#microfiber bed pillow
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vaahomedecor · 1 year ago
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Buy Microfibre Snooze Pillow | Quilted Pillow- Shop now Microfiber Bed Pillow: VAA quilted snooze pillow offers the perfect blend of comfort. Quilted pillow, enhance your sleep environment. Buy Microfiber Pillow now!
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clockwayswrites · 2 years ago
Seeking Sleep
A little one shot Jason character study type thing. Implied sexual content. References to past (temporary) character death.
Danny Fenton/Jason Todd
WC: 767
These days, he had trouble sleeping.
It was the price, he supposed, for coming back from the dead. Waking up buried in the ground, in a grave, in a coffin— it left scars.
Scars. They were a funny thing, scars. (Funny as a or b; forehand or backhand.) He had been riddled with them before he came back; marked by his father, by the streets, by muggers and dealers and villains. Marked by Gotham and all of her horrible beauty.
The Pits had washed all those away.
All those marks erased like he had never lived them— bore them— accomplished them; erased like they were nothing. Now they were etched only, painfully, on his mind. His mind was still a canvas full of scars. Those scars caught and pulled and unraveled… and were all the worse when he wasn’t awake to hold himself together.
He learned a lot, those first few months back in Gotham, about what woke him up from sleep and into a panicked terror.
He couldn’t sleep on his back. He couldn’t fall asleep on his back, but worse was waking up with a choked off breath when he rolled over in his sleep.
He couldn’t sleep on silky sheets; the feel was too much like the satin insides of a coffin. (He couldn’t even wear anything silky anymore.)
He couldn’t sleep in total darkness.
Even as he struggled to find ways to deal with soothing the scars of his mind (pillows at his back, linen sheets, the hall light on), he couldn’t admit the way they pulled at him. He made excuses. The pillows are more comfortable. Linen lasts longer. Light means it’s quicker if he has to rush out for an emergency. He knew he was lying to himself, but he couldn’t admit it.
He certainly couldn't admit it to anyone else.
As nervous as Jason was to bare his heart like that to someone, it took a long time to get to the point of needing excuses. But then there was Danny. And Danny… Jason orbited Danny like a planet around a star. Falling into each other’s arms and beds was almost inevitable. The bed was the problem. Danny’s sheets where silky smooth microfiber.
(Anything is better than ‘I died. I died and I came back wrong.’)
Jason tried to get them to go to his place more often then not. When he couldn’t guide them that way, he simply didn’t stay in bed long. He had an early morning, a family thing, work to finish up, wanted to get home before the rain— each reason felt more transparent than the last.
Each reason made that furrow between Danny’s brow deepen, and Jason hated that. He hated being the cause.
There wasn’t always a good excuse. That night they had tried a new restaurant close to Danny’s place— his home and bed were right there. Danny tugged Jason down, and Jason rolled them over so that he could touch the sheets as little as possible—
“New sheets?”
They were linen- just rough enough under Jason’s braced hands that the touch didn’t make him shudder.
Danny simply hummed and pulled Jason into a searing kiss as he wrapped a leg around him. Who was Jason to fight that pull? Not a good enough man, that was for certain, so he let Danny pull him down down down— until he was all Jason thought about.
Later, Jason still wasn’t much encouraged to get his mind working. He watched through lidded eyes as Danny tossed the dirty washcloth back into the bathroom. But the other didn’t come back to bed.
He was was fiddling with something over on the small table in front of the window.
There was a click.
Then the bedroom filled with projected stars and swirling galaxies. Jason’s breath caught in his throat.
“I can…” Danny shifted nervously when Jason glanced at him a long moment later. “I can turn it off if you don’t like it. I just thought…”
Jason cleared his throat. “No, it’s perfect. Come to bed.”
Danny smiled that small, crooked smile that Jason loved so much and did as he was told. The projection of stars played over Danny’s bare skin as he crossed the room.
Jason wanted to map the spots of light with his mouth.
He settled for kissing the scattering of freckles on Danny’s shoulder blade. Jason didn’t resist the pleased sigh slipping past his lips as Danny tucked in against him.
That night, with the room drenched in starlight and his arms around his own little star, Jason slept soundly.
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luveline · 2 years ago
Maybe a baby blurb featuring miguel x spidergirl reader? Just miguel being all lovey dovey nd soft y'know.
thank u for ur request! fem!reader
You're dozing. He could speak to you and rouse you if he liked, but Miguel wants you to sleep, and sleep well. He puts his tablet frame on the nightstand and eases down into the pillows, careful where he's holding you not to jostle your head. 
"Miguel?" you mumble. 
He shushes you gently. 
"Miguel," you say again, hand curling over his stomach searchingly. You blink with heavy lashes, your eyes bleary. "Did I fall asleep?" 
"Barely." He reciprocates your embrace, laying an arm coiled with hard muscle over your softer hip.
"It's 'cus you're so quiet." 
You rub your nose into his chest. It isn't solely Miguel that's quiet. Your bedroom is silent —and Miguel has given up on calling it his, your things, your clothes, your bracelets, you, bursting from every corner— beside the thrumming of the standing fan at the end of the bed. He can hear the sound your fingertips make brushing over his shirt, the microfibers crushed by whatever shapes you choose to draw. 
"Are you okay?" you ask. 
Miguel loves you. "Fine. You're tired, cariño. No luches contra eso." 
"What does that mean?" you whisper, the hooks of fatigue beginning to pull you under once again. 
"It means 'don't fight it'. Sleep." He presses his lips to your temple. The kiss he gives you is precious, as though you're a girl of sugar paper, easily hurt. He knows you're made of harder stuff, but a certain serenity comes from treating you with care. 
He closes his eyes, leaning every closer, the tip of his nose smushed to your skin. 
"Not fighting. Just want to fall asleep at the same time," you say. 
"Yeah? Why's that?"
You struggle to answer, the sensation of his hand petting your shoulder and his warm body by yours a lulling you're too tired to fight. "You… stay up late, if I'm not…" You drift off. 
Miguel understands what you're trying to say. It's the truth. If you fall asleep first, he pulls a tablet into his hand to keep working. Eventually he sleeps, usually when the light of day that migrates in from between the blinds annoys him too much to stay awake, or your arms become too inviting. 
Tonight, they're impossible to ignore. 
Miguel uses some unnatural strength to pull you close and as on top of him as you can be. Your leg slips between his, your face into the sharp incline of his trap muscle that climbs from shoulder to neck. He turns your face in his loving hand. He can count your lashes three times over before he sleeps most nights, even in the dark. 
Your arms tighten around him with sudden unexpected life. "Please sleep," you mumble. 
He laughs softly into your temple. Miguel should make many, many promises to you. He should, and he can't, but he can give you this if it's what you want. 
"I'll sleep." He closes his eyes, savouring your weight atop his chest. "Goodnight, baby." 
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anxiousgaypanicking · 9 months ago
Fucking Machine
Loceit (Logan x Janus) Kinktober 2023 Day Ten: Fucking Machine Warnings: robot porn, wire play, electrocution, overstimulation, premature ejaculation, grinding
"Forgive me if I don't exactly trust you to check my hardware," Logan states, as Janus leads him through the house and up a flight of stairs. "Typically, I run an analysis on myself, and - if I need human assistance - I ask Virgil. You, on the other hand, have never been that... mindful of technology." 
