#midnight tricksters
winterpower98 · 2 years
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First one of the triplets it’s obviously Shu!
This event was created by @Inkhandprint on Twitter Link to the list
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abesetacringe · 4 months
concept where BEN can possess literally any tech stuff in the slendermansion
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sa2-astral · 6 months
another small doodle dump >:) big bunch of random pd doodles (+ some figuring out how to draw the suckening guys)
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-trickster test doodles (trying to figure out the shape language of the hair in contrast to how i usually draw ashe's, i still dont think i have it quite right but theres some cool design details and ideas there!) -+some pose / body language(??????) experiments with that ^ (idk i was just playing around there really) -lighting / color experiments / tests with ashe and will
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ghostiezone · 4 months
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Make Me Write Tag
Was tagged by @blind-the-winds and @tryingtimi, thanks you guys!
Quickly tagging @winterandwords @squarebracket-trick @worldsfromhoney @loopyhoopywrites @lynsterswritingblog @aalinaaaaaa @halleyuhm
Rules: Make a 24hr poll listing the titles of every WIP you want to work on. (It’s fine if you only have one, still make a poll for the vote count). Whichever WIP title gets the most votes, write 1 sentence for every vote received.
Intros of Abracadabra and Midnight Madness can be found HERE and HERE, in case anyone wants to take a look! 😁😁 Thanks!
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revvethasmythh · 7 months
okay, having looked over all the details now, the daggerheart rogue class really is giving me everything I want as a serial arcane trickster player while additionally taking the load off stat distribution by letting me cast with finesse, which is genuinely GREAT and something I love
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when i started playing enstars: what the fuck do you mean there's a guy in the ceiling????
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cfmanymuses · 1 year
It had been quite some time since the guildmaster had sent for Jessamine, and for that, she was grateful. It meant that she was able to settle at home, spend time with her family, and assume her old life once again. Her armour was packed away in an old trunk in her childhood bedroom, above the shop her mother ran, though she still carried her weapons as a precaution.
“Nobody messes with a pretty girl who knows how to wield her sword,” her father had said, affectionately ruffling her hair. She’d just laughed and ducked away before he caught himself on her horns again. “Especially not since you made it, Papa!” She teased, patting the hilt of the rapier on her hip, a stark contrast to the brightly-coloured dress that her mother had gifted her on her return to Waterdeep.
Lost in those memories, Jessamine messed with some fabric in the back of her mother’s shop, quietly humming a song she’d heard some bard singing in the street earlier that day. She never noticed her parents calling for her, and nearly jumped out of her skin when her father clapped his hand on her shoulder. Silver eyes blown wide with panic, she twisted in her seat to face her father, who was looking at her with concern.
“There you are, sweetheart, you looked like you were halfway to the Astral Plane. Are you ready to go? Your mother’s organised a dinner with some of our old friends, they’ll be just about ready by now. Easy now, I’m sorry for scaring you.” Parastin backed off a bit, allowing Jessamine some space to breathe before standing. “I’m ready, Papa. Have you seen my cloak and daggers? I haven’t been able to find them today.” She frowned for a moment. “I know they were in my room last night.”
“Joy would kill me if I spoiled her surprise, Jess. Borrow one of her cloaks and bring your sword instead.” Her father smiled and made his way to the front of the shop, with Jessamine tagging along behind. Her sword was where she’d left it, hanging on a peg by the door, with her mother’s cloak draped over the top.  “You thought of everything. Thanks, Mama,” she murmured, tying on both sword and cloak before joining her family in the street. Parastin locked up behind them, and they went out for their visit.
This is nice. Hopefully the guild forgets me and I can keep living like this, safe with my family.
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winterpower98 · 2 years
You know who I haven't seen in a hot minute; The Midnight Tricksters Triplets.
You know what, you're right
Have this small part of an RP I have with @elianaroselight. It takes place right after the kits were born
Word count: 4000
At Yue Shi's house, both monkey and fox woke up to the little newborns crying.
Feng yipped softly to calm down her crying kits.
"I think the little ones are hungry." She said softly, sitting up and carefully pulling her top off so she could feed them. She fed Lin first while Yue Shi tried to calm down the other two crying babies. Yan had left to get some water and returned to find his dad with Bao and Shu in his arms, cooing softly as he tried to calm them down.
"Oh. I see you aren't the only ones in need of food" the human joked lightly. The new voice made the kits cry again and he winced.
"Sorry" He said softly before heading back for the door to not scare his siblings anymore.
"It's okay, Yan" Yue Shi tried to tell him, but the teen didn't hear his dad from over the crying, continuing to leave and closing the door behind him quickly.
The monkey frowned "Feng, can I leave you with the kits for a minute?" he asked while he set down the two babies next to his mate. "Take care of him." She says softly.
He made sure that the babies were secure on the bed before he walked out of the room, calling for his son. Yan came up to the door of his room, seeming to wipe a tear away "Y-yes?" His dad frowned softly and gently rubbed his shoulders
"Yan, bud, what's wrong?"
"Oh. Nothing. Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be helping your kids?"
"And aren't you one of my kids?" Yue Shi asked with a raised eyebrow, making the boy pause and look away, blushing in embarrassment at having forgotten that part.
He sighs. "I am just sad that I accidentally made them cry…"
"It's okay, kid. They are little and very hungry. I'm sure that a butterfly would scare them at the moment" his father said in a reassuring tone. The mental image made Yan laugh softly, and Yue Shi's heart felt just a little less heavy.
"Why don't you go keep your mom company while I make us some food?"
"I… Um… I already made some. I left some for you and mom when I went into the kitchen.
"Oh, that's good! Thank you, Yan. Then go back to bed and I'll be back with the food"
The teen nodded and headed for his parents' room. Feng yipped for him when she saw him next to the door. Yan paused and took a deep breath before walking in, trying to remain quiet so he wouldn't disturb his siblings again. Feng was feeding Shu now, and the other two kits sniffed the teen curiously
"Hi, kit. Did you sleep well?" the hulijing asked with a small smile.
"Yeah. A bit."
His brothers yipped softly, confused by the new presence. He smiles softly and reached out to pet them, making Bao squeak at the touch. But after sniffing the hand, he leaned into it. Yan chuckled softly and kissed his head sweetly. "Hi. I'm your gege"
The black kit yipped back at him, and Lin soon started to follow him, yipping just as loudly.
"You sure like yipping, don't you?" Yan chuckled, now petting both of his little brothers.
"I doubt they can do anything else" the fox said.
"I guess that's true. Is it okay if I held one?"
"Of course, kit! Why don't you move Bao to me? It's his turn to eat now"
He nods and carefully handed Bao to his mother before taking Shu and Lin into his arms. Both kits look up at him. Lin yawned after a moment and settled down to sleep again, the adorable action making the human smile slightly and kiss his head.
