timelord-emmet · 1 year
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Past and Present
TLE: So here’s some advice !
Emmet: !?
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kharmii · 10 months
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Art credit: E_Volution_@Evolution_ygo Twitter.
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swainathan · 7 months
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Reposting these old parody logos I made back in 2019.
I may revisit them in the future, anyone have some suggestions for new ones? (They are very wordplay based)
They exist as stickers right here as well!
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peach-pxl · 1 year
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Pink <3
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scribz-ag24 · 3 months
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Compilation of some grovyle shitposting
first meme
second meme
third meme
last image reference
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dittydipity · 6 months
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going INSANE. what is he thinking. why did he say this. why does he do all of this. i am thinking so hard.
we know he's seeking arceus to recreate the world bc in his eyes the world is cruel and unjust and it needs to be destroyed and remade. he's set himself on a mission to create the better reality he's envisioned for his whole life.
but everything else he does. the way he spends his time on pasio making people smile with togepi. even if he justifies it as something purely transactional to get more customers, we know he doesn't really take his merchant job seriously. the way he loves his pokemon so much that they will pop out of their pokeball to excitedly tell whoever will listen how much they love volo back. him trying to capture these moments of happiness tangibly because they never last long and can be wiped away any second.
he still hangs onto hope so much despite what's implied to have happened to him. in spite of all the anger and bitterness that's festered in him, he doesn't really want to destroy everything as he says.
it all started with a wish for the world to be a better place, for the good in the world to outweigh all the cruelty. he's still trying to spread what happiness he can.
but at the same time his past drags behind him and reminds him that he can't afford to trust in the goodness of the world.
that self-assigned mission to usurp arceus's power and rewrite everything.. to him, it's his duty now. he has to do it for himself and, as he rationalizes to himself, for the world.
so he ignores the flaws and holes he finds in his own reasoning. he can't help but seek out the brightness and happiness and goodness that does exist in the world, yet he has to dismiss it to justify his goals.
... all this to try and explain to myself why volo's asking all these questions and making all these comments that seem to go against what we'd expect given his ulterior motive and plans. and it's like he's asking the few friends he has to remember him as the one who seeks joy, even when he does the worst to fulfill his dreams
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izu · 10 months
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i like to imagine the lake guardians kinda just Found kenshi and didn't leave. even after many repeated attempts to Get Them to leave
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quikyu · 1 year
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The Protecteurs of Wawa. Or the Lake Guardians. Either is fine
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esprei · 23 days
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i reimagined cynthia's EX arc suit colors for fun - do you see my vision
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kcdoos · 2 years
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ergo sum
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poketcg-art · 8 months
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Mesprit -- sig
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timelord-emmet · 1 year
Chapter 9
It was decided before they try to attempt their way back to Sinnoh for their little party of humans and Mythicals to grab some lunch , of course discreetly , thankfully it was late by the time they made it to a restraint so not many people to ogle at them and Sprit is able to help hide Celibi from unwanted eyes.
After entering one of the late night restraunts and finding a corner booth Emmet and Looker look at the menu’s curiously or well Looker tried he sighed picked a radom meal he likes as the Waiter comes over and Emmet picked something spicy also meals to take away for their pokemon. The Agent looks at theSubway Master in front of him once more unable to still believe what the last few days has occurred , a human gaining powers from a POKÉMON , given so freely and accepted just as so by said human, is he even human still? besides the small snippets of powers his seen from the days in the Forest of Emmet practicing its hard to say, he looks human so probably at best he is just a Esper now, ugh Legends sake this is gonna be complicated to file away in his report and even more so prevent the higher ups from doing something drastic to keep Emmet on a leash or abusing his powers.
Looker flinches at his name completely lost in thought and starring at Emmet who has their head tilted curiously a eyebrow raised at him.
“It’s verrrrry rude to stare you know? Thought i said to stop worrying”
The Agent clears his throat glancing down at his drink the waiter brought over thanking them.
- Apologies but how can i not? Mr.Emmet do you have any idea the amount of trouble you be in if word of what you’ve become spreads ? The higher ups in Interpol would do anything to try keep you in check when they read my report -
Emmet rests his elbow on the table placing his chin in the palm of his hand , his ever lasting smile becoming amused but his eyes show a dark promise .
“Let them try if they must , i have no alterior motives my main focus is my brother Ingo and Ingo only , though from what Sprit has been translating from Celibi is at times i’ll have to course correct a few errors or anonamlies in time from time to time”
The Subway Master thanks the waiter as their food arrives and Looker sighs doing the same as he thinks that over the two sitting in a silence as they eat , Emmet discreetly sneaking food to his two invisible companions hidden beside him , suppressing a chuckle as he was mentally told of Celibi’s dislike of the spicy food .
“I am Emmet , Mr Looker you worry and overthink to much , when the times comes for such things we will deal with them , for now we rest and focus on getting back to Sinnoh , complete the other trials and move on”
The conductor simple says humming as he hands Celibi non-spicy pieces of his food a soft smile on his face as he watches the food dissapears.