Janus shrugs off Logan's concerns. "I'm more trustworthy when it comes to technology than Patton." 
"That's not hard to accomplish," Logan refutes, as Janus guides them into Logan's own bedroom. It's decorated to look human, but the metal table donned with a singular pillow clashes with the dresser, closet, and framed photos quite a bit. 
Still, it was what Logan had requested. He had no need for a bed; he didn't much like laying on his front, and his charging port was on his lower back. If he needed to sit at all, he'd rather do it on a table akin to the one he was created atop of. It also meant he could sit straighter while charging. 
Janus guides him to the table and encourages him to sit, before sitting criss-cross behind him. Janus finds the cold metal to be rather harsh and uncomfortable, but he keeps quiet about that for now. 
"I don't understand why you're doing this anyway. According to my recent self-scans, I've been running perfectly fine." 
"Isn't it nice to double check, though?" Janus asks, as his fingers slide beneath Logan's polo. 
Logan's skin is synthetic - it's made to feel human, but lacks warmth. Janus can even press his fingers into Logan's sides or arms and they'll sink a bit into the fake flesh, but it's just an outer layer designed to protect his wires and circuitry, the same way the skin is just an outer layer made to protect muscle and bone. 
Logan frowns. "It won't be nice when your unskilled prodding causes a server shutdown," he argues, as Janus slowly pulls his shirt up and over his body. 
He's able to process each touch to his body due to an array of microfibers built into the synthetic skin. He's been told it should feel identical to the way a human would feel when being touched the same way, but Logan had no way to compare the two. So Janus's fingertips brushing against his soft back makes his internal nerves spark, with Logan stiffening and straightening his posture. 
"If you're going to pull out the panel, I'd suggest you get on with it. I'm not here to entertain you." 
Janus chuckles softly. "Aren't you made to be patient?" 
"I can tell you that I'm definitely not made to be tampered with." Logan turns his head to the side, and gives Janus a cold glare. "Especially by someone already acting so unprofessional." 
"Such a snarky tongue. Is that programmed, or just preferred?" 
Janus grins. "Hm. I like it." 
"I'd like for you not to damage my hardware." 
"Relax," Janus soothes, as his hands push into Logan's back in two specific spots parallel to each other on his left and right side. The pressure causes Logan's skin in a rectangular shape to sink a bit, before it springs out with a soft hiss. Janus dips his hand underneath the left-hand opening, just barely able to wedge two of his fingers under it, and undoes a latch. This allows him to fully swing the panel open like a door, and reveals Logan's innerworkings beneath. 
There's a metal spine down the center of his back that allows Logan to turn and bend like a typical person, but Janus is able to reach his arms into Logan around it, which immediately has Logan clicking in disapproval. 
"Anything you'd need to look at would be on the screen on the inside of my back panel," Logan states,  though Janus is fully aware of this. "There's no reason for you to be sticking your hands into my body." 
"Physical checkup," Janus reasons, before sitting up on his knees. He places his chin on Logan's shoulder, with his hands sliding up Logan's spine. "You can't exactly see inside your back; how sure are you that everything's still in order? It seems to me that every time Virgil's worked on your system, he's only paid attention to your digital data or reports. When was the last time he made sure there were no exposed wires, twisted circuits, or dented metal?" 
Logan hesitates, before claiming "I think I'd be able to feel if things were damaged." 
Janus's fingers reach back into his innards, and his fingertips lightly caress the thick, black wires braded around thin metal rods, which all formed together into a makeshift ribcage. The action makes Logan bite his lip, an artificial - but incredibly noticeable - flush spreading over his cheeks in an almost cartoonish manner. 
"Careful," Janus murmurs. "We don't want you to overheat, now do we?" 
Logan's fingers tap against his thigh. "No. No, I suppose not." 
"Good. May I check?" 
Logan glances at Janus, knowing full well what Janus means by "check." And yet, he nods. "Only if you're careful." 
"I'll make sure you're still functional afterwards," Janus assures him, before adding "but I can't promise much more than that." 
He kisses Logan's bare shoulder, before leaning back down to poke at Logan's autonomy. Logan's mostly still as Janus's hands explore his insides yet again, but he knows it's only a matter of time before Janus is determining what looks the most fun to play with and decides to pull and push at it. 
And seemingly, the first thing that seems to interest him are the coloured wires, which he runs his fingers over. 
He decides to tease the yellow one first, and pinches the cord lightly, before sliding upwards, and then dragging his fingers downwards, tugging briefly on the wire and making Logan jolt suddenly. 
"Careful!" Logan insists, but his voice glitches as he rubs his hands over his thighs. 
"Trust me," Janus responds, pressing a kiss to the back of Logan's neck. He hears a click, followed by a soft whirring sound as Logan's fans begin, with his outer layer heating up ever so slightly. Janus smiles against Logan's skin.
"Do you secretly like it when I pull on that wire?" Janus asks, as he tugs on that very cord again. This time, Logan hisses, but it's not the reaction Janus wants. So he hums, and runs his fingers over a few others, before stroking the red cord. That has Logan moaning and jolting, his hands gripping the edge of the table they're seated on. 
"Ahh," Janus muses, "I see. You were just waiting for me to find the right wire. This one is fun, but I wonder what the blue one does..." 
Janus again switches wires, and tugs a lot more harshly on the blue one, with something becoming unplugged and Logan's innards sparking. Logan lets out a glitchy cry as Janus rushes to pull his hand out of Logan's back, not wanting to injure himself. 
"Fuck," Janus curses quietly, before setting a hand gently on Logan's upper shoulder. "Are you alright?" 
Logan pants. "You just... unplugged my ethernet port." 
Janus chews his inner cheek. "Do you... do you need that?" 
Logan huffs, turning to glare at Janus over his shoulder, who smiles prettily at Logan's narrow eyes. "You're going to dismantle me someday." 
"I'm going to take that as a 'no.'" Janus grabs the loose cable and ducks a bit to try and figure out the plug the small, cylindrical plug into. He sees the silver ring clear on a small black box up inside Logan's body. Janus reaches up to rub over the port with his finger, making Logan moan softly. "However, I'll be nice. I'll plug it back in for you, so you can... connect to the ethernet." 
"It allows me to tap into the local network in order to access speedy data transmissions," Logan murmurs, his eyes fluttering shut as Janus circles the hole with his plug, teasing the very tip of it at the plugs entrance. Janus pushes it in just enough for it to be noticeable, and then pulls it out again, making Logan shudder and stutter as he attempts to continue. "It doesn't... it doesn't do much for me at home, but it's useful for when we're out." 
"Oh yeah? So should I just..." Janus slips the cord in just enough for it to be noticeable, but not fully, edging Logan out of that satisfying click, "not plug this back in, then? It doesn't do anything anyway, right?" 
Logan whines, taking in a shuddering breath that lets Janus watch as small pistons nestled in his faux ribcage pump the air back out. "Please. Plug it in, please." 
Janus smirks, and does just that, and while normally plugging something in wouldn't feel this intense, something about the way Janus speaks or the way he teases his outlet makes it such, and so when Janus fully plugs the ethernet cord in, Logan jolts and sparks, eyes briefly flashing fully white, and moaning outright. Again, Janus has to rush to pull his hand out, before huffing. 
"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were trying to electrocute me." 
