#kuan village
articlejunkie · 10 months
Article Junkie's Special Edition: Unraveling Mysterious Villages in India
Step into the quaint charm and enigmatic aura of India's lesser-known villages with the 'Mysterious Villages in India' special edition by Article Junkie. Each article unravels the age-old mysteries, indigenous cultures, and spectacular landscapes that have remained hidden from the world. This edition is a unique compilation of exceptional stories ready to tap into your wanderlust. It's not just a reading material but a journey that takes you through the enigmatic corners of India's rich rural tapestry.
Click here - https://articlejunkie.in/10-unusual-mysterious-villages-in-india/
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mysterioushimachal · 1 year
Thakur Kuan Village in Parvati Valley, Kullu | A Hidden Gem in Himachal Pradesh
Thakur Kuan Village – Parvati Valley Kullu: A Hidden Gem in Himachal Pradesh Deep within the breathtaking Parvati Valley, beyond the popular destinations of Kheerganga and Tunda Bhuj, lies a small village that is as enchanting as it is secluded. Thakur Kuan Village, situated at an altitude of 3,560 meters, is a haven for nature lovers and adventurers alike. Accessible only on foot, this…
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whispereons · 1 year
Oracle!Reader Part 11
Masterlist - Part 1, Part 10, Part 12
As always this is your warning! This au is dark, violent and sad at times. It's imposter sagau which is already yandere and stuff. Blood, graphic description of violence is in it.
The flower pin was rough under your fingertips as it's stashed away into your bag. A keepsake for Kuan now that the chances of her body being found without life were higher. If not certain already.
"The meeting must have gone poorly to say the least. Treasure hoarders are greedy by nature, they must have spiked the price to insane heights."
Xingqiu pushes the chunks of metal off the road as he comments on his theory. Tracks are slowly revealed leading both ways of the path.
"Which way now? They probably kept the victims together so should we split up or stay together?" Chongyun asks as you all stand together looking at the split path.
Both paths had multiple footprints, but it was hard to tell which were from fighting or fleeing. Xingqiu opens the tracking and hunting book as he flips through it.
"There was a chapter on footprints, it can probably help us know which way to go. And hopefully how long ago too."
Nodding absentmindedly, you carefully step around the tracks and compare the amount of child-sized on the left to the ones on the right. There were at least twice as many on the left than the right.
"Hey Chongyun I think they went left; can you see if the smaller footprints fade out or turn around on the right path?"
"Sure" He's gone quickly and Xingqiu joins you in the left path as he compares the text in the book to what he's seeing.
"The small tracks are digging deeper at the front meaning they must have been running. If they were just fighting, there would have been more of a bump. It would be easier to tell if there was less blood, but our best bet seems to be the left path."
"The left leads deeper into Liyue to the Minlin region, right? That's good since the mountains are too tough to get off the path with that many children but the path leads to Jueyun Karst too."
"Should I even ask how you're so familiar with the Minlin region?"
"Do you really want a repeat of the event earlier?"
"You both better not be fighting again." Chongyun butts in as he jogs back. He's holding something in his hands and stretches them out revealing the item.
"The footprints there were all grown so you were right about it being left Y/N. I also found this Fatui insignia." The blue and gold design of a sergeant insignia was stained with dried blood and dirt.
"I believe there's a good chance that the treasure hoarders managed to escape with the hostages. That would explain why the fatui agent tried to settle a 'debt' with us before."
"Then let's not waste any time, if we don't hurry, they might try to get off the path." Picking up the pace you all follow the left path and keep quiet for any signs of the victims.
As you continue past the scenery and occasional animals your mind lingers on the possibility of them going off the path or not. They definitely could if they knew the area well enough, but something is nagging you that you're missing something.
If the deal went well, the hoarders would have used the cart to drive away. It's doubtful that they would go back to the harbor with their crime so recent but going on the right path wouldn't work either.
The right path would have led them past Wangshu Inn which was like a game over since Xiao isn't all that subtle. Or to Mingyun village which was where the Fatui would have left to. They would have met up in that village and fight there instead of here so that's out too. That leaves only the left path which leads straight to Jueyun Karst.
That would be a bad option but unlike Wangshu Inn that's surrounded by water, they could escape south to the ruins. So, the hoarders would be going left either way. So whatever way they planned on escaping is canceled due to the hostages. Why did you still feel like you were forgetting something?
Your hand tightens around the strap of your bag as the path gets rocky. Maybe if you reread the commission you could remember?
Not slowing down you dig the handbook out and read the commission list. Your eyes stop on the commission that stands out the most.
Full Speed Ahead - The path is needed for a transportation vehicle moving people. Make sure the path is clear within the time limit. Defeating enemies may be necessary.
The path needed is the bridge that leads into Jueyun Karst. The vehicle in the commission isn't specified nor the reason. Did they plan to cross that bridge before escaping through the bottom mountain?
Right now, it was the only idea of what direction they could be taking, you had to get to that bridge. Stuffing the handbook back into your bag, you start to speed up.
"I think I have an idea on where they went! We need to get to the bridge that leads to Jueyun Karst."
The look they shoot you is ignored as you draw closer to the bridge. Even still, they match your pace before you all slow down at the sight of the bridge.
The bridge had multiple slimes crowding it as it swayed at the weight. Wasn't this bridge a safety hazard? Those gaps are big enough that a whole person could slide out.
"I see a group on the other side!" Xingqiu says loudly over the sound of the bouncing slimes. You look where he's pointing and can see a rough group of six people.
Chongyun takes a step on the bridge but is instantly pushed back by the slimes. Frowning he speaks with the slightest hint of worry.
"We can't cross with all those slimes but if we fight them, the bridge might collapse. We would need to go all the way around and that would not only put those people in danger but let the hoarders get farther."
"Then let's think outside the box, who says fighting is our only option?" Grinning with confidence you push past the guys and step on the bridge.
Trying not to look down the bridge you grip the rope tightly and watch the slimes start to crowd you. Unlike with the geovishap hatchlings, you didn't plan to just stay still.
Three cryo slimes tackle your legs at the same time but miss as you dodge it. The slimes fall through the wide gaps giving you more leg room.
With that you begin to quickly pick up the 'safer' slimes like the hydro and geo slimes before chucking them off. You were careful not to let the pyro or electro slimes touch you and simple dodged them.
"What are you two doing standing there?! Come and help me already!"
Your words seem to snap them out of whatever daze they were in before they ran to join you. As vision holders their bodies had some natural resistance to the slime's elemental bodies. You witnessed Chongyun pick up two pyro slimes with ease as you kicked a dendron slime off. He didn't even get a single burn!
The number of slimes dwindled down quickly till there only a handful of hydro slimes. You expected them to try to run away or charge at you but instead they simply circled you before gurgling happily.
Throwing off one of the hydro slimes you finally looked down to see that all the slimes were safely at the bottom. You did have the maximum world level 8 so fall damage must not be enough to kill them.
In your confusion you picked up the next one and bluntly asked. "Do you guys enjoy being thrown off like this?"
It smiled with 'closed' eyes almost exactly like you would see in the game as the last two hydro slimes jumped around happily. You looked up at Chongyun and Xingqiu who gave you an equally confused stare.
Shit this might have been another creator perk. If the slimes don't enjoy being thrown by them, then the guys will start to suspect you again. That means precious time and energy wasted, Yiran can't afford that.
"Can you both check up on the group while I finish these slimes. Clearing this path was also one of my commissions."
Chongyun stops mid-grab before nodding. Xingqiu is unfortunately less cooperative.
"We helped you with your commission, surely you'll let us take some of the prize too."
"Aren't you all for justice and chivalry? It's very unrighteous of you to try and steal from the poor and needy." You respond with a shrug as the last slime gets happily thrown off.
It may come from the perk of being the creator but it's still a bit creepy how much they like being thrown off the bridge. But the slimes are also quite cute, so it's forgiven.
The whole creator cult thing was a different story.
"Well then shouldn't you-" "That's enough, the bridge is clear let's get going."
Cutting off Xingqiu you begin to lightly push him across the bridge. Although he does stop talking, he begins to lean even more on your hands.
Man was he heavy, the game didn't exactly give the best body portions. Xingqiu looked quite slim, but sword training gives muscles and Xingqiu is not exception.
He even had the nerve to take out a book and begin reading leaving you with the job of pushing him.
A nice little prank is schemed as you pushed him quietly to the end of the bridge where Chongyun was waiting for you both.
Chongyun turns in your direction and sighs tiredly at Xingqiu's antics. Xingqiu begins to close the book and you smile secretively. With a quick sidestep, your hands leave his back and he falls backward onto the bridge.
