#metamorphmagus teddy lupin
drarrargh · 1 year
mystery babysitter
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cursedwithwords · 7 months
Teddy Lupin picrew dump because I'm in love with him.
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I love to imagine him with pink or magenta eyes because it connects him to Tonks, but I also have this image of him having eyes that are in constant motion, always changing and never settling on one solid color, to show the internal chaos he battles with. I think he keeps his hair generally a solid blue because he likes the way it looks, and because his nan told him that his hair turned blue almost immediately after he was born, so a tiny piece of him is always thinking "well if it's blue my parents will recognize me" even though he knows they're gone and that's not gonna happen.
((Read more to see Cursed rambling about metamorph abilities ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ))
I have this theory about Metamorph abilities that's basically summed up as being a mutation of the individuals magic itself. It's born from decades of interfamilial inbreeding of a family that already has extremely powerful magic.
I see Metamorphmagus being in the same family of mutation as Obscurus, that being something uncontrollable that happens due to some form of magical backup. The only difference is Obscurus are psychologically self-made while Metamorphmagus are created genetically.
I've seen theories stating that House Black inter-marries because they're worried about their ancient magic being somehow corrupted by other family's blood. It basically said that the Black family has power/magic that lives up to its name, and I kind of love that, but power like that can't possibly come without consequences, and in their attempt to keep the purity of their magic from being corrupted, they themselves became corrupted by their magic.
I mean the way I see it, ancient magic like that has to be chaotic and untamable, something incredibly feral and wild. The more "pure" it is, the more uncontrollable.
Because of that, I think Andromeda marrying and having a child with a muggleborn more or less stabilized the Black family magic in a body far more capable of containing it. But the magic itself is still extremely volatile, so it manifested as metamorph abilities, and I think that in itself would have some unique manifestations.
I think Teddy is immune to most magical ailments, including hexes and curses. His body kind of just deflects it because his magic is able to cancel it out. I think that's probably why Remus' Lycanthropy also passed him over.
At the same time, I think he's pretty susceptible to Muggle illnesses like the flu or the common cold, and I've always headcanoned that he had chronic migraines because though the Lycanthropy disease was fended off through his mutated magic, it's still an insanely brutal illness in and of itself, and some piece of it lingers in him. So around the full moon he tends to get migraines. Proof that he's not invincible I guess.
I have so many thoughts about Teddy tbh, he's always been outrageously powerful in my mind, and the only reason his magic hasn't consumed him and driven him crazy like so many of the Black family is because he isn't a pureblood. It makes him even more formidable as an enemy, though I don't see him being super aware of his own abilities.
Like he knows he's an alright wizard, he just doesn't realize he's THAT powerful, cuz why would he??
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Day 22 of @remadoramicrofics - Lost
The day had started off well; he and Nymphadora – well mostly he – made sausage and pancakes for breakfast, dressed Teddy in a Hufflepuff shirt and a Gryffindor hat, and even made it to the pitch before the game’s official start. The only thing that could have made the day better would have been if he could talk Dora into donning Gryffindor colors. She had remained steadfast in her support for Hufflepuff.
It had become a sort of family tradition for them to attend a Hufflepuff vs. Gryffindor match. Now, though, Remus wondered if they’d ever leave the house again. One moment, Teddy had been toddling along with them, hand firmly in his mother’s, and the next he was gone.
The crowd was dense and the cheers and shouts and students celebrating were a powerful lure. “Teddy,” Remus called, trying to scan faces around them.
“He has to be around here somewhere,” Dora said, her own voice carrying the telltale pitchiness of panic.
“Well, I’m sure, but where would he –”
“Teddy,” Dora cut him off, touching her wand to her throat and projecting across the pitch, “Come meet Mummy at the treat tent, please.” Remus winced, biting down on the fact that a little warning would have been nice. 
An older witch stopped them. “What does he look like?”
“He’s only three,” Remus explained, “he’s got a hufflepuff jumper on a Gryffindor hat. His name’s Edward, but he prefers Teddy.”
“Is he a brunette?”