Logan pants, arching his back and reaching behind him, as if trying to dig his fingers into his open panel and play with his cords himself. "I'd just be electrocuting us both, in that scenario. I spark because this is unnatural; it's not my fault I wasn't built to be played with."
Humming, Janus's hands circle around Logan's body and run his hands down between Logan's thighs, feeling the straining bulge in his jeans. "What's this for, then?" he asks, while grinding his palm over the area, making Logan squeeze his legs together, unintentionally pushing Janus's hand further against his crotch. 
"Anatomical accuracy," Logan weakly explains, but he knows Janus doesn't care. 
Janus blindly undoes Logan's jeans, struggling briefly with the zipper before he can get it down, and pulls out Logan's cock. 
He was built to be average in terms of size, but sensitive in terms of touch. The purpose of that feature was so that he could touch distinct surfaces and identify what they're made of, but it meant he was also incredibly sensitive to touch from others, especially in areas which weren't normally stimulated. 
Janus strokes his fingers over Logan's cock with little hesitation, before pulling his hands away and peering into Logan's back. 
"Your... fluid compartment... does that connect to your shaft?" 
"Of course it does." 
As Janus's eyes find the small, round-shaped, bag-like compartment, he's delighted to see it's full of a milky white liquid. "Is that for anatomical accuracy as well?"
Logan swallows the nonexistent spit in his mouth. "It is." 
Janus reaches out to touch the compartment, and cringes with fascination and disgust at how it feels. It's like a ball made of nano-tape; just thick enough to hold firm, but malleable when squished. And so, out of morbid curiosity, Janus squishes it.
Perhaps he wasn't thinking about where that fluid would go when squeezed out of its compartment, or maybe he wasn't aware that such an easily overlooked piece of hardware was essentially created to be similar to a human prostate, but either way Janus is incredibly startled when Logan's body jolts as pleasure rushes through him, and he lets out a warped cry as an orgasm is quickly forced out of him before he's ready. 
The sudden excitement has Logan sparking with delight and surprise of his own, and despite having previously been careful to avoid the loose electricity, Janus couldn't possibly have seen this coming. 
A loose wire comes into contact with the back of Janus's hand, and before he can even gasp electricity is coursing through his body, and sending an overload of electricity through Logan's as well as he conducts it through his flesh and back into Logan's hardware. 
The shocking, the pain, and the pleasure last for mere seconds before Janus is pulling away, but it's just long enough for them to both fall of the table in opposite directions. 
Janus falls onto his backside near Logan's wall. Logan falls forward onto his chest across from him. 
Struggling to catch his breath, Janus holds his hand and turns to look at Logan, who's laying limp. Immediately, he freaks out. Sure, he's human, and that much electricity could be dangerous, but Logan was a fucking machine. He's not supposed to be electrocuted; Janus could have seriously damaged him!
As Janus moves to stand up, he realizes he's hard in his pants, and curses at the poor timing as he circles the table and drops to his knees beside Logan. His pants land in a sticky mess of Logan's artificial come, and he cringes, but attempts to ignore his disgust in favor of flipping Logan over, closing his back panel in the process. 
Logan's eyes are shut, but when Janus slides his eyelids up, he sees that his eyes are completely black. 
Filled with a rush of anxiety, Janus reaches his hand around to the back of Logan's neck, and feels a button at the base of his hairline, which he presses and holds down, praying that it starts to glow. 
And thankfully, it does.
There's a small power-up tune that plays as the button on the back of Logan's neck flashes, before Logan's eyes are slowly blinking open. They shift from solid black to bright wide, and then with a few more blinks blue irises are forming, swirling around like a loading screen before solidifying with a black pupil. 
Logan stares blankly for a minute, before his face heats up into an embarrassed flush. 
"Sorry," he mumbles, as Janus helps him sit up. 
"Sorry?" Janus repeats, in disbelief. "I'm the one who should be apologizing! Are you... hurt in any way?" 
"Are you sure?" 
Janus's hands reach for Logan's face, but Logan grabs his wrists and causes him to stop short. Logan's eyes flicker away from Janus, before settling back on him as he admits "I shut myself down." 
"What?!" Janus frowns and smacks Logan's shoulder. "You're not funny. The others would have never let me hear the end of it if I'd damaged you!" 
Logan clears his throat. "I could feel a server overload coming due to the electricity and so shut myself down in order to reprogram myself and install better hardware. It's still processing, but it should finish in a couple minutes." 
"Better hardware?" 
Logan stretches his arm out, wiggles his fingers, and then circles his arm around, testing his mobility. "Yes. Better hardware. Obviously a surplus amount of electricity can cause physical damage, but I'm fairly resilient. My main concern would be my hard drives or servers becoming overwhelmed and either corrupting or frying them altogether. So... I installed a few failsafes." 
"Such as...?" 
"I lowered my electricity output temporarily," Logan begins, listing items off the top of his head, "both for my benefit, and yours-" 
Janus looks away at the implication he'd be reaching back into Logan's insides. 
"I downloaded some protection agencies that increase my server's abilities to withstand extreme stress, I copied and uploaded some of my most important assets to the cloud, I ran a diagnostic and made sure no permanent damage was done, and reprogrammed myself to shut down in the event of extreme electric damage so that neither of us would be killed if that intense of a shock were to happen again." 
Staring blankly at Logan, Janus clasps his hands together. "So... we're good to resume?" 
Logan sighs, but a smile tugs at the corner of his lips. "Yes; if you so desire." 
And Janus does so desire, and so flips Logan back over without warning, where Logan obediently stays on his hands and knees. He lets Janus push his chest against the ground and flip his back panel open once more, and tries to keep his body from overheating when he feels Janus's bulge push against his clothed ass. 
"Your fans flicked on again," Janus comments, as his hands plunge back into Logan's innards. He feels wind blow over his scales and shivers, but is more than amused at how quickly they were activated. 
"It's a precaution," Logan murmurs, visibly embarrassed. 
Janus leans over Logan, grinding his hard cocks over Logan's backside and groaning into his ear, before Janus searches for a new item inside of Logan to play with. He pokes the small compartment, though now it's lacking fluid. While that means no more mess, Janus suspects that Logan won't mind having a dry orgasm or two. 
Logan lets out a shaky breath as Janus's fingers rub over his ribcage, his spine, and then back down to his wires, some hanging looser than others. Briefly, Janus's fingers rub over an unused outlet - fit for a hard drive, if Logan ever needed to transfer outside information to his servers - and it makes Logan moan outright. 
"I've heard of plugs being used during sex, but you take it to a whole new level," Janus teases, as his other hand tugs firmly on an intertwined group of wires, which makes Logan suddenly cry out, arching his chest against the floor. Janus grinds his thumb more purposefully over the empty socket. "Maybe I'll download some of Remus's porn onto a hard drive and plug it into you without warning. Would you like that? If I overwhelmed your intellectual technology with graphic, defiling content?" 
Despite Logan's typical stoic behavior, he actually pushes his forehead against the floor as he moans out "yes." His voice is glitchy and quiet, and it causes Janus to let out a shuddering breath of his own as he ruts his hips against Logan's ass. 
As Janus's hand continues to slide against the open plug in the lower right hand side of Logan's back, his other caresses the wires up to where they disappear into a black box. And so, he slides it back down to a circuit board, which he is gentle when touching despite Logan beeping in surprise as Janus's fingers tap against it.
"Careful!" Logan again exclaims, though he sounds more excited than anything. "That's fragile!" 
