#middi answers
middimidoris · 1 year
[squats] how far into campaign 2 are you and who’s your favorite so far
I am currently on episode 10 and my favs so far are Caleb and Fjord. I am a sucker for Liam’s characters. Who are your faves?
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ahollowgrave · 5 months
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@viiioca asked: Send ✨ to see them in something they aspire to wear or would like the chance to wear.
She loves a reason to dress up.
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prudentfolly · 7 months
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@cindernet-explorer asked: Send 🧦 to see them in something cozy and domestic.
Prudence isn't known for her -- coziness and it is rare that she is domestic. But sometimes she can be coaxed into something like softness. [Feat. @iron-sparrow's Ibant!]
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I bet that leg hurts to cuddle with but she's making a point, ok? Thank you for the ask!
][ Screenshot Prompt ][
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bonefall · 1 year
Advice for clanmew speaking structure: just say it in a Yoda voice. If it vaguely sounds like Yoda's speaking structure you did it congrats
This is accurate because that is actually how they make Yoda sound so odd. OSV (Object, Subject, Verb) word order is the rarest default order of all languages, to the point where it was once thought it didn't exist.
It does exist though! In some Amazonian languages, AND in some sign languages. But, anyway, point being that it's so rare that it's almost universally odd.
So if you make a character use OSV, like the writers usually do with Midnight in canon, you can tell there IS grammar, but that it isn't "normal." Either that they're not speaking their native tongue or wording their sentences in an uncanny way.
English, and Lakemew, are SVO. Clanmew is OSV.
English/Lakemew: Midnight teaches math
Midnight is the Subject, the thing that is doing. Teaching is the Verb, what she is doing. Math is the Object, the thing being done unto.
Clanmew: Math Midnight she-teaching.
See how they have swapped? And how there is a pronoun attached to the verb? You are ALWAYS expressing your relationship to the Subject in a Clanmew sentence. Their language is built around affirming in-groups and out-groups.
(Honestly she probably forgets about the lack of a first person pronoun pretty often and accidentally refers to herself in the third person a lot... making a mental note to self.)
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What are the most and least flattering physical descriptions of Marmont?
Thanks alot for the question....now physical descriptions of Marmont are very few/nonexistent. So finding any description was difficult but the one I did find was mostly positive!
Together with two other generals, he defends Napoleon's retreat all the way to Paris. In March 1814, he offered a tough resistance in the very suburbs of Paris. Here is how Sainte-Beuve evokes him in the skirmish near Belleville at the head of the remnants of the former Grand Army: »And finally, let's show him in this last venture when we saw him at the head of a group of about sixty men repulsing the Russian column. Let's remember that his right hand was weak since the battle of Arapilès, that the thumb and forefinger of his left hand were crushed at Leipzig. That's how he looked on his feet, because the horse under him was hit once again (the fifth horse since the start of the battle). He always went into battle standing tall, with his head held high, his chest/breasts and heart proudly protruding. Let's add to that his warrior demeanor and his unique uniform: a tailcoat without laces, a hat with white feathers, always white trousers and sturdy high riding boots. We saw him like this on the way back to Paris, covered in dust, still trembling from the excitement of the battle. And he was only forty years old at that time.<<<
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After 1812. he had his right hand always in a sling and was extremely wounded on his right side (he was hit by a cannonball 😢)
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Here are some of the only full body photos of this asshole 😭
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aveimperatcr · 7 months
"Dear 'Emperor' ", She begins,
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" ... are you going to get possessed by your little crystal and slaughter the people of the imperium "
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cityandking · 1 year
5, 10, 14, 18, 21 for vesper/cullen and middy/eniko!
