of new projects, when you will experience new beginnings, when you are pioneering something that there’s a gap in or be spontaneous and decide to earn money, that is when you will find the most abundance.
🧡🧡 Also, another unique correlation I noticed you might earn more money on days the Moon is in the sign of your Part of Fortune. If you have Sagittarius Part of Fortune in the 1st house at a Gemini degree, you might earn more or have better opportunities to gain money when the Moon is in Sagittarius, Aries and Gemini.
🧡🧡 Libra over the 2nd house might not even be that great at cooking overall, but they are really good at baking and making desserts. Also these people really prefer is their spouse, committed partner cooks for them. They might not enjoy cooking on their own that much.
🧡🧡 Libra Moon and Libra IC, even IC at Libra degree (7, 19) needs to learn how to speak up in partnerships. They might postpone it for too long and not really speak up for themselves. But as soon as you notice something that seems to you as unfairness, not equal treatment, stand up for yourself. And even in friendships if you also have Chiron in 3rd or the 11th house along with that as well.
🧡🧡 I think when Hailey Bieber talked about how one of the best things being married to Justin Bieber is the companionship and being married to your best friend, this to me is peak Cancer over the 8th house or Moon in the 8th house energy.
🧡🧡 Every Aries Moon talks about their projects as “their babies”, like they just had a newborn. 😂
Credit goes to my blog @astroismypassion
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once-in-a-blood-moon · 4 months
Okay imagine Solomon being upset and jealous that MC doesn’t have a mark of his own on their body, MC notices this fact and gets the mark of Solomon tattooed onto their body. I’ve been so obsessed with this idea ever sense Solomon became my no.1 favorite character ever.
Ooh, yes, I've seen this floating around as well!
Solomon would be pleased on the outside, absolutely thrilled on the inside. I think having his own mark would satiate that jealousy, because now having his own mark on your body shows the world that you have a strong bond of trust and care. Just as you do with the brothers, if not more so.
I know many people have different headcanons about where each of the brothers' marks are on their MC's body, which usually have some sort of meaning. I suppose it's up to preference where you'd want to be permanently tattooed, but what if you got it in an area that was special to both of you?
Trying to be as inclusive as I can to everybody's headcanons of the brothers' marks, so take these with a grain of salt or come up with your own! :)
Perhaps Solomon has disclosed with you a certain part of your body that he just adores, an area he often touches in moments when it's just the two of you. Rubbing your knuckles or kissing the back of your hand when watching movies together, caressing the small of your back while you read over a passage from one of his spell books, right behind your ear where he rubs soft circles as you drift off to sleep in his bed, or brushing his lips against your shoulder as he holds you from behind while you make dinner.
Getting his mark in an area he dotes over, one that he never fails to touch or lavish with kisses in those near ritualistic moments, would be the ultimate gesture. Because for him, it would be an indication that the small things he does in the time he is granted with you mean something to you. They're special to you too.
That's the fluffy, sentimental version. Now I kinda want to explore the logistical or rational placing of his mark.
I was looking at the seal of Solomon, and noticed two things: the symbol for Saturn (the one that looks like an awkwardly drawn n) and the symbol for Mars (which interestingly enough, the Mars symbol seems to have the Sun's symbol in it as well. Mars is the "male" symbol, while the Sun is a circle with a dot in the center).
For quick reference, Saturn rules both Capricorn and Aquarius in traditional astrology - representing structure and discipline. Mars rules both Aries and Scorpio in traditional - representing drive and passion. And I'll go ahead and do the Sun's as well, it rules Leo - representing the ego.
Now, I mention this for one reason: medical astrology. Each part of the body (and its systems within) are ruled by a sign (quick fire examples: Capricorn - knees, Aquarius - calves, Aries - head, Scorpio - lower regions, Leo - spine). So, how impressed would he be if he realized you'd tattooed his mark in one of those areas? Just what he'd expect of his clever apprentice! (Even better if you got it on the left side of your body, as the left represents wisdom! Right is power, in case you wanted to know :)).
Perhaps by doing so, you invoke one of the qualities of those aforementioned planet rulings, like you find yourself being more responsible with the mark on your ankle or the back of your knee, maybe you're more authentic with it at the top of your spine, or more aggressive in your pursuits with it on your naval or behind your ear.
I think he'd be fascinated, and oddly flattered, that his mark influences you in a such way. Like he's indirectly influencing you. It'd be similar to how the brothers' sins on your body might make you act certain ways, like more greedy or more gluttonous.
Yeah, he'd be smitten with you and that mark wherever you end up putting it. Whatever makes you happy, as long as he has a little claim of you as well. Perhaps he'd create a mark that represents you to tattoo on his body... If there's room, ha!
