#meteorite jewelry
artsystudiofinds · 8 days
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Excited to share moldavite carving necklace handmade in 925 silver with love and care. Photos taken in different background for its look. Resonate and enjoy its energies!
For detail information about this necklace, please follow the link below. Thank you.
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coveredinmetaldust · 1 year
Apollo (Brooch)
I have been meaning to post more of my artwork here, so here's one:
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July, 2020 Gibeon meteorite, sterling silver, stainless steel wire 54mm x 48mm x 5mm (HxWxD | Measured at the thickest point.)
Iron meteorites are hunks of metal which amble through space for billions of years. Sometimes, against all odds, these extraterrestrial objects will find their way to our small planet, where they will sit for millions of years until one of our own discovers them through chance.
If you cut one of these meteorites in half you will reveal an intricate lattice-work structure of two different nickel-like alloys. They call these “Widmanstätten Patterns”, and they are unique to every meteorite. (Meteorites are sort of like deadly cosmic snowflakes if you think about it.) These patterns are the product of phenomenal cosmic forces acting upon the metal as it aimlessly drifts through space for a truly unimaginable amount of time.
This brooch features a fraction of one such meteorite in the center of it that I cut, shaped, polished, and then etched to reveal its unique pattern. The formal aspect of this brooch was heavily inspired by the Voyager 2 space probe, as well as fictional interstellar objects depicted in retro-futuristic illustrations from the 1970s and 80s. The silhouette was designed to direct attention to the extraterrestrial centerpiece and signify space exploration through iconic design elements.
In the end, everything is made of stardust; some of it is just a long way from home.
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conniescrystals · 10 months
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resinwisk · 1 year
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walpu · 5 months
Walp walp!
Hear me out, Nameless!reader that's been to many places, even the dangerous ones since the Trailblaze Path grants them faint power and allows them to better adapt to harsh environments. So imagine Aventurine didn't hear a news from them for a LONG time, way longer than usual even for them, thinking they've abandoned him.
Until reader came back with so much scars and brusises, handmade stuff like patterned fabrics, sunburns, chunks of turquoise meteorites, a dishelved look, jewelries. Because they sure survived extreme harsh environment that has low precipitation with high risk of being hit by a small space object, and did I mention nameless!reader survived a ferocious tribe?
Aventurine was speechless, why would they go to such place for a long period of time until he takes a closer look of what kind of gifts they've made for him. They waited until it sinks in before showing him photographs of the place they were in. Sigonia-IV. Reader already shuts him up from the "you didn't have to do this" because no, as a follower of Akivili it's also their duty to traverse different kinds of worlds and embrace it, and their personal mission to get something for him made them deadset on going there.
They gotta admit, he's strong for surviving that kind of place, made them admire him even a bit more.
Maybe its because I'm sleep deprived but it made me SO emotional image not even kidding
Him having a peace of home, knowing that you're willing to do that fir him, that you care enough to think about small details like this 🥹🥹🥹
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If you've ever needed to buy animal skeletons, medical models, taxidermy animals, or fossils & minerals, head to SoHo, New York City, or online at The Evolution Store. It’s fun to browse, too. 
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Some people may find some things a bit disturbing.
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Like if you’re not into cute little taxidermied animals or snakes.
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Or bugs.
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But, there are so many other things to see.
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It’s like a natural history museum, but you can buy stuff. If you’re into space, here are meteorites. 
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There are artifacts. Whatever you’re into.
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Even spider webs.
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Or just home decor.
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You can even get a cricket lollipop for $3 ($4 Scorpions are sold out). 
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There’s also jewelry, puzzles, soap, something for everyone.
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reddpenn · 2 years
Oh, right, I never posted these!  Here are the rocks I acquired at my last rock show!
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This big sparkly girl with the bottle green, glassy appearance is vivianite, a rock which is just as fragile as it looks!  Vivianite has some really cool properties.  It begins as a colorless mineral, but as soon as it’s exposed to light, it undergoes a chemical reaction that turns it this blue-green color.  As long as it’s exposed to light, this chemical reaction will continue, and the crystals will turn darker and darker until they’re completely black.  Another cool thing about vivianite is that it exhibits pleochroism, meaning the crystals look more green or more blue depending on the angle you view them at.