tyyyyy // development questions for couples
5. How do they consciously realize that they like the other character? Does it take them a while?
VESPER/CULLEN — it takes ages. to be honest, vesper can't remember when it started, only that suddenly she was right in the middle of it. it was something innocuous, a moment of levity or commiseration over the war table, late into a meeting and deep into the night, everyone's eyes burning and shoulders aching. he said something and she caught his eye and the liking was suddenly there with her. (even then, she didn't put the liking together with the wanting until much later.) for his part, the realization came slightly earlier—he saw her from the outside, all that strength and patience, and then got to know the woman underneath in quiet moments between the chaos (mostly late at night, neither of them particularly good at resting), and understood that his admiration was more than just admiration. MIDDY/ENIKO — it was somewhere crowded, a party or an outing or some other group setting, and he was sitting on the outskirts watching people move and his eyes kept finding her, the bright center of everything. it took a few times for him to realize he was seeking her out. he'd already liked her plenty—she's by far his favorite of bran's friends—but this was a different sort of looking and a different sort of attentiveness. it scared the shit out of him, which means he shoved all his feelings down as far as possible and was kind of a dick about it. he's so lucky middy is the very best person in the whole wide world.
10. What scares them about entering a relationship?
VESPER/CULLEN — vesper's intensely private and doesn't particularly enjoy people in her space—comes from growing up in a Circle where nobody really has any privacy or space to begin with. she's also got some general worries about not living up to expectations, her own or others, which isn't something she wants to put on a partner. fears of inadequacy, that sort of thing for cullen's part, there's the weight of his past failures and the ugliness of weaning himself off lyrium and his own fears about inadequacy and failure, all of which are things he doesn't want to bring into a relationship and certainly doesn't want to put on vesper when she's already doing so much. fortunately they're much better about believing in each other than they are believing in themselves MIDDY/ENIKO — being seen, being known. he's seventeen layers of deceit and misdirection wrapped around a hollow shell and she's a light in a dark place and it scares the shit out of him. plus he's not good at any of this and doesn't want to be another thing that hurts her—nothing should ever hurt her, but especially not love. (trust is the hardest thing for him to give, but he gives it to her. if he's brave, it's because he's learned it from her.)
14. What makes them feel loved? Would they build up the courage to ask for it?
VESPER/CULLEN — having someone in her corner, literally or figuratively, does a lot for vesper. she'd never ask for cullen to step in for her or make her fight his own, but he tends to do that anyway. respecting her boundaries is a big one too, which is also something he's been good about. tbh it's not having to ask for it that makes her feel the most seen and known and cared for. MIDDY/ENIKO — I'm not sure he even knows. probably something small and private that they share—the way she sometimes smiles just for him, maybe. he definitely wouldn't be able to ask for anything out loud, but I think they'd have their ways of reading each other and asking for things they need without words. he's much better at asking with actions anyway
18. They’re going through something incredibly difficult—perhaps they’re very sick, have lost a loved one, or have gone through a traumatic event. Do they ask for or accept support and care from their partner, or try to isolate themselves?
VESPER/CULLEN — vesper is historically very bad at asking for things she needs when she fears it would inconvenience anyone else, but I do think cullen tends to be an exception to that rule. she's more honest with him than she is with almost anyone, and there's a lot of trust there—to see her when she's vulnerable, to help, to not think any differently of her just because she needs support. they're both incredibly similar in trying to suffer alone in order to protect others, which makes them both pretty good at pointing out when they're self-isolating and need a little extra care. (vesper supporting him through the lyrium withdrawals lays a lot of good groundwork for future trials and tribulations.) MIDDY/ENIKO — he's shit at accepting support and even worse about asking for it. he doesn't like to be vulnerable and he doesn't like to rely on anyone and he hates being seen when he's small or weak or hurting. the only thing that keeps him from isolating himself entirely is that he's determined not to make things hard for middy, but it really sucks for everyone involved I think. (he'll cave eventually, probably—he's like a cat; you have to wait for him to come to you)
21. If sex is something that would be part of a relationship for them, do both or either of them have prior experiences? If not, how do they feel about it?
VESPER/CULLEN — sex isn't really something that interests vesper—she's pretty ambivalent about sex in general. she briefly had a lover in the circle, but that was mostly two curious kids exploring together, and in the end she decided she didn't particularly enjoy it and she's been perfectly happy to leave it by the wayside. I imagine cullen is a little more interested and has a little more experience, though I can't imagine it was ever anything particularly intimate. I think for the both of them there's a lot of exploring what they like and what they're willing to try and what they're getting out of the experience (intimacy, mostly). MIDDY/ENIKO — nikö has a lot of experience, though it's a really mixed bag. he's not much for intimacy, and his past experience have been pretty transactional (sometimes literally). that said, I think he and middy would have a lot of fun in the bedroom. I also think he'd be willing to give up control to her in a way he wouldn't with literally anyone else, which. yeah.
