#land of caelum (home).
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gummi-ships · 2 years ago
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Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep - The Land of Departure
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minamishimada835 · 1 year ago
Alright let’s try this one again…
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thesolaireslawyer · 6 months ago
Happy Coalescing Day
TW - None WC - 1108
Gavin watched as his partner ran up and down the toy aisle trying to find something a certain empathy daemon would like. Perhaps it was a mistake he let it slip it was; said daemons Coalescing Day or at least the human coequal and suddenly they were in the car. Driving towards the nearest store to grab any and everything he would like. 
‘’ Deviant.. Take a breather ‘’ he looked at them, holding at least 5 bags of brownie mix, 3 stuffies, and what looked like an oddly shaped chocolate bar. Gavin's words were going in one ear and out the other. Freelancer was looking around for the next thing to grab. 
They remembered the conversation they had with Caelum. No one knew how birthdays ended up being the topic. But it landed on that- and Caelum was surprised to know every human had a birthday. And the poor boy couldn’t help but feel bad for those born on leap day.
Imagine being born on the one day of the year, that only comes around every 4 years. It brought tears to the young man's heart. Freelancer wanting to make him feel better. Asked him when was his ‘’ birthday ‘’ though they were reminded daemons don’t have birthdays. So they rephrased the question. 
When Did You Coalesce? 
Daemon calendars as freelancer elected to call them. Are much different from human calendars. So the day Caelum said wasn’t an actual day. Sooo.. freelancer decided to surprise him with the help of Gavin, and by help. He was there to make sure freelancer didn’t go on a spending spree.
He loved the little guy as much as them. But they still needed money for other things. 
‘’ now.. Deviant.. This is a bit much.. Even for Caelum.. ‘’ Gavin wrapped his hands around the waist of freelancer. ‘’ deviant.. Calm down..~ ‘’ he whispered, he whispered. 
‘’ But.. Gavin I need to get more! He deserves it! ‘’ they muttered while being trapped in Gavin's grip. Though they didn’t mind. 
‘’ that may be true.. But there is a such thing as Too Much. ‘’ freelancer didn’t want to admit he was right. 
‘’ fine.. Perhaps you’re right,‘’ they said soundly defeated in their efforts. Gavin loosened his grip around them. 
‘’ good..  Now, how about we put some of this brownie mix back? ‘’ 
And that's how the rest of this shopping trip went. Freelancer trying to stick things inside the cart and Gavin playing mediator. Making sure they didn’t get too much. As he put it earlier. It brought a smile to his face, to see them caring so much. Seeing them get excited about something as little as this was a nice sight.
Freelancer may have been limited to 2 toys instead of 7 they wanted to get- they just had to get the best of the 2 toys. They know.. They wanted them to be pink. And maybe one with horns. Truly they didn’t know what they wanted to get them daemon. 
All they knew was that they wanted it to be amazing! After all, had Caelum not appeared in their home that night, they wouldn’t be here right now. They wouldn’t have met Huxley, Damien, Lasko and Gavin. Yeah, they probably would have had fewer run-ends with some events. 
But they overcame them. And Learned so much about themselves. And the powers they wanted to hide. And they had caelum to think for that.
Freelancer's eyes caught a glance of a white sheep with pink horns. They gasped in awe, that was it! It was perfect, they just had to get it. As they made their way towards the stuffie they saw another child. Dragging an older person, pointing at the stuffed lamb. The kid was jumping up and down gawking at the lamb.  
Freelancer reached to grab the lamb. The child's face flashed a brief sadness before to one of joy after they handed it to the child. The kid smiled at freelancer and they smiled back. They’d keep looking for another stuffie. 
‘’That was nice of you freelancer.. ‘’ Gavin muttered in their ear. 
‘’ the smile on his face was worth it. ‘’ freelancer responded now looking at Gavin. 
‘’ wanna keep looking? ‘’ 
‘’ No. I think we got what we need. ‘’ freelancer smiled placing a kiss on Gavin's cheek. Earning a smile from the daemon. 
Decorating is always harder than it needs to be. Freelancer wondered if the streamers were too much… maybe it was the banner- they couldn’t use one that said happy birthday- so they found a black plain one and spray painted it. To say Happy Coalescing Day. of course, it didn’t fully dry so.. 
Some of the paint was dripping down. Making it look sloppier than it should have. Which disappointed freelancer but, they had other stuff to take care of. They did manage to find another stuffie with the help of Gavin
. this one wasn’t like the other one. This one was a pink lamb with white horns. And very shiny black button eyes. Freelancer placed it in a bag. You know one of those tacky birthday bags. They wanted him to have the FULL experience. 
It’d be better if the crew could see him. But Freelancer and Gavin are fine company for the empathy daemon. Whenever Gavin got back with said empathy daemon. 
What was that smell? Freelancer turned around. They had forgotten about the brownies! Fuck. they practically ran back into the kitchen in an attempt to do something. In their panic, they forgot the oven mitt. And unsurprisingly they burnt their hand. And dropped what was still editable on the floor. Fucking peachy. 
They weren’t really good at healing magic yet. So their less-than-savory attempt was not doing much. 
‘’ You’re hurt! ‘’ Caelum looked worried as he grabbed their hand and clasped it between the two of his. 
The shock caused freelancer to jump back. 
‘’I tried.. To stop him.. But he rifted through the door. ‘’ Gavin stated exhausted, attempting to find caelum was much harder than he thought. He was about to open his mouth to speak again till he saw Caelum healing freelancer. 
‘’ hey, what happened here..? ‘’ he looked around taking notice of the brownies on the floor. 
Freelancer looked disappointed a little. This was supposed to be a fun day. And now here they were. 
‘’ remember that conversation about birthdays..? ‘’ they earned a nod from the confused empathy daemon. 
‘’ Happy Coalescing Day. ‘’ 
As soon as those words flew out of freelancers' mouth. Caelum launched at them. Wrapping them in a tight hug. 
‘’ THANK YOU! ‘’ 
Gavin couldn’t help but watch from the sidelines. They’d deal with the cleaning part later. And perhaps they bake the brownies together a bit later.
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writermich18 · 11 months ago
FFXV Writing Prompt
"If you wish to change what happened, you need to go further back. Back to my time," The regretful ghost of Somnus Lucis Caelum, who hides in the wilds of the Beyond, away from everyone out of guilt and grief, who Nyx had to hunt down just to get answers from, tells him.
"That far back?" Nyx Ulric, who thought the sacrifice unjust and unnecessary, blinks, startled.
"It started then because of me. Thus to stop it, you must stop me. Once the thought enters my head, you won't be able to."
"You don't mean-?"
"Nyx Ulric, if you land in the time when the Ceremony will take place, you must kill me. I won't stop, I don't realize the wrongness of my actions though I regret them until I see my brother again during the Founder's Day Celebration."
"So if I land months or years before then," Nyx says, eyes sharpening.
"... you may be able to, " Somnus reluctantly admits. It's obvious which version Somnus prefers.
"I'm not going to kill a younger version of you who hasn't done anything. I won't punish a version of you that still has the potential to go done a different path," Nyx retorts. Then adds grudgingly for Somnus's peace of mind, " I will kill you if I land in the Ceremony where you try to kill your brother."
Somnus relaxs and nods. "Thank you."
He gathers the ingredients needed to prepare the spell. "Please. Save him, save my brother."