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This funky-shaped sparkly girl is a scepter quartz!  Scepter quartz occurs when a younger crystal begins growing on the tip of an older one, resulting in a big crystal perched atop a skinny one, like the jewel atop a scepter!  This scepter is a smoky amethyst with some really cool stuff going on inside.  My favorite detail is those red spots, which are caused by needle-like crystals of hematite growing inside the quartz!
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This is the third meteorite to join my collection!  This piece fell to Earth about four to five thousand years ago in northern Argentina.  Its melted appearance is because the heat of entering Earth’s atmosphere actually caused it to melt!  Campo del Cielo meteorites are iron-nickel meteorites, made from a metal alloy called meteoric iron.  (Ok, so, not to go off on a tangent but meteoric iron is really cool stuff, historically.  See, iron doesn’t occur on planet Earth in its native, metallic form.  It’s always bound up in ores and has to be processed.  But native iron does occur in the vacuum of space, and sometimes that iron falls to Earth as meteors, so the only iron that Bronze Age people had access to before the advent of iron smelting was from meteors.  They made some really cool stuff with it.  Did you know that Tutankhamen was buried with a dagger made from meteoric iron?)
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This fossil boy is a slab of turritella agate!  It comes from a fossil deposit in Wyoming called the Green River Formation.  Those white shapes are the fossilized shells of turritella sea snails encased in chert.  These shells were once buried at the bottom of an ancient ocean!  Because of the cool patterns their cross sections make, turritella slabs like this one are used by lapidary artists to cut cabochons for jewelry.
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Speaking of cool agates, here’s a neat little fire agate!  This piece came from the southwestern United States.  That metallic, rainbow iridescence (or “fire”) is caused by alternating layers of goethite and limonite, which form as botryoidal bubbles encased in translucent chalcedony.  Fire agate is one of the coolest forms of agate, because it’s so incredibly rare!  The only place in the world where it’s found is an area from central Mexico up through California and Arizona, where it was formed during ancient volcanic activity.
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Here’s another cool agate!  This is Aztec purple lace agate, which comes from Mexico.  I don’t think they’re mining it out anymore (actually, it hasn’t been mined for a long time), so this is pretty scarce stuff!  It doesn’t photograph well, so trust me when I say that this piece is much purpler in person.  Other than that, I don’t know much about it!
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Also very purple and also from Mexico is this Coyamito agate!  Note the super cool hexagon shape.  Coyamito agate is known for its pseudomorph formations: it replaces other minerals and grows in their shape.  That’s rare in agate, but super common in the Coyamito agate deposit!  In this case, the agate was growing in the hollow left behind by a hexagonal crystal.
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Here’s something I’ve been wanting to add to my collection for a long time!  This dignified boy is royal imperial jasper, possibly my absolute favorite kind of jasper. (And unlike most of the rocks the crystal healing crowd likes to slap the word “jasper” on, he’s actually a real jasper!)  We’re seeing in cross-section what’s known as an “egg” formation, the result of a jasper nodule which started small and then grew outward in uneven layers.  Changes in the environment during the formation of each layer resulted in all these different colors!  This piece is also from Mexico.
And finally (drumroll please), it’s time for opals!  As is tradition, I came home from the show with three brand new Ethiopian opals.  Here they are!
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Opal number one!  Beautiful!  Subtle and refined!  10/10!
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Opal number two!  Stunning!  A style all her own!  Her birthmarks really add warmth and color to the overall presentation.
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Opal number three, the Big Girl.  Gorgeous!  Full of fireworks!  What a wonderful sparkly girl!