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a-d-nox · 1 year
web of wyrd: the career number
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the number we are focusing on today is based on the SACRAL PHYSICS NUMBER AND THE FLOW NUMBER (ex: my career number is 7: 8 + 17 = 25 -> 2 + 5 = 7 (recall that numbers must be summed a second time if they total 23 (i.e. 2 + 3 = 5) and above)). for some reason this is a calculation error in my astro-calc chart - my monetary number and relationship numbers are swapped (don't be afraid to question your numbers and check the math of websites).
but what does this number mean?
this number represents your career and monetary situation in this lifetime. that being said, this number can give you insight into what you can do for a career long-term, what you are like at work (your strengths and weaknesses in the workplace), and your monetary mindset.
so let's talk about some examples:
7 - the chariot
click here for the card description of the chariot found in a prior wyrd web post.
for unblocked 7s it is important to maintain focus, have clear intentions, and a plan in their line of work. they often work from the bottom up - they start in an entry level position then come into power (in some theories, the charioteer was both the page of swords and the page of wands before they came into power in the major arcana). often it is their careful planning and plotting that gains them their success.
blocked 7s often lack confidence at work and fear being talked down to / judged for their actions. they often lack focus and direction, which causes them financial stress. they are in need of careful planning and reflection to get out of their burdensome situations. they should try to be less impulsive and more intentional at work and when searching for jobs in order for them to find what works for them.
careers for the charioteer are chauffeur, delivery driving (UPS, amazon delivery, mail, etc), military services, pilot, police men, emergency services (firefighting, EMT, etc), security guard, equestrian, chemist/pharmacist, chef/cook/baker/nutritionist, political diplomat, marine biology, phlebotomist, ship captain, babysitter/nanny, hotel manager, housekeeper, fisherman, fertility specialist, farmer, land baron/baroness, pottery maker, plumber, real estate agent, and other related fields.
14 - temperance
rider-white's temperance (symbolic of sagittarius) depicts an angel facing the view with their eyes shut. their purple-y/red wings emphasizes their passion for the mystical as well as harmony. their golden curls are haloed showing that the angel is an enlightened being. they stand in a white (innocence) robe with one foot on land and the other in water - which shows they are connected to the emotional and the physical world. water seamlessly flows between the cups, meaning to show the flow of energy in life forces. a sun (alludes to the sun card) rises in the distance and illuminates a path for the angel to take. the irises to their [the angel's] right show that they have the wisdom needed to take on whatever gets in their way on this journey.
unblocked 14s seek help from those around them so that they can reach their monetary and career goals. they look for signs as to what they should act upon in their career and as to what they should do for their long-term career. they are flexible at work and are often very even-keeled. they are patient at work and when it comes to making money.
blocked 14s often try very hard at work and to make a lot of money - they can be too hard on themselves and their co-workers. they might struggle with relaxing - they have a lot of monetary stress. they have to realize that being overworked does not mean they are working efficiently/effectively. look at you schedule / your role and try to find ways to slow down so that you can realign with your values and goals.
careers for the angelic temperance person are medical careers (doctor, nurse, etc), pharmacist, scientist, librarian, life insurance agent, marketing/advertisement, air steward/stewardess, attorney, banker, religious leader, teacher, philanthropist, philosopher, publisher, podcaster, radio show host/hostess, writer, and other related fields.
18 - the moon
rider-white's the moon (symbolic of pisces) depicts one wild dog/coyote and one tame dog (the duality of human nature) barking at the moon or rather an eclipse. behind and between the two dogs is a lobster - the lobster is a bottom feeder of sorts, thus could represent the shadow self. the lobster emerges from the water to walk a moonlight/guided path through the mountains similar to how the hermit once walked the mountains - thus alluding to the lobster doing self-discovery / the quartet doing shadow work. first the lobster must walk between the rebuilt towers - likely face personal change.
unblocked 18s embrace their darker selves when in the workplace - they are okay with failing and having weaknesses. they see it as room made to grow/evolve. while they know how to be civil, they also know when to be impulsive and aggressive to get things done. they are open to others ideas - they are open to learning what they perviously didn't know before. they are ambitious and want to go outside the scope of what they are already know. they don't fall for things that sound too good to be true in their financial realm. they are willing to confront why they maybe the ones in their own way of gaining more money, getting a raise, etc.
blocked 18s often refuse to acknowledge that they are in a career that is making them unhappy or is not compatible with their monetary lifestyle. they might be the type to ignore their debts for awhile or to the point where it gets bad and they struggle to catch up / recover. they are also prone to falling for "get rich quick" schemes; they also might struggle with gambling - the might not know how to walk away when they have made money back / are gaining. they hate failing at things or having weaknesses in the workplace. they are prone to staying in a job that is comfortable for them without growing or accepting promotions. don't be afraid to break free.
careers for the moon are night club owner/manager, psychic, doggie daycare center management, dog kennel owner, dog breeder, night club performer, professional water sport athlete, alcohol vender, sommelier, marine biology, art therapist, artist, bartender, mental health professional, chemical engineer, detective, drug manufacturer, life guard, prison guard, private investigator, relief worker, writer, and other related fields.
