#mhst reverto
myassburnsdawg · 11 months
Redesigned some Stories characters
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yutopia-eleftheria · 3 months
Monster Hunter Stories 2 Third Anniversary ! (OMG Time flies !)
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3 years ? Are you serious ? 3 YEARS ?!
Time flies way too fast in my opinion ...
3 years later and this is still one of my favourite games of all time, if not my favorite !
Also they just made a compilation of both games released ?! I hope this will mean a future third game because I don't want this series to end.
Anyways, for the First Anniversary, I did a fanart of the final battle, now have the people that were with us at some points of the story ; our beloved Battle Buddies ♥
By the way, who's your favourite among them ? Mine is definitely Alwin ♥♥ Bonus point for Shaulk because it's a Legiana and it's one of my favorite Monsties too ♥♥♥
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cringywhitedragon · 2 months
Some more MHST 1 AU stuff: Albrax as a Rider’s Village
This is a bit of a tie-in post to the one I did for if certain Hunter characters were riders so here’s a bit of a continuation, mainly for Rider!Reverto and what his home village would be like.
First off, Albrax as a Rider’s Village is in a bit of a unique situation with it being located in a desert. You’ve got tougher monsters to deal with as well as a scarcity of water which has lead to a bit of a reputation for tougher Riders.
Instead of Monsters like the Velos, Gendrome and Apeceros are actually one of the most used “common Monsties” for beginner Riders before they hatch their own so stuff like status effects are a pretty familiar thing to Riders from these parts. Paralysis cures are also part of the standard Rider’s combination recipes they receive along with the likes of potions and paintballs.
The village was founded on an oasis where a rather large deposit of kinship ore sits in the heart of it all. All new Riders once they have completed their training finish off by dipping their Kinship Stones in the oasis’ water as part of their rite to becoming full fledged Riders.
Prior to the Black Blight, the village was rather weary of hunters as with most Rider Villages, even moreso with how close in proximity they were to a rather large Hunter city.
But that didn’t stop them from harboring a bit of a small trade relationship with the Hunters on the prospect as a deal made with the local Guildmaster that no Hunters were allowed within the village’s walls due to a set of rules that kept the existence of Riders covered up.
Trade would be conducted through designated traders and merchants as bringing one’s Monstie with them during these excursions was strictly forbidden.
This kept up until the Black Blight hit when both Rider and Monstie alike would be forced to flee the village where the people would set up a secret campsite somewhere else. This caused trade relations to take and many of the villagers would be forced to relay on the limited resources they had.
Until a certain Rider ended up breaking the Rider’s Code while saving the life of a young Hunter.
Oddly the young Hunter wasn’t as scared as he originally through but was still a bit cautious. But nevertheless were they amazed by what Reverto and his Tigerex were capable of, earning him the nickname “The Totally Rad Rider”.
The incident did lead to the village deciding to finally reveal themselves so that they could get aid from the Hunters and well…
The rest was history.
A hero came by and managed to slay the blighted monster and from the rubble was Albrax rebuilt into a hub where both Hunters and Riders could coexist.
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wyverian-lady525 · 1 year
Elder dragon S/O anon again, what if the boys and girl found their malzeno s/o in the middle of feeding?
The Waifus (Kyle, Reverto, Cheval, Alwin, Lilia, Ena, Kayna, and Avinia) React to Finding Their Malzeno S/O in the Middle of Feeding
-Fear. Honestly, he wouldn't know what to do. Kyle has always been cautious around monsters, whether it's elder dragons to the konchus. So, of course he is going to be careful around you when you feeding on some poor monster that you caught. He wasn't about to get caught up with those blood-sucking Qurio, and he makes that well and clear to Tsukino, who persuades him to try and get close to you for teasing reasons. But still, his heart is pounding when he watches you feed. It just reminds him of your hostility.