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suguwu · 3 months
aventurine who quietly buys turquoise meteorites and has them set into varying jewelries. the agvin valued them deeply; he used to weave his fingers through his mother's necklaces until they chimed.
he never wears them.
sometimes he runs his fingers across them, lets the chill of them seep through his gloves and into his skin. he picks them up to see the way the light catches on them, how it glitters like the tropical ocean, a sweet, bright blue.
he never wears them.
but sometimes, he imagines them on you. he thinks of the curve of your wrist, the beads dripping from it like sea spray. imagines the quiet song of the delicate necklaces as they click against each other with each little tilt of your head.
they'd suit you.
he's given you many things over the years, much of it jewelry. too much for someone who wears so little, as you often point out. he's not shy about giving you gifts, but these—these are different.
aventurine closes the box.
one day.
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bussydeanstiel · 2 years
Cas getting to live in the bunker when he's human and picking up some nail polish when its his turn to go on supply run and asking Dean to help him with it and Dean being the Good Boyfriend that he is knows how because he used to help Lisa with her right hind so he paints Cas' nails all grumpy but still tells him the blue he picked really compliments his eyes and Dean starts wearing his season 1 jewelry again because he honestly missed it and likes the aesthetic of a hand with chunky silver rings holding a hand with blue nail polish (or black sometimes and sometimes yellow) and so he starts to hold Cas' hand and gets a little nail polish brush so he can paint black lines on Cas' yellow nails and give him bubble bee nails and he buys him little gems to put on them Cas buys Dean a ring made of a meteorite that he saw fall to earth back in the day and they eventually end up together through increasingly intimate and wholesome acts of support and Dean always wears his bumblebee necklace under his shirt and maybe even lets Cas paint his nails black a few times 💛
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cinturon-cadena · 11 months
DP x DC Smallville
Okay, I've been forming this theory for a while now, but this scene just cemented it:
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The bottom of her boots? Fenton F??? There is no way you can't tell me those aren't Fenton-grade boots!
Hear me out. I have other evidence.
The principal in season 1 is a man of Asian decent named Kwan. Who else do we know named Kwan?
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And to top it off, Smallville's Kwan has a son named Danny. Now obviously, his son isn't Fenton/Phantom, BUT assuming at least the class and maybe the entire town of Amity Park learns Danny's secret, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary that some of his classmates grow up and name a child after their town hero. Even if they never learn Danny's secret, Danny Fenton himself did lead the entire class against Ember and Youngblood, as well as exhibited other noble qualities, so it's not out of the question that at least one of his classmates had a child whom they named 'Danny'.
2. As discussed in this post, the whole 'Kryptonite-is-crystalized-Ectoplasm' theory. Now some of the more meticulous (me) might be wondering, 'if this theory holds up and Kryptonite-Ectoplasm is giving random people in Smallville super/ghost powers, then why didn't Amity Park have the same activity?' Why thank you, Skeptical Voice In My Head! I'll tell you why. First of all, Smallville has had 12 years-worth of exposure to the Kryptonite-Ectoplasm, that's why! During the course of Danny Phantom's runtime we only get to see ~1 year pass. 2 if we're being generous. In addition, despite having a literal portal to Hell the Infinite Realms open basically 24/7 in the town, along with near-daily/hourly ghost attacks, the citizens of Amity Park themselves do not seem to regularly come into contact with any form of Ectoplasm. Unlike in Smallville, where people are handling the stuff almost daily - hell, dozens of people just casually wear it as jewelry, and I guarantee more than 1 person has at least a meteorite rock or 2 in their home, as a keepsake. There is also a potential argument to be made about crystalized Ectoplasm-Kryptonite being more potent than the ambient radiation/gas/liquid stuff we see in Amity Park.
3. There is literally a canonical town near Smallville called Amityville. Enough said.
4. Which brings us to number 4. The Boots.
I propose that it is highly likely that Danny's class grew up through the events of Danny Phantom (sin Phantom Planet), and that Smallville takes place somewhere around ~25 years after the Portal opens. Kwan grew up to be a teacher, then principal, and named his son after Danny (whether he knew Danny's secret or not). Fenton Works continued on in some capacity, whether it's still the Dr's Fenton going at it or if Danny/Jazz inherited the family business, and at some point made a line of Fenton-grade combat boots. Heck, maybe Sam had a say in their design (it is the kind of thing she'd wear).