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wrotelovelytears · 1 year
Nymph on the track
Literally don't know what I'm doing
‍♀️The 22° does represent a type of death (and y'all can cry about it). Death isn't always the leaving of the physical plane, it could be the active suppression of something that leaves one feeling not complete/whole.
🐍I have this degree on my Moon, and when I tell you people constantly try to make me suppress my emotions AND when I actively do so I don't feel as complete as when I'm being my normally expressive self. It feels like part of me is gone not that I'm physically gone.
‍♀️As someone with a Jupiter in my first house I have no idea where people got this happy go lucky idea from. I've been told countless times I'm more of a realist or even a pessimist at times. And no my Jupiter doesn't have a ton of negative aspects (there's more positive ones).
🐍I believe Jupiter First house is more of a sign of hyper awareness of self (hence the realism) not ignorance.
🐍I am very aware of my limits and literally will not push myself if I know something is pointless.
‍♀️ I've been stuck in a Saturn ruled year/pattern for the past two years and in two years I'll be starting my Saturn return. I no longer like the number two
‍♀️This applies to the doms/venuses of these modialites Cardinals attract people in the same age range. Fixed attract people older. Mutable attract younger.
‍♀️As a Venue square Ascedant I can tell you now, I love the way I look until someone says something negative then I'm mad the rest of the day. In vice versa if someone says something positive that makes my whole day.
‍♀️I've also notice I get a lot of stares outside (regardless of what I wear), yes my Venus is in the 10th house, that might play a larger role in why others perceptions of me impact me so much.
‍♀️Pluto makes people really blunt and forward with you.
‍♀️Just because one has fame degrees it doesn't mean you'll actually be famous. Depending on the signs/planets/houses it's found in
‍♀️Aqua first house traits: Being called "UniQUe", Major rbf, diamond shaped head (yes you got a big head), coming off different than others in the room (if everyone is bubbly, you mean;if everyone is mean, you bubbly), calling people out then being upset about getting attention
‍♀️Aquarius placements might like the whole "-core" idea a lot. I have no idea why (it's literally just regular traits and interests being turned into a personality but that's just me)
‍♀️Having all three modalities in your big three can show you have great intuition. However your mars sign impacts how much you use said intuition.
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
‍♀️Sun and Neptune are to intuition while Uranus and Mars are to expedition
‍♀️Despite an empty 11th house I tend to care too much about friends. Then I realized I have a 7th house Mars and North Node, therefore relationships are the focal point of my life. So no the 11th house isn't about friendships completely it's about your broad socialization.
‍‍♀️Having a first and seventh house stellium make you an ambivert. You wanna be around others but on your own terms.
‍♀️7th house NN is completely about using relationships to shape yourself into your best version. It's about experiencing all the social parts of life and learning the lessons that come with it.
‍♀️I might be biased but I've never met a Taurus I (out right) hated. I vibe so well with them (unless they start acting goofy).
‍♀️Having Neptune and Venus heavily impact you can make you idealistic, fluid, and
‍♀️Saturn is the most ghetto planet. I have nothing else to say in this.
‍♀️Heavy Pluto influence makes one seek out others reactions. Not that they're insecure they just love attention (don't even lie about it).
‍♀️That also applies to Scorpios, they do shit just for a reaction. The only case it might be out of some form of insecurity is if paired with Aquarius or Leo.
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
‍♀️As Pluto transits Aquarius we might see more people diagnosed with nerve problems and long term illness.
‍♀️Another thing about Pluto in Aqua is the increase in cultish behavior/ organizations, terrorist attacks, and standoffish actions. Like I've seen people become real... racist, classist, sexist etc. Almost like all the behaviors we agreed were gross are now okay.
‍♀️North Node in Aries isn't helping with the lack of sociability. I wouldn't be surprised if people started being more individualistic to the point of isolation.
‍♀️Geminis got big ass ears (better to hear everyone's business with)
‍♀️Gemini kids may be vocal a lot sooner than their peers
🐍May also be more curious than other children
‍♀️Sag kids might really like fixed sign adults. Sag adults on the other hand...
