obislittleone · 8 months
The Winner Takes It All
Episode 7
Pairing: Finnick Odair x Tribute(OC)!Reader
Chapter Warnings: Anxiety, fluff, sad goodbyes (finnick refuses to actually say goodbye) and canon typical violence... like, a lot of it. Anyways, happy hunger games.
Chapter Summary: The countdown is on. The goodbyes need be said, the tributes must prepare themselves. The bloodbath is soon at hand, a daring start to the 71st hunger games.
Word Count: 3.0k
okay listen this is the beginning of a long and winding road. there's nothing in this chapter for me to fear for my life over but lord above the next few chapters might make me get my ass kicked (in a loving way ofc)
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“Mercedes,” he said softly, handing to you the final pieces of your official game attire. “The Greek goddess of joy and happiness.”  You smiled, the description of your name was the exact reason it was given to you. You hadn’t been named for five days, mostly because your parents had been expecting a boy. In those five days, you’d smiled so much more than any baby they had ever seen. The name only seemed fitting, as you had been filled with joy and happiness. How ironic that a person with such a name would end up here?
If any of the tributes were able to sleep peacefully last night, you would be thoroughly surprised. Once you’d finally reached a restful state, your mind jumped you awake every single time to remind you once again that you were hours away from your possible demise. The bloodbath. All careers are expected to run straight into the chaos. If you want to keep them as allies, it is your duty to do what is expected. You have to conform to stay alive. 
Even though you’d rather grab a knapsack and run far away from the center of the arena, you know that you’re signing your death certificate if you do. It doesn’t matter how strong you are. You have to stay with the allies you made, or you’ll be at the top of their list. Lukas can help you if you need it, you know that for certain. Even if you don’t really trust the others, Rodey, Copelin and Freeda seem nice enough. You know to watch your back with Estelle, but otherwise, you think you’ve made a solid enough impression that they won’t double cross you. 
Yesterday, on the flickerman show, you all were too busy celebrating to focus on the fact that there was still another tribute with a perfect score, from district eleven. His name was Brock. You assumed that he was going to be the biggest threat against the career pack. You didn’t listen to his skills or even his interview, but you knew that if there was anyone to be afraid of, it was him. 
“You ready?” Lukas called to you from your bedroom door. You’d been given a temporary change of clothes for the time being until you were able to make it to the site of the arena. There, your stylist would be waiting to dress you in your actual game play attire.
You nodded, standing up and going to meet him where he stood. He seemed so calm, as did you on the outside. Perhaps it was the way you both were trying so hard to be strong, emotionless, or maybe it was simply the fact that you just wanted to get this over with. After all the pageantry is over, the only thing left to do is die. You just wished it wasn’t such a long process. The games were about sending a message, and that message was that the tributes were not just sacrifices, they were pawns. They were used to show just how much control the capitol had over everything. If they wanted to punish the districts, they could have just lined up twenty three kids every year and shot them down… but the hunger games were about exuding their influence, to let the people know that they could never fight back, and here are the consequences.
Finnick and Mags were waiting outside of the tribute center. Both of them looked sullen, as you can imagine this was a hard thing for them. Having to watch the tributes they worked so hard to prepare, leaving the building where there was a last sense of security. It made sense to say that even in the proudest of moments, they would still be sad for what they have lost. Even if one of you wins, one of you will become a permanent addition to the arena, and there’s nothing they can do about it. All they can do is hope that at least one of you comes home. 
Finnick was up late last night thinking, as were most of the other people in the building. He left the party kind of early, as even though he wished to distract himself, he had no desire to sit and think about the many outcomes of your future. Especially whilst surrounded by those who knew all too well what it was like to see the end of someone’s future. The end of someone’s life. They were all victims of the Capitol, but they all had blood on their hands that wasn’t their own. Finnick had more than most, and he understood that there was always a price to pay for his life being spared… but thinking that today is the day that he loses his best hope, he has no chance of resting until the games are over.
