#michael x gallant
saintlucretia · 3 months
Devil Wears A Suit
part Ⅰ
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Pairings: Outpost!Michael Langdon x Female!Reader
Warnings: Mention of murder. Hot devil's son. Sexual harassment? Michael Langdon.
Summary: Y/N is a purple at Outpost 3 and gets interviewed by Mr. Langdon.
A/N: I will go to hell for this and I am not opposing if he will be there too.
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After 18 months at the underground Outpost life was as dreadful as being killed by a bomb explosion. Or worse. A bunch of snobs and shallow cowards. It was clear as day, that it was just a matter of time before everyone was at each other's throats. 
It wasn’t the Outpost itself or the fact that we are the last human beings on this planet that made everything so depressing. It was boredom. A hole in my head. The only bearable person here was Mr. Gallant. Without his company at the dining table, I could have stuck a fork into my neck.
That evening Ms. Venable announced to us about a visitor. The agent of the Cooperative. Even though she remained calm as usual I sensed a note of fear in her voice. So it means this new man has great authority. I was grateful for any kind of entertainment, even if it meant a bloody revolution. After 18 months with the same people, fresh meat is always dainty.
Ms. Venable ended her speech when a tall man with long blond hair entered the room. He had a dark aura. The aura of power.
“My name is Langdon and I represent The Cooperative,” he said, circling our table. “Humanity is on the brink of failure.”
I glanced at the other residents of the Outpost. They all looked tense and nervous, especially Ms. Venable. She seemed almost afraid of him. Only Mr. Gallant seemed as amused as me. We glanced at each other and I immediately understood what was on his mind. After all, he had a good taste in men.
“My arrival here was crucial to the survival of civilized life on Earth.” His speech was persuasive, words sharp and his blue eyes pierced into all of us. Such an ability to capture everyone's attention was making me delighted.
He stopped at the head of the table and continued. “The three other compounds have been overrun and destroyed.”
“What happened to the people inside?” asked Timothy worried. 
“Massacred,” answered Langdon and I think I caught the shadow of a grin on his face.
I bit my lip to stop myself from chuckling. I had to admit, this Langdon was a very attractive man. And Mr. Gallant was obviously admiring his appearance too. But there was something about The Cooperative representative that made me feel uneasy. It was as if he was hiding something. Something very bad. 
“In the knowledge that this very moment might occur, we built a failsafe… The Sanctuary,” he said, placing his hands behind his back. “I have been sent to determine if any of you are worthy and fit to join us. The Cooperative has developed a particular and rigorous questioning technique we like to call ‘Cooperating’. Simply, I will determine if you belong.”
I remained silent, analyzing the situation. Everyone seemed wary and looked at others with distrust. Only Coco didn’t have enough brains to remain silent and tried to openly express her dissatisfaction. Fortunately, her tirade was abruptly suppressed.
“I volunteer to go first.” Mr. Gallant raised his hand. 
“And so you shall,” Langdon said threateningly, looking us over. He had a cold, calculating look in his eyes. I had a feeling that he already knew who he was going to select.
“The process should only take me a couple of days, so you won’t be kept in suspense forever. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you.” I felt his gaze on me and barely restrained myself from looking away. 
Langdon left the room and everyone immediately started to argue. A bunch of morons, all of them. I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my chair, observing the conversation. Everyone began to share their suspicions and guesses, but of course, they were all too wrapped up in their own fear to notice the whole thing. The Cooperative looked at us as laboratory rats and no one seemed to see that. Pathetic. 
I let out a sigh of annoyance and left the room.
I ran into Malcolm in the hallway an hour later and looked at him questioningly. 
“Oh, darling, I almost had a heart attack." He came closer and started whispering "I'm a bit scared of him. He is definitely hot as hell, but twice as evil."
I chuckled. "Well, that's quite a review. Did he tell you anything new?"  
Mr. Gallant leaned even closer and lowered his voice to a whisper. "He asked me a lot of personal questions...I mean really personal."  
I raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"
“Like my sexuality for example. And my nana. And other… things. Pretty intimate. I felt so uncomfortable, but I tried to keep it cool.” 
My eyebrows furrowed in interest. So these "Cooperating" sessions were, indeed, quite unique. It seemed like Langdon wanted to know every minuscule detail about each person. I began to wonder what kind of "personal" questions he would ask me. I also began to wonder why I was so looking forward to the moment. 
“I felt like he was trying to rip out my soul.” Added Malcolm in a whisper.
I smirked. "Well, that's quite a dramatic way to describe it." Malcolm chuckled nervously but I had a feeling that he wasn't exaggerating. Langdon was certainly not the type of man that you could fool easily. He could see right through people.
But something was intriguing. I felt a strange thrill at the idea of uncovering the depth of Langdon's scrutiny. 
 "I guess I'll have to brace myself for my turn then," I said nonchalantly.
“Good luck sweetheart.” We kissed each other on the cheek and went in different directions.
I slowly walked to my quarters, lost in thought. I was feeling an inexplicable mixture of excitement and curiosity. The thought of being examined by Langdon, being exposed under the watchful gaze of his sharp eyes, was somehow appealing. God, I have to stop.
I shook my head firmly, trying to dismiss these thoughts. "This is ridiculous," I mumbled to myself softly.
Suddenly I heard something. Something like a scream perhaps. I stopped and looked around. There was no one except me in this dimly lit hall. And then this sound again. More like a whisper now. Millions of whispers. My head began to spin slightly. I closed my eyes and tried to focus. Silence. Everything went quiet. I turned around and flinched as I saw Langdon behind me.
“Mrs. Y/S, I’d like to talk with you next.” 
I looked up at Langdon with a surprised expression, silently cursing myself for being so lost in my thoughts to the point of not noticing him coming closer. His presence was so powerful that it still made my heart flutter even now.
"Lead the way," I replied, trying to maintain my composure. 
Langdon didn't bother answering, simply gesturing for me to follow him. I walked behind him through the maze of halls and rooms. 
We finally reached the entrance to what appeared to be his cabinet. Langdon stepped aside, allowing me to enter first. Entering the room, I noticed how dark and ominous it felt. The walls were lined with bookshelves, filled with old leather-bound volumes. The main source of light was a fireplace.
Langdon gestured for me to sit down on the armchair across from him. I lowered myself gently, straightening my purple dress. 
He studied me, wanted me to be nervous, wanted me to crack. I knew this game. I have played this game with many different powerful men, who think they are Gods because they have dicks. I never lose in a game like this.
His eyes searched my face, trying to find any sign of weakness. But I held his gaze firmly, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing me intimidated.
I leaned back in my seat, a small smirk on my lips. "I see you're expecting me to be quivering in my boots," I said with a hint of sarcasm.
Langdon chuckled darkly. "Is that so?" he asked, leaning slightly forward. 
A silence fell between us, and I held his gaze without flinching. Something about his demeanor made my heart beat a little faster, but I was determined not to show it.
“I prefer conversations to be effective, Mr. Langdon.”
Langdon raised an eyebrow at my remark, a smirk forming his lips. He leaned back in his seat, folding his arms across his chest. "Straight to the point, are we?" 
He studied me for a moment, his eyes still locked onto mine.
"Well, I can appreciate a straightforward woman," he said, his voice surprisingly smooth. "It makes the process much more efficient."
He paused for a moment, his gaze never faltering. "Ms. Y/S," he began, my name rolling off his tongue like a sinful whisper. "Allow me to ask you a personal question."
“Ask,” I replied.
He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk. His eyes were laser-focused on me, and I could practically feel his gaze trying to pierce through my soul. 
"What do you fear the most?" he asked, his tone almost gentle.
I was caught off guard by the question and made a mistake. Langdon noticed the slight flicker of surprise in my eyes. He chuckled softly. "That's what I thought," he said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. "You may have mastered the art of bravado, but everyone has a weakness," he continued. "And I'm here to find yours." 
I watched him back and after crossing my legs answered "I fear being surrounded by idiots for the rest of my life." I needled.
Langdon raised an eyebrow, visibly amused. "Well, you certainly have a way with words, don't you?", he said, his lips curling into a smirk.
He leaned back in his seat, studying me closely. "Being trapped in a group of lesser minds for eternity may be torturous, especially for a woman of your... intelligence."
“For a man of your power, it’s a pity that you use flattery as a term of manipulation,” I said, tilting my head in a mocking manner. 
Langdon chuckled, clearly enjoying the challenge. "Ah, so observant," he said, still maintaining his smirk. 
He leaned slightly forward, his gaze never leaving mine. "I'm not just using flattery, Ms. Y/S. I do recognize your intellect. But don't mistake my compliments for manipulation. I simply use the tools at my disposal."
Langdon chuckled again, clearly appreciating my dry response. "You have a sharp tongue," he said, his voice dripping with amusement. “It may be your unique feature or a pathetic attempt to hide your fear.”
I could feel a flicker of irritation at his words, but I forced myself to remain impassive. Langdon was trying to get a reaction out of me, and I was determined not to give him the satisfaction.
"Perhaps it's a little bit of both," I replied, my voice cool and steady. "Or perhaps you're simply not used to people who don't cower easily in front of someone higher in rank."
He stood up from his seat and started circling me slowly, the sound of his footsteps echoing through the room. “Be careful, Ms. Y/S. Your bold attitude is admirable, but at some point, this can play a cruel joke on you.”  His gaze burned into me as he studied me from every possible angle.
“I appreciate the warning,” I said coldly. “I don't fear intimidation tactics.”
“You are a brave woman.” Langdon's voice was suddenly close behind me, his breath lingering on the nape of my neck. A small shiver ran down my spine, and I had to suppress the urge to turn around and look at him.
“A little too brave, some would say.” he continued, his words almost a whisper. “Tell me, Ms. Y/S, is it hard to be the smartest in the room? To be forced to communicate with idiots?”
There was a hint of mockery in his tone that made me nauseous. But I still refused to let him see any sign of weakness. I sat up straighter in my chair, lifting my chin.
“It can be... annoying at times,” I admitted.
“It is irritating how arrogant the upper class is, isn’t it? Especially toward women.” I felt the touch of his fingers on my arm and I barely restrained myself from snatching my hand away. “The world before the bombs wasn’t that much brighter than this one, was it? They all mistreated you, and never took you seriously… Does the idea of them having everything infuriate you?”
His words hit a nerve, the subtle truth in them cutting through my defenses. Yes, the world before the bombings was far from perfect, and I had my fair share of disappointments.
But I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing that he had managed to hit a weak spot. I turned my head slightly, meeting his gaze. “And what makes you think you're any different from them?”
He chuckled darkly, his fingers trailing along my skin, tracing patterns against the fabric of my dress. His nonchalant arrogance was both infuriating and strangely enthralling. 
“Oh, I never claimed to be any different," he responded, his voice low and husky. “But I will say this - I appreciate intelligence, especially in women. I can see your potential.”
“Potential,” I repeated, struggling to keep my tone even. “For what, exactly?”
Langdon ignored my question. His hands, now both on my arms, crawled up to my shoulders. “Have you ever thought about punishing them? About finally showing what you are capable of, so they would never think you are only ‘pretty face’ again?” His breath tickled my ear. “Have you ever thought about making them scared of you?”
His hands on my shoulders were deceptively gentle, yet they seemed to burn against my skin through the fabric of my dress. His breath was warm against my ear as he whispered his words, making my breath hitch in my throat. 
I felt a strange mixture of anger and... excitement at his words. The thought had crossed my mind more than once if I was being honest with myself. To show them ALL how strong and brilliant I truly was. To shuffle a knife into someone’s throat. I remained silent. 
“I sense this force in you, Y/N.”
His voice seemed to fill the space between us, wrapping around me like a dark, intimate spell. He leaned closer, his chest almost pressed against my back. His hands remained on my shoulders, his fingers gently massaging my tense muscles. 
There was something about his voice, the way he said my name, that sent a shiver down my spine. It was as if he could see right through me, past the cool exterior I had been trying to maintain. He knew about the anger, the desire, the fire burning within me.
“I can tell you have a dark side,” he murmured, his voice deep and low. 
“I-I don’t know what you are talking about.” 
“Yes, you do.” His hands continue to stroke my shoulders gently. He was amused by my denial.
