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Some tender moments between these two..
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I can't help but imagine them being sweet to one another in between playful banter. It makes my heart flutter like crazy ☺️
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Some tender moments between these two..
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I can't help but imagine them being sweet to one another in between playful banter. It makes my heart flutter like crazy ☺️
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You can't do thiiiiiissss to me! I just did a smoochie softie, little thing, YOU CAN'T DO THISSSSS!
Ragathy Ann’s not so origin?
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Wonderland! Bunnydoll
It's secret to nobody that @endomentendo Wonderland AU has been spreading the same way an invasive root does in a garden (Don't tell Queenie) What some might NOT know, is that the Bunnydollers have successfully bullied them with love and pretty art to make the ship part of their canon Heck, Ragatha's mood allignement change! I call that a major victory!
So to commemorate the change and because @kookies2000 has infected half of the burrow with the WonderBug, I present thee with a small little something.
Its not very good but I had fun. And I think that all Wonderland its about
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Leaves fall, birds chirp.
Twigs snap, Branches shake.
The grass crumples, dirt and sand raises in the air. 
The sounds of idle laughter chimes in, carried by the hollow whistle of the wind. Empty steps mark the ground.
The sensible response is to shake your head, turn around, and go back from wherever you came from. 
The sensible and logical thought that pricks at the mind and tells you ‘There’s nobody there’. 
So stupid and wrong. 
Out of all the creatures in the forest to find, those that find you first are probably some of the worst, and by the very nature of their bodies, this one is the most dangerous of all, as they dont get found out if they don't wish to be. 
The laughter echoes around, and if you were to close your eyes— Well, you would be really stupid, because nobody should do that in a forest. Who knows where you could trip going around blind like that? 
But if despite better judgment, you still close your eyes, or at least, the one working eye, it's almost like if windchimes were all around the forest.
Such a pretty laugh.
How can people say Chesires are bad when they laugh like that? 
“Jax! I’m not supposed to wonder this deep in, you know that!” Little Pretty Red Locks and a smile, you are not angry or mad, yet you try “At least tell me what are we looking for!”
The empty, dusty steps wave off the dirt path, leaving purple prints instead as they go up the trunk of a mighty tree
“Seriously? I have to climb? In this dress?” Only mad people talk to themselves, so this really isn’t that weird of a sight, that is, if there was anyone else with Pretty Red Locks and a smile. “Mother is gonna be upset at me if I return to the party with tears on my dress…!” 
She could have chosen not to climb, stay down on the ground, but then the enchanting laughter knew she wouldn’t. Too many a year had passed, at least he thought so, since they first started to play this game. A Cat and a Mouse. 
Why would a little mouse be in pursuit of a cat, you ask? Probably to ask for some milk, or to share a cookie. 
But there is no cat or a mouse in sight, just Pretty Red Locks and a smile. 
Climbing trees is easy, it barely takes a breeze, yet the doll struggles getting around the branches, silly girl, your dress is on the way, Why did you ever think that was appropriate clothing to go tree climbing? Mad idea, indeed. 
Leaves fall, branches creak, and the laughter is no more. A low hum bouncing around the canopies of the trees. A nameless tune that has no lyrics, and even when it does, their meaning is meaningless. Still, Pretty Red Locks tries to sing it, no matter how many times she gets it wrong. What a crazy thing to try
“Are we there yet?” She huffs and puffs the lack of air in her lungs, settling in a big sturdy branch. Yeah, they were there. That’s as good as it could get “I know I’m not a kid anymore, but you could try and give me a hand still!”
“Now, why would I do that?” The voice of nobody speaks, much mirth and much mischief in the way they sound. Just like the laughter from before “You got yourself up here without my help! If you couldn’t, why try?” 
“You told me to follow you, then disappeared and got me here!” Still airless, still amused. Are you not afraid of being this high up? 
“If I disappeared, you got yourself here” Fight a disembodied voice about semantics, if you weren’t mad before, you will be after.
“Well, We’re here-- Or *I* am here now. So what's the surprise?” 
“What surprise?” 
“I’m not going to start that with you”
“Start what?” 
Laughter again, but it's not the voice of the nobody, Pretty Red Locks laughs. 
It’s a pretty laugh.
“The view is nice from up here” Again talking to herself, because there was no other voice to answer her “You always like to be somewhere high, don’t you?” Talking to oneself means nobody answers you, but Pretty Red Locks and a smile didn’t seem to be bothered by that, her lips splayed in a wide smile for the empty space right beside her on the branch “I guess it's part of your nature”
The hollow wind carries the small hum of a melody. Down below littles colorful dots dance around unhearable music. It wouldn’t be long now until they realized the missing person among them.