-Pride. He's just like "yeah, that's my super amazing terrifying S/O over there!" Reverto, on a general note, knows that monsters need to eat in order to survive. Heck, he gave that whole speech about how lives are taken in order to prolong others. Nothing ever disturbs him about you, even though this Qurio things kind of look like bugs. Yeah, Reverto is kind of scared of them just for that reason. He also knows to give you your space because monsters, even ones like you, could grow territorial when it comes to their kill. So, out of respect, he keeps his distance until you're done.
-Wary. Sure, he's known you for a while and he's aware of how sweet you can be, even for an elder dragon. Despite that, he gets wary when you bring home your dinner because it's a reminder of what you are. Not that it's bad, but Cheval is seeing your power and sometimes it scares him. The Qurio have driven you mad once or twice, and they even tried to harm Rathi at one point, so Cheval gets worried when he sees you feed because he knows that those little red creatures were a part of it. He doesn't want to see you or anyone get hurt. So, while you eat, he keeps his distance and watches over you.
-Disturbed. As a wyverian, no one has a greater connection to nature than Alwin. So, your bond with him is pretty strong due to that regard. However, seeing you act so bestially when it comes to your food makes his spine shiver. Not only that, but for some reason you are most comfortable around him when you feed. Alwin tries to give you space, but you always drag him back to the corpse of some poor monster to get him to eat with you. Sometimes he gives in, and sometimes he's just all rigid as you and the Qurio enjoy your meal. Alwin can't fault you for what you are though, and loves you all the same, even if it makes him uneasy sometimes.
-Fascinated. We all saw this reaction coming from her. Being the commander of the Scrivener's Guild in Lulucion, it's her duty to study rare monsters and the behavior of elder dragons. Luckily, you already gave her permission to write down anything you do and make it apart of her research. You want to help her out after all. That being said, sometimes Lilia does get too up in your face when you want to eat. The Qurio even get a little agitated with how close she gets. You don't want to her to get hurt (you love her after all), but you have some boundaries. This usually leads to you picking her up and putting her on a tree until you are done.
-Worried. Ena is a gentle soul and the way you feed is not so gentle. You use the Qurio to drain the life out of your victims, something that makes her skin crawl. She tries her best to remember that this is all part of nature, but she can't help but feel worried about you sometimes. Hunters could come after you anytime you affect something in the ecosystem, and Ena feels like she wouldn't be able to protect you (even thought you are a powerful elder dragon). She pleads for you to tone down your feeding frenzy whenever you can, and you might just have to try for her sake.
-Enthralled. Kayna is one who loves adventure and thrill rides, so to have you be so good at hunting always manages to catch your attention. The Qurio and your methods of hunting your prey don't seem to even bother her, and sometimes, she will even help you if you are hungry. The sight doesn't make her sick or anything, Avmar is a messy carnivore after all. Sometimes you even allow the two to share your food as you feed. You love Kayna, so you have no qualms about her being there during these times of your day when you feed. She just needs to learn not to take too much from you. Or else.
-Nonchalant. Avinia is just a logical person, and she knows that everybody eats. She isn't bothered by it or worried about it or so forth. So long as you keep yourself from causing trouble for her, she doesn't mind. And by trouble, Avinia means the Qurio getting out of hand and disrupting the ecosystem. Frostfang doesn't want to bust his butt and deal with any of that, and neither does Avinia. She cares about you and understands your needs, but just don't feed so close to the village. She'll also respect this time of yours and give you some distance.
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sockendrache · 3 years
A compiled list with all of my Kyle-Headcanons that no one asked for but I throw at you anyways. Like one would throw seeds into a duck-pond and hope for at least one duck to swim by and find joy in the offered thrash-
-After tolerating (befriending) the Rider for a while, they start to bug him with getting a Monstie. When he finally reaches his breaking-point with being showered in Monster-slobber and urged to take a ride on *insert Monstie* because it’s sooo much fun, he decides to take matters into his own hands. He disappears for a few hours; Rider leans back with a smug grin, congratulating themselves on a job well done- only to choke on their own spit when Kyle comes back to the village riding on a Kelbi.