"Such a good big brother" Feng cooed at him.
Yan blushes but ignored her out of embarrassment. He focused on his little sister instead, rocking her gently. Shu yawned, she stretched her little bicolored paws up before she curled up in his arms.
Feng watched them with a chuckle "We need to dress them next time they wake up"
"They are going to look adorable with the onesies we bought"
"I know" she agreed softly as Bao finished eating "Everything they do is adorable already"
Yue Shi came in with their breakfast and chuckled when he saw his sleeping kits "Already asleep? That was faster than I imagined" Yan nods and smiles softly.
"Here, I'll set the food on the bed so you can eat it while keeping your siblings" his father said as he sat next to his mate.
"You might need to take at least one or I won't be able to do anything else" Yan chuckled.
"You're right" Yue Shi cooed as he got Lin in his arms. The little kit protested with soft squeaks, but his dad's purrs and coos calmed him down quickly. The little bundle settled in his arms after a while, fully curling up in the monkey's arms.
Feng smiled "I can't believe they are here already…" She said softly.
"Neither can I" Yue Shi cooed "They are so small…"
"Yes, they are."
The lunar demon settled next to his mate and nuzzled Feng "Did you sleep well?"
"Yes. I was out like a light. How did you sleep?"
"Good. I didn't realize how tired I was last night until I fell asleep"
She chuckles. "I think all of us were exhausted"
He nods and nuzzled her gently "You did great. Our babies are all healthy"
"Thank you. And thank you for all your help. I would have struggled so much more if I was alone"
"You're welcome, my thief"
The fox smiled warmly before she looks over at Yan "Thank you for all of your help as well. You are a good kid and the best son I could have ever asked for"
The teen blushed softly as he gave her a shy smile "Thanks. And you are the best mom"
As simple as the words were, they made Feng tear up slightly. To hear him call her his mom was something she was still struggling to deal with, but to know he considered her a good mom too just made her heart feel warmer. She pulls him close, careful of the babies.
"Thank you"
"Moooommm" he protested slightly when she started to lick him "You have the babies to clean now!"
"But you are my baby too!" the fox joked.
Yan whined more, making Yue Shi chuckle "Maybe eat your food first before you try to lick him again, Feng"
"Alright, fine." She smirks and lets him go, eating her food.
"Should we give them a bath?" the human asked after a moment.
"Hmm… Probably. I need one too." Feng said.
"Then, why don't you all have a bath together?" Yue Shi proposed. Feng hums. "Yan, would you be willing to pick out their clothes and be ready to dress them once they leave the tub?" She asks, hoping to give him a way to be part of this without coming into the bathroom and seeing her naked.
"Sure. I'm going to dress you in the sillies little outfit I can find" he cooed to his siblings who looked at him confused, unable to understand any of his words.
She shook her head, smiling in amusement. "Go pick the onesies out while your dad helps me to the bathroom"
He nods and pets Shu's head when she woke up "Let's go get you some clothes"
The kit yips softly, snuggling close as they walked out. Yue Shi watched them go with a chuckle "Let's put our boys on the bed so I can help you get up"
Feng nods and sets Bao down in a small nest Yue Shi made to hold them.
"We will be right back, my treasures" she kissed both of their heads before her mate lifted her up and brought her to the bathroom. She sat comfortably in the tub and relaxed more when Yue Shi started to pour the warm water. She winced when she tried to move to sit down a bit straighter, her body feeling extremely sore.
"Zan said that you will be sore for a while" Yue Shi said softly as he started to wash her "You should still try to walk, at least for a little bit"
"I can walk out to the living room to visit with family" Feng said with a small nod
"Just don't push yourself" he told her softly as he run water over her head.
"I won't." She smiles. "you won't let me."
"I won't" he said grinning.
Not too long after, Yan walked by the bathroom and showed them the little pineapple themed onesie Shu was wearing
"She's just a yellow baby now!"
"Adorable. Did you bathe her already?"
He looked at his mother in silence for a moment "I forgot about that…"
Feng chuckled "It's alright. Why don't you take the onesie off and we will wash her up first so you can put it back on right away"
He nods and carefully took the clothes away before he handed her to his dad "I'll go get Bao and Lin then" he said before leaving the other two little onesies on the sink.
Feng yips for her baby and holds her close as she washes her gently "My baby girl"
Shu yipped back quite loudly as her little tail wagged, splashing water everywhere. The hulijing laughed softly and laid the kit on her chest. "Yes, you are.
Yue Shi chuckled as the kit nuzzled her mother's chest, earning a kiss on the head "So happy"
Yan walked in with his two brothers as his dad cooed "And there are our baby boys"
Feng smiles, tail wagging "All of them." She purred happily. The human rolled his eyes as Lin was handed to Yue Shi. Feng instinctually reached out for her youngest baby, but Yue Shi stopped before handing him to her.
"Can you hold and bathe them both?" he asked.
"…. Fair point. I just wanted to cuddle them…" She admits before going back to wash Shu. The black monkey chuckled as he started to wash Lin "Yan? Do you need help with washing Bao?"
"He is doing well. Just playing with the water"
The kit was happily splashing water as he babbled, not a care as his brother tried to clean him
"Okay. Make sure that the water doesn't go in his ears and eyes"
"I am. He sure is talkative though"
"He is. What are you saying, baby?" Feng cooed at the kit, getting his attention, making him squeak happily and babble at her. She nodded with a serious expression that made Yan giggle"Yes, that is a very important topic"
Shu begins to babble back at her brother after a moment, starting up an intense and heated conversation while Lin looked at them confused. Feng grins happily while Yue Shi chuckles. "Alright you two. Save the discussion for later"
"Let them talk, love. It must be important" the fox joked.
He rolls his eyes and looked at Lin "Yeah. I don't know either, cub" It was the others' turn to chuckle as he switched kits with Feng so that Shu could be dried on one of the towels he had prepared earlier. Feng bathed Lin gently as the kit looked at her with big eyes.
"Hello, Lin. My quiet boy"
He pawed at her face with a soft chirp, earning a small smile from his mother. She nuzzled him sweetly as she yipped back softly. The sound made the little one smile and he responded with happy yips.
"Looks like he can be quite loud too" Yue Shi joked
"Seems that he can, but usually isn't. He has your eyes though. I wonder if he will be incredibly observant"
"Quite but observant, that would be pretty much what I was when I was a kid"
"I think you will end up sharing a fair bit of similarities." She predicts with a warm smile, petting Lin's face.