Janus grinds harder against Logan's ass at just how cute he sounds. "I am careful," he assures Logan, while pushing his longer thumb nails into both the plug and the circuit board. 
Little flickers of electricity bounce off the circuit board, shocking Janus once or twice, but it's significantly tamer compared to what he's already experienced. And with Logan's little jolts and whimpers, Janus can assume he's feeling the shocks too.
But what Logan's really amazed by is how foreign and obviously wrong the protrusion of Janus's nail is into his outlet, and the scratching of his circuit board, and yet... he's getting off on this technological malpractice. 
Everything that Janus is doing to him is unique. New. And so Logan desperately tries to record and memorize the strange way it feels. However, the light touches also allows Logan to breathe - both metaphorically, and artificially. In this brief respite, Logan's reminded that he's pathetically hard due to the weight of his cock hanging between his legs. He knows his fluid compartment is empty, but that doesn't negate his ability to have an orgasm, and he knows Janus will going to push him to his limit again and again and again if he so desires. 
Embarrassed, Logan hides his face in the floor, picturing how lewd and unprofessional he's being. He must look like some sort of sexbot! But before he can complain, Janus is dipping his face into Logan's panel, and lightly blowing air over his circuit board, causing Logan to gasp as his head shoots up in surprise. 
He tries to crane his head back to look at Janus, who just grins at him in response and grinds a little harder, reminding Logan that Janus is also getting off on toying with him like he's some sort of do-it-yourself robot kit. 
Logan opens his mouth to complain, but nothing comes out. Still though, Janus playfully explains "I thought I saw a speck of dust," lying right through his teeth. His words however have Logan whining anyway, and Janus draws a particularly loud noise from him when he begins to snake his fingers around a couple wires. 
Even the faintest of touches make him moan and shut his eyes, submissively pushing his face back into the ground as Janus messes with him. 
"What-" Logan starts, but his voice abruptly glitches and cuts out, making him flush and focus for a moment on steadying himself. After clearing his throat, he tries again, and asks "what are you doing?" 
Janus just smiles. "I think I see a few tangled wires..." he says, as both of his hands move to a cluster of them. Feeling Janus's fingers caress the cords makes Logan gasp, only for him to moan when Janus begins to carefully pluck and untwist a set that were indeed wrapped around each other. They're guided out of sockets in order to be looped through the meshed cables, and then re-plugged in such smooth tandem that Logan's never given a break to catch his breath. 
He's touching multiple wires for a prolonged amount of time, gently maneuvered back to where Janus believes they should be, even if it doesn't affect their ability to function at all. 
And Logan repeatedly moans and groans as Janus continues to slide the wires past each other, rubbing them against other cords and in-between his own warm, fleshy fingers. Logan's noises increase in pitch the longer Janus touches, and raise in volume the firmer his caresses get. 
And while Janus takes his time initially in playing with Logan, he can't help but become impatient at the lack of pleasure he's feeling himself, and so grabs Logan's wires more tightly - almost as leverage - while he grinds harder against him, moaning into Logan's back panel and breathing over his sensitive hardware. 
A click is heard followed by Logan's internal fans whirring slightly louder, as though they've increased in intensity and kicked into high-gear, and Janus can't help but laugh softly as he rests his forehead against the side of Logan's back - teetering on the edge of his synthetic flesh and Logan's exposed innards.
"Feeling hot?" Janus teases, before his forked tongue licks across the rim of the panel's opening. That has Logan crying out; the power button on the back of his neck flashing excitedly. Janus raises his eyebrow as he looks at it. 
"Is this draining your battery?" he asks, and watches Logan slump in humiliation, as pleasure rushes through his body as Janus continues to twirl his wires around like they're fidget toys for his amusement. "My, we might just have to leave you plugged in all night to recuperate after this!" Janus's fingers pull out of Logan's panel, sliding over his inner walls before leaving entirely, and instead move to circle around his charging port on his lower back. 
Lightly, Janus rubs his pointer finger over it, and that's all it takes. 
Logan's gasping, crying and glitching - his moans a stuttering cacophony of different sound bites and start-up noises, all mixed in with his artificial breathing and the differing noises spilling from his back. His charging port sparks and the electricity catches Janus again, shocking him more intensely this time, but he moans against Logan and just presses his finger harder against it, rubbing it feverishly against the outlet as Logan's worked through a dry orgasm before he lays limply on the ground, wonderfully overstimulated and burnt out (literally). 
Janus smiles as he moves his hand away from Logan's port, and spends the next minute or so humping against Logan's ass before he comes in his own pants with a soft moan, and then closes Logan's back panel before falling against him. However, the constant light from Logan's flashing power button bothers him, and so he pulls away. 
"You really should plug yourself in," Janus comments, as he helps Logan to his feet. 
Logan struggles to stand for a moment, mumbling "hold on... recalibrating balance settings..." while trying to get his loose cock back into his jeans, before he falls over onto his metal table chest-first.
He lays against it limply, and thanks Janus after the latter struggles to lift Logan's heavy form fully onto the surface. 
Janus circles around Logan to his wall outlet, where he takes Logan's charger into his hand and promptly plugs it in. Logan whines, as though he's still sensitive, but his power light glows happily at being plugged in. Janus leans against the table and sighs. 
"How are you feeling?" 
Logan turns his head to the side, so he can speak without sounding muffled. "Fine. I don't think anything's permanently damaged." 
Janus huffs out a laugh. "That's a relief." 
"Knowing you? I agree." 
Janus smacks Logan's lower thigh playfully, before focusing on his breathing for a moment. Logan's rhythmic, synthetic breathes contrast greatly to Janus's more irregular exhales, but there's both visibly pleased, albeit a tad messy. He'll get himself cleaned up after catching his breath, and he supposes that when he's done with a bath he'll come wipe Logan down. He'll even be extra careful! He's sure Logan will appreciate it. 
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snowivivienne · 2 years ago
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“Invest in your hair, it's the crown you never take off.”
- Wet Brush
- Gentle Hair Ties / Claw Clips / Scrunches
- Wide Tooth Comb
- Regular Shampoo
- Clarifying Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Leave in Conditioner
- Hair Mask
- Hair Oil
- Microfiber Towel or Cotton T-Shirt
- Silk Bonnet or Silk Pillow Cases
- What type of hair do you have? Oily, dry, or normal
- What is your hair texture ? ( 1a through 4c )
- What state is your hair currently in? Is it breaking, stretching or frizzy?
- Do you have split ends?
- Do you have colored hair?
- Do you use heating tools, take hot showers ?
Use these answers to these for helping picking products, use labels that target your complaints
You want pretty hair? Cut. Those. Split. Ends. As much as people want to think you can 100% repair split ends with bonding products, you can’t. Split ends will find a way to creep up, and soon your split ends can become split miss and now your hair will not grow. Do this one time in the start of your hair care journey, and then from there on out you can learn how to cut your own split ends with the “no length lost method”.
Find you wash days, it is okay to wash everyday or less with more days in between, as long as your scalp stays clean.
Your wash day should look like this, a coconut based pre-oil treatment to the ends of your hair for 30 minutes prior to getting into the shower. Weekly, take the oil up to the roots and massage in before doing the next steps. When you get in the shower star with a double shampoo cleanse if you skip days in between washes. If you wash your hair everyday only wash it one time (unless you did full hair oil) Lather the shampoo in your hands and start at the nape of your neck working your way up, only focuses on the scalp. Wash thoroughly then add conditioner after squeezing out all access water. Apply onlyto the ends and let it sit, pinning it up with a claw clip to keep the conditioner of your skin to avoid body acne. Rinse out.