-Turns out he’d often pass the time with riding Kelbis when he was younger and not yet allowed to tag along to his Dad’s hunts or join his brothers on the training grounds
-He’s got this wicked scar on his chest, covering almost the entire length of his torso- he claims it’s from that one time he single-handedly fought off a Xeno’jiva and Tsukino refuses to tell the scar’s origin
-Though, his brothers gleefully tell the story of how tiny widdle Kyle tried out the Insect Glaive for the first time and almost impaled himself during a vault-attack. They fully agree that the Xeno’Jiva story sounds better, though
-He’s an insomniac. Either sleeps 3 hours or none at all, at this point he’s running on nothing but adrenaline, teenage-angst, demon-drug and pure spite (legend says he’s already built up a resistance to demon-drug)
-Speaking of demon-drug. he’s quite famous around the base for his misuse of hunting-drugs. You don’t even have to be lucky to see him chug cold-drinks outside of the thundra- apparently he just likes the biting taste of mint and pain.
-For some reason he collects Monster-teeth. Not even ones he broke off during his own hunts; he’ll just pick up whatever tooth he comes across. Even Tsukino doesn’t know why- the Rider doesn’t even attempt asking
-Kyle claims that more than half of the hunters he knows are pure masochists, judged purely on the fact that they eat their steaks well-done. He may drink demon-drug like it’s an energy-drink, but he’d rather eat his steaks raw before grilling the life out of them.
-Speaking of grill, he’s not allowed to touch the grill anymore when hunting with Reverto. After watching the kid burn two steaks back to back, Reverto guards the steaks in similar fashion to herbivores guarding their eggs
-He once spent 3 hours stuck in an Azuros-nest between two sleeping Azuros. He refuses to tell the story of how the hell that happened; but if the Rider dares to bring him anywhere near an Azuros he won’t waste a second booking it out of the area
-Everyone who’s ever made the mistake to let Kyle ‘relax’ after a hunt with some beer (maybe the guild should establish a set drinking-age along with a set hunting-age) promptly had to sit through a 2-hour-rant about why the hell Hunters need to sharpen their hammers or hunting horns
-Even sober-Kyle can’t figure out why the hell that is a thing
-Any attempts at explaining it to him may or may not end with dung-pods stuck in places they shouldn’t ever touch
-Kyle brings two shock-traps and two para-toads to every hunt. No one questions him on his reasoning
-He sleeps bundled up in three blankets and buried under a Banbaro-fur-coat. No matter the season, as soon as the sun goes down, Kyle just turns into a heat-seeking reptile.
-Kyle bites. Not his preferred method of fighting back, but when in physical combat with another person where drawing his weapon might seem illegal, he will use the turf-wars he’s witnessed as inspiration, much to the dismay of his opponent
-Reverto once had to drag him out of a fight by his collar. Ever since he’s been comparing Kyle to a Paolumu. No explanation needed.