The teens begin to laugh as the adults control their laughter better. You smirk down at the annoyed Xingqiu as he moves his book off his face.
"Since I did the manual labor of pushing you all the way here, I'm sure you'll let me keep the full reward."
"Fuck you" You simply flip him off before turning to the elderly man and adults with a pleasant smile.
"Hello, which one of you had filed this bridge as a commission?" Money came first, you didn't want the commissioner to slip away. You didn't even have to worry about the time limit due to the amount of slimes you had to throw off.
"That would be me, thank you for your work." The elderly man hands you the bag of rewards. You turn around to where Chongyun was helping Xingqiu up.
"You did help so do you want a portion of the rewards?"
"I only accept the base fee for exorcism jobs. It was your idea that made it possible to cross so I don't need any mora." He shakes his head firmly and you nod in acceptance.
More mora for you after all! Pocketing the money, you ignore Xingqiu who's holding out his hand for some of the reward. He tsk'd at your action as Chongyun sighs tiredly at the conflict between you two.
"I do have another commission about a kidnapping case. A group of treasure hoarders kidnapped two adults, some teenagers, and children. We followed the path here, are you part of the group that were kidnapped?" You direct your question to the adults and teenagers as they begin to sigh in relief.
"Yes, but we're only part of the group." The first adult who looks to be an older woman speaks with tears of relief. "After we were taken, we got to a clearing of some sort in Guilt Plains and the Fatui were there. We tried to escape when they began to fight but we were caught."
"When we got to the bridge the slimes were starting to crowd it, so they tied us on the other end and crossed the bridge with the children and a few teenagers. Thankfully Mr. Dao untied us, and we helped him cross the bridge." The second adult a man who couldn't be older than 20 explained with a hoarse voice.
"There's no way we could defeat the hoarders to save the children and the bridge was overfilled with slimes. But not only did you clear the bridge, but you all seem strong enough to save the kids. Please save them, my son is still with them too." The woman clasps her hands with budding tears as she looks at you.
"The information you gave us is invaluable. I can assure you that we'll keep working on this case." Carefully picking your words, you do your best to comfort the mother. Her gaunt figure and poorly maintained features are a clear indicator of her poverty. She's not the first mother you've seen suffer like this in poverty.
"May the creator bless you with luck in all that you do." She whispers pressing her lips against her hands. Muttered prayers are carried by the wind as you begin climbing up the path with the quiet vision holders.
The mood in your group is somber from the earlier conversation. Leaves flutter in the air with the rising height and birds circle the mountain. After crossing a small wooden bridge, you all get to an archway with a blue tile roof, and a large bell hangs motionlessly above. Small statues of frogs litter the area seeming to watch you.
There were also mini stone statues of you too. Fancy clothes adorn the small statues with a matching hat. It was cute but it seemed to remind Chongyun and Xingqiu that you were all entering the adepti area.
They both hesitate at the gate with conflicted expressions. Neither of them have the sigil of permission and you sure as hell don't have one. They probably could enter while you were playing as it was under the creator's command but that didn't apply here.
Even still you grab their hands and drag them past the gate. "Why are you two standing there like idiots? There are children scared out of their mind with no clue on whether help is coming or not."
"This is the home of the adepti, without a sigil of permission we aren't allowed to enter less we face punishment." Xingqiu speaks but he still allows you to pull him.
"What's more important? The lives of innocent children or the privacy of beasts that are meant to protect the lives of people of Liyue which would include those children. If the adepti can't forgive our intrusion, then they are shameful to the creator. And the creator's will overpowers all others."
You release their hands and continue hiking. Both boys walk at your swift pace with a seemingly fond look. It seems that creator perk of them becoming inclined to you is starting to affect them.
After a while you all find a man sitting on a small structure with an axe by his side. The sun is already starting to creep down, but you need a break. Chongyun starts walking to the man but not before saying, "I'll ask him for any information. You aren't used to this terrain yet Y/N, rest up in the meantime."
Were you really that obvious? In embarrassment you pat away the dust and dirt from your clothes. The snicker from Xingqiu makes you glare at him with a flustered face.
"Quit laughing before I push you off this mountain." Your mumble only makes him laugh at you more. Fed up, you shoulder him making him stumble at the unexpected action.
Now annoyed he moves to shoulder you back, but Chongyun is already pulling you behind him.
"Xingqiu can you stop fighting with Y/N?"
"Chongyun it isn't good to misunderstand situations like these. They really started it this time."
"I have no clue what he's talking about. I was tired and started to lean on Xingqiu. It's not my fault he wasn't strong enough to hold up my weight."
Xingqiu chuckles in disbelief at your innocent words as Chongyun shakes his head. "Xingqiu, you can't really expect me to believe you. You do stuff like this all the time to me."
You stick your tongue out at Xingqiu over Chongyun's shoulder as he smiles sharply at you. He silently fumes as you grin mockingly at him.
"Now back to the mission, the man Pan Guan'er is a lumbar jack looking for his axe. He said that he only sat down to rest recently and hadn't seen anyone passing by. We should keep hiking up and maybe we'll find more clues."
Nodding you all keep hiking but again you feel that sense of unease. It seems you aren't the only one as Xingqiu starts questioning Chongyun as you all cross a pond.
"A lumbar jack in the adepti area? How strange. That job requires a lot of strength so what kind of build did he have?"
"He was more on the slender side with muscles on his legs being the most prominent." Chongyun recalls as he stares down at the floor.
Muscles on the legs rather than the arms? There's no way he's a lumbar jack. You turn around first and freeze at the sight of Pan and two treasure hoarders sneaking up.
"Watch out!" One of the hoarders already has a crossbow about to shoot and you react quick enough to tackle both guys to the floor.
An arrow may have only done some damage while you played the game, but this was real life. You weren't sure if you could save either of them if they got hit in a vital spot. Let alone an organ like an eye.
The situation dawns on them as you all scramble up to avoid the attacks coming your way. A masked hoarder begins to load up another arrow as the biggest man charges with a hammer. Pan Guan'er slips a mask onto his face and readies a pair of throwing knives.
Chongyun defends you and Xingqiu from the hammer by blocking with his claymore. The heavy clang and subsequent swings of the hefty weapons in combat let you and Xingqiu go around and battle the others.
Xingqiu follows the crossbow hoarder as he backs away tactically from the agile boy. Your sickle is summoned, and your swing is electro-charged against Pan if that even was his name.
He dodges at the last minute and kicks your side making you bite back the groan. Knives slash at your clothes and are thrown at your neck as you dodge them all while being careful to avoid his legs.
You're unrelenting once you get an opening to attack. The blunt side of your sickle leaves bruises on his body as you cautiously leave shallow cuts. You can't let him die just yet.
The fight is so familiar that your body follows the movements easily. Reminiscent of all the street fights you participated while homeless. It's the jobs from your old boss that would get physical that seem to crowd your mind the most.
The fight is over before you know it with your sickle on his neck keeping him pinned down on the ground. Xingqiu climbs back up with a frustrated expression that softens at the sight of your victory.
"He fell off the cliff while I was chasing him. Who in their right mind backs up without checking?" He sighs as Chongyun comes over with blood staining the end of his pants.
"He lost too much blood and couldn't answer any questions I had. Hopefully, we get more luck with Pan." Pan gulps nervously at the sight of all three of you staring down at him.
"Why did you kidnap those people? What happened with the Fatui? But if you can't answer those questions then you better be able to answer where those children are now." The sickle presses against his neck harder letting a stream of blood trickle down.
"We heard that the Fatui needed people, so we agreed to kidnap some for them! The money they brought wasn't to the bosses liking so we fought. For some reason they retreated, and we took the people here to escape."
"And where are they now?" Pan avoids your eyes as he sweats. If he wasn't going to say more then you'll have to force it out of him. The loud crunch of bones breaking can be heard alongside Pan's screams.
Chongyun lifts his claymore and slams the dull side onto his leg mercilessly. It's surprising to see this sharp chilliness from him but it saves you the trouble.
Pan's arm swings up to hit your side, the knife glinting in his hand as he grunts angrily. "I'm gonna-! Hurk-"
His words are cut off as a sword stabs his arm back into the ground. The blood seeps through and spills onto the grass and pond as tears and snot dribble down his face.
What right does he have to cry? He's not the parent who's worried over their child with a dangerous fate. He's not the child stolen and at the mercy of adults with malicious intentions.
"We split up! I was staying here on Qingyun Peak to throw off any Fatui members that might come while the prisoners were taken to Mt. Hulao!" He sobs out and you draw your sickle back in disbelief.
Mt. Hulao? That was the mountain right across from here! You would have to climb down, cross the river, and then climb back up. They could go anywhere by then!
