#meyrin x reader
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thatanimewriter · 2 years ago
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➳ request: Wow, got back into my koroshitsuju phase 👁👁💧 Mey-rin x gn reader Reader is usually this flirty person, and they're also exceptionally sweet, especially with Mey-rin. Since she's clumsy and cute with her glasses on. But one day, she's forced to take off her glasses. Obviously she changes and reader just *overload* *gay panic* wuh- hhh- who are you- hhh- Oh my, it's her turn to flirt back 👀 Teehee they're so cute together.
➳ character/s: mey-rin
➳ warnings: swearing, murder, guns, knives, blood, spoilers for book of circus, pet names (my darling, baby)
➳ notes: a classic case of the glasses phenomenon. take them off and suddenly you're hot.
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  
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you done goofed
you're gonna pass out from whiplash
as a chef in the phantomhive manor (that keeps bard in line), you're used to your girlfriend being a bit of a klutz
you're not sure if you've ever even seen her without the glasses
now, usually you're the one saying corny pick up lines and being super flirty
giving her desserts n saying they're as sweet as she is and all that shit
so when ciel and sebastian leave to investigate this travelling circus, you're all preparing for an ambush by the circus
and while you guys are setting up things, you hear a new voice behind you
"evening, my darling, do you mind moving? i need to get something."
followed by gentle hands resting on your waist as you're being moved to the side
windows.exe has stopped working
you can feel your face heat up and you're sure you could fry an egg on your cheeks no problem
while you're starting to come down to earth, the voice returns
"thank you, baby. when this is all over, i'll reward you, hm?"
you turned to look at her in shock as you try to register both the drastically deeper voice and the defined features of her face without the glasses
you've also never seen her in action before, so that's another challenge to overcome
you knew she was cute, but since when was she so hot???
normally, you'd say murder was a bit of a deal breaker
but you'd make an exception for her if THIS is what she looks like without the glasses and in business mode
your little combat knives feel very pathetic compared to her rooftops lined with rifles ._.
when everyone has been dealt with, here she comes
with a gentle hand on your waist and a look in her eyes that you don't think you've ever seen before
it might just be the glasses now that you think about it
"you've got blood on your face, want me to help clean you up?"
"uhhh- yeah, sure..."
mey-rin will have to make a note that you like this side of her
perhaps she'll tease you more often
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years ago
apologise ; 18+
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requested by ; someone on wattpad (my first ever request for sweet seduction, but rewritten)
word count ; 4051
content ; sexually explicit content, clothed grinding, hand job (male receiving)
fandom ; black butler
pairing ; finnian x cis female reader
read also on ; ao3
minors and ageless blogs will be blocked
Though you'd only been employed at the prestigious Phantomhive estate for a short few months, it had been more than enough time to get a grasp on how your colleagues functioned as individuals and as a collective. A well oiled machine manned by the head butler, Mr Sebastian, and under the complete jurisdiction of the young lord — a lad you'd only met once and would much prefer to avoid.
There was just something so... haunting... about him. Something far too old and pained in his eye for someone so young.
So you opted to minimise any direct interaction with your employer, instead focusing your time and attention on the other servants of the manor when possible. Of course this meant spending many a morning conversing with Mr Sebastian, whose company you'd come to appreciate, but it was much more than just professional small talk spoken between daily rounds.
It was quiet mornings spent with Meyrin walking down the labyrinthine hallways of the manor, arms filled with laundry and heads tipped back with lilting laughter as you joked and teased and gossiped your way through your chores. It was busy afternoons spent chasing after Baldroy with a bucket and broom, your faces smeared with gunpowder and your sides aching with bitten back giggles as you try to repair whatever damage his latest cooking scheme had done to the servants' quarter of the estate. It was evenings spent on your knees, feeling blindly under tables and beds and chairs, bare fingertips brushing against soft carpets like clumsy spider's legs as you sought out one of Snake's more rebellious companions — their name on your lips and a dozen voices sprouting from his own.
It was late nights spent awake until your eyelids were too heavy to keep open and your brain too fuzzy to think. Thinking and fantasising until your skin was burning and covered in gooseflesh, until you were clamping your hands over your mouth and giggling like a child. Mind racing as you recalled each and every interaction, minor and major alike, with the estate's gardener; Finnian.
Finny, with eyes so lush and green that Mother Nature herself envies them. Finny, with hair as soft and fluffy as cotton, it's colour spun gold and so pure that the very sun he works under all day admires it. Finny, with a smile so cheery and bright despite all he's gone through, the picture of purity and beauty — an adorable Adonis who stole the breath from your lungs and whose voice struck the match that set your flustered flesh ablaze. Finny, who you adored but could never bring yourself to speak to without making a complete and utter fool of yourself.
That Finny. Oh how much you longed to trade places with the flowerbeds, whose petals he touched with a gentleness unmatched, humming and smiling as he diligently tended to each and every stem and bud. You were sure that they only bloomed so bright because of him — as you felt yourself growing more jovial and alive in his presence so surely they must feel the same way too.
But, still, you could never quite bring yourself to voice such feelings to him. Always falling just shy of confessing as the words died on your tongue like soldiers at war or flowers in a meadow, overrun with the weeds of doubt that stole the confidence from their very roots and left you floundering in awkward silence before you finally — inevitably — gave in and retreated. Another loss for the books.
One of many. You were never really cut out for war, it seemed.
Though today you weren't given the option to flee and hide, because you were the staff's last option and failure on your behalf could disrupt the entire system of the estate. A misspoken word snowballing into raised voices, tools with their mixed metal and wooden parts snapped like toothpicks, tearful glares and a deep canyon of trauma and anger whose broad gap you had to bridge.
Meyrin had been the one to start the whole thing in the first place, a comment about cages and experimentation in a new book she'd been reading having sent Finny into a tearful rage. She didn't want to risk making things worse, having disqualified herself and come to you all for aid.
Bard had tried, but he'd fallen just short of the finish line by making a poorly timed reference to a bird. That had only sent him into another round of hysterics.
Sebastian had tried, but he'd been far too stern and had only agitated Finny further, nearly causing him to lash out and attack. He'd retreated and gone back to his other duties to let him calm down.
Snake and Tanaka were out of the estate, and the young lord was far too ill to get out of bed. So they were out of the running.
That only left you, and you hoped beyond hope that your perpetually tied tongue would loosen itself from the anxious knot it so often found itself in just enough to help your dear friend. To let you find the words you needed rather than leave you spouting pure stammering gibberish as it had so often in the past.
Hoping that that hope was enough.
Waiting for Finny to answer you through the greenhouse doors felt like waiting to be hung; stood anxious at the gallows with your eyes trained on your cheap heels and your breath caught in your throat as you counted the seconds. One then two then three and so on, each microsecond spreading onwards for eternity in your own mind, in the silence, until a scratchy, raw voice called out — its tone startlingly, yet not entirely unexpectedly, harsh.
'Who is it?'
You wetted your lips for a moment before responding, calling out your name.
'I told them I wanted to be left alone,' stern and unwavering, so very unlike himself.
'Well, yes, but I — we — just wanted to check that you were okay,' when he didn't respond you continued, speeding up as your words became more disjointed and jumbled, 'Mey said you were really upset and you know she didn't mean to upset you. She just misspoke, you know how often she says silly things. And when you ran off she was terrified and we're all really worried about you and,'
'I said I want to be left alone,'
Cold and harsh and certain and low. Yet his voice still cracked with what were surely tears and you felt your heart break for him.
'Finny, please, let me h-'
An echoing slam, deep as thunder in a raging storm, rang out through the large building, cracking the upper panel of the door beside your hand. Causing you to flinch away and cower in on yourself as a final shout followed.
'Leave me alone!'
And then deathly, painful, infectious silence.
As loud as thunder and as quiet as the grave all at once; heavy with the implications of what remained unsaid whilst you remained frozen in place, staring through the cracked panel at the distorted, quivering silhouette on the other side. You were so close that you could hear the tremble in his voice and his sobs despite his best efforts to hide them — despite him burying his face in his hands and huddling in on himself. He was more scared than angry, so you swallowed down your own anxiety and grounded yourself.
Then, after taking a few deep breaths, you wrapped your hand around the handle and pushed it down. The click echoing off of the tall glass walls as you stepped into the sweltering room and carefully closed the door behind you.
No going back now.
You took a tentative step forward. And then another and another; carefully inching your way towards Finny's trembling figure whilst skilfully avoiding the spilled, cracked plant pot shards that now decorated the tiled floor. The soft clicking of your heels and the soft scratch of clay against porcelain filling the otherwise silent room and overpowering the soft sniffles and sobs coming from the man in front of you — until you came to a halt a few inches in front of him and crouched down to his level.
‘Go away,’
‘Finny,’ you sighed, placing a hand on his knee and gently squeezing once, then twice, ‘I promise that I don’t mean you any harm. I just want to help you — we all do. So will you please listen to what I have to say? Just a little bit?’
Your prodding earned you a small victory — him shifting around enough to be able to look at you over his knees — but small was still better than nothing so you celebrated whatever progress you could make.
‘Thank you,’ you smiled at him and he looked away, ‘now as I was saying; Mey feels terrible about what happened and wants to make amends with you, if you’ll allow it. She’s the one that came and got us to talk to you — it’s why Bard and Mr Sebastian and I have all stopped by. We — I — care about you and I want to help you out, but I can’t do that if you don’t let me help you,’
You could see more tears start to well up in his eyes and panicked slightly, brain running a mile a minute to try and come up with something — anything — that could help make this situation better only to keep coming back with nothing. Leaving you gaping like a fish out of water, completely at a loss as you sought out any sort of solution.
So completely and utterly caught up in your inner turmoil that you didn’t notice Finny shifting again until he’d already launched himself forwards and tackled you to the ground in a tearful, almost bone-crushing, hug.
The moment you hit the floor you froze, unable to even react when the apologies started falling from his lips and the salt of his tears dripped down and gathered in the dips of your collarbone. Mind racing so fast that your body was unable to catch up, just barely processing the sting of your back as it started to fade and registering the weight of his body atop your own as he obliviously settled between your legs — pressing his crotch against your own as he tearily begged for your forgiveness.
But once you finally regained your bearings, you were quick to comfort him — raising yourself up on your elbows and moving to brush some fly-away hairs out of his face. Shushing him and whispering reassurances whilst caressing the sides of his face and brushing away his tears with a feather light touch. A few dozen 'it's okay's and 'I believe you's and 'I've got you's coming from your bitten lips as easily as breath — your tone sweet and genuine but no less firm for it, grounding him bit by bit with your repetitions until he was no longer sobbing and clinging to you like you’d scatter like pollen in the wind once he let go.
But the moment he pulled away enough to look you in the eyes, soft lips quivering and forest green eyes fretful and wet, whatever confidence you’d managed to scrape together was washed away — leaving your mind scattered and lost like a well-worn ship at sea. Grasping for some semblance of coherency as you faltered and floundered and flustered under that wide-eyed, gemstone gaze — stammering and stuttering and tripping over your knotted tongue until you finally managed to blurt out something.
‘You’re beautiful,’
Finny faltered under your unexpected praise, doe eyes widening a fraction as a wave of blushing, startled pink slowly spread up from his collarbone to his cheeks. He swallowed and your eyes flicked down to watch his Adam’s Apple bob up and down — had your throat always been this dry? — before he offered a response that was closer to a squeak than a question.
For a split second you considered backing out and backing down. Contemplated spewing a hundred excuses that felt a thousand times more hollow than the cracked cocoons he’d brought in from the garden earlier that week and that burned the tongue more than the fire that was blazing just beneath the skin of your face and throat. Lying to his face and fleeing, going back to the manor and asking Meyrin to just bite the bullet and apologise…
But you didn’t.
‘I… I said that you’re beautiful, Finny,’ god it felt good to finally say that out loud, relief flooding your veins even as your hands trembled as they touched his burning cheek and as your heart beat so loudly that you could barely hear yourself think.
‘You-You really think that?’
Green eyes — greener than the flourishing plants to which he tended, greener than the perfectly polished gemstones that decorated the themed jewellery worn by the young madam for the summer gala, greener than anything you’d ever seen — glinted with a sort of hope that you couldn’t quite place, clouded with a hesitance you knew all too well and yet still shining brightly through it all.
‘Of course I do!’ You responded firmly, shocked by your own sureness as you coughed into your fist and continued in something just above a whisper, averting your eyes to a suddenly very interesting fraction of plant pot as you spoke. ‘I always have,’
He was silent for a few moments and you felt your heart sink, blood pumping deafeningly in your ears as you started to panic. Thoughts of losing any chance to be with him, of losing your job, of losing your place all buzzing around your mind like a malicious storm — tears welling up in your eyes as it all became too much. Too much. Too much.
But then you felt a work calloused hand on the side of your face — rough thumb wiping away your shed tears with an unmatched gentleness and it all stopped. Silence, once again, until you finally turned your head and received a wordless acceptance of your confession.
A kiss so harsh and passionate that it sent you crashing back down onto the tiled floor — your own hands flying up to bury themselves in his hair as he deepened the kiss. Your lips parted in a startled gasp, which was eagerly swallowed by Finny’s soft lips and before long you found yourself lost in the moment: tilting your head in time with his own, experimentally gliding your tongue along his and delighting in the way you felt him shiver and groan, carding your hands through his messy blond hair and relishing in the way you felt him melt into you even further. Loved and loving and messy and passionate but pure.