Once you get out the shower, gently squeeze hair with microfiber towel and apply your leave in conditioner or oil. Let dry, the best way is mainly air dry with some help from a hair dryer on a cool setting at least 11 inches away from your head. Only after your hair is dry should you brush it.
Before Bed put your hair into a protective lose hair style or silk bonnet.
Once a week, swap your conditioner and pre-oil for a hair mask. I recommend getting your hair wet outside the shower, squeeze the water out, apply the hair mask and then let it sit for 20 minutes prior to getting into the shower.
- only brush your hair what you need, don’t do the 100 strokes.
- always use detangler (you can use conditioner in a spray bottle mixed with water)
- Damp the ends of your hair and adds tiny bit of oil, before putting in a protect style.
- Ingredients are listed from highest concentration to lower, if all the helpful ingredients are the last on this list it’s not the best.
- Don’t fall for gimmicks not approved by dermatologists, such as hair training, keep your scalp clean.
- Don’t think you need only expensive products, despite what hair stylists say, there is very good drug store products that could easily be high end.
- Sulfates, Parabens and silicones are good for most hair, i love them.
- Make a subliminal playlist
- Create a vision board for your hair, and maybe a wishlist of some dream products.
- Always use affirmations !!
If I hope you all find this helpful dolls, let me know if you want any requests or more information ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ - Vivienne
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tup-perware · 1 year ago
Hello, my absolutely second favorite 🥰
From one curly-girl (gn) to another, please tell me all about your haircare routine 🤩
How many times a week do you wash your curls?
How much conditioner do you use?
Do you brush your hair in the shower? When you're out and it's still wet? Or not at all?
Do you use gel, mousse, cream, oil, hairspray, or maybe a combination?
Are you a scruncher? Plopper? Use the bowl method? Or a microfiber hair towel? Maybe a cotton t-shirt?
Do you diffuse or let it air dry?
Do you sleep with satin pillow cases or wear a bonnet to bed?
Pleaseeeeee, the curly-girls (gn) need to know 🥺
I was wondering how long it would be before someone asked! Thank you, mesh'la
When there's a choice, I prefer to wash it every two days, any more often than that tends to dry my scalp out. Unfortunately, missions and campaigns rarely let this be consistent.
Conditioner is actually my secret weapon, the general's...umm...friend, Senator Amidala told me about this amazing brand that helps keeps curls nice and defined, and helps them from frizzing up.
I tend to finger comb my hair while it's still damp, not completely wet, but not dry either. The combs that come with our standard hygiene kit are not longhair friendly
I have not had much time or credits to experiment with many creams, gels and so on, so if you have any recommendations 👀
Scrunching is the best method for me....especially since using ones spare set of blacks as a less abrasive towel is frowned upon...
Again, there isn't much room for things like fancy pillow cases on missions, but someday it would be nice to try these things!
Now, since I've shared my secrets, I have to say I'm a little curious who your first favorite is, cyare, since I'm only your second favorite 🧐
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razzaiworld · 2 months ago
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Razzai Super Soft Microfiber 3 Piece Duvet Cover Set and 2 Pillow Cover | Sky Blue
Explore Razzai Super Soft Microfiber duvet covers for king size, double bed, and single. Includes 2 pillow covers. Refresh your bedroom with sky blue duvet covers and sets.
✅ Light-Weight - Our incredibly lightweight comforters make them easy to fold and handle.
✅ Premium Quality Fabric - makes the comforters ultra-soft on-touch & gives feeling like you're holding a cloud.
✅ Box-Stitching - Makes comforter long-lasting with timeless visual appeal.
✅ Warms Quickly - Premium quality microfiber fill insulates the outsideb temperature rapidly
✅Temperature Range - Ideal for medium winters with a 9* C to 19* C range.
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vaahomedecor · 1 year ago
Buy Microfibre Snooze Pillow | Quilted Pillow- Shop now
Microfiber Bed Pillow: VAA quilted snooze pillow offers the perfect blend of comfort. Quilted pillow, enhance your sleep environment. Buy Microfiber Pillow now!
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sehtoast · 2 years ago
Nyquil and Bribery (Depowered Homelander x OC Sickfic) All of You is Left to Love ch10
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Word Count: 1.1k
Summary: No plot, just sickfic fun. Nyquil is gross.
Warnings: None.
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This was pure fucking misery.
"You're not dying, Johnny."
And that has to be a lie.
But surely it couldn't feel this bad, right? All of his life, seeing the roaches around him with their little ailments– their sniffles and sneezes, their disgusting coughs– convinced with every fiber of his being that they were being dramatic.
So he must be dying. That's the only thing that made sense with every violent cough that rattled him.
His one comfort: the cool hand pressed to his forehead, checking his fever before another round of medicine.
"I mean… it's your first time having the flu, so it's gonna feel bad, y'know?" Ben murmured as he poured a bitter, blue liquid into a small plastic cup.
Homelander cringed at the sight. He hated the taste so fucking much. Couldn't taste half of what he ate, but his tongue could register the vile medicine just fine– go figure.
Ben had told him it would be like black licorice if it were dipped in pure menthol. It was accurate, but somehow so much worse– enough to make him gag and beg for mouthwash of all things.
"You're not makin' me drink that again, are you?" His words slurred slightly, voice nasally and unbecoming of the man who once held more power than God himself could ever dream.
"Mm, no." Ben hummed, his smile sympathetic. "Just pouring it out so it's ready for bed. Lucky for you, just some Tylenol and Mucinex for now."
"Oh thank god," he whined, leaning back against the mountain of pillows damp from fever sweats. All of the air conditioning and fans blowing on him did nothing to help, and his body worked hard to sweat it out.
Absolutely miserable.
"Actually, I was thinking of swapping out the sheets so they'd be dry for you. Maybe toss you in the tub for a bit," Ben ran a hand through his damp locks, ruffling them slightly. "Up to you."
A dry bed sounded nice…
He nodded.
It was a chore to get out of bed. His body ached, especially his back. But, as sure as the sun would rise, his little spider was there to snatch him off his feet and carry him.
As humiliating as it had been, he'd needed help on the first day. He'd felt so horrible that he didn't eat or drink all day. That, combined with the fever, and… well.
He learned the hard way that walking while dizzy was dangerous.
Since then, Ben practically became his nurse. He took off work– shirked his heroic duties to stay home and take care of him to the point he outright ignored the occasional sirens.
He only left for cold medicine and takeout.
The bath water wasn’t quite hot, but not cold, either. Something about not agitating the fever– but it felt incredible nonetheless. Bubbles floated at the top, the scent pleasant even through his congestion.
"M'gonna leave the door open. Holler if you need me, okay?"
He nodded and sank down into the water, eyes fluttering shut.
In a perfect world, he'd be able to hear every breath, every movement Ben made while stripping the sheets and covers from the bed. He’d hear the way Benny bickered with the fitted sheet that he could never quite get right on the first try, or maybe he’d smell the little specks of lemongrass oil he liked to fling on the mattress.
The humming as he worked.
The sigh of sympathy as he removed damp pillowcases.