REmus froze, but Dora quickly said, “Well, sometimes, but his hair was red today.”
“It was yellow when we first got here,” Remus reminded her.
“He’s a metamorphmagus,” Remus clarified.
“Ah, well, that could make things a bit harder.”
Suddenly, a flash of turquoise caught his eye and Remus bounded down the steps – leaving Dora to sort out the older witch – and towards the Gryffindor team’s tent. He nearly slammed into a young boy as he ducked into the tent, but he was so relieved at the sight of his son that he couldn’t even force out an apology.
There, firmly in Harry’s arms, was Teddy, grinning as one of the Gryffindor players showed him a practice snitch. “Harry James Potter, if you steal my son again, you’ll be sorry.”
Harry turned to Remus and smirked. “You’re all bark and no bite, professor,” he said as Teddy reached for Remus.
“Didn’t you hear us calling for him?”
At his question, Harry’s face dropped. He handed Teddy off.
“Hell, Remus, have you really been looking for him?”
“Yes, Dora’s out there panicking and promising him all sorts of treats if he’ll come to her.”
“No, sorry, we’ve been in here – I wanted him to see some of the – I didn’t…”
“The tent’s got a silencing charm on it,” a player with a braided crown added unhelpfully.
“He’s going to have a tracking charm on him, from now on.” Harry smirked, but Remus shook his head, stopping whatever joke he was trying to make. “You try describing a missing metamorphmagus; Dora told some poor witch that his hair was red today.”
Harry burst into laughter as they headed towards the treat tent.
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natinthe60s · 11 months
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Aw this warms my heart. Plus Death can was my first concert! I still have there set list!
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I feel like I missed something. is teddy lupin gonna show up??? how/why???? is he gonna recognize harry as his younger self and be like "yo pops why you chilling with babymort?"?? cause that's fucking hilarious oh my god. oh my god the absolute shit that would occur!
something that comes to mind is if tedward shows up, will harry try to explain their relationship??
tom: who the fuck is this?
theo: oh no
harry: he's my godson
teddy: Hey dad
harry: well-
anyways, I absolutely love your work and I visit your blog all the time to check out your funny lil memes of your fic LMFOAOAOAK
This ask is hard to answer without giving away spoilers, so all I can say is Oh-oh-oh, It’s time magic, ya know? Like if ghosts are disappearing & parts of citrus fruits are being projected into different realities, then people would also find themselves stumbling from 2008 Hogwarts to 1944 Hogwarts with no idea how they got there!
Ultimately, Teddy will be showing up because I want to include him in this fic because putting a metamorphmagus into a time travel AU involving alternate realities is like having a Swiss Army knife in your back pocket. Like it’s so versatile from a writing perspective because I can put him almost anywhere.
*Teddy Lupin’s future in UDLTTOM*
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However in answer to the question: Does he recognize Harry? The answer is no. At least not at first. Harry immediately recognizes him on sight because Teddy disappears from his reality a few short months after Harry does & looks just like he remembers, but as far Teddy knows everyone thinks Harry died. (They didn’t find a body, but there was still a funeral.) And the physical changes that Harry went through from being a almost 30 yrold man to a scrawny teenager would be drastic enough that if someone hadn’t known him at that age, they probably wouldn’t have recognized him.
Teddy: But you can’t be Harry…Harry’s old—
*Harry arches eyebrow*
Teddy: –er. Older.
Harry: You think I’m old?
I think Teddy’s about 11 or 12 when he meets up with Harry & you can imagine that Tom & Co. are confused AF. Because this kid comes outta nowhere, he’s a metaphormagus, Harry’s super attached & over protective of him, & then they learn he’s somehow Harry’s godson? Like how?? As far as they can tell there’s max 4 yr age difference between them. They keep try to add together 2 plus 2 & keep getting WTF 😂
Of course, Tom will inevitably try to use Teddy as a means to get close to/ manipulate Harry—Which will ultimately lead to a big blowout in Slytherin House.