“You don't have to play coy with me, Ms. Y/N," he said, his voice velvety smooth. “I can feel it radiating off of you. That simmering anger, that burning desire."
Langdon leaned in closer, his lips almost brushing against my ear. “You want... power. And I can promise you that.”
His words were a seductive murmur, weaving their way into my mind and planting thoughts of power and revenge. It was as if he knew exactly what buttons to push, what desires to awaken within me. 
"Power," I repeated, my voice barely above a whisper. My mind was swimming, both alarmed and intrigued by his proposal. I felt like I was hypnotized. "Why… What’s the point?"
Langdon chuckled softly, noticing the effect his words were having on me. He stepped away from me, his hands finally leaving my shoulders. He walked around the chair, standing in front of me again.
"Because, my dear," he began, "I've observed your potential. Your intelligence, your resourcefulness, your strength. You're not like the other people in this house. You have ambition. And ambition can lead to power."
He tilted up my chin gently, so I could meet his gaze. "And I can help you achieve it." His thumb traced my jawline, sending a shiver down my spine.
When his finger brushed against my bottom lip I grabbed his hand, stopping him. He smirked and leaned closer, his face only a few inches away from mine.
“Something wrong, Ms. Y/S?” he asked, his tone laced with mockery. “Did my touch... unsettle you?”
With a swift, almost graceful movement, Langdon sank to his knees in front of me. His hand found its way to my knee, the warmth of his palm seeping through the fabric of my dress.
“I think the interview is over,” I said, trying to stand up, but he pressed on my knee, not letting me get up.
“I will decide if it’s over or not, Ms. Y/S,” Langdon smirked at my silence, slowly running his hand higher up my thigh. He could clearly see the effect he was having on me, the slight tremble in my body.
“What?” he drawled, his voice dripping with mockery. “No witty comeback? No clever quip? Seems like you're losing your grip.”
"Losing my grip?" I repeated, trying to keep my voice steady. "Hardly. I am just amused by your behavior." Even a blind person would see my bluff and feign confidence.
“Oh? Really?” He stood up a bit, leaning closer to my face, almost whispering in my mouth. His proximity was intoxicating, his breath hot against my lips. I could feel my heart pounding against my ribcage, the desire coursing through my veins like a current. He slowly brushed his lips against mine and I felt a touch of his tongue on my bottom lip. 
It felt like drugs. It felt better than drugs. His tongue teasingly tracing along my bottom lip sent a shiver down my spine, making my legs tremble beneath me. It was overwhelming. I have never felt like this before. In that very second I could do anything for this man.
Suddenly he stopped and looked me right into my eyes, smirking satisfiedly almost like he read a thought that just got in my mind.
He stood up, turning away from me and I bit my tongue not to moan in disappointment. 
“We’re done for today, Ms. Y/S. It was a pleasure talking to you,” He said, opening the door for me. Smirk remained on his face, but Langdon seemed very calm. As if he didn’t just kneel and almost kiss me two minutes ago. 
I needed a few seconds to understand what had happened, so I blinked and then quickly stood up walking toward the door.
“Hope you have a good night, Ms. Y/S,” he said watching me and I can swear, as he was saying that, his hand slid to cover his groin and he definitely wanted me to notice that. 
“Good night, Mr. Langdon,” I mumbled and left the room. 
What the fuck has just happened?
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part two
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beastsovrevelation · 4 months
Michael's so stern, and laconic, she's honestly just... Cold. But, I think she'd be so gallant towards a female love interest.
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Damn... Imagine her kissing your hand (and refusing to break eye contact as she does it).
One could swoon. I'd say she definitely goes on one knee to propose.
Her Spartan demeanor does soften in her love interest's presence. A fond smile lights up her lips, and her piercing eyes shine with adoration. She mindlessly does things like brushing a lock of her so's hair behind her ear, putting her arm around her, or having her sit on her lap.
I also think (since she's the Champion) she has a pathological need to protect. Honestly, it might cause tension as she gets patronizing, even controlling. She's used to being obeyed without question, after all.
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thethreeeyed-raven · 6 months
⋆♱ AHS ♱⋆
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🕷️fluff | 🕸️angst | 🐈‍⬛suggestive | 🪦platonic
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⋆♱ Tate Langdon ♱⋆
🕷️ • meeting him in the murder house | gn!reader • part two
⋆♱ Violet Harmon ♱⋆
🕷️ • being her best friend | headcanons | x gn!reader
⋆♱ ASYLUM ♱⋆
⋆♱ Kit Walker ♱⋆
🕷️ • the first step | x fem!reader
🕸️ • it’s okay to cry | x gn!reader
🕷️ • 🕸️ • home | x gn!reader
⋆♱ COVEN ♱⋆
⋆♱ Kyle Spencer ♱⋆
🕷️ • party party | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Misty Day ♱⋆
🕷️ • listening to fleetwood mac with her | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Nan ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Queenie ♱⋆
🕷️ • being her best friend | headcanons | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Zoe Benson ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Dandy Mott ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Jimmy Darling ♱⋆
🕷️ • defending him | x gn!reader
⋆♱ HOTEL ♱⋆
⋆♱ James Patrick March ♱⋆
🕷️ • buying him a dog | headcanons | x reader
⋆♱ Tristan Duffy ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ CULT ♱⋆
⋆♱ Ally Mayfair-Richards ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Beverly Hope ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Kai Anderson ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ Cordelia Goode ♱⋆
🕸️ • as i watch you die | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Michael Langdon ♱⋆
🕸️ • qui totum vult totum perdit | x gn!reader
🕷️ • halloween party | x gn!reader
🕷️ • trick or treating | x gn!reader
🕷️ • bonfire night | x gn!reader
🕷️ • 5th of November | x gn!reader
🕷️ • new years | x gn!reader
🕷️ • valentines together | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Mr Gallant ♱⋆
🕷️ • being his best friend | headcanons | x gn!reader
⋆♱ 1984 ♱⋆
⋆♱ Bobby Richter ♱⋆
🕷️ • 🕸️ • 🪦 • finally | x sibling!reader
⋆♱ Xavier Plympton ♱⋆
🕷️ • i cared too much that it killed me | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Austin Sommers ♱⋆
🕷️ • 🕸️ • saving you from the pale people | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Harry Gardner ♱⋆
nothing yet
⋆♱ TB Karen ♱⋆
🕷️ • inspiration | x gn!reader
⋆♱ Valiant Thor ♱⋆
nothing yet
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@lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom • @fangsp1der-2099 • @knight-of-flowerss
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chiptaylorsfirst · 2 years
Late Night Visit
Word Count: 1,580
Pairing: dom!Mr. Gallant x male!sub!Reader
Warning: Smut, mentions of masturbation, anal sex, mention of exhibitionism kink, hair pulling, slight choking kink
Summary: You know better than to break the rules but a midnight visitor who happens to be your boyfriend makes you think a bit differently. It isn’t bad if you don’t get caught, right?
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Everyone had just figured out about Ms. Venable and how she was making her own rules for her personal entertainment. Everyone could agree on the rule they hated the most, no unauthorized copulation under any circumstances. You were writing in your journal when you heard a knock on your door. “Come in,” you exclaimed, expecting to see Ms. Mead or Ms. Venable. Instead you were greeted by your boyfriend, Malcolm Gallant. There was a smirk on his face that could only be described as mischievous. He locked the door behind him then walked towards you. “Mal, what are you up to?” “We’re gonna have some fun.” You’d heard him say that sentence once too many times and it all ended the same exact way. “Baby, what about the fake rules?” 
He crawled in bed with you. “I don’t know. I guess we’d better hope that Michael Langdon helps us. That man seems to love sin.” You could do nothing but agree. Michael seemed to be very fond of sin. “But don’t we need to be quiet?” He kissed your cheek. “Only if we want to. It is pitch black outside and thankfully no one has a room anywhere near yours. Also, no one was out in the halls. I checked three times before coming to your room.” You thought about what he said for a moment. “Okay,” you replied, placing your journal and pen on the ground. Malcolm eagerly kissed you. Soon, you were getting aroused, kissing him back just as he kissed you.
The kiss broke when you both needed air. You watched as Malcolm started removing his clothes and you followed suit. You created a small pile of clothes on the ground, both of you now fully naked. You had waited for this day a whole year. That was long overdue. Malcolm got on top of you and started to jerk you off. He stopped once you were dripping pre cum, scooping it up on his fingers and sucking it off. “Y/N.” You looked up at the beautiful man before you. He was so pretty and perfect. “Get on top of me and ride me.” 
He laid down and watched as you lowered yourself on him. You moaned from the pleasurable pain you felt from being stretched out by him. It had been a while and you almost forgot about how big he was. “You ready,” he asked, desire in his voice. “Give me a second.” You waited some then finally started to bounce, creating a nice pace that Malcolm easily met. You wrapped your hand around his throat, turning him on more. It was undeniable that your boyfriend was a very kinky boy.
His moans and groans were soft. Your name constantly slipped from his lips and his eyes rolled. You placed hickies on his skin, loving the soft red, pink, and purple marks that now decorated his body. Everything felt amazing whenever your bodies were joined like this. “Tell me who you belong to.” “You, Mal. Mmm, Mr. Gall-Gallant. You.” He smiled, removing your hand from his throat and placing a kiss on your knuckles. Your moans got louder as he thrusted into you harder with every bounce of your body. 
“Fuck, mm, we’re gonna get killed.” He chuckled from under you. “Yeah, but it’s fucking worth it. I’d die happy for this.” You could easily agree as you continued. You placed your hands on his chest, trying your best not to lose all the control you had over your body. You were now bouncing at a faster pace, looking down at the pleased expression that covered your boyfriend’s face. He stared into your eyes, feeling the way that you tightened around him. “I’m, I--” You tried to speak but broken moans were the only thing that came out. He didn’t need to hear the rest of your sentence though. He already knew what you were going to say. You were close and for some reason, you were trying to hold it off. “Cum, Y/N. Scream my name while you do it.”
Just like that, the knot in your stomach snapped. “Mm, Mal-Malcolm! Fuck.” You repeated his name like a mantra all the way until your ass was filled with his cum. You raised up off of him and kissed his cheek. “You want another round then we’re done,” he asked. “Yeah, I could go for another.” He smiled. “Kiss me first.” You obeyed him, kissing him with just enough roughness to make it pleasurable. He flipped you over unto your stomach, spreading your cheeks. “You’re gaping.” He scooped some cum onto his fingers before pushing it further into you. He kissed your shoulder then smoothly slid into you. “Fuck, you’re so tight.”
You couldn’t think clearly and the sound of his voice was making you so hard. You loved whenever Malcolm did dirty talk during sex. He was so good at it. “Tell me you’re all mine’s.” “Mm, I’m all yours. Fuck, ugh. I belong to you, n-nobody else.” He was going fast, deep, and rough, making your eyes roll. “You’re so pretty, taking me so well.” He sucked on your neck and made a mark there. “I love you so much, Y/N.” “Agh, I love you t-too.” One of his arms wrapped around your body while he held your waist. You started to fuck yourself onto him, listening to the sound of his moans and your skin slapping. He pushed your face into the pillows, making your back arch. He hit deeper parts in you and the angle did wonders.
You were about to cum once again but you could tell that your boyfriend wasn’t ready yet. Your body was sensitive and cock drunk. It didn’t help that Malcolm kept saying provocative things in your ear that left little to the imagination. You could feel him in your stomach and he kept hitting your prostate with every movement of his hips. It drove you insane as he kept on going. “Feels good?” “Mmm hmm, very g-good.” His hand wrapped around your length. “St-stop, too much, too cl-close.” “I don’t care,” he grunted out, pounding you into the sheets. He started to pull your hair and jerk you off. “Cum all you want all over the sheets, all over my hand. I know you want to, ugh, sweet boy. “
Your cock twitched in his hand and you felt his cock pulsing in you. “Mm, Malcolm,” you moaned out. Your toes curled and eyes rolled. He kissed your shoulder and whispered in your ear. “What would you do if they caught us like this? Would you cum all over and moan my name? Fuck, I think you would. I know you would. You’re clenching more from thinking about it.” 