“This is where we part ways,” He said solemnly. The vast expanse of the sunrise getting higher was nothing today. It meant nothing because it couldn’t be appreciated. Even though the colors of the sky were brilliant, lighting the scene in the colored hues, it didn’t matter, because it didn’t change anything about today.
“Thank you Finnick, you’ve given us a better chance than we ever had.” Lukas reached his hand out to Finnick, and likewise, Mags had stepped forward to embrace you. Her warmth and sweetness was the only thing that brought a taste of home to this journey. You only could dream of seeing her again, and feeling her arms around you. 
“Stay strong, don’t let your guard down. Most importantly, stay together, no matter what happens.” Finnick’s last words of advice had no need to be said, because Lukas had already understood their importance. He just wanted so badly for Lukas to know that you were his best ally. He knew Lukas wouldn’t cross you, probably wouldn’t even kill you if you were the only other person alive… but he had to make sure those words were repeated until the last second.. 
“Mags,” Lukas turned to her, his heart leaping in his chest at the mother he never had. The mother he always wanted but was denied. “Thank you.”
You traded places with Lukas, letting him say goodbye to her as you know he wants to. You turn to Finnick, looking up to those sea green eyes. They reflected your sadness, but you tried not to dwell on it. You might never see him again, you don’t want to have the last memory be a sad one. 
You reached for each other, arms clinging around your bodies in an attempt to stay close, and not be forced apart. Whatever the outcome, this embrace will be remembered. You didn’t want to cry, but tears came to the corners of your eyes, and you blinked rapidly to try and force them to a stop. Your face was tucked into his shoulder, the smell of him was what you would take into the arena today. You’d dwell on it, and think of it if you died later. 
“I h-have so much I w-want to say to you.”
“Then say it when you get back,” he whispered in reply, his arms becoming impossibly tighter around you until you all heard the engines of the carriers start up. 
It’s time to go. 
You all part from each other, beginning to walk to the separate carriers awaiting on the landing pad. You look back, and Finnick is staring on, trying to catch every last glimpse of his favored tribute before it’s too late. He’ll be seeing you on a screen, but that’s not good enough.
As you board the aircraft with the other tributes, he gets one last look at your bare shoulder, and the windswept hair sitting over it. After that, the only thing he can do is remember. If that’s the last time he ever sees you, he doesn’t know what will come next for him. 
Dalton made you smile, a familiar face in the darkest hour, right before the chaos. 
“Mercedes,” he said softly, handing to you the final pieces of your official game attire. “The Greek goddess of joy and happiness.” 
You smiled, the description of your name was the exact reason it was given to you. You hadn’t been named for five days, mostly because your parents had been expecting a boy. In those five days, you’d smiled so much more than any baby they had ever seen. The name only seemed fitting, as you had been filled with joy and happiness. How ironic that a person with such a name would end up here?
“Based on what we’ve been told to prepare for the tributes, I would say you’re looking at a humid climate. Maybe desert or tropical. The directions were to provide breathable material… It could be biome, even.”
You weren’t sure if this rundown was something all the stylists gave. Or if there were just a few that cared more about their tributes. Dalton seemed to care more than any other Capitol member you’ve met thus far, which made him something of an ally in himself. 
“Will there be a l-lot of water?”
He smiled, shrugging his shoulders.
“There’s no way to know for sure. You might be looking at an oasis, it might just be small portions meant for tribute survival. There’s no real way of anyone knowing yet.”
You nodded, standing up and pulling the short sleeve tunic over your head. It was so thin it could be considered mesh, but it provided full coverage of your torso, hiding the black and gray sports attire you were given to wear beneath it. 
“The cargo bottoms lead me to believe that they want you to travel lightly. The pockets will provide ample room for things you might grab out of the packs. My advice would be to leave anything of substantial weight and only keep what you need.”
They want you to be quick on your feet. They don’t want you to be easily stuck in one place… does that mean you’re going to be chased? By something other than tributes?
There was a loud alarm sound that buzzed in the outside hallway of the private room. You looked to the ceiling with fear… it was starting. 