"If that's the case, I wonder who's going to be more like you: Shu or Bao"
She hums. "I'm tempted to say Shu is, and Bao is like a mix of us. We may also be completely wrong"
At his name, Bao looked at them confused, cooing softly. Feng chuckled at his adorable face "Hello, my hyper boy. Did you hear your name?"
He babbled at her with a mix of yips in his form of yes. "I see. That is a good point. Are you enjoying the water?"
He happily pawed at the water while Yan was trying to rinse the soap out of his fur, making his mother giggle.
"I see. You are going to be the one who gets dirty often, aren't you?"
"He's so wiggly" the human said with a laugh as he lifted him out of the water completely wet.
"Like a worm or a snake?" Feng joked.
"Like a wet rat!"
She cracks up, tail wagging in happy amusement. Bao babbled again, confused by why his mom was laughing, but enjoying it all together. "I think it's time to dry him off, Yan" his dad said with a chuckle. Yan nods and immediately does so, setting him on another towel, before dressing him. Once the kit was ready, he turned around to show off the grape themed outfit to his parents "Isn't he cute?"
Feng smiled "Yes he is. Your grandpas are going to lose it at these outfits"
He giggled and fixed Bao to hold him better "Is Lin done yet?"
"Yes. Is Shu dressed as well?
"Not yet. Can you stay here for a moment, buddy?" he sat down his brother on the baby changer and picked up Shu, who didn't move at all from her place, content with staying in her little towel cocoon. Yan giggled at her squeak when he took her out of her warm space to dress her in the little pineapple onesie.
"What outfit did you get for Lin?" Yue Shi asked once his son was done.
"I have a pitaya one!" He proudly said with a grin.
Feng laughs softly "We need a picture of them. They are one fruit bunch"
"Do you have a shirt with fruits on it too? You can pose with them"
She shakes her head with a slightly sad smile "No, unfortunately"
"Oh, well. You can still hold them while we take a picture"
"Well, I'm going to need to get dressed for that. But I can't do that right now"
"I can dress Lin and bring them back to the bedroom" her son said, already reaching out for his last brother. Feng nodded and Yue Shi handed his youngest son to the teen. Yan quickly dressed him in his new outfit before cooing over him with a baby voice "Look at you, little fruity baby"
The silly sound made Lin smiles adorably at his gege.
"Can you bring them all three to the bed or do you want my help, bud?"
"I would have to come back for one, so I need a bit of help"
"Alright. I'll be right back, my thief" he reassured Feng with a kiss before he went to hold his two baby sons and followed Yan into the master bedroom. The human made sure that the nest was still comfortable for his siblings before he set Shu down in it. When her brothers were set down too, she started to chew on Bao's ears, making the black kit squeak in surprise. Yan laughed softly as Yue Shi smiled before leaving to get his mate a dress.
"Make sure they don't get hurt" he told his oldest son before he went back to the bathroom.
Feng looks at her mate sweetly when she heard him walk in.
"The kits are already roughhousing" the lunar monkey said chuckling as he helped her up.
"They are born from the two most trickster-like creatures" she pointed out, carefully lifting her legs, going slow to make sure not to suffer from her soreness too much.
"You're right, and with Yan's influence, I doubt they will get any better"
"He is our son"
He chuckled as he helped her dry off "That's true. Do you think you can walk to the bed?"
"Yeah. Let me get dressed first. I don't want to flash our son" He nodded and helped her put her clothes back on before he offered his arm to hold on to. Feng takes it and walks over to the bed, limping a fair bit and groaning softly
"Oh boy, does that hurt"
Yue Shi winced sympathetically "I know, but you need to move at least a little bit"
"And I get that. I just felt like complaining"
He chuckled as they neared their room "Then complain all you want"
She smiles and looked at her fruit kits "Hello, my precious"
The babies all started to yip at her voice and crawled to the edge of the nest, trying to get to their mother.
"You all want mama? Alright, just wait a moment. Yue Shi, was the bedding changed?"
"Not yet. Think you can stand still with one of the kits in your arms while I do that?"
She nods and reached out to get one of the wiggly babies.
"Yan, can you hold the other kit then?" Yue Shi asked as he moved Bao and Lin into Feng's arms. His son nods and holds his sister close, purr-humming as he watched her. Yue Shi changed the sheets as quickly as he could and re-made the nest before he helped his mate to lay down on it. The hulijing purred happily, comfortably, and relaxed as she cuddled her kits close. Yan climbed onto the bed too and snuggled up to her with Shu.
A few minutes later, a knock came from the front door and Yue Shi went to open it to find Zan. The lunar monkey smiled at his youngest sister "Hey. Come in. Are you here to check on Feng and the kits?"
The pink demon nodded as she followed the other monkey inside
"How are they doing?"
"Really good. Feng is quite sore, but she was able to feed the kits well and they are already roughhousing"
Zan laughed "Oh, they are going to give you so much trouble" she said teasingly
"I don't doubt it. Bao and Shu are already talkative too."
They walked into the room to find Shu babbling to Yan again while Feng watched them with a soft smile, petting her sons.
"You weren't kidding." She said to her brother with a chuckle before coming closer to the bed, careful to not enter the nest. The boys look up at her and Lin immediately moved to hide behind his mom with soft scared noises. Yue Shi cooed softly as he tried to calm down his son "it's alright. This is my sister. She helped mama" Bao sniffed at her hand when Zan tried to show that she wouldn't do anything, while Shu quickly crawled to her and started to yell in what had to be a threatening way, for the little kit at least. Feng watched amused "Shu? You don't have to worry about her. She won't hurt us"
The kit huffed but listened to her mother and stopped her angry babble. Her stare didn't stop as she looked at the pink demon intensely. Feng yipped for Lin to come out, looking at where he disappeared. He was hiding behind her head and his little muzzle poked a bit when she called for him
"How in the world did you get up there?" She laughs softly
"He's a silent and fast little one" Yue Shi says with a smile as his mate carefully grabs him, holding him close. Lin made soft noises as he snuggled back up to her, still sanding somewhat scared.
"While you calm that baby, let's see how this one is doing" Zan carefully held up Shu in her arms and started to check her over. Feng handed Bao to Yan so she could focus on her scared little boy. Shu mostly made indignant sounds as she was looked over before Zan set her back down on the nest.
"Such a feisty personality at only a few hours old" Zan said with a smile
"She's going to be a troublemaker, I can tell" Feng said chuckling while Yan held out Bao to the pink demon.
"I agree with that"
The little black kit babbled curious as the monkey looked him over. He tried to paw at her face any time she got close to him. He managed to grab her nose and Zan chuckled
"You love talking, don't you?" She joked
"He's been talking since he woke up" Yue Shi said as his sister patted Bao's belly, making him squeak. He tried to grab her hand in retaliation but Zan handed him back to Yan before he could.