He let go of your hair. “I bet you wish they were here right now, don’t you?” “Y-Yes, mm, fuck, yes.” You were already cumming, painting the sheets and your lover’s hand with your seed. You felt his cum pour inside of you, filling you up and spilling out almost just as quickly. He flipped you over and laid beside you, licking your cum from his hand and chuckling softly.
“What is it, Mal?” He grinned. “You’re one kinky boy. That’s the hardest you’ve ever busted a nut.” You looked at him in utter shock. “Was it?” “Mm hmm. I keep track. Awe, you’re all flustered. It’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with you liking the idea of being watched. I think it’s hot, may even have Michael come be a part of that dream of yours.” You looked into his eyes, trying to see if he was just picking on you but he wasn’t. “You sure?” He got up from the bed, starting to put on his clothes. “Mm hmm. Next week I’ll be here again and give you some news on it. I’ll go talk to Langdon and see what we can do. That is if we aren’t dead by then.” He was now fully dressed, a few marks on his skin showing.
You looked at the time, 2:55 am. You still had plenty of time. “You’ll need to cover that up, Mal.” He looked at them and smiled. “I’ll let it stay just to see the anger on their faces.” He started to walk out the door but you stopped him. “Wait.” He turned around, his attention fully on you. “Yeah?” “Come here and give me a hug and kiss before you go.” “Fucking your brains out wasn’t enough,” he joked before starting to walk towards you. He was halfway there before he paused. “Wait, how come you can’t come here.” You rolled your eyes at his slight stupidity. “Babe, you just fucked my legs numb. Going to you requires walking.” 
He laughed, walking to you and giving you the most passionate kiss you’ve had from him in a while. He hugged you, breathing in your scent. “Goodbye, Y/N. I’ll see you later.” “Bye, Mal.” You laid there, thinking about how you were going to clean the sheets and your body. But over that, your mind mostly thought of Michael watching you and Malcolm. You huffed as you felt yourself hardening again. Malcolm was already halfway down the hall and you were in no state to chase him for a quickie. The night ended with you putting use to your hand and your boyfriend doing the same exact thing with the thoughts of one another and a certain someone watching the two of you. 
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enchantedruin · 29 days
The Devil's Game | Michael Langdon x Gender Neutral Reader
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Summary; You’ve reached your breaking point with Michael's unwavering temptations, leading you to emotionally unravel in front of him. Michael x Reader, written in Michael’s POV SFW-ish, with light NSFW content towards the end (just some making out tho)
word count; 1220
"You know what’s funny, Michael? No matter how hard I try to pull myself together, one word from you and it all unravels. You thrive on that, don’t you?"
I usually do thrive on that. The despair in your voice, the way you look at me with such loathing—it should have been invigorating. But this time, something about the disgust laced in your words made me recoil.
It was pathetic. Flashbacks of Gallant flickered through my mind—how utterly powerless he was in the end. Perhaps I should be bored by now, but I let you keep…venting, your voice rising with each word, barely giving me the space to draw a breath.
"Why can't you leave me alone? No. It’s worse... why can’t I just run away when I see you?" you continued, your voice trembling with a mix of anger and desperation.
You think you have a choice in this.
"You’re wrong," I cooed, my tone deceptively soft. "You ask why I can’t leave you alone, but you forget something crucial." I let the words hang in the air for a moment, watching the confusion in your eyes. "You’re the one that keeps coming back."
It’s the truth. You could have left, run away the moment you saw me. But here you are, standing before me, defiant yet unable to tear yourself away.
Your defiance is admirable, but it’s a game I’ve played before. I know how it ends.
I tilted my head, considering the possibility. "Perhaps you don’t run because, despite everything, you want this. You want to face me, fight me, even if it tears you apart. Because in the end, what would you be without this struggle... without me?"
"Don’t act like I’ll ever let you take full control of me," you shot back, your voice strong despite the fear and panic in your eyes. "I’ve realized you’re nothing but a test from Him."
Watching you lose it is fun. I remained silent, content to observe as you unraveled, peeling back layers of your psyche one by one, offering them to me without even having to ask.
"Fine! If I have to stay close to you, if that makes me a pawn in this sick game, then so be it! But don’t think for a second it’s for you. I’m here to watch you, to use you, just like he did. I’ll be no better than your father—keeping you in check, using you as my pawn to serve the light. I’ll make sure you never slip beyond it."
Ah, so you want to play that game. Comparing yourself to my Father. You think you can use me, that you’re somehow secretly in control.
How naive.
I narrowed my eyes, the mention of my Father sparking a familiar, simmering anger deep within me. You were trying to provoke me, trying to get under my skin, but I wouldn’t give you the satisfaction of seeing me lose my composure.
"You think you can use me?" I asked, letting a small, almost amused smile curve my lips. "You really believe you can turn the tables? My father dealt in pawns. I deal in kings and queens—media moguls, elites. Stop playing with fire, you don’t even realize how close you are to getting burned."
I took a step closer, watching you carefully, noting the way your breath hitched ever so slightly.
"You believe you’re in control, that this is some grand strategy of yours. But you’re forgetting one thing, my dear," I said, my voice dropping to a whisper as I leaned in close, my breath warm against your skin. "You’re already playing my game."
The space between us had all but disappeared. I could feel the heat radiating from your body, the way your breath hitched as I spoke. You were erratic, every muscle tensed as if you were ready to either fight or flee. But I could see it in your eyes—fleeing wasn’t an option. Not now.
Your gaze flickered, searching my face for something, anything you could use to regain the upper hand. But I gave you nothing. My expression remained calm, collected, a stark contrast to the storm brewing behind your eyes. You were coming undone before me, and I could see the frustration in the way your jaw clenched, your hands curling into fists at your sides.
I let a moment of silence hang between us, the tension thick, almost tangible. You were so close now that I could count every rapid rise and fall of your chest, every tremor in your lips as you fought to maintain composure.
"You know," I began, my voice smooth, almost conversational, "It’s amusing how hard you try to resist me, when deep down, we both know you’re just waiting for permission to give in."
Your eyes widened, anger flashing in them, but I continued before you could protest.
"You say you want control, but here you are, standing in front of me, unable to even decide whether you want to punch me or...." I tilted my head slightly, my gaze dropping to your lips before slowly returning to your eyes, daring you to challenge me.
You stared at me, a mix of fury and confusion twisting your features. For a moment, you were utterly silent, no sharp retort on your tongue, no defiant comeback. The realization of what I’d just said seemed to hit you like a tidal wave, and I could see the conflict in your eyes—anger, disbelief, and something else, something far more dangerous.
It was in that moment, when you realized you had nothing left to say, that you acted.
Without warning, you grabbed me by the collar, your movements abrupt, driven by something beyond logic. And then your lips crashed into mine, fierce and demanding. It was a kiss born of frustration, defiance, and something raw that neither of us had the strength to deny any longer.
For a brief second, I allowed myself to be surprised. This wasn’t the reaction I’d anticipated—at least, not so soon. But as your lips moved against mine, the force of your passion pulling me deeper into the kiss, I found myself almost... impressed.
I didn’t pull away. Instead, I let you take what you needed, feeling the intensity as your tongue played with mine. The kiss was rough, almost frantic, as if you were trying to assert some kind of control, your hands gripping my collar with a desperate need.
Now your hands were gripping the back my head, your delicate fingers curling tightly into my hair, demanding a response, and after a moment, I placed my hands on your waist, steadying you, though I still let you lead. My touch was firm but unhurried, a stark contrast to the fervor of your kiss. I could feel the heat of your breath, the tension in your body as you pressed closer, your heart pounding against my chest.
An unexpected, breathless moan escaped me as you tilted your head to deepen the kiss. I could feel the undercurrent of your uncertainty, your need for something you couldn’t quite name, it was undeniably arousing. I remained composed, allowing you to pour everything into this one moment.
But even as this passion consumed you, I knew one thing for certain: you might think you had taken the lead, but you were still playing my game. ♥
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Michael langdon x f!reader: platonic pairing
SUMMARY: reader and michael were best friends long ago. so when he shows up at outpost 3, what will happen?
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A/N: i hate writing for michael because i can never perfect his character, but i need to get better at writing him for kinktober </3
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you had known michael for many years. forever his number 1 defender, and forever his best friend
you brought out the slither of goodness in him. he tried to suppress the evil urges and intentions, but for you he was good. occasionally you’d receive the odd dead rodent, but it was from michael so you never once complained
one day, however, he just disappeared. you never saw him again. constance refused to speak of him, and you couldn’t ever talk to the other ghosts of the murder house. save from moira, that was.
you never forgot michael. you never forgot the happy feeling you got when he was around, you never forgot that child-like grin he’d flash when he’s happy, you never forgot the gut wrenching feeling that flooded you when you realised he was gone. even years later you’d still cry over him, wondering what happened to your best friend
the world ended. you never got to say goodbye. you was hauled off to outpost 3 never knowing what happened to michael, you desperately hoped he would be there but he wasn’t. it was over, michael was gone…
for 18 more months.
when the long haired and mysterious man entered the outpost on behalf of the cooperative, it took you by surprise. something about him screamed familiarity yet you couldn’t place your finger on it
when addressing your living companions, his gaze lingered on you a few times but never for long. there was something in those seducing eyes that piqued your interest, something you wanted to get lost in. however you was soon snapped out of your trance when he said his name
“i am michael langdon” he said with confidence, the confidence of a natural born leader, someone with power, someone who could make heads then just from the way he carried himself.
it got even worse when the interviews began. you was second in the queue so whilst Mr. Gallant was being interviewed, all you felt was that sickly anxious feeling combining with the thumping in your chest. your heart sounded nearly like a hummingbird with how fast it was beating.
“take a seat” michael began when you entered his office, motioning to the conveniently placed chair. however you couldn’t hold back and wrapped him up in a tight hug, mumbling something about how much you missed him
after a moment of hesitation he returned the hug with one arm, holding you gently against his chest
“im not here for affectionate reunions Y/N. i still need to interview you for the position” he reminded you as he pulled away, towering over you with his imposing figure.
he practically probed into your brain with his question, asking invasive questions that made you question yourself. but it was necessary. you wanted, no, NEEDED that position. you needed to spend time with michael again
his cold and calculating gaze never left you for even a second, analysing your every move. every subtle twitch, the goosebumps rising on the back of your neck, the nervous tick you had of scratching your fingers. he saw it all.
“you’re different to what i remember. in the way you carry yourself, i mean” he begins. “a shell of your former self, more meek than you were ever before” he finished, stating it factually like the observational person he was
“that concludes the interview though. you may leave. i’ll see you soon”
it didn’t end there though. you snuck out of your bedroom that night, making your way to where michael was staying. you had to see him, just one final moment with him. just closure for the years of separation, at least that’s what you told yourself.
he was sleeping peacefully, laying flat on his back with his arms pressed to his sides. it looked almost corpselike with how stiff he seemed to be when he slept. but the second you closed the door behind you, his eyes snapped open.
“what’re you doing here? you’re not allowed to be outside your room, let alone in mine” he scolded, eyebrows knitting with confusion as to why you were here. his lips pursed together in a thin line, holding back some harsher words he could use.
“i just needed the closure, i haven’t seen you in so long that i needed a final goodbye” you explain softly, standing by his bed. he shifted over to allow you to sit down, which you did when prompted
“well you’ve seen me now. i have a job to do, Y/N. my father sent me for a reason” he sighs “just go back to your quarters, we have plenty of time tomorrow to ‘see’ each other” he dismissed you, but he noticed the frown that threatened to break out on your lips
“did i get in?” you ask as you grasp the doorhandle, ready to leave. your eyes were trained on michael as he settled himself back into his bed
“you was always in. i just needed everyone else to think they had a chance” michael admitted after a careful moment of hesitation, reluctant to tell you that fact.