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startledstoat · 1 year
I know the general consensus is that Teddy isn't a full werewolf but have we considered combining the concepts of metamorphmagus AND full werewolf Teddy bc the idea of an electric blue werewolf with mismatched limbs of multiple different animals tearing up the forest on a full moon is absolutely sending me
We're losing so much potential here including the idea of Teddy embracing his lycanthopy as something that brings him closer to his dad rather than rejecting it and being afraid of himself
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Question- does Tonks’s hair spontaneously change colors according to her mood in the books? Besides the depression brown i mean. I don’t think so, but it’s very common in fics so maybe i remember it wrong?
Great question! In the books, it doesn’t. Harry notices her hair color when he sees her but neither he nor JKR tell us that her color changes with her mood. She changes her hair when they meet, when Tonks says violet isn’t her color and makes her look peaky.
The film showed her hair color change when she was angry. We know from canon either she can’t or won’t change her hair color when Lupin leaves.
Some people write it as WON’T change her hair color, as if she’s going through a year long temper tantrum that Lupin left her.
Some, like me, write it as CAN’T due to depression that Lupin would rather die than admit how he feels for her. (That part is on wizardingworld/pottermore, but not everyone takes that as canon.)
Mood color changes are common in fics, including my own. When I write Tonks as more mature or focused, she has better control of her emotions and hair color. When she’s younger or tired, wearing her heart on her sleeve, she is more likely to change her hair color.
From canon we just have the bit about her brown hair change in Lupin’s absence which leads me to believe it’s a mood thing and Harry just doesn’t spend much time around her to notice said mood changes. Or, that her mood has to shift significantly enough to change colors spontaneously.
I write the latter; and I headcanon that as a child or teen she has a tougher time controlling it because of her mood swings. Ditto with Teddy.
Tl;dr: it’s a film thing but we can extrapolate it from canon. It can go either way.
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lolo-gay · 1 year
(Sorry, english isn't my first language)
So, imagine...
One day, Teddy (Lupin) wasn't feeling well at all. He always had trouble controlling his metamorphmagi since he didn't had anyone to taught him.
This day, it was even worse. He didn't understand why his magic was so uncontrollable every May 2. So he was there, waiting at the infirmary cause his skin was so itchy and his hair just wouldn't change color. Then Mrs Pomfrey entered, and nearly faints before falling to the floor. Teddy never really understand why seeing him scratching himself made her react like that. Actually, he forgot his hair was now light brown.
Pomfrey, entering the room, saw the exact same student from 20 years ago, with the same panicked gaze, and the same way to itch himself to blood before full moon.
And then she saw him again, lying on the floor, without any pulse.
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wotocher · 1 year
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AI image made with Night Cafe. Credit goes to whatever real artist(s) the program pulled from.
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smoking-converse · 6 days
If I was Teddy, I would use my metamorphmagus abilities to give myself a BBL.
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hjparisian · 1 year
ready baby- harry j potter x reader
p: harry j potter x fem! reader w: just fluff, not fully proofread summary: after the wizarding war, (y/n) and harry spend time healing from the past. harry is ready to move forward and start a family, but is (y/n) ready? a/n: a request from one of my lovely followers! kinda short but i hope its good
The end of the Second Wizarding War came as a relief to everyone, but it brought many deaths to love ones. From Fred, Lavender, Remus, Tonks and many more, both Harry and (Y/N) had to face a lot of coping and healing. Because of this, they couldn't really progress on what they desired in the future.
Since Harry was deemed as the godfather to Remus and Tonks' baby, Teddy Lupin, he and (Y/N) would often visit Andromeda to help raise him. (Y/N) had absolutely adored the little Metamorphmagus and was often the one coddling the boy. She'd always have Teddy wrapped snuggly in her arms. This sight was always a dream to Harry.
You see, Harry has always thought about having children, especially with (Y/N). He's always known that she was the one for him. He had proposed to her prior to the Battle of Hogwarts, promising that even if he had to die, he will always be hers. Thankfully, he had survived and defeated Voldemort, having their wedding a little bit after to bring cheer to a dark era.