-He’s somewhat fluent in Wyverian- why the hell he taught himself an ancient language, no one knows and at this point everyone is afraid to ask
-Kyle is still perceived as a rookie-hunter; yet everyone acts like he’s about the same level of feral bullshit as a Paolumu
-That’s because he is
-One of the Field-Team Leaders once bribed him with 2000 Zenny to try to imitate a Paolumu’s call
-It took 20 minutes to explain to the panicked scholars running in that there isn’t a wild Paolumu rampaging through the base; mostly because the Leader was laughing too hard and Kyle sulked in the corner while counting his money
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jackofhearts-odb · 3 years
Reverto's English VA is probably my favorite so far in Stories 2. He's just so funny like all these profound statements about the balance of life and how we kill others to prolong our own lives coming from someone who sounds like he works at a surf shop in southern California
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hobgayblin · 3 years
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mlm (monsterhunter loving monsterhunter)
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hobgobbin · 3 years
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I made an edit of reverto’s new render where he isn’t horrifically lightened <3
I got it as close to the skin tone of his OG model as I could though it might be just slightly off
for comparison: 
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thegreatyin · 2 years
reverto monster hunter stories! for ocs, reguel
sorry i got this ask and saw red for a moment lemme do two bingos in one ask
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i don't have much to say on reverto but i enjoy him. he is like a cool stoner uncle. i wouldn't trust him with my credit card but i would trust him with my life and probably a fun night out at the local arcade
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reguel is so mentally ill. god bless. please immediately seek therapy <3
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grumpykawa · 7 years
I am so sorry
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michajawkan · 7 years
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yutopia-eleftheria · 2 years
MHStories Couples : Hakum
Lute X Cheval
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Like said in another post, both Lute and Lilia had a crush on Cheval ever since they knew him. But at first, Cheval considered Lute as a friend, or more a brother. The latter will be with Lilia for a few years, being highly protective towards her. But as Lilia joined the Scriveners, their relationship will slowly go down. They will eventually broke up because they were too far away from each other and their different perspective. In the end, Cheval will finally come to realize that Lute was the one he needed in his life. Lute was always close to him, he wasn’t scared to show that he had a crush on him, even going as far as trying to kiss him. Cheval will feel kinda remorseful since he rejected his friend’s advances, as he will himself grow found of him. The two of them are now inseparable.
Reverto X Lilia
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As stated before, Lilia was in a relationship with Cheval at first, but they will broke up in the end... As she is now working with the Hunters and the Scriveners, Lilia is getting closer with both Reverto and Simone. But since Simone was the one that convinced her to join them, she will admire her, to a point of having a crush on her. But she is now working with Reverto, and now she realizes that she has a crush on the tall blonde hunter. Reverto, on the other hand, who was always chasing ladies, will finally understand that the one he needed was by his side that whole time. He will stop chasing ladies.
Mille X Avinia
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It’s all thanks to Lute that Avinia and Mille will meet. Mille is one of the young Riders training with Lute and the others, as Dan was their mentor. As Lute will help Avinia and she will finally be reunited with her older brother Gale/Mickael. She was so happy to be with her brother again and she will befriend two of the other Ebon Riders ; Shadow and Mad. But despite all that happiness, she feels that something is missing in her life, and this missing part was a young girl she met during her quest. Avinia felt safe with Mille (and her Brute Tigrex) by her side. Avinia as a bit scared to start a romantic relationship, but she was ready to start one with Mille ; she will realize that she will always be safe by her side, no matter what will happen to her, or them for that matter.
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wyverian-lady525 · 1 year
Hello! If your asks are still open (no worries if not and if they are please take your time) what about one where Kyle and rider went on a hunt and it goes really wrong so Kyle's family and reverto go looking for them and find them super injured from the fight. Rider is unconscious and kyle is trying to carry them but ratha and the other monsties (maybe a mitzune and astalos but you can pick your favorites!) Won't let Kyle's family or reverto close enough to help, they just keep attacking them when they get close, and ratha won't let kyle or the rider move away from him. So the hunters are trying to get to them to help but none of the monsties trust the hunters enough to let then close enough to help (hope the rambles make sense! You're awesome!)
Thank you! I'll make work of it! XD I also love astalos and mizutsune! So they shall be included!😁💖
A Monster's Most Guarded Treasure
You were injured badly while out on a hunt with Kyle. When help arrives, however, your monsties don't seem too keen on allowing it.
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When a lagiacrus brings itself to land, every hunter takes the opportunity to hunt it. This leviathan at sea is practically untouchable due to its strategic advantage. Kyle has hunted a lagiacrus before and so have you, so the two of you figured that this would be easy.
But this extremely large male lagiacrus had other thoughts.
Even with Kyle and three of your most amazing monsties could hardly put a dent in the beast. Ratha's fire proved useful, and your astalos was capable of blocking some attacks. Your mizutsune, while fast, wasn't all that effective. Things were starting to go downhill fast.
And then...
"Y/N!" Kyle's voice was the last thing you heard as a powerful blast of lightning shocked you to the core...
A few hours later...