Pure until he lent forwards in just the right way and pressed his crotch directly down against your already wet sex — the scratchy material of his uniform catching on the smooth cotton of your drawers to create a sinful combination of sensations that immediately coaxed a moan from your throat. A sound that sent a shockwave of heat straight to his own centre as you felt him starting to harden against your sex.
A sound that he swallowed just as eagerly as before until his mind caught up with his body and he realised just what had happened. Mortified, then, he started to pull away — the motion causing his length to brush against your slit once again and coaxing a fresh moan from you that had him reddening further — apologies already forming on the tip of his tongue and fretful tears brimming in his eyes as he went to speak. Though before he was able to get a word out, he was swiftly interrupted by your breathy plea and your soft hands gently tugging him back down, offering him an opportunity that had him letting out a whimper of his own.
‘Please, Finny, don’t stop,’
And, thankfully, he didn’t.
You were clumsy at first — both of you were — jittery with nerves and jerky with inexperience but still somehow able to make it work as you settled into something resembling an actual rhythm. Wrapping your stocking-clad legs around his waist and pulling him down against you whilst he ground his hips against yours — clothed erection hard and throbbing as it rubbed against your needy pussy, creating a delicious sort of friction that had you soaking through your undergarments far quicker than you'd like to admit. So wet that you were sure that you were starting to dampen the outside of his trousers, but if he felt anything he never made a point to mention it.
It was fast and rough and messy, your mutual desperation for release and for each other bleeding into your every action like water trickling from a stream to the sea. Clear as crystal through the way you arched your back up into his chest and one of those wonderfully gentle hands immediately wrapped around and beneath you to pull you closer to him. Apparent in the way neither of you made any effort to break the kiss, only separating by the merest of millimetres every few moments to catch your breath before diving forwards once again; lips and chins and cheeks smeared with saliva as you moaned and groaned and whimpered against each other, utterly oblivious (or, perhaps, apathetic) of the mess you'd made of yourselves. Obvious in the way that you moved against and with each other: circular grinding, bucking in tandem, downwards thrusts and so on — chasing those individual highs together as you held each other tighter and tighter and tighter.
Tighter until you could barely breath and it still wasn't enough. Though, by now, in the state you were in, even becoming one wouldn't be close enough — you just needed him. Needed his hands on your body, his lips on your own and you needed to make him feel good.
To make him moan and whine and gasp and say your name in that light and airy voice of his again and again and again. The need to pleasure him overwhelming what remained of your coherent mind until you were unable to stand it anymore and finally let yourself give in to that impulse.
Ever so slowly you started to inch your hand lower and lower between your bodies, cautiously palming his hard cock through the scratchy fabric of his uniform — coaxing a deep moan from the base of his throat that sent another wave of pleasure straight to your core. Then, after a short while of slow, gentle groping, you finally built up the confidence to reach into his trousers and wrap your soft hand around his throbbing dick — moaning at the feeling of its weight in your palm as you started to clumsily jerk him off.
Slowly — slowly — you traced your loose fist along his length, fisting from twitching base to swollen tip once, then twice, and again and again and again. Settling into a comfortable rhythm that had his hips bucking into your hand and him moaning and groaning against your lips — sounds and actions so erotic that you couldn't help but start to grind up against him in return, seeking stimulation for your throbbing, needy cunt. Aching for his dick, so painfully thick that you could already anticipate the stretch that would happen once he was finally inside of you; the mouthwatering sting that you were already craving through the lustful, heavy fog of your mind.
Though what few coherent thoughts you managed to scrape together soon dissipated once Finny broke the kiss and leaned downwards to press his lips to the underside of your jaw. Stealing your awareness and your breath with every peck of his addictively soft lips against your skin as he trailed kisses along your jaw, down the column of your throat, over your pulse point and down further to your collarbone before making his way back upwards. A rhythm all of his own that had you panting and whimpering and moaning — one hand in his hair and the other still wrapped around his throbbing length.
As moments turned to seconds turned to minutes you lost yourself to the feeling of his lips and hands on your body — all trails of thought leading back to him: his clothed cock grinding against your sodden panties, creating a delicious friction that drove you closer to the edge with every buck and grind; his soft lips, gentle still in spite of everything he was made to be, which he lovingly trailed along the arc of your neck and which curved handsomely upwards when your pulse jumped beneath his feather-light touch; his warm, work-rough hands, which held onto you with a strength and tenderness that had your pussy aching and that nervously massaged your breasts with an uncertainness that you were near-certain was reflected in your own clumsy ministrations.
The humid air of the conservatory mixed with the flustered flame burning beneath your own skin to create a cocktail of sweat and slick and precum that soiled your work clothes and cling to your skin in a way that you'd have hated had you been in the mind to recognise it. Though both of you were too far gone to even acknowledge the world beyond yourselves — beyond the hot skin, the soft mouths, the grinding of sex on sex only kept modest by the thinnest layers of cloth, the moans and groans and whimpers and sighs — everything else having faded away the moment that his clothed cock brushed against your needy, covered cunt all those minutes ago.
Then all at once something snaps. Finny's pace stutters and jerks as he lets out a sound somewhere between a sob and a whimper against the crook of your neck — hot, throbbing dick spurting his release in waves that cover your hand and soak into his trousers. Whining and sobbing as he presses his shaking hips harshly downwards, button catching against your neglected clit in a single, rough brushing of drenched cotton against plaid that had you falling over the edge of climax mere moments later.
It was all you wanted it to be and so much more: your vision was invaded with flashing blurs of white, stark as fireworks on a clear and moonless night as they clung stubbornly to the insides of your eyelids; your thighs and pussy and underwear were soaked through with your slick, wetness gushing out unbidden until you were coated so thoroughly that you couldn’t even move without noticing it’s cool and lewd presence on your gooseflesh-ridden skin; your heart was pounding madly, so loud and quick that your hearing was overwhelmed with the sound of the blood rushing in your ears that you could barely even hear yourself moaning and whining and groaning and panting; your limbs were trembling so badly that if it weren’t for Finny’s unrelenting grip that you were sure you’d have collapsed into a pleasure-ridden mass of writhing limbs.
Grounded only by the feeling of his lips on your skin as you both came down from your highs — by the way his messy hair felt beneath your fingertips as you soothed and massages his scalp. Sated by his warm weight on your body as he finally collapsed on top of you, wrapping you up in a loose hug as he just panted and gasped and regained his composure — all the while burying his reddened face in your chest. Kept sane by the feeling of the cold tile beneath your head as you finally gave in and laid back down on the floor, the pleasant chill helping you find your peace as you let yourself relax and catch your breath properly.
You could have stayed there forever if given the chance, laying in his arms saturated with a pleasure unlike any you’d experienced before, and gladly would have had it not been for a less than ideal interruption. The sort that had both of you rushing to readjust your uniforms and hide the evidence of what had taken place as best you could — all burning cheeks and terrified looks and shaking hands — not wanting to be seen in such a delicate state.
The clicking of heels. The humming of a lilting feminine voice. The silhouette of a telltale maid’s dress dancing across the front of the greenhouse.
Oh dear.
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ashestospace · 5 years ago
Excuse me can you do headcanons for the Phantomhive servants with a S/O with an awful sense of direction? Like, they just get disorientated easily which leads to them often wandering off in the completely wrong direction a lot?
This was too cute and had fun with the different approaches and reactions they will have. 🥺 They a pile of goofballs and they deserve more love. I hope you enjoy!
The Phantomhive servants with an S/O with an awful sense of direction.
He thought it was a cute trade at first, but he never expects it to give him several heart attacks on the way.
Bardroy at first thought you were exaggerating when you told him how horrible your sense of direction was.
But one thing to another as he spends time with you he will notice it as a simple thing at first.
Oh instead going straight down to go to the living room you end up going the other way around? Nothing serious!
He made fun of it and tease from afar as he waited for you to be far away before calling out for you.
“Oi hun’! It’s this way!” There will be a pause as you turn around from the end of the corridor. “oooOOOH OKAY IM COMING! I KNEW THAT!”
Simple cute little mistakes no biggie for him
Then serious things happen…
“oi toots can you hand me over that jar on the left?” “Left?” You turn your head to the right and hit your face harshly with a wooden cabinet. Making you stumble back and hold into your nose. “Oh, crap hun I said left!” He would quick to hold you and check your injuries.
You would smile it off and just laugh it off. “See? Horrible sense directions..”
He was more cautious with you after that one, but many more incidents happen like that.
Mother hen to the max
She tens to zone out herself but your a whole nother case.
She always has her arms lock with yours when your out, she is not taking any risk on losing you.
The first time it happens she left you for 2 minutes alone just to spot you a mile away looking at a wagon full of animals when she and the rest were walking back to the carriage.
She is constantly yelling your name when she sees you walking away or zoning out.
She doesn’t mean it in a scolding away, more like a panic I don’t wanna lose my baby type of way.
You low-key like the constant attention that comes from it.
He is SOOO scared of losing you one day and never finding you.
His strong hands are always gentle with yours when he holds it to guide you around.
Always has an eye on you no matter what, which results in him ruining more of the garden than usual.
Angry Sebastian in the distance
One time you wandered off into the backyard forest. And he thought he lost you for good and started crying heavily as he searches for you. Only for you to pat him in the head from behind, you didn’t even notice you were gone and you were so confused.
He practically killed you with a hug
So much anxiety for him and his snakes
Snake loves you and appreciates you uncontrollably
But it really amazes him how many times he and the rest had to go out to look for you cause you wondered off.
He’s always tucking on the back of your clothes to make you stop wandering off or making you in the right direction.
He’s too shy so that’s the best he can do.
When he can’t find you he sends his snake to look for you.
You always get happy when you appear. “Oh hey, Emily! Whatchu doing all over here without Sna- oh..”
You get slightly embarrassed walking back with the snakes on your shoulder as you give him a smile.
“Hey…” “We told you to keep close! Says Emily..”
Too many snake surprises in general when you wandered off.
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spencer-reid-in-a-pool · 5 years ago
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Anon asked: Grell suddenly stops showing up at the Phantomhive manor and the household finds out that Grells significant other has returned from a year long mission. 
Author’s note: I wasn’t quite sure where to take this one, hence why it’s kind of a shorty! It’s been so long since I’ve watched Black Butler, I think it’s time I rewatch it. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this little blurb!
Was there ever such a thing as a normal day in the Phantomhive house? Sebastian was beginning to think not. At least, there was never a period of normality that lasted more than a few hours.  The servants were going about their various chores as usual, and everything was calm. Everything was quiet. That was the unusual, not normal part.
“Something ridiculous should have happened by now,” Sebastian said to himself. “It’s only normal in this household, it seems… So what’s going on today?”
It was then that Ciel walked past his mumbling butler. A confused look came upon his face.
“Talking to yourself, Sebastian? Should have known you would lose your marbles one day. I just didn’t expect it to be so soon.” 
Sebastian rolled his eyes. He was used to the young lord’s words, but nonetheless, they could be irritating. The butler shook his head. He would be grateful for whatever amount of calmness there was, and however long it lasted. 
Sebastian walked through the manor to supervise the evening’s chores. Bard was in the kitchen, and so far his cooking smelled normal. No explosions to speak of. Mey Rin was in the hall, dusting off paintings and bookshelves. And Finnian was in the garden, watching the squirrels and the birds get ready for the night as he pulled the last of the weeds from the dirt. As Sebastian walked back into the manor, he couldn’t help but smile a little to himself. 
“All’s well that ends well, I suppose. Literally the only thing that could ruin this is if today was the day that red-headed idiot returned. We haven’t seen that imbecile in a number of weeks. I wonder why…”
The butler shrugged. Perhaps he would ask Ciel about it and see if he knew anything. 
He found the young master in the kitchen with Bard, probably supervising to watch out for burnt food, or worse, a burnt kitchen. 
“Young master,” Sebastian said as he approached, “As I walked the halls, something came to me. We have not seen a certain Reaper in quite some time. Do you happen to know why?”
Ciel put a hand to his chin and thought for a moment.“Now that you mention it, that is rather odd. Normally Grell would have come by to bother us at least once. Why do you ask? Do you miss that idiot?” Ciel asked incredulously. 
Sebastian shuddered.
“Not in the slightest. Just a bit of curiosity, is all.” 
As Sebastian spoke, he noticed Ciel’s face fall. He was looking behind his butler which could only mean one thing. The presence Sebastian felt behind him could only be…
Before he could finish his thought, a pair of arms were thrown around him from behind. 
“Grell,” Sebastian groaned. 
“Oh, Bassy, you really shouldn’t talk bad about me when I’m not around! I’ve been good, haven’t I?” 
“Please remove yourself from my person immediately,” Sebastian grunted in response. 
Grell dramatically threw himself off of Sebastian, looking hurt about the whole thing. But a few seconds passed, and Grell was back to normal. 
Or as close to normal as Grell got. 
“Not that I really want to know, but I can’t help myself. Where have you been?” Ciel asked the Reaper. 
Grell smiled. 
“Well, since dear Bassy here has rejected all of my polite and charming advances, I had no choice but to look elsewhere for a companion. He’s been gone on a mission for quite some time, so naturally, when he returned, I wanted to spend all the time I could with him.” Grell finished with a bashful look. 
Ciel and Sebastian stood in shock and exchanged confused glances. Someone was dating Grell? Willingly?
“You mean I’m… free?” Sebastian asked incredulously. 
“Ohh, don’t act like you don’t want it,” Grell said with a little shake, “And I’m sure my new partner wouldn’t mind if I had a little… side piece. Can you blame a girl for trying? Just look at yourself, Bassy!” 