Even though he really wanted children, he never expressed the thought towards (Y/N). He didn't want to bring this up when they were both healing from the war and didn't to put pressure on (Y/N) if she didn't want children. At least they had Teddy to help raise.
The two Potters returned home after celebrating little Teddy's fifth birthday with Andromeda and the Weasleys. The two had always spoiled Teddy a little too much when it came to birthdays and Christmas, giving him a pile full of gifts ranging from different toys to pictures of the boy's late parents.
After the two had changed into more comfortable clothes, (Y/N) had went to make tea for the two of them. Harry sat at the table, staring at his lovely wife.
"Teddy is growing up pretty fast, don't you think?" (Y/N) says to Harry as she brought him his tea.
"He is. Soon he'll be taller than you," Harry said, a faint "hey!" coming from (Y/N).
"Maybe he'll be taller than you."
Harry laughed. "Yeah right."
A comfort silence laid in the room before (Y/N) began speaking.
"Hey Harry?"
"Yes, love?"
"I've been thinking," (Y/N) started. "After spending so much time helping Andromeda with Teddy, I think I'm ready."
Harry was slightly confused. "Ready? For what?"
A shaky (Y/N) took a deep breath. "I think I'm ready to start a family with you."
"Really?" Harry asked.
"Yes. Caring for Teddy made me think of what it'd be like to raise a child of our own. And you know, maybe give Teddy a young sibling," she said.
To say Harry was happy was an understatement. The man had stood up and wrapped his arms around his wife, picking her up and spinning around in joy.
"I can't believe it," Harry said as he sets her back on the ground. "Are you sure you want to do this? With me?"
"Yes Harry, there's no one else I'd rather have a child with than you." (Y/N) told him. "Besides, I think it's time we move forward in our lives. I know we will never truly get over the war, but we can focus on our future, bring more little wizards around."
"We should have three little Harrys," he said jokingly.
(Y/N) laughed. "If they're anything like your sassy self, you're handling that catastrophe."
"I'm not sassy!"
"Joking! Maybe."
Harry cupped (Y/N)'s cheek before leaning forward to kiss her, (Y/N) meeting his lips at the middle.
"I love you, darling," Harry said to (Y/N).
"I love you too, Harry."
"So," Harry began. "When can we start this family?"
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moutainrusing · 3 months
They (or he or she) were born to Remus and Nymphadora Lupin (better known as Tonks). They were born as Edward Remus Lupin, because when they were born, they had a boy’s body, except could they really be considered a boy when their body could shift between sexes?
Regardless, they were always referred to as ‘Teddy,’ and they quite liked that name, because people said it with such love and affection, and, not to be a complete sap, but sue them for internally beaming at it. Honestly, they couldn’t care less if their given name was typically used for boys, because names were names, and guess what? They could be used for any person on the planet. Of course, Teddy understood that some people preferred to change their names, but Teddy didn’t, and that was also fine.
Additionally, Edward was the name of their late grandfather, who died at the hands of Snatchers during the hunts for Muggle-borns. Their grandfather had been brave, and kind, and loyal, constantly choosing to trust and believe the people he loved. So yeah, Teddy was proud to bear his name. And their middle name?
Well, Teddy was beyond proud to bear the name of their late father. A werewolf who proved all the negative stereotypes wrong. He fought for justice, with his calm, generally easy-going temperance, and he cared deeply for all those surrounding him. Life had dealt their father incredibly shitty cards, yet Remus had remained brave, strong, and determined.
Teddy Remus Lupin wouldn’t change their name for the world. (Although honestly, ‘Remus’ sounded kinda gender-neutral, like it could be used for girls too. They wondered what their father would think of that. Would he be mad?)
They really wanted to know more about their parents. They knew a lot about their mother, Nymphadora ‘don’t call me that!’ Tonks from her mother, Andromeda Tonks, their grandmother and the widowed wife of Edward Tonks. But they didn’t know much about Remus. And, they didn’t even know if their parents would accept them for being… whatever they were. Not a boy, not a girl, but sometimes a boy and sometimes a girl. Shit.