Shit, shit. What were you supposed to do?
Chongyun and Xingqiu seem just as conflicted as the draw their weapons away. Now free and bleeding, Pan begins to crawl away. Chongyun moves to detain him again, but you stop him with a hand on his shoulder.
"Leave him be, we got the information we needed. Besides, he'll bleed to death before he finds any help."
Xingqiu seems to be deep in thought as he stares off the cliff in the direction of Mt. Hulao. He talks with Chongyun about any possible paths to it as you stand a little farther on the side.
Warily you bring up the game screen and press the map quickly. You didn't have enough privacy or time to control one of your characters to save the children, but you could zoom in on the mountain through the map.
There you spot a flat area on Qingyun Peak facing Mt. Hulao. If you could climb higher, you could glide to the mountain saving loads of time and energy. You let that little flame of hope ignite and close the game window in a hurry.
"I have an idea, you both have gliders, right?" You ask with an excited smile as they nod in unison. Wordlessly they understand your plan and follow you up the mountain.
The path is littered with flat rocks and plants that your feet carelessly trample on. Trees, lamps, and archways are ignored as the sky starts to turn a soft shade of orange. Time is running out.
The clearing comes into view as the amber-imbued mountain stands proudly across. A huge stone circle is nearly consumed by the wildlife as you all walk to the edge.
Red ropes tied to the trees holding small signs are on your left and on the right is a strange device with two of your mini statues guarding it. A mechanical stone doll of yourself stands there with gold rings around the joints. Was that a pull-apart and put-back-together statue of yourself?
This was Moon Carver's Mountain, so it belongs to him. Maybe Cloud Retainer made it for him. You eye the path on the right that leads further up the mountain to his home. It was weird to think that even the high and mighty acting adepti worshipped you too.
The edge of the mountain makes your palms sweaty as you peek down. It's a long drop. Forcibly you activate the glider as Xingqiu and Chongyun stand next to you calmly.
"You look quite nervous Y/N, this must be your first time using one. Did you not get your license?" Too nervous to be annoyed you answer with a chuckle.
"Nope, but what the Millelith doesn't know, won't hurt them. Besides they're pretty crappy anyway." The soft breeze helps cool you down as you stare straight ahead.
"Just hold onto us if you're that nervous. If you're really scared, then I can just carry you." Xingqiu replies as he holds his arms out. It's teasingly in your eyes but he's very serious.
"Can't do that, I have to learn to glide by myself ya'know? But I will take you up on the first offer." You grab Xingqiu's right hand and turn to Chongyun.
His glare at Xingqiu softens when you look at him. Wordlessly with a shy look he holds his left hand out. Internally he's relieved that you didn't accept Xingqiu's offer to carry you. He knows him well enough to know that he was serious about that offer.
Hyping yourself up that this cliff wasn't as terrifying as you thought, you jumped off the cliff gripping their hands tightly. It's just like building parkour, it's just like building parkour. The chant is repeated as you keep your eyes closed from the wind.
"You can open your eyes now, Y/N." Chongyun's calm voice coaxes you as a playful voice continues. "Just don't flail around too much."
Slowly you open your eyes to the sight of the passing birds and Mt. Hulao slowly approaching. The wind is soft as it caresses your face while the wind pushes you all higher into the air.
"As long as neither of you let me go, then this will be a nice and easy flight." You direct your quip to Xingqiu. "And if someone does decide to be a dick then I'll let go of Chongyun and bring Xingqiu down with me."
"Real subtle Y/N."
"Aren't I always?"
"I have to thank the creator for keeping the wind in the direction we need. The faster we get to the mountain, the faster we can search for the kids. Plus, you two can stop fighting for at least 5 minutes."
"Y/N, do you see what kind of bad influence you are? Chongyun never acts this way."
"Don't blame me, it's not my fault he's sick of your antics."
Chongyun sighs softly as you and Xingqiu continue bickering until you all land on Mt. Hulao next to a chunk of amber. You mimic Xingqiu and Chongyun who mutter a prayer of thanks to the creator.
The orange-pinkish hue of the sky is now a soft purple as the amber seems to glow. You knock on the tall amber and listen to the hollowness of the mineral.
"Don't get distracted Y/N! We have to hurry or else they might get away." You jump at the sudden call and catch up with the duo. The cold air is starting to make you a bit cold as you follow the path.
"Isn't it a bit strange that there aren't any monsters here? I mean the adepti wouldn't bother killing elemental creatures or even any monsters unless they actively disturbed them."
"I think that's the answer," Chongyun responds quietly to Xingqiu's question as he points ahead.
Right at the edge of the giant hole in the middle of the mountain was a few bodies. No, a few corpses.
Treasure hoarders lay on the ground, against the wall, and even in the bushes with battered bodies. Claw marks, arrows, puncture wounds, and even arrows are inflicted on the bodies. The only explanation would be that a group of hilichurls attacked them.
Walking closer you touch the blood and let it drip off your finger. "It's cold but not dry. They were here not long ago; they must be up the mountain."
Walking up the mountain with the guys in tow you wipe the blood off on an amber chunk. As you all keep climbing, more and more bodies are found, thankfully none of them are of kids.
As the path turns to stone staircases amber chunks become more frequent. Xingqiu peers into one and bites his lip.
"The amber is also encasing some of the hoarders. That's usually the fate for anyone who climbs Mt. Hulao."
"We should leave them to the creator's mercy. They're either dead or going to die. Not to mention Mountain Shaper isn't known for his grace." Chongyun responds as you glance at the passing amber coldly.
Finally at the top of the mountain you stare at the big trees with burgundy leaves, Cor Lapis are rooted around the trunks. Yelling and crying can be heard as you climb the last few steps to finally see the situation.
Mountain Shaper stands in front of his cave in the usual form of a crane as he stares down at the only standing treasure hoarder. Multiple dead bodies lay in the shallow water as the water changed to red. The hoarder is yelling something but the soft cries on your left are the only thing you hear.
Yiran is kneeling in the water as she sobs clutching a boy's hand. His features so similar to the woman you met at the bridge. Yet the pink hue of the water and dull eyes make your heart clench at having to present her with his body.
"Mortal of treachery, you and your kin invaded my mountain seeking to hide your crime and escape with your lives. Let the amber of my mountain encase you till only dust remains!"
With a flap of his wings, the last hoarder is consumed by amber with a horrified expression clear. You stare in awe at the display of power as the amber crumbles into dust and scatters among the water.
Mountain Shaper turns his attention to your group with irritation. "Intruders left to right. At the very least you three have no scent of corruption and evil, I'm sure you came for the children. The others are on Mt. Aocang under Cloud Retainers care."
The mountain seems to rumble as he walks slowly towards you all with glowing red eyes. "Yet you all trespassed on my and Moon Carver's residence. Foolish and arrogant mortals you all are, your punishment will be swift and painless."
Your heart pounds in your chest as you promptly reply but not toward Mountain Shaper.
"Yiran! Your father Kuan is waiting for you at the city. He's been worried sick about you, he commissioned me to find and save you."
"Really?" She quietly replies, "Daddy sent you? I-I want to go home! I wanna see Daddy!" She sniffles before bursting into tears.
Mountain Shaper stands in front of you with narrowed eyes. "What caliber of schemes did you plan to follow through with such an action?"
"Do you or the other adepti plan to come to the city and find the people those children belong to yourself? How do you plan on calming down traumatized children?" He scoffs at your questions and glowers at you.
"The sole reason I have not imprisoned your form despite your conceited words is due to the scent of Teyvat that surrounds you. Your comrades will care for the children while we can investigate you."
He spreads his wing into Yiran's direction silently commanding the guys to care for her. Warily they move away from you and tend to Yiran trying to calm her down.
"Answer my questions and you and your team may live. Who are you masked trespasser and why does the scent of Teyvat surround you?"
It's strange, why doesn't he recognize you? They never accepted any gnosis so the corruption from Celestia should never have affected them. Nor would they ever forget the elemental worship due to their distaste for human culture, but wouldn't they remind Morax of it too?
The adepti are under Morax's command as they all fought under him. Plus, they must all have their own contracts with him. What if that was the reason? Maybe the corruption affected them on a subconscious level leading them to not realize how they were affected by the gnosis.
"I'm Y/N, and that scent is from my occupation. I'm the creator's oracle and as the creator's vast powers protect me, Teyvat protects me under the creator's orders."
Mocking laughter echoes around the area once you finish explaining. You already expected this reaction, what thousands of year-olds mystical beings would believe a mortal would be made into an oracle? Instead, you focus on Yiran's softening cries as she's comforted by the duo.