AU where Nyx Ulric gets sent to Somnus's past. He was supposed to end up in YA Somnus's time but gets knocked off course by the intervention of Noctis and the others arriving. He ends up as a child in Somnus's childhood, during a traumatic time for Somnus. Nyx saves child Somnus but has no idea where Somnus's home is and Somnus is too injured to direct him.
Can he save Somnus and fix everything by being his childhood friend or will Nyx in the end be forced to kill Somnus after all to stop the prophecy?
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alphascorpiixx · 7 months ago
KH OC Week: Past
For today I wrote a fic about Lyra and Xehanort. (Technically Lyra's future, but it's in the past in relation to the next chapter later this week)
For All the Falling Stars
The stars gathered across the sky in great streaks of light. Xeha stared in rapt awe as they fell, his eyes alight with their brilliance. Lyra smiled, her own eyes watching him instead of the meteor shower above.
She held him in her lap where they sat together on the sand. The waves lapped at their feet, and the ocean reflected the light of the stars. The meteor shower nearly marked nine years of living on the island. Not home, exactly. Not for her. Yet no part of Lyra’s heart missed the gaslit streets and dark spires of Scala ad Caelum.
Her gaze strayed from Xeha to the sea. The waves sounded the same, no matter what world she lived in.
Xeha squirmed in her lap. Lyra unfolded her arms from around his small body so he could move easier.
“Something the matter?” she asked, one hand tucking his bangs out of his face.
He leaned to the side and felt around in the sand. “I dropped my star.”
After a moment, Xeha found his lost treasure and held it up protectively to his chest. Lyra couldn’t see it in his hands, but she knew the shape of the golden star and silver chain. She’d let him hold Starlight’s keychain as a baby to calm him down and then had never taken it back as he got older. His star now, but Lyra didn’t mind. She had another.
Xeha hid a yawn behind his hand, and Lyra chuckled.
“Is it finally bedtime now, little star?”
“No.” Xeha dropped his hand and sat up straighter. He leaned his head back on Lyra’s shoulder for a better view of the meteor shower. “I’m not tired.”
Lyra hummed. She stroked his hair, and his head lolled against her neck. His eyes drooped closed, and Lyra waited a few minutes before giving him a slight nudge. When he didn't awaken, she kissed the top of his head.
“Sweet dreams, my starlight,” Lyra whispered.
Lyra gathered him into her arms and stood up. She carried him to their little boat they used to cross from the main island to the smaller isle. As she rowed, her eyes fell on the stray lights dotting the land at the heart of the main island, stationary reflections to the ones overhead. The residents were slowly returning as time passed and the world rebuilt itself after the great shattering from the war. She and Xeha would greet them sometime in the future, new faces for him to meet and befriend instead of always longing for the ghosts in his dreams.
Xeha stirred as she carried him from the boat to their small house at the shore.
“Tomorrow . . . can you tell me about my mom?” Xeha murmured, half-asleep. Lyra’s heart ached with an emotion she did not want to name. Unable to look at his face, her eyes sought out the still-falling stars.
Tomorrow, Lyra resolved, would be when they greeted the new residents. Perhaps it would keep his mind on the island for a little bit longer before he inevitably sought out the wider world again.
His eyelids drifted closed again. Lyra pressed her lips to his forehead.
“I will, my starlight. I will.”
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synergysilhouette · 1 year ago
Making a tracklist for a Kingdom Hearts musical
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If you haven't seen my previous post about pitching a Kingdom Hearts musical film made by Walt Disney Animation, please check it out; you'll probably be confused if you don't, as I've changed some things. As the title suggests, this post is an idea for the songs that would go with this musical. I haven't really established if in my mind there's a different voice cast for this movie, or if it's the same speaking voices but mostly different voice actors doing the singing. NGL, this was difficult to make since I only had the concept; now I gotta iron out the plot! I may edit this later.
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"Scaela Ad Caelum" By Xehanort, Eraqus, the Foretellers, and chorus--I like the idea that this is an epic opening track in a similar vein to "The Emperor's Dream," an alternate musical opening to 1998's "Mulan," as well as "Prologue" from Raya and the Last Dragon. I'd like it to explore how the kingdom was created by the foretellers--though in my mind, the design is widely different to incorporate The Land of Departure, Radiant Garden, and Destiny Islands, with SAC would as the capital. It'd be a long song, since it would cover Xehanort's childhood and friendship with Eraqus, as well as how he descended into darkness.
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2. "Destiny" By Kairi, Sora, and Riku--This song would mainly concern their dreams of traveling, visiting Scala Ad Caelum, as well as concerns of drifting apart as they have different dreams. Kairi wants to visit her hometown where she lived with her grandmother, Riku wants to find adventure, and Sora, despite wanting to visit different places himself, tries to find a compromise so that they don't have to separate, at least not yet. As such, Kairi gives them a paopu fruit to share, telling them that her grandmother used to say that the people who share it will always be a part of each other's lives. (I'm also fine if they sing a revised version of Hikaru Utada's "Sanctuary.")
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3. "Something Greater" by Riku, Ansem the Wise, and Xehanort--Following a fallout with his parents about traveling, an insecure Riku is invited by Xehanort (in his younger form to appear more inviting; essentially Ansem, seeker of Darkness) to come to Scala Ad Caelum and allow him to learn under Ansem the Wise and learn magic (since Ansem the Wise is conflated with Yen Sid here and is thus a mage or mage-like scientist). Riku reveals that he's afraid of losing his friends as well, and while Ansem consoles him, Xehanort privately stokes his fears, telling him to forget them because they'll forget about him as they travel. This starts his own descent into darkness as Xehanort begins to manipulate him. When he's not there, Xehanort convinces Ansem the Wise to appoint Terra (one of his assistants) to supervise Riku and monitor the darkness taking over his heart.
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4. "Chasing the Sunset" By Kairi, Sora, and Chorus--Believing that Riku has left them, Sora encourages Kairi's dream of returning to her childhood home and goes with her. They enjoy their time traveling, but both of them worry about Riku; Sora is worried that he abandoned them, while Kairi is concerned that something much darker occurred. Their romance also grows at this point, while Xehanort shows this to Riku to convince him that they don't care about him. Xehanort also uses his powers of shapeshifting (again, read my previous post) to pose as Riku and make Kairi and Sora believe that he is annoyed at them leaving him behind and abandoning their friendship, making the two feel guilty over giving up on looking for him so soon.
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5. "The Master" By Ansem the Wise, Sora, and Kairi--Eventually the duo makes their way to Scala Ad Caelum, where their appearence makes Ansem suspicious of Xehanort, and sees the kindness in Sora and Kairi's hearts. Posing as DiZ, he teaches them limited magic, where Sora manages to summon a key-shaped weapon. Kairi, inspired by him, summons one as well, which Ansem dubs "Keyblades." He tasks them with using them to get rid of Vanitas' unversed that lurk around the city and spy on the citizens, and promises to help them find Riku, not revealing that Xehanort has corrupted him. He also keeps his assistants in the dark, worried about what Xehanort may do if he found out they knew.