In addition, if this is ~25 years later, then Amity Park would be full of Liminals right now - probably keeping their nature on the down-low so the rest of the world doesn't know, or being held under a Team Phantom (Foley/Fenton/Technus) or GIW-mandated blackout. Either way, the general world knows Amity ParkVille exists, but not that Liminals live there (unlive?).
And because their exposure to Ectoplasm was much more gradual and they would have had enough cultural exposure to ghosts, they would adapt to their newfound Liminality powers much more effectively than the poor flash-exposured citizens of Smallville who end up insane because they can't handle the sudden influx of power they're granted. The citizens of Amity Park have the tech and know-how to deal with weird ectoplasm-induced ghost powers. They've seen and interacted with enough ghosts that the idea of Obsessions/Purposes/insert-headcanon-here isn't far-fetched and they'd know how to deal with it in a slightly more constructive way (or at least, be able to handle the ghostly aggression that Liminals seem to have, if Smallville is any indication).
SO, In Conclusion, Danny Phantom's Amity Park and Smallville are in the same universe, albeit DP is ~25 years ahead of Smallville's setting.
Just Saying.
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artsystudiofinds · 19 days
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Moldavite silver ring by makers of authentic moldavite jewelry . . .
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If I Had A Nickel For Every Time Lois Lane Picked Up An Ostensibly Magical Amulet And Got Cursed With Bad Luck, I'd Have Two Nickels. Which Isn't a Lot, But It's Weird That It Happened Twice.
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This is the more recent one, Action Comics #172 (1953) "Lois Lane, Witch!" She picks up a piece of jewelry while delivering Clark's laundry as a favor and immediately, she gets jinxed. Elevator cables snap, lamp posts fall over, bridges collapse, etc. She soon after decides to become a vigilante and threaten criminals into compliance. Turns out that it's actually a device meant to disintegrate iron meteorites placed in Superman's pod by Jor-El.
It was much less racially charged than the previous time this occurred...
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Action Comics #99 (1946) "Talisman of Trouble"
A vaguely racist statue causes a jinx of bad luck- is actually just racial profiling. A bunch of Middle-Easterners are convinced by buzzing in their skulls to try to kill whoever is holding the talisman, which was apparently an assassination attempt on an archaeologist?
Yeah...that one wasn't so good.
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stalkedbytrains · 7 months
Dead Letters, Missing Wife; Dead Letter #3
Salt and Siderite
Your parents call to you, "Are you alright?" as you sprint into the house and up to your room.
You barely manage to call out, "Fine!"
Letter number three was right where you left it and you immediately tear it open and sit on your bed.
"My beautiful spouse,
This ring is something I made for you."
"Ring?!" you shout as you realize there was nothing else in the letter.
The heavy paper letter gets dropped on the bed as you desperately start to search the floor for a ring. In the first few seconds you don't find it, the panic rises to a fever pitch and you forget to breathe.
Until you find the dull silver ring resting gently in the carpet.
You pick it up and look it over. It was really extremely unremarkable. Dull gray, not even silver, with a little clear vein of something that runs through it. There is a very small opaque white stone held in the middle.
As far as engagement rings go it is no diamond and is not remotely on the level of expensive looking. It kind of looks a bit cheap.
You can't help but feel a little disappointed, after all this work and mystery and stuff that you've gone through and you get a $10 metal ring.
Still, you slip it on your finger and it fits perfectly.
"My beautiful spouse,
This ring is something I made for you.
I know that it may not look like much, but I am no jewelry or forger. You should see my hands, I hurt myself many times trying to make this ring, but I think it is worth it.
While it may not look like much, it is made from siderite, a rare metal that has only ever been found within meteorites and occasionally found within some space debris like materials retrieved from the moon.
This celestial metal is said to have some unique and extremely helpful properties. Namely, it is something that can be anathema to creatures from outside the realm you are familiar with.