Looker rubs the bridge of his nose and reluctantly agrees.
-I suppose your right......i’ll be sure to call in a favour for a private jet then if you insist on speed running through this mess-
he takes a bite of his dinner chewing slowly , may aswell savour his food if they plan to move around as quickly as possible.
“Then it’s settled! Eat ! Private Jet, rest and trial!”
Looker swears he hears the giggles of their invisible companions at Emmets single sentence words and promptly pulls out some panadol to sea with the headache forming .
——Time Skip————
It was 1pm when their Jet arrived and the group boarded though Celibi gave Emmet a few pats before the door shut making chirps and gestures, thankfully Sprit translates.
> Celibi can’t leave the region yet for it hasn’t got permission to enter Sinnoh as the Legendaries their are very territorial and cause whatever event is happening in the pass prevents Dialga from answering<
That makes the two human pause and thinking this over, the Subway Master gently grabs the fairy’s hand giving it a delicate kiss in thanks .
“Very well, I am Emmet , i’m thankful for the assistance you’ve given me on this Journey , i’ll be sure to use these powers accordingly “
The time fairy giggles and taps his hand a few times chirping some more .
> They say your welcome and come visit , it will try to keep contact with you when you need it<
Looker frowns muttering -When you need it?-
Though neither pokemon elaborate and Celibi gives Emmet a few more taps before leaving flying off through a small time portal, Emmet hums turning after giving a small wave and heading inside the jet to his seat .
“Hurry hurry! time to sit! Allllll Aboard Mr Looker!”
The Agent sighs closing the jet door and heading to his seat after giving the Captain their set destination , he tries to engage Emmet in conversation mostly setting down game plans and contingencies , the Subway Master seems to humour most of his ideas at best listening and answering in single sentences or words for a few hours before declaring his tired and leaning his fancy first class chair back , taking his monocle off and place his hat on his face.
Sprit decides to settle its self in his lap , it’s twin golden tails wrapping around his torso napping with him, Looker sighs watching them and fills out some more of his report as they rest .
It’s about 11 am as they land in Sinnoh , exiting the jet , both human pokemon stretch out and have some food before heading back to Mesprite lake , before entering its den Emmet goes to dead looking tree thinking .
The Subway Master thinks for a second cogs in his head whirring then seem to click as he holds his hand out focusing back on the lessons Celibi taught it , he closes his eyes taking a breath and feels. Feels the energy around himself , the wind blowing and invisions a tree full of life and rowap berries , he hears the clock on his hat slowly whir and tick , feels as the mark of the Mythical fairy has left on his left hand ,the power infused inside by it travel from it , up his arm, through his chest and to his right arm.
Such a jarring and airy feeling but he keeps focus intill he feels the energy leave him, he opens his eyes to see leaves sprouting and the tree start to stand straight , blue energy winding and curing itself around it, small energy like clocks and the numbers flowing around it as time around the tree ethier reverses to a time it was blooming or fast fowards it to a time.
Emmet grins eyes travelling upwards as berries sprout from it and holds his hand up to one on a low branch.
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Picking the berry and exhaling as he stops his powers ,turns to the in awe Mr Looker and amused Shiny Mesprite next to them and holds his prize out in pride.
“Rowap Berry Aquired !!”
Mr Looker sputters for words while Emmet simply walks pass him and into the cave of the Lake Guardian Mesprite , Sprit following and soon Looker .
Inside he looks around for his targeted pokémon before a small flash appears and said Mythical lowers itself down to him , he grins again sharp and prideful he holds the berry up to them.
“One Rowap Berry! and the tree outside restored as added bonus!”
The Mesprite smiles taking the berry happily and one of its hands for to its feather like hair and pull suddenly a pink feather like lock floats down to The Conductors still outstretched hand .
:: Take this plume to forge the gateway to your Desire::
The Conductor practically vibrates in glee , finally progress!!! he nods thanking the pokémon and sharply turns striding out the cave in excitement , Mr Looker and Sprit quickly follow .
-So where to now Mr.Emmet?- The Agent asks after he catches up watching the conductor put the plume away and compose the self arms behind their back.
“Lake Valor ! Azelf is the next passenger to visit!”
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The Subway Master strikes a familiar pose .
“Set schedule ! Follow the Rules ! Everybody Smile! ALLLLL ABOARD!”
and promptly marches off in utter excitement and determination , Looker yelling at him to slow down as he hurried after and Sprit giggling .
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niidsch · 19 days
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Pokémon Picross - All legendaries and mythicals (2/3)
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macaroonkitti · 4 months
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Did a redraw of something from 2022
Here's the original :)
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melimelotus · 4 months
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average spirit trio
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gleaming-glasses · 9 months
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Cyrus - The Magician (4/12)
The Magician is the card of desire, concentration, and manifestation. This card suggests that now is the time to act on your goals without hesitation. When reversed, the magician indicates manipulation and deception.
Available on my Redbubble!
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