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5. "Nobody" By O10 (excluding Xehanort, Terra, and Vanitas) and Kairi--By this point, Kairi has been kidnapped by Axel because of her pure heart that Xehanort intends to exploit in order to bring balance to the world and bring it into a golden age and rid the world of its impurities. (Saix is the only one who knows that this means she'll likely die, but Luxord has his suspicions). Kairi manages to befriend Axel and Demyx, as well as somewhat amusing Luxord, but Saix, Xigbar, Larxene, and Marluxia are all about business. It's explained to Kairi that by using her light, she will be restoring their hearts, as they are creatures called Nobodies. The backstories of Axel, Saix, Marluxia, and Larxene are explained here, while the rest are left enigmatic.
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6. "Wayfinder" by Vanitas (featuring the Wayfinder Trio, Eraqus, and Sora)--While Sora attempts to find Ventus and restore his heart, he is intercepted by Vanitas, who wants to kidnap Ventus once he awakens and returns him to Xehanort. In this particular universe, I imagine Vanitas has a soaring, amazing voice, and he's essentially telling Sora the story of how the Wayfinder Trio and Eraqus stood against Xehanort, only to be defeated. Terra was one of them, and believed that his friends died against Xehanort, so it was easy for Xehanort to break him and recruit him into their ranks. One of them--Vanitas' "brother" Ventus--so strongly resisted Xehanort's attempts to control his light that his heart fled to Sora's, resulting in Vanitas looking like Sora. Sora attempts to appeal to Vanitas and tells him that he could be his own person. Vanitas says that he doesn't know who he is without Ventus (and now Sora), and tells Sora that he needs to abide by his "older brother." During this, Xehanort summons Aqua from the depths of the Realm of Darkness, tricking Aqua into battling him Spoiler: He does indeed defeat Sora and capture a restored Ventus.
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7. "Don't Think Twice" by Axel, Saix, Vanitas, Xehanort (featuring Riku, Ventus, Terra, and Kairi)--This is an emotional song where Axel and Vanitas attempt to convince the Kairi and Ventus that trying to fight Xehanort and the organization is futile. At this point, Axel's allegiance is failing, at which point Saix is telling him not to think twice, and to think about their childhood friendship instead of his new friendships with Kairi and Ventus. Meanwhile, Xehanort attempts to continue to have Terra and Riku embrace their darkness while Aqua and Sora appeal to them.
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8. "One Sky" by Ensemble--This song is a bit of a two-parter, with some during the battle and then a reprise at the end (elements of "Face My Fears" could be thrown in there). As Sora, Riku, Terra, Axel and Aqua battle against the organization, they show Xehanort that they represent light and darkness, while he and his group simply embody darkness, having casted a pall on Ventus and Kairi's light. As such, he realizes that his goal of harmony was achieved--just not by himself. As he is defeated, Ventus and Vanitas become one person, while Sora ventures to rescue Kairi and disappears, and he gives his life to restore hers after Xehanort seemingly shatters her body (but her heart was intact). In the end, the people of the kingdom marvel at the concept of light and darkness, and that selfish deeds eventually led to peace. The nobodies are restored to their original bodies, and Elrena and Laurium tell Riku and Kairi that Sora is out there somewhere: "Sora didn't die. He just went somewhere else. Wherever he is, he's watching the same sky we are." Maybe tie it into the wishing star Disney motif by having Kairi wish on it, and the star begins to fall...
In the end, we'd hear that iconic KH1 quote.
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Lemme know what you think! I may add or change a song based on how I feel later; I'm still on the fence about having removed Namine.
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evcryopeneye · 2 months ago
@somnus-lucis-caelum asked: ∞ + 75
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#75 - How Not To Drown - CHVRCHES
This was not the position she ever expected to be in. This wasn’t how it was meant to go. Standing in a foreign land…not wanting to admit that she was scared to go home. The fate that awaited her was a cruel one and Feng Wu knew it, as much as it dented her pride to admit that she could not get out of this by herself. 
Irises so dark they appear black flickered across the King’s features, as if she is trying to find literally any reason why she should not make the request she wants. It is not lost on her the potential to kick off an international shitstorm but if you didn’t ask you didn’t get…and the alternative was fleeing in secrecy. To cross borders illegally and hide and that would cause more problems were she discovered. Feng Wu had more respect for people's sovereignty than that. If only because it felt like no one respected hers. 
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“I don’t want the crown…” she didn’t want to marry the Crown Prince, she didn’t want to one day be Empress of Junwu. 
The prince did not love her, there was no such thing as love in marriage when it came to Junwu’s elite, they were matters of politics and power. That was all that mattered. The Emperor had made his decree, and it was purely to keep power close, they did not want her as part of their family they wanted the things she was capable of. They wanted phoenix blood in their lineage…and Feng Wu was frankly, not about it. 
She would rather watch Junwu collapse than give them anymore power, and this was a formality, an attempt to do things properly and if that did not accomplish her goal then she would do it anyway. Disappear into a village somewhere and live as a peasant. It was preferable to the shark tank that was Junwus royal court.
“I would wish…to seek asylum.”
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bronzeandchitin · 25 days ago
The Krassian Rite of the Lantern Festival
🧠Any member of the Caelum not immersed in water launches electronic flying lanterns into the air along with miniaturized STCs containing something they wish to never forget or particularly fixate upon in their mental simulations.Often seen from a distance, lanterns often contain passion projects, blueprints and other useful info, making them targets for enemy recon expeditions. Lanterns cloak during the day and glow a homely yellow during the night. Led by a spiritual leader known as a Lantern-Warden, this event is meant to remind the self of the Server-Mother’s and extend her presence to land and air. An area with many lanterns or repeated festivals can have lights for miles, and are known as Data-Reefs.
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capitalisticveins · 2 years ago
D.A.M.N Crew Headcanons Part 3 (Ft. Kody, Xavier, and Avior)
Not as many Kody and Xavier headcanons as I wish there would be, but they’re still there. Enjoy!
- Caelum had his front tooth kicked out by one of his older brothers on accident.
- Freelancer will never let anyone else crack the eggs if they’re baking something. It always has to be them, not even Caelum can do it if they’re around.
- Damien has busted his ass while skating once and never touched a skateboard again.
- Lasko can use a hoverboard but lives every second in anxiety and fear when the low battery sound plays.
- Huxley’s instagram is just full of pictures of his moms and rocks with googly eyes.
- Lasko and Huxley say “Golly” unironically.
- Caelum enjoys chocolate ice cream.
- Freelancer prefers French Vanilla.
- Xavier has sung “Nations of the World” from the Animaniacs perfectly after only watching it once.
- Gavin can do the “disappearing thumb” trick.
- He’s done it in front of Caelum but Caelum started to cry after he saw it.
- Damien can write and speak in cursive.
- Damien can understand Russian script.
- Huxley has always wanted to give Damien a piggyback ride, and only got to do it after they got together. It was the best thing ever. For Huxley, anyway.
- Lasko likes to watch Ni-Hao Kai Lan.
- Whenever someone tells Freelancer to pose, they always do a peace sign.
- Gavin bullies people on Discord.
- When Freelancer and Gavin first met, Freelancer genuinely didn’t know he was getting sucked off until he mentioned it.
- Caelum likes growing his hair out, so whenever Delphinus says it’s time to cut it, he flies to the highest altitude he can muster and just…stays there…until Delphinus gives up. He’s done this for a year and a half now.
- Kody’s eyes are usually glossy, like he’s about to cry. It’s ironic because he hasn’t cried since the 5th grade.