It has also been treated with salt, and I don't think I know that you need to be told what the folklore is around salt. I remember how obsessed you were around that show that had just started coming one when we were young.
This ring will keep you safe. I promise that. I swear on the life that I have.
Salt and siderite.
As long as you have this ring and you wear it as a representation of our wedding vows, you will be protected.
My love for you will out last this world,
You look down at the ring on your left hand. It's dull and simple and beautiful. You can't stop thinking about Siobhan's hands.
She always had nice hands, always cold, but nice to hold. You remember always grabbing her hand to walk with her wherever you went. You told her is was because she was always so cold that you wanted to keep her warm.
You miss holding her hand.
This ring, how simple but complicated it is, makes you think even more about Siobhan. How much hurt did she put herself through, how much work did it take to make this ring by hand?
Now you feel a little bad. She has done all this work, all for you. And you haven't done anything for her.
All of this because of the things that you said and promised as a child.
Is she doing this for who she thinks you are? Who you were years ago?
Surely you've changed. Your interests and tastes have changed since you were a child. Haven't they?
What about Siobhan? Surely she can't be exactly the same?
It has been at least six years since you were together. Six years. That is a third of your life so far.
A third of her life.
What differences can happen in such a time?
Even the earth is moving to different places in outer space.
Things have changed. They've had to.
Without change can things ever really be said to be alive?
You think many big and deep thoughts as you idly play with the new ring on your finger.
Despite your curiosity, despite your desire to see Siobhan and reunite with her, you had to take some time and think before you open the next letter.
And sometimes life gets in the way.
The letters faded to the background as you had to get back to school and do your studies and work.
The piles of letters and boxes and everything became part of the background.
my kofi with all my fiction
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starlitangels · 2 years
Wedding Rings!
@zozo-01 wanted to hear my thoughts on the rest of the boys’ potential wedding rings after my ramble about David’s on EJ’s post so… here we go!
First of all, this man gets a silicone ring.
He does not trust himself not to utterly ruin a metal one, and silicone is easy to replace and have spares of.
(My husband has two silicone rings. One that’s simple black and came with his real metal wedding ring, and one that’s gunmetal grey with The Mandalorian’s helmet etched into it. It’s actually really cool.)
Asher gets a silicone ring that’s shiny and metallic, but has some Star Trek something etched into it. Whether that be the Enterprise or a quote, IDK
Alternatively he gets something from Halo. Either/or works and fits. We love a nerdy boi
Second alternative: he gets something that closely matches Babe’s. Still silicone but color matching
Mr. Fashionable. Mr. Stylish.
Milo’s ring is gold.
At least, it looks like it’s gold
In truth, it’s an alloy. Gold is too soft and malleable and even though Milo takes care of his jewelry, he’s also a shifter and knows that a gold ring wouldn’t be practical
He also has a moissanite on his. The band arcs up to the top of the gem so it doesn’t stick out too much from his finger, but there is very much a moissanite.
Milo picked moissanite over a diamond because it’s more ethical, barely lower than a diamond on the hardness scale, and also has a higher brightness index
Y’all. The gem on his ring is reflective and shiny
Maybe Aggro tries to put it in his mouth idk
His and Sweetheart’s anniversary is engraved on the inside of the ring
Hoo boy! Sam!
Darlin’ gets Sam a ring with meteorite around the middle because his hand doesn’t change as he gets older, therefore he can get a ring that’s hard to resize.
The metal is shiny and durable, and the meteorite is slightly iridescent
It’s comfort fit, with the curved inside, and the edges of the outside are beveled so he can move his fingers without being encumbered.