They seem to be instructing her to pray to you. Chongyun shows her a form as Xingqiu recites a prayer that goes unheard. It's something about protection, healing, and thankfulness. It almost makes you want to laugh if the situation wasn't so horrible.
"He protected me and now he's dead. It's all my fault, it's all my fault!" She breaks down again during the prayer as they continue trying to soothe her. This memory will stay with her forever, Kuan isn't going to get the same daughter back. If she wasn't traumatized by the kidnapping, this preteen's death will.
Doesn't make it any less fucked up that when something like this happens, everyone's first thought is to pray to you. That's probably why everyone is so fanatic about you. It happens on Earth with minor obsessive religions but here in Teyvat it's widespread.
"Interloper or rather Y/N the teller of falsehoods, the adepti as a group will decide whether you deserve to live in shame or die for your crimes." It's a shame that the fan won't work in this case but that never stopped you before.
"And what about my friends? You said that they may live if I answered, which I did, but I don't believe you're that generous. If anyone must face punishment for trespassing, it should be me as I dragged them along. They're not the ones who are receiving payment, I am."
It was the least you could do, they helped you a lot and they didn't deserve to die for your reckless decision. Even if you don't regret it.
"How noble of you falsifier. Those acolytes may live and bring those children back to their homes. I'll even wrap this body to be presented to whatever careless parent that let their child be taken."
Oh, hell no
"With all the disrespect I can muster, shut your damn trap. What right do you have to speak about careless parents? That boy's mom was taken alongside him, you have no idea what kind of sacrifices she may or may not have made for him! If we're going to speak about carelessness, why don't you explain why all you adepti thought it was right to fill Qiqi with enough adepti energy that it harmed her to such a horrible degree?"
The air went cold and amber rose around you in a cage-like form. He was furious but you were too.
"Oh, I will rejoice once your little story is exposed as the fabrication it is. I'll decide your punishment and seek out how you learned about this. I pray to the creator of all beings that your death will be as painful and long as when I was forced to incase that dying child in amber to prevent her destruction."
His condescending tone is paired with a fiery glare that you deliver right back. Chongyun carries Yiran who passed out from exhaustion. Xingqiu carries the now mummified body of the dead boy with a troubled look.
The heron stands in the middle of the pond and spreads both his wings. The pond alights with yellow and red forcing you to close your eyes.
When your eyes reopen, you find yourself in a different body of water. A small table in the middle, lily pads between the rocks in the water and the multiple eyes staring at you are a near comfort.
What a familiar scenery.
Chongyun and Xingqiu are surrounded by the rest of the missing kids as the stumble from the sudden teleportation. Hurt but thankfully unharmed, the children light up at the sight of the famailair Liyue figures.
Two cranes, a stag, and a very familiar goat-featured lady stand around you. You always wondered how Ganyu's hair stayed in a ponytail look without a hair tie.
"I regret to inform you all that this mortal has claimed to be the creator's oracle."
Shocked eyes are drawn to your imprisoned form with the exception of your teammates. The rising moon seems to shine on the water around you like a spotlight. Your face is neutral as your sharp smile hides in your heart.
Yet another situation where you'll make best with what you have. The more untrusting eyes, the more relief you'll feel when you trick them with convenient words painted under the guise of truth.
It has always been like this, and even if you're sick and tired, you'll still do it. At this point, it's the only thing that you trust. So, you'll keep spouting lies until even you believe them. Besides...
Lying always was your best skill.
I finished!!! There was so many obstacles! My house started going under construction so I took off work and spent this whole week moving stuff. Then moving it back, And then cleaning it. And then restocking it. You get the idea. The beginning of this chap is really rough due to me switching between moving and cleaning plus being a lil rusty. But I think I got back to the flow as it went on. Everything sort of worked out in the end but Y/N just can't catch a break. Now the whole kidnap case seemed maybe random to ya'll but how else was I supposed to bring Y/N into adepti territory? It's a fact that travelers are encased in amber or punished for going to Jueyun Karst. I just hope I fleshed it out enough that it was enjoyable. Oh and that scene with Pan Guan'er was inspired by the actual NPC that sits there. When you walk by, two treasure hoarders spawn behind you. I genuinely think that NPC is sus as hell. I also wanna direct anyone interested in what the mask could look like to this post. The wonderful @the-dumber-scaramouche made fanart of her version of Y/N! It's so beautiful! Taglist: @vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl, @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma, @kwqsla, @undecidingfate, @ehjane, @game-savvy, @akiramirae, @sielt, @fluffy-koalala, @formacoon, @sxftiebee, @khxii-i, @ursinaw, @chuuya-brainrot, @sweetbills, @kazuchaos, @snowfoxnix, @bluebelony, @conspicuous-mayonnaise, @pencil-of-ashes, @ghostlyintervention, @taiformaifoe, @sielt, @goaudduck, @carminerin, @maddysflowers, @zenith-of-all-zeniths, @crazydreamcat, @leafanonsforest, @grimreapersscythe, @leylanx, @undecidingfate, @sapphireknown, @help-whatdoimakemyusername, @zhonglisfruityass, @fluffy-koalala, @mer0n37, @victoria1676, @mochinessss, @sinnful-darling, @emilymikado
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rapidmorph3 · 3 months
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Finally finished stories 2 after literally, three years (I left off at kuan village ages ago and just finished the rest of the game in like the last two and a half days Cry emoji) I really really enjoyed it, here some small doodles from right after finishing main story.
Really want to make a proper stories 2 piece one day once I'm a little less busy with owed art ^_^)
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bouncingkadachi · 11 months
A few notes on my first read of the artbook:
Monstie babies are very cute. I wish to pet the Zinogre babies in particular.
Ratha: There's several sketches of Ratha stealing fish, no matter if he's tiny or grown. Also, one of his early designs had black scales on his wings and tail that are cut with scales that are edged in light blue. This pattern makes it look like his wings and tail were chained. His egg pouch looks to be macramé, and then when he's still tiny he got around by chilling in a basket strapped to the Player Character's saddle on another Monstie.
Oltura: Absolutely gutted that they weren't able to put in their proposed Oltura Final Attack. It's basically a spinning dive bomb that plays on the glowing wings trope, ending in a very cool (and very menacing) facial closeup of Oltura that I'm sure would be traumatizing. It could have been a super cool parallel to Ratha's glowing wings attack at story end.
Kyle: he thinks the gap in ability between his father, brothers, and him is too big, so he doesn't have much self-confidence in his own abilities. His mother fell ill and shortly thereafter passed away when Kyle was still very young. She was a kind and gentle/mild individual (someone's gotta be in that family, I guess).
Mahana Village: all adults are tattooed (perhaps as part of coming of age rituals). Traditional Mahanan clothing is characterized as being a large cloth that is wrapped around the body. Decorative patterns feature natural motifs such as waves, fish, shellfish, and southern plants, and are always designed geometrically.
Rutoh Village: Riders' saddles are made of metal and leather. The cantles are in the shape of a Kushala Daora head, with the eyes being set with stone. Rutoh donuts have a sugar coating on top so I imagine that they're very crunchy. They come in little hemp bags.
Kuan Village: Kuan Riders apparently all wear some variation of a cape/heavy cloak and have their Kinship Stones set in their breastplates. This is not a trait unique to Avinia, though cloak styles vary from Rider to Rider.
Lulucion: The girls in the marketplace wear dresses with patterns that are inspired by Royal Ludroth armor! I guess that's trendy at the moment.
Hunter Group: They were put in Alloy armor to show that, while they're a serious group, they're also obstinate (hard-headed) and can be inflexible.
Guardian Ratha and Red: Guardian Ratha is quite literally known as the Island's God, though it isn't said when this habit came about. Even without his moss covering, his red scales have turned more or less gray with age. An early design for Red also included a scar on his face that his facial guard only managed to partially stop.
Ena and Alwin: the pendant that Ena wears (and is specifically passed down in her family) appears to be a pretty universal symbol in Rutoh. Alwin also carries similar items on him (his earrings and amulet), with the only difference being in that Ena's are slightly rounder in shape. Alwin's also been wearing some form of circlet ever since he was young--it appears that the stone was always the same, just the way it was set was different. He's also apparently been hauling Ena out of Situations ever since they were young (PC's age, so ~12-15)
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wkaustubh · 8 months
Singapore's History and Heritage: A Walk Through Time
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Nestled at the crossroads of Southeast Asia, Singapore is a city-state with a rich tapestry of history and cultural heritage that dates back centuries. From its humble beginnings as a fishing village to becoming a global economic powerhouse, Singapore has undergone a remarkable transformation. Today, the city-state stands as a testament to the harmonious coexistence of tradition and modernity. While exploring the key milestones that have shaped Singapore's history and heritage, visitors can also indulge in various things to do in Pai and experience the vibrant scene of shopping in Thailand.