The butler rolled his eyes and turned on his heel to retire for the night. Ciel could hardly contain his laughter at the expression on poor Sebastian’s face. He wasn’t going to let this go for a long time. 
As Sebastian walked to his destination, he sighed and thought to himself: Maybe there really isn’t any such thing as normal here at the Phantomhive manor. 
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sicaron · 7 years ago
50 Shades of Earl Grey (pt. 1)
“The Black Cat café….” A white haired teen stared at the lackluster sign in amusement. The teen, Earl Charles Grey, also known simply as “Earl Grey” by his peers had been looking for a new location of interest in his quest to defeat boredom. He had wandered around for a bit before deciding to walk down to the poorer districts to satisfy both his curiosity and lethargy. 
Eventually he chanced upon a run-down café with a sign that boldly stated Black Cat Café in a stout shade of ebony. There was even a black cat next to the words with its long tail being an underline for the name.
While not his first choice, the poor looking restaurant in front of him would have sufficed in quenching his hunger from walking all day; well that and Grey didn’t really feel like walking another fifteen minutes to another establishment just to get similar food. Walking through the door he heard the jingle of a bell as well as a chipper “Welcome!” that came from a feminine source.
Looking in front of him there seemed to be a display full of delectable assortments and confections ranging from cakes to candies. However, in the middle of the displays standing at a desk with a cash register was a woman, one with striking (color) hair and (color) eyes. She was wearing a handkerchief above her head not unlike the ones he saw the housekeep wear, around her waist was an apron in the same shade as her hair and her blouse was a simple shade of white with the sleeves rolled up. The desk she was standing at prevented Grey from seeing what she wore on her legs, but that was a trivial matter, he came for food, not for some woman of lower class. She’d probably grovel at his feet anyway, the poor usually did that on their own without his input. 
When he reached the register the woman finally asked him, “So what’ll ya have?” in a slightly annoyed tone. “A slice of strawberry cake.” Grey responded, a bit taken aback by the woman’s shift in attitude. The young earl had always found it odd how the poor would use contractions in an attempt to shorten the amount of words they say, things like “y’all” or “should’ve”. 
It was as if they were too lax to even say the full spectrum of words. That was what he thought anyways. After he paid her the woman left him to his own devices, which meant he was left standing at the counter until she came back with his order. 
The white haired teen took a gander at the cafe in full, curious to see how rundown it was. Immediately he saw the peeling paint from the yellowish-orange walls as well as a couple of decently sized cracks on the infrastructure. The corners of the café were covered in spider webs which already had multitudes of insects, trapped inside their webs. The floor he stood on was fairly clean, though it could be neater, every clean spot Grey saw would immediately be occupied by a speck of dust or a piece of random debris. The chairs and tables were of similar disappointment, being rusted at the bottom and slightly dusty on the top, overall Grey was surprised the café had not been shutdown by health inspectors. 
He had also noticed he was the only customer which fueled his confusion at the woman’s shift in animosity to him. When he had first arrived she had been courteous and greeted him with a smile and not a second later it had turned into a frown. Because of his musing he hadn’t noticed her return with his order in hand. 
“Here’s your cake mister.” “I am Earl Charles Grey.” He introduced himself with a smile, the woman obviously was asking for his name. It never occurred to him that she was just saying “mister” as a form of begrudging respect for a stranger. “I don’t care, you want this cake or not?” That took the wind out of Grey’s tails immediately, he stood shocked and just took the plate from her hand in silence and strode over to the dirty tables, his feelings hurt just a little and a tear almost escaped his eye. 
Such a thing had never happened to him before! The lower class usually treated him with respect and women swooned when they heard his name! But the (color)-headed girl was just plain mean! Deciding he would probably feel better with a some cake in his mouth, he prepared himself for whatever he was about to taste, considering the disrepair of practically everything (except for the counter and displays, both of which were the neatest things in the café) he had low expectations.
As soon as he bit into the cake he stood straight up cover his mouth with his hand. He immediately marched on over to the woman who was still at the counter counting the money in the register. 
Grey stood in front of her, plate in hand, for a full five seconds before she finally acknowledged him. “…What!?” She yelled, feeling uncomfortable under Grey’s gaze. Instead of an immediate answer, all she saw was Grey stuffing his face with the entire slice of cake she had prepared for him and get down on one knee. Then he spoke, although it was hard to hear underneath all the cake in his throat, the Earl stated with complete seriousness, 
“Vhery vee.” 
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robin-the-enby · 4 years ago
Possible headcanons for Ciel Phantomhive? :)) Btw, it's nice that you've been getting attention lately! I hope you're doing well 😌🖤
I'm actually so hyped for this, I love Ciel! I'm not sure if you wanted headcanons wih or without the reader involved so I did both. Thank you so much for your compliment, I'm glad for all the nice people as well. Hope you like it!
Tumblr media
Ciel is someone who has seen the worst of the world far too early in his life.
Not only seen but been through for that matter.
It tainted the way he views the world and everyone in it for sure.
If you've ever thought that Ciel seems kind of...uninterested half the time, it's because he doesn't let much happen inside him.
After everything he went through, after everything he has seen and keeps seeing, how can he truly feel happy?
Everything is just a charade, everyone lies, nothing really matters and you're all alone in the world.
He operates through life with logic. He needs to be smart, to calculate when will allies turn into his enemies, in his position, it could cost him his life. Sure, he has Sebastian, and while the man is nearly invincible, you never know.
So he's always at least two steps ahead of the game. He can afford it, it's his game after all.
Ciel doesn't like quiet. Because no matter how much he tells himself he's different now and how much he tries to erase unnecessary emotions like fear, those traumatic events still haunt him.
Whenever it's too quiet and he doesn't have anything to busy himself with, the memories start creeping up again, patting him with their inky black tendrils.
He needs to keep himself busy. Be it chess, reading, paperwork, working on a case or even attending a ball or entertaing Lizzy, he needs to be occupied. Because it makes him concentrate on his game.
One thing that keeps him from going totally sour is that he's constantly reminded that he makes people happy, if indirectly. Lizzy is happy just because he exists, she loves him that much, his servants are happy because he gave them a new chance at a better life, so many children all over England and possibly the world are happy because of the Phantom sweets and toys...
He doesn't voice it, but he's glad that at least someone os happy, even though it's naive in his opinion.
Moving on to some lighter headcanons, I think Ciel doesn't mind animals that much. Not even cats, believe it or not. He just deems taking care of animals or intersting yourself in them as a waste of time.
If we forget about his cat allergy, the only reason he always scoffs when a cat is nearby is because of how Sebastian fawns over them all the time. He sees it as a sign of weakness from his demon, it ruins the imgaine so at least he pretends like it's some sort of lowlife critter.
and now Ciel x reader headcanons:
I really think you would be one of the few things keeping Ciel from going totally nihilistic.
And he's kind of grateful for that.
Because even though it's illogical and would cause trouble in the future, he cares about you.
He is the king of the game and you are the queen.
You're the only two that matter.
I headcanon him as the protective, but sweet partner.
He's not one for PDA, the most he'll do is hold your hand, however, when you're both home, that all changes.
I don't think he's too much into kisses on the lips, definitely not at first, but kisses anywhere else on the face are fine. Cheek kisses? Sure. Forehead kisses? Loves giving and receiving. Kisses on the temple? Best for when you're both sitting next to each other reading.
He also likes to hold onto you when he sleeps, it lessens his nightmares.
When he has one and wakes up from it, he immediately feels your warmth and it lulls him back to sleep.
He would definitely prefer someone not as over the top as Lizzy, but he'd love watching you laugh while doing something fun, even if though he'd watch from the sidelines, like when you're dancing to yourself or running aaround in the garden or ice skating.
Ciel doesn't get jealous. It may seem like he does, because he always appears by your side if someone (especially an older man) is getting friendly with you, but he's only secretly suspicious of anyone and everyone and doesn't want you to get hurt.
He doesn't say it much (nearly not at all), but he genuinely cares about you. And he expresses it n actions more than words, because, again, everyone lies.
You are treated like royalty, trust me on that. Sometimes he'd plan cute dates for you both, like a picknic.
Please put a flowercrown on him, he'll blush really hard and scoff at you for being childish.
But then he takes it off and puts it on your head and tells you you look muh better in it. "Like a true queen" he says.
If you end up getting kidnapped, all hell breaks loose. Sebastian has one order and one order only: To find you and bring you back to him alive and unhurt. If the situation is really desperate, he'll bring Meyrin, Finny and Baldroy into it as well.
If you end up getting hurt he blames himself for being reckless and he won't let you out of his sight for at least two weeks.
Losing you would feel lik losing his parents all over again. He'd feel like he had lost everything once again, like it had been ripped from him in a cruel game of fate.
So he does everything to keep you safe.
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myreygn · 3 years ago
rey's fandoms - anime
back to the masterpost
rey's fandoms
characters/ships i especially love to write for are those written in green, characters i will not write for are those in red
♡ Haikyuu!! (anime finished)
Kuroo Tetsurou | Matsukawa Issei | Suna Rintaro | Yaku Morisuke | Kageyama Tobio | Nishinoya Yuu | Yachi Hitoka | Tanaka Ryunosuke
Tsukishima Kei (as the lee) | Haiba Lev (as the lee)
bokuroo | kenhina | matsukuro | matsuiwa | yamayachi | kageyachi | sunaosa | kuroyaku | semiyaku
kurotsukki | ushioi | oikage | bokuaka | kuroken | kagetsukki | tsukkihina | yakulev
♡ My Hero Academia (anime s1-s5)
Uraraka Ochaco | Ashido Mina | Sero Hanta | Kirishima Eijiro | Shigaraki Tomura
Mineta Minoru
awamomo | eraserjoke | serotodo | kodajirou | shigadabi | dustbunny | dekuyama | togachaco
♡ Free! (anime finished, haven't seen the movies)
Rin Matsuoka | Natsuya Kirishima | Makoto Tachibana | Gou Matsuoka | Seijuro Mikoshiba | Ikuya Kirishima
Hiyori Tono | Rei Ryugazaki
natsurin | makorin | sourin | seirin | seigou | makoharu | asakisu | ikuharu
♡ Yuri!!! on Ice (finished)
Yuri Plisetski | Phichit Chulanont | Mila Babicheva | Sara Crispino | JJ Leroy
Chris Giacometti
♡ Attack on Titan (manga finished)
Connie Springer | Jean Kirstein | Sasha Braus | Levi Ackermann | Hange Zoe | Gabi Braun
Zeke Jaeger
levihan | jearmin
♡ Black Butler (Book of Circus) (anime finished)
Joker | Dagger | Beast | Doll | Meyrin | Finnian
Ciel Phantomhive | William T. Spears
maorin | joker x sebastian
sebaciel | sebagrell | grelliam
♡ Sk8 the Infinity (finished)
Kaoru Sakurayashiki | Kojiro Nanjo | Miya Chinen | Reki Kyan | Langa Hasegawa
Ainosuke Shindo
matchablossom | renga
loveblossom (for angst and past unrequieted love exclusively)
♡ Demon Slayer (manga finished)
Sanemi Shinazugawa | Sabito | Tengen Uzui | Inosuke Hashibira | Genya Shinazugawa | Akaza | Kumeno Masachika | Kanao Tsuyuri | Aoi Kanzaki
Muzan Kibutsuji | Gyokko
sanegiyuu | tanosuke | uzuiwives | sanekana | sabigiyuu | uzusane | masasane
renkaza (modern au exclusively)
♡ Tokyo Revengers (anime s1)
Baji | Chifuyu | Mitsuya | Smiley
Kazutora | Kisaki | Hanma
♡ Kuroko no Basket (anime finished)
Takao Kazunari | Imayoshi Shoichi | Izuki Shun | Kise Ryota | Fukui Kensuke
Akashi Seijuro | Murasakibara Atsushi | Hanamiya Makoto | Haizaki Shogo
midotaka | imazuki | takakise | aokise | kurotaka
♡ Blue Lock (anime finished)
Chigiri Hyoma | Niko Ikki | Nagi Seishiro | Bachira Meguru | Barou Shoei | Karasu Tabito | Otoya Eita
kunigiri | isaniko | nagiri
♡ Vinland Saga (anime s1)
Askeladd | Canute | Ragnar | Asgeir | Ylva
bjornskeladd | thornute
♡ Bungou Stray Dogs (anime finished)
Chuuya Nakahara | Jun'ichirou Tanizaki | Ichiyo Higuchi | Akiko Yosano | Saigiku Jouno | Sigma | Edogawa Ranpo
Mori Ogai | F. Scott Fitzgerald | Nathaniel Hawthorne
atsutani | atsulucy | sigzai | suegiko
soukoku (as a duo: any time, specifically as a ship: only angst)
tanizaki siblings | Fyodor x anyone
♡ Hell's Paradise (manga finished)
Sagiri | Eizen | Yuzuriha | Tenza | Shion | Nurugai | Shugen
yuzusagi | shiozen | gabiyui
♡ Jujutsu Kaisen (anime s1, movie, hidden inventory finished)
Maki Zen'in | Toge Inumaki | Suguru Geto | Kasumi Miwa | Kento Nanami | Nobara Kugisaki | Utahime Iori | Shoko Ieiri
Mahito | Toji Fushiguro
mechamiwa | satosugu | shokohime
♡ Wind Breaker
Suo Hayato | Kiryu Mitsuki | Sako Kota | Hiragi Toma
hisako | kirysuo | arinuma | suonirei | suosaku | sakukoto
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the-letter-horror-lover · 2 years ago
Kuroshitsuji x Reader Oneshot]
This is a Oneshot book I been working on for the past few months with the Kuroshitsuji Characters. My writing is not the best but I love sharing these little stories with these characters from the Series. There's Fluff, angst, and lemon. I take request as well if anyone is interested. All these characters belong to Yana.