"I told them that this was a bad idea. Should've left it to us." Levi, the youngest of Kyle's brothers, said as he and the other family members, along with Reverto, headed to the coastal shores near Lulucion.
"Keep quiet boy." James, Kyle's father, told his son. The older man wouldn't show it, but he was all too worried for his youngest and you as well.
It's been nearly a day since you guys left to hunt that lagiacrus. Now, hunts normally only take a few hours or more depending on location and species, but you guys have been gone for far too long for their comfort. Aeon, Kyle's oldest brother, tried to tell his younger sibling that a lagiacrus showing up here is uncommon and something must be off. But Kyle being Kyle didn't really listen and thought, a lagiacrus is a lagiacrus.
He wouldn't have expected to find an alpha male looking to expand his territory during the breeding season.
"Kyle should've done some reading. More knowledge on the monster you're hunting never hurts." Robin said, Isaac nodding in agreement. Both of them were fidgeting as well.
"I wouldn't worry too much dudes. Kyle's got the rider with him. I'm sure everything is fine." Reverto chimed in with his normally chill and relaxed demeanor. If this were any other day, the boys and their father would be annoyed.
However, right now, they needed any relief they could find.
They continued to make their way to the monster's last known location, James and Reverto in the lead while the younger boys followed closely behind. As the sound of the ocean got louder, they got their weapons ready just in case they came across the giant monster.
But nothing was there. The beach was as calm as it could be.
"Hey! Look here!" Aeon tore off as he noticed something. Reverto tailed the oldest child.
"What'd you find?" The hunter asked as he looked around. And then he saw it. It was remnants of a battle. There was burn marks everywhere, from both fire and lightning if he were to guess. Monster tracks were laden across the beach. So much so that Reverto was nearly unable to identify them. However, the large tracks of the lagiacrus were obvious.
And then there was huge drag marks that led back to the sea. The lagiacrus was never hunted, which made Reverto himself start to worry.
"There's no blood...so maybe..." Levi trailed off, thinking that even though the monster got away, you and Kyle somehow survived. The leviathan showed no signs of pursuing anything, so retreating back into the forest was a good bet.
"Let's see if we can find any human signs." Reverto took the lead as he began to notice the family's downtrodden and melancholy looks. He got out his sword, and practically charged into the forest. The lone hunter could here the others scrambling after him.
Reverto didn't even know what he was really looking for or how far in he and the others had gone before a blast of green lightning knocked him on his back.
"Whoa! That's not the sign I was looking for!" Reverto freaked a little as he stood and moved to hide a little behind the others. James and his sons moved to get their weapons out, but no further attacks came.
"What we thinking?" James said and the boys mumbled amongst themselves. Reverto squinted his eyes a bit.
"I'm guessing an astalos." He said plainly, having calmed down since the attack. James gave him a dumbfounded look.
"What makes you say that?" He asked the blonde hunter. Reverto simply pointed through the shrubbery, and let's just say, they've never been happier to see an astalos in their life.
"Kyle! Son! Y/N!" All six of the hunters shouted in glee when they recognized your monsties, Ratha, your mizutsune, and your astalos. Kyle was soon seen among the monsties as well, right next to the rathalos, carrying an unconscious you on his back.
Or trying to anyways.
But as the hunters moved to get closer, Ratha launched a fire ball, your mizutsune's fins turned dark red, and your astalos lit up in an all-out lightning cloak. The monsties weren't letting them closer without a fight.
"I'm sorry dad! The monstie's must still be on edge!" Kyle said to his father and the others. He hoped that was the reason, and that the truth wasn't that the group of hunters were making them aggressive.
"Kyle! What happened?" James shouted towards his son, inching a bit closer before the astalos fired a warning shot.
"You were right...the lagiacrus was too much to handle. It knocked Y/N out, and the monsties were running out of steam. When Y/N wouldn't wake up, I looked for a dung bomb and chased the leviathan away. I tried brining them back to Lulucion, but...we're in a pretty tight spot." Kyle admitted his mistakes, which wasn't easy. If it wasn't his whole family, he probably would've been snarkier about the whole thing.