‍♀️I mentioned a lot of Scorpios/Pluto doms may work well/with kids but I've noticed the sister sign Taurus might do just as well and work with kids too.
‍♀️Gemini adults are great with babies/toddlers, older kids not so much (because of similarities in disposition)
⋘ ... ⋙
‍♀️I've seen a lot of memes about kids "suddenly being aware of their surroundings" and the most notable ages that come up are 3,4 and 5 year olds. The magical astrology thing that happens around that age is your first Saturn square. That's why you'll see those kids asking a lot more why and essential questions
‍♀️Y'all gonna be mad, but the Sag/Gemini axis has more.... "familiar" issues than the Cap/Cancer one. I'm sorry I don't make the rules.
‍♀️I'm sorry but having a 5th house stellium is not an indicator of creativity. I've met and seen quite a few that couldn't draw a fucking line if you gave them an outline. They tend to be more gifted in whatever the sign is over their fifth house rather than "creativity" in general.
🐍My mom has a fifth house stellium but can't draw, color OR paint (despite taking plenty of art classes) to save her life. Yet she is an extremely good person with health based and routine problems (isn't a doctor but can easily tell you something a doctor would).
‍♀️The fifth house really can tell your preferences. I don't just mean "intellectual" or "sympathetic", it could also talk about the appearance and disposition of individuals as well.
🐍Gemini over the 5th can indicate the preference for androgynous (presentation, gender, energy) folks. That could be someone who dates gnc/non binary people more than cis or aligned trans folk. Or be with people who don't conform to gender roles (in a societal sense) by having equal masculine and feminine traits.
⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
‍♀️I've been wondering when people were going to stop (over) hyping the K *insert literally anything* industry. And I realized it won't be until Neptune is out of Pisces. I made a post a hot minute ago about Korea being specifically the arts being linked to Neptune. And seeing that Neptune in Pisces high key started the globalization (the idea even) of many Korean based arts, it's not going to chill out until Neptune dances its way into Aries.
‍♀️Speaking of Neptune in Aries, we can expect a drastic change in media, the likes and overall expectations of the entertainment industry (that includes physical and digital artists as well). Since more "warish" "rough/hospitable" countries are ruled by Aries we could see the rise of heavy metal, folk (that includes heavy drumming not the more gentle one that's Cancer's domain), and loud, rough music.
🐍We would see a change from fantastical beauty being the standard to people who look like they've seen some shit. There would definitely be a decrease in cosmetic surgery HOWEVER it might also be an increase in steroid usage (everyone wants to look strong).
🐍We could also see more wars, aggression and overthrows during this time. The last time Neptune was in Aries was the mid 1800s. That was a time of government overthrowing, revolts around racial/ethnic inequality (Haitian Revolution, Civil War, Qing dynasty getting jumped, etc etc).
🐍We might actually see true differences made in the world due to this shift.
‍♀️I haven't really seen people talk about Uranus since last year so I just wanted to talk more about what this Taurus and future Gemini transit means.
🐍We have already seen banks and economies crashing. It's only been a few months of Uranus in Taurus and financial stability is looking like a whole joke. While this may not seem big to some or others may be looking forward to this, it's a very big cautionary sign. Since the world does rely on paper/coin currency having banks and whole economies flat line doesn't just mean we'll have some communist revolution, it means we'll have to quickly adapt to a skill base trade or watch the world go up in flames. We could see more wars, famines and disease due to this. I haven't seen anyone touch on the increasing tensions in the world due to the high inflation rates. Yes I mentioned more wars in the Neptune observation but with it corresponding with the current economic instability, yeah. We do have to learn trade/life skills because other things are becoming obsolete.
🐍Another Uranus in Taurus observation is the increased use in technology. You might be confused why this is being mentioned with Uranus and not Pluto, but I'll explain. Taurus is linked to stability and comfort (very similar to the 2nd house), and due to the ease technology gives many folks, it's not surprising we see more and more being used. This leans more into Uranus in Gemini, but AI technology will (for better or worse) become integrated into everyday life. That means communication will change drastically because teachers most likely won't be mostly humans but AI and robotic. Many languages might end up fully dying out by the time Gemini Uranus comes around because no one will be writing and verbalizing them anymore. In the near future I can already tell people will get more lazy in certain aspects leading to a decline in creativity and diversity. Because why should I have to think harder and be uncomfortable when there are things available to do that for me. We could see the rise of more mega cities (think Tokyo) due to human population clustering in certain areas and leaving others. Honestly the thing I can see happening and kinda fear is lack in biodiversity leading to us just cloning to make up for life lost.
