#micchy tag
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dollsandmasks · 2 years ago
2 & 7 for the f/o asks!
Oh, thank you, kind anon! I cannot believe I was gifted an excuse to talk about my garbage lizard man. Today is a blessed day.
Anyway, Micchy from Yo-kai Watch Shadowside it is!
Because I have 657567 blorbo scrunklies running around in my head at any given moment, but he is special, okay?
2. on what do you disagree with other fans of your f/o?
Hoo boy, where do I begin? First of all, whenever Micchy appears in any given fanwork, you never know if the author is his fan, his hater or just neutral. All three are not immune to mischaracterization and bad takes. Some thing I have seen in his fan portrayals that I disagree with:
Making him an unapologetic jerk or a bad friend. I get it, jocks have been characterized as assholes since times immemorial, and he does have a delinquent background which shows up in his behaviour... Like, once in canon? Also, he has made a snide comment to Haruya at one point, and you cannot forget him making an absolute fool of himself that one time him and Natsume went shopping. These are the only three instances of him being anything but a friendly, kind and supportive person who is always there for everyone and will risk his own life and safety to make sure his friends are okay. He is one of the least mean yo-kai in the agency, and he is usually on the receiving end of every joke, jab and insult, which he just accepts as normal (low self esteem gang rise up). He is this big scary-looking dog that is cuddly and soft and full of love, but people see "big scary dog" and cannot fathom not writing about it biting anyone. This is what you get for being a scary monster man, I guess?
In addition to the previous point, making his friendship with Natsume into something creepy. I'm sick and tired of his haters misinterpreting the relationship and portraying him as an evil abusive stalker, so it is doubly saddening when people who appear to be his fans are doing the same thing. Like, yeah, ha ha funny simp man, but can we talk about how he never touched her without her permission (aside from when it was necessary to protect her from immediate danger), how he never tried to police her relationships with her other friends in any sort of way, how he never made her uncomfortable or scared (their first meeting notwithstanding), just annoyed by his general clinginess? I fully support Natsume in standing her ground and drawing necessary boundaries with him, but we as a fandom really don't have to make Micchy's awkwardness any worse than it already is. The guy is clearly trying his best and just wants to be a good friend and a good knight, he is immature and still learning. Why demonize his issues when we can explore and analyze them instead?
His age. This is where I actually agree with some fans and disagree with others, since he doesn't have a canon age, and people are bound to see him differently. To me, all yo-kai are ageless by default, since they are, well, yo-kai, and age works differently for them. Micchy looks adult(ish), but we do know that his Lightside's appearance is his own design, he chose to look like that, and it has no bearing on his actual age or maturity level. As for his maturity, I would say it fluctuates depending on the writer, but he generally appears to be between 14-18 years old, which is a huge range, but that's genuinely how he feels to me depending on the episode. Of course, his actual age could be well into centuries, or he could be, like, ten, because we do not know the rate at which his species matures. Honestly, him being a yo-kai makes this a moot point anyway. He is a ghost lizard, and appears to be in his middle or late teens by ghost lizard standards, and it might take him a few decades to transition into a young adult ghost lizard, because yo-kai live long lives and age slower than humans. You could say I do not disagree with people seeing him as being a certain age, I disagree with people who want to make his age a problem. Just headcanon him as whatever you are comfortable with, it's up for interpretation, and you are the ones chosing to interpret him in a way that squicks you. Want to see his feelings towards Natsume as a romantic crush, but don't like the implied age gap? Make him a teenager in your story, problem solved. Want to pair him up with Whisper instead? Poof, he is a young adult now, go wild. Sometimes characters don't have certain info disclosed about them, because it is irrelevant or up to interpretation, and there is no shame with filling it up according to your story needs.
One last thing (but I might think of more later and reblog this post with additions), I have seen different interpretation of how Micchy looks like underneath his suit and mask, and the only one I kind of disagree with is him having two functional eyes underneath the mask. Sure, cyclopic characters are harder to draw and tend to look weird with certain proportions, but come on, what's the point of having a monster guy in your story if you take away his monster traits? No eye means bye, it's one or I'm done. If you want to draw him as fully human, then sure, but even then I highly prefer for him to wear an eyepatch or have one eye covered by his bangs to keep the aesthetic. Speaking of hair, I support pretty much all headcanon hair people come up with, but my personal thing as of late is to imagine him with dark purple scales in places humans usually have hair. Not only does it make his Lightside form aesthetically more serpentine, it's also a very dashing monster guy look in general. I do disagree with people who think he would look wrong with hair and are opposed to people drawing him like that, though. Let my man be a bishie for once in his life, lol.