Early Days: A Fishing Village to a Trading Hub
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Singapore's story begins in the 14th century when it was a mere fishing village known as Temasek. It wasn't until the arrival of Sang Nila Utama, a Sumatran prince, in the 13th century that the island gained prominence. The prince renamed the island "Singapura," which means "Lion City" in Sanskrit after he allegedly spotted a lion on its shores. Although lions never roamed the island, the name stuck, symbolizing strength and courage.
In the 19th century, Singapore's strategic location at the crossroads of major shipping routes attracted the attention of European powers. Sir Stamford Raffles, the founder of modern Singapore, established a British trading post in 1819. This marked the beginning of Singapore's rapid ascent as a crucial trading hub in the region.
Colonial Era and World War II:
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Under British colonial rule, Singapore flourished economically, becoming a melting pot of cultures due to its strategic location and open trade policies. However, the prosperity was interrupted during World War II when the Japanese occupied Singapore from 1942 to 1945. The war left an indelible mark on the island, with the Battle of Singapore being a pivotal moment in its history. After the war, Singapore went through a period of recovery and reconstruction.
Independence and Nation-Building:
The desire for self-governance gained momentum in the post-war era, leading to the formation of the People's Action Party (PAP) in 1954. Led by Lee Kuan Yew, the PAP advocated for independence from British rule and social reforms. Singapore achieved self-governance in 1959 and joined the Federation of Malaysia in 1963. However, the union was short-lived, and Singapore gained full independence on August 9, 1965, due to political differences with Malaysia.
Lee Kuan Yew became the first Prime Minister of Singapore and embarked on a nation-building journey characterized by economic development, social cohesion, and multiracial harmony. The transformation was remarkable, turning Singapore from a developing nation into a first-world city-state within a single generation.
Cultural Diversity: Harmony in Diversity
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One of the defining features of Singapore is its multicultural society. The island is a mosaic of different ethnicities, including Chinese, Malay, Indian, and various other communities. This diversity is not only evident in the population but also in the architecture, cuisine, and traditions that permeate the city.
Chinatown, Little India, and Kampong Glam are iconic districts that showcase the cultural richness of their respective communities. Visitors can explore the vibrant markets, temples, mosques, and churches, experiencing firsthand the harmonious coexistence of different faiths and traditions. The annual celebrations of festivals such as Chinese New Year, Deepavali, Hari Raya Puasa, and Christmas further highlight the multicultural tapestry of Singapore.
Preserving Heritage: Museums and Historic Sites
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To truly understand Singapore's history and heritage, a visit to its museums and historic sites is essential. The National Museum of Singapore provides a comprehensive overview of the island's past through interactive exhibits and artifacts. Fort Canning Park, with its archaeological sites and lush greenery, offers a glimpse into Singapore's colonial history.
Changi Chapel and Museum pay homage to the prisoners of war during World War II, while the Peranakan Museum celebrates the unique Peranakan culture, born from the intermingling of Chinese and Malay influences. These sites not only preserve the historical significance but also serve as educational platforms for future generations.
Modern Singapore: A Global City-State
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In the latter half of the 20th century, Singapore transitioned from a trading post to a global economic powerhouse. Its commitment to education, innovation, and infrastructure development propelled the nation into the ranks of the world's most developed countries. The skyline of Singapore reflects its modernity, with iconic structures like the Marina Bay Sands and Gardens by the Bay becoming symbols of the city-state's progress.
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Singapore's history and heritage are intertwined with resilience, diversity, and a forward-looking spirit. As visitors traverse the city-state, they embark on a journey through time, witnessing the transformation from a humble fishing village to a global metropolis. Singapore's ability to preserve its cultural roots while embracing progress serves as an inspiration for nations worldwide. A walk through the Lion City is not just a stroll through its bustling streets but a fascinating exploration of a nation's evolution, where history and heritage seamlessly coalesce.
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gkfarming · 11 months
Haryana was part of the Kuru Kingdom during the Vedic era during 1200 BCE.
Haryana has been inhabited since the pre-historic period. Haryana was part of the Indus Valley civilization during the Bronze Age period. The ancient sites of Rakhigarhi and Bhirrana are some of the oldest Indus Valley civilization sites.(5) Haryana was part of the Kuru Kingdom during the Vedic era during 1200 BCE.(6)(7)(8) The area now Haryana has been ruled by some of the major empires of India. The Pushyabhuti dynasty ruled the region in the 7th century, with its capital at Thanesar. Harsha was a prominent king of the dynasty.(9) The Tomara dynasty ruled the region from 8th to 12th century. The Chahamanas of Shakambhari defeated them in the 12th century.(10)
Harsha Ka Tila mound, ruins from the reign of 7th century ruler Harsha.
Lal kot built by Anangpal Tomar in 1052
Portrait of Hem Chandra Vikramaditya, who fought and won across North India from the Punjab to Bengal, winning 22 straight battles.(11)
In 1192, Chahamanas were defeated by Ghurids in Second Battle of Tarain.(10) In 1398, Timur attacked and sacked the cities of Sirsa, Fatehabad, Sunam, Kaithal and Panipat.(12)(13) In the First Battle of Panipat (1526), Babur defeated the Lodis. Hem Chandra Vikramaditya claimed royal status after defeating Akbar's Mughal forces on 7 October 1556 in the Battle of Delhi. In the Second Battle of Panipat (1556), Akbar defeated the local Haryanvi Hindu Emperor of Delhi, who belonged to Rewari. Hem Chandra Vikramaditya had won 22 battles across India from Punjab to Bengal, defeating the Mughals and Afghans. Hemu had defeated Akbar's forces twice at Agra and the Battle of Delhi in 1556 to become the last Hindu Emperor of India with a formal coronation at Purana Quila in Delhi on 7 October 1556. In the Third Battle of Panipat (1761), the Afghan king Ahmad Shah Abdali defeated the Marathas.(14)
In 1966, the Punjab Reorganisation Act (1966) came into effect, resulting in the creation of the state of Haryana on 1 November 1966.(15)
Haryanvis within Haryana
See also: Demography of Haryana
The main communities in Haryana are Gujjar, Jat, Brahmin, Agarwal, Ahir, Chamar, Nai, Ror,Rajput, Saini, Kumhar, Bishnoi etc.(16) Punjabi khatri and Sindhi refugees who migrated from Pakistan had settled in large numbers in Haryana and delhi.
Haryanvi diaspora overseas
This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. (July 2021)
See also: Indian disaspora overseas
There is increasingly large diaspora of Haryanvis in Australia, Canada, Singapore, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, UAE, UK, USA, etc.
In Australia, the community lives mainly in Sydney and Melbourne, has set up Association of Haryanvis in Australia (AHA) which organise events.(17)
In Singapore, the community has set up the Singapore Haryanvi Kunba organisation in 2012 which also has a Facebook group of same name. Singapore has Arya Samaj and several Hindu temples.
Main article: Haryanvi culture
Main article: Haryanvi language
Haryanvi, like Khariboli and Braj is a branch of the Western Hindi dialect, and it is written in Devanagari script.(18)
Folk music and dance
Main article: Music of Haryana
Folk music is integral part of Haryanvi culture. Folk song are sung during occasion of child birth, wedding, festival, and Satsang (singing religious songs).(2) Some haryanvi folk songs which are sung by young woman and girls are Phagan, katak, Samman, Jatki, Jachcha, Bande-Bandee, Santhene. Some songs which are sung by older women are Mangal geet, Bhajan, Sagai, bhat, Kuan pujan, Sanjhi and Holi. Folk songs are sung in Tar or Mandra stan.(19) Some dances are Khoriya, Chaupaiya, Loor, Been, Ghoomar, Dhamal, Phaag, Sawan and Gugga.(19)
Haryana is agricultural state known for producing foodgrains such as wheat, barley, pearl millet, maize, rice and high-quality dairy. Daily village meal in Haryana consist of a simple thali of roti, paired with a leafy stir-fry (saag in dishes such as gajar methi or aloo palak), condiments such as chaas, chutney, pickles. Some known Haryanvi dishes are green choliya (green chickpeas), bathua yogurt, bajre ki roti, sangri ki sabzi (beans), kachri ki chutney (wild cucumber) and bajre ki khichdi. Some sweets are panjiri and pinni prepared by unrefined sugar like bura and shakkar and diary. Malpua are popular during festivals.(20)
See also: History of clothing in the Indian subcontinent and History of Textile industry in India
Traditional attire for men is turban, shirt, dhoti, jutti and cotton or woollen shawl. Traditional attire for female is typically an orhna (veil), shirt or angia (short blouse), ghagri (heavy long skirt) and Jitti. Saris are also worn. Traditionally the Khaddar (coarse cotton weave cloth) is a frequently used as the fabric.(21)(22)
See also: Haryanvi cinema and List of Haryanvi-language films
The First movie of Haryanvi cinema is Dharti which was released in 1968. The first financially successful Haryanvi movie was Chandrawal (1984) which spurted the continuing production of Haryanvi films, although none have been as successful.(23) Other films such as Phool Badan and Chora Haryane Ka followed with only about one out of twelve films being profitable at the box office.(23) In 2000, Aswini Chowdhary won the Indira Gandhi Award for Best Debut Film of a Director at the National Film Awards for the Haryanvi film Laddo.(24) In 2010 the government of Haryana announced they were considering establishing a film board to promote Haryanvi-language films.(25)
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rubalotl · 2 years
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Okay so I just got to Kuan Village and these are my monsties so far, minus Ratha. I don't fully understand the gene system, I just do whatever seems right.