But with your life on the line, he wasn't taking any chances.
"Stay there dude! We'll come to help!" Reverto took a couple steps forward, ignoring the warnings from the others, before your mizutsune fired a pressured stream of water that sent Reverto back into the bushes.
"I'm okay!" He shouted.
"Look, they're not going to let you come any closer! We'll come to you!" Kyle tried to resituate you on his back, but when he got to his feet, Ratha blocked him.
"Ratha? What are you doing? Your rider needs medical attention." Kyle tried to scold the rathalos, but to no avail. Ratha wasn't letting you get any closer to the hunters or the hunters any closer to you. As far as he was concerned, they were just as dangerous as the lagiacrus that hurt you.
Noticing this, all the hunters sighed and Reverto rejoined the group, scratching at his head.
"Well...now what?" He asked, not wanting to provoke or stress out your monsties further by fighting his way to you and Kyle.
"What if we threw medical supplies their way so Kyle could treat the rider and himself?" Levi asked and Robin gave him a look.
"Right. The monsties don't trust us, but incoming projectiles they'll allow without a problem." He retorted and Levi growled.
"You got a better idea?" He asked his older brother, who merely growled. The two were ready to fight each other before Reverto intervened.
"Hey. Infighting won't solve anything." He said before pushing them apart.
"But we can't just wait around either..." James said as his concerns grew looking at his injured boy. The monsties were all still growling at them, warning them to keep their distance.
And then, a lightbulb came on in Reverto's head.
"Hey kiddo! I got a plan!" He called out and Kyle shot him a look.
"I thought we talked about you calling me that?" Kyle growled, but Reverto ignored him.
"If you and the monsties can get Y/N closer to the city, we'll keep our distance and protect you on the way!" The hunter said, and everyone thought this over. Kyle winced at the thought of trying to carry you all that way, but there seemed to be no other options.
"Are you sure of this?" James asked.
"Some progress is better than no progress. And besides, those monsties don't seem keen on letting us get close anytime soon. So, let's help in the only way we can. Hunting any other monsters that decide to cause trouble." Reverto said and everyone nodded a bit at that. The hunter family didn't like the idea of waiting, but more problems could arise if they try to fight their way in. Besides, that's no way to earn trust.
So, they stuck with Reverto's plan and kept an eye out for any large monsters that may try to attack. Kyle's struggle to carry you led to Ratha helping. The monsties got more exhausted as the day went on as did all the hunters.
Needless to say, it was a very long trek back to the city.
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wyverian-lady525 · 1 year
Then, 'morning my friend!! And...
I was thinking about what if Reverto and Kyle were Riders and Cheval and Alwin were hunters
How would be the monsties team of these two? :0
Byebye!! *roars in mizutsune*
Hello! It's been a long while! But I'm starting to return!!💖
To answer your question my friend, Cheval already practically made himself a hunter before XD and I could see Alwin being a bit of a hunter as well, but to get to the real answers here with Reverto and Kyle being riders.
I can see Reverto with a Tigrex monstie for sure just because it enhances his strength as a hunter. Not to mention, he had a Tigrex longsword in the anime. However...and here me out...I can see him with a Congalala monstie due to his mushroom fanatic/lazy persona. When it comes to other monsties, I can see a Brachydios (another anime connection), even a Deviljho in some regards as well.
For Kyle, I have some better ideas. I can see him with the monsties whose weapons he had. Monsties like a Tigrex, Zinogre, and even a Mizutsune. However, I can also see him with an Azure Rathalos as a way to kind of counter the Protagonist. I can also kind of see Kyle with a Tobi Kadachi. No idea why XD
If anyone has anything to add to these, feel free!
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wyverian-lady525 · 1 year
Had an idea that just wouldn't leave me alone; how the boys reaction to their crush blurting out their feelings for them? Like, whatever happened before that lead up to this is up to you, be it them just cracking a joke and their crush just lovingly going "this is why I love you" or maybe after the lads nearly got hurt in a fight and, in a moment of high emotion/worry, just going "it's because I love you okay?!" Either way their crush runs off afterwards because they're 110% sure it's gonna end in rejection/they didn't mean to just say it outright.