"So social and curious. You have a little explorer on deck too. May I see Lin?"
"It's okay, baby. I'm here" Feng held out her last son to the monkey, and the little kit whined softly, looking back at his mother. Zan cooed softly, trying to comfort him "It's alright. I'm just looking"
He whined more as he was moved, but he mostly stayed limp in her hands.
"Such a sweet boy." She says as she hands him back to Feng.
"He's quiet too. He only really talked when I called for him" she set him back down on her chest and the kit snuggled up to her head, curling under her chin.
"He was like that in the womb too, huh?
"Yes. He barely moved…"
Zan nodded and smiled, rubbing Feng's shoulder reassuringly "He is healthy, even if smaller. How are you doing, mama?"
"Still tired. Very sore, but extremely happy"
"Good! Sadly the tiredness will hang out some due to having babies"
"I imagined. But I have my boys to help me" she said sweetly, looking up at Yue Shi
"Anything else we need to do?" the lunar demon asked as he picked up Shu before she could wander off.
"I might be able to get some formula for you to use to help feed them. That is a lot for Feng to feed"
"And they bite too" the fox said chuckling "They already have teeth. Very little, but still"
"Exactly. It will allow Yue Shi and Yan to help feed them"
"Thank you" her brother said softly "Before you go, can you take a picture of us? I'm sure the family is dying to know what the kits look like"
Zan laughed wholeheartedly and took her brother's phone "Sure! Are you going to let anyone over today?"
"No. To be honest, I'll probably fall asleep once you're gone" Feng answered in her mate's place
"Valid. Rest up. No pressure" She says sweetly before taking the picture and handing the phone back. The lunar demon thanked her as she left the room before helping his mate settle down with her kits. Feng smiled softly at her partner before sighing and resting, falling asleep almost immediately. Her children snuggled up to her and were asleep in a matter of minutes after quite a few yawns.
Yue Shi smiles softly at the scene. "Are you going to sleep with them, dad?" Yan asked softly to not wake up his family
"No. Not right now. Are you?" He asked back, petting his head.
"I don't know. I don't feel tired, but I don't want to leave mom"
"That's okay. Do you want me to get you a book to read?"
"Yes. Thank you" he smiled slightly as the monkey headed for his room before he settled next to Feng. Yue Shi went back into his bedroom to find Shu had moved to lay between her mother and Yan, and the teen was petting her head gently.
"Seems she has a favorite brother" he chuckled
"Yeah…" Yan smiled softly before taking the book his dad was offering and made sure he wouldn't disturb his little sister before he started reading.
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dreammeiser · 7 months
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Hello, hi! I'd like to introduce you to my animated indie series that I've been working on called Dream Along With Me! Dream Along With Me will follow the lives and antics of a group of puppet friends, The Dreamalong Gang, as they navigate a patchwork dreamscape while being stalked by secrets and horrors of the past. An escapist dream may become their cotton-candied purgatory!
On their journey through the subconscious, you will be joining: Archie Aster, the Stellar Storyteller and his Living Shadow Early Early Oxenfree the Soothsaying Trickster Mae Flowers the Rainbow Goblin Lunette Lullabye the Playtime Devil Honeybell the Counting Sheep Darling Fiona the Wayward Siren Teddy O'Stara the Merrymaking Magician Mufflin Mallow the Big Rock Candy Monster Bertie Sherbet the Softserve Sweetheart Oddrey Shivers the Phantom Primadonna And your Friendly Midnight Television Host, Roy G. Biv! Walk on into that Good Night carefully friends, lest The Strangers of the Wonder Void hear you!
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harunayuuka2060 · 9 months
Rook: Trickster, the mere sight of you each morning has the power to illuminate my entire day.
MC: *chuckles* Is that why you're here at midnight, Rook?
Rook: Oui!
MC: *smiles* Goodnight and go home.
Rook: *sad expression*
MC: Now, now. Don't be sad, monsieur. *chuckles* I just don't want to get scolded by Vil.
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senblades · 4 months
Hi :)
I love your art and your writing, and you have such a great grasp of these characters that I was wondering if you have any fic recs? Rating doesn't matter ;)
boy do I! (and ty for the compliment <3 <3 <3)
[cracks knuckles] alrighty:
The Dissapearence of Goro Akechi by Kupowonders - Probably my favourite fic ever, honestly- it's like. derailing the plot of persona 5 post-medjed thanks to the persona 4 accomplice ending years prior. (So, spoilers for p4 in that, too) it's. very good.
Marigolds by Colbub - Akechi gets ng+'ed to right when he started working for Shido, and has to take a good look at the future to come and be like "Aight how the fuck do I fix this". Fun times!
Daredevil, You've hit the wall by ez_cookie. Essentially, p5 Strikers but Sumire and Goro get to be in on the fun, too. And, there's a direct sequel currently being updated that's a similar premise for p5 Tactica. very very good stuff
A Tale of Two Tricksters by Zoe2k8 - Murder boyfriends! ...sort of? Angst! Angst and murder boyfriends! An oversimplification, obviously, but I'm not kidding when I say this fic is amazing and is also over a million words holy shit-
Throw away your mask by MollyPollyKinz - Another ng+ situation for Akechi, but this time the poor guy gets thrown all the way to 2009. You can imagine how well that goes (For the audience, less so for Akechi himself.)
The Crow Cries at Midnight by Dorked. hehe this one is very fun. Basically, a series of coincedencs causes Akechi to get thrown into the plot of persona 4. No time travel here! Just a grumpy 12/13 year-old Akechi trying to solve a murder mystery
The entire Tales of Chaos series by Eternalmomentss (The first one is called Like sand between your fingers) Very very good stuff! Something of a character study, I would say, of Ren and Goro. Plus, all the funky plot stuff that comes from trickster-typical bad luck and poor descision making. I really love this series hehe
uhh this post is getting very long I need to make this less wordy- lightning round?
Hunger for a life by Leonawriter - do you like vampires? I sure do! Mix that and the p5 plot and you get shenanigins. [evil laughter] a lot of shenanigins
Fishbowl by KivaEmber - Akechi has a terrible time in Maruki's reality. And I mean a terrible time
You have a beautiful smile underneath that mask by Saposaki - Akechi has a crush on Akira and Joker has a crush on Crow. No one is aware of the other's secret identity. Dramatic irony and hilarity ensues.