“just don’t tell anyone, i’d like them to think this is non-biased. goodnight, Y/N
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“Mary Prays The Rosary For My Broken Mind” (An AHS Apocalypse Fanfic) Michael Langdon x Fem! OC: Part 1
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Gone. The whole world was now an ashen plain of radioactive debris and corpses. Primrose Murphy rocked herself back and forth, her knees pulled close to her chest as she wept in her room in Outpost Three. She had no idea where she was, or why she had been chosen to live. The more she cried, the less it seemed to matter. She would never see her mother again. Hours passed by, and she knew dinner would be approaching. ‘I should get ready,’ Primrose thought. But she didn’t move from her spot on the floor. She reached for the place her wooden rosary used to rest, but quickly remembered that Wilhelmina Venable had taken it, along with her normal clothes because of “risk of contamination”. She almost laughed with bitterness, but her throat was too tight. “If you’re watching, Lord Jesus, know that I am beyond angry. No words can describe that of a girl left in a desolate apocalypse without her beloved mother. I’m filled with so much hatred and sadness, I could almost hate you.” Primrose whispered. “Almost.”
She stood up, brushing her skirt off, and wandering towards the dark wooden armoire. Primrose opened the doors and touched the fine fabrics of elegant gowns. Half-heartedly selecting a blush satin one, she tried it on. It fit perfectly, the matching earrings glittering mockingly in the candlelight. “Well, time to eat that cube we always get. At least Emily will be there.” This was her nineteenth week at Outpost Three, and her friendship with Emily had grown as much as it could under the circumstances. Primrose’s stomach was growling vigorously. She made her way towards the music room, wiping her tears and focusing on the sound of the damask fabric of her dress sweeping quickly over the tiled floor. 
The same song they had heard a hundred times played softly. Emily got up out of her seat and greeted Primrose by pulling her aside. “You’ve been crying again?” Emily whispered with concern. Primrose nodded. “You’ll never believe what happened to me earlier.” Emily continued, eyes wide. 
“What?” she responded, genuinely curious.
“I was lying in bed and then I heard this sound. Next thing I know, a bunch of poisonous snakes are slithering all over my bedroom, ready to attack me!” Emily explained. “I only escaped unscathed because Miriam Mead heard my screams, and killed the snakes by chopping off their heads.” 
Primrose gasped. “How did they get in here? I thought... everything was dead or contaminated.”
“I don’t know, but I have a sinking suspicion they’ll be in our dinner.” Emily sighed. “I’m starting to think this place is hell disguised as a shelter from the apocalypse.” 
--BANG. Wilhelmina Venable announced her presence by pounding her cane on the floor. “Dinner is served.” The occupants of Outpost Three made their way to the dining room, where there were large bowls on the table of something hot, presumably soup, covered with lids. “Today we feast humbly on the very fruits of the earth that have revealed themselves to us.” Venable stated without an ounce of genuine emotion. “Consider yourselves lucky to have this meal.”
“Snake?” Primrose mouthed out to Emily who sat across from her. Emily nodded, swallowing nervously before lifting the lid off of the soup bowl in front of her. Primrose followed suit, staring down at the steamed and chopped serpent in the bowl as her stomach growled and lurched simultaneously. 
She glanced at Venable, and when she looked back down she shrieked, stumbling backwards and knocking over her chair as she was met with a hissing bowl of now fully intact vipers. Mr. Gallant and Timothy were next to jump back, shouting in surprise to see their dangerous dinner come to life. Even Venable seemed mildly phased.
Miriam and some of the other workers their started killing the snakes (again), and collecting their corpses, swiftly taking them out of the dining room. Emily and Timothy exited the dining room, exchanging frightened whispers to each-other in the hall. Primrose stood frozen, mouth gaping, unable to get over her shock. 
Finally, Emily and Timothy and the other residents calmed down enough to gather in the library, assured repeatedly by Wilhelmina that the serpents were gone. 
Footsteps echoed in the hall, someone unexpected approaching, and the heaviness of doom filled the air. Primrose looked down at her hands folded in her lap, closing her eyes and saying a silent prayer. The newcomer passed behind her, and she lost concentration, unable to finish the prayer. When she looked up, a man stood at the head of the room, in front of the fireplace. The most handsome man she had ever seen.
His light green blue-grey eyes briefly met her own dark stare, before he looked towards Venable with irritation as he addressed the residents of Outpost Three. “My name is Langdon and I represent the Cooperative.” He spoke. “I won’t sugarcoat the situation. Humanity is on the brink of failure. My arrival here was crucial to the survival of civilized life on earth. The three other compounds have been overrun and destroyed. We have had no contact from the six other internantional Outposts, so its logical to assume they too have been eliminated.”
“What h-happened to the people... living in them?” Primrose managed, nervously fingering the fabric of her sleeves. 
“Massacred.” Langdon said, with a hint of amusement. Primrose’s heart skipped a beat. “The same fate that will befall almost all of you...” 
“Almost all?” Mallory spoke up from one of the dimmer corners where the greys were standing.” 
Langdon disregarded her commentary. “In the knowledge that this might occur, we built a failsafe. The Sanctuary. The Sanctuary is unique, it has certain measures that will prevent overrun.”
Miriam Mead stepped forward. “Excuse me sir, why weren’t these measures given to us?”
“That’s classified.” Langdon replied. “All that matters is that the sanctuary will...survive, so the people populating it will survive, so humanity will survive. However, I’ve been sent to determine if any of you are worthy and fit to join us.” His mesmerizing gaze once again landed on Primrose. “The Cooperative has developed a specific and unique way of interrogation. We like to call it cooperating. I will then use the information gained to determine if you belong.”
Coco St. Pierre Vanderbilt spoke up, shaking her head in frustration. “What is this, the Hunger Games?” She sneered. “This is bullshit! I paid my way in here, and that is the only cooperating I intend to do.”
“You don’t have to sit for questioning.” Langdon said. 
“What happens if we choose not to?” Andre spoke up.
“Then you stay here and die.” He responded. 
“I... volunteer to go first..” Primrose said, the words tumbling out of her mouth before she had thought them through.
“And so you shall.” Langdon smirked. “The process should only take me a couple of days, so you won’t be kept in suspense forever. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you...”
Primrose sat in a room, completely alone, save Langdon, who sat staring at her. She shifted in her seat nervously. “So... what sort of questions are you planning on asking?”
“I’m not going to reveal the criteria I’m using, if that’s what you’re asking... Prim.” Langdon said, standing up and walking behind Primrose. He placed his hands on her shoulders gently, and despite the overwhelming feeling of danger, she let out a soft sigh of pleasure. The way he shortened her name made her feel he was familiar with her already in an intimate way. Primrose tried desperately to think of something that might distract her from the way one of his hands slid down and rested on her left breast. 
“-Your heart is racing. You should try and relax.” He suggested, almost sympathetically. Primrose bit her lip. Just when she thought her heartbeat was on the verge of slowing down, Langdon asked his next question. “What’s your sexual orientation?”
Primrose stood up, pulling away from the hypnotic touch of her interrogator. “I’m s-st-straight.” She backed away quickly, feeling the presence of evil in her midst. “Why are you....” she paused. Her back met a wall and the mysterious man advanced until he was inches from her face. “Langdon-”
“You can call me Michael for now,” he said, licking his lips, wicked amusement written all over his face. “Tell me about your mother.”
Primrose wracked her mind for what to say. Finally she spoke. “My mom was a wonderful woman. You... you could see the light of life in her smile. She was very religious, and always told me to be careful who I trusted with my heart.” Primrose said, attempting indignance . Instead her voice came out weak and filled with sadness. “Why do you want to know about her?”
“That’s of no consequence.” Michael replied quickly, pulling away and slowly pacing the room. “Have you ever trusted anyone with your heart before?”
Primrose shook her head, exhaling in relief to not be under his intense gaze for that moment. 
“And your body? Who have you trusted with your flesh?” He said, taking a seat again at his desk and staring at his computer.
“I’ve never... done things like that.” Primrose said awkwardly, blushing despite herself. 
Michael Langdon typed a few things on his computer without looking up. “That’s all, Miss Murphy.” He said, gesturing with his hand for her to leave.
Primrose quickly left the room, heading straight for her bedroom. ‘What strange questions... was he really asking them to analyze whether or not I was fit for the sanctuary? Or...” Prim shook the thought from her head. “Its possible my sexual orientation is important because of repopulation and all. Still...’ She closed the door and undid the corset of her dress as best as she could, then flopped on her bed. “Something about Langdon feels... wrong.” she muttered as she drifted off to sleep. 
Please Reblog If You Enjoyed! Part 2 Is Coming Soon! 
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melodymunson · 4 months
looking for american horror story roleplays 👀
I'm 33 female writer looking for any 18+ writing partners for discord for the American Horror Story and Cody Fern fandom. I only double.
Ships I'm willing to do and for doubling up. I am looking for a Michael Langdon from AHS apocalypse to rp against my OC. Other ships I will roleplay for you.
Michael Langdon x OC
Tate Langdon x OC
Gallant x Michael
Kyle Spencer x OC
Jimmy Darling x OC
Dandy Mott x OC
Tristan Duffy x OC
The Countess x OC
Montana Duke x OC
Xavier Plympton x Montana
Xavier Plympton x OC
Kit Walker x OC
Kai Anderson x OC
Winter Anderson x OC
Madison Montgomery x OC
Madison x Zoe Benson
Tate x Violet Harmon
James Patrick March x OC
James Patrick x the Countess
Chet Clancy x OC
Michael x Mead (platonic)
Kai x Winter (platonic)
Lana Winters x OC
Cordelia Goode x OC
Misty Day x Cordelia
Misty Day x OC
Zoe x OC
Zoe x Kyle
Kyle x Madison
Madison x Michael
Hypodermic Sally x OC
Billie Dean Howard x OC
Dot Tattler x OC
Bette Tattler x OC
Venable x OC
Ally Mayfair Richards x OC
Trevor Kirchner x OC
Trevor x Montana
I love a good romance and smut/nsfw is definitely allowed (besides the platonic pairings obviously) as long as it doesnt take up more than 50-60% of the storyline!
I'm in the EST time zone. We can talk about reply length and how often to reply upon discussion. Serious inquiries only.
If interested and serious just like this or comment on this post and I'll reach out to you.
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news4dzhozhar · 8 months
Murder and rhetoric: How SA built its genocide case against Israel
The genocide case against Israel opened this month at the International Court of Justice at The Hague where South Africa is looking to prove that Israel is committing genocide in the Palestinian enclave.
Fighting “human animals.” Making Gaza a “slaughterhouse”. And “erasing Gaza from the face of the earth.”
Such inflammatory rhetoric by Israel has become a key component of the genocide case against Israel at the UN world court, where South Africa is accusing Tel Aviv of crimes against humanity by targetting innocent Palestinians in the occupied territories.
South Africa says the language — in comments by Israeli leaders, soldiers and entertainers about Palestinians in Gaza since Hamas’ October 7 cross-border attacks — is proof of Israel’s intent to commit genocide.
Israeli leaders have downplayed the comments and doubled down on the military offensive in Gaza that has led to the massacre of nearly 24,000 people, most of them women and children.
Rights groups and activists say the jingoistic rhetoric is an inevitable byproduct of Israel's decades-old, open-ended rule over the Palestinians and that they've intensified during the brutal war on Gaza. They say such language has been left unchecked, inciting violence and dehumanising Palestinians.
“Words lead to deeds,” said Michael Sfard, a prominent Israeli lawyer. “Words that normalise or legitimise serious crimes against civilians create the social, political and moral basis for other people to do things like that.”
The genocide case against Israel opened last week at the International Court of Justice at The Hague. South Africa is looking to prove that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza and that Israel has specific intent to commit genocide. It is using the litany of harsh statements as part of the evidence in its case.
With the ground offensive getting underway in late October, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cited the Bible in a televised address: “You must remember what Amalek has done to you.” Amalekites were persecutors of the biblical Israelites, and a biblical commandment says they must be destroyed.
South Africa argued that the remarks showed Israel's intent to commit genocide against Palestinians. Netanyahu denied that this week and said he was referring to Amalek as a way to describe Hamas and its attack.
Two days after the Hamas attack, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said Israel was “fighting human animals,” in announcing a complete siege on Gaza.
Deputy Knesset speaker Nissim Vaturi from the ruling Likud party wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter, that Israelis had one common goal, “erasing the Gaza Strip from the face of the earth.” Israeli Heritage Minister Amichay Eliyahu, from the far-right Jewish Power party, suggested that Israel drop a nuclear bomb on Gaza and said there were “no uninvolved civilians” in the territory.