“Hey,” he snapped your attention back one more time. “It’s been a pleasure to meet you. And I hope we meet again.”
“Thank y-you. I hope I s-see you again, too.”
He leaned in and gave you a simple hug. Nothing long and lasting, but comforting enough that you could leave the room feeling better than you did when you went into it. You wished Finnick had been the one to see you off. Sadly, that didn’t fall under his job description. 
Dalton walked you into the hallway and down to the chamber labeled ‘female, four.’
Your heart started racing, and you realized only now how tired you were. Having tossed and turned and been completely and totally anxious the night before, you felt the sting of exhaustion hit you as you stepped into the lift. 
“Don’t be afraid. You are stronger than you could possibly know.”
The lift sealed, and though you wanted to say something in reply, you feel as though words would have failed you anyways. Your words always did. 
The anxiety heightened when the lift moved, the upwards drag of the mechanisms turning your stomach to mush. You’re a career. You will survive the bloodbath. Your allies are the strongest ones in the arena. You will survive through the day. 
When the arena showed itself to you, it seemed to be something of a rainforest. Barely any sun for the giant trees overhead, even in the clearing. It was humid and sticky in the air, which meant water would be everywhere, and as you were assuming, rain. 
This rainforest probably was crawling with capitol mutt wildlife, and you couldn’t help but feel like that would be the main danger. 
The clock was counting down at the cornucopia, thirty seconds remaining until the games began. You searched the platforms for an ally, and found two. Freeda and Rodey. Rodey who seemed to like you quite a bit. You would stick by him until you could find Lukas. He must have been further on the other side, because you certainly could not see him from here. 
Rodey happened to make eye contact with you, and you nodded to him, getting into a running stance. His head tilted towards the left side of the cornucopia, where all the weapons were spread out across from the food. He would run there first, so that’s where you would go. 
Your heart was beating harder and faster than ever it has before, and with every tick of the clock, every number counted down, it got faster, and faster, and faster… until the clock hit zero. 
Your feet were running the mossy grounds the second you stepped off. Copelin was the first to reach the center, grabbing a spear and a knife, throwing the knife at the first non-career tribute that attempted to grab something, you didn’t dare look behind you at whoever it was he’d hit, you only heard their cry of pain before a cannon sounded. The first of many, and you hated it already... You finally saw Lukas, as he was the second one to a weapon. He took a short sword, and tossed to you a long weighted club, you'd made it there third. You didn’t intend on using it, but it was good to have. Freeda was seen next to Estelle, running and grabbing the bow and arrows. You heard the cry of an angry tribute behind you, turning to see the boy from seven with an ax. He was coming at you with incredible speed, but you managed to use your club to deflect his first hit. You were about to try and unarm him before a Kunai knife was thrown from behind you and into his face. He was down immediately, and you didn’t have time to think about the fact that he was the first death you’d ever witnessed, you only listened to the second boom of the cannon, now connecting the sight and sound. You just stood up and turned to Rodey, his arms holding out a sword for you to take. It felt heavy in your hands, and even though you could easily bear the weight of the blade, you doubted you could take the weight of what it would do to the people around you. 
Lukas hadn’t killed anyone yet, but he aided both Copelin and Estelle in taking down the girls from six and eight. Your kill count was zero, and your assist count was zero. You were going to do everything in your power to keep it that way. This wasn’t training anymore. There weren’t any prissy Capitol snobs that could punish you for not doing as they say. You’ve come to die, and you won’t go out a murderer. 
You decided to busy yourself, to make it look like you were helping the team, but without seeming like a coward from staying away from the fight. You rushed behind Rodey and Lukas, hearing three more cannons go off as you scrounged through the supplies. Ropes, sleeping bags, medical supplies. Hell, even snack bars. You started packing them into the backpacks, seeing as though they only contained a flask, a rope, and a hunting knife. 