Sorry if this is confusing, my brain is just going 3am brand crazy rn ya know?
(Also!!! Love your writing!!! I'll be coming back often to see what's new lol)
Thank you!!💖💖 I hope you enjoy these!! And thank you again for all the love and support!😁
The Boys (Kyle, Reverto, Cheval, and Alwin) React to Their Crush Blurting Out Their Feelings For Them
-Kyle would be surprised and shocked because after everything he's done, he just can't believe that you share his feelings for you. He's been mulling over his feelings for a while now, always telling himself that never was always the right time. But the hunter never expected you to just blurt them out.
-It was during a hunt with a deviljho. Kyle got hurt terribly, leaving you to fend the thing off. However, you were blind with fear and anger to possibly think straight during this battle. You managed to throw the foe off course, but when tending to an injured Kyle, you blurted something out that you weren't expecting.
-"I love you, you dumbass! What would I have done-"
-But you cut off the rest of your words as you realized what you had said and the look on his face. Pure shock. You couldn't stop yourself from running off of the scene because you were certain the angsty hunter was going to say something negative. Kyle tried to call out to you but didn't have the strength at the moment. But be warned, after he's healed, he will confront you on this.
-Reverto would get an air of confidence around him, finding some humor in the situation. To hear his crush say something like that out of nowhere just made him feel all special. I mean, it would to anyone really. Reverto knew his humor would pay off at some point.
-You guys were hanging around the nighttime crowd of Lulucion at one of the local taverns. It was noisy and crowded, but you guys were only paying attention to each other. Perhaps it was the slight buzz you guys were drinking or perhaps you really weren't thinking, but you said something you weren't exactly planning on saying after one of Reverto's corny jokes.
-"You see...this is why I love you!"
-You said it between laughs, but this caused the whole place to nearly go silent. At least, that's what it felt like to you. Reverto started to comment on it, but you sprang out of your seat without another word and ran. However, the hunter was quick to chase you down, trying to reassure you that you didn't have to worry about any rejection. Still, he was chasing you for a while.
-Cheval would definitely think he misheard you, but the look on your face and the fear in your eyes would tell him differently. Of course, he's been mulling over his feelings as well, but to you, it was a much bigger deal. After all, you didn't like seeing him hanging out with gaggles of people.
-You guys were at a festival where Lilia casually tagged along with the two of you. It was clear that she kind of had a crush on him as well or that's how you interpreted it. You wanted to keep your mouth shut, you really did, but sometimes it's hard to ignore that icky and bubbly feeling you get in your chest whenever you see them together. His attention was supposed to be on you, so you made sure it was.
-"Pay attention to someone who loves you Cheval!"
-Equal parts of embarrassment and shame ran through you when you noticed everyone looking at you, but Cheval most of all. He blinked a couple of times, but you ran away before he could say anything. The jealousy and fear that was coursing through your veins made you think rejection was on his mind. So, this problem could be confronted when he found you hours later hiding in an alleyway.
-Alwin would just be confused, probably thinking you meant it in some other way. I mean, how could you look at him the same way he looks at you. A wyverian and a human could never work out, that's what he tells himself. That's why, on that one day, he knew you must've meant it in some other way.
-It was just a simple day in Rutoh, you seeing him whenever he wasn't busy with something a villager requested of him. Of course, his stomach would flutter whenever he saw you. Meanwhile, you were just admiring how thoughtful and kind he is to consider everyone around him. Perhaps it was in this dreamy state when he came to see you during a break that you said what you did.
-"I love you..."
-The words were plain and simple enough that there shouldn't be anyway to confuse them with another meaning. However, you didn't know that Alwin was still processing it by the time you quickly walked away from the scene. The rest of the day went on as normal, you trying to avoid him and him still processing till nightfall came. It was then that Alwin finally clicked what you meant when you said that and he sped to find you no matter what.