And Andromeda Tonks was one of those no-nonsense women, someone you could tell had been born into a well-to-do, upper-class family. She exuded luxury and elegance, and who knew what she would say? But then again, she had been disowned by that family, forced to live a humbler life with her Muggle-born husband because she’d betrayed the purebloods’ standards. So maybe she’d be accepting.
If they were disowned, they could always run off to their godfather Harry’s house. Sometimes, when Andromeda was being too strict, they did it anyway. Harry was the type of person who had too much of his own shit to really care about anyone else’s. He was chill about everything, because he was stressed about everything. A paradox.
With this in mind, they decided to tell their grandmother.
“Hi,” they stepped into the living room, where she was sitting on the sofa with her evening cup of coffee.
“Hello,” she emphasised, and Teddy snorted. She was always trying to instil formality into every conversation, even ones between friends.
“Hello, grandmother,” they decided to be respectful, which was worth it, seeing their grandmother smile.
“Hello, my Teddy. Come, sit,” she patted the space beside her. Teddy grinned and flopped down on the sofa, ignoring her tutting.
Before she could further try to instil manners into them, they quickly turned to face her and blurted, “I want to tell you something.”
She hummed, motioned for them to continue.
“I— So, do you remember how I was a child?”
She gave them a flat look. “I couldn’t forget even if I wanted to.”
They laughed. “But you don’t want to, so it’s all good.”
She smiled, “Where are you going with this?”
“Uh, yes, so when I was a kid, do you remember how sometimes I would use my Metamorphmagus abilities to change my features to look more like a girl? Like, I’d give myself really long hair, and tie it in braids and all sorts of pretty hairstyles.” They elaborately gestured to their hair thanks to the anxious fidgeting their hands were doing, and their body also seemed pretty agitated, because their hair went ahead and whizzed through a bunch of crazy hairstyles.
Their grandmother eyed the movement with a small smirk. “Of course. You were beautiful. And I was honoured, really, because you’d copy my hairstyles. I’m simply inspirational.”
Teddy laughed. Then they awkwardly added, “But, uh, sometimes I’d prefer to look really masculine?”
Their grandmother made a face. “Can’t see the appeal. But you do you.”
“So… sometimes I’d wear dresses and skirts?”
“You still do, love. If you’re asking for permission to steal my clothes, you’re a bit late.”
“And heels.”
“Honestly, you really don’t need to be taller, you inherited your father’s height. He was one lanky man, that Remus.”
“What… what would he think about my clothing choices?”
“He wouldn’t bat an eye. In fact, his old boyfriend used to dress a bit like you.”
Teddy’s eyes almost popped out of their brain. “What?! Boyfriend?!”
Their grandmother turned to face them, softening her gaze. “Teddy, what did you want to tell me?”
“I’m— I’m genderfluid.”
She grinned triumphantly. “I knew it. Metamorphmagi my arse, you’re just a bunch of non-binary mages.”
“Your mother — even though she called herself your mother and went by she/her pronouns — was also genderfluid.”
Teddy blinked at her. She smiled, and continued, “There was a reason she didn’t like being called ‘Nymphadora.’ I didn’t understand it, at first, because I believed it was an elegant, classy name. I thought she was simply being rebellious, and I’ve had much experience with rebels. We’ll come to that later. But soon I realised that it was because it didn’t suit her. She wasn’t Nymphadora, she was Tonks, or Dora, a name she only approved of if it was spoken to her with affection to make her feel loved. Nymphadora had no meaning to her, didn’t represent her.”
“I— Oh. I… like being called Teddy.”
“I know. With you, I realised much sooner. You’re so much like her, my Teddy,” she stroked their hair fondly.
“How?” They leaned eagerly into her palm.
“The way you use your abilities to change your appearance to your comfort each day. Sometimes she’d swagger in with stubble on her chin, and make me burst out laughing, ‘cause she looked so much like her father. Or sometimes she’d be curvy and soft, and wear my old gowns with joy in her step. But either way, she was always beautiful. Like you.”
“So she would accept me then?”