The intense deliberation between flannel or microfiber sheets.
Instead, he got to sit there and shiver– body frozen despite the heat both in and outside of him. Simply trying to submerge further, damning both his height and the cramped tub that he couldn’t sink fully into the warmth.
He got to dwell on all that he'd lost– and how he wouldn't be like this now if he'd never let his guard down.
Homelander hadn’t heard the shuffling of sock covered feet enter the bathroom, nor did he notice the fingertips that dipped into the water.
“You ready?”
He’d have jumped if he didn’t know better. Instead, he just groaned.
Ben insisted he not lift a finger to help– that he only sit there and tolerate his coughs and sniffles while being towel dried.
“I’m not totally helpless, you know.” Homelander blurted out, a hint of irritation in his voice. He gazed down at Ben, who had knelt before him to dry his legs. He meant to say more, but was stopped by a cough rumbling deep in his chest.
“Since when don’t you like being doted on?” Ben asked, eyebrow arched. He meant nothing by it, of course, but the look on John’s face told him all he needed to know.
This was a matter of wounded pride.
Of course it was. Being sick reduced Homelander to a state far weaker than he already was. Reminded him that he could always be knocked down another peg, even when he was sure he’d already reached rock bottom.
Ben rose, standing on his toes to press a kiss to the tip of John’s nose.
A million words danced on the tip of his tongue, but none would remedy feelings like that. So he settled for just leading Homelander back to bed, where they stayed for the rest of the afternoon to relax.
Until, of course, it was time to go to sleep.
“No– Ben, no! I’m not doing it!”
“C’mon, you know it helps you sleep.” Ben had straddled him, holding that little cup of foul medicine as though it wasn’t pure evil. He giggled at John’s protests, wondering if this is perhaps how his parents felt trying to convince him to take his medicine as a child.
“I…” Homelander seemed to pause as if to weigh the options of sleeping or coughing all night. His expression fell, becoming even more serious. “Sweeten the pot, Benjamin. You gotta do better than that.”
The wall crawler feigned offense.
“Fine. How about a kiss?”
“Not good enough.” John groaned, leaning back into his throne of pillows. “Do better.”
“It’s like drinking sewage!” He countered.
Ben sat back for a minute, deep in thought, eyes flicking to Homelander’s face every so often until the perfect idea hit him.
“What if I…” He leaned forward, coming in close to whisper promises of bedroom shenanigans so filthy he dare not speak them aloud. “...and I’ll even let you tie me up with my webs. Deal?”
Without a second of hesitation, Homelander snatched the cup and downed it with all the enthusiasm of a shot. He didn’t even cringe.
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not-that-dillinger · 2 months ago
🛏- Bedroom(s) 👕- Closet 🛌- Bedding 📥- Nightstand 📦- Desk
For Ed! This can be either for his place at the Office or outside of it.
/* I'll do both his standard (Tron) Universe and at the Office, because why not? */
Tron Universe
🛏: Rather plain, aside from the few hand made blankets. There's a collage of fujifilm photos that hasn't been added to in years on one wall, and a glow in the dark painting of the Aurora Borealis on another. The predominent color scheme is pale yellow/beige and navy blue The walls are almond colored, the furniture is all dark wood. It looks a bit like a hotel room, like nobody really lives there, not much in the way of personality, despite the fact that someone... does. Yet it's not necessarily the neatest since Ed usually only has the spoons to do a little bit of cleaning at a time, the bed goes unmade in the morning, that sort of thing. The bookshelf in his room is full of mystery novels and thrillers. There's also a shelf of CDs, most of which are the sound track of musicals, though there are also a number of audio books as well.
👕: Large walk in closet, pretty standard, lots of business casual, business formal wear. A lot of silk as well. Again, he tends to wear a lot of deep toned colors, though there are also some brighter colored shirts and pants in there as well. There's also a number of boxes in the back filled with random memorabilia he hasn't looked at in years. Stuff from his theatre days, a rapier and buckler, a couple costumes.
🛌: The duvet on his bed is navy blue, and the pillows are pale yellow-beige. The granny square blanket at the foot of the bed is in pastel shades of cool tones. His sheets are a dusty lavender. The pillowcases and sheets are all silk. It is one of the only luxury items he has ever been willing to purchase. (The others are more silk. Pajamas, shirts, that sort of thing.) When he was in college, his bed was usually made with military standard neatness because a friend from his college days was a veteran and taught him how to do that, though he rarely has the spoons to bother now.
📥: Relatively hotel-esque. There's a CD player alarm clock radio, plug in led candle, and a vase filled dried lavender. There's also a small bottle of lens cleaner and a microfiber cloth in a mint tin. The shelf underneath has several CD albums.
📦: ...So I guess technically you could say he's got three desks.
His desk at Encom tower is pretty standard in setup. Keyboard in the keyboard drawer, two monitors, wired trackball mouse connected to the large tower and printer under the desk. In the back by one of the monitors is a jar of licorice. When he's there, his planner is usually open on the desk with the day's agenda penciled in. When he's there, his planner is usually open on the desk with the day's agenda penned in. Under one of the monitors are several colored blocks of sticky notes, though one would not immediately notice them as most of the desk and the edges of both monitors are plastered with the notes. The large bottom drawer has a tea set, couple mugs, and assortment of loose teas, and usually fresh fruit and little mochi cakes to snack on. The drawer above it has an assortment of office supplies, pens, a stapler and box of extra staples, hole punch, pencils... all just tossed in there. On the other side, there's drawer filled with thumb drives labeled with various project names. The bottom drawer on the other side at first appears to be another junk drawer, with a couple manuals, a bunch of old computer parts, a stack of papers. In the very back is a locked box, labeled Zeus's Pithos--Do Not Open. Inside is... a stack of punch cards, and several thumb drives labeled '5th floor south storage closet virus', 'HR storage closet virus', and 'tenth floor employee lounge virus.' One thing to note about this desk, is that the drawers lock when the keyboard tray is pushed all the way in, and the tray can also be locked. Ed locks it every time he leaves the office.
The desk in his home office is a little less chaotic, mostly from disuse, just like his room. Again, he has two monitors an ergonomic keyboard, and trackball mouse, and tower The sticky notes are present here as well, though there are notably less of them. There is also a small server that sits on his desk. There's a vase of dried lavender in one corner of the desk. Atop the bookshelf next to the desk is a vase of dried hydrangeas. The bookshelf mostly contains manuals for different programs, and operating systems, as well as an entire shelf dedicated to cryptology and encryption methods. Notably, however, is that one of the shelves also contains a working replica of an enigma machine, and all four of Shakespeare's folios.
His third desk is technically the livingroom coffee table, which has a raiseable top that can turn it into a writing desk. There's a wireless mouse and keyboard in the little storage under the table top. there is an HDMI chord connected to the large flat screen TV, which Ed uses solely to connect his computer to and work on projects from the couch late at night or on days when he feels like working from home.
Putting the answers for the Office under the cut!
🛏: Somehow even more devoid of character than in his original universe... at least to begin with. Slowly it gains a little personality. First with a couple hand made blankets and maybe pillows. Then... string lights, and curtains. I like to think he eventually finds another instant camera and takes pictures of the shenanigans he and Doom get up to, makes another photo board like old one he had, though this one is ever changing. I see his room becoming an odd mix of his and Doom's personalities as their relationship develops. He adds decorations that remind him of her.