Are there individuals of species that are objectivly bad? Like they can never live up to their full potential because their egg wasn't all glittery? Because that's the first pukei-pukei I got and I wanna keep it. It's my favorite child.
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wyverian-lady525 · 2 years
Can you please make a story about the challenges and experiences of a research team led by Lilia that is camping out and studying the reader's Velkhana named "Snowfall" and her mate? I'd imagine it being a rather interesting affair since the pair would be raising their hatchlings near (and sometimes in) Kuan Village in Loloska and there would be an interesting contrast between a fully bonded dragon and one which grew up in the wild!! (yes this is totally related to your recent posts OwO)
Sure! Velkhana is my fav! I hope you like it! 💖 and I hope I got the idea right XD
Velkhana hatchlings were usually never seen in the wild. Until now, but apparently the father has something to say about that.
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Letting Snowfall, your velkhana, go was hard. That said, it was hard in the aspect of not being able to ride her. She was still your monstie, but the most amazing thing had happened. 
Snowfall took a mate.
While you were staying in Kuan, she had been sneaking out. It only grew concerning for you when she was gone for about a week. Taking another monstie, you went to search for her even though you knew that an elder dragon like a velkhana could take great care of itself. Snowfall was still your baby, so of course you worried. But you wouldn’t have to worry for long.
You found her with a male. 
And soon, she had a clutch of eggs that was gathered near Kuan, much to the villagers’ dismay. Velkhanas made things awfully chilly, but there wasn’t much they could do about it. However, the Guild wanted to take advantage of this situation to study the reproductive/parenting habits of an elder dragon.
With your permission, Lilia and her researchers wanted to study the pair.
Figuring that they knew better than to get too close, you allowed it. Also, you would be present the whole time so Snowfall would remain calm as she nested. Actually, a thing that the scriveners learned was that velkhana eggs needed the cold, so the mother nor father never really laid on them, just near them. 
But there is one thing that they did learn; the parents were very different when it came to their presence.  
Lilia made sure her research team set up a camp not too close out of respect for the monster family. However, they were close enough that they were noticed, on the base of the mountain where the elders were nesting. They could’ve stayed in Kuan, but Lilia wanted constant observations.
Snowfall didn’t seem to mind. She’s been around humans her entire life as a monstie. She’s been in Lulucion and she’s seen Lilia. Your velkhana knows that she is safe. So, Snowfall isn’t aggressive one bit. Instead, she’ll just watch them as they watch her, occasionally allowing you near her eggs, but that’s it.
Her mate is a different story.
The wild velkhana instinctively knows to protect his eggs from all humans, hunter or otherwise. Anything new seemed to be a threat. He seemed to tolerate the researchers below for a while, but he soon grew uneasy. The temperatures dropped below zero and blizzards whipped up, anything to deter the humans below. They’ve had to rebuild their camp several times due to the velkhana’s weather influences. Even with Snowfall there to calm him, his uneasiness grew to aggression once the eggs hatched.
“Commander, the male returned to the nest. He’s greeting Snowfall.” One of the researchers said as she looked through a telescope. Lilia soon came over to look herself.
“Yeah...” She mused as she was handed the telescope. Lilia closed one eye as she peeked through with the other. The commander then had a close-up view at the elder dragon family.
Snowfall was laying down but lifted her head once the male landed. A flap of his large frozen wings sent sparkles flying. He nuzzled her nose with his own, but he also had something in his mouth. It appeared to be an anteka, but it also could be a small popo. Hard to tell. As the dead thing flopped onto the nest, the four younglings all gathered around it, their little sharp tails wagging with happiness as their dad brought home breakfast.
“I forget how cute babies are...” Lilia mused with a grin as she adjusted a setting on the telescope, zooming in her view.
The baby velkhanas, which you got to meet once the male flew off (he was still getting used to you, however, he wasn’t aggressive), were like most hatchlings. Big eyes, stout limbs, little wings, and cute little horns. The baby elder dragons were still working on their icy powers, so they couldn’t quite make their armor yet. But some tried, sneezing out ice after it didn’t work. Snowfall would help her babies to their feet whenever they tumbled over, grabbing them by their tails and lifting them. 
As Lilia watched the babies closely, trying to determine their sex for research purposes as they played, a new face suddenly entered the entire field of view of her scope.
“Ah!” She screamed slightly, nearly dropping the telescope as the yellow eyes of the father velkhana glared angrily in her direction. 
As he vision returned to normal, she glanced up at the nest to see that the male had turned in their direction, his wings outstretched. He snarled angrily, ice cloaking his body. The temperature soon dropped and the velkhana flew down in an aggressive manner. 
“Not again!” One of the researchers yelled in irritation as the wild male blasted their camp with ice.
Thankfully, Snowfall intervened to keep him from hurting anyone (which hasn’t happened yet). The research camp was able to rebuild (and thaw) themselves once more, but Lilia was getting sick of this. She knows that he’s just being protective, but it’s not like they’re doing any harm.
But next time, you were there to help ease things. Perhaps you could warm up to the wild velkhana and get him to trust you, then maybe things would calm down a bit so they could study things easier.
However, until then, these were the struggles an elder dragon research team was dealing with. 
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yutopia-eleftheria · 2 years
Alwin Headcanons
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- Despite what everyone else is thinking, Alwin was not born in Rutoh Village. Rather than that, he was born in Selelka, the city of snow.
- However, he still lived in Rutoh as he was sent here as a newborn baby by an unknown Wyverian, apparently to protect him as he seems to have no parents.
- His parents are supposedly dead, as thought by Maolo and Zellard.
- At first, it was Elder Maolo that often took care of him, but he will later have to take care of Ena, so it was then Zellard who raised the little boy. Since Ena and Alwin were very close, Zellard often accepted to take care of both of them to help the elder.
- As a child, he was curious and often goes into the wild alone as he wanted to explore. He was mesmerized by the snowy mountains behind the Alcala region, probably because he came from a snowy city. Let you know that he was still a beginner in terms of archery skills.
- At one point he finally goes into Loloska all alone. There, he found an egg that he wanted to bring back to the village. However, the poor Wyverian kid was then chased down by a Zamtrios. Thankfully, Zellard found him, but the latter was viciously bitten on the shoulder by the Monster while protecting Alwin. Suffering from both hypothermia and bloodloss, Zellard almost died from the attack. It was the people of Kuan Village that took care of them. After that traumatic event, Alwin promised that he would train hard to be able to protect his loved ones.
- It was Zellard that found the Kinship Stone that Alwin carries now. He decided to find one when the Legiana was born and he saw the cute relationship between Alwin and his Monstie. He will only start his quest to find it after he felt better of course (though he still carries a shoulder immobilization bandage for quite some time).
- His Wyverian traits : digitigrade feet / sharp fangs / enhanced earing. As for his scales, they are on his arms and feet and they’re bluish-purple.
- Alwin is somewhat able to see different people when he’s battling. They are telling him not to give up and to live on. There are a total of 6 persons that he can see. They all seem to genualy care for him and wants to protect him at all cost. Almost everytime one of them appear to him, he is able to fight back with a new power. He is trying to find a meaning, but for the others, it is most likely people from his family that died and wants to help him live on. It is unfortunately believable that most of his family died and he is one of the only survivors. Because of that, a lot of the villagers thinks that he is unique and that not only he will protect them all, but they also have to protect him too. He is even called “The Golden Boy” by the villagers.
- The only alive member of his family is Shakuna. She will explain that she is the one that brought him to safety, as they were the only one that managed to escape the disaster that happens in their town. (Don’t worry the new town is completely safe, but it took them to have people being decimated to realize how low their protections were...)