‍♀️I said in a previous observation that Aquarius is linked to Nuerodivergence and now I figured out how. It relates more to the "physically visible" ones. I'm taking Tourettes, Epilepsy and Alzheimer's.
(If you learned something new or would just like to support me you can leave a wittle tip via the tip button or one of the links in my masterlist. Kofi: nymphdreams🧸)
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bsverryin · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ JJk men as your past life lover & reuniting again in your present life.
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╰┈➤ Geto, Gojo, Nanami
╰┈➤ How you reunite again after dying in your past lives.
✎ dying in past life but I'm still making it wholesome🙄, HEADCANONS ONLY!! I'm not a manga reader!! 🫸🏻🫷🏻 I'll try to make this a whole story because I really need more jjk men x reader here in tumblr (wholesome ones) 🥹 Nanami is my comfort character that's why I include him in almost everything tehee 🤌 cannot assure you of perfect grammar because idk how jkjk.. DMS are open 🫶
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Loving satoru in your past life was like the sun loving the moon, He was everything. Every part of him was perfect, but reaching him was never easy. Satoru was in one of the biggest clans in your country. Every girl wanted to be his bride. One for his money, two for his looks, never for his skills and for the person he is. Well, you were one of those princesses. You knew your land needed help and money, your clan wasn't powerful or even well-known unlike them, they have everything that your clan wanted. You had no choice but to try, you were devoted and loyal to your clan that you'd do everything to save it from falling apart that you'd join the party of the richest clan to find a bride for their son.
You weren't good with crowds not when you didn't know anyone there, you didn't know how to act too. The only thing you were doing was imagining what the person that you might be marrying looks like, what if he's actually old that's looking for a person to marry? The palace was getting louder and louder that you decided to visit their garden, good thing it was open for everyone. When you're on the way to admire the beautiful scenery from outside you saw someone sitting on the risky railings, one move then they'll fall. you immediately run to them and grab their arm.
"Hey! Hey!... Little guy do you wanna talk 'bout your problems? Dying is not the solution!"
".......little guy?" He was speechless at first but his voice wasn't that deep. His hair was white, His eyes were blue. He was so majestic that you became speechless too.
"don't die.. It's not worth it." He chuckled as he saw your worried face.
"What's your name, princess?" You gave him a confusing look, he was laughing?! How could he? You thought.
That was the first time that you met your future lover. You weren't expecting that he was gonna be the one you'll marry because he looked lonely, Satoru said that the only reason he chose you was because he didn't want to choose anyone else. His clan helped your clan and everything was just getting better. You were slowly falling in love with him too, When he's far away, you'd send him a letter and he sends you one too. You grew to love on another but then a happy ending doesn't exist especially in your world where the sign of living is when you get hurt. Your clan was bombed so was theirs, you tried to find him but when you saw a glimpse of him, you were shot in your back and he saw it with his own eyes. He was really powerful and strong but was distracted when he saw your lifeless body. He ran into you despite the mess that the other clan was making. He died right when you're in his arms.
Satoru, a special grade sorcerer while you didn't know what blood you had that you'd always see weird spirits, You ignored it at first but you knew if you kept ignoring them you'll immediately be killed. You're in high school and at the rooftop trying to appreciate the lovely nature, you felt a sudden push from your back as you tried to look, it was the weird spirits you've been seeing. When you thought it was the end of your life a man with white haired in a uniform. With glasses but you can feel his blue eyes staring at your soul, you didn't die because he saved you.
"Nice catch, satoru." A man with his hair tied said.
"Told you, suguru. We're the strongest!" He said enthusiastically and turned to examine you, he was relieved when he saw no injuries.
"From now on, you're our classmate okay?" The man named "Satoru" smiled and gave you a thumbs up.
It was the first time you met gojo satoru in your present life, you felt like you met him before and as if there were strings attaching you two together, you couldn't understand the feeling. You were there when his best friend left, you were there as he grew older. You both became parents to a little guy called "Megumi". You and satoru had liked each other for long but you decided to just stay together as sorcerer and help the kids have the youth they deserved but it felt like you were married and loving each other. For you both, it was more than enough than truly being in a relationship.
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Suguru in your past life was a normal human being, You were in highschool and had a little crush on him. He was nice and he'd help you study, he was a gentle man and everything that you wanted for a man, he's the same to everyone but he was always busy training, you'd ask him why and why and his answers are always the same. It was to create a world where people don't struggle. He was specifically training about how things work, those machines and how to use swords and anything else that exists, he was that kind of person who cares about others before him.
"I think the only thing you should focus on, is yourself" You said as he's trying to mind his own business making machine, you didn't know what machine was it for but he's really working hard that it got you really invested and staying with him until he finishes.
