#mess bill
ltwilliammowett · 2 years
Mess Bills and other things related to the Mess
I've already told you about the mess, the smaller groups where the men ate together and each group had a mess cook who changed weekly or monthly to collect the food ration for the meal from the purser and take it to the cook. And later to serve the food to his mess. They also fetched the coffee and sugar for Mass, which was kept together with the crockery in a separate chest, the so-called Mess chest.
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The sailor's description of a chase & capture, by  George Cruikshank (1792-1878)  
In addition, the day's provisions were usually distributed during the afternoon watch or early in the morning and were to be witnessed by an officer. Complaints concerning the quality of the food are made at the mess by the mess cook. And meat that is prepared is marked with the respective mess number so that all received their allotted portion.  
There is also the Mess Bill, which was a list kept by the Mess Cook of all the little things that his messmates wanted from the Purser. His name was listed, what he wanted, e.g. tobacco or a shirt, etc. This list was then sent to the mess cook once a month. This list was then given to the purser once a month, who then gave out the items in exchange for money or on a credit basis and noted everything in his book. When it was time to hand it out, it was handed out by the mess cook in the presence of an officer and distributed to the men concerned.
The berth-deck is kept clean by the mess cooks, who are excused from work in their own parts of the ship, except at all hands, and from anchor watch in port. They are also excused from duty in boats, when they can pull a fair oar. At sea, especially when short-handed, they are required to stand night watch.That the men’s meal hours should not be interfered with, excepting in cases of actual necessity, is an old established rule of the service, and a good one. There are few more justifiable causes of discontent than frequent calling away of unnecessary boats at meal time, or prolonging “all hands” work until the crew are sent below to a cold dinner. A little attention to minor matters of this kind will go a long way to securing the satisfied condition among the crew which ensures prompt and cheerful obedience to orders.
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broadwayfangirl222 · 2 months
Not on TikTok often but I heard this audio I had to make this edit with it. Here's a link to the original
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razzafrazzle · 1 month
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my interpretation of mrs. and mrs. cipher. yes you read that right. bill has only been mentioned as having a mom as of now so whos to say he doesn't have... Two Of Them?
[image description: a drawing of designs for two unshown gravity falls characters, scalene and euclid. scalene is a red triangular euclidean with a black bow tie, black boots, and a diagonal brick pattern. euclid is a blue triangular euclidean with black gloves, a top hat, and a light stripe pattern. both of them have their eyes located on the edges of their bodies. end id]
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laffytale · 17 days
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buncha doodles
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kate-komics · 2 years
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I only cried twice while drawing this.
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heshmmity · 11 days
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he wants this cookie so effing bad
bonusss >:]
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brawcolie · 1 month
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the fall
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witch-among-stars · 1 month
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starridge · 26 days
were you the og banana twink bill artist???
of specifically that design yeah o7 but not tumblr sexyman bill if thats what you mean
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doctorsiren · 6 days
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give this angle another tri
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bisexualnonsense · 2 years
My partner made a comment about how this episode fed into “bury your gays” and like, while his heart was in the right place with the critique, I felt so strongly the opposite way
Like on its face, yes, two gay men died…. But like, in a show about a zombie apocalypse where we’re tracking at least 1 Major Character Death per episode, Bill & Frank are triumphant compared to every other character. They got to live to be old and gray together after a life of relatively peaceful flourishing. They chose their deaths on their own terms, a luxury most people don’t get in this world. They got to die together, in each others arms, neither left to live and suffer alone. They got to go with dignity, autonomy, and love, in peace, together. They got to choose. They made their end meaningful. They were happy and satisfied and fulfilled. Everything that gay characters are so often not afforded in life, much less in death.
Not only that, but narratively speaking, their deaths were used in exact opposition to “bury your gays.” The trope was created to reinforce that being gay is a sin, that gays must die as punishment for their evil ways. It’s intended to be a narrative consequence, the moral of the story, a warning to its audience.
But the deaths of Bill and Frank were used as closure to a story arc about living a happy, fulfilled life with your partner. Even further than that, their arc was used to demonstrate that there is meaning in life because we choose to create meaning, that purpose is found in each other, in loving someone, even at the end of the world. They are held up as an example of what to strive for, of a reason to keep living, of something to pursue. It is completely antithetical to bury your gays and is in fact a brilliant subversion of it in that it grounds the purpose of the narrative itself.
Tl;dr: TLOU really said love wins.
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ladyhawke · 4 months
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10 YEARS OF BLACK SAILS (2014–2017) – Created by Jonathan E. Steinberg & Robert Levine
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vampiricshame · 2 months
Back with your once a decade art post
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The Reverse Grunkles + Bill
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kinselu · 1 year
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they have him pinned, but at least they're warm!
fanart for @tsunochizu 's backwards through the snow fic! im SO normal about this story (still emotionally recovering from chapter 15) i love this fic so much <3
they are the STINKIEST of family...
(for those who haven't read this fic, first of all, go read it now. but also pebbles is mostly ok. kinda. hes just dirty and stinky... amongst other things)
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mistrelfox · 1 month
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