MASTERMiND by StumblingBlock - No Metaverse au where Akira really doesn't want to follow in the footsteps of his crime family, and fails miserably
Rose and Rot by SixteenJuniper - Read this!! I'm serious!! "A fun fantasy adventure" don't listen to Juniper. You'll be in tears by chapter two. (/pos, of course) (Seriously this fic is incredible)
Redressing the Balance by Convocated - ...almost a ng+? Ng+, in the sense that shuake are getting funky visions that are very quickly derailing the standard plot of p5r. This causes problems of the "Someone get the popcorn and maybe the tissues" variety
She's got a heartbeat full of lead (And she's aiming straight for the head) by Dots - This fic haunts me, often. In the best way possible, of course; but seriously, read it
Cracked into by SydneyHorses - Ren makes bad descisions and it becomes Akechi's problem. 2/2 timeloop, perhaps most notably featuring HaruGoro friendship! Love love love this fic
Okay that wasn't as "less wordy" as I intended but it'll do
Aaaand that's a wrap! Sorry for the long post.. and this is by no means all of the fics that I've ever loved (nor are the ones here in any particular order) but I swear we'll be here all week if I keep going HAHA
ty for the ask (and again for the kind words), anon! Hope this was helpful and to your tastes! (I... hope you like Shuake HAHA it's present in most of these- I assume you do, since you came to me (points at literally everything shuake I've made) of all people, but uh. Some of these fics are gen if it's not to your liking?)
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satoruin · 2 years
➣ not-so-secret late night rendezvous
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pairing: malleus draconia x gn!mc
word count: 3K
summary: while the vdc group stays over at ramshackle, they notice you have a frequent visitor
notes from lee: i’m rusty with long pieces so i hope this is okay ish? takes place during book 5 when the vdc group is staying at the ramshackle dorm but i haven’t read book 5 since it released so it’s not entirely canon compliant… also way more ace-centric than i realized oops i love adeuce
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You had abandoned the hope of falling asleep easily once Crowely oh-so graciously allowed the newly formed VDC group to take up temporary residence in Ramshackle. When either or both Ace and Deuce stayed over you could deal with their moderate snores, however, snoring amplified by the seven extra people staying in your dorm was disrupting to say the least.
Despite all the boys being the next room over, the snoring seeps through the rotting wood floors and poorly constructed walls.
In hopes of trying to tire yourself out, you decide on a midnight stroll. Something that has been a recurring event even before your visitors. And maybe you have an inkling of hope that there will be another visitor when you get outside.
You feel the need to be quiet and sneak out, hopeful to not incur the wrath of Vil despite you being the dorm leader of Ramshackle. The window in your room has provided many nights of escapes, but it still takes an effort to push it open enough for you to get out. It only takes a few steps across the patchy roof before reaching the fire ladder. When your feet hit the ground you can already see the green fireflies that swarm the area and it instantly puts a smile on your face.
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If the others within the dorm were not up earlier from the scolding Vil had given them, they were more than awake at the footsteps on the roof. Of course, it could have been passed off as the ghosts, but the creak of the rusty ladder gives you away to those inside the house. A quick check into your bedroom proves that it’s you out of the dorm and not one of the VDC members. Vil is largely unconcerned, you are just a manager after all not a performing member, that is until Trappola calls out from the bottom floor.
“Oi! What’s Malleus Draconia doing outside?” Now this peaks Vil and the others upstairs’ interest. Already pressed to the glass window in the seating room are Ace and Deuce, the others join shortly.
“What is this fuss about Draconia being outside?” VIl questions and the redhead shivers at the tone of voice he uses. Instead of answering anything, Ace points outside to where you stand animatedly talking to the prince of Briar Valley. Everyone just now coming to witness the scene outside the window reacts similarly, shock. All inside the house knew of Draconia’s reputation, but there you were chatting away with him like an old friend.
Despite the seemingly friendly conversation between you and the fae, the way Malleus looked fondly down at you did not escape the watchful eyes of the Rook, “Quelle beauté! The love between the Roi des Dragons and the Trickster is blooming right before our eyes!”
The three first-years mashed into the glass pane let out a simultaneous groan. “How come the Prefect didn’t tell us they got into a relationship!” “Bleh who even wants to be in a relationship?” And similar remarks left the boys’ mouth, but soon quieted when they watched as you started back towards the dorm. Their blabbing had cost all of the bystanders to lose track of Malleus who had seemingly left.
“Back to the room. Not a word of this to the Prefect. It is up to them to tell us about their relationship, not your incessant meddling.” Vil sternly ordered and the boys trudged up the creaking stairs before you came back.
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Despite what Vil may have told Ace and Deuce about not meddling, you were their friend! If anyone would be allowed to meddle it would be your best friends, no? At least that’s what Ace had convinced himself of and later Deuce despite his reluctance.
They have a momentary break in the grueling practice and that’s when Ace decides to pry. You sit near the sweaty boys and offer up bottles of water, but it feels mostly like moral support. “So Prefect, you’ve been here for quite a while now, so’s there someone you're crushing on?” Ace asks, trying to be nonchalant.
“Is this some roundabout way for me to ask you if there’s someone you like?” You laugh at the red-head when he turns as red as his hair in embarrassment. “I take that as a yes?”
“No!” He waves his hands and you laugh at him again. “What’s wrong with your best friends wanting to know something like that?” Ace nudged Deuce, making him the accomplice to this encounter.
Before Deuce can protest, the two of them are yanked up by their collars. “If the two of you have energy to move your mouths, I’m sure you have the energy to continue practice.”
You laugh at Ace once again and shout a wish of good luck at him and the innocent Deuce.
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After the catastrophic failure of the afternoon, Ace decides to take a different route: asking Grim. Once again he makes an assumption that if anyone would know about your relationship it would be your friend (though Ace is unsure if Grim counts as a friend or a pet).
The cat-like creature seems to be asleep at the moment, but Ace’s curiosity is strong enough to be the one killed by the cat. He pokes Grim and he yawns. “Whatcha want that you needed ta wake the Great Grim up?”
“You know the Prefect better than anyone right?” Ace asked tentatively.
Grim rolls over, trying to get comfortable once again before answering, “Just ask my henchman yourself, there’s no need to bother me.”
Ace rolls his eyes but presses on, “Well if it’s your henchman you should know if something in their personal life would affect them serving you, yeah?”
Grim rolls over to face Ace once again, “What could they be doin except being my henchman?”
“Oh well, I heard something about them dating Malleus Draconia, but if it hasn’t been affecting anything then it’s probably not worth talking about.” Ace shrugs, but he knows that Grim is interested in helping him now. At least he thought so, but Grim fails to respond and Ace is met with soft snores.
Ace groans, yet another plan of his: failed.
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You crawl into bed, hopeful that maybe tonight you can rest. Grim follows suit and snuggles up next to you. He talks to you about the homework and other classes from the day and it’s not unusual. After a period of silence, “You won’t stop being my henchmen, right?”