- Huxley has cut his hair into bangs before, never again.
- When Lasko sneezes, it evolves into a series of annoying tiny sneezes that leaves his nose red.
- Damien would rather die than use Airpods.
- Xavier has always wanted a BIG dog, but never got the chance to get one.
- Caelum has his own section in Freelancer’s dorm where he can play and sleep.
- Gavin heard what happened to Avior when he tried to rift back to Aria and said “And people ask me why I don’t rift back home anymore”.
- Gavin has called Avior a “dickrider” before.
- Freelancer is FASCINATED by Vampires.
- Lasko owns a robe that reaches past his feet.
- Huxley belly flops onto pools for fun.
- Damien hates tanning.
- When Caelum heard about the Nintendo EShop shutting down, he begged and cried for Freelancer to hack his 3DS since Gavin and Delphinus had no idea how to. Freelancer had to look up how to do it, and spent the night doing it, but it was easier than they thought.
- Kody randomly walks around his house in jeans and flip flops while being shirtless.
- Gavin believed in the “Talking Angela is stalking you” theory.
- Lasko refuses to download Twitter.
- Freelancer developed their powers in the 6th grade when someone was picking on them, and hid them from their family for 4 years in fear of what they could do with them. Their parent(s) found out after they froze their room while having a breakdown via stress.
- Huxley played spin the bottle at a party with his friends a few years ago, and when the bottle landed on Xavier, they immediately began kissing with no question, hesitation, or awkwardness.
- Caelum hates Baby Shark.
- Lasko has a sleep mask, a bed that regulates temperature, 7 pillows, and a surround sound system that plays rain sounds at night.
- When Damien first came into his room, he was appalled at how comfortable it looked.
- Caelum makes hot cocoa and then puts it in the fridge to cool down.
- Huxley’s moms owns 3 cats. One rarely moves, and the other two are menaces.
Taglist: @morgansplace
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caelumcreative · 4 months ago
Kirenii Conclaves, the Children of the Wyld
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"Let their blood nourish the soil, let their bones feed the worms, for our sacred mother mountain has tested these outsiders and found them wanting."
The Ildreth of the earth are not like many other creatures of nature, they do not swing in the trees and glades and sing songs of the unity of nature...no. They dwell in the dark corners, the bones of the earth, the mountains and caves that are numerous throughout the northern realms of Caelum. There deep within, you will find cities of stone and crystal that can rival any even among the Thanatari. These Ildreth have embraced their new home readily, birthed from the womb of the land itself along with all her other creatures. The Kirenii are closer to beast than man, they view all outsiders as threats to the sacred land they guard and they will make sure all outsiders know when they have trespassed. The Kirenii, from centuries under the stone, are a pale color and can resemble ghosts or wraiths in their way. Their hands bare claws and their teeth are fanged. Unlike the other Ildreth, who still honor the ancient elemental gods of their ancestors, the Kirenii have embraced the native Ur-Spirits of creation. The most important of which is Vah'leth, the great mother of the mountains, she who coils through the core of the land. Vah'leth is often depicted, like many of the Ur-spirits, as an animal but unlike most Vah'leth is described as a massive serpent with a woman being birthed from its mouth. Vah'leth is at the heart of all the Kirenii do, they hold the veins of the earth to be the most sacred places under the mountains and only those blessed by the mother, the Vathrik (Blessed by the fangs). These mages are uniquely tapped into the ways of the Ur-spirits and the primal connection of the earth element, they frequently grow horns on their bodies in a variety of sizes and quantities due to this connection. The Kirenii are most famous for their flesh crafting or Vahlikir (The Shape of Life) and the creations that the Kirenii are capable of making are horrifying for many outsiders to witness but they view it as a natural process being guided along, an advanced evolution. The creatures guard the sacred veins and entrances to the mountain homes of the Kirenii, the Ghaulik, stone stalkers, are a creature made from the flesh of mountain cats and the deepest dwelling reptiles, the Kirenii frequently ride these creatures into battle during their raides on neighboring human kingdoms or passing Tarrandai groves. The Kirenii are not mindless savages however, they do not attack without reason and they never do so unprovoked though what they consider provocation varies from Conclave to Conclave. One of the most important markers of Kirenii society is their scars, the many markings that cover a Kirenii throughout their lives. They are enchanted with crystalline dyes and glow even in the deepest darkness, and each are unique to their role in the Conclave. Each Conclave is organized into clans or Mekh'na and each of those Mekh'na provide a service to the Conclave. The Kirenii,though brutal to their neighbors, do not wage war on one another and instead resolve conflict through a sacred contest known as the Raekhal, this is a series of trials headed by a neutral conclave to resolve the dispute of two others, The Kharaz-Vorak or Test of Wills is a mock battle, competitors fight in an arena and work as a team to remove the Fle, a hair braid that all Kirenii warriors wear, from the other team. The Kharaz-Va’leth or test of spirit is a test of magical ability where the two chosen Vathrik willingly become possessed by spirits of fear and see who is able to remove the spirit first. and finally the Kharaz-Thal the Test of Stones, competitors carry massive stone slabs across dangerous terrain or are forced to wrestle a powerful flesh crafted creature whichever the overseeing Conclave decides. The winner of the Raekhal is final and accepted by all, afterwards the two apposing sides must cease all conflict and renew ties to one another in a Marak'Thal or Stone Binding a ritualistic marriage between the two Conclave Leaders who swear on the Mountain mother to stop all conflict for an allotted time.
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themattress · 1 year ago
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The story of Xehanort in the Kingdom Hearts series.
Convoluted and stupidly written, but honestly not that terrible when taken on its own.
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....But it's not on its own, is it?
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Let's go red line by red line, shall we?
1 - From Xehanort's Report in BBS: Upon reflection, my life underwent the most considerable sea-change when I arrived at that place. Yes, it began when I found a Master, and another I would later call my brother—when I found a new home. And then later, to dispel any notion that he is talking about Scala ad Caelum, this is what he writes when mentioning bringing Ventus to the Land of Departure: I had not visited this second home of mine for some time, and discovered Eraqus had already found two pupils of his own. BBS established that the Land of Departure, not Scala ad Caelum, is where he received his training and met Eraqus.
2 - Let's look at Xehanort's Report again: I believe a balance of light and darkness is what sustains our World, but too much of the darkness has been stamped out, disrupting that balance. Someone must tear down this tyranny of light and reorganize the World around the darkness which then creeps back in. That's literally the opposite of saying an endless pollution of darkness is a problem. It's saying that an endless flow of darkness is good!
3 - First off, it's never explained how in blazes Young Xehanort can extract hearts when he's just a disembodied heart himself. More importantly, note that Xemnas, Xigbar, Saix, Luxord, Marluxia and Larxene are on that list, plus as we later learn Vexen and Demyx were brought in as reserves. If Nomura hadn't decided to pander and bring Xion back, Xaldin would have been there too! And yet in DDD, Xemnas says "most of the original members we had chosen for the Organization were inadequate" for the "true" Organization XIII!
4 - Why is Master Xehanort the one recompleted when it was Terra-Xehanort who actually split into a Heartless and a Nobody? Master Xehanort's original body was not in any way a part of Xemnas, so why does he get it back after Xemnas' death?