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boysplanetrecaps · 2 years
Names and Ranks as of eps 6-8
This post is just a super brief recap of who is who that you can maybe consult as you’re watching any of episodes 6-8.
This will list their names, audition song, challenge mission song, age, and final star rank. LMR = Love Me Right  KTL = Kill This Love BD = Back Door
They'll be after the readmore so that you won't be spoiled if you didn't see ep 5 yet!
Name, audition song / first challenge song, age, star ranking
Sung Hanbin Beautiful Beautiful /LMR - K, 21 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Seok Matthew All I wanna do /KTL - G, 20 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Kim Ji Woong Mirotic /BD- K, 24 ⭐⭐⭐
Han Yu Jin Kick It /BD - K, 15 ⭐⭐⭐
Zhang Hao Kick It - G /KTL - G, 22 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Kim Gyu Vin Kick It/ LMR - K, 18 ⭐⭐⭐
Hui Shut Down /LMR - K, 29 ⭐⭐⭐
Keita Conduct Zero /KTL - G, 21 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Jay Rush Hour /LMR - G, 21 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Park Gunwook GBTB /KTL - K, 18 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Kim Tae Rae The Real /BD - K, 20 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Ricky Kick It - G /BD - G,18 ⭐⭐
Lee Da Eul Replay /Danger - K ,18 🚫
Kum Jun Hyeon Nunu Nana /BD - K, 19 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Takuto Instead Of... /Danger - G ,15 ⭐
Haruto Glitch Mode/ LMR - G ,18 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Yoo Seung Eon Kick It /Very Nice - K ,19 ⭐⭐⭐
Seo Won Attention /Very Nice - K, 22 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Anthonny Glitch Mode /LMR - G, 19 ⭐⭐⭐
Lee Seung Hwan Mirotic /Danger - K, 22 ⭐⭐⭐
Hiroto Conduct Zero /Very Nice - G, 20 ⭐⭐
Park Hanbin The Real /Hot Sauce - K ,20 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Mun Jung Hyun The Real /Very Nice - K, 17 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Bak Do Ha My House (Blue) /Hot Sauce - K, 20 🚫
Cha Woong Ki Bloom Bloom /Very Nice - K, 20 ⭐⭐
Chen Kuan Jui Tiger Inside /KTL - G, 22 ⭐⭐⭐
Jung Min Gyu My House (Red) /Very Nice - K, 23 🚫
Ollie Kick It - G/ Hot Sauce - G, 16 🚫
Wang Zi Hao Veil /KTL - G, 21 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Lim Jun Seo Replay /Danger - K, 17 ⭐
Na Kamden Rush Hour/ BD - G, 21 ⭐⭐⭐
Ma Jing Xiang Reveal Very Nice - G, 19 🚫
Dang Hong Hai View/ LMR - G, 19 ⭐⭐⭐
Oh Sung Min Bloom Bloom /LMR - K, 21 ⭐⭐⭐
Cong View /Very Nice - G, 22 ⭐⭐⭐
Zhang Shuai Bo Reveal /BD - G, 21 ⭐
Krystian Call Me Baby/ BD - G, 23 ⭐⭐
Yoon Jong Woo Mirotic /BD - K , 22 ⭐
Lee Jeong Hyeon The Real /LMR - K ,20 ⭐⭐⭐
Lee Dong Yeol Who/ Very Nice - K, 24 ⭐
Brian Kick It - G /BD - G, 20 ⭐
Lee Ye Dam Gambler /LMR - K, 20 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Wumuti UN Village /LMR - G, 23 ⭐⭐
Park Ji Hoo Freak /Hot Sauce - K ,16 ⭐⭐⭐
Chen Jian Yu Call Me Baby/ BD - G ,24 ⭐
*Lee Hwan Hee* Who/ KTL - K ,24 ⭐
Ji Yun Seo Kick It /BD - K, 18 ⭐⭐⭐
Lee Dong Gun Criminal (shoes) /Hot Sauce - K, 17 ⭐⭐
Park Hyunbeen GBTB /Hot Sauce - K, 17 ⭐⭐⭐
Cai Jin Xin Reveal/ Hot Sauce - G, 19 🚫
Choi Woo Jin Nunu Nana /Hot Sauce - K, 18 ⭐
Jung I Chan Mirotic /Danger - K, 20 ⭐⭐
Note: Lee Hwanhee, the light blue haired main vocal from Kill This Love (K group), left the show due to health issues. He’s still in Up10tion so you can still follow him if you want to! 
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cipherdragon · 2 years
alwin: “uhhhhhh”
me: “SPINNN!”
im now with avinia nd frostfang headed to kuan village
i promise you the graphics are amazing my switch just crushed the quality for some reason when recording its really funny
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Week 2 Blog
The Corpse Walker
Liao Yiwu
Pages Read: 31-92
Word Count: 450
Liao visits his father's old friend, Luo, to confirm his suspicions on corpse walkers. Liao soon learned the ways of a corpse walker; to some they were god sent, to others they were devils. Liao went to interview a person who piqued his curiosity through a doctor he met after getting all of his questions answered. Liao travels for hours on what appears to be an abandoned road before coming across the home of his next interviewee, an almost ruined cottage. Zhang Zhi-En spent a very long period being shunned by his village. They had assumed that he contracted leprosy as a result of killing a snake that was supposed to stand in for a strong deity. Liao later goes to interview a self-proclaimed Emperor: Zeng Yinglong, a feng shui master: Huang Tianyuan, and a monk/abbot: Master Deng Kuan (DK).
Critical Analysis
Zhang had slain a second "divine creature," it was said to have cursed his wife and caused her to have leprosy as well. She became unwell and there was no remedy, but the villagers advised burning the demon inside of her since it would be best. They came to the conclusion that the only way to get rid of the entity that was possessing her was to burn her. Yiwu was shocked "It's against the law to burn someone alive to death. Did you call the police and report it?" (47)  However, Zhang was content that his wife had passed away, "Why? They were supporting me." (47)  I cannot support these absurd superstitions. Especially if it was advised that you burn the person you supposedly love to protect everyone. Not to mention, those who avoided Zhang were the same ones who advocated for the burning of his wife.
Personal Response
This book keeps making me hate people. I am aware of how frightening the government can be at times, but how is it possible for someone's morality and ethical principles to suddenly vanish? Despite the saying "be a leader, not a follower," every mob in the book is a follower; they don't care about the background; they are only interested in the excitement. When I read that a small group of individuals chose to repeatedly stab a preserved body because they thought it was evil, I nearly puked. The body served as a treasure of the temple and was meant to signify the depth of a person's religious convictions. However, these individuals just ripped a corpse's bones out. I'm glad that karma chose to strike them. I don't wish anybody bad things  ,though, the mobs were not and never will be an exception. I understand if they simply joined in the uproar, but to take part in the gruesome activities? Unforgivable. 
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hopeaterart · 2 years
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Ku: I seem to be fighting a man with a sword.
Toffee/Wizard: Another one!?
Ku: I know. Sending a visual, footage and analysis.
Toffee: Okay... power readings are high. He doesn't seem to be cybernetically-enhanced, but there are signs he might have gone through some genetic experiments. Be cautious.
Wizard: Database says that this is Sephiroth, a genetically-enhanced super soldier under the employ of Shinra, an energy company that basically rules over the country of Midgar. So there's no doubt he's a formidable opponents.
Ku: Great, mega-corporations with their own army. Just what I needed.
Wizard: Well, he was under their employ. Following a mental breakdown upon discovering he had been experimented on since infancy, he... went rogue, burned down a whole village and has been trying to destroy the planet.
Ku: ... what?
Toffee: Suddenly, you simply blowing up Whelton and his building for what he's done to you, Kuan Ti and Athan seems very graceful.
Ku: Don't forget the hundreds of other 'drones' who went rogue we're still looking for.
Wizard: You two, please have some sympathy for the poor guy. We've helped people in situations similar to him before, maybe we can help him...?
Toffee: I don't think there's any coming back for what he's done.
Wizard: Even so, it wouldn't sit right with me if we didn't do anything. Ku?
Ku: I stop him from doing anything similar to Neovile first, then I'll see if there's anything I can do.
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heavenridersindia · 28 days
Exploring the Majestic Pin Parvati Trek: A Journey of Adventure and Serenity
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The Pin Parvati Trek is a dream come true for trekkers and nature lovers alike. This trek is a mesmerizing blend of raw natural beauty, thrilling adventure, and spiritual serenity. Spanning around 110 kilometers, this trek connects the lush green Kullu Valley with the stark, arid region of Spiti. In this blog, we will delve deep into the wonders of the Pin Parvati Trek, guiding you through its breathtaking landscapes, challenges, and the unforgettable experiences it offers.