“You don’t need to be accepted for being yourself, Teddy. But yes. She would be so proud of you.”
“What about Muggles who feel the way I do? They can’t just… change their body however they like. How do they… cope with it? How do they feel being stuck, even though sometimes they feel like they’re not supposed to have the features they’re stuck with, or that they want to behave in ways that don’t conform…?”
Their grandmother frowned. “As best they can, probably. Do you… want to support them or something?”
“Can I?”
“Well, clearly you know how it feels.”
“I don’t, I think it’s a different experience for everyone.”
“And there you go. You’re already open-minded and willing to listen to a whole range of standpoints. Of course you’d be good at supporting people.”
Teddy pinched their eyebrows together. “So… we just listen?”
“Yes. We listen, and let people feel the way that they want.”
“You’re good at this.”
Softly, she confessed, “They were your mother’s words. I’m glad she can still bring us comfort, even from the other side.”
Teddy snuggled into her arms. “I wish I knew her.”
“I bet she wishes she knew you too. But all we can do is be happy with the people who do know us.”
“Okay. But… what would my father say?”
Their grandmother burst out laughing. “Oh, that’s a long tale.”
They gave her a horrified expression, but she waved a hand, “He’d be proud of you too.”
“Okay, but what’s the tale? And you said he had a boyfriend?”
“Mhm,” she hummed happily. “My cousin, Sirius Black. Remember how I’ve much experience with rebels? Well, Sirius was the biggest rebel I knew. All I did was fall in love with one Muggle-born when I was seventeen. But Sirius? He was arguing with the whole family from the moment he could speak. At first, I think he only did it to be rebellious. But then he started to believe it. He defied the family’s views; ranted about Muggle rights. And yeah, he’d dress to defy stereotypes, maybe to piss people off, but also because it made him comfortable. He genuinely liked makeup and skirts, but he also liked leather jackets and boots. He just proved that boys could like and do whatever they wanted. And he fell in love with a half-blood werewolf, his best friend, and your father.”
“Woah. Woah. Did he get along with you? And did dad love him back? And how did dad marry mum?”
“Urgh, told you this was a long story. Honestly, I don’t know where to start. The closest person in my old ex-family I had was Sirius, yes. I used to try to keep him in line, he would outright disobey, and I shared his opinions, but I was better at hiding it. Then I went and eloped and got disowned, and I sent an owl to him at Hogwarts. And after a couple years, maybe in his fifth year, he told me how sickeningly in love he was with his werewolf best mate, Remus Lupin. And I think in his seventh year, they finally confessed they were soppily enamoured and got to dating. I think your father was opposed to the idea at first, but he came around to it.”
“Why was he opposed?”
“Multiple reasons. He was a werewolf, already facing stigma for something he couldn’t help. He couldn’t love a boy on top of that, because the stigma would only multiply. He also didn’t want to burden Sirius, keep him stuck with a werewolf, and stuck with another boy.”
“So he’d give everything up just for Sirius to be… what, unburdened?”
“Yeah. He really did love Sirius in that all-consuming, self-sacrificing way.”
“Wow. He was good at self-restraint, then. How did he marry mum if he was so in love with Sirius?”
“Sirius died.”
“Oh. Was dad okay?”
“Not really. But Dora picked him up again. Your mother. She— she looked after him and forced him to accept care from another human, pestered him out of his self-loathing spirals and whatnot. And then she fell in love with him. Remus was the type of man to say he was very unloveable, yet so many people loved him simply for existing.”
“Did he… love her back?”
“Yes, or I wouldn’t have allowed their marriage.”
“How did he love her? As much as he loved Sirius?”
“No. You can’t hold a candle to the love Sirius and Remus shared. They loved each other like two galaxies on a collision path. But Remus did love Dora, and he always put her first, and there was a war on, so I thought, why shouldn’t they co-exist in their small pocket of happiness? They made each other happy, and they loved each other like friends and spouses. It was good, and it was still everything.”
“His… I’m glad he had love. Because his life sounds so sad.”