You weren’t sure what the plan was yet, but you knew you would be needing all of these things at some point, so it made sense to gather them together instead of letting them get taken by run-by tributes. You mentally apologized to them, for taking the resources that could mean the difference between losing or keeping their lives. It was you or them, that was what you needed to start thinking. But you really hated the thought that your life should be considered worth more than anyone else's. It’s not.
Several cannons and a bloodbath later, the fighting stopped. You had gotten everyone a backpack, handing it to them once the career pack was the only group left on the field. It was only when you turned around that you started to feel sick. All those cannons, the sounds were of little consequence until you saw what they left behind. Fallen tributes. Eight, you counted. They all lay in the mossy patches on the ground, a once beautiful clearing already tarnished with the blood of the district's children. 
You didn’t say a word, just handed out the packs you’d prepared, letting them look through and grab what they wanted, keeping what they did and exchanging what they didn’t. You did the same, grabbing Lukas by the arm and pulling him to the side. You opened the top of your pack, showing him the rope and lures you'd stashed away. There had to be water somewhere in this jungle, and when you found it, you were sure that fishing would be a good option to keep the other food supplies stocked up. 
“That’s good,” he said, nodding to you and giving you a once over. You had splattered blood of that kid from seven on your face. Your hands, even trying to hold strong, were shaking. The expression you wore was a facade, but he could see the tinge of guilt hanging in your eyes, even though you hadn’t done anything to be ashamed of. He had. He killed a boy, the one his age, from six. He kept reminding himself that this was self defense. Every single person in this arena was fighting against one another in self defense, because none of them wanted to be here. Even the careers who volunteer don’t want to die, they just like the attention. Now, when the fun is mostly over, they would rather be in their own districts as well. Every child in this arena just wants to go home, and in order to do that, the others must die. Lukas is no different from every other tribute in this hell hole, and though his mind feels heavy, he tries to lighten the load by thinking that perhaps he can go home at the end of this. All these dead kids around him are providing him a way home, even though it comes as a great cost of sacrifice. “Are you okay?”
You look back at him, and all you can do not to fall apart is nod. He understands the need for silence. Your mouth couldn’t even say the words you wished to anyway, so you’d rather spare yourself the trouble and not say anything at all.
“Alright,” he turned in the direction of the others, walking back and feeling your presence follow behind him. The others looked at him in expectation, in waiting. Lukas was the top dog, he’d be giving the orders. Copelin leaned forward, wiping the blood off his hands into his pants. He turned to Lukas fully, raising his voice in a question. 
“What’s the plan?”
tags(open): @thepassionatereader @i-voluntears @secretsicanthideanymore @mystargirl-interlude @c4ttheart @lilibrn
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macfrog · 6 months
I saw anons ask ab taking off work for duckie's baby shower and if you (happen to) set a date for the last release of scom i will do nothing that day. I'll tell my boss it's a holiday in my culture idc.
a holiday in my culture HAHAHAHA brilliant i love you
you will have plenty notice, i promise! i have something fun planned. but please do not clear your schedules, it is not so important hahaha
love the dedication love the spirit. y’all are as unhinged as me and it’s great
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littlemisspascal · 5 months
New Writers added to The Pedro Library 🐼
@hotgirlbedtimescenarios @schnarfer
New Works Added ✨
Many fics aren’t appearing in the tags when searching. If I miss yours, please let me know 💗 Or add me to your taglist cuz I love being tagged 😊
As always, if you would like me to remove your work from the rec list, please let know and I’ll remove them asap 😊
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@frenchiereading Dieter Branching Out
@oogaboogasphincter Dieter Stress Relief
@morallyinept Javi G Homage / Dieter I Carry Your Heart With Me
@wardenparker @absurdthirst Javier “Should we make it official?”
