#metias deer
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poweir · 6 days ago
◞ ❛ 🦌 —  by  the  grace  of  the  gods ,  old  and  new ,  i  present  to  you  CROWN  PRINCE  EDRIC  of  BERGIA .  the  gods  have  blessed  us  with  their  presence  for  THIRTY  years .  the  people  of  the  kingdom  have  known  them  to  be  DECISIVE ,  GALLANT ,  LOYAL  and  while  it  is  not  always  shown  to  the  masses ,  it  is  said  they  can  also  be  CALCULATING ,  DECEPTIVE ,  REPRESSED .  what  will  their  tale  in  the  story  of  metia  be ?
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full name : edric of house pryor .
title : crown prince , and heir to the throne of bergia .
gender: cis - male .
pronouns: he & him .
sexuality : bisexual .
age : thirty .
date of birth : third day of the eighth moon , 972 me .
place of birth : falreig , bergia .
nationality : bergian .
parents : king zastan & queen rhiannon .
siblings : prince iskander , prince cedrik , prince ____ , prince ____ .
extended family : house hornwood of hornwood keep ( cousins ) 
family history : house  pryor  has  ruled  over  bergia  since  its  creation  several  centuries  ago .  henrik  pryor  was  the  first  and  only  man  who  was  able  to  unite  the  rivaling  city - states  of  the  bergian  mountains  during  the  northern  war .  when  valtolia  pushed  north ,  the  city - states  united  and  kicked  them  out  under  henrik ' s  leadership .  taking  advantage  of  this  success ,  henrik  declared  himself  king  and  made  bergia  a  unified  nation .  since  then ,  their  rule  has  remained  unquestioned ,  and  they  have  found  some  of  the  richest  gems  in  metia .  their  house  sigil  is  a  deer ,  and  their  colors  are  navy  blue  and  gold ;  the  house  motto  is  ‘ steadfast  in  duty . ’
face claim : david corenswet
hair : thick , jet black waves , always impeccably styled .
eyes : rich sapphire blue , like the sea under moonlight .
height : 6 ’ 4 "  ( 193 cm )
physique : strong and statuesque , built not for brute force but for command . broad - shouldered , with a well proportioned athletic frame .
demeanor :  the perfect prince : charming , composed and effortlessly magnetic . smooth words , and calculated smiles .
distinguishing  characteristics :  high cheekbones , a defined jawline and full lips . the contrast between raven black hair and fair skin , accentuated by vibrant blue eyes . the faint scent of smoke , cedar and pine .
zodiac  sign :   leo  sun ,  scorpio  moon ,  capricorn  rising
meyer - briggs :   enfj :  the  protagonist
enneagram :   type  3 ,  wing  2 :  the  enchanter
moral  alignment :   lawful  neutral
positive  traits :  affectionate , composed , dutiful , gallant , graceful , honorable , intelligent , loyal , magnetic , poised , protective , strategic , well - spoken .
negative  traits :  burdened by expectation , calculating , deceptive , emotionally distant , manipulative when necessary , perfectionist , prideful , repressed , self - sacrificing , stubborn , struggles with vulnerability , willing to compromise morality for duty .
character  parallels :  arthur pendragon ( arthurian legend ) , dorian havilliard ( throne of glass ) , loras tyrell  ( asoiaf ) ,  robb stark  ( asoiaf ) ,  hamlet  ( shakespeare ) ,  tristan  ( tristan & isolde ) 
edric  pryor  was  born  on  the  third  day  of  the  eighth  moon ,  when  summer  lay  heavy  over  the  bergian  mountains ,  draping  the  land  in  gold .  the  wind  carried  the  scent  of  pine  and  distant  rain ,  and  the  palace  bells  rang  through  the  valley ,  their  song  swallowed  by  the  roar  of  celebration  below .  bonfires  burned  in  the  city  squares ,  flames  licking  at  the  sky  as  the  people  feasted  in  his  name ,  toasting  to  the  prince  who  would  one  day  be  king .  a beacon of joy : an heir , an excuse to celebrate in these trying times of war . inside  the  palace ,  beneath  vaulted  ceilings  and  candlelit  chandeliers ,  he  took  his  first  breath  in  the  arms  of  his  mother ,  his  father ’ s  steady  gaze  fixed  upon  him .  before  he  could  walk ,  before  he  could  speak ,  before  he  could  even  understand  the  weight  of  it ,  a  kingdom  had  already  settled  upon  his  shoulders .