Chapter 1: Ciel x maid!reader Part 1
Chapter Text
Ciel Phantomhive x Maid!reader
It's been almost 2 years and a half since I been working in the Phantomhive Manor and by each passing day, it feels more like home too me. I smile softly as I clean a teacup with a rag, I can still remember like it was yesterday, Since My dear Master and Sebastian found me in that old forsaking place I used to 'live' in. A soft sigh escapes my lips as I place the cup down. Keep it together Y/n, there's no room to remember the harsh past. The priority in this life now is to keep the Manor at least in one piece and protect that young lord and everyone that have come to become so close as family to me.
I step off the little stool I was standing up on while I watch the dishes. Softly rubbing my hands as I look around the kitchen, everything was finally clean and in shape. A smile rose to my face as a place my hands on my hips. "Finally we can gladly say this place is in one p-".
-sounds of people screaming from afar-
"Yyyy/nnnn!!!" Finnian's panic voice called out from outside the backyard. My shoulders dropdown. "Of course it was too good to last" I mutter out under my breath as I quickly ran out to the backyard. Once outside my jaw nearly drop as my eyes winded by the mess am witnessing. Finnian is holding a tree trunk while sobbing. while Meyrin, Bardroy, and Snake try to put down a small fire that covers the flowers in the garden. Some statues in the distant where destroy as with some trees also. The poor garden! Completely destroy!
"Now what in the bloody blazes is happening here!?" I shouted as I ran down the stairs case to them. Anger but mostly worry and panic covering my facial features. "We are very sorry Miss Y/n yes we are! W-we try to plant some flowers that the master order b-but one of those nasty rabbits where eating th-the flowers a-" Meyrin tried to explain. "I try to catch it but I ended up destroying the flowers we planted, Waaah!" Finnian cut in as he cried his eyes out. He holds on to my dress as he kept apologizing to me. I looked back at the rest as they looked away in shame. Another sigh escapes my mouth as I softly patted Finnian strawberry blonde head, trying to calm him down. This isn't the first time this has happened, its clear but I could never bring myself to be actually mad at any of them for real.
"There, there Finnian don't cry. Take big breaths and clean does tears. Can someone get me a bucket of water to put out that fire, Sebastian can not see this mess" I quickly order out. Even though being only 2 years older than the young master I been treated like a young adult already like him by my behavior and strict demeanor when it came to a serious situation. The 4 of them stood up straight and give me their usual 'yes Ma'am' before scattering in different directions to look for say bucket of water.
I rubbed my temples as I looked around again. This is not good, if Sebastian sees this we might not see the light of day by his wrath! I can not take getting scold by him again. Panic was taking over me as I looked back at the mess. "Oh dear..." I mumbled out fidgeting with the end of my sleeves. I saw Bard ran back and FINALLY put out the fire. Everyone let out a sigh of relief, quickly they cheer between each other. "See? What I told ya! we totally got this under control! We don't need Sebastian to keep everything tidy!" Bard says as he flexes his bicep while holding it. Grinning to himself with his eyes closed as he smiles at the rest.
"Bard please watch your mouth, Seba-" I cut myself off as Sebastians tall dark figure pass by me and made his way over to Bardroy whose back was facing him. "What was that Y/-Yaoow!!" Sebastian hit Bardroy right on the head, which he quickly hold on too. "Now what happened here? Hmm?" Sebastian's low but soothing voice said as he looked back at them with a close eye smile. A dark and scary Aura was clearly visible from our view as his faked smile was still present. "M-mister Sebastian! W-we can e-explain!" Finnian exclaimed as he waved his arms around in panic while already tearing up again, Meyrin covers her face as Snake stood quiet. All of them once again in a panic.
" There isn't enough time for explanations, the young master will be going out later in the evening and tea time is in a few minutes. Y/n can you please be a dear and get the young master his tea and treat for the evening before departing? I will.." He sighs deeply as he looked around then back to the servants. "handle this.." He almost mutters out."Right away" I said as a bow before walking inside quickly. There was no way in God's name I will be around when Sebastian is about to unleash full hell on the servants because of their careless acts. I do hope he goes a bit easier this time on them. One can truly wish, but that was clearly not happening.
I quickly hurried down the halls to the Young lord's study, the cart was conveniently set to the side of the door practically waiting for me to take it in. I dusted off my dress before nervously knocking on the door. I was trying to hold back the blush trying to rise up on my cheeks by the idea of Going inside to the Master's studies....alone..with him... "Enter" a bored tone came from the other side of the wooden door, which can only belong to My dear Young Master. A smile dared to come to my lips as an open up the door and push the cart in. There I saw him, he was sitting in his big office chair while writing down on some papers on his desk. He had such a neutral expression on. The expression that I always try to decipher into what might be going through his head. "Good evening Young Master," I said as I stop the cart next to him. His head quickly shot over to my direction as he blinked a few times as he looked at me. He seemed like he wasn't expecting me at all. It quickly gave me a weird feeling in my chest, but ignore it as I serve him tea. "Good evening Y/N..." He mumbled out as he lay back on his chair as he looked at me quietly. I could actually feel my stomach flipping and turning by his gaze on me. "Where's Sebastian?" He asked as he watches me place his plate of strawberry cake down with a cup of tea in front of him. "Oh well you see my lord, something came up. He will return soon" I said politely as I looked at him. "Let me guess, those buffoons messed up the Garden again?" He asked as he sips on his tea with an unamused look. I sigh softly before smiling a bit. "Yes my lord, it seems they have accidentally ruined some flowers in the garden...again" I mumble out.
A small 'tch' noise came out of him as he looked down at his piece of cake. "Of course, I'm not even surprised." He mumbles out. I stood next to him as he finishes off his piece of cake before grabbing the plate and setting it down on the cart. "Well if that is all I will leave you then Young lord, Sebastian did say you two will be leaving later so I will make sure to get all your things ready," I said as I bow down. I need to get out of here, the longer I stay alone with him the more I feel my heart about to come out of my chest. I turn around to leave before his voice stops me in my tracks.
"Y/n" he said from where he sat. My heart skipped a bit as I slowly turn around. His chin was resting on the palm of his hand as he looked at me. His sky blue eye carefully studies me as I clearly knew I had a surprised look on my face. "Y..yes my Lord?" I stutter out. Dear Y/n you must look like a fool to stutter something so simple!. I curse at myself as gulp down the knot on my throat. He still had the neutral look on his face but deep down as I kept looking in his eye I swear I could see..amusement in them? No...Some types of mischief might suit it more. But whatever it was it felt like it was eating me whole with such a simple look. "The Queen has sent me out to investigate something out of town that involves a case of recent disappearing of young children and woman, I will like you to come with me and Sebastian to check it out." He calmly explains. This took me back completely. He never needs me in cases, and I usually only leave the Manor to go out to buy what we need. This is quite odd, but I can't just refuse. This might even be a change to might get closer to h- dear heavens Y/n get your heads out of the clouds! "I will gladly accompany you my lord," I said in a confident tone.
He hums in approval of my respond. "Good, Sebastian will bring your clothing to your room" he added, "We will be attending a normal public gathering down the docks. It's some type of Summer festival, so you will need causal clothing" Sebastian suddenly spoke out from behind me. I jump slightly as I quickly turn around to look at him pass by me. When did he even get in!?!? He needs to STOP doing that. I hold onto my chest as I watch him chuckled at my reaction.
Ciel sends him a rather annoy looked but quickly brushes it off as he stared back at me. "Hopefully we can find a start on the leading of this investigation, whoever is involved seems to be more interesting in young girls and boys. So you and I will be what you will say the bait in this little game of whoever is behind this." Ciel said as he fidgets with his pen in hand as he watches my expression go serious as I listen. "Alright, so if we do end up finding whoever it is and he tries to get us before Mister Sebastian is around.." I looked down before looking at Ciel with a serious look. "I will take him down once you order," I said in a serious low tone.
"Hm, very good," Ciel said as he pushes his papers away to the side. He felt his heartbeat raising and he didn't understand why. Was it because of the way you seem so overprotective of him? Or was it the way you talk that drove him to the excitement on what will happen? Sebastian watches quietly as the smile or his face grew slightly.
"Well since Miss Y/N knows what's the plan, Why don't we get ready Young lord?" Sebastian said as he leans behind Ciel's chair to pull it back. Ciel sigh as he stood up. "Might as well get it over with, can't keep the Queen waiting." The young Earl said as he started to walk out of the room. Y/N bowed as she waited for him to pass before following. Sebastian closes the door behind him. "I already place your clothing in your room Y/n, do get ready. I will get you in a few before we leave" Sebastian instructed to the small young maid. "Yes sir, please excuse me." Y/n said as she quickly bowed again and walked off to her room. Ciel quietly watches her walked off out of sight in the hallway as he holds his cane. "Don't stare too long my Lord" Sebastian said in a teasing tone snapping the young boy out of his trance. "Be quiet" he quickly said as he shakes his head slightly, his cheeks a soft color of pink as he walked off to his room with his butler in black following along. This will be awfully fun to watch... Sebastian thought to himself as he smirked.
Y/n close the door behind her letting her body softly slide down to the floor. She couldn't help by smile widely as she holds her pink cheeks in her hands. He wants me to help in a case??? He wants me to investigate alone...with him...he trusts me enough to help him out!?. Y/n softly patted her cheeks as she looked down still smiling. Her hand softly reaching up to the end of the bow that held her hair up. It was a black color that luckily fitted her maid uniform. Her smile grew as she felt her blush worsen by the thoughts that started filling her mind. I remember when he gave it to me... She looked up to her bed before standing up. Looking at the attire that Sebastian had picked out for her. It was a rather simple white and blue dress, with long sleeves and skirt that reach down below the knees. It was simple but cute. I can't fail this mission..no matter what happens... I will protect the young master..just as he protected me...
After a few hours of getting ready they where all ready to go. Bardroy was helping Sebastian get some luggage into the carriage as they prepare to leave. "We won't be out for too long, do not break or destroy anything while we are gone" Sebastian demanded as he looked at the 4 servants smiling at him unfazed by his little threat. "Yes, sir!" They all said. Finnian ran over to help Ciel up the carriage, but stop to pull Y/n in a tight hug before helping her in also. "Take care Y/N please be careful will you?" He said worried as he held into the female's shoulders. Y/n let out a small giggle at the little farmers worried actions. "I will don't need to worry Finny" she patted his head softly as she pushes some of his hair off his face. Ciel looked at them interact before looking away irritated. "Hurry up will you know, we don't have all day" He mutters out. Y/N looked over to him before getting up into the carriage, waving to the rest goodbye. Sebastian hum slightly at this as he got in as well.
I place my hands on my lap as I looked out the window. Its been quite the while since I been out of the Manor. "The dress looks quite lovely on you Y/n, glad it's a good fit on you" Sebastian brought me back to reality as I looked over to him. "O-oh thank you, Sebastian, that's kind of you to say" I smiled at him as a blush creeps on my cheeks now feeling both their attention on me now. "What do you think master, I did choose a good one for her didn't I?" Sebastian said looking at the boy taking him off guard by the question. Ciel clears his throat as he looked at Y/n. "It looks..quite lovely on you, it does fit you perfectly." A soft blush rose to his cheeks as he spoke. But poor Y/n face was a bright pink before looking away quickly. "T-thank you.." She whispers out. Sebastian let out a small chuckle as he sighs. Amusing indeed...
A few hours pass before they arrived out of the city and to the coast, Sebastian helps both the young lord and Y/n out of the carriage and they soon were greeted by music and people celebrating as kids run passed them. Whatever this festival was about, was clearly taking over the whole town and businesses. Ciel quietly looked around the streets were filled with people. "It's better for us to head to the hotel and get settled before we start to look around my lord" Sebastian suggested as he looked around the crowds of people walking around. "Hm alright it will be better anyways" Ciel holds into his cane as They started to walk down the streets. Y/n looked around amazed by the decorations the whole city had put together for this festival. Not even noticing that her spacing out of the decorations was making her trail off a bit far away from Ciel and Sebastian. Whom he turns around to glance back only to see her far away looking into a store window smiling to herself.
I glanced down at the stuff animals in the shop window. It was one of the lords business Bitter rabbits! I always thought they look so cute with the stitched up clothes. Before I look over to the other toys someone suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me to start walking. Easily I start to panic out but soon calm down seeing the young lord was the one dragging me along. I stared at the back of his head as we walk. "You should be more careful....a lady such as yourself can be easily lost here or worse..." He said loud enough for me to hear as he glances over to me. His blue eyes showing something out of place to me I couldn't explain if I could. It sends a light shiver down my spine as I looked down at his hand holding my wrist. Too close...
He leads us back to where Sebastian was waiting for us at the entrance of the hotel. He waited for us to catch up before heading inside. We waited quietly for our room. The heat of my face was coming back as I notice the young lord's hands still holding mine. He must have not noticed this or something cause he seemed unconsciously intertwine his fingers with mine. I looked back up at him a bit shyly and nervous than usual. He was talking to Sebastian about something but I couldn't even concentrate on what! This was too distracting
"Did you heard that Y/n?"Ciel said as he looked at hee. The short girl snapped out of it as she blinked at him. "Huh???" She said dumbfounded on what he said. "I said we will be sharing all the same room, but there will be more than one bed so you don't have to worry much it will only be for a day or two." Ciel said. "Were you even listening?" Sebastian added with a raised brow.