Israeli soldiers were caught on video making similar remarks as they sang and danced in the early days of Israel’s ground offensive.
On Oct. 7, a journalist wrote on X that Gaza should become “a slaughterhouse” if the roughly 250 people taken hostage by Hamas were not returned.
Military officials and two Israeli pop singers are also cited by South Africa for making inflammatory comments.
“The language of systemic dehumanisation is evident here,” lawyer Tembeka Ngcukaitobi said for South Africa in remarks before the court. “Genocidal utterances are therefore not out in the fringes. They are embodied in state policy.”
South Africa is asking for a series of legally binding rulings declaring that Israel is breaching “its obligations under the Genocide Convention” — a decision that could take years — and for a binding interim order that Israel cease hostilities, a ruling on which is expected in the coming weeks.
Defending Israel in court, lawyer Malcolm Shaw said the remarks were made mostly by officials with little role in determining Israeli policy, calling them “random quotes” that were misleading and had been, in some cases, repudiated by Netanyahu.
But Roy Schondorf, a former Israeli deputy attorney general, said in an interview that the statements still carried risk, even out of context: “It would have been better if some of these remarks had not been said.”
Israel argued that its justice system would take action against unacceptable speech. But critics say statements against Palestinians have gone unpunished or undenounced. Lawyer Sfard appealed to the country’s attorney general earlier this month on behalf of a group of prominent Israeli figures, demanding to know why the rhetoric hasn't been reined in.
In a statement two days before the case launched at the world court, Attorney General Gali Baharav Miara said calling for intentional harm to civilians could amount to a criminal offense and that Israeli authorities were examining several such cases, without elaborating. The comments appeared to be aimed at heading off the South African accusations.
Mainstreaming the rhetoric
The war is being fought under Israel’s most hardline government ever, dominated by far-right Cabinet ministers with a long record of controversial remarks well before Oct. 7.
Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich once called for “erasing” a Palestinian West Bank town. National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir -- a rabble-rousing ultra-nationalist -- talked of the supremacy of freedom of movement  for illegal Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank over that same right for Palestinians.
While little appears to have been done to confront violent rhetoric directed at Palestinians, Palestinian citizens of Israel who have shown empathy for people in Gaza are facing a crackdown, according to Adalah, a legal rights group. Police say the speech amounts to "incitement, promotes violence or shows support for terror groups".
Adalah says at least 270 Palestinian citizens of Israel have had some sort of interaction with law enforcement — arrests, investigations or warnings, with at least 86 charged for speech offenses. Some Jewish Israelis who expressed sympathy for Palestinians have also faced arrest or sanction by their employers.
Aeyal Gross, a professor of international law at Tel Aviv University, said that how Israel responds to the inflammatory rhetoric matters in the case with South Africa, because Israel, as a signatory to the Genocide Convention, is prohibited not only from committing genocide but also from inciting to genocide.
Gross said that it was probably too late for Israel to take steps that show it doesn’t condone such speech. Punishing such remarks could have sent a message to the court as well as to Israeli society that the state doesn’t tolerate incendiary rhetoric.
“It’s important because it would have said, ‘It’s not our intent,’" he said. "But it’s also important because it would have meant we are sending the soldiers on the ground a message not to act in this way.”
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winterf4iryy · 1 year
ׁ ི۪۪۪ 🦢 ྀ۪۪۪ ˑ ⊹ ۫ ꒱ i hope you enjoy your time here, however long it may be! i’m always open to making new friends, feel free to reach out ♡︎
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𝒻𝒶𝒾𝓇𝓎’𝓈 𝒻𝒶𝓃𝒹𝑜𝓂𝓈… the inheritance games, the folk of the air, percy jackson, the school for good and evil, the mysterious benedict society, once upon a broken heart, dead poets, marauders, stranger things, k-pop (seventeen ult), watcher, marvel, broski nation.
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𝒻𝒶𝒾𝓇𝓎’𝓈 𝒻𝒶𝓋𝑜𝓊𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝒶𝓇𝓉𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓈… leon bridges, sabrina carpenter, beyoncé, victoria monét, seventeen, newjeans, tomorrow x together, dreamcatcher, ariana grande, billie marten, inhaler, beastie boys, sam cooke, michael bublé, billie holiday.
𝒻𝒶𝒾𝓇𝓎’𝓈 𝒻𝒶𝓋𝑜𝓊𝓇𝒾𝓉𝑒 𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓌𝓈 & 𝒻𝒾𝓁𝓂𝓈… superstore, abbott elementary, the good place, midnight mass, the alienist, ms marvel, moon knight, derry girls, only murders in the building, anne with an e. spiderman: homecoming, fantastic mr fox, sabrina, willow, 10 things i hate about you, dirty dancing: havana nights, flipped, 9 to 5, drop dead gorgeous, wakanda forever, funny face, newsies, hello, dolly!, into and across the spider-verse, a league of their own ♡︎
🏹 🕯️
୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𝚜𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔 … ♫꒰・◡・๑꒱
♡ sunflower by post malone feat. swae lee ♡ ditto by newjeans ♡ april shower by seventeen ♡ toulouse by billie marten ♡ forgive you by leon bridges ♡ comment on faisait ? by hocus pocus ♡ bon voyage by dreamcatcher ♡ moonglow by billie holiday
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saintlucretia · 3 months
Devil Wears a Suit
part Ⅱ
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Pairings: Outpost!Michael Langdon x Female!Reader
Warnings: Blood, Mention of murder, Sexual harassment?, Explicit content, Curse words, Hot devil's son, Not proofread.
A/N: I tried my best, hope you enjoy.
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A long night passed and the morning came. Well, if you can trust the clock. There were no windows at the Outpost for sunlight to penetrate the room, although even if there were some, it would not matter since after the bombs the sun disappeared behind a thick wall of fog. Fog of death.
I woke up with chills and sweat. Something haunted my dreams all night, making me shiver like a little lamb. Even though it was an unpleasant feeling, it added color to a pathetic parody of life that I have been having for the last 18 months.
Yesterday’s events bothered me. Moreover, they annoyed me. It was bright as day, that Langdon was messing with all of our minds, yet some part of my silly brain wanted me to believe that I was truly special. That he saw something, that no one else could.
I slowly walked to the bathroom. My bare feet touched the cold marble and I involuntarily shivered. I was tired. A mess. I washed my face and sighed, looking at myself in the mirror. Suddenly I noticed a motion somewhere behind, I turned my head and flinched. Snakes. They were crawling from the bath. Devilish creatures hissed showing me their poisonous fangs. I quickly ran out of the bathroom shutting the door behind me. What the hell? I caught my breath and sat on the edge of the bed. Are there snakes in my bathroom? I felt like I was going insane. Something cold touched my feet. Snakes. I jumped on the bed with a gasp. My closet and floor near it were full of them. They swarmed, intertwining with each other. Dozens of snakes. The other second I was already at the door, running to the hallway. Still barefoot in a white Victorian nightgown that Ms. Venable made us wear. I backed away from the room door and my back hit something soft. I turned around quickly, facing Michael Langdon's piercing blue eyes.
“Something wrong, Ms. Y/S?” he asked, preventing me from falling.
I stared at him for about a minute before words rolled out of my mouth.
“Snakes. There are snakes in my room.” My voice was hoarse, my fingers dug into the sleeves of his jacket.
He was clearly amused by my state, studying my expression. Langdon chuckled, "Oh, really? Snakes, you say?" His eyes shone with a sly glint. I watched as he pushed me aside and glanced toward the room I had just run from.  
"May I?" he asked, and entered the room without waiting for my reply. I slowly followed him. To my horror, as we entered I saw nothing. Snakes were gone. Impossible.
“They were here. I swear to God they were here.” I mumbled looking around the room.
I noticed Langdon’s face contorted in hostility. 
“Don’t say such stupid words, Ms. Y/S. It’s unnecessary here.” 
I closed my face with my hands and sighed. Considering my appearance and edgy state, I totally looked like a mad woman. Nobody believes a mad woman.
“I believe you,” Langdon said, approaching me as if he read my thoughts. “Strange things sometimes happen. But it’s just… interesting that it happened in your room.” 
"What do you mean by that?" I furrowed my eyebrows, my gaze searching his face.
“You probably know that snakes have always been representing sin. It’s their main dignity. Servants of darkness… if you believe in symbols, of course.”
I let his words sink in briefly, my gaze drifting to the ground lost in thought. Snakes… sin… Snakes slithering in the garden of Eden… temptress Eve... I understood where he was going.
I huffed at that, scoffing. "Is that your way of calling me sinful? A corrupted soul? Please, spare me the Bible lessons."
Langdon raised an eyebrow at my comment, a playful smirk on his lips. 
"Oh, I'm not calling you sinful," he said, leaning against the nearby wall, his eyes roaming over me from head to toe. “But as you said it… it would be amusing to see you getting corrupted.”
I rolled my eyes. "Then what are you calling me?" I retorted, my voice betraying a hint of irritation. I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to regain some composure.
Langdon chuckled at my defensive stance. His eyes gleamed with amusement. He pushed himself off the wall and slowly approached me.
"Are you always so feisty in the mornings?" he asked, his voice low and smooth.
I gulped as he came closer, a mix of annoyance and something else stirring inside me. His intense gaze made me feel cornered and yet, strangely… excited? My breath hitched as he was now standing directly in front of me, the space between us barely existent.
He raised his hand, a single finger tracing an invisible line down my cheek. "Or is it just my presence that gets you going?" he murmured, his voice dripping like honey.
The touch of his fingertip felt like a small electrical shock to my system. I tried to control my breathing, determined not to let him see me flustered.
"Your presence is hardly something exciting," I retorted, my voice a bit shaky. "It's more... irritating."
He smirked at my response. His finger trailed lower, down my jawline, and stopped at my chin, tilting my head up to meet his gaze.
“Well, as I recall it was you, who fell into my arms with fear, m?”
I hated how his words were effective. I hated how true they were. I hated myself for being so affected by his presence.
I tried to compose myself, my jaw clenched tightly. "I was just surprised," I mumbled, trying to sound nonchalant, but my heart was beating too hard for any nonchalance. “There were snakes all over the room.”
Langdon chuckled, his thumb left my face and he slowly started walking toward the door. 
"Indeed there were," he replied, casually leaning against the door frame. He seemed relaxed as if the topic was of no real importance.
I watched him for a moment, trying to decipher his nonchalant behavior. He was enjoying this, the way he was playing with me. The way he was playing with everyone. 
"Are you going to explain what happened here, or just act like it's normal for snakes to appear out of nowhere?" I asked, unable to hide the annoyance in my voice.
Langdon chuckled at my question, that arrogant smirk never leaving his lips. "Isn't the mystery part of the thrill?" 
He walked out, closing the door behind me, leaving me again excited and annoyed. Silence engulfed the room after he left. I was left standing there, my heart pounding in my chest, my mind replaying the events that just occurred.
I sighed and walked over to the bed, sitting down on the edge with a thump. The silence was deafening, the only sound being the steady beat of my heart. I couldn't shake off the feeling of… anticipation. Anticipation for the next time I would see him. That son of a bitch.
I quickly dressed up and went to the day room. We didn’t have breakfast there. We barely ate at all. Some kind of nutrition cube at lunch and water. Balanced diet. 
No one yet tried to break the rules of the house that Ms. Venable had set, so when I entered the room almost everyone was already there. Same people, same walls, same music. I was going insane.
I took my usual seat, the conversations around me blending into a dull murmur. I felt suffocated as if I was drowning in the monotony. All I could think about was the next part of the interview with a representative of the Cooperative. 
Sanctuary could be a lie, who can verify that? All this can be a way to manipulate us. Even Ms.Venable was afraid, she didn’t trust him but obeyed. We were a flock of sheep in a pen with a hungry wolf. 
I was lost in thought when I noticed someone settling into the seat beside me. I turned my head to see Mr. Gallant.
"You seem lost in thought," he noted, his voice soft. "Everything alright?"
“Yeah, just… had an unpleasant morning,” I answered shortly, not wanting to tell him anything. I replayed all morning and yesterday's events in my head again and felt anger in my body. It made my blood hotter. 
He had no time to answer, as Ms. Venable walked into the room. Her presence immediately silenced the conversations. Her expression was stern, and she scanned the room with a critical eye.