“Having fun on your regular birthday?” The voice of nobody spoke, though it was lacking a bit of that usual charm. Wonder where it had gone
“What other types of birthdays are there?” The doll only got silence as a response, right, she was answering a question with another question “Yes, it’s very fun. I’m glad you came by”
“Wouldn’t have missed it for the end of the world~!” 
Swinging her legs over the void of the fall, the doll swallowed the rest of the questions she wanted to ask, her conversation partner wasn’t in a responsive mood and talking to herself wasn’t all it was cracked up to be, even if she did it more often than most
“I’m gonna give you your gift now” The disembodied voice spoke and the doll felt her insides tickle as if full of loose flower petals
“Does that mean I can see you n-” Ragatha wanted to say something dumb, because she was about to answer a statement with a question. A dumb and also rude thing to do
Thankfully, she was saved from the embarrassment by a pressure over her mouth. Her lips. It felt… Warm. slightly moist, a bit fuzzy. 
Such an odd feeling
Not only was her mouth covered by something, Ragatha blinked once and she was sure something was holding the sides of her arms. It was firm yet kind, the way she always felt when dancing atop the roof of the castle, or balancing over the railing of the balconies or now, over at the top of the trees. 
She pursed her lips and that pressure moved. Ragatha realized now that she couldn’t quite breath with this strange block against her mouth, but just before she could start to worry about running out of air, the pressure left her mouth. The one around her arms remained.
Blinking once, twice. Ragatha notices her eyesight worsening. Just a second ago she could see the party below with perfect clarity, now everything seems to be warped and fuzzy. Like trying to see through an empty glass.
Something invisible in between. 
“Jax?” She called to the nothing around her. “Did you do something just now?” 
Pretty Red Locks got no answer from the empty air around her. She blinked again, the fuzziness went away, and so did the hold around her. 
She missed it already. 
The familiar humming of a distant tune came back, and while the sound bounced around, Ragatha’s gaze stood firmly ahead. The emptiness in front of her slowly filling up from the bottom up, stripes of purple and dark blue hues swirling, tangling and knotting among themselves. Forming limbs, a torso, a tail, ears and finally. 
Two big yellow eyes and a smile. 
“Happy regular birthday, Ragatha” The voice of nobody came from the mouth of this funny looking guy, but Ragatha already knew that. She have known this funny looking man for a long time now
“Happy not-birthday, Jax” She returned the gesture, smiling, not as widely but almost so as the man floating over nothing in front of her. 
“Oh! You remembered! How thoughtful!” The colourful man squinted his eyes slightly as his smile broadened even more, making most of his face “Anyway, Ready to go back?” He extended an open, gloved palm to the pretty doll with red locks and a smile, he was, admittedly, a bit surprised that she didn’t immediately take it.
“Jax, My aunt will freak out if she sees me ‘Floating’ down back to the party!” “Not let anyone see you, got ya!” Jax reached out and claimed Ragatha by the arm to himself, pulling her with him into the nothing void. 
Most people would freak out, scream, cry. To be so carelessly thrown into no ground at all, especially at such a height. 
Ragatha just giggled, barely holding on to Jax as they took step after step, moving slowly, closer to the ground. 
“Aren’t ya afraid to fall?” Jax held got tighter to her and she let go even more, slightly annoying. She should be holding onto him as if her life depended on it. What, was she mad or something?
“Are you going to let me fall?” Pretty Red Locks and the gall you had, trusting your life to a cheshire. 
“Not unless it’s funny” 
They eventually made it back to the ground and Jax lost himself in a puff of color. But Ragatha knew him to be close by. Call it a ‘Womanly intuition’. She just had a gift for this sort of thing. 
In truth, watching the scenery from up high and float back down with Jax was something she was really used to, she could quite understand what about that was supposed to be her gift. 
That feeling she got around her lips though…
She hoped she could ask Jax about it the next time they got to meet for tea. 
She enjoyed it very much
If only a feeling such as that one had a name.
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More animation! Ragatha spreading the love 💖💗💗
This was a fun one, albeit very difficult. Ragathas patches...her hair...why are you soo hard to animate!!! All has to look 3D, like its Turning in space.
There were many, many very funny cursed frames that I might share soon. But either way I'm really happy how this one turned out aswell, its less exaggerated than Pomnis animation but I was really aiming for cuteness and appeal with Ragatha here.