@absurdthirst @storiesofthefandomlovers Javier Rewarded & Rescued / Frankie One Night in St. John’s
@janaispunk Javier Glitch
@milla-frenchy Javier Neat / Joel Owned
@burntheedges Frankie Flat / Marcus P Ask / Joel NSFW + Dance + Glow + Tease + Cake/ Din Vent + Rope/ Whiskey Leap / Dieter Park / Javier New / Dave Too Late
@penvisions Frankie Once More With Feeling / Javi G From Grief to Grace
@flightlessangelwings Veracruz Jealousy Makes You Taste Good
@beskarandblasters Joel Say You Can’t Sleep, Baby, I Know + Dancin’ With The Devil / Din Stonecatcher
@ozarkthedog Joel A Glimpse of Heaven / Javier Within You/Without You
@psychedelic-ink Joel July
@meshlasolus Joel Too Sweet
@5oh5 Joel Soil in the Lines of Their Palm
@aurorawritestoescape Joel Ribbon + Always and Forever
@tightjeansjavi Joel My Dearest
@beefrobeefcal Joel Just Wanted To Hear Your Voice
@thot-of-khonshu Joel Friendship Defined
@mermaidgirl30 Joel Stay in the Light
@quicksilvermad Din Drink Me
@nerdieforpedro Pero Her Smile was Worth It 
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thepeopleinpower · 7 months
Zionist and pro-Israel blogs to block! Feel free and encouraged to add any more that you know of and I’ll add them to the original post, especially blogs that reblog and add their shitty ignorant misinformed Zionist rhetoric to pro-Palestine or anti-genocide posts.
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projectdreamwalker · 1 year
Obi-Wan Kenobi Fanfiction Recs
So a year ago today I was bored out of my MIND and saw the “Kenobi” seires title on Disney+ and thought “alright, bet.” And I watched it. I had been out of the Star Wars fandom for probably 6 years and just forgot all the lore, so the Kenobi seires really opened my eyes to how beautiful Star Wars really is. I re-watched all of the movies and proudly bawled my eyes out to all of them. Phantom Menace has a special place in my heart, I must admit.
Just a tribute to all the fic authors that I owe my life to, and to the man who owns my eintire heart, Obi-Wan
❗️Read at your own will! No minors allowed! None of these works are mine!❗️
•House of Memory’s by @meshlasolus I didn’t know what I was getting myself into when I opened the first chapter of this book, really. I love how beautiful the love blooms between Obi-Wan and Little One (reader). It is one of gentle loving, loss, and bittersweet ending. It also has a twin series, Come What May that takes place after HOM. It is so uplifting and heart throbbing at the same time. GO READ THEM BOTH!!! Then comes the (almost) one-shot style Obi-Wan and Little One entries. These were a lot more sweet and relieving compared to the other two for what I can remember. Just excellent! This is the series that kick-started my love for him and I often think about this book. Once more, @meshlasolus is an excellent author and cosplayer that is highly underrated, go show em’ some love!!
• The Bond Between Us by @just-dreaming-marvel is the sweet, pulchritudinous, and melancholy book about love, hidden feelings, and the true tragedy of what could be. I love how we are dunked into true immersion through the reader, you get to see, feel and truly experience the Jedi way with this book. This one is super good!
• Where It Wasn’t by @221bshrlocked was just so, SO poetic and I read through it way too quick. I love how the affection and pinning is shown throughout, as well as the overall story. We also give our battle-torn hero the break he deserves. This can be read during the time around the Kenobi series. 12/10 excellent!
• Ascending Star by @orangevtae is sweet and relieving, with a little angst shoved into the thick batter of this fic. Super cute interactions with little Luke warning❗️
• Tomorrow by @scribble-dribble-writes is just so, so cute and mundane that it feels like a warm blanket being put over my heart. Scribble has a lot of cute fics like this one, or angst if you are more into that. Just so lovely and sweet! Love husband!Obi-Wan with my fullest heart. • Water and Rock by @split-spectrum is just so, so fulfilling. I mean, you truly see the real side of the Jedi morals through great writing and excellent characterization. AND, in this one I feel like Obi-Wan actually sticks with his morals and doesn’t try to take advantage of the reader like some other ones I’ve read. Super good with anticipation around every corner.