"Good morning," she began, her voice steady and authoritative. She leaned on her cane and raised her voice a bit. “Today we are having a special treat. Don’t be late for lunch.” She turned from us and slowly started walking away, her heels echoing through the walls.
“Oh, by the way,” she stopped for a second but hadn’t turned her head. “Ms. Y/N, Mr. Langdon is waiting for you in the interview room.” She said harshly as if his name was disgusting to her.
I could feel the eyes of the others on me as they turned their gazes in my direction. I stood up slowly, trying to seem unbothered.
The walk to the interview room seemed longer than usual, the silence only interrupted by my footsteps and my rapidly beating heart. I will beat this motherfucker.
I knocked on the door of his cabinet and entered. There he was, sitting on the table, as he was waiting for me in that position intentionally. His pose was casual but deliberate. His gaze met mine, a smirk on his lips.
"Ah, Ms. Y/N," he greeted, his tone mocking yet playful. "Sit down please." 
I tried to retain my composure, refusing to let him see any hint of my nervousness. I sat down in the chair opposite him, trying to maintain some distance, yet feeling the closeness of the cramped room.
"What do you want?" I asked, my voice steady but cold.
“Well, It’s the second part of your interview-” He began but I interrupted him. 
"Cut the act, Langdon.” I snapped, my voice coming out harsher than I intended. “This psychotic bitch with her ridiculous rules is already sucking our blood, I don’t want another arrogant dick here, who thinks he can intimidate us. We both know this isn't a real interview. Even if Sanctuary is true, selection is just part of your manipulation." 
Langdon raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Oh really?" He stood from the table and slowly started to circle me, like a shark circling wounded man in the water. I instinctively followed his movements with my eyes. "And why would I come to the Outpost then?" He stopped behind me, leaning closer, his breath warm against my ear.
I felt my breath hitch as he came closer, his breath sending a shiver through my body. I resisted the urge to lean away, instead sitting ramrod straight in my chair.  
"You tell me," I retorted, my voice betraying a hint of the unease I was feeling. He continued to circle me, his presence making the room feel even smaller.
Langdon chuckled at my response, his footsteps echoing around me as he completed his circle. He stopped in front of me. Smile gone.
“You are scared. It’s okay to be scared.” His calmness filled my mind with anger.
“I’m not.”
He smiled and leaned closer, resting his hands on the back of my chair, boxing me in with his arms.
“Of course you are,” he chuckled. His gaze fixed on mine. “And you should be.”
His arms on either side of my chair made me feel trapped. I could feel the power radiating from his body, and I had to fight the urge to lean back. I inhaled his smell, expensive cologne. Sweet, yet bitter, he smelled like dominance. It was hypnotic.
His chuckle was almost mocking as if he knew the effect he was having on me. I raised my chin defiantly.
"Why would I be scared of you?"  I retorted, my voice steady despite the lump in my throat. “You are nothing more than the obedient dog of The Cooperative.”
As words rolled out my mouth, I almost immediately regretted saying them. His smirk faded, eyes flashed with irritation and something even worse. I felt fear scratching my heart.
"Careful," he warned, calmly. "I'd watch your tongue if I were you. You don’t want to lose it, do you?”
I swallowed hard, my bravado wavering under his intense gaze. His threat lingered in the air like a shadow, and I knew he meant it. 
"I'm not intimidated by your empty threats," I managed to say, without thinking. Dumb bitch.
Langdon chuckled darkly, and the sound made goosebumps rise on my skin. Before I could say anything, his hand shot out and wrapped around my throat, not really choking me, but just enough to be a warning.
"Empty threats?" he repeated, his voice a dangerous whisper. "You think I'm bluffing?" His grip tightened slightly, causing a gasp to escape my lips. I could feel my eyes widen in panic, but I tried to maintain a brave expression. “Tsk, tsk, I can already imagine how nice it would be to cut out that pretty tongue of yours.”
I couldn't help the whimper that escaped my lips at his threat. His grip on my throat was strong, constricting just enough to make me gasp for breath. 
"You... you wouldn't dare," I somehow managed to squeak out, my voice sounding weak and fearful. 
“Oh you think your pathetic life costs anything?” he leaned closer to whisper in my ear. “I could stab your stomach and rip out your little heart with my bare hand and no one could stop me.”
His words stung like a physical blow, and I felt my heart race in panic. He was deadly serious, looking at me like I was nothing more than a nuisance.
"Please," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "Please don't."
Langdon's hand tightened the grip around my throat. He smiled at my pleading, a cold, cruel smile. 
"Begging already?" he asked, his voice mocking. "And after you so bravely challenged me."
My hands scrambled to pull away his wrist, trying to loosen his tight grip on my throat. I couldn't speak, could barely gasp for air.
His smile widened at my futile struggle, he enjoyed playing. He leaned closer, his face inches away from mine. 
"This is what happens when you challenge someone with power," he murmured. "You get humbled."
I was unable to say a word, strangled by his hand, tears starting to well up in my eyes. The room started to spin, and my vision became disoriented.
“Still, have hesitation about my authority?” he asked, his tone almost soothing.
"N-no... no..." I managed to choke out.
His hand released its grip on my throat, allowing me to gasp for air. My body slumped against the chair, trembling uncontrollably. I took a moment to recover from his grip, my heart still pounding and my breath shaky. I felt smaller under his gaze, like a mouse trapped under the eye of a snake.
Langdon chuckled at my reaction, his eyes glinting with cruel enjoyment. "Pathetic," he said, the word dripping with derision. 
I looked away, unable to meet his gaze. The feeling of helplessness was overwhelming, and I knew he was relishing every moment of my humiliation.
Langdon reached out, his fingers gripping my chin tightly, forcing me to look at him. His touch was rough, a stark contrast to the smoothness of his voice as he spoke. 
"Now can you listen to me?"
I nodded weakly, my throat still sore from his assault. Langdon saw the fear in my eyes, and his smile widened at the sight.
"Good," he murmured, his hand slowly releasing my chin.
His gaze never left me, his eyes scrutinizing every reaction I made.
"You were smart enough to figure out the whole interview thing," he said, his tone casual yet calculating. "But you're not smart enough to know when to keep that pretty mouth shut." Langdon chuckled, a twisted sound that made me flinch. "Still, I appreciate the fire," he said. "Most of the other 'interviewees' are a little too... shallow, I’d prefer most of them dead by evening." 
His eyes never left mine, studying me intently. I tried to hide any emotion.
"They all tremble before the thought of going to The Sanctuary and willing to please me in any way. But you're…," he continued. "You're unfortunately not satisfied with just being an obedient pretty face. No, you have an attitude. And that, my dear, is your undoing."
“M’sorry.” I breathed out quietly.
"Apologies mean nothing," he said smiling. "The main thing is understanding how everything works. So tell me, did you truly understand the lesson here, or does your pretty little head need another reminder?" His tone was cold and condescending, making me feel even smaller. 
The fear that had subsided slightly came rushing back, cold and constricting - raw.
"No, no, I..." I stammered. "I understand." 
Langdon chuckled. "See, now that wasn't that difficult, was it?" he crooned, his hand reaching out to trace a finger along my jawline. His touch was mocking, a cruel gesture that sent a shiver of disgust through me and I diligently tried to hide it. It was hard not to move away. He seemed to enjoy my discomfort, his eyes glinting with amusement.
“Now we can have a productive talk.” He said, turning away from me. “You have brains, I’ll give you that. So why not put them in use, hm?” 
I could feel a slight sense of relief as he turned away from me, but it was quickly replaced by a wary uncertainty. His change in demeanor was unpredictable, and I had no idea what was coming next.
"What... what do you mean?" I asked, my voice betraying my unease.
He began pacing back and forth in front of me, his hands clasped behind his back.
"You're clever, resourceful... more useful from. And I hate to see potential go to waste."
He stopped in front of me, his eyes studying me intently. I could practically feel the gears in his mind turning as he weighed his words.
"But the problem is, you're stubborn," he said finally. "And that stubbornness leads to insolence."
He leaned in, his face mere inches away from mine. The smell of his cologne hit my nose again. Crisp and masculine scent.
"And insolence, my dear," he said, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Is a trait I don't tolerate."
“I understand that.” I said semi-calmly.
“Oh, you are a quick learner as well.” he murmured. “Good girl.” His tone was still mocking, and I hated how the praise sent a flicker of warmth through me. I tried to remain stoic, but his words were starting to chip away at my defenses. 
He stepped back, his gaze still locked on me. 
"I have an offer for you," he said. "An offer that could benefit us both, if you play your cards right."
“What offer?” 
“I want you,” he began. “To work for me.” 
“Work for you?” I asked dumbly.
He chuckled at my confusion, enjoying my surprise.
"Yes, work for me," he confirmed. "You'll be doing research, digging up information on others, doing necessary tasks, anything I need. Think you can handle that, hm?"
“But… how?” I wasn’t expecting that offer at all. And how the fuck should I dig on others?
Langdon smiled at my question, obviously finding it amusing that I wasn't catching on.
"How?" he echoed. "You seemed smarter a few minutes ago."
He leaned against the table again, crossing his arms over his chest.
"You'll be my eyes and ears, gathering intel for me. You'll tell me everything you see, hear or feel. And in return… I’ll put in a good word for you with the members of the Cooperative." 
I sat there, watching him silently.
He waited a moment, letting his words sink in. He was watching me intently, waiting for my reaction.
"I can see the wheels turning in your head," he began. "You're thinking about all the possibilities, aren't you? Life at The Sanctuary is heaven if you are friends with the authorities." He smirked.
He was right. The possibilities were spinning in my head like a whirlpool. 
But I knew there was a catch. People like Langdon never offered anything without expecting something in return. Something much bigger than collecting information. 
“What’s the catch?” 
He smirked at my question. His eyes were glittering with satisfaction, clearly enjoying his little game.
"Ah, are you always so suspicious or am I an exception?" he asked, tilting his head a bit.
“You think I shouldn’t be suspicious of the man who almost choked me to death a few minutes ago?” My tone filled with venom and I bit my tongue, afraid to anger him again.
“Don’t be so dramatic, it was just a friendly reminder” he said leaning closer to me, whispering. “And don’t act like you didn’t enjoy that, you are bad at hiding it.”
My heart skipped a beat, a mix of anger and embarrassment rushing through me. 
"Enjoy that?" I shot back. "Why would I enjoy being strangled by a sick psychopath?"
He smirked at my outburst, seemingly unfazed by my anger. 
"Now now, no need for name-calling," he said with mock hurt. "You can lie to yourself if it gives you comfort, but I saw the way you reacted, the way your body tensed, and the way your pupils dilated."
His gaze roamed over me in an almost predatory manner, making me feel exposed.
“Anyway, we have more important things to discuss than your sexual desires.” He smirked. “Accept my offer?”
His brazen, almost predatory manner was as infuriating as it was intoxicating. I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment, but I refused to look away. 
"Accept your offer..." I echoed, trying to sound strong. "You haven't exactly explained the full extent of this 'job' you're offering. I need more details before I can even consider it." I forced the words past my lip.
“It’s easy. You are loyal to me and I promise you protection. It’s always useful to have an intelligent, pretty head on your side.” he said, looking me up and down. “Before me, you were all alone among bastards, but now I offer you my hand and I really don't recommend biting it.”
“So I have to become a backstabber?” 
"No, my dear, you're thinking too low. You won't be backstabbing anyone. You'll merely be... helping me to form a new society. " He paused, his expression growing more serious. "Don’t tell me you are afraid of getting your hands bloody, I saw the way you look at Ms. Venable. You are bloodthirsty."
My eyes widened at his observation. I wasn't surprised he had caught on to my hatred for Ms. Venable, but hearing him say it out loud was another matter. 
"I'm not scared of getting my hands dirty," I said, my voice firm despite the shiver that ran down my spine. "I'm just not fond of being used."
Langdon sat on the edge of the table and smiled, almost genuine, he looked at me like I was a little kid.
“Come here.” he said calmly and beckoned me with the nod of his head.
I hesitated, not sure whether to obey his command or not. I slowly stood up and walked over to him, stopping a few feet away from him. It was crazy how he was radiating comfort and dominance at the same time. 
