#microwave technology
stone-cold-groove · 3 months
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Andrew microwave antenna system slide calculator - 1987.
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keroneeng · 1 year
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sprinkles-stims · 6 months
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pink toys !
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awesomecooperlove · 3 months
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frog-with-no-therapy · 6 months
I want a spider X dcu but have Peter working at the league's base in space as a mechanic or a scientist, cause of course they will have the best material and information to help him make a way home. Except that Peter is weird.
Like, weird weird. Like, spider bite kind of weird with a hint of different culture from a different world kind of weird.
Listen most of his interactions with humans in their world is with them cause he's at the watchtower all the time, so his understanding of what is normal is a bit skew, and he probably also got used to acting more spidery, especially when in a lab or sm (courtesy of his time at the avenger tower where he doesn't really have to hide his spidery side)
Then you take into account him having a different kind of humour and a different set of memes and you have the whole justice league thinking he's secretly an alien
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amphibianaday · 1 year
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day 1235
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walnutcookie · 7 months
this just in!!! local leader of alien planet who is a technological genius and built an entire civilization cannot figure out how to work a sink on earthbread
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offhandway · 11 months
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local greeed discovers technology
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Bast Bless those who post 70s commercials on YT. You can swim in videos from the 80s and 90s. 70s are more rare, for obvious reasons. We didn’t get our VCR til Xmas 84 so I don’t have any primary source material myself😿
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b0y-artist · 10 months
Just a little snippet of an old idea. May write on it more later, I'm really proud of how this came out!
"So, Mr. And Mr. Mason, I take it?" A young woman who looked to be in her early 40's asked. She was holding a clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other. She wore an old washed-out jacket with flowers printed on the back, and a pleated skirt that reached her knees. The boys could hear the click of her heels as she led them upstairs through the apartment building.
Seven involuntarily felt his face heat up, he wasn't sure what to say exactly. She thought they were married? I mean, he can't blame her. They *were* moving into an apartment together after all. To anyone else they could easily be mistaken as a couple. *Maybe.* But married???
Not that Seven would mind if–
"Oh! Uh, n-no, w-we're not– he's Fellon, and *I'm* Mason." Mono mumbled, scratching at the back of his head nervously. Seven thought it was kind of cute whenever Mono got nervous. Wait, that sounded gay. Is he gay?
It's not like Seven had *time* to explore his sexuality. When there're giant monsters that stop at nothing to kill you, who you have the hots for isn't really a top priority for most people.
But it's different now. They've grown up, and the Signal Tower doesn't exist anymore. Life was finally going back to normal. With nothing left to fear, Seven is finally able to relax. Mostly, he found himself thinking.
Thinking. That was the problem. Beforehand Seven didn't have time to stop and think, because he was always running from danger. But now, Seven has *time* to think, and lately, he's been thinking of Mono. A lot. Way more than is typically normal for a person to think of another person who they deem a friend.
He doesn't know what changed, Mono's been by his side since they were little. So why now is he having these thoughts? Thoughts that he's *way* too embarrassed to say out loud. Like how much Mono's smile may be the best thing he's ever had the pleasure of seeing. Or how those dark eyes remind him of the night sky, sparkling with millions of stars.
AH! SEE?! there he goes again! Maybe it's just stupid teenage hormones and typical infutation, but something tells him that it's not, that it's something *more.*
–And that scared the shit out of him.
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When you think about it, Microwaves are actually kinda Sci-Fi. Like, we all just live in a world where it’s the norm to own a little box that can, without any visual indicator, add heat energy to food? People used to have to work for that. They had to light a fire and reheat it on the stove. Not anymore. We all just have this magic little heat box that sets a timer and when it beeps, your food is warm.
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lalapixel · 2 years
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sprinkles-stims · 5 months
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blue toys !
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awesomecooperlove · 10 months
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dullahandyke · 4 months
Like that one post abt 'find out who are you and then do it on purpose' but instead its 'find out how to activate weird insane computer options you stumble into by accident using a keyboard shortcut. And then do them on purpose'
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