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she-likesorchids · 5 months
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jainenkept · 2 years
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Sabine, dear sister...
thanks to the tincture, he has a reprieve from the tremor in his hands. as he could write for himself and not need to dictate, his usual scribe was excused. this was the last correspondence that he would ever send, and he wanted nothing more than for it to be in his own hand.
I offer my most heartfelt apologies, that I could not divulge this information in person. It has been thirty-five years since my Joining, and, as you can imagine, I appear to be quite the mess. Not that I believe that you care about such things, but I would like to leave you with what you remember and not what I have become. I look the very picture of health, and don’t you forget it.
the very picture of health. he was far from it. black tendrils snaked under his pale skin, creeping up his neck and spreading along the sides of his face. his grey eyes ‒ ringed with dark circles ‒ had turned reflective and lifeless. ghoulish dark spots marked his face, darker and more profound than any bruise.
The Deep Roads have been attempting to lure me for years, and I fear that it’s finally time to yield.
the old gods whisper, and, sooner or later, all tainted beings come flocking. grey wardens were no exception. try as he may to resist, given enough time, the taint physically starts to affect the brain. not only was he starting to look like a ghoul ‒ he was starting to think and behave like one as well.
First and foremost, know that I love you. You are the strongest and bravest person that I have ever known. Of that, there is no doubt. My baby sister, the Hero of Ferelden! Second, I harbor no anger or regrets. Not of any kind, and certainly not when it comes to you. Put any and all thoughts of it out of your head, should they arise. Rest easy. By me, you were always loved unconditionally. Lastly, please do not blame the Wardens. It was an honor to have been one, and I approach my end glad to have been of service.
the quill scribbles erratically against the parchment as an unexpected tremor causes his hand to spasm, and he lifts his arm before too much damage can be done. the old warden sets his quill down before resting his elbows on the desk and folding his hands. his fingers remain as seemingly soot-stained as ever, and he rests his forehead against them. after a deep inhale, he feels a stinging in his sinuses as tears well up in his silver-esque eyes, and, before he knows it, a blood-tinged tear spills over and hits the bottom of the parchment. a rare curse escapes him and he blots it away with a handkerchief before sighing. ‘it was an honor to have been one’, he had written, but he wished that he had longer. even if thirty-five years is longer than most grey wardens get. no amount of time truly felt long enough.
he picks up his quill to continue.
If you should find yourself grieving and missing me, light a candle. Fire always has been my thing.
more pink tears patter against the bottom of the parchment, but a smile curls his lips as they fall. after a moment, he wipes them away in the same manner as the first.
I’m going out in a blaze.
the letter completed, ignatius signs his name and gives the ink a moment to dry before rolling it up and sealing it with black wax. after sliding the parchment into a scroll case, ignatius removes the ring that he’s worn ever since he left the circle so many years ago, and the small amell family crest hits the bottom of the case with a quiet thud. then the package is handed off to a trusted warden to deliver to sabine’s hands only, and he’s all set. it was time to head for orzammar. it was time for the long walk.
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Middy as a ballet dancer AU when? 😁 /🐍
Ballet AU?! I'm taking all the ballet AUs!! God I love ballet, hi💕
I would come up with something, unfortunately I don't know their characters very much, so sadly I can't give anything. But Middy in a full white tutu, yes please. Oh now I'm thinking of Step Up, so have ballet dancer Middy trying to show Johnny some moves who absolutely can't dance, at least not as elegantly as ballet needs it, but through dancing they grow so much closer and then they fall in love🥰
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redsplash1 · 4 months
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Hi hello idk how this works + never gposed in my life so she’s doing literally nothing here but this is my char Tatake Take in her red mage fit <3 featuring Middy cuz he’s bestie. More under the cut this might get long, it’ll just be a mess of ideas with no coherency LMFAO. Currently it’s white glowing hair because it’s post SHB, where she’s channeled the light within her into something manageable, which will inevitably turn back into her original red highlights. Spoilers for like everything up to SHB btw:
Honestly her lore I keep changing back and forth cuz I didn’t start using mods till SHB 😭 (just beat it btw so 🤫 on any spoilers afterwards) Like originally she had cat ears + a tail and it was gonna be a whole thing about her being some kinda spirit/yokai from the forest LMFAO???