Gorgeous ring 10/10
Darlin’ argues that his ring does have a stone on it because of the meteorite and Sam always laughs and says it’s not a gemstone so it doesn’t count
Mr. Fashionable and Stylish As Well
Vincent’s ring is platinum. Shiny, bright, strong. Expensive
The man likes the finer things in life and his wedding ring should be no exception
The inside is engraved with several significant dates. The day he met Lovely, their first real kiss, the day Lovely turned, the day he proposed, and the day they got married
He also has a large stone on his
Where’s that post about the Solaire rubies so I can properly credit the person? Because that concept lives in my mind rent-free and Vincent absolutely puts his ruby in his wedding ring
Also, comfort fit and beveled outside edges and several extra gemstones lining the middle channel of the ring almost all the way around
Gavin’s ring is made of magic so he changes it to match his outfit when he sees fit
The most common though that he seems to prefer the most is a braided band of white, yellow, and rose gold with scattered teeny diamonds
“It goes with everything, deviant!”
If I described all the other designs Gavin morphs his ring into, we’d be here for days
My man is very happy to be taken and he wants it to be visible at all times, thank you very much
Avior’s ring isn’t a ring so much as it’s a bunch of silver metal stars embedded with star sapphires that stay clustered loosely around his finger because they’re magic and he wants them to.
Starlight loves it
And so do I
Elliott’s got a white-gold wedding ring with constellations etched into it, each star a tiny dot of moonstone
Except Brachium in the Libra constellation. That’s an amethyst
He’s got My Dreamboat and his and Sunshine’s wedding date engraved into the inside
He’s also got the comfort fit, but didn’t like beveled edges so it’s not beveled
Geordi’s was hard to come up with, tbh
He has a pretty thin ring, comparatively
He goes for tungsten at first, but it oxidizes quickly so after a couple years he switches over to a cobalt chrome one and leaves the tungsten one for traveling or when he doesn’t want to risk his real ring
He also has Live Long and Prosper engraved to the inside
I struggled so hard to think of one for Ollie, I’m not gonna lie
He gives Casual Ring Vibes but I wasn’t sure if that meant he got a tungsten one and didn’t particularly care when it oxidized or he just went simple and got a thin gold band just to show he’s happily taken
He also works with his hands a lot fixing up stuff around the house so he definitely has at least one silicone ring
It’s probably purple
I’m sorry
Aaron has the boring classic gold wedding ring
Thick band. Straight fit. No beveling
Nothing over-the-top
I’m sorry
I just can’t see him with anything Extra™
He’s a great character but the Milquetoast Ring Vibes™ are... well. They’re there.
Guy also gets a silicone ring. His has a pizza slice etched into it, or it’s literally pizza patterned.
The man chose an aesthetic and he stuck to it
Honey gets to roll their eyes at it forever
The boi’s got a white gold ring with a band of polished, dark wood running around the middle
He wears a green silicone ring with a tree on it when playing sports or working out
Comfort fit all the way
His ring is yellow gold and studded with five small yellow-orange topazes
Topaz is one of the gems that forms in lava tubes
That mix of Earth and Fire, y’know? ;)
Oh wait... were we talking canon or non-canon?
Eh. Who cares
Also wears a silicone ring when working out. His is red
White. Gold. Boi
He keeps it simple
There’s an anniversary engraving inside his, but that’s it
Beveled edges and comfort fit all the way
He’s at a computer all the time let his finger be comfortable
Platinum babyyyy
We love a classy, high-brow look for our professional businessman Telepath
I wasn’t gonna include him at all but then I remembered his Imperium listener so here you go
He doesn’t really do anything super special. There’s no engraving or etching or stones, but it is Quite Shiny™ on his hand and Very Noticeable
The man is taken and he is going to flaunt it
Morgan doesn’t work with his hands much in his day-to-day life, but he still prefers the practical
He goes for a cobalt chrome ring with a thin gold band around the center, preferring the durability over expense or flash, and the ribbon finish rather than the polished finish so scratches are barely noticeable unless someone’s really examining it close up
Beveled edges and comfort fit definitely
Engraved inside is “Into the Future with You” and his wedding date
Sh!+ I almost perfectly described my actual husband’s wedding ring
And there you have it!