he  was  a  prince  before  he  was  a  boy ,  an  heir  before  he  was  a  son .  his  childhood  was  measured  in  expectations ,  in  lessons  taught  with  a  firm  hand  and  a  watchful  eye .  silk  and  steel ,  charm  and  duty — he  learned  them  all ,  wore  them  like  a  second  skin .  they  taught  him  to  smile  with  just  enough  warmth  to  soothe ,  just  enough  distance  to  command .  in  the  court ,  he  was  the  perfect  heir :  poised ,  gallant ,  a  golden  stag .  yet  even  the  finest - cut  gem  has  hidden  fractures ,  lines  too  fine  for  the  eye  to  see .  there  are  nights  when  duty  feels  like  a  noose ,  when  the  weight  of  expectation  pressed  too  heavily  against  his  ribs .  but  the  crown  does  not  bend  for  those  who  bear  it .
position : versatile 
size :   7 1/2 "  ( 22  cm )
kinks :   power  play ,  praise ,  teasing ,  edging , slow  build - ups ,  intimate  eye  contact ,  oral fixation , facefucking , multiple orgasms , aftercare ,  mutual  worship ,  light bondage , touch fixation , restraint , passion .
anti-kinks :   degradation ,  humiliation ,  cruelty ,  non - consensual  themes ,  shame ,  extreme  pain ,  monotony ,  dissatisfaction , infantilism
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incorrectval · 6 years ago
Vik: there should be another word for water.
Eikko: no bones ice.
Cain: ocean sauce.
Metias: earth juice.
Vik: what the fuck?
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witchesroad · 6 years ago
Somewhere in D13
Kora: [sleepover voice] are u awake
Eikko: [sleepover reply voice] yeah
Azure: [regrettable sleepover invitee voice] YOU GUYS SHHH
Metias: [confused sleepover reply voice] what is the meaning of life
Vik: [annoyed sleepover voice] dude shut up
Kaiden: [sleepover host voice] you guys be quiet my mom’s gonna hear us
Cain: [unknown voice] you kids wanna buy some drugs?
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incorrectkaye · 6 years ago
vik: i’m not a mother, and i will never have children again.
metias, walking by: what’s up, mom?
vik: oh, hey.
eikko: hey mom, is it okay if me and a few friends head out to the woods?
vik: yeah, just be back by ten.
vik: okay, listen.
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incorrectkat · 6 years ago
metias: am i right, ziggy?
ziggy: almost certainly not, but to be fair i wasn’t listening.
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incorrectcasper-blog · 7 years ago
The Rebels As Creed Quotes
Kora: just pretend like we’re talking until the cops leave.
Cassian: if i can’t scuba, then what’s this all been about?
Vik: cool beans, man. i live by the quarry. we should hang out and throw things down there.
Metias: not bad for a day in the life of a dog food company.
Eikko: i’ve been involved in a number of cults. both as a leader and a follower.
Ronnie: you should see how many supplies i’ve taken from this place. honestly, i love stealing.
Amira: the taliban is the worst... great heroin though.
Tempest: what’s a text?
Kaiden: au natural, baby. that’s how i like em. swing low, sweet chariots.
Cain: the only difference between me and a homeless man is this job.
Azure: i made love to many, many women, often in the outdoors in the mud and rain. it’s possible a man may have slipped in there. there’s no way of knowing.
