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bakedoffpodcast · 4 months ago
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This is our other podcast, short-listed for an Independent Podcast Award 2024. Find it via https://amIoldyet.com. And that was a cool #FableandFolly production meeting just now, great to see you all!
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grifff17 · 26 days ago
Audiodrama Sunday 2/2/2025
I'm back! It turns out I had Pneumonia last week, but I'm mostly recovered now and ready to finally resume my audiodrama Sunday posts. This was a good week as well. Mission Rejected finale, Keep it Steady Episode, and I finally started Campaign Skyjacks.
@campaignskyjacks - After listening to Courier's Call, part of Skyjoust, and Starwhal, I'm finally starting the main Skyjacks campaign. It's really fun, I know JPC from Hey Riddle Riddle and he's great. I have to wonder how long they can keep the captain ruse going, and why they decided to do it in the first place.
Mission Rejected - Season 5 finale! I love how Kristatos O’Brian is this legendary old-school supervillain who just follows around his daughter and occasionally says something funny. If he’s ever plot relevant it’s as a damsel. God I can’t believe they ended the season there.
@worldsbeyondpod - Crazy they went from treason to handshaking the prince in one episode. I love how the Twelve Brooks special is setting up the horror of what the citadel is doing here.
@worldgonewrongpod - We missed out on Jamie’s dad?! The separated episode was sad.
@midnightburgr (Welcome to the Horizon)- I thought this was the finale? There’s one more episode right???
@keepitsteadypod - Wow this episode got really heavy. And that’s where they end it??
@midstpodcast - Oh nooo poor Cleo. She’s in love with a space nun.
@starfallpod - Wow, the Fey. Nice low stakes episode, I love Leona's complete lack of concern being lost in a Fey forest.
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bekaterrier · 26 days ago
Happy Audio Drama Sunday!
I wanted to start off by shouting out @podcast-bookclub for the fantastic Audio Fiction Convention they organized for this weekend. I'm still catching up on some of the sessions that weren't in my timezone, but I wanted to highlight a couple I've really enjoyed so far:
- Worldbuilding for Audio Fiction by Meg Tuten
- Crowdfunding for Audio Drama by Tal Minear
- BIPOC Rep in Audio Drama by Motzie Dapul
- Remediation of Fiction Podcasts by MJ
There have also been some incredibly interesting panels on writing for audio, using music as a story element, etc. If you haven't checked it out, the VODs are available on the podcast bookclub's twitch channel, and I highly suggest you check them out.
Also check out the discord, and especially the Artist's Alley where myself and other awesome artists have our podcast-inspired art on display 😄
@midnightburgr Welcome to the Horizon Part 10 - Phoenix: So many things to love about this episode. Swamp Thing! Doug and Steve taking the lead on prepping for the disaster is incredible. Trinkett going for the mushrooms! The fucking Teds! And then my absolute favourite part they had me freaking out: Deidre and Verge ON THE MOON!!! [For those who don't know, the voice actors for Deidre and Verge were both in Moonbase Theta, Out, so the fact that their MB characters ended up on the Moon together is just... incredible. Love that for them.] 🌕
@thefringespod S1: AuFiCon inspired me to listening to more shows that I've had on my list for a while, and I started with TftFoR. The worldbuilding is incredible, and the way that it's slowly revealed throughout the season is so well done. I adored Minerva and her violin plucking sounds from the start, but just to show you part of my reaction notes from the end of the season: omgggggg MIN :(((( Crying for Sil. I knew something was up but I wasn't expecting that!!
I'm looking forward to continuing with S2! ✨
@wanderersjournalpod S1: Another show that's been on my list for a while, and that has super interesting world building. The mysterious magical journal is such an interesting way for two characters to communicate. I am absolutely fascinated by this world and these two characters, especially where Marigold has come from. However, I am also very worried for Pluto. Also I love creature. Thank goodness that S2 is in the works! 📔
@starfallpod - Act 1 Scene xix: I couldn't help but laugh at the comment that they're two sacks of potatoes lighter now that Leona has her appetite back. I do love when characters get put in situations with people they might not normally be with, and this was no exception. Especially when the whole goal was for them to get into trouble but in a specific area (which they did). Did Centhy even actually need those flowers? 🌸
@ameliapodcast S5 Part 1: I am absolutely loving the journey into the past that we're taking with both Kozlowski and The Interviewer. I am also wondering how reliable these narrators are...though the CIA checked out Kozlowski's stories! Can't wait to keep delving into their stories. 🐦‍🔥
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tyunningcore · 3 months ago
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@midnightburgr I LOVE YOU!!!!!! top podcast this year <333 thank u for the world you’ve created it’s the best thing ever. i might just be your only indian fan. i wish i could express how much i love the show but i guess the stats can do the talking. looking forward to everything y’all have to offer in 2025💗
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lesbian-jack-barnabas · 1 year ago
When I was in elementary school, I took an astronomy class. I thought it was cool, but the math part always scared me away. 