You ruffle the fur on Grims head and laugh softly, “What gave you that idea? We’re two halves of a whole, literally.”
Grim exclaims and moves away from the hand that pets him, “I knew you would never leave such a great mage such as myself! Ace told me about some dragon and I didn’t want you to think that you were able to have a new master.” He returns to your side and curls up next to you to fall asleep and says nothing, leaving you confused but you brush it off.
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Even though Vil had scolded Ace about staying up not long ago, he still dragged himself and Deuce down to the window where they watched you and Malleus meet. It’s been maybe a week since they last saw your rendezvous with the fae, but Ace is determined to make sure it was really.
Deuce yawns from behind him, “Maybe they aren’t in a relationship? It’s ok for them to just be friends…” Deuce’s head clanks against the window as he tries to go back to sleep.
“But the Prefect always wakes up happier when they’ve seen Draconia the night before! And don’t you remember the first night when Rook was here and he said somethin’ about the two being in love?!”
“It’s not that big of a deal is it? Just let the prefect tell us if or when they want. You’re so obsessed over this like you’re in love with the Prefect or something.” The sleepy boy mutters, but Ace picks up on it.
He laughs haughtily, “Like I would be in love with a pathetic person with no magic.” His tone quickly softens as he voices his real concerns, “I just worry about them ya know? Draconia is a scary dude and I wouldn’t want the Prefect to get hurt. Not because I care about them or anything, but because then I wouldn’t have a place to stay when Riddle kicks me out.”
Ace looks out the window for any signs of you but the field in front of the house is empty. He sighs and drags Deuce up the stairs with him.
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Green fireflies fill your gaze and your hairs stand on edge at the powerful magic in the air. Despite the odd feeling you can’t help but smile when Tsunotaro appears.
With the VDC competition just around the corner, Vil had given you tickets but as you would be on the side stage you had no use for them. And the only person, well fae, you could think to give them to was Tsunotaro.
“Child of Man, it is always a delight to see you.” He cups your cheek gently.
Despite feeling a little flustered, you continue with what you wanted to say and fish the tickets out of your pocket, unintentionally breaking his hand off. “Vil gave me tickets for the VDC but I don’t have any use for them so I thought I would give them to you! I won’t be the one on stage but I’d still really appreciate it if you came to watch what I helped put together.” You flash a lopsided grin at the fae and hold out the ticket to him.
His eyes widened in shock. “You wish to invite me to this?” You nod earnestly and he laughs. “Perhaps it is because you are not of this world, but you are certainly naive, little one. Very well, but I will need to find an adequate way to pay you back.”
“Oh! That’s not necessary!” You’re about to ramble but Tsunotaro interrupts you with a kiss on the forehead.
“I will have to teach you the rules of the fae soon, Child of Man. But for now, let us go observe the gargoyle on the south grounds together.” He tucks the ticket into his pocket carefully and holds his hand out to you. You take it and he intertwines your fingers easily.
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The night before the VDC it seems no one is able to sleep. Crowded around the window are all seven members of the squad, watching as you converse, yet again, with Malleus.
Watching the two of you has become somewhat of a pastime in the time the group has spent in Ramshackle.
But all of them are growing increasingly frustrated at the way both of you seem to skirt around your feelings. Of course, they have no way of knowing what is actually going on as they can’t hear you, but your body language is enough. Plus all the times you’ve woken up and come into practice with a silly lovesick smile is pretty telling.
“He’s standin’ so close to them! Can he just bend over and kiss ‘em?” “It’s absolutely nauseating seeing Draconia like this, doe-eyed for our Manager.” “Do you think the Prefect invited him to the competition tomorrow?”
The boys quiet at the mention of the competition. The whole reason for coming down to peek into your rendezvous with Malleus was to distract themselves from the impending nerves.
Vil is the one to break the anxiety ridden air and ushers all of them up to the room and in good timing too. The door creaks as you come back inside the dorm. Everyone in the dorm is plagued with emotions, good or bad, that make it seemingly impossible to fall asleep.
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The day of the VDC comes and everything goes awry at Vil’s overblot. Though it is not your first overblot, being magic-less during it really takes a toll on you. You hate being useless during these times, there’s nothing you can do besides offer moral support, de-escalating the situation after, and a shoulder to cry on.
The adrenaline fades away and the boys collapse on the broken stage. Their heaving breaths are audible and their body language tells you of their exhaustion. You’re not exactly sure what to do, but the presence of powerful yet familiar magic washes over you.
You whip your head around to see the horned fae and you want to run up to him, but you’re just as tired as everyone else plus a little lightheaded from the poisonous air. Instead you simply call out to him, “Tsunotaro! What’re you doing here so early?”
It’s as if everyone sitting in the rubble has regained energy as they all repeat your pet name for the fae, but much louder. Though it’s not a shock that you know him, they’ve all witnessed your late night trysts, but for you to call him ‘Tsunotaro’ instead of something more respectable is… surprising.
Grim’s eyes light up with recognition at the nickname. “This is the ‘Tsunotaro’ ya were fawnin’ over? The nickname makes sense since he does have those horns growin’ out of his head but…” Grim trails off and you’re thankful he shut up. You didn’t need Tsunotaro to hear about your crush on him.
Thankfully he’s grabbed by Deuce so you don’t have to shut the cat up yourself. “Grim, you need to respect your elders,” Deuce scolds through a forced smile.
“It seems I’ve arrived a bit early. Though I’m unaware of how you all expect to perform on a ruined stage.” His tone is a bit teasing and it’s groundbreaking for all that have regarded Malleus as scary. And for those that have interacted with him, it’s weird to hear him talk so tenderly.
“Oh, well you see… there was kind of an overblot.” You smile at him, as if the overblot was not a traumatic experience you and the others barely survived.
Malleus’s eyes widen, “I did not sense an abnormality of magic, nor did anyone else for that matter. I’m pleased to see that you are all okay though.”
He looks around the stadium to assess the damage. “I suppose this counts as my payback for your invite, little one.” He pats your head gently and smiles down at you. The overwhelming sense of power washes over you and sparks seem to fly out of Malleus’s hand. In an instant the previously damaged stage is restored.
“Woah,” you breathe out softly. You look at him with stars in your eyes. You’re still unaccustomed to such flashy magic or really magic at all. The others behind you, while admiring Draconia’s handiwork, are completely astonished, and maybe a little frightened, by the enormous gap in skill.
“Please, such magic is child’s play for a mage of my caliber.” He responds to your praise. Coming from anyone else it would sound arrogant, but as one of the top mages in all of Twisted Wonderland, it was deserved. “I’ll return when the competition draws closer. I expect to be enthralled by your performance, after all it is due to the effort of Schoenheit you have gotten this far.”
