starswallowingsea · 2 years
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Book haul today for me and my sister! They had a massive sale going on and I got everything for less than $50!
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slapthebass · 1 year
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Update for probably noone who is interested in my journey with getting back into crowds. I was abot third row this whole show! Through 3 sets, over about 5 hours!!
Sure it was to the side and it was a kind crowd (swedish metal crowds 💕) but nonetheless I did it!!
I'm fucking back bitches!!
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aflashbak · 1 year
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herrlindemann · 3 years
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Till acting like a 5-year-old - Metaltown, Sweden, July 30, 2005 (x)
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A friend and I found this book on Amazon that kinda has similar vibes to Hadestown and I got so intrigued by it that I bought it even if shipping to my area was double the product’s price.
The plot looks interesting enough and I’ll let y’all know if it does meet expectations.
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incorrect-metaltown · 2 years
Colin: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it
Ty: Just rip the bandage off.
Colin: It’s Lena.
Ty: Put the bandage back on.
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crankitupswe · 4 years
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Naglfar - Metaltown (2013-07-06)
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torteen · 7 years
What's your favorite dystopian novel?
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jaimedsworld · 7 years
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Stoked to have finally added the newest from Kristen Simmons to my shelf. Looking forward to starting Metaltown soon. @torteen
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kieranhiggins · 7 years
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Current read - MetalTown by Kristen Simmons.
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starswallowingsea · 2 years
Made a strawpoll since I'm almost done with my current book from the bookstore. Storygraph pages for each book linked below
Beyond Rue Morgue
The Paris Orphan
The Lost Girls
The Winter Place
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slapthebass · 1 year
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theelliottsmiths · 4 years
I remember an anon asking about videos of Till playing with his injured knee, was it to you? Anyway, if you look for "Rammstein - Metaltown, Sweden 2005-07-30" on youtube, it was right after Flake ran onto him, and you can see him dragging his injured leg.
I vaguely remember being asked a few months ago, I don't know if anyone has been asked more recently. Either way, thanks for letting us know!
Poor boy, walking on knee injuries is hellish so all this other stuff added on must have been awful.
The accident, for the curious
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endlich-allein · 4 years
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Till ❤️ (Metaltown Festival Gothenburg, Sweden, 18-06-2010)
📸 credit to Emelie Andersson
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⚙️ Metaltown Aesthetic Boards ⚙️
🛤 Colin 🛤
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🦝 Ty 🦝
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💃🏻 Lena 💃🏻
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