I took a physics class my freshman year. Also thought it was cool, but again, the math part scared me away. I suck at math. I have always sucked at math. I never understood it. 
Now, suddenly, out of nowhere, my love for those things has been rekindled except it WASN’T out of nowhere. I am sitting here, practicing math and physics VOLUNTARILY, OUTSIDE OF SCHOOL, because I want to understand it enough to learn about quantum/theoretical physics and/or astrophysics. And do you know WHY I’m doing it? Do you know WHY I’m suddenly so motivated to understand this stuff? Because I listened to MOTHERFUCKING MIDNIGHT BURGER. Thanks a lot, Ava.
@midnightburgr, your podcast officially broke me. Never thought I’d see the day where I was doing math and science on my own time, but hey. If I ever become a world-famous physicist or astronomer (highly unlikely), y’all know who’s to blame
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359midnightburgers · 5 months ago
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Thanks to the wonderful @slothsoep I now get to think and talk about @midnightburgr even more. Wonderful birthday present, thank you, bud!
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espressonist · 5 months ago
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Deej and Joe are making me work SO hard the past couple months. Some of the toughest stuff I've done, both technically and emotionally. And I'm thankful , because it absolutely feels like a level up.
But fuck, y'all.
All I can say is I'm sorry in advance. And it's (probably) gonna be okay.
I'm complicit in all the feelings jail crimes.
Waiting for October, from @monkeymanproductions , will be out soon! In October, actually!
And the new Welcome to the Horizon will be in the public @midnightburgr feed the first. 💕💕
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chemicallywrit · 10 months ago
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! School is out for me, so I can finally rest. Oh man. I needed the rest. It's great to sit there an not move, isn't it? And I got to listen to so many good podcasts this week as well, it really made the last week of school a treat. Let's take a look:
🍔 I feel like every new episode of @midnightburgr is a precious little gem, and this one is no different. I love getting to see pre-found-family Casper. You can't escape the found family, idiot, get cherished! It's been good to watch his character development throughout the show, and then seeing this little missing piece of it that he doesn't quite remember answers several questions about him. I love him. He's the worst and I love him. Alongside each of the three sisters, this season is promising to be absolutely fascinating.
📼 Oh The Magnus Protocol, you never disappoint. I want to run this episode by the teenagers I know to see what they think of it, because I understood what the influencer was saying, but I know many adults who absolutely would not. Like, I'm on this website. Meanwhile, Alice rejecting help is setting her up for something truly awful and I dread what her fate may be. It's delicious.
👻 @monstrousproductions's Travelling Light is often so soft and good--I neglected to include last week's episode on the AD Sunday write-up, like a FOOL, even though it made me CRY--but this episode settles into a gorgeous little ghost story that's honestly the logical conclusion of creative sentients in space. I loved it. On top of that, there's this tiny morsel of Óli's backstory that I am DYING to know more about. I can't wait for the next ep.
🪲 @cryptonature always hits just right, but this last episode was everything I want in the world. MOSS TIDE MOSS TIDE MOSS TIDE
🧛🏻‍♂️What a treat it is to listen to @re-dracula along with everyone this year. I am loving everyone's analysis and thoughts this go-round and I am once again appreciating the work of Ben Galpin and Karim Kronfli in creating just the most horrific character dynamic. I know droughtula is imminent, so there's still plenty of time to catch up. Join us, join us, join us--
✂️ In Hannah news, Inn Between is starting to wrap up for the season! This week brings the penultimate episode, which is definitely totally fine and won't bode ill for any beloved party members of the Lowlifes. We'll also see the last episode of "Run Rabbit" on The Dead, and I'm so pleased with my actors' work, so I can't wait to hear what the sound wizards have done with it.
Hey! This week is better than last as far as finances go--thanks to my beloveds for helping out--but if you like what I make or enjoyed reading this, would you consider leaving me a tip?
See y'all next week!
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junosteelyourgirl · 1 year ago
made the midnight burger gang on picrew :)) (credit: potatolord!)