Rn the barebones idea I have is that she’s part dragon and hid it till SB when Rhalgr’s Reach was attacked. (I won’t even lie, I’m low(high)key inspired by Dan Heng’s lore from Honkai Star Rail, I’m even debating if I wanna steal the reincarnation thing or not 😭) so yeah she is. Old LMFAO
Zenos with his plot armor and unexplained strength ends up landing what should’ve been a killing blow on Tatake. Everyone watches on in horror, which makes way to shock as she begins to change in response to the physical stress, revealing her draconic eyes, horns, tail, and the glowing highlights of her hair signifying her power. Zenos looks on in surprise, then intrigue as he sees what the famed Warrior of Light has been hiding all this time. Afterwards, it was no trouble pushing away him and his forces back.
(This ends up creating a somewhat subplot conflict between Lyse and Tatake, as the former is angered by this reveal; why didn’t she use this power to save everyone in Rhalgr’s Reach, hell, even back at the Wall? Did Papalymo really need to die if this what their friend was capable of?)
Nobody gets an explanation from Tatake. It’s the twins who get the closest to an answer, which even then wasn’t much. Their mother figure simply says that it was of absolute importance that nobody finds out, as she hid away her draconic features almost immediately after Zenos and his forces retreated. But, she points out with a bitter smile, she supposed it was too late for that now. Alphinaud and Alisaie want to know more so badly, but Tatake’s comfort and boundaries are infinitely more important than any curiosity they have.
On the carriage to Gridania, she kept her answers to Bremondt’s questions pretty vague, aware of two sleepy twins watching with interest. (She/I started as a lancer)
So yeah you might assume HW was a very important expansion for Tatake. It was! Seeing her brethren struggle made her wish and strive for the same thing Ysayle did; peace between dragon and mankind. The dragons weren’t afraid to subtly nudge at her to be her true self, either. Tatake was also not a fan of Estinien’s views and attitude LMFAO
(It’s also the expansion where Alphinaud couldn’t help but notice the way the dragons were talking to Tatake; it didn’t seem like they were exactly referring to her status as the WoL. Of course, he had virtually no information to go off of, so he dropped that line of thinking. Later on, he’ll realize that he truly knew nothing about the Lalafell he figuratively looked up to.)
Side note, Tatake continues to hide away her features until SHB, where the absorbed Light makes it too difficult for her to do so. Fortunately, almost nobody questions it, as people on the First are a bit too focused on trying to survive their world.
Another side note! Tatake currently mains Reaper, but she is also very proficient in Dragoon, Machinist, Samurai, and Red Mage. She’s currently learning Dancer (at least, the Eorzean version of it. She was worried using the traditional dances she knew would have people asking questions), which she finds to be a good stress reliever from her troubles.
Anyways that’s all I got hahaaaaa, I stay off of tumblr and I come back just to go full send on my character 😭 whoever’s got one of those templates with questions for WoL character building plz send, I’d love to fill one of those out for my reference + understanding Tatake more as her writer
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middimidoris · 11 months
Hello. How can I get a link to your Pedro server?
Hello! Here you go; https://discord.gg/n2acArfk
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ahollowgrave · 7 months
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@actxiisceneiv asked: Send ✨ to see them in something they aspire to wear or would like the chance to wear.
Odette doesn't own a full suit of armor -- yet. Her current Paladin kit is of a humble nature, having been a gift from her Sisters. The shield is unadorned but sturdy, the blade simple but true. The armor rather limited but decorated with embroidered moon daises, each by a different sister. She feels nothing but the divine love of Menphina when she wears it. However, she has a terrible fondness for stories about lady knights and the women they love and has grown delighted by the thought of someday donning a full suit herself. Shiny, with details of flowers and twining vines and moths. Someday she'll commission it, but only after she feels like she's earned it.
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Thank you so much for the ask!