"Why is that?, Y/N" He wasn't focused on you, he was working hard for the machine he's making.
"You're always trying hard but I don't see anyone appreciating what you do, i think you should appreciate yourself first then others will appreciate you!" You said, not trying to be rude and hoping it won't come out the wrong way.
"It's enough that you're here watching me do this." He smiled when he heard your words. You were relieved that he didn't take it the wrong way. He was making a machine to make it easier for the soldiers to make it during some possible world war. You didn't really understand it but you tried your best to help him. Not just because you're his friend but because you liked him too, he was smart and handsome. What more could you want? He was in denial of his feelings that's why you thought he had been leading you on, you've been clinging to him that you thought it was fine. But still he lets you, he's sweet when you're alone together.
He loved you too but he's not strong enough for you. He knew the day would come where he wouldn't be able to protect you. Which was this day, He knew you had an incurable disease. When you're not there to help him, he has been trying to make and find medicine for you to cure your disease but he failed. He wanted you first to have good health and he'd date you but that time just didn't come. it's been 12 years since you died and all he did now was keep photographs of you and invent something useful for other people and waited for the time where you'll meet each other again, his body was strong that the reason of his death was his old age.
In your present life, Suguru was the sorcerer's biggest enemy. You knew the sorcerer world because you have been trained ever since you were a child, of course it was to be able to exorcist those monsters but you were pressured to do things that you didn't want. Your life was controlled by your family.
"y/n?" You knew who he was, It was Geto suguru. You tried to kill him but you just couldn't get him. He was good at everything, he can bring out enemies out of nowhere but despite that you still tried to kill him.
"How about a deal, Y/N?." You looked at him curiously, there were still no enemies or even shikigamis. He thought you're too weak for that.
"Live a life, and spread your wings." Geto suguru said, you didn't know what he meant but you know he's tricking you to go with him. You let him trick you but you had one in your sleeves too. You wanted to expose him and make your family proud but suguru was nice and made you believe in him. You were surprised when you realized you were following his footsteps. He didn't want anything in return. You met a lot of people who told you he helped them too that you started to doubt yourself. They weren't right or wrong. Suguru was a nice person, he saved you from the hell that your family has been causing you.
"Why are you doing this to me?" You asked suguru, you were both alone together in a sparkling fancy night.
"I want to make a world where suffering will end." You knew what he meant when he said that but why?
You created a whole new family by his side. They weren't tricking you, they even said about the plan where they are taking you as bait to make others surrender. Suguru confessed to you first, he said he sees you as a woman, he may look like he's not the type too. He doesn't want to let you go out of his side. He wasn't possessive just overprotective, you didn't understand why but it felt like there was some unfinished business that you had with him that you let your heart and destiny to control yourself this time.
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In your past lives, kento was the person you were most scared of. He was your boss specifically the strict and serious boss. There was nothing more to describe him. People often say that you're as smart as him and because of that he has high expectations of you, if he liked your work he'd give you a bonus if he didn't he sighs and gives you a disappointed look, thankfully he always likes your ideas. You never thought of someone like him to be in love with you.
One day, you had overtime. Loads of work that you wanted to finish so that you can have your break early. The only person left in that office was your boss and you, there were still guards down stairs of course. You and kento weren't talking, minding your own business. You stood up, about to leave when your boss called you.
"Y/N.." Your boss called.
"Yes, sir?" You immediately turned to look at him, he was always staring at you deeply that made you run shivers throughout your body.
"I'll take you home." He said as he stood up to get ready.
"Oh no sir, you don't have to I can-" He cutted you off.
"it wasn't a question, I have to make sure my employees get home safely." He sighed as you both made your way down the parking lot.
That moment made you closer to your boss, you couldn't keep your mouth shut that you asked everything to keep your conversation going. You weren't a fan of being awkward. Your boss has become more comfortable around you and when you're both on overtime he'd take you for a ride, you thought it was just twice or thrice moment but you both had been used to it. You both had been staying for so late in the office just so you both can go home together. It made you two friends, close friends and lovers, He had been calling you in his office often, shutting the blinds just to kiss you. You kept a secret relationship with him and you wish you didn't. Kento was on the other side of the street, you checked the lights and it was green, you were about to run when you felt a car crashing in your body, it wasn't just you. It was kento trying to save you but failed causing you both to die in the middle of the street.
You're the owner of one of the richest companies in the world in your present life, kento nanami was just one of your employees. He's working normally just like everyone else so why is it that you feel like there's potential in him? Well, you'd give him a random bonus when you felt like it. When he said that he's quitting for good, it kept you awake at night.