(top to bottom, left to right: caspar, ava, gloria, leith, effie, zeb, clementine, terrence, ex)
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catblackard · 3 months ago
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Smoking is gross, but it’s hot when an alien does it, right? Performing Verge in @midnightburgr, I use a prop cigarette. That lipstick-stained artifact can be yours for the SLASHED PRICE of £300 towards @camlannpod in their quest to fund season 2: https://tiltify.com/@tincanaudio/personal/camlann
If you donate £300 or more towards the continuation of this awesome audio drama, send a screencap of your donation to [email protected] and when this season of Welcome to the Horizon is done, you’ll be mailed this oft-kissed prop - and who knows what else!
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peapodbond · 5 months ago
a bit behind on @midnightburgr but catching up! Just finished chapter 36: 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…
and immediately went “two leifs! we already had one leif. but what about second leif??”
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monkeymanproductions · 5 months ago
What are you listening to?
Hi, audio fiction folks! It's been a wild time getting ready for Waiting For October, our new show (launching on Halloween!), but during the day job I'm trying to catch up a little on listening to shows too. And I'm doing a decent job! I'm finally getting into Hannahpocalypse, further into @backagainpodcast and @desertskiespodcast, and loved loved LOVED the latest @midnightburgr (featuring Cat Blackard and Tina Case, both folks we know well) ...
What else should I be listening to? What new stuff has come out that I might not know about yet? Give me some new listens!
Oh, and find WFO in your podcast apps - we're already showing up there with the trailer we used in our crowdfunding campaign, with more to come soon and our series launch on October 31st!
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bekaterrier · 1 month ago
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! New job means new commute to listen to podcasts to!
@ameliapodcast S3 Part 2: The second half of this season did not go where I thought it would...and I loved it!! I was definitely not expecting The Incognito Project or Miguel! Alvina's backstory is fantastic. The body bag shenanigans between the CIA and MI5 were hilarious, and then that epilogue ending!! Still no sign of our favourite Italians though... 🐦‍🔥
The Amelia Project S4: Another fantastic season. Part of the team is back together in Paris! We're getting Kozlowski time! CIA backstories! The most ridiculous series of near misses in a gas station's history! All of this contrasting with the slowly building concern I had for the Interviewer made for some very emotional moments. In particular, the final episode with Alvina's gentle yet firm concern and the Interviewer's quiet fear. I also have to mention the melody hummed at the end of the first and last episodes of the season - eerie and absolutely beautiful. 🐈‍⬛
@forgedbondspod Chapter 5: While we didn't get any new Aphrodite and Hephaestus moments, we did see just how much support Aphrodite, Hera, and Ares have from their friends. I love that they're being checked in on, and having honest discussions about what's happening. Though methinks that Ares is totally oblivious to Hermes' feelings... Case in point:
ARES: Who knows? Maybe you'll have a bear of your own one day.
HERMES: (wistful but not for bear ownership) Yeah, maybe.
@vestaclinicpod S1 Re-listen: I just had to listen to S1 again in preparation for the first episode of S2 being released this coming Thursday!! My love for this show has not diminished at all. It's interesting though how the context of certain episodes can change based on your own life experiences. For example, I had a seizure for the first time a couple months ago and now can't drive until I've undergone testing and receive clearance from a doctor. My sympathy for Sung Fang and his FASERUNR has definitely turned to empathy (though my mode of transportation is just a car vs his time traveling device...) I can't wait for more cases, more Fey, more Rai, more Xael, and of course, more Sec! ⚕️
@midnightburgr Chapter 42 - Speedrun!: Effie and Zebulon doing their sports commentator thing is my favourite, especially when they do random interviews with the other diner crew. I loved the different team combinations that we saw, and the growth (and conflict) in the different relationships. Also hell yeah Fiona, I see you. I am very concerned about the ending though, they can't take our Mucklewains! 📻
@starfallpod Fennel's Food Cart Episode 4 - Velsum, Liborotes: Another Fennel's Food Cart, another interesting look at an area of Falsten. University towns and...quite the economics theory... 🥞
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tyunningcore · 17 days ago
hi @midnightburgr when will the episode transcripts for episode 42 and 43 be up ?? english isn’t my first language so i like to refer to the transcripts sometimes <3
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ratking-pdf · 3 months ago
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midnight burger has done so much for my heart and soul. it’s my favorite piece of media ever. @midnightburgr tysm for making an amazing podcast
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malicejane-in-wonderland · 1 year ago
hey there Midnight Burger lovers, thegronis, and everyone else!!!!! it is the time that many consider Christmas!!!!! and because of that our favorite, lovely writer, Joe Fisher @midnightburgr has publicly posted one of the season 2 Patreon exclusive interludes, A Mucklewain's Christmas!!!!! I hope everyone enjoys!!!!!!!
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