“Closer. I won’t bite.” 
I stepped closer and his hand reached to stroke my hair.
“You are special.” His voice was surprisingly gentle as he spoke. His fingers tangled in my hair, his touch both soothing and possessive. “You can achieve a lot or… stay here and rot with others.”
His words were like a cold bucket of water, snapping me out of the odd comfort I found myself in. I knew he was right, of course. Staying here meant settling for a life on the sidelines, living in fear and boredom. Or just die.
"You don't play fair, do you?" I said, my voice tinged with irritation. "One second you're choking me, the next you're stroking my hair and promising me the world."
"And why should I play fair, hm? Rules don't work anymore here, chaos has won." He leaned closer. 
I found myself smiling despite myself. It was probably still a shock. My mind couldn't keep up with what was happening. There was a dangerous charisma to him, an irresistible charm that I couldn't quite explain.
"That’s a convenient excuse for you to do whatever you want," I shot back, trying to sound defiant. "No rules means no boundaries."
Langdon chuckled again, his smirk widening. His hand slid down from my hair to rest on my throat again, his thumb brushing against my pulse.
"Careful," he warned, his voice dropping to a whisper. "I might start thinking you're enjoying this a bit too much." I freeze. “And about the rules… I prefer bending them, instead of breaking."
I didn’t answer, waiting for him to continue. He smiled, clearly enjoying my reaction. His thumb traced lazy circles on my throat, making my pulse quicken involuntarily.
“You don’t want to die here, do you?” He whispered in my ear. “It would be a shame if such potential would remain undisclosed…” His hand moved lower, gently touching my collarbone. “In this body.”
His touch ignited a strange fire inside me. I desperately tried to ignore the way my body reacted to him, the way my heart raced and my skin tingled where he touched me. 
"You make it sound like I'm a ticking time bomb." My voice came out a little breathier than I intended.
"Oh, don’t sell yourself short, darling," Langdon purred. "You’re more like a grenade. A beautiful, deadly grenade.” His hand caressed my skin. “So… Do we have a deal, Ms. Y/N?” 
I stared down at the floor, then back at Langdon, my gaze calculating. After a few seconds I nodded. “Deal.”
“Wise.” He smiled. “Now let’s make that official.”
His left hand went to grab my waist, while the other reached out to take something from the table. Small dagger. I instinctively tried to pull back, but his grip on me was unwavering
“No need to be scared, little lamb.” He handed me the weapon with the hilt forward. 
“Official?” I echoed.
“Yes. Deal in blood.” His answer made my body flinch.
The cool metal of the dagger felt heavy and unfamiliar in my hand. 
“Aren't you afraid that I would stab you?” I asked him, trying to hide my fear.
Langdon chuckled darkly, liking the question. 
"You wouldn't dare," he said with absolute confidence. "You're far too smart and too… intrigued by me to do something so foolish."
His eyes glittered dangerously like he was daring me to prove him wrong. "And besides... I have a feeling you're far more interested in finding out what it would be like to be on my good side."
He directed my hand, in which the dagger was clutched, and leaned the tip against the palm of his left hand. “Cut.”
I watched in fascination and slight horror as the blade made a small incision in his hand, a thin line of blood forming on his palm. He didn’t even flinch, his gaze locked on mine the entire time. It awakened in me something feral.
“Now you,” he said, his voice low and steady.
He grabbed my hand, his grip gentle but firm, and guided the knife to my palm. The sharp pain was muffled by his lips on my cheek. The warm blood slowly pooled in my palm. 
He pressed his wounded hand against mine, the touch inflicted pain. The blood from his hand mingled with mine, the warmth and stickiness of it a strange and yet somehow comforting sensation. 
 "And with that..." he said, his voice hushed. "Our deal is sealed."
I felt the burning urge to press my lips to his. Without clearly thinking I leaned to his face, kissing him hungrily. He didn’t return the kiss, but didn’t pull away either. 
"Now, now, dear," he said, his voice a low murmur. "Don't get ahead of yourself. No need to complicate things…"
His gaze flicked down to my lips, his own curving into a smug smile. I was ashamed of my bold move and confused by his stubbornness. He was a man after all, wasn’t he?
"Complicate?" I repeated, my voice tinged with sarcasm. "Says the one who just made me swear a blood pact."
Langdon chuckled, amused by my attempt at irritation. "Ah, don't pout," he said, his hand moving to gently cup my jaw. 
"Just because I'm not giving in to your every desire doesn't mean I’m inaccessible.” He leaned closer to my ear. "But keep pushing, darling. I do love it when you act up, maybe next time you wil get lucky." He carelessly brushed his lips along my wound, making me whimper quietly, my eyes fluttering shut for a moment. God, he is killing me.
Langdon pulled back, a satisfied smirk playing at the corners of his lips. His hand left my jaw, and I found myself missing the feel of his touch already. I leaned forward, wanting him to touch me.
"Ah ah ah," he tutted, his voice mockingly chiding. "I can practically feel your eagerness, my dear. But I'm afraid I can't have you slacking off on our deal."
He gestured lazily to the door. "You should return to your routine. Can’t have Ms. Venable catching you slinking around here for too long."
I bristled at his order, but I knew he was right. I nodded grudgingly.
I started to walk toward the door, my wounded hand throbbing a little from the recent events. But before I reached the threshold, Langdon's voice stopped me.
"Oh, and Y/N?"
I turned back, raising an eyebrow questioningly.
His eyes were glinting mischievously.
"A word of advice," he said, his voice dripping with mockery. "Try to control that urge of yours. It's going to get you in trouble..." He paused, his gaze roaming up and down my body. "Or is it already too late?"
“Check it yourself next time,” I answered boldly and grabbed the door handle.
I couldn’t see his face, but was sure that he was amused.
"I might just take you up on that offer." I heard his smooth voice, as I left the room. "Off you go, little lamb." 
I shut the door behind me and leaned on it with my back. Probably that’s what it feels like to sell your soul to the Devil.
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Have a good day <3
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strangersunghoon · 2 years
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Evan Peters
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•20 january 1987 (St. Louis)
The days (2004) : Cooper ❌
Phil of the future (2004-2005) : Seth ❌
Invasion (2005-2006) : Jesse❌
House (2008) : Oliver❌
Monk (2008) : Eric ❌
Without a trace (2008) : Craig❌
Dirt (2008) : Craig ❌
One tree hill (2008-2009) : Jack❌
Ghost whisperer (2009) : Dylan❌
The mentalist (2010) : Oliver ❌
Criminal minds (2010) : Charlie ❌
The office (2010) : Luke❌
Parenthood (2011) : Brandon ❌
In plain sight (2011) : Joey❌
American Horror story : Horror house (2011) : Tate ✅❤️‍🔥
American Horror story : Asylum (2012) : Kit✅❤️‍🔥
American Horror Story : Coven (2013) : Kyle✅❤️‍🔥
American horror story : Freak show (2014) : Jimmy✅❤️‍🔥
American horror story : hotel (2015) : James✅❤️‍🔥
American horror story : Roanoke (2016) : Rory❌
American horror story : Cult (2017) : Kai ❌
American horror story : Apocalypse (2018) : Mr. gallant & Jeff & Tate ❌
Wandavision (2021) : Ralph ❌
Dahmer (2022) : Jeffrey ✅
Clipping Adam (2004) : Adam ❌
Sleepover (2004) : Russel ❌
An American Crime (2007) : Ricky ❌
Mama’s boy (2007) : Keith ❌
Remarkable power (2008) : Ross ❌
Gardens of the night (2008) : Brian/Rachel❌
Never back down (2008) : Max ❌
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Never back down 2 (2011) : Max❌
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X-men : days of future past (2014) : Peter/Quicksilver ❌
Safelight (2015) : Charles ❌
The Lazarus Effect (2015) : Clay ❌
X-men : Apocalypse (2016) : Peter/QuickSilver ❌
Deadpool 2 (2018) : Peter/QuickSilver ❌
American animals (2018) ❌
X-men : dark Phoenix (2019) : Peter/QuickSilver ❌
Joseph Quinn
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•26 january 1993-1994 (not sure) (London)
Postcode (2011) : Tim❌
Dickensian (2016) : Arthur ✅
Game of thrones (2017) : Koner✅❤️‍🔥
Howards end (2017) : Leonard ✅
Timewasters (2017) : Ralph✅❤️‍🔥
Les Misérables (2018) : Enjolras ❌
Catherine the great (2019) : Paul✅❤️‍🔥
Strike (2020) : Billy❌
Small axe (2020) : PC Dixon❌
Stranger things (2022) : Eddie✅❤️‍🔥
Overlord (2018) : Grunauer ❌
Make up (2019) : Tom✅
Hoard (TBD) : Michael
Thomas Brodie Sangster
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•16 May 1990 (London)
Doctor Who (2007) : Tim ❌
Phineas & Ferb (2007-2015) : Ferb✅
Game of thrones (2013-2014) : Jojen✅❤️‍🔥
Wolf hall (2015) : Rafe❌
Godless (2017) : Whitey✅
The queens gambit (2020) : Benny✅❤️‍🔥
Pistol (2022) : Malcolm✅
Voices of liberation (2022) : Himself✅
The miracle of the cards (2001) : Craig ❌
Station Jim (2001) : Henry ❌
Stig of the dump (2002) : Barney❌
Bobbies girl (2002) : Alan❌
Mrs Meitlemeihr (2002) : young boy ❌
Hitler : The rise of evil (2003) : Young hitler❌
Entrusted (2003) : Thomas❌
Ultimate force (2003) ❌
Love actually (2003) : Sam✅
feather boy (2004) : Robert ❌
Nanny McPhee (2005) : Simon ✅❤️‍🔥
Tristan + Isolde (2006) : Tristan❌
The last legion (2007) : Romulus ❌
The fence (2007) ❌
Pinocchio (2008) : Lampwick❌
Nowhere boy (2010) : Paul❌
Death of a superhero (2011) : Donald ✅
The Baytown outlaws (2012) : Rob❌
Phantom Halo (2014) : Samuel❌
The maze runner (2014) : Newt✅❤️‍🔥
The maze runner : the scorch trials (2015) : newt✅❤️‍🔥
Star Wars : episode VII : the force awakens (2015) : Thanisson❌
The maze runner : the death cure (2018) : Newt✅❤️‍🔥
Louis Partridge
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•3 june 2003 (Wandsworth)
Boomers (2014) : Alf❌
Medici : masters of Florence (2019) : Piero❌
Pistol (2022) : Sid✅
Beneath water (2014) : Felix❌
About a dog (2014) : Young Gav❌
Pan (2015) : Mine worker ❌
Second skin (2016) : Nature boy❌
Amazon Adventure (2017) : Young Henry❌
Paddington 2 (2017) : G-man ❌
Enola Holmes (2020) : tewkesbury✅❤️‍🔥
The lost girls (2021) : Peter Pan❌
Enola Holmes 2 (2022) : Tewkesbury ❌
Sadie Sink
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•16 april 2002 (Brenham)
The Americans (2013) : Lana❌
Blue Bloods (2014) : Daisy❌
American odyssey (2015) : Suzanne❌
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (2016) : Tween girl
Stranger things (2017-current) : Max ✅❤️‍🔥
Chuck (2016) : Kimberley❌
The glass castle(2017) : Young Lori❌
Dominion (2018) : Narrator ❌
Eli (2019) : Haley ❌
Fear street 2 : 1978 (2021) : Ziggy❌
Fear street 3 : 1666 (2021) : Constance & Ziggy❌
All too well (2021) : Her❌
The whale (2022) : Ellie❌
Dear Zoe (2022) : Tess❌
Sophie Turner
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•21 February 1996 (Northampton)
Game of thrones (2011-2019) : Sansa ✅❤️‍🔥
The thirteenth tale (2013) : Young Adeline❌
Survive (2020) : Jane ❌
Home movie : The princess bride (2020) : Westley❌
Another me (2013) : Fay/Lila ❌
Barely Lethal (2015) : Heather/agent 84❌
X-men apocalyps (2016) : Jean❌
Josie (2018) : Josie❌
Time freak (2018) : Debbie❌
Dark Phoenix (2019) : Jean❌
Heavy (2019) : Maddie❌
Do revenge (2022) : Erica✅❤️‍🔥
Wi Ha Joon
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•5 august 1991 (Wando, South Jeolla)
Goodbye Mr. Black (2016) : Ha Joon ❌
My golden life (2017) : Ryu Jae shin❌
Something in the rain (2018) : Yoon Seung Ho❌
Island trio (2018) : Himself ❌
Matrimonial chaos (2018) : Im So Ho❌
With coffee (2018) : Lee Ha min ❌
Romance is a bonus book (2019) : Ji Seo Joon❌
Soul Mechanic (2020) : Oh Yoo min❌
18 again (2020) : Ye Ji hoon ❌
Squid game (2021) : Hwang Jun Ho ✅❤️‍🔥
Bad and crazy (2021-2022) : K❌
Little women (2022) : Choi Do il✅❤️‍🔥