Why would he want to quit your company when you'd give him a bonus whenever you're feeling great? Does he not like the special treatment you give him? You tried and tried to find information about him that you found out he's a sorcerer, you knew what a sorcerer is. You knew how to exorcist, it was your side work when you felt sad. How could you just find out now that he's a sorcerer too? It made you more Into him than you already were.
"Nanami, fancy seeing you here." You smiled, you were both in a dark alley trying to find a monster to exorcist.
"Ma'am it's not safe for you here." He said formally.
"Why?" Your smile widens as you feel the monster on its way to hurt you. Before the monster can get near, you kill it by your aura without even looking. Nanami was shocked but he quickly regained his normal posture.
"I see, you're full of surprises madam." You both ended up exorcising the whole place until there was nothing left.
Nanami was always surprised when he saw you everywhere he went, it was as if you were stalking him. Well, it was much better than satoru following him everywhere. In the end, he had gotten used to you and your flirty jokes that he lets you hang around him. He often asks you about your company and you'll say someone else is managing it. This man was your type of man, he was a fine aged man, you couldn't stop yourself from falling, it's not like you're trying to stop yourself. Kento, found your presence comforting. He wasn't the romance type but you were. When you confessed to him, he didn't say yes or no. He just wanted you to make a decision where you're most comfortable, you still ended up dating him because he couldn't resist you and you loved spoiling him every single time.
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inmyfxith · 2 years
Catch up with... Tsu'tey
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A/N -> He might now be included in the preferences
Including -> You're blushing while talking to them, you fall asleep on their shoulder, someone makes you uncomfortable, they see you crying, they realize they are in love with you, you have a nightmare.
How they would react if... you're blushing while talking to them
If Tsu’tey sees you blushing while talking to him, he would be attentive to your sudden reaction. He may take it as a sign of affection or attraction and respond with a warm smile or a flirtatious comment. Tsu’tey might also continue the conversation while showing extra care or attention towards you. However, if he is unsure of the reason for your blush, Tsu’tey might become more cautious and ask if you are okay.
As Tsu’tey engages in conversation with you, he notices a gentle blush creeping upon your cheeks, like a delicate rose blooming in the morning sun. His attention sharpens, intrigued by this sudden change in demeanor. With a soft smile playing at the corners of his mouth, Tsu’tey leans in, his voice warm and inviting, "Is there something on your mind, something that makes you blush so beautifully?”
As you pour out your heart, Tsu’tey's eyes light up with understanding, and he takes your hand in his, the gesture a symbol of his support. He speaks softly, "I am honored to be the one you trust. Your words are a gift."
The air between you fills with a new tenderness as you bask in the comfort of his embrace. Your cheeks warm with a blush, but Tsu’tey's hand is a soothing balm, and you soon feel at peace. His gentle touch and loving gaze make you feel cherished.
How they would react if... you fall asleep on their shoulder
If you fall asleep on Tsu’tey’s shoulder, he may act with affection and protectiveness, seeing it as a sign of trust. He would hold you gently, making sure you are comfortable and safe. Tsu’tey would also react with warmth, stroking your hair and whispering words of comfort. He may also bask at the moment to study your face, feeling grateful for your presence in his life.
As the two of you sit in comfortable silence, your eyes grow heavy and you find yourself nodding off. You lean against Tsu’tey's shoulder, exhausted from the day's events.
Tsu’tey notices your weariness and wraps an arm around you, pulling you close. He whispers softly in your ear, "Rest now, my love. I'll be here to keep you safe."
The sound of his heartbeat and the warmth of his embrace lulls you into a peaceful slumber. As you sleep, Tsu’tey watches over you, his eyes full of adoration and protectiveness.
He stays like this for hours, until you stir and awaken. He smiles down at you, brushing a stray strand of hair from your face, and says, "You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you."
How they would react if... someone makes you uncomfortable
If someone makes you uncomfortable, Tsu’tey might pick up on your body language and tone of voice, indicating that something is not right. Upon noticing that you are discomforted, his demeanor transforms from calm to fierce protectiveness. He would intervene with a steady presence, using his words and unwavering bravery to diffuse the situation and safeguard you from harm. Tsu’tey would then enquire about your well-being, holding you in a warm embrace. He stays by your side, offering comfort and support in all that you need.
As you were enjoying yourself during a sacred celebration among other Omaticaya, a man suddenly approached before making an inappropriate comment towards you. Your skin flushed with shame, your heart racing as you stood frozen. Tsu’tey noticed your distress, and with a single lift of his brow, he asked the unspoken question. You barely nodded, and in an instant, Tsu’tey was there, a wall of protection between you and the man. His voice was low, yet commanding as he spoke, "Back off."