][ Screenshot Meme ][
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saltiestbread · 2 months
If you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn't matter, let's get to know the person behind the blog!!! (No pressure!!!) have a lovely day/night!!!!
Mmmm let see
1.i am allergic to shrimp,never stop me from eating them before tho lmao
2.i love love love colors magenta
3.i have undiagnosed snow visual!
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chipthekeeper · 4 months
Acolyte episode 3 commentary by me, a person with no filter:
- I'm extremely nervous about this one, I'm….not gonna lie. Like in a good way, I think I'm going to enjoy it a lot, but like, tomorrow, when the whole world has seen it, it's gonna be ugly……….Who cares though!
- Alright here we go oh my god, and Mother is the thumbnail so [giggles]
- [creaky old door groans].............I'm terrified, like—
- [weakly] I'm gonna have a heart attack…………Oh it looks like Aldhani [tears in eyes]
- oh pretty tree, pretty birds, oh, maybe not bird, maybe it's a bug. not important
- [pausing for yippy dog next door] Really gonna have a fucking dog, barking right now, what, god, shut the fuck up
- It's too much Aldhani I'm gonna cry
- (hooded figure appears behind the girls) who the fuck is that!?! Oh. Sol?! Oh nooooo…what is happeningggg [nervous chuckling] I have a bad feeling about this
- ooooh! Planets-wha-what [scoffs] I was starin’ at that
- (Aniseya arrives) [gasps] MOTHEEERRRRRRRRR
- “did anyone see them?” “I do not believe so” [snorts] innnnncorrect
- [gay gasping] THERE WE GOOOOOOO [deep sigh]
- hm. Fraught lesbianism, here we go. My favorite genre
- This is just gonna be me doing a lot of hmmmmm
- I definitely keep getting confused, which is which here…….which witch is which
- Man I'm gonna be really mad if she's actually dead. If they did pre-bury these gays…well, keep me from getting my hopes up I guess…
- “Tell her you love her” “i love you” [snorts] yeah, buying it
- “you think you want something different than life in this coven” Are they giving Wheel of Time vibes? Or only because I've watched that episode like..48 times…
- Ugh, the moons!!....Whaaaat?
- Well this answers the question of who's braiding their hair. That's really fun. That's a really cute detail, actually I like that
- Does this planet also have a ring? Wait, that would make sense. We see ssssomebody flying through a ring later? Ohhhh are we coming back??
- (ascension ceremony starting) This is hot, can I move here?
- Definitely bookmarking Brendok as a place to have characters…hang out
- Do they have to climb up the pit? Is that what the ascension means? [laughing at own joke]
- [ears perking up] Unnatural, huh?
- OH my god that’s….The moons are doing the eclipse thing like in the logo hh my god….The red one in front of the blue one….
- [delighted chuckling] ohohoho what is happening….
- Woah! Magic tattoo!!
- *kitten squeaks again* Biggs go lay down. It’s a very tense moment, go lay down
- [doubtful grunt at Indara] You're stationed on that and you think it's uninhabited? Why would you be there?
- Kelnacca, you narc
- Aww Sol. He has instant dad eyes
- Sol no! Put that away–oh. Just kidding
- We don't take children, we just…entice them with toys…..He's like luring her into the back of his van…….She is into it though, so [noncommittal mumbling]
- “There are only four Jedi. Who would miss them?” That's….not good math
- “and what happens when the jedi discover how you created them?” [idiotic 12 year old boy voice] By fucking…
- Yeah, fun little dysfunctional family. I love it
- Poor Oshie…..
- (Tommen/Torbin on screen) I have a…just desire to see Ser Pounce
- (he takes her blood) Testin’ those middies!!!
- (indara explaining the jedi test, “tell us what you see”) A cup! A speeder!
- “she promised she would fail and she broke her promise” She tried!!
- (telling Mae to go with Koril) That's a great idea…
- I was dead wrong about everything I thought about Aniseya but…I fucking...love her
- Oh don't make me cry. Don't make me cry
- No love for your hardass mama though, that’s fine
- Oh my god the stuffies! What are they….
- “i’ll kill you” uh jesus christ! That's going to help you get what you want…………you little psycho…
- Shiiiiiiiiiiit….