Enjoy!! 😊
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Just a drawing a want to do from the parents headcanon from @beanandberry and my story on AO3.
They're both very proud parents, indeed.
Jax is a bit more worried and anxious about the well being of his partner and kids, but he's doing fine.
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posting this here too hope yall dont mind @kookies2000 @it-came-from-an-orchard
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Will we see what Caine looks like in real life?
CARNIVAL AU - Human Carnival Caine
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This has been done MULTIPLE times before in my blog, but I haven't drawn human carnival caine SIMPLIFIED before so hehheehe :33
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||☕COMISSION - 🍷Date Night 🌹
Thank you @it-came-from-an-orchard FOR THE KOFI COMMISSION
not yall commissioning me to do more showtime I love yall so much
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Kinger’s Interlude
Kinger woke up with a soft plush pillow cradling his head. He rose and stretched, although he doesn’t *need* sleep necessarily, his brain seems to have found a consistent rhythm to cope with the lack of real time passing in the circus. “You always do better on adventures after you rest.”
He went back to his pile of pillows where he specifically sleeps next to that oddly shaped his body and fixed the pillows according to his pattern. “Blue next to red but not touching black. Black next to green, but still next to red. Red stays 3rd in line.” A simple saying Kinger repeats softly to himself as he finishes making his “bed.”
Kinger hummed as he walked out his pillow fort. Softly humming to himself a familiar but vague melody. If he closed his eyes, he could see her again. If he stopped humming, he could even hear her. But no matter what he tried, he couldn’t touch her.
“Good morning, Kinger,” he could vaguely hear her say. He used to be able to walk alongside her to listen to their adventure for the day. He took longer strides beside her. He felt more secure when she was here.
Kinger opened his eyes and looked beside him. *No Queenie to be found.* Kinger was about to move to the right when he saw a face. For a second, he thought she returned! That everything that’s been happening without her was just a dream! But even in his dreams, Queenie never had red prominently on her. Not this light bright red. Not the black eyes. Not even a mouth. No…this isn’t Queenie… But this is-
“Gangle!” Kinger exclaimed surprise. “Oh, you scared me there!”
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Facts about the characters because I won't be able to post the other charater cards soon.
⭐️Actor Au⭐️
To keep their modeling careers going, Pomni and Ragatha do everything they can to hide their scars. They also hide the fact that they're disabled. They can lose their jobs if they don't.
Caine comes from a billionaire family, which is both a blessing and a curse. He has dated many gold diggers who take advantage of his autism. Thank God he has his family to help him.
Gangel has depression but works every day to make everyone smile. Her tattoos were also done by her girlfriend.
Kinger has memory loss, so he's always carrying a notebook with him.
Zooble was disowned by their parents for being gender fluid and liking girls.
Jax buys everyone dinner and flowers as an apology for being a jerk to them on camera. Even though it's his role to be a jerk. He's also half unicorn.
Bubble hates it when someone shows up in the same dress as him at an event.
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The Amazing Indie Toons!!!
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⭐️Actor Au⭐️
Age: 26
Born: Tokyo, Japan.
Family: Step dad and two step sisters.
Relationship status: Married to Caine
Career: Part-time model, part-time actress.
Favorite role so far: She loves her role in the Office Au being, directed by PikaVani. But she is also looking forward to her role in the upcoming Gaurdian Angel Au, directed by sorascribbless. Keep an eye out for her newest au!!!
Thank you to @pikavani @sorascribbless @it-came-from-an-orchard @nerdychick316 and Cosmic from Discord for being my writing team for this au. Love you guys to bits. You are the best friends I can ever ask for!!! 💜💜💜💜💜
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OFFICE AU by @pikavani
Ko-fi✨ || CONTEXT🏢
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HEHEHE *gives pika a look that only she understands*
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@snowthedemonfox has been infecting me with tadc ideas for the last few weeks aand I ended up making a comic out of one of the scenarios. A lot of back and forth ideas we shook around regarding Jax as an actual bunny.
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A king among his people
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jax's friends 🐇
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The fact that I'm specifically highlighted as the Burrow's Sugar Vegetable. I take that with pride, better than the eating paper thing
Foolish anon. You cannot be shy to voice what you say and want in this world. You must be loud and proud and own your thoughts and feelings.
Anyway how much caffeine for him to whip his dick out
according to my commission prices * puts on glasses* 70 dollars apparently
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Showtime úvù
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