I laugh nervously. "My apologies, I might have zoned out while waiting.." She scratches her cheek with her free hand. How cute... He couldn't help it but find her behavior simply adorable. He finds your shy side so uncontrollably cute and appealing to him. He just wanted to tease you more if he could. God how he wanted too... It was strange for him to admit too this, that he thought things like this from someone else other than his fiance, but it was simply impossible. It was getting harder and harder every day for him to stop thinking about you constantly. "Let us get going then," Sebastian said as he leads them to their room a few floors up.
Once we got on the room Sebastian place all the things down. "Well let us get started shall we?" He said going straight to the point. But soon stop as he clear his throat as he looked over to his Master hand still holding you'rs. Ciel's poor face flushed pink quickly as he let go. "Yes, of course, we already know where he's going to strike, we just need to know when and whom and what area of the festival will be his next target might be," Ciel said trying to play it off as he walked to the bed and sat down. You blink a few times as you thought. "Wouldn't it be better to look around the places where we can infer that the kidnapping might take place? The festival has plenty of places where any of this can happen" She though out loud as she walked around the room back and forth. "Hm..you're right on that, Sebastian scout all the different areas that may be possible for this" Ciel said as he softly rubbed the ring on his "Yes my lord," Sebastian said as he places his hand on his chest. Going over to the luggage and taking some clothes off. "Better get change into this then if we're going to start then" Sebastian added as he pulls out Ciels costume for this case. Which he signs heavily. "...great..." he said with dread in his tone.
After we got ready Sebastian went ahead to look around leaving me and the Young master alone looking around by ourselves. Everything seems normal as we roam around. Everywhere we go there was some kind of attraction or market out. Many people cheering and enjoying themselves. "This is quite the entertainment for many people isn't my lord?" I said as I looked back at him. He had his usual bored look on his face as he looked to the small booth of games. "It will be for most, but this is mostly just filthy games that are made to scam people" he mumbled out. I crack a small smile at him. "Awe come on it's not all that bad, how..how about we try one! S-since you know nothing much has happened and it's still pretty early.." I fidget with my hands. He glanced back at me before sighing. "Fine so be it, which game do you want to try?" He asked with a raised brow. "O-oh! Uh, umm...how about that one, with the balls and towers?" I pointed it out I didn't think he'll agree... It seems simple enough. It was your typical throw a ball and hit the tower to get a prize. He hums slightly before heading over to it, I quickly trail behind him. "Two please," he said at the old man behind the booth. He didn't say much other than hand over the balls and take Ciel's money. "Here go first," he said handing me one of the balls. A took it, looking at the target before easily hitting it down. I smile widely as a clap my hands together. "Yes! I got it on the first try!" I cheer, I looked back at Ciel "you try to know!" I exclaim giving him the ball. "Me?" He blurts out taken back "you're the one who wanted to play this silly game," he said crossing his arms. "Yeah but... I also wish for you to have a bit of fun too my lord.." I said smiling at him. He thought for a moment before sighing deeply. "Fine only once.." He mumbles out as he grabbed the ball and looked at the small tower. He threw the ball and...missed, oh dear. "Oh no, well at-" "let me do it again" he cut me off as he threw another ball at it. It only knocks half of the tower down. "Oh, you hit it!" I said clapping again. Ciel smirks slightly satisfied that he got it. There was no way he was gonna look bad in front of a lady, let alone you of all people.
"Here's your prize" mumble out the old man as he handed me a small stuff animal. "Oh thank you, sir," I said grabbing the small animal. "That wasn't that bad, now was it my lord?" She said looking at him. "...let us do another one" Ciel blurt out as he looked at another booth. I blinked several times at this before smiling at him. It won't do any harm if we play a bit, its still to early for anything to happen yet "Um okay, Just one more though...we still have a case to solve after all " I added as she followed her master. I can for sure give her a bigger prize than that. Ciel thought to himself as he walked in front of another booth. Slamming a few coins in the counter. "Two please"
One game went to two and to two to five. They almost ended up playing many of the game around while Ciel failing in half of them but still managing to get you at least one big stuff bear which had you blushing madly but still smiling in gratitude by his efforts on winning you a prize. Somehow we both manage to have a bit of actual much fun, Ciel actually seemed to be enjoying himself as he let out a small laugh or two over my excitement or praise of him winning any game. "Where to next my lord?" I said as I looked up to the sky, it was full of stars already. Nothing seemed to happen yet..maybe..we haven't noticed yet? "Ciel" he suddenly said in a serious tone. "I beg y-your pardon?" I blurt outback as I stared at him wide-eyed. "I want you to call me Ciel, at least when we are alone. I don't like you saying 'young master' all the times it gets on my nerves" he confessed as he scratch on his neck as he looked to the side. "O-oh okay, if you said so...Ciel.." I whisper out his name and practically letting it roll out my tongue for the first time. A blush manages to creep on both our faces because of that simple moment. "L-lets get going, then I think I saw caramel apples up ahead and I'm starving over here by all of this walking, and the fact that nothing is happen yet is even more tiring," he said as he continues to walk forward. "Alright, I am quite hungry t-oah!" My heel got stuck in a crack on the ground. My body going forward as I began to fall. I close my eyes waiting to feel the floor greet my face but it never came. The only thing I could feel was the embrace of someone holding my body tightly as they tried not to fall themselves. I slowly open my e/c to meet a blue one that was looking directly at me with surprise and worried. "A..are you alright?..." He breathes out as he looked at me. "Y-yeah I think so..." I whisper out. I felt my heart beating against my chest madly and I knew he could feel it too with how close we were. But we still didn't move we just stood like that. With me in his arms staring at each other as our face got worse with the second as the heat arose. "Ci-Ciel..?" I whisper out as I softly hold into his shoulders. I can't look away... I can't...The navy blue-haired boy was leaning forward by just hearing her voice. "Yes Y/n?..." He whispers out. He felt like his heart was about to come out of his chest. Has she always been this beautiful? He didn't want to look away from her, it was like he was completely hypothesized by her. "I-i t-"
"Ciel? Is that you over there?" A rather high pitched voice called out from afar. He quickly turns away over to the voice direction. They both quickly let go of each other. Oh no, why here of all places? And why now!
Chapter 2: Ciel x maid! Reader part 2
Second and last part from the first chapter posted for Ciels Oneshot, Ciels and the reader's little fun time has been caught short and brought back to the mission in hand.
Chapter Text
"C-Ciel?.." I manage to whisper out. The navy blue-haired boy could only lean closer at her voice. "Yes Y/n...?" He whispers out to her. He couldn't tear his eyes from her... He felt like his heart was about to come out of his chest. Has she always been this beautiful? He didn't want to look away from her, it was like he was completely hypothesized by her. "I-i t-"
"Ciiieel? Is that you over there?" A rather high pitched voice called out from afar. He quickly turns away over to the voice direction. They both quickly let go of each other. Oh no, why here of all places? And why now!
As soon as they parted away, they quickly got their composure as they looked over to the well familiar blonde-haired girl who tried to get to them with her maid trailing behind her calling for her to wait. She wasn't completely in their field of view but it was hard not to miss her. In a quick panic, many things flooded Ciel's mind. Why is Elizabeth here?! Seem to be the first thing to pop on his mind. And what is she gonna think once she sees him in this silly outfit his wearing?. In a sudden swift movement, Ciel's and your vision were a blur as you two got grabbed and carried away in a blink of an eye behind a stand. Sebastian standing tall as he shields them from the blonde girl who passes by. Looking quite confused as she swore she saw the familiar blue navy, haired boy.
A loud sigh of relief escape both of us. "that was a close call.." Sebastian said with an almost teasing smile as he steps back. "uh yeah.." I mumble out as a let my body relax, I didn't even notice how tense that situation got me. Ciel seemed to be the same as he peeks his head out the stand over to see Elizabeth walking away. "Sebastian did you knew Lizzy will be attending the festival?" he said to his butler with anger and annoyment in his tone. Sebastian only closes his eyes as he smiles and places his hand on where his heart was supposed to be. " I did not my lord, if I knew Lady Midford was attending I would have told you." he simply said as he kept smiling at his young master. "but I do have to ask my lord, what where you two doing be-" "Nothing, lets move before Lizzy ends up actually spotting us" Ciel quickly interrupted the butler as he started walking away. Ciel's cheeks were burning up as he tried playing it off, both his servants following behind his heels.
I softly played with the end of my sleeves as I followed them. what was he going to do moments ago? was he?..no no..he wasn't..was he? I could feel my cheeks heat up by the thought. Sebastian cleared his throat as he kept following the young boy. "While I was searching the area, I might have found some odd activities coming from a stand-up, its a magic performance and it seems to be popular so far with what I have seen. It seems to be catching everyone's eye." Sebastian said as Ciel look back at him. " What's the odd activity that catches your eye?" Ciel asks with a raised eyebrow. "Well the host seemed pretty normal, a man in his late 30's I presume. But he works alone and his performance and acts seemed to be suspiciously impressive for just a man to do by himself" he said as he thought out loud. "As in...acts of disappearing certain objects and making them reappear. I watch carefully but haven't managed to understand how he's doing it, with permission I would suggest keeping an eye on that performer my lord" he added. "Hm...very well, lets head over and see this so-called magician," Ciel said waving a hand uninterested.
As we made our way over to where the so-called magician was performing, it was already crowded with a handful of people. I jump slightly on my heels trying to peak over the crowd. No use the only thing I could see was the mere outline of whoever was performing. "Let's try getting closer," I told Ciel who couldn't see either from where we stood. A sudden spark of confidence washing me as I grab his hand and made my way through the crowd and to the front. The heat on my cheek daring to come back as I gently let go of his hand as soon as we got to the front.
My attention quickly went to the stage in front of us, a tall man dress up in a tuxedo held a top hat as he showed it to the crowd, it was empty on the inside. He then looks inside of it, reaching inside to pull out a tight up handkerchief of different colors. The crowd started clapping impress by the stunt that the magician pull. It seemed pretty simple, nothing so drastic. He continues to pull out more simple tricks, cards, pigeons, all of them simple and small to catch the eyes of the kids that look mesmerized by all of it. Ciel didn't seem to impress what so ever. Starting too think it was a waste of time, but before he turns over to pull you away to leave he took a glance at your smiling face. It wasn't overjoyed or amaze by the silly little tricks. You were giving those rare genuine smiles that seem so rare to the sight of seeing all these little kids so cheerful with their friends and family. The idea of it made you feel a bit sad but at ease that these kids were having at least a sense of fun in all of this. Ciel quietly stares at you, his heart suddenly pounding against his chest again as he reaches over to grab your hand. Your surprise look almost made it beat out his chest as he clear his throat. "Let us get moving... I don't think there are any signs of anything bad here.." He said loud enough for you to hear. "Oh, o-okay then" you mumble out smiling at him slightly looking down at his hand and yours. You ignored the squeezing feeling in your chest as you both started to walk away.
"Now for my next act! I will make someone Disappear! Any volunteers?" We both stop on our tracks as we looked back at the stage. The children around us quickly raise their hands wanting to get chosen. The man looked around the crowd before his eyes landed on a girl barely next to me. "You there come on up!" The man said as he encourages the girl to go upstage. The girl quickly run-up to the stage excitedly as she stood next to the man. "Now lady's and gentlemen, boy and girls ill make this lovely Volunteer disappear in the county of 3!" He said as he pulls out a long purple cloak and places it on top of the girl. "There's no way" Ciel said as he watches. "One....two....three!" He quickly removed the cloak from where the girl stood.
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nanamisflowerfield · 4 years ago
I'm a happy lil' girl rn so Can I also request a Sebastian one of the same request or maybe a second part like she starts to fix Ciel's mistakes and interacts with him and Elizabeth?( like Pluto's death or some other things? Also she teases Ciel and annoys him and Sebastian and her bond over their shared love for felines?)
I'd be delightful if you did that and again thank u so much! Take care hun muaaah
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Omggg! Thank you so much for your sweet words, hun!!❤️❤️❤️ That means so much to me!
I did the Sebastian x Reader now~ I tried to pit more Ciel and Elizabeth in it and make it more fluffier but I think it isn‘t so good ;-; I also thought about making a second part, but I think Ciel had made too many mistaked maybe in his life to fix them and if reader changed them, maybe she would change her entire future too! And omg... I have a few ideas for a serie.... not good... No one would wanted to read my stuff anyway ( ゚д゚)
No! I have to thank you for requesting it to me!~
Gender: I wanted to write it gender-neutral but it I wrote sometimes she/her in it.... Sorry! 
warnings: fluff? does that count?
words: 2106
Requests: Open
Other Version: Finnian
Everybody, please stay safe, take good care at you and the people around you!~
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🗡  “Come on! Go and get that, stupid witch!” You yelled over to your group of colleagues and friends. You all runed as fast as possible to hunt down a strong witch, who wanted to kill the Queen of England and as a good-hearted and well paid Phantomhive, you tried to help her. Unfortunately for you, the emphasis was on the word tried, because the witch was too fast.
🗡  “Sooo…. When is going to be our wedding?” You heard a too familiar voice asking you by your side. “This is no the time to joke around, Elijah! We need to hurry!”