Anyways, I hope you are doing well! I know this is a weird day for me to just be Obi-Wan posting, but at least I always remember the exact day I feel for him, right?
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djarins-cyare · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
(…it’s already Thursday for me already… shh 🤫)
Tagged by @burntheedges (this week and last week) and @the-mandawhor1an (the week before that)... sorry I’m tardy!
Here’s a peek at a few paragraphs from near the beginning of part 1 of my current WIP, Never Look Down:
Just as he’s wondering if he can wake the kid and bring him along, the comlink crackles to life. “—know what the stinking stang is wrong with it! Ah, frotz! Hello? Is this thing totally borked?” For a baffling moment, he can’t work out whether he’s shocked or thrilled. She certainly doesn’t use that type of language around the kid, but he’s delighted to hear her voice nonetheless. “Maia!” He interrupts her frustrated confusion as loud as he dares, lest he wake the sleeping child downstairs. “Shiny, hi! It works! What’s up, my metal man? It’s late… is this a booty call?” Once again, Din can’t decide if he’s shocked or thrilled. However, his dick’s instant twitch of interest proves that it, at least, is clearly siding with the latter. Dank farrik, he wishes it were a booty call. “No, Maia, I need—” “Course it’s not!” she interrupts, giggling inanely. “Sorry, that was ridiculous, ignore me. Go on, you were saying?” He takes a deep breath and tries to push past the stab of dismay at her labelling the idea of a booty call as ridiculous. At least she sounds in a happy mood.
This fic was originally supposed to be for @beskarandblasters’ drabble challenge. But, inevitably (because it’s me and at this point who the hell is surprised?), it got FAR too long to be considered a drabble... then FAR too long to even be considered a one-shot anymore. Like, around 12k words too long 🤦🏼‍♀️. So I think it’s kinda disqualified from the challenge 😔. Sorry Kel, I think I’m just too verbose for drabbles!
But I figured I’d finish it anyway if only to push through the writer’s block and finish something at long last. It’s now in two parts and I’m planning to post the first one this weekend, and the second one next weekend.
Hopefully releasing something new will inspire me to finish one of the smuttier one-shots that I’ve been working on 🤞🏻.
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No presh, friends 💜:
@ak-vintage @classaysstuff @djarinmuse @djarins-wife @imperatorkhaleesi
@joelalorian @lady-bess @lovelessdagger @meshlasolus @novemberrain-writes
@papurgaatika @prolix-yuy @quicksilvermad @sixhours @whocaresstillthelouvre
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mothandpidgeon · 6 months
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The Outlaws playlist
Series Masterlist - Moth's Masterlist
I've never posted a fic playlist before but I've really been into the country vibes so please enjoy! Also I'd love to hear if you have song recommendations!
tagging a few people! @lilhoebagsstuff @meshlasolus @ezrasbirdie @schnarfer
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marierg · 2 years
Help my brain has a hitch in the giddy up!
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Ok so we're definitely a big Star Wars family here. including all iterations and series, but my toddler is currently obsessed with Bad Batch and Clone Wars. This is great for me as it gives me a break from Bluey (Which is a fine show I must say), but now I have a seriously have a Bad Batch story floating in my head and I just pounded out a few chapters.
Here's the conundrum: I'm flipping back and forth between writing the two stories when I get stuck on one vs. the other. Do I try to prioritize one over the other? How do I manage both? Most importantly I don't want to disappoint any of the readers....
To any of my Author Friends out there HELP!!!!!!!!!! Advice?
(Totally understand if in your on break and don't see this too. Rest your big beautiful brains!)
@meshlasolus @just-dreaming-marvel @acatalystrising @rexxdjarin @pickleprickle
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🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
Ok so 5 songs?
Sharks by imagine dragons
Bones by imagine dragons
Better than love by hurts
Real wild one by Iggy Pop
Pretty women by Roy Orbison
The one that have been stuck in my head recently. And this was really hard to do! But fun 😊
Im gonna tag @melissa-kenobi @firstofficerwiggles @wanderinginksplot @book-of-baba-fett @clonecyaree @cyarbika @imabeautifulbutterfly @masterjedilenawrites @deewithani @nahoney22 @meshlasolus
And whoever whants to have a go 😘
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16, 17, 18
16. How long is your longest fic?
Out Of Time, not including the endings, is about 350,000 words.