- What is this? A vault in their room…….ah. Laundry chute……Seriously, what is this?
- We're not done, clearly….’cause what happened with Torbin and...
- [sees mother lying “dead”(?), turns into sad simba] No, no, get up. We’ve gotta go home….
- What is…[whines] You cannot. That's…….they’re leaving shit out
- “Mae started the fire” How would you know?!
- “You’ll never feel like this again. I promise” Oh damn Sol. Don't do that
- Why was this not twice as long? How am I supposed to wait another week? God!
- [lots of deep sighing] That went by so fast and I'm…..not happy
I was happy actually but immediately desperate for more
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lnights · 4 months
“…I thought you forgot about me.” “I’m sorry. Today has been… a lot and I– I wish I could have called you sooner.” With Joel/johnny please?
Thanks for the ask Ty🖤
The day had gone to absolute hell.
It was a day off, but there hadn't been a single day off on this godforsaken tour that had actually been relaxing.
There were too many arguments; he couldn't sleep in because of the constant yelling, couldn't make a call because he was being constantly pulled in to meditate or break up fights before they could escalate too much.
It was no better on gig days, but it had been getting worse and worse as the tour went on and it was only a matter of time before it would boil over and become physical.
And Archie was in rare form that day, he had picked fights with everyone he had came in contact, leaving Johnny to apologize in his wake to try to save face with the other bands.
“Please,” Johnny had begged after the fifth argument, “if nothing else, think about the reputation we'll get here. They'll say we're difficult, aggressive, we won't get asked on another tour here-”
“I don't want to tour with these posers anyway,” Archie sneered, “I'm just standing up for myself like a man should.”
It was like that all day, Johnny did his best to put out the fires his singer was constantly starting, he started to wonder if it would be worth it to just hire someone to trail Archie every day and keep him out of trouble.
It wasn't until people started talking about dinner that Johnny realized he had fucked up.
He was supposed to call Joel at noon.
His phone had been abandoned in the hotel room they had for the day (he thanked everything holy that he was sharing with Middy) and he had been so busy all day he hadn't had a chance to go back for it.
He ran back to the hotel from the small bar Archie had insisted on stopping at and straight up the stairs to the second floor, not pausing to take a breath until he saw his cell on the bed he had claimed.
Biting his lip he looked at all the missed messages and calls, Joel was clearly upset but had stopped messaging him an hour before. Which wasn't a good sign, Johnny knew how easily he spirals when left on his own.
He sat heavily on the bed and clicked Joel's number, hoping he would answer, Finland was eight hours ahead of this part of the US and it was possible Joel had already gone to bed, even if that would be early for him.
Still, he wasn't that surprised at the lack of sleep in Joel's face when he popped up.
He didn't say anything though, just stared.
“Hi,” Johnny sighed when he didn't speak, “I don't suppose I can beg for forgiveness?”
Joel seemed to fidget, looking down before finally whispering “…I thought you forgot about me.”
“I’m sorry. Today has been… a lot and I– I wish I could have called you sooner.” Johnny raked a hand through his hair, “baby I'm so sorry, I swear I didn't mean to miss our date, it's the only thing that's been keeping me sane.”
Joel gave him a small smile at that, “me too, but keeping me sane is a tall order.”
Johnny laughed and laid back on the bed, “going a little crazy with the album all done?”
“It comes out in a month!” Joel said, getting more animated as they talked, “and we don't have any gigs for another week. I'm going nuts.”
Johnny felt his stress melting away as he listened to him, being so far away from his boyfriend was hard on both of them and he couldn't wait for this godforsaken tour to be over.
“How about you?” Joel asked, “has things gotten any better?”
“No,” Johnny sighed, “I think this is the end for us, Mid and Taz feel the same.”
“I'm so sorry,” Joel told him. They had talked about Archie's behavior at length so it wasn't a surprise, but it was painful to watch all the same.
“It's what it is,” Johnny sighed, “at least it means I'll get some more time with you.” he smiled, “I can't wait to see you again love.”
Joel smiled back, “I can't wait to see you too.”
“Just a few more weeks,” Johnny said softly.
He could survive this tour, he had Joel to go home to.
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