5 - How and why is the Master of Masters even here? Why does he need to give Xehanort his black coat when he should have already gotten it for his time traveling venture earlier? Why does Xehanort need to tour the worlds and come to this conclusion when he basically already did in Dark Road? How many excuses to become evil does this asshole need?
6 - See Point 1 again.
7 - What Xehanort spoke and wrote about, and was even shown attempting to do in BBS, was to forge the X-Blade to destroy the worlds' barriers and start another Keyblade War among the masses of the universe so that the darkness in their hearts engulfs the universe and then from there he can create a new one. So why, by KH3, is his plan suddenly to have a small-scale Keyblade War to forge the X-Blade and then just use the X-Blade's power to engulf the universe in darkness all by himself?
8 - Except that it's later said that Vanitas did NOT actually come from the darkness of Ven's heart and was a dark entity hiding inside his heart. Dark Road then shows that Xehanort became aware of this fact! So why even still call him Vanitas, and why do Xehanort and Vanitas himself still act as though he's a part of Ven?
9 - Calling himself Ansem might have made sense had he never recovered his original memories and went back to pursuing his original goal. But as this then goes on to say, he did! So why even pretend to be Ansem at all? What does he gain by that?
10 - So then why did he specifically write in a report that he was discarding his body in order to communicate with the Heartless and fully utilize the powers of darkness? Why did he say he'd "come to see the door" to Destiny Islands' heart if he was actually just on Destiny Islands the whole time? Why did he have such a dismissive attitude toward Sora as though he were insignificant if he knew he was important enough to mark with a Recusant's Sigil? And if his goal was the Seven Princesses themselves, why did he tell Kairi "The Keyhole is now complete. You have served your purpose, but now it's over"? And yeah, why enter the Final Keyhole at all? Again, whatever he did as Ansem's apprentice shouldn't really matter anymore if he fully remembers that he's Master Xehanort!
11 - For that matter, how did he not know that Kingdom Hearts was light!? It being light is a fundamental part of both the Keyblade War legend and Master Xehanort's grand objective!
12 - All right, let's go back to Xehanort's report in BBS: It is only forged when two hearts of equal power intersect—one heart of pure darkness, one heart of pure light. Why write this as an absolute fact if it's not, in fact, the proper way to forge the X-Blade and you're supposed to have 7 hearts of light and 13 hearts of darkness?
13 - Xemnas himself writes in a secret report in Days: We embarked upon the Replica Program to ensure our new power stays ours. So the Replica Program was only started after Roxas was found as a means to copy the power of the Keyblade, not to have extra vessels for Xehanort. There is no reason for Xemnas to lie about that in his own private writing.
14 - See Point 10 again.
15 - See Point 4 again.
16 - See Point 7 again.
17 - So after all of this, depicting a villain so omnipotent that he transcended space and time, built flawless contingencies for failure, predicted his enemies' every move, amassed a veritable army of dark pawns and followers including multiple versions of himself, and was perceptive enough to notice things like Vanitas not being what he presented himself to be....you're really saying someone like that never noticed that Xigbar was playing an angle far beyond just obtaining his Keyblade? Or that the weird guy he met that one time as a teenager might be more than he let on and manipulating him for something that differed from his own objectives? Or, heck, that such a person who went through such lengths would just easily give up because the best friend he murdered and thought nothing of it told him to!?
Worst-written video game villain EVER. It's hilarious that this series' blind stans will say "oh, the story isn't really that confusing, you just need to really pay attention to all the games" when this one character proves that paying attention to all the games is part of what makes the story so confusing due to all the damn contradictions, inconsistencies and retcons!
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casper-nova · 8 months ago
I don't know how to explain this properly, but this is what Redacted series fits what Epic: The Musical saga and I will try to explain my reasoning for all of these, but I make no promises because I am starting this at 2 in the morning.
Troy saga: Freelancer Seasons 1-3
I feel like this fits Freelancer's seasons 1 through 3 (not including the Inversion) because of all the trials that the DAMN crew has been through and will most likely continue to go through.
(This was written before relistened the Troy saga) No matter what i assigned to the Troy saga, I will also separately assign the song Open Arms to Caelum
Cyclops saga: the entirety of the Imperium
I say this because of the power imbalance and the amount of fighting planning that happens in both the Imperium and the Cyclops saga.
Ocean saga: The balance
I truly don't know how to explain this one
Circe saga: House of Solaire
I am more or less correlating this to what happened at the Monarchial Summit.
Underworld saga: Sovereign State
This is the only one I have a somewhat cohesive explanation for, and it's mostly based on what happens in the songs.
Song 18: In The Underworld Odysseus and his crew sail through the underworld in search of the prophet Circe was talking about, and they hear the thoughts of the dead crew, Polites, and Odysseus’ mother. One of the lines in the beginning of the song is “My comrades, this land confuses your mind So no matter who we find. Full speed ahead, until we find the prophet” and I more or less attribute that line to Avior and Starlight trying to find their way out of the Meridian. The lines from the dead crew, Polites, and Odysseus’ mother I see this as what happened to both Avior and Starlight in the Meridian before talking to the Sovereigns.
Song 19: In No Longer You Odysseus talks to the prophet, Tiresias, and he tells Odysseus that he sees basically every step in his life, but the person that makes it home won't be him. Now, I see this song as representing when Starlight actually talks to the Sovereigns. Sure, that's a very loose connection, but it is the only one I can come up with right now.
Song 20: In Monster, Odysseus is saying he is going to do anything it takes to get home even if that involves hurting someone. Now, in Sovereign State, I see that as representative of what happened and is technically still happening after they got out. Those being the Inversion, Avior talking to his steward, and what is currently happening to Avior. Mostly, the thing is happening to Avior because Avior is changing whether he likes it or not.
Thunder saga: Capre Deus
I also don't have an explanation for this.
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writermich18 · 2 years ago
FFXV AU - The Dragon Who Forgot
Sometimes out of the corner of his mind's eye, he can remember. He sees something that reminds of him of who he once was,, what he once had, what he lost, the good things... and of the bad things. Those memories and glimpses just as quickly leave, leaving him grasping at straws and grains of sand.
Sometimes strange humans - men and women - in a mix of black, white, silver, and gold come to help him. Some stare and weep, some bring gifts, some clean him up and care for him. He likes the red-haired man who came often, once. He doesn't anymore. The Time Dragon wonders why.
He supposes he already knows why.
The Time Dragon stares at the latest of the humans who wear black and silver who came to visit. A young woman with green eyes and wild curly blue-black hair he knows is impossible to tame but doesn't know why he knows. She is the Crown Princess of Lorule, Princess Regina Lucis Caelum she introduced herself as. Lorule, the Kingdom his sister dragons told him the red-haired man founded, now ruled by a mix between the red-haired man's descendants and his late Prince brother's descendants. A switcheroo that takes place once every century if the Time Dragon recalls correctly. It must be the Lucis Caelums' turn then.
She is holding something out to him, he leans in close to see, curling closer around her and her companions to better position himself. The Time Dragon gives a slow blink. The item in her hands is a flower crown, so big she has to raise it above her head just to be seen and nearly toppling to the side, her Shield forced to catch her and help her balance herself.
The Time Dragon purrs, delighted at the pretty colors, putting his head down and letting her clamor on top to put the flower crown on his head. That was the moment when the impression happened. It startled the Dragon and nearly tore his heart at the memory he once again lost, causing him to lurch up and away. The companions were startled and yelling out in shock and horror. A tear gathered and fell from the Time Dragon's eye, going off into the distance. He shrieks again in pain and grief, not hearing the startled cries of the young princess still on his head. He flies away into the sky, not hearing or seeing Regina's Retinue giving chase.