👕: Basic office wear, mostly, though after he respawns, he makes it into sort of like a pillow fort vibe, with string lights, and lots of pillows and blankets.
🛌: It starts out with whatever is standard-issue, but I imagine there's a night where Ed is exhausted, and the sheets just feel way to scratchy and he can't sleep, and he very awkwardly asks Doom for silk sheets, though he likely doesn't specify anything more about them.
📥: About the same, though I imagine there's a framed picture of him and Doom doing something ridiculous together. I think he would like a color chanaging LED lamp, or a lava lamp.
📦: I'm not sure he has a desk, unless he ends up occupying the other one in the control room more often. Maybe it becomes his as he visits Cyrus more often? He probably only keeps a tea set and mochi in it.
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mlpmoviemerch · 1 year ago
New My Little Pony: Make Your Mark Izzy Moonbow Character Reversible Pillowcase
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New My Little Pony: Make Your Mark Izzy Moonbow Character Reversible Pillowcase available here: https://amzn.to/4bGoPdj
Details below:
MY LITTLE PONY DESIGN: Kids can gallop into a world of friendship and adventure at bedtime with this reversible My Little Pony pillowcase. Featuring pony pals Sunny, Izzy, Zipp Storm and Pipp Petals, the "Magic Pony Friends" pattern captures the positive vibes of the popular Hasbro franchise. 
TWO DESIGNS IN ONE: There’s no need to settle for one cute My Little Pony look with this fun reversible pillowcase. On one side, Izzy shines against a pretty purple backdrop. When it’s time for a new adventure, simply flip the pillow over to find Sunny, Zipp Storm and Pipp Petals gathered against a magical pastel sky. 
SUPER SOFT CHILDREN’S PILLOWCASE: Crafted for comfort, the microfiber material is super soft and long lasting, keeping kids cozy all night or while camping. This high-quality material is an enduring choice that's sure to become a favorite in any home decor or linen collection. 
EASY CARE: You can throw the pillow case into the washer and dryer without worrying about the colorful themed pattern and animated cartoon characters fading or the need for ironing. The material is wrinkle-resistant making it a great choice for any child's bedroom, nursery or decoration accessory. 
ITEM INCLUDES: 1 standard pillow case measuring 20" x 30". A standard size to use for a toddler, twin or full sized bed.
Perfect gift for any My Little Pony fan!
Features an Izzy Moonbow character reversible pillowcase.
Material: 100% Polyester
Brand: Franco
Character: Izzy Moonbow
Color: Multicolor 
Inspired by My Little Pony: Make Your Mark
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sandwichtheuhh · 2 years ago
The Eiffel Tower
Yeah this is from my TF2 au Trials, Tribulations, and Teufort, Enjoy!
Scout had been feeling better since his last mishap with the sizeshifting, but he still felt uneasy about it. The memory kept replaying over and over again, growing huge then being so miniscule the slightest movement would send him flying. He’d seen films about The Incredible Shrinking Man, not once did he think he’d be in the position to understand it.Billy winced, it was- embarrassing, shameful even. Even the thought of being in someone's single hand, let alone that prick frenchman, was enough to make him green with anxiety. He went to bed early that night, hoping to get a good night's rest. However, in the middle of the night, Billy woke up feeling strange.
He looked down at his body and gasped. He was shrinking again, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. No matter how much Billy wanted to just stop, for everything to just stop, the sizeshifter part refused so much so it was painful to argue with it. “H- HEY! Is- Is anyone there! PLEASE SOMEONE I- I..” suddenly the shouting turned into sobbing as Billy collapsed into his body, hugging his legs into a compact fetal position. The worst part about shrinking: You are rendered utterly useless and vulnerable. It was almost, depressingly obvious not even a raccoon would've been awake in the base. That was until he heard a voice beside him.
"Are you alright, Scout?"
He looked up and saw Spy standing over him like the mother fucking eiffel tower, a very concerned tower. Billy rubbed the tears away, his face red with embarrassment that someone had actually caught him in this state. This would’ve been fine if he’d be 30 feet towering over teufort, but 3 inches isn’t exactly towering material. 
"I'm fine, just a little...uh...problem," Scout muttered, shrugging the ordeal off like it was ‘no big deal’.
Spy raised an eyebrow. "It doesn't seem like 'just a little problem', Scout. Are you sure you're okay?"
Scout sighed, realizing that he couldn't keep his secret from Spy forever. "Okay, fine. We’ve talked about this, I can't control it and it's really fucking embarrassing. I can’t even sleep normally when my pillow is the size of a damn football field!"
Spy raised a brow "That sounds more preferable than a mattress filled with microfiber.”  
“That- that’s not the point, It makes me feel like a freak I-"
Spy nodded his head. "You are a freakish boy."
Billy looked up at him like he’d just been punched in the gut. "Thanks, Spy. That means a lot coming from you. Ya know if you came here to insult me to my face, you coulda said somethin first. Jeez, you’re a real prick ya know that? " 
Spy smiled. "Of course, mon ami. Now you may be a freak, You may be the most unpredictable illiterate boy i’ve known-" “Hey watch it buddy-” “But you are no less than the freak obsessed with unicorns and hellfire. Sure, You downsize- or upsize- it’s hard to keep track anymore, but you are no less annoying than the same scout i’ve had the godawful pleasure of working with before.” And just like that, spy took a single index finger and patted Billy on the back. 
They sat in silence for a while, it was deafening, it made Scout think. It wasn’t that he couldn’t think before, but now he had to reflect on everything spewed at him. It was different being patted on the back by a regular sized hand, it was painfully obvious something was off when a whole finger covered his left shoulder. Despite it, Billy leaned into it. On a regular day the speech would have made him brush it off and go back to reading comics, yet now it was just as big of a reality check as spy. A fucking eiffel tower. Scout started growing back to his normal size, muscles contracting and bones expanding. The sickening series of crunching made the frenchman hold his mouth in effort to not gag. Billy took a deep inhale then stretched his limbs "Thank you, Spy."
Spy patted him on the back, a normal sized pat “Goodnight Billy”.
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decorworks · 1 year ago
The Best Body Pillows for a Restful Sleep
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A good night's sleep is a cornerstone of overall well-being, and investing in a high-quality body pillow can make a significant difference in achieving that restful slumber. Body pillows provide extra support and comfort, catering to various sleeping preferences and positions. Today, we highlight some of the best options available for enhancing your sleep experience.