7. did your f/o deserve better?
YES. YES HE MCFREAKING DID. Micchy deserves the world. He deserves to be loved, appreciated and supported by his friends. He deserves no physical or verbal assaults thrown at him, especially when he is not doing anything wrong. He deserves to be educated on why his behaviour might upset others, to be given a chance to learn and do better. He deserves to repair his relationship with Mizuchi. He deserves to find love - I don't care who it will be, as long as they have a healthy and supportive relationship, I'm all for it. He deserves to do something grand and be seen as a hero he strives to be. He deserves to know that his friends will love him anyway, even if he never ends up doing anything grand at all. He deserves a quiet evening spent reading comic books, with a warm blanked wrapped around him. He deserves food that's good for him and a place to live. He deserves to be healthy. He deserves to love himself for who he is. He deserves recognition. He deserves at least one more focus episode, or two, or ten. He deserves a more detailed backstory.
And he sure as fuck deserved a much bigger role in the final arc of the anime. They barely let my man do anything. Sure, it makes narrative sense, since it wasn't his battle, and him staying on the sidelines and protecting the more vulnerable teammates was important and a good strategy, but I wanted him to do something memorable, to tie together his arc of wanting to become a hero, to take his Mitsumata Ghidorah form for the first time in the anime and go ballistic on Soranaki. I am happy with the final arc we got, my only complaint is that Micchy was done dirty by the writers. He could have done so much more.
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dollsandmasks · 2 years ago
Mizuchi to Micchy. He was probably thinking about it the entire time they interacted in ep 25, and maybe even still thinks so. And maybe that's not a bad thing, and they should discuss it.
Think about it this way. Micchy thinks that he used to be this horrible irredeemable monster, but now he's changed. And yet, he is still that very same monster deep inside, and he must hide it from everyone, because his friends will totally drop him the second the truth about him comes to light. But to Mizuchi, Micchy was never a monster. He was always that good sweet kid who needed guidance and looked for something more in life, and he is still the same kid, he just found what he was looking for and is more honest with himself than he ever was. Pretending to change but not changing at all is not that bad when you were okay to begin with, and Micchy might need to hear that from someone who knows him well, who has seen him at his lowest before. To hear that he was never evil, that he was never broken or wrong or undeserving of love, his circumstances were just shitty, and both brothers acted accordingly, because they were kids and they never knew any better.
In fact, Mizuchi is the one who truly hopes to change, because his defeat and Micchy's sacrifice made him reconsider his vapid self-centered lifestyle. He is the one who will be trying to "come back right" and be a part of his brother's life once again, now without judgement or pride clouding his vision.
Opposite of "came back wrong" is "stayed exactly the same." Oh you want so badly to pretend that you have changed. You changed your face, you changed your name, you started leaning into a whole new role, but I know you. I know you. I know who you used to be, and I can see that person shining through you still. You can fool the world you can fool your friends you can fool yourself but you will not fool me.
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hyakunana · 7 months ago
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✨💕 The winner of the DGP is———! 💕✨
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jackalopedaily · 1 month ago
Jackalope Daily Day 375
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I love this prison you all have built.
GOD. GOD FUCKING DAMMIT IVE BEEN SO ILL OVER THAT I HAVEN'T POSTED!!! I WAS BUSY TOO BUT ALSO AAUUYHGHHGGG IM SIMPING SOOOOOO HARDDFFEGSVAH HES MY MALEWIFE GUYS, MY HUSBAND, MY POOKIE WOOKIE SNOOKIE BEAR HONEY MUNCHKIN SWEETIE CUTIE PIE! Also he is ABSOLUTE Father Material. YOU CANNOT NOT CONVINCE ME ON THIS. He can COOK AAANY CUISINE and AAANDDD He accepts WHATEVER choice Es makes!! HE DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE even when Es does not listen to what verdict he tells Es to give hehe speaking of fathers, like with Shidou! Hoochie mama I am down bad but anyway hey chat hiii I'm normal I'm so so normally ES EVEN SAYS HE'S LIKE A GUARDIAN. He accepts his son even if his decisions has led to some baaad bad things I will not say just incase for spoilers! I love him guys. He is my husband.