Regina held on to one of the horns of the Time Dragon, but where she had been terrified initially, now she looked around with nothing but awe.
"This is how you see the world now, Grandfather?" She questions softly. "It's... beautiful." And sad. She can see the scars on her home, her land that the Scourging Blight and Nieflhiem's War caused much clearer up here. But she can also see the wild, nature reclaiming what was lost to the Upheaval and its Blight thousands of years ago. The efforts from her people to encourage the land to grow and fix the damage done. Her teacher and the Council are wrong. They are getting it all back, the efforts aren't for nothing or a waste of money and time. The War is just slowing things down.
Regina shakes her head, clearing her thoughts. She can't be focusing on that right now. She needs to find a way down.
The horns are rough, scaly and not growing correctly. When was the last time someone groomed him? She wondered. Luckily, she had been planning on doing some maintenance before he took off with her. She can do his horns and spike at least, the scales and claws will have to wait. She'll have to do it fast before he brings her up into the sky portal, past the cloud barrier so she'll still be able to jump down and safely glide to the ground... Or jump into a lake because, like an idiot, she forgot to put her glider into her armiger.
Regina gets to work on filing the horns and getting rid of those shards that grow out of the skin surrounding the spikes, like how nail shards grow from the skin instead of the nail, causing irritation and itchiness for the dragons. Once she's gotten everything, she puts everything away including the shards and horn pieces, and waits until the Time Dragon is flying over the Lake, which luckily isn't too far from the Lake Caravan they had been resting in only a day or two ago.
She jumps, plummeting down the ground below. She can practically hear the lecture Weskham, Cid, Titus, and Clarus are gonna give her once she's back with them. She adjusts her flight until she's just above the middle of the lake, immediately switching to a diver's position to not belly flop. She hits the lake and immediately swims to the surface. She starts swimming to the lake beach just as the Regalia comes skidding to a spot in the "parking lot" nearby (more of a resting stone-paved cul-de-sac for sightseers and broken down cars than a parking lot). Her Retinue runs to the shore, waiting for her and helping her out of the lake once she's close enough.
Later, even as she's lectured in the way back to O' Ric Funa Lake Caravan, an idea pops into her head. It's been a good few centuires since the family's tried to bring their many-greats grandfather back. With her quest to stop the Prophecy, maybe they can try and save Grandfather as well, bring him back to them, back to Uncle Ardyn who now-a-days can no longer see the Time Dragon, having lost the child-like wonder of his early days as King and then losing his good heart once he finally lost his battle against the Scourge. That had been the final straw on the camel's back, the moment when he completely gave up and became the Adagium. It was the moment he realized he couldn't see the Time Dragon or of the dragons anymore. Regina can only hope her reckless plan will work, that the family will finally get to heal and the brothers reunited. It's the only plan she's more uncertain about than any of her other plans.
She'll definitely need to talk to Sylva about speaking with their Allied Gods, regarding a way to reverse dragonification.
Oh, she can't wait to beat the crap out of the Draconian for what he did to her family! She's certain her ancestors, both her sister line's and her own line's, will gladly help her.
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How do you resist temptation? 💋
The exotic Caelum Sha elves of the Hoti Desert have carved a thriving culture within the desolate wastes by rerouting the waters of the Alha’ya Oases to establish the mighty trade city of Telluma Sha. Gliding through the shadows of the undercity, Uhjia Dunesong has become adept at extracting secrets from vulnerable city travelers, and selling the intel to clandestine organizations. Recently approached by the shadowy assassin's guild known as "The Nameless", how long until the secrets she keeps might yet topple an empire?
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saratogaroadwrites · 2 years ago
Guardian Angel of Lucis
Guardian Angel of Lucis | saratogaroad rating: G wordcount:  577 characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Regis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum relationships: n/a other tags: n/a warnings: None
When it happens, Noctis doesn't think about it. He sees the scaffolding collapse under the weight of the blocks and buckets, hears the workers call out a warning, and shoves.
[Prompt from the Kinkmeme; I staunchly believe in a Lucis that loves their King and Prince, hence no freakout. Noct is about 17/18 in this one.]
When it happens, Noctis doesn't think about it. He sees the scaffolding collapse under the weight of the blocks and buckets, hears the workers call out a warning, and stops in his tracks. Prompto runs into his back, but both turn to watch the chaos from a safe distance.
That's when Noctis sees the woman standing under the scaffolding, frozen in fear.
That's when he sees the baby she's holding to her chest as she manages to turn her back, trying to shield the child with her own body.
He runs before he's even had a chance to plan, to think, but he knows he won't make it across the street in time. Not on his own power. Prompto shouts to him, voice high in warning, in concern, but Noctis lets it slip away. He pulls on the power of the Kings who came before, pulls a sword from the Crystal to throw in one smooth motion, and then shoves his way through space. Asphalt and concrete blur beneath him as he slips out of the warp. With one arm he grabs the sword, tossing it halfway down the block, and with the other he grabs the woman and her baby. She doesn't have time to react, doesn't have time to turn, but he can see the baby's newborn blue eyes.
He slips into the warp again, pulling them with him just as concrete blocks crash to the sidewalk. The sound is muffled in the in-between place warps always take him, but the dust is still rising as he lands by his sword. Gladio would be proud that he manages to stick the landing, but Noctis is just glad he doesn't drop the poor woman. He sets her on her feet, one arm on her elbow.
"Miss," he says, somehow calm despite his racing heart as it begins to sink in what he just. pulled. off. "Are you alright?"
She stares at him, eyes wide and skin pale. Her chin trembles, but her grip on her child is strong.
"Yes--yes--I--" Her voice cracks. Noctis hesitates for a moment, but then jolts as she takes one arm and hugs him with all her might, holding her baby between them. "Thank you! Thank you so much!"
"I..." Slowly, awkwardly, he pats her back with one hand. People are gathering, staring, recording with their cellphones. Prompto is running across the street, bright blue eyes open wide. Noctis sighs quietly. "You're welcome."
That night, watching shaky cellphone footage play without sound on the television, Noctis sighs more heavily. While people were surprised, the news call him "The Guardian Angel of Lucis", powers granted by the kings of old to protect them all. Apparently, morale is going up already. It's a benefit, he knows, after the latest attack on the wall, but...
All he'd wanted to do was save that woman and her child. He didn't do it for a title.
"That was a brave thing you did, Noctis," His father is saying, voice slightly metallic across Noct's cellphone. "Reckless, but brave."
"Had to do something," Noctis says as he sits back on the couch. Ignis has gone home already, after a stern lecture with a warm smile to end it, nearly as proud of his friend as Regis is of his son, and their fond pride makes something warm uncoil in his stomach. "Isn't it our job to protect the people of Lucis?"
"Yes," Regis chuckles, "Yes it is."
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djfics · 11 days ago
Hiding these Violet Eyes Arc 2 Part 4
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Chapter 13: The Prodi "Gal" Explorer
Summary: Ezreal returns to Valoran City dressed as a girl to get his Inheritance from his parents with the help of Vi, Caitlyn, Zeri and Ekko. Talon and Caelum came to visit Sett and talks about Sett's tail.