Gyeongseong creature (2023) : Kwon Jun Taek ❌
The worst evil (2023) : Jung Gi Cheol❌
Shark : the beginning 2 (TBA) : Jeong Do Hyeon❌
Peace in them (2012)❌
Coin locker girl (2015) : young Woo Gon❌
Bad guys always die (2015) : Cha myung ho❌
Eclipse (2016) : Jung Tae ❌
Anarchist from Colony (2017) : Youth in prison❌
The chase (2017) : young Jung Hyuk ❌
Gonjiam : haunted asylum (2018) : Ha Joon❌
Girl cops (2019) : Jung woo Jun ❌
Shark : the beginning (2021) : Jeong Do Hyeon ❌
Midnight (2021) : Do Shik ❌
Ahn Hyo Seop
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•17 april 1995 (Seoul)
Splash splash love (2015) : Park Yeon/Che A Jik❌
One more happy ending (2016) : Ahn Jung woo ❌
Happy home (2016) : Choi chul Soo ❌
Entertainer (2016) : Ji Noo❌
Three color fantasy - queen of the ring (2017) : Park Se gun ❌
My father is strange (2017) : park Chul Soo❌
Still 17 (2018) : Yoo Chan
Top management (2018) : Hyun Soo yong❌
Abyss (2019) : Cha min ✅❤️‍🔥
Dr Romantic (2020-2023) : Seo Woo Jin❌
Lovers of the red sky (2021) : Ha Ram❌
The business proposal (2022) : Kang Tae Mu ✅❤️‍🔥
A time called you (TBA) : Gu Yeon Jun/Nam Si Heon❌
None yet
Nam Joo Hyuk
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•22 February 1994 (Busan)
The idle Mermaid (2014) : Park Dae Bak❌
Who are you: school 2015 (2015) : Han Yi An✅
Glamorous temptation (2015) : Young Jin Hyung Woo ✅
Cheese in the trap (2016) : Kwon Eun Taek ❌
Moon lovers: scarlet heart Ryeo (2016) : 13th prince Baek Ah ✅
Weightlifting fairy Kim Bok Joo (2016) : Jung Joon hyung✅❤️‍🔥
The bride of Habaek (2017) : Haebak ✅
The light in your eyes (2019) : Lee Joon Ha✅❤️‍🔥
The school nurse files (2020) : Hong In Pyo✅
Start up (2020) : Nam Do San ✅❤️‍🔥
Twenty five, twenty one (2022) : Baek Yi Jin✅
Vigilante (TBA) : Kim Ji Yong ❌
The great battle (2018) : Sa Mool ❌
Josée (2020) : Lee Young Seok ❌
Remember (2022) : Park In Gyu ❌
Song Kang
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•23 april 1994 (Suwon)
Beautiful Vampire (2018) : Lee So Nyeon ❌
The liar and his lover (2017) : Baek Jin Woo❌
Man in the kitchen (2017-2018) : Kim Woo Joo❌
Touch your heart (2019) : Deliveryman❌
When the devil calls your name (2019) : Luka❌
Love alarm (2019-2021) : Hwang Sun Oh✅
Sweet home (2020-current) : Cha Hyun Soo✅❤️‍🔥
Navillera (2021) : Lee Chae Rok❌
Nevertheless (2021) : Park Jae Eon ✅
Forecasting love and weather (2022) : Lee Shi Woo❌
Part 2
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evaerobics · 2 years
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no need for rules anymore , chaos has won ?!
— fics
bloom [ michael x gallant ] 1k words completed
feels like murder [ michael x gallant ] 5k words completed
we have always lived in the castle [ michael x gallant ] 4k words completed
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darkmaga-retard · 12 days
The Gaza genocide showed millions of Americans who really runs the show in Washington
Sep 07, 2024
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken meets with Israel’s Defense Head Yoav Gallant. (Blinken/X)
U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, called for a Gaza ceasefire in the early hours after Hamas carried out a major offensive on multiple fronts across Israel.
Blinken posted that he had spoken with his Turkish counterpart, Hakan Fidan, and “encouraged Türkiye’s advocacy for a cease-fire and the release of all hostages held by Hamas immediately.”
“Pandemonium broke out” across the internet.
Rep. Mike Waltz, R-Fla., posted on X: “The Biden Administration is showing its true colors. Once Israel indicated it was going on offensive in Gaza, Blinken encouraged a cease-fire. Israel has every right to respond to these horrific acts of terror.”
Blinken, himself Jewish, removed the post, and the new message was a statement declaring that Israel has the “right to defend itself, rescue any hostages, and protect its citizens.”
Previously, the State Department’s Office of Palestinian Affairs said on X that it “unequivocally condemned the attack of Hamas terrorists and the loss of life that has incurred. We urge all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks. Terror and violence solve nothing.”
That comment was also deleted and replaced with a more militant post stating that the U.S. “unequivocally” condemns the attack.
The New Republic noted that it was strange that the Biden State Department would allow Republican pressure to dictate its approach to the conflict.
“The State Department flip-flopping on a ceasefire is confusing at best,” the magazine wrote. “The agency’s entire job is to promote diplomacy, so surely its ultimate goal should be an end to all fighting. Instead, it is letting right-wing backlash determine its next moves.”
The Trends Journal compiled a brief summary of the Biden administration’s approach to Gaza and how it manipulated the word “ceasefire” for its own political advantage.
21 OCTOBER: Artists4Ceasefire called on the U.S. government to push for a ceasefire in Gaza. NPR reported that the list of celebrities included: Cate Blanchett, America Ferrera, Bassem Youssef, Jon Stewart, Dua Lipa, Hasan Minhaj, Oscar Isaac and Michael Stipe.
On 12 October, celebrities like Gal Gadot, Michael Douglas, and Jerry Seinfeld, signed an open letter supporting Israel, the report noted.
The Biden administration’s position was to provide “unwavering U.S. support for Israel.”
25 OCTOBER: Al Jazeera reported that the U.S. was “firmly resisting” calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, and U.S. President Joe Biden vowed to provide Israel with all the weapons it needs. 
29 OCTOBER: Pope Francis said he is praying for a ceasefire.
0 notes
summarychannel · 11 months
First message | Bombing the Egyptian border strip with the Gaza Strip, and the Egyptian President warns and praises the ability of the Egyptian army
Updates on the Al-Aqsa Flood operation presented in this episode of Samri Channel. Starting with the Israeli occupation army, which returned for the fourth time to bombing the Rafah crossing in the southern Gaza Strip. A network of correspondents at the crossing indicated that the area separating the Egyptian and Palestinian sides of the crossing was subjected to a new Israeli air strike, which resulted in the departure of a number of dual nationals gathered in front of the crossing, after they had received previous instructions from their embassies to move near the Rafah crossing, in preparation for leaving the Gaza Strip. . The sounds of Israeli warplanes were also heard in the southern Gaza Strip, coinciding with the bombing of the vicinity of the Rafah crossing. Since October 7, this area has been subjected to three raids. On Monday, hundreds of Palestinians holding foreign passports gathered in the southern Gaza Strip, hoping to open the Rafah border crossing. The crossing was closed a few days ago after it was exposed to an Israeli bombing, in the midst of a violent bombardment carried out by Israel on the Gaza Strip since October 7, the date Hamas began an unprecedented attack on Israel. On Monday, the two sides denied any ceasefire talks or opening the crossing with Egypt.
On the other hand, the New York Times said, citing sources it described as “informed”: “Tel Aviv” asked the United States for emergency aid worth $10 billion, to help it in the war it is waging against Azza. The Hebrew website Ynet reported from the newspaper that the White House is drafting a bill to provide aid to Israel, and other aid that the Biden administration also seeks to provide to Ukraine. The newspaper added that this matter may make it difficult to approve the package in the House of Representatives, where Republicans have the majority and express Some expressed their opposition to aid Kiev. According to the newspaper, the proposal would also include allocating funds to fortify the southern border between the United States and Mexico - which is the main demand expressed by Republicans. Last Tuesday, Tel Aviv launched the “Diaspora Bonds” campaign to raise funds amid its war with the resistance factions in the Gaza Strip, according to posts on social media sites linked to Israeli bonds, which are the borrowing tool for diaspora bonds.
 It was stated on the (Israel Bonds) website that it has bonds worth $5.4 billion due on December 31, which represents about 12% of the external government debt of the occupying state. A 10-year bilateral military aid memorandum between Tel Aviv and Washington, which was signed in 2016, requires the United States to provide the occupying state with $3.3 billion in foreign military financing, in addition to spending $500 million annually on joint missile defense programs from Fiscal year 2019 to fiscal year 2028. The memorandum of understanding indicates the possibility of providing supplementary assistance in emergency situations such as wars.
Finally, the Commander of the US Army's Central Command, Michael Corolla, arrived today in Tel Aviv, to meet with the leadership of the Israeli Army. The Israeli army wrote on the “X” platform: “Michael Corolla, Commander of the US Army’s Central Command, will meet with army leaders and Defense Minister Gallant during his visit, which began to Israel.” The statement added: "The visit during the war confirms the strength of the connection and the common destiny of countries in general, and of the Israeli army with the United States army in particular."
#Egypt #Palestine #latest news
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brn1029 · 1 year
Time for your Rock Report
Steve Miller recently shared "Mama Church (A Cappella)," one of eight previously unreleased songs featured on J50: The Evolution of The Joker, a new box set honoring The Joker's 50th anniversary while chronicling the artistic journey that led to its creation. "Mama Church (A Cappella)" was recorded on a 4-track in a hotel room on April 21, 1972. J50: The Evolution of The Joker arrives via Sailor/Capitol/UMe on 2xCD, 3xLP + 7", as well as digital download and all DSPs and streaming services on Friday. The vinyl version includes a limited-edition lithograph and an exclusive reproduction of a vintage The Joker iron-on. Pre-orders are available now. Curated by Miller himself, J50 dives deep into the creative process of writing and assembling The Joker and amplifies its enduring magic by chronologically placing the original album tracks alongside 27 previously unreleased recordings from Miller's personal archive, including songwriting tapes made by Miller on his TEAC 4-track in hotel rooms on the road and at live performances, plus studio outtakes and rehearsals. The box set also includes six audio commentary tracks from Miller and exclusive liner notes from both Miller and legendary journalist Anthony DeCurtis. An official J50: The Evolution of The Joker trailer is streaming now at YouTube.
The Jimmy Buffett Estate has released three new songs from the late musician's forthcoming album, Equal Strain on All Parts. "Bubbles Up," "Like My Dog" and "My Gummie Just Kicked In" are available now digitally. The legendary singer-songwriter, known for his song "Margaritaville" along with his laid-back island style, passed away on September 1. He was 76. Buffett, who signed to Sun Records before his death, will have his final album, Equal Strain on All Parts, released later this year on November 3. The title is inspired by Buffett's grandfather's description of a good nap. The record, co-produced by longtime Coral Reefers, Michael Utley and Mac McAnally, features well-known friends, including Paul McCartney, Emmylou Harris, Lennie Gallant, Angelique Kidjo, and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band. "I was very happy to have played on one of his latest songs called 'My [Gummie] Just Kicked In'. We had a real fun session and he played me some of his new songs. One, in particular, I loved was the song, 'Bubbles Up.' And I told him that not only was the song great but the vocal was probably the best I've heard him sing ever," McCartney shared on X, formerly known as Twitter.
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