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wyverian-lady525 · 2 years
Okay, the elder dragon anon has got me curious. What if it was other monsters too. My fave is a mizustune so how would the girls and guys act to their Mizustune S/O being a bit too playful and accidentally getting them soaked with soap and bubbles?
Sure! XD Hope you enjoy!💖
The Waifus (Kyle, Reverto, Cheval, Alwin, Lilia, Ena, Kayna, and Avinia) React to Their Mizutsune S/O Being Playful
-We all know that Kyle would be irritated. This man always seems to have a stick up his butt somewhere because he wouldn’t find it very funny at all. He’d be wet, slipping everywhere, and you would be cackling in your mizutsune way. Kyle would probably scold you, threaten you with being skinned or something, but you know you have nothing to worry about. Even with all the bubbles that led to bruises on him, Kyle wouldn’t harm you at all and would be smiling at the end of the day.
-Reverto would find some fun in it at first, sliding around on the bubbles with you and so forth. He would give in to the amusement. But Reverto is also kind of a clutz. He’s a big guy, so falling sometimes takes a toll on him. The hunter also has a reputation of being lazy, which shows after you’ve been too playful for a while. Soon, he’ll be just a puddle on the ground, soaked in water. Reverto doesn’t mind though. In fact, he loves it. So, he doesn’t mind getting bubbles all over him. It’s a bath in his mind.
-Cheval has trouble keeping up with you for one thing. You’re so fast with all the bubbles and water, but he loves your playful side. Rathi will also play around with, helping her rider keep up. But also, when you slide around, he will as well. As a mizutsune, it’s just in your behavior. It he gets a little wet and soapy, so be it. Cheval is willing to make some sacrifices if it means seeing you so happy. Plus, it’s humorous to try and pop every single bubble that you make. It’s become like a competition.
-The wyverian has his standards when it comes to things like this. He knows that you as a mizutsune is playful, but he’d rather watch you and stay out of it. However, sometimes you just need to let all the energy out, and who better to bother than your favorite wyverian? Shaulk finds it more entertaining than his rider. Alwin is so composed too, which makes it more fun for you to drench him in water and bubbles. He does get a little irritated, but he doesn’t show it as much as someone like Kyle.
-Lilia would feel a bit guilty because she’s always so busy. So when you soak her in bubbles and such, she can’t get mad. You are happy and playful when it comes to seeing her, so she just plays along. Lilia goes from serious yet smiling to laughing and chasing after you. If anything, your playfulness feeds off of each other. The more playful you get, the more Lilia gets as well. Chasing after you is just the tip of the iceberg. There are times where she’ll even get to splash you back with your own suds.
-Your playfulness as a mizutsune is something that Ena adores. She’s always mesmerized by your beauty. So much so that she forgets how playful you can be.  Ena will just be in her own thoughts and then a bubble pops before her eyes. It takes her a few moments before she realizes what’s happening, and at that point, she’s surrounded by your mizutsune bubbles and foam. Now, you never want to absolutely drench Ena because you know she would be upset, but you still manage to have fun with her.
-Kayna is the absolute worst because if you dare get her wet, she considers it a challenge. She isn’t angry at you, but she’ll chase you around and such, probably slipping as she does so. Kayna likes to have fun just as much as you do, so she sometimes encourages it. Avmar will be needed for extra speed, but you guys will essentially have a splash battle between one another. Kayna usually loses, being covered in bubbles as you dance around, but she’s laughing the whole time because she enjoys being with you so much.
-Living in such a cold place, I bet she would be annoyed if you got her soaked with bubbles and soap. However, let’s say you and Avinia are at a hot spring, then she enjoys all of it. She’s laughing and enjoying the bubbles as you hop around in a playful manner. Even Frostfang seems to be enjoying what he’s seeing as bath time. Sometimes, after the playing is done, you guys will just relax in the hot springs. Your bubbles will create the best smelling and most serene setting for the pair of lovers you guys are.
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