🗡 Thanks to the gods above, you surrendered the witch. But she started to laugh like a frickin’ maniac! “Ohh, you know why I did so many things? Hahaha… I did it for a reason! So many people did so many mistakes and nobody ever tried to help them out or to fix their big problems … So… Why don’t you be a dear and fix the mistakes your beloved ancestors did!”
🗡 Suddenly a light dazzled you and when you opened your (e/c) eyes. No! The witch can’t escape her again! So you did the only intelligent thing and killed her.
🗡 But that damn light came again and out of the sudden your group was gone…
🗡  “Wow… That was strange.” But not Elijah. Your cousin. He stood up and walked to your direction, looking over your body to see, if you have any bruises or wounds. At least one of your group members were there.
🗡  “Yes, indeed. But not as weird as this place here.” You said and looked around you. The surroundings looked like London, the city you used to live in, but everything was so… old? What’s up with the furniture and this crappy paintings? You were to 100% sure that you were in your home. The Phantomhive Manor. But everything was so… weird!!
🗡 Before you could have asked your cousin about his little wound the witch inflicted him with, knives were thrown into your direction!
🗡 Fortunately, you were a skilled fighter. You could practically use every weapon if you wanted to! So you used your great skills and blocked the attacks of some strangers.
🗡 Some of them shot at you, some threw knives but then… You saw something weird. A tree!?
🗡 Elijah pushed you away in time, but only got stretched but a branch of it.
🗡 How in the world, could somebody throw trees around!? That was not possible for any human being!
🗡 Now, when you two were on the ground, you heard footsteps.
🗡  “Who are you?” - “Uhh… If I’m not wrong, people usually introduced themselves before they asked others.” – “You are inside my home. I’m pretty sure, that you know who I am, assassin.”
🗡 Assassin? That was new…
🗡  “What the hell? Hey, kiddo. This place belongs to (y/n)! Afterall this is her home for she is a Phantomhive!”
🗡  “Phantomhive?” The young blue-haired boy raised his eyebrow and did not believed any word Elijah had said.
🗡 So, it was your turn to explain your situation. Who you are, why you are here and so on and on. But the young boy still didn’t believe a word. His household even looked at you in confusion. Until you showed them your ring. The ring of the Phantomhives.
🗡 His eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw it and immediately glanced to his finger. It was the same one! How could it be possible? A young woman with blueish hair, the same ring as his and not to forget a similar past… Is she mayhaps from another world? But no. You retold him everything again.
🗡 When your eyes glanced around, you saw very familiar red eyes. The red eyes of a demon. Sebastian Michaelis. “Ohhh my gosh. Are you kidding me, Sebastian!? Did you really… REALLY attacked ME!? What the hell! I thought that you wouldn’t do such a thing except if we had our training sessions, but this is just…. Oh god, I am really mad right now. And what the hell is wrong with your clothes?” Sigh. “Dude… you didn’t even bother changing yourself? Unbelievable.”
🗡 Everybody was just very confused…. Even Elijah.
🗡 And who knows. Maybe you were unfortunate or maybe not, but you were stuck in the past. At first you though it was your bad luck, but now… Maybe it wasn’t so bad. Afterall… he was here. With you.
 😈 “Lady (y/n), there you are.” Said a smiling demon behind you, while you trained in the garden a little bit. The only thing that some might hear, when you are nearby, is the wind and the sword you held tightly in your hand, cutting every leaf that tried to land on the ground.
“Demon. What do you need?” You asked, still focused on your training rather of the one you had a pact with. He might sound and looked like the demon you knew, but he for sure is not the one you’ve met. He was kind of a younger version. One which never had met you. One that has to get to know you better again. It was weird, but you have to live with it until the day will come and you will be back in your time.
Just a few days and maybe you will fix the mistakes Ciel’s have done. Even though you don’t know which mistakes he has done. But even then, you will stay on his side, whenever he needs your help so you can finally be back. Back with him. The only person who knows you best…
😈 “What are you thinking about again, my lady?” He asked you, like on every other day since you have been arrived here. “About me! Who else~” Elijah said, as he approached you two, sword in hand and ready to train with you.
Sighing, you ignored them and continued.
😈 It was like back then. Elijah never stopped to be by your side, while you tried to drink you tea, shaking your cousin off of you and Sebastian smiling at you two.
😈 But now… Now it was slightly different. He wasn’t always there like your shadow. He was now by your ancestor’s side and serving him. Were you…. Jealous? No. That couldn’t be possible. You tried to shake off those strange feelings you had, but your mind always seem to wonder of to the attractive butler and demon.
😈 “Cieeeeeeel!!~ Ohhh, I missed you sooooo much!” You heard a high-pitched voice and fast footsteps rushing through the building in search of the young head of the phantomhive household.
What happened right now? It was like seeing a pink something running around. Weird.
😈 But this pink-something was actually the fiancée of Ciel. Her name was Elizabeth Midford.
😈 Unfortunate for Ciel and for you, Elizabeth and your cousin Elijah were very alike. Both loved the same things and both were nearly overprotective over you two. It was horrible. Ciel just wanted to work in silence, while you read plenty of books in hope that you might find another way to break this curse or spell or whatever this stupid witch put on you! Just be far away from this crappy place and be back… Back to the people you love and back to great technology like computers and smartphones! The internet… The Fanfictions you’ve read in secret…. All these things you loved so much were gone now….
😈 “(y/n)! That was so funny! You have to hear Lizzie’s story! It is hilarious!” – “Ohhh, El! I laughed so much thanks to your great jokes. You can be happy to have such a great fiancée, (y/n)!” Rolling your eyes didn’t help to stop them…
😈 “My lady. I think I might have found what you were looking for.” Said the one and only demon behind you, as you turned around to see a smiling Sebastian. “Mh?”
Following him, you ignored the two blondes and a deadpanned Ciel, who just wanted to flee.
😈 “So, what have you found… Sebastian?” You asked him after you two walked into another room filled with plenty of books, like many other rooms Ciel had. Sure, back in your time you had many too, but in digital form, so it was different than this.
“Oh, nothing. I thought that you needed some space.” He smiled, placing his forefinger and thump on your chin, staring into your eyes.
😈 Time to fricking blush like jfejfösdjgöajö IT’S SEBASTIAN!!!
😈 But no! You are a badass and he was just a very very very attractive butler!
😈 He served you back then! As if you could ever feel attracted to him!
😈 “Sebastian. Stop.” You said, trying to hide your face, walking away from the chuckling demon.
😈 Since then, he won’t stop teasing you. For now, he has no pact with you, so he will only listen to your ancestor and not you. You are just a sweet little being to him. A plaything some might say.
😈 But you are not the only one who got a little bit annoyed or more likely teased. Ciel too, because you are “too cruel” how he described you once. Only because you teased him a couple of times (46 times a week… Ciel counted it.) His fault if he is adorable and blushy, when you tease him.
😈 But after two months you’ve decided to finally make Sebastian, the cruel demon, blush! So he will realize how mean he is to you!
😈 Mission: Make Sebastian Blush Like A Tomato!
😈 You tried it. Many times… Wearing short clothes (Baldroy, Meyrin, Finnian, Elijah and Ciel blushed furiously and you were certain, that you saw their noses bleed…), brushing your hands with his, smiling sexy at him, bending over, touching him a lot…. And it goes and goes… But nothing happened. He just smirked and teased you back.
😈 Mission: Totally Failed.
😈 “My lady, how it seems you tried to tease me.” Sebastian smiled as he poured tea into your teacup. “Yeah… And I give up.” – “Oh, that is quite sad. I was happy to see more today.” He chuckled or more likely laughed at your attempts. “Haha… Very nice of you… No go, Sebastian….”
😈 But there was Sebastian actually speaking the truth. He was a little bit to not see you trying to attract him. He had always fun to see you like this, but now that you gave up, you had no reason to be near him again… He liked it whenever you were there, staring at him or trying to talk dirty to him (without success).
😈 When you talked later on with Ciel during your usual cup of earl grey tea about your past and what so not, he told you about his cat allergy and why he hates it that Sebastian always hides cats everywhere, because of his love for the small kittens.
😈 Wait… Right… Back then, you figured it out. There was one thing that the demon butler and you had in common! Your love for cats!
😈 So you walked to Elizabeth once and asked for a favor…
😈 “Sebastian. Could you maybe turn around? I need to show you something.”
😈 And that’s what the good butler did. He turned around and saw you. You looked the same, except for your clothes. You changed your usual attire for skintight, beautiful clothes with a cat-ear hairband and a tail. On your hands you wore paw-gloves, as you smirked at the now slightly flushing butler, who worked a few seconds ago in the kitchen.
😈 The knife he used to cut the onions, fell down and his red eyes scanned your body many times, when his mouth turned to a smirk and he walked to you.
😈 “My my~ What do we have here?~”
😈 Let’s say that many kisses were exchanged… Too many to count, when he held you tight in his arms.
😈 Maybe the reason for you to make him blush was not only to get your revenge… Maybe it was because you fell in love with him once, when you were younger and that you fell for him again.
😈 “What the hell!? (y/n)!? Sebastian!? NO! Where is my sword!! Get your hands off of her, you goddamn butler!!! I never liked you!!” Elijah screamed when he tried to get his sword, ignoring the sweet words you and your beloved exchanged. The teasing kisses and the “I like you too much”s….
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jinxxedmisery · 5 years ago
MeyRin x Assassin Reader
Sup y’all, Wanted to write a fic for Meyrin. She deserves more love in this fandom!
A bit of a spoiler for chapter 157 onwards
The air was calm, calmer than usual, No breeze, just stillness. It was almost erie. You walked the dark cobblestone streets of London with one goal in mind, and that was to assassinate the one known as “Owl”. You didn’t know much about him, All you knew was that he was a sniper and had impeccable sight. You felt the heavy weight of the rifle in your backpack. You grimaced as you slid the uncomfortable strap back onto your shoulder from where it slipped.You sighed as you came to a path leading into a dense forest. Presumably, this path led to the Phantomhive manor. Quickly, you bent down to tie your unruly laces before trudging up the path. 
A clearing appeared before you, It also happened to lead to a hill with just enough cover. You laid your backpack down before unzipping it and feeling around for your rifle as well as the scope. You had a feeling you’d be out for quite some time. You waited, patiently for some sign of the Owl. 
It had seemed like a few hours had passed when you saw presumably the maid of the house. She seemed quite clumsy, tripping over her feet. The wicker laundry basket she was carrying flew into the air, all the clean laundry landed around her. You chuckled, If you weren’t tasked to kill a member of the household, you would have gone and helped her. She looked quite cute. You sighed out of boredom and leaned back. You dug the photo of “Owl” out of your backpack. That was when realization set in. 
Either that maid was eerily close in looks or Owl was posing as a maid. Quickly, you looked through the scope. What you saw made you gasp. The maid had a pistol pointed right in your direction, it looked as if she was calling for someone as well. Panic set in, it was either shoot now, or get shot. You placed your now sweaty finger on the trigger. As you were about to pull it, you were grabbed. 
“Just what do you think you’re doing?” A male voice spoke, his words sounded sweet, yet laced with venom. You couldn’t reply, You were in shock. How the hell did he get to you so fast? You didn’t even see him once. You grabbed a pistol out from one of your thigh pouches and pointed it at the man’s head, that was when you got a good look at him. His eyes were an unnatural crimson, His skin was so pale that he almost looked like a walking corpse, His hair, a raven black and he was dressed in a butler’s uniform.
“I don’t think you want to do that” He said, pushing the pistol away from his head with a smirk on his face. 
“Why don’t you come with me” He forced you to your feet and wrapped his arms around your waist, before running at a superhuman speed in the direction of the manor. Before you could even comprehend what was happening, you were dropped on the floor of what looked like a study. 
“Sebastian, what is this?” You heard a young boy ask. 
“I have brought you another maid, My Lord.” The butler replied. The young boy sighed.
“I assume she is in the same situation as Meyrin” You looked at the butler, as he nodded. 
“She seems to have been with the chinese mafia as well, Though it seems she was out to kill Meyrin instead of you.” The young boy nodded. 
“Bring her to servant quarters and have her fitted for a uniform.” Your eyes widened, were you seriously being kidnapped just to serve as this kid’s maid? You were brought to a room with one bed, a desk, a dresser and a mirror in the corner. The butler had told you to stay in there while he brought in a second bed. You huffed and sat down on what you assumed was Owl’s bed. You heard quick footsteps coming down the hall. The door swung open, you saw a panicking Meyrin enter. She stopped in her tracks. 
“You’re the one who tried to kill me. Why are you here?”
“I was forced to be a maid.” You replied. She gave you a knowing glance, then turned her attention back to her situation. It seemed she spilled tea on herself. You chuckled, her attention turned back to you. 
“You’re so clumsy, it’s kind of cute.” You smirked. she nodded trying to hide a light blush. 
Before long, you had been working at the manor for almost a year. in that time one new person was added as staff, he was a chef, his name was Baldroy. Unfortunately, other than Sebastian, you were the most competent of the servants. It was just another day, you and Meyrin were in the storage room, gathering china for Lord Phantomhive and his guests. You stood on a stepladder while Meyrin was on the ground piling up the boxes of china on the floor. It seemed anytime you were around her, your heart would pound. You handed her the last box. 
You jumped as a loud crash was heard. She’d piled the boxes too high, they had all fell. She also fell along with it. 