17. Are there any writers and/of stories that you consider an influence?
@meshlasolus and her story "House of Memories" influenced me to write The Bond Between Us
@imagine-assembling-the-avengers many of her stories are a great influence to me especially her "I Thought You Were Different" series
18. Recommend someone else fic! (And tag them if they have a tumblr!)
I recommend the fics I mentioned above. They are truly amazing!
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obislittleone · 4 months
Hey everyone, so I've decided to change my username... I am going to be doing so for personal reasons including my user being blacklisted (by antisemitic cronies that don't have reading comprehension skills)
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macfrog · 6 months
Okay so idk what the hell is on duckie's registry but
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Behold my gift to ze child.
(I used to have this exact duck head blanket when i was a little girl and I always tjink of it when I read about duckie 😭)
I cannot wait for them to finally get here I'm on pins and needles just waiting
jesus, now i’m wondering what kinda shit this kid would want on their registry. i dread to think.
also are you kidding me!!!!! how adorable. if anyone i know falls pregnant then i have no shortage of ideas for duck-themed gifts 💛
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stardust-kenobi · 2 years
still been thinking about that teaser for chapter 5, my heart started beating so fast my dude it's not funny
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littlemisspascal · 9 months
New Writers added to The Pedro Library 🐼
Final Library update of 2023 ✨ See y'all in the new year! Looking forward to reading more fics and discovering lots of more writers!
Also cuz I've been such a slow reader lately and tumblr won't let me include all the links, there will be 2 update posts coming out!
Check out Part 1 here
New Works Added ✨
Many fics aren’t appearing in the tags when searching. If I miss yours, please let me know 💗 Or add me to your taglist cuz I love being tagged 😊
As always, if you would like me to remove your work from the rec list, please let know and I’ll remove them asap 😊
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@undercoverpena Joel It Means Something
@absurdthirst @storiesofthefandomlovers Joel White Christmas
@tightjeansjavi Joel Dinner & Diatribes + Unwrap Me + Sentiments n’ Bubbly
@flightlessangelwings Joel Modern Day Hero
@moonlight-prose Joel Blackthorn Tree
@oogaboogasphincter Joel A Bowlful of Joel-y
@iamskyereads Joel Simply Having
@pedropascalsx Joel The Silence
@liltangerineart Joel Consequences 
@joelscruff Joel A Kindness You Can’t Afford
@meshlasolus Joel Don’t Blame Me
@noisynaia Joel Muffins and Jam
@swiftispunk Joel Snowflakes, A Fireplace, and You 
@stylesispunk Joel The Not So Invisible String + “A Broken Angle, Karma Rules” 
@prolix-yuy Joel The Reason for the Season
@something-tofightfor Joel Snow and Mistletoe
@oonajaeadira Max I’ll Leave a Light On For You 
@movievillainess721 Whiskey Christmas Indulgence
@alwaysbethewest Whiskey Stay Close to Me 
@brandyllyn Ezra Cross My Heart
@toomanystoriessolittletime Javi G Lonely Christmas / Dieter Here Comes Santa Claus / Marcus P New Year Wishes 
@artemiseamoon Pero What the Heart Wants
@221bshrlocked Javier Mistletoes in the Moonlight
@tieronecrush Javier Office Party
@musings-of-a-rose Javier All of You
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cregan-starks · 3 years
omg ty! so the fic i was thinking of is "what once was mine" by meshlasolus, it's a din djarin fic that's also a tangled!au
Here it is! Hope you like it ✨
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What Once Was Mine by @meshlasolus
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perrangg · 2 years
fought super hard to get this out despite krita's will- i scrambled to make this after @meshlasolus put out chapter 27. im decaying rapidly.
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