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the3rddenialist · 5 months ago
I attempted something
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dollsandmasks · 2 years ago
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Pictured: a massive bitch, bisexual, a punching bag, dies at least once a week, my little meow meow
YES he is a MASSIVE BITCH but hes also BISEXUAL and a PUNCHING BAG and ALMOST DIES AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK. AND hes my little meow meow.
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dollsandmasks · 2 years ago
I haven't played Y School Heroes yet, nor have I watched the anime for it.
All I know is that it appears to take place roughly 25 years after Shadowside, and almost all youkai have been wiped out by aliens (???) and reincarnated as humans. Wild, but I can get behind it, not the weirdest thing to ever happen in Youkai Watch.
I've seen screenshots of the game, and they confirm that at least two youkai who are very dear to me did survive the space wars.
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And thank God they did, because otherwise my heart would be shattered into a myriad of tiny pieces.
But that begs another question
Who the hell is this kid supposed to be?
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His name is Mitsumatagi Nozuchika, which makes it pretty clear which youkai he is a reincarnation of (it's Mitsumata Nozuchi, aka Micchy). His name, overall silhouette, hair and eye color, everything points to him being Micchy's reincarnation - they even have the same voice actor, Onosaka Masaya. And yet, Micchy is supposedly alive at the time of Y School Heroes, unless they grabbed him and Junior out of a time-space portal or something? But that would mean that they both actually died to aliens some time after Shadowside, and I am not in favor of that interpretation, nope, not on my watch.
I've seen Nozuchika being referred to as Micchy's "indirect reincarnation", whatever that means. Do they possess the same soul, somehow? The same energy reading that just happened to manifest twice in the same universe? How will they react to each other if they meet, would that make reality collapse?
Anyway, imagine a 38 year old Natsume returning home to see not only Micchy, but a second, human Micchy, brought there by the youkai Micchy.
"Together we can guard you twice as efficiently, Natsume-san!"
And Natsume's just like
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This is getting out of hand! Now, there are *two* of them! - Viceroy Nute Gunray - Now there are two of them - quickmeme
And then the Mitsumata Nozuchi from the first three games frees himself from his seals in the school yard and joins the Micchy party.
Truly the timeline we all deserve.
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recorded-anew · 2 years ago
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If you're following us you are also probably following @masao-micchi, but if not, you should! They have so many fun aus but as soon as I saw this post from their OG! Elias AU this image came to me in a vision and I had to draw our Eliases in terrible outfits together.
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spanishyumejoshi · 2 years ago
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dollsandmasks · 2 years ago
Micchy bingo! What do I win?
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fresh off the press character bingo
send me an ask with a character’s name
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mayoiayasep · 1 year ago
i miss going crazy over knights….
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rubberlemon · 1 year ago
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Reply to tags.... Yes I think Micchi keeps the bunny plushie of the special it was so cute he was hugging it till he notices he wasn't alone...
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askrikkaiandhyotei · 9 months ago
Tagged by @cows-quack
Challenge: make a poll with five of your all time favorite characters, and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite.
Going do a Kamen Rider themed one
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Tagging @missmako-chan @narashikari and @t-u-i-t-c
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Might not be able to watch the last two geats movies for a few days so let me scream about it overall here.
Basically i would say... the highs were high and the lows were low.
Not even necessarily speaking plot-wise, more about my personal enjoyment and how depressed it made me. The highs of ep16 (merry christmas to me specifically) and 46 (can't believe canon did it before i could wtf), along with so many other moments (basically any time neon was cool af 💛, or anything ot3/ot4 coded❤️) compared to the lows of 42 and 49 and those like mid-30s where no one was getting along...