“Meyrin, oh my god, are you ok?” She nodded. 
“Please be careful next time, okay?” You stepped down off of the stepladder and took her hands in yours. 
“I..I’m so sorry” You hummed then pulled her into an embrace. 
“It’s alright, china is replaceable. You, my dear on the other hand are Irreplaceable.” You felt her tense a bit. You had wanted to do this for years, You’d loved Meyrin since the day you met. You moved out of the embrace slightly and planted a kiss on her lips. She broke the kiss in shock, you could see the realization set in. She then kissed you again.
“I love you Y/N” She mumbled against your lips. 
“I love you too, Meyrin”
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thatanimewriter · 2 years ago
Wow, got back into my koroshitsuju phase 👁👁💧
Mey-rin x gn reader
Reader is usually this flirty person, and they're also exceptionally sweet, especially with Mey-rin. Since she's clumsy and cute with her glasses on.
But one day, she's forced to take off her glasses. Obviously she changes and reader just *overload* *gay panic* wuh- hhh- who are you- hhh-
Oh my, it's her turn to flirt back 👀
Teehee they're so cute together.
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THIS MAKES ME FEEL SO GAY AND I LOVE IT, we stan a badass bitch who could fold you like a lawn chair
have the gay panic bestie
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sleepingdeath-light · 2 years ago
pretty little secret ; bb. mey-rin (18+)
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pairing ; mey-rin x female!reader
warnings ; reader is cruel towards her colleagues & is mey-rin’s ex partner
word count ; 2857
note ; minors and ageless blogs will be blocked | this was last edited in 2020 and was just reposted from my ao3 and thus isn’t necessarily representative of my current writing style
Wooden heels clicked rhythmically against the tiled kitchenette floor, the sound dulling and mingling with the whistling of kettles, the bucking of pots and the clinking of cutlery and plates as dish after dish was prepared. The room was crowded as chefs and their assistants bumped hips, reaching and rushing between stations as they desperately yet skilfully attempted to keep track of each component as it was prepared — performing to their utmost abilities under the scrutinising gaze of the acting governess and head maid, Miss (Y/n) (L/n); a woman notorious for her high standards and no nonsense attitude towards the inhabitants of the estate, be they her colleagues or her young students. She expected nothing less than perfection in every aspect of the manor, hence why she was doing a third round of the area, sharp (e/c) eyes flitting dangerously amongst the workers before settling on a young new chef and flaring up with indignant disappointment as she approached the man, tutting as she harshly grabbed his wrist.
"The recipe calls for chopped red onions." She practically hissed, her tone causing the man to back into himself. "So why, pray tell, are you dicing them? Have you decided that you know better than the lord's previous generations of staff?"
"No, Ma'am." He responded in a hushed voice, averting his eyes to the floor beside her feet. "I'll start again, sorry."
"Sorry? You'd have been more than sorry if these had made it to the master's plate." she huffed, relinquishing her grip on his wrist and allowing it to fall limply to his side, "And to think that the lord's company could have been faced with such an egregious state of disobedience and stupidity. What a shameful display." Then, she turned sharply on her heel to address the onlookers with an authoritarian tone and an icy glare before hurrying off to watch over the collection of maids that worked beneath her.
"Now, would you kindly get back to work? Lest I need to speak with our employer regarding your collective incompetence. Good day."
Thankfully, her closest peers amongst the manor staff had managed to collectively complete their assigned tasks without so much as a hint of error or defiance. The competency of the maids had always been a source of pride for the (brunette, blonde etc), who valued the very traits they wholeheartedly embodied: dexterity, loyalty, levelheadedness, obedience and delicacy. It was a welcome break from the chaos she oft faced with the rest of her co-workers to say the least — and she treasured it immensely. Though, she didn't have the time to spend praising them as she was soon ushered away to welcome her employer's guest and his own staff members alongside the head butler, Mr Johnson — as was required of those in their positions.
So, there they were stood, still and silent yet acutely aware of their master and their surroundings as they waited. The foyer was quickly growing stuffy and uncomfortable, but she still managed to remain still, neatly folding her hands behind her back — occasionally reaching up to gently adjust the violet pinned to her breast pocket before hastily returning to her upright position. Then, finally, the front door creaked open, bathing the crowded room in a blanket of warm afternoon light as their master rushed forth to greet the young boy in front of him, paying no mind to the child's entourage as he fed him sickly sweet greetings.
"Earl Phantomhive, thank you for going out of your way to visit my estate this fine afternoon."
The boy nodded, addressing her master as they walked off into the bowls of the estate, followed shortly by the staff. As was her duty, (Y/n) stepped forwards and stopped the small group in their tracks, only allowing the earl's head butler past as she shared a stern look with her co-worker as she spoke.
"I'm afraid that only the closest staff members are allowed to attend the meeting." Her eyes flitted scrutinisingly across the trio as she gestured for Johnson to follow the other butler. "I'll escort you to your rooms. Please, follow me."
Her words left no room for question and they, albeit begrudgingly, followed behind her, carrying their bags as they navigated the barely lit halls and stairways of the estate. However, as she walked, the maid couldn't help but allow her eyes to wander over to the red haired Phantomhive servant, noting some familiarity about her before hurriedly shaking it off.
It would be one hell of a coincidence if it were her Mey, after all, so she felt no need to consciously dwell upon it.
After several awkward minutes of silent walking, (Y/n) came to a sudden halt and turned sharply on her heels to address her company, unable to stop her eyes from lingering on the red headed maid as she spoke.
"This is the secondary guest wing of our estate and you'll be staying here for the entirety of your stay." She gestured to two rooms to either side of her with one gloved hand, looking between the two men. "You two will be staying here respectively." Then, she turned to the maid and, after hesitating for a brief moment, continued. "You'll be staying further down the hall so, please, follow me."
The trio shared a wary look between themselves before the smaller of the men handed the maid her luggage and the two women set off once more.
"I don't think we actually introduced ourselves, we didn't." The woman stammered, causing the (brunette, blonde etc) to turn her head towards her, raising a curious eyebrow at her. "I'm Mey-rin, the shorter boy is Finny and the cook is Baldroy. We're —"
"The Phantomhive servants, yes, I'm aware." She pinched the bridge of her nose and inhaled sharply before suddenly halting once again. "I'm (Y/n) (L/n), before you ask, I'm the head maid of the estate and this is your room. I'll help you with your things."
"Are you going to keep pretending that you don't know me?" Mey spoke up after a few minutes of silent unpacking, taking off her glasses and placing them neatly on the nightstand. Her words caused the (brunette, blonde etc) to freeze slightly before she deeply inhaled and managed a low response.
"I don't owe you anything of the sort, Mey."
The redhead sighed deeply, stepping forwards to place a gentle, reassuring hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder. "I would have taken you with me if I was allowed, you know." Her voice was lower, calmer and more familiar to the other maid, causing her eyes to sting and blur with nudged tears as she brushed her ex-lover off.
"You didn't have to leave." She practically growled. "You didn't even say goodbye, I was worried sick about you — I thought you were dead, for God's sake, Mey."
"I wasn't myself," Mey-rin excused, hazel eyes staring kindly (up/down/across) at the other woman, "I realised it was a brilliant opportunity that I couldn't just pass up and —"
"And you realised you could just drop me like I meant nothing to impress whoever it was that you met that night. That's how it went, right?"
"No!" She insisted, tightly grasping (Y/n)'s hands in her own, staring earnestly into her eyes as she continued in a softer tone. "I wasn't thinking, but I realised what I'd done shortly after and asked Mr Sebastian to go and find you, but we couldn't. I would never hurt you, not intentionally."
(Y/n) smiled sadly, shaking her head as she spoke. "You never think do you, Mey?" another humourless laugh, "Just admit that you wanted to leave."
"I'm not going to lie to you, (Y/n), and I'm not going to leave you again — I swear."
"Don't make promises you can't keep."
"I can keep it this time, (Y/n), the young lord was talking about working permanently with your master. So even if you're certain that you don't believe me or that I'm going to leave, I can't. I won't." Honest hazel eyes looked deeply into her own, brimming with familiarity and kindness as she smiled shakily yet certainly. "I won't leave you again."
(Y/n) sighed, worrying her lower lip between her teeth, silent in contemplation before she slowly leaned (up/down/forwards) and chastely pressed her lips against Mey-rin's. "Okay. I'll give you one more chance — any mistakes from now and I'm done."
The redhead nodded gratefully at that, moving one hand to gently grasp the side of (Y/n)'s face before pulling her into another kiss — one that was sweeter, longer, deeper and even more familiar as they settled into the same old rhythm as they had years before. It was almost as if nothing had changed between them, and they were content with that, willing to pretend that was the case even though they were all too aware that this wasn't the case.
Unable to completely contain themselves after so long apart, they descended upon one another: the (brunette, blonde etc)'s hands moved to Mey's waist, pulling her closer before sliding up to unbutton her blouse and shove it off of her shoulders; lips, teeth and tongues clashed in a heated, overdue kiss as they each tilted their heads to deepen the gesture; clothed hips ground against one another as (Y/n) walked the redhead backwards until her calves collided with the bed frame — at which point she, reluctantly, pulled away and shoved her down onto the bed, only to be pulled down on top of her as the other maid grasped her upper arms. They fell in a heap on the bed, laughing quietly amongst themselves before hurriedly tugging their clothing away from one another's bodies.
Layer after layer of cotton, cheap lace and linens were discarded to the side of the bed, this flurry of activity only ceasing once they were left in their undergarments (their respective corsets having since been hastily undone and left to join the growing pile of garments on the floor). Seemingly entranced by her form, (Y/n) rolled them both so that she was straddling Mey-rin's waist, sliding one hand under the other woman's white chemise to gently squeeze and tease at the swell of her breasts, eventually pulling the thin garment up to her collar and leaning down to take the other nipple into her mouth — encircling the sensitive flesh with her teeth and tongue as Mey arched into her touch. After a few minutes of this, the (h/c) haired woman pulled away and began to trail a series of open mouthed kisses down her stomach until she reached the band of her drawers, only to be pushed away and down onto the mattress by Meyrin, who, panting and red in the face, hurriedly unbuttoned and untied her combinations, pulling them away from her entirely to reveal her (s/c) (figure) form to her lustful hazel eyes.
Their eyes met for a brief moment before Mey leaned down, connecting their lips briefly before trailing soft kisses down her jaw to the hollow of her throat — not so lightly nipping at the skin as she went — before moving further down to litter her collar and breasts with kisses and featherlight bites. This caused the woman beneath her to squirm and moan lightly as she moved her hands to grasp her hips, guiding her to grind against her thighs — an action that earned her muffled moans and whimpers from the redhead that moved to harshly bite down on the crux of her throat, suckling at the skin until a deep purple-red mark began to appear against the (s/c) canvas of her neck.
Though, before long, this proved itself to be far too little to sate their sinful hunger for one another and they came to an unspoken agreement as Mey-rin hurriedly ridded herself of her remaining clothing — her lightly sodden drawers and her stockings. Then, finally bare, she climbed atop her lover, wrapping her arms loosely around her shoulders as she leaned back onto the mattress, lips meeting briefly before they rearranged themselves — with Mey climbing completely atop her lover in such a way that her dripping cunt was mere millimetres above her face as she leaned down to press her lips against the other's thighs, teasingly kissing the areas closest to her womanhood and quivering with eagerness as she felt (Y/n)'s cool breath against her own soaked slit.
After several teasing seconds, they descended upon one another completely.
Mey's dexterous tongue dove between her sodden lower lips, devouring her whole as she slid the tip slowly along her, taking a few moments to encircle and suck on her lightly swollen clit before moving down to slip her tongue into her dripping entrance. She then spread the labia with two fingers, giving her better access to her lover's sensitive sex before sliding one thumb over her clit, harshly rubbing and stimulating it as (Y/n) continued to writhe and spasm beneath her. Meanwhile, the (brunette, blonde etc) was almost mirroring her finer ministrations: pulling her closer to her mouth by her hips with one hand, sucking on and encircling her sensitive clit with her tongue and pumping her talented digits into her tight entrance, scissoring and curling them in just the right way to get the woman atop her to moan and arch her back.
Hips ground down onto their mouths, desperately searching for friction as they swallowed every ounce of honey-sweet pleasure that seeped out of their spasming cunts, drinking it up like the finest nectar as they gradually became more and more erratic in their movements. Mey quickly fell into a rhythm of desperately bucking into (Y/n)'s fingers, grinding down onto her knuckles as she continued to harshly and hastily suck, rub and lick her most sensitive area - letting out muffled moans and whimpers against her. Similarly, (Y/n) began to grind against her lover's tongue, arching up and into her as she desperately yet skilfully filled her and stretched her with her fingers — shakily sucking on her clit as she moaned and whined against her.
With every passing moment, she could feel a familiar pressure coiling uncomfortably within her, knotting unbearably tight as she began to wantonly chase after her release. Though, before she reached her own peak, she felt the woman atop her began to writhe and spasm, feeling her moaning into her louder and more shakily, signs that she had just fallen over the edge of ecstasy and (Y/n), in spite of herself, tightened her grip on her waist and held her in place as she began to devour her with more fervour than before. Seemingly out of instinct, Mey-rin moved to tightly - almost painfully so — grip the underneath of her (size) thighs, digging her nails into the sensitive (s/c) flesh to ground herself as she continued to languidly slide her tongue along her lover's soaking slit.