“If you asked him,” his grandmother thought for a moment, “I think he’d say he was the luckiest man alive. That’s how much he felt loved.”
“I’m happy I have his middle name.”
“Not too manly for you?”
“Uh— about that. Do you think he’d be offended if I said his name is slightly not-manly?”
Their grandmother roared. “Oh, his fragile fifteen-year-old masculinity would be punching walls! But as an adult, I don’t think he could give a flying fuck, Teddy. I think Sirius and Dora taught him a few things about gender. That no one else decides your gender, only you. And Remus would love to know you share that ideology, because he thought it was inspirational. Like how Dora pestered him, he pestered her to start writing books and making quotes. He was adorable about it.”
“Then I’ll spread the message for them. For me. And for the people like me,” Teddy replied, with a determined nod of their head.
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herbologyprofessor · 4 months
my collected thoughts on the magic system of harry potter and what I would change to make it better.
i think that the harry potter magic system sucks!!
i mean, im sure this isnt a hot take but like...how is it that students at hogwarts school of WITCHCRAFT and WIZARDRY graduate knowing how to use maybe a handfull of spells in combat? and they're the same spells that all the aurors and all the older members of the order and all the death eaters and even voldemort use?
and im especially talking about how weak it makes people who are supposed to be really powerful and dangerous seem. including the titular character Harry Potter himself. Harry uses spells in a unique way, dont get me wrong, but to me its all just so boring.
and im not saying it doesnt have to work like other fantasy stories, but if the main mechanism behind magic in harry potter is that you are either born with it or not, you dont need a wand but its exponentially more challenging without one (unless you have a unique skillset or education), intention matters, and there are spells that can grant magical abilities to objects. there is so much more possibility than just expelliarmus and expecto patronum. There has to be, or else why tf would hogwarts take 7 years of schooling to graduate from?
so here are some of my headcanons:
families have bloodline abilities
so, in the case of wizarding britan, there are families that want to stay pure such as the sacred 28 (or is it 27 i cant remember), and pure as in their blood and bloodline must stay pure (going so far as to marry your cousins, e.g. Orion and Walburga Black). If this is the case, and they wan't to preserve their magical bloodline so bad, they'd have to have something more than just "magic" to preserve.
I feel like its almost there in canon but falls short of being fully realized. I think of it kinda like how it works in naruto. Theres those who have a bloodline ability and then those that dont. You dont have to have one to be powerful, if you have one it dosent mean you will be powerful automatically.
The black family seems to carry the gene for metamorphmagus, but i wouldnt consder this a bloodline ability and think of it more like a random mutation passed on to teddy, which could occur in any magical person, (theres also the possibility that this was a more common ability in the black family but because of the lack of genetic diversity and inbreeding it was lost until Andromeda had Remadora with Ted, who was not pureblood. I think abilities have to do with the energy of magic that is either created or inherited, not so much genetics. Therefore, families dont pass on the same exact ability but something that is novel or slightly different from person to person.
The Lupins, for example, could be Beast Speakers. Maybe, a long time ago in the Lupin familiy, they kept wolves or something (explaining the surname which would have had something to do with occupation) and they learned from them how to speak with animals?Lyall, who canonically worked in the Department for the Control and Regulation of Dark Creatures, can speak to dark creatures, even werewolves who are transformed. Remus can speak to domesticated animals like cats and dogs, fancy mice, toads, etc. Remus is like Hogwarts' unofficial vet tech, and if you like atyd Remus, this fits in nicely as he specialized in Care of Magical Creatures.