WC: 2,783
Song: Bad Boy by Cascada
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February 28, 12:28 A.M. - Ezreal's Room
"Hold still kiddo, I need to fix your eyebrows and stop whining like a baby." Solene said while fixing Ezreal's eyebrows.
Is almost Spring Break in Runeterra, Akali plans to help her father in his clinic, Aphelios plans to go on Final City with Evelynn and the rest of his team to recruit Ahri, and Ezreal...let just say...he has some "family" business.
His parents went missing, until two fishermen found their corpses along with their car into the lake. His parents went missing when he was five years old, his uncle raised him until they both had an argument and Ezreal decides to leave and Ekko helped him to provide a room on his apartment.
Ezreal asks Solene's help to not get caught by Kayn or Thresh by crossdressing as a girl and they taught him to apply makeup, walking in heels and tucking which made the guys shiver in fear.
"Listen kiddo...don't forget that you got trained by Lee Sin, don't use your disguise for hiding, use your strength to defend yourself, got it?" Ezreal nodded while Solene continues his makeup.
"Now you learn everything, your ready to go," Solene shows Ezreal the makeup and he gives them a thumbs up.
"Are you ready?" Veigar asks Ezreal and he nodded.
"I'm ready."
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February 28, 1:13 A.M. - Ionia City Airport
Veigar, Akali and Aphelios arrives at the airport to leave Ezreal to the airport, so he will travel back to Valoran City for his personal problems.
"Good Luck Ez," Akali hugs Ezreal and he hugged her back. Ezreal looks at Aphelios and he hugged him back. "I'll message you when I arrive at Valoran City, I'll be staying at a motel that Graves recommend me." Ezreal broke the hug and looks at him.
"I'll be okay, I promise," Ezreal smile at Phel and grabs his luggage and enters the airport.
"Good Luck Ez," Ezreal nodded, and went inside of the airport. Ezreal managed to enter the airport with his fake passport, and he saw a donut shop and bought coffee and a bagel.
He ate his snack and went to the plane and starts feeling nervous. He pulls out some earbuds and listen some relaxing music and looked at the window.
"I'll be home....again...."
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February 28, 8:19 A.M. - Valoran City Airport
Ezreal: I landed safely
Ekko: Good, Cait and Vi are waiting for you
Meanwhile at Kayn's Van
Rhaast, the lovers and his siblings are watching Vi and Caitlyn at the airport while Kayn is taking a family vacation with his father, and he trust Rhaast to take care of his van.
"Why are we here Rhaast?" Naafiri asks Rhaast while Varus, Valmar and Kai are sleeping in his van. "Because Kayn is on vacation with Zed and get one of Darius' officers is going to pick Blondie and I want us to teach him a lesson," Rhaast explained while looking at the airport with his binoculars.
"But what if is the poster boy and his boyfriend?" Naafiri ask Rhaast, which she was referring Vi and Caitlyn's friends: Jayce and Viktor, who are dating.
Rhaast noticed Vi got out of her car to help with the luggage. "Is coming guys!!" Rhaast woke up his brother and friends and end up getting hit by Varus by throwing a can of energy drink.
Rhaast was so excited to beat the crap out of Ezreal, until he noticed that is not Ezreal, but a girl.
Her hair is rose gold with brown hair roots and is styled in two space buns with wavy hair, silver sunglasses which covers her blue eyes, soft makeup with brown eyebrows and wears a black leather dress with lace ups in each sides, long leather gloves with pink long nails, a pink fuzzy jacket, silver necklace with the letter L, clear crystal earrings and silver heels.
"Larzee, you look stunning as ever!!" Vi said while helping Light with her luggage, which made Ezreal giggle.
"Holy Crap...." Rhaast was blushing while looking at Larzee, which made Varus smirks. "Someone has a crush~♡" Varus teases Rhaast and he throws the can to Varus back.
He never see this beauty before, from her blue eyes, rose gold hair with brown roots, cute freckles on her face and her bodyshape which he started blushing.
"I admit...she is cute..."
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" the boys and Naafiri yelled at Rhaast while he's smirking and blushing. "I have to find her on social media." Rhaast said as Varus heard his phone buzzing and is a message from Aatrox.
"Search it later brother, I receive a message from Aatrox and he needs our help," Rhaast grunts and turn on his van and went to Darkin Co.
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"Thank you for picking me up ladies," Ezreal said while applying highlighter on his cheeks.
"It was nothing, I'm so glad that we can help you Ez, and nice outfit by the way," Vi said while wiggle her eyebrows to Ezreal, which made Caitlyn glare at her.
"You know I love you Cupcake," Vi kiss Caitlyn on her cheek, and she smile at her.
"How are you feeling Vi?" Ezreal asks Vi, when Vi receives the news from Ekko that Jinx decides to stay at Zaun City, she was devastated and wants to find her, but she can't because of Thresh and Darius.
"A little better...but I miss her..."
"She will be okay Vi, I promise," Vi looked at Caitlyn and nodded at her and arrives at the motel that Graves recommended to Ezreal.
"According to Graves, this Motel is owned by Lucian Co. which he's planning to renamed it to Sentinel Co. next month," Ezreal said while he pulls out his suitcases from Vi's car.
"And how long you will stay?" Caitlyn ask Ezreal.
"The rest of March, I have to return to the end of March because I need to take some tests, so I can apply to College in Piltover City," Ezreal explained and arrives at his Motel Room that Graves booked him.
"I recommend the best college that Cupcake and I attended to," Vi said. Ezreal unlocks the door of his motel room and saw his friends waiting for him.
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February 28, 8:30 A.M. - Thresh's New Home
*ding dong*
Sharon heard the doorbell, she went to the door, opens it and saw Talon and Caelum. "You must be Master Settrigh's friends?" they nodded to Sharon and they enter the mansion.
"Sharon, why don't you bring something to drink for the boys." Thresh said while he's on his laptop and drinking coffee.
"Of course Master Thresh," Sharon bowed to Thresh and went to the kitchen to make some lemonade.
"Settrigh hasn't come out from his room this morning and I don't know why," Thresh said as he put his worried face to the boys.
"So that's why you called us Mr.Thresh?" Talon asks him and he nodded. They went upstairs and found Sett's room.
"Let's play rock, paper, scissors and the loser will knock the door, got it?" Talon sigh and decides to play rock, paper, scissors with Caelum and he won by paper beating rock.
"Damn it Talon....." Caelum went to the door and knock the door.
*knock knock*
"Sett!! Is us Caelum and Talon, please open the d-"
"Leave!!" Sett yelled at them as Caelum grunts at him. Talon grunts and pulls out Caelum's hairpin and Katarina's tweezers to lock pick and unlocks the door.
"How the hell did y-"
"I watched detective movies with my father, I'll tell Thresh that I ruined the lock, and I'll pay for it," Talon and Caelum enters Sett's room and saw Sett in bed cover in sheets.
"Sett, you okay?" Caelum asks Sett and he looks at them. "Why are you guys here?" he asked them.
"Thresh called us, what's going on?" Talon asks Sett and they sat in Sett's gaming chairs. Sett pulled out his bed sheets, took off his pants and boxers and reveals a small red tail.
"A tail?" they said synchronizing. "Remember that link dream that I have?" they nodded on Sett's question. "I was getting ready for a party and I noticed that I have a tail and starts wagging."