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the coronation of king charles 3 tarot & oracle
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meghan about the coronation of king charles 3 she is free, she is no longer a prisoner of the brf, it is her current status, she feels left out, the brf is changing without her, she feels a lot of anxiety on this subject there why, she is jealous, this ceremony will feature the brf in all its glory (she sees all the gold flowing and she is in the shadows) she would like to heal the ties with the brf to be invited but she is aware that her participation will be a no win (look at running after them) she would really like the brf to say sorry to her you can come lol
interesting for harry, it's a way to find contracts and get more money and more opportunities but what's funny is the links with meghan are broken and he's afraid of something she's taking taste the brf again
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For the BRF I used the oracle from Greek mythology (of course)
the BRF sees the coronation of king charles as a natural thing, the fight must not take place, it is their festivities, abundance and celebration without any false note, it is the light that shines from the obscurity (we have a persona who comes out of the clutches of Hades) is transformation, especially since we have her mother Demeter next to her (their harvest to ring) abundance, sharing with others and we ends with Zeus, power take its place with as conclusion card Nike = ultimate victory, laurels
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Catherine's energy about the coronation of King Charles 3, she is patiently waiting for this event, she is waiting for this moment to express her place in the brief (she will come as a royal princess, more like a duchess, she will come with her son future king) she also has a lot of anxiety about jealousy and the emotional imbalance and behavior of H&M, she reflects on possible failures of the brf, or the shadow of meghan and harry.
the dynamics during the coronation of May 6, 2023 with the help of tarot cards: the dynamic will be good because we start with a major arcana the wheel of fourtune position positively followed by the 3 sticks, a wish comes true, we move forward on the right path, the thing is put in place, this dynamic could lead to slight problems of health for king charles nothing serious and it is rather normal with the continuation of the cards, one observes anxiety (the fingers which swell) and a form of loneliness and sadness (he will think of his mother, his grandfather -father and his grandmother) the ceremony will be short effective, I have a notion of speed here with the 8 sticks, the end will be happy, because we end with the 10 cups = the ultimate celebration, we receive our orders, we receive a prayer of blessings, and one emerges accomplished ready to take the oath like the Popess.
Attention, I ask some questions, it is December 22, 2022 everything can change like a meteorite can fall on the earth lol
will anne play a role in her brother's coronation: i have the impression that charles is for that, but some people try to close that door.
will prince william take the oath for everyone? hmm a lot of discussion on this subject, william would like to but we are talking about a solution, maybe he will do it but in his name.
Will Meghan be there at the coronation of King Charles; just wow, you have to see the 2 major arcana cards and everyone is positioned in an unfavorable way, ok, let's read, the fool = absence or apathy in this situation, temperance = anxiety, impatience, tensions, turn = fall, exile, disaster uh if she comes we will put her in her place wow
will meghan wear a crown: unexpected difficulties, problems that come back with force, demonstration, competition at a distance, being treated with equiter with catherine, waiting for jewelry, equal treatment, to advance in her glory.
will meghan wear a royal coat: ok!!!! 2 major arcana out of 3 (again) position negatively the world: obstacle, setback, failure, 10 cups: fatigue, weakness, dormant fervor, empress, vanity, sterility, frivolity
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for catherine, i try several times to find out about the tiara and a royal coat, i only see disputes (in one direction, i can assure you) from meghan, she wants to be treated as equals but there are people who try to make him understand things but hey..
I hope to see next time
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ancientgreekyuri · 4 months
Ur ocs look really cool, I hope this is okay to ask but what's your oc world like??
tumblr is being VERY fussy about letting me post this 💔 anyways It's totally okay to ask I love talking about my OC setting ^.^ Also this setting has a lot of religious theming to it just so you know!
The (temporary) name for the setting is Ys! You can think of this world as existing in a Pangaea-like state.