Driven to her own release by the sight, scent and sound of her partner, (Y/n) was sent over the edge soon after: groaning, whimpering, grinding, bucking, moaning, writhing and swallowing every response and touch from her lover. Her eyelids were alight with glowing splotches of beautiful, bright white light — exploding in tandem with the spasming of the muscles in her abdomen. Muffled by the spasming, dripping cunt of her partner, her lips parted to release a throaty string of cries, praises and pleas for her as they continued to work one another through their releases - writhing and bucking as her senses were overwhelmed with Mey-rin (everything about her that was pressed against and inside of her), practically aflame with lust as she slowly came down from her climax.
After several minutes of grunting and groaning and moving shakily in sync with one another, they finally separated as Mey shuffled off of (Y/n) to lay beside her, red in the face and panting as she went. Then, she pulled the (taller/shorter/other) woman into her arms, offering a tired, but content smile that glistened with her release that (Y/n) couldn't help but mirror, leaning towards her to press her lips gently to hers — connecting the two in a breathless kiss stained with their flavours before they pulled away. In the aftermath of their orgasms, they almost seemed to glow, their sweat covered skin and cum slicked thighs and mouths glistening in the warm afternoon sun.
It was familiar and pleasant; a living dream that half mirrored the life they had once had together whilst holding a whispered promise of the new life they would start — no longer a sniper and her aid, but rather two maids deeply in love with one another and ready to move on. So, as the faint summer breeze slipped through a crack in the window frame, the (brunette, blonde etc) managed a small retort, panting slightly and offering a lazy smirk as she spoke yet holding a near-forgotten kindness and warmth in her eyes.
"This may very well be the start of a wonderful little secret."
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ashestospace · 5 years ago
The Phantomhive servants have done nothing wrong and I will personally fight the English police.
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chibimyumi · 5 years ago
Grell and Undertaker are extremely popular and always included in merch and other things along with the main characters Ciel and Sebastian, especially Grell who is always included in the "main trio" despite being a side character. Do you think there will be backstory chapters for them? The servants had their backstories revealed and they aren't very popular...
Dear Anon,
I think the chance of them getting a backstory is 50/50 for a few reasons I will illustrate below.
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Undertaker is the third most popular character in the series, and in Japan, he enjoys this rank mainly because he is 1. a very powerful and handsome character (sadly, one cannot deny that many in this fandom are indeed mostly drawn by the eye-candy), and 2. a very mysterious character.
Backstory - yes
Of course, Undertaker is - until proven otherwise - basically the main antagonist of the series now, and the marketing of the manga might really benefit from having a backstory on him. Many readers are very curious about who he really is, how he came to be a reaper, and why he is so obsessed with the Phantomhive family. For the shippers among us it might be satisfying to see some type of romance being confirmed between him and Claudia Phantomhive. For the non-shippers, it would be gratifying see a narrative that focuses on whether he had any influence on Claudia Phantomhive as the Queen’s Watchdog herself (much like Sebastian has on O!Ciel).
In short, giving a backstory to Undertaker would serve to quench some curiousities in fans, and if not, then at least some thirst by presenting more panel-time.
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Backstory - no
As I said above, part of the main reason why Undertaker is so popular (in Japan at least) is because he is mysterious. The core of mysterious characters is that there is a lot we don’t know about them, without the lack of information distracting from the appeal. (A character whose lack of information DOES distract from the appeal is not ‘mysterious’; that’s just ‘vague’ or ‘underdeveloped. Yes, it’s a fine line, but these do sadly get conflated a lot…)
There is an enormous risk to revealing too much about a character whose main appeal is the mystery. Once the disclosed canon backstory does not appeal to the fans of the character, this character’s popularity really might suffer. Of course, there has been a lot of theories in the fandom, and Yana could - if she had the time/wanted to - do research on what is the most welcome theory.
Yana has two things she could do then:
Give the readers the most accepted/popular fan-theory, either because the fans guessed right and continue her intended route for Undertaker, or start writing the story towards this route. Some readers might be happy that they were “right”, while other readers might be upset because the product would be “predictable”.
Give the readers a ‘surprise’, but risk the backstory not being well received, or worse, rejected.
Nowadays consumers of media really have this urge to ‘be as smart, or smarter than the media they consume’. In the internet age, it is impossible to stop the overexposure of fan predictions. In this constant ping-pong of information, many brilliant minds can come together and it is inevitable that at some point - IF the story is well written that is - readers will be able to find the solution to the puzzle.
Let us just consider the hot mess that is HBO’s Game of Thrones…
“I struggle with this because I do want to surprise my readers, [……] Some readers in internet boards got the clues. Do I change it? No, I can’t, as I had planted them and it would be a mess. I’ve been planting all these clues that the butler did it, then you’re halfway through a series and suddenly thousands of people have figured out that the butler did it, and then you say the chambermaid did it? No, you can’t do that.” - Game Of Thrones author George R. R. Martin.
“Pandora’s Box”
With the 2CT having went on for approximately a decade, Yana must be painfully aware of her cornered position as a writer in revealing the truth behind the Phantomhive twins. I personally think Yana might think twice about whether she is going to give readers anything about the Undertaker.
We have evidence from the past that Yana does not mind keeping the mystery in her stories.
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“However, I’ll probably never state clearly what Sebastian’s true nature is […]”  Cited from the translation by @akumadeenglish .  
If she is not going to reveal too much about the titular main character of ‘Kuroshitsuji’,  it is not inconceivable either that she won’t for Undertaker.
The real question we (us fans as well as Yana) should be asking is; “do the readers really ‘need’ a backstory, or do they just ‘want’ it? If we do get one, then at what cost?”
Perhaps the Pandora’s box might better be left unopened.
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Likewise addressed in the same post before, Grell is popular because she is: A super powerful reaper who transcends traditional gender boundaries, and is funny.
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Backstory - yes
There is considerably less risk to revealing Grell’s backstory. Her backstory is not necessarily what the fandom is thirsting for, but the question really would be: “why not?”
Finny got a mini backstory, Meyrin seems to be getting one, so it would not be a stretch if Grell got one of her own too. The only real requirement her backstory would need is a timing in the current plot that would allow for one, without it distracting too much from the main plot.
On the other hand, Kuroshitsuji SEEEMSS to possibly, maybe, perhaps, be heading towards the end. Even though I am sure Yana’s earned enough money to live the rest of her life without worries, what is she going to do next?
It is VERY hard for successful manga artists to finish the successful franchise, start a new one, and to have that new story not be known as “by the same makers as XXX!” (See Death Note… See Fullmetal Alchemist.)
Also, marketing wise, Kuroshitsuji is ‘a’ or even ‘the’ support pillar of G-Fantasy. I am not sure how well G-Fantasy would do without Kuroshitsuji. Most mangaka have no say in when they can terminate their own story; they usually get the instruction to just go on and on, until the content is not ‘milkable’ anymore, and then get terminated by force. That is the exact reason why many mangas having a VERY dragged out and sloppy ending.
If Yana also has no say in whether she terminates the story or not, she might really use backstories, spin-offs, etc. to stretch out the material. Of course the main reason why Kuroshitsuji’s pacing feels very slow now is because 1. the chapters are very short for a monthly published manga, 2. the art is VERY detailed and it takes Yana double the time to draw X number of pages. But most importantly 3. probably because G-Fantasy wants her to drag it.
Backstory - no
Unlike Undertaker, the fandom (Japanese or otherwise) seems to be less busy speculating about Grell’s backstory. It is possible that it’s simply because Grell’s character just does not beg for as many backstory-speculations, as her main thing is not the mystery. (And also, probably because most people in the non-Japanese fandom have been too preoccupied with arguing what her gender is…)
Just like with Undertaker, disclosing a backstory might risk it not being well received. Most Grell-fans seem plenty satisfied with just knowing what we do already. As there is less thirst for Grell’s backstory, Yana does not have to risk her popularity.
Most fans would not MIND or are curious for a backstory, but the same question as above: “do we really need it?” is likewise the question here.
In Conclusion
Yana might give us a backstory for Undertaker, but it really would be a gamble on her side. As for Grell; she might, she might not. The risks are lower, but she does not need to take the risk.
Considering the nature of media consumption culture, perhaps Yana may better opt for ‘better safe than sorry’.
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thatanimewriter · 3 years ago
Hey I love your works so much and I can relate so much for your liking towards snake he is just so incredible <3
Could I please have hcs for snake, finny and mey-rin with an s/o who is someone from a higher class than them?? Thank you!
Have a nice day and please stay safe!! 😊😊
an s/o from a higher class
➳ character/s: snake, finny, mey-rin
➳ warnings: manga spoilers for the emerald witch arc (mey-rin), mentions of death
➳ notes: yes, some snake content to quench my desires-
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you guys probably met because of the circus
as a noble who is in close contact with the phantomhive family, you got invited to see them with ciel and sebastian
while ciel and sebastian were there for investigation, you were quite captivated by snake
you accidentally ran into him backstage trying to find sebastian
and by ran into him
i mean literally
you’re both on the ground and boy do you feel guilty
talking through his snakes was something you found quite intriguing
but you didn’t see him again after that
until ciel’s little murder party
and then you saw snake a lot more often
as cliche as it is
you guys started dating after the whole campania fiasco
ciel is still unsure how to feel about it
but since you’re wealthy, you get snake some pretty niche gifts for anniversaries and birthdays etc
snake has started talking to you more without the help of his snakes, but you’ve told him many times that it doesn’t really matter, he can take his time
in return, a bunch of crafty things kind of appear around your quarters at the phantomhive manor
and you get one of his snakes to forever hang out with you
snake is a cuddler i take no criticism
when you're sad, he gives you kisses because he feels bad
he's insecure that he's no good as a boyfriend but he's trying :((
he will protect you to the ends of the earth
so its not all bad
and he appreciates your tolerance for all of his snakes
gives flowers constantly
you would arrive for tea or chess with ciel
and there he is, massive bouquet of flowers
once you're done, you come out and spend time with him in the garden
sebastian trusts you enough to keep him out of trouble
but he's still kinda annoyed he has to deal with baldroy and mey-rin
finny is too scared to give you hugs because he thinks he'll crack your ribs
it's pretty bad
so you have to initiate hugs for him
he's a paranoid boi
however, if you're ever in trouble, such as when you were staying the night with lizzie and the circus troupe came
he will not hold back
still has a smile on his face, arguably making it creepier
but if they so much as head the direction of your quarters, he's onto them
because you're his s/o, he told you about his past
but you guys bonded more over it
and you always give him kisses when he's feeling sad about it and you teach him how to control his strength
ciel isn't too fussed with this relationship because honestly?
he has better things to do other than supervise whatever you guys have going on
you've helped finny look more presentable when going out places
he appreciates you for that
he can't really give you much in return, but he knows you don't mind as much
homemade stuff is more endearing than throwing your money at something and calling it a day
oh boy do you have a crisis with her
with glasses, you're like 'oh, cute :))'
without glasses, it's the windows shut down
it's almost like having your own personal bodyguard though
anyone looks at you the wrong way, she's there and has 'accidentally' let her glasses slip a little bit
she's very intimidating without them
ciel knows you're not gonna be particularly distracting when you visit and she's still working, so he doesn't really care
mey-rin is probably just shy with affection at first
but once she's comfortable, she'll probably be a bit more seductive and bold
especially when others are looking at you-
when you went to germany and the whole mustard gas situation she was extra protective of you
any time she went anywhere, she'd given you a kiss and a hug just in case something happened in the time you were apart
she also didn't trust any of the women in the village around you
had finny watch out for you while also caring for ciel
she would shoot someone in the head in a heartbeat if they tried to harm you and she has
if you're a noble who's like lizzie, where you've been taught some form of self defence, she'd be less likely to go berserk
but having mey-rin as a girlfriend really calms your nerves in situations like that
after everything is over, she'll check you over, run you a bath and give you the cuddles and kisses you deserve
you'll do the same, giving any scars a kiss and gently patching up any wounds (if she got any)
she hugs you from behind in private as well, resting her head on your shoulder
you don't exactly like splurging on her because of her past, so it's almost like a normal relationship
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thatanimewriter · 2 years ago
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✦ - fluff
❖ - angst
☼ - general (reader excluded)
☾ - suggestive
⛧ - crack
☁ - series
✼ - supporters only
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 + 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 /  𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  
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mistress s/o walking down the halls at night (✦) reader who isn’t scared of his demon form (✦) reader who isn’t scared of his demon form pt. 2 (☾) shatter (❖) fem!s/o dies from sickness when he’s away (❖) reader who is adopted and has major insecurities (✦)
reader with an evil twin brother (⛧)
multilingual s/o (✦, ⛧)
an s/o from a higher class (✦) flirty!reader being flirted with instead (✦, ⛧)
an s/o from a higher class (✦) s/o who is sweet but only to them (✦) multilingual s/o (✦, ⛧)
a shy girlfriend (✦) platonic relationship with a child!reader who looks up to her (✦) reader who is adopted and has major insecurities (✦) reader 1 year clean from self-harm (✦)
multilingual s/o (✦, ⛧) reader who is adopted and has major insecurities (✦)
multilingual s/o (✦, ⛧)
── 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐋.
gardener s/o who isn’t scared of snakes (✦) an s/o from a higher class (✦) s/o who is sweet but only to them (✦) s/o with a forked tongue (✦, ☾) multilingual s/o (✦, ⛧) snake’s the type of guy (✦)
falling in love with ciel’s older sister (✦)
reader who is adopted and has major insecurities (✦)
── 𝐀𝐆𝐍𝐈.
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