The fae walks over to you where you sit and crouches down. He reaches his hand out towards your face but stops just short, hovering and hesitating. Malleus resigns and ends up dropping his hand back to his side all together. You don’t voice your disappointment, but the others do.
There’s a collective groan that’s quick to catch the attention of both you and Malleus. Ace is a myriad of stupid, hence he is the one to speak up out of all the members, “Great Sevens! Are ya shy? The Prefect clearly wants you to kiss them and everyone can tell you want that too so just do it! We watch the two of you meet up practically every night and every single night you chicken out.” Ace sighs, but quickly realizes. “Uh, I mean this in the most respectful way, Mr. Draconia, sir, highness?”
You’re embarrassed, was it really so easy to read your disappointment? But more importantly, “What do you mean by ‘we’? Are you telling me everyone that’s stayed in the dorm has watched me and Tsunotaro hangout?”
You look at them expectantly and see them nod. Jamil scoffs though, “You call that a hangout? It’s without a doubt a date.”
“I didn’t want to assume…” you trail off. You turn your head to look at anywhere but Malleus, embarrassed and a little flustered. It seems like the universe is intent on letting the prince know exactly how you feel.
The boy in question places a hand on your knee to turn your attention to him. “Were you not aware that I am courting you? I thought I made it fairly obvious.” He seems confused but his words have that teasing lilt that seems to become apparent when talking to you.
“Courting is like dating right?” You ask, cocking your head to the side. You hear another collective groan, but it seems Malleus is as clueless as you are.
“Is that what they call it these days?” The fae mirrors your expression. Perhaps this is why the two of you seem to be perfect for each other.
“Please talk about your relationship status later. We need the Prefect for rehearsals.” Vil tells his classmate impatiently. Though he is quite pleased with the events that have unfolded, nights spent at the window watching you two was not a waste after all.
Malleus kisses you swiftly, having made up his mind due to the words from the others. It takes all you have not to grab him by the lapels and keep his lips glued to your own. But having your first kiss with Malleus in front of your friends is enough to remind you to practice self-restraint.
He smiles at you softly, “I will see you later, darling.” He swipes at his uniform, ridding it of any debris and takes his leave after giving you a quick peck. You stare after Malleus longingly before Vil claps his hands.
“As lovely as that was, we have a championship to win.” 
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bookcub · 2 months
Chappell Roan Book Rec
like many other, I am currently obsessed with The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess so here are a few book recs based on the songs!!
(you can message me for questions about content warnings!)
A Guest in the House by E. M. Carroll (horror graphic novel)
What happens when you marry a mediocre liar and there's a ghost you are definitely attracted to in the house (that might be his dead wife)?
Relevant lyric: Stuck in the suburbs, you're folding his laundry/Got what you wanted so stop feeling sorry
Bonus Rec: Romancing the Inventor by Gail Carriger (adult steampunk romance)
Red Wine Supernova
Satisfaction Guaranteed by Karelia Stenz-Waters (adult romance)
Imagine inheriting a sex toy shop with a enchanting stranger who you feel incredibly connected to. . .
Relevant lyric: I heard you like magic/I got a wand and a rabbit
Bonus Rec: Sunstone by Stjepan Šejić (adult romance graphic novel)
After Midnight
Ash by Malinda Lo (YA fantasy)
I had to choose a queer Cinderella for this one, especially one whose mother warns her away from the forest at night.
Relevant lyric: This is what I wanted, this is what I like/I've been a good, good girl for a long time now
Bonus Rec: A Restless Truth by Freya Marske (adult historical fantasy, sequel)
The Witch's Heart by Genevieve Gornichec (adult fantasy)
When your ex is the trickster god Loki and you have prophetic futures, you know you can never just have coffee.
Relevant lyric: Here come the excuses that fuel the illusions/But I'd rather feel something than nothing at all,
Bonus Rec: Seven Days in June by Tia Williams (adult contemporary)
The Last Tale of the Flower Bride by Roshani Chokshi (adult gothic)
Remember that toxic homoerotic best friend you had a child? Who believed in magic and was also the most manipulative person you've ever met? It never was a casual relationship, was it?
Relevant lyric: Hate that I let this drag on so long, you can go to hell
Bonus Rec: Ben and Beatriz by Katalina Gamarra (adult romance)
Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl
A Spindle Splintered/A Mirror Mended by Alix E. Harrow (adult fantasy)
Entering the fairy tale multiverse always leads to the strangest (and funnest) relationships (platonic and romantic) of your life.
Relevant lyrics: We're leaving the planet and you can't come
Bonus Rec: Cash Degado is Living the Dream by Tehlor Kay Mejia (adult contemporary)
The Princess and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich by Deya Muniz (graphic novel)
What if I dressed up as a count to inherit my father's fortune and you were a princess and we both liked grilled cheese???
Relevant lyric: I could be the one, or your new addiction/ It's all in my head but I want non-fiction
Bonus Rec: Act Your Age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert
My Kink is Karma
Mrs. Martin's Incomparable Adventure by Courtney Milan (adult historical romance)
She said, let's destroy my terrible nephew's life, and how could you say no to such a romantic proposal?
Relevant lyric: Wishing you the best, in the worst way
Bonus Rec: Girl Serpent Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust (YA fantasy)
Picture You
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall (adult historical romance)
Oops, I faked my death and reinvented myself and you were way more distraught than I thought you would be. . .
Relevant lyric: Do you picture me like I picture you?/Am I in the frame from your point of view?
The Scapegracers by H. A. Clarke (YA urban fantasy)
What if we formed a coven and what if we were all a little in love with each other?
Relevant lyric: And love is a kaleidoscope/How it works we'll never know
Bonus Rec: The Girls I've Been by Tess Sharpe (YA thriller)
Pink Pony Club
The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang (graphic novel)
He was a drag queen, she was a seamstress, can I make it anymore obvious?
Relevant Lyric: And I heard that there's a special place/Where boys and girls can all be queens every single day
Bonus Rec: Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo (YA historical)
Naked in Manhattan
Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail by Ashley Herring Blake (adult romance)
Isn't it romantic, designing a house with someone with your entirely opposite tastes?
Relevant lyric: Boys suck and girls I've never tried
Bonus Rec: Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Bashardoust (YA fantasy)
Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers (adult contemporary)
If a PhD can't save you, maybe a drunken marriage in Vegas can?
Relevant lyric: Cause I was never told that I wasn't gonna get/The things I want the most
Guilty Pleasure
Something to Talk About by Meryl Wilsner (adult romance)
Fake dating your boss? 0/10 recommended. . . right?