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1. Leachco Snoogle Total Body Pillow The Leachco Snoogle Total Body Pillow is a beloved choice for its innovative design that supports the head, neck, back, hips, and belly simultaneously. This U-shaped pillow is perfect for expectant mothers, side sleepers, and those seeking full-body support. Its removable cover adds convenience to maintenance. 2. Coop Home Goods Body Pillow The Coop Home Goods Body Pillow boasts a customizable filling made of shredded memory foam, allowing you to adjust the pillow's thickness and support according to your preferences. This hypoallergenic and breathable pillow comes with a bamboo-derived cover, enhancing comfort and airflow. 3. PharMeDoc U-Shape Full Body Pregnancy Pillow Designed with pregnant women in mind, the PharMeDoc Full Body Pregnancy Pillow offers targeted support for the belly, hips, and back. Its U-shaped design promotes a comfortable and restful sleep for both expectant mothers and anyone seeking extra support during slumber. 4. Snuggle-Pedic Ultra-Luxury Full Body Pillow Featuring a blend of memory foam and microfiber, the Snuggle-Pedic Long Body Pillow offers plush comfort while maintaining breathability. Its adjustable fill and conforming support make it suitable for various sleep positions, catering to both pregnant women and those in search of optimal alignment. 5. Moonlight Slumber Comfort U Total Body Support Pillow The Moonlight Slumber Comfort U Total Body Support Pillow's oversized U-shape is designed to provide comprehensive support from head to toe. Its hypoallergenic, organic, and antimicrobial filling ensures a clean and comfortable sleep environment. 6. Queen Rose U-Shaped Pregnancy Pillow The Queen Rose U-Shaped Pregnancy Pillow is crafted to alleviate discomfort during pregnancy by supporting the belly, hips, back, and knees. Its soft jersey cover adds a cozy touch, making it a favorite among expectant mothers. 7. Hiccapop Pregnancy Pillow Wedge The Hiccapop Pregnancy Pillow Wedge offers targeted support for the belly and back without taking up too much space on the bed. Its compact design is perfect for expectant mothers who want support without the bulk of a full-body pillow. Choosing the best body pillow for your needs can significantly improve your sleep quality by providing optimal support and comfort. Whether you're a side sleeper, expectant mother, or simply seeking enhanced relaxation, there's a body pillow designed to cater to your preferences. As you explore the many options out there, keep in mind your preferred sleeping positions, any specific support requirements, and material preferences. Investing in the right quality body pillow will take you in the right direction towards achieving restful and rejuvenating sleep night after night. Read the full article
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blackwoolncrown · 1 year ago
The issue is it's not simply 'fast fashion'...It's the petroleum industry.
Petroleum's ubiquity, cheapness, replicability and excess waste (solids from oil refining are repurposed into plastics) are becoming & replacing everything. we. need.
And bc this is capitalism's main offspring, it goes anywhere it can, cutting bottom lines and increasing corporate profits.
Gone to any hotels lately? Tried to buy bedding?
Cheap, crispy polyester sheets and throw pillows. Cheap fuzzy poly microfiber comforters and blankets. Polyfil in everything.
We can't see it as such, but it's literally a toxic goop crawling over and spreading itself onto everything. Your bed. Your clothes. Your hobbies. Wanna relax?
Oh sure! Let's try 'diamond painting', which is just arranging a bunch of colorful microplastics.
It's everywhere.
I feel like something that doesnt get talked about enough is how fast fashion is coming to hobbies as well. Sure, you can sew, knit, and crochet something better than youd buy in store, but good luck finding quality materials
Want a fabric that doesnt fray from being gently caressed? Want yarn thats not 100% plastic and splits if you touch it wrong? Good luck finding that if you dont have a genuinely good crafts store near you.
Go on any thread where people are trying to figure out where to buy fabric. 50% of it is people saying big stores are servicable, online stores work, or the like, and the other 50% are talking about how bad the quality is or how the quality of a website dropped because it was bought out
Were running into a problem where fast fashiob is so integrated into society that even the ability to make your own, comfortable and long lasting, clothes is being threatened by capitalism
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op0ssumlord · 13 hours ago
So I have curly hair (~2B), but I’ve been having issue with products and routines recently. Within the past couple months I got diagnosed with sorosis and have had to use a new shampoo on the red spot (back of my neck and slightly into my hair). I also have dyed hair and thin hair, so that just adds to my issues. I need to get my hair wet a minimum of twice a week to do my sorosis thing and because of all of this my curls have taken a hit. My normal routine is:
condition the ends
dry my hair with a microfiber towel
add pillow curls
brush out my hair in sections
scrunch my hair
put on my silk bonnet
and go to bed
I’m not sure what else to do for my hair, I really want more definition and volume. Please help!
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theskybedding · 3 days ago
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Bedding Essentials for a Comfortable Sleep
A good night’s sleep starts with the right bedding. Whether you’re looking for soft white bed sheets for a single bed, a cozy AC comforter, or a durable waterproof mattress protector, choosing the right materials can make all the difference. This guide will help you understand the essentials for creating a comfortable sleeping environment.
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1. Choosing the Right White Bed Sheets for a Single Bed
White bed sheets are a timeless choice, offering a clean and crisp look. When selecting white bed sheets for a single bed, consider the following:
Material: Cotton, microfiber, and linen are popular choices. Cotton is breathable, microfiber is wrinkle-resistant, and linen offers a natural cooling effect.
Thread Count: A thread count between 300-600 provides a balance of softness and durability.
Weave Type: Percale offers a crisp feel, while sateen is smooth and silky.
Opting for high-quality white bed sheets can enhance comfort and improve sleep quality.
2. The Benefits of Using a Flat Bed Sheet
A flat bed sheet serves multiple purposes beyond covering your mattress. It acts as a protective layer, keeping your fitted sheet clean for longer. Here are a few advantages:
Easy to Wash: Flat bed sheets are easier to wash and dry compared to fitted sheets.
Versatility: They can be used as a light cover during warmer nights.
Layering Comfort: When combined with blankets and comforters, they enhance comfort.
For a smooth and neat look, ensure the flat bed sheet is tucked in properly.
3. Why a Waterproof Mattress Protector is Essential
A waterproof mattress protector is a must-have to safeguard your mattress from spills, sweat, and allergens. Key benefits include:
Prevents Stains: Keeps your mattress looking fresh for longer.
Protects Against Allergens: Reduces exposure to dust mites and bacteria.
Extends Mattress Lifespan: Prevents moisture buildup, which can lead to mold and odors.
For the best protection, choose a breathable waterproof mattress cover that doesn’t trap heat.
4. Staying Cozy with an AC Comforter
An AC comforter is designed to keep you warm while preventing overheating, making it ideal for air-conditioned rooms. When selecting an AC comforter, consider:
Material: Cotton and microfiber are common options, both offering softness and breathability.
Filling Type: Down and down-alternative fillings provide warmth without excessive weight.
Weight: Lightweight comforters are best for warm climates, while medium-weight ones are ideal for year-round use.
A high-quality AC comforter ensures restful sleep without feeling too heavy or too light.
5. The Importance of a Good Microfiber Pillow
Your pillow plays a crucial role in neck and spinal alignment. Microfiber pillows are an excellent choice due to their:
Softness: Provides plush comfort without losing shape.
Hypoallergenic Properties: Ideal for allergy sufferers.
Easy Maintenance: Machine washable and quick-drying.
For the best support, choose a microfiber pillow with medium firmness.
6. Terry Cotton Towels: A Soft and Absorbent Choice
Terry cotton towels are known for their high absorbency and durability. Here’s why they’re a great addition to your bathroom:
Highly Absorbent: The loops in terry cotton fabric hold moisture efficiently.
Soft Texture: Feels gentle on the skin, making them ideal for everyday use.
Long-Lasting: With proper care, they retain their softness even after multiple washes.
To maintain their fluffiness, wash terry cotton towels in warm water and avoid using excessive fabric softeners.
Final Thoughts
Creating a comfortable sleep environment is all about choosing the right bedding essentials. From white bed sheets for a single bed to a cozy AC comforter, each element plays a significant role in enhancing sleep quality. Investing in durable and comfortable bedding ensures restful nights and refreshing mornings.For high-quality bedding products, The Sky Bedding offers a variety of options to suit your needs.
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