The man stumbled, taken aback by Tsu’tey's unwavering confidence. And with a gentle hand, Tsu’tey led you away, the echo of his warning still lingering, "Don't make me say it again."
Turning to you, his eyes were filled with concern as he asked, "You alright?" And with a deep breath, you found comfort in his embrace.
How they would react if... they see you crying
If Tsu’tey saw you crying, he would be patient and understanding. He would likely approach you with caution, to not startle or upset you further. He might speak to you in a gentle tone, asking what is wrong and offering comfort. His strong and caring nature would drive him to do whatever he can to make you feel better. Tsu’tey would listen intently as you share your thoughts and feelings and, if you need to be held, he would embrace you, holding you close as you cry.
Tsu’tey treaded lightly through the verdant forest of Pandora, when the sound of sorrowful sobs echoed through the trees. Guided by his heart, he cautiously ventured to the source of the lamentation, and his heart ached at the sight of you, with tears flowing down your cheeks.
With gentle steps, he approached, and his voice was soft as the whisper of wind. "My love, what troubles you so?"
You looked up, your eyes brimming with tears, and poured out your pain to him. Tsu’tey listened with a caring ear, his gaze unwavering, and tenderly wiped away your tears with the pad of his thumb.
"I am yours," he said, with a voice rich with devotion. "I will be your comfort, your support, your shelter from the storm."
With open arms, you sought solace in his embrace, and he held you tight, cradling you close to his beating heart. His touch soothed your soul, and the scent of his skin comforted you like the warm embrace of a summer’s day.
"I am yours," he repeated, as he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. "Forever yours, in all things, through every trial, until the end of time."
How they would react if... they realize they are in love with you
If Tsu’tey realizes that he is in love with you, he might react with both excitement and nervousness. Being the brave warrior he might struggle to express his feelings for you and spend some time processing his emotions, coming to terms with the fact that he has fallen in love with you. Tsu’tey would end up gathering the courage to approach you, and express his feelings. He would be genuine, sincere, and straightforward, hoping that you feel the same way about him.
Tsu'tey sat atop a rock, gaze fixed upon Pandora's sprawling scenery. He pondered, lost in the maelstrom of emotions he couldn't quite grasp. Yet, one feeling began to crystalize, as he realized he had fallen in love with you. Excitement and nerves tingled within him at the thought of confessing his love. He knew he must muster the same bravery he displayed in battle, to lay himself bare and reveal his heart's truest desires.
With a steadying breath, he rose and journeyed to where you were. You were immersed in your task, not noticing his approach until he stood before you. Your eyes lit up, a warm smile spreading across your face.
"Hey," you said, with a friendly tone.
"Hey," Tsu'tey replied, voice heavy with feeling. He took a step closer, bridging the gap between you. "I must speak with you."
"Of course," you said, looking at him with concern.
"I've been in deep contemplation," he began, his voice a hushed whisper. "And I've come to a realization. I am in love with you."
You were taken aback, but a glint of hope shone in your eyes. You saw the courage it took for him to reveal his love, and the nerves that trembled within him. Your own heart swelled with joy, knowing your feelings for him were mutual.
"I love you too," you said, beaming.
He let out a relieved sigh, a smile spreading across his face. He took your hand, pulling you into a tender embrace. The two of you stood in silence, basking in the bliss of realizing your mutual love.
"I vow to always be at your side," Tsu'tey whispered, placing a kiss upon your head.
"And I yours," you replied, nestling into his chest.
How they would react if... you have a nightmare
If Tsu’tey sees you having a nightmare, he would react with concern. He would wake you up gently, and ask if you are okay only to ensure you’re safe. Because he deeply cares for and loves you. He would be patient and understanding and would like to hold you close, not leave your side and try to soothe you until you calm down and feel better. Tsu'tey would stay awake to make sure you don’t have any more nightmares.
As the shadows danced across the room, Tsu’tey sat quietly, until the sight of you tossing and turning in your sleep caught his eye. Beads of sweat gathering on your brow, he was startled by a muffled scream that escaped your lips.
Rushing to your side, he woke you with a gentle nudge and whispered words of comfort, "Let me ease your worries, my love. What troubles your dreams?"
With a loving embrace, Tsu’tey cradled you close, soothing you with his gentle touch and hushed whispers, "I am here to chase away the darkness. You are safe in my arms." He stayed with you, a constant presence of protection, watching over you until you drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
And as the night wore on, Tsu’tey stood guard, not a moment's rest taken, as he watched over you like a fierce guardian, ensuring that your dreams were filled with nothing but peace and serenity.
Tag -> @eywas-heir
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