The Potters, canonically, are linked to the Peverell family. The invisibility cloak has been passed down through generations and is still being passed down to Harry's children. I think a common headcanon, and one that i truly love, is that they use Death Magic. But, thats assuming the potters are the exact same family as the Peverells, which they are not. I think, in going along with the Peverell brothers creating the deathly hallows (using advanced death magic), the potters have a Sorcerer's Craft ability. What was the Potter family's source of new money? Fleamont's invention, Sleekeazey's. I know its a "potion", but what if its just like...coconut oil imbued with magical enchantments that make your hair perfect. James could have played a major hand in the creation of the Marauder's Map, an Extremely powerful magical object made to do the impossible task of mapping Hogwarts. And he did this in school. at like 14-15. Harry doesn't do anything that has to do with magic item creation, that I can remember (i haven't read the books in years), however he also had no connection to his family and likely wouldn't be able to learn without another Potter teaching him. BUT! Harry Potter is the master of death, meaning he can use all 3 of the deathly hallows without being corrupted, maybe this could be a side effect of how his Sorcerer's Craft manifests itself.
side tangent, but the reason I think this is an ability even though others have been known to make magical objects, is because the potters are able to do it very creatively, and early on in their lives. They are involved in every aspect of item creation, and they can enchant things in a way no other wizard could replicate, meaning their objects could not be mass produced without their explicit involvement. Maybe Sleekeasy's stops working so well once Fleamont dies, hence why Hermione says its too much hassle to use every day.
The Blacks, you might think, would be something to do with offensive, powerful, and deadly magic. While, yes, this is something that some members of the black family are gifted in, it is not their bloodline ability. I think that the Blacks are Seers. It's no coincidence their families long standing tradition of astrological names are prophetical for their lives. Walburga Black, for example, has the power of Augery. She asks the universe questions and receives omens as answers. She saw a black dog when asking the universe to tell her about her newborn son, hence the name Sirius. For Regulus, well, she saw water. Not knowing what to make of it, she refused to let Regulus near it for his entire childhood. Regulus, as an empath, has the ability of psychometry. The ability to gain information from an object by touching it, including humans ( he cant read minds, but can tell what someone has experienced in their life). This comes in great handiness when he goes to destroy the locket. Sirius, I believe, would have a mastery over tarot cards or oracle cards. He can glean deadly accurate readings, and has a keen ability to interpret meanings unknown to even the most practiced tarot readers. He has a special deck, one that his uncle Alphard gave to him when he found out Sirius could read tarot from Walburga (who, at the time, was very pleased with her Heir's ability). This comes with an emotional expense to Sirius, though, and at times, gives him answers he doesnt want to hear. The girls loved it though, and asked him to teach them. He tried but couldn't explain how he did it, since it's innate to his bloodline. Of course, you could obviously imagine this adding to the piles of angst surrounding the war, as Sirius had to have seen signs that his loved ones would die, making him think he could outsmart fate by changing the secret keeper...
I think this is getting too long, but I'm already thinking about part 2 because I have alot of thoughts about this...especially things that anyone could learn not just inheritied abilities.
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aemiron-main · 1 month
Staring at what I said in this post re: “teddy” as a short form of edward vs the harry potter movies being a confirmed source of inspo for ST vs Edward “teddy” lupin…. And teddy lupin being half-werewolf vs all of the eddie “edward” munson werewolf stuff in ST… and teddy lupin also being a shapeshifter/Metamorphmagus vs all of the edward doppelgorgon/shapeshifter stuff & the idea of “teddy” vs el’s teddy bear vs all of the doppelgorgon bear imagery … and Teddy lupin’s hair colour changing vs 7 year old tfs henward’s dark basically black hair compared to his much lighter hair when hes 14 compared to in-show henward’s very blonde hair… and blonde tfs ted wheeler vs dark haired in-show ted wheeler..
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*Teddy Lupin whenever he disguises himself as a woman in UDLTTOM*
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I sort of headcanon Teddy Lupin & most metamorphmagus as nonbinary individuals. Like I feel like it’s very easy for them to go through identity crisis and so it’s much easier for them to think of themselves as the they/them pronouns. (But some still prefer to display a more masculine or feminine energy.)
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aurillio-thoughts · 8 months
i know the fandom loves the marauders right now, but i need us to bring some energy to the next gen
teddy lupin is the best of each of the marauders personified. pete’s quiet kindness and lighthearted humor, remus’s intelligence honesty and grounding presence, james’s unabashed joy and love for life, and sirius’s chaotic rebellion and mischief. AND HES A METAMORPHMAGUS
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