Relevant lyric: I want this like a cigarette/Can we drag it out and never quit?
Bonus Rec: That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon by Kimberly Lemming (adult fantasy romance)
Good Luck, Babe
Sorry, Bro by Taleen Voskuni (adult contemporary)
Relevant lyric: You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
Ophelia After All by Racquel Marie (YA contemporary)
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sideblogofhell · 1 year
a body with two souls
summary: there are stories about who druig truly is, he lets you see a glimpse of the truth pairing: druig x male reader word count: 1.3k warnings: 18+ warning, mutual masturbation, mind control, dom!druig, kinda dark if u put your mind into it, if u dont like ignore a/n: part three im back!
main masterlist | the repentant's corner
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Stars don’t fall for men, and gods don’t come down from the heavens for men. There were stories passed down in the commune, that the leader was a god that came down with other gods. That they were there when the first civilizations were forged, guiding man as they advanced.
The leader had always loomed in the community like a shadow, with his dark robes and his black hair against his pale skin, he was like some dark angel on Earth. He would walk around and deal with troubles in the community, settling disputes and administering justice. You’ve grown fond of him, he was always gentle to you, his soft voice always over your shoulder showering you with praises as you cooked for everyone. 
After everyone was served dinner he thanked you for the wonderful meal and asked if you would meet him before midnight outside his cabin. You stood outside his door under the moonlight, it grew quite dark in the commune at night when the torches were turned off. His voice creaked in the door like he instantly knew of your presence. Come in, his voice echoed in your head. 
You opened the door to his cabin, it was a small space. There was a fireplace at the back of the room with an antique throne chair near it, his bed at the side with animal furs as rugs. There were some old relics on a shelf along with some old leather-bound books. Some torches lit the room, the cold air leaving your skin in exchange for the heat of the fire. 
“How was your day?” he asked, approaching you with a swiftness that felt inhuman. His hand reached for yours, warm around your cold palms. His blue eyes were set on yours. “Dinner was splendid as always.”
“It was good,” you said, your voice hitched at the end of the sentence. “I’m glad you liked it.”
“Well, you’re always splendid,” he said smiling. Your eyes were set on your feet avoiding his gaze. His index finger touches your chin, lifting it so that your eyes meet his. “Let me see those pretty eyes.”
You swore for a second that his eyes glimmered a faint gold. 
“Do you know what people say about me?” he asked, leaving you to place more wood on the fire. There were indeed whispers about Druig. That he was a god with the power to influence people’s minds, or that he was one of the angels that rebelled against god. 
“They say you were a trickster, that you toyed with man’s deepest desires,” you said. He hovered around you, his cold presence made the hairs on your skin rise. “Or that you’re a fallen angel.”
“I’m no angel,” he laughs. “But I do know everyone’s deepest fantasies.”
“How so?”
“Not important—but it is interesting that you find the idea of me seducing you somewhat arousing,” he whispered to your ear. You fell back in shock, your back falling into his chest. He trails his nose on the skin on your nape, taking in your scent. 
You had thought about it, his dominating presence was arousing to you. You would sometimes think of it at night as you touched yourself, wanting him to take you for his. Maybe the whispers were right, he truly was a trickster god. 
“What a naughty boy you are,” he smirked, he traced his fingers on your arm, his light touches drove you insane. You wanted him to touch you so bad. “If I told you that the whispers are true would you run away from me?”
“No, what?”
“No, sir.”
He walked around so that his body was in front of you, towering over you. “Do you trust me?” he said, his hands cupping your face. 
“Yes, sir.”
He takes you near the fireplace, taking a seat on the throne chair, legs sprawled. Kneel, his voice whispered inside your head, as if it were your thoughts. Tonight you give up yourself to me, that is what you want right? You nod, looking up at him as you knelt. 
Show me how you pleasure yourself to the thought of me. 
Your cock throbbed inside your pants, you palmed it to the sound of his voice inside your head. You took out your sex and started stroking, it was achingly hard. You let saliva drip out of your lips to your cock, the slippery sensation drawing out moans from you. You see him start to palm his erection, looking at you with a smirk on his lips, something about this amused him. 
He took out his thick cock and started to stroke it at the very same pace you were stroking. His free hand cupped his balls as his pink tip glistened against the fire. In your head, you would have crawled to him and taken him into your mouth. You felt drunk like any sense of inhibition was taken away from you as your fingers wrapped around your cock.
Would you give yourself up to me? 
You nodded like a hungry dog, eyes beady in front of him. Druig looked down onto the moaning mess at his feet, cock leaking, your face flushed as your hand pumped your sex. He wanted to take things further, control your mind to his pleasure. To place himself inside your body for him to control, he had never done it with anyone, but your pleading eyes made him almost lose it.
“Please use me, sir.”
That was it. You saw his eyes fully glow a bright gold, like shining stars in front of you. Your body felt light like your soul lifted from your body. You were fully aware of your body’s sensations but you couldn’t move your limbs. Druig was in control of your body, he could feel your hardness alongside his. With his own will, your hands started to stroke your cock, his hand stroking his own at the same pace. It felt like someone else’s hands were stroking you, it was a strange but satisfying feeling. 
Your body felt insane, like your body had two souls, your and his taking control of your body. Your hips started to thrust into your hand, you were fully fucking your hand like it were someone's body. Druig’s hand was already wet with precum, the slippery sounds of your cocks filled the room alongside the sounds of burning wood. The sight was intoxicating to Druig, a moaning mess, you were. Your body crawled nearer to him, his hand running through your hair as he pumped his cock. 
Your whole arm was moving like clockwork, stroking your member to the point that it was aching red, leaking precum on the carpeted floor. Druig was close, his hips bucking into his hand as his chest heaved. You were already panting, sweat dripping down your forehead. You looked up at him, mouth agape as you reached for air. Druig projected his pleasure to your mind, the feeling was so alien to your body that it drew your mind to a blur, the pleasure coursing through your body like a strange wave of electricity. 
The feeling of the two of you nearing climax in your feeble mundane mind was sending you into ecstasy, you were panting like crazy, Druig too. He was groaning under his breath, his thick cock blushing pink as he stood up holding your head. At the same stroke of your hands, you shot cum on his leather boots crying out in pleasure, as Druig let out a loud groan of pleasure as his cum released into your mouth, some smearing across your face. 
You dropped down to the carpet floor in fatigue, chasing your breath after what happened. Druig picked you up and carried you to his bed, cleaning you up with a damp cloth. He later joined you in bed, stroking your hair as he whispered praises into your ear. Myths were right, the trickster god did indeed toy with people’s pleasure. 
interactions are greatly appreciated btw if u liked this fic and want more send me a prompt and i'd gladly make something from it :>
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