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matsucockwa · 7 years ago
metias: are you the big spoon or the little spoon
vik: i’m a knife
dmitri: she’s a little spoon
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incorrecttatum · 7 years ago
isla: you don’t think i’ll be alone at 50, do you?
metias: aw, come on. you won’t make it to 50!
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incorrectval · 6 years ago
The Rebels as quotes from The Office
Vik: who let this lemon head into the room? *looking at the capitol* you are a waste of life and should give up.
Kora: i have flaws. what are they? well i sing in the shower, sometimes i spend too much time volunteering. occasionally i kill an arena full of kids. sue me.
Kaiden: i tried to talk to cain and be his friend, but that’s like trying to be friends with an evil snail.
Azure: i want people to be afraid of how much they love me.
Ronnie: i am beyoncé, always.
Eikko: this day is bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S!
Cassian: i knew exactly what to do, but in a much more real sense, i had no idea what to do.
Terra: identity theft is not a joke! millions of families suffer every year!
Cain: azure, you ignorant slut!
Amira: i’m running away from my responsibilities and it feels so good.
Tempest: it takes an advanced sense of humour. i don’t expect everybody to understand.
Roman: i’m not superstitious, i’m just stitious.
Metias: sometimes i’ll start a sentence and i don’t even know where it’s going. i just hope i find it along the way.
Ziggy: *takes some asprin* I don’t have a headache, i’m just preparing.
Xander: when someone smiles at me, all i see is a chimpanzee begging for its life.
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witchesroad · 6 years ago
Meanwhile in D13
Azure: guys, terra kissed me!!
Eikko: *gasps* no!
Kaiden: *squeals* oh my god, oh my god!
Azure: it’s unbelievable.
Cass: oh my god. oh my god
Cain: okay, we wanna hear everything. metias, get the wine and unplug the phone. azure, does this end well or do we need tissues?
Azure: oh it ended verrry well.
Metias: *rushing over with the wine glasses* don’t start without me!!
Eikko: okay, lets hear about the kiss. was it like a soft brush against your lips, or was it like a ‘i gotta have you now’ kinda thing?
Azure: well at first it was really intense, y’know, and then... oh god, we sorta just sunk into it
Cass & Cain: *squealing together* aww!!!
(cut to terra, vik and kora casually eating pizza around the table)
Terra: and uh, then i kissed him
Vik: tongue?
Terra: yeah
Kora: dope
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incorrectkaye · 6 years ago
metias: what are some good responses to getting stabbed?
eikko: rude.
cassian: fair.
azure: not again.
vik: are you going to want this back or can i keep the knife?
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incorrectharls · 6 years ago
metias: has anyone seen my wife?
??: what does she look like?
metias, holding back tears: the most beautiful warrior i’ve ever seen
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onetruemetia-blog · 7 years ago
tag dump.
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incorrectcasper-blog · 7 years ago
The Rebels As Louis CK Quotes
Metias: here’s how my brain works: it’s stupidity, followed by self-loathing, and then further analysis.
Eikko: but maybe... if touching a nut kills you, you’re supposed to die.
Kora: i get really upset when people say nice things to me.
Cassian: look, i ate too much and masturbated too recently.
Kaiden: why the fuck would anything nice EVER happen? are you stupid?
Cain: i’m a white man. you can’t even hurt my feelings.
Azure: i do wanna fuck you but you won’t fuck me so fuck you anyway.
Amira: fuck her, seriously. i hope she’s dead. i hope she died today weirdly and horribly.
Ronnie: when people are boring i want to kill them.
Vik: getting up is a whole thing. first i have to decide, do i really wanna be alive anymore?
Tempest: when women go wild, they kill men and drown their kids in a tub.
Ziggy: i have a lot of beliefs and i live by none of them.
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matsucockwa · 6 years ago
helena: metias said a bad word today
dmitri: where the fuck did he learn that?
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incorrectkat · 6 years ago
ziggy: screw you, metias.
metias: hey! hostile work environment.
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