This land has a few different major nations (ordering these from Northernmost to Southernmost):
- Lapta: a frigid, snow-covered nation that is considered mysterious to the rest of the world. Outsiders rarely travel here due to the treacherous conditions, but some nomadic peoples as well as merchants sometimes travel southwards. These people are usually the prominent source of information of news from. Lapta is notable in that many ancient gods continue to be worshipped here! Their major goddess is Zarihan, the goddess of healing and god. Supposedly Zarihan crashed to the Earth like a meteorite some many years ago, forming a sacred lake in the region. Zari is mentioned in some other religions but doesn't take nearly as big of a role! Festivals worshipping her often involving donning heavy golden masks. My OC Azusa is from here, and he wears a mask characteristic of the region!
- Chione is just south of Lapta. It's much smaller and not nearly as cold! It's one of the few places in the world where monarchy is still a big thing, though it has little political influence overall. A common export from Chion is a purple dye created from flowers called Ianthe flowers, which are notoriously hard to grow. My OC Parinyan is a dye creator!
- Beneath Chione is Emathia. Emathia is the largest nation. It was the home of both Amadsis, a famed hero-king, and of Solomon, an infamous king who plunged the world into a horrible war some hundreds of years ago. The weather here is cold, but not nearly as frigid as Lapta or Chion. One of Emathia's famous features is it's massive library, which contains some truly ancient books! It is also where the world's airship industry got it's start.
Emathia's central deities are Makaea, the goddess of the moon (and protector of lost travelers), and Mirnath, god of the sun (he used to be a god of war, but nowadays is associated more with fortune and magic). Makaea is the wife to the Hero-king Amasis as well :~)
Strangely enough, no one's been able to find Solomon's ancient castle... not even a relic!
- Next is Paros, the central continent. A major city here is called Psamthe, which is actually where the story starts! Paros is kind of a mass of different peoples and cultures. People who are traqveling to sell their wares tend to set up shop here, and some of course end up deciding to live in Paros... one famous shop here is a jewelry store owned by a weird but loving family.
Paros' major deity is Lajavard, the god of the skies, though Paros employs more of a pantheistic system and borrows gods and religious aspects from many different lands. It's part of what makes Paros feel so friendly and welcoming!
- There's a small area between Paros and Illyria, the southernmost land, called Thracia... Thracia is home to the town of Elaia, which exports a spice called Black Sand. It's very famous! The story of how Elaia was established is a famous one too; the patron deity, whose name is Also Elaia, is sometimes called the Goddess of Bawdy Comedy. A cute custom here is that during weddings, the bride is tasked with making her groom laugh! after all, what better show of love than perfectly knowing your partners sense of humour? (gay weddings can skip this but they usually don't. it's a very fun part of the ceremony!)
- And lastly is Illyria! This one is the most developed in world building terms because it's where the first arc of the story takes place 😭 Illyria is notable for changing massively over the years, and this change was spearheaded by iride, it's first recorded queen. She was a strategic genius who managed to ward off Solomon's forces during the war, and later befriended Makeda, Solomon's wife (Makeda beheaded him and later became king of Emathia herself, but that's another story).
While the old castle of Illyria is no longer in use, it stands tall a symbol of Iride's strength. The capital here is a city called Illion, which is where Iride's descendants now live. Though this was once a monarchy, the more recently constructed castle serves more as a community center than a place to show royal power. Another city is Rizinia, which is a major trading hub!
The major deity of Illyria is Ys, goddess of the earth, protector of children, lady of the harvest. She is the husband of Lajavard and the lover of Zarihan. She was a goddess first worshipped by Iride and her people, so her conception is more recent! And yet she's massively important all the same.
An important story in both Illyria and Lapta's religion is that of Ys' death and revival. She was killed by a plot laid by her jealous sister Kuja (goddess of the seas, death, and the afterlife), which brought a great deluge upon the world as Lajavard grieved her. Zarihan is then sent down to Earth by her parent to provide aid, and crashes into the Earth, forming a hole through the clouds of deluge and allowing the sun to shine down...! She travels to the very depths of the sea where Ys' body is being held, and revives her with an ancient magic only known to Zari and her children.
Zari fades into obscurity after her role in this story in every land except for Lapta like I mentioned....
This is all I can think to write rn so I hope this was at least 😭 and makes enough sense
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