What is the Pin Parvati Trek?
The Pin Parvati Trek is one of the most challenging and rewarding treks in the Indian Himalayas. It begins in the Kullu Valley and traverses through diverse terrains, including dense forests, alpine meadows, and barren, high-altitude deserts. The trek is named after the Pin Parvati Pass, which sits at an altitude of 5,319 meters, offering panoramic views of snow-capped peaks, glaciers, and vast valleys.
Why Choose the Pin Parvati Trek?
For those seeking an adventure that goes beyond the usual trekking experience, the Pin Parvati Trek is an ideal choice. This trek is perfect for experienced trekkers who are looking to push their limits and explore some of the most remote and beautiful regions of the Himalayas.
The Pin Parvati Trek offers a unique opportunity to witness the stark contrast between the lush greenery of Kullu and the rugged, barren beauty of Spiti. This trek also allows you to immerse yourself in the local culture, with opportunities to visit remote villages, ancient monasteries, and interact with the warm and welcoming people of the region.
The Journey Begins: Manikaran to Barshaini
The Pin Parvati Trek typically starts from Manikaran, a small town famous for its hot springs and beautiful Gurudwara. From Manikaran, the trek begins with a short drive to Barshaini, the starting point of the actual trek. The trail from Barshaini takes you through picturesque villages like Kalga, Pulga, and Tulga, which are surrounded by lush green forests and apple orchards.
As you continue your trek, you will be greeted by the sight of towering pine trees, gushing rivers, and the sound of birds chirping. The trail gradually ascends as you make your way towards the first campsite at Kheer Ganga, which is famous for its hot water springs. A dip in these natural springs is the perfect way to relax your muscles and prepare for the challenging days ahead.
Trekking Through the Lush Forests: Kheer Ganga to Tunda Bhuj
The next leg of the Pin Parvati Trek takes you from Kheer Ganga to Tunda Bhuj. This part of the trek is relatively easy, with the trail winding through dense forests of oak and pine trees. The lush greenery and cool breeze make this section of the trek a pleasant experience.
Tunda Bhuj, your next campsite, is a beautiful meadow surrounded by towering mountains. This is a great spot to relax, take in the stunning views, and prepare for the more challenging parts of the trek that lie ahead.
Into the High Altitude: Tunda Bhuj to Thakur Kuan
As you continue your journey from Tunda Bhuj, the trail begins to climb more steeply. The landscape starts to change, with the dense forests giving way to more rugged, rocky terrain. The air becomes thinner, and you can feel the altitude as you make your way to Thakur Kuan.
Thakur Kuan is a stunning campsite, located at the base of towering peaks. The night sky here is mesmerizing, adorned with a tapestry of shimmering stars that light up the heavens. This is where you truly start to feel the remoteness of the Pin Parvati Trek, as you are surrounded by nothing but nature in its purest form.
Conquering the Pin Parvati Pass
The highlight of the Pin Parvati Trek is undoubtedly the crossing of the Pin Parvati Pass. This is the most challenging part of the trek, with a steep and arduous climb to the top of the pass. The altitude and weather conditions make this a difficult and demanding section, but the reward is worth every ounce of effort.
Standing at the top of the Pin Parvati Pass, you are greeted with panoramic views of the surrounding peaks, glaciers, and valleys. The sense of accomplishment you feel here is unmatched, as you take in the breathtaking scenery and realize that you have conquered one of the most challenging treks in the Himalayas.
Descending into the Spiti Valley
After crossing the Pin Parvati Pass, the trek begins its descent into the Spiti Valley. The landscape changes dramatically as you leave behind the lush greenery of Kullu and enter the arid, barren region of Spiti. The contrast is striking, with the rugged terrain of Spiti offering a stark beauty that is both haunting and mesmerizing.
The trail takes you through the Pin Valley National Park, home to rare wildlife such as the snow leopard and the Himalayan ibex. As you make your way through the park, keep an eye out for these elusive creatures and take in the raw beauty of this remote region.
Reaching the End: Mudh Village and Beyond
The Pin Parvati Trek ends at the quaint village of Mudh in Spiti. This village, with its whitewashed houses and fields of barley, is a peaceful and serene place, offering a perfect end to your trekking adventure. From Mudh, you can either drive back to Kullu or continue your exploration of the Spiti Valley.
In conclusion, the Pin Parvati Trek is not just about reaching a destination; it’s about the journey itself. It’s about the challenges you overcome, the breathtaking landscapes you witness, and the memories you create along the way. So, pack your bags, lace up your boots, and get ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime on the Pin Parvati Trek. Originally Published Here:-
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Sammy Fox dead after live streaming
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The Filipino adult film star, Sammy Fox—born Susanna Denise Ponce Myers—was found dead by her friend at her apartment. She is only 31 years old. 
According to one witness who came forward, the film star was livestreaming on a known adult website minutes before her demise. The witness also stated that she was doing her usual entertainment while thanking those who watched and even answered some questions from her fans. “Kato nga stream niya kay nagsugod to murag mga alas otso sa gabii. Ako, fan jud ko ni Sammy. Mao to pag notify na nag live na siya kay ni apil dayun ko—mao to kanang hubo man jud nang mga porn stars unya naa siya sa kwarto man guro to niya o set-set raba to sa studio. Kuan nag duwa to siya sa iyang kaugalingon gamit katong dildo unya nitubag sad siya sa mga pangutana sa ni-apil sa iyang stream.” (Trans. Her stream began around eight o’clock at night. I am a fan of Sammy, that is why when I received the notification that she is doing live, I immediately joined. We all know porn stars are nude and she (Sammy) is on her room or maybe in a studio. She was playing with herself using a dildo and she was also answering questions from those who joined her stream.)
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The majority of those who joined Sammy’s livestream specified that mid-orgasm during her entertainment, there was a disturbance on her stream with the signal going on and off and there were also some who recalled that the lights flickered seconds before the trouble with the signal happened. And before the stream abruptly ended, one unidentified source screenshotted a short-second frame of what a few believed to be what she looked like when she departed. The said circumstance was slowly becoming a modern legend since there was still no further information from the authorities. “Rona”, the film star’s friend who discovered her body had only given the media a vague statement of what she saw since she was still visibly shaken from the incident. “I do not know what to say. I just got home from work at that time and routine jud nako na manghagad ni Denise (Sammy Fox) og mangape. Lock ang pultahan atong buntaga nga naabot ko unya wala na lang nako sad siya samuka. Unya naabot na lang og mga ala una, nahibong ko wala pa man ni gawas si Denise kai kato siya mag jogging man gud na siya diri’s village namo. Untop ala una or mga ma late ra og pila ka minutes, mao jud nang orasa iyang ganahan mag exercise. Mao to mura naman ko og nakulbaan, nanghuwam ko og yawe sa anak sa among landlord ato kay ako na lang pukawon si Denise. Basin nasakit diay wala lang magsaba. Pero, before jud ani katong mga alas nuwebe sa buntag, human atong nanuktok kos iyaha, ako siyang gi chattan og gitawan unya wala jud mutubag. Mao nang nakahuna-huna na lang ko na ako nalang jud siya adtoon balik. Pag-abli nako sa iyang kuwarto kay wala ko kasabot sa akong gibati. Nahibong kos kadaghan sa dugo nga naa sa salog, sa higdaanan, og sa lawas niya mismo. Naa pa sad to iyang tripod og cellphone sa atubangan. Human ato kay nidagan kos akong unit unya nanawag na og mga pulis.” (Trans. I do not know what to say. I just got home from work at that time and it is my routine to always invite Denise (Sammy) for a coffee. Her door was locked at that moment and I just decided not to bother her. But then one o’clock came, and I was surprised that she did not jog around our village. Exactly one o’clock or a short minute later was the usual time she allotted for her exercise. Hence, I already felt anxious and borrowed the keys from our landlord’s son so that I could wake Denise up. Maybe she might be sick and just did not tell anyone. But before all of that, at nine o’clock, an hour after I knocked at her door, I chatted with her and called her, and received no response. That is why I just decided to visit her once more. As I opened the door to her room, I did not understand what I felt. I was overwhelmed by the pool of blood on the floor, on her bed, and all over her body. Her tripod, with her cellphone on it, was still standing in front. After all of that I ran back to my unit and called the authorities.) 
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Currently, the authorities are still investigating the gruesome event and have also confiscated the full copy of the live, screenshots, and transactions made on that very stream. 
Written by: Madam X
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unredacted photos: NSFW images
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