"Well...your a Vastaya after a-"
"I'm half human, half Vastaya Caelum" Caelum and Talon was surprised by Sett's reveal and he looked at the picture of he and his mom when he was young.
"My mom left me a letter before she was in a coma, it says that the reason we live in Valoran City because she wants a better life. Now my life here is sh*t..." Sett pulls out his phone, unlocks the pin and went to gallery app and look at the pictures of him with Aphelios and their friends that he took on November when they went to The Milkshake Bakery.
"I lost Phel because I betrayed him, I lost my friends...specially Xayah and Rakan. Xayah left Valoran City because she was accepted to become an actress' fashion designer, Rakan disappeared out of nowhere, and I almost lost my Ma....she's in a coma!!" Sett started crying and Talon and Caelum hugged him.
"So that's why everyone hates you...." Caelum said as Sett nodded.
"Yeah... Thresh helped me taking care of me and he promise me to save my mother," Sett continues to cry until Caelum receives a message.
"Sorry guys, I have to reply something,"
"Go on." Caelum leaves Sett's room and went to the bathroom since it doesn't have cameras inside and decides to message them.
???: You found him?
Caelum: Yep, he told us that his mom is in a coma
???: We better take her before Thresh do something bad to her
Caelum: Leave it to me 👍
Caelum put his phone away and leaves the bathroom and saw Sharon. "Hey Sharon, I was taking a piss, that's all and I washed my hands," Caelum smiles at her and grabs the glass of lemonade and leaves.
"Why he's acting strange?"
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February 28, 5:50 P.M. - Ezreal's Motel Room
"So that's why you came here like this," Neeko said while looking at Ezreal's disguise. "Yep, at least Kayn or his friends is going to get fooled by me." Ezreal said as Yone facepalm.
While everyone celebrates his arrival, Caitlyn appears with plastic bags with foam containers. It has delicious Puerto Rican food like Morongo, plantains, meat, etc.
"I brought some food from a good restaurant," Caitlyn said as she place the food onto the table.
"You came just in time Cupcake," Vi went and kiss her girlfriend on the lips. "Not in front of everyone Vi," Caitlyn looked away and blushes.
"Speaking of places to eat and drink, where's Lillia and Sarah?" Ezreal asks Yone.
"There preparing for the opening of Lillia's Dream Café tomorrow," Yone explained while drinking his sake. "Honey, you promise me for no drinking sake!! K'Sante said with a angry tone and Yone pouts at him.
"Is all done!!" Zeri and Ekko appears holding a box. "Ez, this is for you as a welcome gift from me and Zeri," Ekko gave the box to Ezreal and he opens it to reveal a rose quartz choker.
"Your disguise might be great, but you need to hide your voice, so Zeri and I made a choker for you and we installed the app that Phel has as well," Ezreal puts the choker and felt a tingling on his throat.
"Can you girls help me find a suitable voice for me?" Ezreal ask the girls in a chipmunk voice and everyone started laughing at him.
While Yone, Vi, Neeko and the others left the Motel, Ezreal calls Phel and Akali on video chat along with Ekko and Zeri.
"How was the flight Ez?" Aphelios ask. "It was wonderful, Phel," Akali and Aphelios was shocked at Ezreal's voice and Ekko and Zeri barged in.
"You like my invention Phel? I made something similar to Ez as well." Ekko said with a smile on his face. "We're working on the other earring and your glasses Phel," Zeri said while Ezreal pushed her away.
"What are you plans in Valoran City Ez?" Akali ask.
"I have to see Kassadin, Kai'Sa's father for the autopsy report of my parents and get the autopsy reports of Alune's parents as well, then I visit my lawyer for the Inheritance that my parents left and I have to see my uncle and lastly, visit Lillia with her café opening," Ezreal explained to his friends.
"And how's everyone?" Aphelios asks Ezreal. "There okay, Yone and K'Sante found a place which is owned by Lucian Co. Sarah, Lillia and Neeko are preparing for the opening, Vi and Caitlyn continues their job as Police officers."
"I'm still in school and taking exams for my dream college and become an engineer," Ekko said. "And I'm planning to apply to Valoran High to complete my school year," Zeri added.
Aphelios smile that Ekko, Zeri and his friends are okay. They're finally are saved from Thresh, but they can't escaped from Kayn and his friends yet.
"Don't worry Phel, I have plans about my Inheritance. You guys know my parents has a company that focuses on museum stuff and a secret weapon which I'll reveal to you guys once I got the Inheritance." Ezreal winks at Aphelios and Akali and they smirked at him.
"Good Luck Ez," they hung off the call, Ekko and Zeri stand up and went to the back door. "Where are you going?" Ezreal asked them.
"Zeri and I have to finish the gadgets for Phel, so you can give him when you arrive at Final City," Ekko said as he opens the door.
"Be careful out there," Ekko and Zeri nodded and leaves.
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Ezreal felt his stomach grumbling and decides to check for leftover food that Caitlyn brought, but it only has chicken bones and leftover lettuce and tomato.
"Looks like I have to buy more food," Ezreal thought and grabbed his handbag and left the motel.
Ezreal went to the convenience store to buy pre-made meals since he can't cook and almost end up burning the apartment in the past. He bought 4 pre-made food along with a big bottle of water and snacks to eat tonight.
"I know is not healthy, but I don't have a choice," Ezreal put his earbuds and put some music to listen.
Remember the feelings
Remember the day
My stone heart was breaking
My love ran away
This moment I knew I would be someone else
My love turned around and I felt
Be my bad boy be my man
Be my weekend lover
But don't be my friend
You can be my bad boy
But understand
That I don't need you in my life again
Would you be my bad boy be my man
Be my weekend lover
But don't be my friend
You can be my bad boy
But understand
That I don't need you again
No I don't need you a-
Ezreal bumped to someone and fell on the ground. "Watch were you going s-sir?" Ezreal raised his head and saw a guy with pink hair with blue and purple gradient, green and yellow eyes and wears a black leather jacket with a fishnet top that reveal his chest and abs, silver accessories, black nails, black leather pants with black and silver belts and black boots.
"Oh, sorry...I didn't notice you miss,"
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"Are you sure about that?"
"Yes, Lillia, your friend and his ex-boyfriend were in the Dream World," the Dream Queen said as Lillia serving tea to her.
"Lillia, I really need them for the birth of the crystal roses," the Dream Queen said as Lillia looked at the red and white roses that are made of crystals.
"It will take a while, is only 10% the roses have, it was interrupted by someone interrupting Phel," Lillia said as she went to the roses and smile at them.
"These two little princesses will grow up very sweet," Lillia said as the Dream Queen nodded. "Indeed Lillia, they will be very sweet," the Dream Queen said as Lillia heard Sarah's voice.
"I have to get going, Sarah needs me," Lillia grab her bag, as The Dream Queen went to her. "Lillia, these two are not the only one need for the birth, you need another pair as well," Lillia nodded and she went back to the real world and went back to the café, and saw Sarah.
"Where have you been?" Sarah ask as Lillia smile at her.
"I was helping an elderly lady Sarah, I always help everyone,"
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A/N: That concludes Chapter 13 guys!! Do you like the strawberry theme guys? I have fun using the assets on Ibis Paint. Next chapter is the bond between Zed and Kayn.
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