Things were rough at times but i think post-stage show is very close to the world i would like to see for them, where they are happy and together and fighting the good fight ❤️💚💛💜🤍
Bit of (ship) rambling under the cut orz
The animal motif (lowkey the reason i watched) carries the cutesy undertones so hard but it does so so well i have nothing to say apart from i'm expecting cute animal tranformation fics or else what are we even doing here.
Disappointed that Neon never got the gREAT buckle. I wanna See It!! Crossover/jyamato movies i'm counting on 🫵 you!
Kinda assuming ace has a normal lifespan after everything is said and done, and won't keep remembering come next incarnation, because otherwise i think it would be too sad... He's had enough loneliness already, no? (But then, it's a little unclear even after the black fox movie so i reserve the right to believe my own headcanons about it, unless the crossover or the jyamato movie intervene.)
Platonic ships: 🦊🦝🐱🐮and WHAT is tsumuri's emote omg
Romantic ships: 🦊🦝🐱🐮
I started out p heavily into keiace (they're still up there❤️) and of course i'm an ot3 fan so neon padded her way in, then as things Kept Happening micchy barged in. as he does.
Seeing so many fics tagged with the ot4 on ao3 genuinely had me making deranged pterodactyl noises😂Hoping to contribute to the fanfic as well, i swear i have ideas!
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 7 months ago
tagged by @stingyslegslookweird @lunar-gl1tch and @denebsapphic thanks for the love y'all <3
favorite color: blueeeee
last song i listened to: listening to the legally blonde album currently, it's whipped into shape rn. (we saw this at a local theater and HOLY SHIT THE LADY SINGING THIS WAS SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD)
currently reading: rereading kids books lmao back into the retellings of fairytales phase for the billionth time
currently watching:
4 minutes, which, isn't quite my cup of tea for anything that isn't the main couple but unfortunately i really like the main guy (also it's really funny calling this my bible study while y'know steamy gay sex scenes are playing)
ayaka-chan wa hiroko-senpai ni koishiteru, which i'm having fun with. that being said MOVE ayaka let ME have miss hiroko
bakuage sentai boonboomger, where i need more shirabe
hidamari ga kikoeru, which MUST WE DO A MEAN GIRL PLOT. it's better than the movie but like it's 2024 we don't need the mean girl to break up the gay couple arc
mitsuya sensei no keikakutekina ezuke, where they uh appear to be testing more kinks on taisei. sorry for saying that.
sugar dog life, which i might drop, i dunno, but starninger IS very cute
takara no vidro, which i'm really enjoying but also this seems like a few too many episodes?? what are you going to pull
ultraman arc, what do you MEAN recap episode after the "monster isn't actually bad" episode
business kon: suki ni nattara rikonshimasu, which is pretty cute and also has inoue sora
kimi to yukite saku: shinsengumi seishunroku, which is consuming my brain oh my god go watch it i promise it won't break your heart or anything
real: renai satsujin sosahan, which had a trope i hate but like it's detective stuff so whatever
tonari no nurse aide, where i'm just waiting for that last episode of lovelica harrassing micchi fjsdiofjdsiaojisdfoi
currently craving: something not in the house. what, i dunno.
coffee or tea: if i'm out and about, probably coffee. at home, tea more
hobbies to try: man i dunno i need to get back to some of the ones i have stuff for before trying new things lmao
current AU: i have an actual outline of notes for a modern au kimiyuki because goddammit i need them to be OKAY
tag 9 people you want to get to know better/want to catch up with: @plushie-sentai @kirider @nugulover69 @cows-quack @shoceted @rosemirmir @doomednarrative @incandescentflower @zhengzi
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flaim-ita · 2 years ago
Decided be tagged by @stickers-on-a-laptop bc I have nothing better to do before Shin KR
Post the names of the files of your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you asks with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. If you want, tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Ace/Keiwa Pain
Beroba being a creep
IkkiVice during the bodyswapping
Not sure where this goes but Aesir’s death
Ace & Tsukasa
Geats 11
Geats 12
Kamen Rider Dia - ep 1
Utena AU
Utena AU - Ace being extremely fucked up
Ace & Mistime
Kaya and the rose bride
Michinaga Emotions
Micchy & Michinaga
Arutobot punches heart
Ace aftermath (1-2)
Saving Ace (1-3)
…that covers the past month or so and I am not digging further
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